Cahokia Heights EPA Complaint

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CHICAGO, IL 60604-3590



Curtis McCall Sr., Chairman

Commonfields of Cahokia Public Water District
2525 Mousette Lane
Cahokia, Illinois 62206

[email protected]

Subject: Notice of Opportunity to Confer Regarding Potential Violations of the Clean Water

Dear Chairman McCall:

This letter is an offer to confer regarding potential Clean Water Act (CWA) violations that the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified as a result of its ongoing investigation of
sanitary sewer overflows (“SSOs”) in the Commonfields of Cahokia Public Water District
(“Commonfields”), located in Centreville, Illinois. EPA inspectors observed SSOs and serious
operations and maintenance deficiencies during inspections of the sanitary sewer systems in
Commonfields. EPA previously provided Inspection Reports documenting these issues and
observed SSOs to Commonfields. SSOs have been documented on at least 25 occasions since
January 26, 2021, based on EPA field observations and SSO reports submitted to EPA by
Commonfields. EPA’s Inspection Reports are also available on EPA’s East Saint Louis Area
SSO website at
overflows. SSOs that reach waters of the U.S. are point source discharges and prohibited under
the CWA.

A systematic operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation program is an essential element in the

management of a sanitary sewer collection system. Implementing such a program requires a
sufficient number of properly trained operation and maintenance staff members. EPA is
concerned about the potential impact that the merger between Commonfields, Alorton, Cahokia
and Centreville into Cahokia Heights and the subsequent transition period may have on sewer
utility staffing, given the number of manually operated sewer lift stations in Commonfields and
the lack of automated sewer system controls and overflow alarms. Failure to maintain sufficient
sewer utility staffing may result in additional SSOs that can contaminate waters, causing serious
water quality problems, and back-up into yards and homes, causing property damage and
threatening public health. Because SSOs contain raw sewage, the overflows can carry bacteria,
viruses, protozoa (parasitic organisms), helminths (intestinal worms), inhaled molds and fungi.
As a result, SSOs may cause diseases ranging in severity from mild gastroenteritis (causing
stomach cramps and diarrhea) to life-threatening ailments such as cholera, dysentery, infections
hepatitis, and severe gastroenteritis.

Opportunity to Confer

As the Chairman of the Commonfields Board of Trustees and Mayor-Elect of the City of
Cahokia Heights (“City”), EPA is extending to you an opportunity to advise the Agency of any
additional information EPA should consider regarding SSOs and sewer utility staffing during the
merger and following transition period. If you agree to a meeting, please plan for technical and
management personnel from Commonfields and the City to attend the meeting. You may have an
attorney represent you at this meeting. The EPA contact in this matter is Dean Maraldo. You or
your staff may call him at (312) 353-2098 or email him at [email protected] to make
arrangements for the meeting. Given the urgency, we propose meeting virtually during the week
of May 3, 2021, or at your earliest convenience.

Next Steps

If the Agency ultimately determines that Commonfields and/or the City is not in compliance with
applicable requirements, then EPA will consider enforcement options available under Section
309 of the CWA, which may include the issuance of an administrative compliance order,
issuance of an administrative penalty order, and pursuing a judicial civil or criminal action.

We look forward to receiving your response.

Digitally signed by
Date: 2021.04.30
HARRIS 09:31:02 -05'00'

Michael D. Harris
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division

cc: La Mar Gentry, Village of Alorton Administrator [[email protected]]

Mayor Marius Jackson, City of Centreville [[email protected]]
Mayor Curtis McCall, Jr., Village of Cahokia [[email protected]]
Dennis Traiteur, Commonfields of Cahokia [[email protected]]
Todd Bennett, Illinois EPA [[email protected]]
Sanjay Sofat, Illinois EPA [[email protected]]
Joe Stitely, Illinois EPA [[email protected]]

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