Petroleum Economics and Management: Applied Graduate

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Language: English Duration: 16 months IFP School’s Master’s degree (or Diplôme d’ingénieur
spécialisé) and possibly the partner institution’s Master’s
degree (for double-degree track)

The energy transition aims to find substitutes for Oil & Gas by emphasizing on technological innovation. Nevertheless,
the economic and financial challenges faced by these sectors cannot be ignored. Our Petroleum Economics and
Management program will provide you with multifaceted expertise, recognized for the ability to fully grasp the economic
challenges within the sector. You’ll receive customized training developed in cooperation with renowned international
academic partners, and you’ll work within a multicultural environment that will advance your career on an international
scale. Energize your potential!

Strategic or geopolitical dimensions, International & diversity

international nature, economic and financial Approximately 20 different nationalities from
PARTNER issues, technological adventures, challenges every continents & partnerships with more
INSTITUTIONS of sustainable development and digitalization: than 10 academic institutions worldwide.
these are a few facets of the world of energy. Mix of professionals (average of 5 years of
Double degree To ensure their development and to penetrate professional experience) & fresh graduates.
• Colorado School of Mines (USA) new markets, the companies in the energy
• Oklahoma University (USA) sector need skillful professionals with global Human-sized & tailor-made
• Texas A&M University (USA) and strategic visions. 40 participants in total and several elective
•G ubkin University National courses through which the students can cover
University of Oil & Gas IFP School has therefore designed an excellence not only the Oil & Gas industry but the whole
(Russia) program based on international partnerships energy chain in depth (electricity, renewables
that are unanimously recognized in the field of & digitalization).
Single degree energy economics and management. By joining
with company placement our Petroleum Economics and Management Techniques & business aspects
• University of São Paulo (Brazil) program, you enhance your initial training Combination of both engineering techniques
• University of Alberta (Canada) through a cutting-edge curricula in oil, natural and management science courses, in addition
• China University of Petroleum- gas and electricity economics and management. to real-world practical case-studies provided
Beijing (China) by industrial partners.
• Audencia Business School Multidisciplinary
(France) Students of the program with eclectic Worldwide careers
• ESSEC Business School (France) backgrounds in business & economics, science By joining this program, you will be a member
• Skolkovo Institute of Science & engineering, law & political science, etc. of an international network. Alumni include
and Technology (Russia) Ministers (Ivory Coast, Peru, Spain, etc.), CEOs
• University of Dundee (UK) (BP Europe, DEA AG, Petronas, etc.), International
organizations (European Parliament President,
etc.) and many other top managerial positions
in the energy industry.
• Energy business & economics
• Strategic management & marketing
• Management consulting & analytics
• Energy finance, banking & trading
• Energy techniques & engineering

Find out more: SCHOOL


MAIN SPONSORS recipients

Students in this program are either

self-financed or sponsored by companies
(through sponsorships or study leave) that Self-financed
finance their living expenses during their professionals
academic period and contribute towards
their tuition. Independent
fresh graduates

Among these companies, the following

have been IFP School partners in recent
years (non-exhaustive list):
Cepsa, Gazprom, PDVSA, Pemex, Perenco, Seconded
Sasol, Saudi Aramco, Schlumberger, Total.


The two examples of schedules
> The courses at IFP School are built shown below correspond to the most
frequently encountered cases for
on 3 major themes students in this program: 16-month
program for students with a 4- or
Business and management Energy 5-year degree, with two terms on the
partner’s campus (CSM, OU, TAMU,
• Business accounting • Energy geopolitics & global outlook
Gubkin) to obtain a double-degree,
• Strategic management & marketing • Upstream management
• Consultancy project/term paper • Project evaluation & portfolio management or with one term on the partner’s
• Mid- and downstream business campus (all other partner
Quantitative tools • Natural gas economics & management institutions) and a placement period
• Efficiency analysis • Electricity management & digitalization in a company for the IFP School
• Decision science & optimization • Environmental economics & renewables single-degree track.
• Financial econometrics & forecasting • Energy markets & trading
• Petroleum engineering
16 months
• Refining & process engineering
Double-degree IFP School/Partner institution
(CSM, OU, TAMU, Gubkin)

> Courses in the partner institutions

When attending two fall terms in one of the following institutions, successful students
are awarded two degrees.

16 months
Colorado School of Mines Texas A&M University
Single-degree IFP School
Courses in the MS Mineral and Energy Courses in the M Eng in Petroleum with company placement
Economics such as: micro/macro- Engineering such as: reservoir engineering, (USP, Alberta, CUP-Beijing, Audencia*, ESSEC,
economics, mineral asset valuation, fluid flows, drilling, production, EOR, etc. Skoltech, Dundee) 051909 - ©Shutterstock, X - 1909_00272

energy economics, etc.

Oklahoma University Gubkin University National

Courses in the MBA program such as: University of Oil & Gas
managerial economics, financial markets, Courses in the Master of Economics such IFP School Company Partner institutions
negotiation and leadership, etc. as: micro/macro-economics, petroleum
economics, mathematics and statistics, etc. * possibility of a joint-degree

When attending the first fall term in one of the following institutions and doing a placement
period of at least 4 months in a company/institution in accordance with their professional
project (during the second fall term), successful students are awarded the IFP School
Master’s degree.

Courses at USP, Alberta, CUP-Beijing, Audencia, ESSEC, Skoltech, Dundee:

for the fall term in the chosen partner institution, students are allowed to choose
between all the graduate level courses available to them (core and elective courses)
according to their professional/academic project. Students must refer to the partner
institution’s catalogues for course selection.

Find out more: SCHOOL

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