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MPhil Programme Outline MPhil /PhD Eligibility Criteria

Duration: 2 years, 4 Semesters The following candidates shall be eligible in

Credit Hours: 52 the given order of priority:
1. M.A./M.Sc. for M.Phil or M.Phil/
PIDE, being a leading economic research Foreign M.Sc. (18+) for Ph.D. in
institute, provides advanced training in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics,
economic and policy analysis. It not only and/or Econometrics, etc.
prepares the theoretical foundations of the 2. M.A./M.Sc. for M.Phil or M.Phil/
students but also requires them to Foreign M.Sc. (18+) for Ph.D. with at
undertake a research thesis in the final least 2nd division or B Grade.
year. The students have an option to
convert their MPhil into PhD. Candidates who have published research M.Phil / Ph.D. Economics
articles are highly encouraged to apply.
Students of MPhil must take core courses Candidates having work experience in Department of Economics
of 25 credit hours (compulsory) and two economics and statistical areas with public Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
elective courses of 6 credit hours. and/or private sector experience are also Islamabad
encouraged to apply.
List of core courses offered:
Students awaiting results may also apply.
Microeconomics Theory I & II
Macroeconomic Theory I & II
Statistics for Economics
Mathematics for Economics
Econometric Methods

PhD Programme Outline

Duration: 4 years, 8 Semesters
Credit Hours: 90

PhD in Economics is a four years

programme offering a wide range of For FAQs please visit our website or else
specializations. Our PhD Programme contact us
prepares students to make significant
contribution in the field of applied and policy Dr. Ejaz Ghani
oriented economic analysis. The normal Head of the Department
duration for the course work is two years.
Students are required to pass their Mr Mahmood Khalid / Mr Nasir Iqbal
comprehensive examinations in order to Research Economist / Staff Economist
progress to the research stage.
Department of Economics,
Students of PhD Econ must take core Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
courses of 28 credit hours (compulsory) and P.O. Box 1091, Islamabad, Pakistan.
seven elective courses of 21 credit hours. Phone: 92-51-9248044, 9248038
PhD Dissertation accounts for 41 credit Fax: 92-51-9258065
hours. Email: [email protected]
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics This program is aimed at imparting a full range of Scope of M.Phil / Ph.D. Degree
(PIDE) was established in 1957 and was knowledge, awareness and expertise in economics
accorded the status of an autonomous research With broad knowledge in economics and
and related disciplines as well as equipping students specialised skills in financial and analytical
organization in 1964 by the Government of with the analytical tools necessary for policy oriented
Pakistan. PIDE is devoted to theoretical and techniques, graduates of MPhil/PhD are
research. well-prepared to take up career in the
empirical research in economics and related
social sciences. In addition to providing a firm The degree programmes in Economics have been a public and/or private sector as economic
academic basis to economic policy-making, its long-felt need in Pakistan. In recent years, the analysts in businesses, consultancy firms,
research also provides a window through which number of qualified economists has fallen below the financial institutions, and applied research
the outside world can view the nature and country’s requirements. Brain drain of economists to firms. They may also find jobs in
direction of social science research in Pakistan. take up attractive jobs abroad has only aggravated international organizations, like the World
Over the past 52 years, PIDE has earned an this professional vacuum in various government and Bank, IMF, International Labor Organization,
international reputation and recognition for its non-government departments, teaching institutes, etc., government ministries, and
research, and is now a federally chartered and research organizations. The degree programmes non-government organizations (NGOs),
degree awarding institute (DAI) offering world in Economics at the Pakistan Institute of universities, and in other teaching and
class degree programmes in economics, popula- Development Economics (PIDE) have been research organization.
tion sciences, econometrics and statistics, developed to meet some of these challenges by Fee Structure & Financial Support
environmental economics, and MBA. providing the necessary facilities for training
economists in Pakistan. Registration Pk Rs. 15,000
Department of Economics Fee Pk Rs. 3,000 per credit hour
The department of Economics consists of senior
faculty members trained in leading universities of To achieve the objectives and to provide for the Merit and need-based scholarships are
the world including Cambridge, Harvard, educational needs of future leaders in government, available. Teaching and Research
Chicago, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State, business, and civic organization; PIDE has designed Assistantships are also available for
Kansas State, Nebraska-Lincoln, London School a specific though broad-based educational facility, outstanding students.
of Economics and Political Science, Australian and it has launched Master’s and MPhil programmes
National University to name a few, with research besides PhD in Economics. The PhD Programme in How to Apply
and teaching experience spread over decades. Economics is well-established and is being offered
Follow the instructions given in the
Several members of the department also serve since 1999. As of today, 13 students have been
prospectus 2009 or visit our website
as advisors to various government agencies and awarded the PhD degree in Economics. Indeed, with for more details.
other multi/bi-lateral organizations a high placement rating, our graduates regularly find
employment in the best teaching and policymaking
Dates to Remember
Why M.Phil / Ph.D. at PIDE ? institutions.
The role of quality education in creating a better Application Deadline: 27th July, 2009
world has become increasingly evident. The issues and problems relating to youth, elderly Entrance Test: 8-9th August, 2009
Educational Institutions must train students to and economically active population with reference to Interview (of shortlisted): 10-11thAugust, 2009
Start of Session: 7th September, 2009
effectively address new global challenges. Given their labour force participation, absorption in the
the existing asymmetrical situation whereby only labour market and employment status will also be
covered so that students have greater insight to the
a small percentage of the entire population has
problems In addition, we offer you highly qualified
access to higher education, it is hoped that the and experienced faculty; HEC approved supervisors;
MSc, MPhil and PhD programme at PIDE would state of the art computing and IT facilities; a
be a step forward in a critical field of knowledge breathtaking campus location at the foot of Margalla
and expertise. hills; well-furnished and air-conditioned class rooms.

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