GTD (GS) Template

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GTD(GS) by Mike Sturm

This is a GTD template I created to be used as a multi-platform tool for a GTD implementation. For any
with with formulas
formulas) do.prepopulated (those
Cells with notes areare highlighted
listed in Orange)
below. Simply dragover
hover them down
the cell as
to you
see add rows.
the notes.
Cells with notes have a small blue triangle in the top right hand corner.


There is now a course available to guide you through how to get the most out of this spreadsheet. Get
access to it here:
sheet, change at
<-- Cells highlighted with this color orange have formulas that you should not
your own risk") change. Also, add columns carefully, so that the formulas still work correctly.
Tab Description
Core Values Just my for
A place coreyour
values that Ithoughts
random try to examine daily.toUse
and things or delete
process later.asCopy
you see
paste or
Inbox delete as you
Store your make them
projects intothe
here. Use projects,
system orto
put them in
number yourthe projects.
incubator.Be sure
Projects to read ALL of the comments so that the system works as it is supposed to.
Next Actions park your next actions here
Waiting for list any items you're waiting for that relate to a project. Be sure to list the project ID
Agendas list any aitems
Simply pivotyou need
table thattotakes
the with
openpeople that you
action items andhave regular meetings
the estimated with.
hours, and
Hours/Day shows youayour
Either put day's
project work
you'd in to
like hours
work on one day, or cut an entire row from your
Incubator projects sheet and paste it in a new
here. I also cut and paste projects that row here when
I decided it becomes
to kill or hand no longer active.
of completely, and
Projects (completed) I put notes in the final column as to when and why.
Additional Note on A handy-dandy
should work theresource
same way to as
remember andFor
project IDs. useexample,
GTD methods
some and best practices.
subprojects of #p12
Project IDs: is #p12.1, #p12.2, etc.

If you like this, please pass it on to others, and I would appreciate any donations via PayPal

Donate here.
If you prefer to tip in Bitcoin, you can do so to this address:
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email, and I will get back to you as I am able.
email me!
important notes to

C2, F2, G2, H2, I2, K1

A1, C1, E1, G1
eetings with.


donations via PayPal

back to you as I am able.

Simplicity Be simple in your thoughts and your actions.
Patience Be patient with both friends and enemies.
Compassion Be compassionate toward yourself and others.

Noble Eightfold Path Five Rememberances

my actions.
Right View - have faith & confidence that suffering can
be to cultivate them
alleviated Wisdom
Right Thinking - Acknowledge, but do no engage with My actions are the ground upon which
that may
unwholesomebring about hatred,
thoughts. Let enmity,
them wither I stand.
Right Speech
others, orand disharmony
to help among
them better understand Conduct
Right Action
the 4 noble truths of suffering, origination,
Right Livelihood -- Conduct
business in a way that
energy to avoid and prevent
does not
Fundamental Ground of Dhamma
cause suffering
Right Effort unwholesome states of mind, and to bring - suffering
about wholesome ones - origination
Practice samadhi--single-pointed - cessation
Right Concentratio concentration. Center the mind and focus Mental Discipline - a path
on the essence of what is going on now.
- non-self
Right Mindfulness (3) the activities of the mind (citta) and
(4) ideas, thoughts, conceptions and things - Anicca (impermanence)
- Dukkha (disatisfaction)
5 Precepts I vow:
Not to destroy life
Not to take what is not given
Not to engage in sexual misconduct
Not to lie
Not to abandon mental discipline or wisdom through intoxciation
What has your attention? Put it here.
"Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them." ~David Allen
Project ID Proj Description
#p1 A basic description of your project
Objective Target date
what you would like your project to accomplish
Status Open Loops Priority Stakeholder(s)
on hold 1 | 1 | 1 A
1 | 0 | 0
1 | 0 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
p# Next #p4
Project (associated Description (in hours) Target Date
#p1 email Tariq about to remind him of meeting 0.3 7/3
#p2 Research
call creditcredit
up current card deals on Nerdwallet
card provider to renegotiate 1/7
#p3 APR 1/9
#p1 finish drafting invite 1/7
Rank Notes done? context
2 online
1 make sure that there's a picture of a sloth somewhere home computer
me computer
Who? What?

Sarah Get more details/samples/prints

Project Reminder?

"Standing meetings and people you deal with on an ongoing basis may need their own 'Agenda' lists." ~David Allen
Who? What? Related Project ID
Jessica What do we think about balloons? #p1
done? (empty)

Target Date SUM of Time Estimated (in hours)

Total Result
Project ID (if
assigned one) Proj
Productivity Objective
revolutionize Target date Est. Hours RemaStatus
#p3 System productivity 12/1/18 100 take action
Open Loops Priority Stakeholder(s) p#
1 | 0 | 0 3
Project ID Proj Description Objective
#p2 Find the one ring to rule them all
Target date Est. Hours Status Next Action Priority completed number
0.5 waiting 1 | 0 | 0 C abandoned 9/2 2
chose not to pursue
"The great secret about goals and visions is not the future they describe but the change in the present they engend
Horizons of Focu

he change in the present they engender." ~David Allen
Context Altitude Question
Next-Actions Runway What is it? What’s the desired outcome?
Is it actionable? What’s the next action? (Does it
Projects 10,000 feet levehave more than one next action?)
What has to happen first?
What does doing look like?
Where does it happen?

Areas of Responsibili20,000 feet leveWhat do I need to maintain?

Short-Term Goals 30,000 feet leveWhat do I want to achieve?
What would long-term success look, sound and feel
Long-Term Goals 40,000 feet levelike (usually further than two years)?
what do you imagine or see yourself doing or
Purpose/Mission 50,000 feet leveWhy/How am I (are we)?



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