Chapter 3 - Fundamental Design and Runoff Quality Estimation
Chapter 3 - Fundamental Design and Runoff Quality Estimation
Chapter 3 - Fundamental Design and Runoff Quality Estimation
Pollutant Control
05 04 Chemical
Oxygen Demand
In current practice, BMPs are designed based on three types of selected pollutant that
potentially generated from various land uses, as shown in table below;
Generation Potentials
Landuse Gross Pollutants TSS Nutrients
(TN & TP)
Roads & Highways Low High Low
Residential High High High
Commercial High Medium Medium
Industrial Medium Medium Medium
Parks & Agriculture Low Medium High
Water Quality Volume
• The Runoff volumes need to be estimated before carry out any assessment of pollutant load.
• Runoff volumes is expressed as rainfall depth multiplied by the catchment area and volumetric
runoff coefficient.
• Runoff estimation is necessary and will be used in sizing the BMPs or design outlet structure of
• The required water quality volume (WQV) can be calculated by using following equation;
𝑊𝑄𝑉 = 𝐶 v Pd A
Cv = area-weighted volumetric runoff coefficient
Pd = Rainfall depth (m)
A = Drainage Area (m2)
In general, value of Cv will be less that RM runoff coefficient, C for large ARI (>2 years) and Cv will
be greater that RM runoff coefficient, C for small ARI . However, for the simplicity the value of Cv
can be considered same as C.
Load Estimation
• Sustainable pollutant loads are based on the magnitude of pollutant exports and the reduction
in pollutant loads.
• Land activities and practices in a catchment will accumulate pollutant loads as a result of
stormwater wash off.
• Estimate runoff pollutant using EMC method (simplest and widest used method). The
reliability the of the final results depends on the accuracy of the EMC value for intended
parameters and land uses.
• The load estimated by EMC method is
L = R * EMC * A. Cv/100
EMC = Event mean concentration (mg/L)
L = Annual pollutant load (kg/year)
R = Mean annual rainfall (mm/year)
A = Catchment area (ha) and,
Cv = area weighted volumetric runoff coefficient
Load Estimation
• Particulates are the primary pollutants found in stromwater and can be removed
through sedimentation and filtration.
• Sedimentation occurs when particles have a greater density than surrounding liquid.
• The Newton’s and Stoke’s laws are often used to quantify the sedimentation process.
• Particulates can also be removed by filtration through use of infiltration facilities.
Media will be used to increase the efficiency of the pollutant filtration process. Many
studies were conducted by using several types of media to examine the efficiency of
particle removal.
b. Dissolved Pollutants
• Dissolved pollutants (DP) area mainly removed through adsorption, microbial fixation,
biochemical degradation and plant uptake (phytoremediation).
• Soil or plant-based media is required to remove the dissolved pollutants (Metals, TN, TP, BOD,
COD, pesticides, herbicides, etc).
• Two most common BMPs used to remove DP from stormwater are wetlands and bioretention
a. Wetland support various types of microphytes and macrophytes that either absorb and
adsorb DP.
• Infiltration devices can take a number of structural forms including pits, trenches or basin.
• All these devices work by storing stormwater flow and promoting infiltration into the soil.
They are primarily for removing soluble and fine materials from stormwater.
BMPs Facilities – Bioretention Facilities
Treatment Objectives
• The primary objective of treatment BMPs I to remove total suspended solids and
sediment-bound compounds.
• Removal of TSS will result in removal of many contaminants of concern, including:
Particulate nutrients
Target of Treatment
Low Medium High
• This results will be used for the purpose of planning submission to a regulatory local authority
for initial assessment.
• Local regulatory will utilized the preliminary design outcomes to assess the submission based
on the methodology proposed. However, the final design of treatment sizing or efficiency need
to be redesign and recalculate once the got the approval from the local authority.
Please refer to the excel file name Example 3.3 for the solution
Swale = 325.35 m2
Wetland = 100 m2 and 117 m2
WQP = 195.21 m2
BMPs Facilities – Sizing Procedure
BMPs Facilities – Sizing Procedure
BMPs Facilities – Sizing Procedure