New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes T

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New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes

Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India.

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific Research · March 2019


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2 authors:

Moinudheen .N Samson Arockianathan

Defence service staff college, wellington, the nilgiris 643232 Bombay Natural History Society


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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Mar-Apr 2019
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New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes

Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India
N. Moinudheen*, A. Samson** , D.Jayabalan***& Jothimani****
*(Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu,643231)
**(Department of Zoology and WildlifeBiology, Government Arts &Science College Udhagamandalam,
The Nilgiris Tamilnadu , India)
***(Department of Zoology and WildlifeBiology, Government Arts &Science College Udhagamandalam,
TheNilgiris Tamilnadu , India)
****(Department of Zoology and WildlifeBiology, Government Arts & Science College Udhagamandalam,
The Nilgiris Tamilnadu , India)

Rhinoceros beetle (Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha) Silvestre, 2003 recently recorded from Nilgiri
hills,Western Ghats. The distribution of this species were reported from Kerala and Tamil Nadu regions
so far here after no works were done in this subspecies distribution so for in this region. This present
observation ensure the occurrence of X. Taprobanes Ganesha in the Nilgiris show a light on this species
ecological work in this region.

Keywords: Rhinoceros beetle, Dynastinae,Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha, Nilgiri hills, Western


Dynastinae is subfamily of scarab Sumatra and Sulawesi; X. mniszechi in south-
beetle (Scarabidae) rhinoceros beetles are the central and south-east Asia and China; and X.
largest extant insects on earth. Males have gideon in west Malaysia, Borneo and the
horns on the head and thorax. Xylotrupes is Indonesian archipelago from Sumatra through
under the tribe of Dynastini. In this Genus are the Lesser Sunda Islands. Subspecies are
widely spread all over world. In recognised in some of these taxa and are
India,Xylotrupes represent three based upon geographic and phylogenetic
species(i.e.Xylotrupes meridionalis, partitioning by (Rowland, 2003).Two new
Xylotrupes A phylogenetic analysis noted subspecies recorded i.e. Socrates
that Xylotrupes is monophyletic and is Nitidus(Silvestre, 2003) from Andaman
composed of six lineages, which are treated as Islands),while X. Taprobanes
discrete species. The taxon Xylotrupes Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) from south India.
gideon of previous literature is shown to Major works on the Dynastinae of the world
constitute five species. Explicit rationale, were done by Hermann Burmeister (1847).
including morphological diagnoses and Arrow 1910 revised the Dynastinae research
evidence of reproductive isolation, supports a in the Indian sub-region.Chandra (2000)
new, readily testable taxonomic scheme that reported that 96 species of scarab beetles
recognises the following species: Xylotrupes which includes a single species of dynastine
florensis in the Lesser Sunda and Tanimbar beetle were recorded from Madhya Pradesh.
Islands, Indonesia; X. meridionalis in Sri Most of the researches were done in this
Lanka and India; X. ulysses in Sulawesi, species in the Northern Province of India.
Moluccas, Australia, Papua New Guinea and
Melanesia; X. pubescens in the Philippines,

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II. MATERIALS AND METHODS explored this and has researched it together
During the insect survey, searching with the combined species so that they could
walking (1 Hour) method was adopted this be compared to that species. So I have
study mainly riverside areas and grasslands explained in detail the description of his
and roadside areas were covered, the morphological characters. Based on this, the
specimens were collected through the plastic species is known as xylotropes taprobanes
containers for further identification the ganesha.
measurements were measured by the Vernier Male: 58mm (up to 53 mm horn
caliper and photographs were taken by Nikon Based on this, the creature is known as
D3200 DSLR 24 mega pixel slutusns included). Average height, broad
shape, quite massive; glabrous, weakly shiny,
dark brown, usually elytra clearer. Clypus
broad, weakly emarginated, sharp angles.
Canthus ocular salient, very broadly rounded,
with no marked angles, punctuated on the
outer edge; sinuate cheeks Mentum broad, the
sides lined with a strong punctuation. Short
mandibles, the very unequal apial lobes:
rounded outer lobe, well developed, shorter
inner lobe, thin, dentiform, more or less
acuminate Fig (1) Cephalic quite short and
thin, very broadly flared into a V-shaped
apical fork with widely diverging branches,
barely bent; the posterior surface is not
careened at the base, but generally presents a
Figure 1: Map of the Nilgiris (11.364N small projection at the birth of the fork, at the
76.794E), Tamil Nadu, India point of convergence of the internal hulls of
this one, the external hulls extending on the
sides of the come decreasing; width total
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION apical fork approximately equal to ¾ of its
During the survey the road kill specimenof X. length. Pronotum large (about 1.3 wider than
Taprobanes Ganesha were collected (at 06 long), more or less trapezoidal, the lateral
July 2018) from Wellington, the Nilgiris edges barely curved or slightly sinuate,
(11.364N 76.794E), Tamil Nadu, India. posterior angle broadly rounded; slightly
According to the Silvestre (2003) the satiny appearance shining, regularly
specimen was identifying as a X. Taprobanes punctuated average punctuation, with an
Ganesha. Silvestre (2003) reported that the undisclosed lateral zone of round points larger
distribution of this species from Kerala and and tighter, often umbilicated; anterior side
Tamil Nadu regions so far here after no works practically smooth, glowing (Figure 2) Short
were done in this subspecies distribution so to medium thoracic horn implanted high on
for in this region. This present observation the disc, thin and slightly compressed
ensure the occurrence of X. Taprobanes laterally, the edges parallel or slightly flared
Ganesha in the Nilgiris show a light on this towards the apex notched the triangle; a thin
species ecological work in this region. groove is frequently visible along the axis of
the come; basal hulls slightly marked, not
Its horns and its body thickness and salient. Scutellum matte, punctuated-
length, colour are based on their origin punctuated, clearly reborde. Elytres weakly
(silverster, 2003) morphologically has shiny, broad and convex (about 1.13 times

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longer than their common width) (Figure2),

finely and irregularly punctuated (some points
often more clearly aligned) on a more or less
chaotic background; sutural streak consisting
of dots spaced a little bigger. Pygidium
densely punctuated except at the apex, the
bearing very dense silks. Short and dense
enough, not very visible. Parameters of the
landscape strongly sinate in lateral view, the
apex is short and spatulate, the descending
part has a small depression and a slight
angulation on the inner edge (Figure2) Figure 2;(1) short mandibles, broad shape,
(Silverster 2003). dark brown, (2) The lateral edges barely
curved or slightly sinuate anterior side
practically smooth, glowing, (3) Short to
ACKNOWLEDGMENT medium thoracic horn, broad and convex and
(4) Pygidium densely punctuated except at the
Theauthors are thankful toDefense Service apex, the bearing very dense silks.
Staff College Wellington Library Information
Officer. Dr.R.V Subramaniam, Assistant REFERENCES
Librarian sundaramurthi sir, Mrs. Shakila, 1. Arrow, G. J. 1910.The Fauna of British India including
Hakkim, Kannan and Janarthanan, Sarath Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera. Lamellicornia
(Cetoniinae and Dynastinae). xiv+322 pp., 76 figs, 2 pls.
Kumar, A. Mathews and my brothers, Taylor and Francis, London.
Clement Kishore, Clement Kiran, Appu and
2. Burmeister, H. 1847.Handbuch der Entomologie V.
Ragav for their kind help during the studies. Dynastinae, Berlin, 584 pp.

3. Chandra, K. 2000.Inventory of scarabaeid beetles

(Coleoptera) from Madhya Pradesh, India. Zoo’s Print
Journal.15(11): 359-353.

4. Rowland, J.M. 2003. Male horn dimorphism, phylogeny

and systematics of rhinoceros beetles of the genus
Xylotrupes (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera). Australian
Journal of Zoology. 51: 213-258.

5. Silvestre. 2003.The Xylotrups of continental Asia

(Coleoptera, Dynastidae) roléoptère.e. 2003. 9(3): 19-35.

ISSN: 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 159

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