ps03bp 2013 Guidelines For The Management of Major Regional Analgesia Background Paper

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Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)

Faculty of Pain Medicine

Guidelines for the Management of Major Regional Analgesia

Background Paper


Major regional blocks are commonly employed for multiple purposes including postoperative
analgesia, surgical anaesthesia, obstetric analgesia, and for relief of acute and chronic non-
surgical pain. Including obstetrics, central neural blockade accounts for almost 70 per cent of
1 2
all major regional blocks and although complications are relatively uncommon they may
have serious consequences. In the non-obstetric population, the use of continuous and
single-shot peripheral nerve blocks has significantly decreased the frequency of post-
operative epidural infusions in all but major abdominal and thoracic surgery.

ANZCA professional document PS03 Guidelines for the Management of Major Regional
Analgesia was last reviewed in 2003. Since then there has been increasing clinical
knowledge, changes in attitudes, changes in management of anticoagulants , new
techniques for management of local anaesthetic toxicity , and advances in technology
especially with the availability of ultrasound guidance techniques. The guidelines have
consequently been reviewed to ensure that they remain contemporaneous with regard to the
management of major regional blocks and potential complications.


This professional document is intended to apply to all techniques involving central neuraxial
blockade, use of catheters for intermittent administration or infusion of analgesics, and/or
administration of local anaesthetic approaching or exceeding the recommended upper dose

With the advent of ultrasound and its increasing use as an adjunct in localising anatomical
structures, an understanding of sonoanatomy is becoming more important.
The 2010 incident involving the inadvertent epidural administration of topical antiseptic
chlorhexidine solution highlighted the need to address the potential for such errors in the
current review.

Informed consent is guided by PS26 Guidelines on Consent for Anaesthesia or Sedation.

Although the incidence of complications is relatively low and the incidence of toxicity has
fallen from 0.2 per cent to 0.01 per cent over the last 30 years, the consequences may be
serious including permanent neurological injury (0.02 per cent to 0.07 per cent); transient

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neurological injury (0.1 per cent to 0.8 per cent) ; local anaesthetic toxicity with peripheral
nerve blocks (0.08 per cent); infection and failed block. Accordingly, these risks should be
discussed with patients although the challenges associated with the provision of informed
consent in the labour ward or post anaesthesia care unit are recognised.

The potential for infection is a recognised risk with serious consequences especially in
association with techniques including epidural and spinal analgesia. In addition to PS28
Guidelines in Infection Control in Anaesthesia (item 3.1.3), the National Health and Medical
Research Council has published guidelines , as has The Association of Anaesthetists of
Great Britain and Ireland.

Patients receiving anticoagulation medications or the presence of coagulopathies pose

increased risks of major sequelae resulting from haematoma, particularly with epidural and
spinal blocks, but also from retroperitoneal haematoma associated with lumbar plexus
blocks. Patients with coagulopathies or receiving anticoagulant medication require special
consideration and adherence to strict protocols.

Monitoring is essential during the initiation of a major regional block as well as during the
maintenance of the block. The spread of local anaesthetic can be unpredictable (especially
in the epidural and subarachnoid spaces) leading to extensive sympathetic blockade with
consequent hypotension; intercostal weakness; and impaired conscious state associated
with absorption of local anaesthetic, hypotension, or total spinal. Also, the proximity of
vessels and nerves gives rise to the problem of local anaesthetic absorption leading to
toxicity. As circulation, ventilation and conscious state changes can occur quickly,
appropriate monitoring is required.

The onset of side effects and toxicity can be unpredictable and delayed, and dependent on
the route of administration of the medication, the nature of the medication, and the volume
being administered. Practitioners need to be present until such time that these risks have
diminished. Handover to a responsible practitioner may proceed in accordance with PS53
Statement on the Handover Responsibilities of the Anaesthetist.

Subsequent management of major regional analgesic boluses or infusions in the ward

demand the elimination of the risk of incorrect catheter identification. There are numerous
means available including clearly labelling the tubing, colour coding the tubing (cognisant of
colour blind issues), standardisation of different sized connections for each specific
application (intravenous versus epidural), and the absence of injection ports on giving sets
used for major regional blocks.

Infusion pumps have been the source of complications with particular concern about the
ability to limit the maximum volume within a specified time period.

Optimisation of pain relief requires assessment of pain, which is enhanced in patients from
whom feedback may be obtained. In the absence of the ability to provide such feedback, for
example in small children or cognitively impaired patients, tools are available to assist the
assessment of pain control. Assessment is not only central to pain control but also to
diagnose the development of a new physical problem, such as Compartment Syndrome.10
Similarly the presence of indwelling catheters may lead to complications including epidural
abscess, epidural haematoma, and spinal cord or nerve compression. The generation of
protocols for the recognition and early diagnosis should be encouraged to facilitate urgent
assessment and management. Likewise, the development of protocols for catheter removal
in anticoagulated patients should be promoted.

Specific mention of the role of lipid emulsions in conjunction with advanced cardiac life
support is warranted.

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The provision of major regional analgesia services continues to increase, having afforded
patients considerable benefits. Some of the risks accompanying regional analgesic
techniques have been mitigated through changing technology, especially with the increased
application of ultrasound guidance. However, when complications do arise they can have
serious consequences. Guidelines are provided to enhance awareness of the potential
problems, educate practitioners and staff involved in caring for patients receiving regional
analgesia with regards to recognition and management of complications, and to encourage
the establishment of the necessary protocols in hospitals.


PS26 Guidelines on Consent for Anaesthesia or Sedation

PS28 Guidelines in Infection Control in Anaesthesia

PS53 Statement on the Handover Responsibilities of the Anaesthetist


1. Faccenda KA, Finucane BT. Complications of regional anaesthesia. Incidence and

prevention. Drug Safety 2001;24(6):413-442.

2. Greensmith JE, Murray WB. Complications of regional anaesthesia. Curr Opin

Anaesthesiol 2006;19:531-537.

3. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, Brown DL, Enneking FK, Heit JA, Mulroy MF,
Rosenquist RW, Rowlingson J, Tryba M, Yuan CS. Regional anesthesia in the
anticoagulated patient: defining the risks (The Second ASRA consensus conference
on neuraxial anesthesia and anticoagulation). Reg Anesth Pain Med

4. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Management of

severe local anaesthetic toxicity. London: The Association of Anaesthetists of Great
Britain and Ireland, 2010. From: Accessed 31
March 2011.

5. National Health Service, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Ultrasound-guided catheterisation of the epidural space. London: National Health
Service. From:
Accessed 31 March 2011.

6. Abrahams MS, Aziz MF, Horn JL. Ultrasound-guidance compared with electrical
neurostimulation for peripheral nerve blocks: a systematic review and meta-analysis
of randomised controlled trials. Br J Anaesth 2009;102(3):408-417.

7. NSW Health. Safety Notice 010/10: Correct identification of medication and solutions
for epidural anaesthesia and analgesia. Sydney: NSW Health, 2010. From: Accessed
31 March 2011.

Page 3 PS03 BP 2013

8. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian guidelines for the
prevention and control of infection in healthcare. Canberra: Commonwealth of
Australia, 2010. From:
Accessed 31 March 2011.

9. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, Infection control in

anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2008;63:1027-1036. From:
Accessed 31 March 2011.

10. Mar GJ, Barrington MJ, McGuirk BR. Acute compartment syndrome of the lower limb
and the effect of postoperative analgesia on diagnosis. Br J Anaesth 2009;102(1):3-

11. Cameron CM, Scott DA, McDonald WM, Davies MJ. A review of neuraxial epidural
morbidity: Experience of more than 8,000 cases at a single teaching hospital.
Anaesthesiology 2007;106(5):997-1002.

12. Grewal S, Hocking G, Wildsmith JAW. Epidural abscesses. Br J Anaesth

2006;96(3):292-302. Epub 2006 Jan 23. From: Accessed 31
March 2011.

13. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Rowlingson JC, Enneking FK, Kopp SL, Benzon HT,
Brown DL, Heit JA, Mulroy MF, Rosenquist RW, Tryba M, Yuan CS. Regional
anesthesia in the patient receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy: American
Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Evidence-Based Guidelines
(Third Edition). Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35(1):64-101.


The initial draft was developed by Dr Peter Roessler, Director of Professional Affairs (DPA)
Professional Documents, Mr John Biviano, Director Policy, and Ms Rebecca Conning, Policy
Officer, Professional Documents, and was then discussed by the document development
group (DDG).

The DDG comprised:

Associate Professor David A Scott, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA, Councillor

Dr David M Scott, FANZCA, Chair, Regional Analgesia Special Interest Group

Dr Kym Osborn, FANZCA, Obstetric Anaesthesia Special Interest Group

Dr Peter Roessler, FANZCA, Director of Professional Affairs (Professional Documents)

Associate Professor Graham Hocking, FRCA, FFPMANZCA, FANZCA, was invited to

contribute to the review in his capacity as an expert.

The following were also consulted:

National/regional committees

Faculty of Pain Medicine Board

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ANZCA Trainee Committee

Regional Anaesthesia Special Interest Group

Mr John Biviano, General Manager, Policy

Ms Rebecca Conning, Policy Officer, Professional Documents

A revised version of PS03 was promulgated in 2011 with pilot status for approximately one
year, during which further feedback was sought with a view to producing a definitive version
in early 2013. At the close of the pilot phase, amendments were made to clarify the need for
electrocardiography and pulse oximetry to be available (item 2.9), and also in regard to the
engagement of interpreters (item 4.3).

Professional documents of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

(ANZCA) are intended to apply wherever anaesthesia is administered and perioperative
medicine practised within Australia and New Zealand. It is the responsibility of each
practitioner to have express regard to the particular circumstances of each case, and the
application of these ANZCA documents in each case. It is recognised that there may be
exceptional situations (for example, some emergencies) in which the interests of patients
override the requirement for compliance with some or all of these ANZCA documents. Each
document is prepared in the context of the entire body of the College's professional
documents, and should be interpreted in this way.

ANZCA professional documents are reviewed from time to time, and it is the responsibility of
each practitioner to ensure that he or she has obtained the current version which is available
from the College website ( The professional documents have been
prepared having regard to the information available at the time of their preparation, and
practitioners should therefore take into account any information that may have been
published or has become available subsequently.

Whilst ANZCA endeavours to ensure that its professional documents are as current as
possible at the time of their preparation, it takes no responsibility for matters arising from
changed circumstances or information or material which may have become available

Promulgated: 2011
Reviewed: 2013
Date of current document: February 2013

© Copyright 2013 – Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. All rights

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no
part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from ANZCA.
Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Chief
Executive Officer, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 630 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia. Website: email:
[email protected]

ANZCA website:

FPM website:

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