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PAPER TYPE: C B. it translates genetic

information for the manufacture
1. Which Biology Question Paper of proteins
Type is given to you? C. it stores and carries hereditary
A. Type A D. it is reservoir of energy for the
B. Type B cell
C. Type C
D. Type D 4. The dominant phase in the life
cycle of a fern is the?
2. Which of the following
characterizes a mature plant cell? A. gametophyte
B. prothallus
A. the cytoplasm fills up the entire C. sporophyte
cell space D. antheridium
B. the nucleus is pushed to the
centre of the cell 5. Parental care is exhibited by
C. the cell wall is made up of
cellulose A. toads
D. the nucleus is small and B. snails
irregular in shape C. earthworms
D. birds
3. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the nucleus of a cell? Use the diagram above to
answer this question 6 and 7
A. it controls the life processes of
the cell

A. algae
B. monera
C. fungi
D. viruses

Use the diagram below to

answer this question 9 and 10.
6. With respect to their
decreasing dependence on aquatic
conditions for reproduction, which
of the following is the correct
arrangement of the animals

A. l,IV,II and lll 9. The main function of the

B. IV, lll, ll and l feathers covering the part labelled
C. l, ll, IV and lll I is to
D. lll, ll, IV and l
A. prevent ectoparasites from
7. Which of the animals attacking the animal
represents the oldest creatures in B. generate heat to keep the
terms of evolutionary history? animal warm
C. provide some power for flight
A. III D. serve as insulator to maintain
B. II body heat
C. I
D. IV 10. Based on the shape and
structure of the beak and feet,
8. Which of the following groups the bird represented is likely to
of cells is devoid of true nuclei feed mainly on
A. flesh 12. The movement of material in
B. fruits the xylem and phloem tissues of
C. seeds the plant are represented by the
D. nectar arrows labelled

11. Which of the following is true A. lll and IV respectively

of the transverse section of a B. ll and l respectively
dicot system? C. l and ll respectively
D. l and lll respectively
A. the epidermis is completely
encircled by the cortex 13. During photosynthesis, the
B. the xylem is more interiorly arrow labelled ll represents the
located than the phloem
C. the cambium lies between the A. escape of mineral salts
cortex and the vascular bundles B. absorption of energy from the
D. the vascular bundles are sun
randomly scattered within the C. release of carbon (IV) oxide
cortex D. release of oxygen as a by-
Use the diagram below to
answer this question 12 and 14. Which of the following is
13 lacking in the diet of a person
with kwashiorkor?

A. vitamins
B. proteins
C. carbohydrates

15. The mode of nutrition of sun D. left ventricle
dew and bladder wort can be
described as 18. Circulation of blood to all
parts of the body except the lungs
A. autotrophic is through
B. saprophytic
C. holozoic A. the pulmonary artery
D. chemosynthetic B. systemic circulation
C. the lymphatic system
16. When the mixture of a food D. pulmonary circulation
substance and Benedict's solution
was warmed, the solution 19. Yeast respires anaerobically to
changed from blue to black-red. convert simple sugar to carbon
This indicates the presence of (IV) oxide and

A. reducing sugar A. alcohol

B. fatty acid B. acid
C. sucrose C. oxygen
D. amino acid D. water

17. The primary structure 20. The sheet of muscle that

responsible for pumping blood for separates the thoracic and the
circulation through the abdominal cavities is the
mammalian circulatory systems is
the A. diaphragm
B. intercostal muscle
A. veins C. pleural membrane
B. right auricle D. pericardium
C. arteries

21. The oily substance that 24. In the male reproductive
lubricates the mammalian hair to system of a mammal, sperm is
keep it flexible and water stored in the
repellent is secreted by the
A. van deferens
A. sweet glands B. urethra
B. sebaceous glands C. epididymis
C. fatty cells D. seminiferous tubules
D. granular layer
25. Chemosynthetic organisms
22. The outer layer of the kidney are capable of manufacturing
where the Bowman's capsules are their food from simple inorganic
found is the substances through the process of

A. cortex A. oxidation
B. pelvis B. denitrification
C. medulla C. reduction
D. pyramid D. phosphorylation

23. Which of the following stimuli 26. The part of the human gut
is likely to elicit a nastic response that has an acidic content is the
in an organism?
A. stomach
A. Touch B. duodenum
B. Light intensity C. ileum
C. Chemical substances D. colon
D. Gravity
27. I. Stomata → Spirogyro
II. Alveoli → Earthworm

III. Malpighian tubule → C. helping it to utilize atmospheric
Mammal nitrogen
IV. Contractile vacuole → D. serving as a growth regulator
30. The barrier between maternal
Which of the above structures is and foetal blood is the
correctly matched with the
organisms in which it is found? A. placenta
B. liver
A. III C. umbilical chord
B. II D. uterine wall
C. I
D. IV 31. The blood component that has
the greatest affinity for oxygen is
28. A food chain always begins the
with a
A. lymphocytes
A. consumer B. leucocytes
B. decomposer C. erythrocytes
C. producer D. thrombocytes
D. primary consumer
32. Which of the following
29. Mycorrhizae promote plant organisms is mainly found in the
growth by marine habitat?

A. absorbing inorganic ions from A. Achatina

the soil B. Tilapia
B. protecting it from infection C. Dog fish
D. Tortoise

33. The two halves of the pelvic A. tropical rainforest
girdle are joined together at the B. desert
C. montane forest
A. public symphysis D. guinea savanna
B. ilium
C. pubis 36. The activity of an organism
D. obturator foramen which affects the survival of
another organism in the same
34. I. Adoption of appropriate habitat constitutes
nocturnal habits
II. Burrowing A. an edaphic factor
III. Adjusting their internal body B. an abiotic factor
temperature. C. a biotic factor
IV. Possession of many sweat D. a physiographic factor
37. The average number of
Which of the above are ways in individuals of species per unit
which desert animals adapt to area of the habitat is the
extreme heat of the environment?
A. population density
A. I and IV only B. population frequency
B. II and III only C. population size
C. I and II only D. population distribution
D. I, II and III only
38. The vector for yellow fever is
35. Low annual rainfall, sparse
vegetation, high diurnal A. Aedes mosquito
temperatures and cold nights are B. Anopheles mosquito
characteristic features of the C. tsetse fly

D. blackfly Use the diagram below to
answer questions 42 and 43
39. The loss of soil through
erosion can be reduced by

A. watering
B. crop rotation
C. manuring
42. In which plantation are all the
D. irrigation
trees between the height of 2-
40. The protozoan plasmodium
falciparum is transmitted by
A. female Anopheles mosquitoes
C. I
B. female Aedes mosquitoes
C. female Culex mosquitoes
D. Female blackfly
43. Which of the following is a
true feature of plantation ll?
41. A dilute solution of
phenylthiocarbamide tastes bitter
A. it has the highest number of
to some people and is tasteless to
trees of about 2m high.
others. This is an example of
B. it has highest number of trees
C. it has the highest number of
A. taste bud variation
tall trees
B. discontinuous variation
D. the height of all its trees range
C. morphological variation
between 2m and 6m
D. continuous variation

44. Thyroxine and adrenalin are 47. If both parents are
examples of hormones which heterozygous for a trait, the
control probability that an offspring will
be recessive for that trait is
A. blood grouping
B. tongue rolling A. 3⁄4
C. behavioural patterns B. 1⁄2
D. colour variation C. 1⁄4
D. 1
45. A pair of genes that control a
trait is referred to as 48. At what stage in the life
history of a mammal is the sex of
A. an allele an individual set?
B. recessive
C. dominant A. at adolescence
D. a hybrid B. at puberty
C. at birth
46. The chromosome number of a D. at conception
cell before and after the process
of meiosis is conventionally 49. The main distinguishing
represented as features between the soldier
termite and other members of the
A. 2n → 2n caste are the
B. n → n
C. n → 2n A. presence of wings, possession
D. 2n → n of a small head and large thorax
B. presence of wings, possession
of a large thorax and a small head

C. absence of wings, possession Facebook Study Group
of strong mandibles and a large
head If you need an explanation to
D. absence of wings, possession any of the answers or you want to
of big head and the absence of download more past questions
mandible for FREE.

50. The flippers of a whale and Click to ENTER our Facebook

the fins of a fish are examples of study group

A. divergent evolution
B. coevolution
C. continuous variation
D. convergent evolution


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D
8. D 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13.
D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. B
19. A 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C
24. C 25. D

26. A 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. A

31. C 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. D
36. A 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. A
41. B 42. A 43. A 44. C 45. A
46. D 47. C 48. B 49. C 50. A


PAPER TYPE: C C. Spirogyra sp.

D. Tilapia sp.
1. Which Question Paper Type of
Biology is given to you? 4. Seed plants are divided into

A. Type A A. tracheophytes and ferns

B. Type B B. angiosperms and
C. Type C gymnosperms
D. Type D C. monocotyledons and
2. The function of the red head in D. thallophytes and bryophytes
male Agama lizards is to
5. In which of the following
A. conceal and camouflage the groups of vertebrates is parental
animal from predators care mostly exhibited?
B. scare other males from the
territory A. Reptilia
C. attract female lizards for B. Amphibia
mating purposes C. Aves
D. warm predators of the D. Mammalia
distastefulness of the animal
Use the Diagrams below to
3. In which of the following answer questions 6 to 8
species is the biomass of an
individual the smallest?

A. Agama sp.
B. Bufo sp.

6. Which of the organisms 9. The adaptive importance of
represented are notable nuptial flight from termite
agricultural pests? colonies is to

A. II and IV A. disperse the reproductives in

B. I and IV order to establish new colonies
C. II and III B. provide abundant food for birds
D. I and III and other animals during the
early rains
7. An economic importance of the C. ensure cross-breeding between
organism represented by IV is members of one colony and
that another
D. expel the reproductives so as
A. it transmits water borne to provide enough food for other
disease to humans members
B. it is destructive to farm crops
C. its faeces pollutes drinking Use the diagram below to
water answer question 10 and 11
D. it helps in the control of
mosquito larvae

8. The adult form of iii is a vector


A. sleeping sickness
10. The gas evolved in the
B. river blindness
process is
C. cholera
D. elephantiasis
A. carbon (IV) oxide
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen 14. The conversion of a nutrient
D. carbon (II) oxide into a molecule in the body of a
consumer is referred to as
11. The experimental set-up
above is used to demonstrate the A. digestion
process of B. assimilation
C. absorption
A. diffusion D. inhibition
B. photosynthesis
C. fermentation 15. The ability of living organism
D. plasmolysis to detect and respond to changes
in the environment is referred to
12. Which of the following can as
cause shrinkage of living cells?
A. locomotion
A. Hypotonic solution B. irritability
B. Isotonic solution C. growth
C. Deionized water D. taxis
D. Hypertonic solution
16. In mammals, the exchange of
13. Which of the following is true nutrients and metabolic products
of leucocytes? occurs in the

A. they are respiratory pigments A. lungs

B. they are most numerous and B. oesophagus
ramify all cells C. trachea
C. they are large and nucleated D. lymph
D. they are involved in blood

17. An example of an II. Test tube containing cane
endospermous seed is sugar and diluted acid.
III. Test tube containing cane
A. maize gain sugar and its degrading
B. cashew nut enzyme.
C. cotton seed
D. been seed 19. In which of the test tubes will
glucose be detected after
18. I. Parasitism → Sundew. complete hydrolysis?
II. Autotrophism →Amoeba.
III. Saprophytism → Alga. A. I and II only
IV Heterotrophism → Agama. B. II and III only
C. I only
Which of the above modes of D. I, II and III
nutrition is correctly matched with
the organism that exhibits it? 20. The enzyme involved in the
hydrolysis is
B. III A. rennin
C. II B. erepsin
D. I C. sucrase
D. maltase
Use the following information
to answer the questions 19 21. The part of the mammalian
and 20. ear responsible for the
maintenance of balance is the
I. Test tube containing cane
sugar and water. A. cochlea
B. pinna

C. perilymph A. the movement of food and
D. ossicles water
B. suction pressure
22. The path followed by air as it C. transpiration pull
passes through the lungs in D. the transport of gases and
mammals is water

A. trachea → bronchi → 25. Which of the following organs

bronchioles → alveoli regulates the levels of water,
B. bronchi → trachea → alveoli → salts, hydrogen ions and urea in
bronchioles the mammalian blood?
C. trachea → bronchioles
→bronchi→ alveoli A. Liver
D. bronchioles → alveoli → B. Kidney
bronchi →trachea C. Bladder
D. Colon
23. The movement response of a
cockroach away from a light 26. The sequence of the one-way
source can be described as gaseous exchange mechanism in
a fish is
A. positive phototaxism
B. negative phototaxism A. operculum → gills → mouth
C. negative phototropism B. gills → operculum → mouth
D. positive phototropism C. mouth → operculum → gills
D. mouth → gills → operculum
24. The vascular tissues in higher
plants are responsible for 27. The type of asexual
reproduction that is common to
both Paramecium and protists is

A. budding Weight of basin and roasted
B. sporulation soil = 95.5g
C. fragmentation
D. fission The percentage of humus in the
soil sample is
28. In nature, plants and animals
are perpetually engaged in A. 16.7%
mutualism because B. 17.6%
C. 26.7%
A. they are rivals D. 16.2%
B. all animals rely on food
produced by plants 30. An example of a filter -feeding
C. they utilize respiratory wastes animal is
of each other
D. they are neighbours A. shark
B. butterfly
29. In an experiment to C. whale
determine the percentage of D. mosquito
humus and water in a soil sample,
the following results were 31. Which of the following is a
obtained: feature of the population pyramid
of a developing country?
Weight of the evaporating
basin alone = 80.5g A. long lifespan
Weight of basin and soil = B. low birth rate
101.5g C. low death rate
Weight after drying the soil in D. short lifespan
the oven = 99.0g

32. The interaction of a A. liver of humans
community of organisms with its B. reticuloendothelial cells of
abiotic environment constitutes humans
C. Malpighian tubules of mosquito
A. niche D. brain of humans
B. a food chain
C. an ecosystem 36. Habitats are generally
D. a microhabitat classified into

33. The vector of the malaria A. biotic and abiotic

parasite is B. aquatic and terrestrial
C. arboreal and marine biomes
A. female Aedes mosquito D. microhabitats and
B. female Anopheles mosquito macrohabitats
C. male Culex mosquito
D. female Culex mosquito 37. Dracunculiasis can be
contacted through
34. Which of the following
instruments is used to measure A. eating contaminated food
relative humidity? B. drinking contaminated water
C. bathing in contaminated water
A. Hydrometer D. bites of blackfly
B. Thermometer
C. Hygrometer 38. Which of the following groups
D. Anemometer of environmental factors are
35. Exo-erythrocytic phase of the
life cycle of malaria parasite A. Food, salinity, accumulation of
occurs in the metabolites and light

B. Temperature, salinity predation A. recessive
and disease B. sex-linked
C. Food predation, disease and C. homozygous
accumulation of metabolites D. dominant
D. Temperature food disease and
light 42. Lack of space in a population
could lead to an increase in
39. Millet, sorghum, maize and
onions are common crops growth A. water scarcity
in Nigeria in the B. birth rate
C. disease rate
A. tropical rainforests D. drought
B. Sudan savanna
C. montane forests 43. If the cross of a red-flowered
D. Sahel savanna plant with a white-flowered plant
produces a pinkflowered plant, it
40. In which of the following is an example of
biomes is the south western part
of Nigeria located? A. codominance
B. incomplete dominance
A. Temperate forest C. mutation
B. Tropical rainforest D. linkage
C. Tropical woodland
D. Desert 44. Which of the following
theories was NOT considered by
41. The inheritable characters Darwin in his evolutionary theory?
that are determined by a gene
located on the Xchromosome is A. Variation
B. Survival of the fittest

C. Use and disuse D. similar antigens and antibodies
D. Competition
48. The fallacy in Lamarck's
45. The crossing of individuals of evolutionary theory was the
the same species with different assumption that
genetic characters is
A. traits are acquired through
A. cross breeding disuse of body parts
B. polygenic inheritance B. acquired traits are heritable
C. non-disjunction C. acquired traits are seldom
D. inbreeding formed
D. traits are acquired through the
46. The number of alleles use of body parts
controlling blood groups in
humans 49. The bright coloured eye spots
on the wings of moth are an
A. 3 example of
B. 4
C. 5 A. warning colouration
D. 2 B. disruptive colouration
C. crypsis
47. During blood transfusion, D. mimicry
agglutination may occur as a
result of the reaction between 50. The wings of a bat and those
of a bird are examples of
A. contrasting antigens and
antibodies A. convergent evolution
B. two different antigens B. continuous variation
C. two different antibodies C. coevolution

D. divergent evolution


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B
8. D 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. B
14. A 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C
19. B 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. C
24. A 25. B

26. D 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C

31. C 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A
36. B 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. B
41. C 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. D
46. A 47. A 48. A 49. D 50. D


PAPER TYPE: RED A. mitochondrion

B. cell wall
1. Which Question Paper Type of C. endoplasmic reticulum
Biology as indicated above is D. nucleus
given to you?
4. Which of the following is most
A. Type Green advanced in the evolutionary
B. Type Purple trend of animals?
C. Type Red
D. Type Yellow A. Liver fluke
B. Earthworm
Use the diagram below to C. Snail
answer question 2 and 3 D. Cockroach

5. Which of the following is the

lowest category of classification?

A. Class
B. Species

2. The organelle responsible for C. Family

heredity is labelled D. Genus

A. l 6. Plants that show secondary

B. ll growth are usually found among

C. lll the

D. I
A. thallophytes

3. The part labelled IV is the B. pteridophytes

C. monocotyledons 10. Which of the following
D. dicotyledons possesses mammary gland?

7. The fungi are distinct group of A. Dogfish

eukaryotes mainly because they B. whale
have C. shark
D. catfish
A. spores
B. no chlorophyll 11. The feature that links birds to
C. many fruiting bodies reptiles in evolution is the
D. sexual and sexual reproduction possession of

8. An arthropod that is destructive A. feathers

at early stage of its life cycle is B. break
C. skeleton
A. butterfly D. scales
B. mosquito
C. bee 12. Countershading is an adaptive
D. millipede feature that enables animals to

9. An animal body that can be cut A. fight enemies

along its axis in any plane to give B. remain undetected
two identical parts is said to be C. warn enemies
D. attract mates
A. radially symmetrical
B. bilaterally symmetrical 13. Which of the following plant
C. asymmetrical structures lacks a waterproof
D. symmetrical cuticle?

A. leaf B. Loran thus
B. stem C. Rhizopus
C. root D. Tapeworm
D. shoot
17. A function of the hydrochloric
14. In the mammalian male acid produced in the human
reproductive system, the part that stomach during digestion is to
serves as a passage for both urine
and semen is the A. neutralise the effect of bile
B. coagulate milk protein and
A. urethra emulsify fats
B. ureter C. stop the action of ptyalin
C. bladder D. break up food into smaller
D. seminal vesicle particles

15. In plants which of the 18. Which of the following is a

following is required in minute polysaccharide?
quantities for growth?
A. Glucose
A. Copper B. Sucrose
B. Potassium C. Maltose
C. Phosphorus D. Cellulose
D. Sodium
Use the diagram below to
16. Which of the following answer this question 19 and
organisms is both parasitic and 20.

A. Sundew

B. Bowman's capsule
C. loop of Henle
D. renal tubule

22. Which of the following is

involved in secondary thickening
in plants?
19. Arrows represent directional
movement materials. A. Collenchyma and xylem cells
Transportation in the xylem is B. Vascular cambium
represented by C. Vascular cambium and cork
A. I D. Cork cambium and
B. II sclerenchyma
D. IV 23. An example of a fruit that
develops from a single carpel is
20. The arrow labelled ll
represents the A. okro
B. tomato
A. release of oxygen C. bean
B. intake of carbon (IV) oxide D. orange
C. movement of photosynthates
D. movement of nutrients 24. The developing embryo is
usually contained in the part
21. In the kidney of mammals, labelled
the site of ultrafiltration is the
A. uriniferous tubule B. III

C. II 28. Plants of temperate origin can
D. I be grown in tropical areas in the
vegetation zones of the
25. The function of the part
labelled lll is to A. rain forest
B. Guinea savanna
A. produce egg cells C. Sudan savanna
B. protect sperms during D. montane forest
C. secrete hormones during coitus 29. The water cycle is maintained
D. protect the developing embryo mainly by

26. Plant growth can be artificially A. evaporation of water in the

stimulated by the addition of environment
B. evaporation and condensation
A. gibberellin of water in the environment
B. kinin C. condensation of water in the
C. abscisic acid environment
D. ethylene D. transpiration and respiration in
27. The autonomic nervous
system consists of neurons that 30. Organisms living in an
control the estuarine habitat are adapted to

A. voluntary muscles A. withstand wide fluctuations in

B. heart beat temperature
C. tongue B. survive only in water with low
D. hands salinity

C. withstand wide fluctuations in B. ferns
salinity C. lichen
D. feed only on phytoplankton D. fungi
and dead organic matter
34. The carrying capacity of a
31. The presence of stilt roots, habitat is reached when the
pneumatophores, sunken stomata population growth begins to
and salt glands are adaptive
features of plants found in the A. increase slowly
B. increase exponentially
A. tropical rainforest C. slow down
B. mangrove swamps D. remain steady
C. grassland
D. montane forest 35. The abiotic factors that
control human population include
32. Which of the following animals
can exist solely on the water they A. disease and famine
get from food and metabolic B. space and rainfall
reactions? C. flooding and earthquake
D. temperature and disease
A. forest arboreal dweller
B. Desert dwellers 36. An indigenous method of
C. forest-ground dweller renewing and maintaining soil
D. rainforest dwellers fertility is by

33. The most likely first colonizers A. clearing farms by burning

of a bare rock are B. planting one crop type
C. adding inorganic fertilizers
A. mosses yearly

D. crop rotation and shifting 39. The largest number of
cultivation cassava plants has an
approximate height of
37. The diseases caused by
water-borne pathogens include A. 1.4m
B. 1.6m
A. gonorrhoea and poliomyelitis C. 1.8m
B. typhoid and syphilis D. 2.0m
C. tuberculosis and cholera
D. typhoid and cholera 40. Which of the following is true
in blood transfusion?
Use the diagram below to
answer question 38 and 39. A. person of blood group AB can
donate blood only to another
person of blood group AB
B. persons of blood groups A and
B can donate or receive blood
from each other
C. A person of blood group AB can
38. The graph illustrates receive blood only from persons
of blood group A or B
A. the highest frequency for D. A person of blood group O can
height of 2 metres donate only to a person of blood
B. a discontinuously varying group O
C. a continuously varying 41. A yellow maize is planted and
character all the fruits obtained are of
D. total yield in a cassava farm yellow seeds. When they are
cross-bred, yellow seeds and

white seeds are obtained in a D. adenine → adenine and
ratio 3:1. The yellow seed is said cytosine → cytosine
to be
Use the diagram above to
A. non-heritable answer this question 44 and
B. sex-linked 45
C. a recessive trait
D. a dominant trait

42. When a colour-blind man

marries a carrier woman. What is
the probability of their offspring
being colour blind? 44. The type of interaction shown
is referred to as
A. 25%
B. 50% A. interspecific competition
C. 75% B. intraspecific competition
D. 100% C. mutualism
D. cooperation
43. The correct base pairing for
DNA is 45. Which of the following
statement is true of the
A. adenine → thymine and interaction?
guanine → cytosine
B. adenine → guanine and A. P aurelia is better adapted for
thymine → cytosine obtaining food than P caudatum
C. adenine → cytosine and B. P caudatum is better adapted
guanine → thymine for obtaining food than P. aurelia
C. both organisms cannot coexist

D. both organisms cannot C. search for a favourable place to
reproduce breed
D. ensure that every individual
46. The short thick break in birds gets a mate
is an adaptation for
49. The use and disuse of body
A. crushing seeds parts and the inheritance of
B. sucking nectar acquired traits were used to
C. tearing flash explain
D. straining mud
A. Darwin's theory
47. The basking of Agama lizards B. Lamarek's theory
in the sun is to C. genetic drift
D. gene flow
A. change the colour of their body
B. raise their body temperature to 50. From his study of Galapagos
become active finches, Darwin derived his theory
C. fight to defend their territories of evolution from
D. attract the female for courtship
A. comparative anatomy
48. The significance of a very B. comparative physiology
large number of termites involved C. fossil remains
in nuptial swarming is to D. comparative embryology

A. provide birds with plenty of ANSWER KEYS

B. ensure their perpetuation 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. B
despite predatory pressure 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. C

14. A 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D
19. D 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. C
24. C 25. A

26. A 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. C

31. B 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. C
36. D 37. D 38. B 39. B 40. A
41. D 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. C
46. A 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. B

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PAPER TYPE: B 4. The organelles present in cells

that are actively respiring and
1. Which Question Paper Type of photosynthesizing are
Biology is given to you?
A. lysosomes and ribosomes
A. Type D B. Golgi apparatus and
B. Type I endoplasmic reticulum
C. Type B C. nucleus and centrioles
D. Type U D. mitochondria and chloroplast

2. The process in which complex 5. Taenia solium can be found in

substances are broken down into
simpler ones is referred to as A. cow
B. goat
A. anabolism C. dog
B. catabolism D. pig
C. metabolism
D. tropism 6. The structure labelled II is the

3. The organ which is sensitive to A. spermathecal pore

light in Euglena is the B. cocoon
C. clitellum
A. gullet D. chaetae
B. flagellum
C. chloroplast 7.
D. eyespot

The organism is found in soils rich D. the abdomen of moth is fatter
in than that of butterfly

A. mud
B. humus 10. Which of the following types
C. clay of feathers is used for flight in
D. sand birds?

8. Which of the following A. Quill

describes a characteristic of B. Filo plume
arthropods? C. Covert
D. Down
A. The organism finds it easy to
grow freely 11. The plants that grow in
B. the organism has a pair of deserts or very dry areas are
jointed appendages referred to as
C. the body is not divided into a
number of segments A. mesophytes
D. the body is covered by chitin B. hydrophytes
C. epiphytes
9. Which of the following D. xerophytes
distinguishes a butterfly from a
moth? 12. Which of the following is the
simplest living organism?
A. the wings of butterfly rest
horizontally but those of moth A. Paramecium
rest vertically B. Virus
B. Both are active during the day C. Amoeba
C. they have similar antennae D. Chlamydomonas

13. Proboscis is a structure that is following organism use energy
mostly found in from the sun?

A. insects A. anabaena
B. tapeworms B. sulphur bacteria
C. amphibians C. Nitrosomonas sp.
D. molluscs D. Nitrobacter sp.

14. The structural adaptation of 17. Movement of minerals and

desert plants for water chemical compounds with a plant
conservation is occurs during

A. broad leaves with numerous A. osmosis

stomata B. translocation
B. spongy mesophyll C. transpiration
C. spiny leaves D. diffusion
D. prominent stomata in leaves
18. The enzyme that is present in
15. The long and sharp clawed the saliva is
feet of birds is an adaptation for
A. rennin
A. crushing seeds B. lipase
B. scooping mud C. pepsin
C. tearing flesh D. ptyalin
D. grasping prey
19. Plants that have special
16. During the manufacture of devices for trapping and digesting
food by plants, which of the insects are

A. carnivorous D. Chlamydomonas
B. symbiotic
C. parasitic 23. Which blood cell are involved
D. saprophytic in the immune response of
20. The process of transforming
the chemical energy of cellular A. Phagoecytes
fuels into the high energy bonds B. lymphocytes
of ATP in plants is C. erythrocytes
D. monocytes
A. autotropism
B. photosynthesis 24. The blood circulatory system
C. photolysis of vertebrates consists of
D. respiration
A. heart, arteries, capillaries and
21. Fungi are referred to as veins
hetotrophs because they B. heart, aorta, capillaries and
A. are filamentous C. heart, aorta, arteries and veins
B. lack chlorophyll D. heart, vena cava, arteries, and
C. have mycelium veins
D. lack roots
25. A plant tissue that carries
22. An example of a parasitic water and mineral salts is the
protozoan is
A. cambium
A. Paramecium B. xylem
B. Plasmodium C. cortex
C. Euglena D. phloem

26. Which of the following helps in B. Uric acid
the clotting of blood? C. Sweat
D. Mucilage
A. Red blood cells
B. White blood cells 30. The main structure in
C. Plasma vertebrates that supports and
D. Platelets protects the body is the

27. Which of the following forms A. skeleton

about 55% of the volume of the B. ligament
blood in man? C. muscle
D. joint
A. leucocytes
B. platelets 31. The chitin in the exoskeleton
C. plasma of many arthropods is
D. erythrocytes strengthened by

28. The part of the mammalian A. lids

skin involved in excretion is the B. proteins
C. calcium compounds
A. sweat glands D. organic salt
B. Malpighian layer
C. sebaceous gland 32. The transfer of pollen grains
D. horny layer from the anther to a sigma is

29. Which of the following is a A. propagation

waste product of an insect? B. placentation
C. pollination
A. Alkaloids D. fertilization

33. The male reproductive organ C. rod
of a flower is the D. iris

A. carpel 37. The absence of anti-diuretic

B. stamen hormone in humans results in
C. petal
D. sepal A. decreasing dehydration
B. drastic dehydration
34. The gland that is found just C. eliminating dehydration
below the hypothalamus is the D. increasing dehydration

A. parathyroid 38. Oestrogen is a hormone that

B. adrenal is synthesized in the
C. pituitary
D. thyroid A. ovaries
B. testes
35. The most important plant C. anterior pituitary
hormone is D. adrenal cortex

A. cytokinin 39. The eye defect cause by the

B. abscisic acid development of cloudy areas in
C. auxin the lenses is
D. gibberellin
A. presbyopia
36. The sensory cell that responds B. glaucoma
to dim light is referred to as the C. cataract
D. astigmatism
A. cone
B. lens

40. A pollutant that is C. Tuberculosis
biodegradable is D. Syphilis

A. crude oil 44. To which blood group do

B. heavy metals universal recipients belong?
C. cellophane
D. sewage A. B
B. A
41. A tropical disease caused by C. O
Trypanosoma is D. AB

A. sleeping sickness 45. The clumping together of red

B. river blindness blood cells is
C. yellow fever
D. malaria A. agglutination
B. fusion
42. The solid part of the C. transfusion
ecosystem is referred to as the D. compatibility

A. atmosphere 46. Physiological adaptation to

B. hydrosphere very dry conditions in animals
C. biosphere demonstrates
D. lithosphere
A. rejuvenation
43. Which of the following is B. xeromorphism
caused by Treponema palladium? C. hibernation
D. aestivation
A. Gonorrhoea
B. Leprosy

47. One of adaptation of Cactus A. symbiosis
opuntia to conserve water is the B. saprophytism
reduction of C. parasitism
D. commensalisms
A. internodes
B. stem to leaves ANSWER KEYS
C. leaves to spine
D. flower size 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B
8. D 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. A
48. Which of the following 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. D
structure is adapted for feeding in 19. A 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. A
a bird of prey? 24. A 25. B

A. Hooked break and sharp claws 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A
B. Smooth beak and strong claws 31. C 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. C
C. Big beaks and strong feet 36. C 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. D
D. Pointed beak and strong claws 41. A 42. D 43. D 44. D 45. A
46. C 47. C 48. A 49. A 50. A
49. The special pigment for colour
change in chameleon is

A. melanin
B. carotenoid
C. chromatin
D. chromatophore

50. The behavioural adaptation in

social insects could best be
described as



1. Which Question paper Type of C. I
Biology is given to you? D. II

A. Type F 4. The lowest level of organization

B. Type E in living organisms is
C. Type L
D. Type S A. organ
B. cell
Use the diagram below to C. system
answer 2 and 3. D. tissue

5. Which of the following is the

most complex according to their
cellular level of organization?

A. Heart
B. Hair
C. Euglena
2. The part labelled II is the
D. Hydra

A. nucleus
Use the diagram below to
B. eyespot
answer questions 6 and 7
C. basal granule
D. contractile vacuole

3. The part responsible for

photosynthesis is labelled

C. Amoeba
D. Euglena

9. In bryophytes, sex organs are

produced in the

A. protonema

6. The organs for attachments to B. sporophyte

the lining of the host's intestine C. gametophyte

are labelled D. rhizoid

A. II and III 10. Seed plants are the most

B. III and IV dominant vegetation on land

C. I and II because of

D. I and III
A. their motile gametes

7. The young proglottid is B. their ability to photosynthesize

represented by C. efficient seed dispersal

D. availability of water

B. IV 11. Which of the following is an

C. I arboreal organism?

A. Elephant

8. Which of the following B. Fish

organisms is multi-cellular? C. Antelope

D. Bird

A. Chlamydomonas
B. Spirogyra

Use the diagram below to smaller organisms like Amoeba
answer questions 12 and 13 because

12. The part labelled I is the A. amoeba lives in freshwater

B. diffusion is sufficient to
A. xylem transport materials in Amoeba
B. phloem C. amoeba lacks blood containing
C. root hairs haemoglobin
D. cortex D. amoeba exhibits anaerobic
13. The diagram is the transverse
section of a 16. In vascular plants, the sieve
tubes and companion cells are
A. monocotyledonous stem present in the
B. dicotyledonous stem
C. monocotyledonous root A. cambium
D. dicotyledonous root B. cortex
C. xylem
14. I ,c , pm ,m . D. phloem

The general formula above

17. The stomata of leaves are
represents that of
similar in function to the

A. an omnivore
A. pharynx of humans
B. a detritus feeder
B. scales of fish
C. a carnivore
C. spiracle of insects
D. a herbivore
D. trachea of toads

15. A circulatory system is very

essential in mammals but not in
18. The use of moist skin for A. mosses
respiration in amphibians is B. fungi
known as C. grasses
D. conifers
A. cellular respiration
B. cutaneous respiration 22. I. Growth is mainly apical
C. buccal respiration II. Growth is specific with definite
D. pulmonary respiration shape
III. Growth is throughout life.
19. Water in plants is removed as
water vapour through the process Which of the above correctly
of describes the growth pattern in
A. diffusion
B. osmosis A. I, II and III only
C. evaporation B. II and III only
D. transpiration C. I and II only
D. I and III only
20. An example of an organ of
perennation in plants is 23. Coordination and regulation of
body activities in mammals are
A. rhizome achieved by the
B. seed
C. petal of a flower A. nerves and muscle
D. calyx of flower B. nerves and hormones
C. nerves only
21. Alternation of generation is a D. hormones only
feature shown in

24. The Cerebellum of the Brain A. edaphic
controls B. physiographic
C. biotic
A. reflex action D. topographic
B. muscular activity
C. emotional expressions 28. The genetic make-up of an
D. the Endocrine system organism is described as

25. The part of the brain A. allele

responsible for peristalsis is the B. chromosome
C. phenotype
A. Olfactory Lobe D. genotype
B. Medulla Oblongata
C. Hypothalamus 29. The major limiting factor of
D. Thalamus productivity in the aquatic habitat
26. Which of the following
instruments is used for measuring A. food
atmospheric pressure? B. temperature
C. water
A. Hydrometer D. sunlight
B. Hygrometer
C. Thermometer 30. Which of the following group
D. Barometer of organisms feeds directly on
green plants?
27. The influence of soil on
organisms in a habitat is referred A. Primary Consumers
to as B. Secondary Consumers
C. Producers

D. Decomposers D. Guinea Savanna

31. A characteristic feature of 34. Which of the following is a

tropical rainforest is that it nitrogen fixing blue-green algae
of soil?
A. Contains trees with narrow
leaves A. Rhizobium
B. Contains large number of plant B. Nitrosomonas
species C. Clostridium
C. Contains fewer number of plant D. Anabaena
D. Has total annual rainfall of less 35. The soil with highest water-
than 50cm retaining capacity is

32. The study of how and why A. Clayey Soil

population size change over time B. Stoney soil
is C. Sandy soil
D. Loamy Soil
A. Population estimation
B. Population dynamics 36. The causative agent of
C. Population ecology Poliomyelitis is
D. Population Cycle
A. Virus
33. A severe and long dry season B. Fungus
is a characteristic feature of C. Protozoan
D. Bacterium
A. Sahel Savanna
B. Mangrove Swamps 37. One of the ways of controlling
C. Sudan Savanna noise pollution in urban areas is

A. by siting industries away from 40. A pollutant that is mostly
residential areas associated with acid rain is
B. that fuel should be completely
combusted by engines A. Nitrogen (IV) Oxide
C. by planting trees on both sides B. Ozone
of the road C. Fluorine
D. by wearing ear devices
41. When the adults have reach a
38. A constituent of the exhaust certain degree of weakness, the
fumes from electricity generating process of binary fission is
sets which causes serious replaced by conjugation in
pollution is
A. Paramecium
A. Carbon (II) Oxide B. Euglena
B. Water Vapour C. Amoeba
C. Ozone D. Plasmodium
D. Carbon (IV) Oxide
42. Whorls, arches, loops and
39. Which of the following is true compounds are types of variation
of small pox? in

A. It is transmitted by bacteria A. Colour

B. It can effectively be controlled B. Finger prints
with antibiotics C. Hair Colour
C. It can effectively be controlled D. Blood group
by vaccination
D. It is a water-borne infection 43. A couple has 10 children, all
female. Which of the following
best explains the situation?

A. The sex determination was by B. A, AB and O only
the man's X chromosome C. AB only
B. The man's sperm count is low D. A and B only
C. The woman is not capable of
producing male children 47. The stream-lined shape of
D. The sex determination was by fishes is an adaptation for
the man's Y chromosome
A. Securing mates
44. A biological agent with B. easy movement
antiviral property is C. obtaining food
D. defence and attack
A. Interferon
B. enzyme 48. An example of a
C. antibiotic poikilothermic organism is a
D. disinfectant
A. Lizard
45. One of the advantages of B. Cockroach
outbreeding is C. rabbit
D. bird
A. pests tolerance
B. disease resistance 49. All living organisms are
C. fast growth constantly involved in a struggle
D. tall height for existence. This was proposed
46. An individual with blood group
AB can receive blood from those A. Morgan
in blood group(s) B. Darwin
C. Lamarck
A. A, B, AB, O D. Wallace

50. Adaptive radiation is
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1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B
8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. C 13.
D 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B
19. D 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. B
24. B 25. B

26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. A

31. B 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. A
36. A 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. A
41. A 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. B
46. A 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. C


1. Which of the following has the 4. The theory which supports the
most primitive respiratory view that the large muscles
system? developed by an athlete will be
passed on to the offspring was
A. insect proposed by
B. fish
C. snail A. Mendel
D. mouse B. Darwin
C. Lamark
2. One adaptation shown by D. Pasteur
hydrophytes in fresh water
habitats is the 5. The chromosomes of members
of the kingdom Monera are within
A. waxy cuticle on shoot surface the
B. poor development of roots and
xylem tissues A. nucleoplasm
C. well-developed roots and B. nucleus
supporting system C. nucleolus
D. leaves reduced to spines D. cytoplasm

3. Which of the following use 6. The mangrove swamp in

diffusion as the principal method Nigeria is restricted to the
of gaseous exchange?
A. Sahel savanna
A. grasshopper B. Guinea savanna
B. rat spines C. Tropical rainforest
C. lizard D. Sudan savanna
D. earthworm

7. The pancreas secretes enzymes A. colour of the skin in humans
for the digestion of B. ability to roll the tongue
C. possession of facial hair in
A. fats, proteins and adult humans
carbohydrates D. ability to grow. long hair in
B. fats, vitamins and cellulose females
C. fats, carbohydrates and
vitamins 11. In which of the following
D. proteins, cellulose and Nigerian states can montane
minerals vegetation be found?

8. The causative agent of bird flu A. Bauchi

is a B. Plateau
C. Taraba
A. protozoan D. Enugu
B. virus
C. bacterium 12. Which of the following is true
D. fungus of cloning?

9. A water medium is necessary A. it is welcomed as an ethically

for fertilization in and normally sound science
B. it involves the asexual
A. conifers multiplication of the tissues of the
B. angiosperms original organism
C. ferns C. the clone is similar to but not
D. fungi exactly like the original organism
D. only one cell of the original
10. An example of a sex-linked organism is needed to imitate the
trait is the process

13. The process of shedding the A. RNA analysis
exoskeleton of an arthropod is B. blood group test
known as C. behavioural traits test
D. DNA analysis
A. ecdysis
B. in star formation 17. An example of a fish that
C. metamorphosis aestivates is
D. osmosis
A. croaker
14. Which of the following is a B. lung fish
major cause of constipation in C. shark
humans? D. cat fish

A. lack of roughage 18. The opening and closing of

B. vitamin B the stoma are regulated by
C. vitamin E
D. lack of salts A. respiration
B. osmosis
15. In mammals, the organ C. diffusion
directly on top of the kidney is the D. transpiration

A. adrenal gland 19. Which of the following is

B. prostate gland common to the mosquito,
C. pancrease housefly and blackfly?
D. thyroid gland
A. they are parasites of man
16. An accurate identification of a B. their immature stages are
rapist can be carried out by aquatic
conducting a

C. they undergo complete 22. The waste product of plants
metamorphosis used in the conversion of hide to
D. their adults have two pairs of leather is
A. alkaloid
20. The organs that will be most B. resin
useful to giant African rats in C. tannin
finding their way in underground D. gun
habitats are the
23. The correct sequence of the
A. nostrils movement of urea during
B. eyes formation is
C. vibrissae
D. tails A. glomerulus - Bowman's capsule
- convoluted tubule - Henle's loop
21. A crucible of 5gm weighed - collecting tubule
10gm after filling with fresh soil. B. convoluted tubule - glomerulus
It is then heated in an oven at - Henle's loop - Bowman's capsule
1000C for 1 hour. After cooling in - collecting tubule
a desiccator, the weight was 8gm. C. glomerulus - Bowman's capsule
The percentage of water in the – convoluted tubule - Henle's loop
soil is - collecting tubule
D. convoluted tubule - Bowman's
A. 0.8 capsule - Henle's loop -glomerulus
B. 0.2 – collecting tubule
C. 0.4
D. 0.6 24. In lizards, the lowing of the
gular fold is used to

A. defend their territory 28. The eye defect that rises
B. attract mates because the cornea is not curved
C. frighten enemies smoothly is
D. catch insects
A. astigmatism
25. The photosynthetic pigments B. short-sightedness
include C. long-sightedness
D. presbyopia
A. chloroplast and cytochromes
B. melanin and haemoglobin 29. Which of the following is an
C. chlorophyll and carotenoids example of parasitism?
D. carotenoids and haemoglobin
A. a squirrel living in an
26. The highest level of ecological abandoned nest of a bird
organization is the B. mistletoe growing on an orange
A. ecosystem C. fungi growing on a dead tree
B. niche branch
C. biosphere D. cattle egrets taking tasks from
D. population the body of cattle

27. A biotic factor which affects 30. The increasing order of the
the distribution and abundance of particle size in the following soil
organism in a terrestrial habitat is types is

A. pH A. cattle sand – clay-gravel

B. competition B. clay - silt sand – gravel
C. temperature C. silt - clay - sand - gravel
D. light D. clay - sand - silt – gravel

31. Which of following factors can B. nucleolus
bring about competition C. endoplasmic reticulum
population? D. mitochondrion

A. emigration 34. The organelle responsible for

B. drought heredity is
C. mortality
D. dispersion A. IV
B. I
32. Stunted growth and poor root C. II
development are a result of a D. III
deficiency in
Use the diagram below to
A. phosphorus answer questions 35 and 36.
B. calcium
C. sulphur
D. iron

Use the diagram below to

answer question 33 and 34.

35. The process illustrated is

A. gametogenesis
B. sexual reproduction in
33. The cell organelle solely
C. sexual reproduction in
responsible for respiration is the
D. sporulation
A. nucleus

36. The structure labelled I is the Use the diagram below to
answer questions 39 and 40.
A. zygospore
B. conidiophore
C. sporangium
D. hypha

Use the diagram below to

answer questions 37 and 38.

39. The part labelled I is the

A. pulmonary artery
B. bicuspid valve
37. The organelle responsible for C. aorta
sexual reproduction is D. vena carva

A. IV 40. Oxygenated blood is pumped

B. I to the entire body from the part
C. II labelled
38. The part labelled IV is B. I
responsible for C. II
A. respiration
B. ingestion Use the diagram below to
C. locomotion answer questions 41 and 42.
D. osmoregulation

43. The breeding posture
illustrated in the diagram is
known as

A. reproductive swimming
41. The experiment demonstrates
B. amplexus
C. mating
A. hydrotropism
D. courtship
B. phototropism
C. thigmotropism
44. The diagram shows that the
D. hydrotropism
organisms are

42. The part marked I will contain

A. viviparous
a high concentration of
B. hermaphrodite
C. ovoviviparous
A. ethylene
D. oviparous
B. abscisic acid
C. auxin
45. Insulin is produced by the
D. ascorbic acid
endocrine organ labeled

Use the diagram below to

A. I
answer questions 43 and 44

46. Which of the following will be

true of dog II which lost its tail in
an accident if it mates with dog

A. all its offspring will be born 48. The type of protective
without tails adaptation exhibited by the
B. 3/4 of its offspring will be born animal is
without tails
C. none of its offspring will be A. flash coloration
born without a tail B. countershading colouration
D. 1/4 of its offspring will be born C. warning colouration
without tails. D. disruptive colouration

47. If the dogs are offspring of a 49. The structure labeled I is

monohybrid cross and the gene G
for grey head is dominant over as A. tactile
illele g, the individual whose B. radiosensitive
genotype is likely to be gg is C. photosensitive
D. chemoreceptive
A. I
D. II 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A
8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. A
Use the diagram below to 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C
answer questions 48 and 49. 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. A
24. C 25. C

26. A 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B

31. B 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. B
36. A 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. B
41. B 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. C
46. C 47. C 48. C 49. B 50. A


1. Which of the following 4. Which of the following is NOT

structures is a protective adaptive part of the carbon cycle?
feature of the Agama Lizard to the
environment? A. Organic carbon
B. Decomposition
A. Nuchal crest C. Nitrates formation
B. Claws D. Photosynthesis
C. Scaly skin
D. Gular fold. 5. I. Tissues
II. System
2. Which of the following adapts III. Cell
an insect for feeding? IV. Organs

A. suitable mouthparts Which of the above is the level of

B. paired antennae organization of a leaf?
C. segmented body
D. jointed appendages A. IV
B. I.
3. Which of the following results C. III.
from the cross between Yy and D. II.
6. In cellular respiration, energy
A. 2Yy-2yy is stored in the form of
B. 2Yy:yy:YY
C. YY:2Yy:yy A. heat energy
D. YY: Yy:2yy B. adenosine diphosphate
C. adenosine monophosphate
D. adenosine triphosphate

7. The principal organ for the 10. The rise and fall of ocean
manufacture of food in autotrophy water during the day is referred
is the to as

A. root hair A. gravity

B. growing root B. a pull
C. mature fruit C. tide
D. green leaf D. zone

8. A disease that results from lack 11. Which of the following is a

of iodine in the diet of humans is producer in an aquatic habitat?

A. beriberi A. Nymphaea
B. scurvy B. Dryopteris
C. rickets C. planarian
D. goiter D. Similium

9. The process whereby some 12. The relationship that exist

organism with certain favourable between a shark and Remora is
features get established in an
area is A. parasitism
B. commensalism
A. gene mutation C. saprophytism
B. dispersal D. symbiosis
C. overcrowding
D. natural selection 13. I. Tissue
II. System
III. Cell
IV Organ

The correct sequence of B. vitamin E.
increasing level of complexity is C. vitamin B
D. vitamin C
B. I-II-III-IV 17. Bacteria which add
C. IV-III-I-II atmospheric nitrogen to the soil
D. III-I-IV-II are

14. Which of the following is not A. putrefying bacteria

an inheritable disease? B. nitrifying bacteria
C. nitrogen fixing bacteria
A. Poliomyelitis D. denitrifying bacteria
B. Sickle-cell anaemia
C. Mental illness 18. The spines of the hedgehog is
D. Haemophilia an adaptive features for

15. Which of the finger print types A. Courtship

occur most frequently in the B. defence
population of human beings C. water conservation
D. obtaining food
A. Double-loop
B. Whorl 19. The dental formula of
C. Arch carnivores is represented by
D. Loop
A. I ,C , pm ,m
16. Beriberi results from a
B. I ,C , pm ,m
deficiency of

C. I ,C , pm ,m
A. vitamin A

D. I ,C , pm ,m 23. Mammals requires roughage
in their food to

20. Which of the following

A. provide energy
instruments is used to measure
B. slow down aging
C. ease digestion
D. prevent disease
A. Thermometer
B. Hygrometer
24. Variation can occur among
C. Anemometer
offspring of living organism
D. Hydrometer

21. In human, puffiness and

A. seeds are produced by self-
water retention in the body is a
possible symptom of
B. zygotes are produced by cross
A. bladder malfunction
C. they are produced by binary
B. poor digestion
C. kidney malfunction
D. they are produced without
D. obesity

22. The theory of evolution which

25. The most important biotic
postulates that all living
factors which affect plants and
organisms have a common
animals in the habitat are
ancestor was proposed by

A. temperature and rainfall

A. Linnaeus
B. temperature and turbidity
B. Darwin
C. salinity and relative humidity
C. Lamarck
D. rainfall and relative humidity
D. Mendel
26. The lowest unit of 29. The cell organelle solely
classification is the responsible for respiration is the

A. Kingdom A. nucleus
B. class B. nucleolus
C. phylum C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. species D. mitochondrion

27. Two important process 30. In which part of Nigeria are

involved in the absorption and Mangrove swamps found?
transport of materials in plants
are A. Chad Basin
B. Niger Delta
A. flaccidity and turgidity C. Benue Valley
B. diffusion and plasmolysis D. Mambilla Plateau
C. plasmolysis and capillarity
D. osmosis and diffusion 31. The breeding methods that
are useful in selective breeding of
28. A series of organism existing animals and plants are
in an ecosystem through which
energy is transformed can be A. inbreeding and cross- breeding
referred to as B. inbreeding and hetero-breeding
C. inbreeding and out-breeding
A. food cycle D. inbreeding and self-breeding
B. food chain
C. pyramid on numbers 32. In a small unicellular
D. food web organism, diffusion is sufficient
for transport because

A. the surface area to volume A. pressure and wind speed
ratio is small B. temperature and wind speed
B. they have lungs for diffusion C. pressure and rainfall
C. materials have to move over D. Temperature and rainfall
long distance
D. the surface area to volume 36. I. Strong winds
ratio is large II. high temperature
III. Dry and porous soils.
33. The function of the spinal cord
is to Which group of plants are
specially adapted to grow under
A. stand the body structure erect environmental conditions stated
B. control involuntary actions above?
C. transmit impulses to the brain
D. regulates developmental A. Thallophytic
changes B. Mesophytes
C. Xerophytes
34. The first vertebrates to D. Hydrophytes
ventures out of water and lives on
land are the 37. The lowest unit of a
biogeographical plant species is
A. Pisces
B. Amphibians A. micro flora
C. Reptiles B. macro fauna
D. Aves C. micro fauna
D. macro flora
35. Which of the following factors
mostly determine the major 38. Which of the following is rich
biomes of the world. source of vitamin K?

A. Tomato B. protists
B. Guava C. coelenterates
C. Milk D. Anthropods
D. Onion
42. Physiological variation in
39. Severe diarrhea, dehydration human population is evidence in
and weakness are symptoms of the

A. cholera A. difference in the fingerprints

B. chickenpox B. physical appearance of
C. malaria individuals
D. yellow fever C. differences in height and
40. A common characteristic D. ability to roll the tongue
found among the crustaceans is
the possession of 43. In photosynthesis, oxygen is
liberated during
A. a pair of antennae
B. a pair of walking legs on each A. conversion of energy
segment B. photolysis
C. four pairs of walking legs on C. splitting of carbon (IV)oxide
the cephalothorax D. glycolysis
D. two pairs of antennae
Use the information below to
41. In which of the following answer the question 44 and
groups of invertebrates are 45 that follows
flagella and cilia found

A. annelids

The type vertebra represented in
the diagram is
44. What is the total height of rice
that grew within the years of
A. Atlas
B. Lumbar
C. Axis
A. 240 cm
D. Sacrum
B. 239 cm
C. 340 cm
47. The structure labeled I is
D. 339 cm

A. Centrum
45. What is the average of the
B. neural canal
heights of rice within the period of
C. neural spins
D. transverse process

A. 68cm
B. 47.8cm
C. 48cm
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D
D. 67.8cm
8. D 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. B 13.
D 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. C
46. Use the diagram below to
19. B 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. B
answer the question that follows
24. C 25. B

26. A 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. D
31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. B
36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. A
41. D 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. B
46. B 47. B

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1. The piercing and sucking A. locust, camel, lizard and

mouth parts are found in snakes
B. monkeys, chameleon,
A. grasshoppers earthworm and grasshopper
B. mosquitoes C. monkeys, grasshopper, snail
C. termites and snakes
D. cockroaches D. lungfish, duck, butterfly and
2. The hormones that regulate
plant growth are 5. Suture joint is found in the

A. ethylene and auxins A. hip

B. auxin and gibberellins B. ankle
C. cytokinin and abscisic acid C. skull
D. ethylene and gibberellins D. elbow

3. Which of the following pair of 6. The organelle responsible for

organisms exhibit parasitic osmoregulation in Paramecium is
A. flame cell
A. insect and plant B. nephridia
B. cattle and egret C. contractile vacuole
C. shark and remora D. Malpighian tubule
D. tsetse-fly and cattle
7. Use the diagram to answer
4. Which of the following group of the question that follow
animals can withstand the rigour
of the arid land?

10. When testing for the presence
of starch in a leaf, the reason for
dipping the decolourised leaf in
hot water is to
The excretory organ of an
earthworm is represented by
A. detect the starch
B. kill the leaf
C. soften the leaf
B. I
D. remove the chlorophyll
11. The relationship between
remora and shark can best be
8. The platelets in mammalian
described as
blood are responsible for

A. parasitism
A. transporting oxygen
B. amensalism
B. initiating clotting
C. mutualism
C. removing carbon (IV) oxide
D. commensalism
D. destroying micro-organisms

12. The major characteristic of a

9. The most important factor that
fresh water habitat is the
determines the different types of
possession of
vegetation is

A. high turbidity
A. light
B. high density
B. wind
C. low salinity
C. temperature
D. high current
D. rainfall

13. The causative organism of B. paramecium caudatum
cholera is C. hydra viridis
D. onion bulb
A. Clostridium sp
B. shigella sp 17. The simplest form of
C. vibrio sp reproduction is
D. salmonella typhi
A. conjugation
14. The process that takes place B. budding
in the dark stage of C. spore formation
photosynthesis is D. binary fission

A. oxidation of water 18. Which of the following is a

B. photolysis of water characteristic of wind-pollinated
C. oxidation of carbon (IV) oxide flower?
D. reduction of carbon (IV) oxide
A. flowers lack nectar
15. Chlorofluorocarbons are air B. flowers are conspicuous
pollutants that originates from C. flowers have perianths
D. flowers are bisexual
A. crude oil refining
B. coal mining 19. Use the diagram to answer
C. motor vehicle exhaust the question that follow
D. cooling system

16. Which of the following is

organ level of organisation?
The most eminent unit in terms or
water conservation is represented
A. Volvox sp

A. IV C. 12.5
B. I D. 33.3
D. II 22. The presence of termites and
earthworms in soil promote
20. The process required for
formation of gamete in sexual A. porosity and fertility
reproduction is B. porosity and aeration
C. aeration and fertility
A. implantation D. acidity and aeration
B. fertilisation
C. mitosis 23. In a 15m2 habitat, the total
D. meiosis number of Tridax counted using a
1.6m2 quadrant thrown randomly
21. In an experiment to 50 times was 400. What is the
determine the humus in a soil Tridax
sample the following results were
obtained A. 12
B. 16
Mass of dish - 20g C. 8
Mass of dry soil - 7.5g D. 5
Mass of dish + soil after burning
= 25g 24. Which of the following is a
sex-link character?
The percentage of humus in the
given sample is A. Dwarfism
B. Albinism
A. 9.1 C. Tongue rolling
B. 37.5 D. Colour blindness

25. The outer-most tissue of the A. obtain food
herbaceous roots is the B. predators
C. secure mates
A. cuticle D. escape detection
B. pericycle
C. epidermis 29. Which of the following is the
D. endodermis most advance plant?

26. The respective tissues that A. merchantia

transport water and manufactured B. Dryopteris
food in plants are C. Chlamydomonas
D. Spirogyra
A. xylem and phloem
B. phloem and tracheid 30. The soil type with the least
C. phloem and xylem ability to retain nutrients is
D. xylem and tracheid
A. sandy loam
27. An adaptive feature of plants B. clay loam
in the savanna is C. loam
D. sand
A. fissured bark
B. few grasses 31. A humming bird is able to
C. tall trees feed on nectar because its beak is
D. long lifespan
A. short, slender and ridged
28. A grasshopper's cuticle B. short, strong and conical
becomes green during the season C. long, slender and slightly
and black after fire. The reasons curved
for the change is --- D. long, wide and slightly curved

Use the diagram to answer the 35. The component of the cell
question that follow that determines paternity resides
in the

A. centrosome
B. ribosome
C. nucleus
32. The part labelled III acts as
D. mitochondria

A. water outlet
36. Which of the following beak
B. food strainer
type is an adaption for aquatic
C. exchange surface
D. blood transporter

33. The effect of overcrowding is

A. immigration
B. reduced competition
C. emigration 37. Use the diagram to answer

D. reduced mortality the question that follow

34. The vertebrae that allows the

skull to nod and rotate are

A. axis and cervical The part labelled II is the

B. atlas and thoracis
C. axis and atlas A. arch
D. atlas and cervical B. filament
C. slit
D. raker
38. The insect-trapping by the C. Group B can only donate to
leaves of Venus flytrap is an blood group B and not to AB and
example of a O
D. Group O can donate to groups
A. adaptive coloration A, B and AB but cannot receive
B. structural adaptation
C. environmental adaptation ANSWERS
D. behaviour adaptation
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C
39. Morphological variation in 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. C 13.
humans include C 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. A
19. D 20. D
A. height, skin, colour and tongue
rolling 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A
B. weight, finger prints and body 26. A 27. D 28. D 29. D 30. D
shape 31. C 32. C 33. C 34. C 35. C
C. height, weight and blood group 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. B 40. D
D. skin colour, blood and height

40. Which of the following is

correct about blood transfusion?

A. Group AB can only receive

from groups A and B and not from
group O
B. Group O can receive from
groups A and B and from AB


1. A group of closely related 3. The cytoplasm of the cell is

organisms capable of considered a very important
interbreeding to produce fertile component because it
offspring are known as members
of a A. regulates the amount of energy
in the cell
A. kingdom B. suspends all cell organelles
B. class C. is the outermost part of the cell
C. family D. is solely responsible for cell
D. species division

2. A beaker of pond water Use the diagram below to

containing few specimens of answer question 4 to 6
Euglena was placed in a dark
room for two weeks. At the end of
this period, the specimens of
Euglena were still alive because
they were

A. able to carry out holozoic

4. After an hour, the level of
water in the thistle funnel will
B. able to carry out
photosynthesis using carbon
A. rise
dioxide in the pond water
B. fall
C. better adapted to life in
C. remain the same
darkness than to life in light
D. double
D. not overcrowded

5. The experiment is used to A. hydrotropism
demonstrate the process of B. geotropism
C. Phototropism
A. transportation D. thigmotropism
B. water culture
C. diffusion 9. The overall reaction in
D. Osmosis glycolysis can be summarised as

6. In a plant cells, the role of the A. C6H12O5 --C3H4O3 + 4H + ATP

membrane is played by the B. C6H12O6 ---- 2CH4O3 + 4H +
A. nucleolus C. C6H12O6---> 2CH4O3 + 4H
B. cell wall + ADP
C. cytoplasm D. C6H12O6 2C3H4O3+ 4H +
D. mitochondrion 2ADP

7. Red blood cells were found to 10. The longest bone in the body
have burst open after being is the
placed in distil for an hour. This
phenomenon is known as A. humerous
B. femur
A. plasmolysis C. scapula
B. diffusion D. tibia
C. haemolysis
D. wilting 11. Which of the following
structures is not a skeletal
8. The curvature movement of material?
plants in response to the stimulus
of water is called A. Chitin

B. Cartilage 14. Which of the following
C. Bone features is not a characteristic of
D. Muscle arteries? Arteries

12. The reason why the flow of A. possess values at internals

blood through the capillaries is throughout their length.
very slow is B. have thick muscular and elastic
A. because the walls of capillaries C. carry blood away from the
are very thin heart
B. to avoid high — blood pressure D. transport oxygenated blood
C. to ensure that the individual with the exception of the
does not get dizzy pulmonary artery.
D. to allow adequate time for
exchange of materials The graph below shows the
results of a laboratory
13. Which of the following groups investigation which measured
of organisms has kidney as their the body temperatures of a
excretory organ? lizard and a bird under
changing artificial conditions.
A. Fishes, amphibians, birds, man
B. Fishes, amphibians, annelids,
C. Fishes, reptiles, birds,
D. Fishes protozoans, amphibians,

15. Which of the statements 17. The reason why hospitals use
below is valid? saline solutions as drip instead of
water is
A. The bird's blood was always
warmer than that of the lizard. A. because salt is a preservative
B. The body temperature of the B. to prevent contamination of the
bird varied less than that of the body
lizard during changes in C. to maintain the composition of
environmental temperature. body fluids
C. The body temperature of the D. to increase the number of
bird remained constant despite blood cells
changes in environmental
temperature. 18. The part of the ear which
D. The body temperature of the contains nerve cells sensitive to
lizard was always close to that of sound vibrations is the
the environmental temperature.
A. cochlea
16. What physiological term can B. ampulla
be used to describe the regulation C. tympanum
of the body temperature of the D. malleus
19. Spectacles with convex lenses
A. Homeostasis correct long-sightedness by
B. Homeothermy
C. Poikilothermy A. converging the Light rays
D. Osmoregulation before they enter the eye
B. diverging the light rays before
they enter the eye

C. reducing light intensity before D. oxygen cycle
it enters the eye
D. increasing light intensity before 23. What is the critical limiting
it enters the eye factor for plants below the photic
zone in an aquatic ecosystem?
20. A seed of a flowering plant
can best be described as A. Availability of nutrients
B. Availability of water
A. radicle and plumule C. intensity of light
B. the developed ovule D. Carbon dioxide concentration
C. the embryo and endosperm
D. developed ovary 24. Which of the following
instruments is used to estimate
21. Which of the following the number of plants in a habitat?
processes removes carbon from
the atmosphere? A. Pooter
B. Pitfall trap
A. Putrefaction C. Quadrat
B. Photosynthesis D. Sweep net
C. volcanic eruption
D. Burning fuels 25. Which of the following
statements is true about sandy
22. Which of the following cycles soil? It
involves the process of
precipitation and transpiration? A. has limited air space
B. is light and easy to dig
A. Water cycles C. drains slowly
B. Carbon cycle D. is heavy and poorly aerated
C. Nitrogen cycle

26. Which of the following C. is a producer as well as a
organisms is a primary consumer? consumer
D. is a secondary consumer
A. Dog
B. Sheep 29. Which of the following
C. Grass diseases is not hereditary?
D. Fungus
A. Albinism
Study the diagram of a food B. Scabies
chain shown below and use it C. Haemophilia
to answer question 27 and 28. D. Colour blindness

P→Q→R→S→T 30. The immediate product of

meiosis in flowering plants is the
27. The organism designated P in
the food chain above is normally A. sporophyte
sustained by energy from B. gametophyte
C. zygote
A. sunlight D. pollen grains
B. carbohydrates
C. green plants 31. DNA in eukaryotic cells is
D. mineral salts contained in the

28. Which of the following A. central vacuole

statements best describes the B. nucleus
organism designated R? It C. lysosome
D. golgi body
A. feeds on S.
B. is a primary consumer.

32. A man who is heterozygous B. diurnal animal
for the disease haemophilia C. terrestrial animal
marries a woman who is double D. homoatomic animal
recessive for haemophilia. What
percentage of their offspring 35. Evidence of evolution include
would have the disease? the following except

A. 0% A. fossil records
B. 25% B. comparative anatomy
C. 50% C. mutation of genes
D. 75% D. geographical distribution of
33. Cytokinesis of mitosis is a
process that ensures that Use the diagram below to
answer question 36 and 37.
A. each daughter cell gets the
necessary organelle
B. there is distribution of a
complete set of genes into each
daughter cell.
C. daughter cells inherit new
genetic combinations.
D. worn out organelles are
36. The diagram shows that the
excluded from daughter cells
organisms are

34. An animal which is active

A. hermaphrodite
during the day is known as a
B. viviparous
C. oviparous
A. nocturnal animal
D. ovoviparous
37. The breeding posture 40. The flippers of a whale and
illustrated in the diagram is the fins of a fish are examples of
known as
A. divergent evolution
A. mating B. coevolution
B. amplexus C. continuous variation
C. courtship display D. convergent evolution
D. reproductive swimming
38. An accurate identification of a
rapist can be carried out by it 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C
conducting a 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. D 13.
A 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. A
A. RNA analysis 19. A 20. B
B. DNA analysis
C. blood group test 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B
D. behavioural traits test 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. D
31. B 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. D
39. A boy who is fond of 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. A
swimming in a pond finds himself
passing urine with traces of blood.
He is likely to have contracted

A. schistosomiasis
B. onchocerciasis
C. poliomyelitis
D. salmonellosis


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