The English Language Gives Students Access To Information and Research

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The English language gives students access to information and research.

Since many of the most

important academic journals are published in the English language, students and academics need
English language reading and writing skills.

Importance of English Language :

Officially approved language:

The importance of the English language is that it is the official language of fifty-three countries
around the world, including: Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Kenya, Malawi, Singapore, South
Africa and the United Kingdom, making it one of the most spoken languages in the world, with
400 million people speaking it. Therefore, mastering it is a real opportunity to connect with this
number of new people.

The global language of business administration:

English is the global language for business administration, and many global companies employ
clients who speak it, as this language has become the adopted language in employment
interviews, so acquiring it helps qualify a person for the job offered to them, so that most
companies adopt this language as a unified language to facilitate dealing with each other. .

The language of the Internet:

English is the language in which topics are most popular on the Internet before any other
language, and it is even used in programs, updates, applications, and also in manuals, guidelines,
and publications related to technology.

The media industry:

Most of the films in the world are made in the English language, so if a person is not proficient in
this language, he will need to read the subtitles or hear the dubbed voices, in addition to that, the
best books, songs, and entertaining TV series are in the English language.
Getting job opportunities outside the country:

If you want to study, work, or live in an English-speaking country, you must take the IELTS
English Language Assessment Exam, which increases the chance of getting work or excellent
study opportunities, as some countries require, such as: Australia, Canada, and the Kingdom
Mastering the English language in terms of speaking, writing, reading, and listening, as a
prerequisite for obtaining an immigrant visa for them.

The importance of learning the English language

Language learning :

Learning a new language is very important in a person's life. As the interest in learning a
language different from the mother tongue contributes to obtaining new language skills, in
addition to a group of other skills. This is why many peoples sought to learn new languages that
differ from their original language, and this led many countries of the world to teach another
language in their school and university curricula to become a secondary language in addition to
the official language spoken within the state. Language learning contributes to many positives for
a person; Learning another language in the early years of life is very beneficial, as it helps to
learn to read and write better. Which leads to the development of academic skills and obtaining
high marks in school, as learning a new language contributes to increasing self-confidence;
Because it helps in developing the ability to communicate and communicate between people, and
also in obtaining suitable opportunities for work or higher education.


The English language is one of the international languages that is spread in almost all countries
of the world. Because of its use in business and study, it is one of the means of global and
diplomatic communication between peoples in the world. The English language is known as a
Western language that follows the ancient Germanic languages, which developed over time due
to the use of many dialects spoken with it; This contributed to adding a group of new vocabulary
and linguistic structures to it, and the English language continues to develop to this time in
conjunction with global developments in many diverse fields.
The importance of learning the English language:

Many individuals strive to learn the English language greatly, and this has contributed to the
allocation of international curricula for the English language, and the tremendous spread of this
language has led to it being considered the first global language in many public matters, so the
importance of learning the English language is summarized according to the following points:

֍ The English language ranks as one of the most widespread languages, and comes second
directly after Mandarin in terms of the number of speakers. Whether as a primary language (the
mother tongue), or a secondary language used in most public areas.

֍ The English language contributes to providing many opportunities for individuals, such as
helping them find work. As most job interviews now rely on the English language as a
prerequisite for accepting the job seeker for the job he is applying for.

֍ English is the official language of many types of university study fields. Such as science,
medicine, engineering, economics, business administration, and other educational fields that
many university students seek to study.

֍ The English language helps increase the ability to read books, magazines, and published
research relying on them, which supports the development of knowledge, knowledge and
personal culture of individuals.

֍ The English language provides a set of means of communication between different peoples,
which contributes to the identification of customs, heritage, and global folk traditions.

֍ The English language is used very often in websites on the Internet; As its learning contributes
to helping individuals to become familiar with the nature of websites, and the content published
on their various pages.

History of the English language:

The emergence of the English language dates back to the arrival of the Germanic tribes to the
lands of the United Kingdom in the fifth century AD, and their language was mixed with the
languages prevailing in those lands and regions; This led to the emergence of a new language that
was later called Old English, and in the fourteenth century AD, the English language developed;
Because of its mixing with the French language, which influenced it after the French forces
occupied the English regions.

In the sixteenth century AD, the first spread of the English language began outside the borders of
the lands of England, especially with the beginning of the development of political and economic
relations between the English and the countries and peoples around them. Helped in teaching and
introducing many non-English people to this language, as for the modern English language, it
appeared since the nineteenth century AD, which became an official and secondary language in
many countries of the world, and the English language continues to develop to this day.

Language characteristics :

English The English language is distinguished by a set of characteristics that distinguish it from
other international languages. Which:

֍ The English language contains a large number of structures and vocabulary, the total number
of which is more than 600,000 words.

֍ The English language mixed with many international languages, the most important of which
were the Arabic language, the French language, the Latin language, the German language, the
Greek language, and other languages.

֍ The pronunciation of most English words is similar together, and this requires the person
learning them more awareness and focus in understanding these words. So that he can use the
appropriate pronunciation with the correct word.

֍ The English language is considered one of the least European languages to conjugate
vocabulary and structures, and the conjugation is referred to as a change in the form or structure
of the word in order to contribute to its presentation of a different meaning, or a new role in the

֍ Often the subject in an English sentence comes at the beginning of the sentence, unlike many
other languages, especially the Arabic language, in which the basic sentence begins with the verb
and then the subject.

Categories of the English language:

Since the year 1600 AD, many new varieties of the English language began to appear, especially
with the spread of the English colonization of many European and American lands, which led to
the emergence of a group of linguistic varieties of the English language, but they differ from each
other in the use of some types of vocabulary, structures, or pronunciation For words, and among
the most important varieties of the well-known English language: British English, American
English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

The importance of acquiring a foreign language for the university student

There is no doubt that the acquisition of foreign languages is an urgent necessity for the
individual in our time. As for the university student, this importance is increasing more and more.
Given the requirements of the study that is on the way, as well as the necessity to keep pace with
what has been developed in terms of knowledge, so that its formation is complete, and plays the
role assigned to it, in graduating a student who is able to enter the labor market efficiently.
The advantages that a university student acquires by mastering the English language

1- The language in general develops the student’s culture. Through it, he can read, read and
research, which constitutes a fertile field for expanding his mental perceptions, and this is what
makes him develop himself as an educated individual.

2- The foreign language benefits the student a lot if the major he is studying is in it, so his lack of
mastery of the foreign language will stand in his way, and prevent him from acquiring the
knowledge he needs, and thus his academic career will be affected, and he may change from the
decision he made by choosing this specialization.

3- The student communicates through this acquired language with foreign students, and this
enables him to exchange experiences, knowledge and information, and to see what his peers are
studying in our vast world, especially with the scientific development that is present with others,
which represents an inevitability imposed on him.

4- The acquisition of a foreign language effectively contributes to revitalizing the student's mind,
so that it becomes more clever and easily picks up information, and it has been scientifically
proven that such activity protects the mind from diseases that it may experience as a result of a
person's progress in age.
5- The student's mastery of at least two foreign languages is an unavoidable necessity. Because
he is on the verge of higher studies, and he must be armed enough, he is not like other people, his
field of knowledge, knowledge and research, and the availability of this advantage in him plays a
role in his progress in his scientific career.

6- Learning a foreign language fills the student’s time, so he does not waste him on useless
things, especially during breaks and holidays. Learning it is the best investment, and it will
benefit him in terms of his future.

7- The student’s acquisition of a foreign language is evidence of his mental maturity and
intellectual development. Because his confinement in his native language may conceal secrets
from him that he may not obtain through translated books, and this point must be noted; Because
the translated book will be in a different language, and therefore the translation will not fulfill the
purpose that the student needs, especially if it comes to scientific materials, because here things
are more complicated and more sensitive.

8- The pleasure of learning a foreign language is bound to consolidate the value of knowledge
and knowledge among the student, and it will encourage him to strive hard in his studies.
Therefore, this value must be taken into account, as it senses the student that he has a close
relationship with language, which is related to human clarity.

9- Learning a foreign language teaches the student how to set his program, so the way to acquire
it is not easy, and it may be arduous, and requires daily exercise, and this helps him in arranging
the details of his day, and this will be reflected positively on his educational attainment, thus
linking learning this language with what he studies, will be the best solution In order to achieve
the desired results.

10- The acquisition of a foreign language contributes to enhancing the student's self-confidence,
so he becomes an eloquent orator; Because he went into the battlefield of a foreign language from
him, memorizing its vocabulary and ways of expressing it, this will develop his rhetorical faculty,
and his tongue becomes more fluent, as all languages are integrated with each other, as it makes
the individual in a permanent intellectual development, which made some fluent up to nine

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