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User Guide

NICE9000-V Honor Series

Integrated Home Eleva
Ele vator
tor Control Cabinet

User Guide

Data code 19010848

Thank you for purchasing the NICE9000V honor series integrated home elevator control
The NICE9000V honor series is an integrated home elevator control cabinet with
innovative, modular and super-compact
super-compact design by Inovance
Inovance.. Monarch is a brand name
for elevator- and escalator-related products exclusively owned by Inovance.
Compared to conventional control cabinets in the market, the NICE9000V has the
following major featur
1) Delicate and compact design
Ultra-thin design, two usage (split type and integrated
Ultra-thin integrated type), more suitable for
installation in the shaft and on the shaft wall, and more convenient for hiding the
control cabinet.
2) Quiet running
Contactor-freee technology certied by TUV reduce
Contactor-fre reducess the noise level during running (< 45
dB), making the running control more quiet.
3) Comfortable riding
Excellent home elevator drive technology, optimizing riding comfort during elevator
running in up/dow
up/downn direction.
4) Reliable safety
The safety level reaches
reaches SIL3 and multiple anti-trap functions
functions are provided, making the
elevator more reliable.
This guide describes the correct use of the NICE9000V, including product features, safety
instructions, mechanical and electrical installation, commissioning, and maintenanc
Read this guide carefully before use, and keep it carefully for reference to future

◆ For illustration purpose, the drawings in this guide are sometimes shown without covers
or protective guards. Remember to install the covers or protective guards as specied
before using the product, and operate in accordance with the instructions.
◆ The drawings in this guide are for illustration only. Actual products may vary.
◆ The instructions are subject to change, without notice, due to product upgrade,
specication modication as well as eorts to increase the accuracy and convenience of
the guide.
◆ If the guide is damaged or lost, order a replacement from your agent or the customer
service center of Inovance.
◆ Contact the customer service center of Inovance if you have problems during use.

Revision History

Revision History
Date Version Reversion

October 2018 A00 First release

Revision History

Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Revision History ......................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 6
Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................... 11
Safety Precautions............................................................................................................. 11
Safety Levels and Denitions ........................................................................................... 11
Safety Instructions............................................................................................................. 11
Safety Signs ........................................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 1 Product Information ............................................................................................... 17
1.1 Designation Rule and Nameplate............................................................................... 17
1.2 Components ................................................................................................................ 18
1.3 Technical Data.............................................................................................................. 20
1.4 Electrical Specications of the Control Cabinet ....................................................... 21
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation .......................................................................................... 22
2.1 Installation Requirements........................................................................................... 22
2.1.1 Requirements on Installation Environment ....................................................... 22
2.1.2 Requirements on Mounting Clearance ............................................................... 22
2.1.3 Requirements on Mounting Dimensions ............................................................ 23
2.2 Installation Instructions ..............................................................................................24
2.3 Installation of Shaft Position Signals ......................................................................... 26
2.3.1 Installation of Leveling Switch ............................................................................. 27
2.3.2 Installation of Slow-Down Switches .................................................................... 28
2.3.3 Installation of Final Limit Switches...................................................................... 28
Chapter 3 Electrical Installation .............................................................................................. 29
3.1 Interface to External Devices....................................................................................... 29
3.2 I/O Terminals ................................................................................................................34
3.3 PG Card .........................................................................................................................35
Chapter 4 Panel Operations.................................................................................................... 37
4.1 Cabinet Panel............................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Monitoring by Cabinet Panel ...................................................................................... 38
4.3 Using the Cabinet Panel.............................................................................................. 39
4.3.1 Using Overspeed Governor Test Function ........................................................... 39
4.3.2 Using Overspeed Governor Reset Function   ........................................................40

Revision History

4.3.3 Using Electrical Brake Release Function  .............................................................40

Chapter 5 System Commissioning ..........................................................................................41
5.1 Safety Check Before Commissioning  .........................................................................41
5.2 Commissioning at Inspection Speed  .........................................................................42
5.3 Shaft Auto-tuning  ........................................................................................................45
5.4 Door Operator Controller Commissioning.................................................................47
Chapter 6 Parameter Description............................................................................................48
6.1 Parameter Description ................................................................................................48
6.2 Parameter Groups........................................................................................................48
6.3 Parameter Table...........................................................................................................49
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................85
7.1 Description of Fault Levels ..........................................................................................85
7.2 Fault Information and Troubleshooting .................................................................... 86
Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance ............................................................................... 103
8.1 Daily Inspection ........................................................................................................ 103
8.1.1 Daily Inspection Items ........................................................................................ 103
8.1.2 Daily Cleaning Items ........................................................................................... 103
8.2 Periodic Inspection.................................................................................................... 103
8.2.1 Periodic Inspection Items .................................................................................. 103
8.2.2 Replacement of Vulnerable Components   .........................................................104
Chapter 9 Options ..................................................................................................................105
9.1 List of Options ............................................................................................................105
9.2 Car Top Integrated Control Box ................................................................................105
9.2.1 MCTC-CTW-A9  ....................................................................................................105
9.2.2 MCTC-CTW-A3 .................................................................................................... 111
9.2.3 MCTC-CTW-A1 .................................................................................................... 111
9.3 Car Control Board (MCTC-COB-A1) ........................................................................... 138
9.4 Display Board (MCTC-HCB-D5G) ...............................................................................141
9.5 IoT Module (IoT-WL210DBW-BST) .............................................................................142
Chapter 10 Applications ........................................................................................................144
10.1 Emergency Evacuation Function ............................................................................144
10.1.1 Intelligent Automatic Emergency Evacuation   .................................................144
10.1.2 Automatic Emergency Evacuation at Power Failure ........................................144
10.1.3 One-Key Emergency Evacuation......................................................................144

Revision History

10.2 Car Top Fan and Lighting Control...........................................................................144

10.3 Elevator Lock Function............................................................................................145
10.4 Full-Load/Overload Function..................................................................................146
10.5 Time-based Floor Service  .......................................................................................150
10.6 Running Test............................................................................................................150
10.7 Anti-nuisance Function ...........................................................................................151
10.8 Disability function ...................................................................................................152
10.9 Double-Door Control Function ...............................................................................154
10.10 Voice Announcement Function ............................................................................155
10.11 Manual Door ...........................................................................................................156
10.12 Positive Drive Elevator Commissioning ...............................................................158
10.13 Asynchronous Motor Auto-Tuning .......................................................................159


2 Function list

Function Description
Common Running Functions
This function enables the elevator to respond both car calls and hall calls
Full collective
during running. Passengers at any service floor can call the elevator by
pressing the up call button and down call button.
The system automatically determines dierent door open time for door
Door open time
open for call, command, protection, or delay according to the set door
open holding time.
In automatic running state, passengers can press the door open holding
Door open time
button in the car to delay door open to facilitate special passengers to get
in and out of the elevator.
Door operator
service floor You can set the required service floors of the door operators.
Floor number The system supports display of floor numbers in combinations of numbers
display setting and letters, which meets the requirements of special conditions.
Light curtain If the door is blocked by stu during door close, the light curtain acts and
signal judgment the elevator opens the door.
control of the When there are two doors for a car, automatic control on the two doors
front door and depends on your requirements.
rear door
If the door lock is not applied after the elevator performs door close for a
Repeat door
certain time, the elevator automatically opens the door and then closes the
door again.
The elevator automatically announces information such as the running
direction, breakdown appease message, door open/close prompt,
background music, and next arriving floor during running.
Idle elevator In automatic running state, the elevator automatically returns to the set
returning to parking floor and waits for passengers if there is no car call or hall call
base floor within the set time.
If the door open time exceeds the door open protection time but the door
Landing at
open limit signal is still inactive, the elevator closes the door and then
another floor
automatically runs to the next landing floor; the system reports fault Err55.
Cancellation of
Passengers can press the button consecutively twice to cancel wrong calls.
wrong calls
Service floor You can enable or disable the system service for certain floors flexibly
setting based on actual requirements.
Time-based You can set the time range and service floors of time-based floor services
service floor flexibly, or select the service floors using the service floor switchover
selection switch.
When the elevator is in non-inspection state and stops at non-leveling area,
Low-speed self-
the elevator automatically runs to the leveling area at low speed if the
safety requirements are met, and then opens the door.


Function Description
Automatic The system automatically implements startup torque compensation based
startup torque on the current car load, achieving smooth startup and improving the riding
compensation comfort.
The system automatically calculates and generates the running curves
Direct travel ride based on the distance, enabling the elevator to directly stop at the leveling
position without creeping.
When the elevator cannot respond to hall calls, the corresponding terminal
outputs the service suspension signal.
Running times In automatic running state, the system automatically records the running
recording times of the elevator.
Running time The system automatically records the accumulative working hours and
recording working days of the elevator.
If the system detects that the door lock circuit is abnormal during door
door open
open/close, the elevator automatically opens and closes the door again,
upon door lock
and reports a fault after the set door open/close times is reached.
When the elevator is waiting at the leveling position, if there is a call at
this floor from the disability operation box, the door open holding time is
prolonged. It is the same for the rear door.
When the car is full-loaded in automatic running state, the elevator does
Full-load direct
not respond to hall calls from the passing floors. These halls calls, however,
can still be registered, and will be executed at next time of running.
Overload When the car load exceeds the rated elevator load, the elevator gives an
protection alarm and stops running.
After the system is powered o, press the EPB button to energize the
automatic rescue device (ARD) system, and then press brake release
buttons SA1 and SA2 simultaneously. The electrical brake release circuit
Electrical brake
outputs signal, and the traction machine brake is released. The elevator
release function
runs slowly in light-load direction. Release any one of the brake release
buttons during running, the output will stop ( jogging brake release
Fault data The system automatically records detailed information of faults, which
recording helps improve the eciency of maintenance and repair.
Inspection-related Functions
A separable special operation panel integrates functions such as emergency
Special stop, monitoring, emergency electrical operation, overspeed governor test,
operation panel electrical brake release, commissioning by keypad, and commissioning by
mobile phone.
After entering the inspection state, the system cancels automatic running
and related operations. You can press the up or down call button to make
the elevator jog at the inspection speed.
Motor auto- With simple parameter setting, the system can obtain the motor parameters
tuning no matter whether the motor is with-load or without load.


Function Description
Every time the elevator runs to the terminal floor, the system automatically
Floor position
checks and corrects the car position information based on slow-down
switch 1, and eliminates over travel top terminal or bottom terminal with
use of the slow-down switches.
Under emergency electrical operation state, set F-8 to 11 or F3-24 to 3 on
Overspeed the keypad to enter the overspeed governor test mode. Press the overspeed
governor governor remote test button (RTB) and overspeed governor remote reset
remote test button (RRB) and hold for 3s. The overspeed governor test relay Y4 will
The test running includes the fatigue test of a new elevator, car call floor
test, hall call test, and tests such as hall call response forbidden, door open/
Test running
close forbidden, terminal floor limit switch shielded, and overload signal
After the inspection limit is set, the elevator stops when inspection up/
Inspection limit
down limit signal is activated during inspection running.
Security Functions
If the elevator cannot operate normally due to a fault, the control cabinet
intelligently analyzes and processes the fault. Under the premise of
ensuring safety, the system drives or automatically releases the brake to
evacuate passengers. The elevator runs slowly in light-load direction to
leveling. After reaching the door zone, the elevator automatically opens the
door to let passengers out. To prevent the elevator from starting again, the
elevator closes the door and stops after the evacuation is completed.
Automatic The ARD module of the system automatically identies the state of the
emergency mains power supply. Once the mains power supply is cut o, the ARD starts
evacuation at immediately and the system enters the automatic emergency evacuation
power failure mode.
2G smart hardware for Internet of things (IoT) needs to be congured to
One-key connect with the car intercom and alarm button. If passengers are trapped,
emergency they can hold down the alarm button for 3s, dial the preset phone number,
evacuation and conduct voice interaction with the dialed number through the car
intercom to let them be evacuated.
In automatic running state, when the elevator lock switch acts or the set
elevator time is reached, the elevator returns to the elevator lock floor after
Elevator lock
responding to all car calls, stops running, and turns o the lamp and fan in
the car.
After detecting a position abnormality, the system runs the elevator to each
Base floor
floor until reaching the terminal floor for verication, guaranteeing system

Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation

Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements
2.1.1 Requirements on Installation Environment
Item Requirement
Below 1000 m, de-rated by 1% for each 100 m higher if the altitude is above
Altitude 1000 m.
Maximum height: 3000 m
-10ºC to 50ºC, air temperature change is less than 0.5ºC/min.
Ambient Rated current derated by1.5% for each 1℃ higher if the ambient
temperature temperature is above 40ºC.
Maximum temperature: 50ºC
Humidity Less than 95% RH, non-condensing
Vibration Less than 5.9m/s 2 (0.6g)
For a machine-room control cabinet, the net height of the working area
cannot be less than 2.5 m.
Working area
For check and repair, a 0.5 m x 0.7 m horizontal clearance area should be
in front of the
reserved in front of the control cabinet.
control cabinet
The installation area of the control cabinet should be properly ventilated
Ventilation to protect the control cabinet and cables from dust, harmful gas and

2.1.2 Requirements on Mounting Clearance

For the dimensions of the control cabinet and backplate installation, see related
drawings in delivered technical documents. Install all cabinets according to the
drawings, with sucient space around for air flow, maximum door swing and
maintenance. Provide a passageway for entering the installation foundation and ensure
sucient space for the auxiliary equipment used to transport the controller.
The quipment back is connected to the shaft. The minimum height of the room in which
the control cabinet is placed is 2000 mm, greater than the height of the control cabinet.
The minimum clearance between the equipment front and the wall is 700 mm. There is
no requirement on the clearance between the equipment side and the wall. Ensure the
equipment can be placed in the room.

- 22 -
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation

Top view Front view

≥ 2000
Shaft (greater than the
height of the control


≥ 0 ≥ 0
≥ 700

Figure 2-1 Clearance for backplate mounting (Unit: mm)

2.1.3 Requirements on Mounting Dimensions
The position and size of the two mounting holes in the upper part and one hole in the
lower part of the cabinet back are shown as follows:
Mounting holes in
the upper part
Fixed by two M8
expansion bolts Ø10

        5         0         0

         3         0         1
        1         1         1
        1         1         1


Mounting hole in
the lower part 100
Fixed by one M8
expansion bolt

Figure 2-2 Mounting dimensions for the control cabinet

- 23 -
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation




 Ø28 cable outlet
445 hole with white
4*5.5*15 mounting holes plastic bushing

        0       0
        5       0
        1       2


Figure 2-3 Mounting dimensions for the braking resistor box

2.2 Installation Instructions

1 Installation of the Control Cabinet
The NICE9000V can be installed by means of backplate mounting or through hole
mounting. This guide describes the backplate mounting only. Use two M8 expansion
bolts to x the control cabinet on the wall. Install the control cabinet as follows:
Mounting holes in the upper part

Fixed by two M8
expansion bolts


Fixed by one M8
expansion bolt


Mounting hole in the lower part

Figure 2-4 Backplate mounting diagram of the control cabinet

- 24 -
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation

2.3.2 Installation of Slow-Down Switches

The slow-down switch is one of the key protective means of the elevator, protecting
the elevator from over travel top terminal or over travel bottom terminal at maximum
speed when the elevator position becomes abnormal.
The slow-down distance L indicates the distance from the slow-down switch to the
leveling plate at the terminal floor. The calculating formula is as follows:

2 × F3-08

L: Slow-down distance; V: Rated elevator speed (F0-04); F3-08: Special deceleration rate
The default value of F3-08 (Special deceleration rate) is 0.9 m/s 2. Because the average
speed of home elevators does not exceed 0.4 m/s, the lower limit value of L calculated
by the above formula is very small. In order to facilitate installation, the recommended
value range of L is 150 mm to 500 mm.

2.3.3 Installation of Final Limit Switches

The nal limit switch is used to protect the elevator from over travel top/bottom
terminal when the elevator does not stop completely upon passing the up/down limit
The up nal limit switch is mounted above the leveling switch on the top floor. It is
usually 150 mm away from the top leveling position.
The down nal limit switch is mounted below the leveling switch on the bottom floor. It
is usually 150 mm away from the bottom leveling position.

- 28 -
Chapter 3 Electrical Installation

Chapter 3 Electrical Installation

Each elevator must be separately equipped with a main switch which can cut o all the
power supply circuits of the elevator and an RCD with 30 mA leakage current which can
cut o the elevator lighting.

Precautions on Electrical Installation


◆ The pripheral device cables outside the control cabinet must be complete.
◆ Ensure that the diameter and voltage resistance of power cables and control power
cables meet the requirements.
◆ Wire the input cables and output cables separately to avoid cable mixing and danger
caused by insulation damage.
◆ Separate signal cables from power cables. Use STP cables as analog signal cables, and
ensure that the shielded cable is reliably grounded at one end.
◆ Do not omit the short-circuit cables in the control cabinet. Otherwise, dangers may be

3.1 Interface to External Devices

The NICE9000V provides a consolidated connector interface. You can connect the
control cabinet to external devices with ease using a minimum number of cables. For
peripheral device cables outside the control cabinet, you can either choose the service
package oered by Inovance, or fabricate the cables by yourself according to the wiring
diagram provided by Inovance.

Power terminal (380 VAC) AA BA RA RB

24 13 22 12 20 11 6 4
123 130 131A 12V
R 208 207 121 118 111 DLS 301 ULS 301 803 804 X16 110 BK 123 208 208 205 ZQ2- X15 M AI
R S T N + PB U V W
125 FL1 CAN1- CAN1+ 302 301 PE 508 507 132 131 131 131A 302 301 508 301 111 301 121 207 208 203 ZQ1+ 301 102 301
12 1 11 1 10 1 3 1
Power terminal (220 VAC) RC 4 3 T1 32 EA 17
101 118 302 CAN1- CAN1+ 301-2 SA
301 X17 X18 X19 302 Y7 M7 DC 501 502 SH/L SIMO CLK SOM1 SA2:2 SA1:1
L N + PB U V W 0v 12V N0 Y8N
PE 110 125 GND 5V TX RX X5 X9 X8 X7 402 401
2 1 (AC220V) (AC220V)
16 1

Figure 3-1 Terminals for connecting external devices

- 29 -
Chapter 3 Electrical Installation

Table 3-1 Description of terminals for connecting external device

Plug-in Signal No. Function
System power input terminals R,
S, T, N
R/S/T/N (380 VAC control cabinet)
Power terminal (380 VAC) L/N System power input terminals L,
R S T N + PB U V W (220 VAC control cabinet)
Connection of braking resistor to
Power terminal (220 VAC) + the positive pole
PB Connection of braking resistor to
L N + PB
W Motor W phase
V Motor V phase
U Motor U phase
507 Car lighting power supply - L
508 Car lighting power supply - N
301 24 VDC power supply positive
302 24 VDC power supply negative
CAN1+ CAN communication signal
CAN1- CAN communication signal
FL1 Door zone signal
24 13 Emergency electrical operation
AA 123 130 DC
131A 12V R L 208 207 signal
125 FL1 CAN1- CAN1+ 302 301 PE 508 507 207 Door operator power supply - L
12 1
208 Door operator power supply - N
L Intercom signal positive
R Intercom signal negative
DC12V 12 VDC intercom power supply
131A Car door lock circuit end
130 Car door lock circuit start
123 Car top safety circuit start

- 30 -
Chapter 5 System Commissioning

2 Motor auto-tuning owcharts

When the IVM series motor of Suzhou Inovance is used together with the NICE9000V, no
motor auto-tuning is required. The elevator can run at inspection speed after the motor
parameters are correctly set.
1) Synchronous motor with-load auto-tuning (motor connected with car)

Enter the inspection state

Check F0-01 = 1 F0-01 must be set to 1 during with-load auto-tuning.

Set motor type: F1- 25 = 1 Set F1-25 to 1.

① Obtain the rated motor power, rated motor voltage, rated motor current,
Set motor parameters: F1-01 to F1- 05 rated motor frequency, and rated motor speed from the motor nameplate.
② Be sure that motor parameters are set correctly. Otherwise, faults will occur.

① Set encoder type: F1-00 = 0, SIN/COS encoder.

Set encoder parameters: F1-00 and ② Set F1-12 (Encoder pulses per revolution) according to the encoder
F1-12 nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 1, press ENTER. If the operation panel displays "TUNE", the
system enters the motor auto-tuning state.
If the operation panel displays "F1-12", the system fails to enter motor auto-tuning
F1-11 = 1 state.
You need to check:
① Whether the elevator is in inspection state.
② Whether the MCB displays faults to be rectified.
③ Whether F0-01 is set to 1.

Hold down the inspection UP/DOWN Hold down the inspection UP/DOWN button during auto-tuning. After the auto-
button and perform auto-tuning tuning is completed, the controller automatically stops output. At this moment,
release the inspection UP/DOWN button.

① After auto-tuning is successful, the MCB displays the learnt encoder angle for 3s.
② Ensure that the value deviation of F1-06 is within ± 5° through multiple times of
 Auto-tuning completed auto-tuning.
③ F1-08 is mostly set to 0 or 8. F1-08 remains unchanged through multiple times of

Figure 5-1 Synchronous motor with-load auto-tuning

- 43 -
Chapter 5 System Commissioning

2) Synchronous motor no-load auto-tuning (motor disconnected from car)

Enter the inspection state

Check F0-01 = 0 F0-01 must be set to 0 during no-load auto-tuning.

Set motor type: F1- 25 = 1 Set F1-25 to 1.

① Obtain the rated motor power, rated motor voltage, rated motor current, rated
Set motor parameters: F1-01 to F1- 05 motor frequency, and rated motor speed from the motor nameplate.
② Be sure that motor parameters are set correctly. Otherwise, faults will occur.

① Set encoder type: F1-00 = 0,SIN/COS encoder.

Set encoder parameters: F1-00 and ② Set F1-12 (Encoder pulses per revolution) according to the encoder
F1-12 nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 2, press ENTER. If the operation panel displays "TUNE", the
system enters the motor auto-tuning state.
If the operation panel displays "F1-12", the system fails to enter motor auto-tuning
F1-11 = 2 state.
You need to check:
① Whether the elevator is in inspection state.
② Whether the MCB displays faults to be rectified.
③ Whether F0-01 is set to 0.

Perform auto-tuning:
① Release the brake manually. The brake must be released manually in no-load auto-tuning state.
② Press the RUN key on the After auto-tuning is completed, the controller stops output
operation panel to start auto- automatically.

① After auto-tuning is successful, the MCB displays the learnt encoder angle for
② Ensure that the value deviation of F1-06 is within ±5° through multiple times of
 Auto-tuning completed
③ F1-08 is mostly set to 0 or 8. F1-08 remains unchanged through multiple times
of auto-tuning.

Restore F0-01 to 1 After auto-tuning is completed, F0-01 must be restored to 1. Otherwise, the
elevator cannot run.

Figure 5-2 Synchronous motor no-load auto-tuning

Pay attention to the following precautions during synchronous motor auto-

◆ Synchronous motor auto-tuning obtains motor initial pole angle, encoder
initial angle, motor wiring mode, and shaft-D and shaft-Q inductance.
◆ Perform three or more times of auto-tuning. Compare the obtained values
of F1-06 (Encoder initial angle), and the value deviation of F1-06 must be
within ±5° .
◆ Each time the encoder, encoder cable connection or motor wiring sequence
NOTE as well as rated motor current, frequency and speed is changed, perform
motor auto-tuning again.
◆  You can modify F1-06 manually. The modication takes eect immediately.
Therefore, when you replace the MCB, you can directly run the controller by
manually setting F1-06 to the original value rather than performing motor

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Chapter 5 System Commissioning

3) Angle-free auto-tuning
Table 5-2 Parameters related to angle-free auto-tuning

Parameter Parameter Description Remarks

F1-25 Motor type 1: Synchronous motor
F1-00 Encoder type selection 0: SIN/COS encoder
F1-12 Encoder PPR Refer to encoder nameplate
These parameters are model
Rated motor power/ voltage/current/ dependent, and you need to
F1-01 to F1-05
frequency/speed manually input them according to
the nameplate.
F0-01 Command source selection 1: Distance control
F1-22 = 2: Semi-automatic angle-
free auto-tuning
Perform angle-free auto-tuning
at rst-time running after power-
o and power-on again, only in
inspection or emergency electrical
F1-22 Auto-tuning mode operation state.
F1-22 = 6: Automatic angle-free
Perform angle-free auto-tuning
at rst-time running after power-
o and power-on again (without
dierentiating elevator states).

5.3 Shaft Auto-tuning

1 Make preparations for shaft auto-tuning

Check that shaft switches act properly

• Including final limit switches, slow-down switches and leveling switches.

Check that the CAN communication is normal

• Normal CAN communication between the MCB and CTB: If CAN1 indicator on the CTB
monitored by the operation box is normal, it indicates that CAN communication between
the MCB and CTB is normal. If CAN communication is abnormal, rectify fault E 51
according to the solution described in section 7.2.

2 Parameters

Parameters Parameter Description Description Default Remarks

F0-04 Rated elevator speed 0.250–0.400 m/s 0.400 m/s -

- 45 -
Chapter 6 Paramet
er Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Zero-speed control
F3-20 0.000 to 1.000 0.300 s ★
time at end
F3-18 to F3-20 are used to set the time related to the zero-speed holding current output and
braking action delay.
F3-18 (Zero-speed control time at startup) species the time from output of the RUN contactor to
output of the brake contactor, during which the controller performs excitation on the motor and
outputs zero-speed current with large startup torque.
F3-19 (Brake release delay) species the time from the moment when the system sends the brake
release command to the moment when the brake is completely released, during which the system
retains the zero-speed torque current output.
F3-20 (Zero-speed control time at end) species the zero-speed output time when the running
curve ends.
V (speed)
F3- 20
F3-19 F 8 - 11
F3-18 F2- 17

STO function output t (time)

Brake control output

Shorting motor stator

control output

Internal running status

Leveling signal

STO function output

Brake control output

Figure 6-4 Running time sequence

Note: The system retains the zero-speed torque current output within the time set in F8-11 from
the moment when the system sends the brake release command to prevent rollback.
Low-speed re-
F3-21 0.080 to F3-11 0.100 m/s ★
leveling speed
F3-21 is used to set the elevator speed of returning to the leveling position at normal non-leveling
Acceleration rate
F3-22 at emergency 0.100 to 1.300 0.100 m/s 2 ★
Slow-down delay
F3-23 0.00 to 10.00 0 s ★
deceleration time
0: Reserved
1: Slip experime
nt function
Program function 2: Unintended car movement
F3-24 0 - ★
selection protection (UCMP) test function
3: Overspeed governor test
4: Overspeed governor reset

- 55 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Elevator speed
F3-25 under emergency 0.100 to 0.300 0.250 m/s ★
electrical operation
Shaft auto-tuning
F3-26 0.250 to 0.630 0.250 m/s ★
F3-27 Overspeed margin 0.050 to 0.300 0.100 m/s ★
Leveling plate
F3-29 0 to 6553.5 0.1 mm ★
length setting
F3-29 is used to set leveling plate length.
If the leveling plate length of a two-floor elevator cannot be obtained during shaft auto-tuning, it
can be set in F3-29. The minimum value is 0.1 mm.
Group F4: Floor Parameters
F4-00 0 to 60 30 mm ★
F4-00 is used to adjust the leveling accuracy at elevator stop.
If over-leveling occurs at all floors during elevator stop, decrease the value of this parameter
properly. If under-leveling occurs at all floors during elevator stop, increase the value of this
parameter properly. This parameter takes eect to leveling of all floors. Therefore, if leveling at
a single floor is inaccurate, adjust the position of the leveling plate or refer to the description of
leveling adjustment in group Fr. The NICE9000V controller has the advanced distance control
algorithm and adopts many methods to ensure reliability of direct travel ride. Generally you need
not modify this parameter.
F4-01 Current floor F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
F4-01 indicates the current floor of the elevator car.
The system automatically changes the value of this parameter during running, and corrects it at
leveling position (door open limit) after the up slow-down and down slow-down switches act. At
non-bottom floor and top-floor leveling, you can also manually modify this parameter, but the
value must be consistent with the actual current floor.
High byte of current
F4-02 0 to 65535 1 Pulses ●
floor position
Low byte of current
F4-03 0 to 65535 34464 Pulses ●
floor position
F4-02 and F4-03 indicate the absolute pulses of the current position of the elevator car relative to
the bottom leveling position.
The position data of the NICE3000new in the shaft is recorded in pulses. Each position is expressed
by a 32-bit binary number, where the high 16 bits indicate the high byte of the floor position, and
the low 16 bits indicate the low byte of the floor position.
F4-04 Length 1 of leveling 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
F4-05 Length 2 of leveling 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
F4-06 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 1
F4-07 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 1

- 56 -
Chapter 6 Paramet
er Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

F4-08 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 2
F4-09 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 2
F4-10 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 3
F4-11 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 3
F4-12 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 4
F4-13 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 4
F4-14 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 5
F4-15 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 5
F4-16 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 6
F4-17 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 6
F4-18 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 7
F4-19 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
height 7

F4-20 High byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★

height 8

F4-21 Low byte of floor 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★

height 8

Group F5: Terminal Function Parameters

F5-00 Automatic 3 to 200 3 s ★
switchover time

- 57 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

F5-01 X1 function selection 01/33: Up leveling NO/NC 35 - ★
03/35: Door zone NO/NC
F5-02 X2 function selection 02/34: Down leveling NO/NC 38 - ★
F5-03 X3 function selection 04/36: Safety circuit feedback NONC; 39 - ★
05/37: Door lock circuit feedback NO/
F5-04 X4 function selection NC; 39 - ★
F5-05 X5 function selection 06/38: STO output feedback NO/NC 30 - ★
07/39: Brake contactor output
F5-06 X6 function selection 118 - ★
feedback NO/NC
F5-07 X7 function selection 08/40: Inspection signal NO/NC 116 - ★
F5-08 X8 function selection 09/41: Inspection up NO/NC 9 - ★
10/42: Inspection down NO/NC
11/43: Fire emergency signal NO/NC
12/44: Up limit signal NO/NC
F5-09 X9 function selection 13/45: Down limit signal NO/NC 10 - ★
14/46: Overload signal NO/NC
16/48: Up slow-down NO/NC
17/49: Down slow-down NO/NC
Others functions: 00 indicates
F5-10 X10 function selection 24/56: Door operator 1 light curtain 48 - ★
signal NO/NC
25/57: Door operator 2 light curtain
signal NO/NC
26/58: Brake travel switch 1 NO/NC
F5-11 X11 function selection 27/59: Emergency evacuation signal 49 - ★
28/60: Elevator lock signal NO/NC
29/61: Safety circuit 2 feedback NO/
30/62: Shorting motor stator control
F5-12 X12 function selection feedback NO/NC 0 - ★
31/63: Door lock circuit 2 feedback
67/99: Motor overheat signal NO/NC
68/100: Earthquake signal NO/NC
76/108: Door 1 open input
F5-13 X13 function selection 77/109: Door 2 open input 30 - ★
78/110: Brake travel switch 2 input
79/111: External fault input NO/NC
80/112: Terminal floor verication
signal NO/NC81/113: Door lock 1
shorting signal NO/NC
82/114: Door lock 2 shorting signal
84/116: Emergency electrical
F5-14 X14 function selection operation signal NO/NC 0 - ★
86/118: Door lock bypass input NO/
91/123: Up inspection limit
92/124: Down inspection limit
Note: For the same signal, NC setting
parameter = NO setting parameter +

- 58 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

X15 function
F5-15 - 0 - ★
X16 function
F5-16 - 0 - ★
X17 function
F5-17 - 0 - ★
X18 function
F5-18 - 0 - ★
X19 function
F5-19 - 0 - ★
F5-25 CTB input type 0 to 511 320 - ★
It is used to dene the input signal type (NO/NC) of the CTB by binary bit. Set this parameter as
5 4 3 2 1

Setting value of
current bit
Figure 6-5 Diagram of input signal state
After entering F5-25, a decimal number is displayed, which is the sum of all decimal numbers for all
binary bits set to 1 in F5-25. After you press UP and DOWN arrows, the LEDs are shown as Figure 6-5.
LEDs 5 and 4 displays current bit, and LED 1 displays the setting value of current bit. You can view
LEDs 5 and 4 by pressing UP and DOWN arrow.
For example, the input signal types of the CTB of an elevator are set as follows:
Bit Parameter Name Default Bit Parameter Name Default
Bit0 Door 1 light curtain 0 Bit8 Light-load signal (digital) 1
Bit1 Door 2 light curtain 0 Bit9 Reserved 1
Bit2 Door 1 open limit 0 Bit10 Reserved 1
Bit3 Door 2 open limit 0 Bit11 Door operator overheat 0
Bit4 Door 1 close limit 0 Bit12 Door 1 safety edge 0
Bit5 Door 2 close limit 0 Bit13 Door 2 safety edge 0
Bit6 Full-load signal (digital) 1 Bit14 Reserved -
Bit7 Overload signal (digital) 0 Bit15 Reserved -
0: NC input 1: NO input

- 59 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

0: Invalid
F5-26 Y1 function 1: STO function output 1 - ★
selection 2: Brake contactor control
4: Fire emergency floor arrival
signal feedback
F5-27 Y2 function 5: Door operator 1 open 2 - ★
selection 6: Door operator 1 close
7: Door operator 2 open
8: Door operator 2 close 0 - ★
F5-28 Y3 function
9: Normal brake/STO function
10: Fault state
F5-29 Y4 function 11: Running state 28 - ★
selection 12: Shorting motor stator control
F5-30 Y5 function 14: System healthy 29 - ★
selection 15: Emergency buzzer control
17: Elevator running in up
F5-31 Y6 function 20: Non-door zone stop 0 - ★
selection 21: Electromagnetic lock control
22: Non-service state
F5-32 Y7 function 23: Emergency evacuation
selection completed
25: Rope gripper reset
26: Braking pipe short-circuit
27: Alarm lter output 0 - ★
28: Overspeed governor test
29: Overspeed governor reset
31: Output mark of successful
positive drive shorting motor
Terminal state Monitoring of I/O terminals on
F5-34 - - ●
display (MCB) MCB
Terminal state Monitoring of I/O terminals on
F5-35 - - ●
display (CTB) CTB, CCB and hall call board (HCB)
F5-34 and F5-35 are used to monitor the state of all I/O terminals of the system. The segments of
the ve LEDs displayed are dened as follows.
5 4 3 2 1


Figure 6-6 Monitoring of all I/O terminals

- 60 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

0: MCB digital input
Load cell input 1: CTB digital input
F5-36 1 - ★
selection 2: CTB analog input
3: MCB analog input
X25 function
F5-37 4 - ★
selection 0: Invalid
X26 function 4: Safety circuit signal
F5-38 5: Door lock circuit signal 1 7 - ★
6: Door lock circuit signal 2
X27 function 7: Door lock 1 shorting
F5-39 5 - ★
selection 8: Door lock 2 shorting
F5-40 Reserved 0 - ★
Group F6: Basic Elevator Parameters
Top floor of the
F6-00 F6-01 to 9 9 - ★
Bottom floor of the
F6-01 1 to F6-00 1 - ★
These two parameters are used to set the top floor and bottom floor of the elevator, determined by
the number of actually installed leveling plates.
F6-02 Parking floor F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
Fire emergency
F6-03 F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
F6-04 Elevator lock floor F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
When the elevator enters the elevator lock state, the elevator will return to this elevator lock floor.
F6-04 is used to set the elevator lock floor. In the automatic running state, if the elevator lock switch
is turned on or the set elevator lock time is reached, the elevator cancels all registered hall calls
and responds to all registered car calls, returns to the elevator lock floor, stops automatic running,
and closes the lamp and fan in the car; after the door closes, the elevator cancels hall call display.
F6-05 Service floors 0 to 65535 65535 - ★

- 62 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

These parameters are used to set the service floors among floors 1–9. The following part describes
how to set the service floors.
The 16 binary bits of the parameter respectively correspond to 16 floors. If a bit is set to 1, the
elevator will respond to calls of this floor; if this bit is set to 0, the elevator will not respond to calls
of this floor.
Set every bit respectively. Convert the binary value to decimal and set it on the operation panel, as
shown in the following gure.
Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit9 Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
 Binary  Meaning of the binary value
Addressing 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Floor 1
Bit0 0: Floor 1 not in service
1 1: Floor 1 in service

 Floor 2 Bit1 0: Floor 2 not in service

2 1: Floor 2 in service

 Floor 3 Bit2 0: Floor 3 not in service

4 1: Floor 3 in service

 Floor 4 Bit3 0: Floor 4 not in service

8 1: Floor 4 in service

 Floor 5 Bit4 0: Floor 5 not in service

16 1: Floor 5 in service

 Floor 6 Bit5 0: Floor 6 not in service

32 1: Floor 6 in service

 Floor 7 Bit6 0: Floor 7 not in service

64 1: Floor 7 in service

 Floor 8 Bit7 0: Floor 8 not in service

128 1: Floor 8 in service

 Floor 9 Bit8 0: Floor 9 not in service

256 1: Floor 9 in service

 Floor 10 Bit9 0: Floor 10 not in service

512 1: Floor 10 in service

Floor 11 Bit10 0: Floor 10 not in service

1024 1: Floor 10 in service

Floor 12 Bit11 0: Floor 12 not in service

2048 1: Floor 12 in service

Floor 13 Bit12 0: Floor 13 not in service

4096 1: Floor 13 in service

Floor 14 Bit13 0: Floor 14 not in service

8192 1: Floor 14 in service
Floor number Floor 15 Bit14
indicated by each 0: Floor 15 not in service
bit 16384 1: Floor 16 in service

Floor 16 Bit15 0: Floor 16 not in service

32768 1: Floor 16 in service

Convert binary value to decimal, and

set this decimal on the operation

- 63 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

If floors 2, 8, 9, and 12 of a 16-floor elevator need to be forbidden, and all other
floors are in service, we need to set Bit1, Bit7, Bit8, and Bit11 corresponding to
floors 2, 8, 9, and 12 to 0, and set the other bits to 1, as shown in the following gure.
Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit9 Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
Addressing 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
 Floor 1
 Floor 2 Bit1=0
0 Forbidden

 Floor 3 Bit2=1
 Floor 4 Bit3=1
 Floor 5 Bit4=1
 Floor 6 Bit5=1
 Floor 7 Bit6=1
 Floor 8 Bit7=0
0 Forbidden

 Floor 9 Bit8=0
0 Forbidden

 Floor 10 Bit9=1
 Floor 11 Bit10=1
 Floor 12 Bit11=0
0 Forbidden

 Floor 13 Bit12=1
 Floor 14 Bit13=1
 Floor number  Floor 15 Bit14=1
indicated by each
bit 16384
 Floor 16 Bit15=1

Convert binary value to decimal, and

set this decimal on the operation

Convert the binary value to decimal:

1 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 512 + 1024 + 4096 + 8192 + 16384 + 32768 = 63101
Then, enter "63101" for F6-05 on the operation panel.
The setting method for F6-06 and F6-35 is the same as that for F6-05.
Bit6: Clear floor number and
display direction in advance
Bit8: Single hall call button
Bit9: Not detecting analog wire
Program control breaking
F6-09 - - -
selection Bit10: Err30 judgment at re-
leveling cancellation
Bit14: Time interval detection
of safety circuit 2 and door lock
circuit 2 (1.5s)
Leveling switch
F6-10 10 to 50 14 ms ★
lter time

- 64 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Bit1: Canceling returning to base
floor for verication
Bit2: Canceling auto sequential
arrange of hall call floor addresses
to be displayed
Bit5: Current detection valid at
startup for synchronous motor
Bit6: Reversing MCB lamp output
Bit7: Door open valid at non-door
zone in the inspection state
Elevator function
F6-11 Bit8: Door open and close once - - -
after rst-time inspection
turned to normal
Bit10: Buzzer not tweet upon re-
Bit11: Super short floor function
Bit13: E53 fault auto reset
Bit14: Up slow-down not reset for
super short floor
Bit15: Down slow-down not reset
for super short floor
F6-12 VIP floor 0 to F6-00 0 - ★
Elevator lock start
F6-38 00.00 to 23.59 00.00 HH.MM ☆
Elevator lock end
F6-39 00.00 to 23.59 00.00 HH.MM ☆

F6-38 and F6-39 are used to set the elevator lock time period, during which the elevator is in locked
state, having the same eect as the elevator lock switch.
The elevator can switch to the locked state in the following two ways:
◆ Set Bit5 of F6-40 = 1 to enable the timed elevator lock function. F6-38 and F6-39 are used to set
the elevator lock time period, during which the elevator is in locked state.
◆ Set Fd-07 = 1 to enable the hall elevator lock switch.

- 65 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Bit0: Disability function
Bit1: Soft limit function
Bit2: JP16 input used as rear door
selection (button)
Bit3: JP16 input used as the rear
door open signal
Bit4: Opening only one door of
opposite doors under manual
Bit5: Timed elevator lock
Bit6: Manually operated door
Program control Bit9: Disabling reverse floor
F6-40 number clear 0 - ★
selection 1
Bit10: Displaying next arriving
floor number
Bit11: Responding to car calls rst
Bit12: Car call assisted command
in single door used as disability
Bit13: Folding command used as
"1" disability function and "0" rear
door function
Bit14: Car call command folding
Bit15: JP20 used for switchover to
rear door (switch)
Bit2: Inspection to stop due to
slow-down 1
Bit4: Buzzer tweet during door
open delay
Bit6: Canceling door open delay
Bit8: Elevator lock at door open
Bit9: Display available at elevator
Program control lock
F6-41 0 - ★
selection 2 Bit10: Elevator lock in the
attendant state
Bit11: Blinking at arrival (within
the time set in F6-47)
Bit12: Door re-open during door
open delay
Bit13: Door re-open after car call
at current floor

- 66 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Group FA: Keypad Setting Parameters
Display in running
FA-01 1 to 65535 65535 - ☆
FA-01 is used to set the running parameters displayed on the operation panel when the elevator is
in the running state. The 5 binary bits correspond to the running parameters listed in the following
Binary Bit Parameter Name Default
Bit0 Maximum running speed 1
Bit1 Bus voltage 1
Bit2 Output Voltage 1
Bit3 Output current 1
Bit4 Output frequency 1
FA-02 Display in stop state 1 to 65535 65535 - ☆
FA-02 is used to set the state parameters displayed on the operation panel when the elevator is in
the stop state. The 16 binary bits correspond to the parameters listed in the following table.
Binary Bit Parameter Name Default Binary Bit Parameter Name Default
Rated elevator speed 1 Slow-down distance at 1
Bit0 Bit8
rated speed
Bit1 Bus voltage 1 Bit9 CTB input state 1
Bit2 Input terminal low bits 1 Bit10 CTB output state 1
Bit3 Input terminal high bits 1 Bit11 System state 1
Bit4 Output terminal 1 Bit12 Reserved 1
Bit5 Current floor 1 Bit13 Reserved 1
Bit6 Current position 1 Bit14 Reserved 1
Bit7 Car load 1 Bit15 Reserved 1
Current encoder
FA-03 0.0 to 359.9 0.0 ºC ●
Software version
FA-05 0 to 65535 0 - ●
Software version
FA-06 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-07 0 to 100 0 ºC ●
FA-11 Pre-torque current 0.0 to 200.0 0 % ●
FA-12 Logic information 0 to 65535 0 - ●

- 71 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

FA-12 displays the elevator and door state.
As shown in the following gure, ve LEDs are expressed as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the right to the
left. 1 indicates door state. and 2 and 3 are not displayed. The combination of 4 and 5 indicates
elevator state.
5 4 3 2 1

Elevator state Door state

Figure 6-7 Input state diagram

 The following table shows the specic contents of the numbers:
5 4 3 2 1
Elevator state No display No display Door 1 state
00 08 Elevator lock 0 Waiting state
Shaft auto- Idle elevator Door open
01 09 1
tuning parking state
Door open
02 Micro-leveling 10 at inspection 2
Returning to Emergency
Door close
03 base floor at 11 evacuation 3
- - state
re emergency operation
Fireghter Motor auto- Door close
04 12 4
operation tuning limit
05 Fault state 13 - -
Attendant Base floor
06 14 - -
operation verication
07 15 VIP state - -
FA-13 Curve information 0 to 65535 0 - ●

- 72 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

FA-13 displays the system running curve information. LEDs 1 and 2 indicate running curve
5 4 3 2 1
No No No
Curve information
display display display
00 Stop state 09 Deceleration start segment
Linear deceleration
01 Zero-speed start segment 10
Zero-speed holding
02 11 Deceleration end segment
03 Reserved 12 Stop zero-speed
- - - 04 Startup speed stage 13 Current stop segment
05 Acceleration start segment 14 Reserved
06 Linear acceleration segment 15 Data analysis stop segment
07 Acceleration end segment 16–20 Auto-tuning segment
Stable-speed running
08 21 Emergency running
FA-14 Set speed 0.000 to 4.000 0 m/s ●
FA-15 Feedback speed 0.000 to 4.000 0 m/s ●
FA-16 Bus voltage 0 to 999.9 0 V ●
FA-17 Current position 0.0 to 300.0 0 m ●
FA-18 Output current 0.0 to 999.9 0 A ●
FA-19 Output frequency 0.00 to 99.99 0 Hz ●
FA-20 Torque current 0.0 to 999.9 0 A ●
FA-21 Output Voltage 0 to 999.9 0 V ●
FA-22 Output torque 0 to 100 0 % ●
FA-23 Output power 0.00 to 99.99 0 kW ●
FA-24 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-26 Input state 1 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-27 Input state 2 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-28 Input state 3 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-30 Input state 5 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-31 Output state 1 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-32 Output state 2 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-33 Car input state 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-34 Car output state 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-35 Hall sate 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-36 System state 1 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FA-37 System state 2 0 to 65535 0 - ●
Maximum floor
FA-38 0 to 200 0 s ●
running time interval
This parameter indicates time required for the elevator to run from the bottom floor to the top floor
at normal speed. The smaller value of FA-38+10s and F9-02 is the reference time for motor running
protection time. If the leveling signal does not change within the reference time in running, the
system report the fault E30 and the elevator stops running.

- 73 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

FA-36: System State 1 FA-37: System State 2
Number Denition Number Denition Number Denition Number Denition
Door open 1 Door open 2 Up direction
0 8 0 8 Reserved
button button display
Door close 1 Door close 2 Down direction
1 9 1 9 Reserved
button button display
Door open
2 Door open delay 1 10 2 Running state 10 Reserved
delay 2
Direct travel ride
3 11 Reserved 3 System full-load 11 Reserved
4 Attendant switch 12 Reserved 4 System overload 12 Reserved
Direction change
5 13 Reserved 5 System half-load 13 Reserved
6 14 Reserved 6 System light-load 14 Reserved
Fire emergency 2
7 15 Reserved 7 Reserved 15 Reserved
Hall call
FA-46 communication state 0 to 65535 ( floors 1 to 16) 0 - ●
These parameters display the communication state between HCBs of all floors and the MCB.
As shown in Figure 6-9, LEDs 5 and 4 indicate floor address, and LED 3 indicate that hall call
communication at current floor is normal (display 1) or abnormal (display 0). LEDs 2 and 1 indicate
the communication quality. Sixteen segment codes indicate communication state of 16 floor
addresses. If the LED is on, the communication is normal. If the LED is o, the communication
is disconnected. The hall call communication quality can be viewed in both methods described
5 4 3 2 1



Current hall call Current hall call All hall call

address communication state communication state

Figure 6-9 Input state diagram

Group Fb: Door Function Parameters
Quantity of door
Fb-00 1 to 2 1 - ★
Fb-00 is used to set the quantity of door operator(s).
Set Fb-00 to 1 in case of single door, and set Fb-00 to 2 in case of double-door.
Fb-01 CTB software 00 to 999 0 - ●
Door operator 1
Fb-02 0 to 65535 65535 - ☆
service floor 1
Door operator 2
Fb-04 0 to 65535 65535 - ☆
service floor 1

- 76 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

These parameters are used to set the service floors of door operator 1 and door operator 2. The
setting of door operator service floors is the same as that of service floors in F6-05.
Door open
Fb-06 5 to 99 10 s ☆
protection time
Arrival gong output
Fb-07 0 to 1000 0 ms ☆
Door close
Fb-08 5 to 99 15 s ☆
protection time
Door open/close
Fb-09 0 to 20 0 - ☆
0: Closing the door as normal at
base floor
Door state of 1: Waiting with door open at base
Fb-10 0 - ☆
standby elevator floor
2: Waiting with door open at each
Door open holding
Fb-11 1 to 1000 5 s ☆
time for hall call
Door open holding
Fb-12 1 to 1000 3 s ☆
time for car call
Door open holding
Fb-13 1 to 1000 10 s ☆
time at base floor
Door open holding
Fb-14 10 to 1000 30 s ☆
Special door open
Fb-15 10 to 1000 30 s ☆
holding time
Special door open
Fb-16 1 to 60 5 s ☆
holding time
Holding time for
Fb-17 5 to 180 120 s ☆
forced door close
Manual door lock
Fb-20 0 to 60 0 s ☆
waiting time
Door zone stop
delay time of
shorting stator
Fb-22 0.00 to 0.10 0 0.01s ☆
braking during
evacuation by ARD
Group FC: Protection Function Parameters
Bit0: Detection of short-circuit to
ground at power-on
Program control Bit2: Decelerating to stop at valid
FC-00 0 - ★
selection light curtain
Bit9: Mode without door open/
close limit
- 77 -
Chapter 6 Parameter Description

Parameter Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Bit0: Overload protection
Bit1: Canceling protection at
output phase loss
Bit4: Light curtain judgment at
FC-01 Function selection door close limit 65 - ★
Bit5: Canceling DSP
communication detection
Bit14: Canceling protection at
input phase loss
Overload protection
FC-02 0.50 to 10.00 1.00 - ★
Overload pre-
FC-03 50 to 100 80 % ★
warning coecient
FC-04 0 to 3 0 - ★
control selection
Fb-00 is used to set the quantity of door operator(s). Users can set this parameter based on actual
Set Fb-00 to 1 in case of signal door, and set Fb-00 to 2 in case of double-door.
FC-04 is used to set functions related to double-door control. The possible values are as follows:
0: Simultaneous door open/close on both sides if car/hall call is valid on either side.
1: Door open on the same side if hall call is valid, and double-door open if car call is valid.
2: Door open on the same side if hall call is valid, and door open only on one side if car call is valid
(manually select).
3: Door open on the same side if hall call is valid, and door open on the same side if car call is valid.
to Reserved - - - -
FC-11 11th fault code 0 to 9999 0 - ●
FC-12 11th fault subcode 0 to 65535 0 - ●
11th fault month 0 MM.DD ●
FC-13 0 to 1231
and day
11th fault hour and 0 HH.MM ●
FC-14 0 to 23.59
FC-15 12th fault code 0 to 9999 0 - ●
FC-16 12th fault subcode 0 to 65535 0 - ●
FC-17 12th fault month 0 to 1231 0 MM.DD ●
and day
FC-18 12th fault hour and 0 to 23.59 0 HH.MM ●
FC-19 13th fault code 0 to 9999 0 - ●
FC-20 13th fault subcode 0 to 65535 0 - ●
13th fault month 0 MM.DD ●
FC-21 0 to 1231
and day
13th fault hour and 0 HH.MM ●
FC-22 0 to 23.59
FC-23 14th fault code 0 to 9999 0 - ●
FC-24 14th fault subcode 0 to 65535 0 - ●

- 78 -
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

Fault Name Possible Causes Solution Level


Subcode 101: The external

◆ Check the NO/NC setting of the
external fault terminal.
Err64 Ext
ernal fault fault signal is continuously 5A
active for 2s.
◆ Check the input signal state of the
external fault terminal.
◆ Check the communication cable
◆ Check whether the ARD power supply is
Subcodes 22, 103: ARD normal.
communication fault ◆ Check whether the 24 V power supply of
the controller is normal.
◆  Check whether there is strong-current
interference on communication.

◆ Check whether the load is normal.

Subcodes 1 to 3 and 8: ARD ◆ Check that the wiring is correct.
overcurrent fault ◆  Contact Inovance.
Subcode 10: ARD overload ◆ Check whether the load is too large.

◆ Check whether the battery wire is

connected correctly.
◆ Check whether the battery model is
Subcodes 4 to 7: ARD battery ◆
(48 V).
fault ◆ The battery life is reduced. Replace the
◆ The machine operates too long or the
ambient temperature is too high.
Err699 AR
D fa
ultt 1A
Subcode 11: ARD bus ◆ Check whether the battery level is
Subcode 12: ARD bus within a correct range.
◆ Check whether the battery voltage is
undervoltage normal.
Subcode 13: ARD drive unit ◆  Contact Inovance.

◆ Check whether the power grid voltage

Subcode 16: Power grid is normal and is incorrectly connected
input overvoltage to 380 V.
◆ Contact Inovance.
◆ Power the control cabinet on and o
again. If the E69 subcode 21 reoccurs,
test the stuck situation.
◆ Test whether the main relay K4 is stuck.
Subcode 21: Relay stuck ◆ Test whether the drive unit relay K2 is
◆ Test whether the brake release relay K1
is stuck.
◆ Test whether the lithium battery is
Subcode 31: Alarm of too damaged.
low lithium battery level ◆ The lithium battery is discharged
excessively and must be charged.

- 101 -
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

Fault Name Possible Causes Solution Level

Subcode 101: Y8
disconnection command
does not output, but Y8
disconnection feedback is
Subcode 102: Shorting
Y8 feedback stator
stator braking when ◆ Check whether Y8 output and feedback-
Err75 1A
abnormal emergency evacuation by related relays and wiring are normal.
controller drive fails, or Y8
disconnection command
outputs under electrical
brake release state. Y8
disconnection feedback is
◆ Fault Err41 is not recorded in the elevator stop state.
◆ Fault Err42 is reset automatically when the door lock circuit is shorted or 1s after
the fault occurs in the door zone.
NOTE ◆ If faults Err51, Err52, and E57 persist, they are recorded once every one hour.

- 102 -
Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance

Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance

8.1 Daily Inspection
As an important part of elevator system, the control cabinet must be inspected
and maintained in accor
dance with national laws and regulations and industrial

8.1.1 Daily Inspection Items

 No. Items
□ 1 Whether abnormal noise exists during motor running.
□ 2 Whether the motor vibrates excessively.
□ 3 Whether the installation environment of the control cabinet changes.
□ 4 Whether the controller overheats.
Whether the electrical components inside the control cabinet work
□ 5
□ 6 Whether there is condensation on the control cabinet.
□ 7 Whether the screws inside the control cabinet become loose.
Whether abnormal noise exists in contactors inside the control cabinet
□ 8
during elevator running.

8.1.2 Daily Cleaning Items

 No. Items
□ 1 Cleean th
Cl thee con
ol ca
nett per
The protection class of the control cabinet is IP20. Protect the cabinet
□ 2
from water and dust while cleaning.
Remove the dust on the surface of the control cabinet to prevent the dust
□ 3
from entering the control cabinet.

8.2 Periodic Inspection

Perform periodic
periodic inspection on the items that are dicult to check during running.

8.2.1 Periodic Inspection Items

 No. Items
□ 1 Check whether the screws become loose.
□ 2 Check whether the wiring terminals have arc signs.
□ 3 Check whether the electrical components work normally.
□ 4 Check whether the internal cables are exposed.

- 103 -
Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance

8.2.2 Replacement of Vulnerable Components

The vulnerable components in the control cabinet mainly include fuse in transformer,
fuse in fuse protector, air switch and other electrical components. Additional fuse is
provided in the control cabinet to prevent damage of fuse in case of emergency.
The general service life of the air switch and contactor is 2 to 3 years. Users can regularly
replace the vulnerable components according to the service life and actual operation.

- 104 -
Chapter 9 Options

Chapter 9 Options
9.1 List of Options
If any optional part in the following table is required, specify it in your order.
Table 9-1 List of Options

Name Model Functions

MCTC-CTW-A1 integrates car top lighting, intercom,
inspection control, CTB, and door operator controller.
Note: Only single door control is supported. Intermediate
relay for manual door is not equipped.
MCTC-CTW-A3 integrates car top lighting, intercom,
inspection control and CTB, and supports double-door
Car top
MCTC-CTW-A3 control.
Note: Door operator controller and intermediate relay
control box
for manual door are not equipped.
MCTC-CTW-A9 integrates car top lighting, inspection
control and CTB, supports double-door control, and is
MCTC-CTW-A9 equipped with intermediate relay for manual door.
Note: Intercom and door operator controller are not
MCTC-COB-A1 integrates display board interface, floor
input, door open/close control and car control (such as
Car board MCTC-COB-A1 independent running and attendant function), oers
voice announcement function by default, and can
expand the functions of IC card.
As a 2G smart hardware, it can collect elevator
data for remote elevator management, as well as
for management of elevator data, operation and
IoT module IOT-WL210DBW-BST
maintenance. It can be used for automatic fault alarm
and dialing for evacuation, preventing passengers from
being trapped for a long time.

9.2 Car Top Integrated Control Box

9.2.1 MCTC-CTW-A9
The MCTC-CTW-A9 car top integrated control box is a product designed for
comprehensive car top and car solutions. It integrates the car top interface board, CTB,
car top inspection, and lighting. It features safety, high end, small size, easy use, and full
weak-current control for car solution.
The appearance and dimensions are shown in the following gure:

- 105 -
Chapter 9 Options

35         5
325         9
59.5         5


      6       0
      2       6



Figure 9-1 Appearance and dimensions of MCTC-CTW-A9

Table 9-2 Denition of indicators

    1     2     3     7     8     9     3     4     5     9     0     1     5     6     7
    D     D     D     D     D     D     1     1     1     1     2     2     2     2     2
    D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D
   e     t     2    e     t     5  ,
    t     t
   s     i    s     i  ,  ,     9  ,     h
   o     Y    o     Y     1     2  ,    g    a    g
    l    m
    i  ,     l    m
    i  ,     1     X    n    e     i
    /     l     1    c
    /     l     2    n
    i    n
    i  ,     i     h     l
   a    a    e    g     l    r     1     d    0
   n    3    e    n    n    4    e    n     t     t    g    n    e    e     Y
   e    X    s
   e    e    X    s
   e    r    r     d     i
    l    v    v  ,    n    1
   p  ,     l    p    p  ,     l    p    u    u    e    e    e
    l    o    g     1    a    Y
   o    1    c    o    o    2    c    o    c    c    y
    t    v    n    r    n
    i     1
    Y     d  ,
   r     t    r    r    r     t    r    r     t     t    e    o     t  ,    n    m
   o    i    o    5    o    o    i    o    6    o     h     h    e    5
    f     l    w    0     t     h    u    r
   o    m    o    X ,    o    o    m    o    X ,    o    g    1
    i    g    2
    i    a    1    p    o    1    o    1
    1    g
   a    a
   o    l
    D    i
    l     D    1     D     D    i
    l     D    2     D     L    X     L    X     S    X     U     D    X     M    X     L     F     S    a

    4     5     6     0     1     2     6     7     8     2     3     4     8     9     0
    D     D     D     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     2     2     2     2     3
    D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D     D
    3     6    n
    Y     Y  ,     2  ,    w
 ,  ,     2     1    p    o
    1    r     2    r     7     8     X    u     d
   o    4    o    7    e     X     X  ,
   e    o    e    o    g  ,  ,    n    n    n
   s    s
    l     d    Y
 ,    o
    l     d    Y
   e     d     d
   a     /     i    o
   o     i
    l     t     t
   c     d    1    c     d    2    a    a    c    c    c    r
   y    o    o
   r    e    e    r    e    e     t     l
  -    r    m    e    e    e    e
   o    c
   r    s    o    c
   r    s    e    6
    f     l
    l    e    r    p    p    p     N    w
   o    o    o    o    a    1    v    o    s    s     1    s     4
    A    o
   o    l
    F    c   - D
   o    l
    F    c   - S    X
    F     O    n     I
    N    i    n    1
   n    X     I     X     C   - P

Notes for D28 and D30 indicators:

Indicator State Function

Blinking It indicates that CAN communication is normal. The blinking
D28 frequency is 250 ms.
O  It indicates that CAN communication is abnormal.
Blinking It indicates that the program in the car top interface board is
running normally. The blinking frequency is 500 ms.
Steady on It indicates that the program in the car top interface board
does not run, but it is powered on.
O  It indicates that there is no program in the car top interface
board or the program is not powered on.

- 106 -
Chapter 9 Options

Terminal arrangement on MCTC-CTB-H1 is shown in the following gure.

S2 507 Y5 302 507 511 511

511 508 512 Z01


Car top interface board
302 Z01 K9 K4 K2
302 DC12
K1 K3 K5 K6 K7 K8
V1 Y3 PE J3
W1 U1 507

U1 PE 510 509 PE C0M PGZ 24V X5 AI X11 X7 X8 X10 X9

W1 V1 508 508 PE PGA PGB PE X3 COM 302 301 301 302 301 302 301

F L2 F L1 SGC1 CAN- 301DC12 130 127 128 130 128 X15 302 X1 PE 207
302 301/T01 302 303 SGC2 CAN+ 302 DZI 102 132 134 131A 129 123 124 301301 301 PE 208

DZI R L DC12 FL2 102 508 134 123125 132 208 125 124127
      1       1
     +    -       2
      D       2       1       1       2
     +    -
      1       1       D       D       2       2       0
      1      2 CB CA Y4
COB2       0       0       D       O       0       C
      3       3       O
      M       M
      0       0       L
      Z       3
COB1       0       0       O       O       0       1
      3       3
      M       M
      0       L       R
      3       C       Z      3
FL1 CAN- CAN+ 302 301 SGC2 SGC1 507 131A 130 PE 207 301X12X13X14

Figure 9-5 Terminal arrangement on MCTC-CTB-H1

Descriptions of MCTC-CTB-H1 terminals:
Table 9-5 Denition and function description of MCTC-CTB-H1 terminals
Terminal Mark Terminal Name Function Description
U phase output of the
V phase output of the It is the terminal used to connect the door
DM1 controller operator controller and door motor, and
W phase output of the the shield is connected to PE
PE Motor grounding terminal
Car top lighting power supply As power supply for lighting and fan,
-L the terminal is controlled by relay. The
Car top power supply for thermistor cable is used as power-on
FAN 508 buer in the lighting circuit. The lighting
lighting and fan - N
and fan must be wired correctly. The
509 Fan power supply - L contact driving capacity of the relay is 240
PE Grounding terminal V, 3 A

- 113 -
Chapter 9 Options

Terminal Mark Terminal Name Function Description

Encoder power supply
Encoder power supply
COM Serve as encoder interface, applicable
to open-collector and push-pull 24 V
DEN1 PGA Encoder A phase signal encoders. PE terminal is used to ground
PGB Encoder B phase signal the shielded cable of the encoder.
PGZ Encoder B phase signal
PE Encoder grounding terminal
X3 DI1 input terminal
Optocoupler isolated DI1 input terminal of
DLM1 X5 DI2 input terminal
the door operator controller
COM Common DI input terminal
AI Analog load cell signal
WT2 302 24 V power supply positive Analog load cell input terminal
Input range of AI: 0 V to 10 V.
301 24 V power supply negative
Motor overheat protection Door motor overheat
input terminal protection terminals, DI
Eective value: 10 V to 30 V
301 24 V power supply positive Used together with two door operators.
X7 Full-load signal input terminal
Overload signal output
X8 Full-load/Overload signal input terminals
WT1 terminal
Eective value: 10 V to 30 V
301 24 V power supply positive
302 24 V power supply negative
X9 Reserved
X10 Reserved Leveling signal input terminal
301 24 V power supply positive Eective value: 10 V to 30 V
302 24 V power supply negative
FL1 Door zone signal
FL2 Reserved Serve as door zone signal input terminal.
Transmits door zone signal to MTB
RDZ 301/ through traveling cable.
Power supply positive The normal power supply is 24 V, whereas
T01 the emergency power supply is 12 V.
302 Power supply negative
Electromagnetic lock control
302 of manual door (negative 24 V power supply, relay control
SL pole) The contact driving capacity of the relay is
Electromagnetic lock control 28 V, 5 A.
of manual door (positive pole)

- 114 -
Chapter 9 Options

Terminal Mark Terminal Name Function Description

SGC1 Reserved
SGC2 Reserved
CAN communication signal
301 24 V power supply positive
302 24 V power supply negative
Intercom power supply (12 V
Door zone signal output by 1) Used only when magnetic tape is used.
magnetic tape 2) Serve as safety box terminal.
MSC Door lock detection input by When it is not in use, short terminals 127
130 and 128 in the safety circuit using shorting
magnetic tape
Common point of the safety terminals.
circuit and door lock circuit
Magnetic tape overspeed
protection 1
132 Rear car door lock start
Magnetic tape overspeed
protection 2
134 Rear car door lock end
130 Car door lock signal 1
GS1 Car door lock signal
131A Car door lock signal 2
128 Backup safety switch 1
SUP2 Backup safety switch
130 Backup safety switch 2
123 Safety gear switch 1
SOS Safety gear switch plug-in
124 Safety gear switch 2
301 24 V power supply positive
302 24 V power supply negative
Light curtain signal input
Serve as light curtain/safety edge input
Safety edge signal input terminal.
EDP1 terminal Light curtain power supply: 24 V or 220
Light curtain AC power supply Wire the terminal based on actual
-L conditions.
Light curtain AC power supply
Light curtain grounding

- 115 -
Chapter 9 Options

Key Name Function

^ Up Increase the data or parameter.

Down Decrease the data or parameter.

OPEN Door open Open the door in the operation panel control mode.

CLOSE Door close Close the door in the operation panel control mode.

Function of shortcut menu: U0 indicates command source selection, equal to F0-02.

After you enter the U0 menu by pressing the PRG, UP/DOWN or ENTER button, the LEDs
display the current command source mode. You can press the UP/DOWN button to
modify the data setting (Range: 0 to 4) . The following table describes the corresponding
functions of dierent values. The default is external control mode.

Value Description
0 Operation panel control mode
1 External door operator control mode
2 Manual door operator auto-tuning mode
3 Door operator auto demonstration mode

U1: Auto-tuning command

After you enter the U1 menu by pressing the PRG, UP/DOWN or ENTER button, the LEDs
display "0". You can press the UP/DOWN button to modify the data setting. If U0 = 3
(auto demonstration mode), U1 is hidden. The setting value of U1 is 0 to 4, described as
■ 1: One-button commissioning
Press the ENTER button to enter the one-button commissioning mode when the
system is at stop (not because of faults) and is not in the auto-tuning state. The
motor auto-tuning (synchronous/asynchronous motor with-load auto-tuning) is
performed, and then the door system tuning is implemented. During motor auto-
tuning, the LEDs display "TUNE". During door system tuning, the LEDs display

- 119 -
Chapter 9 Options

■ 2 and 3: Motor auto-tuning

After you press the ENTER button, the door operator enters the motor auto-tuning
mode when the requirements for motor auto-tuning are met. At this time, the LEDs
display "TUNE". You can press the OPEN or CLOSE button to start motor auto-tuning
(For asynchronous motors, with-load autotuning is performed when U1 = 2, and no-
load auto-tuning is performed when U1 = 3; For synchronous motors, no-load auto-
tuning is performed when U1 = 2, and with-load auto-tuning is performed when U1 =
■ 4: Door system tuning
After you press the ENTER button, the door operator enters the door system tuning
mode when the requirements for door system tuning are met. At this time, the
LEDs display "STUD". You can press the OPEN or CLOSE button to start door system
tuning. After the controller opens and then closes the door for twice, the following
parameters are obtained: maximum door close speed (F6-14), maximum forced door
close speed (F6-15), upper limit of door close hindered torque (F6-16) and lower
limit of door close holding torque (F6-17).
U2: Upper limit of door open speed
The value of U2 is set to the upper limit of current door open speed. You can modify the
setting value by pressing the UP/DOWN button.
U3: Upper limit of door close speed
The value of U3 is set to the upper limit of current door close speed. You can modify the
setting value by pressing the UP/DOWN button.
U4: Door close hindered torque
The value of U4 is set to the upper limit of current door close hindered torque, same as
the function of F4-13.
U5: Door operator No.
The value of U5 is the current door operator No. (1: Front door; 2: Rear door).
U6: State display
This parameter indicates whether the terminal input signal is valid. When a terminal
input signal is valid, the corresponding LED segment becomes ON. From left to right,
the LEDs are LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4, and LED5.
1 2 3 4 5


- 120 -
Chapter 9 Options

The indication of each LED segment is shown as follows:

LED1 Indication of an Lit

Segment LED Segment
A DI1 input active
B DI2 input active
Door open limit
Door close limit Door close
D Door open
signal procedure
procedure (used
Door open Reserved Reserved (used
E for viewing
command enabled for viewing
Door close
command enabled
Forced door close
DP CAN communication

2)System commissioning
■ Wiring

Door open limit X3 2
N 1 208
Door close limit
X5 3
Light L 7 207 DLM1 is connected to the door open/close limit
curtain / 4 sensor when signal verification is required. There
PE 3 PE is no need for connection when signal
verification is not required, which does not affect
COM 4 301 Light normal door control.
EDP 10 X1 Door
6 301 operator Encoder
Safety edge U 6
connection 12 X15
Power cables of V 2 DM M
24 VDC light 5 301 the door operator W 3
curtain power 11 302
supply PE 1

1 301 DEN1
Motor thermal protection switch PE 1
2 / Door motor
3 X11 overheat protection PGB 3
4 / Encoder PGA 5
24V 6
Car top interface board
COM 10

Figure 9-7 Wiring method

- 121 -
Chapter 9 Options

Table 9-8 Fault information and solutions

Display Description Possible Causes Solutions
The main circuit output is Eliminate external faults, such as
grounded or short circuited. incorrect wiring.
Motor auto-tuning is
Perform motor auto-tuning again.
performed improperly.
◆ Check whether encoder PPR is
set correctly.
◆ Check whether the encoder
signal is interfered.
Overcurrent ◆ Check whether the encoder
Er02 during The encoder signal is
is installed reliably, whether
acceleration abnormal.
the rotating shaft is connected
to the motor shaft reliably by
observing whether the encoder
is stable during normal-speed
The load is too heavy. Reduce the added load.
The acceleration time is too
Reduce the acceleration rate.
The main circuit output is Eliminate external faults, such as
grounded or short circuited. incorrect wiring.
Motor auto-tuning is
Perform motor auto-tuning again.
performed improperly.
◆ Check whether encoder PPR is
set correctly.
◆ Check whether the encoder
signal is interfered.
Overcurrent ◆ Check whether the encoder
Er03 during The encoder signal is
is installed reliably, whether
deceleration abnormal.
the rotating shaft is connected
to the motor shaft reliably by
observing whether the encoder
is stable during normal-speed
The load is too heavy. Reduce the added load.
The deceleration rate is too
Reduce the deceleration rate.

- 134 -
Chapter 9 Options

Display Description Possible Causes Solutions

The main circuit output is Eliminate external faults, such as
grounded or short circuited. incorrect wiring.
Motor auto-tuning is
Perform motor auto-tuning again.
performed improperly.
◆ Check whether encoder PPR is
set correctly.
Overcurrent ◆ Check whether the encoder
at signal is interfered.
Er04 ◆ Check whether the encoder
speed Motor auto-tuning is
is installed reliably, whether
performed improperly.
the rotating shaft is connected
to the motor shaft reliably by
observing whether the encoder
is stable during normal-speed
The load is too heavy. Reduce the added load.
Overvoltage The input
input voltage
voltage is too
too high. Adju
st the input
input voltag
Er05 during The acceleration curve is too
acceleration steep. Modify curve parameters.
◆ The input voltage is too
Overvoltage high. ◆ Adjust the input voltage.
Er06 during
deceleration ◆ The acceleration curve is ◆ Modify curve parameters.
too steep.
Overvoltage The input
input voltage
voltage is too
too high. Adju
st the input
input voltag
Er07 Reduce the speed loop
constant Speed loop oscillation exists.
speed proportional gain.
Instantaneous power failure
occurs on the input power Eliminate external power supply
supply. problems.
Er09 Undervoltage The input voltage is too low.
The control board is
Contact the agent or Inovance.
The guide rail and
Check the guide rail and the
Controller the elevator door are
Er10 elevator door.
overload unobstructed.
The load is too heavy. Reduce the load.
Adjust the value of F8-14 by
F8-14 is set incorrectly.
increasing it to a proper value.
Er11 The load is too heavy. Reduce the load.
Mechanical faults occur in the Check whether the door, guide rail,
door system. and other components are normal.
The output wiring of the main
Power output circuit is loose. Check the wiring.
phase loss
The motor is damaged. Eliminate the motor fault.
The ambient temperature is
IGBT Lower the ambient temperature.
Er14 too high.
Heaat di
He diss
on is fau
ltyy. Chec
Ch eckk th
thee he
An EEPROM reading or
Er16 EEPROM fault Contact the agent or Inovance.
writing abnormality occurs.

- 135 -
Chapter 9 Options

Display Description Possible Causes Solutions

◆ Check whether the encoder
skids or loses pulses.
Subcode 1: Signal Z deviation
◆ Check whether the encoder
is too large during running.
Base signal signal is interfered, or the
Er17 encoder is grounded reliably.
Subcode 2: Signal Z is lost Check whether the encoder is wired
during running. correctly.

The drive control board is
Er18 detection Contact the agent or Inovance.
◆ Check the motor wiring.
Subcode 1: Stator resistance
◆ Check whether the motor is
Motor auto- auto-tuning fails. damaged.
Er19 tuning
◆ Check the motor wiring.
time-out Subcode 2: Magnetic pole
◆ Check whether the motor is
position auto-tuning fails.
Subcode 1: A/B phase signal
wiring of the encoder is Change the power cable sequence
incorrect during synchronous or encoder phase sequence.
motor no-load auto-tuning.
Subcode 2: A/B phase signals
are lost during synchronous Check the encoder wiring.
motor no-load auto-tuning.
Subcode 3: The encoder PPR
is set incorrectly or encoder ◆ Check whether the encoder PPR
signals are seriously is set correctly.
interfered during ◆ Check whether encoder signals
synchronous motor no-load are interfered.
Er20 Encoder fault auto-tuning.
Subcode 4: Signal Z is lost
Check the encoder wiring.
during auto-tuning.
Subcode 5: A/B phase signals
Check the encoder wiring.
are lost during running.
◆ Check whether AB phase signals
Subcode 6: The torque
of the encoder are lost.
reaches the upper limit and
◆ Check whether the motor is
the motor speed is 0.
Subcode 7/8: The encoder
is disconnected during
Check the encoder wiring.
synchronous motor with-load
The motor current is greater Increase the fault current threshold
Er22 Overcurrent than the software overcurrent (F2-25) or the fault judgment time
threshold. (F2-26).

- 136 -
Chapter 9 Options

Display Description Possible Causes Solutions

◆ Check whether the motor wiring
is correct.
Subcode 1: Short-circuit to ◆ Check whether the motor cables
ground exists. are damaged.
◆ Check whether the motor is
Er23 Short-circuit
Check whether the three-phase
Subcodes 2, 3: Inter-phase output of the AC drive is short
short-circuit exists. circuited between phases or to
Subcode 101: Select flux Select the FVC control mode for
vector control mode in F0-00
for synchronous motor. synchronous motor.
Parameter For door width auto-tuning and
Er26 setting Subcode 102: Select the motor auto-tuning, select a non-
prompt demonstration mode in F0-02 auto demonstration mode,
for door width auto-tuning including operation panel control
and motor auto-tuning. mode, manual control mode, and
external control mode.
Subcode 101: The door width
obtained from door width
auto-tuning is smaller than
Subcode 102: The system
runs under distance control
before door width auto-
Subcode 103: Set the door ◆ Check the encoder wiring and
close limit switch, and the related parameters.
system starts to run without ◆ Check the mechanical system of
obtaining the switch position the door operator.
(The door close limit switch ◆ Perform door width pulse auto-
position is 0). tuning before the system runs in
Door width Subcode 104: Set the door distance control mode.
Er27 auto-tuning open limit switch, and the ◆ If the door open and close limit
fault system starts to run without switches are set, ensure that the
obtaining the switch position. controller can obtain the switch
Subcode 105: Set door close position during door width
limit signal during door width auto-tuning.
auto-tuning. When the door ◆ Check whether the door open/
close torque is reached, the close limit signals are normal.
door close limit signal is not
received within 10s.
Subcode 106: Set door open
limit signal during door width
auto-tuning. When the door
open torque is reached, the
door open limit signal is not
received within 10s.

- 137 -
Chapter 9 Options

Display Description Possible Causes Solutions

Subcode 101: The door open
◆ Check the door open limit
Door open limit signal is abnormal or
Er28 signal.
time-out incorrectly set. The cable to
◆ Check the encoder wiring.
the pulse encoder is broken.
Subcode 101: The door open
Low-speed ◆ Check the door close limit
limit signal is abnormal or
Er30 door open/ signal.
incorrectly set. The cable to
close timeout ◆ Check the encoder wiring.
the pulse encoder is broken.
Subcode 101: The guide rail is ◆ Check whether there is stu in
obstructed. the guide rail.
Door open
◆ Check whether the upper limit
Er31 hindered Subcode 102: Parameters of door open torque is proper.
protection related to the door open ◆ Check whether the judging time
hindered are set incorrectly . of door open hindered is proper.
◆ Check the motor parameter
◆ Check whether the motor auto-
Subcode 1: Overspeed fault tuning is normal.
◆ Check whether the encoder
◆ is normal or skids, and whether
the encoder signal is interfered.
Speed Subcode 101: The
Er32 deviation acceleration or deceleration
protection is too abrupt. ◆ Increase the acceleration or
Subcode 102: The motor deceleration time.
angle obtained through auto- ◆ Perform angle auto-tuning
tuning is incorrect, causing again.
runaway. ◆ Modify the value of F5-16 and
Subcode 103: The speed F5-17.
deviation setting is too small,
and the time is too short.
◆ Check whether the door close
limit switch is installed. If not,
Subcode 101: Door close
cancel the input terminal.
Door close limit signal is not detected
◆ Check whether the wiring of
Er33 limit switch during door close when the
the door close limit switch is
abnormal door close limit switch is
◆ Check whether the door close
limit switch is damaged.

9.3 Car Control Board (MCTC-COB-A1)

MCTC-COB-A1 is the car control board. It includes 24 button inputs and 20 button
outputs, an intercom, and two 485 communication ports.
MCTC-COB-A1 is connected to CTB via Modbus communication, consistent with Modbus
communication of HCB. If special protocol is used for your HCB, MCTC-COB-A1 must
also use the same protocol. Otherwise, the MCTC-COB-A1 cannot communicate with
The appearance and terminal arrangement of MCTC-COB-A1 are shown in the following

- 138 -
Chapter 9 Options

6.0 81.0 Ø4.5 2.0


JP2 JP10
JP3 A1 JP11
JP4 JP12

JP5 JP13

JP6 JP14
JP7 JP15

1 2 S1 S2 S3
JP17 JP21

JP18 JP22

JP19 JP23

JP20 JP24

J27 J28 CO2 MOD-
M24 V

J25 MOD-

39.5 11.4

Figure 9-9 MCTC-COB-A1 terminal arrangement (Unit: mm)

Table 9-9 Denition and description of MCTC-COB-A1 terminals

Mark Pins 2 and 3 Pins 1 and 4 Wiring Description
JP1 Floor 1 button input Floor 1 display output
JP2 Floor 2 button input Floor 2 display output When COB is used as the
JP3 Floor 3 button input Floor 3 display output cascaded board, the input
JP4 Floor 4 button input Floor 4 display output signal of JPn corresponds
JP5 Floor 5 button input Floor 5 display output to floor (16 + n) button
JP6 Floor 6 button input Floor 6 display output input.
JP7 Floor 7 button input Floor 7 display output
JP8 Floor 8 button input Floor 8 display output
Floor button
JP9 Floor 9 button input Floor 9 display output indicator
JP17 Door open button input Door open display output
JP18 Door close button input Door close display output Floor
JP19 Door open delay button input Door open delay display output button
JP20 Direct travel ride input Reserved
JP21 Attendant input Reserved
JP22 Direction change input Reserved
JP23 Independent running input Reserved 1234
JP24 Fire emergency input Reserved

- 139 -
Chapter 9 Options

Table 9-10 Function descriptions of MCTC-COB-A1 terminals

Terminal Mark Terminal Name Function Description
M24V/COM 24 VDC power
supply -
JP26 485 Connect to external devices that use 485
MOD+/MOD- communication communication, such as HCB and IC card.
24 VDC power
+24 V -
COM 24 V power supply -
JP27 Lighting control
LIGHT input The lighting is o in case of 24 V input voltage.
FAN Fan control input The fan is o in case of 24 V input voltage.
Z01 Car emergency Car emergency lighting input- shared COM
DC12 Intercom power
supply positive
GND Intercom power
supply negative Connect to the car intercom
JP28 L Intercom output
R Intercom output
Y1 Audio signal
Connect to external loudspeaker
Y2 Audio signal
J1/J2 COB cascaded Connect to MCTC-COB-A1
Voice announcer
S1 Menu of the voice announcer
Voice announcer Perform incremental operations, for example,
S2 increase voice volume or switch language in up
UP direction.
Voice announcer Perform decremental operations, for example,
S3 decrease voice volume or switch language in
DOWN down direction.
S5 Reserved Reserved

MCTC-CTW-A1/A3/A9 must be used together with MCTC-COB-A1. The cable connecting

MCTC-CTW-A1/A3/A9 and MCTC-COB-A1 needs to be ordered separately and has
multiple models. See the following table for details.
Name Model Length
MCTC-CTW-A1-3 m 3m
Cable connecting the car top
MCTC-CTW-A1-7 m 7m
control box and car board
MCTC-CTW-A1-0.35 m 0.35 m

- 140 -
Chapter 10 Applications

HCB Function Wiring

Interface for re Elevaor lock

emergency and the
JP1 elevator lock switch.
Pins 2 and 3 are for
switch input. 1 2 3 4

3 Parameters

Parameter Name Setting Range Default

F6-04 Elevator lock floor F6-01 to F6-00 1
F6-38 Elevator lock start time 00.00 to 23.59 0
F6-39 Elevator lock end time 00.00 to 23.59 0
Program control
F6-40 Bit5: Timed elevator lock 0
selection 1
Program control Bit8: Elevator lock at door open
F6-41 0
selection 2 Bit9: Display available at elevator lock
Program control Bit5: Clearing calls immediately at
F6-42 0
selection 3 elevator lock

10.4 Full-Load/Overload Function

1 Function description
1) The buzzer tweets.
2) The door cannot close, even if you press the door close button.
3) The CCB
CCB displays overload indication, and the full-load indication is displayed at
the hall.
1) The CCB
CCB does not displays overload indication, but the full-load indication is
displayed at the hall.
2) Elevator car calls operate normally. The elevator supports registration
registration of hall calls
but not respond to them.

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Chapter 10 Applications

2 Wiring
The elevator full-load/overload
full-load/overload switches are classied into two types: analog
an alog and
digital. The following part separately describes the parameter setting of the two types.
Wiring and parameter setting of analog full-load/overload switches:

Type Wiring Diagram


Connected MCTC-CTW-A9 F5-36 = 2

to CTB Analog load cell
Terminals 301 and M are connected to positive and negative of
the power cable respectively, and terminal Ai are connected to
the signal cable of the analog load cell.

1 301
4 AI
5 M
MCTC-KCB-B9 F5-36 = 3
to MCB Analog load cell
Terminals 301 and M are connected to positive and negative of
the power cable respectively, and terminal Ai are connected to
the signal cable of the analog load cell.

When the analog load cell is used, load cell auto-tuning must be performed; otherwise,
the analog load cell cannot be used. Perform analog load cell auto-tuning o obtain the
car full-load/overload data according to the following flowchart.

Set F8-01 to 0

Make the car unloaded

Set F8-00 to 0.
Press ENTER on the operation

Put N% load in the car

Set F8-00 to N.
Press ENTER on the operation


Figure 10-1 Analog load cell auto-tuning

auto-tuning flowchart

- 147 -
Chapter 10 Applications

F8-06 and F8-07 respectively record

record the obtained no-load and full-load data after the
load cell auto-tuning is successful. You can also monitor the current load condition in
the car by viewing F8-05. When the current load exceeds 110% of the rated load, the
system reports overload warning.

◆ F8-05 to F8-07 record the binary data indicating the car load condition
rather than the ratio of actual car load to the rated car load.

3 Parameters
The parameters
parameters involved in analog load cell auto-tuning are described in the following

Parameter Name Setting Range Description

Load cell input 2: CTB analog input
F5-36 -
selection 3: MCB analog input
Load for load Set the load ratio of 
F8-00 cell auto- 0 to 100 the car properly during analog
tuning load cell auto-tuning.
0: Pre-torque invalid
1: Load cell pre-torque
Set this parameter to 0 before
Pre-torque 2: Automatic pre-torque
F8-01 starting analog load cell auto-
selection compensation
3: Load cell pre-torque and
automatic compensation
both in eect
Current car F8-05 displays the current load
F8-05 0 to 1023
load condition in the car.
Car no-load F8-06 records the obtained no-
F8-06 0 to 1023
load load condition.
Car full-load F8-07 records the obtained full-
F8-07 0 to 1023
load load condition.

Wiring and parameter setting of digital full-load/overload switches

Type Wiring Diagram Parameter Setting
24v+ 301
Full-load X7
Overload X8

Connected to CTB MCTC-CTW-A9 F5-36 = 1

Digital load cell

The full-load signal and overload signal

must be respectively connected to X7 and

- 148 -
Chapter 10 Applications

Type Wiring Diagram Parameter Setting

3 301
6 X15

Connected to MCB MCTC-KCB-B9 F5-36 = 0

Digital load cell

The overload signal must be connected

to X15.

Type Parameter Name Setting Range Value

Input 0: Invalid
Load cell input
type F5-36 1: DI of CTB 1
setting 2: AI of CTB
Full-load signal NO/NC 0 to 511 Bit6 = 1 (Default: NO)
CTB Bit6
input F5-25
Overload signal NO/NC 0 to 511 Bit7 = 0 (Default: NC)
F5-14 Overload signal input 46 NC

Monitoring of full-Load/overload signal state:

You can view F5-35 on the MCB to see whether the full-load signal or the overload signal
is active. G indicates full-load signal state, and DP indicates overload signal state.

5 4 3 2 1



Figure 10-2 Monitoring of full-load/overload signal in F5-35

- 149 -
Chapter 10 Applications

10.5 Time-based Floor Service

1 Function description
This function provides services for specied floors at certain time periods.
2 Parameters

Parameter Name Setting Range Default

Elevator function
FE-32 Bit8: Time-based service floor function 0
selection 1
Start time of time-based
F6-18 00.00 to 23.59 00.00
floor service 1
End time of time-based
F6-19 00.00 to 23.59 00.00
floor service 1
Service floors of time-
F6-20 0 to 65535 65535
based floor service 1
Start time of time-based
F6-22 00.00 to 23.59 00.00
floor service 2
End time of time-based
F6-23 00.00 to 23.59 00.00
floor service 2
Service floors of time-
F6-24 0 to 65535 65535
based floor service 2

F6-18 to F6-25 set the time range and service floors of two groups of time-based floor
In non-time-based floor service time period, the elevator responds to the service floors
set in F6-05 for 24 h a day.
The setting of time-based service floors is the same as that of service floors in F6-05.

10.6 Running Test

1 Function description
The running test parameters are set to facilitate elevator commissioning and
maintenance, involving:
1) Car/Hall call test
2) Random running test
3) Running test with disabling certain functions (hall call, door open, overload, and
Before the running test at normal speed, check that the shaft is unobstructed, and the
safety circuit, door lock circuit and shaft switches are all normal.

- 150 -
Chapter 10 Applications

2 Group F7 parameters for MCB test

Parameter Name Setting Range Default
F7-00 Car call floor registered 0 to F6-00 0
F7-01 Up call floor registered 0 to F6-00 0
F7-02 Down call floor registered 0 to F6-00 0
F7-03 Random running times 0 to 60000 0
0: No
F7-04 Hall call forbidden 0
1: Yes
0: No
F7-05 Door open forbidden 0
1: Yes
0: Disabled
F7-06 Overload function 0
1: Enabled
0: Enabled
F7-07 Limit function 0
1: Disabled

Description of parameter setting:

If F7-00 is set to 6, F7-01 is set to 3, and F7-02 is set to 5, the car call registered is floor 6,
up call registered floor 3, and down call registered floor 5. After the test parameters are
set, the calls remain valid, and will become invalid after they are changed to 0 or the
system is powered o completely.

10.7 Anti-nuisance Function

1 Function description
The system automatically judges the number of passengers inside the car and car call
registers. If there are excessive car calls, the system determines that it is in nuisance
state, and cancels all car calls. Then, car calls need to be registered again correctly.
There are three judging methods:
1) Nuisance judged by load cell. A load cell is required. The system determines that
nuisance exists when the number of car calls exceeds the number of passengers in
the car plus 3. Every passenger is calculated by 75 kg.
2) Nuisance judged by light curtain. The system determines that nuisance exists when
the light curtain does not act after the elevator stops at arrival for three consecutive
3) Nuisance judged by light-load signal. If the light-load signal is active, the system
determines that nuisance exists when the number of car calls is greater than 3.

- 151 -
Chapter 10 Applications

2 Parameters

Parameter Name Setting Range Default

F0-05 Rated elevator load 300 to 9999 1000
0: Anti-nuisance function disabled
Anti-nuisance 1: Nuisance judged by load cell
F8-08 0
function 2: Nuisance judged by light curtain
4: Nuisance judged by light-load signal

The rated elevator load is used in the anti-nuisance function.

When F8-08 = 4, the light-load switch is used for judging nuisance. Below 30% of the
rated elevator load is considered as light-load.

10.8 Disability function

1 Function description
This function allows people in wheelchairs to use the elevator conveniently, and is
implemented through the disability operation box and hall call box.
1) If there is a call at this floor from the disability operation box, the door open
holding time is prolonged.
2) It is the same for the rear door.
3) If there is a call from the disability hall call box, the door open holding time is
2 Wiring
Disability operation box inside the car:
The car board supporting disability function is connected to COB2 terminal on the CTB,
and the car board supporting normal functions is connected to COB1 terminal on the



MCTC-CTW-A3 Disability operation box



Main operation box

Figure 10-3 Wiring diagram of disability operation box

- 152 -
Chapter 10 Applications

4) Precautions during asynchronous motor auto-tuning

The A/B phase sequence of the encoder must be correct. If the sequence is incorrect,
fault Err38 is reported. To solve the problem, exchange the A/B phase of the encoder.
Motor parameters obtained are stored in F1-14 to F1-18.

Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Property

Stator resistance
F1-14 (asynchronous 0.000 to 30.000 Ω ★
Rotor resistance
F1-15 (asynchronous 0.000 to 30.000 Ω ★
inductance Model
F1-16 0.00 to 300.00 mH ★
(asynchronous dependent
inductance Model
F1-17 0.1 to 3000.0 mH ★
(asynchronous dependent
No-load current
F1-18 (asynchronous 0.01 to 300.00 A ★

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Suzhou Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

Add.: No. 16 Youxiang Road, Yuexi Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou 215104, P.R. China
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Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

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Tel: +86-755-2979 9595
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http: // Copyright Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

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