Ppro Apac Report 2020

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Payments and E-commerce Report

Asia Pacific

Gain expertise and get granular insights on e-commerce in Asia Pacific:

consumer demographics, payment preferences, cross-border shopping
stats and more.
Dear reader,
As e-commerce continues to grow, it injects new dynamism into our
economies and gives people – who wouldn’t otherwise have it – access to
goods and services that improve their lives.

At PPRO, we’re proud to help make possible the payments revolution that
underpins the explosive growth of the e-commerce industry. Today, local
payment methods account for 77% of e-commerce spend; by 2024, it is
forecast that this share will increase to 82%.

But we’re even prouder to have helped our partners and their merchants
grow and succeed in more markets every year, and these reports are just
a small piece of that. They are tools designed to give you the knowledge
you need to open new markets. We hope you find them useful and we
wish you every success.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Black

2 3
Asia Pacific
There is a certain solemn shuffle in the way that On the bright side, at least for anyone involved in online
economic forecasts are released and updated. Long- retail, e-commerce appears to be enjoying a boom.
and online sales account for 20% of all retail sales⁹.
However, these averages conceal wide disparities.
The local payment culture
range forecasts are always a little uncertain. The markets In Malaysia, for instance, e-commerce volumes are
monitor them, and as the time draws near for them to be In China, TenCent announced that it was hiring The most common type of online payment method was
growing at a rate of 39% a year. Whereas, in Japan, a
updated, there is some sober speculation in the business new workers to cope with the boom in demand for the e-wallet, with a 46% market share⁹. Cards came
much more mature market, the growth rate is 9%⁹.
press about whether the previous estimate will have to e-commerce since COVID-19 made it hard for people to second at 30%, followed by bank transfers (13%), cash
be updated by fractions of a percentage point. shop instore⁵. During the peak of the outbreak in China, (7%) and various minor payment types (4%)⁹. The card
In rapidly industrialising and developing markets such as
online grocer Carrefour saw orders in some categories market is dominated by local schemes and minor players
the Philippines and Indonesia, e-commerce is growing at
Not this year. In October 2019, the IMF predicted that increase by 600%⁵. In Singapore, shoppers have been at 86%⁹. Visa has 9% of the card market, Mastercard 5%
close to or even more than 30% a year⁹. In more mature
Asia would grow by 5% in 2019¹. That’s 0.4% lower than buying four to eight times their normal order with and American Express less than 1%⁹.
markets such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore,
the IMF’s April 2019 projection for full year growth, but online grocers⁷. In South Korea, e-commerce operator the growth rate hovers closer to 10%⁹. 58% of all online
overall not too bad¹. How is that prediction holding up Coupang has seen deliveries rise from 2.2 million a day
now? before the outbreak to 3 million now⁸.
purchases in the region are made on a mobile device⁹.
Enabling and limiting
The short answer is that we don’t know yet. The novel Whether these changes in behaviour are permanent
China dominates the regional e-commerce market. 42%
of all e-commerce purchases worldwide take place in
coronavirus has swept all assumptions before it and left or not remains to be seen. For now, all we can say for China10, so it’s unsurprising that China is a colossus in
them piled in a heap. By the time this report was going sure is that all economic forecasts for Asia Pacific are In the markets we researched, 76% of the population
the regional e-commerce market, even one as big as
to press, it appeared as if the worst of the pandemic was now outdated. The region is the part of the world that had a bank account and just 14% a credit card⁹. Access
already over for Asia. seems to have the virus best under control. But for the to financial services varies a great deal from country to
economy to return to normal, Asia’s export markets also country. In Vietnam, for instance, 31% of the population
Southeast Asia looks like it will be the next big arena
Mass testing and strict social distancing has seen the need to follow its lead and take whatever measures are has a bank account compared with 100% in Australia⁹.
of competition, with local players squaring off against
number of new cases fall to zero in China². Singapore, necessary to beat the pandemic. US and Chinese competitors. Between 2017 and now,
Japan, South Korea and other Asian markets also In Southeast Asia, more than half of adults in the poorest
Amazon has expanded into Singapore11, Vietnam12
appeared to have the virus under control³. Reports In the meantime, the e-commerce industry looks 40% of households remain unbanked17. In India, 80% of
and Australia13. In a recent article, Reuters suggested
indicate that people in these countries are once more as if it could be one of the few beneficiaries of this the population has a bank account⁹. This is largely thanks
that investing in Singapore is often a stepping stone to
spending money. unprecedented disruption. to a government initiative to broaden access, which has
expansion into larger Southeast Asian markets such as
seen 300 million new accounts open in just a few years18.
But that does not mean that a rapid recovery — the According to the World Bank, China is building a network
v-shaped bounce so beloved of optimistic economists The Asian e-commerce Ambitious though it may be, Amazon will not have the
of bank agents – operating from small local businesses –
— is assured. There are still many constraints on growth to bring banking services to the 43% of its population that
market to itself. Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba
which have to be cleared. Ports are still trying to clear market has invested US$2 billion in the region and is present in
still lives on the land19.
the backlog of goods in warehouses⁴. And Western markets including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
markets — the main destinations for many Asian goods On average, the B2C e-commerce market in the Over 1.78 billion Asians have some sort of Internet
Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam15. There is also strong
— are trying to contain the spread of the pandemic by countries covered by this report is growing by 22%, connection⁹. 51% have an Internet-enabled
local competition from sites such as Tokopedia and
staying in. consumers spend $2,181 a year with online merchants, smartphone⁹. The state of connectivity differs greatly

4 5
from one market to the next and between rural and
urban areas. Any merchant or PSP planning to expand
into Asia will need to understand the context of each
market and of each audience segment within that

In some areas, logistics may be challenging. Even in

well-served Singapore, up to half of consumers say that
worries about delivery put them off shopping online20.
With payment by card, particularly the big international
brands, making up a very small fraction of the market,
support for local payment methods will also be crucial.
New entrants will need to invest heavily in localisation
and have strategies for competing not only with local
incumbents but also with Chinese and US newcomers.

Asia Pacific is a fast-growing and highly lucrative
1. Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook: Caught in Prolonged Uncertainty, October 2019, International Monetary Fund
e-commerce market. Merchants entering the region 2. The coronavirus pandemic began in China. Today, it reported no new local infections for the first time, CNN, 19 March 2020
need to plan for the long term. That means thinking 3. This interactive chart shows countries flattening their COVID-19 curves, WEF, 19 March 2020
4. Coronavirus Snarls Trans-Pacific Shipping and Ripples Through U.S. Business, Wall Street Journal, 5 March 2020
about how consumer sentiment and trading conditions
5. Tencent ramps up hiring to meet stay-at-home demand, Nikkei Asia, 17 March 2020
may change over the next few years. But, even in a 6. Coronavirus’s Impact on Consumers and Businesses in China, 26 February 2020, eMarketer
slowdown, there are many millions of consumers in Asia 7. Demand for online grocery and food delivery ticks higher in Singapore amid coronavirus outbreak, CNBC, 28 February 2020
8. South Korean e-commerce firm Coupang stretched by order surge as coronavirus cases jump, Reuters, 4 March 2020
Pacific shopping for leading brands and great products.
9. Original PPRO research
10. 42% of global e-commerce is happening in China. Here’s why, 10 April 2018, Rob Smith, World Economic Forum
11. Amazon enters Southeast Asia with launch of Prime Now fast delivery service in Singapore, 27 July 2017, EDB Singapore
12. Amazon establishes subsidiary in Vietnam, 16 August 2019, Vietnam Plus
13. Amazon in Asia Pacific: A 2019 update, 11 March 2019, Jeff Rajeck, Econsultancy
14. Amazon launches bigger local online store in Singapore, 8 October 2019, Reuters
15. Belt and road on steroids: How Alibaba conquered Southeast Asia, 2 April 2019, Qian Linliang, Financial Review
16. Digital 2019: Leading Online Retailers in Southeast Asia, 18 September 2019, Simon Kemp & Sarah Moey, Data Portal
17. Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia With Digital Finance, 2017, Asian Development Bank.
18. India Moves Toward Universal Financial Inclusion, 30 August 2018, CGAP.
19. Toward Universal Financial Inclusion in China, February 2018, The World Bank.
20. Lifting the Barriers to E-Commerce in ASEAN, 2016, A. T. Kearney.

6 7
Regional Payment Trends 76%

Region World population

Population 3.6 bn 7.6 bn

Population (15+) 2.8 bn 5.6 bn

GDP 29.1 tr 85.8 tr 14%

GDP per capita 8,165 11,299
Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Credit card
B2C e-commerce 1.7 tr 3.4 tr penetration China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

B2C e-commerce growth 22% 18% Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Online population 1.8 bn 4.5 bn India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Smartphone penetration 51% 58% Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

60% Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mobile e-commerce 57% 50%
Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Average online spend 2,181 2,594 Internet
New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
E-commerce % of total retail 20% 16%
Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Currencies in this report are always depicted in $USD
Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

South Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4% Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9% Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Vietnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
30% Card Visa

Cash Mastercard
Payment Card
method Bank transfer scheme AMEX

46% breakdown E-wallet breakdown Local schemes

7% Other Other


8 9
Australia 13%
e-commerce growth
5% 53% - Card total

53% ICS
Australia Region World

Population 25 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card 22% 22% - E-wallet total

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 20.2 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn 15% PayPal
method 53%
Bank transfer
GDP 1.4 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 7% Other
GDP per capita 57,305 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 22% Other 16%
Online population 22 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 84% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,935 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 12%
E-commerce % of total retail 9% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 9 bn 8%

population penetration penetration Food & Drink: 10% Cross-border e-commerce value
100% 60% 88%
63% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Electical goods: 9%
China: 40% Visa
31% Mastercard
USA: 21%
60% AMEX
Homeware & Furniture: 6%
UK: 14%
Australia Region

POLi Payments

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

30 bn 43% of total 30% of total

10 11

China 24%
e-commerce growth
22% - Card total

22% CUP
China Region World

Population 1.4 bn 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card 56% - E-wallet total

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 1.1 bn 2.8 bn 5.6 bn 33% Alipay
method 6%
Bank transfer
GDP 13.6 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 23% WeChat Pay
E-wallet 5% Other
GDP per capita 9,771 8,165 11,299
Clothing & Footwear: 17% 56%
Other 13%
Online population 756.3 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 60% 51% 58%

Average online spend 2,386 2,181 2,594 Airlines & Hotels: 15%
E-commerce % of total retail 24% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 217 bn

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 14% Cross-border e-commerce value
100% Card
80% 21% 54%
43% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Food & Drink: 11%
Japan: 23% Local schemes

USA: 14%

Homeware & Furniture: 10%

Hong Kong: 12%
China Region


B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

1,276.2 bn 59% of total 17% of total

12 13
Hong Kong 12%
e-commerce growth
5% 43% - Card total

29% CUP
Hong Kong Region World 14% ICS

Population 7.5 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash 30% Payment 43% 30% - E-wallet total
Population (15+) 6.6 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer
GDP 363 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 16% Alipay
E-wallet 14% Other
GDP per capita 48,717 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 26% Other
Online population 6.7 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 76% 51% 58% 13%

Average online spend 3,301 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 13%
E-commerce % of total retail N/A 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 5.6 bn

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 13% Cross-border e-commerce value
17% scheme
95% 65% 89%
75% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Food & Drink: 10%
China: 37% 10% Visa

USA: 21% 6% AMEX
Homeware & Furniture: 10%
Japan: 16%
Hong Kong Region

Alipay HK Octopus App

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

15.7 bn 50% of total 36% of total

14 15
India 28%
e-commerce growth
32% - Card total

26% ICS
India Region World 6% RuPay
Card 32%
Population 1.4 bn 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Top e-comm segments
Cash 26% 26% - E-wallet total
Population (15+) 982.1 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn Payment
Bank transfer
GDP 2.7 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 13% PayPal
E-wallet 13% Other
GDP per capita 2,016 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 16% Other
Online population 466 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn
18% 17%
Smartphone penetration 36% 51% 58%

Average online spend 428 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 13%
E-commerce % of total retail 4% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 7 bn

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 11% Cross-border e-commerce value
20% scheme
80% 34%
3% 34% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Food & Drink: 9%
USA: 26% 45% Visa

China: 23%
Homeware & Furniture: 9%
Local schemes
Australia: 8% 33%
India Region

PhonePe WhatsApp Pay

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

43.4 bn 46% of total 16% of total

16 17
Indonesia 31%
e-commerce growth
7% 17% - E-wallet total

15% PayPal
Indonesia Region World 2% Other
Card 17%
Population 267.7 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Top e-comm segments 34%
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 195.4 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer
GDP 1 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
GDP per capita 3,894 8,165 11,299
Electrical goods: 17% Other
Online population 146.4 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn
Smartphone penetration 60% 51% 58%

Average online spend 360 2,181 2,594 Airlines & Hotels: 16%
E-commerce % of total retail 4% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet Top cross-border

population penetration penetration Homeware & Furniture: 9%
markets 13% Card
49% 55%
2% breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Clothing & Footwear: 8% China: 41%
USA: 10%
Health & Beauty: 8%
Singapore: 10%
Indonesia Region

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm.

14.4 bn 54% of total

18 19
Japan 9%
e-commerce growth
3% 11%
68% - Card total

35% JCB
Japan Region World 33% ICS

Population 126.5 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash 13%
Population (15+) 110.3 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn Payment
Bank transfer
GDP 5 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
E-wallet 6%
GDP per capita 39,287 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 22% Other 68%
Online population 118.1 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 55% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,666 2,181 2,594 Food & Drink: 18%
E-commerce % of total retail 9% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 16 bn

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 12% Cross-border e-commerce value
98% 68% 93% 27%
6% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Clothing & Footwear: 11%
China: 29% Visa

52% Mastercard
USA: 29%
Health & Beauty: 7%
19% Local schemes
South Korea: 12%
Japan Region


Carrier billing Konbini Payments

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

160.2 bn 54% of total 10% of total

20 21
Malaysia 39%
e-commerce growth

Malaysia Region World

Card 32%
Population 31.5 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 23.9 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer
GDP 354.3 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
GDP per capita 11,239 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 26% Other
Online population 25.3 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn 11%
Smartphone penetration 84% 51% 58%

Average online spend 352 2,181 2,594 Electrical goods: 13%

E-commerce % of total retail 2% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 2.2 bn

population penetration penetration Clothing & Footwear: 10% Cross-border e-commerce value
85% 21% 80%
48% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Homeware & Furniture: 9% 38%
China: 63% Visa

USA: 7% 59%
Health & Beauty: 9%
South Korea: 4%
Malaysia Region


B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

5.6 bn 52% of total 40% of total

22 23

New Zealand 10%

e-commerce growth
55% - Card total

55% ICS
New Zealand Region World 17%

Population 4.9 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card 17% - E-wallet total

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 3.9 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn 12% PayPal
Bank transfer
GDP 205 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 55% 5% Other
GDP per capita 41,966 8,165 11,299 22%
Airlines & Hotels: 35% Other
Online population 4.4 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 79% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,997 2,181 2,594 Food & Drink: 10%
E-commerce % of total retail 8% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 0.7 bn 6%
population penetration penetration Clothing & Footwear: 10% Cross-border e-commerce value
99% 61% 91%
34% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Electrical goods: 9%
China: 33% Visa
Australia: 22%
Homeware & Furniture: 7%
USA: 19%
New Zealand Region

POLi Payments

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

4.4 bn 37% of total 16% of total

24 25
Philippines 27%
e-commerce growth 8%

Philippines Region World

Population 106.7 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 73.1 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer
GDP 330.9 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
E-wallet 29%
GDP per capita 3,103 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 29% Other
Online population 64 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn 37%
Smartphone penetration 45% 51% 58%

Average online spend 112 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 13%
E-commerce % of total retail 2% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 0.9 bn

population penetration penetration Food & Drink: 11% Cross-border e-commerce value
34% 60%
50% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Electical goods: 8%
China: 39% Visa

USA: 23% 58% AMEX
Health & Beauty: 8%
Local schemes
South Korea: 7%
Philippines Region



B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

3.8 bn 50% of total 24% of total

26 27

Singapore 13%
e-commerce growth
75% - Card total

39% eNETS
Singapore Region World 34% ICS
Card 10% 2% Other
Population 5.6 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 4.8 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn 4%
method 10% - E-wallet total
Bank transfer
GDP 364.2 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
E-wallet 5% PayPal
GDP per capita 64,582 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 29% Other 5% Other
Online population 4.8 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn
Smartphone penetration 91% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,648 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 12%
E-commerce % of total retail 6% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 2 bn

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 11% Cross-border e-commerce value
98% 49% 84% 26%
73% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Food & Drink: 10%
China: 43% Visa
52% Mastercard
USA: 20%
Health & Beauty: 8% 17%
Local schemes
South Korea: 8%
Singapore Region

DBS PayLah!

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

5.6 bn 47% of total 35% of total

28 29

South Korea 24%

e-commerce growth 12%
S. Korea Region World

Population 51.6 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 44.7 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer 2%
GDP 1.6 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
GDP per capita 31,363 8,165 11,299
Food & Drink: 21% Other
Online population 49.1 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 94% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,604 2,181 2,594 Airlines & Hotels: 18%
E-commerce % of total retail 16% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet Top cross-border

population penetration penetration Electrical goods: 15%
markets Card
95% 64% 95%
76% 14% 50% 34%
Clothing & Footwear: 14% USA: 48% 37%

China: 15%
Health & Beauty: 7%
Japan: 13% Other
South Korea Region 4%

Naver Pay

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm.

58 bn 61% of total

30 31
Taiwan 10%
e-commerce growth

Taiwan Region World

Population 23.6 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash 14% 42%
Population (15+) 19.4 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn Payment
Bank transfer
GDP 1.3 tr 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
GDP per capita 55,244 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 17% Other
Online population 20.7 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn 19%

Smartphone penetration 78% 51% 58%

Average online spend 1,973 2,181 2,594 Electrical goods: 15%
E-commerce % of total retail 17% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet Top cross-border

population penetration penetration Clothing & Footwear: 12% 1%
markets 12% Card
94% 53% 88%
76% 14% 50%
Homeware & Furniture: 11% China
20% Visa

Food & Drink: 9% 67%
USA Other
Taiwan Region

Carrier billing JKOPay Konbini Payments

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm.

29.7 bn 45% of total

32 33
Thailand 14%
e-commerce growth
26% - Card total

23% ICS
Thailand Region World 26% 2% TPN

Population 69.4 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments
Cash Payment 23% - E-wallet total
Population (15+) 57.6 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
23% method
Bank transfer
GDP 505 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown 13% PayPal
E-wallet 10% Other
GDP per capita 7,274 8,165 11,299
Airlines & Hotels: 21% Other 16%
Online population 36.7 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 45% 51% 58% 24%

Average online spend 404 2,181 2,594 Electrical goods: 13%

E-commerce % of total retail 2% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet 1.9 bn 1%

Clothing & Footwear: 11% Cross-border e-commerce value 8%
population penetration penetration Card
82% 10% 53%
49% shop cross-border breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Food & Drink: 10%
China: 52% Visa

Japan: 14%
Health & Beauty: 10%
71% Local schemes
USA: 7%
Thailand Region

123 PromptPay

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm. Cross-border e-comm.

6.2 bn 53% of total 30% of total

34 35
Vietnam 26%
e-commerce growth
5% 35% - Card total

Vietnam Region World 14% 4% ICS

Population 95.5 m 3.6 bn 7.6 bn Card

Top e-comm segments 35%
Cash Payment
Population (15+) 73.5 m 2.8 bn 5.6 bn
Bank transfer
GDP 244.9 bn 29.1 tr 85.8 tr breakdown
GDP per capita 2,564 8,165 11,299 26%
Airlines & Hotels: 21% Other
Online population 63.3 m 1.8 bn 4.5 bn

Smartphone penetration 72% 51% 58% 21%

Average online spend 132 2,181 2,594 Clothing & Footwear: 11%
E-commerce % of total retail 1% 20% 16%

Banked Credit card Internet Top cross-border 5%

population penetration penetration Food & Drink: 10% 4%
markets Card
31% 66%
4% breakdown
76% 14% 50%
Electical goods: 9% USA: 26%

China: 25%
Health & Beauty: 9%
Japan: 17% Local schemes
Vietnam Region 90% Other

NganLuong VTC Pay

B2C e-comm. Mobile e-comm.

7.6 bn 53% of total

36 37
The Online Payments Almanac
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38 39
Data Methodology

Edgar, Dunn & Company (EDC) uses a combination of sources and methods to support the PPRO Database.
Where possible consistent sources are used for all markets to maintain the highest level of data integrity.
EDC data sources can be split into three main areas:

1. Globally recognised, publicly available databases & resources

2. Central banks / national e-commerce associations / national internet associations
3. EDC proprietary data and models

Using a combination of these data sources allows EDC to best build a complete picture of the market.

The e-commerce market and payment methods develop at a fast pace. We therefore prepare and update our regional and country reports frequently. If you are interested in
obtaining updated versions, please contact us. We also have comprehensive data on all payment methods worldwide. For global e-commerce and market information that meets
your needs, just get in touch with PPRO.

PPRO Financial Ltd

[email protected] | [email protected].

Version 2020.01
Edgar, Dunn & Company: Commissioned work
Publicly available online information

This report is provided for your information and publication, and is based on data and information collected from publicly available sources commissioned from Edgar, Dunn &
Company by PPRO. The e-commerce market and payment methods develop at a fast pace, so all content, data, statements and other information contained within this report is
subject to change. PPRO is not responsible or liable for the quality or accuracy of the information in this report nor how this report is subsequently used or published.


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