A Hybrid Approach For Energy Efficient Network Design

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A Hybrid Approach for Energy

Efficient Network Design

Varsha Singh1, Abhishek Srivastava2, Rana Majumdar3, Sunil Kumar Chowdhary4
Department of information and Technology
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201313
[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: In wireless sensor networks, there are countless sensor than one sensor, a handset, actuators and a battery for control
hubs that are deployed either inside the objective territory or supply. These sensors have no memory and play out the little
near it to helpfully screen the monitor region. Correspondence measure of getting ready with the data gained. Typically, the
time between hubs, Energy effectiveness and network lifetime are sensor has a handset that can go about as both transmitter and
the primary difficulties which needs the enthusiasm of research
zone. Recent trends show significant advancements in wireless
an authority. The information transmission radio wire and the
sensor networks where sensor networks are having number of gatherer gear both are not remembered isolate keeping the
nodes with specified energy level in batteries for wireless ultimate objective to spare space and essentialness. These
communications, which are deployed to collect environmental days, sensors can grant through transmission media stretching
information from source to destination. Correspondence time out from considerable electromagnetic range.
between centers, Energy viability and network lifetime are the
essential troubles which need the eagerness of research zone.
Nowadays to enhance the network survivability, utilization of
sensor nodes energy efficiently is a critical issue among wireless
sensor networks. This paper proposes a hybrid protocol i.e.
‘Adaptive Threshold Aggregation Distributed Energy Efficient
Clustering (ATADEEC)’ based on Adaptive Periodic TEEN
(APTEEN) hierarchical protocol and Enhanced Distributed
Energy Efficient Clustering (EDEEC) to enhance the
performance of the network system by utilizing the energy of
network nodes. MATLAB software has used to simulation of the
proposed algorithm and to show that ATADEEC scheme is
effective for overcoming of the energy consumption problem due
to redundant data transfer in EDEEC and APTEEN used

Keywords:Cluster head, Energy Efficiency, Heterogeneous, Fig. 1. Architecture of WSN

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), MATLAB software, Data
transfer, APTEEN protocol. Consequently, this paper will confer about EDEEC, TDMA
and APTEEN protocol in Section II, Section III will discuss
I. INTRODUCTION about related research work. Section IV gives proposes work,
flow diagram for hybrid protocol ATADEEC, its architecture
Late years have seen the tremendous progress in WSN because and algorithm. Section V shows result outputs and conclusion
of decreases the cost of development and suddenness in is discussed in the last Section VI.
equipment producing. Past few decades have been set apart
with the speedy utilization of remote sensor networks in a II. PROTOCOLS USED
variety of fields. Presently days remote sensor systems are
utilized as a part of military shadowing, environment checking, A. Enhanced Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering
seismic movement reconnaissance and in indoor applications. Scheme (EDEEC)
These remote sensors have given us the instrument to screen a EDEEC is a clustering based node organization technique and
territory of intrigue remotely. Everyone should do send these contains three sorts of hubs in expanding the lifetime and
sensors, aeronautically or physically, and after that, these security of the framework. EDEEC uses the points of view of
sensors which frame the intersections of the system assemble probabilities for CH choice depends upon starting vitality,
data from the territory under scrutiny shown in Fig 1. remaining vitality levels of the gathering nodes and the normal
energy of the system. Hereafter, it assembles the heterogeneity
Sensor crossing points that make the wireless framework are and vitality level of the system framework and performs better
self-representing convergences with a microcontroller, no less than DEEC.

978-1-5386-4692-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

B. Adaptive Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient Sensor determination. Recreation comes about demonstrate that.the
Network Protocol (ATADEEC) proposed routing plan fundamentally lessens energy utilization
APTEEN protocol is an increase to TEEN protocol and goes .and expands the lifetime of sensor network contrasted with
for catching irregular data collections and reacting to time other various levelled routing plans, for example, Low-Energy
essential events both at a time. APTEEN protocol is a directing Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH).
tradition which considers exhaustive information recuperation.
B.Harleen Kaur, Dr.Tanupreet Singh [02], WSNs create
The hubs in such a framework react to time-fundamental
battery-fueled nodes, which has connected to the base station
conditions, and also gives a general architecture of the system
to for some activities or assignment. As sensor nodes are
in an especially vitality effective way. Such a framework
battery-controlled, i.e., can be dead after the utilization of the
enables the customer to ask for secure data from the system
battery that is likewise called term of WSNs. Remote sensor
framework as chronicled, one-time and energetic inquiries
systems (WSNs) are getting to be well known, all things
independently. APTEEN is in a perfect world prepared for
considered, applications. In light of the best highlights of the
both incidental sensing’s and reacting to time fundamental
asset compelled and battery-mindful sensors, in WSNs energy
events, for instance, living space checking for example animal
usage has observed to be dependably an energizing subject of
observing in the backwoods.
research. So using the energy in an efficient manner may end
C. TDMA Scheduling in dragging out the length of the WSNs. Sensor nodes have a
negative normal for.constrained power in nodes which pulls
For the shared medium wireless network, TDMA is a channel back the system from abusing its pinnacle abilities? Thus, it is
access method that enables a few stations to have a similar fundamental to accumulate and move the information in an
transmission medium. By dividing signal or data stream into advanced way which lessens the vitality dissipation. In this
different time slot as data packet, TDMA allows to share this paper, an overview of different versatile sink based bunching
data packet in a single frequency channel. TDMA permits a conventions has displayed. From the examination, it has come
few clients by partitioning the flag into various availabilities to about that none of the methods performs sufficiently in all
share a solitary recurrence channel. The clients transmit in fast fields.
progression, consistently, each utilizing its vacancy. It is
likewise utilized broadly in PON networks, satellite systems, C.Kalyani Khanke, Mamta Sarde [03], A wireless sensor
and combat-net radio systems for upstream activity from network is a gathering of nodes composed into an agreeable
premises to the administrator. TDMA is one of timetable based network framework, which are little energy obliged gadgets.
MAC tradition which is a subject of dynamic and far-reaching The productive utilization of energy source in a sensor hub is
research. TDMA gives crash free transmission from centre most alluring criteria for dragging out the lifetime of the
points or associations since a plan of timetable availabilities wireless sensor network. So planning proficient routing for
are prearranged. In this way, TDMA can modify well to diminishing energy utilization is the basic factor. As of late,
various systems densities and offered loads. A proficient portable sink approach has been utilized to address the hotspot
TDMA timetable can save vitality by empowering centres to issue, yet it expands end to end postpone which isn't
turn on the radio just in the midst of the arranged transmission satisfactory for the delay-sensitive application. In this paper, to
times of their neighbours, without wasting vitality as a result of take care of the above issue the utilization of energy amid the
sit out of gear listening and getting not in the least like dispute correspondence of information from sensor nodes to the sink
based plans. nodes has gotten. Routing protocols in WSNs alongside the
most energy effective protocol named LEACH and AODV
III. RELATED RESEARCH WORK protocol has utilized. The outlined protocol acquires less end
to end postpone and is energy effective. Escalated Simulations
A.Archana B Biradar, V.V.Ayyannavar [01], Wireless Sensor
are completed to assess the execution of the proposed
Networks comprise of several small, reasonable, asset obliged
sensor hubs. Routing is a testing errand in such condition for
the most part because.of the one of kind requirements the D.Deepak Kumar, Deepali [04], WSN can arrange as static
wireless sensor networks endure. The wireless sensor network and portable WSN. Energy utilization isn't disseminated
comprises of countless is helpful for social, event information uniformly in the static steering protocol. The wireless sensor
in an assortment of situations. Since the sensors work on the network with mobile-sink can be utilized to expel the
battery of constrained power, it is a testing assignment to conflicting energy utilization issue, where mobile-sink
outline a proficient routing plan.which can limit the accumulates information.from different nodes utilizing 1-hop
postponement while offering high energy effectiveness and correspondence. In this paper, we displayed the different kinds
long network lifetime. In this paper, we propose an energy of WSN. Finally, we looked at the quantity of routing protocol
dynamic routing protocol. This convention is hierarchical and of WSN with mobile sink in light of parameter number of the
cluster-based. The choice technique is completed in two sink node, the portability of CH nodes and versatility design.
phases. Above all else, hopeful nodes have recorded for CH
node as indicated by the separation from the base node to E.S. Balaji, Y. Harold Robinson, M. Rajaram [05], WSNs
getting node, and its energy level additionally adds to its applications include a place of difficult to reach metro-city
region encased by wireless sensor nodes (WSNs)- screens network in light of their application and rattled off the
natural parameters like war zone reconnaissance, home distinctive protocol in light of the diverse virtual engineering.
applications like a wellbeing checking, fire alert, and so forth. Through this study, we discover that there are adequate issues
We need to centre on adjusted energy utilization for which display in the postulation, one protocol neglected to
amplifying the network lifetime since Energy assumes an determine the issue, and another protocol does not think about
essential part in Wireless sensor networks. Limiting the entire the versatility of the hub, but rather other one did yet can't
network overhead and life dispensing combined with the upgrade the network lifetime successfully.
multi-hop data recovery process that guaranteeing adjusted
energy utilization among sensor nodes in the network I.Shantala Devi Patil, Vijayakumar B.P. [09], Wireless Sensor
framework. Reproduction comes about demonstrate that our Networks (WSN) discover its appropriateness from military to
Proposed Scheme can have better Lifetime, enhanced medicinal fields. A considerable lot of these applications
throughput, decreased postpone contrasted with other existing require hub versatility. The procedure in which the
techniques. haphazardly conveyed nodes of WSN has isolated into non-
covering bunches called groups are known as clustering, and
F.Rahul Young Sang Yun and Ye Xia [06], This paper proposes everyone has allotted with a pioneer in charge of coordination
a system to expand the lifetime the wireless sensor network and legitimate working of the group head. One of the
(WSN) by utilizing a mobile sink when the basic applications deliberate systems to fuse efficient usage of compelled assets
endure deferred data conveyance to the sink. Inside a in WSN is through clustering and furthermore versatility helps
recommended defer resilience level; every hub does not have to evade hotspots. We expect to give a point by point
to send the information promptly as they wind up accessible. knowledge to a fledgling specialist in this field with the
Rather, the hub can store the information briefly and transmit condition of workmanship clustering plans with their effect on
them when the mobile.sink is and no more ideal area for the mobile WSN.
accomplishing the longest WSN lifetime. To end the best
arrangement inside the proposed structure, we plan J.Manvir Singh Gill, Gursewak Singh Brar [10], Wireless
enhancement issues that augment the lifetime of the WSN Sensors Network comprises of little electromechanical gadgets
subject to the postpone bound limitations, hub energy which are fit for detecting, processing and conveying
imperatives and how protection requirements. The after-effects information bundles from cruel physical conditions like a front
of the paper can be both connected to handy circumstances, line called sensor nodes. The utilization of mobile sinks has
and it can use as benchmarks for examining.energy-efficient been appeared.to be a helpful system to improve network
network outline. We can demonstrate that the postpone execution highlights, for example, inertness, energy
resilience level does not influence the most extreme lifetime of effectiveness, network lifetime, and so on. In this paper, an
the WSN. adjusted Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
(LEACH), which utilizes a mobile sink, has been proposed for
G.T. T. Truong1, K. N. Brown, C. J. Sreenan [07], For wireless WSNs with non-uniform node dissemination. The choice of
sensor networks, we propose an artful routing plan working in choosing bunch heads by the sink hub that have in view of the
unstable conditions. We visualize fire-contenders furnished minimization of the related extra energy and leftover energy at
with little PCs which can go about as mobile sink nodes, every node.
offering transient shorter courses for transferring information,
and offering availability to disengaged regions of the network. K.Edward Jordan Jinsuk Baek Wood Kanampiu [11], Drawn
We consider a sensor field for detecting.and providing details out network lifetime is a fundamental target in wireless sensor
regarding structures amid flames, where sensors are networks. Utilizing a versatile sink is eventually the best way
dynamically being obliterated by the fire, specifically. We to deal with accomplish this objective. With the mobile-sink,
assess the execution on arbitrarily harmed networks, and in the transfer nodes around the sink can simply be changed after
recreation, we demonstrate that we can build the information some time, which permits an adjusted workload and decreased
conveyance by up to half. Current work incorporates finishing transmission remove among the sensor nodes. We assess the
our sensor hub software implementation, while future work impact of a mobile sink hub having diverse portability designs
will incorporate numerical investigation and expansions for in this paper.
managing numerous mobile sinks.
H. Akash Raghuvanshi, Prof. Awadhesh Kumar, Gopi Krishna
Yadav [08], Calculation, the capacity of correspondence and Our proposed approach expands the lifetime of network and
appropriated figuring is a fundamental element of wireless reductions correspondence time in both reactive and proactive
sensor field. The fundamental system of planning a wireless network system. In sensor network hubs have two targets
sensor network is a base usage of energy in every node. In this detected information and prepared information. Clustering is
paper, we have surveyed the diverse energy-efficient protocol an essential factor in EDEEC because clustered node centres
in the wireless sensor field. Development of sink can be forced have discovered information. However, the issue with this
to build network lifetime and in addition the network convention is redundant information which is sent to the base
proficiency. In this paper, we characterized the wireless station over and over by CH hub. To stay away from this

disadvantage of EDEEC convention we hybrid APTEEN with
advancement quality with it. This mixture protocol ATADEEC
handling with selected features of node centres like
characteristic, Threshold, Schedule, and include time TDMA
condition which maintains a strategic distance from impact at
the time of information correspondence by dispensing time
slots. This hybrid system is more successful than past
convention. It takes less time since its utilizing best
functionalities of both protocols. Architecture of ATADEEC
shown in fig 2.

Fig. 3. Overall Cluster Head Election.

B. Flow Chart
The working of this new proposed ATADEEC scheme can be
understood by flow chart shown in fig4:

Fig. 2. Architecture of ATADEEC

A. Overall Cluster Head Election

The election procedure picks a cluster head that represents the
detecting system which is appeared in Fig. The picked cluster
head assembles the detected data and advances to the various
clusters in the way of exchange. The whole move in the cluster
is controlled by the cluster head. The election of cluster head is
a basic procedure where the super node in the cluster is picked.
At that point this CH is presently contrasted and the various
nodes in the cluster. Just the node with most extreme
likelihood of remaining vitality should be picked as the CH
shown in fig3.

head sends data to base station. Else, Node belongs to super
node then cluster head sends data to base station. End if

Step5: When the one cluster head will about to die then
selection for new cluster head will come into process.

Step6: New cluster head will calculate all energy, schedule,

count time and attribute of nearby nodes again and then
compare it and higher value node will get selected as new
cluster head node and broadcast process will be doing by new
cluster head in the network.

Step7: This process will be repeating till all the rounds will get
complete for the data transmission.


Here p is the probability of choosing the cluster heads in the

network so a node become eligible for cluster head again after
1/p0 rounds. So average no of cluster heads should be n*p if n
is total no of nodes. In our scheme nodes are distributed
according to constant m and m0 and nodes are:

A. Cluster Head Threshold value selection Formula

Where, ‘r’ is current round number (lifetime). ‘P’ is probability

for selection of cluster head node. ‘n’ is total number of nodes.
‘G’ is normal node that has not become a cluster head. E0 is
normal node energy and a, b are the factors having more times
energy in advanced node and super node respectively. In our
scheme nodes are distributed according to constant m and m0
and nodes energy are:

Normal node energy = E0 ;

Advanced node energy = E0(1+a);
Super node energy = E0(1+b);

B. Number of nodes in the network

Fig. 4. Flow chart for ATADEEC working
Number of Normal Nodes= (1-m)*n;
Number of Super nodes= (m0*m*n)/2;
C. Algorithm
Number of Advanced nodes= (1-m0)*m*n;
Step1: Select number of nodes, area for the deployment and
initialize network for transmission. C. Total energy in one round

Step2: Define the energy level for different nodes in the

designed network (Normal node is less energy node and super
node is higher energy node).
D. Probabilities for nodes are
Step3: Select cluster head by using the constraints- attributes,
schedule, threshold energy level and count time. Normal node probability, Pnormal = P0/E;
Advanced node probability, Padvanced = P0*(1+a)/E;
Step4: If node belongs to normal node then nodes send data to Super node probability, Psuper = P0*(1+b)/E;
base station. Else, Node belongs to advanced node then cluster
E. Outputs

ATADEEC legitimately utilized the heterogeneity of nodes in
the network for enhancing the performance of the system. In
this paper, we proposed an approach of expanding the
heterogeneity of nodes however with the utilization of a
streamlining directing convention. In this system we can see
that this advancement calculation enhanced the correspondence
among the heterogeneous nodes and delay the lifetime of the
nodes to expand the correspondence. Along these lines this
system is fruitful in accomplishing high solidness period,
lifetime and throughput of the network. It has maintained
lifetime of the nodes by modulating the energy of all node
present in the network for large number of rounds.

In the fig 5 all nodes have defined in fixed area and they have
different energy level. Sink work as a server defined with red
x. The plotting of these nodes and sink has done in MATLAB.
Fig. 6. Desired data packet has transferred but still some nodes
are alive.

F. Comparative Analysis
This paper gave a superior transmission approach while
dealing with constrained vitality nodes. The recreation beat the
APTEEN, EDEEC and ATADEEC and gave a superior
component for directing in in the remote sensor organizes.
This is shown in the fig 7.

Fig. 5. All Node Deployment in the desired network

Fig. 7. Performance comparison between EDEEC, APTEEN and
In this last fig 6 this is shown that the entire desired data ATADEEC
packet has transferred but still there are some super nodes
alive. This was the main motive of designing such algorithm so VI. CONCLUSION
that the nodes will be alive till or after the entire desired data
packet will not send. Some nodes have shown with red colour These days various examines are keeping routing convention
before the round has completed but the number of nodes are in Wireless Sensor Network. Every researcher is going up
alive even though the data packets has been sent to the desired against same issue (i.e., network lifetime), so all tradition
node or network. This algorithm enhances the performance of crucial point is to grow this issue. In this paper, a network
the network with better utilization of the energy of the nodes protocol has developed for upgrading network lifetime and
present in the network. correspondence time by utilizing the energy of nodes in WSN.
This combines the best features of proactive and receptive

network systems protocol both as restricting their points of
confinement to build another kind of network called a hybrid
network system protocol. We Hybrid APTEEN with EDEEC
clustering protocol and TDMA Scheduling process to get
better improvement in result. The re-enactment result shows
that our proposed framework can keep up balanced energy use
scattering among sensor in a sensor network system and like
this expands the network utility. By the best utilization of all
the energy of nodes in the desired network system a more
efficient network system has designed which enhances the
performance of overall wireless sensor network system.


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