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2021 10th Mediterranean Conference

on Embedded Computing (MECO)

9th International Conference on Cyber-Physical
Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS&IOT’2021)

Radovan Stojanović Lech Jóźwiak
Veljko Milutinović
Dražen Jurišić Budimir Lutovac

Proceedings – Research Monograph

June 7th – 10th, 2021, Budva, Montenegro

ISBN 978-1-7281-6949-1
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP2039T-ART
Copyright © 2020 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.
2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)
Copyright © 2021 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.
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IEEE Catalog Number CFP2139T-ART
ISBN 978-0-7381-3361-4
ISSN 2637-9511
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MECO 2021 covers:

- MECO 2021 Conference

- CPS&IOT’2021 (9th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things)

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Email: [email protected]
Organizers, Sponsorships, Supporters

Organizers Sponsorships

University of
Montenegro, IEEE S&M Section

Ryazan State
Radio Engineering
University, Russia EuroMicro

Technical Ministry of Science of
University Montenegro

Faculty of Electrical
University of

School of Electrical
Čikom- Informatički
University of
Belgrade, Serbia

Plantaže A.D.
Saint Petersburg
University "LETI"
Elcon d.o.o.
Faculty of Electrical Industrial Systems
Engineering and Institute, Patras, Greece
University of
Zagreb, Croatia Elemend project
Association for
European Comission via
New Technologies
project from H2020
Excellence in
Computing and
Ontology Institute
Alexey Ivutin, Tula University, Russia
General Chairs Andrej Trost, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Radovan Stojanović, University of Montenegro, Vladislav Lesnikov, Vyatka State University, Russia
Montenegro Zeev Zalevsky, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Lech Jóźwiak, Eindhoven University of Technology, Ivan Evgeniev Ivanov, Sofia Technical University, Bulgaria
The Netherlands Dmitry Kaplun, University “LETI”, St. Petersburg, Russia
Evgenia Novikova, University “LETI”, St. Petersburg,
Research Chair Russia
Veljko Milutinović, Fellow of the IEEE and Member of Ivan Kholod, University “LETI”, St. Petersburg, Russia
Academia Europaea Milica Orlandic, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Norway
Publication Chairs Darko Babunski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, North
Dražen Jurišić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Macedonia
Budimir Lutovac, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Emil Zaev, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia

MECO and CPS&IOT Local Organizing Commitee: Scientific Committee | Editorial – CPS&IOT’2020
Dmitry Tarasov, MANT, Montenegro, Chair Ludovic Apvrille - Paris Telecom, FR
Budimir Lutovac, University of Montenegro, Co-Chair Neil Audsley, University of York, UK
Podzharaya Natalia,RUDN University Eesa Mohammed Bastaki, University of Dubai, AE
Sochenkova Anastasiia, RUDN University Jürgen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
Dražen Karadaglić, MANT Montenegro Carlos T. Calafate, Technical University of Valencia, ES
Matija Stojanović, MANT Montenegro Zlatan Car, University of Rijeka, HR
Sergey Vityazev, RSREU Anupam Chattopadhyay, Nanyang Technol. University, SG
Miguel Figueroa, Univesity of Concepcion, CL
Scientific Committee | Editorial – MECO'2020 Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley, CA, US
Yervant Zorian. Synopsys, USA Shiyan Hu, MTU, MI, US
Thanos Stouraitis, Kalifa University, UAE Armando W. Colombo, Univ. Appl. Sci. Emden-Leer, DE
Srdjan Stankovic, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Masahiro Fujita, University of Tokyo, JP
Boualem Boashash, Qatar University, Qatar Kris Gaj, George Mason University, US
Christos Koulamas, ISI, Patras, Greece Roberto Giorgi, University of Siena, IT
Milan Prokin, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Raffaele Gravina, University of Calabria, IT
Andrej Skraba, University of Maribor, Slovenia Ilker Hamzaoglu, Sabanci University, TR
Roberto Giorgi, University of Siena, Italy Axel Jantsch – TU Wien, AT
Betim Cico, Metropolitan University Tirana, Albania Lech Jóźwiak, TU Eindhoven, NL
Gerhard Rath, University of Leoben, Austria Mehdi Kargahi, University of Tehran, IR
Milan Stork, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic Paris Kitsos, University of the Peloponnese, GR
Emil Jovanov, University of Alabama, USA Francesco Leporati, University of Pavia, IT
Roman Bazylevych, Lviv Polytechnic Univ., Ukraine Jan Madsen, DTU, DK
Yury Bekhtin, Ryazan State Radio Eng. University, Russia Michail Maniatakos, NYU Abu Dhabi, AE
Sergey Vityazev, Ryazan State Radio Eng. University, Russia Onur Mutlu – ETH Zurich, CH
Ioannis Sourdis, Chalmers University, Sweden, Alexandre S. Nery, Universidade de Brasília, BR
Jari Viik, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Jari Nurmi, Tampere University of Technology, FI
Josep-Ramon Herrero, UPC Barcelona, Spain Roman Obermaisser, Siegen University, DE
Adam Postula, University of Queensland, Australia Miroslav Pajic, Duke University, US
Bilgin Metin, Bogazici University, Turkey Sri Parameswaran, UNSW, AU
Miroslav Hagara, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia Luigi Pomante - UNIVAQ, IT
Arda Yurdakul, Bogazici University, Turkey Peter Puschner, TU Wien, AT
Paris Kitsos, Hellenic Open University, Greece Davide Quaglia, University of Verona, IT
Drazen Jurisic, University of Zagreb, Croatia Eric Rutten, INRIA Grenoble, FR
Almir Badnjevic, University of Sarajevo, B&H Max M. D. Santos, Federal University of Tech.Paraná, BR
Anetta Caplanova, EUBA, Slovakia Majid Sarrafzadeh, UCLA, California, USA
Miodrag Mihaljevic, Mathematical Institute, Serbia Muhammad Shafique – TU Wien, AT
Sara Zermani, University of Brest, France Christoph Schmittner - AIT, AT
Gehad Alkady, The American University in Cairo, Egypt Chi-Sheng Shih, National Taiwan University, TW
Hana Kubatova, Czech Tehnical University Prague, Czech Ioannis Sourdis, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, SE
Republic Radovan Stojanović, University of Montenegro, MNE
Zoya Dyka, Leibniz-Institut fuer innovative Mikroelektronik, Andrej Škraba, University of Maribor, SI
Germany Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, JP
Mustafa Engin, Ege University,Turkey Martin Törngren, KTH, SE
Sobhi Abou Chahine, Beirur Arab University, Lebanon Eugenio Villar, University of Cantabria, ES
Pomante Luigi, University of L’Aquila, Italy Chao Wang, University of Sci and Technol. of China, CN
Naim Dahnoun, University of Bristol, UK Guoqi Xie, Hunan University, CN
John Galelis, University of Patras, Greece Arda Yurdakul, Bogazici University, TR
Aphrodite Ktena, National and Kapodistrian University of Yervant Zorian. Synopsys, US
Athens, Greece Andrej Žemva, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Keynote Speakers 1
Konstantin Novoselov
Danilo P. Mandić
Hearables: From in-ear Recording of Vital Signs and Neural Function to Doctorless Hospitals 2
Yannis Manolopoulos
Recommending POIs in LBSNs with Deep Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ioannis Pitas
Privacy Protection, Ethics, Robustness and Regulatory Issues in Autonomous Systems . . . 4
Benoît Dupont de Dinechin
Engineering a Manycore Processor for Edge Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hui Cao
5G Connectivity: the Key to Success for European Industry? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS&IoT’2021) 7

Luca Braidotti, Saša Aksentijević, Edvard Tijan, Adis Balota
The use of Bluetooth Beacons in Maritime Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sven Ubik, Jiří Melnikov, Petra Svíčková
Monitoring of Sensitive Transports Using the Internet of Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Stefan Draskovic, Lothar Thiele
Optimal Power Management for Energy Harvesting Systems with a Backup Power Source . 16
Yahya Jan, Lech Jozwiak
Quality-driven Design of Deep Neural Network Accelerators for Low Power CPS and IoT
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Sondre Ninive Andersen, Asbjørn Engmark Espe, Sverre Hendseth, Geir Mathisen
Formalising Nondeterministic Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Using CSP . . 31
Mateusz Kosior
A Glimpse into the Methodology of Developing Shell-Based Control Systems for UGVs . . 35
Muhammad Naeem, Michele Albano, Kim G. Larsen, Brian Nielsen, Anders Høedholt, Christian
Ø. Laursen
Battery Aware Analysis of Sensor Networks in UPPAAL SMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Golizheh Mehrooz, Peter Schneider-Kamp
Web Application for Planning, Monitoring, and Controlling Autonomous Inspection Drones 45
Aleksey Efimov
Point Clouds Combination Algorithm with Keypoints Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Ace Dimitrievski, Sonja Filiposka, Betim Cico, Vladimir Trajkovik
Energy conservation using ultra low power timers for sustainable environmental monitoring 55
Stavros Kalapothas, Georgios Flamis, Paris Kitsos
Importing Custom DNN Models on FPGAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


The use of Bluetooth Beacons in Maritime

Mobile safety and security - DigLogs pilot project by University of Trieste

Luca Braidotti Saša Aksentijević, PhD

Department of Engineering and Architecture Aksentijević Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.
University of Trieste Rijeka, Croatia
Trieste, Italy [email protected]
[email protected]

Edvard Tijan, PhD Adis Balota, PhD

Department of maritime logistics and management Faculty for Information Technologies
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies Mediterranean University,
Rijeka, Croatia Podgorica, Montenegro
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— The aim of this paper is to research and describe how application of mobile technologies to enhance safety and
the use of mobile technologies can help in reducing the time security on passenger vessels, which has been proven to be a
required for the ship evacuation and abandonment procedures, as very critical aspect [4]. The UNITS pilot project will be mainly
it was identified within the scope of 2014 - 2020 Interreg V-A Italy focused on ship evacuation, which is a very complex and critical
- Croatia CBC Programme “Digitalising Logistics processes – operation [5] during the ship design [6-8] and even more in the
DIGLOGS” project. Furthermore, main findings and operative environment, when it could be strongly affected by the
opportunities for proving technical feasibility will be identified emergency scenarios [7]. In fact, as a consequence of a fire or
and presented along with a carefully selected and envisaged test
flooding emergency, ship abandonment could be required [10].
scenario chosen to compare the standard evacuation time with the
The spread of fire [11] and floodwater [12-13] can be simulated
one related to the adoption of the mobile technologies, the final
goal being the streamlined evacuation procedures, and the
onboard to provide decision support to the crew, however, only
increase of the ship’s security and target group stakeholders' limited passengers guidance means are available and an
satisfaction. experimental test involving mobile devices is lacking [14].
Such a test can foster the deployment of mobile technologies
Keywords: ship security and safety; maritime emergencies; ship for onboard safety and security purposes in the long term. The
evacuation; mobile application; Bluetooth beacons; DigLogs project
achievement of a reduction of the evacuation time is essential to
I. INTRODUCTION raise the interest of shipping companies and, thus, to enable
further development of the solutions tested during the pilot
2014-2020 Interreg V-A Italy - Croatia CBC Programme action. Besides, the experience gained during the pilot, from a
Digitalising Logistics processes - DIGLOGS project aims to technical point of view is expected to ease the development of
create the necessary concepts, technological solutions, models onboard positioning systems and their scalability. Furthermore,
and plans to establish the most advanced digitalized logistic reliable onboard localization service may enable the
processes for multimodal freight transport and passengers’ development of more complex solutions compared to the pilot
services in the Programme Area. This requires coordination one. Additional tools are already foreseen to increase the ship
among players supporting networking activities and overcoming safety and security, ranging from the access to restricted area
barriers and constraints. Among possible constraints, the digital control to the persons tracking in case of onboard infections,
ones are the most urgent to be faced [1-2]. The integration of passing through the enhancement of crew situational awareness
digital tools supports the collection and analyses of data and and the improvement of communication/data collection during
smooth decision-making processes [3]. To this end, the an emergency. Besides, localization can be extremely useful for
DIGLOGS project includes seven pilot projects affecting both commercial purposes too. The development of combined
the passenger and freight sector. systems (also including the commercial functionalities) can,
Among the others, the pilot project carried out by the even more, encourage the application of mobile technologies for
University of Trieste (UNITS) is hereinafter discussed. In detail, safety/security, fostering their development and widespread
the main project goal is to assess the effectiveness of the diffusion.

978-0-7381-3361-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE


Focusing on the UNITS pilot project, a mobile guidance

system will be developed and tested aiming to reduce the
evacuation time on passenger vessels in a real emergency
scenario. The system will be composed by an application (APP)
to be installed on mobile devices and a backend program capable
to collect data from mobile devices for monitoring and analysis
purposes. The APP will exploit Bluetooth beacons [15] to locate
the users inside ship public spaces and thus guide them to the
ship muster stations through the shortest route while considering
the available escape routes, which could be blocked due to fire,
flooding or overcrowding. As mentioned, the pilot scope is to
measure the benefits coming from the adoption of mobile
technologies to enhance ship safety in terms of reduction of the
evacuation time. To this end, an experimental campaign will be Figure 1: Schematic view of the pilot arrangement and
performed in a real environment consisting of a passenger
communication between components
vessel. The present work presents the methodology, the selected
test environment and the expected outcomes of the UNITS pilot
project, which is currently still in a preparatory phase. In the selected test environment, multiple escape route
scenarios will be prepared. They will include design conditions
II. PROJECT PREPARATIONS AND METHODOLOGY (all escape routes available) and additional scenarios, where one
or more paths are blocked. Using the backend, the active
Aiming to fulfil the pilot project objectives, it is necessary to scenario will be selected to consider the actual condition of
design the technical specifications of the system that will be rooms, corridors or staircases that might be blocked by fire,
adopted during the experimental campaign. The technical water or smoke [16]. The selection of the actual scenario will
specification will be the base for a tendering procedure devoted be automatically transmitted to the mobile devices where the
to developing services provider selection. In the following, the APP is installed. This basic solution has been considered
key points of the tender technical specification are summarized. satisfactory to fulfil the pilot project objectives and can be
As mentioned, the system, which will be the durable output easily improved by adding an automatic generation of the
of the pilot project, will be composed of two applications: the escape route scenarios after pilot completion. Based on the
APP and the backend. The APP will be developed for the active escape route scenarios, the APP shall provide guidance
Android environment and installed on 30 mobile devices information to the user.
(smartphones/smartwatches) and will perform the device
positioning based on a Bluetooth beacons net. In detail, based Identified pilot project prerequisites are:
on the signal intensity of three or more beacons, the APP will
triangulate the position of the device within the test 1. Selection of a proper test environment (limited area of
environment. The backend application will be installed on a a passenger ship),
Windows 10 laptop and will show and record the localization 2. Selection of a developing service provider to design
data and perform some basic analysis including import/export and develop the APP and the Backend,
functionalities. The communication between the Backend and 3. Installation of a beacon net in the test environment to
the mobile devices equipped with the APP will be assured by enable localization,
the ship Wi-Fi, provided that the solution will be proved to be 4. Installation of the APP on test mobile devices, and
feasible in the test environment. 5. Installation of the Backend on a laptop.
The pilot system will be required to operate in two modes: III. DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND PILOT ENVIRONMENT
1. Standard: normal condition, the APP locates the user. Detailed pilot design will be performed by the developing
2. Emergency: the APP guides the user to the muster service provider selected with the already mentioned tendering
station through the shortest escape route. procedure. The design shall satisfy the technical specification
In both modes, the APP transmits the device position to the and it is subject to UNITS approval. In particular, the
Backend, which shows the location of the connected devices on developing team will be in charge of defining:
the ship general arrangement. Both the APP and the Backend a) The type of mobile devices
will record the data in a log file. The function mode will be (smartphone/smartwatch/both);
selected using the backend application and automatically b) The system architecture, including the application’s
transmitted to all connected devices. Schematic view of the breakdown into modules;
pilot and its components is shown in Figure 1. c) The communication protocols between the APP and
the backend;


d) The data logging functionalities, including a UNITS will select a development service provider through
dedicated database, if required; the tendering procedure. The developer will be also in charge to
e) The localization algorithm, which shall ensure a 0.5 provide all the required hardware to carry out the experimental
m maximum error; campaign in the test environment, including the beacons and the
f) The guidance mode, which shall be as user friendly mobile devices where the application will be installed.
as possible considering the chosen device type and
might be combined including video, audio and/or IV. DISCUSSION OF THE EXPECTED RESULTS
device vibration; The test environment shown in Figure 3. will be limited to
g) The installation and testing procedures; the two main corridors on Deck 6, the ship main lounge on Deck
h) The procedures to optimize Bluetooth beacons 7 and the three staircases connecting the two decks. The area
position to enable accurate localization within the test has been selected as a test environment since the presence of
environment. multiple staircases makes it easy to define alternative
evacuation routes from cabins (start point) to the main lounge
The pilot project will be divided into four main tasks:
(assembly point). Hence, by blocking one or more staircases, it
1. T1 After the detailed design of the system has been will be possible to test the effectiveness of mobile technology
agreed with the developer, the planning of the in guiding persons along available escape routes during the
experimental campaign will be carried out; evacuation.
2. T2 System developer: in this phase, the system (APP
and Backend) will be developed and tested in-house
by the developer. The guidelines for the deployment
of the beacon net will be also defined;
3. T3 Configuration and testing: in this phase, the system
will be installed and configured in the test
environment. In particular, the location of the
Bluetooth beacons will be optimized to assure accurate
localization of mobile devices; and
4. T4 Experimental campaign: in this phase, the system
will be tested with a small sample population. Then the
experimental data will be analyzed to finalize pilot
Figure 3: Test environment for experimental campaign
project outcomes.
All areas within the selected test environment will be properly
The pilot application will be tested on a medium-size
fitted with Bluetooth beacons to cover all the spaces with the
passenger ferry which is currently under construction at
signal from at least three devices. This should enable the
Visentini shipyard in Porto Viro. UNITS will sign an agreement
localization of mobile devices in the test area. The location of
with the shipyard, which will put the ship and its Wi-Fi network
beacons will be optimized to ensure good localization accuracy.
at disposal free of charge l. The ship is 203 m long overall, has
151 passenger cabins and 32 crew cabins on four decks, and can During the experimental campaign, the backend program will
carry 400-1000 passengers depending on the length of the run on the laptop connected to the ship Wi-Fi network to
voyage, along with 260 cars. A sample of similar sized monitor and record the mobile devices’ positioning data, switch
ROROPAX vessel is shown in Figure 2. evacuation scenario and start/stop emergency mode. The APP
will be installed on 30 smartphones and/or smartwatches to
carry out the experimental campaign. The experimental
campaign will include evacuation trials performed with a small
sample population. The experimental campaign will be carried
out in 1-2 days at Visentini shipyard (Porto Viro), where the
ship is currently under construction or at Arsenale San Marco
(Trieste), where the hull maintenance will be performed after
launching. UNITS personnel will be flanked by the developer's
personnel during the experimental tests to prevent/correct any
possible technical issues. The experimental campaign aims to
prove the efficiency of the deployed technology in reducing the
evacuation time. To this end, the sample population will first
perform the standard safety training regarding evacuation
Figure 2: Comparable medium sized ROROPAX vessel procedures in the test environment [3]. Then, multiple
evacuation trials will be performed and recorded starting from
cabins’ corridors (Deck 7) to the main lounge (Deck 6), which


is the muster station for the applicable evacuation zone. The test on a small test population is required to compare the
trials will include multiple scenarios, where one or more standard evacuation time with the one related to the adoption of
staircases are blocked and cannot be used by the passengers. mobile technology. This will be the main objective of the pilot
Trials will be performed with and without the active mobile action carried out by UNITS within the framework of the
APP guidance in order to measure the evacuation time DigLogs project, contributing to more safe and secure shipping
reduction obtained by deploying the mobile technology. The operations.
scenarios will be randomly scheduled to prevent persons from ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
knowing available escape routes at the beginning of each
evacuation trial. This work was supported by DigLogs Interreg Italy – Croatia
project and by the University of Trieste.
Due to the expected small scale of the pilot project, some
limitations are envisaged. In detail, the experimental campaign REFERENCES
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– 10 –
Author Index
Aboumadi, Abdulla, 69 Baranov, Alexander, 362
Adly, Ihab, 340, 800 Baranova, Svetlana, 286, 379
Aftowicz, Marcin, 174 Barcelo, Marc, 65
Afzal, Wasif, 98 Basener, Kai-Uwe, 741
Agaltsov, Kirill, 600, 604 Bastrychkin, Aleksander, 375
Ajdari, Jaumin, 587 Bastrychkin, Aleksandr, 387
Akbari, Saba, 362 Batishchev, Andrey, 423
Akif, Md. Ahanaf Thamid, 515 Bauk, Sanja, 671
Akimenko, Tatiana, 765 Bekhtin, Yury, 371
Akrivopoulos, Orestis, 679 Belskii, Grigorii, 485
Aksentijević, Saša, 7 Bergelt, René, 830
Al-Emami, Abdullah, 783 Bergerman, Maxim, 211
Albano, Michele, 39 Bertolis, George, 628
Aleksandr, Muzalevskii, 652 Bicans, Janis, 572
Alexopoulos, Ilias, 155 Bielefeldt, Jens, 741
Alkady, Gehad, 800 Birbas, Alexios, 161
Alpatov, Alexey, 536 Birbas, Michael, 161
Alshareefi, Hamid, 396, 409 Bizdoaca, Nicu-George, 548
Amer, Hassanein, 340, 800 Blažević, Damir, 663
Ammar, Khalid, 783 Bodrov, Oleg, 286, 379
Andersen, Sondre Ninive, 31 Bodrova, Irina, 286
Andrejev, Vladimir, 383 Bojovic, Miroslav, 695
Angelov, Ilcho, 449 Bondarchuk, Alexander A., 320
Antonopoulos, Christos, 413, 418, 705 Bondarenko, Pavel, 633
Antonov, Alexander, 230 Borovkov, Ivan, 375
Apostolova, Marika, 796 Bosović, Adnan, 577
Apse-Apsitis, Peteris, 572 Bountas, Panagiotis, 705
Ashapkina, Maria, 536 Bozovic, Ivona, 553
Astorga, Jasone, 65 Braidotti, Luca, 7
Avotins, Ansis, 572 Brzozowski, Marcin, 81
Avramenko, Denis, 383 Bugeja, Joseph, 106
Ayoub, Raid, 121 Bulgakov, Yury, 323
Azer, Erfan Sadeqi, 695 Bundalo, Dusanka, 819
Bundalo, Zlatko, 819
Babaev, Sergey I., 387 Bureneva, Olga, 751
Babovi[Pleaseinsertintopreamble], Zoran, 695 Burresi, Giovanni, 391, 401
Babunski, Darko, 441, 445 Butusov, Denis, 461
Backović, Vanja, 711
Badnjević, Almir, 701 Caccamo, Marco, 117
Baher, Amir, 783 Caforio, Flavia, 268
Balihar, Tomáš, 735 Cao, Hui, 6
Balota, Adis, 7 Cehanovsky, Vladislav, 473
Bansal, Ayoosh, 117 Challenger, Moharram, 135, 151
Baranchikov, Aleksey I., 272, 276, 387 Chastikov, Alexander, 294
Baranchikov, Pavel, 276 Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis, 679

Chepasov, Aleksandr, 633 Espe, Asbjørn Engmark, 31
Chernov, Evgeniy I., 320
Christakos, Panagiotis, 413 Fülöp, Györk, 835
Cico, Betim, 55, 197, 637 Faliagka, Evanthia, 705
Cismaru, Stefan-Irinel, 548 Fatkieva, Roza, 779
Comacchio, Alice, 391 Fefelov, Andrey, 675
Cui, Han, 207 Filatov, Yury, 371
Cvetković, Miljan, 715 Filiposka, Sonja, 55
Filipović, Luka, 405
Díaz-Redondo, Rebeca P., 557 Filipović, Nenad, 695
Dahnoun, Naim, 179, 207, 504 Flamis, Georgios, 61
Daković, Miloš, 405 Fokina, Nataliy S., 272, 276
Damian, Inaki Erazo, 608 Fournaris, Apostolos, 729
Daoud, Ramez, 800 Fraile, Lidia Pocero, 729
Das, Nimai Chandra, 515 Frantzis, Nikos, 628
Dedes, Ioannis-Christos, 592 Fuşa, Varol, 587
Desnitsky, Vasily, 429 Furriel, João Pedro, 87
Deumić, Amar, 701
Devedžić, Goran, 724 Gabrielsson, Jonas, 106
Digulescu, Angela, 367 Gazivoda, Vladimir, 405
Dimitrievski, Ace, 55 Gialelis, John, 521, 620
Dipietro, Laura, 695 Gkaroutsou, Maria, 596
Djordjević, Miljan, 695 Gkonis, Panagiotis, 592
Djurković, Jovan, 715 Gonçalves, Gil, 87
Djurović, Igor, 348, 755 Grachev, Evgeny, 675
Djurović, Siniša, 608 Grachev, Maxim, 203
Dmitriev, Vladimir T., 759 Graziani, Lisa, 391
Doknic, Jovana, 553 Grinchenko, Natalya, 433, 481
Dovzhikov, Sergei, 642 Guizani, Mohsen, 69
Draskovic, Stefan, 16 Gurzhin, Sergey G., 316
Drekalović, Natalija, 170 Hübner, Michael, 741
Dupont de Dinechin, Benoît, 5 Høedholt, Anders, 39
Dvoryankov, Dmitry, 437 Hagara, Miroslav, 815
Dyagilev, Alexandr, 805 Hardt, Wolfram, 830
Dyatlov, Roman, 805 He, Ziran, 504
Dyka, Zoya, 81, 91, 174, 183 Hendseth, Sverre, 31
Dzankic, Radoje, 671 Hoppe, Niels, 143
Dzobelova, V., 624 Hutto, Kevin, 809
Efimov, Aleksey, 51, 193 Iannicelli, Pierpaolo, 268
Elias, Charalambos, 592, 596 Ilatovskaya, Ekaterina, 465
Elmoghazy, Somayya, 111 Ilyin, Aleksey, 371
Elrefaey, Abdallah, 340 Ioana, Cornel, 367
Elsayed, Hany, 800 Ismail, Laith, 396, 409
Enesi, Indrit, 331 Ivanchikova, Maria, 260, 281
Englisch, Norbert, 830 Ivanov, Ivan, 362
Erbad, Aiman, 69, 111 Ivanović, Veselin, 312, 327, 348
Eremenko, Dmitriy, 189 Ivutin, Alexey, 234, 238, 250
Ergun, Kazim, 121

– 860 –
Jakić, Strahinja, 165 Koryachko, Vyacheslav, 260
Jan, Yahya, 25 Kosanic, Miroslav, 689, 695
Jokic, Dejan, 561 Kosior, Mateusz, 35
Jovanov, Aleksandar, 445 Kostoski, Stefan, 796
Jovanovski, Srdjan, 312, 327 Kostrov, Boris, 481, 770
Jozwiak, Lech, 25 Kotenko, Igor, 429
Jung, Markus, 125 Kotlar, Milos, 695
Koubias, Stavros, 620
Kabashi, Faton, 587 Koulamas, Christos, 620, 729
Kabin, Ievgen, 91, 174, 183 Koutsoubis, John, 628
Kadriu, Arbana, 254 Kozlov, Evgeny, 675
Kadykov, Victor, 775 Kralev, Jordan, 449, 477
Kalapothas, Stavros, 61 Krasichkov, Alexander S., 544
Kamnev, Ivan, 264 Krivenko, Sergey, 490
Kanavtsev, Mikhail, 566 Krivenko, Stanislav, 490
Kaplan, Michail B., 316, 530 Krizea, Maria, 521
Kaplun, Dmitrii, 211, 218, 222 Kroshilin, Alexander, 500
Karadimas, Dimitris, 620, 679 Kroshilina, Svetlana, 500
Karaduman, Burak, 135 Kruglov, Sergey, 600, 604
Karimov, Timur, 461 Kryukov, Oleg, 648
Kazieva, Nazym, 496 Kryvenko, Liudmyla, 490
Kelefouras, Vasilios, 418 Ktena, Aphrodite, 561
Keramidas, Georgios, 413, 418 Kuba, Michael, 91
Keser, Tomislav, 663 Kubinec, Peter, 815
Kevric, Jasmin, 561 Kudinov, Igor, 352
Khalilpour, Vahid, 151 Kukharev, Georgy, 496
Khan, Siddique Reza, 741 Kumar, Vijay, 129
Khizrieva, Natalia, 379, 433 Kunicina, Nadezda, 561
Kholopov, Ivan, 302, 352 Kuptsov, Mikhail, 624
Kirillov, Sergey N., 423, 759 Kusakin, Dmitry, 600, 604
Kisaakye, Joanna, 135 Kutuzov, Oleg, 469
Kislitsyna, Tatyana, 302 Kuznetsova, Tatiana, 765
Kitsos, Paris, 61 Kuznetzov, Mikhail, 242
Klann, Dan, 183 Kyriakides, Ioannis, 155
Klimeck, Gerhard, 695
Kluchev, Arkady, 147 Lalić, Dejan, 819
Koceski, Saso, 724 Langendoerfer, Peter, 81, 91, 174, 183
Kolev, Georgii, 461 Larkin, Eugene, 765
Koleva, Radmila, 441 Larsen, Kim G., 39
Kon-Popovska, Margita, 637 Lastovicka-Medin, Gordana, 553, 711
Konatar, Ivan, 165 Laursen, Christian Ø., 39
Kondratyeva, Irina A., 544 Leonidovna, Rusyaeva Tatiana, 455
Konstantaras, John, 628 Lesnikov, Vladislav, 294
Kontargiris, Dimitris, 705 Levina, Alla, 264, 775
Kopichev, Michael, 465 Li, Qingqing, 75
Kopylova, Natalia, 581 Liço, Ledion, 331
Korabicka, Darja, 572 Likhobabin, Evgeny, 298
Korolija, Nenad, 695 Linskiy, Igor, 490

– 861 –
Lisnichuk, Alexander, 423 Mylonas, Eleftherios, 161
Liu, Yi, 356
Lorusso, Martino, 391 Naeem, Muhammad, 39
Loskutov, Aleksandr, 510 Nastasiu, Dragos, 367
Loubach, Denis, 226 Naumovich, Tatiana, 294
Lukin, Vladimir, 755 Navkar, Nikhil V., 111
Lupachev, Aleksey, 371 Neophytou, Stelios, 155
Lupu, Ciprian, 396, 409 Neuhold, Erich, 695
Lutovac, Budimir, 701 Nguyen, Viet Linh, 316
Luu, Lich Duc, 396, 409 Nickalls, Daniel, 179
Lyakhov, Pavel, 211, 218, 222 Niculescu, Marius, 548
Nielsen, Brian, 39
Maglić, Livia, 659 Nikiforov, Michael B., 510, 530
Mahmoud, Dina, 340 Nikolaevich, Sheludko Victor, 455
Mamontov, Eugenie, 805 Novikov, Alexander S., 234, 238
Manasis, Christos, 628 Novikov, Anatoly I., 193
Mandić, Danilo P., 2 Novikova, Evgenia, 242, 429
Manolopoulos, Yannis, 3 Novoselov, Konstantin, 1
Mantas, John, 540 Novotný, Matin, 735
Maraš, Vesna, 715 Nozica, Damir, 663
Martić, Anita, 715
Massah, Mozhdeh, 741 Ognjanovic, Igor, 659
Mathisen, Geir, 31 Ognjanovic, Ivana, 540
Mavropoulos, Michail, 418 Okeme, Peter, 652
Medvedev, Dmitry S., 544 Oliinyk, Viacheslav, 755
Mehrooz, Golizheh, 45 Ondráček, Oldřich, 815
Meleshko, Alexey, 429 Ovechkin, Gennady, 286, 481, 500
Melnik, Olga, 510, 530, 536, 805 Ovinnikov, Aleksei, 298
Melnikov, Jiří, 11 Pana, Cristina, 548
Mercati, Pietro, 121 Panagiotou, Christos, 620, 679
Merzić, Ajla, 577 Panarina, Anastasia, 298
Mikheev, Anatoly, 323, 526 Pantovic, Djordjije, 553
Miladinovic, Bozidar, 695 Paolino, Michele, 268
Milutinovic, Veljko, 689, 695 Parshin, Alexander, 344
Minaev, Vladimir, 624 Parshin, Yury, 203, 344
Mironov, Sergey, 362 Paul, Kolin, 129
Mirović, Vasilije, 715 Pavićević, Katarina, 715
Mitov, Alexander, 449 Payr, Maximilian Pablo, 445
Mohamed, Amr, 69, 111 Pearce, Steve, 667
Mooney, Vincent, 809 Pelivani, Elis, 197
Morozov, Sergey M., 747 Penskoi, Aleksandr, 290
Mosteiro-Sanchez, Aintzane, 65 Pereira, Eliseu, 87
Mousouliotis, Panagiotis, 413 Perepelkin, Dmitry, 260, 281
Muratov, Yevgeniy, 510 Pestin, Maxim S., 234
Musić, Mustafa, 577 Petcu, Florina Besnea, 548
Muttillo, Vittoriano, 824 Petrellis, Nikos, 413
Mydyti, Hyrmet, 254 Petrović Savić, Suzana, 724
Mykytyn, Pavlo, 81 Piadehbasmenj, Amirali, 98

– 862 –
Pinkevich, Vasiliy, 147 Saprykin, Aleksey, 260
Pitas, Ioannis, 4 Savenkov, Pavel, 250
Platunov, Alexey, 147 Savić, Goran, 614
Podzharaya, Natalia, 684 Savin, Alexander V., 336
Pokvić, Lejla Gurbeta, 701 Scharoba, Stefan, 741
Polyakova, Anastasiya A., 544 Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger, 143
Poposki, Filip, 441 Schneider-Kamp, Peter, 45
Porins, Ricards, 572 Schoofs, Ebert, 135
Posokhov, Mykola, 490 Semyonova, Natalia, 211
Prokin, Dragana, 835 Šendelj, Ramo, 540
Prokin, Milan, 614, 835 Serbanescu, Alexandru, 367
Proletarsky, Andrey, 306 Serezhin, Andrei, 600, 604
Proshin, Evgeniy M., 316 Serykh, Elena, 485
Protopsaltis, Grigoris, 521 Sha, Lui, 117
Pulavskyi, Anatolii, 490 Shamilyan, Oxana, 91
Pustovoitova, Alena, 751 Shatilov, Sergei, 600, 604
Putov, Anton, 465 Shchegoleva, Nadezhda, 496
Pylkin, Alexander, 500 Sherif, Sherif, 477
Shichkina, Yulya, 779
Quang, Le Hong, 455 Shkurti, Lamir, 587
Queralta, Jorge Peña, 75 Shokry, Beatrice, 340
Raca, Vigan, 637 Shpakovskaya, Irina I., 544
Radonjić, Sanja, 715 Shulepov, Anton, 429
Radović, Nevena, 312, 327, 348 Shulyakov, Andrey V., 316, 320, 530
Rafi, Mehdi Hasan, 515 Silkin, Grigory, 286, 375, 379
Ragai, Hani, 800 Silva, Iria Vázquez, 557
Raho, Daniel, 268 Simeunović, Marko, 348
Rath, Gerhard, 441, 445 Singh, Jayati, 117
Ratković, Ivan, 695 Sinitca, Aleksandr, 222
Reis, João, 87 Skakun, Anastasia, 652
Resceanu, Ionut-Cristian, 548 Skoručak, Jelena, 695
Rizzo, Antonio, 391 Škraba, Andrej, 719
Rodionov, Andrey A., 272, 433 Slavov, Tsonyo, 449, 477
Rodionova, Ekaterina, 461 Sobolev, Daniil, 751
Rodríguez, Manuel Caeiro, 557 Sobolev, Nikolay E., 320
Roganović, Milovan, 540 Sochenkova, Anastasiia, 684
Rosing, Tajana, 121 Sotnikov, Alexey, 306
Rozanov, Ivan, 306 Sovetov, Boris, 473
Ruchkin, Vladimir, 770 Spirjakin, Denis, 362
Ruchkina, Ekaterina, 770 Spournias, Alexandros, 705
Rybin, Vyacheslav, 461 Stanescu, Denis, 367
Stankovic, Stevan, 695
Saadat, Hassan, 69 Stathopoulos, Vassilis, 596
Sablina, Victoria A., 336, 401, 536 Stoico, Vincenzo, 824
Safyannikov, Nikolay, 633 Stojanović, Radovan, 715, 719, 815
Sajic, Mirko, 819 Stotskaya, Anastasia Skakun, 515
Sallez, Yves, 800 Subbotin, Alexey, 788
Santo, Massimo de, 695 Sumenkov, Nikolay A., 272, 387

– 863 –
Suryandi, Asep Andi, 608 Voros, Nikolaos, 413, 418, 705
Suzev, Vladimir, 306 Voznesensky, Alexander, 211, 218
Svíčková, Petra, 11 Vujasinović, Jovan, 614
Svetlov, Gennady, 433, 481 Vyugina, Angelina, 375, 379
Sychev, Alexei, 246
Westerlund, Tomi, 75
Tárnok, Gábor, 835 Wiesbrock, Hans-Werner, 741
Talipov, Vladislav, 362 Wu, Jiacheng, 179, 207
Tarasov, Andrey, 193
Tasloglou, John, 628 Yaacoub, Elias, 111
Tatarnikova, Tatiana, 469, 473 Yablochnikov, Sergei, 624
Thiele, Lothar, 16 Yablochnikova, Irina, 624
Tianxing, Man, 788 Yakovlev, Ivan I., 272
Tiganourias, Efstratios, 418 Yashin, Alexander, 642
Tijan, Edvard, 7 Yoshimoto, Kristy, 695
Tošić, Bojana, 659 Yu, Xianjia, 75
Torres-Guijarro, Soledad, 557 Zabasta, Anatolijs, 561, 572
Trajkovik, Vladimir, 55 Zaev, Emil, 441, 445
Trasculescu, Andrei-Costin, 548 Zaripova, Zulfia A., 544
Trifonova, Natalia, 566 Zavertkin, Konstantin, 298
Trotsyuk, Dina V. Trotsyuk, 544 Zhukova, Nataly, 788
Trotta, Federico, 391 Zhulev, Vladimir I., 316
Trubitsyn, Andrey, 675 Zikratov, Igor, 264
Tsampasis, Eleftherios, 592, 596 Zim, Md. Ziaul Haque, 515
Tsuda, Akira, 695 Ziravecka, Anastasija, 561
Tutueva, Aleksandra, 461 Zitterbart, Martina, 125
Tzanis, Nikolaos, 161 Zogas, Stavros, 413
Ubik, Sven, 11 Zverev, Aleksandr E., 387
Urbieta, Aitor, 65
Ustukov, Dmitry, 193, 530

Vázquez, Mario Manso, 557

Valero, Mateo, 695
Valuev, Georgii, 222
Valueva, Maria, 218, 222
Valuyskiy, Denis, 437
Vasiliev, Nickolay, 642
Velinov, Goran, 637
Vereschagin, Nikolai, 600, 604
Verucchi, Micaela, 117
Vidovic, Zeljko, 819
Vityazev, Sergey, 437, 526
Vityazev, Vladimir, 437
Vityazeva, Tatyana, 323, 526
Vladimirovich, Putov Victor, 455
Vlasova, Marina, 566
Vogel, Bahtijar, 106
Voloshko, Anna, 234, 238, 648

– 864 –

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