Q&A - Atul Khirwadkar

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Atul Khirwadkar
The Kalyan Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd
Q1. What edge your bank Bharat Bill Payment for
is having in comparison to Utility Payment
other co-operative banks in CBS – Web Based Software
your category? IT Asset Management Sys-
In this world there cannot be tem
any monopoly. In the long Interactive Website Upgra-
run all are at par. As a result dation
the edge which we have con- Mobile App for Employees
sciously worked on is rela- Internal Communications.
tionship bondage and aggres- Advance HRM solution
sive communication with our Mobile App & Internet
customers. That is the only Banking utility for customers
differentiator we carry and to set their account limit and
we will persist with it. Card Activation/Deactivation
and PIN change etc. features.
Q2. What all new IT solu- Automatic CCTV surveil-
tions your bank is planning lance systems at ATM cent-
to implement in the near ers.
future? Thermal Scanning at all
Bank started its CBS opera- locations.
tions in 2008 and set-up its Video Conferencing at all
own datacenter and DR site locations.
in 2010. Immediately af- BI Software for Business “But as a
ter setting up its own DC, Decision making process
the bank participated in business
NPCI’s NFS programme and Q3. How Early Warning Sys- to remain
launched its ATM Debit card tems (EWS) is going to help
following which E-commerce in reducing NPAs? competitive,
and POS services had been Bank has set-up the follow- the bank has
started for customers. Bank ing activities to monitor and
has leveraged its CBS opera- reduce NPA’s to provide
tions by setting up its cen- services for
tralized recovery cell and Bank has adopted DAILY
centralized monitoring cell. NPA identification process retention of
As on now bank is provid- Separate Monitoring Cell its custom-
ing majority of technology Separate Recovery Cell
services like IMPS, Internet ers and also
banking (corporate and per- Q4. With the never ending catch new
sonal), ATM POS, Debit card Cyber Frauds, how is your
(silver and Platinum), Bill bank safeguarding its cus- customers”
payment through Bill Desk, tomers interest?
Cash deposit and dispens- With the increasing demand
ing machine, Self passbook from customers, banks are
KIOSK, Statement by email, providing technological
SMS alerts for balance en- services to catch the young
quiry and blocking of ATM customers on a 24x7x365
card ( HOT CARD ) etc. Fur- basis to be competitive in
ther the bank intends to pro- industry as is a need for sus-
vide/implement following tenance of Business. But with
technologies in this year this increasing technologies

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in financial services, cyber frauds are regulatory authorities like CERT-IN,
growing tremendously. So, it is very C-SITE, & RBI provided on the basis
important and crucial for banks to of cyber incidents at other organiza-
protect their IT infrastructure as well tions or ALERTS from Cyber intelli-
as customers’ money through vari- gence.
ous cyber attacks. Our bank is taking
majors to protect customers data and As a part of security awareness to
money and safeguarding customers customers, the Bank is sending SMS
interest as below. Alerts, awareness through our website,
Digital Signage display at branches
Bank has already set-up cyber se- and in ATM Centers.
curity infrastructure and is following
ISMS and cyber security policy. Also Also, the bank is extensively using
the bank is in process of enhancing social media like facebook, twitter,
its security posture by implementing for customer interactive communica-
additional controls as per RBI Cyber tions.
security framework guidelines.
Q5.What all new IT implementations
The Bank has its OWN DR/Backup your bank has taken upon in the last
site which can be activated at any one year?
time. Also customer DATA is kept off- Bank is preparing an IT budget for
site and multiple copies are preserved the financial year and the Projects
in a secure environment. & Technologies to be provided are
decided in the budget. This year the
The Bank has hired a Security op- bank is planning for the following IT
eration Centre for monitoring logs of Solutions.
security Infrastructure.
Miss call alert service for Balance
Actions are taken immediately on enquiry and to make ATM Card in-
receipt of various advisories from active (HOT) in case of Stolen /mis-

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placed card through customers regis- Vendors are playing a key role in this.
tered Mobile number. Due to lack/delay in services custom-
CBS software upgrade to WEB ers are getting suffered as also it is
Based Software. not possible to change technology
The Bank has replaced all old cash frequently. In addition to this, to keep
dispensers with new models with customer data secure from cyber
EMV CHIP card enabled. threats /attacks, high capital invest-
Installed Passbook KIOSK at 3 loca- ment is required to set up secured
tions infrastructure which requires skills to
Cash Deposit cum Dispensing Ma- monitor and maintain infrastructure.
chine (BNA) at 10 locations Prevention and protection process
24x7 NEFT requires skilled manpower otherwise
Business Intelligence Software customer data becomes vulnerable.
Data encryption module (DEM ) for All technology’s basic requirement
CTS-CHI from NPCI is connectivity which is not still sat-
Document Management System isfactory to certain locations due to
(DMS) for C-KYC lack of basic infrastructure. Security
C-KYC compliance is another challenge for
Secured Email set-up from hired to banks. Reduction in transaction cost
own set-up and return on investment are the key
Speech Recognition Software for factors of successful services. In such
CEO scenarios it is becoming very difficult
Video Conferencing with corporate to satisfy customer expectations. So
office majority of the banks are going for
Isolation of Internet usage from hosted solutions/hiring technologies
banks network in shared platforms but which is also
not secured as banks data is bank’s
Q6. What are key challenges for the ownership and its preservation and
bank in adopting any IT solutions? protection is banks responsibility.
There are several challenges observed
for co-operative banks for adopting Q7. What mechanism does your bank
technologies, from its initial study of have to detect any fraud at a very
the solution till its implementation. early stage?
This is due to high capital investment Bank has installed Anti money laun-
for ownership modules and recurring dering software used for showing
expenditure for ASP services, but as alerts on account transactions by set
a business to remain competitive, the rules. Customers’ high value transac-
bank has to provide services for re- tions are monitored and authorized
tention of its customers and also catch using this tool. Second tool named
new customers. Second challenge is FRM (Fraud Risk Management) for
lack of skilled and sufficient man- ATM card suspicious transactions is
power to handle IT infrastructure and used at banks which is provided by
24x7x365 services. Period required NPCI. If a cyber fraud is reported by a
for implementation is highly depend- customer then with the help of NPCI
ent on the IT manpower capability the transferred amount to the fraudu-
and vendor support and hired skillset. lent account is blocked, if money is
Further technology upgradation is not withdrawn.
growing so rapidly to make it very dif-
ficult to cope up with it.

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