Sudana, 2019

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March 2019;3(2):1-25

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market

Performance: Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

I Made Sudana
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga

Nugroho Sasikirono*
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga

Muhammad Madyan
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga

Rifqi Pramono
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga


This study aims to examine the relationship between certain dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) with market performance, measured by Tobin's Q, on companies within various industries in Indonesia.
This study disaggregates CSR into 7 dimensions: environment, energy, occupational safety and health,
employee, product, community, and general. Samples consisted of 385 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) during 2007-2014. OLS analysis shows that CSR contributes greatly to the formation of market
performance of consumer goods, agriculture, and miscellaneous industries. The dimensions of CSR contribute
differently to the formation of Q ratios in different industries. We also found that there are differences in the
speed of effect of several dimensions of CSR on the formation of market performance; some CSR dimensions
give immediate effect while others are lagged.

Keywords Corporate social responsibilities; Industry type; Market performance; Indonesia.


*Corresponding author: [email protected].

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1. Introduction

The implementation of CSR activities in Indonesia has only been formally regulated in the Law
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The law
states that companies are required to include reports on the implementation of social and
environmental responsibilities in the annual report. Article 74 paragraph 1 of the Limited Liability
Companies law also states that a company that carries out its business activities in the field and/or
related to natural resources shall carry out its social and environmental responsibilities; while
Article 74 paragraph 3 provides for sanction if the company does not perform its obligations as
referred to in paragraph 1. Since the enactment of the law, the implementation of CSR on business
activities in Indonesia has begun to increase due to the CSR that was once voluntary become
mandatory. Disclosure of CSR activities in the annual report is also conducted with the aim to
attract investors and maximize the market price of the company's stock, in accordance with the
signaling theory.
Signaling theory suggests that a good quality company will deliberately signal its quality to the
market, thus the market is expected to differentiate good and bad quality companies. The need to
send these signals provides motivation for companies to disclose CSR through annual reports. This
is to prove that the company is better than companies that do not disclose CSR. Thus, signaling
theory emphasizes that firms will tend to disclose more complete information to obtain a better
reputation, which will eventually attract investors and increase the company's stock market price.
Some studies that have been done in general show there is a relationship between the
implementation of CSR with the company's performance. Chen et al. (2015) show that some CSR
indicators have a positive effect on the profitability of the company. This is because the
implementation of CSR will enhance the company's reputation to its stakeholders. Tang et al.
(2012) state that CSR relationship with financial performance increases when CSR activity is
started from its implementation on the internal company. Starting CSR from the internal company
can increase the likelihood of successfully handling external CSR activities and improving financial
performance at the same time. Weber et al. (2008) state that CSR activity is a sustainability driver
that positively affects the financial performance of the firm. Improving financial performance will
have a positive impact on market performance. This will lead to a positive relationship between
CSR implementation and market performance (Garcia-Castro et al., 2010; Rodgers et al., 2013).
Griffin & Mahon (1997) states that every industry has its own uniqueness that lies in the internal
capabilities and external pressures that exist only in the industry. This uniqueness brings out
distinctive social responsibilities for each different type of industry. Griffin & Mahon (1997) argue
that each company will focus on different CSR dimensions according to the type of industry. The

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Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

statement creates a need to find out exactly how CSR influences the market performance of
companies based on industry type since industry differences should affect the different dimensions
of CSR performed by the firm.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between various dimensions of CSR and market
performance of different industry groups in the Indonesian capital market.

2. Theoretical Background and Hypothesis

2.1. Definition and measurement of corporate social responsibility

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in its article "Making
Good Business Sense" defines CSR as a business commitment to continuously act ethically, to
operate legally and contribute to economic improvement, along with improving the quality of life
of employees and their families as well as enhancing the quality of local communities and the wider
community. Implementation of CSR activities is the responsibility of a company's organization on
the impact of its decisions and activities to the community and the environment (Sudana, 2011).
Implementation of CSR will make the company's reputation better. Porter and Kramer (2006)
stated that in addition to improving reputation, CSR is also driven by moral obligation, license to
operate and sustainability. Achieving sustainability as a result of CSR means that the company
shows high social, environmental, and economic performance. Outcomes CSR company
performance in turns is expected to have a positive impact on its financial performance.
The measurement of the CSR disclosure index uses the content analysis method of the
company's annual report, which classifies texts with the same characteristics in different groups or
categories based on the criteria developed by Hackston and Milne (1996) and has been adapted to
Indonesian conditions by Sembiring (2005). Disclosure of CSR activities in the company's annual
report stated in the corporate social responsibility index (CSRI) will be assessed by comparing the
number of disclosures made by the company, there are 78 items of CSR disclosure categorized in
the following seven dimensions:

1. Environment (13 items). The environment dimension includes the policies and actions of the
company related to: the prevention and control of pollution; the prevention or repair of
environmental damage due to operations; the conservation of natural resources; waste
treatment; environmental protection; and also the contribution in art that aims to beautify the
environment and in the restoration of historical buildings.

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2. Energy (7 items). This dimension includes policies and activities related to more effective and
efficient use of energy, as well as the use of used materials as an energy source.
3. Occupational safety and health (8 items). This dimension is related to insurance policies and
activities occupational safety and health for employees, including: reducing pollution,
irritants, or risk in the work environment; promoting labor safety and physical or mental
health; complying with health and safety standard regulations; and providing health services
for the workforce.
4. Employee (29 items). The employee dimension related to the policies and activities related to
the utilization and development of women and disabled workers; home ownership and
recreational facilities; and other policies related to improving the working conditions in
general. This dimension also includes reports on company relations with unions and actions
that have been taken to address labor issues.
5. Product (10 items). The product dimension is related to policies and actions aimed at product
safety and liability, as well as disclosures about efforts on product development and
6. Community (9 items). This dimension is related to the company's contribution to the
community in forms of: donations to support community activities, education and the arts;
contribution to public health; scholarships and support for the local education system; and
concern for local business development.
7. General (2 items). This dimension is related to disclosure about the objectives of the
company's social responsibility policy and other matters related to CSR.

Index measurement begins with the determination of CSR activity item scores, i.e. 1 if CSR
activity items are disclosed, value 0 if not. Scores of corporate CSR disclosures in this study were
measured using the following general formula:

∑ 
   ···················································································································· (1)

 = Corporate social responsibility index of company i
 = CSR item on company i, 1 if item is disclosed and 0 if not
 = Number of CSR items

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Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

2.2. Definition and measurement of market performance

Market performance is a company's achievement as measured by the indicator of its stocks
market price. In this study market performance is measured by Tobin's Q ratio. In this study, the Q
ratio is used with the consideration that the ratio not only measures the historical performance of
the company but also shows market appreciation towards the company. This leads to Q ratio to be
related to various aspects of the company's development in the future (Sauaia and Castro Junior,
2002). The formula to measure Tobin's Q used in this study is:

Market Value of outstanding shares + Total Debt

Tobin’s Q = ·························································· (2)
Total Asset

A firm with good market performance generally has Tobin's Q ratio above one which means that
its stock market value is greater than the book value. The higher the Q ratio means the more
successful the company creates value for its shareholders. This will encourage new investment. The
magnitude of stock's market price is influenced by various factors, including CSR activities
conducted and disclosed in the company's annual report, as well as other internal factors of the
company, such as financial leverage, firm size, and age of the company.

2.3. Relationship between corporate social responsibility and market performance

The signaling theory states that a good quality company will deliberately deliver its quality to the
market. Through quality disclosure, it is expected that the market can differentiate companies of
good and bad quality. Quality disclosure can be done through a variety of ways, one of which is by
reporting CSR activities that have been done in the annual report. CSR disclosure is a way to prove
that a company is better than a company that does not do. Thus, signaling theory emphasizes that
firms will tend to present more complete information to gain a better reputation. Disclosure of CSR
activities thus expected to attract investors to invest and increase the market price of the company's
The results of previous research have shown different conclusions. Research by Miroshnychenko
et al. (2017) and Przychodzen and Przychodzen (2015) show a positive relationship between
environmental performance and financial performance. A study by Chen et al. (2015) shows a
positive relationship of social performance with return on equity. The results of Feng et al. (2015)
shows that CSR implementation can reduce the cost of equity capital in North America and Europe
but not in Asian countries. Although there are several studies that show a negative relationship
between CSR and financial performance, more research has shown otherwise (Orlitzky et al.,

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Disclosure of CSR makes investors feel safe and confident to invest in the company. The
information contained in the CSR disclosure can be taken into consideration by the investor to
make a decision. In essence, CSR disclosure reduces uncertainty for investors. Investors can use
CSR disclosure as a medium to get information about the relationship between the company and
its stakeholders. If the relationship between the company and stakeholders runs harmoniously,
then the investor will be willing to pay for the company's stock, due to the sustainability and
acceptability of the company. If a company has high sustainability and acceptability, then the
company can be classified as a low-risk company and if otherwise the company is classified as
Research by Inoue & Lee (2011) examines the influence of CSR on financial performance in the
tourism industry in the United States. This study uses five dimensions of CSR disclosure: employee
relations, product quality, community, environmental issues, and diversity issues. In line with
previous studies, the results showed that CSR gives a positive effect on financial performance. The
results also show that there are differences in the effect of CSR dimensions on financial
performance on different business in the tourism industry. It is therefore interesting to ask whether
there are differences in the effect of CSR dimensions on market performance on different industry
groups. Therefore, the research hypothesis can be formulated as:

H1: There are differences in the relationships between CSR dimensions and market performance
of companies in various industries.

3. Methodology

3.1. Data
The population is all companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during period
2007-2014. The sample used in this study was determined by purposive sampling method, with

1. Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period 2007-2014.
2. The Company published annual reports explaining the performance of its CSR activities.
3. Each industry group has a minimum of 10 members.

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Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Based on these criteria, a sample size of 385 companies was obtained, covering industries:
agriculture and plantations (14), mining (23), Basic and chemical (39), miscellaneous (29),
consumer goods (23), property (54), transportation (31), finance (75), and trade and services (97).

3.2. Measurement
Corporate social responsibility is the disclosure of CSR activities related to the dimensions of
environmental, energy, occupational safety and health, employee, products, community, and
general, which has conducted by the company as a form of corporate responsibility to its
stakeholders. In each dimension, corporate social responsibility is measured using dummy
variables, i.e. each CSR item in this study is assigned a value of 1 if disclosed and 0 if not. The items
in each dimension are described in the appendix of this article. The CSR disclosure score on each
dimension is calculated by the formula:

∑  
   ················································································································· (3)

 = Corporate social responsibility index of CSR on dimensions d.
 = Items of CSR dimension d; worth 1 if item was disclosed and 0 if not
 = Number of items of CSR on dimension d

Market performance is a company's performance measured by the indicators of the market price
of stocks. Market performance is measured using Tobin's Q, by the formula (2). Research control
variables include financial leverage (LEV) which is the ratio of total liabilities to total assets;
company size (SZE) as measured by the natural logarithm of total company assets at IPO; and the
age of the issuer when conducting the IPO (AGE).

3.3. Model
In examining the relationship between the dimensions of CSR and market performance this
study uses OLS, with the following model.

Tobin    =                  

                   
      ······························································································· (4)

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Tobin    = Tobin's Q of company i in industry j in year t + 1
  = CSR index on the environment dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = CSR index on the energy dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = CSR index on the occupational safety and health dimension of company i in industry j
in year t
  = CSR index on the employee dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = CSR index on the product dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = CSR index on the community dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = CSR index on the general dimension of company i in industry j in year t
  = Leverage of company i in industry j at year t
  = Size of company i in industry j at year t
  = Age of company i in industry j at year t
  = Error

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Findings
Figure 1 shows that the agricultural industry group exhibits the highest CSR performance in all
dimensions. This is due to the type of this industry that is directly related to large-scale farming,
plantation, and forestry. The agricultural industry is faced with all the challenges contained in the
CSR dimension and must be able to answer the challenge as it is closely related to the viability of
their business. On the other hand, the financial industry shows the lowest CSR performance in
most dimensions. This is because the various dimensions of CSR can be perceived as not affecting
the sustainability of the financial business, such as environment, energy, occupational health and
safety, and products. Nevertheless, considerable attention is given by the financial industry to
employee relations and the Community.
Overall, the highest performing CSR dimension is the general intention (which can easily be
interpreted as a statement of company commitment to the implementation of CSR activities).
Unfortunately, the intention is not fully applied to the various dimensions of CSR. Another
high-performance CSR dimension is Community and the environment. This is due to several
things. First, the Indonesian government is systematically encourages companies to engage in
community-related activities through programs such as environmental and social management
assessments (known as PROPER) and the regulation on the obligation of state-owned enterprises
to set aside a portion of net income for environmental CSR activities and Community (known as

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Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Partnership and Community Development Program). Second, as stated by Porter and Kramer
(2006), CSR is also conducted so that the company gets the license to operate from the community
and can enhance its reputation. The reason for the license to operate can also justify the high
performance of environment and occupational safety and health dimensions in agriculture and
mining industries (though for different reasons as will be explained later).

Figure 1 Performance of CSR dimensions in various industries in the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Table 1 shows the mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient of all research variables.
The correlation table shows that, in general, market performance is only positively correlated with
the product and general dimensions of CSR. Table 1 also shows a positive correlation of firm's size
and age with all dimensions of CSR. This indicates that with the increasing size and age of the
company, so does awareness of the importance of all CSR dimensions for the sustainability of the
company. Companies are becoming increasingly aware that their survival is largely determined by
acceptance by stakeholders. Acceptance by stakeholders also influences and is influenced by the
company's reputation. Therefore it can be stated that the larger and the older the company, the
higher the awareness to implement CSR in order to improve the reputation and acceptance of
stakeholders, resulting in the achievement of sustainability.

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Table 1 Means, standard deviations, and correlations

Mean 1.577 0.590 28.129 29.072 0.108 0.042 0.106 0.152 0.132 0.209 0.358
Std. Dev 1.733 0.598 1.916 14.792 0.148 0.113 0.166 0.074 0.151 0.162 0.357

LEV .498** 1
SZE -.163** -.057** 1
AGE -.019 .066** .220** 1
ENV .024 -.060** .377** .105** 1
ENR .028 -.025 .227** .159** .592** 1
SAF .040 -.054* .231** .054* .616** .433** 1
EMP .008 -.031 .440** .198** .457** .384** .444** 1
PRO .056** -.086** .220** .116** .447** .365** .390** .360** 1
COM .037 -.024 .499** .172** .518** .397** .394** .526** .483** 1
GEN .092** -.029 .307** .108** .404** .360** .416** .458** .569** .657** 1
*, ** indicate significance at the 5 and 1% levels, respectively

Table 2.a and Table 2.b describe the regression results on Tobin's Q during the study period. All
independent variables are 1 year lag of the Q ratio. In each industry two models are used to find out
the contribution of CSR dimensions to the formation of market performance. The results show that
although the contribution of CSR, in the overall industry, to the formation of market performance
is not too high, it is not so when viewed from a particular industry perspective. The
implementation of CSR gives the largest contribution, to the formation of market value, in the
industries of consumer goods, agriculture, and miscellaneous industry. There are characteristics
that differentiate the consumer goods and agriculture industries with other types of industries
namely the implementation of CSR on the dimensions of the product. This means that companies
in the consumer goods and agriculture industries are always encouraged to continue to develop
products and give high attention to their product safety and product liability. Policies related to the
product's CSR dimension are, therefore, closely related to the acceptability of products by
stakeholders, especially consumers. A high degree of acceptability will not only enhance the
company's reputation but also its sales and profitability.

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Table 2.a Regression Result for Tobin’s Q
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Overall Agriculture Mining Basic & Chemicals Miscellaneous

Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Const. 4.129*** 5.837*** 1.533 -6.407 13.915*** 18.172*** 2.713*** 3.510*** -3.228*** -1.120
(8.719) (11.122) (0.313) (-1.223) (3.861) (3.742) (3.350) (3.617) (-4.210) (-1.540)
LEV 1.427 1.449*** -3.102*** -3.734*** 1.666**
1.806** 0.646 ***
0.747*** 0.740*** 0.902***
(26.712) 27.570 (-4.360) (-4.354) (2.441) (2.430) (6.181) (6.890) (11.683) (13.901)
SZE -0.118*** (-0.194)*** 0.059 0.343* -0.419*** -0.58*** -0.055* -0.096** 0.136*** 0.047*
(6.911) (-9.778) (0.353) (1.847) (-3.535) (-3.432) (-1.794) (-2.531) (4.853) 1.739
AGE -0.003 (-0.004)* -0.004 0.026*** -0.012 -0.011 -0.013*** -0.014*** 0.002 -0.002
(-1.213) (-1.886) (-0.556) (2.766) (-0.528) (-0.413) (-2.85) (-2.710) (0.846) (-0.853)

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:

ENV 0.584* -1.840 4.255* 0.221 -0.516
(1.803) (-1.181) (1.781) (0.384) (-1.215)
ENR -0.231 -2.097* -3.688 -0.041 -1.244*
(-0.655) (-1.950) (-1.046) (-0.072) (-1.962)
SAF 0.114 2.117** -0.383 -0.745* 1.645***
(0.453) (2.288) (-0.172) (-1.794) (5.414)
EMP 0.485 0.365 -8.118 1.560 2.264***

Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

(0.887) (0.162) (-1.432) (1.602) (3.004)
PRO 0.571** -3.321** 3.629 -0.441 0.121
(2.148) (-2.595) (1.006) (-1.111) (0.351)
COM 0.478* 0.537 0.454 0.791 0.978**
-1.608 (0.371) (0.162) (1.599) (2.389)
GEN 0.432*** 0.228 0.768 0.380* -0.598***
(3.375) (0.363) (0.765) (1.717) (-3.821)
F 264.519*** 92.57*** 6.581*** 4.515*** 8.435*** 3.294*** 16.791*** 7.599*** 57.824*** 34.526***
R2 0.267 0.299 0.215 0.410 0.178 0.230 0.196 0.276 0.525 0.697
N 2183 2183 76 76 121 121 210 210 161 161
Notes: Table 2.a reports the results from OLS of Tobin’s Q during period 2007 – 2014 on the overall, agriculture, mining, basic & chemicals, and miscellaneous industries sample. The independent variables

are lag 1 year of Tobin’s Q. T-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, *** Indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1% levels, respectively.
Sudana et al
Table 2.b Regression Result for Tobin’s Q (continued)

Infrastructures &
Consumer Goods Property & Real Estate Finance Trading & Services
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Const. -8.561** -6.964* -0.522 -0.766 3.917 ***
5.261*** 1.331*** 1.645*** 3.711*** 5.868***
(-2.440) (-1.667) (-0.735) (-0.898) (3.305) (4.060) (3.596) (3.692) (3.471) (4.791)
LEV -1.000 -0.503 0.42** 0.411** 1.360*** 1.361*** -0.075 -0.037 1.891*** 1.870***
(-1.178) (-0.631) (2.103) (1.966) (16.966) (16.692) (-0.585) (-0.270) (23.631) (23.853)
SZE "0.339*** 0.260* 0.049* 0.058* -0.102** -0.161*** -0.002 -0.015 -0.090** -0.196***
(2.822) (1.726) (1.906) (1.859) (-2.396) (-3.276) (-0.163) (-0.787) (-2.326) (-4.198)
AGE 0.049*** 0.041*** 0.006* 0.007** -0.024*** -0.022*** -0.003 -0.002 -0.018*** -0.020***
(5.361) (4.824) (1.848) (2.032) (-3.798) (-3.471) (-1.594) (-1.446) (-3.440) (-3.789)
ENV -4.921*** -0.323 0.875 0.530 0.399
(-2.742) (-0.904) (0.996) (1.017) (0.436)
ENR 6.029*** 0.583* -0.892 -0.441 -0.725
(3.712) (1.695) (-0.968) (-0.723) (-0.992)
SAF 2.899** -0.330 1.400*** 0.95* -0.917*
(2.216) (-1.177) (2.695) (1.943) (-1.666)
EMP -7.045** -0.127 1.811 -0.708 5.440***
-2.342 (-0.195) (1.377) (-1.534) (4.272)
PRO 4.432*** 0.191 -1.701* -0.017 0.377
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(3.504) (0.586) (-1.710) (-0.050) (0.693)

COM 0.674 -0.401 0.788 0.413 -0.525
(0.385) (-1.474) (1.208) (1.591) (-0.788)
GEN 0.842 0.235* -0.574* -0.007 0.470*
(1.416) (1.742) (-1.755) (-0.063) (1.611)
F 11.191*** 9.707*** 8.036*** 3.591*** 126.679*** 42.271*** 1.690 1.373 216.841*** 72.073***
R2 0.195 0.424 0.062 0.074 0.728 0.758 0.012 0.032 0.530 0.558
N 143 143 323 323 146 146 422 422 581 581
Notes: Table 2.b reports the results from OLS of Tobin’s Q during period 2007 – 2014 on the consumer goods, property & real estate, infrastructures & transportation, finance, and trading & services
industries sample. The independent variables are lag 1 year of Tobin’s Q. T-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, *** Indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1% levels, respectively.
Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

In addition to the products, the occupational safety and health dimension also contributes
greatly to the formation of market performance, not only to the consumer goods and agriculture
industry but also to the miscellaneous industry (which includes industries such as automotive,
textile and garment, and electronics). This CSR dimension is related to the creation of a safe and
comfortable work environment for employees. Good implementation of this CSR dimension can
maintain and even increase the productivity of the company, and therefore positively affect the
improvement of company performance. The employee-related CSR dimension also contributes
greatly to the formation of market performance, particularly in the miscellaneous and consumer
goods industries. This dimension is related to the commitment to improve the quality and
satisfaction of its employees. The high quality and satisfaction level of the employees will lead to
the increasing contribution to the organization. Higher contributions ultimately have a positive
impact on improving organizational performance, including financial performance.
Tables 2.a and 2.b also show that the environment dimension of CSR related positively to Tobin's
Q in the mining industry, and negative on consumer goods. The mining industry is an extractive
industry, where its operations directly relate to the utilization of natural resources. Disclosures of
the environment dimension in the mining industry could reduce the negative image in the public's
eye that mining activities are environmentally destructive. Disclosure of compliance with
environmental regulations may include disclosure of pollution control activities as a result of
company operations, reforestation, and land reclamation. In the consumer goods industry, the
environment dimension of CSR is triggered by the increasing demands of environmentally
conscious consumers. The consumer goods industry, among others, includes food and beverage,
cigarette, and pharmaceutical industries, is quite identical to the potential for environmental
pollution due to its operating activities. Efforts to control pollutants through environmental
management and monitoring efforts undertaken with the construction of liquid, solid, and gas
waste treatment facilities in the consumer goods industry are likely to be carried out to obtain a
license to operate, and the costs incurred are considered an additional burden that can reduce the
ability of firms to generate profits.
The energy dimension of CSR has a positive relationship with Tobin's Q in the consumer goods
and property industries, but negative in the agricultural and miscellaneous industries. This CSR
dimension is oriented towards improving energy efficiency in company operations and to create
alternative sources of energy. Application of energy dimensions in business activities can be done
in various ways, such as changing the use of oil with gas fuel, alternative energy sources, and
utilization of agricultural waste for alternative energy sources. Investment in the energy dimension
of CSR requires a relatively high initial cost, but in the long run will have an impact on better
company performance (Panwar, R., et al., 2016). When a company applies the energy dimension,

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its impact can also affect financial performance. This is due to the reduced use of electricity, water,
paper, fuel, and raw materials, will lead to the lowering of overall costs, which in turns will increase
productivity and company performance. In the agriculture and miscellaneous industries, this CSR
dimension is not directly related to value creation effort, and therefore negatively related.
The occupational safety and health dimension of CSR related positively with Q ratio in the
agriculture, consumer goods, infrastructure and transportation, miscellaneous, and finance
industries; but negatively affect the basic and chemicals industries as well as trading and services.
Companies need to maintain the safety and health of their employees, both physically and
mentally. Poor safety and health will result in high absenteeism and low productivity. The
availability of a good safety and health program, supported by a healthy working environment, will
be able to improve employee performance. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on the
performance of the company, thereby improving Tobin's Q. In basic and chemicals industries, and
also, trading and services, the implementation of the CSR dimension of occupational safety and
health is generally done to meet the legal requirements. In this case, many organizational safety and
health programs are structured not based on causal analysis of safety and health action chains that
contribute to the company's financial performance. This lack of analysis, even resulting in
occupational safety and health activities negatively affect the financial performance of the
The employee dimension of CSR activities has a positive relationship with Tobin's Q in the trade
and services industry, as well as various industries; but negative in the consumer goods industry.
This indicates that through the application of effective employee-oriented activities, job
satisfaction will increase. The increasing of employee satisfaction will motivate employees to
contribute optimally to the organization. This will have a positive impact, not only on the
performance of operations but also, the financial performance of the company. In the consumer
goods industry, the implementation of the employee dimension is perceived as an additional
activity with greater cost than its benefits. The emphasis of the consumer goods industry in
Indonesia on production and sales resulted in CSR dimension of manpower is actually considered
as a constraint on the achievement of financial performance.
The product dimension of CSR has a positive relationship with Q ratio in the consumer goods
industry, but negative in the agriculture industry as well as in the infrastructure and transport. The
main focus of this dimension is on product development, product safety, and product liability. This
is done to ensure that the resulting product is constantly evolving and does not adversely affect or
harm consumers, with the ultimate goal of increasing customer loyalty. This finding is in
accordance with the theory of legitimacy that suggest that the company tries to develop its
products to increase customer loyalty that will ultimately meet the expectations of stakeholders.

14 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

The increasing of customer loyalty will lead to increased market performance. In the agriculture,
infrastructure and transportation industries, programs related to product safety and product
liability are seen as a burden that can hinder the company in achieving its financial objectives.
The community dimension in the miscellaneous industry is positively related to Tobin's Q.
Based on these results, it can be stated that the industry gets added value through CSR activities of
community involvement due to the great dependence between the operational activities of the
company and the surrounding community. Therefore, by implementing Community activities
aimed at improving community relations, companies will potentially gain operational efficiency
and competitive advantage, leading eventually to increased market performance.
The general dimension has a positive relationship with Tobin's Q in industries: basic and
chemicals, property, and trading and services; but negatively in the miscellaneous industry as well
as infrastructure and transportation. In contrast to other dimensions of CSR, this dimension has
only items relating to general corporate objectives with regard to corporate social responsibility,
and information relating to corporate social responsibility other than those mentioned. High
scores on this dimension generally indicate the company's commitment to implement CSR. The
higher the company's commitment the higher the market's appreciation of the company. The
negative relation on the Q ratio of the miscellaneous industry as well as the infrastructure and
transportation is due to the past experience shows the low implementation of the firm's
commitment to the industry group. This can be exemplified by the large number of aviation and
passenger ship accidents, the low operational performance of port and airport, and public
complaints from the pollution caused by companies in such industry groups.

4.2. Robustness Check

To test the persistence of CSR dimensions in explaining market performance, as well as
exploring the immediate relationship between CSR dimensions and performance, OLS without lag
between the dependent and independent variables is implemented. Table 3.a and 3.b present the
regression results for Tobin's Q during the study period. All independent variables are in the same
year as Q ratio. Most CSR dimensions have both immediate and delayed influence on Q ratios. This
can be seen in the dimensions of: the environment in mining and consumer goods industries; the
products in consumer goods industry; the occupational safety and health in agriculture and
consumer goods industries; the employment in consumer goods, trading and services, and
miscellaneous industries. The results also show that the largest contribution of CSR
implementation to market performance still occurs in miscellaneous, agriculture and consumer
goods industries.

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Some CSR dimensions only have an immediate impact. The community dimension shows the
most obvious immediate impact. Community development activities have an impact on corporate
value creation in the same year in basic and chemicals, as well as property industries. While in the
miscellaneous industry the community dimension has an immediate and delayed impact. The
immediate impact of activities associated with community dimension can occur because of the
tendency of companies to publicize such activities as soon as possible through the mass media.
This is done not solely to indicate the prestige of the company but also to improve the company's
acceptability. Increased levels of acceptability will have a positive impact on market performance.
In the property industry, the increase in community activity is generally reactive. That is, the
company will increase this level of activity in case of public complaints disturbed by the company's
operational activities. Thus, the publication that occurs is negative and this has an impact on the
decline in market performance of the property industry companies.
The environment dimension of CSR has an immediate effect in the agriculture industry. This is
because the environmental impact of agricultural business is generally widespread to the
surrounding community. The nature of agriculture businesses (which include farming, plantations,
livestock, and forestry) are utilize vast land and potentially causing massive pollution and disaster
for the surrounding community. Poor environmental policies have the potential to incur
substantial harm to the surrounding community (e.g. in the form of landslides, flood, or spill of
livestock manure into residential areas). The loss of community will become bad news material
that can soon spread widely to the investor. A bad assessment by investors, then, will be able to
degrade the company's market performance. This is getting worse because environmental policy
failures can also cause product failures, such as flooding can lead to crop failure, poor handling of
livestock manure can lead to an increase in livestock mortality. It's likely that in the agriculture
industry, investors attributed the increase in the environment dimensions of CSR activities to the
reactions of firms to overcome failures due to bad environmental policies. In other industry
groups, namely mining and consumer goods, environmental CSR has immediate and delayed
impacts. This is because the poor environmental performance does not always result in immediate
product failure.

16 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

Table 3.a Regression Result for Tobin’s Q
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

Overall Agriculture Mining Basic & Chemical Miscellaneous

Model 3 Model 4 Model 3 Model 4 Model 3 Model 4 Model 3 Model 4 Model 3 Model 4
Const. 4.113*** 5.636*** -0.083 -3.662 15.740*** 19.202*** 3.200*** 4.381*** -4.037*** -1.601*
(7.942) (9.802) (-0.020) (-0.771) (3.942) (3.378) (4.328) (4.930) (-4.407) (-1.891)
LEV 1.170 1.193*** -2.814*** -1.844** 1.106 1.044 0.654 ***
0.742*** 0.738***
(19.260) (19.959) (-4.669) (-2.402) (1.446) (1.226) (7.055) (7.520) (9.387) (11.746)
SZE -0.117*** -0.187*** 0.103 0.196 -0.485*** -0.619*** -0.072** -0.125*** 0.166*** 0.061*
(-6.272) (-8.589) (0.706) (1.164) (-3.705) (-3.115) (-2.563) (-3.565) (4.953) (1.912)
AGE 0.002 0.001 -0.003 0.014 -0.003 0.006 -0.016*** -0.015*** 0.002 -0.004
(0.796) (0.263) (-0.474) (1.592) (-0.115) (0.206) (-3.598) (-3.186) (0.464) (-1.172)

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:

ENV 0.338 -2.822* 4.839* 0.303 -0.612
(0.932) (-1.939) (1.757) (0.574) (-1.269)
ENR -0.321 -2.137** -4.872 0.416 -1.891**
(-0.803) (-2.302) (-1.022) (0.763) (-2.392)
SAF -0.009 1.926** -0.689 -0.399 1.527***
(-0.031) (2.352) (-0.254) (-0.986) (4.368)
EMP 0.668 2.989 -6.879 0.612 3.058***

Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

(1.092) (1.586) (-1.043) (0.677) (3.459)
PRO 0.619** -0.041 2.831 -0.190 -0.094
(2.098) (-0.035) (0.672) (-0.510) (-0.244)
COM 0.304 1.901 -1.649 0.807* 1.333***
(0.937) (1.478) (-0.520) (1.729) (2.867)
GEN 0.588*** -0.624 1.432 0.109 -0.528***
(4.123) (-1.216) (1.227) (0.512) (-2.844)
F 143.359*** 53.052*** 7.451*** 4.732*** 7.631*** 2.865*** 24.217*** 8.958*** ,41.666*** 28.911***
R2 0.194 0.229 0.282 0.486 0.196 0.248 0.303 0.359 0.494 0.705
N 1794 1794 61 61 98 98 171 171 132 132
Notes: Table 3.a reports the results from OLS of Tobin’s Q during period 2007 – 2014 on the overall, agriculture, mining, basic & chemicals, and miscellaneous industries sample. The independent variables

are in the same year of Tobin’s Q. T-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, *** Indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1% levels, respectively.
Sudana et al
Table 3.b Regression Result for Tobin’s Q

Infrastructure &
Consumer Goods Property Financial Trading & Services
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Const. -8.901** -7.707 -0.724 -1.200 3.970 ***
4.678* 1.363*** 1.661*** 2.935*** 4.663***
(-2.236) (-1.576) (-0.918) (-1.276) (1.842) (1.851) (3.151) (3.202) (2.622) (3.658)
LEV -1.113 -0.763 0.203 0.232 1.246*** 1.200*** -0.080 -0.054 1.511*** 1.500***
(-1.142) (-0.806) (0.936) (1.015) (7.226) (6.385) (-0.531) (-0.335) (17.713) (18.144)
SZE 0.346** 0.270 0.056* 0.071** -0.104 -0.118 -0.003 -0.016 -0.060 -0.152***
(2.532) (1.535) (1.953) (2.040) (-1.341) (-1.221) (-0.157) (-0.725) (-1.478) (-3.110)
AGE 0.059*** 0.051*** 0.010*** 0.011*** -0.016 -0.020 -0.003 -0.003 -0.014** -0.015***
(5.565) (5.123) (2.717) (2.686) (-1.386) (-1.513) (-1.600) (-1.46) (-2.440) (-2.722)
ENV -5.807*** -0.526 1.655 0.330 0.428
(-2.666) (-1.324) (0.920) (0.531) (0.437)
ENR 5.547*** 0.669* -1.765 -0.663 -1.191
(2.909) (1.749) (-0.805) (-0.893) (-1.511)
SAF 3.240** -0.506 0.317 0.793 -0.962*
(2.015) (-1.589) (0.277) (1.401) (-1.649)
EMP -6.015* 0.830 -1.695 -0.397 6.274***
(-1.689) (1.111) (-0.646) (-0.708) (4.749)
PRO 4.049*** -0.153 -1.570 0.235 0.463
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

(2.671) (-0.422) (-0.733) (0.613) (0.821)

COM 1.350 -0.502* 0.548 0.445 -0.876
-0.633 (-1.695) (0.415) (1.497) (-1.267)
GEN 1.323* 0.377** 0.119 -0.043 0.459
(1.886) (2.531) (0.183) (-0.326) (1.485)
F 11.620*** 8.222*** 7.091*** 3.787*** 23.913*** 7.109*** 1.646 1.049 120.177*** 42.784***
R2 0.233 0.432 0.074 0.128 0.393 0.406 0.014 0.030 0.429 0.475
N 119 119 269 269 117 117 346 346 483 483
Notes: Table 3.b reports the results from OLS of Tobin’s Q during period 2007 – 2014 on the consumer goods, property & real estate, infrastructures & transportation, finance, and trading & services
industries sample. The independent variables are in the same year of Tobin’s Q. T-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, *** Indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1% levels, respectively.
Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Some CSR dimensions have only delayed effects. This can be seen in product and general CSR
dimensions. The product dimension of CSR in the agriculture and infrastructure and
transportation industries is related to the Q ratio of the following year. This happens because the
company policy related to product safety and product liability can only give implication in the long
term. For example, high accident rates due to highway design faults often occur long after the road
is completed. In other words, it takes a longer time for the investor to consider the effect of the
product dimension on Q ratio, in both industry groups. This is certainly different from the
influence of the product dimension of CSR on the consumer goods industry. Consumer goods
industry's products generally have very low durability; these products tend to be consumed in a
short time. This leads to a policy impact of the product dimension, such as products that are found
to be harmful to health, can be quickly observed. Hence the product dimension in the consumer
goods industry shows both immediate and delayed impacts. Meanwhile, delays in the effect of the
general dimension of CSR are more due to investors' decisions awaiting the realization of corporate
commitments related to CSR.

5. Conclusions

This study aims to analyze whether various dimensions of CSR have an influence on the market
performance of companies in various industry groups. This study divides the CSR dimension into
seven: environment, energy, occupational safety and health, employee, product, community, and
general. There are nine industry groups studied: agriculture, mining, basic and chemicals,
miscellaneous, consumer goods, infrastructure and transportation, property, finance, and trading
and services. The results showed that all industry groups in Indonesia Stock Exchange have
implemented various dimensions of CSR. Although OLS results in all samples show CSR
contribution to the formation of market performance is not large; this is not the case when
analyzed by industry type. In the consumer goods, agriculture, and miscellaneous industries, CSR's
contribution to market performance is substantial. These results are consistent both for models
with and without lag. This indicates that CSR activities conducted by different industries are
perceived differently by investors.
Further investigation shows that the CSR dimension contributes differently to the formation of
Q ratio, to different industries. The environment dimension has a positive relationship with the Q
ratio in the mining industry, and negative in the consumer goods. The energy dimension is
positively associated with Tobin's Q in the consumer goods and the property industries but
negatively in the agricultural and miscellaneous industries. The dimension of occupational health
and safety have a positive relationship with Q ratio in the agriculture, consumer goods,

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infrastructure and transportation, miscellaneous, and finance industries; but negatively affect in
basic and chemicals as well as trading and services industries. The employee dimension of CSR
activities positively affect Q ratio in the trade and services, as well as miscellaneous industries; but
negatively in the consumer goods industry. Product dimensions are positively related to the Q ratio
in the consumer goods industry, and negatively in the agriculture and infrastructure and transport
industries. The community dimension has a positive relationship with Tobin's Q in miscellaneous
Not all CSR dimensions have delayed relationships, some have immediate relation to the firm's
market performance. The Community dimension shows an immediate relation in basic and
chemicals as well as property industries. While the environment dimension of CSR has an
immediate effect in the agriculture industry. Some CSR dimensions have only delayed effects. This
can be seen in the product and general dimensions of CSR. However, most of the CSR dimensions
show both immediate and delayed effects. The time interval of the effect of CSR on market
performance is influenced by the motivation to carry out CSR activities, the events that become the
trigger of CSR activity implementation, as well as the clarity and strategic value of the company's
CSR policy.
This study has several implications. The managerial implication of this research is that the
managers of some industry groups must really pay attention to their CSR policies because of their
great contribution to the formation of corporate value. Management in each industry group should
also focus on implementing CSR in certain dimensions that have a significant effect on the value
creation process in each industry. CSR policies should be based on an analysis that links each
dimension of CSR to the goals of the value creation of the firm. For investors, this study has
implications for the need to consider the aspects of CSR disclosure that affect the market
performance of companies in each industry when making investment decisions. However, we also
recognize that the use of different CSR performance measures can have different implications.
Therefore the use of different CSR performance measures is expected to be carried out in future

Received 10. October. 2018, Revised 27. February. 2019, Accepted 27. February. 2019


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22 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Appendix: Items in various dimensions of CSR

1. Environment
1.1 Pollution control of operations; research and development expenditure for pollution
1.2 Statements indicating that the company's operations do not result in pollution or comply
with the laws and regulations of pollution;
1.3 A statement indicating that the pollution of the operation has been or will be reduced;
1.4 Prevention or repair of environmental damage caused by natural resources processing,
such as land reclamation or reforestation;
1.5 Conservation of natural resources, such as recycling glass, iron, oil, water and paper;
1.6 Use of recycled materials;
1.7 Receive awards in relation to the company's environmental programs;
1.8 Designing a harmonious facility with the environment;
1.9 Contribution in art that aims to beautify the environment;
1.10 Contribution in the restoration of historical buildings;
1.11 Waste treatment;
1.12 Undertaking environmental impact studies to monitor the company’s impact on the
1.13 Environmental protection.

2. Energy
2.1 Using energy more efficiently during the manufacturing process;
2.2 Utilizing used materials to produce energy;
2.3 Disclosure of energy savings as a result of product recycling;
2.4 Discussing the company's efforts in reducing energy consumption;
2.5 Disclosure of increased energy efficiency of the product;
2.6 Research aimed at improving energy efficiency of the product;
2.7 Disclosing the company's energy policies.

3. Occupational Safety and Health

3.1 Reducing pollution, irritants, or risk in the work environment;

3.2 Promoting labor safety and physical or mental health;
3.3 Revealing work accident statistics;

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review 23

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3.4 Complying with health and safety standard regulations;

3.5 Accepting award related to safety;
3.6 Establishing a safety committee;
3.7 Conducting research to improve work safety;
3.8 Providing health services for the workforce.

4. Employee
4.1 Recruitment or utilization of female / disabled workers:
4.2 Disclosing the percentage/number of female/disabled workers in the managerial level;
4.3 Disclosing the purpose of the use of women / disabled workers in employment;
4.4 Program for the advancement of female / disabled workers;
4.5 Training of workers through specific programs at work;
4.6 Providing financial assistance to the workforce in pursuing further education;
4.7 Establishing a training center;
4.8 Disclosing assistance or guidance to workers who are in the process of resigning or who
have made mistakes;
4.9 Reveals employee home ownership planning;
4.10 Providing facilities for recreational activities;
4.11 Disclosing percentage of salary for retirement;
4.12 Disclosing the remuneration policy in the company;
4.13 Disclosing the amount of labor within the company;
4.14 Disclosing existing managerial levels;
4.15 Disclosing staff disposition - where staff are placed;
4.16 Disclosing the number of staff, working period and their age group;
4.17 Disclosing labor statistics, e.g. sales per worker;
4.18 Disclosing the qualifications of recruited workforce;
4.19 Disclosing the plan of share ownership by the workforce;
4.20 Disclosing other benefit sharing plans;
4.21 Disclosing information about the relationship of management and labor in improving
job satisfaction and motivation;
4.22 Disclosing information on the stability of the workforce and the future of the company;
4.23 Providing separate employment reports;
4.24 Reporting the company's relationship with the union;
4.25 Reporting disturbances and labor actions;

24 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review

Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Performance:
Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange

4.26 Disclosing information on how labor action is negotiated;

4.27 Improving working conditions in general;
4.28 Providing information about the reorganization of the company affecting the workforce;
4.29 Providing information and statistics on labor turnover.

5. Product
5.1 Disclosure of company product development information, including packaging;
5.2 Explanation or figures of expenses for product research and development and its benefits;
5.3 Disclosure of information about a company research project to improve the product;
5.4 Disclosure that the product meets safety standards;
5.5 Commitment to make products safer for consumers;
5.6 Conducting research on company product safety level;
5.7 Disclosure of hygiene / health improvement in processing and product preparation;
5.8 Disclosure of information on the safety of the company's products;
5.9 Disclosure of information about product quality that is reflected in the award received;
5.10 Verifiable information that product quality has improved (e.g. ISO 9000).

6. Community
6.1 Cash donations, products, or services, to support community activities, education and
the arts;
6.2 Part-time employment of students;
6.3 Act as a sponsor for public health projects;
6.4 Helps medical research;
6.5 Act as a sponsor for educational conferences, seminars or art exhibitions;
6.6 Financing the scholarship program;
6.7 Opening company facilities for the community;
6.8 Sponsoring national campaigns;
6.9 Support the development of local industry.

7. General

7.1 Disclosure of general corporate objectives/policies relating to corporate social responsibility

to the public.
7.2 Information relating to corporate social responsibility other than those mentioned

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Review 25

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