ME 2251 Heat and Mass Transfer

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ME 2251 Heat and Mass Transfer

1) A composite wall consist of 10cm thick layer of brick k=0.7 W/mK and 3cm thick
plaster k=0.5 W/mK. An insulated material of k=0.08 W/mK is added to reduce the
heat transfer to the wall by 40 percent. Find it thickness.
2) An aluminium plate (k=160 W/mC, = 2790 kg/m3, Cp=0.88 kJ/kgC) of thickness
3cm at uniform temperature of 225C is suddenly immersed at time t= 0 in a well
stirred fluid maintained at a constant temperature T = 25C. Take h= 320 W/m2C.
Determine the time required for the centre of blade to reach 50C.
3) A 3cm OD steam pipe is to be covered with two layers of insulation each having a
thickness of 2.5 cm. The average thermal conductivity of first insulation is 5 times
that of the other. Determine the percentage decrease in heat transfer heat transfer if
better insulation material is next to pipe than it is in the outer layer. Assume that the
outside and inside temperatures of composite insulation are fixed.
4) A 6cm long copper rod (k= 300 W/mK) 6mm in diameter is exposed to an
environment at 20C. The bus temperature of the rod is maintained at 160C. The heat
transfer co-efficient is 20 W/m2K. Calculate the heat gain by the rod and efficiency
and effectiveness of the rod.
5) A composite wall is formed of a 2.5 cm copper plate (k= 355 W/mK) , a 3.2 mm layer
of asbestos (k= 0.110 W/mK) and a layer of fibre plate (k= 0.0049 W/mK). The wall
is subjected to an overall temperature difference of 560C(560C on the copper plate
and 0C on fibre plate). Estimate the heat flux through this composite wall and the
interface temperature between asbestos and fibre plate.
6) When a thermocouple is moved from one medium to another medium at a different
temperature, sufficient time must be given to the thermocouple to come to thermal
equilibrium with the new conditions before a reading is taken. Consider a 0.1 cm
diameter copper thermocouple wire originally at 150C. Find the temperature
response (i.e) an approximate plot of temperature Vs time for interval of 0, 20 and 40
seconds when the wire is suddenly immersed in
(i) Water at 40C (h=80 W/m2K)
(ii) Air at 40C (h=40 W/m2K)
7) Derive the heat conduction equation in cylindrical co-ordinates using an elemental
volume for a stationary isotropic solid.
8) Explain briefly the concept of critical thickness of insulation and state any two
applications of the same.
9) A steel tube with 5 cm ID, 7.6 cm OD and k=15 W/mC is conversed with an
insulated cover of thickness 2 cm and k=0.2 W/mC. A hot gas at 330C with h= 400
W/m2C flows inside the tube. The outer surface of the insulation is exposed to cooler
air at 30C with h= 60 W/m2C. Calculate the heat loss from the tube to the air for 10
m of the tube and the temperature drops resulting from the thermal resistivity of the
hot gas flow, the steel tube, the insulating layer and outside air.
10) Derive Conduction of heat throughout hollow cylinder and heat transfer through
composite plane cylinders with inside convection and outside convection.
11) A stream pipe 160 mm ID and 170 mm ID is covered with two layers of insulation.
The thickness of the insulations are 30 mm and 50 mm respectively. The thermal

conductivity values are 2.10, 0.60 and 0.33 KJ/mhrC respectively. The temperature
of the inner surface of the pipe is 300C and that of the outer surface is 50C.
Determine the quantity of heat flux per meter length of steam pipe and the layer
contact temperature

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