ALL Cases Submitted Today
ALL Cases Submitted Today
ALL Cases Submitted Today
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-They filed an MR but was denied and thus they
filed this petition for review on certiorari and insist
III. OBJECT AND DOCUMENTARY different version of events.
-People of the phil filed their comment and said that
it is improper for this court to re-evaluate the
Section 1. Object as evidence. — Objects findings of the lower court.
as evidence are those addressed to the
senses of the court. When an object is -Petitiner reply that respondent failed to directly
relevant to the fact in issue, it may be confront the factual issues they had raised.
exhibited to, examined or viewed by the
court. (1a) ISSUE: whether or not petitioners are guilty beyond
reasonable doubt?
Daayata, et al v. People, G.R. No. 205745, March Requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt finds
8, 2017 basis not only in the due process clause of the
Constitution, but similarly, in the right of an
FACTS: Petitioners Capistrano Daayata (Daayata), accused to be "presumed innocent until the contrary
Dexter Salisi (Salisi), and Bregido Malacat, Jr. is proved." "Undoubtedly, it is the constitutional
(Malacat) were charged with frustrated murder. presumption of innocence that lays such burden
upon the prosecution." Should the prosecution fail
-they box and struck one Rolando 0. Bahian with a to discharge its burden, it follows, as a matter of
stone and hitting the latter's head and several parts course, that an accused must be acquitted. As
of his body, thereby inflicting injuries. explained in Basilio v. People of the Philippine
-Five (5) witnesses testified for the prosecution: the In this case the prosecution case was not able to
offended party, Rolando Bahian (Bahian); Kagawad stand on its own merits. There were doubts on
Leonardo Abalde (Kagawad Abalde) of Barangay whether challenged the petitioners in vicente’s
San Simon, Cagayan de Oro City; Barangay house, whether complainant was relentlessly
Captain Reynaldo Yafiez (Barangay Captain assaulted
Yafiez); Dr. Percy H. Arreza (Dr. Arreza) of the
Cagayan de Oro City Hospital; and Dr. John Mata It appears that, rather than letting the better part of
(Dr. Mata), the surgeon who tended to Bahian. reason and modesty prevail, Bahian elected to make
good on his threat to eventually just get even with
-According to the witness Bahian has altercation his adversaries. Along the way, it even appears that
with Salisi in a Basketball game Bahian and he enlisted the aid of Kagawad Abalde, whose
Kagawad Abalde made their way to Barangay participation in the clash in the morning of
Captain Yafiez' house.18 While on their way, they December 17, 1995, as the defense recounted, was
were blocked by petitioners.19 Daayata hit Bahian not as a pacifier but also as an aggressor.
on the left part of his chest.20 Bahian staggered and Unfortunately for Bahian, it appears that his own
fell onto a parked jeep.21 Salisi then hit Bahian with hubris and lack of fighting prowess not only
a stone on the left side of his forehead, causing prolonged his quarrel, but even brought him
Bahian to fall to the ground.22 While Bahian was potentially fatal physical harm.
lying prostrate on the ground, petitioners boxed and
kicked Bahian.23 Kagawad Abalde tried his best to
get Bahian away but to no avail.24 All he could do
was to shout for help.25 Daayata then poked a gun at
Bahian, Malacat unsheathed a bolo, and Salisi
wielded an iron bar. People v. Larrañaga, G.R.
No. 138874-75. January 31,
RTC decision- find them guilty of frustrated muder.
On appeal the CA affirmed the RTC.
A Decision convicting the Uy
brothers, together with Francisco Juan
Larrañaga, Josman Aznar, Rowen
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Adlawan, Alberto Caño and Ariel Balansag temporal.6 There being no aggravating and
of the crimes of (a) special complex crime mitigating circumstance, the penalty to be
of kidnapping and serious illegal detention imposed on James Andrew is reclusion
with homicide and rape; and (b) simple temporal in its medium period. Applying
kidnapping and serious illegal detention. the Indeterminate Sentence Law, he
should be sentenced to suffer the penalty
Three (3) Justices of the Court of twelve (12) years of prision mayor in its
maintain their position that RA 7659 is maximum period, as minimum, to
unconstitutional insofar as it prescribes seventeen (17) years of reclusion
the death penalty; nevertheless, they temporal in its medium period, as
submit to the ruling of the majority that maximum.
the law is constitutional and the death
penalty can be lawfully imposed in the People v. Guarin, G.R. Nos. 83437-38, July 17,
case at bar. 1996
THUS, decision affirmed and some modification No, The court cannot consider any
to the other crim case for less serious physical evidence which has not been presented,
injury. identified and offered.All of the
prosecution witnesses had no personal
knowledge of the fact of taking: thus, there
was no clear and convincing evidence as
B. Documentary Evidence to the fact of taking.
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phone. In fact, Nakamoto himself suspected prove only the administration of the
Rosario of having taken his cell phone sacrament of baptism and not the
veracity of the declarations therein.
Respondents moreover refute the
Thus in this case- No other convincing evidence certification issued by the local civil
was presented by the prosecution that would link registry arguing that it does not
him to the theft.57 The fact Franco took a cell prove filiation but only the fact that
phone from· the altar does not necessarily point there is no record of Ligaya on file
to the conclusion that it was Nakamoto's cell with said office.
phone that he took. In the appreciation of RTC upheld the validity of the
circumstantial evidence, the rule is that the marriage between Vicente and
circumstances must be proved, and not Benita and considered the
themselves presumed. The circumstantial subsequent marriage between
evidence must exclude the possibility that some Vicente and Leonora as void and
bigamous before it concluded that
other person has committed the offense charged.
the subject property was part of the
conjugal property of Vicente and
Benita. Consequently, the trial court
Cercado-Siga v. Cercado, Jr., held that the Extrajudicial
G.R. No. 185374, March 11, Settlement of the Estate (Deed)
executed and signed by respondents
is null and void because it deprived
Benita of her share of the property
as surviving spouse and impaired
the shares and legitimes of
petitioners Simplicia Cercado-Siga
petitioners. Thus, it ruled that
(Simplicia) and Ligaya Cercado-
petitioners are entitled to recover
Belison (Ligaya) claimed that they
their share in the subject property.
are the legitimate children of the
late Vicente and Benita Castillo
CA ruled that the trial court "can
(Benita), who were married last 9
pass upon the issue of the validity of
October 1929 in Pililla, Rizal. In
marriage of Vicente and Leonora
support of the existence thereof,
[because] no judicial action is
petitioners presented a copy of the
necessary to declare a marriage an
Contrato Matrimonial which was
absolute nullity and the court may
issued by Iglesia Filipina
pass upon the validity of a marriage
Independiente church. Petitioners
even in a suit not directly instituted
insist that the Contrato Matrimonial
to question the same, as long as it is
is a public document because it is
essential to the determination of the
required by law to be recorded in
case before it." However, the
the local civil registrar and the
appellate court found that the
National Statistics Office (NSO).
Contrato Matrimonial of Vicente and
Petitioners claim to have in their
Benita, being a private document,
possession a duplicate original of
was not properly authenticated,
the Contrato Matrimonial which
hence, not admissible in evidence.
should be regarded as original.
Moreover, the appellate court did
Granting that the Contrato
not consider the baptismal
Matrimonial is a private document,
certificate submitted by petitioners
petitioners maintain that said
as conclusive proof of filiation. The
document should be considered an
Joint Affidavit executed by a certain
ancient document which should be
Mario Casale and Balas Chimlangco
excluded from the requirement of
attesting to the birth of Ligaya to
Vicente and Benita was not given
credence by the appellate court for
In their Answer, respondents alleged
being a hearsay evidence. For failure
that they are the legitimate heirs of
of petitioners to prove their cause of
Vicente and Leonora, who were
action by preponderance of
married on 27 June 1977 as
evidence, the appellate court
evidenced by a marriage certificate
reversed and set aside the Decision
registered with the Local Civil
and Resolution of the RTC.
Registrar of Binangonan, Rizal. In
their Comment, respondents submit
that the Contrato Matrimonial is a
private document and the fact that
Whether the marriage contract or
marriages are required to be
Contrato Matrimonial is sufficient to
registered in the local civil registrar
prove the fact of marriage between
does not ipso facto make it a public
Vicente and Benita.
document. Respondents assert that
the certificate of baptism is likewise
a private document which tends to
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No. Petition is DENIED. Extrajudicial Settlement of the
Estate of Vicente and Leonora.
The Court of Appeals correctly ruled
that it is a private document. As Ratio:
early as in the case of U.S. v. Ancient documents are considered
Evangelista,22 it has been settled from proper custody if they come
that church registries of births, from a place from which they might
marriages, and deaths made reasonably be expected to be found.
subsequent to the promulgation of Custody is proper if it is proved to
General Orders No. 68 and the have had a legitimate origin or if the
passage of Act No. 190 are no longer circumstances of the particular case
public writings, nor are they kept by are such as to render such an origin
duly authorized public officials. probable. If a document is found
They are private writings and their where it would not properly and
authenticity must therefore be naturally be, its absence from the
proved as are all other private proper place must be satisfactorily
writings in accordance with the accounted for.
rules of evidence.
Petitioners insist on the
admissibility of the marriage
a. Qualification of Witnesses
contract on the ground that it is a i. Witnesses and their
duplicate original, hence, the Qualifications (Sec. 21)
original need not be produced. The
Court do not agree. The Court had
previously ruled in Vallarta v. Court
of Appeals that " a signed carbon
Northwest Airlines, Inc. v. Chiong, 543 SCRA
copy or duplicate of a document 308
executed at the same time as the
original is known as a duplicate DOCTRINE
original and maybe introduced in
evidence without accounting for the
A witness’ relationship to the victim does not
non- production of the original. But,
an unsigned and uncertified automatically affect the veracity of his or her
document purporting to be a carbon testimony. While this principle is often applied in
copy is not competent evidence. It is criminal cases, we deem that the same principle
because there is no public officer may apply in this case, albeit civil in nature. If a
acknowledging the accuracy of the witness’ relationship with a party does not ipso
facto render him a biased witness in criminal cases
On the other hand, the document where the quantum of evidence required is proof
presented to prove Ligaya’s kinship beyond reasonable doubt, there is no reason why the
is a Joint Affidavit executed by two same principle should not apply in civil cases where
persons to the effect that she was the quantum of evidence is only preponderance of
born to Vicente and Benita. These evidence.
two affiants were never presented in
court. Thus, their statement is
tantamount to hearsay evidence.
Petitioners also presented
certifications from the local civil Philimare, as the authorized Philippine agent
registrar certifying that the records
of birth from 1930 to 1946 were
of TransOcean, hired respondent Steven
destroyed by fire and/or war. In Chiong as Third Engineer of TransOcean’s
said documents, there contains an vessel at the San Diego, California Port.
advice that petitioners may make a
further verification with the NSO Philimare purchased for Chiong a Northwest
because the local civil registrar
submits a copy of the birth
plane ticket for San Diego, California with a
certificate of every registered birth departure date of April 1, 1989 from Manila.
with the NSO. The advice was not
heeded. Petitioners failed to present Chiong was present at MIA on April 1,
a certification from NSO whether 1989, passed through the PCG counter
such records do exist or not.
without delay, proceeded to the Northwest
Considering that petitioners failed to check-in counter, but when he presented his
prove the validity of the marriage confirmed ticket thereat, he was not issued a
between Vicente and Benita, it boarding pass, and ultimately barred from
follows that they do not have a boarding Northwest Flight No. 24 on that
cause of action in the case for the day.
declaration of nullity of the
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It appears that Chiong’s name was crossed the reversal of the Court of Appeals (CA)
out and substituted with "W. Costine" in Decision.
Northwest’s Air Passenger Manifest.
Chiong’s counsel demanded as
compensation to northwest. However, Whether or not Choing's witnesses in
Northwest objected contending that criminal case filed by northwest should be
Northwest contends that Chiong, as a "no- considered biased witnesses in Choing's
show" passenger on April 1, 1989, already civil case.
defaulted in his obligation to abide by the
terms and conditions of the contract of RULING
carriage;18 and thus, Northwest could not
have been in breach of its reciprocal The court ruled in the negative. If a witness’
obligation to transport Chiong. In sum, relationship with a party does not ipso facto render
Northwest insists that Chiong’s testimony is him a biased witness in criminal cases where the
a complete fabrication, supposedly quantum of evidence required is proof beyond
demonstrated by the following: (1) Chiong’s reasonable doubt, there is no reason why the same
seaman service record book reflects that he principle should not apply in civil cases where the
left the Philippines after April 1, 1989, quantum of evidence is only preponderance of
specifically on April 17, 1989, to board evidence. In this case, Chiong’s witnesses—who
the M/V Elbia, and was discharged all corroborated his testimony on his presence at the
therefrom upon his personal request; (2) the airport on, and flight details for, April 1, 1989, and
Information filed against Chiong for False that he was subsequently bumped-off—are,
Testimony; and (3) the Flight Manifest and likewise, employees of Philimare which may have
the Passenger Name Record both indicate an interest in the outcome of this case. In one of the
that he was a "no-show" passenger. decisions of the court, it was held that a witness’
relationship to the victim does not automatically
Chiong filed a Complaint for breach of affect the veracity of his or her testimony. While
contract of carriage before the RTC. this principle is often applied in criminal cases, the
same principle may apply in this case, albeit civil in
In the course of proceedings, Northwest, nature.
filed a separate criminal complaint for False
Testimony against Chiong based on the
latter’s testimony that he did not leave the
Philippines after April 1, 1989 contrary to ii. Testimony Confined to
the notations in his seaman service record Personal Knowledge (Sec. 22)
book that he had left the country on April
17, 1989, and returned on October 5 of the Section 21. Disqualification by reason of mental
same year. Chiong did not participate in the incapacity or immaturity. — The following
preliminary investigation; thus, on persons cannot be witnesses:
December 14, 1990, the City Prosecutor of
(a) Those whose mental condition, at the
Manila filed Information against Chiong time of their production for examination,
with the RTC. However, the proceedings is such that they are incapable of
were denied by the RTC. intelligently making known their
perception to others;
As to the civil case, the RTC rendered a
Decision finding preponderance of evidence (b) Children whose mental maturity is
in favor of Chiong, and holding Northwest such as to render them incapable of
liable for breach of contract of carriage. The perceiving the facts respecting which they
RTC ruled that the evidence adduced by the are examined and of relating them
parties supported the conclusion that Chiong
was deliberately prevented from checking-in
and his boarding pass unjustifiably withheld
to accommodate an American passenger by
Binarao v. People, G.R. No. 243962 and 245521-
the name of W. Costine.
26, July 30, 2019
On appeal, the CA affirmed in toto the
ruling of the RTC. DOCTRINE
Hence, this petition for review
on certiorari was filed by northwest seeking
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Entries made at or near the time of the transactions The sandiganbayan convicted petitioner for
to which they refer, by a person deceased, or unable the crimes charged against her except the
to testify, who was in a position to know the facts violation of sec 3 of ra 3019.
therein stated. Such exception may be received as
prima facie evidence, if such person made the Petitioner files a petition on certitiorari to
entries in his professional capacity or in the the sc.
performance of duty and in the ordinary or regular
course of business or duty.
Petition for certiorari assails the decision of Whether or not the witnesses presented by the
the sandiganbayan convicting petitioner prosecution have no personal knowledge as to the
Sylvia Binarao. execution of the receipts during trial.
Petitioner travelled to cdo to attened the No. Section 36 of the rules of court provides for the
seminar on barangay accounting and hearsay rule that a witness can testify only to those
auditing together with 6 barangay facts which he knows of his personal knowledge;
bookkeepers and a driver. that, is, which are derived from his own perception
except entries made at or near the time of the
They stayed at the coa’s dorm transactions to which they refer, by a person
deceased, or unable to testify, who was in a position
Petitioner attended the quarterly meeting of to know the facts therein stated. Such exception
the phil league of local budget officers in may be received as prima facie evidence, if such
roxas city. Since there was no direct flight to person made the entries in his professional capacity
roxas, pet. Went to manila and stayed in first or in the performance of duty and in the ordinary or
hotel in binondo manila regular course of business or duty.
Petitioner stayed in chery blossoms hotel in In this case, when the managers of first hotel and
manila while she was on official business cherry blossoms hotel testified to the execution of
the receipts even if they were not personally the
The prosecution presented 7 witnesses to ones who made the entries therein, they are still
prove the element of the crime charged admissible based on the stated exception.
against the petitioner. Whereas the petitioner
presented 2 witnesses including herself.
Page 14 of 31
entries as an exception to failed to establish with
the hearsay rule, and that substantial evidence that the
is that the entrant must be respondent does owe them
“in a position to know the that sum of money. The CA
facts therein stated.” affirmed the lower court
Undeniably, Mr. Mercado decision upon the court hence
was in a position to know this petition.
the facts of the check
deposits and withdrawals. ISSUE:
But the transfers of funds
through the debit memos in Whether or not petitioner has
question? established substantial
evidence that respondent is
FACTS: liable for the overdraft on his
Respondent Gan opened a account.
current account to the
petitioner which he can draw RULING:
check from its fund. Under a
special agreement with the The court held that the ledger
petitioner manager Mr. Qui, presented is not competent
respondent is allowed to evidence to prove that the
transfer fund from his respondent consented to the
account to another person’s transaction made on his
account. His transaction of account. Petitioner invoked
transferring fund from his Section 43 of Rule 130:
account to another account is “Entries in the course of
covered by a debit memo. In business – Entries made at, or
December 14, 1982, he was near the time of the
reportedly to have incurred a transactions to which they
negative balance in the refer, by a person deceased, or
amount of P153,757.78. By unable to testify, who was in a
Sept. 15, 1990 his total position to know the facts
obligation to the petitioner therein stated, may be
allegedly amounted to received as prima facie
P297,060.01 inclusive of evidence, if such person made
interest. Petitioner filed a the entries in his professional
complaint to recover the sum capacity or in the performance
of money from the respondent of duty and in the ordinary or
after his refusal to pay regular course of business or
contending that the alleged duty.” Under this exception to
overdraft was made from the hearsay rule, the
transactions without his admission in evidence of
knowledge and consent. entries in corporate books
Petitioner presented its required the satisfaction of
bookkeeper, Patricio Mercado the following conditions: 1.
who handles the respondent’s the person who made the
account and transactions in a entry must be dead, or unable
ledger. Records show that a to testify; 2. the entries were
transfer of fund from the made at or near the time of
respondent’s account was the transactions to which they
made to another person’s refer; 3. the entrant was in a
account which was made with position to know the facts
authority from Qui which stated in the entries; 4. the
resulted to the overdraft of his entries were made in his
account. Respondent denied professional capacity or in the
to have authorized such performance of a duty,
transaction. The lower court whether legal, contractual,
dismissed the case on the moral or religious; and 5. the
ground that the petitioner entries were made in the
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ordinary or regular course of confidences of private life even at the risk
business or duty. The ledger of an occational failure of justice, and which
entries did not meet the first rejects such evidence because its admission
and third requisites. Mercado
had no personal knowledge of would lead to domestic disunion and
the facts constituting the unhappiness
entries, particularly those - Lastly, because where a want of domestic
entries which resulted in the exists there is danger of punishing one
negative balance. He had no spouse through the hostile testimony of the
knowledge of the truth or
falsity of these entries. We
agree entirely with the The exceptions to this rule of marital privilege or
following discussion of the disqualification is when a spouse commit s an
trial court which was affirmed offense that directly attacks, or directly and vitally
by the CA: The plaintiff impairs, the conjugal relation
submits that the ledger cards
constituted the best evidence
of the transactions made by
the defendant with the bank
relative to his account,
This court resolves a petition for review on
pursuant to Section 3 of Rule
certiorari filed by Vivian sanchez assailing the
130 of the Revised Rules on
decision of the rtc which denied her petition for a
Evidence. There is no
writ of amparo.
question that the entries in
Sanchez learned that her estranged husband
the ledgers were made by one labinghasa was allegedly one of the members of the
whose duty it was to record new peoples army who were gunned down by the
transactions in the ordinary pnp in antique.
or regular course of the Due to constant police presence caused anxiety and
business. But for the entries threat after the death of his husband, sanchez filed
to be prima facie evidence of before the rtc a petition for writ of amparo against
the facts recorded, the Rule police officials alleging that the they constant
interpose[s] a very important surveillance of her and her family made them fear
condition, one which we think for their safety and prevented them from going out
is truly indispensable to the of their house. Such surveillance and monitoring
probative worth of the entries should have informed them beforehand.
as an exception to the hearsay The rtc issued a writ of amparo and a temporary
rule, and that is that the protection order.
entrant must be “in a position The police officers denied violation or threatening
to know the facts therein to violate sanchez and her family’s right to life,
stated.” Undeniably, Mr. liberty, and security. They stressed that sanchez’s
Mercado was in a position to allegations were grounded on baseless assumptions,
know the facts of the check hearsay, mistaken belief, speculations, impression
deposits and withdrawals. But and feelings.
the transfers of funds through Later, the rct dismissed the petition for a writ of
the debit memos in question? amparo. It was held that sanchez failed to
substantiate her assertion that she became a person
Disqualification of witnesses of interest to the police after she had identified her
Sanchez v. Darroca, G.R. No. 242257, husband’s dead body. This was because she was
October 15, 2019 unable to specificaaly allege the police officer’s acts
or the acts they sanctioned which threatened her
security and liberty.
Thus, sanchez filed her petition for review on
certiorari contending that she was able to prove with
Under the law, the reasons behind marital
substantial evidence that she and her children were
disqualification are-
under constant police surveillance and monitoring,
- Identity if interest
which constitutes a clear violation of their right to
- The consequent danger of perjury life, liberty, and security. Moreover, the police
- The policy of the law which deems it officer’s unauthorized taking and distribution of her
necessary to guard the security and photo was likewise a violation of her right to
Page 16 of 31
privacy, which has caused her great fear and Section 25. Parental and filial privilege. — No
anxiety. person may be compelled to testify against his
parents, other direct ascendants, children or
other direct descendants
Page 22 of 31
Magramo, a farmer and open court declaration. In
resident of Brgy. Lusong, was People v. Mayor Antonio L.
presented as prosecution Sanchez, et al., this Court held
witness. People vs. Mangat, that discrepancies between
sworn statements and
ISSUE: testimonies made at the
WON THE TRIAL COURT witness stand do not
ERRED IN GIVING THE necessarily discredit the
MAGRAMO FULL WEIGHT AND statements/affidavits are
CREDENCE TO CONCLUDE generally subordinated in
BEYOND REASONABLE importance to open court
DOUBT THAT ACCUSED- declarations because the former
APPELLANT DOMINADOR are often executed when an
MANGAT (SIC) GUILTY OF THE affiant’s mental faculties are
HEINOUS CRIME OF RAPE not in such a state as to afford
WITH HOMICIDE. him a fair opportunity of
narrating in full the incident
RULING: which has transpired.
Testimonies given during trials
The accused contends that are much more exact and
with the above circumstances, elaborate. Thus testimonial
he could not have committed evidence carries more weight
the crime. Thus, the evidence than sworn
proffered by the prosecution is statements/affidavits.
“improbable, incredible and
inconsistent with normal
human experience.”22
Consequently, the prosecution iii. Admission by Privies
has miserably failed to prove Technogas Philippines
his guilt beyond reasonable Manufacturing Corp. v. CA and
doubt. Uy, G.R. No. 108894, February
10, 1997
Circumstantial evidence is
sufficient for conviction if: (a) FACTS:
there is more than one
circumstance; (b) the facts from
which the inferences are Technogas purchased a parcel of land
derived are proven; (c) the from Pariz Industries, Inc. In the same
combination of all the year, Eduardo Uy purchased the land
circumstances is such as to adjacent to it. The following year, Uy
produce a conviction beyond bought another lot adjoining the lot of
reasonable doubt. No greater Technogas. It was discovered in a survey,
degree of certainty is required that a portion of a building of Technogas,
when the evidence is which was presumably constructed by
circumstantial than when it is its predecessor-in-interest, encroached on
direct. In either case, what is a portion of the lot owned by private
required is that there be proof respondent Edward Uy.
beyond reasonable doubt that
the crime was committed and
that the accused committed the Upon learning of the encroachment or
crime. occupation by its buildings and wall of a
portion of private respondent’s land, the
Even if there was an petitioner offered to buy from defendant
inconsistency between that particular portion of Uy’s
Pacifico’s affidavit and his land occupied by portions of its buildings
testimony in open court, it can and wall with an area of 770 sqm, more or
still be easily reconciled by less, but the latter, however, refused
affording greater weight to his the offer The parties entered into a private
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agreement before a certain Col. Rosales in encroaching structures in bad faith, the
Malacañang, wherein petitioner agreed to structures should be presumed to have
demolish the wall at the back portion been built in good faith. Good faith
of its land thus giving to the private consists in the belief of the builder that
respondent possession of a portion of his the land he is building on is his, and his
land previously enclosed by petitioner’s ignorance of any defect or flaw in his title.
wall. Furthermore, possession acquired in good
faith does not lose this character except in
Uy later filed a complaint before the office case and from the moment facts exist
of Municipal Engineer of Parañaque, which show that the possessor is not
Metro Manila as well as before the Office aware that he possesses the thing
of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal against improperly or wrongfully. The good faith
Technogas in connection with the ceases from the moment the defects in the
encroachment or occupation by plaintiff’s title are made known to the possessor, by
buildings and walls of a portion of its land extraneous evidence or by suit for recovery
but said complaint did not prosper; so Uy of the property of the true owner.
dug or caused to be dug a canal along
Technogas’ wall, a portion of which The private respondent’s insistence on
collapsed in June, 1980, and led to the the removal of the encroaching
filing by the petitioner of the structures as the proper remedy,
supplemental complaint in the above- which respondent Court sustained in
entitled case and a separate criminal its assailed Decisions, is thus legally
complaint for malicious flawed. This is not one of the remedies
mischief against Uy and his wife which bestowed upon him by law. It would be
ultimately resulted into the conviction in available only if and when he chooses
court Uy’s wife for the crime of malicious. to compel the petitioner to buy the
mischief; land at a reasonable price but the
latter fails to pay such price. This has
ISSUES: not taken place. Hence, his options are
limited to: (1) appropriating the
encroaching portion of petitioner’s
building after payment of proper
Whether or not the respondent Court of
indemnity, or (2) obliging the latter to
Appeals erred in holding the petitioner a
buy the lot occupied by the structure.
builder in bad faith because it is
He cannot exercise a remedy of his
“presumed to know the metes and bounds
own liking.
of his property.”
iv. Confession
HELD: People v. Dacanay, G.R. No.
216064, November 7, 2016
Page 24 of 31
lifeless with several puncture wounds on absent any showing of undue influence
the bathroom floor of their home by their from the police authorities, is sufficient to
son, Quinn, who was then coming home sustain a conviction for the crime
from school. Quinn likewise observed that confessed to by the accused.
the rest of the house was in disarray, with
the clothes and things of Norma scattered Previous Conduct as Evidence
on the floor, as if suggesting that a i. Similar acts as evidence or
robbery had just taken place. At that time, res inter alios acta II
Antonio had already left for work after People v. Losano, G.R. No.
having allegedly left the house at around 127122, July 20, 1999
six in the morning. Norma E. Dacanay
(Norma), the wife of Antonio, was found Facts:
lifeless with several puncture wounds on Raul Oco (Appellant), PO2
the bathroom floor of their home by their Armandzo Lozano, Dave
son, Quinn, who was then coming home Samson, and Eustaquio
from school. Quinn likewise observed that Pacaa, Jr. were charged with
the rest of the house was in disarray, with the two informations of
the clothes and things of Norma scattered Murder and Frustrated
on the floor, as if suggesting that a murder before Branch 7 RTC
robbery had just taken place. At that time, of Cebu City.
Antonio had already left for work after During the trial, the
having allegedly left the house at around prosecution presented twelve
six in the morning. (12) witnesses while the
defense presented thirty-one
Antonio was then interviewed by PO3 Jay (31) witnesses.
Santos (PO3 Santos), during which Surviving victim
interview, Antonio informed PO3 Santos Herminigildo Damuag
that One Hundred Thousand Pesos testified that at around 9:30
(P100,000.00) in cash and pieces of p.m. of November 24, 1997,
jewelry were missing. Antonio alluded to a he was driving his motorcycle
certain “Miller” as an alleged “lover” of (referred to as the first
Norma who may have perpetrated the motorcycle in the Records)
crime.14 However, after further along V. Rama Avenue, Cebu
investigation, the identity of “Miller” was City with the late Alden
never ascertained, as none of Norma’s Abiabi riding with him at the
friends knew of any such person . After back. When they reached the
PO3 Santos’s inspection of the crime vicinity of Pica Lumber, a
scene, Antonio was invited to the precinct white Tamaraw FX AUV
to formalize his statement, to which the overtook their motorcycle (first
latter declined, as he still had to take care motorcycle) and blocked their
of the funeral arrangements of Norma. path, forcing him to slow
down. Another motorcycle
(second motorcycle), with two
Issue: (2) riders on it, appeared
behind the first motorcycle.
WON the confession before the reporter is From a distance of about two
valid. (2) to three (3) meters, one of
the riders of the second
motorcycle suddenly fired two
Ruling: (2) shots in close succession.
Damuag attempted to look at
Yes, A confession made before news the tires of his motorcycle,
reporters, absent any showing of undue thinking that they have
influence from the police authorities, is exploded. Suddenly, Abiabi
sufficient to sustain a conviction for the pushed him with his body.
crime confessed to by the accused.—Our Abiabi fell from the first
pronouncements in People v. Andan,), are motorcycle and slumped on
instructive. In said case, we held that a the pavement face down. The
confession made before news reporters, Tamaraw FX AUV sped away.
Page 25 of 31
As Damuag was trying to Tenebroso. They were buying
control his motorcycle, he barbeque in a store across the
noticed another motorcycle cemetery when a blue colored
(third motorcycle) passed by motorcycle (first motorcycle)
from behind him. His driven by Herminigildo
motorcycle zigzagged towards Damuag, with Alden Abiabi as
the gutter. Damuag was a backrider, passed by them.
thrown off and hit the ground. Suddenly, a white Tamaraw
He stood up and realized that FX blocked the first
he was hit at the right side of motorcycle, causing it to
his body. He then heard a reduce its speed. Then, a
burst of gunfire from behind. black-colored motorcycle
Damuag saw the third (second motorcycle) passed
motorcycle at about two (2) to from behind the first
three (3) meters. It was on a motorcycle, and its backrider
stop. Appellant was at the fired two shots at Abiabi.
back of the third motorcycle, Abiabi fell from the motorcycle
holding a short firearm in his while Damuag continued
right hand. Appellant fired his driving in a zigzag manner.
gun at him but missed. Damuag eventually fell to the
Although wounded, Damuag ground five (5) meters away
was able to run. However, the from Abiabi.
third motorcycle chased him. Moments later, another
Upon reaching the vicinity of motorcycle (third motorcycle)
Five Brothers restaurant, arrived at the scene. The
Damuag stopped because he motorcycle stopped and its
could not pass anymore. From backrider stepped his right
a distance of about four (4) to foot on the ground. Without
five (5) meters, the appellant alighting from the third
again fired two (2) more shots motorcycle, the backrider,
at Damuag. whom Barellano recognized as
Damuag testified that he did the appellant, fired three (3)
not recognize the driver and successive shots at Abiabi
the passenger of the second who was still sprawled on the
motorcycle and the driver of ground face down. Damuag
the third motorcycle because tried to get near Abiabi but
they were wearing their the appellant also fired at
helmets. He, however, him. Damuag ran away, but
recognized the appellant as the third motorcycle was able
one of the triggermen because to catch up with him near the
the appellant was not wearing Five Brothers Restaurant.
helmet at the time of the Appellant again shot Damuag
shooting incident. Instead, he twice. The third motorcycle
had a towel tied around his then sped away.
forehead. The appellant was Barellano claimed that when
wearing a sleeveless the first shooting occurred, he
undershirt (sando) and maong and his companions walked
short pants. towards the fallen Abiabi and
Ronald Barellano, a sixteen- stayed at a distance of around
year (16) old candle and flower four (4) to five (5) meters.
vendor, corroborated Thus, he had a good look at
Damuags identification of the the face of the appellant when
appellant as the second he arrived aboard the third
gunman. He testified that on motorcycle and shot Abiabi
the night of the shooting and Damuag. Furthermore,
incident, he was in the the place was illuminated by a
company of eight other (8) lamp post. He recalled that
children, including another the appellant had a towel
eyewitness, 14-year old Salem wrapped around his forehead.
Page 26 of 31
He knew the appellant even denied that he was a drug
prior to the shooting incident. lord. He also said that he was
He used to accompany his not in good terms with his
friend, Salem Tenebroso, three co-accused, hence, there
whenever the latter would go was no basis for the alleged
to the residence of the conspiracy. The appellant also
appellant to feed the latters charged Magno Ybaez with
roosters. Barellano, however, bias as he was one of the
failed to recognize the three suspects in the killing of the
(3) other riders of the latters older brother. Lolita
motorcycles because they Mosqueda, Ernesto Herhuela
were wearing helmets. and Herminia Ferraren were
Witnesses Magno Ybanez, presented to corroborate
Jr., and Virginia Gamboa appellants defense of alibi.
both testified that they saw Accused Armando Lozano, on
appellant with before the the other hand, claimed he
shooting inident along was training fighting cocks in
V.Rama Avenue while the the cockpit arena from 9:00
three accused were not yet p.m. until 1:00 a.m. of the
wearing helmets. next day.
The prosecution theorized Accused Dave Samson
that the shooting incident was asserted that he was in
drug-related. The late Abiabi Larena, Siquijor on the night
was a known anti-drug of the incident.
advocate while the appellant Accused Eutiquio Toking
was a suspected drug lord. Pacaa alleged that he was
The other accused, on the sleeping at his house at the
other hand, allegedly had time of the incident.
connections with the drugs The defense also presented
trade. Salem Tenebroso, Jr., Patsy
Appellant’s defense: Bolls, and PO1 Bienvenido
The appellant and his co- Arlan, Jr. to prove that none
accused denied any of the alleged eyewitnesses
participation in the shooting recognized any of the
incident. perpetrators of the crime.
The appellant, Raul Oco, Tenebroso, 14-year old, is
testified that at the time of the one of Barellano’s companion.
shooting incident, he was Previously, he issued an
inside a chapel in Sambagan. Affidavit wherein he identified
The appellant proceeded home the appellant as one of the
and went to bed. His son and malefactors in the shooting
daughter soon arrived and incident. Thereafter, he
slept with him. A few minutes executed an Affidavit of
later, his wife, along with his Recantation, claiming that he
sister-in-law and some did not recognize any of the
neighbors, awakened him and perpetrators because all of
told him that his kumpadre them were wearing helmets.
and good friend, Alden Abiabi, For her part, Patsy Bolls, a
was shot at V. Rama St. He reporter of Sunstar Super
was shocked upon learning Balita Daily, testified that she
the information because the interviewed Damuag at the
victim had no known enemy. Sacred Heart Hospital where
The appellant was thus the latter was confined.
surprised when he learned During the course of the
that he was implicated in the interview, Damuag told her
shooting of Alden. He and that he did not see who shot
Abiabi were good neighbors him and Abiabi.
and friends and he had no
motive to kill the victim. He
Page 27 of 31
PO1 Arlan, Jr. corroborated complaint must allege a specific time and
Bolls testimony. He told the place when and where the offense was
court that he was inside committed, the proof need not correspond
Damuags room during his to this allegation, unless the time and
interview. PO1 Arlan, Jr. place is material and of the essence of the
claims that he heard Damuag offense as a necessary ingredient in its
telling the reporter that he did description. Evidence so presented is
not recognize any of his admissible and sufficient if it shows 1)
assailants. that the crime was committed at any time
Teresita Bunal and Eduardo within the period of the statute of
Nabua testified that limitations; and 2) before or after the time
prosecution witness Virgilia stated in the complaint or indictment and
Gamboa was not present before the action is commenced.
during the shooting incident.
Rosalia Ybanez Nadela and The date of commission is not an essential
Christy Labistre, on the element of the crime of rape, what is
other hand, contradicted material being the occurrence of the rape,
Magno Ybanezs claim that he not the time of commission thereof.—
was within the vicinity of the Unfortunately for accused-appellant, the
incident and saw the tragic date of commission is not an essential
event. element of the crime of rape, what is
RTC’s decision: material being the occurrence of the rape,
The trial court found the not the time of commission thereof. Hence,
appellant guilty of murder and proof as to the time of rape need not
frustrated murder. The trial correspond to the allegation in the
court disregarded Salem information. Likewise, the rape was
Tenebrosos Affidavit of committed within the period provided by
Recantation and gave full the statute of limitations. It may also be
credence to his previous observed that while the rape proven
Affidavit identifying the occurred after the time stated in the
appellant as one of the complaint, the action was commenced
gunmen. Further, the court after the rape incident had transpired.
doubted the credibility of
eyewitnesses Gamboa and
Ybanez, Jr. who claimed to Joel San Vicente vs People
have seen not only the face of
the appellant but of his three Facts: 1) Petitioner was charged with homicide for
(3) co-accused as well. Thus, the killing of one Dennis Wong y Chua. On June
the appellants co-accused 11, 1995, at around 5:30 p.m., petitioner fatally shot
were acquitted. the victim outside the Far East Bank along
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
after the latter allegedly attempted to rob him of a
ISSUE: large amount of cash which he had just withdrawn
from the ATM.
1. Was appellant’s guilt proved
2) Policemen found the lifeless body of the victim
beyond reasonable doubt?
at the parking space in front of the FEBTC Branch
along Katipunan Road. Recovered at the scene were
five empty caliber .45 shells, two live caliber .45
bullets and an ATM card in the name of Violeta
While the complaint must allege a specific 3) On June 13, 1995, police authorities located
time and place when and where the petitioner’s car in Nueva Ecija and took custody
offense was committed, the proof need not thereof.
correspond to this allegation, unless the
time and place is material and of the 4) Petitioner’s counsel, Atty. Valmonte, turned
essence of the offense as a necessary over to Police Station 9 petitioner’s .45 caliber
ingredient in its description.—As early as Mark IV pistol bearing Serial No. 5504095. He also
1903, this Court has ruled that while the
Page 28 of 31
wrote a letter addressed to P/Major Antonio Diaz, stating or acknowledging that he had committed or
Station Commander of PNP Station 9, CPDC, participated in the commission of a crime. The term
Anonas Road, Quezon City. According to the letter, admission, on the other hand, is usually applied in
the client (San Vicente) withdrew a large amount of criminal cases to statements of fact by the accused
cash from FEBTC Katipunan Branch. On his way which do not directly involve an acknowledgment
out of the bank, the victim attacked him to grab the of the guilt of the accused or of criminal intent to
money. San Vicente pulled out his gun (which he commit the offense with which he is charged.” In
was duly licensed to carry) and fired a warning shot short, in a confession, an accused acknowledges his
upwards. Still, the victim continued his attack and guilt; while there is no such acknowledgment of
grabbed his gun. After a brief struggle, San Vicente guilt in an admission. There is no question that the
was forced to shoot the deceased in the defense of letter dated June 14, 1995 is an admission, not a
his person and money. The letter also said that San confession, because of the unmistakable
Vicente will submit a formal statement if necessary. qualification in its last paragraph that – “For all
His Mercedes Benz is already under the custody of intense (sic) & purposes, this letter shall serve as a
the police. He has experienced severe depression voluntary surrender, without admission of guilt on
and has undergone medical treatment. Atty. the part of my client.” With the foregoing
Valmonte indicated that the letter serves as a distinctions in mind, the trial court correctly
voluntary surrender without admission of guilt. rejected the prosecution’s motion to have Exhibit
LL further identified “in the manner that it wanted,”
i.e., through the proposed testimony of petitioner’s
5) At the arraignment, San Vicente pleaded not counsel, Atty. Valmonte, who incidentally refused
guilty. During trial, prosecution presented Ballistics to testify. Aside from covering a subject which
Report No. B-046-95, stating that slugs recovered squarely falls within the scope of “privileged
from the crime scene and cartridge cases fired from communication”, it would, more importantly, be
petitioner’s caliber .45 Mark IV pistol, on the other tantamount to converting the admission into a
hand, were fired from the same firearm. The confession. It can not be denied that the contents of
Medico-Legal Officer who conducted the autopsy Exhibit LL, particularly with regard to the details of
on the deceased failed to appear at the trial. In order the shooting communicated by petitioner to Atty.
to dispense with her testimony, petitioner admitted Valmonte, is privileged because it is connected with
the due execution and genuineness of the medico- the business for which petitioner retained the
legal report. After trial, the prosecution filed its services of the latter. More specifically, said
Formal Offer of Exhibits which included the above- communication was relayed by petitioner to Atty.
quoted letter of petitioner’s counsel to P/Maj. Valmonte in order to seek his professional advice or
Antonio Diaz. The trial court admitted all the assistance in relation to the subject matter of the
prosecution’s exhibits in its Order dated August 27, employment, or to explain something in connection
1996 6) Petition filed a Motion to Dismiss with it, so as to enable him to better advice his
(Demurrer) based on (1) the lack of positive client or manage the litigation.
identification of the accused is a fatal omission
warranting dismissal; (2) prosecution’s evidence are
totally hearsay/incompetent, hence, inadmissible People v. Mangat y Palomata, G.R. No. 131618,
and the guilt of the accused was not proven by July 6, 1999
positive evidence beyond reasonable doubt. 7) The
trial court dismissed the case for insufficiency of FACTS: Thirteen-year-old Kristal F. Manasan
evidence. An MR was filed by the prosecution but lived with her family in Barangay Lusong, San
was denied on the ground of double jeopardy. A Agustin, Tablas Island, Romblon. On July 10, 1995,
petition for certiorari was filed with the CA. After Kristal went out of their house to go to the shore,
which, the order of dismissal was nullified. about 2 1/2 kilometers away. To reach it, she has to
Petitioner’s MR was denied. Hence, this petition. pass by Saguilpit creek. Kristal failed to return
Issue: Whether the letter of petitioner (Exhibit LL) home and could not be found for three days.
constituted a confession or admission Held: Alarmed, Herminio Manasan, father of Kristal,
ADMISSION. Ratio Decidendi: An admission is reported the matter to their barangay council. At
defined under Rule 130, Section 26 of the Rules of four in the afternoon of July 13, 1995, SPO1
Court as the act, declaration or omission of a party Fajutag received information from Brgy. Kagawad
as to a relevant fact. A confession, on the other Ronnie Manao of Brgy. Lusong that a decomposing
hand, under Rule 130, Section 33 is the declaration body was found along Lusong River. SPO1 Fajutag
of an accused acknowledging his guilt of the proceeded to Brgy. Lusong to verify the report.
offense charged or any offense necessarily included Upon reaching the place, he saw the dead body of a
therein. More particularly, a confession “is a girl lying on her belly. The victim was nude and the
declaration made at any time by a person, upper part of her body was placed inside an opening
voluntarily and without compulsion or inducement of a stone hole. The panties and shorts of the victim
Page 29 of 31
were also found on the riverside, along with a which fit the description given by prosecution
plastic bag containing a pitcher and a headband. witness Pacifico Magramo. Corollarily, the accused
The place where the body was found was a cave- asserted that the prosecution witnesses have an ill-
like structure on top of which was a foot-trail used motive in testifying against him as he did not vote
by local residents, and underneath water flowed to for their candidate in the last May 8, 1995 elections.
the lowlands. da The body was later identified to be
that of Kristal F. Manasan. Dr. Cynthia Baradon- ISSUE: WON the offer of the accused to settle
Mayor examined the cadaver and certified that amicably is an admission of guilt.
Kristal died of multiple hemorrhage due to multiple
fracture on the head. The victim also suffered
multiple hymenal and anal lacerations. Her bladder HELD: YES. The most damaging piece of
went out of the vaginal canal and her intestines evidence which points to the appellant's culpability
went out of the rectal vault. From all indications, is the affidavit executed by SPO1 Fajutag to the
Dr. Mayor concluded that the victim was brutally effect that the appellant and his father, Benedicto
raped and murdered. Pacifico Magramo, a farmer Mangat, offered to settle the case amicably.
and resident of Brgy. Lusong, was presented as
prosecution witness. He testified that at 2:30 p.m. of It is most telling for the defense not to have made
July 10, 1995, he was walking downhill along any effort whatsoever to dispute this. Said gesture
Saguilpit creek in Brgy. Lusong, carrying a sack of can only be taken to mean an admission of guilt. In
copra which he was bringing to the shore. He criminal cases, except those involving quasi-
chanced upon accused Dominador Mangat pushing offenses (criminal negligence) or those allowed by
the naked and lifeless body of thirteen-year-old law to be amicably settled or compromised, an offer
Kristal into a rock hole. Seeing him too, accused of compromise by the accused may be received in
warned him not to divulge to anyone what he saw or evidence as an implied admission of guilt. | It is
he would be next. Scared, Magramo continued true, as contended by the defense, that there is no
downhill while accused walked away followed by direct evidence linking the accused to the crime
his dog. He also testified that the accused was charged.
wearing a gray sando and white pair of shorts, and
was carrying a bolo in a sheath hanging on his left
shoulder by a string. Jaime Magramo and his wife There is to Our mind, however, ample
traversed the same pathway at two o'clock in the circumstantial evidence which tend to prove beyond
afternoon of July 10, 1995. They were going a reasonable doubt that the accused was the author
downhill with Jaime carrying a sack of copra on his of the offense. Circumstantial evidence is sufficient
shoulder. While passing along Saguilpit creek, for conviction if: (a) there is more than one
Jaime saw the accused conversing with his father circumstance; (b) the facts from which the
Benedicto Mangat. Jaime though could not hear inferences are derived are proven; (c) the
what they were talking about. On July 14, 1995, combination of all the circumstances is such as to
Jaime was informed by his son who was in Grade V produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. No
that the dead body of Kristal was found along greater degree of certainty is required when the
Lusong River. It was found exactly in the same spot evidence is circumstantial than when it is direct. In
where the accused was seen talking with his father either case, what is required is that there be proof
in the afternoon of July 10, 1995. With the recovery beyond reasonable doubt that the crime was
of the body of Kristal on July 14, 1995, there was committed and that the accused committed the
widespread speculation that the accused was the crime. In this case, not only was the accused-
culprit. On July 15, 1995, the police authorities appellant's presence at the crime scene established,
arrested the accused. Bothered by his conscience, there is also clear and convincing testimony that he
Pacifico Magramo eventually came out in the open was seen pushing the body of the victim into a cave-
and reported to the police what he had witnessed in like hole in the rock.
the afternoon of July 10, 1995. While at the police
station, the accused and his father offered to settle · Lee
v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
the case amicably. SPO1 Fajutag executed an 177861, July 13, 2010
affidavit. The accused offered an alibi. He claimed
that on July 10, 1995, he was working with his wife Facts
at a farm located in the mountain of Lusong from
morning until lunch time, after which they went Spouses (Lee) and Keh entered the Philippines in
home to their house, located just 50 meters away, to the 1930sas immigrants from China. They had 11
eat lunch and rest. At 1:00 p.m., they returned to the children. In 1948, Leebrought from China a young
farm and continued their weeding until 4:30 p.m. woman (Tiu), as housemaid. Respondent Lee-Keh’s
This was corroborated by his wife, Alice Mangat. children believed that Tiu left the household and
The accused admitted, though, that he had a dog had a relation with him. Shortly after Keh died in
Page 30 of 31
1989, the Lee-Keh children learned that Tiu’s applies only to "direct" ascendants and descendants,
children with Lee (collectively, the Lee’s other a family tie connected by a common ancestry. A
children) claimed that they, too, were children of stepdaughter has no common ancestry by her
Lee and Keh. This prompted the Lee-Keh children stepmother . Relative thereto, Article 965 of the
to request the (NBI) to investigate the matter. After New Civil Code provides: “Thedirect line is either
conducting such an investigation, the NBI descending or ascending. The former unites the
concluded in its report it is not KEH SHIOK head of the family with those who descend from
CHENG, but a much younger woman, most him. The latter bindsa person with those from
probably TIU CHUAN. The NBI found, for whom he descends.” Consequently, Tiu can be
example, that in the hospital records Keh’s declared compelled to testify against petitioner Emma Lee.
age did not coincide with her actual age when she
supposedly gave birth to such other children,
numbering eight. On the basis of this report, the
respondent Lee-Keh children filed two separate
petitions, one of them before the (RTC) for the
deletion from the certificate of live birth of the
petitioner Emma Lee, one of Lee’s other children,
the name Keh and replace the same with the name
Tiu to indicate her true mother’s name. In April
2005 the Lee-Keh children filed with the RTC an ex
parte request for the issuance of a subpoena ad
testificandum to compel Tiu, Emma Lee’s
presumed mother, to testify in the case. However,
later on, the subpoena was quashed by the RTC as it
was oppressive and violated Section 25, Rule130 of
the Rules of Court, the rule on parental privilege,
she being Emma Lee’s stepmother. CA rendered a
decision setting aside the RTC’s Order on the
ground that only a subpoena duces tecum, not a
subpoena adtestificandum, may be quashed for
being oppressive or unreasonable under Section 4,
Rule 21 of the Rules of CivilProcedure. The CA
also held that Tiu’s advanced age alonedoes not
render her incapable of testifying. The party
seekingto quash the subpoena for that reason must
prove that shewould be unable to withstand the
rigors of trial, something thatpetitioner Emma Lee
failed to do.