Work Motivation and Supervisor Performance in Indonesia
Work Motivation and Supervisor Performance in Indonesia
Work Motivation and Supervisor Performance in Indonesia
Abstract — Company or organization requires specific ways to improve the ability of employees between in ways that are
giving them motivation to keep them more active in doing their jobs, but it also empower the company to its employees. This
study aims to determine how much influence the employee empowerment and work motivation on the performance of
supervisors. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach using analytical tools in the form of multiple
regression analysis with 130 samples. The results showed that employee empowerment partially affected the performance of
supervisors, and partially work motivation affected the performance of supervisors. The test simultaneously produced that all
independent variables of employee empowerment and work motivation had positive and significant effects on the
performance of supervisors. The dominant variable influences to employee performance are employee empowerment.
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
work motivation affect the performance of Indonesia assigned. In this case management sets the mission and
Supervision Board of Women Employee empowerment and goals, while employees are empowered to work
Family Planning counselors partially or simultaneously, and their best way to make it happen.
also to find out, which of the employee empowerment and Participatory Employee empowerment, where employees
work motivation variables that influence dominant. are involved in part of decision making on job
content and job context. They are involved in problem
2. Literature Review identification, alternative development, and alternative
recommendations in job content. They are also involved
2.1 Employee Empowerment for the same activities in decision making related to job
Employee empowerment comes from the word power, Mission Defining, where employees are empowered to
which means power, that is, the ability to make it happen or decide on the job context only.
not at all. (Suwatno, 2011). Mulyadi in Kadarisman (2012), Self-Management, namely giving authority to employees.
employee employee empowerment is to enable and provide
opportunities for employees to plan, implement plans, and 2.2 Work Motivation
control work plans for which they are responsible. In
relation to the implementation of regional autonomy, the Motivation is the impetus for a series of human
better employee empowerment of the behavior processes to achieve goals (Wibowo, 2011). If
apparatus will improve the performance of the businesses want to grow and develop must create a work
apparatus. This is in accordance with the 6 benefits environment where everyone wants to do their best ( ILO,
of employee empowerment: 2013) theory of motivation that is commonly used to
Improve quality, innovation, loyalty, sense of explain the source of motivation at least be classified a two,
achievement and employee productivity. which is a source of motivation within (intrinsic) and a
Increase creativity and commitment of employees. source of motivation from the outside (extrinsic).
One important aspect for the success of the transition Intrinsic motivation is motives that become active or
from bureaucratic organizations to team- based functioning need not be stimulated from the outside,
organizations. because in every individual there is already an urge to do
Improve service to customers. something. Individual factors that usually encourage
An important tool for improving performance through the someone to do something are: a) Interest, someone will
dissemination of decision making and responsibility feel compelled to do an activity if the activity is an
because it encourages employee involvement. activity that suits their interests; b) A positive attitude,
Can realize, support, encourage, and help develop the someone who has a positive attitude towards an activity
potential contained in individuals so that they become willingly to carry out an activity, and will try his best to
independent humans but still have personality. complete the activity concerned as well as possible; c)
Needs, everyone has certain needs and will try to do any
Many organizations fail to improve because managers activity as long as the activity can meet their
who have the power to make changes do not care about the needs. Simon devung in Suwatno (2011)
problem at hand. Meanwhile, people who are at the Extrinsic motivation is active and functioning motives
forefront, who understand the problem, do not have the due to external stimuli. According to Herzberg in
authority to do something. Often an organization pays Suwatno (2011) there are two main factors in
consultants handsomely to tell them how to improve the organizations that make employees feel satisfied with the
work process, even though their subordinates can do it. work done, and that satisfaction encourages them to work
better, namely: a) Motivator, namely work performance,
To obtain optimal results regarding employee appreciation, responsibility given, opportunities to
empowerment according to Handoko and Tjiptono (in develop themselves and their work; dab b) Occupational
Hendayady, 2011), five strategies are needed as follows: health factors, constitute good company policy and
No Discretion, describes a very routine and repetitive administration, supervision of adequate technicians,
task. The employee did not participate in designing the satisfying salaries, good working conditions, and work
work. Monitoring is also left to others. Thus, there is no safety.
decision-making authority related to job content and job
Based on the opinion of Mc. Clelland and Edward
Murray, it can be stated that the characteristics of managers
Task Setting, ie employees are given full responsibility
who have high achievement motivation include:
for decisions on job content and little responsibility
for job context. Employees are empowered to make Have a high level of personal responsibility
decisions about the best way to complete the tasks Dare to take and accept risk
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
The indicators for each of the variables above are 10 X1.5.2 0.345 0.261 Valid
measured by a Likert rating scale which has four (4) levels 11 X1.6.1 0.442 0.261 Valid
of preference preferences which each have a score of 1-4
12 X1.6.2 0.580 0.261 Valid
with the following details:
4 = Strongly Agree
3 = Agree The tabulation results Correlation Value for each
2 = Disagree statement item has a value of r count> r table. Thus based
1 = Strongly Disagree on the validity test shows that on all items the statement on
the employee empowerment variable is declared valid and
3.7 Population and Sample can be used as an research instrument.
The population in this study amounted to 130 samples b) Test the Validity of Variables in Work Motivation (X2)
and the population is all family planning counselors who
are spread in each district Indonesia. Based on the results of data processing, then the
validity test of work motivation variables can be seen in
Data collection method - Data collection techniques the following table:
were carried out using the following methods: direct
interview techniques, questionnaire techniques, and Table 2. Test the Validity of Work Motivation Variables (X2)
observation techniques.
No Statement r-count r-table Information
Data analysis method - The analysis used in this study 1 X2.1.1 0.500 0.261 Valid
is to use multiple regression analysis by first conducting a 2 X2.1.2 0.504 0.261 Valid
validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test and
hypothesis test. 3 X2.2.1 0.378 0.261 Valid
4 X2.2.2 0.534 0.261 Valid
4. Discussion 5 X2.3.1 0.504 0.261 Valid
Validity test - Validity test is used to measure the 6 X2.3.2 0.438 0.261 Valid
validity or validity of a questionnaire (Ghozali, 2013). 7 X2.4.1 0.324 0.261 Valid
8 X2.4.2 0.465 0.261 Valid
a) Validity Test of Employee empowerment Variables
(X1). 9 X2.5.1 0.276 0.261 Valid
10 X2.5.2 0.369 0.261 Valid
Based on the results of data processing, the P
variable validity test can be seen in the table 11 X2.6.1 0.468 0.261 Valid
below: 12 X2.6.2 0.580 0.261 Valid
4 X1.2.2 0.416 0.261 Valid Based on the results of data processing, the validity test
5 X1.3.1 0.323 0.261 Valid variable k inerja can be seen on t abel following:
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
16 Y8.2 0.587 0.261 Valid Based on the picture of the normal probability plot, it is
17 Y9.1 0.405 0.261 Valid seen that the points spread around the diagonal line and
18 Y9.2 0.437 0.261 Valid follow the direction of the diagonal line, then the regression
model meets the normality assumption.
19 Y10.1 0.286 0.261 Valid
20 Y10.2 0.371 0.261 Valid Multicollinearity Test - The results of multicollinearity
test in this study can be seen in the following table:
The tabulation results Correlation Value for each
statement item has a value of r count> r table. Thus, the Table 5. Multicollinearity Test Results
validity test shows that all statement items on the
No Variable Collinearity Information
performance variable are declared valid and can be used as
research instruments.
Tolerance VIF
Reliability Test - Reliability is a tool to measure a 1 Employee 0.823 1.216 Multicollinearity
questionnaire which is an indicator of a variable or empowerment free
construct (Ghozali, 2013: 47). The results of the reliability (X1)
testing are as follows:
2 Work Motivation 0.823 1.216 Multicollinearity
Table 4. Reliability Test Results (X2) free
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
Heteroscedasticity Test - According to Ghozali, (2013) Women's Employee empowerment Agency and Indonesia
the heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the Planning Board.
regression model there is an inequality of variance from
residual safety to other observations. F test - The results of the F test are seen in the
following table:
H0 : The variables of employee empowerment and work
Fig. 3: Heteroscedasticity Test Results
motivation simultaneously have no significant effect on the
dependent variable, namely the performance of
Based on the scatterplot image above, it can be seen
Ha : The variables of employee empowerment and work
that the points spread randomly and are spread both above
motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on the
and below the number 0 on the Y axis. It can be concluded
dependent variable, namely the performance of
that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model,
so that the regression model is suitable for performance
based on input of independent variables work employee
Judging from the significant effect using the F test at a
empowerment and motivation.
significant level of (α = 0.05) from the table above,
obtained Fcount of 16.996 with a probability level of 0,000
Hypothesis test - Hypothesis testing is done by looking
(significant) and obtained F table of 2, 66, indicating that
at the effect of each independent variable on the dependent
the F count is greater than F table (16.996> 2.66) means
variable simultaneously (F test), and partially (t test).
that Ho is rejected H1 is accepted and because the
probability is much smaller than 0.05, the regression model
Determination Coefficient Test - The results of the
can be used to predict performance. Or it can be said that
multiple determination coefficients can be seen in the
employee empowerment and work motivation together
following table:
affect performance. Then it can be stated a hypothesis
Table 6. Coefficient of Determination R and R2
which states that the independent variable consisting of
employee empowerment (X1) and work motivation (X2)
Adjusted R Std. Error of the simultaneously affect the dependent variable namely the
Model R R Square Square Estimate performance of the instructor (Y) can be accepted or proven.
1 0.622 a .386 .364 3.29785 T test (partial) - T test results can be seen in the
following table:
Based on the table above it is known that the Table 8. t-Test Results (Partial)
coefficient of determination (R2) is obtained at 0.364. This
means that variable X1 (Employee empowerment) and Independent Variable t Sig. Information Results
variable X2 (Work Motivation) have a significant effect on
(Constant) 4,167 0.005
the Y variable (Performance), while the remaining 63.6% is
influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Employee 3,187 0.002 Significant Proven
empowerment (X1)
Furthermore, the results of the calculation of the
multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.622 or 62.2% Work Motivation (X2) 3,085 0.003 Significant Proven
means that, this means that the variables of employee
empowerment and work motivation have a strong level of Based on the t test table, it can be explained for each
relationship with the performance of supervisors at the independent variable as follows:
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
Employee empowerment (X1) Based on the calculation figures in table, the resulting
Hypothesis regression equation is:
H0 : Employee empowerment variable does not have a
positive and significant effect on the dependent variable,
namely the performance of supervisors. 30,039 : Constants
Ha : The employee empowerment variable has a positive 0.521 + 0.484 : Coefficient / Slope / Sensitivity
and significant effect on the dependent variable, namely the X 1 : Employee empowerment
performance of supervisors. X 2 : Work Motivation
Y : Performance
The coefficient value of the employee empowerment e : Error
variable above shows a coefficient value of 3.187 with a
significant level of 0.002. The significance value is 0.002 Based on the regression equation above, it can be
<0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be explained as follows.
concluded that the employee empowerment variable has a The constant value indicates a value of 30,039, meaning
positive and significant effect on the dependent that if the value of the independent variable consisting of
variable, namely the performance of supervisors. employee empowerment and work motivation is 0, then
the dependent variable is the performance of supervisors
Work Motivation (X2) at the Women's Employee empowerment and Family
Hypothesis Planning Agency of Indonesia will continue to increase
H 0 : Work motivation variable does not have a positive and by 30,039.
significant effect on the dependent variable, namely the The employee empowerment variable has a positive value
performance of supervisors. with a coefficient or slope value of 0.521. This means that
H a : The variable of work motivation has a positive and the relationship of employee empowerment variables with
significant effect on the dependent variable, namely the the performance of supervisors has a linear relationship or
performance of supervisors. directly proportional meaning that if the employee
empowerment variable has an increase of 1 unit, provided
The coefficient value of the work motivation variable that the other independent variables are of constant value,
above shows the coefficient value of 3.085 with a then the dependent variable namely the performance of
significant level of 0.003. The significance value is 0.003 the instructor has increased by 0.521 units. Conversely, if
<0.05, so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be the employee empowerment variable decreases by 1 unit,
concluded that the work motivation variable has a positive the performance variable of supervisors at the Women's
and significant effect on the dependent variable, namely the Employee empowerment Agency and Family Planning
performance of supervisors. District of Indonesia has decreased by a coefficient value
with the assumption that the other variables have not
Multiple Regression Analysis - Based on calculations changed (fixed).
using the SPSS 16 program, the results are as shown in the
Work motivation variable has a positive value with a
following table: coefficient or slope value of 0.484. This means that the
relationship between work motivation variables and the
Table 9. Calculation of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
performance of instructors has a linear relationship or is
Stand directly proportional, meaning that if the work motivation
ardize variable increases by 1 unit, with the other independent
Unstandardize variables being constant, the dependent variable, namely
d Collinearity
d Coefficients the performance of the instructor, experiences an increase
Coeffi Statistics
cients of 0.484 units. Conversely, if the work motivation
Model T Sig. Toler variable decreases by 1 unit, the performance variable of
Std. Err supervisors at the Indonesia Women's Employee
B Beta VIF
or ance empowerment and Family Planning Agency has
(Consta 30,03 decreased by a coefficient value with the assumption that
1 7,209 4,167 .000 the other variables have not changed (fixed).
nt) 9
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
shows that the employee empowerment and work performance of supervisors (Y) as indicated by the
motivation variables together have a significant positive calculated F value> F table.
effect on the performance of the supervision staff of the The employee empowerment variable has a dominant
Indonesia Women's Employee empowerment and Family influence on the performance of supervisors.
Planning Agency. The results of this research support the
previous research conducted by Arifin, A. et 5.1 Suggestion
al. (2014) showed that the variables of employee
empowerment and work motivation together had a Based on the analysis and conclusion, the suggestions
significant positive effect on performance. The results that researchers can provide are as follows:
were the same was done by Tielung, J. (2013) showed that To the leaders, both central and regional leaders, to
the variables of employee empowerment and motivation to maintain what has been the responsibility of their
work together significant positive effect on performance. respective jobs and to maintain the performance and
quality of the work of supervisors that have been
Effect of Employee empowerment on the Performance implemented.
of Supervisors- Based on the results of hypothesis testing For supervisors, it is better to maintain honesty in
and regression analysis, it shows that the employee reporting work results, always work hard in completing
empowerment variable has a significant positive effect on their respective tasks, and never delay work so that the
the performance of the supervision agency of the Women's quality of work is maintained well.
Employee empowerment and Family Planning Both leaders and supervisors can receive criticism and
Indonesia. The results of this study support previous suggestions from colleagues or the community so that
research Yag conducted by Suryadewi, AP indicates that the they can improve themselves and can support success in
variable employee empowerment significant positive effect their work.
on performance. The same results are also found in research For further research, the scope should be expanded again,
conducted by Setyawan Suprihono ( 2017) showing that the both in terms of variables, research methods, especially in
employee empowerment variable has a significant positive terms of data collection techniques, the number of
effect on performance. populations and samples, as well as the research object
Effect of Work Motivation on the Performance of
Supervisors- Based on the results of hypothesis testing and
regression analysis showed that the variable of work
motivation has a significant positive effect on the
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DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82010