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Disusun Sebagai Salah Satu Persyaratan Untuk Memenuhi Proses Penilaian

Salah satu mata Ajar Bahasa Inggris

Dosen pengampu :

Priyo Widodo,M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:


NIM. 2011011017




joys of being a nurse

The Department of Nursing is one of the majors in the health sector that is quite in
demand. In addition to the very promising job prospects, in this department you will
not only study science, but also social science. You will learn how to provide the best
health care to patients. Before choosing this major, ask yourself, are you ready to
become a nurse? Not everyone is able to become a Squad nurse, because this
profession prioritizes service over profit orientation. Becoming a nurse means that
you will dedicate your life and skills to caring for and assisting the sick. In addition to
these soft skills, you must also have hard skills or good knowledge to be a reliable

In addition to equipping themselves with medical sciences, such as memorizing

anatomy to medical devices, nurses must also have a sense of empathy and concern
for patients. You cannot separate this sense of empathy and knowledge, Squad,
because both are equally important so that you can treat patients until they recover.
Being a nurse is not something easy. As a prospective nurse, students majoring in
Nursing must be prepared to study all course materials that are almost similar to the
Department of Medical Sciences. You will also go through field practices that require
you to stay up late during the night shift or work overtime. You also have to compile
an Askep (Nursing Care) report. All of this is certainly important for nursing students
to do in order to achieve their dreams of becoming a good nurse. There are still many
who think that taking a nursing major is worth it, why not just become a doctor right
away. In fact, the concept of education and service between doctors and nurses is
different, you know. In Nursing, you will learn about meeting basic human needs. So,
you not only study science, but also social life. For example, how to communicate
well and effectively with patients, how to provide health services that support
healing, and so on.
The struggle to treat COVID-19 patients sometimes knows no time. A nurse said that
she didn't have time to break her fast because she couldn't postpone her job. At that
time, during the fasting month, I happened to be on guard in the afternoon. We
operated at 2 o'clock. The patient's history was still stable, so we just made
preparations, like drug preparation, Before Asar, suddenly the health workers saw a
pregnant woman patient, in very bad condition. Incidentally, at that time there were
only three people guarding. Princess is one of them.

"So at that time, I asked my friend who is a midwife to help the patient. But it hasn't
appeared yet," he concluded. Finally, I decided to help the patient alone, until he
didn't realize that it was time to break his fast. Until half past eight in the evening, he
felt very weak and realized that he had not eaten or drank. Not long after, the midwife
came, so that finally Putri was able to break her fast.

I also said that in fact there are still many memorable experiences for her. The
happiest moment was when he received the patient's SWAB result which turned
negative. This means that the patient can go home because he has been declared no
longer positive for COVID-19.

"There is a point of fatigue too. But then again, I plunged into the world of care and
health. Remember the promise of the profession too. So, when we start to get
stressed, we nurses try to entertain ourselves, such as playing TikTok, taking photos,
boomerang In addition to having to treat a large number of patients, the personal lives
of nurses also inevitably have to adapt a lot to current conditions. "We have a lot of
ups and downs. The ups and downs we go through.

What's more, a very deep sorrow was also felt when many nurses had to die on the
battlefield against COVID-19. I only say two things. He appealed to the public to take
steps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, to the
government, he asked that the protection for nurses be increased, starting from
ensuring the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE),to setting working
hours, so that he and his colleagues could still see their families. "Perhaps now
friends are working normally, if possible there are times that are not as usual, for
example 14 days in, 14 days off. I have now not seen my parents for more than a
month, to keep them from being discharged," he said.

When working, a nurse is required to be focused, fast and alert. Let alone to eat and
drink, it just doesn't feel like going to the toilet. The call bell from the infirmary kept
ringing. Especially if there is an emergency, in the emergency room with a lot of
patients, the ICU with many critical patients, to the operating room where you have to
stand for a dozen hours for surgery. So it is not impossible if the nurse fell ill, even
fainted while on duty.

But does the pain make them weak? Of course not, they would rather write a patient
report with one hand infused rather than go home. Yes, a high sense of responsibility
makes professionalism like ingrained. Do not go home before the patient calms down.
Who said being a nurse is safe and comfortable? Guaranteed to be healthy because
you understand more about disease and its prevention? Duh, even though they have
been vaccinated, the medical personnel who roam around the hospital every day are
still vulnerable to contracting nosocomial infections, the type of infection that is
obtained from the hospital. "The hypermarket of disease is actually in hospitals," said
an occupational specialist at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia,
Jakarta, Muchtaruddin Mansyur, in a seminar on the Spread of Infection in Hospitals,
at the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, FKUI.

Indeed, nurses are required to wash their hands and use PPE (Personal Protective
Equipment) when performing actions on patients, but the name germs and bacteria
cannot be compromised. Moreover, the risk of being punctured by a needle used by a
patient, hmm, can sting the head. A nurse even had to immediately check the blood in
the laboratory if accidentally stuck with a needle. Duh, the intention to help turned
into grass eating plants, huh.

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