Math - 6 Module - Q4 - M1

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6. _______ is a polyhedron, which means all faces are flat.

A. cone C. prism
B. cylinder D. sphere
7. This is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is
enclosed within a container.
A. cylinder C. prism
B. polyhedron D. volume
8. If a cone and a cylinder have bases with equal areas, and both have
identical heights, then the volume of the cone is _______ the volume of the
2 1
A. C.
3 3
1 2
B. D.
2 5
MA 1
9. The volume of a pyramid is exactly the volume of a prism with a similar
shape, base and the same dimension.
A. false C. sometimes
B. never MARTHEMATICS D. 6 true
10. The volume of a cone is equal to 34the volume of a cylinder if.
A. the base and height
WEEK1are the same C. the base is missing
B. the base is bigger than its height D. all of the above


1 Volume of Solid Figures

Solid figures are three-dimensional objects. This means that solid figures
have length,width, and a height. For example, look at your computer, laptop,
phone, or whatever else you are using. Notice that it has a length, width, and
a height. And all of these figures are polyhedron because all of the sides are
all polygons.

This may make you think that solid figures are probably quite common
in the environment around us, and you are right! Anything with three-
dimension (length,width, and height) is a solid figure and because we live in
a three-dimensional world, these figures are all around us.

In this part of module, you will recall your previous lesson about the
volume of solid figures and appreciate their uses in our daily lives.

Let’s begin!

What’s In

Directions: Identify the solids that can be formed by the given figures. Write
your answers on your answer sheet.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

What’s New

Today we are going to look at five different three-dimensional objects, the

volume and how they are related to each other.

First, what is volume?

By definition volume is the amount of space, measured in cubic units

that an object or substance occupies.

The five objects we will be looking at today are:

1. 2. 3.

Cylinder Cone Rectangular Prism

4. 5.

Sphere Rectangular Pyramid

Three pairs solid figures below are related to each other

Which of the following is already paired? Is it..

 a Cylinder and a Cone?
 a Cylinder and a Rectangular Pyramid?
 a Rectangular Prism and a Rectangular Pyramid?
 a Sphere and a Cylinder?

Let’s find out in “What is It” if your answers are correct.

What is It

Let’s find out their similarities.



Cylinder Cone

What have you noticed about the two figures?

* Both have base area, radius and height.

How do we find the volume of a cylinder and a cone?

*Volume of Cylinder is the product of circular base area and the height.
*Volume of a cone is the volume of a cylinder.

Let’s take a look at this!

At Teodoro’s store, you can buy a Big Gulp or a little Gulp juice. The Big
Gulp comes in a can, while the little Gulp is served in a cone.
The Big Gulp and little Gulp containers have equal radii(plural for radius) and
equal heights. So it takes three little Gulps to fill one Big Gulp.

Big Gulp
little + little + little =
Gulp Gulp Gulp

Therefore : One little Gulp filled with water can occupy part of the Big

Big Gulp
Little Gulp = 1

What fraction of the volume of the Big Gulp is the volume of the little gulp?
Answer. The volume of a cone is 3 the volume of a cylinder with the same base
area(B) and height(h)

Volume of Cylinder is the product of circular base area times height.

So, V = Bh
Since Base area is equivalent to (πr2) therefore: V= πr2h

From the previous formula of a Cylinder “Bh” and 3 cones = 1 cylinder,

therefore Volume of a Cone is of the volume of the cylinder
So, V = Bh
Since the Base area is equivalent to (πr2) therefore : V= πr2h

Relationship Between Rectangular Pyramid and Rectangular Prism

w w

Rectangular Pyramid Rectangular Prism
Same with the concept between the volume of a cone and a cylinder.
Rectangular Pyramid if filled with water can occupy 3 part of the Rectangular

w 3

The volume of a pyramid is exactly the volume of a prism with a similar
shape, base, the same dimension.
If you have a pyramid with a rectangular base, its volume will be the
volume of a rectangular prism with equal length, width and height.

Since the Volume of Prism is the product of the base area (B) and the
height (h). The base area is the length and width. B = lw

Looking at our figure of a rectangular prism showing that it has length,

width and height. So therefore the formula in finding the volume of a
rectangular prism is length times width times height or V= lwh

Therefore : Since the formula in finding the volume of a rectangular

prism is the product of the base area and height, now the Volume of Pyramid
is equal to the base (B) times the height(h) of the rectangular prism.
1 1
V = Bh or V = (lwh)
3 3

Relationship Between Cylinder and Sphere

And now lets’s find out the relationship of the volume of a cylinder and a
sphere .

Just take a look at this figure.

Cylinder has a height and a radius while sphere also has the same part
radius and height. But where is the height of a sphere? To get its height just
double its radius.

r rrr

h h

Cylinder Sphere

A sphere is a geometrical object in three-dimensional space. If we filled
it with water and poured into a cylinder, the water content of the sphere can
occupy two-third parts of a cylinder.

Look at this illustration!


From our previous discussion you have learned that the volume of
Cylinder is the product of circular base area times height.

So, V = Bh or since Base area is equivalent to (πr2)

Therefore: The volume of cylinder is V= πr2h

And because a sphere can occupy parts of the cylinder therefore the
volume of sphere is the volume of a cylinder. And to get its volume just
multiply the base area times the height. As we said before, to get the height
of a sphere we can just double its radius. So the height now is ( h = 2r )

Volume of Sphere now is:

V= Bh B = πr2 h = 2r

V= ( πr2)2r
V= ( πr22r) * r 2 . r = r3
V= πr3

II. Directions: Match the volume of solid figure in Column A with the
corresponding volume in Column B. Write your answers on your answer

Column A Column B

1. A.
Big Gulp


little little
2. B. Gulp Gulp


3. C.

4. D.

5. E.
Big Gulp


Directions: Answer the following. Write the letter of your answers on your
answer sheet.

1. It is a solid figure with a triangle as one of the lateral faces and has a
circular base. It has a point in its end and diagonal line can be seen in it.
A. Cone
B. Diamond
C. Pyramid
D. Triangular prism

2. This kind of solid figure can be seen typically during summer season and
can be associated to a sweet delicious kind of food. What kind of solid
figure is this?
A. Cone
B. Cube
C. Cylinder
D. Rectangular prism

3. What is missing in this formula in finding the volume of a cylinder?

V = πr2
A. b
B. h
C. l
D. w

4. What is the shape of the faces of a rectangular prism?

A. Circle and square
B. Square and triangle
C. Square and rectangle
D. Rectangle and triangle

5. What type of a solid figure is a volleyball?

A. Cube
B. Cone
C. Cylinder
D. Sphere

6. Which of the following statements are true?
A. A cone is a type of a solid figure
B. Solid figure has a length,width and height
C. Solid figure are three dimensional objects
D. All of these statements are true

7. Which solid shapes can you roll?

A. Cone, cube, and cylinder
B. Cylinder, cone, sphere
C. Rectangular prism, cone, cylinder
D. Sphere, cube, pyramid

8. What is missing in this formula in finding the volume of a sphere?

V = πr3
A. 3
B. 3
C. 3
D. 2

9. Which of the following is the correct formula in finding the volume of a

rectangular prism?
A. V = lwh
B. V= Bh
C. V = πr3
D. V = Bh

10. It is the amount of space enclosed in a figure.

A. Area
B. Volume
C. Perimeter
D. Surface area

What’s More
1. b What I Know
2. c
1. b
3. c
2. d
4. c
3. c
5. d
4. c
5. a
1. c
6. c
2. a
7. d
3. d
8. c
4. e
9. d
5. b
10 a
1.A cone and cylinder with same height and What’s In
congruent bases are related because it takes
three cones to fill up a cylinder 1. Cylinder
2.Sphere and cylinder are related because the 2. Rectangular Pyrmid
volume of sphere is 3 of the volume of a 3. Rectangular Prism
cylinder with same radius and height equal to 4. Triangular Pyramid
diameter 5. Square Pyramid
3.The relationship between a rectangular 6. Cube
prism and a rectangular based pyramid with 7. Cone
equal bases and heights is the volume of the 8. Sphere
prism is three times the volume of the 9. Rectangular Pyramid
pyramid. 10. Pentagonal Pyramid
What I Have Learned
1. Volume
2. Polyhedron
1. a
3. Prism
2. a
4. base and height
1 3. b
5. 3 the volume of the cylinder 4. c
2 5. d
6. 3
of the volume of a cylinder
6. d
7. base area and the height
7. b
8. Pyramid
8. c
9. Cylinder
9. a
10. Sphere
10. b
What Can I Do
1.Volume of a cylinder is bigger than the Additional Activites
volume of a cone.*Cylinder holds much
volume . Answers may vary
2. Volume of cylinder is three times as much
as the volume of a cone
3.We will just multiply the volume
of cylinder by 3 to get the formula of the
volume of a cone. If the formula of the volume
of a cylinder is πr2 h, then volume of a cone is
πr2 h
4 and 5 . answers may vary
Answer Key

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