Kinco DTools User Manual

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Safety Precautions

Read this manual and related manuals that mentioned in this manual carefully before you use the products, at the same time

operate the products under the premise of full safety attention. In order to use the products safely, we use the following icons

and graphic symbols to represent precautions, and there is some important safety content for the precautions icons, please be

sure to observe them.


If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause personal injury or death.


If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause personal injury.

Be Care

If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause slightly personal injury


If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause undesirable result or state.


Some instructions, processes and remove operations are forbidden to ensure correct use of product

Put away this manual after reading, so that you can read it anytime.

Note when using the product:

 The following places should be avoided when using MT series HMI:

 The place that the temperature and humidity exceeds the range of the specifications

 The place with high humidity that may cause condensed water

 The place that the temperature changes acutely

 The place that is shined by ultraviolet ray

 The place with heavy dust

 The place that is polluted by chemicals

 The place that is polluted by oily substance

 The place with heavy shock and vibration

 The place that is exposed to sunshine and wind directly.

 The communication cables that connect HMI and PLC should be kept far from equipments that may generate

interference, like VFD, motor at the same time. At the same time do not put the control cable, power cable and

high line in the same wireway or nearby, or the interference may causes the malfunction of the equipment.

 Please ensure the security of the system before you power on the HMI.

 The proper configuration program is must when you want to use HMI to control PLC.

 Please install the USB driver before you use USB cable to download user data

 Please use finger or professional touch pen to operate the HMI

 The input operation may fail if the HMI is touched rapidly and continuously. Please input the content after the

previous operation is input successfully.

 If the backlight is off or the HMI has no display, do not touch it by mistake. Please confirm the safety of the

system and then operate it.

 If the dip switches are changed, the operation takes effects after the restart button is pressed or the HMI is

powered off and on.

 When you change the 3V battery in HMI, please choose the right model and install it correctly.

Copyright©2008 Kinco Automation Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Kinco Automation Ltd.

Thank you for choosing Kinco G series HMI.

Before you use the G series products, please read this manual carefully and understand it fully to ensure the personal and

equipment safety.

About this manual

This manual is for the usage and design way of Kinco DTools configuration software (“Kinco DTools” for short). You can

download it at our official English web site:

The content in this manual may not be updated in time because of the improvement of products or other reasons.

We advice customer to pay attention to the information at our web site in order to ensure the right timely

information of product specifications and accessories

When you use this manual, some rated manuals and supporting details maybe involved. They are:

 Communication Connection Help

This manual provides some information of rated communication setting, supported registers and communication cables when

the G series HMI communicate with the PLC that it supports.

 Product documents

Like catalog, products parameter list, order explanation, installation explanation manual, warranty and so on.

 Examples

Some demo programs at our site.

 Range of Application
This manual provides guides to Kinco DTools, so that you can develop the project in HMI.

 Target Population
This manual is for the people, commissioning engineers, technical support and Maintenance engineers who use Kinco G

series HMI and has basic knowledge in automation area. If necessary, they should have the ability to program with C


 How to use this manual

This manual introduce the process, components, configuration methods, operation details and using skills from easy to

difficult and step by step. It has three parts: introductory part, junior part and senior part. The new starter can start form

introductory part, the one who has experience with Kinco DTools just need to run over the introductory part, the engineer

with rich experience in Kinco DTools can start from the third part directly.

 The icons and terms in this manual

 Safety icons and terms

If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause personal injury or death.

If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause personal injury.

Be Care
If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause slightly personal injury

If rated precautions are not taken, it may cause undesirable result

Some instructions, processes and remove operations are forbidden to ensure correct use of product

 General information of icons and items

! Provide tips or added information for using product correctly

 Link to the rated information of other manuals

※ The items with explanation and footnotes。

 Content for tips

☞ Link to the rated information of this manual

 Items

 The following are the items in this manual:

Items used in this manual Meaning

Kinco DTools The software for Kinco G series HMI: Kinco DTools configuration software

HMI Kinco G series HMI

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

PC Personal Computer

External Storage Device The U disk or SD card that Kinco G series HMI supports.

The following items are different from the official trade mark or name

Items used in this manual Official trade mark or name

Windows 98 Microsoft® Windows® 98 Operation System

Windows Me Microsoft® Windows® Me Operation System

Windows 2000 Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Operation System

Windows XP Microsoft® Windows® XP Operation System

Windows Vista Microsoft® Windows® Vista Operation System

Windows 7 Microsoft® Windows® 7 Operation System

Windows Server 2003 Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Operation System

The following items describe the operation of mouse:

Item Operation Step Picture

Click Do not move the mouse; press the left button, then release.

Right Click Do not move the mouse; press the right button, then release.

Do not move the mouse; press the left button two times quickly, this operation
Double Click
only takes effect on left button.

Hold pressing the left button and move the mouse, release the left button at the
target position.

Move Move the mouse to the target position and stop.

Press the left button in the input box, then release. When there is a cursor in the
input box, input the content.

Operation Click, double click or right click the blank

 Precautions when using the software

Install the proper Kinco DTools according to the language of the OS, if you install the Chinese version in English OS, some

function may be abnormal, because there is no Chinese character library in English OS.

 Kinco DTools is backward compatible, but not the reverse. That is to say, the project that compiled by the higher

version software cannot be opened and compiled by lower version, but the project that compiled by lower version

software can be opened and compiled by higher version.

 Please remember the password if you use the project password, upload password and decompilation password, we

cannot provide the reset the password service or any universal password.

 The display difference between the Kinco DTools and HMI:

(1) When you configure the project, there are some grids as the aligning reference in Kinco DTools configuration area,

there is no grids in HMI screen.

(2) The following size difference maybe happen when using dial scale and dial axis.

(3) If the graphic uses the gradient color as fill color, the following display difference maybe happen.

 Product Support
 Online support

If you have any question when using the product, you can contact our overseas technical engineers; they can support you

online or by email.

 Technical Training
If you have any question about the product described in this manual, you can contact our company directly or local

distributors. About the technical training, please pay attention to the information at our site or consult the sales manager.

 Contact us
Kinco Automation Ltd

Email: [email protected]

Part1 Basic Part
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 About Kinco DTools................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Features List of Kinco DTools.................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Starting ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 How to use Kinco DTools ........................................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 How to get Kinco DTools software .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Kinco DTools Installation and Operating Environment Requirement ...................................................................... 13
2.4 Install/Uninstall ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
2.4.1 Install Kinco DTools .................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Uninstall Kinco DTools................................................................................................................................ 14
2.5 Start/Quit .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.5.1 Start Kinco DTools....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Quit Kinco DTools ....................................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 System Language Change ........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.7 F1 Help..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.8 Upgrade/Update........................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.9 Software Compatibility............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.10 Install USB Driver.................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.11 Software Application Program Introduction ........................................................................................................... 21
3 Make Project......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Project Requirement ................................................................................................................................................. 22
3.2 System Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Make Project............................................................................................................................................................. 25
3.3.1 Create Project ............................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.2 Device Selection, Connection and Parameters Setting ................................................................................. 26
3.3.3 Edit Frame.................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.4 Save Project.................................................................................................................................................. 44
3.3.5 Project Simulation ........................................................................................................................................ 44
3.3.6 Download Project......................................................................................................................................... 45
3.4 Project Folder Introductions ..................................................................................................................................... 45

Part2 Advanced Part

1 User Interface ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47
1.1 Interface Layout ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
1.2 Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47
1.2.1 File Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
1.2.2 Edit Menu..................................................................................................................................................... 47
1.2.3 View Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 48

1.2.4 Screen Menu................................................................................................................................................. 48
1.2.5 Draw Menu................................................................................................................................................... 49
1.2.6 Components Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 49
1.2.7 Tools Menu................................................................................................................................................... 49
1.2.8 Option Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 49
1.2.9 Window Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 49
1.2.10 Help Menu.................................................................................................................................................. 49
1.3 Toolbar...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
1.3.1 Basic Toolbar................................................................................................................................................ 50
1.3.2 Draw Toolbar................................................................................................................................................ 50
1.3.3 Page Switch Toolbar..................................................................................................................................... 50
1.3.4 Position Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................... 50
1.3.5 Line Width Toolbar....................................................................................................................................... 51
1.3.6 Line Style Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................ 51
1.3.7 System Toolbar............................................................................................................................................. 51
1.3.8 Database Toolbar.......................................................................................................................................... 51
1.3.9 Code Edit Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................ 51
1.3.10 Fill Effect Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................... 51
1.3.11 Label Position Toolbar................................................................................................................................ 52
1.3.12 State Switch Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 52
1.3.13 Font Toolbar ............................................................................................................................................... 52
1.3.14 Status Bar ................................................................................................................................................... 52
1.3.15 Tip Text ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
1.3.16 Toolbar Options.......................................................................................................................................... 52
1.4 Software window...................................................................................................................................................... 52
1.4.1 Graph Element Window ............................................................................................................................... 53
1.4.2 Project Files Window ................................................................................................................................... 54
1.4.3 Project Sstructure Window ........................................................................................................................... 54
1.4.4 Message Window ......................................................................................................................................... 55
1.4.5 Component List Window.............................................................................................................................. 56
1.5 Configuration Edit Area............................................................................................................................................ 57
1.5.1 Construct Window........................................................................................................................................ 57
1.5.2 HMI Edit Window ........................................................................................................................................ 58
1.5.3 Graphic Edit Window................................................................................................................................... 58
1.5.4 Macro Edit Window ..................................................................................................................................... 59
1.5.5 Edit Initial Window ...................................................................................................................................... 59
2 Basic Design Method............................................................................................................................................................ 60
2.1 Window screen ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
2.1.1 Specification of window screen.................................................................................................................... 60
2.1.2 Window Display Methods ............................................................................................................................ 60
2.1.3 Display Position ........................................................................................................................................... 62
2.1.4 Display Order ............................................................................................................................................... 63
2.1.5 Copy/Delete Windows.................................................................................................................................. 64
2.2 Draw......................................................................................................................................................................... 64

2.2.1 Image Format ............................................................................................................................................... 65
2.2.2 Vector ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
2.2.3 Geometric Figures Attribution...................................................................................................................... 68
2.2.4 About Fountain Fill ...................................................................................................................................... 69
2.2.5 Bitmap.......................................................................................................................................................... 70
2.2.6 About Transparent Color .............................................................................................................................. 70
2.3 Text........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
2.3.1 Font Type...................................................................................................................................................... 71
2.3.2 Dot Matrix Font............................................................................................................................................ 71
2.3.3 Vector Font ................................................................................................................................................... 72
2.3.4 Graph Font ................................................................................................................................................... 73
2.3.5 Text Attribute Edition ................................................................................................................................... 73
2.3.6 Notes for Using Vector Font......................................................................................................................... 74
2.4 Keyboard .................................................................................................................................................................. 74
2.4.1 Keyboard Type ............................................................................................................................................. 75
2.4.2 NUM Keyboard............................................................................................................................................ 77
2.4.3 ASCII Keyboard........................................................................................................................................... 78
2.4.4 HEX Keyboard............................................................................................................................................. 79
2.4.5 Create your Own Mumber Keyboard ........................................................................................................... 79
2.4.6 Create your Oown Unicode Keyboard ......................................................................................................... 81
2.4.7 Call Keyboard in the Group Component Library ......................................................................................... 83
2.5 Code Type................................................................................................................................................................. 84
2.5.1 BIN............................................................................................................................................................... 84
2.5.2 BCD ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
2.5.3 LSB .............................................................................................................................................................. 85
2.6 Language Switching ................................................................................................................................................. 85
2.7 RTC Set .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
2.7.1 Through Special Registers............................................................................................................................ 87
2.7.2 Calibrate System Time in System Setup Screen ........................................................................................... 89
2.7.3 System Time and PLC Time Synchronization.............................................................................................. 89
2.8 LOGO Screen(Logo)........................................................................................................................................... 91
2.8.1 LOGO Screen Specification ......................................................................................................................... 91
2.8.2 Init Screen Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 92
2.8.3 Note for Using Init Screen............................................................................................................................ 93
2.9 Exchange Serial........................................................................................................................................................ 94
2.10 Replace Devices ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
2.10.1 Replace HMI .............................................................................................................................................. 95
2.10.2 Replace PLC............................................................................................................................................... 96
2.11 Index Function........................................................................................................................................................ 97
2.11.1 Index Register............................................................................................................................................. 97
2.11.2 Index Station Num...................................................................................................................................... 98
2.12 Buzzer................................................................................................................................................................... 100
2.12.1 Touch Beep............................................................................................................................................... 100
2.12.2 Alarm Beep............................................................................................................................................... 102

2.13 Screen Saver ......................................................................................................................................................... 102
2.14 Password Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 103
2.14.1 Project Protection ..................................................................................................................................... 103
2.14.2 Screen Protection...................................................................................................................................... 104
2.14.3 Component Protection.............................................................................................................................. 105
2.15 Data Encryption.................................................................................................................................................... 105
2.16 Animation Effects................................................................................................................................................. 107
2.17 Multi-Copy ........................................................................................................................................................... 110
2.18 Group.....................................................................................................................................................................111
2.19 Find /Replace........................................................................................................................................................ 114
3 Window .............................................................................................................................................................................. 116
3.1 Window Types ........................................................................................................................................................ 116
3.2 System Default Window......................................................................................................................................... 118
3.3 Edit Window........................................................................................................................................................... 119
3.3.1 Window Add............................................................................................................................................... 119
3.3.2 Window Opening........................................................................................................................................ 120
3.3.3 Window Copy/ Multi-Windows Copy ........................................................................................................ 121
3.3.4 Window Deletion/ Multi-Windows Deletion.............................................................................................. 122
3.4 Window Attribute ................................................................................................................................................... 123
3.4.1 Open Window Attribute Box ...................................................................................................................... 123
3.4.2 Window Attribute Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 124
3.5 Components Related to Window ............................................................................................................................ 127
4 Component ......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
4.1 Common Setting of Component ............................................................................................................................. 128
4.1.1 Create and Delete Component.................................................................................................................... 128
4.1.2 Execution Order of Components ................................................................................................................ 129
4.1.3 Methods to Open Attributes Window ......................................................................................................... 130
4.1.4 Basic Setting............................................................................................................................................... 131
4.1.5 Tag Setting.................................................................................................................................................. 133
4.1.6 Graphics Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 134
4.1.7 Control Setting Option ............................................................................................................................... 135
4.1.8 Display Setting ........................................................................................................................................... 138
4.1.9 Touch Sound Control.................................................................................................................................. 140
4.1.10 Save Historical Data................................................................................................................................. 140
4.2 Button/Switch Components.................................................................................................................................... 143
4.2.1 Bit State Setting.......................................................................................................................................... 143
4.2.2 Bit State Switch.......................................................................................................................................... 146
4.2.3 Multiple State Setting................................................................................................................................. 148
4.2.4 Multiple State Switch ................................................................................................................................. 151
4.2.5 Combination Operations............................................................................................................................. 154
4.2.6 Function Key.............................................................................................................................................. 155
4.3 Lamp Component ................................................................................................................................................... 161
4.3.1 Bit State Lamp............................................................................................................................................ 161
4.3.2 Multiple State Display................................................................................................................................ 163

4.4 Number Components.............................................................................................................................................. 163
4.4.1 Number Input ............................................................................................................................................. 166
4.4.2 Number Display ......................................................................................................................................... 167
4.5 Text Components.................................................................................................................................................... 167
4.5.1 Text Iput ..................................................................................................................................................... 170
4.5.2 Text Display ............................................................................................................................................... 171
4.5.3 Note Book .................................................................................................................................................. 171
4.6 Graph/Meter Components ...................................................................................................................................... 172
4.6.1 Trend Curve................................................................................................................................................ 175
4.6.2 XY Plot....................................................................................................................................................... 187
4.6.3 Oscillograph ............................................................................................................................................... 192
4.6.4 Meter .......................................................................................................................................................... 195
4.6.5 Bar Picture.................................................................................................................................................. 197
4.7 Alarm Component .................................................................................................................................................. 200
4.7.1 Event Display ............................................................................................................................................. 202
4.7.2 Historical Event Display ............................................................................................................................ 206
4.7.3 Event Bar.................................................................................................................................................... 208
4.7.4 Alarm Display ............................................................................................................................................ 209
4.7.5 Alarm Bar ................................................................................................................................................... 210
4.8 Window Component ............................................................................................................................................... 210
4.8.1 Direct Window ........................................................................................................................................... 210
4.8.2 Indirect Window......................................................................................................................................... 212
4.9 Graphic Components .............................................................................................................................................. 213
4.9.1 Vector Graph .............................................................................................................................................. 213
4.9.2 Bitmap........................................................................................................................................................ 213
4.9.3 Free Plotting ............................................................................................................................................... 213
4.9.4 Dynamic Graph .......................................................................................................................................... 214
4.9.5 GIF ............................................................................................................................................................. 214
4.10 Video Input Component........................................................................................................................................ 215
4.10.1 Video ........................................................................................................................................................ 215
4.10.2 Camera ..................................................................................................................................................... 217
4.11 Multiple State Neon Lamp.................................................................................................................................... 218
4.11.1 Bit State Neon Lamp ................................................................................................................................ 218
4.11.2 Bit State Neon Lamp ................................................................................................................................ 219
4.12 Animation Components ........................................................................................................................................ 220
4.12.1 Animation................................................................................................................................................. 220
4.12.2 Moving Component.................................................................................................................................. 221
4.12.3 Pipeline..................................................................................................................................................... 225
4.13 Grid Components.................................................................................................................................................. 226
4.13.1 Grid .......................................................................................................................................................... 226
4.13.2 Historical Data Display ............................................................................................................................ 227
4.13.3 User Info Display ..................................................................................................................................... 232
4.13.4 Operation Log .......................................................................................................................................... 233
4.13.5 Data Report .............................................................................................................................................. 235

4.13.6 Data Curve ............................................................................................................................................... 245
4.14 Data Transmission Component............................................................................................................................. 251
4.14.1 Recipe....................................................................................................................................................... 251
4.14.2 Data Transmission .................................................................................................................................... 253
4.15 Project Database ................................................................................................................................................... 254
4.15.1 Text Library.............................................................................................................................................. 255
4.15.2 Address Tag .............................................................................................................................................. 256
4.15.3 Event Information .................................................................................................................................... 257
4.15.4 Alarm Information.................................................................................................................................... 261
4.15.5 PLC Control ............................................................................................................................................. 263
4.15.6 Sound Lib ................................................................................................................................................. 270
4.15.7 Data Logger.............................................................................................................................................. 271
4.15.8 Schedule List ............................................................................................................................................ 273
4.15.9 Recipe Area List ....................................................................................................................................... 277
4.16 Auxiliary Component ........................................................................................................................................... 279
4.16.1 Scale ......................................................................................................................................................... 279
4.16.2 Timer ........................................................................................................................................................ 280
4.16.3 Scroll Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 282
4.16.4 Date/Time................................................................................................................................................. 283
4.16.5 Note Pad................................................................................................................................................... 284
4.16.6 File List .................................................................................................................................................... 284
4.16.7 Trigger Touch ........................................................................................................................................... 285
4.16.8 VNC ......................................................................................................................................................... 286
4.16.9 Recipe Area View..................................................................................................................................... 287
5 Better Understanding of Library......................................................................................................................................... 289
5.1 Text Library ............................................................................................................................................................ 289
5.1.1 Create a Text Library.................................................................................................................................. 289
5.1.2 Export/Import Text Library ........................................................................................................................ 291
5.1.3 Set the Language of Text Library ............................................................................................................... 291
5.1.4 Text Library Application ............................................................................................................................ 292
5.2 Address Tag Library ............................................................................................................................................... 294
5.2.1 Build a Address tag Library........................................................................................................................ 294
5.2.2 Address Tag Application............................................................................................................................. 294
5.3 Graphic Library ...................................................................................................................................................... 295
5.3.1 Import Graphics.......................................................................................................................................... 295
5.3.2 Build New Graphics ................................................................................................................................... 299
5.3.3 Edit Graphics.............................................................................................................................................. 307
5.3.4 How to Use the Graphics............................................................................................................................ 310
5.4 Sound Lib Application............................................................................................................................................ 312
5.4.1 Import Audio File ....................................................................................................................................... 313
5.4.2 How to Use Audio File............................................................................................................................... 314
6 System Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 316
6.1 HMI Attributes ....................................................................................................................................................... 316
6.1.1 HMI............................................................................................................................................................ 316

6.1.2 Task Bar ..................................................................................................................................................... 317
6.1.3 HMI Extended Attributes ........................................................................................................................... 319
6.1.4 HMI System Information Text ................................................................................................................... 322
6.1.5 Security Levels Setting............................................................................................................................... 323
6.1.6 User Permissions Setting............................................................................................................................ 323
6.1.7 Historical Events Storage ........................................................................................................................... 324
6.1.8 Print Setting................................................................................................................................................ 325
6.1.9 Serial Port Setting....................................................................................................................................... 327
6.1.10 Extended Memory .................................................................................................................................... 328
6.1.11 HMI License Setting................................................................................................................................. 328
6.2 PLC Attribute ......................................................................................................................................................... 332
7 Compile/Simulate/Download/Upload................................................................................................................................. 333
7.1 Compilation............................................................................................................................................................ 333
7.1.1 Methods of Compilation............................................................................................................................. 333
7.2 Simulation .............................................................................................................................................................. 333
7.2.1 Modes of Simulation .................................................................................................................................. 333
7.2.2 Exit Simulation........................................................................................................................................... 334
7.3 Download ............................................................................................................................................................... 334
7.3.1 Download Method Selection ...................................................................................................................... 334
7.3.2 Download via U disk or SD card................................................................................................................ 336
7.3.3 Download Selection ................................................................................................................................... 336
7.4 Upload/ Download/Compile Project via KDManager ............................................................................................ 339
8 KDManager ........................................................................................................................................................................ 340
8.1 Introduction to KDManager ................................................................................................................................... 340
8.2 Methods of Open KDManager ............................................................................................................................... 341
8.3 Download ............................................................................................................................................................... 341
8.4 Upload .................................................................................................................................................................... 342
8.5 System Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 342
8.6 Get Version ............................................................................................................................................................. 342
8.7 Decompile Operation.............................................................................................................................................. 342
8.8 Data Decryption ..................................................................................................................................................... 343
9 Macro.................................................................................................................................................................................. 344
9.1 Macro Editing Environment ................................................................................................................................... 344
9.2 Macro Edit.............................................................................................................................................................. 344
9.2.1 Build Macro ............................................................................................................................................... 344
9.2.2 Delete Macro.............................................................................................................................................. 345
9.2.3 Rename Macro ........................................................................................................................................... 345
9.2.4 Program Macro........................................................................................................................................... 346
9.2.5 Execute Macro............................................................................................................................................ 349
9.3 Macro Application .................................................................................................................................................. 349
9.4 Application of communication function ................................................................................................................. 351
9.4.1 Local Variable Function ............................................................................................................................. 351
9.4.2 Controller Variable Function ...................................................................................................................... 352
9.5 Array Application ................................................................................................................................................... 353

9.6 Some Notes on the Macro ...................................................................................................................................... 356
10 Password........................................................................................................................................................................... 357
10.1 Project Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 358
10.1.1 Project Password Protection ..................................................................................................................... 358
10.1.2 Upload Password Protection and Prohibit Uploading............................................................................... 358
10.1.3 Decompilation Password Protection and Prohibit Decompiling............................................................... 360
10.1.4 Download Password Protection................................................................................................................ 361
10.2 Window Protection ............................................................................................................................................... 362
10.2.1 Window Password Setting........................................................................................................................ 362
10.2.2 Security Level Setting of Window............................................................................................................ 363
10.2.3 System reserved registers related to security level ................................................................................... 364
10.2.4 Security level password input window ..................................................................................................... 364
10.2.5 Modifying Password Online..................................................................................................................... 365
10.2.6 Application of Passwords Required for Switching Windows ................................................................... 366
10.3 Component Protection .......................................................................................................................................... 367
10.3.1 Security Level Protection for Components............................................................................................... 367
10.3.2 User Permission Protection for Components............................................................................................ 367
10.3.3 System Reserved Registers Related to User Permissions ......................................................................... 368
10.3.4 System Reserved Registers Related to Add/Delete Users and User Permissions Online.......................... 368
10.3.5 Window for User Permission Password Input .......................................................................................... 369
10.3.6 Application of Security Level Protection for Components ....................................................................... 370
10.3.7 Application of User Permission Protection for Component...................................................................... 371
11 Recipe/ RecipeEditor ........................................................................................................................................................ 380
11.1 Register Related to the Recipe.............................................................................................................................. 380
11.2 Method for Checking the Recipe Size .................................................................................................................. 381
11.2.1 Method for Checking the RW Size ........................................................................................................... 381
11.2.2 Calculation for Recipe Address Range ..................................................................................................... 382
11.3 Usage of Recipe.................................................................................................................................................... 383
11.3.1 Absolute Address ...................................................................................................................................... 383
11.3.2 Index Address ........................................................................................................................................... 383
11.3.3 Application of Recipe ............................................................................................................................... 384
11.4 RecipeEditor ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
11.4.1 Recipe Editor Start-up .............................................................................................................................. 387
11.4.2 Recipe Editor User interface..................................................................................................................... 387
11.4.3 Usage of RecipeEditor.............................................................................................................................. 389
11.5 Recipe Uploading/ Downloading/ Clearing .......................................................................................................... 396
12 KHMonitor ....................................................................................................................................................................... 397
12.1 Descriptions of KHMonitor.................................................................................................................................. 397
12.2 Start KHMonitor................................................................................................................................................... 397
12.3 KHMonitor Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 397
12.4 How to Use KHMonitor ....................................................................................................................................... 398
13 Print .................................................................................................................................................................................. 401
13.1 Type of Printer supports local printing ................................................................................................................. 401
13.2 Printing-related Components ................................................................................................................................ 402

13.3 Print Function Setting Method.............................................................................................................................. 404
13.3.1 Local Print: HMI serial is connected directly to the Printer ..................................................................... 404
13.3.2 Network Print (remote print): Through Network Printer to Print HMI Screen......................................... 405
13.4 Print Page Application Skills ................................................................................................................................ 410
13.5 Print Error............................................................................................................................................................. 411
14 HMI Communication........................................................................................................................................................ 412
14.1 Serial Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 412
14.1.1 HMI and PC Serial Communication......................................................................................................... 412
14.1.2 HMI and PLC /Controller Serial Communication .................................................................................... 412
14.1.3 Serial Communication Related Settings ................................................................................................... 419
14.2 Network Port Communication.............................................................................................................................. 419
14.2.1 HMI and PC Network Port Communication............................................................................................. 419
14.2.2 HMI and HMI Port Communication Network.......................................................................................... 420
14.2.3 HMI and PLC/Controller Network Port Communication......................................................................... 421
14.2.4 FTP Function............................................................................................................................................ 424
14.3 Field Bus Communication .................................................................................................................................... 427
14.3.1 CAN Communicate .................................................................................................................................. 427
14.3.2 DP Communicate ..................................................................................................................................... 428
14.4 MODBUS Protocol Applications(Master-slave mode).................................................................................... 433
14.4.1 MODBUS Protocol Overview.................................................................................................................. 433
14.4.2 MODBUS Protocol Communication Format ........................................................................................... 435
14.4.3 MODBUS Protocol in the HMI Application ............................................................................................ 441
15 VNC.................................................................................................................................................................................. 447
15.1 Various client-sides............................................................................................................................................... 447
15.2 Access via LAN.................................................................................................................................................... 448
15.2.1 Remote control HMI by PC via LAN....................................................................................................... 448
15.2.2 Remote control HMI by mobile via LAN................................................................................................. 450
15.2.3 Remote control HMI by browser via LAN............................................................................................... 452
15.3 Access via WAN ................................................................................................................................................... 453
16 Register............................................................................................................................................................................. 457
16.1 Local Registers of HMI ........................................................................................................................................ 457
16.1.1 Bit Address ............................................................................................................................................... 457
16.1.2 Word Address ........................................................................................................................................... 458
16.2 System Special Registers of HMI......................................................................................................................... 459
16.2.1 Parameter Setting of Hardware................................................................................................................. 459
16.2.2 System Setting.......................................................................................................................................... 460
16.2.3 Components Setting ................................................................................................................................. 467
16.2.4 Security Leve l and User Permission........................................................................................................ 470
16.2.5 Data and Project Management.................................................................................................................. 472
16.2.6 Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 473

Part3 Hardware Part

1 Name and Specification...................................................................................................................................................... 479
1.1 Name of Each Part......................................................................................................................................... 479

1.2 Specifications of Each Part............................................................................................................................ 480
2 Connection with Preiferal Equipments ............................................................................................................................... 485
2.1 Connection via Serial Port............................................................................................................................. 485
2.2 Connection via USB Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 487
2.3 Connection via LAN Interfaces..................................................................................................................... 488
3 System Setting Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 490
3.1 Methods to Display System Setting Mode .................................................................................................... 490
3.2 System Setting............................................................................................................................................... 490
4 Touch Screen Calibrate Mode............................................................................................................................................. 492
4.1 Methods to Display Touch Screen Calibrate Mode ....................................................................................... 492
4.2 Touch Screen Calibrate Setting ..................................................................................................................... 492
5 Firmware Update Mode ...................................................................................................................................................... 493
5.1 Methods to Display Firmware Update Mode ................................................................................................ 493
5.2 Firmware Update Setting............................................................................................................................... 493
6 Maintenance and Tending ................................................................................................................................................... 494
6.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................. 494
6.2 Tending.......................................................................................................................................................... 494
Appendix 1 Regular PLC Used for HMI ............................................................................................................................... 496
Appendix 2 List of Error Information.................................................................................................................................... 500
Appendix 3 List of System Prompt Message......................................................................................................................... 505

Basic Part
1 Introduction
This chapter mainly introduces the features and functions of Kinco DTools Configuration Software.

1.1 About Kinco DTools

Kinco DTools Configuration Software(Hereinafter referred to as “Kinco DTools”)is a human-machine interface(HMI)

configuration software developed by Kinco Electric (Shanghai) Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as “Kinco”),it is special for G

series HMI. Kinco DTools provides a powerful integrated development environment for users. Products are widely applied

in various kinds of fields such as medical, chemical industry, electric power, printing, textile, food, national defense and

engineering machinery, intelligent household, high speed railway and so on.

1.2 Features List of Kinco DTools

 Edit operation functions

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Batch to modify font

properties 【 Advanced Part 2.3.5 Text

Attribute Edition】

☞Details please refer to

Batch to modify graph

properties 【 Advanced Part 2.2.3

Geometric Figures Attribution】

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 3.3.3 Window

Batch to copy windows Frame 0 Frame 10
Copy /Multi-Windows Copy】


☞Details please refer to

Crossing projects to 【 Advanced Part 2.1.5

copy components Copy/Delete windows】

☞Details please refer to

Batch to set components

alignment 【 Advanced Part 1.2.2 Edit


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

Batch to set components

same size 【 Advanced Part 1.2.2 Edit


☞Details please refer to

Batch to set components

same space 【 Advanced Part 1.2.2 Edit


☞Details please refer to

Overlay windows
【Advanced Part 2.1.2 Windows

Display Methods】

☞Details please refer to

Group components
【Advanced Part 2.18 Group】

☞Details please refer to

Multi-copy components
【 Advanced Part 2.17


☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 2.9 Exchange

Exchange serial ports

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 2.10 Replace

Exchange devices

 Functions of Components

Switch and lamp

Functions Diagrams Notes

Basic Part Introduction

Lamps for displaying OFF ON ☞Details please refer to

states of device’s
【 Advanced Part 4.3 Lamp

Switches for changing ☞Details please refer to

states of device’s
【 Advanced Part 4.2
Button/Switch Component】

Switches for changing ☞Details please refer to

the value of device’s 【 Advanced Part 4.2

address Button/Switch Component】

Number/Text input and display

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Number input 【Advanced Part 4.4.1 Number


☞Details please refer to

Number display
【Advanced Part 4.4.2 Number


☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 4.5.1 Text

Text input

D100 4 D 4 8
☞Details please refer to
D101 2 0 4 9
Space I
【 Advanced Part 4.5.2 Text
Text display

☞Details please refer to

System time display
【 Advanced Part 4.16.4


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

Text annotations
【Advanced Part 2.3 Text】

Data transmission

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Transmit data by timing 【Advanced Part 4.16.2 Timer】

☞Details please refer to

Transmit data by touch 【 Advanced Part 4.14 Data

Transmission Component】

☞Details please refer to

Transmit data by trigger 【 Advanced Part 4.14.2 Data



☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.14.1 Recipe

Data transmit by recipe

Meter and Graph

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Display data as meter 【Advanced Part 4.6.4 Meter】

D100=75 100
☞Details please refer to
Display data as bar
50 【 Advanced Part 4.6.5 Bar

Basic Part Introduction

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend

Display data as trend

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend

Display data as dot

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend

Display data as
projection graph

☞Details please refer to

Zoom in
【 Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend


Zoom of trend curve Normal

Zoom out


Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

System alarm

information 【 Advanced Part 6.1.4 HMI

System Information Text】

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

User-defined system
PLC No Response PLC disconnect

alarm information 【 Advanced Part 6.1.4 HMI

System Information Text】

☞Details please refer to

Display user-defined
【 Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm
alarm information when
alarm happen

Display alarm
☞Details please refer to
infromation in popup
【 Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm
window when alarm

☞Details please refer to

2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15

The buzzer will peal 1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14

0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10
when alarm happen 【 Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm


☞Details please refer to

Obtain the alarm time
【 Advanced Part 2.7.3 System
of event information
time and PLC CPU time
from external clock.

☞Details please refer to

Query historical event 【Advanced Part 4.7.2 Historical

records by inputting Event Display】

date or file number

Import/Export ☞Details please refer to

alarm/event logon 【 Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm

information Component】

Conditional control

Functions Diagrams Notes

Basic Part Introduction

☞Details please refer to

Components are limited 【Advanced Part 4.1.7 Control

by user security level. Setting Option】

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.1.7 Control

Setting Option】
Components are limited

by user permission.

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.1.7 Control

Components are limited Setting Option】
by the status of


☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.1.7 Control

Notification operation
Setting Option】

Conditional Display

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Display components
【Advanced Part 4.1.8 Display
according to user
security level.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.1.8 Display

Display components Setting】
according to user


☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.1.8 Display

Display components
according to the status

of registers.

 Data Storage Function

Functions Diagrams Notes

Save historical event

SD ☞Details please refer to
2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15
1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14
0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10

SAVE 【 Advanced Part 6.1.7

IC Historical Events Storage】

Save sampling data of

SD ☞Details please refer to
trend curve.
SAVE 【 Advanced Part 4.1.10 Save
IC Historical Data】

Save operation records

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 6.1.3 HMI

Extended Attributes】

Save recipe data

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 4.14.1 Recipe】

 Data Clear Function

Basic Part Introduction

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Clear historical event 【 Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm

records. Component】

☞Details please refer to

Clear historical data 【 Advanced Part 8.3

records of trend curve. Download】

☞Details please refer to

Clear historical recipe 【 Advanced Part 8.3
data. D100 150 D100 0
D101 125 D101 0

 Window Changing Function

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Change window by 【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function

touch button. Key】

D0:0 10 Frame 0 ☞Details please refer to

Change window by Frame 10

【 Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC
PLC control. Control】

☞Details please refer to

Popup other window in
【 Advanced Part 4.8 Window
current window.

 Password Protection Function

Functions Diagrams Notes

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

Password protection for 【 Advanced Part 10.1 Project

project. Protection】

☞Details please refer to

Password protection for
【 Advanced Part 10.1 Project
uploading project.

☞Details please refer to

Password protection for
【 Advanced Part 10.1 Project
decompiling project.

☞Details please refer to

Password protection for 【Advanced Part 10.2 Window

user security level. Protection】

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 10.3.2 User

Permission Protection for

Password protection for Components】
user permission.

CSV CSV ☞Details please refer to

CSV file encryption
file file
【 Advanced Part 2.15 Data
Encrypt Decrypt

 External Input/ Output

Functions Diagrams Notes

Basic Part Introduction

☞Details please refer to【HMI

Read data from barcode

reader. and PLC connection guide 】


☞Details please refer to

Obtain image from

video. 【 Advanced Part 4.10 Video

Input Component】

Printout the screen ☞Details please refer to

image or data. 【Advanced Part 13 Print】

Connect keyboard and


 Print Function

Functions Diagrams Notes

15:25:54 Abnormal T
☞Details please refer to

Trigger printing event 14:01:00 Abnormal T

10:50:01 Abnormal T 【Advanced Part 4.15.3 Event
2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15
1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14

information. 0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10


☞Details please refer to

Touch button to print
【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function
screen image.

☞Details please refer to

Print trend curve real

time. 【 Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend


☞Details please refer to

Print screen image by 【 Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC

PLC control. Control】

 Upload/Download

Functions Diagrams Notes

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞Details please refer to

Download project from 【 Advanced Part 7 Compile

PC. /Simulate/Download/Upload】

☞Details please refer to

Upload project from
【 Advanced Part 7 Compile
HMI to PC.

☞Details please refer to

Download project from

external memory. 【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function


Upload project from ☞Details please refer to

HMI to external
【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function

 Script Function


Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Execute data operation
【Advanced Part 9 Macro】
or control the display

in HMI by macro.

 Other Function

Functions Diagrams Notes

☞Details please refer to

Customize logo.
【 Advanced Part 2.8 Logo

Screen (Logo)】

Basic Part Introduction

☞Details please refer to

【Advanced Part 2.6 Language

Change languages Switching】


☞Details please refer to

Clock setting 【Advanced Part 2.7 RTC Set】

☞Details please refer to

Save screen by
【 Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC
screenshot function

☞Details please refer to

Index for register 【 Advanced Part 2.11 Index

address(Offset) Function】

☞Details please refer to

【 Advanced Part 2.11 Index

Index for PLC station

2 Starting
2.1 How to use Kinco DTools
The procedure for using Kinco DTools is shown in following figure.

2.2 How to get Kinco DTools software

Users can download Kinco DTools software from download center in Kinco’s website:

2.3 Kinco DTools Installation and Operating Environment Requirement

Note for using Windows Vista/Windows 7 OS:

 When using Windows Vista/Windows 7 OS, don’t install Kinco DTools in system disk(C:).

 When using Windows Vista/Windows 7 OS, Kinco DTools must run as administrator. Right click the

icon of Kinco DTools.exe, and then select “Run as administrator” as following figure:

2.4 Install/Uninstall
There are multilingual versions of Kinco DTools.

2.4.1 Install Kinco DTools

The procedure of installation is as following:

Double click“Setup.exe”file to run the installation program.

Enter welcome window.

Select installation directory, the default directory is “C:\” and it will create “Kinco\Kinco DTools” folder automatically.
Click【Browse】to change the installation directory.

Confirm installation.
It will appear installation statues of Kinco DTools, click【Install】to start installing software.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Install successfully
If the software install successfully, then it will appear the information. Click【Finish】to finish installation.

After finishing installation, Kinco DTools will create a complete startup directory in【Start】menu, and create the shortcut of

Kinco DTools and KDManager in desktop of operation system.

In above installation process, the user can click【Cancel】to quit installation.

2.4.2 Uninstall Kinco DTools

Please quit Kinco DTools firstly before uninstalling.

Run uninstall.
Method 1:Uninstall from【Start】menu.

【Start】【All Programs】【Kinco】【Kinco DTools】【Uninstall】

Method 2:Uninstall from【Control Panel】【Add/Del Programs】

Uninstall procedure
Select “Remove”, click【Next】to start uninstalling process.

Modify Select new program features to add or select currently installed features to remove.

Repair Reinstall all program features installed by previous setup.

Remove Remove all installed features.

 If there are some files or folders added in the install directory of Kinco DTools, please delete these contents

by manual after uninstalling the software.

2.5 Start/Quit
2.5.1 Start Kinco DTools

Method 1:Start in【Start】menu.

【Start】【All Programs】【Kinco】【Kinco DTools】

Method 2:Double click the shortcut of Kinco DTools in desktop to start software.

 When it is first time to start Kinco DTools, it will display window as following:

 When it is not the first time to start Kinco DTools, then it will open the last operated project automatically.

Basic Part Starting

2.5.2 Quit Kinco DTools

After starting Kinco DTools software, there are several ways to quit the software as follows:

 Click the【Close】button on the upper right side of the window.

 Click the icon of Kinco DTools on the upper left of the window, then select “Close” in the control menu.

 Click Kinco DTools【File】menu, then select “Quit” in the pull-down menu.

 Press【Alt】key and【F4】key on the keyboard at the same time.

2.6 System Language Change

Kinco DTools supports switching multiple languages, user can switch the software language by the System Language of
Option(O) in the software menu bar. It supports Chinese, English, Korean and Russian switching at this moment.
 Switch the Chinese version to English version

 Switch the English version to Chinese version

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2.7 F1 Help
When user use the Kinco DTools software, there are there methods to use the F1 help.
 Press the F1 on the keyboard
 Click the [Help] button on the component attribute
 Click the [Help] menu

2.8 Upgrade/Update

1. To ensure the product working properly, it is forbidden to update, modify, uninstall and reinstall before

the software is closed.

2. Before updating software, to ensure the product working properly, please uninstall the old version

software completely.

3. Please backup the project made by old version software before using the new version software to

update the project made by old version software.

The latest software or upgrade package can be downloaded from the download centre in Kinco’s website :

2.9 Software Compatibility

2.9.1 Project made by Kinco DTools software

In Kinco DTools, projects made by old version software can be opened by new version software, but

project made by new version software can’t be opened by old version software.

Basic Part Starting

2.9.2 Project not made by Kinco DTools software

Click the open icon, and choose the file type, and then can open a project made by Kinco HMIWare or Kinco HMIware_CZ


Open a project made by Kinco HMIWare or Kinco HMIware_CZ software, Will automatically change the original project
suffix to .dpj.

High Open the project, and generate

Open .wpj\.kcz version the ProjWpjBK folder in the
project original project folder

Prompt to n
upgrade backup Exit

ESC Open the project, and generate

whether or not to the ProjWpjBK\ProjBK folder
save the project ? in the original project folder


Open the project, and generate the

ProjWpjBK\ProjBK copy folder in the
original project folder

Not all of the projects made by Kinco HMIWare can be opened, only to support the project of the next
list HMI model, Kinco DTools software will be replaced automatically to the corresponding model.

DTools HMIWare
1 GL043 MT4230T,ET050
2 GL043E MT4230TE

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

3 GL070 MT4434T,ET070,MT4414T
4 GL070E MT4434TE,MT4414TE
5 GL100 MT4532T,ET100
6 GL100E MT4532TE
7 GL150E MT4720TE
8 GH043 MT4210T
9 GH043E MT4220TE
10 GH070 MT4404T
11 GH070E MT4424TE
12 GH150E MT4720TE,MT5720TE
13 G070 MT4414T
14 G070E MT4414TE

2.10 Install USB Driver

! USB driver must be installed by manual, can’t be installed automatically.

When it is first time to use Kinco DTools, it need to install the USB driver for downloading HMI project.

Users can install USB driver by manual as following procedure:

Use USB cable to connect the USB SLAVE port of HMI to USB HOST port of PC, and connect the power supply of

correctly and power on, then it will popup dialog box of【Update Driver Software】,then click “Browse my computer for

driver software”:

Following dialog box will display. Click【Browse】:

Basic Part Starting

Set the route to the driver folder in the install directory of Kinco DTools, then click【OK】:

After finishing installation, it will popup the dialog box of “The best driver software for your device is already

installed”, then click【Close】to quit.

If PC doesn’t popup【Installing device driver software】automatically in the first step, but there is a balloon tips in the

toolbar as following figure:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Then open【Device Manager】【Universal Serial Bus Controllers】,there is a detection icon of unknown device. Right click

The icon and select “Update Driver Software” as following figure:

At this time, it will popup【Update Driver Software】automatically:

Select “No,” and click【Next】,then continue the installation procedure of USB driver as above.

After finishing installation, there is a balloon tip of “Kinco HMI USB” on the toolbar as following figure:

After that, open【Device Manager】,the unknown device will change to “Kinco HMI USB” in【Universal Serial Bus

Controllers】.It means the USB driver installation is successful.

Basic Part Starting

If the USB driver can’t be installed correctly, there is a balloon tips on the toolbar of operation system as following figure:

Then there is an icon of unknown device in【Device Manager】.For this problem, please select the right directory to reinstall

USB driver.

2.11 Software Application Program Introduction

Kinco DTools software is integrated with Kinco DTools.exe, KDManager, KHPLCAddressView, RecipeEditor.exe and

PDOManager and so on. Additionally, there are two manuals integrated in Kinco DTools software. Users can find the

shortcuts of these functional units in【Start】【All Programs】【Kinco】【Kinco DTools】.Their descriptions are

shown in following table:

Functional Unit Descriptions

Main software which is used to create, edit, compile, simulate and download


User’s Manual

Guide manual about communication between Kinco HMI and supported control


Auxiliary software, it is used to upload, download, decompile, HMI firmware

update, obtain HMI system information an so on.

Auxiliary software, it is used to configure the CAN communication parameters.

Auxiliary software, it is used to create, view or edit recipe data file and external

memory data file.

Auxiliary software, it is used to monitor the HMI and PLC registers.

Auxiliary software, it is used to remote print.

Uninstall software; it is used to uninstall Kinco DTools software.

3 Make Project
This chapter takes PH value of neutralization pond control system for example to explain the process of making project by

Kinco DTools.

3.1 Project Requirement

The project requires auto-control mode and manual control mode.

 In full-automatic control mode, after pressing “Start” button, the system will detect the water level of first

neutralization pond automatically. When the liquid meter(LIT03) detect that the water level reaches preset height, then

it will enter automatic circulation process: close electric valve(AV01),open electric valve (AV02),and start air

blower(B01) and circulating pump(P01) to aerate and circulation stir. After stirring uniform, it will start acid metering

pump(P02) or alkali metering pump(P03).When the PH value detected by AIT01 satisfies effluent standard

(6≤PH≤9),then stop P02 or P03,open AV01 and close AV02,then let off the qualified water to the second

neutralization pond. If the water level detected by LIT04 reaches the preset height, then it will detect the PH value of

AIT02 automatically. If it satisfies 6≤PH≤9, then close AV04 and open AV03.Let off the water until the water level

detected by LIT04 is lower than lower limit, then close AV03.If it doesn’t satisfy the requirement, then it will close

AV03 and open AV04 to continue processing.

When detecting the water level of the first neutralization pond lower than lower limit, then stop B01 and P01, herein

this process finish. When the water level of the first neutralization pond reach preset height, then continue to next


Basic Part Make Project

In the circulation process, LIT01 and LIT02 real time monitor the liquid level of acid storage jar and alkali storage jar.


it is lower than lower limit, then it will show alarm information.

 In manual control mode, every process is controlled separately by manual according to the value of AIT01 and AIT02

instead of being triggered by the water level of neutralization pond.

3.2 System Analysis

According to project requirement, this control system can be consisting of upper computer, PLC and instrumentation.

PLC is mainly used to sample data (data of liquid meter and PH meter), control device (air blower, circulating pump, electric

valve).Here we use HMI as upper computer to communicate with PLC by RS-232C.

The configuration and parameters are shown in following table.

 Upper computer system configuration:

Software Kinco DTools software

Hardware One PC with Windows XP/Vista/7 operation system and Kinco DTools software.

One G series HMI

One PLC(Herein we choose Kinco CPU306EX)

One DC24V power supply for HMI

One AC220V power supply for PLC

One specified USB download cable(Herein we choose USB port for downloading program)

One RS232C cross cable for communication between HMI and PLC.(Herein we choose RS232C


 PLC address allocation

Device Address Device Address

Start switch SW01 I 0.0 Liquid meter LIT01 AIW 4

Emergency stop switch I 0.1 Liquid meter LIT02 AIW 6


Air blower B01 Q 0.0 Liquid meter LIT03 AIW 8

Circulating pump P01 Q 0.1 Liquid meter LIT04 AIW 10

Metering pump P02 Q 0.2 Electric valve AV01 Q 1.0

Metering pump P03 Q 0.3 Electric valve AV02 Q 1.1

PH meter AIT01 AIW 0 Electric valve AV03 Q 1.2

PH meter AIT02 AIW 2 Electric valve AV04 Q 1.3

Auxiliary relay AR01 M 0.0(Turn on when the liquid Auxiliary relay AR05 M 0.4(Turn on when the liquid

level of LIT01 is lower than lower level of LIT03 is lower than

limit) lower limit)

Auxiliary relay AR02 M 0.1(Turn on when the liquid Auxiliary relay AR06 M 0.5(Turn on when the liquid

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

level of LIT01 is higher than level of LIT03 is higher than

upper limit) upper limit)

Auxiliary relay AR03 M 0.2(Turn on when the liquid Auxiliary relay AR07 M 0.6(Turn on when the liquid

level of LIT02 is lower than lower level of LIT04 is lower than

limit) lower limit)

Auxiliary relay AR04 M 0.3(Turn on when the liquid Auxiliary relay AR08 M 0.7(Turn on when the liquid

level of LIT02 is higher than level of LIT04 is higher than

upper limit) upper limit)

 HMI frame

Auto Control

a. Bar Graph

b. Bit State Lamp

c. Multiple State Display

d. Number Display

e. Date/Time

f. Event Bar

g. Bit State Switch

h. Text

i. Function Key

j. Timer

Manual Control

a. Bit State Switch

b. Text

c. Number Display

d. Event Bar

e. Date/Time

f. Function Key

Alarm Display

Basic Part Make Project

a. Event Display

b. Text

c. Bit State Switch

d. Date/Time

e. Event Bar

f. Function Key

3.3 Make Project

Following are the procedure for making project in Kinco DTools.

3.3.1 Create Project

Start Kinco DTools

☞Details please refer to【Basic Part 2.5.1 Start Kinco DTools】

Create Project

Click the icon in toolbar to create project.

Input project name.(Herein the project name is set as “PH control system”)
Select path of saving project.(Herein we use the default path)
Click【OK】to finish creating project.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

After creating project, it will popup grey grid working area. This area is named “Construct Window”.

3.3.2 Device Selection, Connection and Parameters Setting

Device selection——select PLC mode(or communication protocol)

Click COM0 to add “Kinco PLC Series” in【System Parameters Set】.

Basic Part Make Project

Parameters setting——Communication Parameters Set

Ser plc station

Click【COM0 Setting】option and set the corresponding parameters of COM0 according to the communication

parameters of PLC. Others all set as default.

3.3.3 Edit Frame

Open HMI edit window

Right click HMI icon

Click “Edit” in the popup menu as following figure.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

It will open HMI edit window as following figure(It will open Frame0 by default)

Edit frame——Create new frame

System will create frame 0~9 automatically when creating HMI.

Therein, frame 1~9 are specified system windows. Only Frame0 can

be used freely by user. According to the system analysis, we need to

create two windows.

Procedure for adding frame:

Click【Screen】menu, select “Add Frame”.

System will popup【New Frame】window, therein “Frame Name” can be defined freely(Herein we use system default
name “Frame10”).Then click【OK】.And then create Frame11 by the same way.

Basic Part Make Project

After creating new frames, they will show in 【 Project structure

window】as shown in left figure.

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Change background color

The initial background color of windows is black(RGB:0,0,0).User can change the background color according to actual

requirement(Herein we set the background color as light grey color (RGB:182,182,182))

Operation procedure is as following:

Double click background area, it will popup【Window Attribute】dialog box.

Click “Use Background Color”

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Click “Fill Color”

Click “Custom Color”, it will popup【Select color】window
Choose the desired color or set RGB value in Red(R),Green(G)and Blue(B).
Finally click【OK】
Edit “Auto Control” frame——Edit frame title

A 2

3 4

Click icon in toolbar, it will popup【Text Attribute】window

Type “Auto Control” in【Content】area.

Select【Vector Font】
Setting in “Font Attribute”:
Font Times New Roman

Size 16

Alignment Center

Color Black

After finishing setting font attribute, then click【OK】

Then there is a red box in the edit window. Choose and put on a suitable place.
Create title of” Manual Control” and “Alarm Display” by the same way.

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Draw the operation flow chart of PH control system

Draw the operation flow chart of PH control system by using line, rectangle and polygon.

Basic Part Make Project

Take the graph in red box in the figure above for example, the procedure of drawing is as follows:

Click icon in “Draw Toolbar”.

~Move mouse to edit area, it will appear “+”.Then click 7 times on the related position.
Right click mouse to finish drawing polygon.

1 2


5 6

☞More drawing methods please refer to【Advanced Part 2.2 Draw】

Double click polygon to open the “Graphic Attribute” window.
Set graphic attribute of polygon as follows:
Line Color Black

Line Width 2 pound

Background Fill Color White

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Draw graph of metering pump

If there is no desired graph in the system image library, then user can create a new graph.

 New Graphics

Click the icon in Database Toolbar, it will popup【New Graphics】window

Set the attribute as following figure

Click【OK】to enter edit window of vector graph

 Draw graph

Select state0 in the edit window of vector graph,click icon in the Draw Toolbar

~Move the mouse to the black edit area below, it will appear “+”.Then press left mouse button and drag to
lower right side. Then release at the proper position to finish drawing a circle.

Basic Part Make Project

Select state1 and draw a graph by the same way as drawing state0.

☞More details about new graph please refer to【Advanced Part 5.3 Graphic Library】
 Set graphics attribute

Double click the graph to open【Graphics Attribute】window,then set the attribute of state0 and state1.

state0 Graphics Attribute state1 Graphics Attribute

Line Color Black Line Color Black

Line Width 2 Pound Line Width 2 Pound

Background Fill Color White Background Fill Color Red

 Save graph

After finishing drawing graph of metering pump, click icon in Basic Toolbar to save file
Click the icon on the upper right of graph edit window to quit the window.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Create a new graph and draw graph of electric valve named as shown in left figure.

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Bit State Lamp components (metering pump, circulating pump and electric


Add 7 “Bit State Lamp” components for state indication of metering pump, circulating pump and electric valve. The

procedure is as follows:

Select “Bit State Lamp” from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】,then press left mouse button and drag to HMI
edit area.

Release mouse and it will popup attribute box of【Bit State Lamp】

Basic Part Make Project

Set the components attribute as follows:

Circulating pump P01/Metering pump P02/ Metering pump P03 Electric valve AV01/AV02/AV03/AV04

Read Address Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3 Read Q1.0 Q1.1 Q1.2 Q1.3

Function Normal Address

Tag Use;0:M;1:M Function Normal

Font Type Vector Font Tag Not use

Font Attribute Arial,11,Black,Bold Graph Vector

Graph Vector

After finishing setting the components, the screen will show as following figure:

Finally add text in the screen. The procedure of adding text is the same as【Edit frame title】,show as following:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Bit State Switch components(Start, emergency stop)

Add two “Bit State Switch” as “Start” and “Emergency stop” button as shown in following figure:

Add two “Bit State Switch” and set the attribute as

follows:Start/Emergency stop

Read/Write Address I0.0 I0.1

Switch Type Reset

Tag Use ; 0 : Start/Emergency

stop;1:Start/Emergency stop

Graph Vector Graph;**

* are imported from

【System Image Library】—【VG】—【Button】

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Function Key components

Add two “Function Key” from【Graph element window】—【Function Parts】,which are used to change window to

“Alarm Display” and “Manual Control”.

Basic Part Make Project

Set the attributes as follows:

Manual Control Alarm

Function Key Change window[Frame10] Function Key Change window[Frame11]

Tag Use;0:Manual Control;1:Manual Control Tag Use;0:Alarm;1:Alarm

Graph Vector Graph Vector

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Event Information Logon


Click icon in Database Toolbar to open【Event log object list】window

Click【Add】button, it will popup【Event】window
Add one event information logon as follows:
Address M0.0

Event Trigging On

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Text The liquid level of alkali storage jar is below lower limit!

Click【OK】button to close【Event】window and finish the first event information logon.

By the same way, add second event information logon.

Address M0.2

Event Trigging On

Text The liquid level of acid storage jar is below lower limit!

Then click【OK】button to close【Event log object list】

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add information bar

Information bar include current system time and current alarm display.

Firstly add a rectangle graph and two line as background of information bar as following figure:

Set the attributes as follows:

Rectangle Line

Line Color White Line Color White

Background Fill Color Black

☞More drawing methods please refer to【Advanced Part 2.2 Draw】

Add “Date/Time” from【Graph element window】—【Function Parts】for displaying current system time.

Basic Part Make Project

Set the attributes as follows:

Date Display:YYYY.MM.DD

Time Display:HH:MM:SS

Font Type Vector Font

Font Attribute Arial,8,White

Graph No use

Finally add a text of “Time” as shown in left


Add “Event Bar” from【Graph element window】—【Function Parts】for rolling displaying alarm information

Set the attributes as follows:

Format Event Trig Time

Standard Time Format

Extended Date Format

Event Trig Date

Finally add a text of “Alarm” as shown in left


Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Number Display component

Add 4 “Number Display” from 【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for display the liquid level of alkali(acid)

storage jar and the PH value of first(second) neutralization pond.

Set the attributes as follows:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

PH meter AIT01/AIT02 Liquid meter LIT01/LIT02

Read Address AIW 0 AIW 5 Read Address AIW 4 AIW 6

Data Type Unsigned int Data Type Unsigned int

Integer/Decimal 2/2 Integer/Decimal 1/1

Min/Max 0/1400 Min/Max 0/50

Graph No use Graph No use

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Bar Picture components

Add 2“Bar Picture” from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for displaying the liquid level of alkali(acid) storage


Set the attributes as follows:

Acid storage jar/Alkali storage jar

Read Address AIW 4 AIW 6

Border Color Black

Normal Color Green/Blue

Alarm Lower/Upper Red/Yellow

Minimum/Maximum 0/50

Alarm Lower/Upper 5/45

Graph No use

Edit “Auto Control” frame——Add Multiple State Display and Timer components

Add one “Multiple State Display” from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for displaying the rotary of fan blade

of air blower.

Set the attributes as follows:

Read Address LW 0

State Num. 3


* is imported from 【 System Image


Add one “Timer “component from【Graph element window】—【Function Parts】for changing the state value of

“Multiple State Display” component.

Basic Part Make Project

Edit “Manual Control” frame——Add Bit State Switch components

Click “10:Frame10”in【Project structure window】to change window to frame10 as shown in following figure:

Add 8 “Bit State Switch” components from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for controlling the start and stop

of electric valve, metering pump, circulating pump and air blower.

Set the attributes as follows:

Electric valve AV01/AV02/AV03/AV04 Air blower/Circulating pump/Acid metering pump/Alkali

metering pump

Read/Write Address Q1.0 Q1.1 Q1.2 Q1.3 Read/Write Address Q0.0 Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3

Switch Type Toggle Switch Type Toggle

Tag Use Tag Use

Graph Vector Graph Vector

Edit “Manual Control” frame——Add Number Display components

Add 4 rectangles as the background graph of “Number Display” components

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Set the attributes as follows:

Line Color White

Background Fill Color Black

Add 4“Number Display” components from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for displaying the liquid level of

acid(alkali) storage jar and the PH value of first(second) neutralization pond

Set the attributes as follows:

PH value of first neutralization pond / PH value of Acid storage jar / Alkali storage jar

second neutralization pond

Read Address AIW 0 AIW 2 Read Address AIW 4 AIW 6

Data Type Unsigned int Data Type Unsigned int

Integer/Decimal 2/2 Integer/Decimal 1/1

Min/Max 0/1400 Min/Max 0/50

Graph No use Graph No use

Edit “Manual Control” frame——Add information bar

The information bar in “Manual Control” frame is the same as “Auto Control”fram. Therefore we can copy the

information bar from “Auto Control” frame to “Manual Control” frame.

Select all information bars in “Auto Control” frame and right click.
Change to “Manual Control” frame and right click.

Basic Part Make Project

Edit “Manual Control” frame——Add “Emergency stop” button and “Change window” button

Copy the “Emergency stop “button, “Alarm” button and “Manual Control” button in “Auto Control” frame and

paste in this frame.

Double click “Manual Control” button to open

the attribute box of【Function Key】and modify as


Function Key Change window[Frame0]

Tag Use

0:Auto Control

1:Auto Control

Edit “Alarm Display” frame——Add Event Display component

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Change window to Frame11。

Add one “Event Display” component from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】for displaying the triggered alarm

information which have logined in “Event Information Logon”

Set the attributes as follows:


Format Sequence No.

Event Trig Time

Acknowledge Time

Return to Normal Time

Standard Time Format

Extended Date Format

Event Trig Date

Edit “Alarm Display” frame——Add information bar

The procedure is the same as【Edit “Manual Control” frame——add information bar】

Edit “Alarm Display” frame——Add “Emergency stop” button and “Change window” button

Copy the “Emergency stop” button, “Alarm” button and “Auto Control” button in “Manual Control” frame and

paste in this frame.

Double click “Alarm” button to open the

attribute box of【Function Key】and modify as


Function Key Change window[Frame10]

Tag Use;0:Manual Control;

1:Manual Control

3.3.4 Save Project

Click the icon in Basic Toolbar to save the project.

3.3.5 Project Simulation

After finishing project, user can simulate the project by “Off-line simulation”. The procedure is as follows:

Click the icon in System Toolbar to compile the project.

After compilation succeed, click the icon in System Toolbar to popup the dialog box of【EVSimulator】

Select the HMI need to compile and then click【Simulate】button to start simulation as shown in following figure:

Basic Part Make Project

3.3.6 Download Project

The procedure of downloading project is as follows:

Choose download way. Click the icon in System Toolbar to open the dialog box of【Project Setting Option】

Select “USB”in【Download Device】(Herein we use USB for downloading)

Click【OK】button to close the dialog box of【Project Setting Option】
Click the icon in the System Toolbar, it will popup the dialog box of【EVDownload】
Select the HMI need to download and then click【Download】button to start downloading
3.4 Project Folder Introductions
When we create a new project, it will generate specified folders automatically. In these folders, it will generate some files

corresponding to the operation. The instructions of the files are as following table.

Name Instructions

HMIn “n” indicates number. All HMI used in one project will generate independent folder. This

folder is used to store macro file and project file.

image It is used to store initial picture of bitmap in project.

ProjBK It is used to store the old project which is backuped by new software.

sound It is used to store the initial file and convert file of the sound in project.

tar It is used to store data files for project compilation.

temp It is used to store the project which is stored at the last time.

vg It is used to store the vector graphics and bitmap in project.

KHWindows.dat System file

PLCGEDefaultProperties System file

name.dpj Project management file, opened by Kinco DTools.

name.bak Data file backup by system automatically

name.pkg Data package file generated by compilation, it is used for downloading to HMI.

Advanced Part

1 User Interface
1.1 Interface Layout
After opening Kinco DTools, the main interface displays as below:

a. Menu bar b. Toolbar c. Configuration edit area d. Component library window e. Project file window f.

Project construct window g. Compile information window h. Component list window i. Status bar

The main interface of Kinco DTools is composed by the following parts:

 Menu

 Toolbar

 Software window

 Edit area

1.2 Menu
1.2.1 File Menu

 Save as:Save project to a new path.

 Project password:Set password for opening project.

 4 files recently opened:The software automatically remembers most recently opened 4 files’ name in the “File”

menu to facilitate user open project directly.

Quit:Close the software, then software will prompt users to save unsaved project.

1.2.2 Edit Menu

 Undo: Cancel the latest operation, and return to the state before this operation; redo: Redo the latest operation which

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

has been undone by the Undo operation.

! Can only undo or redo one step, multiple steps of undo and redo is not supported.

 Find/Replace: Find/Replace component address or tag.

 Nudge: Left/Right/Up/Down: Move the selected component left/right/up/down by one pixel.

 Align: Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Vertical Midline/Horizontal Midline: Align the selected components.

 Size: Width/Height/Both: Set the selected components to the same width/height/ size.

 Layer: Set Top Layer/Set Bottom Layer/Previous Layer/Next Layer: Adjust the sequence of the multiple overlapped


 Group/Ungroup: Group/Ungroup multiple components.

 Same Horizontal/Vertical Space: Implement the equal horizontal/vertical space between multiple selected components.

 Align Horizontal/Vertical Center: Place multiple selected components in the horizontal/vertical center of the window.

 Flip Horizontally/Vertically/Rotate 90 Degree: Set the selected component to flip horizontally/vertically/rotate 90


 Select All Components: Select all the components in the frame.

 Show Grid: Display screen grid; Alignment Grid: Move by grid; Define the Grid Spacing: Self-define the screen grid


 Lock Component: Lock the components, then the components cannot be moved again.

 The locked components support copy and paste.

 Reset Toolbar: The toolbar restore to default state.

1.2.3 View Menu

 Language:Quickly switch language 1,2,3,4.

 State:Quickly switch state 0,1,2,3.

 Zoom:25%~300%;Normal Size: Display in proportion of 1:1.

 Display Component’s Name: Whether or not display component’s name.

 Attribute:Attribute of window or component.

1.2.4 Screen Menu

 Add Frame:Add configuration window.

 Delete Frame:Delete configuration window.

 Frame Attribute: Open the attribute page of the current window.

Advanced Part User Interface

 Copy/Delete Windows: Copy/Delete configuration windows.

 Edit Init Window: Edit starting up logo.

1.2.5 Draw Menu

 Static Text: Add static text

 New Graphics: Add new graphics;

 Import Graphics Library: Import graphics of the system default image library.

 Group components:Use the group element; Save the group element: Save the group component to system library.


 Load Image: When creating a new bitmap graphic, single click【Load Image】to browse and import pictures.

 Transparent Color: To make the bitmap transparent.

 Multicolor-Gray switch: Single click【Multicolor-Gray switch】to switch between multicolor image and grayscale


1.2.6 Components Menu

☞More details about components please refer to【Advanced Part 4 Component】

1.2.7 Tools Menu

 Download Way: Selectable download way: USB/Serial port/Ethernet

 Recipe Editor: Open recipe editing window.

1.2.8 Option Menu

 Project Path: Set the default save path for project.

 Compress big graph: Compress large bitmap size to reduce project size when quantities of bitmaps are used in the


1.2.9 Window Menu

 Cascade:Arrange current opened windows in cascade sequence.

 Tile Horizontally: Tile current opened windows horizontally.

 Tile Vertically: Tile current opened windows vertically.

 Construct Window: Users configuration connection of HMI and PLC, as well set communication parameter in the


 HMI Edit Window:User editing window.

 Close All Window:Close the current opened project.

1.2.10 Help Menu

 Kinco DTools Manual:Kinco DTools user manual.

 Communication Connection Guide:Connection guide of Kinco DTools communicating with various PLCs and


 Version Information:Version information of the software.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1.3 Toolbar
1.3.1 Basic Toolbar

1.3.2 Draw Toolbar

 Select: Single click【Select】icon to cancel the selected objects.

1.3.3 Page Switch Toolbar

1.3.4 Position Toolbar

a:Nudge Left/Right/Up/Down by one pixel

b:Align Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Vertical Midline/Horizontal Midline

c:Make Same Width/Height/Size

d:Set Top/Set Bottom/Previous Layer/Next Layer


f:Same Horizontal Space/Same Vertical Space

g:Align Horizontal Center/Vertical Center

h:Flip Horizontally/Vertically/Rotate 90 Degree

i:Lock Component Position

Advanced Part User Interface

1.3.5 Line Width Toolbar

1.3.6 Line Style Toolbar

1.3.7 System Toolbar

Compile Decompile
Compile All Direct Online Simulation
Clear Build Result Indirect Online Simulation
Download Offline Simulation

1.3.8 Database Toolbar

1.3.9 Code Edit Toolbar

Code Edit Toolbar: Do not support currently.

1.3.10 Fill Effect Toolbar

 Filled Style 0~26:when check【Window Attribute】-【Use Background Color】,there are 26 filled styles selectable.

Filled style 0 indicates unfilled.

 Unfilled: When【Use Background Color】 is checked, single click 【Unfilled】to cancel fill color and filled style.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1.3.11 Label Position Toolbar

1.3.12 State Switch Toolbar

1.3.13 Font Toolbar

1.3.14 Status Bar

 【Status Bar】:Shows the current X, Y coordinate values of mouse position, width/height of the target object.

1.3.15 Tip Text

 【Tip Text】:When mouse is hovering over toolbar icon, the responding tip text will display.

1.3.16 Toolbar Options

 【Toolbar Options】:Single click the down arrow【Toolbar Options】,【Display/hide panel】 will display for user

to start closed toolbars.

1.4 Software window

Kinco DTools software windows include: Graph element window, Project files window, Project structure window, Message

window, Component list window.

Advanced Part User Interface

1.4.1 Graph Element Window

Graph element window is one of the most indispensable windows, which is mainly for supply configuration with devices,

components and other design elements.

Graph element window is composed of the following 6 element libraries:

Connector HMI PLC/Controller

PLC Parts Function Parts Project Database

1. Right click on the Graphic Element Window to switch between big icon and small icon of parts:

2. Hover mouse over icons of HMI or PLC to view information of the corresponding devices:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1.4.2 Project Files Window

Project files window is for displaying all graphic libraries, macro files, recipe files and other information include in the

current project.

1. Double click macrocode file in Project files window to open macro edit window and edit corresponding

 macrocode.

2. Double click graphic files in Project files window to open graphic edit window and edit corresponding


1.4.3 Project Sstructure Window

Project structure window is for displaying all the elements in the current project by tree diagram or previews.

Tree structure: Displaying all the elements in the current project by tree diagram:

Advanced Part User Interface

Component 0

Frame 0 Component 1
Project Name
HMI0 Frame 1 Component2

HMI HMI1 Frame n





Click the project name in Project structure window to expand the topological structure; Click “HMIn” or

 “Frame n” to display the responding configuration window of the certain HMI; Click component to display

configuration window which the component belongs to.

Preview:Display the frames of the configuration project in the form of thumbnail.

1.4.4 Message Window

Message window displays information of the loaded projects and compilation results, in order to facilitate users accurately

search the errors in the project.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Users could delete or export compilation information in Message window by right click.

Clear message: clear all the compilation information shown in Message window.

Export message: export all the compilation information shown in Message window to the current project file,

the exported file name is log.txt by default.

1.4.5 Component List Window

Component list window is for check information of all the components used by current projects, including affiliated

HMI/PLC,Frame No., component ID, address type, address and so on.

1. Open Component list window from the drop list of【View】 Menu.

 2. Double click the line of a component, then configuration edit window will change to the frame which the

component belongs to.

Advanced Part User Interface

1.5 Configuration Edit Area

The windows can be opened in configuration edit area areas follows:

 Construct Window

Open Construct window by clicking “Construct Window” in 【Window】menu or clicking project name in Project

structure window.

 HMI Edit Window

Drag a HMI into the Construct Window, and then open HMI Edit Window by right clicking on the HMI icon and select

“Edit”, or clicking “HMI n” or “Frame n” in Project structure window.

 Graphic Edit Window

Open Graphic Edit window by creating a new graphic or by double clicking one graphic file in Project files window.

 Macro Edit Window

Open Macrocode Edit Window by creating a new macro or by double clicking macro files in Project files window.

 Edit Init Window

Enter the Edit Init Window by selecting HMI and clicking the icon of the Database Toolbar in Construct Window, or by

clicking the in HMI Edit Window.

 When multiple edit windows are opened, you can arrange the windows by “Cascade”/ “Tile Horizontally”/

“Tile Vertically” in 【Window】menu.

1.5.1 Construct Window

Users can configure communication connection between devices and set communication parameter in Construct Window.

 Communication connection configuration

Drag devices and cables from 【Connector】【

/ HMI】【
/ PLC】list of Graph element window into the Construct Window. Drag

devices to connect with wire ends. To make sure the connection is established, drag devices, then the properly attached wire

ends will move with the mouse.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Communication parameter setting

Double click icon of HMI or PLC to open 【HMI Attribute】or【PLC Attribute】.

 Serial communication

Set serial communication parameter in 【COMX Setting】—【HMI Attribute】;Set communication parameters of

PLC/Controller in 【PLC Attribute】.

 Ethernet communication

Set communication parameters of HMI or PLC/controller in【HMI Attribute】—【Network Device Setting】.

 Field Bus communication

Set communication parameters of HMI or PLC/controller in【HMI Attribute】—【Field Bus Setting】.

☞More details about communication please refer to【Advanced Part 14 HMI Communication】
1.5.2 HMI Edit Window

Design and edit project frames in the HMI Edit Window.

1.5.3 Graphic Edit Window

Users could edit vector graphics (.vg) and bitmap graphic (*.bg) in Graphic Edit Window.

☞More details about graphics edit please refer to【Advance Part 5.3 Graphic Library】

Advanced Part User Interface

1.5.4 Macro Edit Window

In Macro Edit Window, users could write source code to realize such functions as operation and logic by using standard C


☞More details about Macro please refer to【Advance Part 9 Macro】

1.5.5 Edit Initial Window

In Edit Initial Window, users could replace or edit the default initial window of HMI.

☞More details about initial window please refer to【Advanced Part 2.8 LOGO Screen (Logo)】

2 Basic Design Method
2.1 Window screen
This chapter mainly introduces the specification of basic windows in Kinco DTools , and how to use and display them.

2.1.1 Specification of window screen

Specification of new basic window:

Size (pixel)(width × height) Max size(pixel)

(width × height) Min size (pixel)(width × height) Number

480×272 480×272

800×480 800×480

1024x600 1024x600 10×10 1~32768

1024×768 1024×768

1280x1024 1280x1024

2.1.2 Window Display Methods

Change window
Window change is to shut down the current window (including the sub window) and open another appointed one.

This operation can be finished by the following two methods:

 Use function key

Function key:[change window],fill a number in [window number]

You can change window though touch the function key.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function Key】

 Use plc control

“PLC control”:[change window],determine a control address,

You can change window by changing the value in this address.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

☞More information refers to 【Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC Control 】

 Window overlay

Window overlay is to integrate some windows into one screen.

This function can be realized with two methods:

 Bottom window

Double click at the space on the basic window, you can see [window attribute] frame. Once chosen as a bottom

window, all the components on it will also show on the basic window.

Default common window:[1:Common Window],users also can define any other one freely. All the components on

the common window will show on all the basic windows.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 3 Window】

 1. 3 bottom windows can be used by one basic window at most

2. only one common window
3. Only components of bottom window or common window are shown on the basic window, excluding
attribute settings like background color or frame color.
 Window overlay

 Window overlay is to integrate some windows into one screen.

This function can be realized with following methods:

 Direct window

You can switch on or off to open or close popup the window. Its size is determined by the one of direct window.

Keyboard window is direct window.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 4.8.1 Direct Window】

 Indirect window

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

By changing the value, you can open or close the specific window. Its size is determined by the one of indirect

☞More information refers to 【Advanced Part 4.8.2 Indirect Window】

 Function key
Function key:[Popup window] to open the specific window,[close window] to close it.Its size is determined by

none but itself.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function Key】

 Fast selection window

Default fast selection window [2:Fast Selection], users also can define any other one freely.

By click [Menu] on task bar, the fast selection window will display and it will shut down after click again.

it. Its size is determined by none but itself.

☞More information refers to 【Advanced Part 3 Window】

 1. No limit of popup window .But it`s better to use much fewer or much RAM will not be released.
2. only one fast selection window

 Window move

The place will be changed by using “control bar” of function key.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function Key】

 Basic window cannot be moved ,only popup windows can.

2.1.3 Display Position

Different types of windows display in different styles:

Popup window by “direct window” or “indirect window”

 According to component position

The popup window will display where the “direct window”or “indirect window” is put.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 According to setting value

Set [variable display coordinate], values or addresses determine the position of popup window (coordinate of top left

corner point.

 Function key [popup window]

Set values of “X”,”Y” in [window attribute]-[position], they are the coordinates of the popup window.

 Its position cannot be changed when the screen is a basic window and it can only display full screen.

2.1.4 Display Order

Different types of windows display on a screen in its order.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2.1.5 Copy/Delete Windows

(1)copy window

Copy in Same project or different projects

 Same project

Same project: same HMI or different HMIs

 Same HMI

Copy things from frame A to frame B:

 Right click [copy]

Right click the component on frame A , choose[copy],then change to frame B and paste it on it. By this way, only

component is copied, not window attribute.

 [copy/delete window]

Click[frame]-[copy/delete window] , set “count”, “source window”, “destination windows”, click

“OK”. By this way, all the components and window attribution are copied.

 Copy across HMI

Copy across HMI can only realized by right click [copy].

! [Screen]—[copy/delete window]: this copy operation across the HMI windows are not supported

 Copy across project

When copy across different projects, you should open the related two projects with Kinco DTools, and then right click


(2)delete window

You can delete windows as belows:

 Right click [delete]

Right click the frame you want to delete under [project structure window], then it will be delete.

 Windows are deleted one by one, multi-deletion is not supported.

 [copy/delete windows]
Click HMI you want to handle, click [screen]-[copy/delete windows-[delete window],[delete single window]can delete an
appointed window,[delete multi-windows]can delete continuous-number windows.

☞More information refers to【Advanced Part 3.3 Edit Window】

2.2 Draw
This chapter introduces Kinco DTools image format and picture drawing and using.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

2.2.1 Image Format

Kinco DTools mainly supports two format vg and bg. When createing a vector graph, its default format is vg, while createing

a bit map, its default format is bg.

Differences between vector graph and bitmap is shown as below:

Specification of created graph:

Graph format Max size(pixel) Min size(pixel) Graph types State limit

(width × height) (width × height)

line, round-corner rectangle,

Vector graph
rectangle, ellipse, sector, broken
(vg) 320×240 2×2 1~256
line, curve, polygon and so on

Bitmap (bg) Jpg, bmp, gif, png and so on

2.2.2 Vector

[vector],in short, enlarge or narrow without distortion. Geometric figures which can be infinitely enlarged without color

change and blurred are mostly in this form

In Kinco DTools, you can create vector graph through in two ways:

 Import from image library

Import graph you need from [image library]-[vector graph].

☞More information refer s to [Advanced Part 5.3.1 Import Grahpics]

 Use drawing tools in

 Draw in picture edit window

Use component [vector graph].open window edition, draw as you need with drawing tools, save, exit edit window, a new

vector graph is finished.

☞More information refers to [Advanced Part 5.3.2 Build New Graphics]

 Draw in configuration window

Draw in the edit window with drawing tools, right click the graph done, choose “save to the VG map”, a new vector graph

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

is finished

☞More information refers to [Advanced Part 5.3.2 Build New Graphics]

Now we will introduce how to use drawing tools:

Choose an icon, drag in the edit area :


Graphic instrument Drawing step

~move mouse into edit area,”+”shows

up, press left on mouse and drag

release at the position you prefer a line is



Graphic instrument Drawing step

 move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up,

press left on mouse and drag

,press left on mouse and drag

release the mouse you can see a circle
click at the start point
click at the finishing point ,a curve is finished


Graphic instrument Drawing step

 move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up

 press left on mouse and drag
 release at the position you prefer a rectangle
is finished


Graphic instrument Drawing step

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up,

click to set the starting point

press left on mouse and drag to the position

you want

release the mouse, a roundrectangle is


 Point at the small green block on the bottom

right corner, when the arrow turns two-ways,

press left on mouse and drag, ou can change its



Graphic instrument Drawing step

 move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up,

click to set the starting point

click at the set points

right click to finish drawing


Graphic instrument Drawing step

~ move mouse into edit

area,”+”shows up, click 7 times at 7


 right click to finish drawing


Graphic instrument Drawing step

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up,

click to set the starting point

 press left on mouse and drag to the position

you want

 release the mouse, a ellipse is finished

With the same width and height ,a ellipse turns to

be a circle


Graphic instrument Drawing step

move mouse into edit area,”+”shows up,

click to set the centre point

 press left on mouse and drag to the position

you want

 release the mouse ,a closed circle shows up

 click at starting point
 click at the ending point ,a sector is finished

2.2.3 Geometric Figures Attribution

Attributions as below:

graphics Graphic samples Setting attribute

line color, line style、line width、arrow


Curve line color、line style、line width

line color 、 background fill color 、

Rectangle foreground fill color 、 pattern fill 、

fountain fill、line style、line width

line color 、 background fill color 、

RoundRectangle foreground fill color 、 pattern fill 、

fountain fill、line style、line width

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

PolyLine line color、line style、line width

line color 、 background fill color 、

PolyGon foreground fill color 、 pattern fill 、

fountain fill、line style、line width

line color 、 background fill color 、

Ellipse foreground fill color 、 pattern fill 、

fountain fill、line style、line width

line color 、 background fill color 、

Sector foreground fill color 、 pattern fill 、

fountain fill、line style、line width

Users can modify attribute in two ways:

 Attribution frame

Double click the graph,modify in [graphics attribute]

 Tools bar

Choose the graph, modify its attribute through[drawing tools]/[ line width]/[line style].In this way, you can only set line

color\filled color\line width and line style.

2.2.4 About Fountain Fill

The closed graphics can be set fountain fill.

Double click the graph,choose[fountain fill]choose the foreground fill color, background fill color line color .


Fountain Foreground Background Fill Line Deformation

Fill Fill Color Color Color

Horizontal ■ □ ■

Vertical ■ □ ■

Oblique ■ □ ■

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

■ □ ■

Corner of
■ □ ■

Centre for
■ □ ■

2.2.5 Bitmap

[bitmap],in short,structured with pixel,enlarger or narrow with distortion. Bitmap is structured with pixel array and each

has its own information. We can change the graph by dealing with every pixel.

In Kinco DTools, bitmap is created in two ways:

 Import from image library

Import from[image library]-[BG]

☞More information refer s to [Advanced Part 5.3.1 Import Grahpics]


 Import pictures in forms of jpg、bmp、gif、png

Bitmap, open the edit window ,import pictures in forms of jpg, bmp, gif, png and so on, save, exit ,a new bitmap is created.

☞More information refers to [Advanced Part 5.3.2 Build New Graphics]


2.2.6 About Transparent Color

If a picture influences the aesthetic, users can deal with the pure color with[transparent] tool in drawing tools :

“Transparent” can only deal with simple actions, not suggested to use.

Besides,bitmap supports PNG format, so you can edit a picture with another editor and convert it into PNG form before


Advanced Part Basic Design Method

! GIF and PNG form picture doesn`t support transparent action

2.3 Text
User can add the text for the component by the following way in Kinco DTools.

 Set in Draw Toolbar.

 Click the [A] icon in Draw Toolbar, and input the needed text content in [Text Attribute]-[Display Setting].

Position free

 Set [Use Tag] or [Use TextLib] in the component attribute.

Select [Use Tag] in the [Tag] option in component attribute, and input the needed text contents in [Tag Contents], or select

[Use TextLib], if there are TextLib logon in the project.

Only shown on the component

2.3.1 Font Type

Kinco DTools provides 3 available fonts, i.e. dot matrix font, vector font and graph font. The advantages and disadvantages

of these three fonts will be described as follows; users can select the suitable font type according to its characteristics.

2.3.2 Dot Matrix Font

Dot Matrix font saves the bitmap for each character of the required Chinese character set. Each primitive (small picture) is

spliced together to form a character string when it is used.

 Disadvantages of dot matrix font:

 Only SimSun is supported.

 The scaling effect is poor.

For each character, 3 kinds of bitmaps (8×8, 16×8, 24×16 (height*width)) are reserved respectively, so the effect

is very poor when the larger font is displayed, as shown below:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 full-width deal only for unASCII characters

Kinco DTools deals with ASCII characters as half-width ones, while unASCII as full-width ones. So if each

character has different width, the intervals may be different:

 advantages of dot matrix font:

A smallest storage space is occupied by dot matrix font.

2.3.3 Vector Font

Vector font intercepts the characters that are used by the user from the corresponding font library through checking the setup

of the user-set fonts, and then makes them into TrueType font file (*.ttf format) for HMI to use.

 Disadvantages of vector font:

 Only Support the TrueType installed in the operating system (*.ttf format).

 Without selecting “Vector Fonts Edge Blur”,the font is displayed with some projections, and comparison

results as shown below:

 “Vector Fonts Edge Blur” can be set in [HMI Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes].

 Advantages of vector font:

 A smaller storage space is occupied. It adopts the method of intercepting the matrix from the font file, thus

reducing the size of the font file. For the same character in the same font, only one matrix needs to be intercepted

regardless of the size, color, bold/italic styles.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 The font size can be set freely without any deformation

 Support the alignment method for multiple-line text.

 Text library can support the vector font.

 System default vector font setting

User can define the default vector font in [System Default Vector Font] in [Option].

[Example] Set System Default Font as “Arial”, when using tag or text and select “Vector Font”, it will select

“Arial”by default automatically.

2.3.4 Graph Font

Graph font treats the whole character string as a whole, and intercepts the whole bitmap and saves it in the project.

 Disadvantages of graph font:

 A larger storage space is occupied. Because the character string saves as bitmap, so it needs a larger space. For

example: Four characters “configuration”displayed in zero SimSun needs 1824 bytes, as shown below:

In addition, the graph font should be intercepted again if the content, size or colors vary slightly, thus causing a

linear increase in the occupied space.

 Text library can’t support the graph font.

 Advantages of graph font:

 Support all installed fonts in current operating system.

 The scaling effect is good.

2.3.5 Text Attribute Edition

User can modify the font attribute through the following two methods:
 Modify in the component attribute dialog box
Double-click component /text to set the font attributes in [Component Attribute]-[Tag] or [Text Attribute].
 Modify in Font Toolbar
Selected component/ text, and then set the font attributes in [Font Toolbar]. This method can support multi-modify font

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Different font types support different font attribute to be modified, specific as below:
: Support;--: Unsupport
Font Attribute Graphic Dot Matrix Font Vector Font Graph Font

A   

A --  

A --  

A -- -- 

A -- -- 

AA A   

AAA   

2.3.6 Notes for Using Vector Font

Based on the special treating method for the vector font, the following conditions should be paid attention to when the vector

font is used:

1. Some fonts may not support some characters, or have poor support effects.

For example, the Chinese characters can be displayed by using Arial font, because there are no corresponding Chinese

characters in Arial font library. Otherwise the effect will as shown below:

2. Because the dot matrix font and graph font have many disadvantages in the storage space and scaling etc, therefore, use

the vector font as much as possible when it can meet the project requirements.

3. Avoid using too many fonts as much as possible.

It too many types of vector fonts (e.g. dozens or more) are used by the user, the number of font files will be too many, thus

affecting the compilation speed, downloading speed and screen switching speed.

4. Use the common fonts in operating system as much as possible.

If a certain project uses “Microsoft Elegant Black” font when it is edited on PC, and when it is transferred to another PC

where no “Microsoft Elegant Black” font exists for editing, then all the “Microsoft Elegant Black” characters used in

the project will be changed to “SimSun” automatically.

2.4 Keyboard
This chapter describes keyboard type and methods of calling keyboard in Kinco DTools.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

2.4.1 Keyboard Type

Kinco DTools support three keyboard for users: NUMERAL Keyboard、ASCII Keyboard and HEX Keyboard. And users can

make own keyboard or use external USB keyboard.

 NUM Keyboard:NUM Keyboard for number input component.

Max value* control bar
Min value* AAAAAAAAAA display
1 2 3 CLR
4 5 6

_ minus
7 8 9

※ 1. The values shown here are max and min in Max/Min Value Setting in [Number Input Component Attribute]-[Numeric
Data], Keyboard permission input value range is limited by the value.
2. If [Proportion Conversion] is selected, the values shown here are max and min after proportion conversion.
 ASCII Keyboard:ASCII Keyboard for text input component or number input component.



Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Chinese Input:

※Set Chinese Font Box Height in [HMI Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes], height range from 24 to 99 (pixel).
 HEX Keyboard:for HEX character input

※1. The values shown here are max and min in Max/Min Value Setting in [Number Input Component Attribute]-[Numeric
Data], Keyboard permission input value range is limited by the value.
2. If [Proportion Conversion] is selected, the values shown here are max and min after proportion conversion.

☞More information refers to [Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function Key]

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

2.4.2 NUM Keyboard

Through the following three methods, Number Input Component will pop up NUM Keyboard in Kinco DTools.

 Use public windows keyboard

This method is system default.

Open [Number Input Component Attribute] - [Keyboard Setting] dialog box, and then select [Public Windows Keyboard], as

shown below:

Put two “direct window” components respectively on the left and right side of [Frame 1:Common Window],choose

[Frame 3:NUM Keyboard] in frame ID.

Take apart in the middle of a screen, when the components on the left side is triggered, the direct window on the right side

will pop the keyboard, It`s the same with the other side.

 Use Specified Keyboard

This method can pop up keyboard made by user self.

Use specified keyboard. Only after setting window attribute as “keyboard page” can you find the page in [input

attribute]-[keyboard setting]-[specified keyboard].

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Use external keyboard

This method need connect USB Host keyboard.

Open [Number Input Component Attribute] - [Keyboard Setting] dialog box, and then select [Not Use Pop-up Keyboard], as

shown below:

No keyboard will pop up, while user can input things through circumscribed keyboard.

 It is only applicable to the HMI supporting the USB HOST.

2.4.3 ASCII Keyboard

Through the following two methods, Text Input component / Note Book component will pop up ASCII Keyboard in Kinco


 Use Specified Keyboard

This method is system default.

Default keyboard:[Frame 4:ASCII Keyboard]

 If you want to us your own keyboard, you should set it as a keyboard page ,and choose the frame ID of the

keyboard window.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 Use external keyboard

Same as number input,No keyboard will pop up, while user can input things through circumscribed keyboard.

2.4.4 HEX Keyboard

When input hex number, you should make it with two methods as below:

 Use Specified Keyboard

[number input attribute]-[keyboard setting]-[specified keyboard],choose[Frame 8:HEX Keyboard].

 If you want to us your own keyboard, you should set it as a keyboard page, and choose the frame ID of the

keyboard window.

 Use external keyboard

Same as number input

No keyboard will pop up, while user can input things through circumscribed keyboard.

2.4.5 Create your Own Mumber Keyboard

Num keys0-9, enter, delete and backspace

Determine the layout:

Create keyboard:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

function key,move the window,attribute setting:

Function Switch Window: Popup window title bar

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,close the window,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Escape

Select Vector Graphics:

text display,display the characters, attribute setting:

Read address LW 9070*1(special register)
Data width 6

 function key,delete,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Clear
Tag 0:CLR;1:CLR

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,backspace,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Back Space
Tag 0:;1:

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,enter,attribute setting:

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

Function Keyboard Function:Enter

Tag Sselect;0:ENTER;1:ENTER

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,character input,attribute setting:take for example

Function Keyboard Function:Unicode

Tag 0:1;1:1

Select Vector Graphics:

number display,display min value, attribute setting:

Read address LW 9190*2(special register)
Data width 6

 number display,display max value, attribute setting:

Read address LW 9180*3(special register)
Data width 6
※ 1.LW9060 ~ LW9075 special registers,cache the latest input
2. LW9190 ~ LW9197 special register,min value display
3. LW9180 ~ LW9187 special register,max value display

2.4.6 Create your Oown Unicode Keyboard

Unicode uses two bytes to form a character,often used to display characters cannot display by ASCII, kanji for example.

Take Russia as an example:

1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

8 7 6

 function key,move the window,attribute setting:

Function Switch Window: Popup window title bar

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,close the window,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Escape

Select Vector Graphics:

 text display,display the characters, attribute setting:

Read address LW 9060(special register)
Data width 16
Unicode choose

 function key,character input,attribute setting:take for example

Function Keyboard Function:Unicode

Tag 0:И;1:И
Font vector:Arial Unicode MS

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,enter,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Enter
Tag 0:вВОД;1:вВОД
Font vector:Arial Unicode MS

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,delete,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Clear
Tag 0:СБР;1:СБР
Font vector:Arial Unicode MS

Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,backspace,attribute setting::

Function Keyboard Function:Back Space
Tag 0:BS;1:BS
Font vector:Arial Unicode MS

Advanced Part Basic Design Method


Select Vector Graphics:

 function key,space,attribute setting:

Function Keyboard Function:Unicode

Select Vector Graphics:

2.4.7 Call Keyboard in the Group Component Library

Kinco DTools provides 21 default keyboards in Group Components Library, the method of calling the keyboard in Group
Components Library is as follows:
【example】number input calls a keyboard made of group(text input/note book)。[Example]
 Createe a new window named Frame10, and select [Keyboard Page] from [Special Attribute] in Window Attribute.

 Right-click the mouse in the blank area in the Frame10 window to select [Group]-[Use the group element], then select
[keyboard] from [Group Components] in [Edit Box of Group Components Library], and select the right keyboard from
[Preview] and click [Place Group Components] button, then the keyboard will appear in Frame10.

 Modify the window size of Frame 10 to the same size as the specified keyboard.
 Place one number input component (LW0) in Frame0, and select [Specified Keyboard] in [Keyboard Setting] in
[Number Input Component Attribute], select [10:Frame10].

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Save, compile, and run the project. Then click the number input component (LW0) to make the specified num keyboard
pop up in the middle of HMI screen.

2.5 Code Type

Kinco DTools can support code type: BIN, BCD and LSB. User can select the correct encoding type according to the actual

encoding type of data process.

2.5.1 BIN

BIN(Binary)is binary code type. Most digital systems are based on BIN code to process the data

Code Type Word data range Dword data range

Signed BIN -32767~32767 -2147483648~2147483647

Unsigned BIN 0~65535 0~4294967295


Convert binary data 1001 0100 to decimal data:

1001 0100 = 1×27+0×26+0×25+1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+0×20 = 148

2.5.2 BCD

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) is two-decimal code. The encoding type represents a decimal number 0 to 9 with 4-bit binary

number. Example 9 (Decimal) =1001 (Binary).

As easy to deal with,often use for BCD switch and BCD nixie tube display 由

Code Type Word data range Dword data range

BCD 0~9999 0~99999999


Decimal data is +123,the binary data is 0000 0000 0111 1011 (64+32+16+8+2+1=123). But BCD data is #123,it can be

simply expressed as 0000 0001 0010 0011

Decimal data is -413,the binary data is 1111 1110 0110 0011(complement for negative number,negation adding 1). But

BCD data is #F413,it can be simply expressed as 1111 0100 0001 0011

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

2.5.3 LSB

LSB is the acronym of Least Significant Bit. This encoding type first converts the data in the buffer to binary data, and then

determines the current state of component based on the number of consecutive “0”at the least significant bits of the binary

dat. [Example] Take the data with word address for example:

Decimal Binary State

0 0000 0000 0000 0000 All bit are 0, the state is 16

1 0000 0000 0000 0001 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 0, the state is 0

2 0000 0000 0000 0010 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 1, the state is 1

3 0000 0000 0000 0011 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 0, the state is 0

4 0000 0000 0000 0100 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 2, the state is 2

5 0000 0000 0000 0101 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 0, the state is 0

6 0000 0000 0000 0110 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 1, the state is 1

7 0000 0000 0000 0111 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 0, the state is 0

8 0000 0000 0000 1000 The number of consecutive “0”at least significant bits is 3, the state is 3

2.6 Language Switching

User can pre-register the content written in multiple languages to text library in Kinco DTools. The switching display among

the multiple languages contents can be realized by modifying the value of special register, which refers to LW9130 in Kinco


☞ For details about text library, refers to [Advanced Part 5.1 Text Library]
There are two following usages for switching display among the multiple languages by LW9130.
 Use Multiple State Setting and Multiple State Display components.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Createe one Multiple State Display component, the attribute is:

Read Address LW9130(HMI system special register)

State Num. 3
Tag No
Graphics Use vector graphic, createe one vector graphic with 3 state

Three multiple state settings stack up upon a multiple state display in corresponding order, attribute settings:

Write Address LW9130(HMI system special register)

Setting Mode Set Constant
Set Value 0/1/2
Tag No
Graphics No

☞ For details about component attribute, refer to [Advanced Part 4 Component]

When running, the effect is as shown below:

 Use Multiple State Switch

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

Createe one Multiple State Switch component, the attribute is:

Read/ Write Address LW9130(HMI system special register)

Control Mode Dropdown List
State Num. 3
Select/Background/Border Color bright green/gray /lack
Tag Use;0:Chinese;1:English;2:Japanese
Graphics No

When running, the effect is as shown below:

设备运行异常 Equipment operate 不具合ままの稼動


Language Chinese Language English Language Japanese

Chinese Chinese English

English English Japanese

Chinese English Japanese

Chinese Chinese English
English English Japanese

2.7 RTC Set

G series HMI has real time(RTC)function, BIN coded format,for real time and date display. Once HMI is power off,

battery is backup

In Kinco DTools,components with real time clock:time, event display, event bar, historical event display, historical data

display, operation log, trend curve ,XY plot.

So when using components above, you should ensure the accuracy of time or you may get wrong information

2.7.1 Through Special Registers


Special Register Address Type Code Type Descriptions

LW10000 WORD BIN Second, the effective value range from 0 to 59

LW10001 Minute, the effective value range from 0 to 59

LW10002 Hour, the effective value range from 0 to 23

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW10003 Day, the effective value range from 1 to 31

LW10004 Month, the effective value range from 1 to 12

LW10005 Year, the effective value range from 2000 to 2037

LW10006 Week, the effective value range from 0 [Sun] to 6 [Sat]

[Example]set year, month, date, minute, second, use 6 number input components as shown :

Read/Write LW10005(HMI system LW10004(HMI system LW10003(HMI system
Address special register) special register) special register)
Integer 4 2 2
Min/ Max 2000/2037 1/12 1/31
Alignment Left Leading 0 Leading 0
Font Color Black
Graphics No
 attributes:
Read/Write LW10002(HMI system LW10001(HMI system LW10000(HMI system
Address special register) special register) special register)
Integer 2 2 2
Min/ Max 0/23 0/59 0/59
Alignment Leading 0
Font Color Black
Graphics No

Input the real time to get the right time information:

2011 / 10 / 18 19 : 57 : 01
2011 / 10 / 18 19 : 57 : 01




4 5 6

7 8 9

1 2 3 CLR

4 5 6

7 8 9


Advanced Part Basic Design Method

2.7.2 Calibrate System Time in System Setup Screen

Switch to system setting mode, modify time on this interface.

Take one HMI for example:

☞More infermationrefers to[Hardware Part 3.1 Methods to Display System Setting Mode】
2.7.3 System Time and PLC Time Synchronization

There are two following way to make the system time and PLC CPU time synchronization:

 Use Data Transmission function of Timer component

In this way, we will use the Timer component to transfer the data in the time register of PLC to HMI system special register


☞ For details about Timer component, refers to [Advanced Part 4.16.2 Timer]

! Minimum execution cycle is 100ms,so there is an inevitable time deviation between HMI and PLC.

 Use The External Clock for Event

Only for trigger time and return to normal time of event (HMI time for acknowledge time ).

Choose “use external time for event”- [HMI attribute]-[HMI extended attributes ],related time will read from special

registers: LW9010~LW9017 ,which get time by timer receiving from PLC CPU clock.


Data Type Code Type Address Descriptions Address Descriptions

Second, the effective value Month, the effective value range
LW9010 LW9014
range from 0 to 59 from 1 to 12
Minute, the effective value Year, the effective value range
LW9011 LW9015
range from 0 to 59 from 1980 to 2079
Hour, the effective value Week, the effective value range
LW9012 LW9016
range from 0 to 23 from 0[Sun] to 6[Sat]
Date, the effective value Millisecond, the effective value
LW9013 LW9017
range from 1 to 31 range from 0 to 999

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

! Minimum execution cycle is 100ms,so there is an inevitable time deviation between HMI and PLC.

[Example] Take FX3U PLC for example:

FX3U CPU clock

Addr. Type Descriptions Addr. Type Descriptions

Second, the effective value range from 0 to Month, the effective value range from 1 to
D8013 D8017
59 12
Minute, the effective value range from 0 to Year, the effective value range from 1980 to
D8014 D8018
59 2079
Week, the effective value range from 0[Sun]
D8015 Hour, the effective value range from 0 to 23 D8019
to 6[Sat]
D8016 Date, the effective value range from 1 to 31

 Select “Use External Time for Event” in [HMI Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes].

 Add the needed event to Event Information List.

☞ For details about event information logon, refers to [Advanced Part 4.15.3 Event Information]

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 use a event display to display information written in event information list.


Read Address LW 0(HMI Local Register)

Format Sequence No.
Event Trig Time
Acknowledge Time
Return to Normal Time
Standard Time Format(H:M:S)
Extended Date Format(Y/M/D)

 use a timer to transport data from PLC to HMI


Execution Cycle 1×100ms

Data Transmission Source Address Destination Address
SD 8013*(PLC register) LW 9010(HMI system special register)
Data Type Word
Data Transmission 6(word)
※ FX2N PLC D8000~D8255 corresponding to HMI SD8000~SD8255。
value in D0 is larger than 100:

2.8 LOGO Screen(Logo)

LOGO screen is the screen that appears during the startup of HMI. LOGO screen can be customized by users.

2.8.1 LOGO Screen Specification

The specification of LOGO screen

HMI models Picture format
G Series Jpg, bmp, gif and so on

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2.8.2 Init Screen Setting

 Change initial window:

Graph instrument step

 Select the HMI to be set LOGO

screen in Construct Window.


 Click the icon in Toolbar.

 Right-click in the editing space after

entering the LOGO screen setting


 Select “Load Image”

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

 There are will pop up [Open] dialog

box, user can find the path of picture to

be imported and select the picture.

 Click [Open] button.

LOGO Screen is set successfully.

 HMI Click the icon in the

toolbar, and pop up the [KHDownload]

dialog box, then select the HMI to be

downloaded the LOGO screen.

Select the [LOGO file] and click the

[Download] button that means the

LOGO screen will be downloaded to the


The method for not showing LOGO:

Open [KDManager]-[Download Operate] and select “Unshow LOGO”, then click the [Set] button. If the setting is successful,

[Set Successfully] dialog box will appear. And then LOGO screen will not appear during the startup of HMI next time.

☞ For details about KDManager, refer to [Advanced Part 8 KDManager].

2.8.3 Note for Using Init Screen

Pictures for initial screen should keep in allowed size.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2.9 Exchange Serial

By “exchange serial 0 and serial 1”,all the devices connected to these two ports along with their parameters will be

exchanged without bothering to reset.

In Kinco DTools construct window select the HMI which to exchange serial, right-click and select "Exchange serial 0 and

serial 1 ", as shown below:



! Exchange serial function is only applicable to COM0 and COM1, are not suitable for COM2

2.10 Replace Devices

In the industrial field, we often need to change devices. Kinco DTools has shortcuts to make it.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

HMI replacement must be carried out through the [Replace HMI Type] option, and if it is done by getting

the original HMI deleted and then a needed HMI type created, the original project screen will be lost.

PLC replacement must be carried out through the [Replace PLC Type] option,and if it is done by getting the

original PLC deleted and then a needed PLC type created, the PLC address type set in the original project

will be replaced by the HMI local address.

2.10.1 Replace HMI

Select a HMI icon and right-click it in the Construct Window of Kinco DTools, and then click “Replace HMI Type”, as

shown below:

Then, the [Replace HMI Type] dialog box will pop up:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Choose destination

Replace special
windows as

Choose the HMI you want in []new HMI]-[HMI type],If resolution ratio of the two differ a lot ,it is suggested to choose all

the special windows ,or the old ones are in use. Click OK to finish.

1. Replace a HMI with 3 serials with one with 2,you should connect the device to COM0 or COM1 if it is

once connect to COM1.Otherwise ,replacement won`t be allowed.

2. HMI with Ethernet can only replaced by one has too

3.Once the new HMI type doesn`t support components in the old ones, all them will disappear


4. If resolution ratio of the two types are different size of component will be enlarged or narrowed,

excluding word size..

2.10.2 Replace PLC

Select a PLC icon and right-click it in the Construct Window of Kinco DTools, and then click “Replace PLC Type”, as

shown below:

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

Then, the [Replace PLC Type] dialog box will pop up:

The user can select the replace PLC type in the pull-down list of the destination PLC type, and the user select new address

types in address type mapping list according to the address type relationship between source PLC type and destination PLC


2.11 Index Function

2.11.1 Index Register

We can change operator address by changing value of a register .In this way; we call this register index register. Real

address=initial address + value of index register. After using index register, only the real register value will be modified, not

the initial one.

Some backgrounders including event information logon, alarm information logon, PLC control,

macro ,trend curve, XY plot, oscilloscope do not have this function.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


 Number Input component, the attribute is:

Read/Write Address LW 0(HMI local register)

 Number Display component, the attribute is:

Read Address D 100(PL C register)
Index Register select:LW 0

 Number Display component, the attribute is:

Read Address D 200(PLC register)
Index Register select:LW 0

You can check all the product indicator data by input line number

2.11.2 Index Station Num

When HMI communicates with more than one PLC through one port, it usually needs to drag many PLCs on the screen. If

there are a lot, it will be a little crowd. In order to avoid it, user can make it by [change station num.

When editing a project, only one PLC is dragged out, by change choose [change station num] in component attribute, you

can switch to different station PLCs.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

0 ~ 255 station ID,special registers LW9416 ~ LW9431

1. Some backgrounders including event information logon, alarm information logon, PLC control, macro,

trend curve, XY plot, and oscilloscope do not have this function.

2. Special register index station ID, 16 different number devices to max on one screen .


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Number input, attribute:

read/write address LW 9416(special register)

Number display, attribute:

Read address D 100(PLC register)
Change station num Index0:LW9416

 Number display, attribute:

Read address D 101(PLC register)
Change station num Index0:LW9416

You can check all the product indicator data by input line number

Station 2

Production line 1 Station 1 Station 3

Production cycle 150

Product count 210

D100 150 D100 200

D101 210 Station 2 D101 320

Production line 2

Station 1 Station 3
Production cycle 200

Product count 320

2.12 Buzzer
Buzzer is built HMI body, and can issue a "beep" sound device. The buzzer is usually used for touch and alarm.

2.12.1 Touch Beep

Touch beep means that when user touches the screen components, the buzzer will issue a "beep" sound.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

Enabling and disabling the touch beep can be achieved through the following three ways:

 Set in [HMI Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes]:

Check the "User buzzer" means that enable the buzzer sounds, as shown:

Save, compile and download to the HMI, then setting can take effect.

 Set in system setting mode

Switch to system setting mode, and set the buzzer enable or disable.

Take a HMI for example:

2011 / 10 / 18 19 : 57 : 01 2011 / 10 /18 19 : 57 : 01

Startup Window NO. 0
Backlight Saver Time:
Buzzer Disabled

Reset HMI after set the buzzer! Startup Window NO. 0
Backlight Saver Time: 10
Buzzer Disabled Enable

Reset HMI after set the buzzer!

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞More information refers to [Hardware Part 3 System Setting Mode]

 Change the value of LW10012 to make buzzer enable or disable.

LW10012 Specific instructions as shown in table:

System Register Descriptions

LW 10012 0:buzzer disable; 1: buzzer enable

2.12.2 Alarm Beep

When item logon in the alarm information or event information is triggered, HMI will beep.

Choose “buzzer” as below:

Users can choose buzzing time raging from 1 to 65535, unit: second

User should set value of LB9141 to shut off the buzzer:

Special register address Specification

LB 9141 ON:shut off buzzer,reset to 0

2.13 Screen Saver

Use a screen saver function can effectively prevent the screen in a important frame by inadvertently touch screen causes


Screen saver function is enabled in the [HMI Attribute] - [HMI extended attributes]:

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

When the HMI screen in the set period of time without touched, the screen will switch to the specified window that

screensaver window.

If the screen saver window is a non-fixed value, you can change the value of the special register LW9532 to change

screensaver window number.

 1. Screen saver time range from 1 to 65535, unit is minute; if set to 0, it means does not use the screen

saver function.

2. Check the "Return to original window when screensavers ends", which means that when the system
enters screen, if there are touch-screen operation, the system will switch back to the previous window

into screensavers. Uncheck it means to continue to stay in the screensaver window, you need to set

window switching element to switch screen.

2.14 Password Setting

Kinco DTools security function includes project protect, screen protect and component protect.

2.14.1 Project Protection

 project protection:before you can open a project ,you should input password

 Project password protection:

 Upload protect:before uploading ,you should input a password

 Project upload projection:

After input upload password

 Project decompile protection::when turning pkg into wpj, you should input a password

 Project decompile protection:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

file file

After input decompile


2.14.2 Screen Protection

You can set security levels or user permissions to limit operator from entering some important windows.

 security levels to protect screen

Set number of security levels and relevant password in [HMI attribute]-[security levels].

There are two ways:

Take window A switching to window B for example:

 Window security level

Window security level is set to 0(default), Window B security level is set to 1, then window A can be switched to window

B when the system security level is equal or up to 1. So user must input the 1 or up 1 level password before switching the


About password window:

User can pop password window with the help of direct window, while function key will be used to switch the state of it.

User can also create a new window or call the system one[Frame9:Login Window].

 Set the control authority

Set control setting to the component changing window. Choose “conditional enable” in [attribute]-[control

setting]-[Touching enabled setting], select “security level”, set minimum level:1(or higher than 1).Then only users

whose level is not less than 1can operate this component.

 screen protection through user permission

You need first to assign authority in [HMI attribute]-[user permissions setting]

Then you can set control setting of a component to implement this function.

Choose “conditional enabling”in [HMI attribute]-[control setting]-[touching enabled setting],select “permission control”,

“select permission”:1 (for example).

Only user who has permission 1 can use this component. User can input its name and password to get the permission.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

About login window:

User can also create a new window or call the system one [Frame9: Login Window].
2.14.3 Component Protection
In Kinco DTools, you can limit others to operate some important components by set security levels or user permissions.

In two following ways you can protect components from being used without allowance:

 Through Security Level

 Through Permission Control

☞For details about password, refers to [Advaced part 10 Password]

2.15 Data Encryption
For the data stored in the external memory – USB disk\ SD card, data encryption function can be used to limit the user to

make modification, editing and so on to the data files as CSV format.

1. If the [data decryption] operation is not performed to the CSV file generated for the component using

 2.
[Data Encryption], the illegible characters will be displayed in the opened CSV file.
If the data is decrypted through KDManager, the CSV file or PDF file can only be opened for viewing
instead of modifying or editing.
3. If the encrypted file is modified by someone intentionally, the error prompt will appear during the
[Decompile] operation in KDManager, making the damage of source file informed to the user.
4. The components supporting [Data Encryption] function are trend curve, XY plot, historical data
display components.

Take the setting method of [Data Encryption] for sampling data file of the Trend Curve as example:
(1) [Trend graph component attribute] - [Save historical data] - Select [Save to external device] - Select [Data Encryption].

(2)The illegible characters will be displayed in the generated CSV file after the encryption if it is directly opened.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

(3)Open the KDManager software to decrypt CSV file.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

The following dialog box will pop up after the successful decryption.

The display effect of the CSV file decrypted successfully is as shown below.

2.16 Animation Effects

In Kinco DTools, user can make the screen more vivid by using animation effects in three ways:

 using multiple state display component

By frequently switching some static pictures ,you can see a continuous effect .

[Example]multiple state display making animation effect of an air blower

 multiple state display,making animation effect of an air blower,attribute:

Read address LW 0 (HMI local register)
Move type 3

Vector graphics:
timer,change values of multiple state display,attribute:
Execution Cycle 1×100ms

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

State Setting Mode Periodical JOG++ (circle)

Date Type word
Asc value 1
Upper 2
Addr. Type LW 0 (HMI local register)

When the project is run, the effect is as shown:

☞More information refers to [Adcanced Part 4.3.2 Multiple State Display]

 Animation

By changing values, component can move from one position to another, so user will see a continuous action effect.

[Example]ambition making conveyer belt effect

 ambition, attribute:
Read address LW 0(HMI local register)

Vector graphics:

timer,change values of presupposed path, attribute:

Execution Cycle 1×100ms
State Setting Mode Periodical JOG++ (circle)
Date Type word
Asc value 1
Upper 3
Addr. Type LW 1(HMI local register)

When the project is ran, the effect is as shown:

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

☞More infermation refers to [Advanced Part 4.12.1 Animation Components]

 Moving component

 By changing values, component can move from one position to another ,so user will see a continuous action effect.

[Example] moving component making ball moving effect


1 50px


2 240px

 Moving component property is set to:

Read address LW 0 (HMI local register)
Move type X & Y axis

Vector graphics:

 Timer element, used to change the X-direction coordinate values of moving element, property is set to:
Execution Cycle 2×100ms
State Setting Mode Periodical Bounce(turnover upon limit)
Date Type word
Step 1
Upper 0
Lower 270(320-50)
Addr. Type LW 1(HMI local register)

 Timer element, used to change the Y-direction coordinate values of moving element, property is set to:
Execution Cycle 3×100ms
State Setting Mode Periodical Bounce(turnover upon limit)
Date Type word
Step 1
Upper 0
Lower 190(240-50)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Mode LW 2(HMI local register)

When the project is ran, the effect is as shown:

2.17 Multi-Copy

The method of multi-copy:

Select components, click the right mouse button and select [Multi-Copy], pop up multiple copies Properties window.

a:Interval makes the right border of the component as the start point to perform the copy. Pitch makes the 1st point in the
upper-left corner of the component as the start point to perform the copy.

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

b:Copy quantity:Duplication elements quantity

c:Interval:The distance between the duplicated elements, in pixels
d:Increase/ Decrease:Address Increase or decrease
e:Address auto change:Integer bit register address auto increase or decrease
f:After address auto change:The register address after the decimal point auto increase or decrease

2.18 Group
Several components or the graphics are combined together and saved into the Group Components Library, thus making them
called by other projects conveniently.
The format of Group Components Library is *.pgl.
 How to open [edit box of group components library]
 Click [Draw] menu-[Group components]-[use the group element]
 Right-click the mouse in the blank space of the window, select [Groups]- [use the group element], then the [edit box of
group components library] dialog will pop up, as shown below:

Name Description
Export Library Make the [Group Components Library] saved in the path defined by the user for convenient
Import Library The default path of group components library is the userlib directory under the installation
path of Kinco DTools, and the user can also import the group components library from the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

self-defined path. Click [Import Library], and select the required group components library
in the path corresponding to the saved group components library, then click [Open] to add
this group components library to the group components library of the current project.
New Library Click [New Library] button will make the dialog pop up, and the user can put the name of
this new created group components library in it. The default path to save the group
components library is the userlib directory under the installation path of the software.
Delete Library Delete the group components library opened currently.
Delete All Groups Delete all the graphics in the group components library opened currently.
Delete Group Components Delete the selected graphics in the group components library opened currently.
Place Group Components Place the selected group graphics in the group components library opened currently into the
screen edited currently.

[Example]: How to add group graphics to a new created group components library is described as follows:
(1) Click [use the group element] in [Group components] in [Draw], and click [New Library] after the Edit Box of
Group Components Library pops up, and input “group” as the name of the group components library in the
group component library name dialog box, as shown below:

Click [Enter] to create an empty group components library as shown below:

(2)Place 3 rectangles in the screen, as shown below:

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

Selected these 3 rectangles, and right-click the mouse to select [Group]-[Save the group elements], and then click the [Save
Group Components] button in the Edit box of Group Components Library dialog box to make the following dialog box pop

(3)Input “graph 1”in the Part Group Name dialog box, and then click [OK] button, then these 3 rectangles with the
name of [graph 1] will be added into the new created group components library with the name of [group], as shown below:

(4)If there are other group components to be added into the group components library with the name of [group], the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

operation method is the same as that mentioned above. And you just need to select [group] in the Group Components Library
list as the path to save it.

2.19 Find /Replace

 Click [edit] menu-[find/ replace]
 Click the icon on toolbar
 Press the PC keyboard shortcuts “CTRL” + “ F”
The following dialog box will pop up:

Name Description
Find Range Current Project All the frames, macros, background database in HMI will be searched.
Background Only the background database components, such as event information logon,alarm
Database information logon,trend carve etc. will be searched.
All HMI Frames and Macros All the frames and macros in current project will be searched.
All Frames All the frames in current project will be searched.
All Macros All the macros in current project will be searched.
Current HMI Frames and Macros All the frames and macros in the selected HMI will be searched.
All Frames All the components in all the frames in the selected HMI will be
Current Frame All the components in the current frame in the selected HMI will
be searched.
All Macros Only all the macros in the current HMI will be searched.
Find Register Register Type It means to find the device with Bit type or Word type.
Addr. Type It represents the device type and device address in the controller
where the search is performed. Checking “Range” means the
search will be performed in the set range of address.
Text Unselect match It means the judgment of the case of the characters and the
case/ full match consistency in the whole text will not be done during the search.
Match Case It means the match of the case of the characters in the text to be

Advanced Part Basic Design Method

searched is required.
Full Match It means the match of the text to be searched in the whole text is
Replace After this option is set, the device type and address found according to the set conditions will be replaced by
the specified device type and address. “Automigration by Cor. Address” in the Replace part will take
effect once the “Range” in Find part is selected. If “Automigration by Cor. Address”is not selected, the
replace address is the same; while if “Automigration by Cor. Address”is selected, the replace address is the
consecutive address which will automatically deviate by making the set replace address as the start address.
When the above parameters are set, if the “Find” button in the dialog box is clicked, the search of address
meeting the condition will be performed the window locating in the Find Range. If the component is found,
then No., Location, Name and Data will be displayed in the bottom white box. When the component
meeting the requirements is found, the screen will automatically switch to the position where this component
locates and the attribute dialog box for this component will pop up after this component is double-clicked.
Clicking “Replace” or “Replace All” means the found component meeting the conditions will be
replaced by the component with the address type and address set in the “Replace” part.

3 Window
Window is the basic element for HMI project, each screen is made of some windows. With window, you can place the

various components, graphics, texts displayed on the HMI screen.

3.1 Window Types

According to the different of the function or using ways, there are 3 types of windows: Basic Window, Common Window

and Fast Selection Window. The Basic Window after its size is changed can also be used as pop-up window. All the windows

can be used as the bottom window. Specific descriptions are shown as below:

Window Types Descriptions

Basic Window This window is the most commonly used window. When Basic Window is changed by using [Function

Key]-[change window] or [PLC Control]-[change window] function, the current screen will be cleared

(All the windows rather than Common Window and Fast Selection Window will be cleared.), and the

Basic Window to be changed will be displayed in the current screen. When the component in Basic

Window calls the pop-up windows, the Basic Window is always on opening status, and the original

information will be reserved, and the called pop-up window will be attached to the current Basic

Window. The master-slave relationship is between Basic Window and all of related pop-up windows.

When Basic Window N is switched to Basic Window M, all of the sub-windows of Basic Window N

will be closed while Basic Window M and is sub-windows will be displayed.

Fast Selection This window is the window called by the operation buttons, is generally used to place the commonly

Window used buttons. And it will be always displayed in the screen until the operation button makes it hidden.

The default Fast Selection Window is Frame 2. You can modify the other window as Fast Selection

Window in [HMI Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes]-[Fast Selection Window].

Common The components in this window will be displayed in the other window, but does not include Pop-up

Window Window. Usually each window shared or the same components will be put in Common Window. The

default Common Window is Frame 1. You can modify the other window as Common Window in [HMI

Attribute]-[HMI Extended Attributes]-[Public Window].

Bottom Window This window is generally used to put some common components such as background graphics, charts,

and titles and so on. Using this window, you needn’t to edit the some components repeatedly. The

components in Bottom Window will be inserted into the general window during, and in fact window

isn’t displayed at all.

Pop-up Window All the Pop-up windows are attached to the current Basic Window. The windows closed by the function

key only can close Pop-up window, direct window or indirect window, can’t close Basic Window. The

direct window, indirect window, [Event Information Logon]-[Pop-up window] and [Function

Advanced Part Window

Key]-[Popup window] all belong to the Pop-up window.

One screen can include Basic Window, Fast Selection Window, Common Window, while every Basic Window or Common

Window can include many Bottom Windows and Pop-up Windows. The relationship between them is shown as below:

※ The pop windows by Event information logon and Function key setup
The number of windows in each project is limited as follows:

Window Type Default Window No. The largest number of windows

Basic Window 0 The window No. ranges: basic window 0, 10 to 32767

Common Window 1 1

Fast Selection Window 2 1

Bottom Window -- Up to 3 bottom windows can be set for each window.

Pop-up Window -- Unlimited until the memory runs out

1.As once opened,the popup window won`t release the RAM unless closed,it is suggest to use it as few as


2. The same window can be opened once by one related window, therefore you can’t open the same

window by 2 or up direct window/ indirect window in the basic window.

3. All the Pop-up windows are attached to the current basic window, so when the current window is switched

to the other Basic Window, the Pop-up window will be closed. In this case, if the window is switched back to

this Basic Window, you will find that the Pop-up window originally attached to this window still exist;

otherwise you use the [Close window] function of function key.

4.A popup window in the common window does exist until shut down with the Function key [Close window]

5. Fast Selection Window supports the Pop-up window.

6. Use Basic window rather than Popup window, Indirect window or direct window which may slow down

the communication speed.

7. The actual largest number of Basic window and Popup window is related to HMI`s RAM.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

3.2 System Default Window

A new project has 10 default windows as seen in the Project structure window as follows:

Default windows description:

Window number Window name Description

0 Frame0 Basic window,default initial window

Common window,two popup windows used to pop default keyboard. Do not

1 Common Window delete these two windows or the keyboard is unavailable.

Attention: Devices used in every window can be put in it

2 Fast Selection Fast Selection,used in coordinate with [Fast selection window] in HMI attribute

3 NUM Keyboard NUM Keyboard,default keyboard

4 ASCII Keyboard ASCII keyboard,backup

5 File List Window File List Window,used in coordinate with [Input/Export] in Function key

6 Password Window Password Window,used in coordinate with File List Window

Confirm Action Window,pop up when [Control setting]-[Operator confirm] is

Confirm Action
Window chosen ☞For details,refer to【Advanced Part 4.1.7 Control Setting Option】
8 HEX Keyboard HEX Keyboard, backup

Login Window,pop up when [Control setting]-[Conditional enable]-[Security

level]-[auto show login window] is chosen

9 Login Window

☞More information refer to【Advanced Part 10 Password】

Advanced Part Window

1. Default Frame 0~9 no deletion

2.Device address and attribute in Frame1-9 cannot been modified, or they may not be in normal use. You

can only change the text set

3.3 Edit Window

3.3.1 Window Add

A new project has 10 system default windows. User can add some new windows, and there are 3 methods to create a new


 Click the [Add Frame] in [Screen] menu.

 Click the icon of [Add Window] in [Page Switch Toolbar].

 Select the HMI0 to right click in Project Structure Window and select [Add Frame],

Click [Add Frame], and the [New Frame] dialog box will pop up.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Specific descriptions are shown as below:

Name Descriptions

Frame Vacant When the existing windows are not in a continuous order, the new window will automatically insert

Position in the first vacant place.

End The new frame will automatically be numbered next to the existing last number. Default choice.

Custom The new frame number can be defined freelyfrom10 to 32767 without duplicating the existing


Frame ID New frame number. When the Frame position is [Vacant]or[End],this option is unavailable. Only

when it is [Custom], you can modify it.

Frame Name Ether default or custom

After [New Frame] setting,click【New】,a new frame is created.

3.3.2 Window Opening

There are 4 methods to open the window after the window is created.

 Select the window in the pull-down menu in [Page Switch Toolbar].

 Click the icon of [Previous page]/[Next page] to open the window. The previous window can be displayed by clicking

the icon, and the next window can be displayed by clicking the incon.

 Click the window ID in [Project Structure window]-[Tree View].

 Double-click the window ID in [Project Structure window]-[Windows Preview].

Advanced Part Window

3.3.3 Window Copy/ Multi-Windows Copy

 Window support the function of copy and multi copy. Click the [Copy/Delete windows] in [Screen] menu to copy


Click [Copy/Delete windows] and the following dialog box will pop up:

Specific descriptions are shown as below:

Name Descriptions

Operation Type Copy window:count Select the function of Copy window and set the count

Source Windows Copy Single Window Set the starting source copied window ID

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Param Setting Copy Multi-Windows Set the starting source copied window ID and the end source window ID,

from window M to window N will be copied at the same time.

Set the starting destination windows ID. The end destination window ID

Destination windows ID Setting will increase automatically according to the copied number and the number

of the source window, can’t be modified.

 The destination window ID mustn’t be the existing window ID.

3.3.4 Window Deletion/ Multi-Windows Deletion

 Delete the current window

There are 4 methods to delete the current window:

 Click [Delete Frame] in [Screen] menu.

 Click the icon of Delete Frame in [Page Switch Toolbar]

 Right click the selected window in [Project Structure window]-[Tree View], select [Delete].

 Selected the window in [Project Structure window]-[Tree View], and press the [Delete] key of PC keyboard.

 Delete custom window

 Click the [Copy/Delete windows] in [Screen] menu to delete window.

Advanced Part Window

 Click [Copy/Delete windows] to pop up the [Copy/Delete windows] properties dialog box,and select [Delete


Specific descriptions are shown as below:

Name Descriptions

Operation Type Delete Window Select the function of delete window.

Delete Window Delete Single Window Set the starting deleted window ID

Operation Delete Multi-Windows Set the starting source deleted window ID and the end source window ID,

Setting from window M to window N will be deleted at the same time.

1. After delete window, all components in this window will lost and can’t be recovered. Be careful with using

this function.

2. The windows from Window 0 to window 9 are system default window, unable to delete.

3.4 Window Attribute

3.4.1 Open Window Attribute Box

There are 5 methods to change the window attribute in Kinco DTools software.

 Click [Frame Attribute] in [Screen] menu.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Click the icon in the [Current Frame Attribute] in [Page Switch Toolbar].

 Directly click the icon.

 Double-click the blank in the current window.

 Right click the selected window to set in [Project structure window]-[Tree View], select [set].

3.4.2 Window Attribute Descriptions

Window attribute descriptions are shown as below:

Advanced Part Window

Window attribute descriptions

Name Assign the name for each window for convenient differentiation.

No. The window No. ranges from 0 to 32767. Window No. can be set when the new window

is created, and it can’t be changed after it has been created.

Security Level Set the security level for the current window

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10 Password]

Switching to the lowest security This function is used with security level.

level when window closed

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10 Password]
Position X/Y This function is only valid for using “popup window” function of

the function key. When the window is set this attribute, the vertex in

the upper-left of the window will be displayed in the special X/Y


Width/Height Set the width and height of the window. If the special attribute features

[Print page], the width and height both can be larger than the fact

screen size, but do not exceed 1024.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 13 Print]

Bottom Window Set the corresponding bottom windows for the current window. The bottom window is in

the bottom of the edit window as background graphics. The window to be set as the

bottom window must be the created window, where the components used by the

multiple windows together can be put.

Frame Set the width and the color of frame. The frame width ranges from 0 to 16. If the width

is not 0, the color can be selected for the frame.

Shielding public window If the shielding public window keyboard mapping is selected, it will shield the keyboard

keyboard mapping in the common window. This function is only valid for the self-keyboard HMI.

Special Attribute Keyboard page: Set the current window as keyboard window, and use with the specified

keyboard of the keyboard setting in component attribute. ☞For details, refer to

[Advanced Part 2.4 Keyboard]

Print page: Set the current window as print window. ☞For details, refer to [Advanced

Part 13 Print]

Video page: Set the current window as video window. It is set when video component is

put in pop-up window.

Use Background Color [Fill color] is the background color, [Background] is the filling graphics color. If the fill

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

style is 0, only fill color is displayed in this window.

Transparence It is only valid for the pop-up window and the fast selection window. Transparence is

0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%

Pop Window Type The Pop Window Type shows the relationship between one pop-up window and its

adjacent window.

Monopoly If one window features “Monopoly”, its parent window will be frozen

after it pops up, and it will always be displayed in the Top layer。

Clipping If one window features “Clipping”, the border of this window will be

restricted by its parent window, i.e. the part displayed out of the border of its

parent window will be cut off.

Tracking If one window features “Tracking”, it will move together when its parent

window moves.

Coherence Window A and Window B are both attached to the Basic Window. Generally,

Window A will be displayed in the Top layer when it is touched. But if

“Coherence” is selected, it will not be displayed in the Top layer even if it

is touched, but it will always be attached to its parent window.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 3 Window]

Note: If “Clipping” is selected, “Tracking” must be selected simultaneously.

Timer List descriptions

Timer List Show all the timers. If there is none,it won`t display.

Special setting element list descriptions

Special setting Show all the timers and setting components with window attribute. If there is none ,it won`t display

element list

【Example】Pop Frame10,11,12 over Frame0,transparence are respectively0%,20%,80%.Moreover,initial coordinate are


Popup Popup Popup

frame10 frame11 frame12

Advanced Part Window

frame0:3 function keys to pop frame10,11,12:

function Change window:pop frame10 pop frame10 pop frame10

Tag Use tag;0:Pop frame10 Use tag;0:Pop frame11 Use tag;0:Pop frame12


Vector graphic:

Frame10,11,12attribute settings:
Initial coordinate 0 110 220

transparence 0% 20% 80%

Background color choose,fill color:yellow

Save, compile and download. In operation,click function key, you can see frame as bellow

Popup Popup Popup

frame10 frame11 frame12 Popup Popup Popup
frame10 frame11 frame12

3.5 Components Related to Window

Components directly related to the window are: Direct window, indirect window, and function key (Change window, Goto

Prev, Change common window, Change fast selection window, Popup window, Close window, Popup window title bar and


Functions directly related to the window are: Change Window, Write Data to PLC (Current Base Window), Change Window

(Ignore the window 0) of PLC Control.

☞ For details about contents of these components, refer to [Advaced part 4 Component]

4 Component
Components are the objects by which user inputs and operate data; user can execute some operations by operating these

objects. The attribute of component must be set correctly according to actual application. Different attributes influence the

component operating and executing result directly. This chapter will introduce the detail of component attribute.

4.1 Common Setting of Component

4.1.1 Create and Delete Component

(1)Create component

There are two ways to create component:

 Create from the Graph element window

In the PLC parts/Function parts/projects database of Graph element window, drag the component to the edit area, then the

attribute window will pops up automatically, there will be a “+” cursor when you click the OK of attribute window, then

move the cursor to appropriate position and click left button to put the component, click right button to cancel creating

component. As shown in following picture:

 Create from Menu

Click the components(I) menu, chose a wanted component, then the attribute window will pops up automatically, there

will be a “+” cursor when you click the OK of attribute window, then move the cursor to appropriate position and click

left button to put the component, click right button to cancel creating component.

Advanced Part Component

 Text library, address tag and sound lib are in the Option(O) menu

(2)Delete component

There are two ways to delete the components that have created

 Delete by right click menu

Chose the component, right click then click the Delete to delete the selected component

 Delete by Delete key on the key board

Chose the component, then press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete component

4.1.2 Execution Order of Components

In some application, there is a chance that one touch to trigger multiple components execution, so the customer stacks

several components together.

At this time, if there is a touch operation, the stacked components are not executed at the same time but executed according

to the order of components.

The top component is executed first, then the following components. As shown in the following picture:

order The top


Besides, customer can check the layer position of the stacked components

Right click the stacked components; you can see the following options:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

You can use the tool bar (set top/set bottom/ previous layer/next layer) to adjust the layer position of the

stacked components

1. If there is a component that executes Change window operation in the stacked components, the

components that under this Change window component will not be executed.

2. The number of stacked components should be less than 32.

4.1.3 Methods to Open Attributes Window

The attributes window will pop up automatically when the component created, and there are three methods to open attribute

Advanced Part Component

window of the created component.

 Double click to open attribute window

 Chose the component, right click, chose the Attribute operation in the menu

 Chose the component, click the icon on the tool bar

How to open attributes window of stacked components

When multiple components stacked together, the lower component can be selected by right click, then open attributes

window by above methods.

! Multiple attribute windows can not be open at the same time

4.1.4 Basic Setting

In the Basic Attributes option, customer can set the operation object, address type and other related attributes

Detail description of Basic Attributes

Priority Reserved

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Write Address The register address to which the status value or data that writes. If it is unavailable, the component is

read-only component, the display status depends on the value and data in the Read Address

HMI The HMI number; the number is distributed automatically in order when the HMI

is built

PLC No. The PLC controller number; the number is distributed automatically in order

when the PLC controller is built

Change Station Num When HMI communicate with multiple PLC controllers, you can use this option

to connect corresponding PLC controller. This option is used in the application

that uses one HMI-multiple PLCs or ,multiple HMIs-multiple PLCs but only one

PLC in the program

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.11.2 Index Station Num]

Addr. Type Chose the address type of the PLC register or HMI local register

Bit registers in HMI : LB、LW.B、RB、RBI、FRB、FRBI

Word registers in HMI: LW、RW、RWI、ERW0~2、ERWI0~2、FRW、FRWI

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 15.1 Local Register of HMI]


PLC/Controllers’ address type is different according to different PLC/controller


☞Refer to the Communication Connection Guide for more details about

PLC/controller address type

Address Set the register address of the command or data

Code Type BIN, BCD or LSB

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.5 Cdoe Type]

Word Length The register number that the component takes up, It is usually 1, it also changes

according to different components and address type.

System Register The registers in HMI which have special use

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 15.2 System Special Registers of HMI]
Format The format of the address type in PLC/controller or HMI

Use Address Tag Use the addresses that have been defined in the Address Tag

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.2 Address Tag Library]

Use the index Use a certain register as the index register of the component

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.11.1 Index Register]
Read Address The register address from which the status value or data read. If it is unavailable, the component is

Advanced Part Component

write-only component; the display status cannot display the data or state of read address.

Description The reference name of this component.

4.1.5 Tag Setting

In the Tag option of component attribute, set the display text of each state.

Detail description of Tag

Use Tag Use the tag

Use Graph Font Use graph font mode in tag text

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.3.4 Grahp Font]

Tag Cross-border Checked Adjust the component size automatically according to the tag content, as following

Check picture:

Uncheck Do not adjust the component size automatically according to the tag content, the tag

content that cross border will be cut, as following picture:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Use Textlib Use the text in the textlib as tag content

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.1 Text Library]

Tag List The comment text corresponding to each state

Tag Content Input the comment text of each state here

Copy Contents
Chose one state in the Tag list, click this option to copy the tag content of this state to all the state
to All State

Front Type Use vector font or dot matrix font in tag content

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.3 Text]

Font Attribute Set the attributes of the tag content, like font, size, alignment, color and so on. The current font

attributes can be copied to each state or tag content of each language

 The steps to set tag:

Add tag content of state 0 Step

Check the “Use Tag

Chose the state 0 in Tag List

Input comment text in the Tag


Add tag content of state 1

 Chose the state 1 in Tag List

Input comment text in the Tag


4.1.6 Graphics Setting

Set the graphic of each state in the Graphics option of component attribute, the graphic can be vector or bit map.

Detail description of Graphics

Advanced Part Component

Vector Graphics Use vector graphic to display Bitmap Use bitmap to display

Use original size This option is effective when chose bitmap as graphic, if it is checked, component will display the

original size of the graphic

Save to System
Save the checked graphic or graphic of some state to the system library in the UserselPath file folder

Import Graphics Import vg or bg format graphic from system library or external

Graphics Status Preview the graphic of the checked state. For some stateless control component, like Vector Graph

and Bitmap, The graphic display in Vector or Bitmap is the picture checked here.

☞Refer to Advanced Part 5.3 Graphic Library for more details

4.1.7 Control Setting Option

Set the control conditions and security in the Control Setting, also can set the trigger macro and trigger register operation


Detail description of Control Setting

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Touching Always valid The touch is enabled always the time. The operator can operate is all the time

Enable Always invalid The touch is never enabled. The operator cannot control operator it

Setting Conditional Security Level: If clicked means the current security level must higher than the set

Enabling security, so the operator can operate this component to set the state value or data to the

corresponding register.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.3.1 Security Level Protection for


Permission Control: If clicked means the operator must has corresponding permission so

he can operate this component to set the state value or data to the corresponding register.

Advanced Part Component

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.3.2 User Permission Protection for


Register Control: if clicked means the specified bit register or word register must satisfy

the setting conditions, so that operator can operate this component to set the state value

or data to the corresponding register.

Auto show If clicked means when touch the component but the current user

login window security level or permission cannot satisfy the setting security level or

permission, the password input window (Frame9: Login window)

will pop up automatically.

Show Element If clicked means when the component is touch invalid, the component will display touch

Invalid Tag invalid tag. This function is optional only when the Always Invalid or Conditional

Enabling is selected. The color of touch invalid tag can be set in HMI Extended

Attributes of HMI Attributes

Security Min Press Time The minimum time of a hold pressing to make touch effective. The unit is 100ms, when

Setting it is set to 0, it means do not set this option.

Operator If clicked means when touch the component, the Confirm Window (Frame7:Confirm

Confirm Action Window) will pop up. Click YES to make this touch effective and if click Cancel

or do not click YES during the wait(s), the touch operation will be canceled

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Record If clicked means the operation event will be recorded , this event can be displayed in the

Operations Operation Log , and saved in csv file in the external storage

Min Time The minimum time interval between two touch operations of one same component or

Interval(Second) two different components. 0 means do not set the Min time Interval

Notificatio Trigger Macro Execute the specified macro when the operation to the component is successful

n Trigger Register Word Write the “Write Value” to the specified register before the
Written Notice
operation is executed successfully

After Written Write the “Write Value” to the specified register after the

Notice operation is executed successfully

Bit Write the On/Off signal to the specified register before the
Written Notice
operation is executed successfully

After Written Write the On/Off signal to the specified register after the

Notice operation is executed successfully

Write Value Set 1 Set 0 Set 0 Pulse Set 1 Pulse

4.1.8 Display Setting

Set the display condition, display size, position in the Display Setting.

Detail description of Display Setting

Advanced Part Component

Lock If clicked means the component is locked, the position of component cannot be changed by mouse or

moving keys on keyboard

X/Y The coordinate value of the top left of component

Width/Height The width and height of component(The unit is pixel)

Always Display If clicked means the component is displayed all the time

Never Display If clicked means the component is hidden, the hidden component cannot touch

Conditional Security Level Control: Clicked means the component is displayed only when the current security level

Display is higher than the setting level.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.3.1 Security Level Protection for Components]
User Permission Control: If clicked means the component is displayed only when the operator has

corresponding permission

User access list

Name Access1 Access2 Access3
Display by access 2
Display by access 1
Log in

Hide Appear

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.3.2 User Permission Protection for Components]
Register Control: Click means he component is displayed only when the specified bit register or word

register satisfies the condition

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

4.1.9 Touch Sound Control

In the Sound option, set the sound when the component is touched

Detail description of Sound

Use Sound Set the sound when the component is touched.

Sound Library Open the sound library attributes box.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.6 Sound Lib]

Play Play and listen the audio Stop Stop the audio

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.4 Sound Lib Application]

! “The sound function is only suitable for the HMI with audio output port.

4.1.10 Save Historical Data

Detail description of Save Historical Data

Advanced Part Component

Save to Save sampling data to the recipe register (RW) of HMI

Recipe Data The end address = the start address + 20 +sampling page number*(4+ channel number). If the data

Field exceeds the storage limit, the sampling data will cover the previous data

Save as CSV Sample Data saved to recipe data field is saved to the external device, and generated a
csv file.The storage path of the CSV file is: /export/ subdirectory name / filename.The
CSV file name is named after the current time of the export.

Note:The csv file generated from the historical data with the header, but the csv file
generated from the trend curve and XY plot is not header.
Encryption Encrypt the sampling data

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.15 Data Encryption]

SAVE MS Save the sampling time to ms level and record in CSV file
Extenal Device SD、USB DISK1、USB DISK2、HMI are optional

Note:The maximum file saved to HMI is 80M

Subdirectory Set the subdirectory name of CSV file when it is saved in external device, customer can

change this name

Trigger Trigge OFF The data will be saved when specified register changes from OFF
parameters r Type to ON

The data will be saved when specified register changes from ON
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


The data will be saved when specified register changes
OFF The data will be saved when specified register changes from OFF
to ON. And the specified register will be reset to OFF

ONO The data will be saved when specified register changes from ON
to OFF. And the specified register will be reset to ON

Ascending Selected, the saved CSV data are arranged in a time ascending format. Not selected,
Order save to CSV data in a time descending format.
Save to Save the sampling data to the external device

External Storage SD card, USB DISK1*、USB DISK2* are optional

Device Devices

Outage keep in If the HMI is powered off and restart, the information can be regained

Export to csv Save the sampling data to external device in CSV file. This CSV file is saved in

File /trend/subdirectory/file name

Data Encrypt the sampling data

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.15 Data Encryption]
Save MS Save the sampling time to ms level and record in CSV file

Subdirectory Set the subdirectory name of CSV file when it is saved in external device, customer can

change this name

The default subdirectory name of History Data is History Data, Trend Curve is History

Trend, XY plot is XY-CHART

Storage Type Daily File Save the sampling data by days, and the name of CSV files is in “yyyy

mmdd” form

Single File Save the sampling data by items, and the name of CSV file is the


Bulk Storage Provide a buffer storage mode, Only when the data is up to the bulk storage setting, and

then write the data to SD card or U disk. The “Default” means don’t use buffer storage

mode, as soon as there is sampling data, write this data to SD card or U disk

Max Storage Set the limit of the storage: if it is by Daily File, the unit is day, if it is by Single File,

the unit is item. If chose the “Daily File”, the file name is as “yyyymmdd”, The Max

Storage means the maximum csv file number under this routine, if csv file exceeds the

max storage number; the previous files will be deleted. If chose the “Single File” in

Advanced Part Component

Storage Type, the CSV file named by the Subdirectory name, The Max Storage means

the maximum items in this csv file, if the items is up to the limit, the data will not be


The Subdirectory is read from specified registers, the maximum register number is 16

※ If a HMI has two USB host, the number of U disk depends on the sequence they plug in HMI. That is to say the first U
disk that plug in HMI is USB DISK1, and the second U disk that plug in HMI is USB DISK2. It does no matter with the

slot position.

When the sampling data is saving to external storage device, the special system register should set OFF

before removing the external storage device, or the data will be damaged or lost. They are LB9153(SD

card)、LB9154(USB disk1)、LB9155(USB disk2)

4.2 Button/Switch Components

They are Bit State Setting, Bit State Switch, Multiple State Setting, Multiple State Switch, Combination Operations, and

Function Key and so on.

4.2.1 Bit State Setting

The Bit State Setting defines a touch area. When this area is active, this button can set the HMI bit address

or PLC bit address On or Off. The display status of this component will not be changed by the input value.

Detail description of Bit State Setting

Type Function description

Press to set specified address ON, still ON if released or pressed again


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Press to set bit address OFF, still OFF if released or pressed again


Press to set specified address ON, still ON if released; Press again to set address OFF,

Still OFF if released


Only when this component is hold pressing, the specified address is ON, change to

OFF if released


When the window which contains this component opens, the specified address is set


Set On when Window Open

When the window that contains this component opens, the specified address is set


Set Off when Window Open

When the window that contains this component closes, the specified address is set ON

When window closed

Set On when Window Close


Set OFF when Window Close When the window that contains this component closes, the specified address is set OFF

Advanced Part Component

When the window that contains this component is maximized, the specified address is

set ON

Set ON when Window


When the window that contains this component is maximized, the specified address is

set OFF

Set OFF when Window


When the window that contains this component is minimized, the specified address is

set ON

Set ON when Window


When the window that contains this component is minimized, the specified address is

set OFF

Set OFF when Window When window minimized



When the backlight of the window that contains this component is off, the specified

address is set ON

Set On when Backlight Off

Set On when Backlight Off When the backlight of the window that contains this component is off, the specified

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

address is set OFF

In the window which contains this component, when a Number Input component

inputs successfully, the specified address is set ON

Set On when Input Success

In the window which contains this component, when a Number Input component

inputs successfully, the specified address is set OFF

Set OFF when Input Success

Press button to set 0 while produce a specific width negative pulse. When time is over,
it returns to 1. Users can set pulse width to ensure PLC to receive signal 0. 100ms lest
Set 0 pulse
and users need to set it long enough. Or it is too short for PLC to receive because of
communication time or scan time.
Press button to set 1 while produce a specific width positive pulse. When time is over,
it returns to 0. Users can set pulse width to ensure PLC to receive signal 1. 100ms lest
Set 1 pulse
and users need to set it long enough. Or it is too short for PLC to receive because of
communication time or scan time.
Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which

Key has keys itself. This function is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys


4.2.2 Bit State Switch

The Bit State Switch is a combination of Bit State Lamp and Bit State Setting component, it defines a

touch area, if this area is active, this component can switch HMI or PLC bit address between on and off, at

the same time, the display state of component will change according to the value of read address.

Advanced Part Component

Detail description of Bit State Switch

Switch Type Function description

Press to set specified address ON, still ON if released or pressed again


Press to set specified address OFF, still OFF if released or pressed again


Press to set specified address ON, still ON if released; Press again to set address OFF, Still

OFF if released


Only when this component is hold pressing, the specified address is ON, change to OFF if



Press button to set 0 while produce a specific width negative pulse. When time is over, it
returns to 1. Users can set pulse width to ensure PLC to receive signal 0. 100ms lest and users
Set 0 pulse
need to set it long enough. Or it is too short for PLC to receive because of communication
time or scan time.
Press button to set 1 while produce a specific width positive pulse. When time is over, it
returns to 0. Users can set pulse width to ensure PLC to receive signal 1. 100ms lest and users
Set 1 pulse
need to set it long enough. Or it is too short for PLC to receive because of communication
time or scan time.
Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which has keys
itself. This function is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys itself

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

4.2.3 Multiple State Setting

The Multiple State Setting component defines a touch area, if this area is active; this component writes a

setting value to a specified register in HMI or PLC. The display status of component will not be changed

by the value of read address.

Write data“125” D100=125

to D100

Detail description of Multiple State Setting

Setting Mode Set Press component to set the setting constant to a specified register


Set at When the window with this component opens, set the setting constant to a specified register

Window automatically


Set at When the window with this component closes, set the setting constant to a specified register

Window automatically


Set at When the window with this component is maximized, set the setting constant to a specified

Window register automatically


Advanced Part Component

Set at When the window with this component is minimized, set the setting constant to a specified

Window register automatically

When window minimized


Set at When the backlight of the window that contains this component is off, set the setting value

Backlight to a specified register automatically


Set at Enter In the window which contains this component, when a Number Input component inputs

success successfully, set the setting value to a specified register automatically

123 Input is
120 123

Set at Enter In the window which contains this component, when a Number Input component inputs

Fail unsuccessfully, set the setting value to a specified register automatically

123 Input is not
120 120

Add value The value in specified register will be added “Addend” every time presses this button, the

result will not exceed the Upper limit

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Sub value The value in specified register will be subtracted “Subtrahend” every time presses this

button; the result will not exceed the Lower limit

Jog++ If hold pressing the button exceeding the “Delay Time”, the value in specified register will

be added “Addend” in a “Jog Speed” time. The result will not exceed the Upper limit

If the “Immediate Execution of Increase/Decrease Progressively” is checked, the value in

specified register will be added “Addend” immediately at every press. If hold pressing the

button, the value in specified register will be added “Addend” in every “Jog Speed” time

until reaches the Upper limit

Jog-- If hold pressing the button exceeding the “Delay Time”, the value in specified register will

be subtracted “Subtrahend” in a “Jog Speed” time. The result will not exceed the Lower


If the “Immediate Execution of Increase/Decrease Progressively” is checked, the value in

specified register will be subtracted “Subtrahend” immediately at every press. If hold

pressing the button, the value in specified register will be subtracted “Subtrahend” in every

“Jog Speed” time until reaches the “Lower” limit

Jog++(Circ If hold pressing the button exceeding the “Delay Time”, the value in specified register will

le) be added “Addend” in a “Jog Speed” time until reaches the Upper limit, then adds addend

from the Lower limit

Advanced Part Component

If the “Immediate Execution of Increase/Decrease Progressively” is checked, the value in

specified register will be added “Addend” immediately at every press. If hold pressing the

button, the value in specified register will be added “Addend” in every “Jog Speed” time

until reaches the Upper limit, then adds addend from the Lower limit

Jog--(Circl If hold pressing the button exceeding the “Delay Time”, the value in specified register will

e) be subtracted “Subtrahend” in a “Jog Speed” time until reaches the Lower limit, then

subtract subtrahend form the Upper limit

If the “Immediate Execution of Increase/Decrease Progressively” is checked, the value in

specified register will be subtracted “Subtrahend” immediately at every press. If hold

pressing the button, the value in specified register will be subtracted “Subtrahend” in every

“Jog Speed” time until reaches the “Lower” limit, then subtract subtrahend form the Upper


Variable The parameters, like Set Value, Addend, Subtrahend, Upper, Lower, are read from specified registers


Key Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which has keys itself. This

function is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys itself

4.2.4 Multiple State Switch

The Multiple State Switch is the combination of Multiple State Display and Multiple State Setting. It

displays the mapping status according to the value of Read Address (the maximum mapping status is

768). At the same time, it defines an area, when this area is touched, this component writes the

mapping value to the Write Address. The Write Address and Read Address can be the same or different.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Detail description of Multiple State Switch

Control Add The State No. adds 1 every time press this button, and the mapping value is write to the Write

Address, at the same time this component displays corresponding graph according to the value

of Read Address.

Unloop unchecked:

Unloop checked:

Sub The State No. subtracts 1 every time press this button, and the mapping value is write to the

Write Address, at the same time this component displays corresponding graph according to the

value of Read Address.

Unloop unchecked:

Unloop checked:

List Display the state in list, and the current selected state is in Select Color

Advanced Part Component

Dropdown Display the state in dropdown list, but only display the current selected state. Click the

List dropdown list to display all the states

State Num. The maximum state number is 768.(The BIN or BCD encoding supports 768 states at most, and the LSB

encoding supports 17 states at most.)

Map Value When the value in Read Address equals one of the values in the Map Value list, the component displays the

corresponding graph and tag. When the component switches to one state, the corresponding Map Value is

write to the Write Address

Line Spacing If chose the List or Dropdown List as control mode, this option is used to set the line space between each tag.

The unit is pixel

Using It is only valid for "list" and "drop-down list". When using "multi state graphics" to switch state, the
Multi-state background picture will change with the state. If you don't choose "multi state graphics" and switch state, the
Graphics background image will only show 0 of the picture.
Select Color Select the color of the selected item
Foreground Only when the control mode selection "drop-down list", and the graphics attribute is not selected, the
color foreground is valid
Background Only when the control mode selection “list” or "drop-down list", and the graphics attribute is not selected,
Color the background is valid
Border Color Only when the control mode selection “list” or "drop-down list", and the graphics attribute is not selected,
the background is valid
Project Default Display the tag. Note: The text here is fixed.
Source Item When HMI works, this component displays the specified register data.
Address Note: The text here is mutable
Words Per Set each item`s words
Item Unicode chosen,data displays in unicode ;not,data displays in
Byte Conversion Chosen,data in ASCII is byte-conversion
Control Update source of item address
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Address Control Address Set 1,,list displays data from address specified by item
Control Address +1 Set numbers of read address
Item Address Set the first address of data source
User Display the user name set in the [HMI Attribute]-[User Permissions Setting].If you need to set a
Name username, you can set the user name that you need to log in by LW9514.
Key Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which has keys itself. This

function is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys itself

4.2.5 Combination Operations

The Combination Operations is used to combine multiple bit state setting and multiple state setting as one

component. So the operator can execute bit state setting and multiple states setting operation by 0nly one


Detail description of Combination Operations basic attributes

Component List Add multiple Bit State Setting and Multiple State Setting components by right click.

Write Address Set the Write Address of the components in the Component List

Setting Mode Bit State Setting supports On, Off, and Toggle mode only.

☞For details about Bit State Setting, refer to [Advanced Part 4.2.1 Bit State Setting]
Multiple State Setting components support Set Constant, Add and Sub mode only.

☞For details about Multiple State Setting, refer to [Advanced Part 4.2.3 Multiple State Setting]
Exiting when If checked means that the execution will stop if one of the components fails during the sequence

component execution, the next component will not be executed. If unchecked means the Combination

execution Fail Operation executes from top to bottom, if one of the components fails during the sequence

execution, then jump to execute the next component.

Advanced Part Component

1. When add the components, use the “Insert before” and “Insert behind” option to set the order of the

 components

2. Use the Move UP and Move Down to change the order in component list

3. Use the Delete option to delete components

4.2.6 Function Key

The Function Key provides functions like Switch Window, Keyboard Function, Clear Event, Touch

Calibration, save Screenshot to Extended Memory, Execute Macro, and Print and so on. It also can be

used to design the key board, and Function Key does not have control register, it executes functions by


 Switch Window

Description of Switch Window function

Press the function key to close the current window (sub windows in this window included) and

switch to the window with specified window No.

Change Window

Press the function key to close the current basic window, and come back to the previous window.

For example, switch fram0 to frame 10, press this function key in frame 10 to back to frame 0. This

function is only suitable for basic window

Goto Prev

Change Common If pressed, the Common Window (The default is Frame 1) will be replaced by the specified window

Window as the new Common Window

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

If pressed, the Fast Selection Window (The default is Frame 2) will be replaced by the specified

window as the new Fast Selection Window

Change Fast

selection window

If pressed, the specified window will pop up, and displayed above the current window, the current

window will not close

Pop up window

Use this option to close the pop-up window, but cannot close the Direct Window and Indirect

Window, because they are controlled by the bit or word register. The Close Window function can

close the pop up window only, but cannot control data in

Close Window


Pop up window title Hold pressing this function key to move the pop up window. This function is suitable for pup up

bar window, direct/indirect window only

Advanced Part Component

If pressed, the pop up window will be minimized in the task bar. Press the window icon on task bar

to reset the window to original position. This function is suitable for pup up window, direct/indirect

window only


 Map Keyboard

Use this function to make virtual keyboard.

Function description of keyboard

Enter The same function as the Enter on the keyboard

Backspace The same function as the Backspace on the keyboard

Clear Clear the content in the Number Input and Text Input component

Escape Cancel operation, the same function as the ESC on the keyboard

Set the input characters in the “Number Input” and “Text Input” component. The number (0, 1, 2…) or
ASCII and Unicode (a, b, c…) are operational

Move the cursor according to the mode, like Move up, Move down, Move left, Move right, Line head,
Line tail, First position, Last position. This function is suitable for the Note Book component only

Select text operation, Start select and Finish select included. This function is suitable for the Note Book
Select Text
component only

Text Operation Set the text operation, includes Copy, Cut, and Paste. This function is suitable for the Note Book only

 Execute Macro

Chose the macro

Press function key to execute the existing macro.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

This function can set function for the F1~F8 of HMI, includes Along, Backwards, ESC, Enter and so on.

 Touch Calibration

Press function key with this option checked to enter the touch calibration screen. Customer can calibrate the touch panel.

 Enter the calibration screen without set the DIP switches

 Clear Event

Press function key to clear the event information in the Event Display component.

 Save Screenshot to The Extended Memory.

Press function key to save the screenshot to the extended memory in bmp picture. So the customer can print or check the

screen of HMI.

☞For details about Save Screenshot to the Extended Memory, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC Control]
 Import/Export

Press function key to import/export project or recipe data.

This function must works with the File List Window and only the HMI with USB host or SD card supports


Description of Import/Export function

Import project to Import the project (pkg file) from extended memory to HMI. After that, HMI will restart

HMI automatically and run the project.

Advanced Part Component

Export Project from Export the project(pkg file) in HMI to extended memory


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Project upload
Pop up Frame 5 and
select save path path: /disk/usb1/ Tree
Project upload
..\ Test.pkg
path: /disk/usb1/ Tree
Test.pkg OK

scr\ HMI0:

Test.pkg OK

Input file name Project upload

Project upload
path: /disk/usb1/ Tree
path: /disk/usb1/ Tree

scr\ HMI0: ESCevent\
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 BACK
Clear w t y u i
Project OK
q e o p

log\ a s d f
Caps g h j k l ENT
scr\ HMI0:
= trend\ ? z x c v b n m ; { }
Page Page
+ _ > < CH Up Down
project OK
After press OK

Import Recipe to Import the recipe file (.rcp) in extended memory to HMI. The operation steps are the similar with

HMI Import Project to HMI

Export Recipe from Export the recipe file (.rcp) in HMI to extended memory. The operation steps are the similar with

HMI Export Project from HMI

 Message Board

This function works with the Message Pad; it can be used as an assistant tool of Message Pad.

Description of Message Board

Tool Pen Press the function key to set the tool as a pen for Message Pad

Erase Press the function key to set the toll as a eraser for Message Pad

Clear Block Press the function key to clear the selected area of the Message Pad

Pen Color Set color of pen

Pen Width Set width of pen, 1~8 pixel are optional

Clear Press function key to clear all content on Message Pad

 Print

Press function key to print the current screen.

☞For details about print, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.5 PLC Control]
 Map Keyboard

Advanced Part Component

Map the function key to the F1~F12 of the keyboard. This function is suitable for HMI with USB host only.

4.3 Lamp Component

4.3.1 Bit State Lamp

The Bit State Lamp is used to indicate the state (0 or 1) of bit register in HMI or PLC. It can display tag
text and graphic.

Detail description of Bit State Lamp

Function Description

Display the corresponding graphic according to the state. This graphic isn’t blinking


The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set.

Value 1 Blinking on state 0,

value0 Showing state 0

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 1 Blinking on state 1,

value0 Showing state 0

Value 1 switch Blinking on state

1 and 0, value0 Showing state 0

Value 0 Blinking on state 0, The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

value 1 Showing state 0

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 0 Blinking on state 1,

value 1 Showing state 0

Value 0 switch Blinking on state

1 and 0, value 1 Showing state 0

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 1 Blinking on state 0,

value 0 Showing state 1

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 1 Blinking on state 1,

value 0 Showing state 1

Value 1 switch Blinking on state

1 and 0, value 0 Showing state 1

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 0 Blinking on state 0,

value 1 Showing state 1

The blinking frequency (Rate) can be set

Value 0 Blinking on state 1,

value 1 Showing state 1

Advanced Part Component

Value 0 switch Blinking on state

1 and 0, value 1 Showing state 1

4.3.2 Multiple State Display

The Multiple State Display displays the mapping state according to the value in the specified HMI

register or PLC register. It supports 256 mapping states at most.

Description of Multiple State Display

Set the state number of Multiple State Display, it is up to 256. (The BIN or BCD encoding
State Num.
supports 256 state at most, and the LSB encoding supports 17 states at most)

Set the mapping value of each state. When the value in specified register equals the setting value,
Data Mapping
the component displays corresponding state

4.4 Number Components

Number components include Number Input Component and Number Display Component. They are used

to write data to a specified register or read data from a register and display this value.

 Common Attributes of Number Component.

Description of number

Display the data in signed decimal integer (0~9) format.16 bits data range:
Data type signed int
-32768~32767; 32 bit data range: -2147483648~2147483647

Display the data in unsigned decimal integer (0~9) format.16 bits data range:
unsigned int
0~65535; 32 bit data range: 0~4294967295

Display the data in hex (0~F) format. The integer part can be set, no decimal. 6 bits
data range: 0~65535; 32 bit data range: 0~4294967295

Display the data in binary (0, 1) format. The integer part can be set, no decimal. 6 bits
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

data range: 0~65535; 32 bit data range: 0~4294967295

Display data in “*” format. Only the data type and date width can be set, other
options are ignored

Transform the 32 bits IEEE float data to decimal data and display in decimal. The
default data width is DWORD

Transform the 64 bits IEEE float data to decimal data and display in decimal. The
default data width is 4-DWORD

Data Width Set the data width of the register 16 bits or 32 bits(WORD or DWORD)

Integer/Decimal Set the display bit number before and behind decimal dot

Show plus sign When the data type is signed int, click this option to display the “+” symbol before positive number

Set input/display range for Number Input/Display Component. “Variable Max/Min Value” checked

means that the Max/Min Value is variable, and set read register of this variable. The word length of this

Max/Min Value register depends on the data width of component. For example, the Max/Min Value is LW0, if the word

Setting width is WORD, the LW0 is minimum value register, LW1 is Maximum value register; and if the word

width is DWORD, the LW0 and LW1 are minimum value registers, LW2 and LW3 are the maximum

value registers

Off normal If the data is exceeds the Max/Min Value range, the component will display the data in the setting

upper/lower color.

If the value in certain register exceeds the upper limit or lower limit, the data in the component will be
flashing to enhance the alarm effect.

Left\Right Label The label unit can be displayed around the value
The data will be displayed after calculating by proportion, the Min Value and Max Value is must be set

in the function. For example, the original data is A, and the displaying data is B. Then the relationship

Proportion between is as followings:

Conversion B= Min Value+(A-Min)*Proportion and the Proportion=( Max Value -Min Value)/( Max-Min)

For example the original data is 20, according to the following setting, the displaying data is

15+(20-0)*(55-15)/(100-0)=23. So the component displays 23

Advanced Part Component

※ For signed/unsigned int, if the Decimal is set, the original data will be displayed after left shift the Decimal bits, but also

set the original data to the register.

Description of Font

Set the display position of data,, it has for methods , they are Left, Right, Leading 0, Center.

For example, the Integer is 5, Decimal is 0, input value is 123, then the following are the

displaying in four different methods:


Add the width of display area, the units is pixel

Horizontal Increased 0 pixel #####

Font Adjustment

Horizontal Increased 60 pixel #####


Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which has keys
itself. This function is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys itself

 Related Attributes Setting of Numeric Data

Other Related Attributes

Cursor Set the Cursor Color when Numeric Data is triggered in the HMI Extended Attributes of HMI

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


4.4.1 Number Input

Number Input Component write the data in value to the certain HMI or PLC register, at the same time display the written

date on HMI.

Attributes Description of Keyboard Setting

Public Windows Use the Public Windows Keyboard

Keyboard It is the default setting , and use the keyboard in Frame3: NUM Keyboard

Use the specified keyboard in designated window. If use the self-made keyboard, the window

Specified Keyboard where the keyboard is should set the Keyboard Page in Window Attribute, so the window number

can be displayed in the Specified Keyboard list

Keyboard Pop-Up
Set the keyboard pop-up position on HMI

Do not Use Pup-Up When the Number Input Component is triggered, do not pup up keyboard. The HMI supports

Keyboard USB can use the external keyboard

The popped-up keyboard can input data to the components continuously by order. During the

input operating, the keyboard will not disappear when press ENTER, and the input cursor will

flash among the component in circle. The keyboard will be closed by press Close button

Use Input Order

Advanced Part Component

Input Order Set the input order number for the component

After Input Is

Completed, No
No more sequent input once it is completed once and the keyboard is shut of
Longer Sequentially


For multiple groups of components that need input the data continuously, the first triggered

component decides where the cursor circles


☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.4 Keyboard]

4.4.2 Number Display

Number Display is used to display the value in specific HMI or PLC register on HMI.

4.5 Text Components

The text components contain Text Input, Note Book, Text Display, they are used to decode the data by

ASCII then write it to specific register in character string or read data from specific register then display it

in character string after the data decoded by ASSIC

 Common Attributes Setting of Text Components

Common Attributes Description of Text Component

High byte and low byte Swap the high byte and low byte, then display the high byte on the left and low byte on the

swaps right

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

If checked, the text content is decoded by Unicode and displayed. It is usually used to display
multiple languages

This mode can display the extended ASCII character between 0X80~0XFF. If checked, the text

Extended ASCII cannot display Chinese character; the Unicode and Extended ASSCII cannot be chosen at the

same time

Word Length The word length is 1~16 optional. Each word contains 2 ASCII characters

Description of Font Attribute

Use the Vector Font or Dot Matrix Font to display character string

Note: Generally speaking, if it is not ASCII character, it cannot be displayed by vector font, but the Unicode

character input by Unicode keyboard with sane character tag can be displayed by vector font. For example:


Add the display area width at the right side, the

Set the displaying position of character string,
units is pixel.
including two methods: Left, Right. Font

Map the component to the F1~F12 of external keyboard or F1~F8 of the HMI which has keys itself. This function
is suitable for the HMI with USB host or HMI with keys itself

Advanced Part Component

Description of Keyboard Setting Attributes

Public Windows
Use the public windows keyboard, the default keyboard is the [Frame3:NUM Keyboard]

Use the keyboard in specified window. The default keyboard is the [Frame 4:ASCII Keyboard] If

Specified Keyboard you use the self-regulating keyboard, you should set the Special Attribute in HMI Attribute to

Keyboard Page, then you can select the Window’s number in Specified Keyboard list

Keyboard Pop-up
Set the position of the pop-up window in the screen

Not Use pop-p Do not pop up keyboard when trigger text input or text book component, but use the external USB

Keyboard keyboard if the HMI supports the USB host

Input the component continuously when the keyboard is popped up, the keyboard will not be closed

when press the ENTER key during the inputting, the input cursor will flash in cycle among the

components that set the Input Order, the keyboard will be closed when click the Close button

Use Input Order

Input Order Set the input order for the components

Sort the components that need to input continuously in different groups, the first triggered
component decides which group the cursor will flash among

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

5 ☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.4 Keyboard]

 Related attributes settings about the Text component

Description of related attributes

Set the cursor color when the Text Input component or Note Book component is triggered in

the HMI Extended Attributes of HMI Attributes

Cursor Color

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.3 HMI Extended Attributes]

Use the Keyboard Function in the function key to move the cursor ☞Refer to Advance Part
Cursor Move
4.2.6 Function Key for more information.

Use the Keyboard Function in the function key to select, copy, cut, and paste the text content.
Text Operation
☞Refer to Advanced Part4.2.6 Function Key for more information.
4.5.1 Text Iput

The Text Input decodes the data according to ASCII, and then writes it to the HMI or PLC register in character string, at the

same time displays the written data in character string on HMI. The written data is saved in the continuous registers that

begin from “Read Address”. When displaying the data, the low byte characters are displayed on the left and the high byte

characters are displayed on the right.

 The Text Input component cannot display the multiple rows text content

Advanced Part Component

4.5.2 Text Display

The Text Display component displays the HMI or PLC data in character string on HMI after decoding it according to the


D100 4 D 4 8
D101 2 0 4 9 D100(Word No.:2)
Space I


 The Text Display component cannot display the multiple rows text content

4.5.3 Note Book

The Note Book is the same as the Text Input; they decode the data according to ASCII, and then write it to

the HMI or PLC register in character string, at the same time displays the written data in character string on

HMI. The written data is saved in the continuous register that begins “Read Address”. When displaying the

data, the low byte characters are displayed on the left and the high byte characters are displayed on the right.

 The Note Book component can display the multiple rows text content

Description of Note Book attributes

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Total Lines The total lines of input text Display Line Display area line

The Word Register The most data length per line, the unit is word. A length of a ASSIC character is a byte, and

Number of Per Line 1word = 2 bytes

4.6 Graph/Meter Components

In Kinco DTools, customer can display the data in chart/graph. The graph/meter components contain Trend Curve, XY plot,

Oscillograph, Bar Picture, Meter and so on.

The Trend Curve, XY plot and Oscillograph are graphs; they are usually used to display data in a single or a series of

continuous registers in graph on HMI. The customer can use them according to their function and actual application.

 The common attributes of graph setting.

Description of Basic Attributes

Component Trend Curve XY Plot Oscillograph

Set the sampling register Set the sampling register address of the
Set the sampling register address
Read Address address of the first first channel. The address assigning
of the first channel
channel depends on the type of XY plot

It depends on the It depends on the channel

The word length depends on the
sampling channel number, number and sampling rate. If the
channel number, sampling points, XY
Word Length if the channel is channel number is m(0<m<17)
plot type and the read register type. The
m,(m<17), the word and sampling rate is n(0<n<256),
user can not change this
length is m the word length is m*n

Detail description of channel attributes.

Line Width Display the width of the curve

Set the data format of sampling data. It contains 16-bit signed, 16-bit unsigned, 32-bit signed, 32-bit
Data Type
unsigned, float and double

Y max/Y min Set the display range of sampling data on X axis and Y axis

Advanced Part Component

Color Set the color of curve

The Y max/Y min value is from specified registers. In multiple channel application, user can set specified

registers for Y max/ Y min of each channel. Trend Curve: if the Specified Address is Y min; the Specified
Channel use
Address+1 is the Y max. XY plot: if the Specified Address is Y min, the Specified Address+1 is the Y
variable limit
max, the Specified Address+2 is the X min and the Specified Address+3 is the X max. Oscillograph: if the

Specified Address is Y min, the Specified Address+1 is the Y max

Detail description of extended attributes

Channel Chose a channel to edit. The available channels depend on the channel number set in Trend Graphics or XY

Properties Curve Graphics or Scope Chart page. And set the line style and line width


Dot Line

X axis Y axis

projection projection

Chose the graph of nodes, the following six types are available


Graph ●▲■○ᇞ□×

Node Size Set the size of node Node Color Set the color of node

The curve use the background and grid, users can set the line and row number, as well as the line width ,
Use Grid
color and type

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

When use the Time sampling, the Circle time can The number of sampling points
Variable Number of
be read from specified register. Note: The can be read from specified
Period points
Oscillograph does not support variable period register

If the circle period and sampling point number use the variable value, the variable value will be used in

priority. And the default value will be used if the variable value cannot be got because of the

communication problem

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.1.10 Save Historical Data]

The Trend Curve and Historical Data Display can be used at the same, but when the trend curve and

historical data display sample the same register and the data is saved in external device, the Subdirectories

should be different, or the only save historical data in just one of the component

 About the display of curve.

The Trend Curve and XY plot run at the backstage, the trend curve and XY plot will not be cut off when changing the frame.

On the other hand, the Oscillograph does not support running at backstage; the data sampling and curve will be cut off

when changing the frame.

Advanced Part Component

The special attributes of these curves are as follows.

4.6.1 Trend Curve

The Trend Curve reads a series specified continuous registers (in HMI or PLC) in period and display them
in curve. The new data will be read from specified registers and displayed at the right/left/top/down side
of curve, it is a real-time curve.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Detail description of trend curve attributes

Single page Only display the sampling value in current page, there is no extended curve

Type There is extended curve. When the curve goes on, the previous sampling data will not
Multiple pages
disappear. The historical data will be stored in the buffer area

Start from
Start from left


Start from
Start from top

Time sampling Sample the date timely

OFFON trigger
The sampling will be triggered when specified register changes from OFF to ON

ONOFF trigger
The sampling will be triggered when specified register changes from ON to OFF
Methods The sampling will be triggered when specified register changes
trigger sampling

OFFON reset The sampling will be triggered when specified register changes from OFF to ON. And

trigger sampling the specified register will be reset to OFF automatically

ONOFF reset The sampling will be triggered when specified register changes from ON to OFF. And

trigger sampling the specified register will be reset to ON automatically

Cycle The time interval between two sampling points. The unit could be 1s or 100ms

Continue The sampling will continue even the all sampling points are finished

Sam.Type The sampling will stop automatically when all the sampling points are finished, the
sampling executes only once

Sampling Sampling points on each page


PageNum This option is valid in the Multiple Page type

Channel The number of the channel, it is 16 channels at most

X-axis The distance between two adjacent data points is a fixed distance (at the sampling point), not the distance

Advanced Part Component

PointBased determined by the two time points.

Between the two adjacent points is the unit of time. Scope refers to the scope of the starting time to the end
Time Based
of the current page

This option is valid in the trigger sampling .Take the following picture for example, the LB100(bit register

in the HMI) is the trigger register, when the LB100 satisfies the setting condition in the Sampling Method ,

the sampling will be triggered




Set the Pause and Clear register, the default word length is 2, the set address is used to stop the curve, and

the set address +1 is used to clear the curve. The Pause function just stops the change of curve, but not

stops the sampling. The Clear function will clear the curve on the Trend curve. Take the following picture

for example, the LB0(bit register in HMI) is set to control the Pause-Clear function, when the LB0 is

ON , curve will stop refreshing, when the LB0 is OFF , the curve will continue to display, when the LB1

is ON the curve on the Trend Curve will be cleared


Set the register to turn the page of Multiple Page curve, default word length is 3. This option is valid when

the Multiple Page is chosen. Use this function to browse multiple page curves, and this function can be

used with Scroll Bar. ☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.16.3 Scroll Bar]
Take the following picture for example, if the specified register is LW0(word address in HMI), so the LW0

is the current browsing index value of scroll bar, the LW1 is the start browsing index value, and the LW2

is the max browsing index value

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

This option is used to save the start sampling time and end sampling time of current page, this option is

valid when the Save Time option is chosen. Default word length is 12. Take the following picture for

example, if the specified address is LW70(word register in HMI), the start time of current time (second,

minute, hour, day, month, year) are LW70, LW71, LW72, LW73, LW74, LW75. The end time of current

page (second, minute, hour, day, month, year) are LW76, LW77, LW78, LW79, LW80, LW81


If “Use scroll bar” is selected in [Trend Graph Component Attribute]-[Scale], the [Scroll] cannot be selected

in [Trend Graph Component Attribute]-[Trend Graphics].

Description of Scale attributes

Use Scroll Bar The trend curve uses the system scroll bar, user can set the scroll bar width, the width range is
20~120, units is pixels.
Use Vertical Axis Scale The trend curve uses the system vertical axis scale.
Scale color Set the color of vertical color.
Display Scale Frame Display the scale frame or not.

Advanced Part Component

Major Scale Number Set the major scale number.

Major Scale Length Set the major scale length, the unit is pixels.
Minor Scale Number Set the minor scale number.
Minor Scale Length Set the minor scale length, the unit is pixels.
Use Scale Label

Label Font Set the label font

Integer The integer number of scale (User cannot adjust it ).
Decimal The decimal number of scale (User cannot adjust it ).
Use Horizontal Axis Trend Curve displays the horizontal scale.
Time Scale Scale Color Set the vertical scale color.
Display Scale Frame Display the scale frame or not.

Time scale interval The time interval between two time scale point, the unit is sampling
circle, for example, if the Time scale interval is 3, the time interval
between two scale point is three sampling circles’ time. So the
displayed scale number depends on the sampling points number and
time scale interval.
Length Set the length of time scale, the unit is pixel.
Mark each sampling Mark a scale on each sampling point
point scale
Length Set the length of each sampling points, the unit is pixel.
Use Scale Label

Label Font Set the scale label font

Time Display and set the time format, there are three formats: HH:MM:SS、
Date Display and set the date format, there are three formats:
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

DD*MM*YY、MM*DD*YY、YY*MM*DD. Separator: /、—、.

Vertical Axis Scale Channel The max/min of vertical axis is based on the max/min of specified
Reference Channel channel.

History Data Query

Select “History Data Query” in [History Data Query] of [Trend Graph Component Attribute], then set Query Address and

Query Trigger Address to make history data query function for trend graph.

Description of History Data Query attributes

History data query address, the word length is 8.

Start Date: Specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

Start Time: Specified address+2, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in this


End Date: Specified address+4, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

End Time: Specified address+6, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in this


Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants to

query the data between 9:30:40 14th, Aug, 2012 and 14:16:30 15th, Aug, 2012.

Query Address

So the Specified address are as follows:

Start Date: LW200=20120814

Start Time: LW202=93040

End Date: LW204=20120815

End Time: LW206=141630

Query Trigger Address When the specified address status is on, the trend will trig query function.

Advanced Part Component

If the Open printing option is checked, the trend curve can be printed in real-time.

! The real-time printing in Trend Curve only supports micro printer

Description of printing attributes

Print per point The printing is triggered by every sampling point

The printing is triggered when all the sampling points on a whole page is
Print per page

Mode The printing is triggered after all the sampling points on all pages are finished in
Print whole
multiple page trend curves

The printing is triggered when the specified register satisfies the setting
Trigger by register

Paper Width Set the paper width according to the printer

Step The pixel between two small grids

Vertical axis scale Set the standard channel of vertical axis scale. That is to say set the upper limit and lower limit of

reference channel vertical axis

Time Mode Set the display time mode of horizontal axis. Two modes are optional: HH:MM、HH:MM:SS

If chose the Trigger by register in the Mode, the printing will be triggered when
specified register changes from OFF to ON

If chose the Trigger by register in the Mode, the printing will be triggered when
specified register changes from ON to OFF

If chose the Trigger by register in the Mode, the printing will be triggered when
specified register changes its state
Trigger Style
OFFON(Reset) If chose the Trigger by register in the Mode, the printing will be triggered when

specified register changes from OFF to ON, then the register will be reset to

OFF automatically

If chose the Trigger by register in the Mode, the printing will be triggered when

ONOFF(Reset) specified register changes from ON to OFF, then the register will be reset to ON


Print axis The horizontal axis and vertical axis of printing. The line type, line width and axis color can be set

Print horizontal The display time interval (show time), font size and color can be set. The show time means the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

axis(time) display interval between the previous printing time and the next printing time, the unit is sampling


Print vertical Print vertical axis has two forms: Percentage and Sampling value. The font size and color of vertical

axis(scale) axis are changeable

The baseline is the standard line in horizontal direction. Two baselines can be printed at most. The

Print baseline base line value, baseline type, line width and baseline color can be set. The baseline value is

suggested not to exceed the limit of standard channel

! This function is valid only when the Open Printing is checked

Description of Print Trigger Line Attribute

When value of specified register changes, print a trigger line

Trigger Register

Line Type/Width/Color Set the type, width and color of trigger line

Set the time and scale of trigger line

Print line scale/time

Font Size Set the font size of trigger line time and scale font

Font Color Set the font color of trigger line time and scale font

Print state description Set the comments information of print trigger line

Trigger Line State Set the state number and corresponding value of trigger state description,

Num 1~256 are optional. For example, set the trigger line state Num to 3, the

Advanced Part Component

corresponding value are 0, 1, 2. And the value 0 corresponds to description

“temperature rise”, the value 1 corresponds to description “temperature

unchanged” and value 2 corresponds to description “temperature descend”

When the value of specified register is 2, the trigger line and

corresponding description will be printed

Trigger line(D100: 10>>3)

Temperature Description


Position of

【Extend application of Trend Curve】

 View and zoom function

Use the LB9110 to open or close the zoom function. When the LB9110 is ON, the zoom function will be opened.

Zoom out view: In multiple pages trend curve and the page number is more than 1. When LB9110 is ON, double click on the

trend curve screen to zoom out the curve.

Zoom in view: When LB9110 is ON, drag the mouse to select a section curve to view the zoomed in curve.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Zoom in


Double Click
Zoom out Click Drag Release

 Cursor function

The system special register LB9111 can enable the cursor function. When LB9111 is on, user can touch and trag the cursor to

the data point that user want to select.

! The priority of LB9111 is higher than LB9110. If LB9111 is on, the zoom function will be disabling.

 Sampling time and sampling coordinates query function.

When the LB9110 is ON, customer can query the sampling time and sampling coordinates by system registers. Related

system registers are as follows::

Description of related system registers

Special register address Function Description

Display the viewed sampling These registers are second, minute, hour, day, month, and year.
point time of trend curve The Code Type is BIN

N means the channel number, display the Y coordinates of

viewed sampling point in each channel. For example the

Display the coordinates of channel is 2, the LW9210 displays the Y coordinate value of
viewed sampling point current viewed sampling point in channel 1, and the LW9211

displays the Y coordinate value of current viewed sampling

point in channel 2

Take the following picture for example

Advanced Part Component

a. Number Display,LW9205 b. Number Display,LW9204 c. Number Display,LW9203

d. Number Display,LW9202 e. Number Display,LW9201 f. Number Display,LW9200

g. Number Display,LW9210 h. Number Display,LW9211

Take GH070 communicating with SIEMENS S7-200 for example, sample the data in VW0, VW2, VW4 and draw them in a

curve, at the same time the sampling points scale can be viewed.

Build a new Trend Curve component, the component attribute is as followings:

Basic Attribute

Read Address VW 0(PLC register)

Trend Graphics

Type Multiple Pages

PageNum 10

Channel 3

SCR0 Checked, address: LW 0(HMI local register)


No. 0 Y Min/Max: 0/500 Color:■(Red)

No. 1 Y Min/Max: 0/500 Color:■(Yellow)

No. 2 Y Min/Max: 0/500 Color:■(Green)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Extended Attributes

Use Grid Checked, Lines/Columns: 3/3, Background color: ■(blue-gray),

Grid color: □(white), Grid Line Style:- - -

Save Historical Data

Save to recipe data field Checked, Start address: 0

Add a Scroll Bar component to turn page of the historical curve, the setting is as followings:

Basic Attributes

Write address LW 0 (HMI local register)

Scroll Bar

Background Image Vector Graphics,

Button Image Vector Graphics,

Scroll Bar Extended Attributes

Max/Min Value Setting 0/100

Variable Max/Min Value Unchecked

Add a Bit State Switch to zoom the curve, the setting is as follows:

Read/Write Address LB 9110(special system register in HMI)

Switch Type Toggle

Tag Use Tag checked; 0: View; 1: Cancel

Font Use Font Graph: Times New Roman, Size 12, Center, Blue.

Graphics Vector Graphics checked:

Add three Number Display components to display the value of current sampling points, the setting is as follows:

Read Address LW 9210/LW 9211/LW 9212(special system register in HMI)

The effect is as follows:

Advanced Part Component

4.6.2 XY Plot

XY Plot read a series of continuous registers from specified HMI local registers or PLC/Controller
registers in a period, and plots them in dual axle curve, it can reflect the relationship of two variables.

(X-axis) (Y-axis) 100

D100 D101
1st 80
5 30
2nd 10 40 60

3rd 15 50 40
4th 20 40 20
5th 25 30 0
0 10 20 30

Detail explanation of XY Plot attributes

Single Page Only display the data change information of current page, there is no curve extension.

Type There is XY plot extension, each channel can be saved, when the XY plot extends, the
Multiple Pages
historical sampling data will not be lost, but save in the buffer area.

Attributes Standard Invalid Track Invalid

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Trend izo Vertical


Time Sampling Sample data periodically.

OFFON trigger
When specified register changes from OFF to ON, then trigger the sampling.

ONOFF trigger
When specified register changes from ON to OFF , then trigger the sampling.
Method When specified register changes its state , then trigger the sampling.
trigger sampling

OFFON reset When specified register changes from OFF to ON, then trigger the sampling. The

trigger sampling specified register will be reset automatically after being triggered.

ONOFF reset When specified register changes from ON to OFF, then trigger the sampling. The

trigger sampling specified register will be reset automatically after being triggered.

Cycle The time interval of the two pages or two sampling points. The unit can be s or 100ms.

Sampling multiple points every time or in each period, with X and Y components. The

register number is related to the channel number and sampling number. For example,

there is m channels and n sampling points, that is to say, the register number is m*n*2.

(X-axis) (Y-axis)
D100 D101
1st 5 30
D102 D103 80
2nd 10 40 60
XY Plot D104 D105
Standard 40
Type 3rd 15 50
D106 D107 20
4th 20 40 0
D108 D109 0 10 20 30
5th 25 30
One Cycle

Example, suppose the Read Address is D100, and there is 1 channel, 5 sampling points

in each page; so this XY plot will take 10 registers. They are D100, D101, …, D109

which corresponding to the X11, Y11, X12, Y12, …, X15, Y15.

Sampling one point each time, with X and Y components. The register number is related

to the channel number. For example, the channel number is m, sampling points is n, so
the register number is m*2.

Advanced Part Component

Example, suppose the Read Address is D100, and there is 1 channel, 5 sampling points

in each page; so this XY plot will take 2 registers. They are D100 and D101 which

corresponding to the X1 and Y1.

Sampling multiple points every time or in each period, with Y components, but no X

components. The register number is related to the channel number and sampling number.

For example, there is m channels and n sampling points, that is to say, the register

number is m*n.


Example, suppose the Read Address is D100, and there is 1 channel, 5 sampling points

in each page; so this XY plot will take 5 registers. They are D100, D101, …, D104

which corresponding to the Y11, Y12, …Y15.

The sampling points displayed on each page

PageNum This option is valid only when the Multiple Pages is chosen.

Channel Displayed curve number.

Trigger This option is valid when use the trigger sampling in the Sample Methods. Take the following picture for

Register example, set the LB100 (HMI local register) as the trigger register, the sampling will be triggered when the

Setting state in LB100 satisfies the setting in Sampling Method.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Pause/Cle Set the register that controls the Pause and Clear function, the default word length is 2, the [set register]

ar controls the Pause, and [set register+1] controls the Clear. The Pause function only stops the change of curve,

but not stops the sampling. The Clear function clears the curve displayed on the XY plot. Take the following

picture for example, set LB0 (HMI local register) as the register to control Pause and Clear. When LB0 is ON,

the screen on XY Plot will stop refreshing; when LB0 is OFF, the screen on XY Plot will continue to display

the change of curve. When LB1 is ON, the curve on XY Plot will be cleared.

Set the register to turn page of multiple pages of XY Plot, the default word length is 3. This option is valid

when the Multiple Pages is chosen. Use this function to scroll the multiple pages XY plot, and can be used

with the Scroll Bar. ☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.16.3 Scroll Bar]

Take the following picture for example, the specified register is LW0 (HMI local register), so the LW0 is the

current index value of scroll bar, LW1 is start index value of scroll bar, LW2 is the maximum index value of

scroll bar.

Use this function to save the start time and end time of current page. This function is valid when the “Save

Time Time” is checked. The default word length is 12. Take the following picture for example, the specified

address that is used to save time is LW70(HMI local register), the start time (Second, Minute, Hour, Day,

Advanced Part Component

Month and Year) of current page are LW70, LW71, LW72, LW73, LW74 and LW75. the end time (Second,

Minute, Hour, Day, Month and Year) of current page are LW76, LW77, LW78, LW79, LW80 and LW81.


Description of Scale attributes

Use Vertical Axis Scale The XY curve uses the system vertical axis scale.
Scale color Scale color
Display Scale Frame Display Scale Frame

Major Scale Number Major Scale Number

Major Scale Length Major Scale Length
Minor Scale Number Minor Scale Number
Minor Scale Length Minor Scale Length
Scale display position Scale display left\right
Use Horizontal Axis Scale
Scale Lable 100



Label Font Set the label font

Integer The integer number of scale (User cannot adjust it ).
Decimal The decimal number of scale (User cannot adjust it ).
Use Scale Label The XY curve uses the system horizontal axis scale.
Scale color Scale color

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Display Scale Frame Display Scale Frame

Major Scale Number Major Scale Number

Major Scale Length Major Scale Length
Minor Scale Number Minor Scale Number
Minor Scale Length Minor Scale Length
Scale display position Scale display top\bottom
Use Scale Label

Label Font Set the label font

Axis Scale Reference Channel The maximum and minimum value of the Axis scale label is based
Channel on the selected channel

4.6.3 Oscillograph

The function of Oscillograph component is similar to the Trend Curve. They read continuous registers
form specified HMI local registers or PLC/Controller registers periodically, and plots them in single axis

Detail explanation of Oscillograph attributes

Type Only display the data change information of current page, there is no curve extension.

Advanced Part Component

Multiple There is XY plot extension, each channel can be saved, when the XY plot extends, the

Pages historical sampling data will not be lost, but save in the buffer area.

Property The direction that Oscillograph curve starts.

Start from Start from

Left Right


Start from Start from

Top bottom

Cycle The time interval of every 2 sampling points. The unit can be s or 100ms.

When use the rate sampling, the Oscillograph reads [Sampling Rate number] groups data each time. For

example, the Read Address is LW10 (HMI local register), Sampling Rate is 2, Channel is 3, so the read

Sampling address is LW10~LW15. The address distribution is as follows: three channels’ data of the first group are

Rate saved in LW10, LW11 and LW12; three channels’ data of the second group are saved in LW13, LW14, and

LW15. If the sampling cycle is 1s, the Oscillograph reads these two groups data every second. The rate

sampling makes the curve more smooth and accurate

Sampling points number displayed on each page

PageNum This option is valid when the Multiple Pages is checked

Channel Displayed curve number

Set the register that controls the Pause and Clear function, the default word length is 2, the [set register]

controls the Pause, and [set register+1] controls the Clear. The Pause function only stops the change of

curve, but not stops the sampling. The Clear function clears the curve displayed on the Oscillograph. Take

Pause/Clear the following picture for example, set LB0 (HMI local register) as the register to control Pause and Clear.

When LB0 is ON, the screen on Oscillograph will stop refreshing; when LB0 is OFF, the screen on

Oscillograph will continue to display the change of curve. When LB1 is ON, the curve on Oscillograph will

be cleared.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Set the register to turn page of multiple pages of Oscillograph, the default word length is 3. This option is

valid when the Multiple Pages is chosen. Use this function to scroll the multiple pages Oscillograph, and

can be used with the Scroll Bar. ☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.16.3 Scroll Bar]

Take the following picture for example, the specified register is LW0 (HMI local register), so the LW0 is

the current index value of scroll bar, LW1 is start index value of scroll bar, LW2 is the maximum index

value of scroll bar.


Use this function to save the start time and end time of current page. This function is valid when the “Save

Time” is checked. The default word length is 12. Take the following picture for example, the specified

address that is used to save time is LW70(HMI local register), the start time (Second, Minute, Hour, Day,

Month and Year) of current page are LW70, LW71, LW72, LW73, LW74 and LW75. the end time (Second,

Minute, Hour, Day, Month and Year) of current page are LW76, LW77, LW78, LW79, LW80 and LW81.


Advanced Part Component

4.6.4 Meter

Meter component displays the data of HMI or PLC/Controller in instrument chart.

Detail explanation of Meter attributes

Pie, Circularity(point up), Circularity(point down)

Dial Style

Hand color Chose the color of the meter hand

Length Set the length of the meter hand, the maximum is the radius of the actual circle

Width Set the width of meter hand

Hand Style Chose the style of meter hand

Scale color Chose the color of meter scale

Set to display the scale frame or not

Show Scale


The Number of
Set the number of main scale, 0~50 are optional
Main Scale

The Length of
Set the length of main scale, the maximum cannot exceed the radius length of actual circle
Main Scale

The Number of
Set the number of minor scale, 0~10 are optional
Minor Scale

The Length of
Set the length of main scale, the maximum cannot exceed the radius length of actual circle
Minor Scale

Use Scale Tag Set to display the scale tag or not

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Tag Font Click the Tag Font to set the font of tag

Integer The integer number of scale tag (Can not be set, it will change according to the maximum of meter )

Decimal Set the decimal number of the scale tag, 0~8 are optional

Use Dial Axis Checked to set the axis size and color

Axis Width Set the size of meter axis, the maximum cannot exceed the radius length of actual circle

Axis Color Set the color of meter axis

Explanations of Meter Extended Attributes

Set the display range of meter.


Variable Min/Max Set the registers where variable Minimum and Maximum are stored.

Set the color of the Upper/Lower Limit.

Upper Limit/Lower


Set the thickness of the circle color block. The maximum can not exceed the radius of meter
Fan Thickness
circle, and should be equal to or smaller than the Fan External Radius.

Set the radius of circle color block. The maximum can not exceed the radius of meter circle, and

should be equal to or larger than the Fan External Radius.

Fan External Radius

Lower Limit/Upper
Set the alarm range of the meter component.

Variable Lower/Upper
Set the register where the alarm range be stored.

Advanced Part Component

4.6.5 Bar Picture

Bar Picture displays the data in HMI local register or PLC/Controller register in percentage of bar picture ,
that is to say the bar picture displays the percentage of actual value compared to the set
maximum/minimum value.

! Bar Picture does not support the float data format

Detail Explanation of Bar Picture Attributes

Display the percentage of actual value compared to the set

maximum/minimum value in bar picture.


Bar Type
Display the offset value of actual value compared to the original data in bar



Bar Shape Art direction

Up Bottom Left Right


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Clockwise Counter clockwise


If the value in specified register is in the permissible range, the bar picture displays specified color

in filling area.

Target Value

Diameter of Fan Set the diameter of fan when the Bar Shape is Circle, the unit is pixel.

Start Angle Set the start angle of fan when the Bar Shape is Circle.

End Angle Set the end angle of fan when the Bar Shape is Circle.

Color Set the color for Normal state, Upper/Lower Limit, Frame and Background.

When the value in specified register exceeds the Alarm Upper, the filling area in bar picture flashes.

Over Upper Limit


When the value in specified register exceeds the Alarm Lower, the filling area in bar picture flashes.

Over Lower Limit


Set the upper/lower limit of bar picture.



The percentage of filling area of Bar Picture can be calculated by the following formula:

Advanced Part Component

The percentage of filling area of Bar Picture= (Value in specified


Variable Min/Max The Maximum and Minimum are read from specified registers.

Set the alarm range, when the value in specified registered is larger than Alarm Upper or smaller

than Alarm Lower, the filling area of bar picture displays the specified Alarm Color.



Variable Alarm
The Variable Alarm Upper/Lower are read from specified registers.

Detail Explanation of Scale Attributes

Scale Color Set the scale color

Set to display scale frame or not.

Show Scale Frame

Use Scale
The Number of Main Scale Set the number of main scale

The Length of Main Scale Set the length of main scale, unit is pixel.

The Number of Minor Scale Set the number of minor scale

The Length of Minor Scale Set the length of minor scale, unit is pixel.

Left Right Up Bottom

Scale Display


Use Scale Tag

Tag Font Set the font of tag

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Integer Integer of scale cannot be set by user.

Decimal Decimal of scale, can be set by user.

4.7 Alarm Component

Alarm component is used to display user alarm or user event information. Inco HMIware provides components of event

display, historical event display, event bar, alarm display and alarm bar for displaying alarm information.

1.The event information displaying in components of event display, historical event display, event bar must

be preset in【Event Information Logon】in project database.

2. The alarm information displaying in components of alarm display, alarm bar must be preset in【Alarm

Information Logon】in project database.

3. Alarm information can’t be saved, and alarm display component can only display the unrecovered alarm


4. Event information can be saved, and event display component can display both unrecovered event

information and recovered event information.

 Related attribute of event information setting

 Event information storage

Set the storage of event information in【HMI Attribute】—【Historical Events Storage】.

(1)Save to Recipe Data Field

It is used to save event information to recipe memory of HMI (RW register).

Advanced Part Component

1.”Save Count” must be greater than 0.If “Save Count” is 0, then system won’t save event to recipe data

 field.

2.”Start Addr.” can be user-defined. The length of one event information is 16 words. System will set “End

Addr.” Automatically according to “Save Count”.

3. Event information which saves to recipe data field cannot display in historical event display component.

(2)Save to External Device

It is used to save event information to external device.

When “Storage Type” is set as “Daily File”, then the event information will save to path “event/Subdirectory

name/yyyymmdd.csv”.When “Storage Type” is set as “Single File”, then the event information will save to path

“event/Subdirectory name/ Subdirectory name.csv”.(Therein,yyyymmdd is event execution date such as 20110101)

1. Only the HMI with USB HOST or SD Card support saving to external device.

 2. Only the event information which is saved to external device can query by date or order sequence and

display in “Historical Event Display” component.

3.Event information can save to recipe data field and external device at the same time.

☞For details about historical event storage, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.7 Historical Events Storage]

 Event information clear

There are four ways to clear event information which displaying in event display component.

(1)Set LW10015 as 0 and restart HMI.

This way is used to clear all the event information which are saved in recipe data field.

(2)Tick【Clear History Event Data】in【EVDownload】when downloading project. The event information will be clear

after downloading.

This way is used to clear all the event information which are saved in recipe data field and external device.

(3)Use【Clear Event】function in function key.

This way is used to clear all the event information which are saved in recipe data field.

(4)Use【Clear History Event】function in【KDManager】.

This way is used to clear all the event information which are saved in recipe data field and external device.

 System Scroll Bar Width setting

When the information in Event Display component cannot totally display horizontally, then system will provide scroll

bar automatically.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

【HMI Attribute】—【HMI Extended Attributes】,the range is 20~120(Pixel).

The width of system scroll bar can be set in

4.7.1 Event Display

Event display is used to display event information logon in “Event Information Logon”. The displaying

events will be sorted by triggered time.

! 【Read Address】in Event Display component is used to scroll the event information(Up or down).

Related setting descriptions for event information

This event display component can only display the event within this type range. The
Display Type Range
event type is set in “Event Information Logon”.

Row Space The space between two rows or two Columns.

Acknowledge Type Set the acknowledge method for triggered event. Click or Double Click.

Acknowledge Color The color of event information after affirming.

Color Back to Normal Color The color of event information after event back to normal.

Select Area Color The color of dotted line for indicating user information.

Format The format of event information. All the format information display in front of event information.

Advanced Part Component

Sequence No. Sequence No. of events, it starts from 0.

Event Trig Time The time when event triggered

Acknowledge Time The time when event acknowledged

Return to Normal Time The time when event returns to normal

Extended Time Format(D/H:M) Time format is Day/Hour: Minute

Short Time Format(H:M) Time format is Hour: Minute

Standard Time Format(H:M:S) Time format is Hour:Minute:Second

Precise Time Format(H:M:S:MS) Time format is Hour:Minute:Second:Millisecond

Extended Date Format(Y/M/D) Date format is Year/Month/Day

Event Trig Date(M/D) Date format is Month/Day

Tick it indicate that the events display by ascending order of sequence

Time Ascending Order Display No. and time. Or the event display by descending order of sequence No.

and time.

Only show the Event which doesn’t Tick it to only show the event which doesn’t recover. Or it will display

recover all the events.

Displays the total alarm time that the current alarm has accumulated
during the entire operation.
Cumulative Time
Note: the cumulative time outage keepin, set LB9211 to ON, clear
the cumulative time;
Displays the count of alarms accumulated during the entire operation.
Cumulative Count Note: the cumulative count outage keepin, set LB9212 to ON, clear
the cumulative time;
Displays the number of alarms present during the current operation of
Current Count the current alarm.
Note: Current Count outage is not saved
Events are ranked from small to large by category, and similar events are
sorted by time. If the event is not selected according to the ascending
Category Ascending Sort order of the event, the similar events are displayed in descending order
of time; after the selection, the similar events are displayed in a
ascending order of time.
Events are sorted from large to small, and similar events are sorted by
Category Descending Sort
time. If the event is not selected according to the ascending order of the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

event, the similar events are displayed in descending order of time; after
the selection, the similar events are displayed in a ascending order of

Event Extended Information

Related setting descriptions for event extend information

Use Total Entry Display the total number of the event
Select Color Set the color that the event is back to normal and acknowledge
One key to acknowledge all events, there are five trigger types
Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, all events are

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OF, all events are
One Key To acknowledged.
OFFON Only when the specified register changes its status, all events are acknowledged.
Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, all events are
acknowledged, and the specified register resets automatically.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, all events are
acknowledged, and the specified register resets automatically.

【Example】Take the serial communication between GH070E and SIEMENS S7-200 for example, when the temperature is

higher than 80℃ or the pressure is higher than 120Mpa,then the HMI will display alarm and output buzzer alarm, then it

can display and query historical event record.

Trig. Acknowledge Return to

Text NO. Event
Time Time Normal Time
State Setting


VW0 #### VW2 ####

Create new project [Event], and then add two windows Frame10 and Frame11 which are used for temperature alarm and
pressure alarm. Set the attributes as follows:

Name Alarm window_1/Alarm window_2

X/Y 80/80

Width/Height 200/100

Use Background Color Tick, Fill Color:■(Yellow)

Advanced Part Component

Frame Width:2 Frame Color:■(Gray-50)

Pop Window Type Monopoly: tick

Add two texts and function keys in Frame10 and Frame11, and then draw a alarm symbol.
Set attributes of text as follows:

Content Abnormal Temp./Abnormal Pressure

Font Type Vector Font

Font Attribute Font:Arial Black Size:12 Color:■(Red)

Set attributes of function key as follows:

Switch Window Close window

Graphics No use

Set the size of function key to the same as the size of window.

Add event information in【Project Database】—【Event Information Logon】.Set event information as follows:
Temperature Alarm:

Data Type Word

Address VW 0(PLC register)

Condition >80

Pop-up window Tick,[10:Alarm window_1]

Use buzzer Tick,1 second

Text Abnormal Temp.!

Pressure Alarm:

Data Type Word

Address VW 2(PLC register)

Condition >120

Pop-up window Tick,[10:Alarm window_2]

Use buzzer Tick,1 second

Text Abnormal Pressure!

Add “Event Display” component in Frame0,set its attribute as follows::

Read Address LW 0(HMI local register)

Format Tick Sequence No., Event Trig. Time, Acknowledge Time, Return

to Normal Time, Standard Time Format (H:M:S).

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Add two “Multiple State Setting” components in Frame0, and set their attributes as follows:

Write Address LW 0(HMI local register)

Setting Mode Sub/Add

Subtrahend/Addend 1/1

Lower/Upper 0/100

Graphics Use vector graphics,

Historical events storage setting

Open【HMI Attribute】—【Historical Events Storage】,tick【Save to Recipe Data Field】, set【Save Count】to 100,set

【Start Addr.】as 0,means events will be saved in the registers start from RW0.

When the value of VW0 is larger than 80℃:

Trig. Acknowledge
Return to
Return to
Trig. Acknowledge Normal
NO.2 15:22:54Time 15:25:13 Event
Time Time
1 14:01:00 14:44:20 14:44:23
NO. Event
0 10:50:01 11:40:10 10:54:20 Time
2 15:22:54 Time 15:25:13 Abnornal T
Beep... 1 14:01:00 14:44:20 14:44:23 Abnornal
0 10:50:01 11:40:10 10:54:20 Abnornal
90 100

VW0 90 VW2 100

4.7.2 Historical Event Display

Historical event display is used to query the triggered historical event information, which are added in

“Event Information Logon”, and display them as form format.

1.【Read Address】in “Historical Event Display” component is used to query historical event. Word length is

2 by default.

2.It must tick the option “Save to External Device” in【HMI Attribute】—【Historical Event Storage】and

set the subdirectory when using “Historical Event Display” component.

Descriptions for Table Display Attribute

It is used to set whether display time for trigger, acknowledge and recovery events
Table Display Time
and time format. Therein, YY means year, MM means month, DD means day.

Advanced Part Component

It is used to set whether display date for trigger, acknowledge and recovery events
and time format. Therein, YY means year, MM means month, DD means day.

Separator Choose the separator for date, there are three format options. Such as 11/06/24.

Sequence No. Set whether display the sequence no. of event information

Ascending Selecting it indicates the event information is sequenced by ascending order

Order according to time. Or it is sequenced by descending order.

Set the border width and the color of background, title bar and border of Historical Event Display
Background Setting

If selecting it, then when the value of the specific register is 0,it means to display

the historical event information of today or the latest day. When the value is 1,it

means to display the historical event information of the previous day. And by

Query by File parity of reasoning.

Order For example, there are two files in extended memory, 20110621.csv and

20110624.csv.When the value of the specific register is 0, then it will display the
Historical Event
historical event in Jun.24th, 2011.When the value is 1, then it will display the
events in Jun.21st, 2011.

If selecting it, then when input the date in the specific register, it will display the

historical event in this day. The format of inputting date is yyyymmdd (yyyy

Query by Date means year, mm means month, dd means day).

For example, when input 20110624 in the specific register, then it will display the

historical events in Jun.24th, 2011.

Set the color, line style, line width of separator line, and row space and column space. The unit of

row space and column space is pixel.

Separator Setting
Tick “Horizontal Line” to display horizontal separator line. Tick “Vertical Line” to display vertical

separator line.

Set the status information which is used to display in status column of the table
when event is triggered. It is set as 0 by default.

Set the status information which is used to display in status column of the table
Status display Confirm
when event is confirmed. It is set as 1 by default.

Set the status information used to display in status column of the table when event
is resumed. It is set as 2 by default.

Title Bar Setting Set the name and font attribute of title bar.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

4.7.3 Event Bar

Event Bar is used to display and roll the triggered information from right to left which is already set in

“Event Information Logon”.

Attribute Descriptions of Event Information

Display Type Set type range of event information, only this type range will display in the Event Bar. The type of event

Range information is set in “Event Information Logon”.

Set the moving step of event information. The unit is pixel. The bigger the value, the faster the moving
Moving Step

Set the interval time of moving the event information. The unit is 100ms.The bigger the value, the slower
Moving Rate
the moving speed.

Gap Space Set the space between two events ranging from1-7 pixel.

Moving Style Set moving style:from right to left or from right to left

Set the display format of event information. All the format information will display in front of event



Event Trig. Time The time when event is triggered.

Extended Time Format (D/H:M) Time format is Day/Hour: Minute.

Short Time Format (H:M) Time format is Hour: Minute.

Standard Time Format (H:M:S) Time format is Hour: Minute: Second.

Precise Time Format (H:M:S:MS) Time format is Hour: Minute: Second: Millisecond.

Advanced Part Component

Extended Date Format (Y/M/D) Date format is Year/Month/Day.

Event Trig. Date(M/D) Date format is Month/Day.

Selecting it to display the event information by time ascending


For example,2011/06/23 15:22:54 Event 1 2011/06/23 16:20:40

Time Ascending Order Display Event 2

Cancel it to display the event information by time descending order.

For example, 2011/06/23 16:20:40 Event 2 2011/06/23 15:22:54

Event 1

4.7.4 Alarm Display

Alarm Display component is used to display the triggered alarm information which is already set in

“Alarm Information Logon”. The alarm information will not remove until the alarm condition is cleared.


Abnormal Temp.!
! Abnormal Temp.!




 【Read Address】in Alarm Display component is used to roll the alarm information(Upward or downward)

Attribute Descriptions for Alarm Display

Row Space Set the interval between two alarm information. The unit is pixel.

Column Space Set the interval between two characters or words in the alarm information. The unit is pixel.

Display Type Set the type range of alarm information, only this type range will display in the alarm display. The

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Range type of alarm information is set in “Alarm Information Logon”.

4.7.5 Alarm Bar

Alarm Bar is used to display and roll the triggered alarm information which is already set in “Alarm

Information Logon”.

Attribute Descriptions of Alarm Bar

Set the moving step of alarm information. The unit is pixel. The bigger the value, the faster the
Moving Step
moving speed.

Set the interval time of moving the alarm information. The unit is 100ms.The bigger the value, the
Moving Rate
slower the moving speed.

Display Type Set type range of alarm information, only this type range will display in the Alarm Bar. The type of

Range alarm information is set in “Alarm Information Logon”.

4.8 Window Component

Kinco DTools provides two window components, Direct Window and Indirect Window, which are used for popup window.

The main differences between the two window components and 【Popup Window】in Function Key are as follows:

Component Read Address Control Method Window No.

Direct Window Bit According to the state of Read Address Specify in the attribute

Indirect Window Word According to the value of Read Address According to the value of Read Address

Function Key None Touch Specify in the attribute

4.8.1 Direct Window

Direct Window is used to define a display area and display the specific window in this area according to

the state of Read Address.

Advanced Part Component

1. Direct Window’s open or close depends on the state of Read Address, it means that it will popup window

 when the state of Read Address is ON, and close window when the state is OFF.

2. Generally the size of Direct Window should be set the same as the size of specific popup window.

3. There is no limit for the quantity of Direct Window.

Attribute Descriptions of Direct Window

Frame ID Specify the window which will display in the display area of Direct Window

Select it to set the coordinates of Direct Window as variable. [Address] is used for X

coordinate,[Address+1] is used for Y coordinate.

Variable Display


Cancel it to set the coordinates of Direct Window as constant.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

! Direct Window can be closed by the “Close Window” function in Function Key

4.8.2 Indirect Window

Indirect Window is used to define a display area and display the window whose number is the same as the

value of Read Address.

1. It will close window when the value of the register is 0. And it will popup window 0 when the value is

 -1.

2. Generally the size of Indirect Window should be set the same as the size of specific popup window.

3. There is no limit for the quantity of Indirect Window.

Explanation of Indirect Window attributes

Select it to set the coordinates of Indirect Window as variable. [Address] is used for X coordinate,

[Address+1] is used for Y coordinate.

Variable Display


Cancel it to set the coordinates of Indirect Window as constant.

Advanced Part Component

4.9 Graphic Components

Kinco DTools provides Vector Graph and Bitmap which can be used to display vg or bg pictures in system graph library and

graph library in project files window.

☞For details about how to build and edit Bitmap and Vector Graph, refer to [Advanced Part 5.3 Graphic Library]
4.9.1 Vector Graph

Vector Graph component is used to display vg pictures in system graph library and Project Files Window

graph library.

There is no register control in Vector Graph component, and graph doesn’t support multiple states

 switching display. If you want to control vector graph by register, you can chose corresponding vector

graphics-Graphics option of other components, like Bit State Switch, Multiple State Setting etc.

☞For details about vector graphics in graphics option, refer to [Advanced Part 4.1.6 Graphics Setting]
4.9.2 Bitmap

Bitmap component is used to display bg pictures in system graph library and Project Files Window graph

There is no register control in Bitmap component, and graph doesn’t support multiple states switching

 display. If you want to control bitmap by register, you can chose corresponding bitmap in Graphics option

of other components, like Bit State Switch, Multiple State Setting etc.

☞For details about bitmap in graphics option, refer to [Advanced Part 4.1.6 Graphics Setting]
4.9.3 Free Plotting

Free Plotting component plots graph according the states of specified bit or word register. This

component doesn’t open to ordinary customer.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

4.9.4 Dynamic Graph

Dynamic Graph can change the position and size of rectangle, ellipse or line according to value in the

specified HMI/ PLC register.

Attribute explanation of Dynamic Graph

Graphic Type Chose the graph type, rectangle, ellipse and line are optional

Line Set the frame line color, line width and line type

Filling Set the filling color and picture of rectangle and ellipse

Attribute explanation of Dynamic Graph Position

The Upper-left Corner of Variable Unchecked The dynamic graph position(X, Y) are constant.

The dynamic graph position(X, Y) read from specified register. X

position=specified register, Y position = specified register +1.

The Width/Height of Variable Unchecked The dynamic graph width and height are constant.

The dynamic graph width and height read from specified register.
Width=specified register, Height= specified register +1.

 The component takes the upper-left as base point, X direction moving means increasing towards right. Y

direction moving means increasing towards down. The moving unit is pixel

4.9.5 GIF

GIF component is used to display the gif picture, and the switching frequency of gif picture can be

Advanced Part Component

Description of GIF Attributes

Use Start Address If checked, when the specified register is ON, GIF displays animation, when register is OFF, GIF

displays static picture.

Use GIF Default Freq Use the default frequency of gif picture.

Use defined Freq User set frequency for the gif picture.

Switching Different frequencies mean different switching speed of gif picture; the larger

Frequency value means the slower switching speed. Unit: 100ms.

Use Variable The switching frequency is read from specified register. Unit: 100ms.

Frequency Note: If the specified register is PLC register, but the HMI does not

communication successfully with the PLC all the time, the gif use the default

frequency. If the communication is cut off, the gif uses the latest historical value

in the specified PLC register.

Load GIF Load the gif picture from PC, and preview the loaded gif picture in Preview area.

GIF Preview Preview the loaded gif picture in this area.

Use Original Size If checked, the component size is the same as the gif original size.

! GIF component only support the gif format picture.

4.10 Video Input Component

4.10.1 Video

Video component is used to monitor the industrial site picture in real time, supporting the CVBS signal.

1. Only the HMI with BNC connector can support the Video component

2. Supports PAL and NTSC format. And the video mode are optional in HMI Attribute>>HMI Extended


3. If the video is displayed in pup up window, the pop up window should be set Video Page in Window

Attribute>> Special Attribute

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

The default Word Length of Read Address is 4, each word corresponds to different function attribute as follows:

Explanation of Video component Read Address

Read Address Function Description

Switch channels, if the value is 0 , the component displays the video

Specified Address Switch channel image from channel 0 ; if the value is 1 , the component displays the video

image from channel 1;

Specified Address+1 Adjust brightness Adjustable range: 0~255

Specified Address +2 Adjust contrast Adjustable range: 0~255

Specified Address +3 Adjust chromaticity Adjustable range: 0~255

[Example] Take MT5620T for example, build a new project.

Multiple State Setting component, it is used to switch the channels (There are only 2 CVBS port on MT5620T), its
attributes are as followings:

Write Address LW 0(HMI local register) LW 0(HMI local register)

Setting Mode Jog++; Addend:1; Upper:1 Jog--; Subtrahend:1; Lower:0

Tag Use Tag; 0: Channel+; 1:Channel+ Use Tag; 0: Channel-; 1:Channel-

Advanced Part Component


Use Vector Graphics

 Multiple State Setting component, it is used to adjust brightness, it attributes are as followings:
Write Address LW 1(HMI local register) LW 1(HMI local register)

Setting Mode Jog++; Addend:1; Upper:255 Jog--; Subtrahend:1; Lower:0

Tag Use Tag; 0: Brightness+; 1: Brightness + Use Tag; 0: Brightness-; 1:

Brightness -


Use Vector Graphics

 Multiple State Setting component, it is used to adjust contrast, it attributes are as followings:
Write Address LW 2(HMI local register) LW 2(HMI local register)

Setting Mode Jog++; Addend:1; Upper:255 Jog--; Subtrahend:1; Lower:0

Tag Use Tag; 0: contrast+; 1: contrast + Use Tag; 0: contrast-; 1: contrast -


Use Vector Graphics:

 Multiple State Setting component, it is used to adjust chromaticity, it attributes are as followings:
Write Address LW 3(HMI local register) LW 3(HMI local register)

Setting Mode Jog++; Addend:1; Upper:255 Jog--; Subtrahend:1; Lower:0

Tag Use Tag; 0: chromaticity +; 1: chromaticity + Use Tag; 0: chromaticity-; 1:

chromaticity -


Use Vector Graph:

The Video component, its attributes is as followings:

Read Address LW 0(HMI local register)

4.10.2 Camera

Camera component is also used to monitor the industrial image as the Video component, and the Camera

component supports the USB camera video input.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Camera component uses the Read Address to open, close, switch the camera.

For example, suppose the Read Address is LW0 (HMI local register), when LW0 is 0, the camera is close; when LW0 is 1,

the camera on USB HOST1 is open; when LW0 is 2 , the camera on the USB HOST2 is open.

1. The Camera component is only suitable for the HMI with USB HOST port.

2. If there are cameras on both USB HOST1 and USB HOST2, the two cameras can not be open at the

same time. That is to say when one camera is open, the other is closed automatically.

4.11 Multiple State Neon Lamp

The Multiple States Neon Lamp component displays text content circularly in neon. Knico HMIware provides Bit State

Neon Lamp and Multiple State Neon Lamp, their differences are as followings:

Component Control Address Code Type State Number

Bit State Neon Lamp Bit BIN 1~2

Multiple State Neon Lamp Word BIN、BCD or LSB 1~256

4.11.1 Bit State Neon Lamp

The Bit States Neon Lamp component displays tag content circularly in neon, supports tag content in state

0 and state 1.

 Change the states of Read Address to switching display the tag content in corresponding states.

Advanced Part Component

Detail Description of Bit States Neon Lamp

From left to right The text moves from left frame to right frame circularly.

From right to left The text moves from right frame to left frame circularly.
Moving Style
From top to bottom The text moves from top frame to bottom frame circularly.

Form bottom to top The text moves from bottom frame to top frame circularly.

Step Length The distance of each movement, the unit is pixel point.

Speed The time interval between previous moving text and next moving text, the unit is ms.

4.11.2 Bit State Neon Lamp

The Bit State Neon Lamp component displays tag content circularly in neon, supports 256 states tag

content at most.

 Change the value of Read Address to switching display the tag contents corresponding to the value.

Detail Description of Multiple State Neon Lamp

From left to right The text moves from left frame to right frame circularly.

Moving From right to left The text moves from right frame to left frame circularly.

Style From top to bottom The text moves from top frame to bottom frame circularly.

Form bottom to top The text moves from bottom frame to top frame circularly.

Step Length The distance of each movement, the unit is pixel point.

Speed The time interval between previous moving text and next moving text, the unit is ms.

State Num Set the state number of Multiple State Neon lamp, 256 states at most.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Data Set the mapping value of each state. When the value in Read Address equals to the corresponding value, the

Mapping component displays the corresponding tag content of this value.

4.12 Animation Components

In Kinco DTools, the Animation and Moving Components are used to realize animation effect and make the HMI picture

more vivid.

4.12.1 Animation

Animation component can preset the trace of moving component, and change the component state and

preset trace position according to value of the HMI register or PLC register.

Steps to preset the Animation trace:

Drag the Animation component to the edit area, there will be a “+”icon, press the left mouse button at appropriate position,

so a moving position is preset. Press the right mouse button to end the presetting after all the all the positions are set.

The default word length of Animation component is 2, each word corresponding to the different control function , see the

details follows:

Read Address description of Animation Component

Read Address Control Function Description

Advanced Part Component

Specified When the value in control address equals to the state number of component, the
Component State
Address Animation Component display corresponding tag or picture.

Specified Number of preset When the value in control address equals to the number , the Animation Component

Address +1 trace moves to corresponding position.

Attribution Description of Animation Component.

No. and Set the coordinate position of the moving node on HMI.

coordinates The number 0 means the first moving node, the number 1 means the second moving node.

Add Node Add a moving node at the end of preset trace

Moving Node
Insert Node Insert a moving node after the selected moving node
Delete Node Delete the selected moving node

Shift Up Exchange the position of the selected node and the previous node

Shift Down Exchange the position of the selected node and the next node

Size(Width, Height) Set the display size of Animation component

State Num: Set the state number of Animation component.

4.12.2 Moving Component

The Moving Component can change the display state and position according to the value of HMI register

or PLC register.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

The default word length of Moving Component is 3, each word corresponding to the different control function, see the

details follows:

Read Address Description of Moving Component

Type X Axis Only Y Axis Only X&Y Axis

Component State Component State Component State

Specified Address
256 states at most 256 states at most 256 states at most

X axis displacement (pixel Y axis displacement (pixel

Specified Address +1 X axis displacement (pixel point)
point) point)

Specified Address +2 Reserved Reserved Y axis displacement (pixel point)

Moving Type Description

The component moves along the X axis horizontally

Type X axis only

The component moves along the Y axis vertically

Y axis only

The component moves along the X and Y axis at the same time.

X & Y axis

The component moves along the X axis horizontally, but the relative moving

position can be set by the input value and proportional value.

X Scaling

Advanced Part Component

The component moves along the Y axis vertically, but the relative moving

position can be set by the input value and proportional value.

Y Scaling

It is similar with the X Scaling, but with the reverse direction.

When the value in register that controls X movement is 1000

X Reverse Scaling
1000 50 0
Maximum Proportional Max Proportional Min

It is similar with the Y Scaling, but with the reverse direction.

Y Reverse Scaling

The component moves along the X and Y axis at the same time, the relative

moving position can be set by the input value and proportional value.

X Scaling, Y Scaling

X Scaling, Y Reverse The component moves along the X and Y axis at the same time, and the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Scaling relative moving position can be set by the input value and proportional value,

but in reverse direction in Y axis.

Maximu 500

When the value in

register that
Proportional 50 controls X
movement is 1000 ,
controls Y
movement is 500
Minimum 0 X
0 50 1000
Proportional Proportional
Minimum Maximum

The component moves along the X and Y axis at the same time, and the

relative moving position can be set by the input value and proportional value,

but in reverse direction in X axis.

X Reverse Scaling, Y


The component moves along the X and Y axis with reverse direction, and the

relative moving position can be set by the input value and proportional value

Proportional Proportional
Maximum Maximum Minimum

1000 50 0
X Reverse Scaling, Y X 0 Proportiona
When the value in
Reverse Scaling register that controls
X movement is 1000 , Proportional
controls Y movement 50 Maximum
is 500

Set the status number that can be switching display.

Advanced Part Component

Variable According to different Type, the Maximum/Minimum of X, Maximum/Minimum of Y, Proportional

Min/Max Upper/Lower Limit of X and Proportional Upper/Lower Limit of Y are read from specified registers.

※1.X Scaling or Y Scaling

Suppose the read data is A, and the actual display position is B. You can get the B according to the following formula:

B=Current Position + (A-Minimum)*Proportional Value, and Proportional Value=(Proportional Upper Limit –

Proportional Lower Limit )/(Maximum-Minimum)

2. X Reverse Scaling or Y Scaling

Suppose the read data is A, and the actual display position is B. You can get the B according to the following formula:

B=Current Position + (Maximum-A)*Proportional Value, and Proportional Value= (Proportional Upper Limit –

Proportional Lower Limit )/(Maximum-Minimum)

4.12.3 Pipeline

Pipeline component is used to build pipeline effect in the HMI program.

Basic Attributes of Pipeline

Basic Attributes Radius Set the radius of pipeline.

Thickness Set the thickness of pipeline border.

Body color Set the color of pipeline(the first color)

Border color Set the color of pipe border.

Body Color Changeable If checked, the pipeline color can be changed by specified register.

Body color 2 Set the second color of pipeline

Body color 3 Set the third color of pipeline

Default color View the display effect of pipeline

Flicker If checked, use specified register to switch on/off the flicker effect.

Use Flow Effect If checked, use specified register to control the flow effect.

Default Flow Symbol Select the flow symbol

Effect Copy Symbol to All Pipe Copy the current flow symbol to all the pipes

Symbol Color Set the color of flow symbol.

Copy Color to All Pipe Copy the current flow symbol color to all the pipes

Display Length Set the length percentage of flow symbol in the pipe, 1~100 are


Copy Length to All Pipe Copy the length percentage to all the pipes

User Flowinfo to All Pipe Copy the flow effect to all pipes.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Not use Flowinfo to All Pipe All the pipes do not use flow effect.

Control Address If the bit1 of specified register is ON, Pipeline uses the second color; if the bit2 is ON, Pipeline uses the

third color; Bit3 is on, Pipeline starts to flicker(when the Flicker is checked), that is to say the pipeline

switching displays the first color , second color(bit1 is ON) or third color(bit 2 is ON). If the bit3 is ON,

the pipeline display the flow effect(the Use Flow Effect is checked).

Note: if the bit1 and bit2 are ON or OFF at the same time, pipeline displays the first color, the flicker is


For example, the Control Address is LW0 (HMI local address), word length is 1.

When the LW0 =1 or LW.B0.0 is ON, the Pipeline display the second color; When the LW0 =2 or

LW.B0.1 is ON, the Pipeline display the third color; When the LW0 =5 or LW.B0.0 and LWB0.2 are

ON at the same time, the Pipeline switching display the first color and the second color. When the LW0

=8 or LW.B0.3 is ON, the Pipeline display the flow effect.

Description of Pipe Info

Pipe List Number Number 0 is the first pipeline; Number 1 is the second pipeline and so on.

Coordinates The start coordinates of the pipeline component.

Type Display the current pipe type, there are HLNE (Horizontal), Bend Node (Bend),

VLINE (Vertical).

Pipe Setting Select the corresponding pipe number, and set its parameters.

Type Set the type of current pipe.

Coordinates Set coordinates of current pipe.

Follow Effect Select the corresponding pipe number, and set its flow effect.

Symbol Set the flow symbol of current pipeline.

Color Set the color of flow symbol

Display Length Set the display percentage of current pipeline.

4.13 Grid Components

4.13.1 Grid

The Grid can be selected in row, column or cell. User can set the row number , column number, Select

Color, Background Color, Border Color, and the Grid writes the column number and row number to the

specified HMI or PLC register.

Advanced Part Component

Grid component takes different register number according to the different Type, see the detail as follows:

Type Row register Column register Register number

Select in row Specified address — 1

Select in col — Specified address 1

Select in cell Specified address Specified address +1 2

Description of Grid Attributes

Set the select type.


Row/Column Set the row number and column number.

Color Set the Select Color, Background Color and Border Color.

4.13.2 Historical Data Display

Historical Data Display component read data from specified HMI or PLC continuous registers

periodically, and display them in grid.

1. The Read Address of Historical Data Display component is register address of the first channel.

2. The Word Length of Historical Data Display depends on the channel number, if the channel number is m

(0<m<17), the Word Length is m.

3. When use the Historical Data Display component, one of the Save to Recipe Data Field and Save to
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

External Device option, or both must be checked.

Detail Description of Display Properties

※If the information in Historical Data Display component cannot be displayed entirely, the scroll bar will be built

automatically to make user to view the whole information. And the width of system scroll bar can be set in HMI

Attributes >> HMI Extended Attributes, ranges from 20~120 pixel.

Channel The continuous register number, 16 channels at most.

Sequence No. Display the sequence number or not.

Checked means the sampling data information is arranged in ascending order, that is to say the latest

Ascending Order sampling data is displayed at bottom; Unchecked means the sampling data information is arranged

in descending order, that is to say the latest sampling data is displayed at top.

Checked means to display the sampling date, and choose the date format, three

Date formats are optional, in the date format, YY means year, MM means month, DD

means day.

Date/Time Display Date Separator Choose the date separator; three formats are optional, for example 11/06/24.

Checked means to display the sampling time, and choose the time format, three

Time formats are optional, in the date format, HH means hour, MM means minute, SS

means second, MS means millisecond.

Color Setting Set the color for grid background and tile bar.

Border Setting Set the border color and border line width of grid.

Set the separator color, style and width of each row and column in grid, the unit of Row Space and

Separator Setting Column Space is pixel point. And check the Horizontal Line means to display horizontal line, check

the Vertical Line means to display vertical line.

Historical Data The data that is saved to the external device can be queried by specified register in Historical Data

Query Query. The default length of specified register is 2.

Advanced Part Component

Check the “Query by file order”, when the value in specified register is 0, it

means to query today or the latest day’s historical data, 1 means to query the

previous day’s historical data and so on. For example, there are two csv file in
Query by file
the external device, when the value in specified register is 0, the historical data
file saved on 24th, June, 2011 is queried and displayed, when the value in

specified register is 1, the historical data file saved on 21st, June, 2011 is queried

and displayed.

Check the “Query by date” and input the date to the specified register, then the

historical data in corresponding date is queried and displayed. The format of

Query by date inputting date is yyyymmdd, yyyy means year, mm means month, and dd means

day, for example, input 20110624 in the specified register, the historical data

sampled on 24th, June, 2011 is queried and displayed.

Variable Circle The sampling circle is read from specified register in Time Sampling mode.

! 
If the Variable Circle is configured, the Variable Circle value will be used preferentially; and the preset

value is called when the Variable Circle value cannot not be read because of losing communication..

Detail Description of Background Attribute

Time Sampling Sample the data periodically.

OFFON Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, the sampling is

trigger sampling triggered.

ONOFF Only when the specified register changes from ON to OF, the sampling is

trigger sampling triggered.

Sampling Methods OFFON

Only when the specified register changes its status, the sampling is triggered.
trigger sampling

OFFON reset Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, the sampling is

trigger sampling triggered, and the specified register resets automatically.

ONOFF reset Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, the sampling is

trigger sampling triggered, and the specified register resets automatically.

Time interval between every two sampling points, the sampling points can be second or hundred

Sam. Type Continuous The sampling will continue after all the sampling points are finished.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

The sampling will stop after all the sampling points are finished, the sampling is
executed once.

Sampling Points In the “Once”Sam.Type , the sampling will stop after all the Sampling Points are finished

Trigger Register
It is the specified register in the “Trigger Sampling” Sampling Method.

The default word length is 2. The pause function is used to stop the sampling, the pause address is

the specified address. The clear function is used to clear the sample data saved in the flash, the clear

Pause address is the specified address+1.

Note: If “Historical Data Query”is selected, the display data is from external device, at the time

the clear function is disable.

Description of Channel Properties

Display Checked means displaying this channel data information in grid.

Set the data format of sampling data, supporting format is 16-bit signed, 16-bit unsigned, 32-bit
Data Type
signed, 32-bit unsigned, float, double.

Min/Max Limit N/A Integer N/A Decimal N/A

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.1.10 Save Historical Data]

Historical Data Display component and Trend Curve can be used together, but when they sample the same

 registers and save the data in external device, the sub routine of saving file must be different, or chose only

one historical data (Historical Data Display component or Trend Curve.) to save.

Select [Use Background Data Print] to enable realtime print historical data. If [Net Print] is select, historical data can be

printed in network.

Description of Background Data Print

Use Background Data Print Enable the background data print

Advanced Part Component

Print Type Real-time Print every sampling data in real-time.

Batch Trigger printing when the sampling point number equals the set value.

Point Set the sampling points number in batch printing

Trig Trigger printing when the specified register satisfies the set condition.

Net Print Enable the Net Print, download the program to HMI, and then run the Net Print.exe to

connect the network printer to print historical data.

Note: If the Net Print is checked, the local printing is invalid. Even if the local printer is

connected to HMI, the HMI still cannot print via local printer.

Print Content Print Serial Print serial number of each sampling point.


Print Table Header Print the table header of Historical Data Display component.

Print Grid Pint the grid ground of Historical Data Display component.

Print Date Print date of each sampling data, and select the date format and

separator. There are three date format and separator, YY means year ,

MM means month, DD means day.

Print Time Print time of each sampling data, and select the time format and

separator. There are three date formats and separators, HH means

hour, MM means minute, SS means second, MS means millisecond.

Grid Set the line type, line width and color of grid background.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 13.3.2 Network Print]


User can set the title name a font in this page, see as follows:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

4.13.3 User Info Display

When configure the “User Permission Setting” function, use the User Info Display component to dispay
the user information(system registered or added on line.) in table format.

User Permission registered in system

Permission Permission Permission Permission
Name 1 2 3 32



NO. User Name Permission

1 User2 111000000000000000
0 User1 100000000000000000

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.3.2 User Permission Protection for Components]

Description of Table Display Attributes

*1. Users that registered in User Permission Setting of HMI Attribute cannot be deleted on line, so the Editable option in

the User Infor Display component is “NO”.

*2. When the user information cannot be wholly displayed in vertical or horizontal direction, system will provide scroll

bar automatically. The width of system scroll bar can be set in HMI Extend Attributes of HMI Attributes, the width

are optional from 20 to 120(pixel).

Table Display
Checked means displaying sequence number before each item.

Advanced Part Component

Back Ground Setting Set the background, title bar, frame color and frame width of table.

Set the separator color, line style, width and row space, column space. The unit of row space and

Separator Setting column space are pixel point. Check the “Vertical Line” means displaying the vertical separator

line, and check the “Horizontal Line” means displaying the horizontal separator line.

Set the display name and font attribute of table title bar.
Title Bar Setting
☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.13.2 Historical Data Display]

4.13.4 Operation Log

The Operation Log component recode the all the operations on the HMI and display them in table, these

recode can be saved as CSV file in external memory device.

1. The Read Address of Operation Log is the specified register that is used to query the operation log, the

 default word length is

2. The Operation Log can display operation result of Bit State Setting, Number Input , Text Input

component and so on.

3. The Operation Log component is only suitable for HMI with SD card or U disk.

Description of Table Display Attributes

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

* When the operation log cannot be wholly displayed in vertical or horizontal direction, system will provide scroll bar
automatically. The width of system scroll bar can be set in HMI Extend Attributes of HMI Attributes, the width are optional

from 20 to 120(pixel).

Table Display Time Checked means displaying the operation time and chose the time format, three

formats are operational. HH means hour, MM means minute, SS means second,

MS means millisecond.

Date Checked means displaying the operation date and chose the time format, three

formats are operational, YY means year, MM means month, DD means day.

Date Separator Choose the date separator, three formats are operation, for example 11/06/24

Sequence No. Checked mean displaying sequence number of each operation log.

User Name* Checked means displaying operation user name.

Ascending Order Checked means that the operation logs are arrange in ascending time order, that is

to say the latest log is at the bottom; unchecked means that the operation logs

are arrange in descending time order, that is to say the latest log is on the top.

Background Set the background, title bar, frame color and frame width of operation log table.


Historical Logs Query by File If the “Query by File Order” is checked, 0 in specified register means to call

Query Order today’s log or latest day’s log; 1 means to call the previous day’s log and so on.

For example, there are two operation log csv file in external memory device, they

are 20110621.csv and 20110624.csv, when the value in specified register is 0, the

csv file that is saved on 24th , June, 2011 is called, when the value in specified

register is 1, the csv file that is saved on 21st , June, 2011 is called and displayed.

Query by Date If the “Query By Date” is checked, input date in specified register to call the

corresponding operation log. The inputting date format is yyyymmdd, yyyy

means year, mm means month, dd means day. For example, input 20110624 to

specified register, the operation log that is saved on 24th, June, 2011 is called

and displayed.

Advanced Part Component

Separator Setting Set the separator color, line style, width and row space, column space. The unit of row space and

column space are pixel point. Check the “Vertical Line” means displaying the vertical separator line,

and check the “Horizontal Line” means displaying the horizontal separator line.

Title Bar Setting Set the display name and font attribute of table title bar.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.13.2 Historical Data Display]

*When using the User Permission function, the User Name column displays the current user name.
Related attributes settings of Operation Log.

>> Operation Recode Storage Setting

User needs to set the storage path for Operation Log storage file in HMI Attributes>> HMI Extended Attributes>>

Operation Recode Storage Setting.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.3 HMI Extended Attributes]

If the CSV file is stored by Daily File type, the storage path is log/subdirectory/yyyymmmdd.csv; if the CSV file is

stored by Signal File type, the storage path is log/subdirectory/subdirectory.csv. Note: yyyymmdd is the date on which

the operation log is built, for example 20110101.

Recode Operations setting in component attributes.

The components whose operation log needs recoding must check the Recodes Operations in Control Setting of

component attributes and input description information in the text frame.

4.13.5 Data Report

Data Report is used to display the data that is logged in the Data Logger and stored in external memory
device on the HMI in report. The logged registers can be continuous or discontinuous registers.

Detail Description of Data Report

Data Real time Update the report data timely according to the settings.
Report mode
Report History Input the time range to query the historical report.

Attribute Report type Trigger Report In the user defined time interval, trigger the sampling to get the instant

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Free Report Display all the data in the user defined time interval.

Note: In the real-time Report Mode, if the Free Report exceeds the

user defined length, the earliest data will be deleted, then the whole

report moves up

Daily Report Display the data of one day.

Note: In the real-time Report Mode, the Daily Report is displayed in

circle. The new data is displayed at the bottom of report. If the report

exceeds the length of row number, the newest data displays at the top

of report, and all the data in previous circle will be deleted, only the

newest row data is reserved, and then start a new circle.

Monthly Report Display the data of the moth

Quarterly Report Display the data of three months

Annual Report Display the data of a year.

By Order The sampling data is sequenced by time order; the newest data is at

the bottom.
Dis. Order
Reverse The sampling data is sequenced by reverse time order, the newest data

is at the top

Set the displaying lines of report, this parameter is only suitable for the Trigger Report and

Free Report.


1. The line number of Daily Report is created automatically according to the Timer

Report Line Interval, for example, the time interval is 1 hour, so the line number is 24.

2. The line number of Monthly Report is 31, Quarterly Report is 3, and Annual Report is


3. In the “History” Report mode, the line number of Free Report and Free Report depends

on the user defined time interval.

There are five options; they are Instantaneous Value, Min Value, Max Value, Average Value

and Added Value.

Get Value
When the Get value Type is one of Min Value, Max Value, Average Value or Added Value,
the report displays the min value, max value, average value or added value of all the

sampling values in a circle.

There are Begin Time, Mid Time, and End Time.

Time Record
The time that displayed in the report can be begin time, middle time or end time.

Empty Data Specified Value When there is no value in sampling register, the report displays specified

Advanced Part Component

value, the default value is 0.

Process Last Valid Value When there is no value in sampling register, the report displays the last

valid value.

The time interval of report, there are two options, they are minute and hour.

Note: This option is only suitable when the Free Report and Daily Report are selected.
Time Interval
Because the time interval of Monthly Port and Quarterly Report are month, and time

interval of Annual Report is year.

History History Inquire Address, the word length is 8.

Inquire Start Date: specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

Address Start Time: specified address +2, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and minute)

in this address.

End Date: specified address +4, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

End Time: specified address +6, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second)

in this address.

Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data between 9:30:40 14th, Aug, 2012 and 14:16:30 15th, Aug, 2012.

Trigger Report

So the specified addresses are as follows:

Start Date:LW200=20120814

Start Time:LW202=93040

End Date:LW204=20120815

End Time:LW206=141630

Start Date: specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

Start Time: specified address +2, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and minute)

in this address.

End Date: specified address +4, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.

Trigger Report End Time: specified address +6, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second)

in this address.

Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data between 9:30:40 14th, Aug, 2012 and 14:16:30 15th, Aug, 2012.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

So the specified addresses are as follows:

Start Date:LW200=20120814

Start Time:LW202=93040

End Date:LW204=20120815

End Time:LW206=141630

The specified address, word length is 2, and input year and date in this address.

Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data on 14th, Aug, 2012.

Daily Report

So the specified address is as follows:


The specified address, word length is 2, and input year and month in this address.

Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data in Aug, 2012.

Monthly Report

So the specified address is as follows:


The specified address, word length is 2, and input year and quarter number in this
Quarterly Report

Advanced Part Component


Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data of the third quarter 2012.

So the specified address is as follows:


The specified address, word length is 2, and input year in this address.

Take the following picture for example, the specified address is LW200, and user wants

to query the data of 2012.

Annual Report

So the specified address is as follows:


When the specified register satisfies the set condition, output report data.

OFFON Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI outputs report data.

ONOFF Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI outputs report data.
OFFON Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI outputs report data.
Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI outputs report data, and
inquire OFFON(reset)
then reset the specified register automatically.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI outputs report data, and
then reset the specified register automatically.

Detail Description of Data Report Channel

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Data Logger Click this button to pop up Data Logger library.

Click this button pop up the dialog box to choose channels.

Data Sample List Display all the sampling data in the Data Logger library.
Data Report Channel List
Data Sample Channel Display all channel information of one sampling data.

The data-report channel list Display the selected channels of current report.

Data report channel. Set the title, integer and decimal of report channel.

Details of Data report display attributes

Serial number Display the serial number of sampling data or not.

If checked, report displays the sampling time, and chooses the time format and separator.

Display time There are three formats optional, HH means hour, MM means minute, SS means second,

MS means millisecond.

Back color Set the background color and title bar color.

Date Format Display sampling date, and choose the date format, there are three formats

optional, YY means year, MM means month and DD mans day.

Display date
Separator Select the date separator, three formats are optional, for example


Set the color, type and width of separating line, and set the width of each row and column,

the unit is pixel

Separator border settings
If the Horizontal Line is checked, report displays horizontal separator, if the Vertical Line is

checked, report displays vertical separator,

Title bar settings Set the display name and font of title bar.

Details of Data Report Control attributes

In real-time report mode, use a bit register to pause data sampling, ON means pause, OFF means
Pause Address
outputting data.

Data clear address In real-time report mode, use a bit register to clear the sampling data in Data Report Display.

Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears the
sampling data in Data Report Display.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears the

Advanced Part Component

sampling data in Data Report Display.

Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI clears the sampling
data in Data Report Display.

Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears the

OFFON(Reset) sampling data in Data Report Display, and then reset the specified register


Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears the

ONOFF(Reset) sampling data in Data Report Display., and then reset the specified register


Export Dir The subroutine name of the exported sample data file in the external

memory device, the default name is ReportToCSV, user can modify it

himself and the detail routine in external memory device is :\external

memory device\export\Export Dir, the file name is named according to the

saving time: year-month-day, hour: minute: second: millisecond, for

example 20120903-110552.csv

File format: csv.

Save Disk Save the exported data to the external memory device: SD card, USB1 or


Export data When the specified register satisfies the set condition, HMI exports data.

Trigger Param. Only when the specified register changes from OFF to
Sample Data Export OFFON
ON, HMI exports report data.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to

OFF, HMI exports report data.

Only when the specified register changes its status,

HMI exports report data.

Only when the specified register changes from OFF to

OFFON(reset) ON, HMI exports report data, and then reset the

specified register automatically.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to

ONOFF(Reset) OFF, HMI exports report data, and then reset the

specified register automatically.

Description of print attributes

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Enable background Check the option to enable print function for Real Time Data Report.
data print Note:only the Real Time report mode support print function. 
Mode Print per point Print is triggered be every sampled point.
Print per batch When number of sampled points equals to preset number of points, print is
Number of Set number of points for print per batch
Trigger by Print is triggered when the assigned register satisfy corresponding condition.
register There are up to 5 trigger modes selectable:
OFF→ON Print is triggered when the assigned registers changes form OFF to
ON→OFF Print is triggered when the assigned registers changes form ON to
OFF↔ON Print is triggered when the assigned register changes states.
OFF→ON Print is triggered when the assigned registers changes form OFF to
(Auto ON. Then the assigned register resets automatically.
ON→OFF Print is triggered when the assigned registers changes form ON to
(Auto OFF. Then the assigned register resets automatically.
Net print Enable the Net Print, download program to HMI. And then run the NetPrint.exe to connect network
printer to print Data Report.
Note: if the Net Print is checked, the local printing is invalid. Even If the local printer is connected to
HMI, the HMI still cannot print via local printer.
Print setting Print Sequence Print sequence NO. of sampled data.
Print Title Print the title of data report display component.
Print Grid Print grid background of data report display component.
Print Date Check this option to print date for each sampled data, and set date format and
separator. There are up to 3 data formats and separators selectable. YY indicates
year; MM indicates month; DD indicates day.
Print Time Check this option to print time for each sampled data, and set time format and
separator. There are up to 3 time formats and separators selectable. HH indicates
hour; MM indicates minute; MS indicates millisecond.
Grid attributes Set grid attributes such as grid line style, width, color. Also the title and font are settable here.

Details of Page Display Setting attributes

Number of items per page Maximum items displayed in one page

TotalPages Addr Total page number is calculated according to inquiry time:total page=number of total

Advanced Part Component

items/Number of items per page

PageNumber Addr Users could unquiry by page number, Range:0~(Total page-1),0 indicates the first page.

1. Do not put multiple free reports in a same window, it will affect the communicate speed.

2. Do not add too many data channels in a signal Free Report.

3. If there are multiple free reports or multiple channels report in a same window, please use the minute or

hour as Time Interval.

4. If you want to plug off the external memory device when HMI is in operation, we suggest using the safe

mode, but not plug it off directly. Safe Mode: set the LB9153 (SD card), LB9154 (USB1), LB9155

(USB2) OFF first, then plug of the corresponding memory device.

5. When you download the project again, check the Clear data report option in KHDownload, or the

residual information may cause the data error for the new sampling data.

Take the GH070 for example, suppose the sampling address is Dword0, three channels’ data, and the sampling data is stored

in SD card, user can query the data in any time interval.

Build a new project, and add a Data Logger, the parameters are as follows:
Data Sample HMI HMI0

Sample Point 10

Sample Type Circling Sample

Get Data Type Sample Continue

Channel 3

Sample Circle 10

Data Type 16-bit signed/32-bit signed/float

Sample channel
Description Channel 0/Channel 1/Channel 2

Data Sample Control

Sample Address D0

Sample Data Save Save Disk SD Card

Save Dir SampleDataStore

Build a Data Report in Frame0 to display data in the Data Logger , the attributes setting is as follows::
Report mode History

Report type Trig type

Data report attribute Disp.type By order

Get value type InstantantaneousValue

Empty data process 0

History inquire address LW0

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Trig history inquire LB0,Trigger type: OFF>>ON, Reset

Data report channel:

The data-report channel list Add channel 0 and chann2 to this list

Data report Channel Integer 4 Decimal 2

Data report display attribute

Serial Number Checked

Display time Checked, the format is HH:MM:SS

Back color Back: (light yellow);title: (light blue)

Display date Date format:YY*MM*DD;separator:/



Title Bar Setting Default setting.

Put 4 Number Input components and a Bit State Switch in frame0:

Start Date LW0,DWORD

Start Time LW2,DWORD

End Date LW4,DWORD

End Time LW6,DWORD

Inquire Trigger LB0;Switch Type: toggle.

Put 3 Timer components in frame0 to simulate the change of D_Word registers, the attributes setting are as follows:
Mode Periodical Jog++(circle)

Data Type Word

Asc Value 1/6/3

Upper 100/150/200

Addr.Type D_word

Address 0/1/3

Value Type Unsigned Int (word length 1)/Signed Int (word length 2)/float (word

length 2)

Timer Trigger mode: All time, Execution Cycle:10

After a period of time, suppose the HMI system time is 2012/11/09, 16:50:00, we want to query the data between 16:40:30

and 16:41:00, the operation is as follows.

Advanced Part Component


4.13.6 Data Curve

Data Report Curve component is used to display data that is logged in the Data Logger and stored in
external memory device on the HMI in curves. The logged registers can be continous or discontinuous
registers. newly added. Via the Data Report Curve component, users could display the sampled data in
trend curves on HMI.

Detail Description of Data Report Curve

Data Report Report Real time Update data report curve timely according to the settings.
Curve mode History Query historical data report curve according to input time range.
Attribute Report type Trigger Report During defined time interval, trigger sampling to get instant data.
Free Report Display all the sampled data in defined time interval.
Note: In Real Time mode, if Free Report exceeds the defined length,
then the earliest data will be deleted, and the whole report moves up.
Daily Report Display the data of one day.
Note: In real-time Report Mode, the Daily Report is displayed in
circle. The new data is displayed at the bottom of report. If the report
exceeds the length of row number, the newest data displays at the top
of report, and all the data in previous circle will be deleted, only the
newest row data is reserved, and then start a new circle.
Monthly Report Display the data of one month.
Quarterly Report Display the data of three months.
Annual Report Display the data of one year.
Display By Order The sampled data is sequenced by time order; the newest data is at the
Order bottom.
Reverse The sampling data is sequenced by reverse time order, the newest data
is at the top.
Total Points Set number of total points of Data Report Curve. It is only valid for Trigger Report and Free
Report in Real Time Report mode.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Note: If the number of sampled points exceeds number of total points, the earliest data will
be deleted, and the newest sampled data will be displayed at the end of the curve.
Get Value There are five options: Instantaneous Value, Min Value, Max Value, Average Value and
Type Added Value.
When Min Value, Max Value, Average Value or Added Value is set, it will calculate all the
sampled data during set time interval, and output corresponding Min Value, Max Value,
Average Value, Added Value.
Time There are Begin Time, Mid Time and End Time selectable for time displayed in report.
Empty Data Specified When there is no value in sampled register, the report displays specified value,
Process Value the default specified valued is 0.
Last Valid When there is no value in sampled register, the report displays the last valid
Value value.
Time There are two options for report time interval: minute and hour.
Interval Note: This option is only suitable when Free Report and Daily Report. Because time interval
for Monthly Report, Quarterly Report and Annual Report are fixed as month, three month
and year respectively.
History History Inquire Address, word length is 8.
Inquire Trigger Start Date: specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address;
Address Report Start Time: specified address+2, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in
this address;
End Date: specified address+4, word length is 2, input year and date in this address;
End Time: specified address+6, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in
this address;
【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Free Report Start Date: specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address;
Start Time: specified address+2, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in
this address;
End Date: specified address+4, word length is 2, input year and date in this address;
End Time: specified address+6, word length is 2, input time (hour, minute and second) in
this address;【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Daily The specified address, word length is 2, input year and date in this address.
Report 【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Monthly The specified address, word length is 2, input year and month in this address.
Report 【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Quarterly The specified address, word length is 2, input year and quarter number in this address.
Report 【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Annual The specified address, word length is 2, input year in this address.
Report 【Example】It is the same with Data Report Display component.
Trig history Output data report curve when the specified register satisfies the set condition.
inquire OFF→ON Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI outputs data report curve.
ON→OFF Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI outputs data report curve.
OFF←→ON Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI outputs data report curve.
OFF→ON Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI outputs data report curve,

Advanced Part Component

(Auto reset) and then reset the specified register automatically.

ON→OFF Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI outputs data report curve,
(Auto reset) and then reset the specified register automatically.

Detail Description of Data Report Channel

Data Logger Touch this button to pop up Data Logger library.

Data Report Channel Touch this button to pop up dialog box to choose channels.
List Data Sample List Display all sampling data added in the Data Logger Library.
Data Sample Channel Display all channel information of one sampling data group.
The data-report channel list Display all the channels added to the current report.
Variable Max/Min Check this option, the report channel read maximum and minimum value from specified
Value Setting registers.

For example: The specified address is LW20, then LW20 indicates the minimum value and
LW21 indicates the maximum value.

Data report channel Set the title, integer and decimal of report channel.

Detail Description of DataReport Control

Pause address In real-time report mode, use a bit register to pause data sampling, ON means pause, OFF means
outputting data.
Data clear address In real-time report mode, use a bit to clear the sampling data in Data Report Curve.
OFF→ON Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears data
report curve.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

ON→OFF Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears data
report curve.
OFF←→ON Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI clears data report curve.
OFF→ON(Auto Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears data
reset) report curve, and then reset the specified register automatically.
ON→OFF(Auto Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears data
reset) report curve, and then reset the specified register automatically.

Detail Description of Page Display Setting

Number of items per page Maximum items displayed in one page.

TotalPage Addr Total page number is calculated according to inquiry time: total page=number of total
items/Number of items per page.
PageNumber Addr Users could inquiry by page number, Range: 0~(total page-1). 0 indicates the first page.

Detail Description of Extended Attributes

Channel Channel Set line style and width.

Properties Connect Style Dot, LINE, X axis projection, Y axis projection.
Node Properties Set node graph, node size, node color.
Use Grid Set line number, column number, background color, grid line width, grid line style and grid line color.

Detail Description of DataReport Control

Horizontal Scroll Bar Check this option to use the system scroll bar. Users can set scroll bar width range 20~120
Vertical Axis Scale Channel The maximum/minimum value of the vertical axis takes the maximum/minimum
Reference Channel value of the reference channel.
Use Vertical Axis Scale Check this option to display vertical axis scale
Scale color Set vertical axis scale color
Display Scale Frame Display vertical axis scale frame
Major Scale Number Set major scale number
Major Scale Length Set major scale length, unit: pixel.
Minor Scale Number Set minor scale number.
Minor Scale Length Set minor scale length, unit: pixel.
Use Vertical Axis Scale Check this option to display vertical axis scale label.

Advanced Part Component

Label Label Font Set the label font

Integer The integer number of scale (Users cannot adjust it).
Decimal The decimal number of scale (Users cannot adjust it).
Use Horizontal Axis Check this option to display horizontal axis scale.
Time Scale Scale Color Set horizontal axis time scale color
Display Scale Frame Display horizontal axis time scale frame
Display Relative Time Horizontal axis starts with the first sampled point, and its displayed
time is 0.
Time scale interval The time interval between two time scales, the unit is sampling circle.
Length Set the length of time scale, the unit is pixel.
Mark each sampling Mark a scale on each sampling point.
point scale
Length Set the length of each sampling points, the unit is pixel.
Use Horizontal Axis Check this option to display the horizontal time scale label.
Time Scale Label Label Font Set the scale label font.
Integer Display and set time format. There are three formats: HH:MM:SS, HH:MM,
Decimal Display and set date format, there are three formats: DD*MM*YY,
MM*DD*YY, YY*MM*DD. Separator: “/”, “—“, “.”.

Detail Description of DataReport Control

Property Start from left

Start from right
Start from top
Start from bottom
Sampling points Sampling points on each page
Variable sampling points Read number of sampling points on each page form specified address.
Hide Channel Set a specified register for hiding channels. Then set the corresponding bits to ON to hide the
corresponding channels.
Example: Check “Hide Channels” and set address to LW100. Then, when LW.B100.0=1,
Channel 0 will be hidden; when LW.B100.1=1, channel 1 will be hidden; and so on.

Scroll Use scroll to inquire sampled scale and time of the curve.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Example: Check “Scroll”, set Enable Scroll Address And Scroll Data Address to LB10 and
LW10 respectively.

As following picture: Set Enable Scroll AddressLB0 to ON, then Scroll Data Address LW10,
LW11, LW12, LW13, LW14, LW15 correspond to second, minute, hour, date, month, and year
of the sampled data respectively. LW16 corresponds to data value of channel 0; LW17
corresponds to data value of channel 1, and so on.

Scroll Brush Set color, line style and width of scroll brush.

【Example】 Settings of Hide Channel and Scroll are as follows:

Set LW.B100.0 to ON, Channel 0 will be hidden; Set LW.B100.1 to ON, channel 1 will be hidden and so on.
Set LB10 to ON to enable scroll function. LW10, LW11, LW12, LW13, LW14, LW15 correspond to second, minute,
hour, date, month, and year of the sampled data respectively. LW16 corresponds to sampled value of channel 0; LW17
corresponds to sampled value of channel 1, and so on.
Offline simulation:
Scroll inquiry:

Advanced Part Component

Hide Channel:

4.14 Data Transmission Component

Data Transmission component is used to exchange the data between HMI and PLC or controller. In Kinco DTools, the

following components can be used to exchange data: Recipe Data, Data Transmission, Data Transmission function in Timer

and General PLC control in PLC Control component.

4.14.1 Recipe

Recipe Data component can transmit HMI data that can be stored even powered off to specified

PLC/controller registers, or transmit data in PLC/controller data to HMI registers that can be stored even

powered off.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 The Write Address of Recipe Data is the start register of transmitting PLC/controller

Detail description of Recipe Data

Upload from PLC to Recipe Transmit data in specified PLC/controller registers to HMI RW registers

Download from Recipe to

Transmit data in HMI RW registers to specified PLC/controller registers

Transmit data in specified PLC/controller registers to external memory

Upload from PLC ERW0*1
device(the default is SD card)

Transmit data in external memory device (the default is SD card) to

Download from ERW0 to PLC
specified PLC/controller registers.

Transmit data in specified PLC/controller registers to external memory

Upload from PLC to ERW1*1
device(the default is USB DISK1)

Function Transmit data in external memory device (the default is USB DISK1) to
Download from ERW1 to PLC
specified PLC/controller registers.

Transmit data in specified PLC/controller registers to external memory

Upload from PLC to ERW2*1
device(the default is USB DISK2)

Transmit data in external memory device (the default is USB DISK2) to

Download from ERW2 to PLC
specified PLC/controller registers.

Transmit data in specified PLC/controller registers to HMI FLASH

Upload from PLC to FRW*2
memory FRW.

Transmit data in HMI FLASH memory FRW to specified PLC/controller

Download from FRW PLC

The length of transmitting data, unit is word.

Map the function to the external keys (F1~F2) or HMI keys (F1~F8). The HMI with USB host slot or keys
supports this function. The HMI with USB host or keys supports this function.

*1.ERW0, ERW1, ERW2 are special registers for the external memory device, users can distribute them to U disk or SD card

in the Extended Memory of the HMI Attributes

2. FRW is a special register type for the HMI flash memory.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 11 Recipe/ Recipe Editor]

Advanced Part Component

4.14.2 Data Transmission

Data Transmission component transmits data in specified HMI or PLC/controller registers to the other

HMI or PLC/controller registers. The transmission can be triggered by touching or change of specified


Basic Attributes of Data Transition

Data Type Set the transmitting data type: bit or word Data Length Set the transmitting data length

Map the function to the external keys (F1~F2) or HMI keys (F1~F8). The HMI with USB host slot
or keys supports this function. The HMI with USB host or keys supports this function

Source Address Set the source address of transmitting data

Destination Address Set the destination address of transmitting data

The offset of Source Address, Destination Address and Data Length are read from specified
Variable Parameters

Take the following picture for example, the Source Address, Destination Address and Data Length use variable parameters,

set the D register (PLC register) for Source Address, and the LW100 (HMI register) controls the offset of Source Register;

Set LW register (HMI register) for Destination Address, and the LW101 (HMI register) controls the offset of Destination

Register; LW103 controls the Data Length.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Check the “Use Trigger Address” in Trigger Address page to trigger the transmission by status of specified register.

 If use the trigger address to trigger the transmission but not by touch, user can set the Always Invalid in the

Control Setting page.

Detail Description of Trigger Address

Trigger Type Description

OFFON When specified register changes from OFF to ON, the transmission is triggered

ONOFF When specified register changes from ON to OFF, the transmission is triggered

OFFON When specified register changes its status, the transmission is triggered

When specified register changes from OFF to ON, the transmission is triggered, at the same time
OFFON (Reset)
reset the trigger address

When specified register changes from ON to OFF, the transmission is triggered, at the same time
ONOFF (Reset)
reset the trigger address

4.15 Project Database

In Kinco Builder, user can put the repeat information or background function in the specified area, in this way, it is easy to

Advanced Part Component

control and call this information and function, at the same time it can reduce the data redundancy. The specified area are in

the project Data Base components, they are: Text Library, Address Tag, Alarm Information, Event Information, PLC Control ,

Sound Lib and so on.

4.15.1 Text Library

Text Library component is used to store the text content in the project, so that it can avoid the input the

same text tag many times. Text Library supports multiple language, it makes the HMI can switch the

display languages. Kinco DTools supports 32 languages switching at most.

 Text Library Interface

Display the text content

Import csv file*1

Open【Language Setting】 Export csv file*2

*1. Import csv file (text library file) to Text Library of current project

2. Export the Text Library to the CSV file, User can use Microsoft EXCEL to open and edit this CSV file.

Language attributes

Click the Language in the Text Library to open the Language Setting dialog box, in this dialog box, user can set the font

attributes of each language, refer to the following table for details:

Description of Language Setting

Text Library supports 32 different languages setting at most; the default max language number is 8.
Max Lang Num
Note: If customer needs to display more than 8 languages, he should set the Max Lang Num.

Current Lang Choose the current language.

Font Type Choose the data type for current language: Vector Font or Dot Matrix Font.

Font Attribute Set the font attributes of current language: Size, Alignment, Color, Italic/Bold and so on.

Copy Font Attribute

Copy the current font attributes to the font of all the languages.
to All Language

It is related to the OS and input method, take Windows XP for example, if user wants to add the
English (America) and Japanese language, click the on the system language bar, then choose

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

the “set” to add English(America) and Japanese as the following picture.

After add the English(America) and Japanese languages, user can finde the English(America) and

Japanese in the dropdown menu of Language

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.1 Text Library]


4.15.2 Address Tag

Address Tag component can be used to store the address information , and user can add description to

these addresses.

 Tag Address Interface

Advanced Part Component

*1. Import the address information (CSV file) to the Address Tag.

2. Export the address information of Address Tag to a CSV file, user can use Microsoft EXECEL to pen an edit this CSV file.

Build Address Tag attributes

Click the Add in Address Tag to open the Build Address Tag box, see the following table for details:

Description of Build Address Tag

Tag Name Set the name of this address tag.

HMI Choose the HMI number of this address tag.

PLC NO. Choose PLC/controller number of this address tag.

Data Type Choose the data type: word or bit.

Address Type Choose the address type of address tag, it can be HMI register or PLC/controller register.

Address Set the address of address tag.

Code Type Display the code type of address tag: BIN or BCD

Format(range) Display the address format and address range.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.2 Address Tag Library]


4.15.3 Event Information

Event Information is used to configure the event content and trigger conditions; it is used with the Event

Display and Event Bar together. Event Information supports bit register and word register to trigger


☞For details about Event Display and Event Bar, refer to [Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm Component]
 Event Information Interface

*1. Import the event information (in CSV file) to the Event Information library.
2. Export the event information to a CSV file, user can use Microsoft EXECEL to pen an edit this CSV file.
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Event Attributes

Click the Add in the Event Information to open the Event attributes dialog box, see the following table for details:

In multiple HMI program, set the HMI where the Event Display or Event Bar displays this event information.

Type Set the event type: 0~255 are optional.

Event Display and Event Bar can display the event information conditionally according to the event type.

Address Set the read address of trigger register, choose the bit or word type in Data Type.


On When specified bit register’s status changes from OFF to ON, an event log will be generated.
Off When specified bit register’s status changes from ON to OFF, an event log will be generated.

< When the value in specified register smaller than the specified value, an event log will be generated.

> When the value in specified register larger than a specified value, an event log will be generated.

When the value in specified register equals the specified value, an event log will be generated.

Value Range: When the value in specified register equals is in the specified value range, an event log

will be generated.

Take the following picture for example, check the “Value Range”, set 5 to the Min Value and 10 to

Max Value , suppose the data in specified register is N , if 5<=N<=10, an event log will be generated.


When the data in specified register is not equal to the set value, an event log will be generated.

For example, check the “Value Range”, set the Min Value to 15, set the Max Value to 30, suppose the

data in specified register is N , if N<15 or N>30, an event log will be generated.


<= When the data in specified register is less than or equal to the set value, an event log will be generated.

>= When the data in specified register is more than or equal to the set value, an event log will be generated.

Configure the Event Printing in the Printing Setting of HMI Attributes.

Advanced Part Component

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.8 Print Setting]

On Trigger Print the event when event is triggered.

Return to Normal Print the event when the event returns to normal.

Trigger Function

Execute Macro The specified macro is triggered when the event happens.

Confirm Pop When the event is touched in the Event Display component, pop up specified window.

2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15
1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14
0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10

Pop-up Window ! 2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15

1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14
2 2011/06/23 15:22:54 15
1 2011/06/23 14:01:00 14:44:20 14
0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10
0 2011/06/23 10:50:01 11:40:10 10

Note: please use the “Close window” function in Function Key to close the pop-up


Trigger Pop When the event is triggered, pop up specified window.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Note: please use the “Close window” function in Function Key to close the pop-up


Write Data Word length is 3. Write (Trig) address is the specified address; Write (Confirm) address is the specified

address+1; Write (Resume) address is the specified address+2;

0 When the event happens, set OFF to specified register.

Write(Trig) 1 When the event happens, set ON to specified register.

Not When the event happens, reverse specified register status.

0 When the event confirm, set OFF to specified register.

Write(Confirm) 1 When the event confirm, set ON to specified register.

Not When the event confirm, reverse specified register status.

0 When the event resume, set OFF to specified register.

Write(Resume) 1 When the event resume, set ON to specified register.

Not When the event resume, reverse specified register status.

When the event happens, trigger the buzzer. Buzzing Time ranges from 1 to 65535, the units is second.

User Buzzer

Continuous Buzz If the alarm occurs, the beep will go off


Input text content that needs to be displayed in Event Display after event happens, click the Font to set the font attributes.

Data in LW register can be displayed in the event information, user can configure it according to the following format:

^xxxx^: Print header, which means print this content when the event is triggered the first time or a different event is triggered.

For example, print “water” as a header, the format is ^water^

%h:mm:s#: Print time;

%y:mm:d#: Print date;

%nnfmd: Print variable, % means the start sign, nn means register number of LW, ranges from 00 to 99, that is to say , it is from

LW0 to LW99, f means there is decimal in the data , d means the end sign. If there is no decimal in the data, the format can be

%nnd. Take printing the data in LW20 for example; there is a decimal in this data, use the %20f1d in the Text of the Event

Information. Note: If customer wants to print data in PLC register, use the Timer to transmit the data to LW0~LW99.

The Text content reads from the text library, but not writes in the text box.
Use Text

Library ☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.1 Text Library]

Advanced Part Component

Set the graph font for the text content in event display, user can set the font attribute after the “Use Graph
Use Graph Font
Font” is checked.

When multiple languages is used in Text Library, user can choose language then set the font attributes of this


Play selected audio file when this event is triggered.

Select Sound

Note: Only the HMI with audio output port supports this function.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.6 Sound Lib]

Open Text
Open the Text Library dialog box.

Open Address
Open the Address Tag dialog box.
Tag Library

4.15.4 Alarm Information

Alarm Information is used to configure the alarm content and trigger conditions; it is used with the Alarm

Display and Alarm Bar together. Alarm Information only supports bit register to trigger alarm.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm Component]

Alarm Information

*1. Import the alarm information (in CSV file) to the Alarm Information library.
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2. Export the alarm information to a CSV file, user can use Microsoft EXECEL to pen an edit this CSV file.

Alarm Attributes

Click the Add in the Alarm Information to configure the alarm information, see the following table for details:

In multiple HMI program, set the HMI where the Alarm Display or Event Bar displays this alarm
Triggered HMI

Set the event type: 0~255 are optional.

Type Alarm Display and Alarm Bar can display the event information conditionally according to the

event type.

PLC Address Set the read address of trigger register, supports bit address only.

Use Address Tag Use the address in the Address Tag library.

Address Tag Library Open the Address Tag library dialog box.


On When specified bit register changes from OFF to ON, an alarm log is generated.
Off When specified bit register changes from ON to OFF, an alarm log is generated.

When the alarm is triggered, the buzzer will be buzzing. Buzzing Time: 1~65535 are optional , the

units is second.

User Buzzer


Input the displaying constant when the alarm is triggered; click the Font to set the font attributes.

The Text content reads from the text library, but not writes in the text box.
Use Text Library
☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.1 Text Library]
Set the graph font for the text content in event display, user can set the font attribute after the “Use
Use Graph Font
Graph Font” is checked.

When multiple languages is used in Text Library, user can choose language then set the font
attributes of this language.


Play selected audio file when current alarm is triggered.

Select Sound

Note: Only the HMI with audio output port supports this function.

Advanced Part Component

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.15.6 Sound Lib]

Text Library Open the Text Library dialog box.

4.15.5 PLC Control

PLC Control is used to log in the trigger condition of some functions, when specified register satisfies the

setting condition, the corresponding function will be executed.

 The function in PLC Control will not be limited by window, the function will execute as soon as the

condition is satisfied.

 PLC Control Interface

*1. Import the control file constant (in CSV file) to the PLC Control library.
2. Export the control file constant to a CSV file, user can use Microsoft EXECEL to pen and edit this CSV file.

Alarm Attributes

 PLC Control Attributes

Click the Add in the PLC Control to open the dialog box, chose the control function in the Control Type and set the control

register and trigger condition.

The control type that PLC Control supports are as followings: Change Window (Ignore the window 0), Write Data to PLC

(Current Base Window number); Report Printout; Screen Hard Copy; General PLC Control; General PLC Control(Extended);

Backlight Close; Backlight Close (Write Back); Execute Macro Program; Backlight Open; Backlight Open(Write Back);

Sound Ctrl; Save Screen Shoot Data to Extended Memory.

See the following for details of the control type.

(1) Change Window

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

When the value in specified register changes to a valid window number, HMI will switch to the window with this window

number automatically. And write the new window number to the specified register+1 address.

For example, Suppose the current window number is 0, specified register address is D100, when the D100 is 10, the HMI

switches to the window 10, and return the new window number 10 to D101.

If the “Change Window” in PLC Control and “Change Common Window” in Function Key are used

 at the same time, user can set an invalid window number to the control register by “Set at Window

Close” of Multiple State Setting component, in this way to avoid inputting the same window number, but

cannot change the window at the next time.

(2)Change Window (Ignore the window 0)

Change common window function, when the value in specified register is 0, HMI will not change to Window 0.

(3)Write Data to PLC (Current Base Window)

When switching common window, write the window number to specified register.

(4) Report Printout

Print the HMI screen according to the value in the specified register. When value in specified register changes and this value

is a valid window number, the constant in this window will be printed out.

1. HMI will not switch to the printed window when printing out this window in Print Out function.

 2. The data in specified register will be reset to 0 automatically after printing.

3. Report Printout cannot print the constant in window 0.

Advanced Part Component

User can set the printing constant by the following two methods:

Method 1: Check the Custom Print Options

Attributes of Custom Print Options

Custom Print Attributes Detail Description

Printer Color Only the color printer supports switching printer color.

Ranges from 0.1 to 5.0(Zoom-out printing may causes anamorphous, we do not advice zoom-out

Current Page Start the printing at the first paper in printer.

Change page to print Print a blank paper first, and then start the HMI screen printing.

Print the screen horizontally.

Horizontal print

Print Page Print the screen vertically.

Vertical print

Print a whole paper automatically when finishing the printing. This option
Automatically Take The
is only suitable for the stylus printer, micro printer does not support, and
laser printer has this setting itself, user needs not to set on HMI.

Print Text Print the static text and tag text of current window.

Print Meter Print meter component in current window.

Print Trend Curve Print trend curve component in current window.

Print Text
Print Bit Map Print bit map component in current window.

Print All The Vector Graph Print all vector graph component in current window.

Print Background Color Print meter component in current window.

Method 2: Do not check the Custom Print Options; use the bits of LW9054 and LW9055 to set the print.

LW9054 Setting

Bit No. Name 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Bit0 Print Text Do not print Print

Bit 1 Print Meter Do not print Print

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Bit 2 Print Trend Curve Do not print Print

Bit 3 Print Bit Map Do not print Print

Bit 4 Print All The Vector Graph Do not print Print

Bit 5 Print Background Color Do not print Print

Use the Multiple States Setting component to set the value of LW9054, if all the constant needs printing,

 put the Multiple State Setting component in the common window(frame 1) and the setting mode is Set at

Window Open, set value is 255.

LW9055 Setting

Bit NO. Name 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Each bits means zoom out 0.1 Each bits means zoom in 0.1 times (LW9055
Bit 0~ Bit 7 Magnification
times ranges from 1 to 50, which means 0. 1 to 5 times.)

Bit 8 Printer Color Color Monochrome

Bit 9 Print page Current page Change page to print

For example, if the Magnification is 0.3, Monochrome printing and print current page, that is to say, set the LW.B9055.0,

LW.B9055.1, LW.B9055.8 and LW.B9055.9 On. User also can set the above configuration by LW9055 directly, set LW9055

to 259(bit 0, 1, 8 and 9 on means 259)

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 13.3 Print Function Setting Method]

(5)Screen Hard Copy

Screen Hard Copy is used to print current screen: when the specified bit register changes from OFF to ON, the current screen

is printed.

The Custom Print Options setting is the same as the Report Printout.

(6)General PLC Control

General PLC Control is used to transmit data between PLC/controller registers and HMI local registers.

When the Control Type is General PLC Control, system will distribute 4 registers to control transmit type, transmit data

length, offset of PLC/controller register address and offset of HMI register address. See the following table for details:

Address Function Description

Store the transmit type code, different There are 4 transmit type, see details in table 4.15.5_5,
Specified address
codes mean different transmitting when the register is write new code, HMI executes

Advanced Part Component

direction. corresponding transmit and the register will be reset to 0

after the transmitting finishes.

Specified address+1 Data length The transmitting data length, units is word.

Specified address+2 offset of PLC/controller register address This offset is for the “specified address +4”.

Specified address+3 Set the start address of HMI recipe register(RW) or local
offset of HMI register address

See the following table for details of transmit type.

Code Data transmit type Code Data transmit type

1 PLC  RW(HMI Recipe register) 2 PLC  LW(HMI local register)

3 RW(HMI Recipe register)  PLC 4 LW(HMI local register)  PLC

For example: Transmit the data in D100~D104 (PLC register) to the RS100 ~RW104 (HMI recipe register).

Set D0 as the specified address in PLC Control, that is to say, D0 controls the Transmit Type, D1 controls the Transmit Data

Length, D2 controls the offset of data source register (PLC) and D3 controls the offset of destination register (HMI).

According to the example, D0=1 means transmit data from PLC to RW; D1=5 means there are 5 words (D100~D104)

needs transmitting; D2=96 which means PLC source address is D100=(96+0)+4, 0 means the start address in General PLC

Control. As the D0 to D3 are used for control register, so the source address is D4 , and the offset(96) is also for D4 , so the

PLC source register address is D2+ start address in General PLC Control(D0)+4. D3=100 means that the start address of

destination register is RW100.

(7)General PLC Control (Extend)

General PLC Control (Extend) is similar as the General PLC Control, it is also used to transmit data between PLC/controller

register sand HMI registers; the difference is that it distributes 6 registers to transmit type, transmit data length, offset of

PLC/controller register address and offset of HMI register address. See the following table for details

Address Function Description

Store the transmit type code, There are 4 transmit type, see details in table 4.15.5_5, when the

Specified Address different codes mean different register is write new code, HMI executes corresponding transmit

transmitting direction and the register will be reset to 0 after the transmitting finishes

Specified Address+1 Data length The transmitting data length, units is word

Specified Address+2 offset of PLC/controller

This offset is for the “specified address +6”
Specified Address+3 register address

Specified Address+4 Set the start address of HMI recipe register (RW) or local
offset of HMI register address
Specified Address+5 register(LW)

(8)Backlight Close

When the specified bit register changes from OFF to ON, HMI turns off the backlight, and the backlight will be on again if

the screen is touched.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

(9)Backlight Close(Write Back)

When the specified bit register changes from OFF to ON, HMI turns off the backlight, and reset the specified register to OFF.

The backlight will be on again if the screen is touched.

(10)Execute Macro Program

When the specified register satisfies the execute method, the specified macro will be executed.

The execute methods are as follows:

Execute Method Description

ONOFF When the status of specified register changes, HMI executes specified macro

OFFON When the status of specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI executes specified macro

ONOFF When the status of specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI executes specified macro

ON When the status of specified register keeps ON, HMI executes specified macro

When the status of specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI executes specified macro
OFFON, reset
At the same time reset the specified register to OFF automatically

When the status of specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI executes specified macro
ONOFF, reset
At the same time reset the specified register to ON automatically

(11)Backlight Open

When the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI will turn on the backlight.

(12)Backlight Open (Write Back)

When the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI will turn on the backlight. At the same time HMI resets the

register to OFF.

Advanced Part Component

(13)Sound Control

When the specified register satisfies the setting condition, HMI plays specified audio file.

Execute Method Description

ONOFF When the status of specified register changes, HMI plays specified audio file

OFFON When the status of specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI plays specified audio file

ONOFF When the status of specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI plays specified audio file

When the status of specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI plays specified audio file
OFFON, reset
At the same time reset the specified register to OFF automatically

When the status of specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI plays specified audio file
ONOFF, reset
At the same time reset the specified register to ON automatically

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.4 Sound Lib Application]

!  Only the HMI with audio output port supports this Sound Control function

(14)Save Screenshot Data to Extended Memory.

When specified register changes from OFF to ON, save the current screen constant to the extended memory in picture.

1. Only the HMI with USB host and SD card supports this function

 2. This function supports offline simulation, indirect online simulation and direct simulation. The

screenshot pictures are saved in the \disk\sd(usb1 or usb2)\scr file folder of Kinco HHMIware installation


User needs to set the extended device in the HMI Attributes>> HMI.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

The bmp pictures are named as year-month-day, hour: minute: second: millisecond, for example: 2010-09-01,

10:12:50:203.bmp. User also can define the picture name by system special register. The LW9470~LW9485 define the prefix

of file name, for example the constant in LW9470~LW9485 is “Version Num .20100001-”, then the screenshot picture

name is Version Num .20100001-2010-09-01,10:15:28:421.bmp.

! 
After the save screenshot is executed, please do not plug out the extended memory device in 1 minute, or

the picture may cannot be saved.

4.15.6 Sound Lib

Sound Lib is used to save the wav or mp3 audio file. The system will transfer the audio file to snd format

file automatically, and user can call this file, the original audio file (WAV or mp3 file) are saved in the

sound file folder of current project.

Display the audio file

Import from extended memory

1. One imported audio file must be smaller than 256KB, but the audio file from the Using audio from

 extended memory does not limit the file size.

2. Supports WAV, MP3 format audio file.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 5.4 Sound Lib Application]

Advanced Part Component

4.15.7 Data Logger

Data Logger is used to sample data and set sampling method, these data can be displayed on Data Report
●Interface of Data Logger

Display logged data

1. Import: .Import the data sampling information in CSV file format to the Data Logger
2. Export: Export all logged in sampling data to a CSV file; this file is editable by Microsoft EXCEL.

 Data Logger Attributes

Click the Add to open the Data Logger attributes dialog window, the detail attributes are as follows:

Detail Description of Data sampling properties.

Sample Point The total sample point number, it ranges from 1~999999

Circle Sampling Sample the data periodically.

Sample Type
Trigger Sampling Trigger sampling when the specified register satisfies the condition.

Sample Continue The sampling continues even if all the sampling points are finished.

Get Datatype Sample Once The sampling stops when all the sampling points are finished, that is to say , the

sampling is executed only once.

Channel The continuous sampling registers number, 128 channels at most.

It is invalid if the Sampling Type is Circle Sampling.

Circle Sample
Sample Circle The time interval between each two sampling points, the unit is millisecond.
Viable Circle Read sample circle from specified register in circle sampling.

Trigger Type It is invalid if the Sampling Type is Trigger Sampling.

Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI triggers the

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI triggers the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

OFFON Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI triggers the sampling..

Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI triggers the
sampling, and then reset the specified register automatically.

Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI triggers the
sampling, and then reset the specified register automatically.

Data Type Set the display data format for the sampling data, there are six formats , they are

Sample 16-bit signed, 16-bit unsigned, 32-bit signed, 32-bit unsigned, float, double and

Channel string.

Description Set the description name for the channel

If the Variable Circle is checked, the variable value is used preferentially, if the variable value cannot be get
because of communication lost , HMI uses the default value(the Sample Circle) .

Detail Description of Data Sample Control

Set the start address of sampling data, the word length depends on the channel and data type. Take the
following picture for example: there are 4 channels, their data types are 16-bit signed, 32-bit signed,
float and double. So the word length is 9, because the 16-bit signed is one word, 32-bit signed is two
words; float is two words and double is 4 words.

Sample Address

Save Disk The external memory device of HMI, the SD Card, USB1 and USB2 are
Save Dir The subdirectory where sampling data is saved in the external memory device.
Sample Data The default name is SampleDataStore, customers can change this name
Save themselves, and the detail route of this file is \external
device\database\subdirectory name\export file name.db.
The file format is .db.
Variable Dir The subdirectory name is read from specified register, the max word length is 16.
Sample Data Use a bit register to clear the sample data and delete the file in the database.
Clear Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears the
sample data.
Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears the
sample data.

Advanced Part Component

OFFON Only when the specified register changes its status, HMI clears the sample data.
Only when the specified register changes from OFF to ON, HMI clears the
sample data. and then reset the specified register automatically.
Only when the specified register changes from ON to OFF, HMI clears the
sample data., and then reset the specified register automatically.
Use a specified bit register to pause the sampling, ON means HMI stops sampling and OFF means
HMI starts sampling.
Pause Sample
Note: In Sample Once mode, this register will be set ON automatically when the sampling is finished,
user can set this register OFF to trigger the sampling again.

4.15.8 Schedule List

Schedule List is used to configure the operation which will be executed in specific time.
 【Schedule List】Interface

※1.Import the CSV file which include schedule list format into【Schedule List】in the current project.
2.Export all the schedule information in current project to specific directory and saved as CSV file.This file can be open

by Microsoft EXCEL.

 【Schedule List】Setting

Click 【Add】 in【Schedule List】to open the setting window of【Schedule List】,its attributes are shown as follows.


Execute HMI List Select the HMI which will execute the schedule.

Basic Pro. Execute when power on

Select If HMI power on after the setting time of schedule, then it will execute the “Begin

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

item param” automatically.

If HMI power on before setting time of schedule and select “End item

param”,then it will execute the “End item param” automatically.

If HMI power on after setting time of schedule and select “End item param”, then

it won’t execute “Begin item param” automatically,but it will execute the end item

param automatically.If “End item param” is not selected,then no item will be



If HMI power on before setting time of schedule and not select “End item

param”,then it will execute

Trig Beep.It is used to set the buzzer when start executing preset operation.The range of buzzer is


When selecting this option,then the begin date and end date can be different,but

there can only select one begin date and one end date.

For example, begin date is 9:00:00 Sunday,end date is 17:30:00 Tuesday.

Begin item param End item param

Date and Time UseSingleDate 9:00 17:30



Advanced Part Component

When unselecting this option, then the schedule is executed within one day(means

from the begin date to end date is within 24 hours) ,but it can set multiple begin

date and end date.

Note:If the time of end date is earlier than the time of begin date,then the end item

param will be executed in next day.

Set time and day for begin item param.Format is HH:MM:SS

Begin Date

End Date When selecting [Use end date],the time of end date can be set.

When selecting[UseSingleDate],the day of end date can be set.

It is used to set schedule time and date by local or PLC address.

If unselecting [Use end date],it will occupy 4 words,these addresses are only used

for begin date.

The variable date addr.=Week. Bit0:Sunday(0:Invalid, 1:Valid)……Bit6:Saturday

(0:Invalid, 1:Valid).The format is as following figure.

The variable date addr.+1=Hour

Variable Date
The variable date addr.+2=Minute
The variable date addr.+3=Second

Exammple 1:The variable date addr. is LW0,then Week=LW0,Hour=LW1,


If selecting [Use end date],it will occupy 8 words,then these addresses are used

for begin date and end date.

Example 2:if the variable date addr. is LW0,then the begin date is:Week=LW0,

Hour=LW1,Minute=LW2,Second=LW3.End date is:Week=LW4,Hour=LW5,


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Control Info. Execute Type Descriptions as follows.

On: it will set the specific bit address as on at the beginning time.

For example, beginning time is 9:30:00.

Off:it will set the specific bit address as off at the beginning time.

For example:beginning time is 9:30:00

Bit Set

Toggle:it will switch the status of the specific bit address at beginning time.If the orginal

status of the bit address is off,then it will switch to on.Or it will switch to off.

For example,beginning time is 9:30:00

Set Constant:it will write a constant to specific register at the beginning time.

For example:beginning time is 9:30:00,constant value is 100 and specific register is 4x1.

Word Set
4x1 100


Add Value:it will use the original value of specific register to add an addend at the

beginning time,and its final value will not exceed the upper limit.

For example:beginning time is 9:30:00,addend is 3,upper limit is 80 and specific register

is 4x1.

Advanced Part Component

Sub Value: it will use the original value of specific register to subtract a subtrahend at

the beginning time,and its final value will not exceed the lower limit.

For example:beginning time is 9:30:00,subtrahend is 3,lower limit is 9 and specific

register is 4x1.

It is used to select the data type of setting value.It supports 16-bit signed\16-bit
Data type
unsigned,32-bit signed\32-bit unsigned,float,double.

Write Address Set the address which is used for execution.

Variable Param Use variables to change the set value(for set constant),Addend,upper(for add),subtrahend and lower(for

Address sub)

1. If the write addresses are the same in schedule list,it is forbidden to set the same time and date to


2. Every time in schedule list only executes once.When it reaches execution time,the specific address

will be written a value once.

3. Because it needs to read the data of [Word Set] and [Control Setting],the execution maybe delay

according to the data communication.

4. When selecting [Variable Date Address],system will read the address cyclically,the cycle time depends

on the busyness of system.

5. When the value of the variable date address exceeds the range of standard time,then the setting

schedule will be wrong.

4.15.9 Recipe Area List

The recipe area list is used to specify the recipe attributes, which can be displayed in the recipe area
browse component.

● [Recipe area list]

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Displays registered
recipe area information

Import .csv file Exit after confirming

Add new Delete all recipe
recipe information is correct
Delete selected Modify
selected recipe Export .csv file

※1.The existing CSV format data sampling information file is imported into the formula setting of the current project.
2.Export all the registered data sampling information in the current project to the specified location and generate the CSV
format file. This file can be opened and edited with Microsoft EXCEL.
 [Recipe Area List]
In [recipe setting] property page, click [add] can open [data item settings] dialog box, the specific attributes of the table

Specific data item settings

When there are multiple HMI in the project, the corresponding formula data can be established
according to the HMI number
RecipeAreaName Recipe Area Name
RecipeCounts Recipe Counts
RecipeItemCounts Recipe Item Counts
Recipedata Item Set data item name、type and so on
Set Recipe Address Auto assign data item address according to the data type
Data Item Name Set data item name
Datatype Setting data types supported by data items, currently supports 16 bit
unsigned numbers, 32 bit unsigned numbers, single / double precision
floating point numbers, strings
Integer\Decimal Setting integer digits and decimal digits of data items. Invalid setting
when data type is strings
Length Only when the data type is set as a string, the maximum is set to 64.
Automatic allocation of other data types
Lower\Upper Limit Sets the upper and lower limit, and the Strings type does not have to be
Use UNICODE Strings support the use of Unicode encoding formats

Advanced Part Component

Exchange H/L char Strings type optional high and low byte swap
Data Up Click the button to move up the selected data item. The move button will
rearrange the display sequence of the data item.
Data Down Click the button to move the selected data item down. The move down
button will rearrange the display order of the data item.
Enable Insert Before In When the trigger condition is satisfied, the data item can be inserted
Cur Row above the selected line, and the last row formula data is deleted
Enable Insert After In When the trigger condition is satisfied, the data item can be inserted
Cur Row below the selected line, and the last row formula data is deleted
Enable Delete Cur When the trigger condition is satisfied, the selected row data item can be
Register deleted, and the last row of the element is inserted into a row of new
Register Set recipe data
Enable Copy Register When the trigger condition is satisfied, the recipe copy function can be
Enable Cut Register When the trigger condition is satisfied, the recipe cut function can be
Enable Paste Cur When the trigger condition is satisfied, the recipe paste function can be
Register executed

Display the recipe area address range

Recipe Area
Bit and Word Address The range is calculated according to recipe count and recipe item counts.
Range Format: HMIn_RB_ recipe area name
Display the Current recipe area address range
Bit and Word Address The range is calculated according to recipe item counts. Format:
Cur Recipe
Range HMIn_CRB_ recipe area name
Recipe No. Address Displays the line number of the current recipe data in the component
Range browse component. The line number is always starting from 0.

4.16 Auxiliary Component

4.16.1 Scale

Scale Component is used to set equal scale label for some components, like Bar Picture, Meter and so on.

So components has scale itself, they also can use the Scale component.

Description of Scale component

Style Horizontal Vertical Arc Circularity

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Equal Division Set the equal division number

Line Length Set the scale length of Arc and Circularity style

Start/End Angle Set the start and end angle of Acr style

Line Color Set the line color

4.16.2 Timer

When the setting time is up, Timer will execute corresponding functions, like macro, setting parameters,

data transmission and so on.

Description of Timer Attributes.

Timer function will be executed as soon as the timer is initialized, and stopped

All time automatically after the Repeat Count. Then the timer will not be triggered till the next

initialization. If the Repeat Count is 0, that means the function is executed all the time.

Timer function will be executed as soon as the frame is initialized, and stopped

Initial frame automatically after the Repeat Count. Then the timer will not be triggered till the next

Trigger Mode initialization. It is the almost the same the “All time” Trigger Mode.

Close frame Timer function will be executed when the frame is close.

The function will be triggered according to the Trigger Address. When the Repeat Count

By is 0, it means that the function will be executed till the trigger condition is canceled.

re-address When the repeat Count is N, it means that the function will be executed N times if

address is triggered, then it will stop automatically.

The execution cycle of timer, the unit is hundred milliseconds. The timer executes the Timer Function
Execution Cycle
one time in every execution cycle.

Immediate Timer executes the function immediately when the condition is triggered.

Response Mode Timer executes the function in the next execution cycle when the condition is triggered.
That is to say, there will be one circle delay.

Trigger State In the By reg-address mode, the Trigger State is On or Off.

The execution number of timer function. If the Repeat Count is 0, it means the function will be
Repeat Count
executed all the time.

Advanced Part Component

Trigger Address In the By reg-address mode, set the register address for trigger register.

Variable Period Once users choose variable period, it is determined by the specific register

Execute Macro

Execute the specified macro program. That is to say, when the timing time is up, the macro will be executed

Data Transmission

Transmit the data in batch. When the timing time is up, timer transmits corresponding length data from Source Address to

Destination Address

Source Address Set the source address of data

Destination Address Set the destination address of transmitting data

Data Type Set the type of transmitting data, bit or word

Data Length Set the number of transmitting data

State Setting

Change the state or value of specified register. When the timing time is up, timer changes the state of corresponding bit

register or write value to the word register.

Set Value When the “Execution Cycle” time is up, set the bit register to 0 or 1.
Periodical Toggle When the “Execution Cycle” time is up, toggle the bit register between 0 and 1.

Periodical Add an Asc value (K) to the data (V) of specified register automatically in every execution

JOG++(circle) circle. When the data reaches to the Upper limit, it will start from 0 again.


Periodical Subtract a Desc value (K) from the data (V) of specified register automatically in every

JOG--(one way) execution circle. When the data reaches to the Lower limit, the data will stop at the lower


Periodical Add an Asc value (K) to the data (V) of specified register automatically in every execution

JOG++(one way) circle. When the data reaches to the Upper limit, it will stop at the Upper limit.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Add a Step value (K) to the data (V) of specified register automatically in every execution

circle. When the data reaches to the Upper limit, subtract a Step value (K) in every

execution circle till 0, then start add Step a value (K) to the data again, repeat the above
Periodical process circularly.
Lower T
upon limit) limit
V+K Upper limit


Lower limit V-K

Add a Step value (K) to the data (V) of specified register automatically in every execution

circle, when the data reaches to the Upper limit, it will be reset to the Lower limit, then start

to add step value again from the Lower limit.

Step Up(circle)

Step Subtract a Desc value (K) from the data (V) of specified register automatically in every

Down(circle) execution circle, when the data reaches the Lower limit, it will be reset to the Upper limit,

then start to subtract step value again from the Upper limit.

Set Constant When the timing time is up, the preset constant will be written to the specified register.

4.16.3 Scroll Bar

Scroll Bar is used to change the value of HMI or PLC register by moving the slider, and the scaling

relation between actual value and Min/Max is displayed by the position of slider.

Advanced Part Component

Description of Scroll Bar Attributes

Word Length of Index Number Word and Double Word are optional.

Direction Set the direction of scroll bar, there are four directions; they are From Left To Right,

From Right To Left, From Up to Down and From Down to UP.

Background Image Set the background image of scroll bar, there are three options; they are Not Used,

Vector Graphics and Bitmap.

Import Image Import the background image from the system image library.

Button Image Set the button image of scroll bar, there are three options; they are Not Used, Vector

Graphics and Bitmap.

Import Image Import the button image from the system image library.

Description of Scroll Bar Extended Attributes

Slider Width Set the width of slider, ranges from 1 to 99. Uncheck means that the slider uses the

default width, which is 10 pixels.

Max/Min Value Setting Set the start value and max value of scroll bar.

Variable Max/Min Value Set the variable for the Min and Max for the scroll bar, and set the register address, the

Setting specified address is the Min, and the specified address+1 is the Max.

Set Scroll Mode Ranging from 1 to 100, each time user clicks scroll bar , it adds or subs the setting value.

4.16.4 Date/Time

Date/Time component is used to display HMI system date and time in specified format.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Description of Time attributes

Display Date Set the component to display date or not

Date format Four formats are optional. DD means day, MM means month, YY means year.

Date Separator Three formats are optional, for example, 2011.01.01.

Year 4-digital Checked means Timer displays year in 4 numbers, for example 2011; unchecked

Display means Timer displays year in 2 numbers, for example 11.

Zero suppress for Checked means there is not a 0 before year and month take June for example, when

Year and Day this option is checked, Timer displays 6, if unchecked, and Timer displays 06.

Display Week Set the component to display week or not, the week is displayed in abbr.

Display Time Set the component to display the time or not.

Time Two formats are optional: HH means hour, MM means minutes, SS means second.

12-hour System Checked means Time is displayed in 12-hour system, take the three o'clock in the

(AM/PM) afternoon for example, if this option is checked, it displays 3:00 PM , if

unchecked , it displays 15:00.

The Date/Time component can read the RTC time in the HMI, but cannot change it. If user need to change

 the date or time, they can change it in HMI SETUP screen or via system special


☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.7 RTC Set]


4.16.5 Note Pad

Note Pad is the message board function; it is used together with the Message Board function in the

Function Key.

4.16.6 File List

File List is used to display the file information in the external memory device. It is divided into three area:

the left part displays the file folder information of current catalog. Upper right part displays the file

information of current catalog; the Lower right part displays the chosen project file (.pkg file) or recipe file

(.rcp file) of current catalog.

Advanced Part Component

..\ Test.pkg File information

exmem\ of current catalog
\scr\ Chosen file HMI
trend\ information of current

File folder information

of current catalog

File list component is a special component; it is usually used together with the Import/Export function of Function Key.

System also provides [Frame5: File List Window] as file list when user import/export project file or recipe file in the SETUP

screen. And the File Browser Window can be changed in the HMI Attributes.

4.16.7 Trigger Touch

Trigger Touch is used to trigger multiple components without touching them, when the specified address

satisfies the setting Trigger Type condition, all the components in the Trigger Touch area will be


Take the following component for example:

The components (1, 3 and 4) are in the Trigger Touch area.

The component 2 is not in the Trigger Touch area.

When the specified address satisfies the setting Trigger Type condition, the 1, 3 and 4 will be trigged, but 2 will not be

triggered, because it is out of the Trigger Touch area.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Detail Description of Trigger Touch

Trigger Touch Description

When the specified register changes from OFF to ON, the components in the Trigger Touch area will
be triggered.

When the specified register changes from ON to OF, the components in the Trigger Touch area will be

When the specified register changes its state, the components in the Trigger Touch area will be

When the specified register changes from OFF to ON, the components in the Trigger Touch area will
OFFON (reset)
be triggered. At the same time, reset the specified register to OFF.

When the specified register changes from ON to OFF, the components in the Trigger Touch area will
ONOFF (reset)
be triggered. At the same time, reset the specified register to ON.

4.16.8 VNC

VNC client components can be used for remote control of HMI. After the user needs to open the VNC
function in the controlled HMI, the VNC Viewer control end can be carried out at the main control end.

Detail Description of VNC

Use Constant IP Setting the IP address of the controlled erminal HMI
Use Variable IP Addr The IP address of the controlled terminal HMI is a variable
Use Constant PassWord The control side access the controlled terminal to enter the password, the password is constant
The control side access the controlled terminal needs to enter the password, the password is a
Use Variable Password
variable. Note: the password input is required by the text input element
Start Triggers the register to connect the control side to the controlled side
System special registers related to VNC element information
Address Function Description
LW9171 Display the state of the VNC =1,Connection error
element =2,Password error
=3,Running error
=4,Connection OK

Advanced Part Component

 The features of the VNC client component are as follows:

1. Remote access security, password authentication can be set;
2. Simple setting of project interface;
3. The component automatically generates up and down scroll bar to realize the free display of the
remote screen;
4. Access is fast, as long as your network is good;
5. Multiple VNC clients can access the same VNC server at the same time;

4.16.9 Recipe Area View

The formula area browsing is mainly used to display the selected formula data. The formula area browsing
element is a column by column display formula, and the data items are displayed line by line.

Detail Description of Recipe Area Choose

Recipe Area Lib Click the button of the recipe area database to pop up the recipe list window for the recipe
registration modification
Currently Recipe Clicking on the button of the current selection area can pop up the recipe selection window for
Area formula selection
Recipe Data Item After the selection of the formula name in the window of the currently selected formula area, the
specific information of the formula member is displayed in the formula area name list
Disable After checkup, when running on HMI, the browsing element in the recipe area can only read the
Modification selected recipe data and cannot be modified. The default is no tick. Runtime allows modification of
the recipe data.

Detail Description of Recipe area display properties

Serial number Choose whether to display the serial number
Serial Number Begin It is possible to set the minimum number of ordinal numbers 0 or 1
Selected color Color when selected, Setting the selected color of the formula line
Back color Setting the background color of the component browsing element and the color of the title bar
Separator /border settings Setting up the element border and dividing line properties in the formula area
Title Bar Setting Setting the font properties of each data item in the formula

Detail Description of Keyboard Set

When selecting the attribute page in the recipe area] [Disable modification], [keyboard set] page is invalid. No selected.
[ keyboard set] is valid.
Number keyboard Set Default is Public Windows Keyboard

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Text Keyboard Set Default is Public Windows Keyboard

5 Better Understanding of Library
In Kinco DTools, user can load the text, address tag, graphic and sound in the database, when they need to use this

information, they can call it from the database directly, this database is called library in Kinco DTools. This chapter will give

you a detail description of how to use library.

5.1 Text Library

We will describe how to use Text Library in this section.

5.1.1 Create a Text Library

(1) Click on the Option (O) menu>>Text Library (T) or the icon in the tool bar or the Text Library in the Project

Database of Graph element window to open the Text Library dialog box.

(2) Click on the Add to pop up the Add Text dialog box.

For example, build a text item named “Start Motor”, the State Num is 2, each text supports 256 states at most. Click on

the Ok to finish building the text, and click on the Cancel to give up this text.

! The Name of text cannot be modified after it is built

After setting the Name and State Num, click on the OK to the next step.

(3) The text named “Start Motor” has been added to the Text Library, click on the icon before “Start Motor” to

view the states of this text, there are two states: 0 and 1. Click on the blank area under the each language to input text content.

In this example , we input “启动” in the language1 of state 0,and “停止”in the language1 of state 1; Input “Start” in

the language2 of state 0,and “Stop” in the language2 of state 1.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Besides, user can add/delete/modify the text state by right click option, take the following picture for


(4) Click on the OK to close the Text Library dialog box after editing. Check the “Use Textlib” in Tag option of a

component and then select a already built text in list.

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

5.1.2 Export/Import Text Library

The built text library can be exported in a csv file, and the csv file also can be import into the Text Library.

! Import/export the whole text library, but cannot import/export a single text item

(1) Export text library

The exported csv file can be edit by Microsoft Excel.

(2) Import text library

5.1.3 Set the Language of Text Library

Click on the Language Setting in the HMI Extended Attributes option of HMI Attributes or the Language in the Text Library

dialog box to open the Language Setting dialog box, and then set the global font attributes of each language.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1. The font attributes in Language Setting is global, and the font attributes in the tag option is only for the

 tag content of current component.

2. If the font attributes in Language Setting change, it will not affect the font attributes of the tag which

has already used the text in text library, if user want this font attributes to be the same as the Language

Setting, they can cancel the “Use Textlib”in the tag and then recheck it, so the font attributes is


5.1.4 Text Library Application

 Edit the Text Library quickly

When there is a lot of text content in text library, user can export the text library in a csv file , then edit it in the Microsoft

excel, it is very conveniently to edit in this way.

Firstly, build a text library, and then set the state number and text content.

Export the text library to a csv file in your PC, and then open and edit it by Microsoft Excel, you can edit the text name, state

number, text content and add new text item.

The Name, Status, Language1~32 are fixed formwork, if they are modified, there will be problem when

the csv file is imported to the Text Library.

Save the csv file before close it:

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

At last, import the text library file (textlib.csv) to the project.

When importing the text library file, if there is a text in the project text library has the same name as the text

in the file, there will be a tip to warn that whether you want to cover the same name text or not, the covered

text cannot be regained.

 Use Text Library to switch multiple languages

Use the special system register LW9130 to switch the languages in text library

When LW9130=0, HMI displays the text content in Language1; when LW9130=1, HMI displays the text content in

Language2….and so on, When LW9130=31, HMI displays the text content in Language32; if the LW9130>31, HMI

displays the text content in Language1.

The Number of Language in the HMI Extended Attributes of HMI Attributes will limit the language number

in Text Library. The default language number is 8 in Text Library, even if the LW9130>8 , HMI only

displays the Language1~Language8. If user wants to use more than 8 languages, he needs to set the Max

Lang Num in Language Setting, and the Number of Language must be smaller than Max Lang Num. The

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Default Language means the default language that HMI displays, for example, the language2 is English in

Text Library, if the Default Language is 2, HMI will display the text content in English till LW9130 changes.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.6 Language Switching]

5.2 Address Tag Library
We will describe how to use Address Tag library in this section

5.2.1 Build a Address tag Library

(1) Click on the Option (O) menu>>Address Tag (A) or the icon in the tool bar or the Address Tag in the Project

Database of Graph element window to open the Text Library dialog box.

(2) Click on the Add to pop Build Address Tag dialog box

For example, build an address tag named “Start Motor”, the address is M0. Click on the OK to finish building this address

tag, and click on Cancel to give up this address tag.

5.2.2 Address Tag Application

After building the address tag in Address Tag Library, check the Use Address Tag, and chose the corresponding address tag

name. Take the following picture for example:

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

Bit component can only use the bit address tag; and the word component can only use the word address tag.

 The Address Tag library supports being imported and exported; the import/export operation is the same as

the Text Library.

5.3 Graphic Library

Kinco DTools provides user rich vector graphic and bit map. User can draw vector graphics, like, switch, lamp and so on.

User also can import external pictures to bit map. We will describe how to use the Graphic Library in this section.

5.3.1 Import Graphics

(1) Import Graphics

There are three methods to open the Import Graphic dialog box

1. Click on the icon

2. Click on the Import Graphics Library in Draw (D) menu.

3. Click on the Import Graphics in the Graphics option of a component attributes.

a. Switch the states of selected graphic.

b. When all graphic are not displayed in above area, click on Refresh to display them all.

c. Choose a wanted graphic in above area, click on the Import to load this graphic (vg or bg) to current project.

d. Close the Import Graphic dialog box

e. Set the graphic type that needs displaying in following area.

f. Open the route selection dialog box.

There are two sources for graphic library

System graphic library: The graphic library in software, it is in the vg_bg_lib file folder of Kinco DTools installation file


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

There are two parts for graphic display area, the upper half displays all thumbnail in graphic library, the lower half displays

all states’ preview graphic of selected graphic

Import graphic from system graphic library, for example, import the button named “”from the System

Graphic Library>>Vg>> Button, the operation steps are as follows:

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

If the imported vector graphic (vg) or bit graphic (bg) has the same name as the graphic in current project

 graphic library, there will be a Modify Image Name dialog box to input a new name.

 User-defined Library Path: user can import a vg or bg from a specified route, that is , user can import the graphics from

the vg file folder of other project files. For example , import graphic from D:\Program Files\Kinco\Kinco DTools\

project \control system\ vg, the steps are as follows:

Image Liarary
System Image Library Type All graphs(.vg,.bg)
User-Defined Library Path ......

1 2

Image Library State


System Image Library

User-Defined Library Path ......

Image Library State

State Refresh Import Exit

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Multiple vg/ bg cannot be imported/exported at the same time

2. Export Graphic

The imported vg/bg from system library or the new build vg/bg graphics are stored in the vg file folder of project file folder.

There are two methods to save the graphic in current project to system graphic; they are stored in vg_bg_lib>>vg /BG

>>UserselPath file folder of Kinco DTools installation file folder. So user can use these graphics in the other project.

1. Project File Window>> Vector Graph

2. Graphic option of component attributes

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

5.3.2 Build New Graphics

If the vg/bg in system graph library cannot satisfy user’s application, he can build new vg/bg himself.

(1) Build a new vector graph

The New Graphics button

For example, draw a indicator light name “Lamp” and has two states: Click on the icon or New Graphics (N) of

Draw (D) menu to open the New Graphics dialog box:

New Graphics dialog box

Name The name of new graph

State Num Set the state number of new graph, it is 256 at most

Type The type of new graphic: vector graph or bit map

Width/Height Set the width and height of new graph, the unit is pixel

File Name The store route of new graph

Description The note information for new graph

! The width and height cannot be modified after being built.

Choose the Vector Graph type, input “Lamp” as its name and set 3 to State Number, use the default width (100) and height

(100). Click on OK to enter the graphics edit window:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

View Area

Edit Area

Draw the graphics for State0 and State1; see the drawing steps as follows:

Example Draw a base for the lamp

1.Choose State0

2. Choose the Ellipse in the draw tool


3. Move the mouse to edit area, and left

click when the + icon appears.

4. Draw a ellipse

☞For details about how to draw a

ellipse, refer to [Advanced Part 2.2


Example Set the graph attributes

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

1. Double click the ellipse to open

1 graphic dialog box.

2. Set the ellipse attributes as follows:

Line Color RGB(230,230,250)

Filling Color RGB(230,230,250)

Example Draw lamp and flashing effect

1. Draw a ellipse which is smaller than

the base.

2. Set the ellipse attributes as follows:

Line Color RGB(0,255,0)

Filling Color RGB(0,255,0)

3. Draw a short line on lamp as the

flashing effect.

☞For details about how to draw a

line, refer to [Advanced Part 2.2 Draw]

Example Draw graph for State1

1. Select all the graphics of State0 and

state0 state1
copy(Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C)

state0 state1 2. Select the State1, paste the graphics

to state1(Ctrl+V)

3. Set the lamp attributes of Stae1 as

state0 state1 follows:
Line Color RGB(255,0,0)

Filling Color RGB(255,0,0)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

After drawing the lamp graphics, click on the Save in File menu or icon to save the new graphic, at last click on

the icon to close the graph edit window.

The new vector graphics will be saved as vg format file, they are in the vg file folder of current project file folder

 User can only use the draw bar to draw pictures on vector, but cannot add some text or external picture to

vector graph.

Save to the VG map

User also can draw vector graphics in project edit window and then save them as VG map.

For example, draw a vector graph named “button”, and has two states. The drawing steps are as follows:

Example Draw graphics for State0

1. Draw a polygon in HMI Edit


2. Double click the polygon, setits

attributes as follows:

Line Color RGB(0,0,0)

Filling Color RGB(165,165,165)

3. Copy (Ctrl +C) and paste (Ctrl +V)

the polygon.

4. Rotate the polygon2 horizontally and

then vertically.

5. Double click the polygon2 to set its

attributes as follows:

Line Color RGB(0,0,0)

Filling Color RGB(255,255,255)

6. Draw a rectangle, and double click to

set its attributes as follows:

Line Color RGB(0,0,0)

Filling Color RGB(0,255,0)

Now finish drawing the graphics of


☞For details about how to draw a

rectangle, refer to [Advanced Part 2.2


Example Save the graphics of State0

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

1. Select all the graphics of State0, then

right click.

2. Choose the Save to the VG map in

the right click option

3. Set a name for this vector graph in

the popped up dialog box, and then

click on OK to save.

Example Draw graphics for State1

1. Select all he graphics of State0, and

then copy (Ctrl +C) and paste (Ctrl


2. After pasting , exchange the two

polygon, and set the rectangle’s

attributes as follow:

Line Color RGB(0,0,0)

Filing Color RGB(255,0,0)

Now finish drawing the graphics of


Example Save the graphics of State1

1. Select all the graphics of State1, then

right click.

2. Choose the “Save as VG map” in

right click options.

3. Choose the “Save to VG map” in

the popped up dialog box.

4. Choose the “New State” in the

Graphics States.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 The New States in Save VG map dialog box means add a new state to the vg, Update Current State means

replace a specified state.

User can view the saved vg in Vector Graph of Project file window.

(2) Build a new bit map

For example, build a new bit graph named “Button”, and it has two states. Click on the New Graphics (N) of Draw (D)

menu or icon to open the New Graphic dialog box.

Choose the Bit Map type and input “Button” as its name, set the State Num to 2, and then click on the OK to enter the

graph edit window

Import a picture for State0:

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

Import a picture for State1

After import pictures to bit map, click on the Save in the File menu or the icon to save bit map, at last click on the

icon to exit the graph edit window.

The new build bit graph will be saved as bg format file, it is saved in the vg file folder of current project file folder. The

imported original bmp, jpg, gif pictures are saved in the image file folder of project file folder.

1. Do not delete any file in the vg file folder, or the vg/bg cannot display normally in the project.

2. User can only load external picture to bit graph, but cannot use draw tool to draw pictures or add text on it.

3. If user load gif format picture to bit graph, the gif cannot be controlled by component state, for example, if

the Bit State Switch uses the gif picture, the component displays the gif animation effect, no matter the

component is ON or OFF.

Kinco DTools supports reading the pictures from extended memory devices to bit map; it can save the HMI memory.

 Only the HMI with USB host and SD card port support reading picture from extended memory device.

Example: Put a picture (background.bmp) in the U disk or SD card (It is USB1 in this example), the HMI project read this
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

picture (background.bmp) in the U disk.

1. Copy the picture (background.bmp) to the U disk.

2. Build a new bitmap: Click on the icon or the New Graphics(N) in the Draw(D) menu to pop up New Graphics dialog
box: Name: background, State Num: 1, Type: Bitmap.

3. Using picture from extended memory

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

1. The File Name must be the same as the picture name in the extended memory.

 2. The picture can be bmp, jpg or gif or png format.

3. The picture must be in the root directory of extended memory.

After above setting, click the icon to save the bitmap, and click on the icon at the upper right to close the graph edit

5.3.3 Edit Graphics

 How to open the Graph Edit Window

Open the Graph Edit Window as shown in following picture:

 Delete the graph

Delete the vg/bg graph in current project as shown in following picture:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Click on the Yes to delete the chosen vg/bg, and click on the No to cancel this operation.

Add/delete states for graphics

User can add/delete graphics states in the Graph Edit Window.

Add state

(1) Add States in the right click options

state0 state1

state0 state1 2

state0 state1 state2

(2) The icon in the tool bar: choose one state, and then click on the icon to add state.

Delete States

(1) Delete States in the right click options.

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

(2) The icon in the tool bar: choose one state, and then click on the icon to delete this sate.

Delete States

 The icons and

Graph Edit Window.

are used to add/delete window in HMI Edit Window, and add/delete graph states in

Zoom in/Zoom out edit area

In the graph edit window, it is not easy to edit graph if the edit area is too small, user can use the zoom in function to zoom in

the edit area.

In the graph edit window, click on the icon to zoom in the work space, the maximum is 300%; In the same way, click on

the icon to zoom out the work space, the minimum is 25%. See the 200% effect as follows:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Gray level of graph

Click on the icon to switch the gray level of current graph.

The transparent color of bit graph

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.2.6 About Transparent Color]


5.3.4 How to Use the Graphics

(1) How to use the vector and bit graphics.

Take the lamp, button and background pictures for example:

Add a Bit State Switch to the edit window, and use the Bitmap in Graphics option.

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

Add a Bit State Lamp, and use the Vector Graph in Graphics option.

Add a Bitmap component as a background picture.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 The bitmap which uses the picture from extended memory device does not support the “Use Original

Size” function; user needs to adjust the size according to the original size himself.

The simulation effect is as follows:

(2)Optimize the bitmap

The bitmap supports the multiple formats picture, like BMP, JPG, JPE, JPEG, GIF, and PNG. But the color and size of

imported pictures will affect the HMI project size and execution speed. Please note the following issues when you import a

picture to the bitmap:

 The resolution of imported picture cannot be higher than HMI’s resolution, for example the HMI’s resolution is

640*480, and the imported picture’s resolution should be lower than 640*480. User can edit the picture to the same

size as component by picture edit tool before importing this picture to the project, for example, a bitmap is used in a

component with the width and height 100*100, and user can edit the picture to resolution 100*100 before importing

this picture to bitmap. If you do not need the high resolution display, edit the picture as small as possible before

importing, and then zoom in the program.

 The pictures saved in HMI are lossless compression in BMP format, if the imported pictures are loss compression in

JPG, the pictures will be larger after compiling, and the resolutions will loss. That is, when using bit map. Please

optimize the picture size, and chose compression format according to the actual application.

 Relatively Speaking, the vector graph takes much smaller size than bit map. That is, do not use too many bit maps in

the program, use vector graphics as possible, it also can make HMI execute faster.

5.4 Sound Lib Application

Kinco DTools supports sound files, like WAV, MP3 formats. They can be used for touch sound or Event/Alarm sound.

 1. The audio output port does not support OPAMP function; user needs to connect a loud speaking to this


Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

2. A signal imported sound file must be smaller than 256K, but if the sound file is saved in extended memory,

the size is not limited.

3. Supports WAV and MP3 formats only.

4. Only the HMI with audio output port support Sound Lib function.

5.4.1 Import Audio File

Click on the icon or Graph element window>>Project Database>>Sound Lib to open the Sound Library box.

 The system will convert the imported sound file to snd file automatically; the original sound file is saved in

the sound file folder of current project file.

The sound file also can be read from extended memory, which can save HMI’s memory.

[Example]: Read the sound file named “sound4.mp3” from U disk. First, save the sound4.mp3 file to the root catalog of U


Root directory

Choose the “Using audio from extended memory” in Sound Library.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1. The File Name must be the same as the name of sound file in the extended memory.

 2. The audio file read from extended memory must be mp4 format, the wav is not supported.

3. The audio file must be saved in the root catalog of extended memory.

4. The size of audio file is not limited , it depends on the memory size of extended memory device.

5.4.2 How to Use Audio File

(1)How to use audio file

Only the HMI with audio output port has the Sound option in component attributes. The audio file will be played till the it is

over when the component is touched, and this sound cannot be paused.

The Alarm/Event Information also can use the sound as the alarm sound.

Advanced Part Better Understanding of Library

(2)Adjust the audio volume

User can use the system register LW9464 to adjust the volume, if LW9464=0, it means sound off. The value of LW9464 is

from 1 to 100, which means the volume is larger.

6 System Parameters
6.1 HMI Attributes
Double the HMI icon or right click the HMI icon and choose the Attribute to open the HMI Attributes box. User can

configure some HMI system parameters in this box.

6.1.1 HMI

Detail description of HMI Attributes option

Network Setting IP Set the IP address for the HMI with Ethernet port

Subnet Mask Set the subnet mask for the HMI with Ethernet port

Default Gateway Set the gateway of LAN which HMI is connected to

Enable the FTP function and set a password.

Open FTP
☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 14.2.4 FTP Function]
Network Device Configure the Ethernet protocol when HMI communicates with

Setting PLC/controller via Ethernet

Display Setting Display the HMI display mode

Field Bus Setting Configure the field bus protocol and parameters when HMI communicates with

PLC/controller via field bus

Save Screenshots to The Choose the extended memory device where the screenshots are saved. Only the HMI with

Extended Memory extended memory supports this function

Advanced Part System Parameters

Input description for HMI , this description will distinguish different HMI when
downloading and simulating

6.1.2 Task Bar

The display effect on HMI is as follows:

a. Fast Selection Window button b. Task Bar button c. Task Bar d. Touch Indicator e. CPU Indicator f. Alarm

Indicator g. Fast Selection Window

Detail Descriptions of Task Bar

Display Task Bar Display the task bar on HMI or not

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Use Touch Indicator Display touch indicator on tool bar.

Undefined Area Color Set the indicator color when touching the undefined area.

Touch Nonclient Set the indicator color when touching the blank area, where there

Color are no components orders.

Touch Client Color Set the indicator color when touching the workplace area, where

there are components and orders.

Touch Indicating Set the color for indicator frame.

Lamp Frame Color

CPU Indicating Lamp Display CPU indictor on task bar.

Set the color for CPU indicating lamp.

CPU Indicating Lamp


Alarm Indicating Lamp Display alarm indictor on task bar.

Alarm Indicating Set the color for alarm indicating lamp.


Fast Selection Window When clicking on the Menu button , pop up the fast selection window or not.

Only Show Fast Selection

Set this option to display fast selection button only.

Advanced Part System Parameters

Button Area Size Set the size of buttons on fast selection window and task bar, the unit is pixel.

Font Size/Color Set the font size and color of text on fast selection window and task bar, the unit is pixel.

Button Position Set the position of buttons on fast selection window and task bar.

Text Align Set the align method of text on fast selection window and task bar.

Hide the buttons of fast Delete the text in the text box to hide the buttons.

section window and task bar

6.1.3 HMI Extended Attributes

Back Light/Screen Saver Setting

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Backlight HMI turns off the backlight if there is no touch within set time, and the backlight will turn on when

the HMI screen is touched again. The unit of set time is minute, and the default time is 10 minutes.

Backlight automatically turns when In the backlight off state, The backlight will turn on

alarm/event occurs. automatically if alarm or event is triggered.

Screen Saver HMI displays the screen saver window if there is no touch within set time, user can set the screen

saver window in the Window of Screensavers. HMI will display the normal screen again if the

screen is touched in screen saver mode. The default screen saver time is 10 minutes.

The Window of Screensavers Select a window as screensaver screen picture.

Return to Original Window when If this option is checked, the HMI returns to original

Screensaver Ends. window when screensaver ends, if it is not checked, HMI

goes to the screensaver window when screensaver ends.

Upload/Decompile function settings

Allow Upload Allow user uploads the project in HMI to PC, the default password is 888888. Note: the Password

can not be empty or 0.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 8.4 Upload]

Allow Decompile Allow user decompile the pkg file to wpj file, which Kinco DTools can edit, the default password is

888888. Note: the Password cannot be empty or 0.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 8.7 Decompile Operation]

Use Download Allow user download the pkg file to HMI, the default password is 888888.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10.1.4 Download Password Protection]

Video function settings

Video Mode Set the signal format of video input, the PAL and NTSC are optional. Only the HMI with BNC port

supports this function, and uses the Video component in the program.

Text library settings

Number of Set the language number in the Text Library, there are 32 languages at most. This function is used

Language together with Text Library.

The default display language of the texts which use text library. This function is used together with
Default Language
Text Library.

Language Setting Open the Language Setting dialog box .This function is used together with Text Library.

System function setting

Use INIT Macro Trigger the macro when HMI is powered on.

Use Buzzer Enable the buzzer in HMI

Advanced Part System Parameters

Screen Flip Display Display a 180 degrees turn over screen.

Auxiliary parameters setting

System Scroll Bar

Set the width of system scroll bar, it ranges from 20 to 120, the unit is pixel.

Chinese Font Box Set the height of Chinese character input box, it ranges from 24 to 99, and the unit is pixel. This

Height function is used when input Chinese character to Text Input component.

Minimum Hold When the event triggered state continues to set time, the alarm is displayed on the
Time screen.units:100ms

Invalided Set the color of invalid components, this function is used together with component which is set the

Components Color Conditional Enabling option.

Cursor Color Set the cursor color in the input status of Number/Text Input component.

Font GrayScale
When the component touch is invalid, the font label color is displayed as the setting color
Effect Color

Use External Time Set the time source of the data sample in Datalogger and Data Report.

for Datalogger
☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.7.3 System Time and PLC Time Synchronization]
Use External Time Set the time source of Event Trig time and Return to Normal Time in the Event Display and Event

for Event Bar.

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 2.7.3 System Time and PLC Time Synchronization]
User defines

datalogger’s Set the description in created *.db file same as the sample channel description.

channel description

Operational Storage Devices The SD, USB DISK1*, USB DISK2* , HMI are optional.

Records Storage Save MS Save the millisecond of operation log and save them in the CSV file.

Settings Subdirectory Set the subdirectory where CSV file is storage, user can modify it.

The default subdirectory is Record.

Storage Type Daily File Save the daily operation log in CSV file, the file name is

named by date,“yyyy mmdd”.

Single File Save the every recodes of operation log in CSV file, the

filename is the Subdirectory.

Bulk Storage Select a cache mode, when the data in buffer memory reaches the set size; write

data to SD card or USB drive. The Default means no buffer memory, data is

write to SD card or USB drive directly.

Max Storage Set the upper limit of storage.

The unit of Daily File is Day , and the unit of Single File is item

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

If the Storage Type is Daily File, the CSV file is named as “yyyymmdd”and the

Max Storage is upper limit of CSV file number in this route. The early file

will be delete if the file number exceeds the Max Storage; If the Storage Type

is Single File, The file is named as Subdirectory, the Max Storage means the

upper limit of the item number in this file, if item number exceeds the Max

Storage , the data will not be stored any more.(yyyymmdd means the date

when the operation log happens)

Related Settings of Window

Public Window Attributes Display Public Window above the basic window or below the basic window

Pop_up Window Attributes Display pop-up window on the top or not

Initial Window Set the first window when HMI is powered on. The default is [0:Frame0]

Public Window Set a window as Public Window. The default is [1: Common Window]

Set a window as Fast Selection Window, The default is [2:Fast Selection]. The Fast
Fast Selection Window
Selection is used together with the fast selection button in the task bar.

Set a window as File Brower Window, The default is[5:File List Window]. The File Brower
File Brower Window
Window is used together with the Import/Export in Function Key.

Set a window as Operation Confirmation Window, the default is [7: Confirm Action
Operation Confirmation
Window].The Operation Confirmation Window is used together with Operator Confirm of a

Set a window as Login Window of User Permission and Security Level, the default is

Login Window [9:Login Window]. The Login Window is used together with the User Permission and

Security Level function.

※Some models have two USB Host ports; the number of USB DISK is according to the sequence when the USB drives are
plugged in HMI, but not the position of the USB slot. The USB drive which is plugged in first is the USD DISK1 and

the second one is USB DISK2.

6.1.4 HMI System Information Text

User can define the display content for the system error information in the User-Defined System Information. When the error

happens, if user defines the display content for system error, HMI will display the user-defined content, or HMI displays the

default system error information.

Advanced Part System Parameters

Select the default system error information in the red frame, then check the Use User-Defined Information and input

user-defined content in the input box.

 User can define multiple system error information

6.1.5 Security Levels Setting

In this option, user can set the security levels and their passwords. There are 16 levels at most

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10 Password]

6.1.6 User Permissions Setting

In this option, user can configure user name, password, logoff time and permission and so on. There are 32 users at most, and

each user has 32 permissions at most.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 10 Password]

6.1.7 Historical Events Storage

In this option, user can set the route where the historical events are stored; this function is used together with Event


☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 4.7 Alarm Component]

Descriptions of Historical Events Storage

Save to Save the historical event information in the recipe memory.

Recipe Save Count Set the item number of historical events, which are saved in recipe memory. If the

Data Field event item is larger than the set Save Count, the early information will be deleted,

and save new information.

Note:If the Save Count is 0, the historical event will not be stored.

Start Addr Set the start address from which the historical events are stored in recipe memory.

End Addr Software will calculate the End Address according to the Save Count and Start Addr.

Save to Save the historical event information to external devices.

External Storage Devices The SD card, USB DISK1*, and USB DISK2* are optional.

Device Outage Keepin When HMI is restarted by power outage,HMI can recover 1024 items historical

event which are triggered before power outage, and display them in the Event

Display component.

Advanced Part System Parameters

Export to CSV file Save the historical event information in CSV file, and save this CSV file to

external memory device, the storage route is :/event/subdirectory name/file name

Screen Trigger State No triggered status information in the CSV file saved to the
external device

Screen Resume State No resumed status information in the CSV file saved to the
external device
Screen Confirm State No confirmed status information in the CSV file saved to
the external device
Display Type Range Only save alarm information for set category

Save MS Save the millisecond of operation log and save them in the CSV file.

Subdirectory Set the subdirectory where CSV file is storage, user can modify it.

The default subdirectory for historical event is Event.

Storage Type Daily File Save the daily historical event information in CSV file, the file is

named by date, “yyyy mmdd”.

Single File Save the every recodes of operation log in CSV file, the filename is

the Subdirectory.

Bulk Storage Select a cache mode, when the data in buffer memory reaches the set size; write data

to SD card or USB drive. The Default means no buffer memory, data is write to SD

card or USB drive directly.

Max Storage Set the upper limit of storage.

The unit of Daily File is Day , and the unit of Single File is item

If the Storage Type is Daily File, the CSV file is named as “yyyymmdd”and the Max

Storage is upper limit of CSV file number in this route. The early file will be delete

if the file number exceeds the Max Storage; If the Storage Type is Single File, The

file is named as Subdirectory, the Max Storage means the upper limit of the item

number in this file, if item number exceeds the Max Storage , the data will not be

stored any more.(yyyymmdd means the date when the operation log happens)

6.1.8 Print Setting

In the Print Setting option, user can enable print functions and set its parameters.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Descriptions of Printing Setting

Enable Print Enable print function of HMI

Printer Select a communication protocol for printer

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 13 Print]

port Select a communication port for HMI and printer

Baud Rate/Data Bit/Parity If the printing port is serial port, set the corresponding parameters of

Check/Stop Bit serial port

Net Print IP The IP address of the PC which connects to the network printer

Setting in the LAN

Port The port of the PC which connects to the network printer in the LAN

Print Setting of Print Date Print the date when the event is triggered and returns to normal.

Event Display Format:mm/dd

Print Standard Time(h:m:s) Print the standard time when the event is triggered and returns to

normal, If this option is checked the Print Time will be checked

automatically. Format: h:m:s

Print Sequence NO. Print sequence NO. of event

Print Extended Date(d:h:m) Print the extended date when the event is triggered and returns to

normal, If this option is checked the Print Date will be checked

automatically. Format: yyyyy/mm/dd

Print Precise Time(h:m:s:ms) Print the precise time when the event is triggered and the returns to

Advanced Part System Parameters

normal, If this option is checked the Print Time will be checked

automatically. Format: h:m:s:ms

Print Time Print the time when the event is triggered and the returns to normal.

Format: m:s

Print Extended Time(d:h:m) Print the extended time when the event is triggered and the returns to

normal, If this option is checked the Print Time will be checked

automatically. Format: h:m:s:ms. Format: d:h:m

Check Window Error Check if there is error in this window when printing

Network Printing Enable the Network Printing function

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 13 Print]

6.1.9 Serial Port Setting

In the CMO0/1/2 Setting, user can set the HMI communication parameters when HMI communicates with PLC.

Descriptions of COM0/1/2 Setting

Type Select a communication type when HMI communicates with PLC, the RS232 (RS-232C),

RS485-2(RS-485), RS485-4(RS-422A) are optional.

Note: the COM2 only supports the RS232(RS232C)

Baud Rate/Data Bit/Parity Set the HMI communication parameters when HMI communicates with PLC

Check/Stop Bit
☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 14 HMI Communication]
Device No. When HMI works as a slave device, set the HMI station number.

Broadcast When HMI works as MODBUS RTU master, HMI only sends command to PLC, but

ignores any response from PLC. The Broadcast can only be 0.

PLC Communication Time The time HMI waits response from PLC/controller, unit is millisecond or second. If

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Out PLC/controller has no response within this time, it is time out; HMI gives up this request

and try the next request. If there is no response after several requests, HMI display PLC

no response. Do not suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Protocol Time Out1(ms) Time out of character. The protocol takes this time as time interval to cut frame; In other

words, it is the max time interval between each character. If the communication is not

stable, user can increase this value to improve the communication. It ranges from 1to

500. This parameter is set when you connect a PLC to HMI port in the software. Do not

suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Protocol Time Out2(ms) The communication speed will be slow, but the communication error and error package

will also be reduced. Do not suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Max Inter of bit/word block These parameters decide that how many registers can be read in a package when the

pack registers are not continual. Do not suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Max word block word/bit These parameters decide the max length of package. That is, how many the registers that

package size can be read as one frame at a time. Do not suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Use Default Setting If users modify the default communication parameters, and HMI and PLC does not

communicate successfully, they can use this button to set the parameters to default value.

6.1.10 Extended Memory

In the Extended Memory option, user can define address type ERW0, ERW1, ERW2 in the extended memory devices, USB

drive or SD card.

The ERW data will stored in the extended memory in erp file, its route is /exmem/erw.erp, (x=0, 1, 2)

6.1.11 HMI License Setting

Users can get a HMI rocked at the set time through [HMI ]-[HMI License Setting].HMI will jump to an expected frame
when time is up.Until users enter the right password ,HMI keeps at that frame.
We use HMI system time in this function.And system time reset will not disable the license function.

Advanced Part System Parameters

HMI License Setting Instruction

Use HMI License License Court 1~10
License1 ~ 10 Authorization Key is set according to the setting time. Longer the time is,
higher the level will be. With higher level key, users can release the lower
Parameter Expir Time The time when HMI is rocked
Settings Jump to Frame The frame HMI jumps to when time is up
Authorization Key Release password. No more limit once this key is entered
Remind before 1~30 days For example: set 15 days.15 days before the expiration time, HMI will
expiration show a message :[40] HMI will be rocked :015(days).While it keeps
working until the expiration time comes
Prohibition Not chosen System time can be modified. However, only setting latter time comes
modify system effective after HMI restarted.
time Chosen System time cannot be modified, invalid set
For example: three times to rock a HMI.
License1: expiration time: 2015.12.13 23:59:59, key:11111111,
License2: expiration time: 2012.12.31 23:59:59,key:22222222,
License3: expiration time:2016.12.31 23:59:59,key:33333333,
After users enter the right password,HMI jumps to the initial frame.
1)HMI License Setting, double click to open [HMI Attribute]-[HMI License Setting]

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2)choose “use HMI license”,license court:3

License court Expir time Jump to frame Authorization key
License 1 2015.12.31 Frame 11 11111111
License 2 2012.12.31 Frame 11 22222222
License 3 2016.12.31 Frame 11 33333333
3)choose “remind before expiration time”,before 15 days;choose “prohibition modify system time”
4)Edit jump-to frame:frame 11

Advanced Part System Parameters

Number Input
Read/Write Address LW 9048(HMI special system register)
Data type password
Data length DWORD
Text Expiration time Please input you authorization key
Function key
Switch window Change window 0:Frame0

Now, users have to enter the right key to unlock the HMI.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

6.2 PLC Attribute

In the Construct window, double click PLC icon or right click PLC icon and choose the Attributes to open the PLC Attribute

option. User can configure PLC communication parameters

PLC Attribute Description

Station No. When PLC/controller works as slave device, set the station No. for PLC/controller.

Network Device Setting When HMI communicates with PLC/controller via Ethernet, configure the Ethernet

protocol and communication parameters here.

IP Address Set the IP address for PLC/controller.

Port No. Set the port No. for PLC/controller.

PLC Communication Time

☞For details, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.9 Serial Port Setting]
Out……Use Default Setting

7 Compile/Simulate/Download/Upload
7.1 Compilation
Compilation can be divided into:【Compile】,【Compile All】,【Clear Build Result】.

7.1.1 Methods of Compilation

Click the icons in toolbar,or select 【Compile】/【Compile All】/【Clear Build Result】in the【Tools】


Name Description

Compile When there are Macro files in the project, click【Compile】will do not compile the Macro files that has

been compiled

Compile All Compile all the files

Clear Build Result Clear all the compiled files, including .pkg files, Macro files .so/.dll, .hmi files, .logo files

7.2 Simulation

Kinco DTools supports 3 modes of simulation: Offline Simulation, Indirect Online Simulation, Direct Online Simulation

Name PLC/Controller HMI Description

Connections with PLC and HMI are not needed, so the time for each

Offline download is shortened significantly. But the program cannot acquire

— —
Simulation data from the PLC, only read data from the local address. Therefore

all data displayed on the configuration windows are static data

Need to connect PLC and HMI. PLC data can be obtained

Indirect Online dynamically. The operating environment of the program is the same as
√ √
Simulation downloaded into HMI, but does not need to download the project to

HMI repeatedly, which is quickly and convenient

Only PLC needs to be connected, while HMI doesn’t. PLC data can be
Direct Online
√ — obtained dynamically. This mode can be used to check whether
communication is normal without connecting with an HMI

7.2.1 Modes of Simulation

Click the icons in toolbar,or select 【Offline simulation】/【Indirect Online Simulation】/【Direct Online

Simulation】in the【Tools】 menu. Select an HMI to be simulated, and click 【Simulation】to start simulation.

1. The maximum test time for the direct online simulation is 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the system will

prompt “Online Simulation overtime and Program is end, if want, Please Simulate again.”

2. Mostly only the RS232 communication mode can be used for direct online simulation. Some PLCs

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

communicating through Ethernet port can execute direct online simulation through Ethernet port.

3. Connection of direct online simulation for RS232 communication: program cable of PLC connects with

the serial port of PC directly. Connection of direct online simulation for Ethernet port communication

mode: connect directly through cross-over cable or through a Switch.

4. The port used for direct online simulation cannot be used by other programs, otherwise, communication

will fail when simulating.

7.2.2 Exit Simulation

To exit simulation by the space key of the keyboard, or click the right mouse button in the simulation box blank, select

【Close】to exit simulation.

7.3 Download
Kinco DTools provides 3 ways of download: USB, Serial port, Ethernet port (Download via Ethernet port is only suitable for

HMIs with Ethernet ports).

7.3.1 Download Method Selection

Click the icon in toolbar, or select from【Tools】menu—【Download Method】:

The Properties dialog box of【Project Setting Option】pops up, the default download method is via USB port, single click the

drop-down list of【Download Method】to select download way.

1. Download way is saved according to HMI. For example: there are 2 HMIs in a project, HMI0 and HMI1.

The download way of HMI0 is via serial port before closed, and HMI1 is via USB cable before closed.

Then open the project again, download way of HMI0 is still via serial port, and HMI1 is still via USB cable.

2. When USB downloading cable is used for the first time, the USB device driver should be installed


☞For more details about the installation of USB driver, please refer to【Basic Part 2.8 Install USB Driver】
3. For downloading through serial port, users should weld the cable by themselves.

☞For more details about welding downloading cable for serial port, please refer to the manual of

【Communication Connection Guide】

Advanced Part Compile/Simulate/Download/Upload

Download via USB

Download via serial port,

select correct port No.

Download via Ethernet, set the current IP and

port No. of HMI select correct port No.

 Notes for downloading through Ethernet and setting of IP:

 The IPs of PC and HMI should be in the same section. That means the first three digits should be the same and the last

digit should be different. If the devices are connected in local area network, then the IPs should not conflict with other

device in the local area network.

 Modify the current IP and PORT of HMI

Click【HMI Attribute】—【HMI】, set the target IP to HMI, compile and download into HMI, then the IP of HMI is in line

with the set value in project.

 Set IP in SETUP Interface

☞For more details about setting IP in SETUP interface,please refer to【Hardware Part 3 System Setting Mode】

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Set IP via【Update IP/PORT】in KDManager

☞For more details about setting IP via【Update IP/PORT】in KDManager,please refer to【Advanced Part 8 KDManager】
7.3.2 Download via U disk or SD card

☞For more details about downloading via U disk or SD card,please refer to【Hardware Part 3 System Setting Mode】
7.3.3 Download Selection

In the property box of 【KHDownload】,select the related options in 【Select Section】 to download the files needed.

Detailed description for【Select Section】

Name Description

Data file Download user project files in .pkg format

Recipe file Download recipe files in .rcp format

LOGO file Download Initial Start Window in .logo format

Clear recipe Clear recipe data saved in RB/RBI/RW/RWI

Clear history event data Clear the record in【Event Display】/【Historical Event Display】parts

Clear history record data Clear the record in【Historical Event Display】/【Trend Curve】/【Trend Curve】parts

Clear data report Clear data saved in【Data Report】parts

Clear ERW data Clear the data saved in external register ERW/ERWI

Clear FRW data Clear the data saved in FLASH register FRB/FRBI/FRW/FRWI

Download to USB1 Download the project files to external register USB1

Download to USB2 Download the project files to external register USB2

Advanced Part Compile/Simulate/Download/Upload

Download to SD Download the project files to external register SD

Timeout Set the timeout time of download, the unit is millisecond, and it ranges from 0 to 65535

 Download recipe files

Recipe files should be imported before downloading. Single click icon in toolbar or single click 【Options】menu —

【Import Recipe】,then dialog box of 【Open】pops up,select the recipe files to be downloaded and single click【Open】

to load the recipe files:

Compile and then download, select 【Recipe File】as shown in the below figure:

Kinco DTools will record the directories of recipe files, when the selected recipe files is loaded into

 HMIKinco DTools. If the directories of recipe files changed, warning information will appear in the

compilation message window, the recipe files will no longer be selected when download again.

 Download LOGO file (Initial Start Window)

☞For more details about【LOGO file】,please refer to【Advanced Part 2.8 LOGO Screen(LOGO)】
 Clear data when download

When download project, user could select【Clear recipe】【

, Clear history event】【
, Clear history record】【
, Clear data report】,
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

【Clear ERW data】,【Clear FRW data】. Select the data to be deleted, then the related data in HMI will be deleted when


 Project runs directly in external storage devices

When there are too many pictures in project, then the project will be too big to download into HMI. Prompt: When compress

bitmap of large size, users could download the project to external devices.

Select【Download to USB1】,【Download to USB2】,【Download to USB3】when download as shown in the below picture:

Single click【Download】,the project will be downloaded to external memory device.

1. The function that project runs directly in the external storage device is only applicable for HMIs

supporting external storage devices.

2. The projects copied directly into external storage devices cannot run.

3. The external storage devices cannot be removed during running, otherwise, the project stored in external

device will be abnormal.

 The timeout time of KHDownload can be set by user

Advanced Part Compile/Simulate/Download/Upload

If the timeout option is checked, user can set the timeout time of download, the unit is millisecond, and it ranges from 0 to

65535.The function can improve download timeout error of serial port, USB and Ethernet port.

7.4 Upload/ Download/Compile Project via KDManager

☞For more details about upload, download, compile project, please refer to【Advanced Part 8 KDManager】

8 KDManager
8.1 Introduction to KDManager
KDManager consists of six processing modules: 【Download】, 【Upload】, 【System Operation】, 【Get Version】,

【Decompile Operate】, 【Pass Through Communication】.

【Communication parameter setting】:The current download way selected in KDManager will be displayed. Click 【Set】

to modify the current download way.

Download way Parameter setting

Download via USB port

No need to set communication parameters

Download via serial port Choose the current used serial port NO.

Download via network

Set the IP address and port number of the current HMI

Advanced Part KHManager

【PageUP】/【PageDown】:Click 【PageUP/PageDown】to skip among the 6 processing modules.

【Exit】:Exit KDManager.

 【Pass Through Communication】is not supported temporarily

8.2 Methods of Open KDManager

 Open from the【Start】menu of PC.

 Double click the shortcut of KDManager on desktop.

 Open from【Tools】menu of Kinco DTools software.

Click【Tools】menu—【System Manager】/【HMI Version Manager】/【Upload Manager】/【Upload Init Window】/

【Download Init Window】/【Upload project】/【Decompile Manager】to open【KDManager】

 Double click【KDManager.exe】in the installation directory of Kinco DTools software.

8.3 Download
Detailed descriptions of【Download】

Download Download User Data Download .pkg files to HMI

Section Download LOGO Download Initial Start Window of .logo files to HMI

Download Recipe Download .rcp files to HMI

Recipe Editor Open【Recipe Editor】

Download FRW Data Download .frp files to HMI

Select【Show LOGO】,click【Set】,HMI will display Initial Start Window

Initial Start when boots up.

Window Select【UnShow LOGO】,and click【Set】,HMI will do not display Initial

setting Area UnShow LOGO Start Window when boots up, but keeps white screen until project window


Select【Clear Recipe】,and click【Execute】,to clear the data that is saved in

Clear Section Clear Recipe
physical storage area of HMI RB/RBI/RW/RWI.

To clear the data that is saved in physical storage area of FLASH

Clear FRW Data

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

To clear the data that is saved in physical storage area of external memory
Clear ERW Data

To clear the displayed history data that is recorded in【History Data Display】

/ 【XY
Curve】/ Curve】parts, at the same time the history data and files
Clear History Data
that are saved in recipe memories and external memories will also be


To clear the displayed history events that are recorded in【Event Display】/

Clear History Event 【Historical Event Display】, at the same time the history data and files that

are saved in recipe memories and external memories will also be cleared.

8.4 Upload
Detailed descriptions of【Upload】

Upload User Data Upload project files of .pkg format Recipe Editor Open【Recipe Editor】

Upload Recipe Upload .rcp files in HMI Upload FRW Upload .frw files in HMI

Upload LOGO Upload .logo files in HMI

8.5 System Operation

Detailed descriptions of【System Operation】


Obtain the IP address and port number information of the target HMI
Information Area

Update IP/PORT Area Update the IP address and port number to the set value

Return to User Application Status HMI jumps to run the configuration program
Jumping Section Area
Return to Set Application Status HMI changes to the embedded SETUP interface

Update firmware of HMI

Update Operation Area Update the kernel/ file system ☞For more details please refer to [Hardware Part 5

Firmware Update Mode]

8.6 Get Version

User could view firmware version information of HMI through 【Get Version】 in KDManager, click 【Version Get】, HMI

firmware version information will be displayed. Otherwise please check whether the current communication
mode is correct or other reasons.
8.7 Decompile Operation
The configuration screen edited by Kinco DTools is saved as wpj files. Compile to generate pkg files which are required for

running in HMI and download into HMI. So the files uploaded from HMI are in pkg format. Before open the projects

uploaded from HMI, users should decompile the pkg files by KDManager to generate a project file in which wpj file and

other files are included, then users can open wpj file and edit.

Advanced Part KHManager

a. Select the target pkg files to be decompiled

b. Delete the redundant pkg files no need to be compiled.

c. Select a saving path for the decompiling project files.

d. Execute decompilation operation

Regardless of whether the file allow decompiling or not, upload password dialog box will pop up and request for

decompilation password. If decompilation is prohibited, user cannot move to the next step. While if decompilation is allowed

and no password is set, and then enter the default password 888888 to move to the next step.

1. When there are more than one (2 or more) HMIs in a project, users need to add all the pkg files of each

HMI to execute decompilation operation.

2. When there are more than one (2 or more) HMIs in a project, all the pkg files uploaded from the HMIs

must be compiled at the same time, otherwise, the the pkg files cannot be decompiled.

8.8 Data Decryption

To decrypt the encrypted CSV files.

☞For more details about [Data Encryption], please refer to [Advanced Part 2.15 Data Encryption]

9 Macro
Macro uses C language to release logic and arithmetic calculation. User can use macro and other components together to

release some complex calculation and make HMI strong function. The macro instructions in Kinco DTools are compatible

with standard C language(ANSI C89).

9.1 Macro Editing Environment

There are three parts in this edit environment, they are macro edit window, Macro variables window and macro file list in the

project files window.

The detail description of macro edit environment

detail description of macro edit environment

Macro edit window User writes C language code in this window, the variables are defined in the Parameters list;

you can use them in the C code.

Macro variables window The write and read variables in this macro, which are external variable of this macro.

User can rename and delete macro in this list. If there are multiple macro, user also can switch
Macro file list
macro among different macro.

9.2 Macro Edit

9.2.1 Build Macro

There are two ways to build macro:

 Click on the icon

Advanced Part Macro

 Click on the “Option”>>Macrocode…(M)

There is a New Macrocode dialog window when you build the macro:

1. Choose the HMI where the macro is build, for example HMI0.

2. There is a default macro name(macro_0.C) in the File Name, user can rename it .

2. Click on OK to enter the macro edit window.

9.2.2 Delete Macro

Right click the macro in the Project files window; choose the delete to delet the macro. As shown in the following picture:

! Note that the delete operation of macro does not support undo operation,

9.2.3 Rename Macro

Right click the macro in the Project files window; choose the Rename Macro to rename the macro. As shown in the

following picture:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

9.2.4 Program Macro

1 Define the macro variables before program the macro.

Macro Variables

In macro, the unit whose value can be changed is called variable, each variable has a name and a initial value, it takes a

memory unit in the memory.

Variable name

When user builds a new variable, the default name is Param and user can modify the name. The definition of macro name

must follow the principle of C language, the following are exceptional case:

1. Cannot use the reserved word of language C code.

2. The variable name is not case sensitive(not C language standard)

3. The variable name must start with 26 English letters

4. The variable name only supports 26 English letters, number and underline.

5. The number of group data must be from 2 to 1024, but the number of (unsigned) shot group data cannot be 4, the

number of int/float group data be 2.( (not C language standard))

The type of macro variable

There are internal variables and external variables in the macro variables

Internal variables: they are the registers in HMI. The internal variables can be defined in the Parameters window; it also can

be defined in the macro edit window directly.

External variables: they are the registers in the PLC/controller which is connected to HMI. The external variables must be

defined in the parameters window, and then they can used in the macro edit window.

The data type which is supported in macro variable

Data Type Data Length Description

Bit 1bit Bit variable, 0 and 1

Advanced Part Macro

Signed short 1word(16bits) Signed short integer variable, -215~(215 -1)

Unsigned short 1word(16bits) Unsigned short integer variable,0~(216-1)

Signed int 2word(32bits) Signed integer variable,-231~(231-1)

Unsigned int 2word(32bits) Unsigned integer variable,0~(232-1)

Float 2word(32bits) Single float variable

Double 4word(64bits) Double float variable

The write & read type of macro variable

write & read Description

Read Read the register before the C code is executed, the register will not be read when the C codede is running.

Write Write the register after the C code is executed, the register will not be write when the C

Read/Write Read the register before the C code is executed and wirte it after the C code is executed.

Usually, we define the registers which only need reading as Read type; the registers which need writing

 have read operation too, so we define them as Read/Write. Regarding some special registers, which are

write only, but cannot be read, we can define them as Read. Therefore , in the assignment instruction, the

variables at the left side of“=”icon are usually defined as Read/Write and variables at the right side of

“=”icon are usually defined as Read

Operation of macro variable

Right click variable list in the macro variable window, user can choose the add/delete/modify/export/import macro


Detail descriptions of variable operations

Detail descriptions of variable operations

Add Variable Add the new variable to the macro

Delete Variable Delete the selected macro

Modify Variable Modify the attributes of selected macro

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Export Variable Export the defined variables to PC in a CSV file.

Import Variable Import the variable CSV file to the macro variable window.

The notes of macro variable

(1) When defining the variable, make sure that there is no overlap in the address range, for example, the LW1000 is defined

as a float variable A (double words), that is A takes two addresses: LW1000 and LW1001. If user defines another

variable which uses LW1001, there will be error in the macro calculation.

(2) The macro only supports the logic and arithmetic operation, but do not supports char type operation.

(3) When the variable uses variable station number, especially when the special registers are used as index, the value in the

index registers must be modified before macro execution, so the modified station number can be effective in the macro.

If the index value is set in the macro, the modified station number can be effective in the next execution of macro.

(4) The Export/Import operation only supports export/import all the variables, but not supports export/import a single


(5) When user uses Excel to edit exported variable CSV file, note that the ParamName~StationNumID are default

formwork, do not modify them or there will be error when you import the CSV file to the macro variable window.

Program the C code in the Macro Edit Window


Advanced Part Macro

1. Add the note information in the macro, so you can check and modify the code conveniently in the

 future.

2. Use the tab and line break to make the macro a good structure.

3. Do not delete or modify the default code in the macro edit window, press the Enter before “return” to

add your code.

3. After the macro is build, save and compile the HMI program , then check if there is any error information in the
Message Window

9.2.5 Execute Macro

There are 6 methods to execute the macro in Kinco DTools, user can choose one method according his application.

1. Triggered when the HMI system starts.

Set initialization macro in HMI Attributes>>HMI Extended Attributes, this macro will be trigged when the HMI starts, user

can use this macro to set the initialization value of some parameters and transmit some recipe value.

2. Triggered by Function Key

Use the Execute Macro function in the Function Key, when the function is pressed , the macro will be triggered once

3. Triggered by Timer

There are many trigger method in the Timer, it is very flexible to trigger macro by timer.

4. Triggered by PLC Control

When the certain register satisfies the setting condition, the macro will be triggered.

5. Triggered by Event

The macro is triggered when the event is triggered

6. Triggered by Notification

User can use notification in Control Setting to trigger macro.

9.3 Macro Application

For example, we use the value of D100 (PLC register) to change the state of M0 (PLC register), we make this in a macro as

an example: when the value of D100 is 123, M0 is 1, or the M0 is 0.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

First, build a macro, set the macro name “ouput status.c”

Then define the variable D100 and M0 in the Parameters Window in macro.

Write the following macro code in the macro edit window.

Save the project, close the macro edit window then switch to the HMI program edit screen, make the program as follows:

 Bit State Lamp, which is used to display the state of M0. Its attribute are as follows:
Read Address M0(PLC register)


Use Vector Graphics,

Number Input Component, which is used to input the value of D100, its attributes are as follows:
Read/Write Address D100(PLC Registers)


User Vector Graphics,

Timer Component,which is used to execute the macro, its attributes are as follows:
Exectution Cylcle 1×100ms

Execute Macro Output status

Save, Compile and Execute:

Advanced Part Macro

9.4 Application of communication function

9.4.1 Local Variable Function

When you use the internal (local)l variable, you do not need to define the variable in the macro parameters window, you can

define it macro directly, that is to use the local variable of HMI.

The advantage of using local variable is that the local variable in the macro can be read/write in real time and the execution

speed is faster, performance is better. At the same time, it also saves the time of defining variables in the macro parameters


In the macro edit window ,there is demo code(example) to read/write the local variable, user can write the macro code to

read/write local variable according the demo code, see as follows

In this demo code, we transfer the values in LW200 and LW201 to the LW202 and LW203.

We will explain to you how to use the local variable function in the following example.

For example, use the macro to achieve the addition calculation: LW100(HMI local register) adds LW101(HMI local

register) and transfer this result to LW102(HMI local register), the macro code is as follows:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

In this example ,

ReadLocal ("LW", 100, 2, (void*)buf, 0) means read the value in LW100 and LW101 and give this value to

buf[0] and buf[1].

buf[0]=buf[0]+buf[1] means addition calculation

WriteLocal ("LW", 102, 1, (void*)buf, 0) means write the calculation result to the LW102.

Save, Compile and Execute:

9.4.2 Controller Variable Function

Use the communication function of macro variables, first in the macro code variable window statement variable name, and
then call the function in the code, the variable name is directly used in the function, address, station number can be consistent
with the macro variables window, can also be inconsistent.
The advantages of transfer communication function is in the implementation of the macro code, according to the order of
execution of the macro code, real-time reading and writing, make faster, better execution; as a macro code involving multiple
controller, a communication equipment failure, communication equipment does not affect the normal operation of the macro
code, at the same time also eliminates the need for the definition of variables in the macro variables window [Code] action,
can save a lot of time.
int ReadData(param, int plcNo, int addr, int nRegs, void *buf);
int WriteData(param, int plcNo, int addr, int nRegs, void *buf);
Parameter description:
【param】The variable name registered in the macro code variable table。
【plcNo】PLC station
【addr】 the Operation address
【nRegs】the length of read or write
【buf】 the buffer which store the reading or writing data
【return value】1 ,Operation success;0, Operation fail.
We will explain to you how to use the local variable function in the following example.

For example, use the macro to achieve the addition calculation: D100(Mitsubishi Fx2n register) adds D101(Mitsubishi Fx2n

Advanced Part Macro

register) and transfer this result to D102(Mitsubishi Fx2n register), the macro code is as follows:
Variables are defined as follows:

the macro code is as follows:

In this example,
ReadData(a,1,100,1,(void*)&dat[0]):means the value of the D100 register in the PLC that reads the station number 1, and

puts it on dat[0].
ReadData(b,1,101,1,(void*)&dat[1]):means the value of the D101 register in the PLC that reads the station number 1, and
puts it on dat[1].
dat[2]=dat[0]+dat[1]:means addition calculation
WriteData(c,1,102,1, (void*)&dat[2]):means write the calculation result to the D102.
Save, Compile and Execute:

9.5 Array Application

Array is a group of variables, who has the same data type and name. These variables are called element of array. Each

element has its own serial number in the array, this number is called index. User can distinguish these elements by their

index. The total number of the element of an array is also called the array length.

We explain the array to you in the following example:

For example, use macro to assign values to 100 continuous registers which starts from D100(PLC register), if we do not use

array , we need to define 100 registers in macro parameters window and assign value one by one in the macro code. See as


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Macro code:

In the above macro code, the variable name has no unified rule, at the same time , it also takes too much time on define the

variables. If users use the array, they can define these variables in one array, see as follows:

Macro code:

User can use a name and index to representation a variable in the array. For example, data [0] means the first variable in a

array, data[1] means the second variable in a array. The data is the variable name of this array, the number after data is the

Advanced Part Macro

index of this array, we need to put the index to a [].

For example, the following example is to define a array variable, then use loop statement to assign 10~15 to the array

elements, these data will be displayed on the Number Display Components. The variable is defined as follows:

Macro code:

Save , compile and execute:

Actually, array is a list of data which has the same data type in the memory. Take the above array for example; a[i] starts

from the number 100 in the memory. The content and value of this array are as follows:

Variable a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] a[5]

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Value 10 11 12 13 14 15

Memory Unit D100 D101 D102 D103 D104 D105

1. When users visits or assign array variable, they need to according to the defined data type.

2. The indexes of array are inter, which starts from 0, not 1. The index n means the (n+1) variable

3. The array a[n] has n elements, but there is no a[n] in these elements. If user uses the nonexistent elements

in macro, there will be a overflow error.

9.6 Some Notes on the Macro

 The values of external variables in the macro are read once when the macro is triggered. The macro will not read it

again or in real time in the macro execution process. So the macro result will not be changed if the registers are changed

from outside during the macro execution process. When we use the macro, we need to make sure that all the input value are

ready before we trigger the macro, or we may cannot get the expect result.

 The macro result is output once when the macro is finished. The external variable value will not be changed during the

macro execution process when we use the macro, we need to make sure that the macro is finished and all the outputs are

updated, then we can get the right result.

 It is meanness to write the Read Only variable and it is meanness to read the Write Only variable. If the variable

needs to be read and write, please define it as R/W. Besides, user must assign value to the variable which has write operation

attributes(Write Only or R/W variable)

 User can define the temporary variable in the macro according to the C language, but can not set the global variable

and static variable. If the global variable is needed, please use the LW, LB register.

 One macro can not call other macros in Kinco DTools, if user wants to use the Function Call as the C language, they

can use a trigger bit in one macro to trigger other macros.

10 Password
Kinco DTools provides powerful password function for users, to ensure the security of user’s intellectual property.

The passwords are used for project protection, window protection, and important component protection.

 Project protection functions:

 Password protection for opening project

 Password protection for uploading project from HMI

 Prohibit uploading project from HMI

 Password protection for decompiling project

 Prohibit decompiling project

 Operation window protection: To protect important windows, passwords must be entered when accessing important


 Component protection: To avoid disoperation, user name and password must be entered to access some important


1. When project password, uploading password and decompilation password are used, please keep the

passwords in mind. The manufacture does not provide factory recovery and universal password


2. The system default passwords for decompiling and uploading are 888888.

3. When the password is 0 or Null, system will automatically default to not using password. When

passwords begin with 0, 0 is invalid.

Differences between User level and User permission:

Difference Security Level User Permission

Level Range 16 levels(0~15), level 0 is invalid 32 users, 32 operation permissions, User 0 is valid

User Name None Available

Logout time None Available

Add/Delete levels or
Not support Support
permissions in HMI

Modify password in HMI Support Not support

Users with low security level password A user can possess multiple operation permissions,

Access Restriction cannot access high security levels; and different users can possess the same operation

high security level is the “authority”. permission. There is no hierarchy of user

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Users with high level password can permissions, only user name and correct

access low security level windows or password are needed to execute corresponding

components. operation.

System reserved register The involved system reserved registers are different.

10.1 Project Protection

10.1.1 Project Password Protection

To prevent unauthorized access and protect user’s intellectual property, passwords are required to open project file of .wpj.

 Set project password for first time

Open the software, single click【File】—【Project Password】, then attribute box of 【Project Password Setting】will pop

up,input the password and confirm it. The project password will take effect when open the project next time.

 Enter password to open project

Once project password is set, password entry box will pop up when opening the project again.

Enter correct password to open the project, otherwise, error prompt box will pop up.

If entering password wrong continuously for 3 times, it would pop up a dialog box showing【Invalid Password. Project

cannot be opened!】,then user needs to single click【File】menu—【Open】.

 Modify or cancel project encryption

Open the encrypted project, single click【File】menu—【Project Password】,the attribute box of 【Setting Project Password】

will pop up. To modify password, users need to enter old password, and at the same time set new password. To cancel the

password, users only need to enter the old password, leave the new password box blank. Single click 【OK】button., then

the modification will take effect when opening the project next time.

10.1.2 Upload Password Protection and Prohibit Uploading

 Upload Password setting

Project allows uploading by default, but upload password is required to prevent unauthorized operation. Default password is


Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

Upload Password setting: Check the option of 【Allow Upload】in 【HMI Attributes】—【HMI Extended Attributes】page.

After upload password is set, dialog box of 【Password input】will pop up when uploading, as shown in following pictures:

1. Upload password cannot be null.

 2. Data package loss may occur during uploading, then restart the HMI and upload again.

3. Project allows uploading by default, but upload password is required to prevent unauthorized

operation. Default password is “888888”.

 Prohibit uploading: prohibit uploading project from HMI. The specific setting is: 【HMI Attribute】—【HMI Extended

Attributes】,do not select the option of【Allow Upload】.

When prohibit uploading is set, prompt box will pop up if forcibly upload:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

10.1.3 Decompilation Password Protection and Prohibit Decompiling

 Decompilation setting

Decompilation is used to convert the pkg files running in HMI to wpj files, which can be opened and edited by Kinco

DTools. For new project, system allows decompilation by default, and the default password is“888888”.

Setting of decompilation: Select“Allow Decompile”in 【HMI Attribute】—【HMI Extended Attributes】, and set password.

For projects that decompilation passwords have been set, when clicking decompilation, password entry box will pop up as

shown in following picture:

 Prohibit decompilation

Prohibit decompiling: Prohibit decompiling project from HMI. Do not check the option of【Allow Upload】in【HMI

Attribute】—【HMI Extended Attributes】 page, to prohibit user decompiling.pkg file to wpj.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

The pkg files that are set to prohibit decompiling can still be downloaded into HMI.

When prohibiting decompilation is set, prompt box will pop up if forcibly decompile:

10.1.4 Download Password Protection

Set download password to HMI, to prevent user project saved in HMI being covered by unauthorized operation.

 Do not use download password

Projects do not use password by default. Settings of no use of password: Do not select the option of【Use Download

Password】in【HMI Attribute】—【HMI Extended Attributes】 page to do not use password. If download password is not set,

the dialog box of download password will not pop up the next time when you download project into HMI. Users can

download project into HMI directly.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Use password

Use password: Select the option of【Use Download Password】in【HMI Attribute】—【HMI Extended Attributes】 page and

set password. The default password is “888888”.

When project running in HMI is set to use download password, then【Download Password Dialog】box will pop up next time

when user download project into HMI, as follows:

If input password is wrong, password error prompt will pop up.

Only enter password correctly then project can be downloaded into HMI.

1. When set or modify download password in HMI attributes, users have to download project into

! 
HMI for the first time and restart HMI, then download password will take effect.

2. After the password is set, please keep it in mind, otherwise, configuration project download will

fail. Manufacture does not provide factory recovery and universal password service.

10.2 Window Protection

For windows with important parameters or components, user could protect these important windows by security level


10.2.1 Window Password Setting

Set the number of security levels and corresponding passwords in【HMI Attribute】—【Security Levels Setting】, and system

default passwords are“888888”.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

1. Support at most 16 security levels from 0 to 15. Level 0 indicates that there is no password;

Level 15 is the highest security level. The bigger the number is the higher the level.

2. The password cannot be zero or empty; when passwords begin with 0, 0 is invalid.

3. The maximum value of password is 99999999.

4. Security level is valid only for base window and not available for other windows.

5. Users with high security level can access low security level windows; While users with low

security level cannot access high security level windows.

10.2.2 Security Level Setting of Window

Access【Window Attribute】page—【Security Level】and choose the corresponding security level.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Software will remember the password input for the first time by default, as long as HMI is powered

continuously, do not need to enter the password again when enter into the window next time.

If the option of 【Switching to the lowest security level when window closed】is checked, then the

password need to be entered again when accessing the window next time.

10.2.3 System reserved registers related to security level

Address Description

LW9040~9041 Double words, is for inputting password of 【Security Level】

LW9042 Display the security level of current base window

LW9043 Force to lower the security level

10.2.4 Security level password input window

【Frame9:Login Window】is provided by the system for security level password input.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

[Frame9:Login Window] is for inputting passwords of security levels and user permissions. User using security level

function only need to input appropriate password of security level.

1. The system reserved registers referred in【Frame9:Login Window】could be found in 【Chapter 14

 Registers】of this manual

2. User could move the window by the control bar on the top of 【Frame9:Login Window】

10.2.5 Modifying Password Online

Kinco DTools supports security level password modifying online.

! User permission password does not support online modification

System reserved registers for modifying security levels

Addresses of system Addresses of system

Description Description
reserved registers reserved registers

LW10024~10025 Level 1 password. Double word LW10026~10027 Level 2 password. Double word

LW10118~10119 Level 3 password. Double word LW10120~10121 Level 4 password. Double word

LW10122~10123 Level 5 password. Double word LW10124~10125 Level 6 password. Double word

LW10126~10127 Level 7 password. Double word LW10128~10129 Level 8 password. Double word

LW10130~10131 Level 9 password. Double word LW10132~10133 Level 10 password. Double word

LW10134~10135 Level 11 password. Double word LW10136~10137 Level 12 password. Double word

LW10138~10139 Level 13 password. Double word LW10140~10141 Level 14 password. Double word

LW10142~10143 Level 15 password. Double word

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

10.2.6 Application of Passwords Required for Switching Windows

The following example describes how to protect the window by the security level function.
【Example】Switch the window from window 0 to window 10 by switch window function of “Function Key” component,

the window will switch only when the password is entered correctly.

In this example, set security level of window 0 to 0, set security level of window 10 to 1 and the password is 123456.

 Set security level password

In the attribute page of【HMI Attribute】—【Security Level Setting】,set level 1 password to 123456.

 Create a Function Key component in window 0, and the attributes setting is as follows:
Function Switch Window: Chang window【10:Frame10】

Tag Use Tag; State 0: Switching window 10; State 1: Switching window 10.


Use vector graphics:

Control Setting Select【Conditional Enabling】;Check【Security Level】; Check 【Minimum

level: 1】;Check【Auto show login window】.

 Set the attributes of window 10 and create a Function Key component to switch to window 0.
Double click at the blank area of window 10 to open the 【Window Attribute】, and set its attributes as follows:

Security Level 1

Switching to the lowest security Check

level when window closed*

※ When the option is checked, the current window will be set to the lowest security level when window closed. Password
is required to input again when access high level windows;

When the option is not checked, there is no need to input password when access windows with the same security level.

Set the attributes of Function Key as follows:

Function Switch Window: Chang window【0:Frame0】

Tag Use Tag; State 0: Switching window 0; State 1: Switching window 0.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor


Use vector graphics:

 Save and compile

During running, touch Function Key component in window 0 to pop up password input window 【Frame9:Login Window】,

and input “123456”to the【LEVEL PASSWORD】box to switch to window 10.

10.3 Component Protection

Some important components are set with permission /security level control. Only users with higher or equal permission/

security level could operate to prevent wrong operation.

There are two ways for component protection: security level protection, user permission protection.

10.3.1 Security Level Protection for Components

Settings of Security level protection for components are similar with window protection.

☞For more details about components using [Security level protection],please refer to [Advanced Part 10.2.6 Application
of passwords required for switching windows]

10.3.2 User Permission Protection for Components

When【Permission control】is set to a component,then only users with corresponding permission can operate this component.

 User name and access password setting

Open【HMI Attribute】—【User Permissions Setting】,in the box of 【User Permissions Setting】,select 【Enabled】

and input User Name,Password, Logoff Time and Permissions.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1. Password only supports number, but does not support other characters. The range of password is

0~2147483647. When password is set to 0, indicating no password in use.

2. Range of logout time is 0~2147483647 minutes. 0 indicates that do not log off and permission remains in

effect. The logoff time is timed from the last time operation finished after login.

10.3.3 System Reserved Registers Related to User Permissions

Besides set user permission in【HMI Attributes】—【User Permissions Setting】,the following system reserved registers can

also be used for user permissions setting:

Address Function Description

LW9486~LW9501 Input user name for login 32 characters at most

LW9502~LW9503 Input user password for login Double word

Double word , read only, display 32 bits corresponding

LW9504~LW9505 Display permission of current user

LB9165 User login confirmation Set ON to execute login operation, then set OFF automatically

Set ON to execute logoff operation, then set OFF

LB9166 User logout confirmation

10.3.4 System Reserved Registers Related to Add/Delete Users and User Permissions Online

Besides add/delete users and user permissions in 【HMI Attributes】—【User Permissions Setting】,user also can add/delete

users and user permissions online. See the table below for system reserved registers related to add/delete users and user

permissions online:

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

Address Function Description

LW9486~LW9501 Input user name for login 32 characters at most

LW9502~LW9503 Input password Double word

corresponding to user name

LW9506~LW9507 User permission assignment Double words, readable/writable, 32 permissions assignment, LW

9506~9507 corresponds to permission 0~31 separately. LW.B

corresponds to bits of LW 9506~9507. For example: LW.B 9506.0

indicates permission no. 0. LW.B 9506.A indicates permission no. 10

LW9508~LW9509 Logout time for user Double words, in minutes


LW9510~LW9511 Confirm password for Double word

adding/deleting user

LB9167 Confirm to add user Set ON to execute adding user, then set OFF automatically

LB9168 Confirm to delete user Set ON to execute deleting user, then set OFF automatically

LB9190 Executive mark of user The bit will be set to ON when execute operations of Add/Delete

management users

LB9191 Operation failure of user The bit will be set to ON when operation of user management fails


1. Only users and user permissions added online can be deleted online.

2. User permissions do not support modify passwords online, but user could modify password through

adding/deleting users online.

10.3.5 Window for User Permission Password Input

【Frame9:Login Window】 is provide by the system to input user permission password.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

If user permission function is use, users only need to input corresponding “USER NAME” and “ACCESS

PASSWORD” then click “Login”.

 1. System reserved registers referred in【Frame9:Login Window】can be found in 【Chapter 14 Registers】.

2. User could move【Frame9:Login Window】by the control bar on the top of the window.

10.3.6 Application of Security Level Protection for Components

【Example】Correct password required before operation of “Bit State Switch” component.

In the example, security level is used to protect component, and set minimum level at least 2 to operate this component.

 Open 【HMI Attributes】—【Security Levels Setting】. Detailed settings are as follows:

Create a bit state switch component in window 0, and set its attributes as follows: address LB0. Switch Type: Toggle.
【Control Setting】—【Conditional Enabling】—【Security Level】—【Minimum level: 2】—【Auto show login window】.

Read/Write address LB 0(HMI local register)

Switch Type Toggle


Use Vector Graphics:

Control Setting Select【Conditional Enabling】;Check【Permission Control】; Check

【Select Permission:2】;Check【Auto show login window】

 Save and compile

During running, when touch the bit state switch component, password input window【Frame9:Login Window]】will pop up,

then input level 2 password“222222” or level 3 password “333333” in the password level box. After confirm, user

could operate the bit state switch component; If input level 1 password or wrong password, then the operation will fail.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

10.3.7 Application of User Permission Protection for Component

【Example】Set 3 users: Administrator,Engineer,Operator. The 3 users have different permissions. Operator can

operate number input component; Engineer can operate bit state switch component; Administrator can operate both the

number Input component and bit state switch component.

User ID User Name Password Logoff Time Permission

User 0 Operator 111111 10 minutes Operator permission

User 1 Engineer 222222 10 minutes Engineer permission

User 2 Administrator 333333 1 minutes Operator permission and engineer permission

Registered user and corresponding permission in【HMI Attribute】—【User Permission Setting】, the settings are as

User 0: Enable User Name Operator

Password 111111

Logoff Time 10

Permission Permission 0:Operator permission Check

Permission 1:Engineer permission Uncheck

User 1: Enable User Name Engineer

Password 222222

Logoff Time 10

Permission Permission 0:Operator permission Uncheck

Permission 1:Engineer permission Check

User 2: Enable User Name Administrator

Password 333333

Logoff Time 1

Permission Permission 0:Operator permission Check

Permission 1:Engineer permission Check

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Set user permission control for components

Create a number input component and a bit state switch component, and the attribute setting is as follows:

Number input component

Read/Write address LW 0(HMI local register)


Use vector graphics:

Control Setting Select【Conditional Enabling】;Check【Permission Control】,Select Permission:0

Operator permission; Check【Auto show login window】

Bit state switch component

Read/Write address LB 0(HMI local register)


Use vector graphics:

Control Setting Select【Conditional Enabling】;Check【Permission Control】,Select Permission:1 Engineer

permission; Check【Auto show login window】

 Save and compile

During running, touch number input component to pop up password input window 【Frame9:Login Window】, and input

“Operator” to the 【USER NAME】box and“111111”to the【ACCESS PASSWORD】box. Then click 【login 】 to login

Operator permission. Now user can operate the number input component. Operations for other components are similar.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

1. Logoff time: it is the valid time after login,user permission will be lapsed automatically after the time

 limit.

2. User name is case sensitive.

【Example】Add/Delete user permissions: Take GH070 for example:

(1)Window 0

1 3 2

 Function key component is used to pop up window 10, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Switch window: popup window


Use vector graphics:

Tag Use Tag: Add user

 Function key component is used to pop up window 11, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Switch window: popup window

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


Use vector graphics:

Tag Use Tag: Add user

 User info display component is used to display user’s information, and attribute settings are as follows:
Separator Setting Color: Black; Style: ------

Background Setting Background Color: White; Title Bar Background Color: Green; Border Color: Black

Border Width 2

(2)Window 10

2 1

 Function key component is used to close keyboard, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Keyboard Function: Escape


Use vector graphics:

 Function key component is used to move keyboard, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Switch Window: Popup window title bar

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor


Use vector graphics:

 Text input component is used to input user name, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9486

Word Length 10

Graphics None

 Number input component is used to input password, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9502

Numeric Data Word Length:2 words;Data Type: 【password】; Data Width【DWORD】

Graphics None

 Number input component is used to confirm password, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9510

Numeric Data Word Length:2 words;Data Type: 【password】; Data Width【DWORD】

Graphics None

 Number input component is used to set logout time, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9508

Numeric Data Word Length:2 words; Data Type【unsigned int】,Data Width【DWORD】

Graphics None

 Bit state switch component is used to select user permissions, and attribute settings are as follows:
Write address LW.B9506.0 LW.B9506.1 LW.B9506.2 LW.B9506.3

Switch Type Toggle

Tag None


Use vector graphics:

 Bit state setting component is used to confirm to add users, and attribute settings are as follows:
Write address LB9167

Switch Type On

Tag Use Tag, 0: Add


Use vector graphics:

(3)Window 11

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

2 1

 Function key component is used to close keyboard, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Keyboard Function: Escape


Use vector graphics:

 Function key component is used to move keyboard, and attribute settings are as follows:
Function Switch Window:Popup window title bar


Use vector graphics:

 Text input component is used to input user name, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9486

Numeric Data 10

Graphics None

 Number input component is used to input password, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9502

Numeric Data Word Length:2 words;Data Type: 【password】; Data Width【DWORD】

Graphics None

 Number input component is used to confirm password, and attribute settings are as follows:
Read/Write address LW9510

Numeric Data Word Length:2 words;Data Type: 【password】; Data Width【DWORD】

Graphics None

 Bit state setting component is used to confirm to delete users, and attribute settings are as follows:
Write address LB9168

Switch Type On

Tag Use Tag; 0: Delete

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor


Use vector graphics:

 Delete user permission is only valid for the users added in HMI. Users set in the configuration project

cannot be deleted

(4)Save, compile and offline simulation

 Touch the 【Add User】button, add user dialog box will pop up.

Input the user name to be added and the corresponding password, confirm it, then click “Add” to complete the operation.

 Touch the【Delete User】button, delete user dialog box will pop up.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Input the user name to be deleted and the corresponding password, confirm it, and then click “Delete” to complete the


【Example】Delete user by administrator permission. There are two users in the project as follows:
User 1 User 2
User Name A B
Password 111 222
1.Add/delete permission
Permission 1.Add/delete permission
2.Administrator permission

1) Add new user online, User Name: 1, Password: 123.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

2) User B(No Administrator Permission)execute delete operation without password, it prompts “Password Error”, and
delete operation is fails.

3)When User A(Check Administrator Permission) execute delete operation without password, it prompts “Operation
Complete”, and delete operation is complete.

11 Recipe/ RecipeEditor
Recipe data is saved on the HMI and can be stored inside the area power down. Recipe data can be stored in the RW and

FRW register. For with USB HOST interface or SD card slot on the HMI, the recipe data can also be stored in the ERW


RW, FRW and ERW distinction as follows:

Recipe Register Description

RW RW is specially designed for HMI recipe memory physical storage area that is defined by the address

type. When the HMI is powered down, RW in 4000 series remains . RW in 5000 series depends on

backup battery . If it is powerfui,data remains,but back-up battery power is low, or when no electricity,

RW data will be lost.

FRW FRW is dedicated to the physical storage area HMI FLASH address type definition. The data stored in

FLASH FRW, not because of HMI powered off or HMI backup battery power and loss of data. But

there are erasing times limit FLASH

ERW0 ~ 2 is dedicated to the physical storage area defined in the external memory address type. The
data stored in the ERW, not because of HMI powered off or HMI backup battery is dead and losing data

RW, FRW, ERW using methods similar, the following content mainly RW, for example, no longer on the FRW and ERW

additionally described.

11.1 Register Related to the Recipe

Register/ Component Descriptions

RB The absolute addresses of the recipe bit addresses saved in the HMI.

RBI The index addresses of the recipe bit addresses saved in the HMI.

FRB The absolute addresses of the recipe bit addresses saved in the flash.

FRBI The index addresses of the recipe bit addresses saved in the flash.

RW The absolute addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the HMI.

RWI The index addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the HMI.

FRW The absolute addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the flash.

FRWI The index addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the flash.

ERW0~2 The absolute addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the external memory.

ERWI0~2 The index addresses of the recipe word addresses saved in the external memory.

LW9000 The data in LW9000 is the offset of the index address

Data Transmission Transfer the data in recipe data to the data in PLC or HMI.


Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

Recipe Data

General PLC Control/ General PLC

Control (Extend)

11.2 Method for Checking the Recipe Size

11.2.1 Method for Checking the RW Size

The capacity (RW size) is different from different types of HMI. Through the following ways user can check the RW size.

For example: Take GH070E for example:

 Check in Kinco DTools software

Move the mouse to the GH070E icon in HMI in Graph element window, the system will automatically display the relevant

information of this HMI. The [Recipe Size] is the RW size. The recipe size of GH070E is 256k words that are 512 K Bits.

 Check in selection guide

 Check the recipe file attribute after uploading the recipe by KDManager

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Click [Upload Recipe] in [KDManager], and input [File Name], then click [Save].
 Recipe is uploading until the “Upload Success” dialog box pop up.
 Check the size of recipe file uploaded.
11.2.2 Calculation for Recipe Address Range

There are two following ways for calculating HMI recipe address range.

 Calculation based on recipe size

[Example]: Take GH070E for example, the recipe size is 256K words, that 256Kword= 512K Byte, and 1k byte is occupied

by the system. The calculation is (512-1)×1024 Byte=523264 Byte. Because Kinco DTools are addressed in words, so bytes

divided by 2 becomes the word address, and then the last three digits become 0,finally get 261000 words.

 View through the element address range

[Examples] For example create a new model for the GH070E HMI configuration, in the Configuration Editor to create a new

screen number input component, set the address type is RW, the user can view the GH070E in the [address range], RW

register address range is: 0 ~ 261000.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

11.3 Usage of Recipe

11.3.1 Absolute Address

The recipe memory has an address corresponding recipe absolute addressing (It is assumed that the initial value of

illustration only, to actually quasi) as shown:

11.3.2 Index Address

Because absolute address too much, find it very difficult, so the index provides a virtual address of a temporary storage area

RWI0, ..., RWIn and an index register LW9000 (occupies 2 words) by changing t LW9000 to find RW.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

[Example] If the value of LW9000 is equal to 105, then the RWI0 will point to the data in address RW105.

11.3.3 Application of Recipe

For example: We take the address 4x of Modbus RTU protocol for example, save the value of 4X1~4X5 to 0 recipe file and 1

recipe file. The address range of 0 recipe file is RW0~RW4, The address range of 1 recipe file is RW5~RW9.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

Configuration screen as shown:

 Text: PLC address, recipe 0, recipe 1

 Multiple State Switch component used to change the value of LW9000, its attribute are:
Read/ Write address LW9000 (HMI system special register)

Function Control Mode: add, State Num.: 2, State No. 0 map value 0, State No. 1

map value 1


Use vector graphic:

Tag Use Tag:recipe 0, recipe 1

 Recipe Data component transferring the value of PLC to RW, its attribute are:
Write Address 4X 1 (PLC register)

Function Recipe Data: Upload from PLC to Recipe, Data Length: 5 words


Use vector graphic:

Tag Use Tag;0:Execute Recipe

 Number Input component inputting the value of the PLC register, its attribute are:
Read/ Write address 4X 1 4X 2 4X 3 4X 4 4X 5

 Number Display component displaying the value of RW0~4, its attribute are:
Read/ Write address RW0 RW1 RW2 RW3 RW4

 Number Display component displaying the value of RW5~9, its attribute are:
Read/ Write address RW5 RW6 RW7 RW8 RW9

Run and input 0~4 in the PLC address 4X1~4X5, then press [Execute Recipe] button, the value of RW0~RW4 will display


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Press [recipe 0] button and switch to [recipe 1], and modify the value of PLC address 4X1~4X5 to 5~9, then press [Execute

Recipe] button, the value of RW5~RW9 will display 5~9.

11.4 RecipeEditor
RecipeEditor is a tool in Kinco DTools, and it is mainly used for the user to create, check, or edit the recipe file in *.rcp,

*.csv, *.erp and *.frp format.

 The data file in *.rcp, *.erp and *.frp format can save as *.csv file, and can open, check, edit or print by


File Format Descriptions

HMI own the recipe memory corresponding recipe file format, using KDManager tool can upload and

rcp download files to the format of the recipe (which, file size depends on the HMI recipe memory size) It is

the file format which can be identified by HMI

It usually means the file format is based on the configuration settings and automatically saved to an

external storage device or through the recipe editor to save. This particular binary file format, you can
use Microsoft Excel software to open and can be to edit, save and print, and other related operations, but

can not be freely modified template format, otherwise the recipe editor and HMI can not be resolved

erp The file format only supported that the HMI with external memory, can be saved in USB DISK, SD card

The recipe file format corresponding to the FLASH address, HMI will be only generated while used,

supports a maximum address is 2G Bits, 2 × 1024 × 1024 × 1024/16 Words = 134217728 Words,
when configuration, placed a number input element, the address type selection FRW, will see the range is

0-134217727. The number of FLASH recipe address using as the same as the HMI is open, when not in

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

use will be released. Usually used to save the more important and not always erase the data, because the

HMI powered off or battery power is not lost, but erasing times is limited. using KDManager tool can

upload and download the recipe file format (upload FRW, download FRW)

11.4.1 Recipe Editor Start-up

 Open from the [Start] menu in the PC operation.

 Open from the [Tools] menu in Kinco DTools.

Click [Recipe Editor] in the [Tools] menu.

 Double-click [RecipeEditor.exe] in the [RecipeEditor] file document in Kinco DTools installation directory.

The RecipeEditor folder is copied to another location can be used alone.

 Click [Recipe Editor] button in [KDManager]-[Download Operate].

11.4.2 Recipe Editor User interface

Menu ToolBar Data editing area

Status Bar Data configuration area

 Menu Bar/ Toolbar

Name Icon Toolbar name Descriptions

File New File Create a new recipe file

Open File Open a recipe file

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Save File Save recipe file

Save As Save as a recipe file

Exit Exit recipe editor

ToolBar Start/ Close Toolbar

Status Bar Start/ Close Status Bar

File Merge File Merge HMI Merge some recipe files to a recipe file

Help About RecipeEditor The version of RecipeEditor

Bit Browser Bit Browser Display word register in bit format

 Data configuration area

There are [Read Address Setting], [Dataformat Operation], [The detail of current dataformat] and [Dataformat Operation

Usage] in data configuration area.

Name Descriptions

The Start Address The start address of the reads data segment

Read Data Array The number of groups to read data

Read Address Setting
Cur Format length The sum length of each data type× the number of groups

RefreshData Click【Refresh Data】,display data as a new setting

Select the current data format

Dataformat Operation Add Dataformat Click【Add Data format】to add the data format

Delete cur Dataformat Click【Delete cur Data format】to delete the current data format

The detail of current Select an entry, double click, pop [Data Type Editor] dialog;
dataformat blank right-click menu, you can add, modify, delete data type

Auto use dataformat After modify the data format, automatically read the current file
Dataformat Operation Usage
Use Dataformat With the same effect [Refresh Data]

 Data editing area

Data editing area according to [data configuration area] set the start address, the number of data and data types to display the

corresponding register address, and the user can view and modify data area data corresponding to these addresses.

 Hide / Show [Data Configuration area]

Move the mouse to the control bar when the mouse is displayed as , pulling the control bar or click the left mouse button,

you can hid [Data Configuration area]. At this moment move the mouse to place the control bar when the mouse is displayed

as , pulling the control bar or click the left mouse button, you can restore the display [Data Configuration area].

 【Data editing area】to view, modify, and bit browser

Directly input data in the data field [Desc1] (eg.RW1-RW9 are input 1-9), select the data bar required to bit browser, the data

bar turns blue, right-click or click on the toolbar, can pop [bit browse] properties box.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

[Examples] For example RW9 value is 9, bit browser form RW9: 03,00 bit address can be seen in red: ON, decimal 9 to

binary form as 0000 0000 0000 1001.

11.4.3 Usage of RecipeEditor

(1)Add a new recipe file: If you use the RecipeEditor in the first time, you can click icon in the toolbar and then can

create a new recipe file.

(2)Add Dataformat: Click [Add Dataformat] and input the new format name: e.g. “Mydata”, then click [OK] button.

(3)Add Data Item

 The procedure of adding data type is shown as below:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Data Type can be [Single data] or [Array data].

In 【The detail of current dataformats】, if each ID entry is a single data, data area address only corresponds to

 one column, if each ID entry is array data, and the array length is N, then the address of the data area

corresponding N columns. If the [read address set area] is M, then the address of the data area corresponding

to M lines. The entire data area of the format is M rows × (N0 + ... + Nx) columns, where Nx represents the

x-th ID entry length of the array, if a single data, Nx = 1, if the array data, and the length of the array number

N, the Nx = N

 Single data

Value of RW0~RW9

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

 Array data

 [String Data] support Unicode code type

(4)Adjustment of Data Start Address and Data Length

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

(5)Save: Click icon, and save the current data to recipe file.

 After the completion of number modify, it would be click [save], otherwise the previous data will be lost

after RefreshData button is pressed.

(6)Modify data item

(7)File Merge

HMI can only download a recipe file every time. If you download the second recipe file will overwrite the first file. If you

need to use a different recipe file, you can merge all recipe files to one file, then download the file to HMI.

 Create a 1.rcp file, default setting, and input 1~10.

 20~29 Create a 2.rcp file, the start address: 20, and input 2~29.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

 Merge 1.rcp and 2.rcp: Click [File Merge] menu-[File Merge].

a:Select merged file type: The merged file will download to 128k words HMI or 256k words HMI.

The files size of merge depends on the file type after the merger, if it is 4000 series, then the size is 256KB, if it is 5000

series, then the size is 512KB. Note: The recipe size of MT4522T is 512KB, this time the file types after merger to choose

5000 Series.

b:Select the path: Select the file needed to merge.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

c:File Length: the size of merged file

[Example]: 1.rcp file is 20 bytes, then the file length is 20 Bytes.

d:The address of the file begins to read: the starting address of recipe file.

[Example]: The starting address of 1.rcp file is 0, so [The Param of the first file] –[The Address in Merged file] is 0 words.

The starting address of 2.rcp file is 20, so [The Param of the second file] –[The Address in Merged file]: 20 words.

e:File length: the length of recipe file.

[Example]: the data type of 1.rcp and 2.rcp are single data, so the [The Param of the first file]/ [The Param of the second

file]-[File length] is 10 words.

f:The Address of the file begins to read: The Address of the file begins to merge.

[Example]: The Starting address of the 1.rcp file is 0, so [The Param of the first file]-[ The Address of the file begins to read]

is 0 words. [File length] is 10 words, that is RW0~RW9.

The Starting address of the 2.rcp file is 20, so [The Param of the second file]-[ The Address of the file begins to read] is 20

words. [File length] is 10 words, that is RW10~RW19.

So [The Param of the first file]-[ The Address in merged file] is 0 words, [The Param of the second file]-[ The Address

merged file] is 10 words.

Advanced Part Recipe/RecipeEditor

 The Address merged file in the Param of the second file must be greater than the sum of the Address

merged file and the Address of the file begins to read in the Param of the first file.

g:The path for merged file: Set the name and path for the merged recipe file.

h:Merge file: Execute the [Merge file] operation.

The size of the 12.rcp merged file.

Open the 12.rcp merged file in RecipeEditor, and the data will display in [RecipeEditor] as below:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

11.5 Recipe Uploading/ Downloading/ Clearing

☞For details about, refers to [Advaced Part 8 KDManager]

12 KHMonitor
12.1 Descriptions of KHMonitor
KHMonitor is used to monitor the data in HMI and PLC registers through HMI.

12.2 Start KHMonitor

Click【Start】-【All Programs】-【Kinco】-【Kinco DTools v3.1】-【Tools】-【KHMonitor】

In the installation directory of Kinco DTools,double click【KHMonitor.exe】

12.3 KHMonitor Interface

 Menu/Toolbar

Menu Toolbar Icon Toolbar Description

File Open Open an exist monitor file

Save Save the monitor configuration file

Save as Save as another configuration file,its format is *.khm

Exit Close KHMonitor

Select All Select all the monitor items in monitor window

Add Add a monitor item

Edit Del Delete the selected monitor item

Run Execute selected monitor register

Stop Stop the status of selected monitor register

Toolbar Open/Close Toolbar

Status Bar Open/Close status bar

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Help About KHMonitor Version information

 Monitor Window

 Monitor Window is used to display information such as Name, Value, Status, HMI/PLC, Address, Address type,

Update Cycle (ms).

 Double click the monitor item in Monitor Window to change its setting.

12.4 How to Use KHMonitor

1) Create new monitor item: When it is first time to use KHMonitor, click in toolbar to create data monitor.

2) Enter monitor name: Enter monitor name in the popup window when creating new monitor.Default name is New

Monitor0, if create another item, the No. will increase automatically.

3) Set Communication Type: Set the current connection type between HMI and PC.

Set Communication Type as following figure:

Communication Manager include function such as【Add】,【Modify】,【Remove】,【Remove all】,【OK】

Add: to add a new communication type between HMI and PLC.

Modify: to modify the current communication type.

Remove: to remove the selected communication type.

Remove all: to remove all the communication

 Descriptions of Communication Type Settings.

Advanced Part KHManager

Communication Type Parameters Setting

Serial Select

Ethernet Set current HMI IP.

USB No need to set parameters.

4) PLC: to select the communication protocol between HMI and PLC.

Descriptions of【PLC】

Drop down menu for PLC Select the corresponding communication protocol between HMI and PLC.

Station PLC’s station No.

HMI Device Port Select the HMI port which is used to communicate with PLC

5) Address: to set the address which needs to be monitored

Descriptions of【Adderss】

Address Set the address of HMI/PLC which needs to be monitored

Batch Count Set the number of address which will be copied, its range is 1~1000

Address Auto Change Mode Copy by address increment/decrement.

Forward Address Auto Change Increment/decrement for the address of the register
After Address Auto Change Increment/decrement for the address of the register in accordance with

the decimal point

Note: Batch is only valid in the first time to add monitor items.

6) Address Type: to select the data type of the address, including bit, number and string. It will display the data according

to selected data type when monitoring.

7) Run/Stop monitor

【Run】:Select monitor item and click icon in toolbar to run it. Press ctrl/shift icon to select more items. The data will

display in “Value” after run the item.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

【Stop】:Select monitor item and click icon in toolbar to stop it. Press ctrl/shift to select more items.

13 Print
Kinco DTools support 2 type of printing method:

 Local print: Printing via serial or USB interface, HMI is connected directly to the printer to print the HMI screen.

 Network print (remote print): Through network printer to print HMI screen.

Network printing needs hardware configuration: HMI with Ethernet port and connect to the LAN, the LAN with a PC,

printer, and the printer is no direct link between the HMI, and HMI does not need any drivers.


13.1 Type of Printer supports local printing

Kinco DTools supported printer models as follows:

Kinco DTools Printer Manufacturer

Printer Models Printer method Dot Matrix
Printer Driver Interface information

WH4008A31-0 WH-A52Z20-30E125 Serial Pin micro-printing 240 pixels / line

53 WH-A52Z20-40E125 Serial Pin micro-printing 240 pixels / line

WH-A62R10-41E725 Serial Thermal micro-printing 192 pixels / line

WH-A93RG0-00E725 Serial Thermal micro-printing 192 pixels / line

WH-A62R10 http://www.b
Serial Thermal micro-printing 192 pixels / line
WH-A93RG0-0 WH-A93RG0-00E825 Serial Thermal micro-printing 384 pixels / line

0E825 WH-T2AR10-30E82B Serial Thermal POS 384 pixels / line

WH-E191RB0- WH-E191RB0-00E11820
Serial Thermal micro-printing 576 pixels / line
00E1182055 55

Siupo SP-M, D,

SP-E4004SK Serial Impact dot matrix 240 pixels / line
E, F

MY-POS80K MY-POS80K Serial Thermal POS 240 pixels / line

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

13.2 Printing-related Components

In Kinco DTools, you can use the print function of specific components as follows:

Trigger Support Support Network

Components name Print Content
Register Local Print Print

Function Key — Print Current Screen  

PLC Control(Report Printout) Word Print the specified screen  

PLC Control(Screen Hard Copy) Bit Print Current Screen  

Event Information Logon Word / Bit Print the contents of trigger event  

Trend Curve Word / Bit Print trend curve  

☞ For more details about the print-related elements settings, please refer to [Advanced Part 4 Compent]
 Report Printout

You control the specified window screen printout by changing the value of the specified word registers. When the value of

the specified register word changed, and is a valid window number, the window number corresponding window contents will

be printed. Printing is completed; the value of the specified register address automatically changes to 0.

Example:Set as shown below, when the value of LW0 is equal to 10, print the contents of the window 10. Printing is

completed,the value of LW0 automatically change to 0. When the value of LW0 is equal to 11, print the contents of the

window 11. [Report] function using output only execute print function does not perform the function of switching window,

will not switch to the print window. Using the [Report Printout] function performs only print function and will not switch to

the printed window.

 Event Print

Advanced Part Printer

In the [Event Information Logon], set the print log events, when the set condition is triggered, it will print out the event


Example: Set as shown below, selecting [On Trigger] and [Return to Normal]: when LB0 is ON, print "temperature is too

high!” When LB0 returns to OFF, print "Temperature is too high!".

If you need to print the time, check the contents in [HMI Attribute] - [Print Settings] - [Print Settings of Event Display].

☞ For more details about Print Settings of Event Display, please refer to [Advanced part 6.1.8 Print Setting]

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

[Print] - check the [Print Relative Time], if no printer is connected, HMI will be prompted to an error

message "Print Error"

☞ For more details about [Trend Print], please refer to [Advanced Part 4.6.1 Trend Curve]
13.3 Print Function Setting Method
13.3.1 Local Print: HMI serial is connected directly to the Printer

[Example 1] GH070E connect to WH-A93RG0-00E825 printer, print the current screen by function key. First create a new


Enable Print and select Printer driver: [HMI Attribute]-[Print Setting]-[Enable Print]

 Select the printer driver "WH-A93RG0-00E825" from the [Printer] list.

 Select the printer port connected with HMI, in this case choose "COM0".

! Same port cannot be set to print port and communication port

 [Baud rate / data bits / parity / stop bits] recommend using the default settings, and printer parameters must be consistent.
In this case [baud] / [data bits] / [Parity] / [stop bits] are the default.

 You place a function key on screen0, and select [Print] - select All [Print Text]. Compile and download to HMI.

Advanced Part Printer

The COM0 wiring connection instructions about WH-A93RG0-00E825 printer and GH070E, please refer

to [Communication Manual]

 Through press the function key to print current screen.

Because micro-printer are monochrome printers, when editing HMI configuration project, recommended

 window fill color is white, the text color is black, try not to use the color pictures, so as to avoid the

printing effect is not clear

13.3.2 Network Print (remote print): Through Network Printer to Print HMI Screen.

Element to enable network printing setup method as follows:

Trigger Enable Network print

Components name Print Content

Print Current
Function Key —

PLC Control(Report Print the specified

Printout) screen

PLC Control(Screen Print Current

Hard Copy) Screen

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Event Information Print the contents

Word/ Bit
Logon of trigger event

rend Curve Word Print trend curve

[Example]: requirements through remote printer to print the HMI Screens.

Preparation before printing: a PC, a HMI with network interface, a printer can be directly connected to the PC

This example uses the HP USB printer which model is HP LaserJet P2014, HMI model is GH070E, and use the [PLC

Control] - [Report Printout] function to print the specified screen.

 Installed printer driver on the PC, then in the operating system [Control Panel] - [Printers and Faxes] to find the

appropriate printer, and through the right-click menu to set as the default printer

 Run the print program on PC【NetPrint.exe】

[NetPrint.exe] program is stored in Kinco DTools software installation directory, if the user did not change the installation

directory, the default installation path is【D:\Program Files\Kinco\Kinco DTools】。

Advanced Part Printer

Double click to run [NetPrint.exe], if the firewall prompts [you want to keep this process?], Select [Unblock].

 When printing, [NetPrint.exe] need to keep running, [NetPrint.exe] during operation will be minimized to

the tray

 In the [HMI Attribute] - [Print Settings], set the PC IP address and port which run [NetPrint.exe]:

In the [HMI Attribute]-[HMI], set the HMI IP address

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1. The PC which connect to the printer and the PC which run the [NetPrint.exe] program can be the same,

and it can also be any PC within the LAN

2. The PC which connect the printer, the PC which run the [NetPrint.exe] program and HMI are connected

to the same LAN, IP address must be on the same subnet, IP address must be the same in front of three, the

last one is not the same

Enable network printing

PLC Control] property in the [[control type] is set to "Report Output" to specify the address of the register LW0; then check

[custom printing options]] and [network printing and check all the options] [print content.

And then you place a "Numeric Input" component on screen 0. [Read / Write Address] is set LW0. Save and compiled, then

downloaded to HMI.

Advanced Part Printer

1. Use [network printing] function, you need to enable the print function in related components,while

 local print only need to enable print function in [HMI attribute]-[Print setting]

2. Select the [Network Printing], printer color cannot be modified, the default is monochrome

The HMI through cross or direct network cable access network.

 Setting print properties

Click [NetPrint.exe] icon to pop up the properties window. As shown:

Property described as follows:

NetPrint property descriptions

Tool Print Setup

Paper Direction set portrait/landscape

Print Position set align left/mediate

[alone]:Printers print in real time, immediately upon receiving the print job


Print Method [merge]: After receiving the print job is not printed immediately, but covered

with a total content of paper to print the print job again, this function is mainly

used to save paper

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Checked, and choose the path, upon receiving the print job, you can save the

Save to local screen pictures on your PC instead of printing. Picture format. JPG, picture

naming names is the time, yyyymmdd-hhmmss, such as 20120903-110552.jpg

Printer Setup

Print Preview View print effect

Exit Exit [NetPrint.exe]

Help About [NetPrint.exe] version information

HMI IP address。If the HMI with the PC connected to the same LAN, NetPrint will automatically
IP address

Change on the value of LW0, it will print the contents of the corresponding window
13.4 Print Page Application Skills
When the HMI window larger or smaller than the actual width of print paper, you can set the current window to 【Print

Page】, by changing the HMI window width and height to achieve print paper more or less than the actual width of the HMI

window. This feature is only available for [Report printout]

1. Select [Print page], the window maximum width and height can be set to 1024 x 1024 pixels / line.

 2. Once the height of the window is set to exceed the actual height of the HMI window, if the HMI runs

the window, over the part will not show up. Recommended to use [Report printout], that only need to print

this window, no view on the HMI. If you want to view, you can do a normal screen identical to the user.

[Example] HMI model: GH070E, the width of window is 320 pixels / line.

WH-A62R10-41E725 printer support 192 pixels / line.

If GH070E connect to WH-A62R10-41E725, the HMI is wider than the width of the paper, so the window to the right of

HMI 128 pixels printed out.

Create a new project of GH070E

[HMI Attribute]—[Print Setting]—select[Enable Print].
[Printer]: WH-A62R10


[Baud Rate]/ [Data Bit]/ [Parity Check]/ [Stop Bit] are default.

Advanced Part Printer

Double-click screen0,[Window Attribute]-choose [special attribute]-[print page], and set the width is 192, height is 1024.

Set control type: [Report printout]
☞ For more detail about [Report printout], please refer to [Advanced part 4.15.5 PLC Control]

 For more details about the printer connection cable, refer to [communication connection Manual]

13.5 Print Error

The following dialog box will be displayed when the printer error:

When this error occurs, please check the printer power, cable, printer port, etc. are normal.

☞ For more details about shielding print error messages and modify the print error information content, please refer to
[Advanced part 6.1.4 HMI System Information Text]

14 HMI Communication
This chapter introduces the HMI supports communication and various communication configurations.

14.1 Serial Communication

Serial interface that is referred to is a bit of data sent in the order. Serial communication is common in industrial control

communication, which is characterized by a communication line as simple as a pair of transmission line can be two-way

communication, thereby reducing costs, especially for long-distance communication, the communication distance can be

from a few meters to several thousand m, the transfer speed is slow.

HMI supports RS-232C, RS-485, and RS-422A three kinds of serial communication connection.

14.1.1 HMI and PC Serial Communication

HMI via RS-232C serial cable to connect the PC side serial interface for user projects, recipes and other data upload /

download and HMI firmware update.

☞For more details about uploading and downloading via the serial port on the HMI, please refer to [Advanced Part 8

14.1.2 HMI and PLC /Controller Serial Communication

Single HMI via the serial port with single PLC communication, but also support multiple serial communication protocol to

use the same or a different serial communication protocols PLC / controller communication.

In the same COM port, can connect multiple serial communication protocol and uses the same multi-point communication

PLC / controller can connect up to 255 devices. The serial communication protocols using different PLC / controller needs

were connected to the HMI different COM port, and can simultaneously and use three different serial communication

protocols PLC / controller communications, depending on the hardware configuration of the actual HMI decision.

COM0 and COM1 port supports RS485 interface mode, respectively simultaneously with multiple serial

communication protocol to use the same PLC / controller communication; The RS232 interface COM2

port supports only way, it does not support multiple PLC / controller communication

Advanced Part HMI Communication

 single HMI with a single PLC / controller communication




[Example] Below a GH070E with a SIEMENS S7-200 communication, for example, requires the HMI monitor PLC M0.0

output state. (This example uses the HMI COM0 port to connect PLC communication)

 Configure the device in the topology window and set the communication parameters

Configuring HMI COM0 client communications parameters: [HMI Attribute]-[COM0 Setting] set the serial communication


! HMI serial communication parameters with the actual PLC communication port parameters consistent

Configure the PLC station number: [PLC Attribute] – [station NO.] setting 2

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

! [PLC Attribute] – [station NO.] consistent with the actual PLC station number

 Edit the configuration screen

Double-click the HMI in the topology window icon to open the Configuration Editor window, From the[ Graph Element

window] - [PLC Parts], select "Bit State Lamp" component added to the Configuration Editor window, and set the

component Attribute are:

Read Address M.B 0.0(PLC Register)

Graph State0 State1

Using vector graphics,

After setting, save the project, compile and download.

 Using RS-485 communication cable for connecting the HMI and the PLC,After successful communication can be

established on the HMI monitor the state of M0.0

 single HMI with multiple PLC / controller communication

 Single HMI with multiple PLC / controller (different communication protocols) communication

Advanced Part HMI Communication

[Example] Below a GH070E with a SIEMENS S7-200 (hereinafter referred to as PLC 0), a MITSUBISHI FX2N

(hereinafter referred to as PLC 1), a OMRON CP1H (hereinafter referred to as PLC 2) communication, for example,

Requirements were monitored on the HMI PLC 0 of VW 100, PLC 1 of D100 data and PLC 2 in Q 0.0 outputs.

(This example uses the HMI COM0 port to connect PLC 0, COM1 connected PLC 1, COM2 communication connection

PLC 2)

 Configure the device in the topology window and set the communication parameters

In the [HMI Attribute] - [COM0/COM1/COM2 Setting] According to the serial communications port of the connected PLC

actual parameters were set to HMI serial communication parameters, Parameters are set as follows:

HMI serial Serial communication parameters

COM0 RS485-2,9600,8,Even parity,1

COM1 RS485-4,9600,7,Even parity,1

COM2 RS232,9600,7,Even parity,2

In the PLC 0, PLC 1, and PLC 2 [PLC Attribute], in accordance with the actual [PLC station number] to each station number


PLC Number Station number

PLC 0 2

PLC 1 0

PLC 2 0

Connected to the serial port on a different HMI PLC / controller can be set to the same or a different

 station number, setting the station number to be connected with the actual PLC / controller station number

the same.

 Edit the configuration screen

Double-click the HMI in the topology window icon to open the Configuration Editor window, Respectively, from the [Graph

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Element window] - [PLC Parts] select two "Number Display" and a "Bit State Lamp" component added to the Configuration

Editor window, Component Attribute are set to:

Number display element _1

PLC Number* 0

Read Address VW 100(PLC Register)

Using vector graphics,

Number display element _2

PLC Number* 1

Read Address D 100(PLC Register)


Using vector graphics,

Bit State Lamp

PLC Number * 2

Read Address CIO _bit 100.00(PLC Register)

Graph State0 State1

Using vector graphics,

※A multi-machine HMI by changing the components Attribute required of the [PLC number] to distinguish PLC control

After setting, save the project, compile and download.

 Use the appropriate communication cable are connected HMI and PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2, after the success of

communication is established on the HMI monitor VW 100, D100 data as well as the state of Q 0.0

 Single HMI with multiple PLC / controller (the same communication protocol) communication

Advanced Part HMI Communication

[Example] Below a GH070E with three MODBUS device (hereinafter referred to as PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2), a MITSUBISHI

FX2N (hereinafter referred to as PLC 3), a OMRON CP1H (hereinafter referred to as PLC 4) communication is cases,

Requirements were monitored on the HMI PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2 of 4X 100, PLC 3 of D100 data and PLC 4 of Q 0.0


(This example uses the HMI COM0 port to connect PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2, COM1 connected PLC 3, COM2

communication connection PLC 4)

 Configure the device in the topology window and set the communication parameters

In the [HMI Attribute] - [Serial 0/1/2 setup] According to the serial communications port of the connected PLC actual

parameters were set to HMI serial communication parameters, the parameters are set as follows:

HMI Serial ports Serial communication parameters

COM0 RS485-2,9600,8,Even parity,1

COM1 RS485-4,9600,7,Even parity,1

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

COM2 RS232,9600,7,Even parity,2

In the PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2 [PLC Attribute] , in accordance with the actual [PLC station number] to each station number

setting :

PLC Number Station number

PLC 0 1

PLC 1 2

PLC 2 3

PLC 3 0

PLC 4 0

 Connected to a serial port on the HMI with PLC / controller must be set to a different station number and

station number set to be connected with the actual PLC / controller station number consistent

 Edit the configuration screen

Double-click the HMI in the topology window icon to open the Configuration Editor window, respectively, from the [Graph

Element window] - [PLC Parts] selected four "Number Display" and a "bit status indicator" component added to the

Configuration Editor window, element attributes are set as follows:

Number display element _1/2/3

PLC Number* 0 1 2

Read Address 4X 100(PLC Register)


Using vector graphics,

Number display element _4

PLC Number* 4

Read Address D 100(PLC Register)


Using vector graphics,

Bit Lamp

PLC Number* 5

Read Address CIO_bit 100.00(PLC Register)

Graph State0 State1

Using vector graphics,

※A multi-machine screen by changing the components required Attribute of the [number] to distinguish PLC control object.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

After setting, save the project, compile and download.

 Use the appropriate communication cable are connected HMI and PLC 0, PLC 1, PLC 2, PLC 3, PLC 4, after the

success of communication is established on the HMI monitor VW 100, D100 data and Q 0.0 state.

14.1.3 Serial Communication Related Settings

(1)Kinco DTools allowed through "Exchange serial 0 and serial 1 " option will COM0 and COM1 serial port

communication parameters and settings in these two serial ports to connect devices on the exchange.

☞ For details about serial to exchange, refer to [Advanced Part 2.9 Exchange Serial]
(2)Users in making redundant communication, it can provide a system through Kinco DTools special register to mask the

corresponding fault site communications.

☞ For details about the Station No. Shield, refer to [Advanced Part 15 Register]
(3)When the HMI and PLC / controller serial communication failure occurs, the system will automatically prompt the

corresponding fault error message. Fault error message contains information about the PLC station number in hexadecimal

data display.

Meanwhile, the user can customize the system to provide fault error message content or special registers through the system

to mask the corresponding fault error message.

☞ For details about the System Information screen, refer to [Advanced Part 15 Register]

☞ For details about the system customization, refer to [Advanced Part 6.1.4 HMI System Information Text]
14.2 Network Port Communication
Ethernet has a high transmission speed, low power, easy to install and good compatibility and other advantages, it is widely

used in industrial automation control system.

HMI via Ethernet communication mainly in the following two ways:

One is through the ends of the Straight through Cable RJ45 connector or Crossover Cable, via a hub or switch


Another is through the RJ45 connectors at both ends of the Crossover Cable, not through a hub or switch communications,

this approach only applies to one pair of a communication.

14.2.1 HMI and PC Network Port Communication

HMI via RJ45 connectors at both ends of the Crossover Cable and PC-side network interface connector for user projects,

recipes and other data upload / download and HMI firmware update.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

☞ For more details about HMI via Ethernet port on uploading and downloading, refer to [Advanced part 7 Compile /
Simulate / Download / Upload]

14.2.2 HMI and HMI Port Communication Network

HMI and HMI port communication network are the following two ways:

 Single HMI and single HMI communication

Single HMI and single HMI via a network port communication, through both ends of the cross UTP RJ45 connector is

connected directly communicate.

 Multiple (two or more) HMI group network communication

Multiple HMI via the network port communication, need to communicate through the Hub or Switch connection.

[Example] Below two GH070E communication, for example, requires HMI0 screen control HMI1 of LB100 status output to


 Configure the device in the topology window and set the communication parameters
In the [HMI Attribute] - [HMI] - [Network Configuration Settings], click [Add] Configuring the HMI network port

Advanced Part HMI Communication

communication parameters:

HMI Number Communication protocol IP Address

HMI0 Kinco

HMI1 Kinco

Once configured, the topology diagram and bus configurations are listed below:

 Edit the configuration screen

In the topology window, double HMI0 icon to open HMI0 Configuration Editor window, from the [Graph Element window]

- [PLC Parts], select “ Bit State Setting” added to the Configuration Editor window, the component property is set to:

HMI* 1

Write Address LB 100(HMI Local register)

Switch Type toggle


Using vector graphics,

※In Multi-screen network, elements required by changing the properties of the [number] to distinguish between the touch
screen control object.

After setting, save the project, compile and download

 Use a crossover cable to connect HMI0 and HMI1, after the communication is established successfully, you can touch
on the HMI0 Bit State Setting Part, Can be HMI1 LB100 state turns ON.

14.2.3 HMI and PLC/Controller Network Port Communication

HMI and PLC communications network ports are the following ways:

 Single HMI and single PLC communication network port

Single HMI and single PLC communication via Ethernet port,through the ends of the cross UTP RJ45 connector is

connected directly communicate.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

HMI Controller

LAN port LAN port

Crossover Cable

 Single HMI and multiple PLC network port communication

Single HMI and multiple PLC communication via Ethernet port, need to communicate through the Hub or Switch


 Multiple HMI and multiple PLC communication network port

 Multiple HMI and multiple PLC communication via Ethernet port need to communicate through the Hub or Switch


[Examples] Below two GH070E (hereinafter referred HMI0 and HMI1) and one MODBUS TCP device (hereinafter referred

to PLC0), and one OMRON CJ series PLC (hereinafter referred to PLC1) communications as an example. Require to

monitor the data of PLC0 4x100 in the HMI0, and to monitor the data of PLC1 D100 in HMI1.

 Configure the device in the topology window and set the communication parameters

Advanced Part HMI Communication

In【HMI Attribute】—【HMI】—【Network Device Settings】,Click【Add】configuring the HMI network port communication


Setting HMI:

HMI NO. IP Address Communication protocol

HMI0 Kinco

Modbus TCP

Omron CJ Series Ethernet(TCP)

HMI1 Kinco

Modbus TCP

Omron CJ Series Ethernet(TCP)

Setting PLC:The IP address set here with the actual IP address of the PLC consistent

PLC NO. IP Address Communication protocol

PLC0 Modbus TCP Slave

PLC1 Omron CJ Series Ethernet(TCP Slave)

After configuration, the topology diagram and field bus setting are listed below:

 Edit the configuration screen

In the topology window, double HMI0 icon,opens HMI0 configuration Editor window,from【Graph element window】—

【PLC Parts】choose “Number Display” element add to Configuration Editor window,Element attribute is set to:

HMI* 1

Read Address 4x 100(PLC Register)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Using vector graphics,

Then opens the Configuration Editor window of HMI1,from【Graph element window】—【PLC Parts】choose “Number

Display” element add to Configuration Editor window, Element attribute is set to:

HMI* 0

Read Address D 100(PLC Register)


Using vector graphics,

※Multi-screen network elements required by changing the properties of the [number] to distinguish between the touch
screen control object.

After setting, save the project, compile and download.

 Using crossover or straight-through cable through the Hub or Switch are connected HMI0, HMI1, PLC0, PLC1, after
successful communication can be established to monitor the PLC0's 4x100 data in HMI0 and to monitor the PLC1 D100 data

in HMI1

14.2.4 FTP Function

Kinco DTools open the FTP functions,can transport files of external storage device to the PC via the LAN, or transport files

of PC to external storage device.

! FTP function is only available with USB HOST or SD card interface and an HMI with Ethernet port.

【Examples】Through the LAN to access GH070E U disk file, HMI's IP address is

In【HMI Attributes】—【HMI】open the property page FTP function。

Select【open FTP】,setting password:123456。

 1. FTP default password is 888888.

2. FTP password are not supported characters, cannot be empty, only digits.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

In【HMI Attributes】—【HMI】configure the HMI network parameters. Set the IP address of the current HMI:,,Not to modify the subnet mask and default gateway。

 Save, compile, then downloading the project.

 Use cross or straight-through cable via Hub or Switch to access the HMI LAN. Open the IE browser or Explorer, in the
address bar, enter the IP address of the HMI:, Enter the system will automatically pop-up dialog

[Login identity], Enter the user name: root, Password: 123456, you can log into the FTP server.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Open usb1 folder, internal documents can browse. But also can be copy their files to a PC or copy files from the PC to
the U disk.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

14.3 Field Bus Communication

Fieldbus is a kind used in the production site, between devices in the field, between field devices and control devices

implement two-way, string-shaped, multi-node digital communication technology. Kinco DTools Supports field bus

communication with CAN and Profibus-DP.

14.3.1 CAN Communicate

Kinco DTools provided CANOpen Node Slave HMI communication protocol can be realized as a slave device with

CANOpen communication between the master devices.

[Examples] Take one GH070E-CAN screen and one CAN communications equipment for example.

 In Kinco DTools topology window to configure the device and set the communication parameters
Double-click the HMI icon in the topology window,in【HMI Attribute】—【HMI】—【Field bus setting】,Click【Add】

configuring the HMI communication parameters.

Setting【Protocol】for"CANOpen Node Slave";The remaining parameter settings and the connected CAN device

communication parameters are consistent.

After configuration, the topology diagram and bus configurations are listed below:

 Edit the configuration screen

Place the “number input/display” in configuration screen, Address Range LW8000~8031. Save and compile and download

the project.

 Configuration of the CAN device

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

For more information on the CAN device configuration, see [Communication connection

instructions]CanOpen Node Slave(CANOpenSlave protocol) related content

Communications configuration and communication cables are set up, after successfully established communication, HMI
can read and write operations on the CAN devices.

14.3.2 DP Communicate

The DP of PROFIBUS-DP is Decentralized Periphery,is a field bus. It has the characteristics of high-speed low-cost,Used

for device-level control systems and distributed I / O communications.

In Kinco DTools ,HMI software provided by the communication protocol Profibus Slave ,HMI as a slave device and

supports Profibus-DP communication protocol PLC / controller communications.

HMI as a slave device,HMI local address LW is mapped to PIW(D)/PQW(D),Written to or read from the PLC.

The correspondence relation table of registers below:

PLC Register Address Local address range corresponding HMI

PIW(D) LW8500~8615

PQW(D) LW8000~8115

With PLC / controller communication via Profibus DP HMI must be extended with Fieldbus interfaces and

the DP model

[Examples] Below a GH070E-DP and a SIEMENS S7-300 communication, for example, requires the HMI monitor PLC

PQW256 data.

 Installing the GSD file by STEP7 software

Slave devices need to have a device description file, is used to describe the characteristics of DP the device,This file is

called GSD file,This file usually contains device-specific parameters: Such as baud rate, the input / output data length, IO

data definition. It is an ASCII text file format,Usually provided by the device manufacturer.

Kinco provided "kinco.gsd" File can find In Kinco DTools installation directory fieldbus folder or

 “”

“kinco MT5020 series ProfibusDP GSD file”


Advanced Part HMI Communication

GSD file installed,Right in the HW Config directory PROFIBUS DP / Additional Field Devices / MMI find the appropriate

configuration file:

 PLC hardware configuration

Open SIMATIC Manager, in the block configuration Insert included OB1、OB82、OB86、OB100、OB121、OB122 tissue


3 4

Open HW Config,add Master System:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

After appears the main rail station system, Configure the master system

Add a slave:

Advanced Part HMI Communication

DP master system and the slave device address number cannot be the same; In addition slave device

transfer rate adaptation, without setting

Configuring the slave input and output resources:This example configure 16 Words Input,16 Words Output,PIW address

from 256~287,PQW address from 256~287

Setting User_Prm_Data(0):Double-click the slave station device icon,in【DP slave】—【Parameter assignment】set

User_Prm_Data(0)为 1

When LW using double word, only with SIEMENS products through DP communication, only need to

 User_Prm_Data (0) is set to 1; If communicate with a master device support other DP protocol,

User_Prm_Data (0) defaults to 0.

 In Kinco DTools topology window to configure the device and set the communication parameters
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Double-click the HMI icon in the topology window,in【HMI Attribute】—【HMI】—【Field bus setting】,Click【Add】

configuring the HMI communication parameters.

Setting【Protocol】for “Profibus Slave”;

【Input/output Modules】Are set to 16 Words,should match with HW Config Slave

device input and output resources;Slave address should match with HW Config.

 Input/ Output Modules should match with Master configuration, The max length are 116 words.

After configuration, the topology diagram and bus configurations are listed below:

 Edit the configuration screen

Double-click the HMI icon in the topology window,and open the Configuration Editor window,in【Graph element window】

—【PLC Parts】Select "Number Display" component added to the Configuration Editor window,Element attribute is set to:

Read Address LW 8000(HMI Local address)


Using vector graphics,,

After setting, save the project, compile and download.

Using DP communication cables are connected the HMI and PLC,After successful communication established , can monitor

PQW256 data on the HM.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

14.4 MODBUS Protocol Applications(Master-slave mode)

MODBUS protocol is a common language applied on the electronic controller. Over this protocol, between the controller,

the controller through the network (such as Ethernet), and other devices can communicate. Today, MODBUS protocol has

become a common industry standard by which different manufacturers of industrial control equipment can be connected into

the network, thereby performing centralized monitoring.

14.4.1 MODBUS Protocol Overview

Modbus is a request / response protocol, and provide services required by the function code.

Modbus protocol including ASCII, RTU, TCP, etc., does not require the physical layer. Protocol defines the controller can

recognize and use the message structure, regardless of what network they are communicating. The Modbus ASCII, RTU

protocol provides news, data structures, commands, and fluent manner , Data communication using Maser / Slave mode ,

Master station data request message, the slave receives the correct data can be sent after a message to the master station in

response to the request ; master can also be directly send message modify the data from a slave, two-way read and write.

MODBUS stipulates that only master station has the initiative, only a passive response from the slave, including answering

error message.

MT Series HMI Modbus protocol communications to achieve, follow the standard Modbus communication process:

Common data frame format is as follows:

 Address code

Address field of a message frame contains two characters (ASCII) or 8Bit (RTU). Possible from the device address is 0 ...

247 (decimal). Single device address range is 1 ... 247. To contact master device through the slave device address into the

address field of the message to select from the device. When a message is sent from the device to respond, he put his address

in response to the address field in order to know which device is the master device to respond. Address 0 is used as the

broadcast address and all slave devices will recognize.

 Function code

In the HMI system, commonly used function codes are as follows:

Modbus Corresponding
Name Function
Function code address type

01 Read Coil Status Read bit(Read N Bits) 0x

02 Read input discrete Read bit 1x

Reading integer, character, status word, float(Read N

03 Read multiple registers 4x

04 Read Input Registers Reading integer, status word, float 3x

05 Write Single Coil Write bit(Write a Bit) 0x

06 Write Single Register Write integer, character, status word, float(Write a Word) 4x

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

15 Write multiple coils Write bit(Write N Bits) 0x

Write Multiple
16 Write integer, character, status word, float(Write N Words) 4x

 Data Area

Data area contains the specific function of the terminal data needed to respond to queries or the terminal to collect data.

These data may be numeric, reference address or set values. For example:Function code tells terminal reads a register the

data area from which you need to specify the beginning and read the number of register data, the embedded addresses and

data types according to the contents of the slave varies.

 Error correction code

Modbus protocol data needs to checksum, in addition to the serial protocol parity outside, ASCII mode uses the LRC parity,

RTU mode uses a 16-bit CRC checksum, TCP checksum mode without additional requirements.

 Parity

Users can configure the controller is an odd or even parity, or no parity. This will determine the character of each parity

bit is how to set up.

If you specify an odd or even parity, "1" digit will count to the number of bits in each character (ASCII Mode 7 data bits,

RTU, 8 data bits). For example RTU character frame contains the following eight data bits:1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1;The whole

"1", the number is four。Such as the use even parity, the parity frame bit will be 0, so that the entire "1" bits remain is

four. If the odd parity, the parity frame bit will be 1, so that the entire "1" bits is 5. If no parity bit, no parity bit is

transmitted, nor checksum testing. Additional padding instead of stop bits to be transmitted character frame.

 LRC Detect

Using ASCII mode, messages include methods based LRC error detection domains. LRC field testing except the

beginning of the message field colon and end carriage return line numbers outside content.

LRC field is a binary value that contains an 8-bit byte. LRC value calculated by the transmission device and into the

message frame, the receiving device receiving the message in the process of calculating LRC, and place it in the

message received LRC field value, and if the two values are unequal, there is an error.

LRC is the message of the continuous accumulation of bytes 8Bit, discarding the carry bit.

LRC Simple function as follows:

static unsigned char LRC(auchMsg,usDataLen)

unsigned char *auchMsg ; /* Message to be calculated */

unsigned short usDataLen ; /* LRC number of bytes to be processed */

unsigned char uchLRC = 0 ; /* LRC Byte Initialization */

while (usDataLen--) /* Send Message */

uchLRC += *auchMsg++ ; /* Cumulative */

return ((unsigned char)(-((char_uchLRC))) ;

Advanced Part HMI Communication

 CRC Detect

Use RTU mode, the message including the method based on the CRC error detection fields. CRC field test the entire

contents of the message.

The CRC field is two bytes that contains a 16 bit binary value. Calculated by the transmission equipment was added to

the message. Receives the message receiving device recalculates the CRC, and with the received CRC value in the

field, and if the two values are different, then an error.

CRC added to messages, the low byte of the first to join, and then the high byte. CRC simple function as follows:

unsigned short CRC16(puchMsg, usDataLen)

unsigned char *puchMsg ; /* the message to be CRC checksum */

unsigned short usDataLen ; /* The number of bytes in the message */

unsigned char uchCRCHi = 0xFF ; /* High CRC byte initialization */

unsigned char uchCRCLo = 0xFF ; /* Low CRC byte initialization */

unsigned uIndex ; /* CRC cycle index */

while (usDataLen--) /* Transmitted message buffer */

uIndex = uchCRCHi ^ *puchMsgg++ ; /* Calculate the CRC */

uchCRCHi = uchCRCLo ^ auchCRCHi[uIndex} ;

uchCRCLo = auchCRCLo[uIndex] ;

return (uchCRCHi << 8 | uchCRCLo) ;

14.4.2 MODBUS Protocol Communication Format

Following through several examples, and use the serial debugging tools to send and receive data frames HMI listen to learn

more about the Modbus protocol communication format.

The following examples are primary device HMI, PLC done from the device, and use the RTU transmission mode is


Topology diagram is shown below:

(1)01 Function Code Application

Function Code 01 reads 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15 Bit of these six states.

Placed six "bit state lamp" parts in the HMI configuration, the read address are set to 0x10 ~ 0x15.
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Running, the host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Read Bit Number Read Bit Number CRC CRC

no. code (High byte) (Low byte) (high byte) (low byte) High byte low byte

01 01 00 09 00 06 6C 0A

Slave (PLC) response

Station no. Function code Byte count Single byte of data CRC High byte CRC low byte

01 01 01 3A D1 9B

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 01H 01H 3AH D1H 9BH

0x15 HMI reads as ON, 0x14 is ON, 0x13 is ON, 0x12 is OFF, 0x11 is ON, 0x10 is OFF. 3A hexadecimal number is covert

into binary to 111,010, corresponding exactly.

(2)02 Function Code Application

Function Code 02 reads 1x999 this Bit state.

In the HMI configuration to place a "bit state lamp" part, the read address is set to 1x999。

Running, the host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Read Bit Number Read Bit Number CRC CRC

no. code (High byte) (Low byte) (high byte) (low byte) high byte low byte

01 02 03 E6 00 01 58 79

Slave (PLC) response

Station no. Function code Byte count Data (single-byte) CRC high byte CRC low byte

01 02 01 00 A1 88

01 02 01 01 60 48

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 02H 01H 00H A1H 88H

01H 02H 01H 01H 60H 48H

(3)03 Function Code Application

Advanced Part HMI Communication

Function Code 03 reads 4x 208 ~ 215 this 8 Words value.

Placed on the HMI configuration 8 "Number Display" component, the read address are set to 4x 208 ~ 215.

Running, the host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Read Word Read Word Number CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) Number (high byte) (low byte) low byte

01 03 00 CF 00 08 74 33

Slave (PLC) response

Data(1) Data(1) Data(2) Data(2) Data(3) Data(3) Data(4) Data(4)

Station Functio Byte
High low High low High low High low
no. n code count
Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte

01 03 10 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04

Data(5) Data(5) Data(6) Data(6) Data(7) Data(7) Data(8) Data(8)

High low High low High low High low
high byte low byte
Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte

00 05 00 06 00 07 00 08 72 98

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 03H 10H 00H 01H 00H 02H 00H 03H 00H 04H 00H 05H

00H 06H 00H 07H 00H 08H 72H 98H

(4)04 Function Code Application

Function Code 04 reads 3x 1023 the value of the Word.

Placed on the HMI configuration 8 "Number Display" component, the read address are set to3x 1023.

Running, the host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Read Word Read Word Number CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) Number (high byte) (low byte) low byte

01 04 03 FE 00 01 50 7E

Slave (PLC) response

Station Function CRC CRC

Byte count Data High Byte Data low Byte
no. code high byte low byte

01 04 02 04 D2 3B AD

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 04H 02H 04H D2H 3BH ADH

(5)05 Function Code Application

Use 05 Function code to modify 0x 1 Bit state.

Place a "Bit State Setting” component in HMI, the write address is set to 0x 1, switch type is set to "Toggle."

Runtime on the HMI click "Bit State Setting" component to switch to the ON state, the serial debugging tools for the data

received 01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C 3A; Be switched to the OFF state, the serial debugging tools for the data received 01 05 00

00 00 00 CD CA;(Among them, the hexadecimal value 0XFF00 requests coil to ON. Hexadecimal value 0X0000 request

coil is OFF)Meanwhile, the serial debugging tools to reply to the same data.

The host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Write Bit Number Write Bit Number CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) (high byte) (low byte) low byte

01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C CA

01 05 00 00 00 00 CD CA

Slave (PLC) response

Station Function First address First address Write Bit Number Write Bit Number CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) (high byte) (low byte) low byte

01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C CA

01 05 00 00 00 00 CD CA

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 05H 00H 00H FFH 00H 8CH 3AH

01H 05H 00H 00H 00H 00H CDH CAH

(6)06 Function Code Application

Use 06 Function code writes 4x 1 this Word value.

In the HMI configuration to place a "multiple state setting" component, the write address is set to 4x 1, set the mode to "set

constant", set the value to 88.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

Runtime on the HMI click on the " multiple state setting " component, the serial debugging tools received data to 01 06 00

00 00 58 88 30; while serial debugging tools To reply to the same data.

the host (HMI) Request

Station Function First address First address Write Word Write Word CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) Number (high byte) Number (low byte) low byte

01 06 00 00 00 58 88 30

Slave (PLC) response

Station Function First address First address Write Word Write Word CRC
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) Number (high byte) Number (low byte) low byte

01 06 00 00 00 58 88 30

HMI debugging tools from the serial port to send data packets HMI display

01H 06H 00H 00H 00H 58H 88H 30H

(7)15 Function Code Application

Use 15 Function code modify the 0x 10 ~ 25 this 16 Bit state.

In the HMI configuration to create a macro code: 15 function code. C, variables are defined as follows:

Code is as follows:

And then placed on a configuration screen "function key" component, the function is set to "execute macro code: 15 function

code. C".

Running, click on the function keys on the HMI, the serial data received on debugging tools for the 01H 0FH 00H 09H 00H

10H 02H FFH FFH E3H 09H, while serial debugging tools, the reply data 01H 0FH 00H 09H 00H 10H 84H 05H.

The host (HMI) Request

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

First First Write Bit Write Bit Bit
Station Function address address Number Bit Data Data
Number High low
no. code (High (Low (high Byte High low
(low Byte Byte
byte) byte) byte) count Byte Byte

01 0F 00 09 00 10 02 FF FF E3 09

Slave (PLC) response

Station Function address First address Write Bit Write Bit CRC
no. code (High (Low byte) Number (high byte) Number (low byte) High Byte

01 0F 00 09 00 10 84 05

(8)16 Function Code Application

Use 16 Function code writes 4x 10 ~ 25 these 16 Words value.

In the HMI configuration to create a macro code: 16 function code. C, variables are defined as follows:

Code is as follows:

And then placed on a configuration screen "function key" component, the function is set to "execute macro code: 16 function

code. C".

Running, click on the function keys on the HMI, the serial data received on debugging tools for the 01H 10H 00H 09H 00H

10H 20H 00H 01H 00H 02H 00H 03H 00H 04H 00H 05H 00H 06H 00H 07H 00H 08H 00H 09H 00H 0AH 00H 0BH 00H

0CH 00H 0DH 00H 0EH 00H 0FH 00H 10H 88H 37H.while serial debugging tools, the reply data 01H 10H 00H 09H 00H

10H 11H C7H。

The host (HMI) Request

First First Write Word Write Word Data(1) Data(1)

Station Function Write Word
address address Number (high Number (low High low
no. code Byte count
(High (Low byte) byte) Byte Byte

Advanced Part HMI Communication

byte) byte)

01 10 00 09 00 10 20 00 01

Data(3) Data(3) Data(4) Data(4) Data(5) Data(5) Data(6) Data(6) Data(7) Data(7)

High low High low High low High low High low

Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte

00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 07

Data(8) Data(9) Data(10) Data(10) Data(11) Data(11) Data(12) Data(12)

Data(8) Data(9)
low low High low High low High low
High High
Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte
Byte Byte

00 08 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C

Data(13) Data(13) Data(14) Data(14) Data(15) Data(15) Data(16) Data(16) CRC CRC

High low High low High low High low High low

Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte

00 0D 00 0E 00 0F 00 10 88 37

Slave (PLC) response

Station Function First address First address Write Word Write Word
High low
no. code (High byte) (Low byte) Number (high byte) Number (low byte)
Byte Byte

01 10 00 09 00 10 11 C7

14.4.3 MODBUS Protocol in the HMI Application

In the HMI interface design applications, often encountered need to design their own microcontroller control board

communication situation. In this application environment, the MCU control system designers want a simple, stable and

reliable means of communication with the HMI to exchange data. The MODBUS protocol is achieved between the HMI and

the equipment master-slave communication mode most commonly used way.

Below microcontroller (hereinafter referred to as MCU) and HMI through MODBUS protocol (RTU transmission mode in

case) communication, for example, explains how to use MODBUS protocol communication between the HMI and the MCU.

Between the HMI and the MCU communication through MODBUS protocol mainly have the following two Master-slave


Master / Slave Using protocol Advantage Disadvantages

HMI as Master device Modbus RTU HMI direct access to the MCU MCU as a slave device must constantly

MCU as Slave device mapped out 0X, 1X, 3X, 4X respond to queries the HMI, CPU

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

registers. occupancy rate is high; MCU interrupt

response shall be used, programming is

relatively difficult.

HMI as Master device Modbus RTU MCU as the master device can LW on the HMI configuration data is

MCU as Slave device Slave initiate communication; do not take modified, you must regularly check the

up too much CPU time. MCU can be read out to achieve them

HMI local address LW, LB is inconvenient.

mapped to 4X, 0 X register, write or MCU can only access the HMI local

read by the MCU. word (LW), the position (LB)

(1)HMI as Master, MCU as Slave (using the Modbus RTU protocol)

MCU and HMI using standard Modbus RTU protocol for communication, HMI as master, MCU for the slave side, the MCU,

you need to write the interrupt service routine to handle communication requests from HMI. MCU must support the standard

Modbus RTU protocol, while MCU must map out 0X, 1X, 3X, 4X registers (where 0X, 1X is bit register; 3X, 4X for the

word register)

The recommended communication parameter is 19200, data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. In addition to seven data bits protocol

support all settings other than combinations. Baud rate range from 1200-115200, with the flexibility to choose.

 Communication processes

First, HMI sends a request to the MCU, MCU accepts the request, a response back to the HMI. MCU can access the HMI,

4X, 3X, 0X, 1X register; the address range is 1 to 65535.

1. MODBUS protocol is relatively complex, demanding overtime

2. In the communication process, HMI continuously sends request packets to MCU; MCU accepts the

request, the need to continue to give a response to the HMI. MCU's response is given using interrupt

mode; therefore, MCU's CPU usage is high. Most of the MCU's CPU resources consumed during the

communication response. Therefore, in practical applications need to be taken into account, if the MCU is

used in addition to doing communication functions, there are other response functions, HMI (Master)

MCU (Slave) using Modbus RTU protocol solution is not recommended, it is recommended to use HMI

(Slave) MCU (Master), using Modbus RTU Slave protocol solutions

 HMI Power communication processes

When the HMI after power

(1)If the configuration page does not place any project component, the HMI will not send any communication packets


(2)If the configuration page placed engineering components and these components address types are local types (LW, RW,

RWI, LB, RB, RBI, LW.B), the HMI will not send any communication packets External

Advanced Part HMI Communication

(3)If the configuration page to place the component works, and these elements are not the local address type for 0X, 1X,

3X, 4X, the HMI constantly scanning configuration page of these registers, and constantly sends communication data


(4)When using the timer device batch write bit components (consecutive addresses transmission number greater than one)

when, HMI will be issued by the packet encapsulation function code: 0x0F

(5)When using the timer components word element bulk write (consecutive address transfer number greater than one)

when, HMI will be issued by the packet encapsulation function code: 0x10

(6)Using recipes components download operation (that is, the local word register in HMI RW data downloaded to the

MCU in the appropriate register, such as 4X).

When the download operation data length is greater than 1, HMI will be issued by the packet encapsulation function code:


 Data communications package

Assuming HMI configuration screen is placed 25 0X register address type, starting address: 20, HMI station number is 1.

HMI send packets: ("H" indicates hexadecimal form)

01H 01H 00H 13H 00H 25H XXH XXH(Wherein: "XX" indicates LRC / CRC)

MCU Return packets:

01H 01H 05H CDH 6BH B2H 0EH 1BH XXH XXH(Wherein: "XX" indicates LRC / CRC)

 HMI Communication parameter configuration

HMI Port parameter settings:

According to the actual physical connection mode selection set [Communication type].

Baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits setting must be connected to the MCU and the corresponding parameters consistent.

Other parameters are described below:

Parameter Explanation

PLC Communication HMI wait MCU response, if the MCU to set the time interval in which the response is not given,

timeout the HMI that communication timeout, and then continue to send request packet, continue to wait

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Protocol timeout 1 Inter-character timeout. HMI communication with the MCU in the process, if the communication

frame characters and the time interval between characters exceeds the set time interval, the HMI

think this communication process is completed, then, to deal with the communication data frame,

parse packets.

For Modbus protocol, baud rate calculation within the program should be based on an estimate.

As follows:

Protocol timeout 1 = 1.5*1000000*(1 + data bits + parity + stop bits) / baud + set adjust time bps

(baud rate);

Sample code (standard C language):

int speed_arr[] = { B115200, B57600, B38400, B19200, B9600, B4800, B2400, B1200,

B300,B150, B134, B110, B75 };

int name_arr[] = {115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 300, 150, 134,

110, 75 };

int adjust_time_bps_arr[]={1000,4000,10000,11000,25000,40000,70000,140000,


Function: Set a baud rate adjustment values check time

Parameter: baud_rate

Returns: the current baud rate of the checksum time adjustment value

int set_adjust_time_bps(int baud_rate)

int adjust_time;

int i;





return adjust_time;

Protocol timeout 2 The communication speed will be slow, but the communication error and error package will also

be reduced. Do not suggest customers to modify this parameter.

Max interval of word Occurs mainly in the HMI read data phase, in order to improve communication efficiency,

Advanced Part HMI Communication

(bit) block pack relatively tight group of registers connected to pack together to form a bulk read, for example, D1,

D2, D4, group packet interval is set to 10, these three registers will be taken a bulk read (read

from D1 from the bulk 4 registers). Note: The group packet interval must be less than the

maximum length of batch read.

Max word (bits) block Protocol supports the largest number of registers to read and write batch. This function is used to

package size achieve data transmission components to achieve

PLC Station number setting:

(2)MCU as Master, HMI as Slave (using Modbus RTU Slave protocol)

MCU and HMI using standard Modbus RTU protocol for communication, MCU for remote, HMI for the slave side, the

MCU, just write a simple communication read / write programs without having to write the interrupt service routine. HMI

local address LW, LB is mapped to 4X, 0X register, write or read by the MCU.

Registers the correspondence table is as follows:

Modbus Register address range Local address range corresponding HMI

0X(1---9000) LB(0---8999)

4X(1---9000) LW(0---8999)

The recommended communication parameter is 19200, data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. In addition to seven data bits protocol

support all settings other than combinations. Baud rate range from 1200-115200, with the flexibility to choose from.

 Communication processes

First, MCU sends a request to the HMI, HMI accepts the request, a response back to the MCU.

1. MODBUS protocol is relatively complex, demanding overtime

2. In the communication process, MCU as the initiator of communication, initiate communication. When

the HMI device accepts the request, a response back to the MCU. Therefore, MCU without constantly

interrupt, do not take up too much CPU time

Therefore, in practice, if the MCU is used in addition to doing communication functions, there are other

response functions (recommended to use this solution).

3. HMI configuration on LW, LB data is modified, you must regularly check the MCU can be read out and

realize it is not very convenient. Therefore, the actual application, the MCU written communication read /

write process, you should consider requesting the HMI data interval stated in the program to give much

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

time to wait for a communication request

 HMI Power communication processes

In this scheme, the user edit the configuration project, the component type can only select local word address register LW

and the local register LB. When powered on the HMI, HMI does not take the initiative to send out a packet communication,

HMI is waiting to receive state. After the MCU send request, HMI resuming a response.

 HM Communication parameter configuration

HMI Port parameter settings:

Them from the device number for the HMI station number, other communications parameters set according to specific


15 VNC
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a kind of software for screen sharing and remote operation via RFB protocol. The
VNC software could transfer mouse and keyboard operation and real-time screen.
VNC system is composed of client-side, server-side and protocol. The server side shares screen with client-side, while the
client-side interacts with server side by monitoring and controlling server-side.
VNC is OS independent. Users could use the VNC system to remote control HMI via PC, mobile and so on.

15.1 Various client-sides

Kinco does not provide the VNC software. Users could download from the internet:
 VNC software for PC: VNC Viewer
 Browser: IE, Firefox…
 VNC software for mobile terminal: most mobile system support VNC software, for example: VNC/RDP.
1. JAVA plugin tool is required by browser access. Generally, PC has the JAVA plugin. Please
refer to to install if there is no JAVA plugin on PC.
2. IF after install the JAVA plug-in, the brower to monitor HMI, JAVA plug-in can not run
normally, you can change the security level to “Medium” in [Control Panel]-[All Control
Panel Items].

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

3. You can open multiple VNC Viewer clients to access to multiple HMI at the same time.
15.2 Access via LAN
15.2.1 Remote control HMI by PC via LAN

【Example 1】Remote control MT4414TE by PC. MT4414TE works as server, while PC as client.

1. Only the HMI models with Ethernet port support VNC function for the VNC function is
realized via Ethernet.

1) Tools required for Client-side:

2) The related system registers of HMI are as follows:

Register Function
LB9290 Open VNC function. Set to “1” to open the VNC function.

LB9291 Mask user operation. Set to “1” to mask user operation(check only, cannot operate)

LB9292 Operation password enabled. Set to “1” to enable operation password.

LB9293 Inquiry password enabled. Set to “1” to enable inquiry password.

LW10146~LW10147 Operation password

LW10148~LW10149 Inquiry password

3) Parameter settings for HMI:

Set IP of HMI as follows:

Advanced Part HMI Communication

1. Take the default gateway in LAN.

Set the VNC related registers:

4) Parameter setting on PC

Input IP of the target HMI:

Input Password (Operation password or inquiry password)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Monitoring on PC:

Changes on HMI is displayed on PC simultaneously, meanwhile, user could control HMI by operating on PC.

1. If input inquiry password on PC side, then users only could check HMI information, but

cannot operate.

2. If input operation password on PC side, then users could check HMI information and operate

HMI on PC, but cannot operate.

3. If there is no password set on HMI, then no passwords required for monitoring or operating
15.2.2 Remote control HMI by mobile via LAN

【Example 2】Remote control MT4414TE by an android mobile. MT4414TE works as server, while the android mobile as


1) Tools required for mobile

Advanced Part HMI Communication

2) Parameter setting of HMI is the same with 【Example 1】

3) Parameter setting on mobile

1. Input IP in the Address box.

2. The default port is 5900, please do not change it, otherwise, may not get connection.

3. Nickname and User name can be omitted.

4. Input operation password or inquiry password.

Monitoring on mobile:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Changes on HMI is displayed on mobile simultaneously, meanwhile, user could control HMI by operating on mobile.
15.2.3 Remote control HMI by browser via LAN

【Example 3】Remote control MT4414TE by browser.

1) Parameter setting of HMI is the same with 【Example 1】

2) Open the browser, input IP and port of the target HMI in the website box:

Input password (Operation password or inquiry password)

Monitoring by browser:

Advanced Part HMI Communication

Changes on HMI is displayed by browser simultaneously, meanwhile, users could control HMI by operating on browser.

1. The remote control by browser is realized by a JAVA plugin running on the website. Please

make sure that JAVA software has been installed on PC.

2. Default port for browser access is 5800. Please do not change it, otherwise may not get

3. Only after updated kernel and Rootfs by v2.2 (build140314) software or above, the HMI can
support the remote control by brower.
15.3 Access via WAN
For remote access via WAN, users need to set port mapping of HMI by router.
For remote access by VNC Viewer on PC via WAN, users need to map IP of target HMI to port number 5900.
【Example 4】The IP of the remote HMI is:
1) Port mapping:Choose menu“Forwarding->Virtual Servers”,click the Add New…button

2) Parameter setting of HMI:

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

3) Assumed that the WAN IP of the local network where the HMI located is, then, users need to input IP into VNC Viewer and mobiles of external network to remote control HMI. Choose
menu ”Network->WAN”

For remote access by browser via WAN, users need to map the HMI IP to port number 5800.
【Example 5】 The IP of the remote HMI is:
1) Port mapping: Choose menu“Forwarding->Virtual Servers”,click the Add New…button

2) Parameter setting of HMI is the same with 【Example 4】

3) Assumed that the WAN IP of the local network where the HMI located is, then, use the browser of the
external network to visit website: to remote control HMI.

Advanced Part HMI Communication

1. The Gateway must been set in the same network segment for access via WAN.

2. The firewall and antivirus software are suggested to be closed, for it may affect the VNC

Router mapping method: If the DMZ host is opened on PC, then users could remote control HMI by VNC without port
【Example 6】 The IP of the remote HMI is:
1) Router mapping:Choose menu ”Forwarding->DMZ”

2) Parameter setting of HMI is the same with 【Example 4】

3) Assumed that the WAN IP of the local network where the HMI located is, then,users need to input IP into PCs of external network to remote control HMI.

If users need to access multiple HMIs by VNC via WAN, then the router is required for supporting port self-definition of
external network port. The model TL-WR841N (TP-LINK) supports port self-definition of external network.
【Example 7】IP of remote HMI1 is, IP of remote HMI2 is
1) Port setting of router: add two new items in [transfer rule]-[Virtual server]

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

1. For access by VNC Viewer, the internal port must be set to 5900 by router, and serve port can
be set as casual value. Input IP and internal port for access by VNC Viewer via WAN.
2. For access by browser, the internal port must be set to 5800 by router, and serve port can be
set as casual value. Input IP and internal port for access by browser via WAN.
2) Parameter setting of HMI:


3) Assumed that the WAN IP of the local network where the HMI located is, then, users need to input and into PCs and mobiles of external network to remote control HMI.

1. The firewall and antivirus software are suggested to be closed, for it may affect the VNC

16 Register
The registers supported by HMI include local registers and external PLC or the registers of control devices. Local registers

include Local Word(LW),Local Bit(LB),Recipe Word(RW) and so on. External registers include M,D,S, etc.

16.1 Local Registers of HMI

16.1.1 Bit Address

Description Address Type Address Range Format

Local bit, Local word address, local registers

LB 0~9999 DDDD:Decimal system
of HMI, don’t save data after power off.


Bit extended from local word,Bit addresses No. “H” bit of the no.
LW.B 0~10255.F
extended from local words. DDDDD word, range of H:

Bit extended from local word,Bit addresses ELW.B 0~134217727.F DDDDDDDDD.H
extended from local words.
Recipe bit,Recipe bit address, local registers

of HMI, save data after power off, don’t save RB 0~261000.F DDDDDD.H

data when run out of batteries.

Recipe bit index,Recipe bit index addresses,

indirect addressing mode is adopted, save data
RBI 0~261000.F 【Example】RBI50
after power off, don’t save data when run out
RB address=50+[LW9000]
of batteries.

Flash recipe bit,Flash recipe bit addresses,

using FLASH to save the data that is Erased

/Written infrequently, save data after power FRB 0~134217727.F DDDDDDDDD.H

off even when run out of batteries, but the

“erease/write”times are limited.

Flash recipe bit index,Flash recipe bit index

addresses, using FLASH to save the data that

is Erased /Written infrequently, save data

FRBI 0~134217727.F DDDDDDDDD.H
after power off even when run out of

batteries, but the “erease/write”times are


Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

16.1.2 Word Address

Description Address Type Address Range Format

Local word,Local word addresses. LW 0~10255 DDDDD

Local word,Local word addresses ELW 0~134217727 DDDDDDDDD
Recipe word , Local recipe word addresses,

indicating the local register of HMI, save data

RW 0~261000 DDDDDD
after power off, don’t save data when run out of


Recipe word index,Recipe word index addresses, DDDDDD

local register of HMI, indirect addressing mode is 【Example】RWI50

RWI 0~261000
adopted, save data after power off, don’t save data RW address = 50 +

when run out of batteries. [LW9000]

Extended Recipe word,Extended recipe word

addresses, usually for HMI external storage

devices access, such as SD card, U disk and so on,

ERW0~ERW2 0~2147483647 DDDDDDDDDD
when more than one external storage devices are

used, ERW0/ERW1/ERW2 will be used for


Extended Recipe word index,Extended recipe

word index addresses, usually for HMI external

storage devices access, such as SD card, U disk

and so on, when more than one external storage

devices are used, ERW0/ERW1/ERW2 will be

used for indentifying.

Flash recipe word,Flash recipe word addresses,

using FLASH to save the data that is Erased

/Written infrequently, save data after power off FRW 0~134217727 DDDDDDDDD

even when run out of batteries, but the

“Erease/Write” times are limited.

Flash recipe word , Flash recipe word index

address, using FLASH to save the data that is

Erased /Written infrequently, save data after power FRWI 0~134217727 DDDDDDDDD

off even when run out of batteries, but the

“Erease/Write” times are limited.

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

16.2 System Special Registers of HMI

The system has reserved some Local Word(LW),Local Bit(LB) addresses for special purpose, the users must use the

addresses according to related description.

When local registers are used, users need to pay special attention to making sure that the local registers

cannot conflict with the special registers, otherwise the registers will not be able to be used normally or

unexpected results will be lead.

16.2.1 Parameter Setting of Hardware

Address Description Read/Write

Screen saver indication for entering. When the system enters screen saver/backlight and energy

LB9018 saving state, the bit is automatically set to ON; when the system exits screen saver state, it is R

set to OFF.

Screen saver indication for exiting. When the system enters screen saver/backlight and energy

LB9019 saving state, the bit is automatically set to OFF; when the system exits screen saver state, it is R

set to ON.

LB9045 Restart touch screen. Restart HMI when this bit is set to ON. W

Enable/disable touch function when backlight is closed. Set this bit to ON will disable the
LB9051 R/W
touch function when backlight is closed.

Increase LCD contrast. The system will execute the function of increasing LCD contrast by
LB9091 W
setting the bit to ON, upon completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Decrease LCD contrast. The system will execute the function of decreasing LCD contrast by
LB9092 W
setting the bit to ON, upon completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Increase backlight brightness. The system will execute the function of increasing backlight
LB9093 W
brightness by setting the bit to ON, upon completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Decrease backlight brightness. The system will execute the function of decreasing backlight
LB9094 W
brightness by setting the bit to ON, upon completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Trigger long sound of buzzer. Set the bit to ON to trigger long sound of buzzer once, upon
LB9120 W
completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Trigger short sound of buzzer. Set the bit to ON to trigger short sound of buzzer once, upon
LB9121 W
completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Automatically restart after system crash. Set the bit to ON, to make HMI will restart
LB9145 R/W
automatically after it crash for 5 seconds.

LB9160 Switch bit of CPU light. Set the bit to ON to turn off CPU light, and forbid blinking. R/W

LB9163 Screen flip display. Set the bit to ON to flip vertical display the HMI screen. R/W

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW9140 Display screen brightness level. R

Display screen contrast level.

LW9141 R
Note:as for KM5303,the value of LW9141 indicates the brightness of the buttons.

Audio volume register. Range: 0~100, 0 indicates mute, from 1 to 100, the volume increases
LW9464 R/W

LW9532 Number of the screen saver window. Display and set the number of the screen saver window. R/W

16.2.2 System Setting

 System parameter Setting

Address Description Read/Write

LW10010 Initial window number, range: 0~65535. R/W

set second for Screen Saver.So far users can set minute in software and set second in LW9131
LW9131 R/W
for it

Screen saver/backlight and energy saving time setting. 0: Disable screen saver; 1~65535:
LW10011 R/W
Enable screen saver (take effect without restart). Time unit: minute.

Buzzer sound. 0: Disable; 1: Enable (take effect without restart, non-zero value enables the


LW10012 Note: LW10012 is only used for closing buzzer, not for closing the buzzer sound triggered by R/W

alarms and events. For the buzzer sound triggered by alarms and events, the function is


LW10013 Pop-up window attribute. 0: Normal;1: Display above other windows. R/W

LW10014 Common window attribute. 0: Display below base window; 1: Display above base window. R/W

LW10015 Number of stored events. Range: 0~65535 R/W

LW10017 Default language. Range: 0~7. R/W

LW10018 System reserved. For HMI internal use. R/W

LW10019 Exchange communication ports. Set the bit to ON to exchange com0 and com1 of HMI.

LW10028 Screen saver. 0: off,1-65535: on(no restart is need) ,unit: minute R/W

 Taskbar control

Address Description Read/Write

LB9040 Hide/display Fast selection window. Set the bit to ON to hide; Set the bit to OFF to display. R/W

LB9041 Hide/display taskbar. Set the bit to ON to hide; Set the bit to OFF to display. R/W

LB9042 Hide/display task buttons. Set the bit to ON to hide; Set the bit to OFF to display. R/W

Hide/display all (Fast selection window, taskbar, task buttons). Set the bit to ON to hide; Set
LB9043 R/W
the bit to OFF to display.

 Keyboard control

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

Address Description Read/Write

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the left part of the

LB9060 window. When numeric input or text input function is enabled by users, HMI will set the bit to
LB9061 ON automatically, and pop up a direct window including a keypad. After successful entry or

pressing [Esc], this bit will be set to OFF, and the keypad window will be closed automatically.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the upper left part
LB9062 R
of the window.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the bottom left part
LB9063 R
of the window.

LB9064 Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the right part of the
LB9065 window.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the upper right part
LB9066 R
of the window.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the bottom right
LB9067 R
part of the window.

LB9068 Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in optional position of
LB9069 the window.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the upper half part
LB9080 R
of the window.

Keypad popup indication. Keypad popup is controlled by the component in the bottom half part
LB9081 R
of the window.

 Pinyin input method

Address Description Read/Write

This bit is used to switch input method of Chinese and English. When the bit is set to

LB9100 ON, the system switches to Pinyin input method; when it is set to OFF, the system R/W

switched to English input method.

The value is the serial number of the current window in which Chinese characters are
LW9150 R/W
displayed; the value is used for page turning.

LW9152~9167 Display the currently entered Pinyin characters. R

 Touch

Address Description Read/Write

LB9053 Touch status. The bit will be set to ON when press, OFF when lose. R

Touch coordinates. Record the touch coordinate of X position that takes the upper-left corner
LW9030 R/W
of the screen as origin.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Touch coordinates. Record the touch coordinates of Y position that takes the upper-left corner
LW9031 R/W
of the screen as origin.

LW9540 Position of the touch component (component position). The values are the coordinates (x, y, w,
~9543 h) of the touch component relative to the window coordinates.

Position of the window which the touch components are in (window position). The values are
the coordinates (x, y, w, h) of the window which the touch components are in relative to the R
screen coordinates.

 Cursor

Address Description Read/Write

Cursor lock. When the bit is set to ON, the cursor is locked in the current input component, it
LB9135 R/W
will switch to other input components only after the current input is completed.

LW9520 Cursor position. X position of the cursor in the input component. R

LW9521 Cursor position. Y position of the cursor in the input component. R

Cursor semi-transparent display. When the value are not set to 0,the cursor will display
LW9530 R/W
semi-transparently, the range of the value is 20~100.

 Transparence

Address Description Read/Write

LW9611 Specifies the pop-up window number to dynamically change the transparency of the window R/W

LW9612 Set the transparency value of the pop-up window . 0~100, 0 full transparent, 100 opaque R/W

LB9210 Set ON to perform the settings of the pop-up window transparency operation W

 Change Base Window

Address Description Read/Write

Disable the return value function of 【PLC Control】—【Change Base Window】. ON: Disable;

OFF: Enable.

【Example】: To switch from Base Window 10 to Base Window 12 with the 【PLC Control】

LB9052 —【Change Base Window】 function,and the reading address is D12, the switchover will be R/W

implemented when the value of D20 is 12. After the system switches to Base Window 12, PLC

will automatically return the number 12 to the address D21. If the return value function is

disabled, the system will not return the number 12 to D21.

The bit will be set when change Base Window. The bit will be set to ON when change Base
LB9139 R
Window display.

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

The value of LW9100 is the window number; the value of LW9101 is the offset address of

PLC. Apply only to controller.

[for example] if you set LW9100 to 11, LW9101 to 20, then all the components of the PLC R/W
address in the window 11 will add offset 20 , that is, D10 into D30, all of the bit address will

add offset 20*16=320, that is, M20 into M340.

Displaying Base Window Number. Slave machine can maintain the same Base Window with
LW9050 R
master machine according to the word.

LW9051 Read the former frame number R

 Print control

Address Description Read/Write

Printer error indication. The bit is set to ON in case of printer error and to OFF if printer is
LB9016 R

Printer control. Set it to ON to disable print function; set it to OFF to enable print function.

LB9017 Note: 【HMI Attributes】—【print Setting】—【Enable print】must be selected, otherwise the R/W

function of this bit will be invalid.

Event printing setting. Set the bit to ON to separate event content from other information such
LB9123 R/W
as serial number, time and so on.

LB9132 Printing indication. The bit will be set to ON when printing, OFF when finished. R

Printing preprocessing. Set the bit to ON to execute printing preprocessing operation to

LB9133 R/W
improve the printing results.

LB9143 USB printer connection status. Set the bit to ON for connection, OFF for disconnection. R

LB9202 Print header of History Data. Set the bit to ON to always print header; OFF to print only once. R/W

LW9800 Error code register, word length:2 R

Enable Pictbridge print. Set it to 1 to enable pictbridge print; set it to 0 to disable pictbridge
LW10254 R/W

 HMI System Version Information

Register Description Read/Write
LW9640 Hardware Version R
LW9641 Kernel Version R
LW9642 Rootfs Version R
LW9643 GUI Version R
LW9644 Comserver Version R
LW9645 Servo Version R
 HMI Time

Address Description Read/Write

LW9034~9035 Stopwatch, double word, display the time in unit of 0.1 second. R

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW9999 BIN code,System time (millisecond), range:0~999 R

LW10000 BIN code,System time (Second), range:0~59 R/W

LW10001 BIN code,System time (Minute), range:0~59 R/W

LW10002 BIN code,System time (Hour), range:0~23 R/W

LW10003 BIN code,System time (Date), range:0~31 R/W

LW10004 BIN code,System time (Month), range:0~12 R/W

LW10005 BIN code,System time (Year), range:0~9999 R/W

LW10006 BIN code,System time (Week), range:0~6 R/W

The system time should be downloaded into HMI for debugging, it will call the system time of PC when run

in offline simulation mode on PC.

 External time

Address Description Readable/Writable

LW9010 Local time(Second), Range:0~59 R/W

LW9011 Local time(Minute), Range:0~59 R/W

LW9012 Local time(Hour), Range:0~23 R/W

LW9013 Local time(Date), Range:0~31 R/W

LW9014 Local time(Month), Range:0~12 R/W

LW9015 Local time(Year), Range:0~9999 R/W

LW9016 Local time(Week), Range:0~6 R/W

LW9017 Local time(Millisecond), Range:0~999 R/W

1.When 【HMI Attributes】—【Use The External Clock for Event】 is selected, the events will read the

values of LW9010~9017 rather than adopt system time of HMI.

2. Before this function is used, the values of PLC time registers must be transmitted to LW9010~9017.

Address Description Read/Write
LB9290 VNC enable, set on,start VNC function R/W
LB9291 VNC operation disable, set on,no VNC operation R/W
LB9292 VNC operation password enable,set on, password valid R/W
LB9293 VNC check password enable, set on, password valid R/W
LW10146~10147 VNC operation password R/W
LW10148~10149 VNC check password R/W
 Two-dimensional code function

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

Address Description Read/Write

LW9680 Set the character input address R/W
LW9681 Set the address of two-dimensional code display R/W
LW9683 Set the imge size of two-dimensional code R/W
LB9421 Produce two-dimensional code R/W

1.Must use Freeplotting to show two-dimensional code;

2. The size of freeplotting must be same as the value of LW9683;

3. Here we use indirect addressing because of shortage of LW. We use LW9680 to point to input adderss.

For example, LW9680=1000,input adderss LW1000. We use LW9681 to point to output address. For

example,LW9681=2000, Output address LW.B2000.

 USB Camera to scan two-dimension code

Address description Read/write

LB9420 Open USB camera scan. R/W

ON: camera shows a rectangle frame, put the two-dimension code inside. Once

recognized, the buzzer rings out, and LB9420 turns off. OFF: no scan

LW9819 Number of bytes of the text R

LW9820 Save the address which keeps the text. For example:LW9820=1000, then the text will be R/W

stored in LW1000 until the next scan clears it.

To scan two-dimension code, users have to open camera. The size of frame is suggest to be 640*480.If it is

too small, the code cannot be included.

Chinese is not supported

Users have to update their kernel and rootfs by software with version higher than V2.3 (build150820) if

MT4000 and F series HMI produced before 2015.8.28 are used. While HMI produced latter can use this

function without extra settings.

For example:Connect MT4414 to Logitech C170 to scan two-dimension code


Put camera in frame 0

Read address LW0

Display settings Width:640, height:480

Multiple sate switch

Read/write address LW0

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Control mode

Bit state switch

Read/write address LB9420(special system register)

Switch type Toggle

Multiple sate setting

Write address LW9820 (special system register)

Setting mode Set at window open value 1000

Number display

Read address LW9819 (special system register)

Data type Unsigned int

Text display

Read address LW1000

Word length 16


Set 1 to multiple state switch and switch LB9420 ON,

Users can scan code and display it on the screen

 USB scan gun

Address Description Read/Write

LB9107 On:gun in use R/W

LB8999 Get valid data.Once scan successfully,it turns on.Users should set off manually next time R/W
LW8900 Beginning address of receiving text R/W

 Others

Address Description Read/Write

LB9148 update data from sample components like Trend Curve to CSV R/W
LB9149 Clear the file that saved to HMI W

TTF font optimization display. Set the bit to ON to optimize the display effect of the edge of
LB9162 R/W
the TTF font.

LB9164 Video mode selection. ON: NTSC mode; OFF: VPAL mode. R/W

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

LB9260 Speed selection switch pages. ON: Switch page displays fast. OFF: Switch page displays slow. R/W

Switch page data display selection. ON:Keep original data. OFF:Page data first brush cut to
LB9261 R/W
zero, and then display valid data.

LB9262 Real time read repeated request not processed. ON, not processed; OFF, processed R/W
LB9271 CSV of History Data Display and Data Report keeps the same fractional part with the R/W
functioning component. Set on to use it. If the decimal number has fractional part , the CSV file
has it too. Default OFF

Open WebServer. Set the bit to ON to open WebServer function; while OFF to close this
LB9910 R/W

Brower display mode. Set the bit to ON to display HMI image with gray mode in browser;
LB9911 R/W
while OFF to display actual HMI image.

LW9370 Operation acknowledgement mode. Operator acknowledgement mode: 1: Confirm; 2: Cancel. R

LB9915 Set on,with key, KM5303 switch disable RW

LB9920 Set on, instead invalid float number NAN of former value RW

1. The above functions will take effect after restart.

2. The values of the local words above will be saved after power off.

16.2.3 Components Setting

 Input Components

Address Description Read/Write

LB9103 on,not empty LW9060 ~ 9075 numerical after input the numerical R/W

Trigger input components in basic window. Set the bit to ON to trigger input components in
LB9129 W
basic window.

Input components trigger automatically. Set the bit to ON to make the input components
LB9131 R/W
triggered automatically after open window.

Caps Lock. Set the bit to ON to make English letters input in capital format; the bit will be set
LB9140 R/W
to OFF automatically after input finished.

Trigger input components in popup window. Set the bit to ON to trigger input components in
LB9142 W
the popup window in top layer.

Components left alignment display. Set the bit to ON to make the display
LB9161 R/W
component(LW9060~9075) on the keyboard displays left alignment when input.

ON: When he number input component which read address same as write address is input ENT,
LB9240 R/W
the new value will display immediately.

LB9241 The number input element display the blank before password input. Set ON, the number input R/W

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

element display blank before password input;Set OFF, the number input element display *

number before password input. Default is OFF。

LW9002 ~ Display the maximum of numeric input. When numeric input component is activated, it will
9003 display the maximum of the numeric component. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

LW9004 ~ Display the minimum of numeric input. When numeric input component is activated, it will
9005 display the minimum of the numeric component. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Number/Text input procedure display. The words will display the input procedure when
LW9060 ~
Number/Text input components are activated. LW9075 display the latest input data. Usually text R
components are used for displaying.

LW9180 ~
Display the maximum of number input, usually by text components. R/W

LW9190 ~
Display the minimum of number input, usually by text components. R/W

LW9380 ~
Display the historical data of number input components, usually by text components. R

 Text components

Address Description Read/Write

Display the bytes of text display component in inverted order. Set the bit to ON, then the

LB9137 high bytes and low bytes of text component will exchange to display, the low bytes will R/W

display on the right side of the text component.

Mask text characters. Set the bit to ON to make text component only display characters in
LB9138 R/W
code 33~127. Other characters will be replaced by space character.

Set ON, the text input element is not allowed to enter after the full input;Set OFF, more than
LB9243 R/W
the number of bits, the highest in order to remove. Default is OFF.

LB9410 Set the bit to ON, the lack bit display 0; otherwise the lack bit display space. Default: Off R/W

LB9411 Set the bit to ON,clear content before input. Otherwise no action. R/W

LW9130 Switch text library contents online. The value indicates the text library index. R/W

Display the page number of note book component. The value indicates the initial row of the
LW9170 R
input area. It is used for page turning of note book component.

 Alarm/Event

Address Description Read/Write

LB9124 Times of alarm setting. Set the bit to ON to display alarm times in the front of the massages. R/W

LB9125 Event sequence No. starts at 1. Set ON, sequence No. starts at 1;default is OFF,sequence R/W
No. starts at 0
LB9141 Turn off the current sound of buzzer alarm. Set the bit to On to turn off the current sound of W

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

buzzer alarm, upon completion, the bit will be cleared automatically.

Open the function of exporting event to csv file including date. ON:Open.After setting ON,the

LB9270 format of csv file in external device(USB,SD Card)will change,it can’t be used together with R/W

the function “Save to external device” like USB and SD Card. OFF: Close.

Identifier bit of unconfirmed event. ON: there are events which are unconfirmed; OFF: there
LB9280 R/W
is no event which is unconfirmed.

LB9281 ON: confirm all events. R/W

Mask buzzer for event and alarm. Set this bit to ON to close buzzer; Set this bit to OFF to
LB9401 R
open buzzer.

Event alarm recovery without closing beep. On:event recover,buzz keeps
LB9403 R/W
recover,buzz off

Page registers prohibit cross-border display blank. Set ON, when the page registers
LB9916 R/W
cross-border, the events will automatically change to the maximum value of the normal range.

LW9533 Events exported to save as CSV file by the type. LW9533 control the lower type, LW9534
LW9534 control the higher type.

LW9616 Record the current number of events triggered. Word length:1 R/W

 Trend Curve

Address Description Read/Write

LB9110 Active view and zoom function of trend curve. R/W

LB9111 Active cursors function of trend curve. R

LB9203 Set on to print Y-axis each time. Default OFF R/W

LW9200 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, second. BIN code. R

LW9201 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, minute. BIN code. R

LW9202 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, hour. BIN code. R

LW9203 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, date. BIN code. R

LW9204 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, month. BIN code. R

LW9205 Time value of the browsed points of trend curve, year. BIN code. R

Display the value of every channel of every browsing dot in trend curve. According to the

LW9210~ channels of trend curve, the registers will display the current value of each channel. LW9210 R

displays the value of channel 0; LW9211 displays the value of channel 1; …

 Register decoding in Modbus Slave driver

Address Descriptions R/W
LW9810 Adjust the decoding sequence of 16bits integer R/W
Value Sequence Descriptions For example:0x0001
0 12 High byte and low byte are normal Means 1 (0x0001)
1 21 High byte and low byte swap Means 256 (0x0100)

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW9811 Adjust the decoding sequence of 2bits integer R/W

Value Sequence Descriptions For example:0x0000 0001

0 1234 High byte and low byte,high word and low Means 1 (0x0000 0001)
word are Normal
1 2143 High word and low word are normal,but Means 256(0x0000 0100)
high byte and low byte swap.
2 3412 High word and low word swap,but Means 65536
high byte and low byte are normal. (0x0001 0000)
3 4321 High word and low word,high byte Means 16777216
and low byte swap. (0x0100 0000)
LW9812 Adjust the decoding sequence of 2bits float R/W
Value Sequence Descriptions For example:0x3F80 0000
0 1234 High byte and low byte,high word and Means 1.0(0x3F80 0000)
low word are Normal
1 2143 High word and low word are normal,but Means -5.78564e-039
high byte and low byte swap. (0x803F 0000)
2 3412 High word and low word swap,but Means 2.27795e-041
high byte and low byte are normal. (0x3F80 0000)
3 4321 High word and low word,high byte Means 4.60060e-041
and low byte swap. (0x0000 803F)

16.2.4 Security Leve l and User Permission

 Security Level

Address Description Read/Write

Lower security level. The bit will be set to ON when system switches from a lower
LB9046 R
security level to a higher level.

LW9040~9041 Password of security level. Double word. W

LW9042 Security level. Display security level of current base window. R

Switch security level by force. Force to switch from higher level (for example, level 2)
LW9043 W
to lower level (for example, level 0).

 Mapping of Security Level

Address Description Read/Write

LW10024~10025 Level 1 password. Double word R/W

LW10026~10027 Level 2 password. Double word R/W

LW10118~10119 Level 3 password. Double word R/W

LW10120~10121 Level 4 password. Double word R/W

LW10122~10123 Level 5 password. Double word R/W

LW10124~10125 Level 6 password. Double word R/W

LW10126~10127 Level 7 password. Double word R/W

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

LW10128~10129 Level 8 password. Double word R/W

LW10130~10131 Level 9 password. Double word R/W

LW10132~10133 Level 10 password. Double word R/W

LW10134~10135 Level 11 password. Double word R/W

LW10136~10137 Level 12 password. Double word R/W

LW10138~10139 Level 13 password. Double word R/W

LW10140~10141 Level 14 password. Double word R/W

LW10142~10143 Level 15 password. Double word R/W

1. The value of the local word above could be saved after power off.

2. Online modification of passwords is supported by the function.

3. Passwords could be modified online, while offline simulation does not support passwords modification.

 User Permission

Address Description ReadWrite

LB9165 User login. Set ON to execute logining operation, then set OFF automatically. W

LB9166 User logoff. Set ON to execute logoff operation, then set OFF automatically. W

LB9167 Add user. Set ON to execute adding user operation, then set OFF automatically. W

LB9168 Delete user. Set ON to execute deleting user operation, then set OFF automatically. W

LB9169 Modify password. Set ON to modify password operation, then set OFF automatically. W

Executive mark of user management. The bit will set to ON when execute operations of
LB9190 R
Add/Delete users.

Operation failure of user management. The bit will be set to ON when operation of user
LB9191 R
management fails.

LW9486~9501 User name for login. Input user name for login, 32 characters at most. R/W

LW9502~9503 User password. Input user password for login. R/W

Display user permission of the current user. Display the user permission with 32 bits
LW9504~9505 R
corresponding to the current user.

LW9506~9507 Set user permission. Set user permission with 32 bits when adding user information. W

LW9508~9509 Set automatic logoff time. Set automatic logoff time when adding user information. W

Password confirmation. Input password again to confirm the consistency when adding
LW9510~9511 W
user information.

LW9650~9665 Display login user name R

LW9515 days that users cannot change current password R/W

LW9516 days for users to keep current password R/W

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW9650~9665 no password change sign R

LW9840~9847 change password warning R/W

LW9848~9855 Password(whole keyboard) R/W

 Set HMI license online

Address Description Read/Write
LW9821 License count R/W
LW9822 License number(license1-license10) R/W
LW9823 Authorization password login window R/W
LW9824~9829 Expire time,year,month,date,hour,minute,second R/W
LW9830 Authorization password R/W
LW9832 License grade. LW.B9832.0 is first , LW.B9832.1is second …LW.B9832.9is 10th R
LB9425 Set on to save R/W

16.2.5 Data and Project Management

Recipe operation

Address Description Read/Write

Recipe downloading indication. The bit will be set to ON in downloading status, and set
LB9010 R
to OFF automatically after download is finished (Download from recipe to PLC).

Recipe uploading indication. The bit will be set to ON in uploading status, and set to
LB9011 R
OFF automatically after uploading is finished (Upload from PLC to recipe).

Recipe Download/Upload indication. Set to ON in downloading/uploading status, and

LB9012 R
set to OFF automatically after downloading/uploading is finished.

Index address for recipe data. RWI and RBI access recipe data by this index address.
LW9000~9001 R/W
LW9000 is low word, LW9001 is high word.

LB9130 Clear RW register. Set the bit to ON to trigger RW clearance. R/W

LW9260~9261 Initial address for RW clear operation. R/W

LW9262~9263 Word length for RW clear operation. R/W

LW9536~ Set start address when using external device for example U disk to download recipe data R/W
LW9538~ Set length when using external device for example U disk to download recipe data. 0: R/W
9539 download all

 External memory operation

Address Description Read/Write

Safety removing setting of SD card. Set the bit to ON before inserting SD card; Set to
LB9153 R/W
OFF before removing to make sure safety removing.

Safety removing setting of U disk 1. Set the bit to ON before inserting U disk 1; Set to
LB9154 R/W
OFF before removing to make sure safety removing.

LB9155 Safety removing setting of U disk 2. Set the bit to ON before inserting U disk 2; Set to R/W

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

OFF before removing to make sure safety removing.

LB9156 Clear files in SD card. Clear all the files that generated in SD card. W

LB9157 Clear files in U disk 1. Clear all the files that generated in U disk 1. W

LB9158 Clear files in U disk 2. Clear all the files that generated in U disk 2. W

LB9220 HMI is reading SD card indication. ON: reading operation R

LB9221 HMI is reading U disk1 indication. ON: reading operation R

LB9222 HMI is reading U disk2 indication. ON: reading operation R

LB9230 HMI is writing SD card indication. ON: writing operation R

LB9231 HMI is writing U disk1 indication. ON: writing operation R

LB9232 HMI is writing U disk2 indication. ON: writing operation R

Prefix title of the copied file. Prefix character strings of the file name which is copied to
LW9470~9485 R/W
SD card or U disk.

 File list box operation

Address Description Read/Write

Execute import/export operation of project or recipe. Set the bit to ON to execute

LB9150 W
import/export operation.

Protection bit of export project. Uploading password is input correctly when export
LB9151 R
project, then the bit will be set to OFF, otherwise, it will be set to ON.

Switch folder type between tree type and list type. Set the bit to ON to display folders in
LB9152 R/W
tree type, while set it to OFF to display folders in list type.

Open import/export logo function.ON: Open import/export logo function. OFF: Open
LB9265 R/W
import/export project function.

LB9266 Import and export FRW/RW. ON: FRW import/export. OFF: RW import/export. R/W
Route name of the browsed file. Display the route name which is browsed currently in
LW9300~9331 R
file list component.

Current selected file. Display the file name which is browsing currently in file list
LW9332~9363 R/W

Import/ export selection of project or recipe. 1: project import; 2: project export; 3:

LW9364 recipe import; 4: recipe export. 7: LOGO import; 8: LOGO export. 9: FRW import; 10: R/W

FRW export.

Copy/cut/ paste operation of files. With file browse component to execute: 1: copy; 2:
LW9366 W
cut; 3: paste. 4:Delete

16.2.6 Communication

 PLC communication information

Address Description Read/Write

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

put modified serial port communication parametrs into effect immediately when LB9507
LB9057 R/W
is on,default value:off

Filtrate communication of the non-response PLC. Set the bit to on to filtrate

LB9136 R/W
communication of the non-response PLC.

Hide the component which failed in communication. Set the bit to ON to hide the
LB9144 R/W
component which failed in communication.

Notification bit of PLC access error, when PLC communication error occurs, the bit will
LB9180 R
be set to ON.

Mask off code of PLC station NO. (COM port 0). Each bit corresponds to one station no.

of port 0 (9264.0 corresponds to station no. 0, … , 9279.F corresponds to station no.

LW9264~9279 R/W
255), set the corresponding bit to ON to mask the communication of the corresponding


Mask off code of PLC station NO. (COM port 1). Each bit corresponds to one station no.

of port 1 (9280.0 corresponds to station no. 0, … , 9295.F corresponds to station no.

LW9280~9295 R/W
255), set the corresponding bit to ON to mask the communication of the corresponding


Mask off code of HMI no.. Each bit corresponds to one HMI no. in the network (9400.0

LW9400~9415 corresponds to HMI no. 0, … , 9415.F corresponds to HMI no. 255), set the R/W

corresponding bit to ON to mask the communication of the corresponding HMI.

Register for communication status indication (COM 0). Each bit corresponds to one

station no. (9432.0 corresponds to station no. 0, … , 9447.F corresponds to station no.
LW9432~9447 R/W
255). When PLC communication timeout and no response, the corresponding bit will be

set to ON, otherwise, the bit will be set to OFF.

Register for communication status indication (COM 1). Each bit corresponds to one

station no. (9448.0 corresponds to station no. 0, … , 9463.F corresponds to station no.
LW9448~9463 R/W
255). When there is no response and PLC communication timeout, the corresponding bit

will be set to ON, otherwise, the bit will be set to OFF.

Mask off code of error message. Each bit corresponds to one error message. Set the bit

to ON to mask the corresponding error message indication.

LW9296~9299 R/W
For example:“PLC No Response” corresponds to 9296.2, “Socket Connect Error”

corresponds to 9296.4

Indication code of error message. Each bit corresponds to one error message, when an

error indication occurred, the corresponding bit will be set to ON automatically.

LW9550~9553 R
For example : “PLC No Response” corresponds to 9550.2 , “Socket Connect

Error”corresponds to 9550.4

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

shield PLC network communication. Related registers:LW9605-9606. R/W

LW9605~9606 LW9605.0~9605.2 for serial 0- serial2, the others for network communication,as to say

users can shield 29 PLC network communication

 Mapping of communication parameters

Address Description Read/Write

LW10030~10033 IP address. Each section occupies one word, range 0~255. R/W

Download port number. It is download port number rather than communication port R/W

LW10035 Reserved. R/W

LW10110 Gateway. Each section occupies one word, range 0~255. R/W

LW10114 Subnet mask. Each section occupies one word, range 0~255. R/W

LW10036 Work mode of COM0. 0:232;1:485-4w;2:485-2w R/W

LW10037~10038 Baud rate of COM0. Double word.. R/W

LW10039 Data bit of COM0. R/W

LW10040 Check bit of COM0. R/W

LW10041 Stop bit of COM0. R/W

LW10042 Slave station no. of COM0 (HMI station no.) R/W

LW10043~10044 PLC time-out constant of COM0. R/W

LW10045~10046 Protocol time-out constant 1of COM0. R/W

LW10047~10048 Protocol time-out constant 2 of COM0. R/W

LW10056 Work mode of COM1. 0:232;1:485-4w;2:485-2w R/W

LW10057~10058 Baud rate of COM1. Double word.. R/W

LW10059 Data bit of COM1. R/W

LW10060 Check bit of COM1. R/W

LW10061 Stop bit of COM1. R/W

LW10062 Slave station no. of COM1 (HMI station no.) R/W

LW10063~10064 PLC time-out constant of COM1. R/W

LW10065~10066 Protocol time-out constant 1of COM1. R/W

LW10067~10068 Protocol time-out constant 2 of COM1. R/W

LW10182 Work mode of COM2. 0:232; R/W

LW10183~10184 Baud rate of COM2. Double word.. R/W

LW10185 Data bit of COM2. R/W

LW10186 Check bit of COM2. R/W

LW10187 Stop bit of COM2. R/W

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW10188 Slave station no. of COM2 (HMI station no.) R/W

LW10189~10190 PLC time-out constant of COM2. R/W

LW10191~10192 Protocol time-out constant 1of COM2. R/W

LW10193~10194 Protocol time-out constant 2 of COM2. R/W

1. The above functions will take effect after restart.

2. The value of some local words above will be saved after power off.

 Variables of station number

Address Description Read/Write

LW9416 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 0 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9417 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 1 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9418 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 2 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9419 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 3 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9420 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 4 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9421 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 5 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9422 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 6 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9423 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 7 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9424 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 8 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9425 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 9 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9426 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 10 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9427 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 11 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9428 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 12 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9429 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 13 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9430 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 14 of variable of station number. R/W

LW9431 Variable register of station number. It corresponds to index 15 of variable of station number. R/W

 Error code of bus

Address Description Read/Write

LW9145 Record error codes of Profibus. R

LW9146 Record error codes of Canopen. R

Macro code operation

Address Description Read/Write

LB9115 Improve macro response performance. Set higher priority to Function Button in R/W
triggering a macro by setting LB9115 on

Hardware  Part  Name  and  Specification 

LB9116 Macro reading input registers indication. The bit will be set to ON when Macro is reading input R

registers, set to OFF automatically after finish reading.

LB9117 Macro writing output register indication. The bit will be set to ON when Macro is writing input R

registers, set to OFF automatically after finish writing.

LB9118 Macro working indication. The bit will be set to ON When Macro is running (read and write R

register operation are included), set to OFF after finish.

LW9465 Time magnification of Macro time-out. If it is set to N, then the allowable maximum running R/W

time for once of Marco is N times as long as the default value.

LW9466 Macro to read communication time of register

Data Transmit Operation

Address Description Read/Write

LW9467 Write communication time of Data Transmit R/W

LW9468 Read communication time of Data Transmit R/W

Hardware Part

1 Name and Specification

This chapter mainly introduces names and specifications of the universal parts of MT series HMI.

 Names and specifications of the special parts of MT series HMI, please refer to related selection manual.

1.1 Name of Each Part

Names of the universal parts of MT series:



a. Screen display /Touch control area b. PWR indicator c. CPU indicator d. COM indicator



a b c d e

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

a. Input terminal of power supply DC24V b. 1A Fuse c. LAN interface d. USB HOST(USB type A interface) e. USB

SLAVE(USB type B interface) f. COM1(female) g. COM0&COM2(male) h. RESET Button i. DIP Switch j. SD

CARD interface k. One-time button type lithium battery

1.2 Specifications of Each Part

1.2.1 Screen display/Touch control area
The touch panel is for input/output and display.

In the case of personal safety may be endangered or significant losses may be leaded, please do not use the

input function of HMI touch switch as emergency stop switch.

1.2.2 LED indicator

Indicator Description

PWR When the power supply of HMI is ON/OFF, the yellow indicator is ON/OFF.

CPU When CPU works normally, the green indicator is ON.

When HMI communicates with PLC and such controllers normally, the red indicator will frequently
flick or be normally ON.

! COM indicator only indicates the communication states of PLCs connected to COM0 and COM1.

1.2.3 Power Supply

Input voltage:DC24V±15%

24V:Connect to 24V+ terminal of the power supply.

24V FG GND:Connect to COM terminal or 0V terminal of the power supply.

FG:Earthing terminal

1.2.4 Fuse
Fast fuse with rated current 1A is used.

Fast fuse offers protection when the power supply voltage is too high or power polarity is connected

reversely, but it cannot ensure the internal electronic components shall not be damaged.

1.2.5 Serial ports

Hardware Part Name and Specification

Please do not hot plug communication cable with charged, to avoid the communication interface being


 Serial port COM0

COM0 is a 9-pin D-SUB male connector, it supports communication functions of RS-232C/RS-485/RS-422A, and its pin

assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal
RS-232C RS-485 RS-422A

1 RX-(B) -- RS485B Receive data

2 RXD Receive data -- --

3 TXD Send data -- --

4 TX- -- -- Send data

5 SG Signal Ground

6 RX+(A) -- RS485A Receive data

7 NC -- -- --

8 NC -- -- --

9 TX+ -- -- Send data

 Serial port COM1

COM1 is a 9-pin D-SUB male connector, it supports communication functions of RS-232C/RS-485/RS-422A, and its pin

assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal
RS-232C RS-485 RS-422A

1 RX-(B) -- RS485B Receive data

2 RXD Receive data -- --

3 TXD Send data -- --

4 TX- -- -- Send data

5 SG Signal Ground

6 RX+(A) -- RS485A Receive data

7 CTS Clear to send -- --

8 RTS Request to send -- --

9 TX+ -- -- Send data

 Serial port COM2

COM2 shares physical interface with COM0, is 9-pin D-SUB male connector, this port only supports communication
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

function of RS-232C, and its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal

1 NC --

2 NC --

3 NC --

4 NC --

5 SG Signal Ground

6 NC --

7 RXD Receive data

8 TXD Send data

9 NC --

COM2 can connect with controllers supporting RS-232C, also can be used to upload/download program and debug.

 Serial port COM3

COM3 shares physical interface with COM1, is 9-pin D-SUB male connector, this port only supports communication

function of RS-232C, and its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal

1 NC --

2 NC --

3 NC --

4 NC --

5 SG Signal Ground

6 NC --

7 RX-(B) RS485B

8 RX+(A) RS485A

9 NC --

COM2 can connect with controllers supporting RS-232C, also can be used to upload/download program and debug.
1.2.6 USB interfaces

USB HOST is a USB A type interface,can connect with peripheral equipments such as USB storage device, keyboard,

mouse and so on. Its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal Function

1 VCC +5V power supply

2 D- Data-

Hardware Part Name and Specification

3 D+ Data+

4 GND -5V Earthing


USB SLAVE is a USB B type interface,can connect with the USB port of PC, and is used to upload/download program and

debug. Its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal Function

1 VCC +5V power supply

2 D- Data-

3 D+ Data+

4 GND -5V Earthing

1.2.7 LAN interface

LAN port is a 10M/100M transmission speed auto-adapted RJ-45 type interface, can be used to upload/download program

and debug; Multiple HMIs equipped with LAN interfaces can be networked at will via this port and communication with

controllers supporting Ethernet communication is also supported by this port. Its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal Function

1 TX+ Send data +

2 TX- Send data -

3 RX+ Receive data +

4 NC --

5 NC --

6 RX- Receive data -

7 NC --

8 NC --

1.2.8 SD CARD interface

SD CARD port is suitable for connecting with ordinary plug of which the size is 32mm×24mm×2.1mm. It can be used to

save data and quick upload/download user projects, recipes and such files. Its pin assignment is as follows:

Pin# Signal Function

1 CD/DAT3 Card checkout / Data 3

2 CMD Command


4 VDD Power supply (+3V)

5 CLK Clock


7 DAT0 Data 0

8 DAT1 Data 1

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

9 DAT2 Data 2

1.2.9 DIP switch

DIP Switch is used to set the HMI system in different working modes, the corresponding working modes of the setting are as


SW1 SW2 Working mode

OFF OFF Normal working mode

☞ More details about Firmware Update Mode, please refer to

【Hardware Part 5 Firmware Update Mode】

☞More details about Touch Screen Calibrate Mode, please

refer to【Hardware Part 4 Touch Screen Calibrate Mode】

☞More details about System Setting Mode, please refer to

【Hardware Part 3 System Setting Mode】

1.2.10 RESET switch

Press the RESET button,HMI will restart.
1.2.11 Button battery
Non-rechargeable button type LI-Mn battery is used, and the standard voltage is 3V. (CR series)

2 Connection with Preiferal Equipments
To meet users’ requirements for multifunction screens of intelligence, information, humanity, MT series HMIs have equipped

with kinds of interfaces. The equipments supported by the interfaces are described in turn as follows.

2.1 Connection via Serial Port

(1) Connect with PLC and other controllers via serial ports to communicate

HMI can connect with the serial ports of PLC and such controllers to communicate via RS-232C/RS-485/RS-422A serial


 Requirements for connection

The PLC and such controllers communicate with HMI must be of the types supported by Kinco DTools, or support the serial

communication protocols supported by Kinco DTools.

 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves according to the types of controllers and communication modes.

(2) Upload/download data via serial ports

HMI can connect with the serial ports of PC to upload/download user projects, recipes and such data via RS-232C serial


 Requirements for connection

Install and run the HMIware configuration software of Kinco on PC, select download ways through the 【Tools】menu of the

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software


☞More details about download please refer to【Advanced Part 7.3 Download】
 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves.

(3)Connect with scanner and such equipments via serial ports

HMI can connect with scanner via RS-232Cserial cable to receive banner code and such data.

 Requirements for connection

The scanners communicate with HMI must be of the types supported by Kinco DTools, or support the serial communication

protocols supported by Kinco DTools.

 Cable production

Directly use the RS-232C communication cable provided by the scanner manufacturer.

(4)Connect with miniprinter via serial ports

HMI could connect with miniprinters to print screen or data report via RS-232C serial ports.

 Requirements for connection

The miniprinters communicate with HMI must of the types supported by Kinco DTools, or support the serial communication

protocols supported by Kinco DTools.

 More details please refer to the manual of 【Communication Connection Guide】.

 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves.

Hardware Part Connection with Preiferal Equipments

2.2 Connection via USB Interfaces



USB Interface Keyboard

type A interface
USB Memory Strage


USB Camera

USB SLAVE USB transfer cable USB port

type B interface type A interface

PC(installed Kinco
DTools )
(1) Connect with USB mouse, USB keyboard and such equipments via USB HOST

 Connect with USB mouse

HMI connects with USB mouse, then the USB mouse can execute input operation to the HMI screen.

 Connect with USB keyboard

HMI connects with USB keyboard, then the USB keyboard can execute input operation to the HMI screen via the
【Map Key】function of Function Key components.

 Connect with USB mass storage device

Connection between HMI and USB mass storage device can be used for:

 Quick upload/download user projects, recipes and such files between HMI and USB mass storage devices via

import/export functions;

 A physical storage area (ERW) is divided up from the USB mass storage device, users take access to ERW registers to

read/write data directly on HMI.

 Historical data of Trend Curve and XY Curve, historical events, operation log and such data can be saved in USB mass

storage devices.

 Connect with USB printer

HMI can connect with USB printers via USB cable to print screen and data report.

The USB printers communicate with HMI mush be of the types supported by Kinco DTools, or support the printer

communication protocols supported by Kinco DTools.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

 Details about the supported printers please refer to the manual of 【Communication Connection Guide】.

 Connect with USB camera

HMI can connect to camera with drive type USB to display the video pictures input by USB camera via camera component.

☞More details please refer to 【Advanced Part 4.10.2 Camera】

(2)Upload/download data via USB SLAVE

HMI can connect with the USB interfaces of PC to upload/download projects, recipes and such data via USB cable.

 Requirements for connection

Install and run the HMIware configuration software of Kinco on PC, select download ways through the 【Tools】menu of the


 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves.

 Details about cable production please refer to the manual of 【Communication Connection Guide】.

2.3 Connection via LAN Interfaces

(1)Connect with PLC and such controllers to communicate

Hardware Part Connection with Preiferal Equipments

HMI can connect to PLC and such controllers to communicate via an interconnection cable (RJ45 Crossover Cable).

 Requirements for connection

The PLC and such controllers communicate with HMI mush be of the types supported by Kinco DTools, or support the

Ethernet communication protocols supported by Kinco DTools.

 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves.

(2)Upload/download/monitor data via LAN interface

Via interconnection cable (RJ45 Crossover Cable), HMI can connect with the LAN interface of PC to upload/download user

projects, recipes and such data; meanwhile users can monitor the data of HMI or PLC and such controllers on PC.

 Requirements for connection

Install and run the HMIware configuration software of Kinco on PC, select download ways through the 【Tools】menu of the


 Cable production

Users can make the cable for connection by themselves.

(3)Connect HMI to a Local Area Network via Hub/Switch

HMI can be connected to a HUB or SWITCH to access a Local Area Network via a standard Ethernet cable (RJ45

straight-through cable) or interconnection cable (RJ45 cross-over cable). This is mainly used for multiple HMIs links or

HMI network with multiple PLC and such controllers.

☞ More details please refer to【Adavanced Part 14 HMI Communication】

(4)linking via LAN interface

HMI can link to another HMI via interconnection cable (RJ45 Crossover Cable).

 Requirements for connection

All HMIs online are with LAN interfaces, and set 【HMI Attributes】—【Networking Device Setting】in the software.

 Cable production

Users can make the connection cable by themselves.

 More details please refer to the manual of 【Communication Connection Guide】.

3 System Setting Mode
In this mode, users can set such items as system time, Startup Window, IP address.

3.1 Methods to Display System Setting Mode

Enter the System Setting Mode by the following steps:

Set the DIP switch SW1 and SW2 to “ON”;

Press the “RESET button, then HMI restarts and enters the SETUP interface.

3.2 System Setting

Take the SETUP interface of GH070E for example:

In the SETUP interface of GH070E,the following items can be set:

 Startup Window No.:Startup window. It is the displayed window when start HMI, the default value is 0.

 Backlight Saver Time:Screen saver time, in minutes. The default value is 10. Screen saver is unavailable when the

value is 0.

 Buzzer Disabled/Enabled:Enable/Disable the buzzer. For MT5000/4000 series HMI, select “Mute” to close the buzzer.

 Network parameter setting: set the network parameters such as IP Address, Port, Subnet Mask, Gateway of a target

screen equipped with Ethernet port.

 Brightness adjustment: Adjust brightness(Brightness Up/Down)to achieve the best visual effect.

 Brightness adjustment is not supported by some HMI models.

 Calibrate Time: Check whether the year, month, day, hour, minute and second are the current time, otherwise, calibrate



 Import/Export: Quick upload/download user project files or recipe files. The function is only supported be HMIs

equipped with USB HOST/SD Card ports.

Upload the user project files (.pkg)saved in HMI to USB or SD Card. Upload password is

required when upload, the default password is 888888 if it has not been set in the HMI

attributes dialogue box.

Download the user project files (.pkg)saved in USB or SD Card into HMI.

Upload the recipe files (.rcp)saved in HMI to USB or SD Card.

Download the recipe files (.rcp)saved in USB or SD Card into HMI.

The SETUP interface may not be displayed in full size in a single screen, then click “Next” or “” to enter

the next page and click Back” or “” to return the previous page.

4 Touch Screen Calibrate Mode
When the screen touch is not accurate after firmware update, users can calibrate HMI screen under this mode.

4.1 Methods to Display Touch Screen Calibrate Mode

There are two methods to enter the Touch Screen Calibrate Mode:

Method 1: Enter Touch Screen Calibrate Mode by set DIP switches.

Set the DIP switch SW1 and SW2 (on the back of the HMI) to “ON”;

Press the “RESET button, then HMI restarts and enters the Touch Screen Calibrate interface.

Method 2:Enter Touch Screen Calibrate Mode by the “Touch Calibration” function of【Function Key】.

Method 2 is directly completed on the HMI screen, users do not need to manipulate the DIP switches and without bothering

to open the control cabinet.

☞More details please refer to【Advanced Part 4.2.6 Function Key】

4.2 Touch Screen Calibrate Setting

Follow the “+”sign to touch the screen until you hear a click sound and the“+”sign disappears, then “TP Adjust Success!”is

showing, which indicates that Touch Screen Calibrate is successed. Then, set DIP switch 1 and 2 to “OFF” and press

【Reset】button, restart HMI to exit Touch Screen Calibrate Mode.

5 Firmware Update Mode
In firmware update mode, users can update the version of the Kernel and Root files system (It is strongly recommended that

the users use the function under the guidance of Manufacturer).

5.1 Methods to Display Firmware Update Mode

Enter the Firmware Update Mode by the following steps:

Set the DIP switch (on the back of the HMI) SW1 to “ON” and SW2 to “OFF”;

Press the “RESET button, then HMI restarts and enters the Touch Screen Calibrate interface.

5.2 Firmware Update Setting

Open KDManager, enter【System Operation】to update the Kernel and Root files system.

☞More details please refer to 【Advanced Part 8 KDManager】

Please backup the configuration projects, recipe data and so on before update Kernel/Root files system, to

avoid data loss during update.

6 Maintenance and Tending
This chapter mainly introduces the maintenance and inspection methods to prevent errors occur, so as to ensure the normal

use of the products.


Do not disassemble the host or touch any internal component in a powered state, otherwise electric

shock accidents may be leaded.

6.1 Maintenance

To ensure the HMI in an optimal state, please maintain the following items regularly:

 Engineering data backup

Regularly backup engineering data and store it to safe place, to prevent engineering data loss when HMI malfunctions and

in need of repairment and parts replacement.

 Backlight replacement

When the backlight darkens and is difficult to see clearly, then, the backlight should be replaced. The users cannot replace

the backlight privately.

When you need to replace the backlight, please contact your local dealer or representative offices.

 Battery replacement

Some HMI models use button type Li-Mn batteries to save recipe data and system time when HMI powers off, when the

voltage of the battery is lower than 2.5V, then the battery should be replaced. Users could buy and replace the batteries

according to the specified specifications by themselves.

6.2 Tending

 Screen tending

When the screen gathers dust or dirt, please disconnect the power supply for HMI, then, soak a piece of soft cloth in neutral

detergent and wring it to dry, and then wipe the screen gently.


1. Do not use paint thinner, organic solvent or strong acid mixture to clean the screen.

2. Do not use hard or sharp objects to operate or wipe the screen, otherwise, screen surface will be


 Periodic inspection

To ensure the HM in an optimal state, please inspect the following items regularly:

Appendix 3 List of System Prompt Message
 Working environment

Whether the temperature or humidity of HMI working environment is in the specified range?

Whether there is corrosive or flammable gas in the working environment of HMI?

 Electrical performance

Whether the power supply input voltage is in the specified range?

 Others

Has any of the power cable or power cord of the power supply terminals been loosened?

Whether all the installed fasteners are locked tight?

Appendix 1 Regular PLC Used for HMI

Brand Connecting device description

ABB AC31/ AC500

(Rockwell)Allen-Bradley MicroLogix PLC AB SLC500/PLC5/MicroLogix

SLC500 PLC Series(DF1)

PLC-5 PLC AB SLC500/PLC5/MicroLogix Series

Ethernet(TCP Slave)

CompactLogix PLC AB CompactLogix/ControlLogix

ControlLogix PLC Series(DF1)

AB CompactLogix/ControlLogix Series

Ethernet(TCP Slave)

(Advantech)ADAM ADAM-4015/ ADAM-4017

Baldor NextMove ES Controller

Baumuller BM4413-ST0-02200-03

Bosch Rexroth KVFC+ Inverter

PPC-R Series Controller

IndraLogic L Series Controller Bosch Rexroth

Bosch Rexroth Ethernet

(CAN)CANOpen Node Kinco k4

Slave Other company devices which support


Danfoss FC-300



Emerson EC10/ EC20 Series PLC

Facon FBs/ FBe/FBn Facon FB/Modbus RTU

Fuji SPB Series PLC/ NB Series PLC

GE Fanuc Series 90-30 Series PLC GE Fanuc Series SNP/GE SNP-X

Fanuc Series 90-70 Series PLC Modbus TCP

VersaMax Series PLC

VersaMax Micro&Nano Series PLC

PACSystem RX7i Series PLC

Hitachi H Series PLC

Appendix 1 Regular PLC Used for HMI

EH-150 Series PLC


SJ300 Inverter

Hollysys LM Series PLC

LK Series PLC Hollysys LK Modbus RTU

Hollysys LK Modbus TCP Slave

IDEC Micro Smart Series PLC

Inovance H2U Series PLC Inovance H2u

Modbus RTU

Kinco Kinco K3 PLC

ED Series Servo

CD Series Servo

EB-MOD2P-01 Modbus RTU

Kinco EB-MOD2P-01


Keyence KV-16DT/ KV-1000/ KV-3000/ KV-5000

Lenze Lecom A/B Series Inverter

LS Master-k Series PLC LS K-Master Cnet

LS K-Master CPU Direct

LS K-Master Modbus RTU

XGT Series PLC LS XGT Cnet




LUST CDE34.008

ServoOne junior

Mitsubishi FX Series PLC

Q Series PLC

FX Series Link Module

QJ Series Link Module

Modbus Modbus RTU

Modbus RTU Extend

Modbus RTU Slave

Modbus RTU MT500 Compatible

Modbus ASCII
Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Modbus TCP

Modbus TCP Slave

Modbus UDP

Modbus UDP Slave

Omron C Series PLC

C Series Link PLC

CJ2 Series PLC

CJ1 Series PLC

CS1 Series PLC

CJ Series Link Module

CS Series Link Module

E5EZ-R3 Controller


Panasonic FP Series PLC

Parker Compax3 Series

SLVD Series

6K4 Series

Profibus DP Slave Siemens S7-300/ Siemens S7-400

Other company devices which support


Schneider Micro Series PLC Modbus RTU

Premium Series PLC Schneider Modicon Uni-TelWay

Nano Series PLC


Siemens S7-200 SIEMENS S7-200

SIEMENS S7-200 Ethernet(TCP Slave)

S7-300 SIEMENS S7-300/400(PC Adapter Direct)

SIEMENS S7-300/400(MPI Direct)

Profibus Slave

SIEMENS S7-300 Ethernet(TCP Slave)

S7-400 SIEMENS S7-300/400(PC Adapter Direct)

SIEMENS S7-300/400(MPI Direct)

Profibus Slave

SIEMENS S7-400 Ethernet(TCP Slave)


Appendix 1 Regular PLC Used for HMI

Thinget XC3-32R-E Modbus RTU

Thinget Controller

Trio Euro Trio

Modbus RTU Extend

Vigor VH series PLC/ VB0 series PLC

Yaskawa V Inverter

MP Series Yaskawa MP2300

Yaskawa Ethernet(UDP Slave)

∑Ⅱ/∑Ⅱ Plus Servo

Yokogawa FA-M3 Yokogawa FA-M3

Yokogawa FA-M3 Ethernet(TCP Slave)

YuDian AI Series PLC

Appendix 2 List of Error Information

No. Error information Description

Compilation failed! No compiled PKG files are Macro code or other reasons result in compilation failing,
generated! no compiled PKG files are generated.

Warning: Init. Start Window does not exist, the The initial start picture saved in the original project possibly

2 software will add the default Init. Start Window has been lost, the system will automatically replace it with

automatically! Kinco initial start picture.

Logo's size is too big, please adjust it! Logo's The bitmap imported for Initial Start Window is bigger than
size is out of limit: Width*Height > 2097152 the software restriction.

4 Logo file error! HMI0.lg file went wrong.

HMI0.lg corresponding to Logo does not exist, or the

5 HMI%s logo compile failed!
picture used by logo does not exist.

6 Current HMI can not support this component! The current HMI does not support the component.

Export file already exist, do you want to replace

7 The same file is exported to the same path repeatedly.

8 Unable to write file, export failed! The exported file name is possibly illegal.

The file to import does not exist or the file format is

9 Unable to parse file, import failed!

The project is existed in your selected content, The new project is of the same name with the already
replace the old one? existing project in the path.

Project has been opened, can not open

11 Kinco DTools cannot open one project repeatedly.

The new version project can not be opened by Software of low version cannot open the project edited by

12 the old version software! Please update your new version software. The software is upward compatible,

software! please use the new version software.

Can not save project. Please check the following The project is set to read only and cannot be modified and
files permission! saved again.

Save project error, please resume you project The project saved last time will be backupped automatically
from \"temp\" directory in your project directory! in the \"temp\" directory.

The project had been modified, please save and After modifying, the project should be saved and compiled
compile first! again.

16 Can not find compiled file, please compile first! PKG file is wrong or lost.

A same name project already exists in this folder,

17 Projects of the same name cannot be saved in the same path.
please select another folder!

Appendix 2 List of Error Information

Software was closed abnormally last time,

18 Prompt when reopen the project after abnormal close.
whether restore the unsaved project?

The project is created by old version

software .Do you want to backup and update the Prompt for backuping when use high version software to
project now?\n\nWarning:the updated project can open the project edited by low version software.

not be opened by old version software!

Frame0~9 are the system default windows, cannot be

20 System default window, unable to delete!

The variable names possibly include “?”, “、”, “/” and such
21 Rename variable error!
illegal characters.

There are only serial port cables or PLCs in the Construct

22 Project incompleted!

Project error: some HMIs, PLCs or connectors HMIs, PLCs and communication cables do not be
are not be connected! connected properly in the Construct Window.

When delete the HMIs in the Construct Window, all the

After delete, all related pictures will lost and can
24 configuration pictures will be deleted and cannot be
not be recovered! Do you want to continue?
recovered, please be cautious with this operation.

After delete, all related register address for the When delete PLCs, all the registers related with PLC will be

25 plc items will be set default value and can not be changed to HMI default registers, and cannot be recovered,

recovered! Do you want to continue? please be cautious with this operation.

If remove all, all objects will be deleted and can Prompts of 【Delete all】in the attribute box of BUS, events,
not be recovered! Do you want to continue? alarms, text libraries, address labels, PLC control.

After replace, some parts of the HMI will change When replacing HMI models, the different screen sizes will

27 position, size or colour, and can not be lead to some components’ attributes be adjusted

recovered! Do you want to continue? automatically in the configuration project.

When replacing HMI, some components not supported by

Element or the special function of the element. It the new HMI will be automatically deleted due to different
has been deleted! hardware, for example Video, Historical Event Display and

such components.

Project contains some HMIs which are not The discontinued HMI models have been deleted in the

supported by current version software. These configuration software of higher version, the discontinued
HMIs had been auto updated to some available HMI model will be replaced automatically when open the

HMIs:\n\n project edited by low version software.

30 Error: address cross-border The addresses exceed the allowed range.

31 Error: address format error The address format does not match with the actual format of

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Error: address input error component, possibly decimal number is written to octonary

system, or entered characters are illegal.

Address type not supported by the driver protocols is used

32 Invalid address type!
in the project.

33 The files are damaged or deleted, can not play! Audio files faulted.

Load system word library error!/ Vector font files If the font library used in the project does not exist in the

34 used in project does not exist, please close the computer, then song typeface will be taken as default when

project, install the missing font files opening the project.

Copy error: the destination window ID already

35 Source windows cannot be copied to the existing windows.

Copy component across windows or projects, the

36 Size too large, can not be pasted!
component size should be smaller than target window.

The size of File %s is larger than 256K, the file Audio file imported into audio library should be less than
can not be added to sound library! 256k.

The fieldbus device is already defined, do you If a fieldbus or network device is already defined in HMI, it

38 want to replace it?/ Network device is already will prompt when you add the same fieldbus or network

defined,do you want to replace it? device again.

Prompt when the same protocol is added repeatedly in the

39 Only one protocal can be defined in a device!
same fieldbus device.

Prompt when saving project as or opening project but there

40 The Invalid Path!/ The Invalid ProjectName!
is no path or project name checked.

Bottom Window Error: the frame can not be used

41 Two windows cannot be used as mutual bottom window.
as both parent window and bottom window!

Window size settings failed, please adjust parts The width and height values of the modified window should
position first, then reset the windows size! be bigger than its coordinate values.

Image of GIF/PNG format or with alpha channel

In picture editing window, transparent color treatment is
43 do not support the additional transparent color
invalid for image of GIF/PNG format or with alpha channel.

Error: Please select at least one display 【Conditional display】of component is chosen,but no
condition! display condition is checked and click【OK】.

Part size error: Width and height of part can not The width and height values should both be bigger than 1
less than 1! when modifying component size.

46 Error: The content cannot be empty! When static text is used, it must not be empty.

The input content of static text is too long and exceeds the
47 Error: Text size must less than screen size!
screen size.

Appendix 2 List of Error Information

Same item exists in the text library, whether or Prompt when import text library and there is item of the
not to replace? same name already existed.

The Fonts are too big that exceed the display area of the
49 Error: Text size must less than screen size!
components and windows.

The HMI does not support the HistoryDataDisp KW5300T/KM5303T/KG5509T/KG5300T do not support
components! historical data display.

MT4220TE/4414TE/4424/4522/4523/4620TE are equipped

51 HMI cannot support USB2!
with only one USB host.

When there are multiple HMIs in the configuration and

IP address is already defined, please check it/ IP
52 network communication protocol is used to network, the IP
address conflict, please check it!
addresses cannot repeat.

The station NO. is already defined, please check When adding new PLC, there is the same station no. already
it! existing in the same protocol.

The window id is incorrect or the window exists, The number for the new frame is illegal or the number is
please input another id! already existed.

The current screen does not support the property

55 The target HMI does not support audio.
of sound !

The hmi %s dosn't support the property of Save

56 The target HMI does not support external storage devices.
screen shots to extend memory!

57 Failed to open file File error when uploading.

58 Cannot open Serial Port Serial port may be occupied already.

USB cable is not connected or the USB port is broken, or

59 Open usb handel fail
the USB driver is not installed successfully.

Errors appear during downloading, so data received by HMI

Send data error/read data error/Data checkSum is inconsistent with data sent by upper machine, please
error/file checksum fail unplug the communication cable between HMI and PLC,

restart HMI and try again.

61 Recipe file size error Recipe size is larger than HMI recipe registers.

Click the【Download】button when no download option is

62 No download option was be selected
chosen in KHDownload dialog box.

The model of the HMI is not supported by the used

63 Unsupport HMI, download failed!
software, high version software should be used.

The project is too large to be downloaded, please check

Please use method of big BMP zipped or
64 whether lots of bitmaps or vector fonts are used in the
simplify configuration project
project and simplify the project and download again.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

Cannot download to external storage device, possibly there

65 create file fail
are illegal characters included in the file name.

Prompt when download to external storage device and the

66 Save file fail
memory is insufficient.

Upload password must contain nonzero The password cannot be zero when setting upload password
character! in【HMI Attribute】page.

68 Invalid Password, please Input Password again! Upload password entry failure.

69 password checksum fail Prohibiting upload is set in the target HMI program.

After the project is encrypted, password input is wrong

70 Invalid Password. Project cannot be opened!
when open project.

71 password error, please reset system and try again Password for decompilation is input wrong repeatedly.

Data package lost when uploading file, please unplug the

72 Failed to upload file communication cable between HMI and PLC, restart HMI

and try again.

Click【Decompile】button when no PKG file or target

73 No select decompile PKG file
project for decomilation is chosen.

Number of PKG Files wrong , can not

When multiple HMIs are networked, decompilation is not
74 decompile!/ PKG file is not generated by the
same project and same build, can not decompile!

75 PKG file does not allow decompile! Prohibit decompiling is set in the【HMI Attributes】page.

PKG file edited by configuration software Only the PKG files edited by software version higher than
version lower than1.2.3.0 cannot be decompiled! version can be decompiled.

Another decompile process has not ended, please Prompt when starting a new decompilation while there is a
closed it first! decompilation in process.

Target project file cannot be saved in the same directory

78 A same directory exists, delete it and continue?
with the original PKG file.

Online Simulation overtime and Program is end, Maximum duration for direct online simulation is 15
if want, Please Simulate again minutes, after the time run out users need to simulate again.

An instance of software already exists, please

80 Only one simulation process can be executed at one time.
close it first!

System Parameters

Appendix 3 List of System Prompt Message

Edit/Mask Mask address Prompt message Description

Allow LW.B9296.0 [0]System Error System error (Possibly file system fault)

mask/edit LW.B9296.1 [1]PLC Response Error Communication with PLC error, possibly the

selected driver protocol do not support the current

connected PLC (Read/write error)

LW.B9296.2 [2]PLC No Response :xx-xx-x PLC no response:xx-xx-x(HMI No.-PLC station

No. –Port No.)(Communication with PLC fail,

please check communication cable and whether

the communication parameters of PLC AND HMI

are consistent)

LW.B9296.4 [4]Socket Connect Error Connect to server failed. (Connect to local or

remote server failed. Usually network

communication faulted or PLC driver faulted, very

occasionally may communication cable of PLC


LW.B9296.5 [5]Socket COMM Error Communication with server error

LW.B9296.6 [6]MacroCode Error:xxxx Macro code xxxx execution error (Check marco

code, possibly there are memory access

cross-border or dividing by zero errors in marco


LW.B9296.7 [7]Print Error Print error (communication with printer error.

Please check printer connection, make sure that

whether the current printer is supported by

selected printer protocol)

LW.B9296.8 [8]Send Package Error Send network massage failed.

LW.B9296.9 [9]Memory Shortage Run out of memory (Possibly open two many

popup windows or components occupying too

much resources, check whether use too many

popup windows, direct windows, indirect

windows, trend curves, oscillograghs, XY plots,

alarms and events in project)

LW.B9296.A [10]BCD Transform Overflow BCD conversion outflow. Check whether BCD

settings of component are correct.

Kinco HMIware Configuration Edit Software

LW.B9296.B [11]MacroCode Timeout:xxxx Marco code xxxx executing timeout (Macro

execution time is too long or there is an endless


LW.B9296.E [14]RW Access Overflow Recipe memory access cross-border(The accessed

recipe address is beyond current allowable range

of HMI)

LW.B9296.F [15]Waiting to Print Waiting for printing. Printing dada is under

processing (This is a normal prompt during


LW.B9297.0 [16]Servo Not Ready Server data is not ready (possibly server error), or

possibly firmware error or PLC driver error.

LW.B9297.2 [18]Transmit Data Failed Data transmission failed.

LW.B9297.3 [19]Data Input Failed Number input failed, the input value exceeds the

minimum/maximum values of number input


LW.B9297.4 [20]Device Error Device fault (Access to input/output devices error,

possibly file system or firmware fault)

LW.B9297.5 [21]Copying File ... File is in copy (This is a normal prompt during

project export or screen shoot)

LW.B9297.6 [22]Copy File Failed File copy failed (Project export or screen shoot


LW.B9297.7 [23]Invalid File Import file is invalid(Filename invalid)

LW.B9297.8 [24]Password Error Input password wrong

LW.B9297.9 [25]SD Card Full SD card is full

LW.B9297.A [26]USB Disk1 Full U disk 1 is full

LW.B9297.B [27]USB Disk2 Full U disk 2 is full

LW.B9298.0 [32]RTC Device Error RTC clock fault (possibly RTC chip fault)

LW.B9298.2 [34]Invalid UserName Invalid user name (The input user name is invalid

when login or add/delete user)

LW.B9298.3 [35]Operation Complete Prompt of operation success (This is normal

prompt during printing when adding/deleting user

or modifying password)

Do not allow No DOWNLOAD/SIM MODE Enter download mode

edit/mask corresponding STRAIGHT MODE Enter straight mode

mask bits SIMULATION MODE Enter indirect online simulation mode

System Parameters

LOAD PKG OK! Project download success.

LOAD PKG ERROR! Project download fail.

TP adjust success! Touch screen calibration success.

TP adjust fail, try again! Touch screen calibration fail, calibrate again.

DOWNLOAD/SIM MODE There is no project in HMI, download project

User Data invalid, please again.


Kinco DTools version too low! The software version is too low, please use the

Please compile with new version! newest version, compile and download project


System Crash HMI system crash, possibly project is too large or

firmware error.


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