Merritt Morning Market-Mar21-#2138

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Disposable Venus Razors

$ 99

Black’s Pharmacy
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155


Please recycle

MONDAY EDITION — MARCH 21, 2011 #2138 Harry S. Lali

Need money fast? Our beat is local... our bend, up! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8

File your taxes.

T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
M.L.A. Fraser-Nicola

If you’re getting a refund you can file

What do you love Day for elimination of OFFICE HOURS:
today and have your money in
24 hours or less about Merritt? racial discrimination 10am-4pm
The Int’l Day for the Elimination of Monday - Thursday
with H&R Block’s Cash Back service*
Racial Discrimination is observed annu-
Tana Silverland’s ride for
SOS Children’s Villages ally on March 21. On that day, in 1960,
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm Tana Silverland will be asking resi- police opened fire and killed 69 people at
dents this question today, when her
2099 Granite Ave., Bag 4400 Stn. Main Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
2145 Quilchena Ave., Merritt
a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville,
Ph.:(250) 378-4695 epic 2-1/2-year journey across Canada South Africa, against the apartheid "pass
Tel 250 378-4802 Fax 250 378-4852 [email protected]
brings her to Merritt. laws". The Day was proclaimed in 1966.
She’ll make a presentation to Rotary The first article of the Universal 2 WAYS TO GET THE

1 2
tomorrow morning, then be on her way
again. As a recent immigrant to Canada
Declaration of Human Rights affirms that “all
human beings are born free and equal in dig-
from the UK, Tana is pedalling her nity and rights”. It is our collective responsi-
recumbent trike from town to town bility for promoting and protecting this ideal. Email us to get Check out our web-
across the country. She is also spreading on the new 2011 site to download
the word about SOS Children’s Villages, Community garage sale the current issue
What is Hospice? an international charity for orphans.
Having been virtually bedridden
Call to actors email list: http://merrittmorning-
Caring people working in with a serious illness for nearly ten
The Merritt LIve Theatre is making a
general call for actors and helpers for a play
[email protected]

cooperation with physicians and years, Tana knows only too well what a that will run July 28-31, celebrating Merritt's
difference a loving family makes. Many
other members of the health care organizations abandon the children in
100th aanniversary. Rehearsals start in mid
May. There is an immediate need for ball-
team to offer support for the their care once they reach the age of room dancers, especially men. Practises at
majority, but SOS Children’s Villages
terminally ill and their families continues to look after its children until
the old courthouse Monday 7pm, call Linda
for dance info 378-6109, or email Jim about
they are fully ready to live independ- acting etc, [email protected].
c/o 3451 Voght St, Merritt, BC V1K 1C6 ently, even if illness or other factors
mean that this point does not neatly Spiritual Journey
Contact 250-280-4040 coincide with their 19th birthday. Wednesdays: March 16 to April 20, 6-
Tana’s journey began in Whitehorse 7:30 PM at St Michael's Anglican Church
last June, and now, more than 3000km hall, 1990 Chapman St. We are gathering
later, she will be arriving in Merritt — on Wed. evenings to deepen a practice of
watch for her on her recumbent bike! She community from the book A Hidden
would love to know what you think is spe- Wholeness by Parker Palmer. FMI 378-3772.
cial about Merritt, go to http://tanasilver- CrimeStoppers AGM and let her know! The Merritt & NV CrimeStoppers
And if you would like to help pro- AGM & election of officers will be held
vide an orphan somewhere in the world March 30, 1pm at the Community
with a place that they can call home too, Policing Office. Anyone interested in
visit the SOS Children’s Villages web- serving on the board is welcome to

Baillie House
site attend. FMI Kelly 378-3955.
Fundraiser for Panama volunteer
UN World Water Day On Saturday, April 2, 5-10pm there

Int’l World Water Day is held annual- will be a steak dinner fundraiser at the
1840 Nicola Ave.
[email protected]

ly on March 22 to focus attention on the Grand Pub to help local volunteer Rikki
importance of freshwater and advocat- Collins go to Panama. She will spend a
ing for the sustainable management of month with the Kuna Indians, working
freshwater resources. It was first desig- with children to help run a day camp and
nated on 22 March 1993, on the heels of teaching English in a makeshift school. Now
the 1992 UN Conf. on Environment &
Dev’t. This year’s theme is Water for
Tickets are $15, must be 19+ available at
the Grand, or by calling Rikki, 378-9443.
Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge, Please purchase your tickets by Friday, donations
and spotlights & encourages active
engage ment in addressing the impact of
March 25. Thanks for everyone's support!
for our
rapid urban population growth, indus- spring
Life's too short to blend in!
Fashion and talent show at Merritt
trialization and uncertainties caused by
climate change, conflicts and natural
Secondary School, April 7, 7pm.
Admission is $5 at the door. All money garage sale
disasters on urban water systems. raised goes towards MSS Grad 2011.
No Parking
A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short
WINTER HOURS: 10am-4pm Tues-Sat
FRI & SAT, 10AM-4P M of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the wind-
MARCH 4 -26, 2011 1999 Voght St. • (250) 378-0349
shield wiper that read: "I have circled the block 10 times. If I don't park here, I'll miss
at the Courthouse Art Gallery
my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses." When he returned, he found a citation
from a police officer along with this note: "I've circled this block for 10 years. If I

don't give you a ticket I'll lose my job. 'Lead us not into temptation.'"

his Week’s Horoscope Your

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
A memorable year with many Trust to your instinctive aware- You'll be swept along by the fast Let people see how unusual &
changes. Expect the unexpect- ness. Your psychic powers are crowd you find yourself aligned different you are when given
ed, go with the flow and pre- stirred and brought into promi- with as great changes sweep free rein to do things in your
pare yourself for the speed with nence in a way that you have through society. You revise your own way. No point hiding your
which everything happens! not experienced, believe what hopes for the future. talents, let them out into the

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

your dreams tell you. light of day.
With More
July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 - Railyard Mall • 378-2266
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
These are revolutionary times Events move on & have a You'll deal with events in the With the pace of change at
& the far-fetched and unusual direct impact on your world that have an effect on work, stay on top of latest sys-
become the norm. You will be finances. Prepare for unex- your own dealings with people. tems & technology to take full
swept along in the tide, just go pected bills but also unex- You can relate to others in your advantage of developments
taking place. Embrace the


with it to enjoy the benefits. pected sources of income. life in new ways if you so

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Youll ride out any storms. choose. new. FRI & SAT, 9PM-2AM •Fun Darts
Mondays 7:30pm
Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - •Karaoke
Dec 21 Feb 18 Mar 20 EVERY THURS NIGHT! Tuesdays
Jan 19
Events in relationships & emo-
tional expression will be excep-
tional as you find new ways to
Adjusting to change will chal-
lenge your old ways. You
have to be fast to adopt a new
Get into new ways of thinking &
acting that free you from old
fears & inhibitions. Run with
Adopt the latest systems &
technologies in order to boost
your income. Your skills let
Karaoke Dance Party
•Texas Hold’em
Wed 7pm
relate to the people you care routinethat frees you from old the pack & change brings new people know that you are dif- • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
about. Creative impulses make limitations — a rebirth into a events & people into your life. ferent & have much to offer. •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
you feel more satisfied. new way of life if you choose.

We sell & recycle YOU CAN DRIVE!

MONDAY EDITION — MARCH 21, 2011 #2138 Want a vehicle, have a job? We can make it happen.
inkjet & laser Good Credit APPROVED Bankrupt APPROVED
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal Bad Credit APPROVED
printer cartridges No Credit APPROVED Collections APPROVED
90 MERC. Cougar, nds some tlc 7’ COUCH & chair $120obo 378-5614
$1200obo 315-6069
WATERBED 85% motionless, only 1
Guaranteed APPROVED
FND: Motorola cell phone 378-8807 87-96 FORD tailgate, wht, no mldngs, cln, yr old, w/ lnr, htr & solid wd frame &
ANGIE’S TEA LEAF READING. For top alum. prtctr & latches $90. 378-2662 pedestal $400 378-4745
To book an appointment, call Steve today
all your psychic needs, accurate. Call any- 04 DODGE Ram hemi 1500, 5.7l, 6" BDS SEARS sect. drk blue cloth hide-a-bed,

time thru wk, wknds, eves & holidays. lft, 20" rims w/ 33" Mickey Thompson 2 recliners $185. 378-4554
Gift certificates available. 378-8326 rubbr, + nw 17" studded wntr tires, dual FRAMED mirr. for drssr, drk pine frame
WTD: mtrcycle street riding partner, exhst, tw pkg, too many xtras to list, 167k, w/ 2 shlvs/1 drwr 42”hx47”l, mirr. sz
must have own bike 378-0104
2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
nw bres, all fluids chngd rcntly, cln, well- 36”hx30”w $30obo 378-6886
Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
FND: LG cell ph, 2.0 mpxl, 378-73??, maint'd, must sell!! $18,000obo 315-1321 DESK, 30"x66", arborite & stl, 5 drwrs
pic labelled ‘Marcus’, poss. Amanda- 85 GMC Jimmy prts trck, offrs Joe 378-2251 (lft, bott. lgl-sz for file fldrs) gd & strng,

owned. To claim, call 378-7472, ask for 92 F150 4x4 w/ 8’ cmpr, 302 5-spd exc shape $100 378-2588
Tony, Prince Motel #204 stndrd, no rust $1200obo 280-2128 SHLVNG unit, 6’, wrought iron/gls pd
FND: young male cat, LN nr butchr 94 MAZDA B2000 pck-up, ext cab $125, sell $50obo. 3-drwr wht wckr drssr,
shop, blk/wht 378-6540 Steve 315-2366 exc cnd $75obo. Wckr/redwd /wrought irn
MSSNG: blk leathr purse, camera, wallet,
keys vry imprt., Mar 7 (250)616-2326 or txt
89 PLYMOUTH Reliant, 4-cyl. engine, in
crate $100. 86 VW Golf, assorted body, inter.
2-shelf unit hngs on wall & 3-tier crnr shlf
from Home Hardware. 3 stckng woven YOU’LL BE NOTIFIED BY
I, JO CONNOR McKenna, of Merritt, B.C. & diesel eng. prts. 65 Chev Impala assorted iron tbls, vry nice $75obo. 378-4348
Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
will no longer be responsible, nor take resposi- prts, mostly inter. Chrysler solid state radio, MUST SELL: polished pencil edged
bility for any depts created or incurred by
w/ harness & knobs $40. 378-2124 gls,114"x34- 1/8", 3/4" thck $150obo.

Specialists Read online, or download to your computer

Susanne Jeannine McKenna, of Merritt, BC 88 MUSTNG 5.0L, auto, wht, gd body Blk pntd oak tv cab. $100obo. 8 prsn
FOUND: mp3 player, near Bedford $3000obo. 92 Ford Explorer, nds tlc glass dng rm tbl $349obo. gls coffee tbl

you’ll find every issue archived since May 2009

Apts. call to ID. 378-8111 $500obo Mike 525-0291 $20. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266

ICBC Claims
WILL do housecleaning wkly, bi-wkly, 89 FORD Bronco 4x4, 6-cyl., 378-2661 BLK frame dbl bd w/ top bunk & matt.,
1x/mo. Sherrillee 315-0406 gd cnd $185 315-0071

•Commercial •Residential
05 CHRYSLER 300C, loaded, 106k
services $16,495obo. 01 Ford F150, 4x4, ext. cab, DBL bd futon $100. Lrg schl dsk $15.

•Automotive •Industrial
155k $6495obo. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 5-shlf bookcase 32”wx60”h $25.
BUDGET PAINTING Will bursh & 88 FORD F250 4x4 nds trans. $750obo. Medicine cab. $15 378-5297
roll the savings to fit your budget, 15% FREE: Qu-sz bx sprng only, wht, gd

2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)

96 Chev 3/4-tn 4x4 350 Chev eng., rns
off & free lawn cut & trim w/ 1st pnt shape, underside sheetng bit torn 315-4493

gd $3750. 378-8252
prjct (250)571-9722 TV wd cabinet (17”) $20. Wd cabinet
AUTO trans. for 99 Monte Carlo, lk km,
J&K TRENCHING back for a nw nice shape 315-0209 w/ glass drs & 4 shelves $30. 378-5627
for sale - electronics/software
seas., specializing in undrgrnd sprnklng 01 OLDS Allero $2000obo. 89 Gmc
syst. Call for any irrigation nds (quotes,
Spot Betsy,
installation & repairs) 378- 7154 Trckr $1000 378-3527
FOUR 205/70R-14, three 155R-12s, two LABTEC comp. components. Spkrs


PIPE-IT Plumbing: Qual'd, journeyman 195-70R-14, one P215/70-R14, one $15. Camera $10. Mic $10. 378-4853

Enter the draw

plumbers avail. for all your plmbng nds. 215/65R-15 $20ea obo Steve 315-1312 LRG tv stnd, gd cond, glass top, gray
Specialize in nw homes. Rens, serv. wrk, color $50obo. 315-8042,378-4554
drain cleaning. No job too big or too sml. 07 F150 ext cab, 4x4, 5.4L, shrtbx, mint,
60k $23,500. 378-6696 27" col. tv, wrks grt, nds rem. $20 378-0467
are the new operating managers Brian 378-4892 (off.), 315-9970 (cell) SWANN Red Alert/PNP-50 wired connection for a chance to win a
WOODY’S Tree Serv. Pruning, pine bee- 95 CHRYSL. Intrepid, loaded,
tle, hedge & tree removal 378-2067 wntr/summr tires $400 378-6383 rcrdng security syst. dvr video rcrdr & sec. $25.00 gift certificate
98 DODGE Stratus $800 firm as is, 4- camera w/ SD mem. crd, all cbls, adptrs incl.,
ANNE’S PAINTING The difference is the view on tv, easy backup to PC, cmpct camera
price. Winter specials on now. 378-2750 dr, xtra tires 315-1007
sz, pd $250 + tx, lk nw, sell $125 378-9841
GRANNY'S House Quilting & Retreat 79 MONZA, 2+2 fstbck, mag whls, all
orig. $2200. 93 Chev shrtbx, nw dual GE 26" stereo tv $25 280-2481
has fabric and sewing notions. Call MUST SELL: 62” flat screen tv w/ 2
Eleanor 378-3734 for more info. exhst, 350, exc. body/rns gd $3500. 89 4x4
Suburban, 350 auto, gd body/rns gd, trans black TV tower/cabinet (2) $699. 27" tv
JAMARA JOYAL BC Registered slips in hi gear $800 or prts. Al 378-8156 w/ rem, exc cond $75. 27" tv, exc cond
Massage Therapist. Wed & Fri 12:30- $70 Tyler, Jamara 315-0266
• Serving all your towing needs • Free scrap car removal 5:30, Sat 11-6. 378-8300 91 MAZDA B2200 $2200, 350k, nw tires/
• Fully licensed mechanic shop fuel pmp/cltch, cnpy w/ roof rck 378-8515 PRNTR & scnnr, lk nw $150/both 378-6915
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen.
81 CHEV Camaro sml bx 350 w/ hi- CANNON prntr & sftware $50. HP Draw date
250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave.
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- scnnr & sftware $15. 378-5297
perf intake & rv cam, all outr body
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 redone $2300obo 378-1904 KINDLE e-reader cover for latest 3G ver- June 30, 2011
CANOPY for Dodge Dakota $75 378-2163 sion, brnd nw c/w integral light $50 378-8199
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. XBOX 360, 4gig hrd drv, 3 games, 2
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 00 CHEV Slvrado 2500 4x4 pck-up,

THE Honest,GENERAL CONTRACTOR cntrlrs, connct-ready $170 378-1904

reg. cab, 6.0L v8, 5-spd man., vry well
sincere gent. Home, yard, maint’d $6500obo. US Built 454 CID for sale - recreational
eng. assy, lw mil., exc cnd $1500obo,

ODD garage
WILL DO daycare, lnch/sncks prof’d. OLDR camperized trlr, 12’ $850obo
& auto; forestry. Will take on any Lynn 378-5463 inst. avail. 74 Torqueflite 727 trans
$400obo instal. avail. 378-2526 378-4007
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, LOOKNG for childcare for 2 schl-age 76 TRAVELAIRE trvl trlr, 14', slps 5-

JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398

chldrn in my home, for shft wrk that changes 95 FORD F350 crewcab lngbx 4x4 pck-
always available. Reasonable. Refs. every 2 wks (day shft to aftrnoon shft). Pls
reply to [email protected] att. Robert
up, gd cond, rns well. 460 v8, 175k, nw
tires w/ < 2k, nw wndshld/brk pds/shoes,
6, grt shape $2500. 14' fbrgls canoe
$400. 378-6536 SPACE FOR YOUR AD
SKATES & rollerblades, var szs 378-8383
ND f-t live-in caregvr for 3 chldrn, engl
spkng, exper. req’d $1420/mo (40
nw frnt axle seals, vry rel. $3500 378-0470
05 DODGE SX 2.0, nw pnt/tires/eng., lw 1991 waterski boat w/ trlr, nds mtr Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
hrs/wk), fully-furn’d room w/ own kms, auto trnk/lcks/wndws, tilt/cruise, a/c,
cd/am/fm, $6900 378-2197 eves/wknds
$2000 378-4892
FREE: 80”x86.5” hot tub cvr 378-2488
[email protected]
bthrm prov’d at my home 378-9432
LOOKNG for qual., rel. aftr-schl care for 1 P205/75R14 studded snw tire on Chev 8’ CMPR, 3-2way f/4-brnr hotplate,
my child attndng Nic. Cnfrd 378-9295 car whl, lk nw $100 Joe 378-2676 furn. $800 315-0406
CAREGIVER req’d in my home, for 3- 185/70R13 tires & rims $75 280-2411 96 ARCTIC Cat 600 ZRT snwmbl, rns
livestock/pets & access.
mos. old, must have 1st aid, CPR or grt/exc cnd, pipes/reeds/cams, nw sldr/ skis
babysitter certif. 315-1316 $2500+ invested, sacrif. $1100 378-4059
SPACE FOR YOUR AD for sale - appliances
WTD: exper’d rider to put miles on 3-yr
old grn-brk gldng, pay neg. Jessie 315-3195
BOAT trlr fits 14’-16’ boat, sell OTF
sml pull cmpr trlr 378-2889
INGLIS dryer $50 280-0697 9-YR old untrained beautiful stndrd-brd
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 APT -sz wshr & dryer $200 315-3620 bay mare $300 Jessie 315-3195
01 KAWASAKI Ninja ZX6R $3500. 04
Yamaha TGR125 elect. strt $2400 378-
[email protected] FREE: oldr clothes dryer, wrks grt, u MOS. old rat terrier puppy, male, can be 6069 aft 6pm

Baillie House
pck up 378-0104 regist’d $250 Debbie 378-9871 00 ARCTIC Cat 600 Pwdr Spec. 136”x
WATER cooler $30obo 315-0074 SHORKIE puppies, mother purebred Shih 2” trck, rns exc, nwr mtr $2500 378-8823
DEEP freeze, 9cf. Sml fridge 315-0330 Tzu, father purebred regist'd Yorkshire ter- SKATE sharpening centre, BladeMaster
GE auto wshr, lk nw cnd $40 378-1336 rier, all shots, vet chckd, 1 fem. $475, 3 Custom Radius w/ supplies $10,000.
males $400ea, ready wk Apr 3 378-5955 Atv Artic Automatic 500, 4wd w/
FREE dryer, gd wrkng cnd 378-2488 LNG-hair blue/grey male chihuahua, 1 snwplw attach. $3700. 378-1367
NEVADA bbq, 2 yrs old $85 OTF 2-dr yr old, puppy pad trained $300 378-3913
Lt Chief smoker, gd cnd 315-1428 86 440 Arctic Cat skidoo rns grt, cln, nw
WTD: well-brk trail-rdng horse for 14- cltch & blts, solid structure, orig. trck in
WSHR & dryer $125/both 280-0857 aft 6pm yr old girl, reas. 378-5147 vry gd shape $500 378-6372
WTR coolr $40obo. 315-0074 77-GAL. fsh tnk, has blk stnd w/ 2 cup- 06 ARTIC Cat, 660 Panther, 4-strke
OSTER kitchen center $40. 378-5627 brds, fluval iltr, lts, gls lid cnpy, grvl, 2600km, $4000 378-4967
DISHWASHER $25 378-6034 ornmnts $500 378-2540 80 XS650 collector motorcycle, nw exhst,

MED.-sz freezer $100 315-0272 FREE: Tropical fish 378-2641 batt. nds little cln up Terry 378-2629
for sale - automotive 8-YR old stndrd-brd bay mare, TREADMILLA-1 cond., $350obo 378-2676
for sale - tools/equipment

untrained, hltr-brk $350 Jessie 378-6383
01 BLUE Ford Windstar van SEL, seats 2 MALE min. poodle puppies, pure-
7, exc. cnd, elderly-owned, 23k $8000 brd/not regist’d, ready end Feb, aprict, SHED, wd constr. w/vinyl sdng &

1675 Tutill Court,
firm 378-5988 blk. 4 Yorki puppies ready Mar 17 fem Westman tuff rib stl roof. 8'x12' w/ 6' walls,
4 ALL-seas. tires P195/75R14 $25ea
Merritt, BC
$600, male $550 378-2307 2 yrs old, must be moved $1400 378-4853

for our
378-4350 2 PUREBRED Jck Russl puppies 8-1/2 wks FREE: fireplace/chimney brcks, u-take
ALUM. boat rck, fits 6’ Dodge trck $225. old $300ea. Cassie, Erin 315-5335, 315-5477 out 378-8326
for sale - miscellaneous
Chrm DeeZee step bars fit ext cab trck

FENCING supplies: 4+ rolls of 12.5 G
$200. Set Wrangler Duratrac m&s tires,
New hours in 2011
barbed wire & 250+ spacers $120 378-3987
studded, exc. shape, 235/85R16 on nw FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 295 AMP Century wldr w/ leads & box

garage sale
Monday 10 am to 3 pm
wntr rims fit Dodge 5-blt pattern $800. 1 GRAD gowns, vry reas. prices, 3 to of rods $200. Oldr cast iron wd lathe &
Wrangler Duratrac m&s tire, not stud-
Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm
choose from, all worn 1x, $275-$375, knife set $300obo. Craftsman 6X46 join-
ded, on stck rim, brnd nw, $150 280-0304 reg. $600-$800 378-8345 ter planer $300 firm. Makita 400mm th
Wednesday 10 am to 4 pm
94 GEO Sprint, 4-dr htchbck, 3-cyl., ANT. flr safe $600obo. Wardrobe planer w/ dust collector $700 firm. Oldr
Thursday 10 am to 4 pm
auto $800 378-2543 $80obo. 4 capt chairs $25ea. Ant. vanity gas-pwr'd ice auger $100378-4520
07 PONTIAC G5 coupe, blk, sndrd,
Friday 10 am to 3 pm
$100obo. 8’ h hse plnt $50obo 378-3496 4 USED fluor. lts, 4’ $15ea Joe 378-2676
35k $8500obo 378-4157 3-WHL Medichair, lk nw $1000obo 40' SHPPNG container $4000obo 378-4943
05 SL Dodge Ram1500 4x4, 5.7 hemi (778)232-5547 40L gas hot wtr tnk, nw 378-5489, 315-6666
Closed all Statutory Holidays WINTER HOURS: 10am-4pm Tues-Sat
magnum, quad cab, blk, auto, p/w, p/l, PORC. dolls, var. B-i sew. mach w. stnd,
air/tilt/cruise, grey cloth seats, mango JOHN Deere Gator 6x4 rns gd $3000. 07

Phone 250-378-4145
wrks $50. chst drwrs, solid wd $40. Lrg
1999 Voght St. • (250) 378-0349
flow dual exhst, K&N cool intake, 94k, 50cc imprt dirt bike $450, prfct strtr bike.
wrdrobe w/ shlvs $70 378-8326 Oldr Suzuki 250 4-strk, rns $750 378-4892
for special appointments
$17,500obo 378-3588 PR tickets to Bon Jovi, Fri. Mar 25, OLDR M-F diesl bckhoe, 2 diggng bckts, nw
or to book a tour
AMERICAN eagle rims fit Ford trck, 7:30pm Rogers Arena (formerly GM wndws, all lts wrk, rns grt $10,000. Forklift
16", 5-blt, nw, 5 rims $1200. Kumho Plc), Flr Rw 33 $350 378-4948 rns on prop., wrks grt, solid tires $1400. Cattle
35x12.5x15" tires, 4 $200. 280-2485 4 SARAH McLachlan tickets, exc. seats rck $700. 4 8-hole Bobcat rims sz 10-16.5
SET 4 summr tires & rims, 195/70R14” Apr 30 $82.50 ea. 378-5661 $150ea or $500/all 4. 378-2559
$125 378-2435 REDUCED, qual. manuf. mbl 4-BDRM hse on ac. Low. Nic.,
MTRCYCLE clthng: nw Harley Davidson WHT cer. toilet, brnd nw $50. Regency home, 1998, 24x44, 3-bdrm, 2 full wd ht $1200 hydro incl. 315-8427
85 CHRYSL 5th Ave., nwr 318 2-brrl 3- sz 10 boots, used sz xl vst, lrg Kilimanjaro gas f/p insert to give away 378-4554
spd auto, rns gd, insured, collctr $1200 bths, jet tub in enste, lndry, skylit, SNDPIPER 2-bdrm, 5 appl, a/c
jckt, xxxl ladies chaps 378-5692 40 W4 McCormick trctr $500 rns gd. 225 open design, dck, u/g sprnklrs, fncd
David 315-4686 LRG professionally-tanned moose hide $750 378-2683
hay swmpr $500. John Deere lwn trctr w/ yrd, 2 stor. shds, pavng stone
WHTcnpy for 00 GMC shrtbx $300 378-4520 w/ fur on 378-5036 nr nw mtr, nds to be timed $150. 378-1832 1-BDRM apt, rnt neg., ht incl, n/s
drvway, show home in quiet prk, 315-8729
03 JEEP Liberty, reblt mtr w/ 90k, 18" NW walker, exc cnd/used 3 mos. $100 HOME-blt util. trlr, as is/where is can be moved, lived in 4yrs,
wntr rims/16" alloy summr rims, spare Jeep 378-8807 $200 315-0474 reduced to $94,500 378-8345 RM for rnt, incl. ht/hydro/cookng/
for prts $7500obo 936-8808, 378-4537 LRG playpen, baby toys. Brwn couch MASSEY Ferguson #3 Baler, PTO, sml lndry/cbl, no drnkng in home 378-8807
5-BDRM, 2-kitch., 2-bth home nr
89 GMC 4x4 pck-up, sngl cab, lngbx, EFI gd cnd 315-3663 squares, twine, wrks well, used lst seas. schl/ dwntwn, crnr lot. (250)299-6649 3-BDRM twnhse in Merr., fncd yrd,
350, rns grt, bx rusted $1500 firm 315-5305 DATE slips & tropical plnts, vry healthy $1200obo 378-2124 quiet st, $950, pets neg., rent incen-
3-BDRM mbl in prk, lrg add. & crprt tive (250)682-0844
81 DODGE 1/2-tn 4x4 flat dck, 318, no $50obo 378-3496 LWNMWR w/ nw blades $35 378-4348 w/nw roof, 1-yr old furn. & hot wtr tnk,
wanted/wanted to buy
rust, gd runnr $1800 378-3648 LRG crystal chandelier, med. crystal priv. loc., lots of rm. $42,000 378-4853 2-BDRM lgl bsmt ste w/ lndry, priv.
PRO chrgr super chrgr fits 5.3L or 6L chandelier, 3 crystal wall lts. 2 twn brss entry, off st. prkng, in family setting,
2-BDRM rnchr w/ wrkshp no/druggies, refs req’d. 2571 Coldwater
Chev/GMC w/ innr coolr, gage pkg, etc. bdbrds 378-8277 WTD FREE: Kitch. chairs, gd cnd 280-0059 $140,000 378-4335
wrth $6000, sell $3700 315-1357 RABBIT meat, frsh or frzn 3-4 lb. fryers DRVR'S side inter. dr handle to fit 91 Ave. $575 + shared ht/lts. 315-1312
4-BDRM oldr home, many xtras, huge 2-BDRM ste, util incl 378-4392
FORD Explorer 4x4, loaded $2500obo $6/lb, order/pre-ordr 378-5955 GMC Trckr 378-6972 shop + sml gar., xtra huge yrd, zoned
378-4037 BX of approx. 60+ vinyl rcrds: rock n TELEHANDLER wanted to rent for a commer. Trade for same or sell 378-8326 2-BDRM dplx, Collettville ,w/d hk-up,
95 FORD Mustang, blk, auto, 5L, 103k, roll from 60s, 70s, 80s $30. 3 old cross- day about April 4th. (250)999-0039 fncd yrd $750 1314 Fir Ave, 378-6951
1-BDRM trlr, elect. ht, a/c, on lrg
gd cnd $6500obo OT 315-8030 cut saws $30. 12/6v batt. chrgr, 6 amp FOAM for bd, 6”: min., 54”x67” 378-8326 treed lot, exc for lrg trlr, #10 Sprng LOOKNG for empl'd, resp., cln room-
93 FORD Areostar, as is, nds tlc $500 $5. Electric smoker $40. Xtra barrel for DRIVEWAY paving stones, 320sf 378-4853 Isl. TP, view 12noon-3pm $4000, mate, to share 3-Bdrm hse on 10 ac,
Steve 315-1312 Remington 870 shotgun $50. 280-2481 200-LTR tidy tnk w/ or w/o pmp 315-0099 ownr & mgt grt people 378-6820 LN. $550 util. incl. 315-6069
HIGH top/step cnpy, commer. grade w/ wht BELL Piano's Co: Schuman $500. 378-1367 NICE, nw medicine cab., w/ mirr., lrg, $209,000. Invstmnt property.,gd ten- 3-BDRM rancher style home w/ lrg
no-fade pnt, slide cab wndw, 2 side wndws SLIDING glass doors, ideal for summr reas. 378-3496 ants in place, only 2 blcks to shppng. gar./shp, w/d incl. pets ok/must be
w/ scrns, fits 95-01 Dodge shrt bx trck, exc. cabin 378-0990 days Lrg dck in bck, 1-car gar., lrg fncd yrd trained, fncd yrd. $1100 Apr 3 378-6740
shape, pd $1300, sell $550 firm. 378-4622 CLN, quiet, n/s, n/drnkng, n/p family of
4’ FAKE xmas tree $15 Jamara 315-0266 2 lookng to rnt cln 2-bdrm hse w/ bsmtt, bck lane. Reno'd 5-bdrm, 2.5-bth hse, 2-BDRM. dwnstairs ste, bright, nr twn,
02 PONTIAC Montana ext. 146k, air, tilt, WOULD lk to share my 3-D art, beauti- or 3-bdrm w/o bsmt, Merr. or LN, up to rntd $1700, 2364 Quilchena 378-4227 gs f/p, cent. air, w/d, (neg), n/par-
for rent
cruise, cd, p/w, p/rear wndws, p/l, seats 8, ful. 3-D your children, pets, etc. 378-6002 $1000/mo. util. incl., or $850 w/o util. ties, n/drnkrs, mat. couple 40+ lngtrm
for sale - furniture
wntrs & all-seas. on rims, lady-drvn, rcnt- 378-9935 aft 8am tenants. $750 util. incl.378-2540
ly serv'd, looks/rns grt $6000 378-9750 ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start- 2-BDRM bsmt ste, grnd lvl entr., nw/
GM 16" trck rims, 6-bolt pttrn. 280-2481
95 DODGE Ram 1500 4x4 sngl cab, LOVE seat & chair, vry gd cond. $250 ing from $400/mo 378-2821 cln, f/s/w/d $750 util incl (250)718-7800
shrtbx 192k, 5-spd stndrd $3200obo BROADCAST spreadr, 3 pnt htch mnt
378-8345 RV lot rntl, slf-cnt’d, lrg serv’d
Pull-type combine, or small slf-prop'd 4-BDRM hse w/ det. gar./shp, wd/lam.
378-4416, 280-1150 LAPTOP dsk & chair, 6-drwr drssr, sml lots, 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082 flrng, full fin. bsmt w/ grt stor., f/s/b-i
unit. Ford 351 EFI eng. for my 88 F-150
92 CHEV Corsica, v6, air $2500obo fan/htr, beige loveseat, card tbl, set of 4x4, must be in gd rn cond 378-2124 dw/micro, rural prop., ac. in NV 15 min.
378-6069 aft 6pm lamps 378-8383 2-BDRM + dn, 2-bth lvng, dining mbl to Merr., hay shd w/ lots rm for horses/sml
USED standard or leathr sew. mach.
98 DODGE 4x4 ext cab, shrtbx, rns/nds OLD oak china cab., must see $300 315-1002 home, 1152sf, 5 appl $950 + sec. dep,
Various types/szs (old-fash/not non-stick) animals, n/s, $1600 [email protected]
some wrk, 318, gd on fuel $2500 315-4718 TEEN bdrm furn. set, ash wd: hdbrd for bakng sheet. 378-8135 dwntwn, spec for rt cpl off’d, secl./priv. RM w/ full bth in nice trlr, n/s,
315-1000, pgr 378-3082 1-800-361-8111
for sale house/property
89 FORD F250 4x4, 5.8 fuel inj., auto, sngl bd, nt stnd, study tbl w/ 6 drwrs, n/drnkng 378-4348
dual tnks, rcvr hitch, 1-tn sprngs, 169k chst of 5 drwrs, chair $250 378-5627 BRND nw 3-bdrm bsmt ste $800
$2250obo 378-8823 ANT. tbl & 4 capt chairs. Couch & BNKRPTCY mbl home, 2-bdrm, 1-bth, 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Apr 1 nr twn 315- util. incl., shared lndry, n/p, n/s, refs
VEHICLE laddr rck $200obo Dan 378-2821 chair. Patio set: 4 chairs & rnd tbl. add, in prk, drvway/lndscpd $19,500. 2345, 525-0240 Sita, Bharat 378-9830, 315-5173
93 FORD Explorer $500 nds altrntr 378-4892 Gazebo. China cupboard 315-0330 pgr 378-3082. (604)987-2029 2-BDRM hse, Apr 1 378-4387 [email protected]

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