Akta Air 1920

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Waters 1


Act 418


Incorporating all amendments up to 1 January 2006



First enacted … ... ... ... … … … 1920 (Cap. No. 146)

Revised … … … … … … … … 1989 (Act 418 w.e.f

28 December 1989)


First Reprint ... ... ... ... ... 2001


Act 418




1. Short title, application and construction

2. Interpretation
3. Property in rivers
4. Restoration of river banks
5. Prohibition of acts affecting rivers, except under license
6. Presumptions
7. Prohibition of diversion of water from rivers, except under license
7A. Prohibition of pollution of rivers
8. License to divert water may authorize interference with State land or
alienated land
9. Revocation and alteration of licenses
10. Assessment of compensation
11. Record of license on titles affected
12. Fees for licenses
13. Liability for damage
14. Restriction on construction of walls and buildings on banks of rivers
or within flood channels
15. Penalties; sanction for prosecution
16. Power to put a stop to and remedy illegal acts
17. Liability of employer
18. Rules
4 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418
Waters 5

Act 418


An Act to provide for the control of rivers and streams.

[Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak and

Selangor—18 September 1920;
Malacca—4 August 1966;
Penang—10 August 1967;
Federal Territory—1 February 1974]

Short title, application and construction

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Waters Act 1920.

(2) This Act shall only apply to the States of Negeri Sembilan,
Pahang, Perak, Selangor, Malacca, Penang and Federal Territory.

*(3) Nothing in this Act shall affect any other Enactment and
no prohibition or restriction in this Act contained shall apply to
the Government of the States of Peninsular Malaysia or of any of
them or to the agents or servants of any of the said Governments.

*NOTE—1. In its application of this subsection to the Federal Territory, substitute the words
“Government of Malaysia” for the phrase “Governments of the States of Peninsular Malaysia or
of any of them” and substitute the word “Government” for the word “Governments” appearing at
the end of subsection (3) thereof—see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.

2. In its application to the State of Malacca, delete the words “States of Peninsular Malaysia” and
substitute with the words “State of Malacca”–see Malacca Enactment No. 5 of 1966.

3. In its application to the State of Penang, substitute the phrase “State of Penang or to its agents
or servants” for the phrase “State of Peninsular Malaysia or any of them or to the agents or servants
of any of the said Governments”–see Penang Enactment No. 4 of 1967.
6 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418


2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“river” includes—
(a) a tributary of a river and any other stream or natural
water course; and
(b) any canal declared by the State Authority of the State in
which such canal is situated by notification in the Gazette
to be subject to this Act;

“State land” and “alienated land” have the same meaning as

defined in the National Land Code [Act 56 of 1965];

“State Authority” has the same meaning as defined in the Local

Government Act 1976 [Act 171].

Property in rivers

3. Subject to the terms of any express grant made by or on behalf

of the Ruler of a State, the entire property in and control of all
rivers in any State is and shall be vested solely in the Ruler of such

*NOTE—In its application of this section to the Federal Territory, substitute the word “Minister”
for the words “State Authority of the State” appearing in paragraph (b) of the definition of “river”;
substitute the words “Federal land” for the definition of “State land”; substitute the words “National
Land Code as modified by the Federal Territory (Modification of National Land Code) Order 1974”
for the words “National Land Code” appearing in the definition of “State land”. Insert immediately
before the definition of “river” the following definition of “Commissioner” and “Minister”:

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner appointed under section 3 of the Federal Capital Act
1960 [Act 190];

“Minister” means the Minister responsible for the Federal Territory;’–see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.

1. In this revised Act, unless the context otherwise requires, in its application to the Federal
Territory—(i) substitute the word “Minister” for the words “State Authority”; (ii) the words “the
Federal Territory” for the words “any State” and “such State”; (iii) the word “Federation” for the
words “Ruler of a State” and “Ruler of such State”; (iv) the words “Federal land” for the words
“State land” and (v) the word “Commissioner” for the words “State Secretary”, “District Officer”
and “District Officer of such district” wherever they occur in this revised Act–see P.U. (A) 66 of

2. As for the States of Malacca and Penang—(i) delete the words “in any State”, “of such State”
and “in such State” (ii) substitute the words “Ruler of a State” and “Ruler of such State” with the
words “State Authority” wherever they occur in this revised Act–see Malacca Enactment No. 5 of
1966 and Penang Enactment No. 4 of 1967.
Waters 7
State; provided that in the case of lands held by the Government
under grant or lease or reserved for a public purpose and maintained
by a Government Department, such control may be exercised by
the Head of such Department, under the direction of the State

*Restoration of river banks

4. Any person who shall in any State interfere with the bank of
any river may by order of the State Authority be required to restore
the same to the condition in which it was immediately prior to such
interference or to remake the same in such manner as may be
specified in such order.

**Prohibition of acts affecting rivers, except under license

5. (1) No person shall, except under and in all accordance with

the terms of a licence under this Act,
(a) fell any tree so that it falls into a river;
(b) in any manner obstruct or interfere with any river;
(c) build any bridge, jetty, or landing stage (other than a
bath-house) over or beside any river at a point where the
width of such river exceeds twenty feet.

(2) Licences to do in any district any of the acts specified in

subsection (1) may be issued by the District Officer of such district
with the approval, in each case, of the State Authority, any such
licence may be subject to such conditions and restrictions as the
State Authority approves; all such conditions and restrictions shall
be set out in the licence.

(3) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be deemed to apply to any

bridge, jetty or landing stage in existence at the commencement
of this Act or to the repair or renewal thereof.

*NOTE—In its application to the State of Malacca, delete the words “State Authority” and substitute
with the words “Chief Minister”–see Malacca Enactment No. 5 of 1966.
**NOTE—In its application to the Federal Territory, delete the words “in any district of” appearing
in subsection (2) thereof–see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.
8 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418


6. Where the bank of a river is interfered with, or where any

felling, obstruction, interference, or building takes place in
contravention of section 5, the owner and the occupier of the land
wherein the bank so interfered with or any part thereof is included
and the owner and occupier of the land whereon such tree was
felled or which is nearest to such obstruction, interference or
building shall in any proceedings under this Act be presumed, in
the absence of proof to the contrary, to have interfered with the
bank, or effected the felling, obstruction, interference, or building,
as the case may be.

*Prohibition of diversion of water from rivers, except under


7. (1) Save as may be expressly authorized under the provisions

of any other law no person shall, except under and in accordance
with the terms of a licence under this Act, by means of any ditch,
drain, channel, pipe, or otherwise divert water of any river from
its natural course.

(2) Whenever any such diversion shall have been made, the
occupier or occupiers of the lands (if any) benefited by such
diversion shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be presumed
to have made it.

(3) Licences to divert water from a river in any State for use
in the generation of electricity may be granted by the State Authority
of such State.

(4) Licences to divert water from a river in any district for use:
(a) for private or domestic purposes;
(b) in the cultivation of rice;
(c) for industrial and other purposes,

may be granted by the District Officer of such district with the

approval, in each case falling under paragraph (a) or (c) of this
subsection, of the State Authority.

*NOTE—In its application to the Federal Territory, delete the words “in any district” appearing
in subsection (4) thereof–see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.
Waters 9
(5) Every licence granted under this section shall set out the
purpose for which the same is granted and shall be for such period
and subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be stated

*Prohibition of pollution of rivers

7A. (1) Save as may be expressly authorized under any written

law or the terms of any express grant made by or on behalf of the
State Authority no person shall except under and in accordance
with the terms and conditions of licence issued under this section
cause to enter or discharge into any river—
(a) any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter that will render
or is likely to render or contribute to rendering such river
or part thereof harmful or detrimental or injurious to
public health, safety or welfare, or to animal or vegetable
life or health or to other beneficial uses of such river;

*NOTE—1. In its application of this section to the States of Malacca and Negeri Sembilan delete
paragraphs (c) and (d) appearing in subsection (1); insert the following new paragraphs (d) and
(e) in subsection (2):
“(d) the sea-coast of the State; and
(e) any artificial watercourse.”;

substitute subsection (3) with the following new subsection (3):

“(3) Whenever any matter under subsection (1) shall have been discharged or caused to enter
into any river, the owner or occupier of the property from which such entry or discharge originates
shall, unless the contrary is proved, be presumed to have discharged it or caused it to enter into
such river.”;

substitute the phrase “discharge or cause the entry in a river any matter” for the phrase “enter or
discharge into a river any of the matter” appearing in subsection (4) thereof; substitute the following
new proviso for the proviso appearing in subsection (6):

“Provided that where an appeal pursuant to subsection (7) is brought against the refusal or the
revocation of any licence or the alteration or variation of the period, terms and conditions of any
such licence made by the State Secretary under preceding paragraphs (a) to (c), such licence shall
remain in force until the appeal is discharged of in accordance with decision of the State Authority
referred to in subsection (7).”;

substitute subsection (7) with the following new subsection (7):

“(7) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the State Secretary may within twenty-one days
of the receipt of the notification of such decision appeal to the State Authority whose decision shall
be final.”.

see Malacca Enactment No. 16 of 1971 and Negeri Sembilan Enactment No. 12 of 1971.
10 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418

(b) any matter which by virtue of its temperature, chemical

or biological content or its effect in discolouring the
waters makes or contributes to making such river or part
thereof a potential danger to public health, safety or
welfare or to animal or vegetable life or health, or affects
other beneficial uses of such river;
(c) any matter which by virtue of its physical nature, or its
effect in discolouring waters, makes or contributes to
making such water, difficult to treat; or
(d) oil of any nature, used, waste or otherwise.

(2) For purpose of this section the word “river” shall without
prejudice to section 2 be deemed to further include—
(a) any inland waters whether or not such inland waters fall
within the definition of “river” in section 2;
(b) any subterranean water resources; and
(c) any water in an estuary or sea adjacent to the coast of
the State.

(3) Whenever any such entry or discharge shall have been made,
the owner or occupier of the property from which such entry or
discharge originates shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary,
be presumed to have made it.

2. In its application to the State of Pahang, substitute section 7A thereof with a new section 7A
as follows:

“7A . (1) Any person who without lawful authority removes water (otherwise than for domestic
purposes) from State land, alienated land, mining land or reserved land shall be guilty of an
offence punishable under this Act.

(2) The State Authority may in accordance with any rules under section 18 permit the
removal of water from State land, alienated land, mining land or reserved land.”.

see Pahang Enactment No. 8 of 1985.

3. In its application to the Federal Territory, substitute a full-stop for the words “;and” appearing
at the end of paragraph (2)(1)(b) and delete the whole paragraph (c) thereof; delete the phrase “in
which the river or part thereof is located” appearing in subsection (4) thereof; substitute the words
“the Minister” for the phrase “an appeal board in which the application for a licence under this
section was originally made” appearing in paragraph (7)(a) and delete the whole paragraphs (b),
(c) and (d) thereof. see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.

4. This section 7A does not apply to the States of Penang and Selangor.
Waters 11
(4) Licence to enter or discharge into a river any of the matter
decribed in subsection (1) of this section may be granted by the
State Secretary in which the river or part thereof is located.

(5) Every licence granted under this section shall set out the
purpose for which the same is granted and shall be for such period
and such conditions and restrictions as may be laid down in the

(6) The State Secretary shall have power at any time without
cause assigned to—
(a) refuse to grant a licence;
(b) revoke any licence issued under this section; or
(c) alter or vary the period, term and conditions of any such

Provided that where an appeal pursuant to paragraph (7)(a) is

brought against the revocation of any licence or the alteration or
variation of the period, term and condition of any such licence
made by the State Secretary under the preceding paragraphs (b)
and (c), such licence shall remain in force until the appeal is
disposed of in accordance with the decision of the appeal board
referred to in paragraph (7)(c).

(7) (a) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the State Secretary
within twenty-one days of the receipt of the notification of such
decision appeal to an appeal board in which the application for a
licence under this section was originally made.

(b) An appeal board referred to in the preceding paragraph (a)

shall comprise the following members from the State of Perak:
(i) Menteri Besar.
(ii) State Legal Adviser.
(iii) State Director of Lands and Mines.
(iv) State Director of Medical and Health Services.
(v) State Director of Drainage and Irrigation.
(vi) Two members to be appointed by the State Authority
from nomination made by the manufacturing and planting
12 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418

(c) Every member appointed under subparagraph (b)(vi) above

shall, unless he sooner resigns or his office or his appointment
revoked, or his office shall otherwise become vacant, hold office
for a period not exceeding two years from the date of appointment
but shall be eligible for reappointment.

(d) On receipt of an appeal, the appeal board shall convene a

meeting and adopt such procedure and make such decision as it
deems fit and its decision shall be final.

(8) No compensation shall be payable to any licensee whose

licence is revoked, altered or varied in accordance with subsection (6).

(9) The State Authority may for the purpose of determining the
conditions and restrictions to be prescribed on licences issued
under subsection (4) appoint a committee consisting of such persons
as may be prescribed.

(10) The State Authority in appointing such Committee shall

take into consideration the need to protect public health, safety and
welfare and animal and vegetable health and life as well as the
need to promote industrial growth and to protect other beneficial
uses of rivers.

License to divert water may authorize interference with State

land or alienated land

8. (1) A licence under this Act to divert water from a river in any
State may extend to authorizing the licensee to erect, cut, or construct
and maintain upon or through any State lands or alienated lands
specified in that behalf in the licence any pump, line of pipes,
flume, race, drain, dam, or reservoir and, subject to such conditions
and restrictions as may be specified in the licence, to take and use
the water therefrom in such quantities and in such manner as in
the opinion of the State Authority of such State may be necessary
for carrying out the purpose of the license.

(2) A licensee so authorized as aforesaid may enter upon the

State lands or alienated lands so specified as aforesaid for the
purposes expressed in such license and carry out all or any of the
works thereby sanctioned and exercise all or any of the rights
thereby granted; provided that he shall be liable to make compensation
to the owner or lawful occupier of any alienated land upon which
such work shall be carried out or such rights exercised.
Waters 13
Revocation and alteration of licenses

9. *(1) There shall be power at any time—

(a) without cause assigned to revoke or alter, or to vary the
period, terms, or conditions of, any license granted under
this Act upon payment to the licensee of compensation
for any damage which he may sustain in respect of such
revocation, alteration, or variation;
(b) to revoke without compensation any license on breach by
the licensee of any condition or restriction to which the
license is subject or on conviction of the licensee of any
offence punishable under this Act.

(2) The power in subsection (1) referred to may in the case of

a license granted by the State Authority be exercised by the State
Authority and in the case of a license granted by a District Officer
be exercised by the District Officer; provided that in the case of
a license to the granting whereof the approval of the State Authority
is required, such approval shall also be necessary to the exercise
by a District Officer of the power in subsection (1) referred to.

Assessment of compensation

10. The amount of any compensation payable under either of the

two last preceding sections shall, if not settled by agreement between
the parties concerned, be claimed and determined by suit in the
appropriate court.

Record of license on titles affected

11. Where alienated land is affected by any authority under section

8 contained in a license to divert water from a river, the Land
Administrator or Registrar, as the case may be, having custody of
the Register wherein the title to such land is recorded shall, on
production to him of such license, make in the said Register an
entry of the grant of the license and of the period thereof and shall

*NOTE—In its application of this subsection (1) to the States of Perak, Malacca and Negeri
Sembilan, insert the following proviso thereto:
“Provided that this subsection shall not apply to the revocation, alteration or variation of a licence
issued under section 7A of this Act”.
see Perak Enactment No. 11 of 1973, Malacca Enactment No. 16 of 1971 and Negeri Sembilan
Enactment No. 12 of 1971.
14 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418

certify on the license that such entry has been made and shall on
proof to his satisfaction of the revocation of any license whereof
an entry has been made as aforesaid make in the said Register an
entry of such revocation.

Fees for licences

12. (1) There shall be payable in respect of every licence under
this Act in any State such annual fee as may be prescribed, or if
no such annual fee be prescribed then such annual fee as the State
Authority may impose.

(2) The amount of the annual fee, with the date on which payment
is due, shall be set out in every licence.

(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, in

the case of any licence to divert water for use in the generation
of electricity, there shall be payable in respect thereof, either the
annual fee or such other payments as the State Authority may
impose, which shall be payable at such rates, on such dates, and
in such manner, as may be set out in the licence.

(4) Any licence in respect whereof the fee or other payment

shall remain unpaid for sixty days after the same falls due may
without notice to the licensee be revoked, and no compensation
shall be payable in respect of such revocation.

Liability for damage

13. No license under this Act shall exempt any person from
liability in respect of any damage occassioned by such person to
the property of the Government or of any person.

Restriction on construction of walls and buildings on banks of

rivers or within flood channels
14. (1) Save as may be expressly authorized under the provisions
of any other law no person shall in any State after the commencement
of this Act erect or build any wall or construct any revetment along
the bank of any river or erect any building or structure within fifty
feet of any such bank, or within any flood channel declared under
this section, except under and in accordance with the terms of a
written permission in that behalf from the State Authority; any
such permission may be subject to such conditions and restrictions
as the State Authority thinks fit to impose.
Waters 15
(2) Where the State Authority is satisfied that the bed of any
river in such State is insufficient to contain the waters thereof in
time of such floods as may be reasonably expected, he may by
notification in the Gazette declare any land abutting on such river
and extending to such a distance from either or both banks as may
be specified in such notification to be a flood channel for such
river, and may at any time in like manner revoke or vary any such

(3) The District Officer or any person authorized thereto by him

in writing may enter upon and inspect any buildings or premises
to which a permission given under subsection (1) relates.

(4) Any person who contravenes this section shall be liable to

a fine of two thousand ringgit; and any building or construction
built or erected in contravention of this section may be removed
by order of the State Authority and the cost of such removal shall
be recoverable from such person by the State Authority, or any
person authorized in that behalf by the State Authority, by civil

(5) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to any wall,

reventment, building, or structure in existence or in course of
construction at the commencement of this Act or the renewal or
repair thereof.

*Penalties; sanction for prosecution

15. (1) Any person who fails to obey any order given under section
4 shall be liable to a fine of five hundred ringgit and additionally
to a fine of ten ringgit a day for every day during which such
disobedience shall continue.

*NOTE—1. In its application of this section to the States of Perak, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan—
(i) delete the word “or” after the words “section 5” in subsection (2) thereof and substitute therefor
with a comma and adding after the word “7” the words “or 7A ”; (ii) substitute the words “one
thousand ringgit” with the words “ten thousand ringgit” but for the State of Perak substitute with
the words “two thousand ringgit” thereof and (iii) insert the following proviso in subsection (3)
“Provided that this provision in this subsection shall not apply in respect of any offence in
contravention of section 7A ”.
see Perak Enactment No. 11 of 1973, Malacca Enactment No. 16 of 1971 and Negeri Sembilan
Enactment No. 12 of 1971.
2. In its application to the Federal Territory, substitute the words “Public Prosecutor” for the
phrase “District Officer of the district wherein the offence is alleged to have been committed”
appearing in subsection (3) thereof–see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.
16 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418

(2) Any person who shall contravenes section 5 or 7 shall be

liable to a fine of one thousand ringgit.

(3) No prosecution shall be instituted in respect of any offence

punishable under this section except with the written sanction of
the District Officer of the district wherein the offence is alleged
to have been committed.

(4) Where a conviction is had before the Court of a Magistrate

of the First Class of any offence referred to in subsection (1) or
(2) such court may impose any penalty provided by this Act.

*Power to put a stop to and remedy illegal acts

16. (1) Where in any State any such person interferes with the
bank of a river or contravenes section 5 or 7, the State Authority
of such State may do and cause to be done all such things as may
in his opinion be necessary or expedient for remedying such
interference or contravention or the results thereof, and the cost
thereby incurred shall be recoverable from such person by State
Authority, or any person authorized in that behalf by the State
Authority, by civil suit.

(2) In amplification and not in derogation of the generality of

the foregoing powers the State Authority may cause the bank of
any river which has been interfered with to be restored or remade,
any tree, which on being felled has fallen into a river, or any
obstruction in or interference with a river, or any bridge, jetty, or
landing stage (other than a bath-house) over or beside any river
to be removed or destroyed, and any ditch, drain, channel, pipe,
or other means of diverting the water of any river from its natural
course to be filled in, closed, destroyed, or removed.

*NOTE—1. In its application of this section to the States of Perak, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan—
(i) delete the word “or” after the words “section 5” appearing in subsections (1) and (3) thereof
and substitute therefor with a comma and adding after the word “7” the words “or 7A”; (ii) substitute
a comma for the full-stop at the end of subsection (2) thereof and adding thereafter the words “and
any pollution in a river to be removed or abated in a manner as may be directed by the State
Secretary”– see Perak Enactment No. 11 of 1973, Malacca Enactment No. 16 of 1971 and Negeri
Sembilan Enactment No. 12 of 1971.
2. In its application to the Federal Territory, substitute (i) the phrase “as a debt to the Government”
for the phrase “by State Authority, or any person authorized in that behalf by the State Authority,
by civil suit” appearing in subsection (1) thereof and (ii) substitute a comma for the full-stop at
the end of subsection (2) thereof and adding thereafter to phrase “in such manner as he may think
fit”–see P.U. (A) 66 of 1974.
Waters 17
(3) For the purpose of any work or thing about to be or being
carried out or done under this section, entry may be made upon
any land owned or occupied by any person whose interference
with the bank of a river or contravention of section 5 or 7 has given
occasion for such work or thing; provided that nothing herein
contained shall authorize entry into any dwelling-house and that
before entry upon land owned or lawfully occupied by any person
not less than twenty-four hours previous notice in writing shall,
except in any case where the District Officer otherwise directs, be
given to such owner or occupier.

(4) Nothing in this section contained shall affect any liability

of any person to prosecution and punishment under section 15.

Liability of employer
17. For the purpose of this Act every person shall be liable for
every act and omission of any agent or servant employed by him
and acting within the scope of such employment in the same
manner and to the same extent as if such act or omission were done
or committed by such first mentioned person; but so that nothing
in this section shall affect the liability of such agent or servant.

18. (1) In any State the State Authority may from time to time,
make rules, not inconsistent with this Act,
(a) to prescribe fees payable in respect of licenses granted
under this Act;
(b) to restrict to particular areas or rivers the issue by District
Officers of licences, or specified kinds of licences under
sections 5 and 7;
(c) generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the
provisions and purposes of this Act.

(2) All such rules shall be published in the Gazette and shall
thereupon have the force of law.

*NOTE—In its application of this section to the States of Perak, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan,
insert the words “State Secretary or” between the words “by” and “District” in line two appearing
in paragraph (1)(b) thereof; the word “and” occuring in line three thereof substitute with a comma
and for the semi-colon appearing at the end of the said paragraph (b) substitute with the words
“and 7A”–see Perak Enacment No. 11 of 1973, Malacca Enactment No. 16 of 1971 and Negeri
Sembilan Enactment No. 12 of 1971.
18 Laws of Malaysia ACT 418


Act 418



Amending law Short title In force from

En. 36/1933 Revised Edition of the Laws 09-02-1934

(Repeals and Minor Amendments)
Enactment 1933

En. 18/1937 Statute Law Revision (Chief 26-07-1937

Secretary’s Powers)

L.N. 300/1950 Transfer of Powers 04-07-1950

(Amendment No. 2) Order 1950

Malacca Enact. No. Waters Enactment of the Federated 04-08-1966

5/1966 Malay States (F.M.S. Cap. 146)
(Extended Application to Malacca)
Enactment 1966

Penang Enact. No. Waters (Extended Application 10-08-1967

4/1967 to Penang) Enactment 1967

Malacca Enact. No. Waters Enactment of the Federated 16-09-1971

16/1971 Malay States (Extended Application
to Malacca) (Amendment) 1971

Negeri Sembilan Waters Enactment (F.M.S. Cap. 09-12-1971

Enact. No. 12/1971 146) (Amendment) 1971

Perak Enact. No. Waters (Amendment) Enactment 01-02-1974

11/1973 1973

P.U. (A) 66/1974 Federal Territory (Modification of 01-02-1974

the Waters Enactment) Order 1974

Pahang Enact. No. Waters Enactment (Amendment) 01-01-1986

8/1985 1985
Waters 19

Act 418



Section Amending authority In force from

2 En. 18/1937 26-07-1937

3 En. 36/1933 09-02-1934

5 En. 36/1933 09-02-1934

7A En. 161/1971 16-09-1971

10 En. 36/1933 09-02-1934

12 En. 36/1933 09-02-1934

15 Act 160 29-08-1975

18 En. 36/1933 09-02-1934

En. 18/1937 26-07-1937


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