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Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Isaac Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
Period: ---------
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist and mathematician. Before the age of 30 he
formulated the laws of motion and invented calculus. Much of our modem science is based on Newton's
Newton's Laws of Motion .
Law Three-
Law of Equal and Opposite Forces.
Law One - Law of Inertia Law Two- F = ma Whenever one object exerts a force on
An object at rest will stay at rest unless The acceleration of an object is propor- another object, the second exert an
acted on by an unbalance force. tional to the force acting on it equal and opposite force on the first.
An object in motion will stay and inversely proportional to its mass.
in motion unless acted upon by OR
an unbalanced force. OR
For every action there is an equal
OR Force causes acceleration, and opposite reaction.
Things keep moving or stay at rest, while mass resists acceleration
unless a net force acts upon them.

Aforce is any action that can change or cause motion .

! Inertia )
Force ] A force is any push or pull.
We use Newtons (N) to measure force .

Inertia is the property of
an object that resists . Net force is the sum of all the forces and has direction.
change of motion. More mass, Net Force ) (Be sure to make right positive and left negative.)
Moving objects have inertia: more inenia
they want to keep moving;
stopped objects. have inertia: +200N
they want to stay at rest. An object
will move in the
More mass = more inertia! direction of the net
Less mass, (or unbalanced)
Something that is harder
less inenia force.
to push has more inertia! Net Force = + 200 N - 400 N = _ 200 N (left)

Newton's Second Law )

F = ma tells us:
For the same acceleration,
(in kg) more mass
(in Newtons)
F=ma requires more force. Newton's 2nd Law tells us that when
(in m/sec2) For the same mass, you accelerate (stomp on the gas) or
more acceleration decelerate quickly (brake fast) you use
Force equals mass times acceleration. requires more force. more force and wear out engine parts
and brakes faster.

Ex. How ~ig a force does it take to give a Ex. If a 50 N force pulls on a Ex. A force of 49 N causes a 7 mls2
50 kg ob1ect an acceleration of 40 mJs2. 10 kg object, how much . ·.Find the mass oif the
acceleration will occur? ob1ect Lt was vullinf!.
Variables: Solve: Variables: Solve: Variables: Solve·
40 rn/s 2 = a F=ma 50N=F F= ma 49N=F . F = ma
50 kg= m F = 50(40) IO kg= m 50 = 10a 7 m/s2= a
49 = m7
F=? a=?
F = 50 x 40 50 _ tQ_a 49 _ m "\
Equation: F=2000N Equation:
10 - )-Q_
7 - -y:--
F=ma F=ma a= 5.m/s2 F=ma m = 7 kg
Copyright © 2004, C. Stephen
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ch.3:1

p ~,.;" r1.
Which of Newton's Three Laws Applies?
1. F =- - - - - - - - 125 kilograms
Law 1, 2, or 3?
2. m = 23 kgm/s
_ When you put a book on a table the table pushes on the book.
3. a= _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 m/s2
4. V = ________ 29 meters/sec _ A person is pushed forward into their seatbelt when a car
5.D= 228 meters

6.p = - - - - - - - - 6 newtons _ A larger car takes more force to move.

I. Inertia A. An action that can causes motion. _ A person leans on a wall and the wall pushes back.

2. Mass B. Force pulling all object toward each

A brick sits on a table until you push on it.
3. Gravity Which way will
C. The amount of matter in an object Understanding Net Force it accelerate?
4. Net force D. Total of all of the forces on an object.

5. Force E. Ability of an object to resist change of

motion. I IM - 25N

I I-
Number these from least (1) to most (5) inertia.

A baseball A small A truck A feather A large

M 8N
car train 6N

Number these from least (1) to most (5) momentum.

Fast car Parked Slow car Fast Fast M - 15N .

truck baseball feather

A sled is being pulled to the left by 5 dogs, each dog pulling with A 20 kg bike accelerates at 10 m/s . With what force was the
6 Newtons of force. Find the net force. person pedaling?

If a person pulls on a cart to the right with a force of 10 N and a If a person is pushing a cart with a force of 40 Newtons and it
second person pulls to the left with a force of 3 N, what is the net accelerates at 0.5 m/s , what is the mass of the cart?
force ( + direction) on the cart?

A 2 N and 6 N force pull on an object to the right and a 4 N What is the acceleration of a 3 kg rock that is thrown with a force
force pulls to the left a 0.5 kg object. What is the net force on of 18 N?
the object? Copyright© 2004, C. Stephen Murray

Answer the following questions in your science notebook. Show all of your work for math problems
(equation, plug-in numbers, box answer). Restate the question in your answer for answers that you
explain in words.


1. Describe the motion of the race car shown in the graphic 2,000 N
to the right. Assume the car is moving forward. Is it
speeding up or slowing down? t
2. Find the net force on each box. 6,000 N "' 8,000 N

@ @ ~N


3. You weigh a bear by making him stand on four scales as shown. Draw a free-body diagram showing all
the forces acting on the bear. If his weight is 1,500 newtons, what is the reading on the fourth scale?

4. A bowling ball has a mass of 6 kilograms. A tennis ball has a mass of 0.06 kilogram. How much inertia
does the bowling ball have compared to the tennis ball?

5. Make a free-body diagram of someone pushing a refrigerator that shows:

a. A net force of 100 N with the refrigerator being pushed to the right.
b. The refrigerator in equilibrium.


6. A 100 kg bag of sand has a weight on 100 N. When dropped its acceleration is what?

7. What is the net force required to give an automobile of mass 1600 kg an acceleration of 4.5 m/s 2 ?

8. What is the acceleration of a wagon of mass 20 kg if a horizontal force of 64 N is applied to it? (ignore

9. What is the mass of an object that is experiencing a net force of 200 N and an acceleration of 500
m/s ?

10. During a test crash, an air bag inflates to stop a dummy's forward motion. The dummy's mass is 75
kg. If the net force on the dummy is 825 N toward the rear of the car, what is the dummy's
11. A bicycle takes 8.0 seconds to accelerate at a constant rate from rest to a speed of 4.0 m/s. I! the
mass of the bicycle and rider together is 85 kg, what is the net force acting on the bicycle? (Hint:
first, calculate acceleration)


12. For each of the following interactions, identify action and reaction forces (action-reaction pairs):
a. A hammer hits a nail
b. Earth's gravity pulls down on you
c. A helicopter blade p·ushes air downward
d. You step off a curb
e. You pat your friend on the back
f. A wave hits a rocky shore

13. Which exerts more force, the Earth pulling on the moon or the moon pulling on the Earth? Explain.

14. When a heavy football player and a light one run into each other, which player hits the other with
more force? Explain. Which one is hurt more by the collision? Explain.

15. Jane has a mass of 40 kg. She pushes on a SO kg rock with a force of 100 N. What force does the
rock exert on Jane?

16. You dribble a basketball while walking on a basketball court. List and describe the pairs of action-
reaction forces in this situation.


17. When Jane drives to work, she always places her pocketbook on the passenger's seat. By the time she
gets to work, her pocketbook has fallen on the floor in front of the passenger seat. One day, she asks
you to explain why this happens in terms of physical science. What do you say?

18. You are waiting in line to use the diving board at your local pool. While watching people dive into the
pool from the board, you realize that using a diving board to spring into the air before a dive is a good
example of Newton's third law of motion. Explain how a diving board illustrates Newton's third law of

19. You know the mass of an object and the force applied to the object to make it move. Which of
Newton's laws of motion will help you calculate the acceleration of the object?

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