Tutorial One Heat Conduction: 5 2. A P M º N 0

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1. A slab of thickness 0.25m, one surface kept at 373 K and other at 273K, calculates the thermal
conductivity of copper if it has the net flux of 1.55 × 105 W/m2. [387.6 W/m K]
2. Find the width of block if the heat transfer is 1273.4W, k A = 150W/m °C, kP=30 W/m°C, kM=65
W/mºC ,kN=50 W/m0C. [10 cm]

R 7cm 60 0C
400 C M

3cm 8cm 3cm

3. An insulated pipeline of steam, has outside radius 15mm protected by two layer of insulation of
20mm thick each, one has the thermal conductivity 5 times the other, assuming the better material
next to the pipe, if its temperature of inner and outer surface temperature of composite are fixed.
Comment on the result on interchanging better insulating material from inside to outside. [50.9%]
4. A hot electrical plate maintained at temperature of 350 0C is used boiling solution of 950C. It is
contained in a cast iron vessel of wall thickness 25mm enameled inside to the thickness of 0.8 mm
the heat transfer coefficient for the solution is 5.5 kW/m 2K and the thermal conductivity of cast iron
is 50w/mK and overall heat transfer coefficient is 692.5w/m2K, find the thermal conductivity of
enamel and rate of heat transfer. [1.05W/mK,176.6 kW/m2]
5. A spherical shaped vessels of 1.4m diameter is 90 mm thick, find the thermal conductivity of
material of sphere if heat leakage is 1088.67W and difference in outer and inner temperature is
2200C.[0.083 W/m0C]
6. Composite wall of a furnace is made up of 120mm of fire clay (k = 0.25(1+0.0009t)W/m 0C) and
600 mm of red brick (k = 0.8W/m 0C). The inside surface temperature is 1250 0C, determine the
outside air temperature, if the temperature at the layer interference is 1020.24 0C and also calculate
heat lass per unit area. [400C]
7. A wall of a furnace is made up of inside layer of silica brick of 120 mm thick covered with a layer
of magnesite brick 240 mm thick. The temperature at inside surface of silica brick wall and outside
surface of magnesite brick wall are 725 0C and 110 0C respectively. The rate of heat loss per unit
area of wall is 5324.67 W/m 2. If thermal conductivities of silica and magnesite bricks are 1.7
W/m0C and 5.8 W/m 0C , Calculate
i. Thermal contact resistance between two walls at interface per unit area
ii. Temperature drop at interface. [0.0035 C/W per unit wall area = 18.81 0C ]
8. A metal tank with wall thickness 12 mm contains water at 95 0C. The thermal conductivity of metal
tank is 50 W/m0C and heat transfer coefficient for inside and outside wall are such that h in= 285 h
2 0
out. Overall heat transfer coefficient for the system is 9.94 W/m C. If outside air temperature is
15 C. Calculate
a. Rate of heat loss per unit area
b. Temperature of the outside surface of the tank [795.2 W/m2, 94.52 0C]
9. A square plate heater (15 cm × 15 cm) is inserted between two slabs. Slab A is 2 cm thick (k=50
W/m 0C) and slab B is 1 cm thick (k= 0.2 W/m 0C). The outside heat transfer coefficient on side A
and side B are 200W/m2 0C and 50 W/m 2 0C respectively. The temperature of surrounding air is 25
C. if rating of heater is 1 kW find
a. Maximum temperature of the system
b. Outer surface temperature of two slabs [247.80C, 231.30C, 88.60C]
10. A room wall made up of 220 mm brick (k=0.99 W/m 0C ) on outside, 90 mm plastic (k=0.022
W/m0C ) and 16 mm wood inside. Out side and insude temperature are 28 0C and 0 0C
respectively. If outside , inside and overall heat transfer coefficient are 30 , 11 and 0.2207 W/m 2 °C.
a. The rate of heat removal by wall 100 m2 wall
b. Thermal conductivity of wood (617.96 W, 0.17 W/m0C)
11. A pipe (k= 180 W/m0C) having outer diameter 100 mm and thickness 10 mm is located at space at
250C. Hot gases at temperature 1600C flow through the pipe. Neglecting surface heat transfer
coefficients, calculate
a. Heat loss through pipe per unit length
b. Temperature at a point half way between the inner and outer surface
c. The surface area normal to direction of heat flow so that the heat transfer through the pipe
can be determined by considering material of pipe as a plane wall of same thickness.
[684.23 kW, 88.740C, 0.28m2]
12. A steam pipe (k= 45W/m0C) having length 50 m length and 70 mm inside diameter is lagged with
two layers of insulation, the layer in contact with the pipe is 35 mm asbestos (k=0.15W/m 0C) and it
is covered with 25 mm thick magnesia insulation (k= 0.075W/m 0C). The heat transfer coefficient
for the inside and outside surfaces is 220 W/m 2 0C and 6.5 W/m2 0C respectively. If temperature of
the steam is 350 0C and ambient temperature is 30 0C. If overall heat transfer coefficient for inside
surface is three times that of outside surface. Calculate
a. Steady loss of heat for 50 m length of pipe
b. Temperature of outside surface of pipe and interface between two insulation [10.7kW]
13. An electrical wire of 6.5 mm diameter at a temperature of 60 0C is to be insulated by a material
having k= 0.174 W/m 0C. Convection heat transfer coefficient at outside surface is 8.722 W/m 2 0C.
The ambient temperature is 20 0C. Determine the heat loss
a. Without insulation
b. Insulation thickness 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm
c. Insulation at critical thickness
14. A plate 2 cm thick and 10 cm wide (k=26 W/m 0C) is used to heat a fluid at 30ºC. The determine
heat generation rate from inside plate. Heat transfer coefficient of fluid is 512.8 W/m 2 and
temperature of plate is 180 °C. Neglect the heat losses from edge. (7MW/m3)
15. The rate of heat generation in a slab of thickness 160 mm (k=180 W/m 0C) is 1.2 MW/m3. If
temperature of each surface is 120°C, Determine temperature at mid and quarter plane. Also
determine heat loss from both sides if cross section area of slab is 2 m 2. (141.33°C, 136 °C ,
16. The temperatures on the two surfaces of a 25 mm thick plate (k=48 W/m ºC) with uniform heat
generation 30 MW/m3 are 180°C and 120 °C. Neglecting losses from edge determine the
a. Temperature distribution across the plate
b. Value and position of maximum temperature
c. Heat flow from each surface (t= 180+5412.5x-312500x2, 8.66 mm. 203.44, 259.8 kW/m2,
490.2 kW/m2)
17. A current of 300 ampere passes through the stainless steel wire of 2.5 mm diameter (k=48 W/m ºC).
the resistivity of wire is 70×10-8 Ωm and length of wire is 2 m. if the surface temperature of wire is
458.44 ºC, convective heat transfer coefficient at wire surface is 4000W/m 2 ºC, calculate fluid
temperature and maximum temperature at the center of the wire. (50 ºC, 509.5 ºC)
18. A spherical ball (k=48 W/m ºC) and 90 mm diameter which generates heat 5100 W/m 3. If external
surface temperature of sphere is 8 ºC, determine
a. Temperature at the center of sphere
b. Heat flow from sphere surface (15.48 ºC , 1.946 W)
19. A 6.5 m diameter vertical kiln has a hemi spherical dome at top, the dome is fabricated from a 25
cm thick layer of brick with thermal conductivity of 1.16 W/m ºC. The inside and outside
temperature of dome are 875 ºC and 20 ºC. Convective heat transfer coefficient for outside air is
11.4 W/m2 ºC. Calculate the outside surface temperature of the dome and the heat loss from kiln.
Compare this heat with that would result from a flat dome fabricated from the same material and
with the kiln operating under identical temperature conditions. [254 ºC, 205.84 kW, 54.4%]
20. A composite slab consists of 5 cm thick layer of steel (k=40 kJ/m ºC) on the left side and 6 cm thick
layer of brass (k=76 kJ/m ºC) on the right side. The outer surface of brass and steel are maintained
at 50 ºC an 100 0C respectively. The contact between two surfaces is perfect and heat generated at
rate of 4.2 × 105 kJ/m2hr at the plane of contact. Heat generated dissipated for both side for steady
state conditions. Calculate temperature at the interface and heat flow through each slab.(125.26
ºC ,73759 kJ/m2-hr 346196 kJ/m2-hr )
21. A furnace having inside dimensions 0.8 m× 1.0m×1.5 m has a brick walls 30 cm thick. The
temperature drop across the walls is 250 ºC and thermal conductivity of the refractory brick is 5.25
kJ/m-hr0C. Workout the shape factor for the furnace and determine the hourly heat loss by
conduction. What saving in heat loss would occur if rectangular furnace is replaced by a spherical
furnace which has same inside capacity and walls of same thickness.[40451.25 kJ/hr, 14.15%]
22. A slab 12 cm thickness and cross section area 2 m2 and generating heat uniformly at 106 W/m3 has
thermal conductivity of 200 w/m ºC. Both surface of the slab maintained at 150 ºC. Determine (a)
temperature, temperature gradient and heat flow rate at first quarter plane and (b) maximum
temperature and its location. Also determine heat flow from each side. (156.75 ºC, 150 °C/m,
60000W/m2, 159, 120 kW).
23. A 2 cm thick steel plate of thermal conductivity of 50 W/m ºC has a uniform volumetric generation
of 40×106 W/m3. The temperature at one surface of the plate is 160 ºC and that at the other is 100 0C.
Workout the temperature distribution across the plate, value and position of the maximum
temperature and flow of from each surface of plate. [0.00625 m,175.62 ºC,250 kW/m2,800 kW/m2]
24. A 50cm× 50 cm copper slab 6.25 mm thick has a uniform temperature of 300 ºC. Its temperature is
suddenly lowered to 36 ºC. Calculate the time required for the plate to reach the temperature of 108
ºC. Take ρ = 9000kg/m3, c = 0.38 kJ/kg ºC; k=370W/m ºC and h= 90W/m2 ºC [154.32s]
25. A steel ball 50 mm in diameter at 900 ºC is placed in still atmosphere of 30 0C. Calculate the initial
rate of cooling of the ball in 0C/min. Take ρ = 7800kg/m3, c = 2 kJ/kg ºC ; h= 30W/m 2 0C neglect
internal thermal resistance [12 ºC/min]

1. Air is flowing over a flat plate 5 m long and 2.5 m wide with a velocity of 4 m/s at 15 ºC. If ρ=1.208
kg/m3 and v =1.47 × 10-5 m2/s, calculate the length of plate over which the boundary layer is laminar
and the thickness of boundary layer (laminar).
2. Air at 30 ºC and at atmospheric pressure flows at a velocity of 2.2 m/s over a plate maintained at 90
ºC. The length and width of the plate are 900 mm and 450 mm respectively. Calculate the heat
transfer rate from first half plate and second half plate. Comment on result. Take properties of air at
average temperature 50 ºC are: k = 0.02894 W/m0C, Pr = 0.694 v =18.97 × 10-6 m2/s.[105W,43.54 W]
3. Atmospheric air at 15 ºC is flowing parallel to flat plate which is 100 cm × 80 cm at velocity of 90
km/hr. The plate is maintained at 85 ºC. Find the rate of heat loss from the plate if the air is flowing
parallel to100 cm side. What will be change of heat transfer if flow is parallel to 80 cm side ?
Comment on result. Take properties of air at average temperature 50 ºC are: k = 0.02824W/m ºC, Pr =
0.068 v =17.95 × 10-6 m2/s.
4. A flat plate 1 m wide and 1.5 m long is to be maintained at 90 ºC in air with a free stream temperature
of 10 ºC. Determine the velocity with which air must flow over flat plate along 1.5m side so that rate
of energy dissipation from the plate is 3.75 kW. Take the following properties of air at 50 ºC.ρ=1.09
kg/m3, k = 0.02824W/m ºC, Pr = 0.68 v =17.95 × 10-6 m2/s cp= 1.007 kJ/kg ºC μ=2.03 ×10-5 kg/m.s
[100 m/s]
5. Air at 30 ºC flows with a velocity of 2.8 m/s a plate 1000 mm length ,600 mm width and 25 mm
thickness. top surface of the plate is maintained at 90 ºC. If the thermal conductivity of the plate
material is 25 W/m ºC, calculate
a. heat loss by plate
b. bottom temperature of the plate for the steady state
The thermo-physical properties of air at mean film temperature (90+30)/2=60 ºC are: ρ=1.06 kg/m 3
and v =1.897 × 10-5 m2/s, cp= 1.007 kJ/kg ºC, k = 0.02824W/m0C Pr = 0.7 [235.5 W, 90.39 ºC]
6. Castor oil at 25 ºC flows at velocity of 0.1m/s past a flat plate, in a certain process. If the plate is 4.5
m long and maintained at uniform temperature of 90 ºC, calculate the hydrodynamic and thermal
boundary layer thickness on one side of the plat.
The thermo-physical properties of air at mean film temperature (90+30)/2=60 ºC are:
ρ =956.8 kg/m3 α=7.2 × 10-8 m2/s and v =0.65 × 10-4 m2/s, cp= 1.007 kJ/kg ºC , k = 0.213W/m0C Pr =
0.7 [270.4 mm, 27.98 mm]
7. A flat plate 80cm long and 20 cm width. Air flows at speed 90km/hr. calculate the heat loss from
plate such that surface temperature is 60 ºC and ambient air temperature is 15 ºC. The thermo-
physical properties of water at mean film temperature at 50 ºC are:
v =17.95 × 10-6 m2/s, m ºC Pr = 0.7 cp= 4.278 kJ/kg ºC, k = 0.02824W/m ºC [865.56 W]
8. Water at flow rate 0.00847745 lit/sec is passed through tube of 20 mm diameter, it found to be heated
from 20 ºC to 500C. The heating is accomplished by condensing steam on the surface of the tube and
consequently the surface temperature of the tube is maintained 85 0C. Determine the length required
for the fully developed flow. For laminar flow Nu= 3.65, for turbulent flow, Nu=0.023(Re)0.8 (Pr)0.33
The thermo-physical properties of water at mean film temperature at 60 0C are:
ρ =983.2 kg/m3 v =0.478 × 10-6 m2/s, cp= 4.278 kJ/kg 0C, k = 0.659W/m0C [2.76]
9. In a straight tube of 60 mm diameter , water is flowing at velocity of 12 m/s. the tube surface
temperature is maintained at 70 ºC and the flowing water is heated from the inlet temperature of 15 0C
to an outlet temperature of 45 ºC. For laminar flow Nu= 3.65, for turbulent flow, Nu=0.023(Re) 0.8
(Pr)0.33 Calculate the following the heat transferred and the length of tube
The thermo-physical properties of water at mean film temperature at 60 0C are:
ρ =995.7 kg/m3 v =0.805 × 10-6 m2/s, cp= 4.278 kJ/kg ºC, k = 0.619W/m0C [23959.6 W/m2 0C, 4230.34
kW, 23.4 m]


1. Air at 20 ºC blows over a hot plate 50 by 75 cm maintained at 250 ºC. The convection heat transfer
coefficient is 25 W/m2-K. Calculate the heat transfer.
If the plate is made of carbon steel (K = 43 W/m-K) 2 cm thick and the 300 W is lost from the plate
surface by radiation, calculate the inside plate temperature. [2.156 kW, 253.05 ºC]
2. The hot combustion gases of a furnace are separated from the ambient air and its surroundings, which
are at 250C, by a brick wall 0.15 m thick. The brick has a thermal conductivity of 1.2 W/ m.K and a
surface emissivity of 0.8. Under steady state conditions an outer surface temperature of 100 ºC is
measured. Free convection heat transfer to the air adjoining the surface is characterized by a
convection coefficient of h = 20 W/m2.K. What is the brick inner surface temperature ?
3. A small sphere 1 (outside diameter 60mm) with a surface temperature of 300 0C is located at the
geometric centre of a large sphere 2 (inside diameter 360mm) with an inner surface temperature 15
ºC. Calculate F2-1, F2-2 and net interchange of heat between two sphere Assume both bodies are black
bodies. [0.0278,0.9722,64.66W]
4. A small sphere 1 (outside diameter 60mm) with a surface temperature of 300 0C is located at the
geometric centre of a large sphere 2 (inside diameter 360mm) with an inner surface temperature 15
ºC. Calculate (Fg)2-1 and net interchange of heat between two sphere Assume emissivity of small and
large sphere are 0.7 and 0.8 respectively.
5. Calculate the rate of heat loss by radiation from steel tube of outside diameter of 70 mm and 3 m
long at a temperature of 227 ºC if the tube is located within the square brick conduit of 0.3 m side and
200C. Take emissivity of steel and brick are 0.79 and 0.93 respectively [1589.7 W]
6. A circular disc receives heat emitted by hemispherical surface which have 50 mm radius. Surface
temperature of hemispherical surface and circular disc are 500 K and 300 K respectively. Determine
the heat exchange between two surface
a. Assume both are black bodies
b. Emissivity of disc and hemisphere are 0.9 and 0.8 respectively.
7. Calculate the heat transfer per m2 area by radiation between the surfaces of two long cylinders having
radii 100 mm and 50 mm respectively. The smaller cylinder being in the larger cylinder. The surface
of inner and outer cylinders is maintained at 127 ºC and 27 ºC respectively. The emissivity of both
surfaces is 0.5. [396.9W/m2]
8. Determine the heat lost by radiation per meter length of 80 mm diameter pipe at 300 ºC, IF
a. Located in a large room with red brick walls at a temperature of 27 ºC
b. Enclosed in a 160 mm diameter red brick conduit at a temperature of 27 ºC
Emissivity of pine and brick are 0.79 and 0.93 respectively. [ 1122.6 W/m, 861.5 W/m]
9. For a hemispherical furnace, the flat floor is at 700 K and has emissivity of 0.5. the hemispherical
roof is at 1000 K and has emissivity of 0.25. Find the net radiative heat transfer from roof to floor.
[12310.4 W/m2]


1. A very long 25 mm diameter copper rod (k=380 W/m ºC ) extends horizontally from a plane
heated wall at 120 ºC. The temperature of surrounding air is 25 ºC and the convective heat
transfer coefficient is 9 W/m2 ºC, determine the heat loss and the length of rod if it is considered
as infinite. [34.5W,1.36m]
2. It is required to heat oil to about 300 ºC for frying purpose. A laddle is used in the frying. The
section of the handle is 5 mm × 18 mm. The surrounding are at 30 ºC. The conductivity of the
material is 205 W/m2 ºC. If the temperature at a distance of 380 mm from the oil should not reach
400C, determine convective heat transfer coefficient. [30.17 W/m2 ºC]
3. The aluminum square fins of 0.5mm side and 10 mm length are provided on a surface of electrical
machine to carry 1 W of energy generated by machine. The temperature at the surface of device
should not exceed 80 0C when surrounding temperature is 40 ºC, given that kal= 200W/m ºC,
h=15W/m2 ºC. Find the no. of fins required. [85]
4. Two long rods of same diameter, one made of brass (k=85m/m0C) and other made of copper (k=
375 W/m ºC) have one of their inserted into furnace. Both of the rods are exposed to the same
environment. At a distance 105 mm away from the furnace end, the temperature of the brass rod is
120 ºC. At what distance from the furnace end the same temperature would be reached in the
copper rod. [220 mm]
5. A mild steel rod with cross-section an equilateral triangle with side 5mm is 80mm long attached
to the heated body of 400 ºC, the surrounding temperature 50 0C and unit surface conductance is
90W/m2 0C, if the heat dissipated is 10W. Determine the thermal conductivity of rod. [55 W/m ºC]
6. A fins of 45 mm long with 5 mm thick has its base at the temperature 125 0C the temperature of
surrounding is 25 0C, given k = 55W/m ºC and h=145W/m 2 0C, determine the temperature at end ,
middle of the fins and also the amount of heat loss per unit breadth.[660C,80.1 ºC,817W]
7. An equilateral triangular fin with perimeter 60 mm has root temperature 300 oC. The surrounding
temperature is 30 oC. The conductivity of material 205 W/m oC. If the temperature at a distance of
380 mm from the root is 40 oC, determine convective heat transfer coefficient.
8. A fin provided fins provided to increase the heat transfer rate from a hot surface. Which of the
following arrangement will give higher transfer rate ?
a. 6- fins of 10 cm length
b. 12- fins of 5 cm length
Given, Cross sectional area of fin = 2 cm2
Perimeter of fin = 4 cm
Fin base temperature = 230 ºC
Surrounding air temperature =30 ºC
K of fin material= 200 W/m ºC
h= 20 W/m2 ºC
9. A steel rod (k = 32 W/m ºC), 12 mm in diameter and 60 mm long, with an insulate end. it is
exposed to surroundings with a temperature of 60 ºC and a heat transfer coefficient of 55 W/m 2
ºC. The temperature at the base fin is 96 ºC. Determine
a. the fin efficiency
b. the temperature at the edge of the spine
c. the heat dissipation [62.18%, 72.66 ºC, 2.7 W]


1. The flow rate of hot and cold water streams running through a parallel flow heat exchanger are
0.2 kg/s and 0.5 kg/s respectively. The inlet temperature on ht hot and cold sides are 70 ºC and 20
ºC respectively. The exit temperature of hot water is 45 ºC. If individual heat transfer coefficients
on both sides are 650 W/m2 ºC, calculate the area of heat exchanger. [2.65m2]
2. In a counter flow double pipe heat exchanger, water is heated from 25 ºC to 65 ºC by an oil with a
specific heat of 1.45 kJ/kg K and mass flow rate of 0.9 kg/s. The oil is cooled from 230 ºC to 160
ºC. if overall heat transfer coefficient is 420 W/m2 ºC, calculate the following
a. Rate of heat transfer
b. Mass flow rate of water
c. The surface area of heat exchanger [91.35 kJ/s, 0.545 kg/s,1.45m2]
3. An oil cooler for lubrication system has to cool 1000kg/h of oil (cp= 2.09 kJ/kg ºC) from 80 ºC to
40 ºC by using a cooling water flow of 1000 kg/h at 30 ºC. Give your choice for a parallel flow or
counter flow heat exchanger, with reasons. Calculate the surface area of the heat exchanger, if the
overall heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2 ºC. [53.16 m2]
4. A counter flow heat exchanger is employed to cool 0.55 kg/s (c p = 2.45 kJ/kg ºC) of oil from 115
ºC to 40 ºC by the use of water. The inlet and outlet of temperature of cooling water are 15 0C and
750C, respectively. The overall heat transfer coefficient is expected to be 1450 W/m 2 ºC. Using
NTU method, calculate the following :
a. The mass flow rate of water
b. The effectiveness of the heat exchanger
c. The surface area required [0.4kg/s, 0.75, 2.197 m2]
5. Oil (cp = 3.6 kg/kg ºC) at 100 ºC flows at the rate of 30000 kg/h and enters into parallel flow heat
exchanger. Cooling water (cp = 4.2 kJ/kg ºC) enters the heat exchanger at 10 0C at the rate of
50000 kg/h. The heat transfer area is 10 m2 and U = 1000 W/m2 ºC. Calculate the following
a. The outlet temperature of oil and water
b. The maximum possible outlet temperature of water [71.2 0C, 24.8 ºC, 40.5 ºC]
6. For a counter flow heat exchanger, mass flow rate of hot and cold fluid are 1 kg/s and 0.25 kg/s,
specific heat capacity of hot and cold fluid are 1.045 kJ/kg ºC and 1.045 kJ/kg ºC respectively.
Inlet temperature of hot fluid is 1000 ºC and outlet temperature for cold fluid is 850 ºC. Overall
heat transfer coefficient is 88.5 W/m2 ºC and area is 10 m2. Calculate the inlet temperature of cold
fluid and outlet temperature of hot fluid. [717 ºC, 867 ºC]

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