Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Their Applications in Drilling Fluid Engineering - A Review - Elsevier Enhanced 1
Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Their Applications in Drilling Fluid Engineering - A Review - Elsevier Enhanced 1
Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Their Applications in Drilling Fluid Engineering - A Review - Elsevier Enhanced 1
Keywords: For an oil well to be said to have been successfully and conclusively drilled, the drilling fluid lies at the heart
Drilling fluid of the solution. Therefore, the guarantee to solving issues in oil well drilling is to contrive an optimal drilling
Artificial neural network fluid. However, there is usually a complex interplay of factors involved during drilling fluid formulation,
Fuzzy logic
Case based reasoning property determination, its performance in the well and its relationship with other wellbore drilling
Hybrid intelligent systems parameters. This is so because drilling muds exhibit time dependent properties. This time dependency is the
Genetic algorithm direct product of the synergy among the various active additives that make up the mud and the characteristic
Particle swarm algorithm of each additive especially at downhole conditions where the effects of temperature and pressure are well
pronounced. These additives are more often than not diverse in size, chemical activity, density and surface
energy. Deriving knowledge from the data from these parameters in order to develop a functional relationship
between them is a challenging task requiring advanced modelling techniques as well as human intuition and
experience. The dependence on human intuition and on the experiential knowledge of professional mud
engineers lays bare the shortcomings of traditional mud design techniques. Artificial intelligence techniques
have been shown to alleviate this challenge. Exploiting the abundant literature on the various applications of
artificial intelligence in oil and gas operations, several works that show how and what artificial intelligence
techniques are used in the drilling fluid industry, and what have been achieved due to their use have been
selected. In this paper, a review of existing artificial intelligence techniques and their applications in drilling
fluid engineering is given. This paper also dug up and analyzed the strengths and pitfalls of each artificial
intelligence technique. The examination of the strengths and deficiencies was done using the following virtues
as the basic criteria: robustness against noise, self-organization, generalization ability, data volume
requirements and the convergence speed. The artificial intelligence techniques presented in this paper include:
artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy logic, support vector machines (SVM), hybrid intelligent systems
(HIS), genetic algorithms (GA), case based reasoning (CBR) and particle swarm algorithm (PSA). An
overview of the applications of classical artificial intelligence in drilling fluid engineering is also presented.
From the review, it was gathered that the ANN technique is the most widely applied in drilling fluid
engineering accounting for over 54% of the papers reviewed; while lost circulation problem was the most
predicted well problem related to drilling fluids accounting for over 17% of the mud problems predicted. It
was also observed that a blend of Al techniques performed better than when each one of the Al techniques was
used singly. Finally, judging the Al techniques on the criteria mentioned above, ANN was found to meet all
the listed criteria except for its slow speed of convergence while ANN, GA, SVM and fuzzy logic were all
found to be robust against noise.
2. Evolution of artificial intelligence in the complex phenomenon. For instance, Sheremetov et al.
exploration & production (E & P) industry (2008) reports that a hybrid of expert systems, fuzzy
logic and web services, called SmartDrill, is useful in
Before delving into the history of Al applications in solving the problem of lost circulation. They further
the E & P industry, it is pertinent to look at how the added that the software is at field testing stage in a
concept of Al came to being. iScoop (2016) reports that Mexican oil company. Recently, an Al strategy based on
Al was conceived in the 1950s. According to Alegre supervised learning (MLP neural network with K*) as
(1991 the term artificial intelligence was coined as a reported by Cristofaro et al. (2017) was developed to
result of a confluence of ideas generated during a generalize lost circulation data collected over a period of
conference held on the campus of Dartmouth College, three years from five hundred events pertaining to lost
USA by a group of scientists in the summer of 1956. In circulation. The Al strategy developed with a user
general, the timelines in the development of the Al friendly interface was applied to two wells experiencing
techniques and their developers arranged lost circulation in the Santos Basin in Brazil deep water
chronologically is shown in Table 1. From the table, it is pre salt. This application was essentially able to predict
observed that artificial neural networks were the earliest and recommend treatment procedures for the lost
Al techniques to be developed while hybrid intelligent circulation with the resultant effect of saving six days
systems are the latest. wellbore drilling time.
Narrowing down the history of Al to its application
in the E & P industry reveals that research papers on Al 3. Applications of artificial intelligence in drilling
application in the industry as early as in the 1970s exist mud engineering
(Bravo et al., 2012). However, during the
In this section, a survey of the state-of-the-art
Table 1 researches which involves the applications of Al
Evolutionary trend of various artificial intelligence techniques. techniques in drilling mud engineering is presented.
Al technique Year of development Developer Firstly, the fundamentals of these artificial intelligence
techniques are highlighted; secondly, their applications
Artificial neural network 1943 McCulloch andinPitts
mud engineering are discussed.
Fuzzy logic 1965 Lofti A. Zadeh
Genetic algorithm 1970 John Holland
3.1. Artificial neural network (ANN)
Schank and Abelson
Case based reasoning 1977
Support vector machines 1995 Vapnik, V
Particle swarm algorithm 1995 Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
Eberhart and Kennedy are a form of
Hybrid intelligent systems artificial intelligence that has proved to provide a high
O.E. Agwu et al. level of competency in solving many complex
engineering problems that are beyond the computational
capability of classical mathematics and traditional
early stages of Al development in the industry, Expert procedures (Shahin et al., 1999). For the fundamental
systems were the main Al technique used. Their usage details about ANNs, a good read is Petrus et al. (1995).
was mainly in management of drilling operations and
the treatment of wellbore drilling problems (Courteille et 3.1.1. Cases where ANN were applied in drilling fluid
al., 1986).
Popa and Cassidy (2012), however reports that Al
techniques have been used in the oil and gas industry Table 2 summarizes the research efforts made on the
since the early 1990s. This view is in sync with the work application of ANNs to mud engineering. Though
of Bello et al. (2015) wherein he asserts that Al tracing the researches from the earliest was difficult, the
techniques were first applied in the E &P industry in summary chronicled available research papers from
1989. 2003 up until 2017. The areas in mud engineering where
In order to consolidate on the gains of using Al and ANN have been applied from the review include: (a) lost
to encourage researches in this area, the Artificial circulation prediction (b) mud density prediction (c)
Intelligence Applications Institute (AIAI) was created in mud rheological properties prediction (d) filtration loss
1983. According to the Institute, AIAI is a technology and mud cake permeability predictions (e) mud flow
transfer organisation that encourages the applications of pattern prediction in wellbore annulus (D hole cleaning
Al research to the advantage of individuals, corporate and
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
bodies, industries and the government (Artificial
Intelligence Applications Institute, 2014). This move
triggered the development of several Al based software cuttings transport efficiency of mud (g) settling velocity
packages aimed at solving real life oilfield problems. of cuttings in mud prediction and (h) frictional pressure
Hence, in the drilling aspect of the oil industry, loss prediction. The table highlights the type of study
softwares such as MUDMAN and DrillEdge were conducted by each researcher, the ANN method used,
developed (Barton and Sviokla, 1988; Boman, 2014). the ANN architecture, the input and output parameters
On the one hand, the MUDMAN developed by Baroid as well as the performance evaluation of the network
Fluids Company is built to analyse drilling fluids. On developed in each case (this is represented in terms of
the other hand, the DrillEdge — a case based reasoning the correlation coefficient (R 2), root mean square error
software developed by Verdande Technologies is built (RMSE), average absolute percent relative error
to identify potential drilling problems involving drilling (AAPE), etc). From the summary, the following are
equipment as well as problems relating to the drilled observed:
well. In recent times, E & P companies are actively
integrating various Al techniques to build hybrid
intelligent systems that have the capability of handling
O.E. Agwu
1. Most of the researchers (about 90%) carried out their neural network toolbox in the MATLAB software for
works with multiple inputs and single output except their work. Examples are found in the works of
for the authors Jeirani and Mohebbi (2005); Moazzeni et al. (2010); Rooki et al. (2012, 2014); Al-
Shadravan et al. (2015) and Elkatatny et al., (2016) Baiyat and Heinze (2012); Jahanbakhshi et al. (2014);
whose works involved 2, 7 and 4 outputs, Adesina et al. (2015); Elkatatny (2017) etc.
respectively. This shows that ANN can be used to Additionally, many of these researchers used the back
model parameters with multiple outputs. propagation (BP) algorithm to train the networks.
However, just a handful used the neuro solutions
2. The most widely used performance evaluation criteria software in their work. This is seen in the cases of Miri
is the R2 value. The average R2 value across the et al. (2007) and Siruvuri et al. (2006). From Table 2,
research works reviewed was approximately 0.939 since only two neural network softwares were found to
showing a good model performance across board. be used by the researchers in their studies, it is
3. The aspects of mud engineering that ANN was somewhat inadequate to draw a conclusion on the basis
mostly applied are prediction of stuck pipe and lost of just those two softwares as to which of them is
circulation. These accounted for about 18% and 15% recommended for any of the wellbore challenge listed in
of the researches, respectively. Since lost circulation, this work. However, viewing the matter from the
according to Drilling Specialties Company (Online), standpoint of which of them is the most widely used by
is the most costly mud related problem and stuck pipe majority of the authors in this work, the MATLAB
problems according to Siruvuri et al. (2006) could software tops the recommendation chart. Though the
gulp over 40% of total well costs in certain areas; this authors never gave any reason for choosing the software
could probably be the main driver for numerous they used, the choice by most authors to use the
prediction studies on them using ANN. MATLAB software may not be unconnected with the
expert view of Schultz, a researcher at Halliburton who
4. Most of the authors used data sets extracted from reports that the real results with using the software
open literature to create their network models. include: facilitating ease of simulation, provision of an
accurate, productionstandard algorithm and huge time
Beyond the four areas highlighted above, one area savings (Mathworks, online). However, when using the
worth mentioning is the Al software used by each author neural network tool in MATLAB software, it must be
for estimating the drilling fluid related challenge they appreciated that several learning algorithms exist and the
studied. It must be said that there are numerous ANN choice of the algorithm by the user may likely affect the
softwares for developing applications, and some of them outcome of developed models. For instance, in
are designed for industrial use. The neural network predicting stuck pipe, Miri et al. (2007) and Siruvuri et
toolbox in the MATLAB software is one of these tools al. (2006) used the same software-neuro solutions but
(Bravo et al., 2012). Other softwares include neuro got different results. In this case, Miri et al. (2007) used
solutions, pythia, neuroph, neural designer etc. It is seen MLP and RBF while Siruvuri et al. (2006) used GFNN.
that majority of the researchers in Table 2 used the
andEngineering167(2018) 300-375
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JournalofPetroleumScience andE
O.E. Agwu
Table 3
Summary of researches on mud engineering to which fuzzy logic was applied.
Authors Type of study conducted Input Parameters Output parameters Errors (Performance evaluation criteria)
3.2. Fuzzy logic around a smooth sphere. They examined the performance of the
models by comparing it with other models. Using the sum of squared
A very good read for the fundamentals and applications of fuzzy of logarithmic deviations as a criterion; they report that the model
logic is found in the work ofRoss (2010). gave approximately 16% and 69% better results than the existing
3.2.1. Cases where fuzzy logic were applied in drilling fluid
engineering 3.5. Support vector machines (SVMs)
Research papers reviewed on the use of fuzzy logic in drilling
fluid engineering indicates that aspects of mud engineering such as The work by Steinwart and Christmann (2008) is a good read on
lost circulation, stuck pipe prediction, mud density prediction and the the subject of support vector machines.
consequences of kick were in the spotlight as seen in Table 3.
3.5.1. Cases where support vector machines were applied in drilling
3.3. Hybrid intelligent systems fluid engineering
O.E. Agwu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
Table 6 highlights the research endeavours of various researchers Case-based reasoning (CBR) as a subset of artificial intelligence
on the application SVMs to solving problems in mud engineering. (Al) solves new problems by reusing the experience of a similar
Practical problems tackled with the use of SVMs include: fluid flow problem that had been solved in the past (Aamodt and Plaza, 1994;
Table 4
Summary of researches on mud engineering to which hybrid intelligent systems was applied.
Authors Type of study Type of HYBRID Number of Input Parameters Output parameters Errors (Performance evaluation criteria) conducted
data points
Ghaffari Analysis of mud Self-Organizing 392 Mud Weight, Funnel viscosity, Solid Mud loss pattern
Table 5 Summary of researches on mud engineering to which genetic Raja et al., 2011). An overview of the CBR technique can be found in
algorithm was applied. the work of Aamodt and Plaza (1994). The following are the cases in
which CBR were applied in drilling mud engineering:
O.E. Agwu
each of the Al techniques is locked up in its unique strengths and
inevitable defects. Table 7 summarizes the strengths and
weaknesses of some of the Al techniques. The strengths and
weaknesses of four techniques namely ANN, fuzzy logic, SVM and
GA were benchmarked on six criteria of robustness against noise,
convergence speed, susceptibility to overfitting, data volume
requirements, ability to self-organize and generalization ability. It is
observed that ANN, fuzzy logic, SVM and GA are all robust against
noise, while fuzzy logic has a better speed of convergence compared
with ANN, SVM and GA. The duo of ANN and SVM has the ability to
generalize while ANN can self-organize and requires huge data to
predict complex phenomena well while SVM requires small data
To show the effectiveness or otherwise of these Al techniques, a
few researchers have attempted to compare one or two of the Al
techniques. Table 8 shows a few of these researches. It is noticed
that the researchers mostly compared ANN against SVM. It is
observed from the performance criteria of better performance with
lower RMSE, MAPE, MSE and MAE values and high R 2 values, that
SVM tends to perform better in all of the cases cited. A unique
comparison between fuzzy logic and two hybrid systems was done
by Ahmadi et al. (2016). In their work, it is observed that the hybrid
performed better that the fuzzy logic used alone.
JournalofPetroleumScience andEngineering167(2018)
KJISODS!A ssa.ns.1eaqspueKusuaa (910
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O.E. Agwu
UO!lDUt1JS!SP•flIP•!PP•H ad!d (
O.E. Agwu
O.E. Agwu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
Oladunni and Trafalis (2011) Predicting fluid flow patterns in wellbore 92 ANN vs. SVM SVM ANN SVM
annulus 0.117 0.9889 0.9994
ANN vs. SVM 0.9028 RMSE
wang et al. (2012) Predicting the drilling fluid density of 339
0.872 ANN
MNN vs. MLP 4.343 0.575
Toreifi et al. (2014) Lost circulation prediction 1630 MSE MAE
766.98 20.66 0.9851
ANN vs. SVM 0.745
Jahanbakhshi and Keshavarzi Lost circulation prediction 260
(2015) MSE 65.28
FIS vs. PSO-ANN vs. GA- 5815.38 0.8770
Ahmadi et al. (2016) Prediction of the density of mud 664 FIS PSO-ANN
0.9964 GA-FIS
ANN vs. SVM 0.7237 0.9397
Chhantyal et al. (2016) Viscosity estimation
DANN vs.Static ANN 23%
Chhantyal et al. (2016) Mud flow rate estimation 1800 vs. MAPE Static
5.6% 8.5% 7.7%
O.E. Agwu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
studies, they proposed that clay damage occurs through two ways characteristic of the flow within ± 0.7% accuracy for the rate of flow
namely-swelling and instability of the clay structure. They further and ± 1% accuracy for the free surface level.
added that clays swell when they come in contact with water and the Aliouane et al. (2015) used two artificial intelligence techniques
swelling occurs in a series of distinct stages, forming one or more namely: artificial neural network (multilayer perceptron) and fuzzy
layers. Their work subsequently revealed that the simulation results logic to predict the pore pressure in two horizontal wells that were
were in good agreement with the experimental data for the sodium drilled in the lower Barnett shale formation. The data from one of the
montmorillonite but not for potassium montmorillonite. wells was used for the training of the fuzzy set and the neural
network while the data of another horizontal well was used for the
6.3. Drilling fluid additives generalization. They used four input parameters namely: the neutron
porosity, natural gamma ray, the slowness of the compression and
Anderson et al. (2010) used molecular dynamics to undertake shear wave. The output parameter was the estimated pore pressure
simulations of clay swelling inhibitor systems. From their work, the obtained when Eaton's model was used. From the results they
structure and interaction of three different swelling inhibitor obtained, they reported that the fuzzy logic was better than the neural
polymers namely: poly (propylene oxide) —diamine, poly (ethylene network in predicting the pore pressure of the shale gas reservoirs.
glycol) and poly (ethylene oxide)-diacrylate inhibitor molecules with Ba et al. (2009) used marginalized particle filters to detect faults
montmorillonite clay was studied. Their results allowed them an in real time. The process model was developed in order to get a part
interpretation of bulk experimental data of the mode of interaction of which represents the faulty case and another that represents the safety
swelling inhibitors with clay minerals at an atomistic and molecular one. The distribution of these two process states was updated through
level. a Kalman filter and the concerned state was involved by using a
particle filter. By using simulated data and real field data to carry out
7. IN-SITU monitoring of drilling mud flow track route using a performance analysis indicate that the approach is efficient in terms
artificial intelligence for fault detection and isolation tasks.
Bektas et al. (2015) studied how to design and apply a steady-
Variations in the downhole temperature and pressure of state Kalman filter to optimally predict in real-time the pore pressure
formations, rock heterogeneities, inputs into and out of the drilled of a formation. This they did by combining outputs from both Eaton's
well and a host of other factors contribute to making the model and from logging while drilling (LWD). Based on their results,
measurement of drilling and drilling fluid parameters a challenging they concluded that the Kalman filter can be a very effective tool for
one. Therefore, to ensure success in drilling, it is incumbent on all detecting over-pressured zones before penetrating such zones. They
drilling personnel to ensure that the drilling process is monitored also reported that the developed algorithm can be used as a design
constantly, accurately and in real — time (Ba et al., 2009; Sui et al., tool in both onshore and offshore drilling operations along with real-
2011). One aspect of the drilling process that requires monitoring is time LWD data to optimally estimate the pore pressure of the next
the behaviour of the drilling fluid downhole, its parameters and its interval ahead of the bit during the drilling operation.
flow track route (Thorsrud et al., 2000). To achieve this, a real-time Gu and Oliver (2007) in predicting multiphase flow through a
model of the drilling fluid flow route especially in fractures or medium containing voids, used an ensemble Kalman filter. From
conductive pores is necessary. Hardware measurement devices such their work, the iterative filter — ensemble randomized maximum
as measurement while drilling (MWD) devices may provide real time likelihood filter (EnRML) gave accurate results for problems that
measurements but may fail under harsh downhole conditions (Sui et were small, linear and static in nature, and showed good agreement
al., 2011). Soft sensors are useful in overcoming this challenge. Soft with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for a problem that is linear
sensors are essentially data driven tools that require a model that and dynamic in characteristic. Focusing on the problem of two-phase
details the relation between the measured data and the quantities to be flow in a porous medium, their work reveals that the trio of ensemble
estimated (Leskens et al., 2008). This makes it possible to estimate randomized maximum likelihood filter (EnRML), ensemble Kalman
parameters which were hitherto difficult to be estimated and then filter (EnKF) and conforming ensemble Kalman filter gave results
serve as the virtual eyes of the rig crew that enables them make that were similar for the permeability and porosity (model variables)
informed decisions (Verikas, 2009). In the literature, several soft while the prediction of saturation (the state variable) was more
sensing tools abound (Leskens et al., 2008). One soft sensing tool satisfactory from EnRMI„
commonly used is the Kalman filter (KF) (Kalman, 1960). The Keshavarzi and Jahanbakhshi (2013) used an artificial neural
Kalman filter by definition is an efficient recursive data fusion network (feed-forward neural network with back-propagation
algorithm that estimates the future state of a variable of interest algorithmFFBP and a generalized regression neural network -GRNN)
(which hitherto was difficult to predict) by using a series of historical to estimate pore pressure gradient in a formation in Iran. The input
data measurements that contains noise and several other errors parameters they used include: porosity, permeability, rock density
(Aanonsen et al., 2009). The following are the selected cases of using and true vertical depth. The output parameter was the pore pressure
the Kalman filter to estimate drilling fluid flow in wellbores. gradient. The models developed were compared with Eaton's method
Agu (2014) used the numerical method of the I-D saint venant and were found to be better than the calculated values by Eaton's
equation to predict the rate of flow of fluid in both the steady and method. The pore pressure gradient values predicted by developed
dynamic states using a rectangular open channel venturi. The results FFBP when compared with GRNN show the best similarity and
from the work indicate that it is only possible to determine the rate of agreement with the measured values of pore pressure gradient for the
flow in the steady state condition. Using an ensemble Kalman filter in test data.
combination with the I-D saint venant equation, the work shows that Ljones (2013) used unscented Kalman filters to estimate two
it is possible to predict in real-time the flow rate within an accuracy drilling fluid properties namely: drilling mud density and viscosity.
level of 0.5%. He further combined the filter results for density and viscosity with
Agu and Lie (2014) in predicting the flow rate of fluids in real an unscented Kalman filter estimating the mud pump pressure, choke
time using a venturi channel applied the ensemble Kalman filter. In pressure, flow through the bit, and a geometry parameter. In each
the work, they report that this filter can be applied to a non- case, test data was generated by Simulink and WeMod simulation. It
Newtonian fluid with high flow velocity upstream within the throat was observed that while the unscented Kalman filter estimating
where the flow has slower velocities. The results indicates that the density and plastic viscosity had an acceptable performance for
algorithms for realtime predictions are able to predict the wavy Simulink model generated testdata, the unscented Kalman filters
O.E. Agwu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
O.E. Agwu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 300—315
The authors would like to appreciate the management of the One Dimensional
University of Uyo for providing an enabling environment to carry out 2-D Two Dimensional
this research.
AAPE Average Absolute Percentage Error
Abbreviations Al Artificial Intelligence
ANFIS Artificial Neuro Fuzzy Intelligent
ANN Artificial Neural Network
AUSMV Advection Upstream Splitting Method
BHP Bottom Hole Pressure; BP Back
BPNN Back Propagation Neural Network
CBR Case Based Reasoning
DANN Dynamic Artificial Neural Network
Extreme Learning Machine
EnKF Ensemble Kalman Filter
EnRML Ensemble Randomized Maximum
Likelihood filter Exploration and
FFBPN Feed Forward Back Propagation Network
FFMLP Feed Forward Multilayer Perceptron
FFNN Feed Forward Neural Network
FIS Fuzzy Intelligent Systems
GA Genetic Algorithm
GA - FIS Genetic Algorithm Fuzzy Intelligent
GA - FIS Genetic Algorithm Fuzzy Intelligent
GA-RBF Genetic Algorithm Radial Basis Function
GA-RBF Genetic Algorithm Radial Basis Function
GFNN Generalized Feed Forward Neural Network
HIS Hybrid Intelligent Systems
HTHP High Temperature High Pressure
Kalman Filter
LWD Logging While Drilling
MSE Mean Square Error
MAE Maximum Absolute Error
MAPE Maximum Absolute Percent Relative Error
MLP Multilayer Perceptron
MNN Modular Neural Network
MWD Measurement While Drilling
NFLTO No Free Lunch Theorem for Optimization
NMSE Normalized Mean Squared Error
NPT Non-Productive Time
OBM Oil Based Mud
PSA Particle Swarm Algorithm
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization
PSO-ANN Particle Swarm Optimization Artificial Neural Network
PSO-ANN Particle Swarm Optimization Artificial Neural Network
PSO-BP Particle Swarm Optimization Back
PSO-BP Particle Swarm Optimization Back
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