English Novel: The Life Changer

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Possible Questions




Khadijat Abubakar Jalli


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1. Who was fond of teasing C. 18

Omar? D. 20

A. His mum 5. Omar was offered admission

B. Bint into which of these schools?
C. Teemah
D. Jamila A. Ahmadu Bello University
B. University of Lagos
2. Who was narrating their C. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
encounter with their teacher? University
D. University of Ibadan
A. Teemah
B. Omar 6. How old was Omar?
C. Bint
D Jamila A. 4
B. 5
3. Omar insisted that his sisters C. 18
should begin to call him ___ D. 20

A. Omar Esquire 7. Omar was offered admission to

B. Big Bros study ____
C. Lawyer Omar
D. My Learned Brother A. Accounting
B. Education
4. How old was Bint? C. Theatre Arts
D. Law
A. 4
B. 5

8. Why did their mother A. Social Studies
eavesdrop on them? B. English
C. French
A. Because they were crying D. basic Science
B. Because they were praying
C. Because they were murmuring 12. Which arrangement is correct
D. Because they were laughing from the eldest to the youngest?

9. Who was Omar’s favourite A. Omar, Teemah, Bint, Jamila.

sibling? B. Teemah, Omar, Jamila, Bint.
C. Bint, Jamila, Teemah, Omar.
A. Teemah D. Omar, Teemah, Jamila, Bint.
B. Jamila
C. Bint 13. Bint was in ____ school.
D. None of them
A. Nursery
10. Omar almost got angry when B. Primary
___ C. Secondary
D. Tertiary
A. Bint didn’t call him the name
he wanted 14. “Ummi” translates ____
B. Jamila called him Esquire
C. Teemah teased him about his A. mama
result B. mummy
D. Teemah refused to bring the C. my mother
Zobo D. mum

11. Which subject did the teacher

in Bint’s story teach?

15. Under which tree did they all C. Mama
go out to sit when the room got D. Mummy
19. Mallam Salihu was the ___
A. An orange tree
B. A cashew A. the French mistress
C. A coconut tree B. the Social Studies teacher
D. A mango tree C. Bint’s mother
D. Bint’s father
16. How long has it been since
they last had light? 20. How many years ago was
Ummi’s University’s story?
A. 1 day
B. 2 days A. 5
C. 3 days B. 10
D. 4 days C. 15
D. 20
17. “Au Revoir” means ___
21. Around what time did Ummi
A. Good bye start going home after her
B. Good morning registration?
C. Welcome
D, That’s very good A. 4:00 PM
B. 4:30 AM
18. What name does Teemah call C. 4:00 AM
her mother? D. 4:30 PM

A. Mum
B. Ummi

22. On what condition did Ummi’s 25. The HOD was being too nice
father agree to her University and friendly with Ummi because
admission? ____

A. That she must graduate with A. she was beautiful

first class B. he wanted to ask her out
B. That she must not get C. she was seducing him
pregnant while in school D. he knew her husband
C. That she must marry before
her graduation 26. ___ was the first thing that
D. That she must not convert to Ummi noticed upon entering the
Christianity University.

23. “Keke Napep” is a ____ A. The carefree attitude of

A. bicycle B. The difficulty in differentiating
B. tricycle a teacher from a student
C. motorcycle C. The lack of school uniforms
D. bus D. The number of young lecturers

24. When did Ummi get married? 27. Why was Ummi not sure if she
would be able to face the HOD
A. Before her graduation again?
B. Before her registration
C. After her registration A. Because of the toilet
D. After her graduation embarrassment
B. Because she had gotten her
Matric. Number
C. Because he asked her

D. Because she refused to date 31. Why didn’t Ummi tell the HOD
him that she was married?

28. What dress code would Omar A. The HOD didn’t ask
wear in the University? B. She didn’t want the HOD to
A. black shirt, white trousers C. The HOD already knew
B. white shirt, black trousers D. She wanted to date the HOD
C. any of the above
D. none of the above 32. What was Salma’s full name?

29. Why did Ummi lie to the HOD A. Salma Abubakar

that she was pressed? B. Salma Johnson
C. Salma Ahmad
A. She wanted to use his toilet D. Salma Mohammed
B. She wanted an excuse to leave
his office 33. The full meaning of HOD is
C. She wanted to spend some ____
time alone
D. She wanted to surprise him A. Highest Office Duty
B. Head of Department
30. Ummi described the way girls C. Highest of Division
in the University dressed as D. Head Office Department
34. Ummi’s surname was ___
A. completely naked
B. well covered A. Abubakar
C. leaving a lot to the imagination B. Johnson
D. leaving little to the imagination C. Ahmad

D. Mohammed A. Yoruba
B. Igala
35. What was the name of the C. Hausa
HOD? D. Igbo

A. Samuel Jackson 39. Who was in the Screening

B. Samuel Johnson Office all the while that Salma
C. Samuel Jameson grumbled?
D. Samuel Jefferson
A. The lecturer
36. Whom did Salma compare the B. The screening officer
University lecturers to? C. The cleaner
D. Nobody
A. soldiers
B. drivers 40. In the HOD’s office, why
C. police didn’t Ummi sit down until she
D. thieves was asked to?

37. According to Salma, ____ A. Because she was pressed

moves mountains. B. Because she was angry with
the HOD
A. faith C. Because she had manners
B. power D. Because there were no seats
C. authority
D. money 41. Why was Salma grumbling?

38. The HOD was from ____ A. Because she was last on the
tribe. queue

B. Because that was not her first B. She was pressed and wanted
University to ease herself
C. Because she was hungry C. Because the HOD was her
D. Because she thought the husband’s friend
lecturer was delaying D. Because she wanted to get her
Matric. Number
42. Pick Ummi’s correct Matric.
Number 45. Who asked for the story about
“the quiet one”?
A. UG001
B. UG01 A. Bint
C. UG0001 B. Omar
D. UG00001 C. Teemah
D. Jamila
43. When Salma knew that the
young man he had spoken to was 46. The full meaning of “EMAL” is
the Screening Officer, she ____ ___

A. felt ashamed and left A. Email

B. felt ashamed and shook B. Electronic Malfunction
C. begged for forgiveness C. Exam Malpractice
D. kept on grumbling D. Exam hall

44. Why did Ummi go to the 47. According to Ummi, the story
HOD’s office? of Talle was more relevant to
Omar because ____
A. She wanted the HOD to ask her
out A. he was leaving to the city
B. he was a boy

C. they both looked alike ANSWERS
D. Omar was also quiet

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D
48. The kidnapped young boy in 8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. D 13.
Talle’s house was no more than B 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. D
___ years old. 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. B
24. B 25. D
A. 13
B. 14 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. D
C. 15 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. B
D. 16 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. C
41. D 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. B
49. Who was the District Head of 46. C 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. C
the village?

A. Lafayette
B. Hakimi
C. Talle
D. Zaki

50. “IPO” stands for ___

A. Independent Police Officer

B. International Police Officer
C. Investigating Police Officer
D. Important Police Officer


51. Why were no stranger given 54. ____ was not one of the
accommodation in Lafayette charges filed against Talle.
without the approval of the
District Head? A. Armed robbery
B. Murder
A. To make the District organised C. Kidnapping
B. To keep the District Head in D. Extortion
C. To show respect to the District 55. What is the meaning of
Head “Boka”
D. To make sure no criminal is
harboured by mistake A. a native doctor
B. a medical doctor
52. Zaki was ___ C. an eatery
D. a pastor
A. Hakimi’s courtier
B. Ummi’s husband 56. Why did Talle run into the
C. A police officer Hakimi’s house when he heard
D. Talle’s friend the police siren?

53. ______ was not one of the A. He didn’t want to be seen

circumstances around Talle’s birth B. He thought the house was
under attack
A. His mother died after his birth C. He hated sirens
B. His parents had been childless D. because everybody else ran
C. He was a premature baby
D. His parents consulted a native 57. Talle earn the title of “The
doctor to conceive him quiet one” because ___

A. he was mean A. To show that he now has
B. he told everyone told everyone money
to call him that B. To feed the boy he abducted
C. he had a silent character C. To stock his house for future
D. he was deaf and dumb purpose
D. To feed his dying father
58. What brought the Police to
the District Head’s house? 61. What killed Talle’s father?

A. They came for Hakimi A. a car accident

B. They came for Zaki B. a heart attack
C. They came for Ummi C. old age
D. They came for Talle D. food poison

59. Why was he named “Talle” 62. Talle worked as a ___

A. because his father died after A. secretary

his birth B. driver
B. because of the traditional C. personal assistant
medicine man D. barman
C. because he was the quiet one
D. because his mother died after 63. Around what age did Talle
his birth become an orphan?

60. What was the main reason A. from birth

why Talle doubled the amount of B. 10 years
foodstuffs he bought? C. 15 years
D. 20 years

64. Talle worked every day from D. The HOD
____ to ____
68. Who were in the car that
A. 8pm, 4am offered Salma a ride?
B. 4am, 8pm
C. 8pm, 4pm A. Salihu and Habib
D. 8am, 4pm B. Habib and Labaran
C. Labaran and Salihu
65. Where did Talle work? D. Salihu and Dabo

A. in Hakimi’s house 69 “Don’t come in after me.”

B. at the Local Government Whose rule was that?
C. at the District Head office
D. in a hotel A. Salma’s
B. SamJohn’s
66. Tomiwa came from ____ C. Dabo’s
State. D. The HOD’s

A. Osun 70. Ada insisted that people called

B. Ogun ___ her place of birth.
C. Oyo
D. Ondo A. the East
B. the West
67. Who was the 100Level C. Middle Belt
Coordinator? D. Benue

A. Dr SamJohn 71. ____ was the most common

B. Mr Salihu factor that strengthened the
C. Dr. Dabo

friendship between Salma and her B. North
roommates. C. West
D. Middle
A. Food
B. Religion 75. Which car offered Salma a
C. Fashion ride back to school?
D. Music
A. a black BMW
72. Who were the Muslims in B. a white Benz
Salma’s room? C. a black Benz
D. a white BMW
A. Tomiwa and Ada
B. Salma only 76. Which one of Salma’s
C. Tomiwa only roommates was very generous?
D. Salma and Tomiwa
A. Ada
73. Dr. Dabo had been in the B. Ngozi
University for more than ___ C. Tomiwa
years. D. None of them

A. 20 77. Ngozi was from ___

B. 15
C. 10 A. Imo
D. 5 B. Oyo
C. Middle Belt
74. What part of the country was D. Benue
Salma from?
78. What had Salma heard about
A. East Dr. Dabo?

A. That he was lazy D. Eba
B. That he was a womanizer
C. That he had his way with 82. Rats were the delicacy of ___
female students people
D. That he was disciplined
A. Ada’s
79. Among Salma’s roommates, B. Tomiwa’s
___ was the most brilliant. C. Salma’s
D. Ngozi’s
A. Ada
B. Salma herself 83. Why exactly didn’t Salma
C. Ngozi want to stay in the room at first?
D. Tomiwa
A. she hated her roommates
80. What did Dr. Dabo do when B. she hated the room
Salma left his office? C. she hated the hostel
D. she hated all the students
A. He chased after her
B. He prayed for forgiveness 84. How did Salma react to Dr.
C. He rained curses on her Dabo’s advances?
D. He defended his actions
A. She was happy about it
B. She insulted him
81. What was a delicacy of C. She was confused
Salma’s people? D. She ignored him

A. Rats 85. Which hostel did Salma get?

B. Snails
C. Danwake A. Queen Amina Hall

B. Queen Latifah Hall 89. “CGPA” stands for ____
C. Makama Bida Hall
D. Moremi Hall A. Cumulative Grade Per Average
B. Cumulative Grade Plus Average
86. Why had no boy attempted to C. Cumulative Grade Point
go out with Tomiwa? Average
D. Cumulative Grade Post
A. She was not attractive Average
B. She was too shy
C. She was too confident 90. Which grade were the four
D. She was too beautiful girls certain of graduating with?

87. What did Bint whisper into A. First Class

Omar’s ear? B. Second Class Upper
C. Second Class Lower
A. That she didn’t see the D. Third Class
connection between Salma’s
relationship and her expulsion 91. Labaran was a ____
B. That she was jealous of
Tomiwa too A. driver
C. That she wanted more Zobo B. politician
D. That Teemah was sleeping C. lecturer
D. student
88. Who was Habib?
92. Why did Salma quarrel with
A. a driver Tomiwa and her roommates?
B. a politician
C. a lecturer A. because of Habib
D. a student B. Because of food

C. Because of Labaran D. Her shyness
D. Because of religion
96. How much did Habib give
93. Habib thought he was Tomiwa for herself?
speaking with ____ on the phone.
A. N100,000
A. Tomiwa B. N20,000
B. Salma C. N50,000
C. Ngozi D. N10,000
D. Ada
97. In the car, Labaran sat at the
94. Why do students often lock backseat because ___
their doors and switch of the
lights before eating? A. he wanted Tomiwa to seat in
A. They love eating in the dark B. the back was his favourite seat
B. To keep the aroma of the food C. he was the car owner
from going out D. he was the driver
C. To keep off those students that
likes to eat from others 98. Whose number did Salma give
D. To keep flies off the food Habib instead of hers?

95. What first made Habib A. Ummi’s

suspect that Tomiwa was not B. Ngozi’s
Salma? C. Tomiwa’s
D. Ada’s
A. Her beauty
B. Her English 99. ____ is not one of the reasons
C. Her confidence why Tomiwa hated politicians.

A. She thinks they are the ANSWERS
B. She thinks they are the 51. D 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. A
problem 56. A 57. C 58. D 59. D 60. B
C. They lie a lot 61. A 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. B
D. Nobody knows where they 66. C 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. C
stand 71. A 72. D 73. C 74. B 75. C

100. Why did Tomiwa ask 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. D 80. B
Labaran to sit in the front 81. C 82. A 83. A 84. B 85. A
instead? 86. C 87. A 88. B 89. C 90. B
91. A 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. C
A. She feared that Labaran might 96. B 97. A 98. C 99. A 100. A
be a killer
B. She hated sitting beside Habib
C. She disliked front seats
D. She liked Labaran


101. How did Tomiwa know that A. The course has been done
Habib was a politician? before
B. Imams taught it in Mosques
A. She saw his ID card C. It was preached in Churches
B. She read about him on Google D. It was part of what parents
C. Labaran called him Honourable taught their children
D. Salma told her
105. What punishment was given
102. According to Ummi, Teemah to Salma for EMAL?
was hardly moving because ___
A. She was expelled
A. She was paralysed B. She was cautioned
B. Ummi instructed her not to C. She was given a carryover
move D. She escaped the punishment
C. The story engrossed him
D. She was sleeping 106. The past questions for Moral
Philosophy has been repeated for
103. Kolawole was expelled ___ years.
because ___ implicated him
A. 7
A. the security man B. 5
B. Salma C. 3
C. the invigilator D. 2
D. the HOD
107. According to everyone, the
104. One of these is not why new HOD was ____
Ummi considered Moral
Philosophy as a walkover. A. a benevolent man

B. a wicked woman C. 30
C. a benevolent woman D. 40
D. a wicked man
111. What did students call
108. Why was Salma overdressed “Cheat Notes”?
on the day of her final paper?
A. Notes of Salvation
A. She wanted to seduce the B. Notes of Confession
invigilators C. Notes of Concentration
B. She was going for a date after D. Notes of Deliverance
the exam
C. She wanted to look good in 112. Why didn’t Salma know the
their final year pictures answer to any of the questions?
D. It was her birthday
A. Because she did not read at all
109. Who persuade Salma to sign B. Because she read only past
the EMAL form? questions
C. Because she read only the
A. the security man textbook
B. the invigilator D. Because she trusted Kolawole
C. the HOD for answers
D. Kolawole
113. The invigilator suspected
110. Students were required to be Salma because ___
at the hall ___ minutes before the
exam. A. she saw Salma collecting the
A. 10 B. Salma was not writing before
B. 20 C. Kolawole was monitoring her

D. Salma was monitoring her B. If he collected money from her
C. If he was dating her
114. ____ was Kolawole’s full D. If he had slept with her
117. Salma consulted ____ to
A. Kolawole Hakeem help her
B. Kolawole Dayo
C. Kolawole Ahmad A. Labaran
D. Kolawole Abdul B. Tomiwa
C. Habib
115. Why do most students D. Dabo
caught for EMAL simply leave the
school instead of facing the 118. What made Salma cry when
Committee? she faced the Committee?

A. Because most Universities A. Because she was expelled

tolerate malpractices B. Because she mentioned
B. Because the students already Kolawole’s name by mistake
know their fate C. Because Dr. Kabir and the man
C. Because the students have who introduced her to him were
been offered admission into not there
another school D. Because she saw Professor
D. Because their parents asked Dabo
them to come home
119. Habib was a ____
116. What did the Committee
want to know about Kolawole? A. Governor
B. Deputy Governor
A. If he was a student C. President

D. Speaker of the House 123. Who did Habib know that
could have assisted Salma?
120. ____ was the man who
posed as the EXEC Chairman. A. Dr. SamJohn
B. Prof. Sabo
A. Dr. Sabo C. The V.C
B. Dr. SamJohn D. The Committee Chairman
C. Dr. Kabir
D. Dr. Abdul 124. The full meaning of “LT” is
121. What did Tomiwa think that
Salma meant by “...someone A. Library Technician
higher up”? B. Laboratory Technician
C. Library Technologist
A. The President of the Country D. Laboratory Technologist
B. The Chairman of the
Committee 125. What did Teemah teased
C. The Vice Chancellor that Omar would do with his new
D. The Governor of the State phone?

122. How much did Salma offer to A. Yahoo Yahoo

escape the punishment of EMAL? B. Exam malpractice
C. To chase after girls
A. N100,000 D. To play games
B. N200,000
C. N300,000 126. Kabir was a ____ person.
D. N400,000
A. annoying
B. proud

C. friendly A. Because Habib went
D. quiet unpunished
B. Because Labaran went
127. ____ is not one of the unpunished
reasons why Muslims bury their C. Because Zaki went unpunished
dead faster than Christians. D. Because Talle went unpunished

A. To avoid delaying the soul from 130. According to Ummi, why was
meeting its Creator Kabir always happy?
B. To save the bereaved from
prolonged grief A. because he wanted everyone
C. To discourage others from to like him
seeing the corpse B. because he was rich
D. To prevent the corpse from C. Because he was in love with
decaying Salma
D. Because he wanted to cover
128. What does “...lose it to the his sadness
cards” mean?
131. ____ was not one of the
A. lose it to recharge cards reasons why Labaran did not give
B. lose it to armed robbers Habib back the money from Kabir.
C. lose it in a cars
D. lose it to gambling A. Habib was rich and does not
need the money
129. What made Omar conclude B. Habib slept with Salma for the
that there was no justice on money
earth? C. Habib told him not to return
the money

D. Habib wouldn’t expect Kabir to C. Zaki almost exposed him
still have the money on him before
D. Zaki was unprofessional
132. Who did Labaran send to get
back the money from Kabir? 135. Why did the gambling leader
send a thug after Kabir?
A. Gumuzu
B. Talle A. Because he left after winning
C. Zaki while the game was still on
D. Kartagi B. Because he left after losing
while the game was still on
133. ____ was the name of the C. Because he insulted the
thug that was sent after Kabir gambling leader
from the Gambling house. D. Because he duped Salma

A. Gumuzu 136. How did the Police force

B. Talle Talle never to set foot in Lafayette
C. Zaki again?
D. Kartagi
A. They threatened to reopen the
134. ____ was not one of the kidnapping case against him
reasons why Habib was B. They threatened to tell Hakimi
uncomfortable with using Zaki C. They begged and bribed him
again. D. They gave him a drug that
made him forget his village
A. Zaki made him spend over a
million naira 137. Who was the leader of the
B. Zaki had exposed him before gambling group?

A. Hakimi 141. How much did Kabir come to
B. Labaran gamble with?
C. Kartagi
D. Zaki A. N50,000
B. Less than N50,000
138. Apart from the criminal life, C. N300,000
Zaki was also a ___ D. More than N300,000

A. successful farmer ANSWERS

B. spare parts dealer
C. government driver 101. C 102. C 103. B 104. A
D. chronic gambler 105. A 106. C 107. A 108. C
109. A 110. C 111. A 112. B
139. How much did Kabir have on 113. B 114. D 115. B 116. B
him when he left the gambling 117. C 118. C 119. D 120. C
joint? 121. A 122. A 123. B 124. D
125. C
A. N50,000
B. Less than N50,000 126. C 127. C 128. D 129. A
C. N300,000 130. D 131. C 132. C 133. A
D. More than N300,000 134. B 135. A 136. A 137. C
138. B 139. D 140. D 141. B
140. Who sang the song: “The 142. D 143. C 144. B 145. C
Gambler”? 146. C 147. D 148. D 149. D
150. C
A. Kelly Rowland
B. Kelly Rogers
C. Kenny Rowland
D. Kenny Rogers


142. Which brand of phone did 145. Why did the carjackers leave
Salim buy? Salim’s vehicle at the intersection

A. Infinix A. Because Salim disobeyed them

B. Tecno B. Because they saw a Policeman
C. iPhone C. Because they were afraid
D. Samsung D. Because they had other plans

143. Why did Ummi conclude that 146. Why was Salim disappointed
they should all tell Daddy about after seeing his online girl in real
Omar’s admission together? life?

A. So that it will be very loud A. Because someone else used

B. So that their Dad would be her picture on their online profile
scared B. Because she was more
C. So that their Dad would be beautiful than she appeared
excited and get them anything online
D. So that their Dad would not be C. Because she was not as
annoyed beautiful as she appeared online
D. Because she refused to see
144. ____ was Salim’s friend. Salim during the daytime

A. Gumuzu 147. The carjackers were unable

B. Lawal to start Salim’s car because ___
C. Talle
D. Zaki A. the ignition was off
B. the gear was disengaged
C. the ignition was on

D. the gear was engaged that the prostitute was part of the
148. What did Lawal say that
reminded Salim of the other A. Because she said “him” not
ordeal that he had had? “me”
B. Because she said “him” not
A. armed robbery “us”
B. extortion C. Because she said “Please”
C. carjacking D. Because she said “hurt” not
D. kidnapping “shoot”

149. One of the carjackers was 152. “DP” stands for ____
A. Divisional Police
A. Talle B. Displayed Picture
B. Zaki C. Digital Photo
C. Gumuzu D. District Patrol
D. Roger
153. According to Salim, SUVs are
150. ____ was the name of the popularly called ____
prostitute in Salim’s story.
A. Danfo
A. Salma B. Benz
B. Amanda C. Jeep
C. Natasha D. BMW
D. Jamila
154. In Nigerian English, what is
151. Why did the “Please, don’t the meaning of “Military Parking”?
hurt him” make Salim conclude

A. Parking the car to face where b. 8
you came to c. 9
B. Parking the car to face where d. 10
you came from
C. Parking the car to face a cul- 158. What was Tomiwa’s Village
de-sac food for kings?
D. Parking the car with the
headlights on A. Rats
B. Danwake
155. The full meaning of “SUV” is C. Snails
____ D. Pounded yam

A. Sports Utility Vehicle 159. What was Tomiwa’s

B. Sports Utility Van ambition?
C. Sports Ultimate Vehicle
D. Sports Ultimate Van A. To become a dancer
B. To become a cleaner
156. The Life Changer was written C. To become a singer
by ____ D. None of the above

A. Bolaji Abdullahi 160. In the novel it was stated

B. A.H Mohammed that ______ is the second to
C. Khadija Abubakar Jalli English in the ranking of
D. Ummi Ahmad international languages

157. The novel is divided into how A. Spanish

many chapters B. French
C. Arabic
a. 7 D. None of the above

161. In the novel, “good morning” B. Omar
in French means ____ C. Ummi
D. Teemah
A. Banjour
B. Bonjur 165. Who was the first child in
C. Bonjoo Bint family?
D. Bonjour
A Jamila
162. “And how do you say that’s B. Omar
very good in french, who asked C. Ummi
this question. D. Salihu

A. The teacher 166. Who insisted on calling

B. The French Mistress Ummi mum?
C. Bint
D. None of the above A. Bint
B. Jamila
163. “Cest tres bien” in English C. Mallam Salihu
means ____ D. Omar

A. Good bye 167. Who is the second child of

B. That’s very good the family?
C. Welcome
D. Good morning A. Bint
B. Jamila
164. Bint immediate elder sister is C. Teemah
_______ D. Omar

A. Jamila

168. Who was Omar immediate C. His sister’s
younger sister D. Mistress

A. Bint 172. While they trooped out and

B. Teemah went to the courtyard, white
C. Jamila plastic chairs were already there,
D. None of the above ______ and _____ began dusting
them with an old piece of clothing
169. The first daughter in the
family is _____ A. Omar , Bint
B. Bint, Teemah
A. Teemah C. Bint, Jamila
B. Bint D. Omar, Jamila
C. Jamila
D. Omar 173. Ummi community name is
called _______
170. Bint Father read________
A. Lafeyette
A. Law B. Lafayette
B. Accounting C. Lafayete
C. Pharmacology D. Layafette
D. None of the above
174. Omar scored _______
171. Who promised to upgrade credits including English and
Omar touch light phone to a Mathematics at the very first
smart android phone attempt in his WAEC Examination

A. Dad A. 8
B. Mum B. 7

C. 5 A. 8pm
D. 9 B. 5pm
C. 4pm
175. Omar scored ____ in his D. 7pm
179. How many students had the
A. 230 HOD interviewed before he
B. 240 attended to ummi
C. 210
D. 250 A. 1
B. 2
176. The _____was the life C. 3
changer for Omar D. None

A. Passing his WAEC result 180. In my school for just

B. Admission wearing the wrong colour of
C. Passing the Jamb sandals you would be sent home,
D. None of the above _____said

177. Omar mother was a/an A. Bint

_______ B. Omar
C. Ummi
A. Lawyer D. Teemah
B. Accountant
C. Teacher 181. Was Ummi wearing her hijab
D. Pharmacist at the HOD office

178. What time does Ummi’s A. Yes

husband usually close from work? B. No

C. I don’t know 185. How many times did Talle
D. None of the above faint in the Hakimi residence?

182. Talle was not called the quiet A. Once

one at birth? B. Twice
C. Three times.
A. True D. He never fainted
B. False
C. I don’t know 186. The boy that was drugged
D. None and kidnap spent _____
week/weeks in Talle house before
183. How many police vans came the police came and freed the
to stop outside the District head boy.
A. 1
A. 3 B. 2
B. 2 C. 3
C. 4 D. None
D. 5
187. What was the initial price the
184. “Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihir kidnappers demanded for
raji’un” ______ said
A. 200,000
A. The Hakimi B. 1 million
B. The Courtier C. 250,000
C. The police man D. None
D. Zaki
188. The kidnappers Ransom
price later came down to ___

A. 250,000 192. Who did Salma became close
B. 500,000 to in the room all because she
C. 1.5 million was in the know of the latest and
D. 300,000 craziest fashion outfits.

189. If he likes, let him trust A. Ada

everybody _____said B. Ngozi
C. Tomiwa
A. Ummi D. None
B. Bint
C. Teemah 193. Who would never cook for
D. Jamila just herself alone whether her
roommates ate or not.
190. What drove Salma out the
University? A. Ngozi
B. Ada
A. Exam Malpractice C. Salma
B. Tested positive for drug abuse D. Tomiwa
C. Both A and C
D. Looked down on Dr dabo 194. ____ was the new HOD that
didn’t even consider to pardon
191. Which University do you Salma for the Exam malpractice.
think Ummi went to?
A. Prof. SamJohn
A. NorthWestern University B. Prof. Kabir
B. Ahmadu Bello University C. Prof. Dabo
C. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa D. Prof. Amina
D. Taraba State University

195. Who was behind the wheel
as he changed to drive from
Kwangila to Ahmad Bello

A. Habib
B. Labaran
C. Salihu
D. None


151. B 152. B 153. C 154. B

155. A 156. C 157. C 158. C
159. C 160. B 161. D 162. C
163. B 164. A 165. B 166. D
167. C 168. B 169. A 170. B
171. A 172. C

173. B 174. B 175. A 176. B

177. C 178. B 179. D 180. A
181. B 182. A 183. A 184. B
185. B 186. A 187. B 188. A
189. C 190. A 191. B 192. C
193. A 194. C 195. B


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