Competency Exam in Analytical Chemistry

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STUDENT NO. _____________________________________________DATE____________________________

1. Barium sulfate, BaSO4, is needed for use in the “barium cocktail”, a chemical given to patients prior to x-raying their intestinal tracts,
this is based on the equation: Ba (NO3)2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4 + 2NaNO3. A chemist began with 75 grams of barium nitrate and excess
sodium sulfate. After collecting and drying the product, 63.45g of barium sulfate was isolated. The percentage yield of BaSO4
a. 48.90% b. 94.80% c. 81.90% d. 74.60%
2. The H2S (MW= 34.25) in a 50g sample of crude petroleum was removed by distillation and collected in a solution containing CdCl 2.
The CdS (MW=144.47) precipitate was filtered, washed and ignited to CdSO4. The precipitate was found to weigh 0.1080g CdSO4
(MW=208.47). Calculate the percentage of H2S in the sample.
a. 31.17 b. 35.49 c. 0.03549 d. 0.03117
3. A solution is prepared by dissolving 184g of ethanol in 1gmol of glycerol. What is the vapor pressure of the resulting solution if the
vapor pressure of pure ethanol at the working temperature is 200mmHg? Assume that glycerol is non-volatile at this temperature.
a. 80 b. 160 c. 200 d. 120
4. The pitchblende is the commercial form for what element
a. silver b. aluminum c. uranium d. mercury
5. The chemical name of Turnbull’s blue is
a. ferrous ferricyanide c. cuprous chloride
b. ferric ferrocyanide d. cupric chloride
6. The most commonly used reagent in the standardization of acids
a. K2SO4 b. borax c. BaCl2 d. Na2CO3
7. A 0.0722M acid has pH of 3.11, what is the Ka of this acid?
a. 4.2 x 10-6 b. 8.4 x 10-6 c. 8.4 x 10-7 d. 1.2 x 10-7
8. a. Na2CO3 b. NaC2H3O2 c. Na2S d. KCl
in aqueous solution will have a pH equal to 7.00
9. In gravimetric analysis, digestion of the precipitate decreases
a. particle size b. total surface area of the particlec. filterability of the precipitate d. adsorbed materials
10. The % of MnO2 in a 0.5g sample, which after addition of 50 ml of a 0.1N ferrous sulfate solution required 16ml of a 0.8N K 2Cr2O7 for
back titration is
a. 16.17 b. 32.34 c. 48.51 d. 64.68
11. A solution is known to contain NaOH, Na 2CO3, or compatible mixtures of these substances and inert matter. An aliquot of the
sample required 15.26ml of standard acid to the phenolphthalein end point and an additional 17.9 ml for the methyl orange end point.
The solution contains
a. NaOH b. Na2CO3∙NaHCO3 c. Na2CO3 d. Na2CO3∙NaOH
12. The percentage MnO2 (MW=86.94) in a 0.5 g sample, which after addition of 50 ml of 0.10N FeSO 4 solution required 16 ml of 0.08
N K2Cr2O7 solution for back titration is
A. 16.17 B. 32.34 C. 48.51 D. 64.68
13. A sample of pyrite, FeS2 (MW=119.97), contains only inert impurities and weights 0.5080 g. After the sample has been
decomposed and dissolved, a precipitate of 1.561 g of BaSO 4 (MW=233.40) is obtained. If the calculated percentage of S (MW=32.06)
in the sample is 42.21% what weight of ignited precipitate would have been obtained if the Fe (MW=55.85) in the solution had been
precipitated as Fe (OH)3 and ignited as Fe2O3 (MW=159.7)?
A. 0.2670 g B. 0.217 g C. 0.2985 g D. 0. 3025 g
14. If 50 ml of a sample of water required 6.4 ml of EDTA solution for titration and each ml of the EDTA solution is equivalent to 0.40
mg Ca (MW=40), the ppm CaCO3 (MW=100) hardness is
A. 320 B. 220 C. 360 D. 128
15. Ksp of AgCl at room temperature is 1 x 1010. Calculate the Ag+ ion concentration in ppm in a 0.01M NaCl solution.
A. 0.001079 B. 0.0024 C. 0.0035 D. 0.0042 E. 0.0033
16. In an acidic solution, 25ml of 0.021M KMnO4 oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+. Calculate the mass of Fe2+ (55.85g) oxidized
a. 14.66mg b. 25.32mg c. 2.55mg d. 146.6mg
17. The presence of the following cations in solutions maybe confirmed by conducting flame tests, except:
a. Ba+2 b. Na+1 c. Ca+2 d. Ni+2 e. K+1
18. In 100ml of 0.2M NH3 solution was added 50 ml of 0.3M NH 4Cl solution. If Kb of NH3 is 1.75 x 10-5, calculate the pH of the final mixture
a. 5.62 b. 8.38 c. 5.92 d. 7.7 e. 8.08
19. The concentration of AB2 in a saturated solution is 2 x 10-4. The Ksp of AB2 is
a. 8 x 10-12 b. 3.2 x 10-11 c. 4 x 10-8 d. 1.6 x 10-15 e. none of the given
20. An aqueous solution of gold nitrate is electrolyzed with a current of 0.555A until 1.32g of Au has been deposited on the cathode. If
the atomic weight of Au is 197, determine the duration of the electrolysis.
a. 65.43 min b. 23.67 mins c. 58.28 mins d. 60 mins

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