Ps03 2013 Guidelines For The Management of Major Regional Analgesia

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Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)

Faculty of Pain Medicine

Guidelines for the Management of Major Regional Analgesia


This document is intended to apply to central neuraxial blocks and all other
techniques where a catheter is inserted and left in situ, or where a significant dose of
local anaesthetic is administered, such that systemic toxicity may occur due to
absorption or inadvertent intravascular injection. It is not primarily intended to include
superficial peripheral nerve blocks such as facial or digital nerve blocks, or low
volume local anaesthetic procedures such as small areas of skin infiltration, although
many of the principles may still apply.

The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the management of major regional

blocks including epidural, subarachnoid, plexus and nerve blocks, and to reduce the
likelihood of adverse outcomes and complications which may be associated with
such blocks including, but not limited to, cardiovascular collapse, seizures,
hypotension, allergic reactions, ventilatory impairment, impaired consciousness,
haematoma, infection, abscess and nerve damage.

Major regional analgesia may be initiated for pain management alone, such as
providing analgesia in labour or in the perioperative setting for the provision of
perioperative analgesia. This may be combined with, but is distinct from, regional
anaesthesia which is initiated for surgical interventions and which requires
continuous presence of an anaesthetist (see PS53 Statement on the Handover
Responsibilities of the Anaesthetist). In some instances analgesia may follow on
from anaesthesia as a continuation of the technique.



2.1 Major regional analgesia requires the skill and expertise of a proceduralist
who is a medical practitioner, with training and experience in the technique,
or trainees under the supervision of such a practitioner. An understanding of
the relevant anatomy (including sonoanatomy where relevant), physiology,
pharmacology, equipment used and potential complications of the particular
procedure and the contraindications to its use is essential for safe conduct of
these procedures. Prompt treatment of side effects or complications may be

2.2 Complications of major regional analgesic techniques may occur due to the
physiological changes resulting from nerve blocks, adverse effects from the

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drugs administered (local anaesthetic, opioid and adjuvant medications), or
problems associated with placement of the needle and/or catheter.

Complications may also occur as a result of accidental injection of the

incorrect substance such as antiseptic solutions used to prepare the skin, or
a contaminated substance such as local anaesthetic drugs contaminated by
antiseptic. It is critical that systems and protocols are in place to eliminate
these possibilities.

2.3 Informed consent from the patient consistent with PS26 Guidelines on
Consent for Anaesthesia or Sedation should be obtained prior to the
institution of any regional analgesia. With respect to major regional
analgesia such discussion should include but not be limited to: nerve injury,
drug toxicity, haemodynamic changes, bleeding or bruising, infection, failed
or incomplete analgesia or post-dural puncture headache. It is recognised
that the timing of obtaining consent in some circumstances may not be ideal
(for example, pain relief in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) or in
labour ward (see item 4.2 below)), however, it can often be facilitated by
appropriate prior discussion with the patient. Documentation of such consent
is recommended.

2.4 Initiation of major regional analgesia requires appropriate assistance. This

assistance should be in accordance with PS08 Recommendations on the
Assistant for the Anaesthetist, or in the case of a delivery suite, a suitably
trained registered midwife.

2.5 Initiation of major regional analgesia needs to be undertaken in an

environment consistent with PS55 Recommendations on Minimum Facilities
for Safe Administration of Anaesthesia in Operating Suites and Other
Anaesthetising Locations.

2.6 Infection control measures to be followed, including the use of a sterile field,
facemask, gloves and gowns where appropriate, are stated in PS28
Guidelines in Infection Control in Anaesthesia. Skin preparation should be
conducted in such a manner that agents used for skin preparation are
unable to contaminate drugs or equipment used for neural blockade.

2.7 Clinical assessment of the patient’s coagulation status and anticoagulant

medications is required in all circumstances as many regional analgesic
techniques may have serious complications in the presence of a
coagulopathy, for example, epidural hematoma, and retroperitoneal
haematoma from lumbar plexus blocks. Laboratory investigations should be
undertaken where appropriate however it should be noted that potent
antiplatelet medications, direct thrombin inhibitors and anti-factor Xa drugs
are of particular concern because their effects are not readily reversible nor
always evident on standard coagulation tests.

2.8 Intravenous access should be obtained prior to commencement of major

regional analgesia and in most circumstances maintained for the duration of
administration of medication for that analgesia.

2.9 In addition to monitoring for any specific patient needs, monitoring during
establishment of major regional analgesia should include frequent and

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regular blood pressure measurement, respiratory rate, and conscious state
evaluation. An electrocardiograph and pulse oximeter should be available.
Oxygen should be administered in the presence of sedation. This level of
monitoring should be continued for at least 30 minutes or until the patient’s
vital signs are stable. Subsequent monitoring depends on the block and
drugs used and the clinical circumstances (see item 3.3.1). Institutional
protocols must be applied. In general this should include regular assessment
of heart rate, blood pressure, sedation, pain, and motor block as indicated
by the clinical circumstances.

2.10 After initiating the regional block it is the responsibility of the proceduralist to
remain immediately available until a satisfactory block has been achieved,
the patient is stable, and the potential for immediate complications has
passed. If the technique has been instituted for anaesthesia as well as
subsequent analgesia, the anaesthetist must be present for the duration of
that surgical procedure or until handover to another practitioner in
accordance with PS53 Statement on the Handover Responsibilities of the
Anaesthetist has occurred.

2.11 Major regional analgesia remains the responsibility of the initiating

proceduralist who may delegate subsequent management of the patient to
another medical practitioner, health practitioner, registered nurse or
registered midwife, provided that these personnel have received the
required training, ongoing education and reaccreditation. Institutions offering
major regional analgesia services should provide competency-based
teaching, and accreditation or reaccreditation programs for staff involved in
management of patients undergoing continuous epidural analgesia. The
proceduralist must ensure that the environment for ongoing care of the
patient complies with College guidelines.

2.12 A record of the technique, including method, drugs and dose used,
complications or problems encountered should be documented in the
patient’s medical record by the proceduralist. In addition, instructions for the
subsequent management of the patient should be provided. These include
drug orders and monitoring requirements. Prescription of all analgesic drugs
is the responsibility of the proceduralist.

2.13 Written protocols and procedures should be in place for the continued
management of each technique, its side effects and common complications.
Formal institutional protocols and guidelines for each technique are



In addition to the general principles listed above, the safe and effective management
of major regional analgesia, using repeated intermittent bolus doses or continuous
infusions of analgesic drugs via a catheter, requires the following:

3.1 Catheters or giving sets used for continuous maintenance of analgesia

should be clearly labelled so as to be unambiguously identifiable, minimising

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the risk of mistaken connection or drug administration errors. Tubing colour
should be unique to regional analgesic infusions wherever possible.

3.2 When infusion pumps are utilised, they should be dedicated to use for
regional analgesia infusions only and clearly marked as such. In order to
minimise the risk of inadvertent delivery of excessive amounts of analgesic
drug the maximum rate of infusion, and the maximum size of bolus dose that
can be delivered by the pump should be limited according to the specific
dosage limits for each technique. An infusion pump designed for regional
analgesic infusions, in particular with a maximum infusion rate limit, should
be used wherever possible.

3.3 Tailoring of analgesic regimens to the individual patient requires that regular
assessments of adequacy and adverse effects of analgesic drugs or
techniques are performed and documented.

3.3.1 Monitoring and recording may include a selection from the following
parameters: blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory
rate, pain scores, sedation score, oxygen saturation, urinary output,
sensory levels and motor function.

3.3.2 Optimal assessment and control requires patient feedback, use of

self-reported measures, frequent assessment of pain intensity and
the effect of interventions. Tools are also available to help assess
pain in unconscious or sedated patients, cognitively impaired or
young children. Where feasible, pain is best evaluated when
assessed both at rest and during activity. Unexpected levels of pain,
or pain that suddenly increases, may signal the development of a
new physical problem such as compartment syndrome, for example,
or psychological distress. In the case of epidural or intrathecal
analgesia, back pain or nerve root pain may signify the presence of
an epidural abscess or haematoma (see also item 3.3.4).

3.3.3 Protocols for the recognition and treatment of adverse effects,

whether pharmacological or physiological, resulting from the use of
analgesic drugs including local anaesthetic, opioid, or adjuvant
medication, should be available.

3.3.4 Protocols for the recognition and management of complications

resulting from dural puncture and the use of indwelling catheters
should be available. In the case of epidural or intrathecal analgesia,
these complications may include postdural puncture headache,
epidural abscess, epidural haematoma and spinal cord or nerve root
compression. Any unexpected neurological deficit should be
investigated promptly because in the latter cases, urgent
management is essential for optimal outcomes. Should imaging be
required, magnetic resonance imaging is preferable to a computed
tomography scan. It should be remembered that epidural abscess
may present some days after the procedure. In continuous
peripheral nerve block techniques, suspected infected catheters
should be removed and cultured.

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3.3.5 The presence of epidural catheter insertion site infection and
systemic pyrexia indicate a need for heightened consideration of the
possibility of epidural space infection.

3.4 The proceduralist or delegate, whether a suitably trained practitioner or an

acute pain service, should review patients ideally on a daily basis and more
often if clinically indicated. Such a review may include an assessment of
neurological function, and inspection of the catheter insertion site for signs of
inflammation/infection. It should also include a review of the patient’s
medications, especially with regard to anticoagulants. The proceduralist, or
delegate, should remain available for consultation or management of
complications at all times. After termination of major regional analgesia,
follow-up assessment is desirable.

3.5 A protocol for catheter removal that relates the timing of removal to the
timing of administration of anticoagulant medication, or in the presence of a
coagulopathy, should be available. A registered nurse, midwife, or other staff
member, with the necessary training, may remove the catheter on the orders
of the proceduralist. Details of the removal of the catheter, the date, time,
and state of the catheter and its tip, as well as the state of the insertion site,
should be documented in the patient’s record.

3.6 Surgical and/or other medical staff caring for the patient should be aware of
the analgesic technique used, its potential complications and any specific
implications for the surgery performed or other management issues for the
patient. The need for appropriate consultation with specialised pain
management staff should be communicated to other medical staff.

3.7 Adequate transitional analgesia should be prescribed for patients and

consideration should be given to ensuring that pharmacological interactions
are avoided such as systemic opioids given shortly after subarachnoid
morphine causing late respiratory depression.


In addition to the principles listed above, safe regional analgesia in labour requires
adherence to the following principles:

4.1 Epidural and subarachnoid analgesia have the potential to change many of
the normal physiological processes of labour and delivery. From the time
that regional analgesia is instituted, it is essential that the woman is under
the care of a medical practitioner with obstetric training who can assess her
as necessary, and rapidly effect delivery of the baby by whatever technique
is indicated.

4.2 The proceduralist establishing regional analgesia is required to establish that

the woman has consented to the procedure after having been informed
about advantages, disadvantages including possible complications, and
alternatives. Ideally information about pain relief options for labour, including
regional analgesia should be part of antenatal education for the woman.

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4.3 The services of a qualified interpreter, who is not a family member, should
be engaged wherever possible, when necessary to assist with consent (as
per PS26 Guidelines on Consent for Anaesthesia or Sedation). In addition,
an interpreter may be required to assist in communication between the
proceduralist and the patient during the performance of the procedure,
assessment of the procedure, and any subsequent management issues
related to the regional analgesia.

4.4 Skilled staff and monitoring equipment are required throughout regional
analgesia in labour, to ensure care for both woman and foetus, and for
management of any complications arising.

4.5 Following delivery of the baby, the woman should continue to be monitored
until all effects of the block have subsided.


5.1 It is desirable that equipment to assist nerve location be available if

appropriate, for example, ultrasound and/or peripheral nerve stimulator,
consistent with PS55 Recommendations on Minimum Facilities for Safe
Administration of Anaesthesia in Operating Suites and Other Anaesthetising

5.2 Consideration should be given to the availability of a lipid emulsion, which

may be effective in resuscitation of circulatory collapse due to local
anaesthetic toxicity, used in conjunction with advanced cardiac life support.1

5.3 Equipment and staffing of the area in which the patient is being managed
should satisfy the requirements of the relevant Australian and New Zealand
College of Anaesthetists professional documents, where appropriate.


PS02 Statement on Credentialling and Defining the Scope of Clinical Practice in Anaesthesia

PS04 Recommendations for the Post-Anaesthesia Recovery Room

PS08 Recommendations on the Assistant for the Anaesthetist

PS09 Guidelines on Sedation and/or Analgesia for Diagnostic and Interventional Medical,
Dental or Surgical Procedures

PS18 Recommendations on Monitoring During Anaesthesia

PS26 Guidelines on Consent for Anaesthesia or Sedation

PS28 Guidelines on Infection Control in Anaesthesia

PS41 Guidelines on Acute Pain Management

PS53 Statement on the Handover Responsibilities of the Anaesthetist

PS55 Recommendations on Minimum Facilities for Safe Anaesthesia Practice in Operating

Suites and Other Anaesthetising Locations

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1. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. AAGBI safety

guideline: management of severe local anaesthetic toxicity [Internet]. 2010. From: Accessed: 1
November 2010.


Macintyre PE, Schug SA, Scott DA, Visser EJ, Walker SM; Acute Pain Management:
Scientific Evidence Working Group of the Australian and New Zealand College of
Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine. Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence.
3rd ed. Melbourne: ANZCA and FPM, 2010. From: Accessed 1
November 2010.

Professional documents of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

(ANZCA) are intended to apply wherever anaesthesia is administered and perioperative
medicine practised within Australia and New Zealand. It is the responsibility of each
practitioner to have express regard to the particular circumstances of each case, and the
application of these ANZCA documents in each case. It is recognised that there may be
exceptional situations (for example, some emergencies) in which the interests of patients
override the requirement for compliance with some or all of these ANZCA documents. Each
document is prepared in the context of the entire body of the College's professional
documents, and should be interpreted in this way.

ANZCA professional documents are reviewed from time to time, and it is the responsibility of
each practitioner to ensure that he or she has obtained the current version which is available
from the College website ( The professional documents have been
prepared having regard to the information available at the time of their preparation, and
practitioners should therefore take into account any information that may have been
published or has become available subsequently.

Whilst ANZCA endeavours to ensure that its professional documents are as current as
possible at the time of their preparation, it takes no responsibility for matters arising from
changed circumstances or information or material which may have become available

Promulgated: 1982
Reviewed: 1987, 1993, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2011, 2013
Date of current document: February 2013

© Copyright 2013 – Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. All rights

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no
part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from ANZCA.
Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Chief
Executive Officer, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 630 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia. Website: email:
[email protected]

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