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MyTripGen 2020, PURPOSE AND
Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020


The Malaysian Trip Generation Manual 2021 to September 2021 for this study.
(MyTripGen) 2020 is the 5th Edition of Newer versions of the Manual were
Malaysia Trip Generation Manual aims to published at the end of each phase.
provide transportation engineers and
planners with guidance for estimating the Expansion of trip generation database
amount of traffic that would be expected has been continuously made over the
to be generated by a new development or years to improve the overall quality of the
expansion of an existing land use. As original manual in order to gain greater
indicated in Figure 1.1, the database of confidence and acceptance of the trip
the Malaysian traffic-land use relationship rates and equations among transport
was developed in year 1995 – 1996 with practitioners in the country.
255 numbers of site surveys in Trip
However, the current 5th Edition of the
Generation Pilot Study. Subsequently, in
database between the previous manual
year 2000 – 2010, there are 306, 315 and
and current MyTripGen 2020 are non-
355 numbers of site surveys respectively
compatible due to huge gap of trip rates
for Trip Generation Phase II Study to Trip
between existing data (MTGM 2010) and
Generation Phase IV Study.
new data. MyTripGen 2020 covers all
land use types from sites located all over
MyTripGen 2020 study was done during
the country. The land use categories in
the Pandemic Covid-19 period which
MyTripGen 2020 has been updated with
started in March 2020. Total number of
PLANMalaysia Manual GIS Rancangan
205 site surveys was done within March
Pemajuan Versi 2.0 as a guide.

306 sites 355 sites

1995 2000 2003 2007

– – – – 2020
1996 2001 2005 2010

255 sites 315 sites 205 sites

Figure 1.1: Total number of site surveys conducted over the years

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

1.2 SECTIONS OF MyTripGen 2020

MyTripGen 2020 consists of the following five (5) sections:

Describes purpose and scope of MyTripGen 2020, glossary

and abbreviations of key terminologies, and the format of trip
generation data sheets.

Describes the suggested application procedures for using the

trip generation relationships presented in MyTripGen 2020.

Describes the land use codes.

Describes each land use type, category and sub-category.

Presents the trip generation graphs and tables for individual

land use categories for Part A – MyTripGen 2020 (2010
Data). Trip rates are provided for morning and evening
commuter peak, generator peak and daily traffic.

Presents the trip generation graphs and tables for individual

land use categories for Part B – MyTripGen 2020 (Pandemic
Covid-19 Data). Trip rates are also provided for morning and
evening commuter peak, generator peak and daily traffic.

Users of MyTripGen 2020 are urged to read the introductory sections of the manual
prior to using the trip rate relationship. An index for land use codes and description are
respectively provided in Sections 3 and 4 and should be referred to establish land use

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020


MyTripGen 2020 enables practitioners to The road authority can impose specified
predict the number of vehicle trips LOS requirements on the development
generated by a specific land use during proponent to maintain a designated LOS
planning stage of development or by upgrading existing junctions or road
expansion of existing development. link. If the development proponent lacks
Generated trip equations or rates are the financial resources for junction or
proportioned into trip attraction (IN) and road link upgrades, then the proposed
trip production (OUT). In many instances, level of development can be scaled down
these extra trips adversely impact or reduced accordingly to commensurate
existing levels of traffic demand, normally with the generated trips. It is therefore
quantified in terms of Level of Service important to accurately predict the
(LOS) as illustrated in Figure 1.2. number of trips expected from a planned
The context of the study needs to be
Worse traffic performance viewed from the development process
and progress perspective of the physical
Figure 1.2: Level of Service (LOS) built environment currently being taken.
All efforts are being made to ensure that
The manual is therefore an important
the various problems that occur with this
document for preparing and reviewing
form of development are avoided by
traffic impact assessment or small area
undertaking prudent steps in the planning
traffic studies which often required by
stage. With the widespread use of
government agencies as part of planning
MyTripGen 2020 and associated
approval processes. The trip generation
procedures in the planning process, the
forecasting step forms one small step in
sustainability of road network can be
such traffic studies. Since it is the
maintained even with further increase of
foundation or the first step taken in the
traffic volumes on the road network, thus
traffic planning process, it has direct
allowing for efficient and economic
impacts on the internal traffic circulation,
movement of people and goods.
roadway capacity, signalized junction
operations and, at times, funding of off-
site improvements.

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020


There are several key terminologies that will be used throughout MyTripGen 2020.
Some terminologies may sound customary but have its own technical meaning. A
glossary of several terms to enhance understanding of the manual and to serve as a
quick reference for the user is as follows:

A journey that a person or vehicle undertakes which

begins at one location and ends at another. Trips are
one way unless otherwise stated.

The start or end of a trip is referred to as a trip-end. Each

trip has two trip-ends (an origin and a destination) as
shown in Figure 1.3. In this study, the counted number of
vehicles entering or departing from a site actually reflects
the number of trip-ends. For the purpose of a site-specific
traffic impact study, the distinction between trip and trip-
ends is not important. For area-wide traffic studies
however, the distinction between a trip and a trip-end is
very important.



Figure 1.3: Trips and Trip-Ends

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

Independent A feature of development such as building square

Variable footage which is assumed to have a direct relationship
with the traffic generated by the development.

The total number of inbound and outbound vehicle trip

Trip Generation
ends to/from a site over a given period. “Generation” does
not mean that the trip is outbound, as the non-technical
use of the word would suggest. Nor does the word mean
that the land use is the source of the trips or attracts the

The highest one-hour flow of traffic during a defined

Peak Hour
period of time. This hour is defined by the highest volume
of consecutive counts (for instance 7.30 am to 8.30 am)
rather than the highest clock-hour total (7.00 am to 8.00

The period during the day when commuter traffic at an

Commuter Peak
adjacent street to the site is highest. In this MyTripGen
2020, AM Peak Hour of Commuter is defined as the
highest one-hour flow (accumulation of four consecutive
15-minutes) between the period of 6.00 am to 10.00 am.
The PM Peak Hour of Commuter is defined as the
highest one-hour flow (accumulation of four consecutive
15-minutes) within the period of 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
These periods correspond to the time of day when traffic
flows on a street adjacent to a survey site are typically
highest. Sometimes, these are referred to as the peak
periods of the adjacent street traffic.

The highest one-hour of traffic flow during the day for

Generator Peak
traffic entering and exiting a site. The AM Peak Hour of
Generator is defined as the highest one-hour traffic
generation (accumulation of four consecutive 15-minutes)
for the proposed project before noon, while the PM Peak
Hour of Generator is the highest one-hour of traffic
generation (accumulation of four consecutive 15-minutes)
in the afternoon till 10.00 pm.

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

Daily Trip This corresponds to the total trips generated by the

Generation development for the whole day, which is defined as
between 6:00 am to 10:00 pm (16-hours).

Average Rate This corresponds to the average trip rate value that is
Value obtained from averaging the individual trip rates for all sites
considered for a particular land use in the trip generation

Standard Standard deviation is a measure of distribution about the

Deviation average trip rate.

This is the minimum trip rate from amongst all individual

Minimum Rate
trip rates for all sites considered for a particular land use in
the trip generation process.

This is the maximum trip rate from amongst all individual

Maximum Rate
trip rates for all sites considered for a particular land use in
the trip generation process.

Coefficient of determination is a statistical measure used

to describe how well trip generation equations match
surveyed data points. It represents the percentage of the
variance in the number of trips associated with the
variance in the size of the independent variable.

Regression This is a formula that relates the predicted trips (Y) to the
Formula land use variable/parameter (X) which is considered to
have a direct relationship to the trips generated by that
land use.

Vehicle This corresponds to the percentage of each category of

Composition vehicle in a traffic stream/flow.

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

A passenger car unit (PCU) is a measure of the impact of

a vehicle on the capacity of a road, measured as
equivalent to the impact of a passenger car. The term
passenger car equivalent (PCE) is the American usage.
Since the mix of vehicles from site to site varies widely,
vehicle flows are often converted to PCU to provide
consistency for analysis. There are five (5) vehicle types
with the corresponding PCU factors in the current vehicle
classification by Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). The vehicle
classification and PCU factors in Arahan Teknik Jalan
(ATJ) 38/2018, Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2011
and Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2006 are shown in
Section 2.

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020


MyTripGen 2020 is a unique study as it is been introduced throughout the country

conducted during Covid-19 pandemic in by the Government, hence causing
Malaysia between March 2021 until Malaysian traffic to dramatically reduced
September 2021. Numerous types of during this period.
Movement Control Order (MCO) have

Figure 1.4: Empty road in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during MCO

The initial approach intended to be Hence, existing data from MTGM 2010
adopted in this MyTripGen was to was re-analysed and new improved trip
improve the previous MTGM 2010 data generation equations were derived
by adding trip generation data from new without adding the new data collected
sites. However, the approach of adding during pandemic. There will be two (2)
new data collected to the previous 2010 parts of data in this MyTripGen as
trip generation data could not be done shown. These two (2) parts will be
due to the advent of Covid-19 pandemic distinctly kept separated as to their
as the traffic condition is envisaged to be applicability in the professional use of the
different from normal condition. Manual. Some land uses only present
one (1) type of data, while some presents

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

Improved trip generation The vehicle and passenger car unit trip

2010 Data
equations & tables based on rates in this manual are intended for sites
A MTGM 2010 data for normal
with small area traffic studies rather than
traffic situation.
regional transport studies. Regional
New trip generation data transport studies often define and

comprising of equations

and tables derived using calculate trips differently from site traffic
trip generation data during studies and small area traffic studies. The
Covid-19. database in this manual covers a wide
range of land use types and reflects
The data collection for this study focused
geographic differences between trip
on vehicle trip and equivalent passenger
generations in various states in Malaysia.
car unit (PCU) trip rates to measure
To achieve this comprehensiveness,
stand-alone land use developments.
sample sizes are less than those aspired
These stand-alone development survey
for most land use categories. Subsequent
sites generally reflect modern design
efforts are needed to expand the
practices, which provide adequate on-site
database to better statistical confidence
parking and are oriented towards
automobiles for site access. This type of
modern development is dominant in

Figure 1.5: Normal traffic condition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020


Simple analysis summary sheets for each land use category surveyed have been
developed and included in the manual. Five (5) graphs are presented in each sub-
category, which describes as in Figure 1.6 and illustration for five (5) different graphs
and tables are shown in Figure 1.7.
AM Peak Hour of Commuter

PM Peak Hour of Commuter

5 Graphs For
Each Sub- AM Peak Hour of Generator
PM Peak Hour of Generator

Daily Trip Generation

Figure 1.6: Five (5) different graphs presented in each sub-category

Figure 1.7: Illustration for five (5) different graphs and tables

Ministry of Works Malaysia

MyTripGen 2020

For each graph, the following details are shown:

 A plot of surveyed data points.
 The best fitted linear regression equation which passes through the origin.
 The coefficient of determination, R2

On the right-side of each graph, one (1) table is shown. The data presented in the table
is as described in Figure 1.8.

01 Number of site R2 value for the equation 05

02 Average trip rate value Regression equation 06

Minimum and maximum trip Percentage of inbound and
03 rates outbound trips 07
Vehicle types and composition
04 Standard deviation for data
of each vehicle types 08

Land Use : Transportation

Minor Group : Off – Street Car Park
Unit Group : Multistorey Car Park
Variable : Trips per TSF

Figure 1.8: Eight (8) data presented on each graph


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