Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

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Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

Article  in  IEEE Access · October 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946973


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3 authors:

Shun Kojima Kazuki Maruta

Chiba University Tokyo Institute of Technology


Chang-Jun Ahn
Chiba University


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Received August 15, 2019, accepted October 4, 2019, date of publication October 11, 2019, date of current version December 27, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946973

Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural

Network Based SNR Estimation
SHUN KOJIMA , (Student Member, IEEE), KAZUKI MARUTA , (Member, IEEE),
AND CHANG-JUN AHN, (Senior Member, IEEE)
Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan
Corresponding author: Shun Kojima ([email protected])
This work was supported by the Grant of Scientific Research No. 17K06415 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a novel Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) scheme enabled by
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) aided Signal-to-Noise power Ratio (SNR) estimation. The Power Spectral
Density (PSD) values are trained for SNR classification and it is mapped to respective Modulation and
Coding Scheme (MCS) sets. Once trained, optimal MCS can be determined in low calculation complexity.
The proposed approach is robust especially in high mobility environment since the PSD appearance is hardly
influenced by the Doppler shift. Its effectiveness in terms of throughput is presented through computer
simulations compared to the existing Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) based link adaptation scheme.

INDEX TERMS SNR estimation, artificial neural network, adaptive modulation and coding.

I. INTRODUCTION and its estimate values should be highly accurate. Compli-

The next generation mobile radio communication systems, cated SNR estimation process for high accuracy may cause
5G and beyond 5G, require realizations of large capacity, feedback delay and it could depress the throughput perfor-
massive connectivity and low latency [1], [2]. Link adaptation mance. Well investigated approaches are Error Vector Mag-
schemes such as Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) nitude (EVM) [11] or time domain analysis [12]. In addition
and Transmit Power Control (TPC) are truly essential to max- to the above concern, they are substantially based on the
imize the throughput performance for wireless communica- complex signal processing which may be affected by the
tion wherein propagation environments drastically fluctuate Doppler shift in high mobility environment. Such fluctua-
[3]–[7]. It can be rephrased that AMC is very sensitive to tion in time domain could impact to the SNR estimation
changes in Signal-to-Noise power Ratio (SNR) to maximize accuracy.
the spectral efficiency. Channel condition and the received In order to address the above issue, this paper proposes a
SNR are varied from the instant of estimation due to the novel SNR estimation method using an Artificial Neural Net-
mobility of user terminal or surrounding objects such as vehi- work (ANN) with supervised learning. ANN is composed of a
cles. In order to track the dynamics of SNR, frequent SNR plurality of neurons made by imitating the human brain func-
estimation and feedback should be performed. It imposes tion [13]–[18]. It has a high problem solving ability by chang-
heavy computation complexity and feedback overhead. The ing synaptic connections according to learning results. Neural
modulation and coding schemes (MCS) are determined based network design is roughly classified into supervised learning
on the SNR estimated at the receiver and is fed-back to and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning extracts fea-
the transmitter side. AMC is effective not only in the flat ture quantities using the pair of input training signals and out-
fading environment, but also in the frequency selective fad- put teacher signals. Resultant function can solve regression
ing environment. In this case, MCS parameters should be problems and identification problems. However, supervised
optimally associated to SNR according to the channel con- learning, requires enormous teacher data sets that may be
dition on which error rate performance depend. In order difficult to collect depending on an object of interest. On the
to fully exploit channel capacity, lots of MCS parameters other hand, unsupervised learning attempts to divide input
should be prepared with fine granularity of SNR [8]–[10] signals into clusters having common factors and to extract
frequent patterns, without giving correct solutions. Once
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and learned, ANN can derive the result with simple calculation.
approving it for publication was Ning Zhang . It is extremely effective in the environment where

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 7, 2019 183545
S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

computation resources and memory are limited or when the also be acceptable. Once the learning process is conducted,
strictly low processing latency is imposed. only the resultant optimized function should be installed to
The proposed method estimates SNR using ANN exploit- the transceiver. Therefore, the proposed AMC works in a
ing power spectral density (PSD) values of the received simplified manner and can be applied to small transceivers
signal. Since the estimator of the proposed method requires being driven with limited power. Furthermore, in the link
only PSD values, it can implement with a simple config- adaptation such as AMC, FBI for control is essential. The
uration. It is also a point that it is easy to acquire data computation complexity for SNR estimation and the amount
set of PSD value and teacher signal of SNR value. Thus, of FBI itself are factors of the feedback delay. The neural
this estimation method easily realizes a high accuracy and network aided proposed method can also alleviate it, since
low computational complexity by extracting features such these features, the proposed approach can contribute to the
as noise power from the PSD. In addition, the proposed massive connectivity and low latency applications such as
method is hardly affected by the Doppler shift since it focuses mission critical IoT and vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
on only the power-domain which excludes the phase offset
impact. SNR estimation accuracy can be kept even in the high
mobility environment. Its robustness and maximized through-
This section explains the time-varying multipath fading chan-
put performance are valuably disclosed through computer
nel that we assumed as the propagation model in this paper
[28], [29]. In the case that the transmission bandwidth is
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows.
larger than the channel coherence bandwidth, the frequency
Section II reviews related works and validates our contribu-
components of the transmission signal exceeding the coherent
tion. The system model is described in Section III. Section IV
frequency bandwidth have different phase transitions and
introduces the proposed method that estimates SNR using
gains. This channel is called frequency selective channel [30].
ANN for AMC scheme. Section V presents the simulation
Its discrete expression can be written as follows:
results from various viewpoints. Section VI concludes this
paper. X k
h(t; τ ) = hk (t)δ(t − ) (1)
At present, an application of machine learning to the wireless gk X
hk (t) = √ exp [j (2πfd t cosαk + φk )] (2)
communication field has attracted a great deal of attention K k=1
and research has been actively conducted [19]. Particularly,
where K is the number of discrete multipaths, and hk rep-
modulation recognition (MR) [20]–[25] and channel
resents the channel complex gain of the kth multipath com-
estimation by using a neural network [26], [27] have been
ponent. δ(t) denotes the Dirac’s delta function, W is the
extensively studied. Modulation recognition (MR) is a pio-
transmission signal bandwidth, gk indicates the k-th path
neering technology that fully exploits the potentiality of
amplitude. fd denotes the Doppler frequency, αk and φk indi-
ANN. MR aims at implementation of correct demodulation
cate the angle of arrival (AoA) of the kth incoming wave
in the receiver side and is an essential technique to improve
and its initial phase, respectively. We constructed  2a time-
the communication performance especially in the cognitive
varying channel based on Jakes’ model. K
P h = 1
k=1 E k
radio environment. Literature claims that MR is fundamental
where E [·] indicates the ensemble-average operation. Then,
for AMC, however, MR and AMC is substantially differ-
the frequency response H (t; f ) is obtained by the discrete
ent techniques. AMC requires information about channel
Fourier transform (DFT) of h(t; τ ) expressed as follows:
quality such as SNR at the receiver side and it is fed-back Z ∞
to the transmitter side. Our proposal introduces ANN to H (t; f ) = h(t; τ )exp (−j2πf τ ) dτ
accurately estimate SNR using PSD. MR is to improve the −∞
signal reception performance even at lower SNR situation, K  
X k
but not to estimate SNR itself. On the other hand, the neu- = hk (t)exp −j2πf . (3)
ral network based channel estimation can also improve the k=1
estimation accuracy as well as communication performance. In regards to K , the following relationship holds,
The common objective of using neural networks among these K = bWTms c + 1, (4)
approaches including our proposal is to simplify the com-
where Tms represents the spread of multipath. From (4), since
plicated calculation processing for a high-speed and a high
K > 1, the frequency response of channel is not immutable
reliable communication. The proposed approach focused on
due to the variation of each channel gains. Such a fading envi-
frequency-domain real-valued signals which can be easily
ronment is called frequency selective. The Doppler power
obtained by Fourier transform of specified signal samples
spectra can be written as follows:
and can reduce the burden on the receiver. In terms of Z ∞  
learning neural network, a data set of PSD can be acquired not 1 ∗
Dk (λ) = E hk (t)hk (t + τ ) · exp (−j2π λτ ) dτ,
only by signal processing but also commercial measurement −∞ 2
instruments such as a spectrum analyzer; captured images can for k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , K . (5)

183546 VOLUME 7, 2019

S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

FIGURE 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.

As can be seen from the above equation, multipath can be C. RECEIVER STRUCTURE
modeled using Doppler spread and power spectra, and it is The receiver structure is shown in Fig.1(b). After remov-
greatly affected by Doppler frequency representing moving ing the GI and performing serial to parallel conversion,
speed of the transceiver. The influence of multipath phase the received signal that passed through the multipath fading
changes in OFDM signals that degrade channel tracking channel is expressed as follows:
performance depends on Doppler frequency. Thus, in the Z ∞
case of high Doppler frequency, channel estimation accuracy r(t) = h(t; τ )s(t − τ )dτ + z(t) (8)
deteriorates and detection performance also deteriorates.
where z(t) is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
which has power spectral density of Z0 . The received signal
after fast Fourier transform is given by
The transmitter structure is shown in Fig.1(a). The time
1 Ts +nT
domain transmission signal is represented as follows: −j2πm(t − nT )
r(m, n) = r(t) exp dt
T Ts

s ss nT
X 2P 2P X
1 Ts
j2π(a − m)t

s(t) = · p(t − nT ) = d(a, n) · exp
Nc Nc Ts 0 Ts
"N a=1
c  # Z ∞
X j2πm(t − nT )
· d(m, n) · exp (6) · h(τ, t + nT )p(t − τ )
Ts −∞
where P is the average transmission power, Nc denotes · exp dτ dt + z(m, n) (9)
the number of subcarriers and d(m, n) is the m-th subcar- where z(m, n) is AWGN having variance of 2Z0 /Ts with zero-
rier of the n-th modulated symbol. Here, d(m, n) satisfies mean. Suppose the maximum chromatic dispersion between
E [|d(m, n)|] = 1. T is the symbol length of OFDM signal, subcarriers is smaller than Tg , the integral with respect to τ
Ts indicates the effective symbol length of OFDM signal not can be expressed as
including guard interval (GI). It is assumed that GI length is
Nc Z ∞   
Tg and Tg is a value that satisfies T = Ts + Tg . The frequency X −j2πaτ
h(τ, t + nT )p(t − τ ) exp dτ
interval between adjacent orthogonalized OFDM subcarriers −∞ Ts
is 1/Ts . p(t) is the transmission pulse, and expressed as Nc Z Ts  
X −j2πaτ
= h(τ, t + nT ) exp dτ
1 −Tg ≤ t ≤ Ts 0 Ts
p(t) = (7) a=1
0 otherwise. = H (m, t + nT ) . (10)

VOLUME 7, 2019 183547

S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

TABLE 1. Switching threshold parameters.

level as QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM. Detailed simulation

assumptions are presented in Section V.A. Suppose the target
BER for switching is set to 10−3 , switching threshold can
be determined as shown in Table 1 [31], [32]. Based on this
setup, this paper examines the fundamental effectiveness of
the proposed approach.


In this paper, SNR estimation using Error Vector Magnitude
FIGURE 2. BER of various coding rate and modulation level at Doppler (EVM) was used as the conventional method [33]–[36]. EVM
frequency of 10 Hz.
compares the reference constellation point with that of the
received signal and then estimates SNR from these difference.
Its SNR calculation formula can be expressed as follows,
Here, under the assumption that the channel state remains
 PN  
nearly flat over the symbol duration T , 1
I 2 +Q2
N n=1 r(m,n) r(m,n)
SNREVM = 10 log 10   , (13)
H (m, t + nT ) ≈ H (m, n) for 0 5 t 5 T . (11) Yr(m,n)
Thus, (9) can be rewritten as where N is the number of received signal symbol. Ir(m,n) and
Nc Z Ts   Qr(m,n) represent the m-th subcarrier ideal constellation points
1 2P X j2π(a − m)t
r̃(m, n) ≈ d(a, n) · exp in inphase and quadrature phases, respectively. Here, Yr(m,n)
Ts Nc 0 Ts
Z ∞ a=1 is given by
· h(τ, t + nT )p(t − τ ) Yr(m,n) = (Ir(m,n) − Ĩr(m,n) )2 + (Qr(m,n) − Q̃r(m,n) )2 , (14)
where Ĩr(m,n) and Q̃r(m,n) are measured in-phase and quadra-
· exp dτ dt + z(m, n) ture components from the received signal, respectively.
s EVM-based SNR estimation utilizes time-domain samples
2P to suppress the AWGN effect. As above mentioned, in the
= H (m, n) d(m, n) + z(m, n). (12)
Nc mobility environment, the recovered IQ data contains error
Observing (12), the received signal is affected by frequency components due to the Doppler shift which would degrade
selective fading. In addition, channel coefficient H (m, n) is the SNR estimation accuracy.
varied with the time progress. With the pilot-based channel
estimation, a channel estimation accuracy is degraded for the
latter part of transmission frame. Therefore, it indicates that
the change in Doppler frequency between the transmitter and The ANN used in the proposed system is 3 layered neu-
receiver greatly affects the channel estimation methods in ral network which is exemplified in Fig.3. Based on the
terms of channel fluctuation tracking ability. back propagation algorithm [37]–[39], the input signal of the
u-th neuron in the c-th (c = 1, . . . , C) layer is expressed as
D. AMC follows:
AMC is generally performed by FBI of estimated SNR [10]. X
The modulation levels and coding rates are selected according xuc = wcu,v yc−1
v + bcu , (15)
to the estimated SNR such that it satisfies the predetermined v=1
Bit Error Rate (BER). Fig.2 shows the BER performance of where wcu,v represents the weight for connection of the v-th
various coding rates at Doppler frequency of 10 Hz. Here, neuron in the (c − 1)-th layer to the u-th neuron in the c-th
we use a convolutional code as an FEC and the modulation layer and bcu indicates the bias for input of the u-th neuron

183548 VOLUME 7, 2019

S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

FIGURE 3. Structure of a multilayer feed forward neural network.

in the c-th layer, respectively. Here, yc−1

v indicates the output
signal of the v-th neuron in the (c − 1)-th layer and the output
signal of the u-th neuron in the c-th layer is represented as
c c c c
wu,v yv + bu ,
c c−1 c

yu = f xu = f (16)

where f is the activation function, and various differentiable FIGURE 4. The power spectrum of the received signal according to SNR
functions are used depending on the application. From (16), level.
it can be rewritten as follows:
yc = f c wc yc−1 + bc . (17) between the teacher signal and the output signal, so that the
The initial value of the input signal is the received signal given output signal approaches to the teacher signal.
by (12) and expressed as follows: The proposed method estimates SNR from the PSD values
of received signal as shown in Fig.4. From Fig.4(a), (c),
y0 = [r̃(1)T , r̃(2)T , . . . , r̃(n)T ]T , (18) the PSD under only AWGN channel has a large feature
according to SNR level. Thus, it is possible to estimate coarse
where r̃(n) indicates the n-th received symbol. Here, the num- SNR level from these spectrum image in human eyes. Mean-
ber of neurons in the first layer is equal to the number of the while, as shown in Fig.4(b), (d), the PSD under frequency
received signal. Assuming that the combination of the teacher selective fading channel shows intense fluctuation, and it
signal and the input signal is [t, y0 ], the output of the network seems difficult to extract the features in terms of SNR at a
is represented by glance. It is expected to be possible to determine the SNR
by extracting these complicated features using the neural
yC = f C wC yC−1 + bC . (19)
network. Furthermore, the feature quantities involved in SNR
Supposing that the cost function is a square error function, estimation that obtained by the PSD value are not affected by
the evaluation index of the network ξ is expressed as Doppler frequency, because the effect of Doppler frequency
appears as a rotation of the received signals’ phase com-
1 T  
ξ = t − yC t − yC ponents; its effect can be excluded on the power spectrum.
2 Although the PSD value is the key point in the proposed
1   2
= t − f C wC yC−1 + bC . (20) method, acquisition of this value can be easily acquired via

2 simple signal processing or measurement instruments such as
In back propagation algorithm, the steepest descent method a spectrum analyzer. Captured images can also be acceptable
is generally used. The gradient of the weight and the bias are to learn the network. In this case, the burden on the receiving
expressed as follows, side can be significantly reduced.
∂ξ In the proposed method, the estimator learns in advance using
1bcu = −η c , (22) PSD values and corresponding SNR values. It enables sim-
∂bu plification of the signal processing for the operation period.
where η represents the learning rate. As described above, If channel environment was changed, newly trained neural
the weights and biases are sequentially updated from the error network can be simultaneously updated to a large number of

VOLUME 7, 2019 183549

S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

user terminals via software-based means. After that, substitut- of the proposed method is demonstrated with these basic
ing the PSD value of the received signal to the learned estima- parameters, other FEC codes, such as Turbo code, LDPC and
tor as an input signal, estimated SNR can be obtained. AMC Polar code, can also be effective as same.
parameters the determined according to SNR estimated value. The ANN structure used in the proposed method consists
The above simplified mechanism is expected to contribute to of C = 3 layers, an input layer, a hidden layer, and an
light-weight signal processing with lower latency. output layer, respectively. The hidden layer is composed of
55 neurons and the learning rate η is set to 0.01. 10000 sets of
PSD values and SNR values were used for each SNR as a data
set. Sigmoid function is employed as the activation function
given by
y = . (23)
1 + e−x
PSD data sets are generated using MATLAB. The train-
ing network is designed using MATLAB Deep Learning
Toolbox. Operating environment for training and testing the
network is NVIDIA Quadro GV100 GPU.
FIGURE 5. Frame structure.

TABLE 2. Simulation parameters.

FIGURE 6. SNR estimation accuracy by ANN.

V. COMPUTER SIMULATION Fig. 6 shows the accuracy of estimated SNR with various
A. SIMULATION PARAMETERS SNR intervals to be classified. When the interval is small,
The frame structure is based on wide spread OFDM as shown the accuracy of SNR estimation is low. For this reason, in the
in Fig.5. One frame consists of 2 pilot symbols and 30 data case of small interval, the spectra of adjacent SNR values
symbols where one OFDM symbol consists of 52 subcarriers are very similar. Therefore it is difficult to extract different
and 16 guard interval samples. These parameters are selected feature quantities by ANN; erroneous judgment increases.
based on the great majority of legacy wireless LAN standard. Meanwhile, increasing SNR interval to 3 dB, its accuracy
The duration of effective symbol is 3.2 µs and the guard inter- exceeds 80%. Thus, the proposed method can demonstrate
val duration is 0.8 µs. Table 2 summarizes detailed simulation sufficient AMC performance by setting the interval of SNR
parameters. The bandwidth of transmission signal is 20 MHz. threshold to 3 dB or more.
Rayleigh fading channel consists of 15 multipaths with the Fig. 7 compares estimated SNR and actual SNR for EVM.
interval of 50 ns. Max Doppler frequencies were set to 10 and The accuracy of the estimated value by EVM deteriorates as
100 Hz representing low and high mobilities, respectively. the Doppler frequency increases. Since the EVM estimates
As for the error correction code, the convolutional code with SNR from the difference between the received IQ symbols
rates of 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 5/6 was applied. If the effectiveness and the reference one, it is largely influenced by the Doppler

183550 VOLUME 7, 2019

S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

FIGURE 7. Estimated SNR by EVM versus actual SNR. FIGURE 9. Throughput performance at Doppler frequency 10 Hz.

Fig. 9 plots the throughput performance with SNR at

Doppler frequency of 10 Hz. It compares that of ideal AMC,
AMC by EVM based SNR estimation and AMC by ANN
based estimation. Applied MCS set is QPSK, 16QAM and
64QAM with coding rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 5/6 for convolu-
tional code. Note that the BER-based AMC cannot always
show the optimal throughput performance; it fluctuates with
SNR especially in the ideal AMC case. From Fig. 9, The pro-
posed method exhibits approaching throughput performance
to the ideal AMC case and is better than the conventional
EVM method. Focusing on the thresholds of SNR = 20.0,
23.0, 26.6, 30.3 and 38.0 dB, the conventional method can
not keep up with this switching, while the proposed method
can appropriately follow this switching boundary.
Fig. 10 shows the throughput performance at Doppler
frequency of 100 Hz. In the case of high mobility, overall
throughput performance deteriorates their maximum values
are also saturated. That of the conventional scheme is further
limited due to the degradation of SNR estimation accuracy
as shown in Fig. 7. On the other hand, it can be confirmed
FIGURE 8. Estimated SNR by ANN versus actual SNR.
that the proposed method can follow the ideal AMC almost
perfectly. From this fact, the proposed method is a quite
shift. Its impact becomes non-negligible as the Doppler fre- effective even under the high mobility environment where
quency becomes higher. forces the intensive Doppler shift.
Fig. 8 then compares estimated SNR and actual SNR for
ANN case. Compared with Fig 7, it can be seen that SNR C. COMPUTATION COMPLEXITY
estimation using ANN is not affected by the Doppler shift.
Here presents the effectiveness of the proposed method in
The measured value and the actual one completely coincides.
terms of the computational complexity. Let ANN learn in
This notable feature can be brought by the proposed method
advance, SNR can be estimated with reduced calculation cost.
which exploits power-domain transformed signals. It success-
In the conventional method, calculation of (13) and (14) is
fully excluded the residual phase compensation error due to
required for SNR estimation. That for the proposed method
the Doppler shift. Therefore, in the method of estimating SNR
is derived from only (15). From these equations, the compu-
from the spectral image using ANN, it is possible to minimize
tational complexity by the EVM is given by
the influence of Doppler frequency and improve the AMC
performance. 0EVM = 2(Nsym + 1)(Nsub × Nsym )2 + Nsym , (24)

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S. Kojima et al.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Neural Network Based SNR Estimation

confirmed that the proposed method contributes to not only

improving the throughput performance, but also reducing the
computational complexity better than the conventional EVM
based method.

This work was supported by the Grant of Scientific Research
No. 17K06415 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS).

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J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 2227–2234, Jul. 2008. doi: From 2001 to 2003, he was a Research Associate
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[33] R. Schmogrow, B. Nebendahl, M. Winter, A. Josten, D. Hillerkuss, Lecturer with the Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City Univer-
S. Koenig, J. Meyer, M. Dreschmann, M. Huebner, C. Koos, J. Becker,
sity. He is currently a Professor with the Graduate School of Engineering,
W. Freude, and J. Leuthold, ‘‘Error vector magnitude as a performance
Chiba University. His research interests include OFDM, MIMO, digital com-
measure for advanced modulation formats,’’ IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.,
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[34] A. Georgiadis, ‘‘Gain, phase imbalance, and phase noise effects on error wireless power transfer. Dr. Ahn is a Senior Member of IEICE. From 2005 to
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[35] H. A. Mahmoud and H. Arslan, ‘‘Error vector magnitude to SNR conver- Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan. He received the ICF Research
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[36] C. Desset and L. van der Perre, ‘‘Validation of low-accuracy quantization from Hiroshima City, in 2010. He once served as an Associate Editor for
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Netw. Commun. (EuCNC), Paris, France, Jun./Jul. 2015, pp. 21–25. doi: IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals.

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