MS 365 Business

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A crash course in

Microsoft 365 for business

Bring your people and information together with
a powerful, secure productivity suite that helps
run and grow your business.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 2

Table of contents

3 4
Introduction Get more done

6 8
Work better together Build your business

10 12
Safeguard your data Simple to manage
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 3


Business growth depends on your people remote and on-site teams, simultaneous
doing their best work. That means making sure collaboration across multiple projects and time
they have the right tools to collaborate and zones and people working from all types of
be productive from anywhere. But you also different devices.
need to make sure that productivity doesn’t
come at the cost of keeping your company and Microsoft 365 helps with all these challenges,
customer data safe. providing an integrated solution that combines
the productivity of Office applications with
Microsoft 365 lets you strike the right balance, advanced security and device management
with productivity from virtually anywhere and capabilities.
always-on security. Microsoft 365 is designed
for the way that businesses work today – with In this eBook, you’ll learn how Microsoft 365
can help your business thrive and grow.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 4

Get more done
Get AI tools and the ability to store, access and
share files from anywhere
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 5

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Use AI to help you work Save time with easier

even smarter file access
The power of the cloud lets you leverage Small business owners spend more than
intelligent services in Microsoft 365 to produce 33 hours a month on administrative tasks,
better results and save time, so you can focus on time that could be better spent on more
the priorities that matter most to your business. valuable activities such as sales and business
One example is PowerPoint Designer, which development.¹ OneDrive for Business cuts
uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create down on wasted time by making file access
beautiful slides with just one click. While you’re quick and easy. You can share files and
putting content on a slide, Designer works in the collaborate on documents with anyone, inside
background via the cloud to match your content or outside of your organisation. With 1 TB of
to expertly designed layouts – so anyone in your storage, there’s also plenty of room for your
business can make more professional-looking files, and you can search files and folders across
presentations. In Microsoft Excel, AI powers any device, from anywhere. Looking for an
the new Ideas feature, which offers insights earlier version of a file? Right-click on the file
and suggestions tailored to your work, such as name for a history of up to 25 versions.
automatically identifying trends, patterns and
outliers in a data set. ¹ ‘The top admin tasks holding back small
businesses’, CA Today, May 2016.

How it works
Avoid versioning issues caused by passing 3. Instead of a static (and possibly outdated)
files back and forth via email. file, a OneDrive link to the latest version of
the file is attached to your email. Click on
1. Save an edited file in OneDrive. that link to Change permissions for added
security and allow only certain people to
2. Open a new email in Outlook and select edit or view the file.
Insert and Attach file. Then, select the file
you want to send from recent files saved in Because a OneDrive link is attached, files are
OneDrive. kept out of your inbox and everyone works
from the most recent version.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 6

Work better together
Chat, meet and collaborate
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 7

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Get your people on the same page Use shared mailboxes to keep up
with customers and prospects
Everyone working on a project can chat, meet
and collaborate with Microsoft Teams. Teams Microsoft Outlook can help you keep up
brings together people and information in with customers using a shared mailbox
a shared workspace with group chat, calling and alias, such as ‘[email protected]’ or
and online meetings. Plus, you have access to ‘[email protected]’. Outlook makes it easy for
built-in Office apps, so you can review and edit a group of workers to monitor and send email
Word, Excel and PowerPoint files within Teams. from the shared alias. When someone in the
With Teams apps for mobile devices, you can group replies to a message sent to the shared
stay connected to your team from almost mailbox, the email appears to be from the
anywhere. Inside Teams, you can interact shared address, not from the individual user.
with over 250 business apps, including Trello, You also can have a shared calendar associated
Evernote, Adobe, Github and Zendesk. with the mailbox (for example, a dedicated
Support or Sales calendar).

How it works
Need to review a document, spreadsheet or
presentation with a co-worker or client in
real time?

1. In Teams, start a chat with a co-worker, then Thanks to Teams, we’re able to tap
start a voice call. into exactly what its name conveys –
teamwork. In my entire career, I’ve
2. Once the call starts, select Share Screen,
then choose the document you want to never seen people who can use a
review together. single tool to get up to speed on so
many different projects so fast.
3. Now you can both view the document at
the same time.
Julia Hawkins,
4. If you want more people to join the review President and Chief Revenue Officer at the
session in Teams, select Invite more people. Future of StoryTelling
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 8

Build your business
Get more customers, track and grow
relationships and streamline processes
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 9

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Keep customers close Simplify scheduling

Still managing customer data in a Businesses that rely on providing services via
spreadsheet? Microsoft 365 can help you appointments – such as medical offices and
nurture relationships with Microsoft Bookings consulting and law firms – need a dependable
designed especially for small businesses. way to manage the booking process. Microsoft
Microsoft Bookings can help simplify Bookings provides an easy interface for
scheduling and appointments, so you can both employees and customers. In addition
save time, decrease no-shows and give your to automatically scheduling appointments,
customers more convenience and control. Bookings gives workers the flexibility to
manually schedule, reschedule, cancel or
otherwise modify appointments based on
stray phone calls and emails from customers.
Bookings also helps managers modify staff
lists, define services and pricing, set hours and
integrate existing customer/client lists.

How it works
Schedule customer appointments with Microsoft Bookings is both an online and
Bookings. You can then publish your mobile app, and it’s great for businesses
Bookings page to your website: that provide services to customers on an
appointment basis.

1. In the Bookings navigation pane, select

Booking page.

2. Verify your scheduling policies are correct

and then select Save and publish.

3. Select Open published page to see your

page in a web browser.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 10

Safeguard your data
Help protect against external threats and
leaks with built-in privacy and compliance
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 11

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Control access to documents and Defend against ransomware and

information malware with threat protection

Mobility is a good thing, but only if you can Sophisticated threats can fool even vigilant
keep your data safe. Microsoft 365 lets you employees. Microsoft 365 is built with enterprise-
set policies to help control access to your grade security in mind, with automatic updates
organisation’s email and documents for so you never have to worry about end of support.
supported mobile devices and apps. If a device Each user automatically receives the latest security
is lost or stolen, you can remotely wipe it to updates from Microsoft 365 and Windows 10 to
remove company data. protect your business’ data against emerging
threats, from malware to phishing to ransomware.
For example, if your employees have Surface
devices and Microsoft 365 subscriptions, they’ll be
able to work and collaborate on the go, with no
trade-off for security.

How it works
If an employee’s personal device is lost or
stolen, or the employee no longer works for
you, company data could be at risk. Here’s
how to remotely wipe business data from an There’s no way we could secure our
employee’s personal device.
servers to the degree that Microsoft
does. We sign massive NDAs for banks
1. In the Admin Centre, click on the Devices card. and corporations that guarantee the
confidentiality of their information.
2. Search for your user to view all their devices.
Being behind Microsoft walls gives us
3. Select the device you wish to remotely wipe, far stronger security.
click Remove company data and confirm.
Emma Bannister,
Chief Executive Officer at
The next time that user logs in to an Office app
Presentation Studio
on that device, they will be notified that your
business’ data has been removed.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 12

Simple to manage
Easy to set up and manage your users,
devices and data, giving you time back
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 13

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Manage users and devices Securely access apps and data

all in one place with Single Sign-On

The Microsoft 365 Admin Centre is your Microsoft 365 makes it easier for your workers
control centre for Microsoft 365, giving you a to use multiple apps and devices. With Single
single place to configure security policies and Sign-On, employees only need to remember
manage devices and apps. The Set-up Wizard one login across every app, Windows 10
condenses 45 enterprise-grade security device and service, which helps save time and
settings into 15 easy-to-understand toggles money on IT support without compromising
and pulldown menus. You can set policies security. (Research shows that the average
for mobile and Windows 10 devices, such as adult manages 25+ online accounts with
requiring a PIN or fingerprint to access files name/password combinations, and some
on a mobile device. larger organisations spend more than
one million USD annually on password-related
² ‘Best Practices: Selecting, Deploying, and support alone.)²
Managing Enterprise Password Managers‘,
Forrester, January 2018.

How it works
Do you need different policies for people
working in different roles (for example,
marketing, finance or HR)?

1. In the Admin Centre, select Add policy on

the Policies card.

2. Name the policy and select the policy type.

For example, select Windows 10 Device

3. You can select different options for a

particular team. For example, you may
want one group of employees to be able to
download apps from the Windows Store,
but not another.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 for business 14

Choose the right plan

for your business
Microsoft 365 is a subscription that Microsoft 365 helps you:
includes premium Office apps, powerful IT
management services and advanced security • Create your best work with Word, Excel,
that can help you run and grow your business. PowerPoint and Outlook.
By choosing the right Microsoft 365 plan and
• Chat, meet and collaborate with
pricing for your business, you can stay flexible
Microsoft Teams.
and scale as needs change – for example, by
adding or transferring seats for new workers. • Store, access and share your files anywhere
with 1 TB of OneDrive storage.

• Work from anywhere with Office apps on

any device.

See plans and pricing • Safeguard your business with enterprise-

grade protection and 24/7 support.

• Ensure you always have the latest, most

secure version of Windows 10 and Office
© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
reserved. This document is provided ‘as-
is’. Information and views expressed in this
document, including URLs and other Internet
website references, may change without notice.
You bear the risk of using it. This document does
not provide you with any legal rights to any
intellectual property in any Microsoft product.
You may copy and use this document for your
internal, reference purposes.

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