People who have indicated they live in a certain place on Facebook {"city":"{\"name\":\"users_location\",\"args\":\"PLACEID\"}"}
People who have identified that they attend(ed) a certain educational facility {"school":"{\"name\":\"users_school\",\"args\":\"PAGEID\"}"}
People who have identified that they work for a certain employer on Facebook {"employer":"{\"name\":\"users_employer\",\"args\":\"PAGEID\"}"}
Displays a list of the user's friends, ready to be combined with other filters. UserID used
must have open friendslist. Results will be correct, but the results page will not have an
indication of what the results mean. {"friends":"{\"name\":\"users_friends_of_people\",\"args\":\"USERID\"}"}
Posts, videos, or photos (choose via search tab) from a group {"rp_group":"{\"name\":\"group_posts\",\"args\":\"GROUPID\"}"}
Posts, videos, or photos (choose via search tab) a user or page has posted {"rp_author":"{\"name\":\"author\",\"args\":\"PAGEID\"}"}
Posts, videos, or photos (choose via search tab) tagged to a location {"rp_location":"{\"name\":\"location\",\"args\":\"PLACEID\"}"}
Recent {"rp_chrono_sort":"{\"name\":\"chronosort\",\"args\":\"\"}"}
Posts, videos, or photos (choose via search tab) on an exact date \\\"2019-1-10\\\",\\\"end_day\\\":\\\"2019-09-01\\\"}\"}"}
Facebook Live {"videos_source":"{\"name\":\"videos_live\",\"args\":\"\"}"}
Verified Pages {"verified":"{\"name\":\"pages_verified\",\"args\":\"\"}"}
Combination search (note the one set of outer braces are surrounding the whole query and
there is a comma in between parts of the query): People who have identified that they attend
(ed) a certain educational facility and who have identified that they work for a certain {"school":"{\"name\":\"users_school\",\"args\":\"PAGEID\"}","employer":"{\"name\":\"users_employer\",
employer on Facebook \"args\":\"PAGEID\"}"}
Base64 Encoders
Credits (also known as "the people to turn to when everything goes to hell")
OSINTCurious crew: https://osintcurio.us/
Nemec - https://gist.github.com/nemec/2ba8afa589032f20e2d6509512381114
Sowdust - https://github.com/sowdust
Henk Van Ess - https://twitter.com/henkvaness/
Boolean Strings Blog - https://booleanstrings.com/