Enviromental Wellness (Draft)

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1. The definition, importance as introduction, any components, principles, and any related
diseases, knowledge & skills.

Environmental wellness is refers of our safety, comfort and connection with our physical
surroundings. Environmental wellness can be enhanced by living more in harmony with
the planet and our community. Environmental wellness is important in creating a happy
and healthy living space for ourselves. Environmental wellness is an awareness of the
unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment.
It is maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with the earth and minimizes harm
to the environment. It includes being involved in socially responsible activities to protect
the environment.

Environmental wellness inspires us to live a lifestyle that is respectful of our

surroundings. This dimension encourages us to live in harmony with the Earth by taking
action to protect it. Environmental well-being promotes interaction with nature and your
personal environment. Everyone can have a strong environmental consciousness simply
by raising their awareness. When you become environmentally aware, you will be able
to realize how your daily habits affect the environment. The core principle is respect—
respect for all nature and all species living in it. Environmental wellness does not mandate
that you join a movement or organization, but it does encourage you to practice habits
that promote a healthy environment. Improving environmental wellness is simple and
results in a more balanced lifestyle.

Environmental Health Diseases

Environmental pollutants can cause health problems like respiratory diseases,

heart disease, and some types of cancer. People with low incomes are more likely to live
in polluted areas and have unsafe drinking water. And children and pregnant women are
at higher risk of health problems related to pollution.
Component of Environmental Wellness/Health
a) Environment and sustainability
b) Health relationship
c) Job and carerr
d) Learning and engagement
e) Financial literacy
f) Culture and care
g) Social justice and inclusion

Environmental Wellness Skills Ideas

a) Ride your bike, walk or take public transportation instead of driving.

b) Recycle and compost.
c) Plant and tend a garden.
d) Use natural cleaning products.
e) Choose your own healthy habit in this category.
f) Remove clutter from your home or office

Knowledge for Building Environmental Wellness

a) Create a healthy, happy living space

b) Make appositive impact on the environment
c) Play tourist (without getting on a plane)
d) Find little spaced of tranquillity (or create your own)
e) Make your community a better place
f) Foster happy relationship in your home
2. Explain the barriers/factors/causes
Barriers of Enviromental Wellness/Health (& Modern Life)
The major environmental / physical barriers are Time, Place, Public, Climate and
Noise. Some of them are easy to alter whereas, some may prove to be tough obstacles in the
process of effective communication. These factors may just cause distraction leading to
inattentiveness or totally alter the message, causing miscommunication.

Time has an important role in a communication process. Do we not often hear
expressions such as “timely caution”, “timely advice?”. These expressions indicate the role
of time as a factor in communication. An organization that expects quick results cannot afford
to be slack in its channels of communication. The time lag between countries in Europe /
America and Asia has to be overcome by the adoption of modern and fast communication
channels. Quickness of communication is the watchword in the modern world of
Every concern has to choose a fast channel of communication with good alternatives.
You have to choose a face-to-face oral communication channel to give instructions to a
worker, a public address system to reach a large member of people scattered over a large area,
a visual signal in crowd management and a courier system to reach clientele spread over and
at distance and so on. Railway Authorities and Airline authorities have computer
programmed voice announcements on arrivals and departures which get constantly updated.
Modern banking through voice recording systems is available today. All these developments
emphasise the importance of ‘time’ in a communication exercise. Immediacy of the objective
usually determines the choice of the medium. In modern times, time consuming slow
channels of communication are getting replaced by effective fast channels of communication.

The place or the location where a communication process takes place can degenerate
into a barrier to effective communication. A simple comparison of the surroundings in a
Government / Municipal office and the ambience provided in a multinational company will
show how place and surroundings play an important role in effective communication.
Inconvenient place, rickety furniture, poor lighting, inadequacy of space are all factors that
make people irritable / impatient and annoyed. Friction and conflict erupt easily in such
places which mar the transaction of any business, leave alone business communication. Even
though it is part of office management, its impact on the communication process as a barrier
is inevitable. Good ambience and suitably lighted and ventilated places promote effective

The distance between the speaker (the encoder) and the listeners (decoder, in this
context an audience) should be over ten feet, in a public situation.
Any reduction of this minimum space parameters will lead to awkward and embarrassing
situations. Generally, Americans and Europeans do not want violation of their personal space.
They refer to their personal body space as the ‘body-bubble’ which they do not want to be
violated by unwanted intrusions. Asians and people from the Middle East do not attribute
importance to space. Space can act as barrier in a cross cultural or trans-national oral
communication situation. Over crowding in elevators, jostling in office corridors and
elbowing in public transport systems are all external factors that do affect communication as
barriers. Proper maintenance of distance will help overcome this carrier. It will remove
miscommunication and prevent distortion of a message or information.

“The talks were held in a cordial atmosphere and in a proper climate” say the
newspapers. Though the word climate refers to the human relations prevailing there, it is no
exaggeration to say that the actual room temperature helps people to keep their heads cool!
Unfavorable climate can act as a barrier to communication leading to wrong perceptions or

Noise is a physical barrier to effective communication. Noise may have its origin from
an external source or may exist even in the communication loop. You do not achieve effective
communication by merely shouting. Effective communication is almost impossible on the
factory floor, the bus stand or railway station. No one should try to out shout a machine to
achieve successful communication. Instead he should choose a better place with less noise to
communicate his message / information. Noise distorts messages and acts as a barrier to
effective communication.

Factors of Enviromental Wellness/Health

1. Chemical safety
2. Air pollution
3. Climate change and natural disasters
4. Diseases caused by microbes
5. Lack of acces to health care
6. Infrastructure issues
7. Poor water quality
8. Global enviromental issues

Causes of Enviromental Wellness/Health

1. Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the most complex and vital feature of our planet. It is essentially every
living thing and ecosystem that makes up the environment. From the tallest giraffe to the
smallest microorganism, everything plays an important role in the maintenance of our world.
But with the increase in global warming, pollution and deforestation, biodiversity is
in danger. Billions of species are going or have gone extinct all over the world. Some
scientists, in fact, are suggesting that we are in the beginning of a 6th mass extinction, posing
issues for our planet and ourselves.
Reducing our meat intake, particularly red meat, as well as making sustainable
choices can help to keep our planet running smoothly.

2. Water
Water pollution is a huge concern for us and our environment. Not only is polluted
water a huge financial strain but is also killing both humans and marine life. With oil spills,
an abundance of plastic waste and toxic chemicals entering our waterways, we’re damaging
the most valuable resource our planet has to offer.
By educating people on the causes and effects of water pollution, we can work
together to undo the damage humans have caused. Laws also need to change to make
pollution tougher, consistently across national borders.

3. Deforestation
We need plants and trees to survive. They provide oxygen, food, water and medicine
for everyone, all over the globe. But if deforestation continues at the rate it’s occurring, we
won’t have much of the valuable forestry left.
With natural wildfires, illegal logging and the mass amount of timber being harvested
for commercial use, our forests are decreasing at an alarming rate. As well as reducing our
supply of oxygen, the loss of forests is contributing around 15% of our greenhouse gas
To help, you can buy more recycled and organic products, limiting the amount of
paper and cardboard you use.

4. Pollution
Pollution is one of the primary causes of many of the other environmental concerns,
including climate change and biodiversity. All 7 key types of pollution – air, water, soil,
noise, radioactive, light and thermal – are affecting our environment.
All types of pollution, and environmental concerns, are interlinked and influence one
another. So, to tackle one is to tackle them all. That’s why we need to work together, as a
community, to reduce the impact that pollution is having on our environment.

5. Climate Change
As pointed out by a recent UN report, without ‘unprecedented changes’ in our actions
and behaviour, our planet will suffer drastically from global warming in just 12 years.
Greenhouses gases are the main cause of climate change, trapping in the sun’s heat and
warming the surface of the earth.
An increased ocean temperature is affecting the sea life and ecosystems habituated
there. The rise in global sea levels is shrinking our land, causing mass floods and freak
weather incidents across the world. If we continue as we are, the world will suffer
Saying no to driving more will reduce your carbon footprint, as will switching off
electrical items when they’re not in use. More importantly, we need to educate the world on
the effects and severity of global warming, before it’s too late.

3. Explain the life styles which influences on that health dimension

a. Avoid wastage of water and natural resources

 Save water consumption in daily life
 Water is a resource that can be depleted one day
 Water is a very important resource for humans
 Example: Turn off the water while soaping hands and brushing teeth, take shorter
showers –five minutes or less

b. Minimize chemical use

 The use of chemicals has a detrimental effect on the environment
 Try to use something organic based or reduce the use of chemicals in a sector
 In addition, the use of chemicals is very dangerous to humans and can cause many
 Example: Use organic -based fertilizers such as animal manure in the agricultural
 Practise Reduce, Reuse and Recyle
 Do not throw rubbish everywhere and practice throwing it in the rubbish bin
 It is best to know the type of waste that will be disposed of for segregation in the
recycling bin
 Example: Paper waste is disposed of in a special recycling bin for paper to be
recycled so that it can be reused in the future

c. Plant more trees

 Get involved with a tree replanting campaign or try to plant trees in the home area
and others
 Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
 Clean air and plenty of oxygen can make our lives healthier

d. Renew your relationship with earth

 Foster an attitude of love for the environment in yourself
 Follow programs or campaigns related to the environment

4. Assessing process (What is the tools/test assessment; questionnaire, test or …& evaluate

This assessment can help your health & wellbeing team recommend changes to make
your workplace more supportive of healthy behaviors and total wellbeing. You may find
some of the actions for supporting healthy behaviors and wellbeing are easy to do and
others may not be feasible based on your culture or type of industry.

Assessment checklists should include the following items:

1. Categories
• Consider using these categories: general health & wellbeing, physical
activity, nutrition, health screening, tobacco use, and emergency response.
Each category should include several questions that address what initiatives
you currently have in place at your workplace.

2. Current Status

• Regarding your present wellbeing strategy, list the following:

• Yes, you have policies or resources in place to promote healthy behaviors

• In Process, are in the process of instituting the programs or resources

• No, do not have these components

• At the end of each category, subtotal the number in each column and then
total all of the categories at the end of the checklist to get an overview of
where your worksite health & wellbeing program currently ranks.

3. Potential Priorities

• Use the assessment results to identify what components you want to focus
on that are either currently in process or do not yet exist.

• Make sure to include policy changes in addition to the programs and

resources to educate and encourage employees to live a happier, healthier

5. Treatments Related lifestyle choice

There are several treatment options related to lifestyle in the well -being of the
environment such as air quality, water and sanitation, plant and tend garden, walk or take
transportation and eating style.

For air quality is we need air to survive, good air content can help our life to be better
because it is spared from pollution but we don’t always keep it clean, and that can have a
big impact on our health. Poor air quality is linked to a variety of health problems,
including SIDS, lung cancer, and COPD. Therefore, having an environment with good
air content is highly recommended to all communities because it can protect the body's
organs from chronic diseases. Environments with good air content are often in areas with
many plants as well as away from development areas as well as burning areas.

In addition, Water and Sanitation care is also very important to ensure the environment is
maintained. If the water is not taken care of it will cause the occurrence of contamination
which in turn leads to the spread of water diseases. Furthermore water contamination will
cause the transmission of odors that will disturb the ventilation ecosystem. This situation
will cause the community to not be able to perform activities comfortably. Therefore, the
provision of water and hygiene is very important to human beings in addition to being a
source of necessities in daily life. Now water care can be done through filtration
equipment as well as the help of the latest technology.

Crop gardens and tendencies are also very important in treatment options related to
lifestyle in environmental. The presence of plants in human life can help refresh the
surrounding air as well as be able to control the temperature as a result of burning done
in the surrounding area. Crop gardens can help people to feel more comfortable and can
relieve stress as a result of activities done at work.

Last but not least treatment options related to lifestyle in environmental can be done by
walking or taking transportation to tourist areas or flower planting areas. With this activity
it can give us a relief as well as be able to release the stress experienced while in the work
area. At the same time we can feel something new when we are in a different atmosphere
as the atmosphere in the plant area is not the same as the urban area.
6. Prevention & educational program that resulted to change behaviors? (Be more practical.
It is an important part of your assignment).

1. Education to Increase Awareness Program

For education to increase awareness, it must provide an individual with a better
understanding of the personal relevance of the information. Providing general
knowledge will not do that. Educating individuals on the definition and
consequences of obesity is not likely to lead to behavior change. Behavior change
is more likely if education increases individuals’ awareness that they suffer from
obesity and are personally experiencing consequences of obesity.

2. Education to Develop or Improve Skills Program

A common assumption inaccurately made in behavior change is that general
knowledge and information drive behavior. Examples of this abound in the health
behavior change literature. Educational curriculum–based reproductive health
programs are rarely effective at decreasing sexually transmitted disease or
pregnancy rates among adolescents. Knowledge is also insufficient in facilitating
acute stroke treatment. Prompt 911 calls when patients are suffering from a stroke
are critical to the delivery and success of acute stroke treatments. Many
interventions have focused on increasing the general public’s knowledge of stroke
warning signs in the hope that people will call 911 earlier if they are able to
recognize that someone is having a stroke. However, those with such knowledge
are not more likely to call 911 than people without this knowledge.
A final example of when general knowledge is insufficient for behavior change
includes the consumption of vegetables to improve health. Despite most people
reporting awareness that eating vegetables has health benefits, few meet
recommendations for vegetable consumption. Educating patients on the nutrient
content of vegetables is not likely to increase participants’ awareness of why
vegetables should be consumed and is unlikely to result in increased intake. In
contrast, a lack of skills in vegetable preparation is sometimes cited as a barrier to
eating vegetables. For this population, interventions that both reinforce the
importance of vegetable consumption and include training on how to clean, chop,
and cook vegetables are likely to increase participants’ skills and may encourage a
higher vegetable consumption.

3. Education on Why and How a Change Needs to Be Made Program

Self-efficacy is a function of the perception that outcomes will result from engaging
in a behavior and perceiving one’s own ability to successfully execute those
behaviors. Education plays a role in both components of self-efficacy. The first step
is to increase patients’ awareness of why they need to make the change. This often
includes explaining how the behavior change will result in a desirable health
outcome. For example, almost all interventions aimed at increasing child car seat
use include an educational component explaining the importance of this behavior
in preventing child injury. In some instances, outcomes from the behavior change
that are not directly related to an individual’s health may be more relevant or
immediate to the patient. For example, awareness of fines for violating child car
seat laws has been shown to predict the use of car seats.

The second component of self-efficacy comes from patients’ perceptions that they
are able to make the change. Education incorporating skills training is required for
patients to understand how to make a change. Discrepancies between reported
awareness and practice have been documented regarding the importance of child
car seats and sitting in the back seat. Awareness that car seat use can decrease a
child’s risk for injury is important, but knowing how to install the car seat is
necessary before parents will have their child ride in a car seat. A review of
educational programs on proper usage of child car seats revealed that, overall, such
programs resulted in an associated reduction in injuries and/or increased car seat
use. Ultimately, both raised awareness and skills are necessary components of
education that can be facilitated by health care providers.


Environmental well -being is our safety, comfort and connection to our physical
environment. Without Environmental Welfare we cannot be able to improve by living in
more harmony with our planet and society. Therefore Environmental Health Diseases,
Treatments Related lifestyle choice should be given pressure to maintain the well -being
of the environment. This can be done with prevention & education programs to provide
awareness to the community to maintain the well -being of the environment so that the
health of the community is maintained in terms of disease transmission and stress of life
due to an uncomfortable environment.

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