Request For Proposal - Water Supply Scheme in Uganda

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Section 6.

Fraud and Corruption 80

b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants, sub-
contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees, has, directly or
indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices
in competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may take
other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank determines
at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any part of the
proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices during the procurement process, selection and/or execution of the contract in
question, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action
satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they occur, including by
failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the time they knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the Bank’s
prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or individual, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly declaring such firm or
individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit from a Bank-financed
contract, financially or in any other manner;1 (ii) to be a nominated2 sub-contractor,
consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm
being awarded a Bank-financed contract; and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan
made by the Bank or otherwise to participate further in the preparation or
implementation of any Bank-financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents and in
contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders (applicants/proposers),,
consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and their sub-contractors, sub-consultants,
service providers, suppliers, agents personnel, permit the Bank to inspect3 all accounts,
records and other documents relating to the procurement process, selection and/or
contract execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation,
(i) applying for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-
contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such
contract, and (ii) entering into an addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider
(different names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the
bidder in its pre-qualification application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that
allow the bidder to meet the qualification requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities
undertaken by the Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits,
such as evaluating the veracity of an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms.
Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing and examining a firm's or individual's financial records and
information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing and examining any other documents, data and information
(whether in hard copy or electronic format) deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as
relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining
third party verification of information.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 81

Section 7. Terms of Reference









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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................85
1.1 General .........................................................................................................................85
1.2 Institutional Framework for Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Uganda ..........85
1.3 The Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector (UWSSS) in Uganda .......................86
1.4 Management of the Water Supply and Sewerage Services in NWSC Areas ..............87
1.5 Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in the Small Towns ..............87
1.6 Project Area .................................................................................................................89
1.7 Existing Water Supply Situation in the Project Towns ...............................................91
1.8 Existing Sanitation Situation in the Project Towns .....................................................94
1.9 The Proposed Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP) ..95
1.10 Existing Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design ..................................................96
1.10.1............................................................................. Proposed Water Supply System..... 96
1.10.2..... Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan..... 97
1.10.3Water Source Protection Plan, Sub-Catchment Management Plan and Design for
Implementation ............................................................................................................97
2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................97
2.1 Specific Project Objectives ..........................................................................................97
2.2 Objectives of the Consultancy Services .......................................................................98
3 SCOPE OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES .....................................................................98
3.1 Design Consultancy .....................................................................................................98
3.1.1 Feasibility Study .................................................................................................99
3.1.2 Detailed Design of Infrastructure......................................................................102
3.1.3 Preparation of Water Source Protection Plan, Sub-Catchment Management Plan
and Design for Implementation .................................................................................105
3.1.4 Preparation of Tender Documents for Construction Works .............................106
3.1.5 Review and Update of the existing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
(ESIA) Report and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) ..........................................107
3.2 Tendering for Works Contract and Construction Supervision ..................................111
3.2.1 Tendering for Works Contract ..........................................................................111
3.2.2 Construction Supervision ..................................................................................111
4 ORGANIZATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT ................................................................116
4.1 Contractual Arrangements .........................................................................................116
4.2 Liaison with the Client ...............................................................................................116
4.3 Logistical Setup and Staffing .....................................................................................117
4.3.1 Experts-Design Phase .......................................................................................117
4.3.2 Experts- Tendering and Construction Supervision Phase .................................118
4.3.3 Qualifications of Experts ..................................................................................120
4.4 Familiarization with the Assignment .........................................................................126
5 DURATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT ..........................................................................126
Section 7. Terms of Reference 83

6 PRICING ........................................................................................................................ 126

7 REPORTING AND MEETING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 126
7.1 Reporting Address ..................................................................................................... 126
7.2 Reporting Requirements and Content........................................................................ 127
7.2.1 Reporting Requirements and Content – Design Phase ..................................... 127
7.2.2 Reporting Requirements and Content– Tendering and Construction
Supervision Phase ...................................................................................................... 129
7.2.3 Reporting Requirements – Defects Liability Period......................................... 131
7.3 Meeting and Workshop Requirements ...................................................................... 132
SUPERVISION ..................................................................................................................... 134
12 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL POLICY ............................................................. 135
13 CODE OF CONDUCT................................................................................................... 135

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Figure 1-1: Map of Kyegewa District showing the location of the Project towns ................................................. 90
Figure 1-2: Map of Kiruhura District showing the location of Burunga Sub-county where Kabogole RGC is located ... 91
Figure 1-5: Hand pump borehole in Kyegegwa town ..................................................................................... 92
Figure 1-6: River Muzizi in Kyegewa Town Council ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 1-7: River Katonga at the border between Kiruhura and Kyegegwa Districts............................................. 94

Table 1-1: The Population of the Project Towns as of 2018 ............................................................................ 89
Table 1-2: Water Supply Situation in the Project Towns ................................................................................ 94
Table 4-1: Key Experts-Design Phase ....................................................................................................... 117
Table 4-2: Mandatory Non-key Experts- Design Phase ................................................................................. 118
Table 4-3: Key Experts-Tendering and Construction Supervision ................................................................... 118
Table 4-4: Mandatory Non-Key Experts-Tendering ..................................................................................... 119
Table 4-5: Minimum Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel ............................................................. 120
Table 7-1: Reporting requirements-Design ................................................................................................ 127
Table 7-2: Reporting Requirements-Tendering and Construction Supervision Phase .......................................... 129
Table 7-3: Reporting Requirements-Defects Liability Period .......................................................................... 131
Section 7. Terms of Reference 85


1.1 General
Uganda is a landlocked country that shares borders with the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and South Sudan. It lies between 4012’ northern and 1029’ southern
latitudes, and 29034’ and 350 eastern longitudes. It has a total area of 241,038 km2, of which
20% is covered by lakes and swamps. The current population of Uganda is estimated at 35
million, of which 87% live in rural areas and 13% live in urban areas.

The urban areas of Uganda have undergone rapid population growth during the recent years and
is still growing. This has increased demand on infrastructure and in some sectors outrun gains
in infrastructure development including the water and sanitation sub-sector. As much as there is
an increase in the number of people served every year in the urban water sector, the number of
unserved is stagnant or still growing partly due to the rapid population growth but also due to
gazetting of additional areas as urban. (MWE, Sector Performance Report 2017).

Higher urban growth rates may be expected in the future as planned by the Vision 2040 which
aims at a level of urbanisation of 60% by 2040. This calls for further efforts to increase
investments in water supply and sanitation infrastructure to close access gaps and achieve sector
goals of 100% coverage.

1.2 Institutional Framework for Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Uganda

The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) is the lead agency for provision and
management of water supply and sanitation services in Uganda. The Ministry has three
directorates:(i) Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) responsible for
managing, monitoring and regulation of water resources through issuing water use, abstraction
and wastewater discharge permits; (ii) Directorate of Water Development (DWD) responsible
for providing overall technical oversight for planning, implementation and supervision of the
delivery of urban and rural water and sanitation services across the country, including water for
production; (iii) Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DEA) responsible for the management
of all environment related affairs.

National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), is a government parastatal, under

oversight of Ministry of Water and Environment. NWSC is mandated to operate and maintain
water and sewerage systems in 225 large urban centres across the country as of June 2018.
However, in some of the towns under NWSC mandate, Faecal Sludge management is also
being carried out. Onsite sanitation, solid waste management and storm water drainage are the
responsibility of the local councils.

At district level, local governments (districts, town councils, sub-counties) are empowered by
the Local Governments Act (2000) to provide water and sanitation services. They receive
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funding from the Government of Uganda in form of conditional grants and can also mobilise
additional local resources for water and sanitation programmes.

Umbrella Water Authorities as of August 2017, were gazetted as Water Authorities to operate
and maintain water supply systems directly or indirectly by contracting and supervising private
operators in urban and rural piped water schemes, outside the jurisdiction of NWSC.

A number of other line ministries have important roles in the sector. These include; The
Ministry of Health (MoH), responsible for hygiene and sanitation promotion for households;
The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), responsible for hygiene, education, and
provision of sanitation facilities in primary schools; The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social
Development (MGLSD), responsible for gender responsiveness and community development /
mobilisation; The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF),
responsible for agricultural development; and The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic
Development (MoFPED), which mobilises funds, allocates them to sectors, and coordinates the
inputs of various development partners.

The NGOs working in the sector are coordinated at the national level through the Uganda Water
and Sanitation NGO Network (UWASNET), a national umbrella organisation for Civil Society
Organisations (CSOs), which has been largely funded by sector development partners through
the MWE.

1.3 The Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector (UWSSS) in Uganda

The Government of Uganda (GoU) initiated reforms in the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
Sector (UWSSS) with the long-term objective of providing sustainable and affordable water
supply and sanitation services to all segments of the population living in the various cities and
small towns by

i. Improving the planning and design of projects to match current and future demand.
ii. Placing the communities within a framework conducive to improving the quality of
service and reducing its cost.
iii. Limiting the role of Government to that of a policy maker, facilitator and regulator in
order to increase investment and efficiency within the water sector.

The overall policy objectives of the UWSSS in the context of the reform can be categorised as

i. Service coverage: To expand clean water service coverage to 85% of the urban
population by Financial Year 2020/21
ii. Sustainability: To achieve sustainability of service delivery.
iii. Affordability: To ensure that a basic adequate level of service is affordable via low cost
service delivery and the implementation of a subsidy and tariff framework which is
equitable and beneficial to the poor.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 87

It is in the context of the UWSSS policy objectives that the DWD is planning to undertake the
works detailed in this invitation. Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation
System will be constructed by the Urban Water and Sewerage Services Department under the
Directorate of Water Development and will be handed over to either NWSC or Umbrella
Authority – Mid West for operation and maintenance depending on the most suited institution
to manage the System at the time of completion.

1.4 Management of the Water Supply and Sewerage Services in NWSC Areas
The NWSC was established in 1972 as a government parastatal organisation with the role of
developing, operating and maintaining water supply and sewerage services in urban areas of

NWSC operates under performance contracts (PC) with the Government of Uganda which
started in 2000. The Performance Contracts have been renewed five times and the current
contract is running over the period 2015-2018. Each of the PC’s defines activities, objectives
and indicators to be achieved within a three-year contract period.

To meet the GoU performance requirements, NWSC, as part of its restructuring, undertook
reforms aimed at improving operational, commercial and financial performance.

Under the reforms, NWSC subsequently entered into performance contracts with each of its
operational areas with the aim of giving them more autonomy and accountability. Initially, this
involved signing of Internally Delegated Area Management Contracts (IDAMC) and later on
Performance, Autonomy and Creativity Enhancement (PACE) contracts with each of the
operational areas.

Currently, NWSC is operating under the third PACE contract with all its area management
teams after the phasing out of Internally Delegated Area Management Contracts (IDAMC).
Each of the respective areas of operation has a specific set of targets which are to be achieved
within the next two years.

One of the major successes of the PACE/IDAMC arrangement is the improvement in

performance and efficiency of operations in the respective NWSC towns. As the drive for target
achievement heightens, with cost optimization playing the central role, the need for cost
effective investments is no longer a desirable but a key requirement. In undertaking the
assignment, the consultant will be expected to treat this aspect as a central consideration.

1.5 Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in the Small Towns

Regional structures of the Ministry of Water and Environment called Umbrella Organizations
were established to support operation and maintenance of piped water supply schemes in small
towns and rural growth centres. The first Umbrella was established in 2002 (South-Western –

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Kabale); today there are 6 Umbrellas (Northern, Eastern, Central, Karamoja and Mid-Western).
The Umbrellas were mandated to support all piped water schemes, urban or rural.

This meant that Local government were gazetted as Water Authority and appointed a Water
Board and contracted a scheme operator / private operator. The Umbrellas provided back-up
O&M support. This model had a number of issues including; Limited capacity within local
governments to supervise the scheme operators, Lack of effective regulation to enforce
compliance with contractual obligations (impossible to regulate > 1,000 schemes!), Poor
management practices, lack of preventive maintenance, Schemes were often run by
inadequately qualified personnel and there were frequent cases of financial mismanagement,
unpaid energy bills. These issues translated into; insufficient revenue collection to ensure
financial sustainability, no savings made to pay for scheme repairs and expansions,
Deterioration of the infrastructure, Poor service quality and reliability and Umbrellas’ resources
not sufficient to compensate for these shortcomings.

This translated into the Umbrellas working in “firefighting” mode – responding to the most
urgent needs (with insufficient funds) but not enough focus on preventive maintenance, uphill
struggle against bad management practices, no mandate to take action and Umbrella’s
operational costs and investments depending on continuous donor and GoU support.

Therefore, due to the above issues, the Umbrellas were gazetted into Water Authorities in
August 2017 to carry out direct management of the small towns. Therefore, Umbrellas can now
contract and supervise local scheme operators and financial management handled at the
regional level, using computerized billing, accounting and revenue collection systems. The
Local communities and local government now are represented in the local Water and Sanitation
Committee which carries out a monitoring role. Regulation is done by Ministry’s Water Utility
Regulation Department.

Currently the Umbrella Authorities (UAs) manage 434 systems as of May 2019 which include
both Small Towns and Rural Growth Centres. This new model of management has had
improvements in operations especially restored functionality in a number of schemes, higher
collection efficiency, reduction in non-revenue water and increased number of customers
through extensions. Other initiatives have also been done under the management model like
Performance data available online through the Utility Performance Monitoring Information
System (UPMIS) and Revolving Fund being launched to finance investments. It is foreseen that
UAs will be sustainable and able to extend clean and safe water to every village and every
household in the Country. Affordable services will also be realised as a result of improved
efficiency and also regulated and manageable tariff.

However, the above model is in its second year of operation and has taken on schemes that
were already being supported by the UAs as well as new small and medium sized schemes.
Therefore, Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation System being a new
System will either be handed over to NWSC or Umbrella Authority – Mid West depending on
the most suited institution to manage the System at the time of completion.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 89

1.6 Project Area

The Project area is generally called Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza but the Project area covers
Kyegegwa Town Council, Mpara RGC, Ruyonza RGC, Kyaka RGC (including Kyaka II
Refugee Settlement), Kabogore RGC and other en-route RGCs. Kyegegwa T/C, Mpara,
Ruyonza and Kyaka RGCs are located in Kyegegwa District while Kabogore RGC is located in
Kiruhura District.

Kyegegwa and Kiruhura Districts are located in Western Uganda. Kyegegwa District is
bordered by Kibaale District to the north, Mubende District to the east, Kiruhura District to the
south, Kamwenge District to the southwest and Kyenjojo District to the northwest. Kyegegwa
District Headquarters is located approximately 110km by road, east of Fort Portal Municipality,
the largest town in the sub-region and 192km from Kampala. The coordinates of the district are:
00 29N, 31 03E.

The Project towns are served mainly by murram roads and have access to mobile
telecommunication network.

Table 1-1 below shows the population of the Project towns as of 2018 as per the Uganda
Bureau of Statistics (UBOS).

Table 1-1: The Population of the Project Towns as of 2018

No. Project Town District Population
1 Kyegegwa TC Kyegegwa 7,266
2 Mpara RGC Kyegegwa 2,217
3 Ruyonza RGC Kyegegwa 3,037
4 Kyaka RGC Kyegegwa 75,000
5 Kabogore RGC Kiruhura 23,969
Total 111,489

Kyaka RGC covers Kyaka II refugee settlement which was established in 1984 by the
Government of Uganda and is hosting refugees from DRC Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. The
Current population is estimated at 75,000 refugees although the number keeps on increasing on
a weekly basis. The settlement is estimated to have a holding capacity of 100,000 refugees and
is expected to reach maximum capacity by end of 2019 depending on the current rate of
inflows. The settlement has nine zones with four well established semi-urban centers (Bukere,
Byabakora, Mukondo and Sweswe centre). It has over 14 primary schools, one (1) secondary
school and one vocational training institute and 30 Early Childhood Development (ECD)
centres, two (2) health centres, nine (9) health outposts and one Specialized hospital (still under

Figure 1-1 below is a map of Kyegewa District showing the location of the Project towns of
Kyegegwa T/C, Mpara and Ruyonza RGCs. Kyaka II refugee settlement is located in Kabweza
and Mpara Sub-counties.
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Figure 1-1: Map of Kyegewa District showing the location of the Project towns

Kabogore town is located in Burunga Sub-county, Kazo County, Kiruhura District at the
extreme border with Ruyonza Sub-county of Kyegegwa District. Kabogore town was included
in the Project scope because it is located about 500m from River Katonga one of the proposed
sources of water for the Project and is located in a water stressed area of Kazo County with no
piped water supply system.

Figure 1-2 below is a map of Kiruhura District showing the location of Burunga Sub-county
where Kabogore RGC is located.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 91

Figure 1-2: Map of Kiruhura District showing the location of Burunga Sub-county where
Kabogole RGC is located

1.7 Existing Water Supply Situation in the Project Towns

There are no existing piped water supply systems in Kyegegwa Town Council, Mpara, Ruyonza
and Kabogore RGCs. The main sources of water are Rivers, boreholes, dams and shallow wells.
Some households and hotels in Kyegegwa Town Council have dug their own shallow wells and
installed them with submersible pumps to meet their household and commercial water needs.
These are self-supply mini-schemes managed by the owners.

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Figures 1-5 below shows a photograph of one of the boreholes in Kyegegwa Town Council.
The boreholes are managed by the community water user committees.

Figure 1-3: Hand pump borehole in Kyegegwa town

Walking distances to water sources range between 0.5km and 1.5km. There are also water
venders who fetch water from the sources and sell it to households. A 20-litre jerrycan costs
between UGX 50 and UGX 1,000 where the cost is lowest in rainy season and highest in dry
season. Point water sources are managed by water user committees who charge UGX 2,000 per
household per month.

In Kyaka II refugee settlement there is one spring-fed piped water supply system being
managed by Danish Refugee Council (DRC) with support from UNHCR. The water supply
system mainly serves staff offices and accommodation within the base camp, Bujubuli Health
Centre III and Bujubuli Secondary School. However, there is an ongoing construction of two
additional piped water supply systems that are intended to serve six (out of the nine) Zones
within the settlement. One of the water supply systems is fed by the Sweswe valley dam within
the settlement which is also the current main source of water for emergency water trucking
operations in Kyaka II settlement; and the second water supply system will be fed from a spring
source, which has been found to have significant seasonal variations. After the completion of
the on-going construction works of the piped water supply systems, UNHCR intends to work
with the Mid Western Umbrella Authority for Water and Sanitation of the Ministry of Water
and Environment to manage the water supply system with minimum external support as the
beneficiary communities/refugees will be paying for the water used. The external minimal
support would include support for expansion and extension of the distribution network and
subsidizing the water bills for refugees who have not yet built capacity to support themselves.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 93

These mini-piped water supply systems under construction are interim solutions for water
supply for Kyaka II refugee settlement and the neighboring communities as they wait for the
implementation of the long term Project of Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply System.

In Kyaka II refugee settlement, each water point is managed by a 9-member Water User
Committee which collects monthly user fees of UGX 1,000 per household. However, the new
arrivals are exempted from this collection for the first three months as they are considered
extremely vulnerable during this period of time and therefore unable to pay water user fees.

The settlement also has an emergency water treatment plant treating water from the sweswe
valley dam. The water is supplied to the settlement through water trucking and about 350m3 of
water per day is supplied and delivered to various locations where plastic water tanks have been
installed temporarily as community water collection points.

Figures 1-6 and 1-7 below show photographs of some of the surface water sources in the project

Figure 1-4: River Muzizi in Kyegewa Town Council

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Figure 1-5: River Katonga at the border between Kiruhura and Kyegegwa Districts

Table 1-2 below summarises the water supply situation in the Project towns.

Table 1-2: Water Supply Situation in the Project Towns

No. Project Water Sources

Protected springs Shallow Wells Boreholes Rain Water Tap Stands


1 Kyegegwa 8 0 8 23 11 34 15 7 22 10 4 14 0 0 0

2 Mpara 15 0 15 23 9 32 17 26 43 24 3 27 0 0 0

3 Kyaka 6 1 7 53 7 60 12 10 22 18 8 26 5 0 5

4 Ruyonza 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 - - - 0 0 0

5 Kabogore 0 0 0 1 5 6 13 5 18 104 12 116 0 0 0

Key: F = Functional, NF = Non-functional, T =Total

1.8 Existing Sanitation Situation in the Project Towns

There are no conventional sewerage systems in the Project towns. The population depends
mainly on onsite sanitation facilities that comprise of pit latrines. The general practice followed
Section 7. Terms of Reference 95

by the households and institutions is that when pit latrines get filled up, the latrines are
abandoned or backfilled and new ones built adjacent.

2 no. public toilets exist in Kyegegwa Town Council; at the Main Market and taxi park.
Institutional toilet facilities also exist in schools, Health Centres and public offices but they are
in poor condition.

Organised garbage collection and disposal is practiced only in Kyegegwa Town Council. In
other Project areas solid waste is managed at household level where it is either disposed of in
gardens or burnt.

1.9 The Proposed Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP)

The IDA has approved a loan to finance the Integrated Water Management and Development
Project (IWMDP) as a successor Project to the ongoing WMDP. Under the IWMDP, funds
have been earmarked for feasibility study, detailed design and construction supervision under
consultancy services, construction works as well as the implementation of full scale source
protection measures.

Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza and en-route RGCs of Kyaka II refugee settlement and Kabogore

are some of the towns to be implemented under the IWMDP. Kyegegwa water supply system
was first designed by a Consultant called Kombi Technical Services Ltd. contracted by the
Kyegegwa Local Government in 2008. The Consultant designed the Kyegegwa WSS as an
RGC based on groundwater but groundwater was later found not to be sufficient after test
drilling the boreholes. The Water and Sanitation Development Facility –South West (WSDF-
SW) of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) did a follow up feasibility study and
preliminary design in 2014 for Kyegegwa T/C also including Mpara and Ruyonza RGCs and
proposed a water supply system based on surface water from River Katonga. Under this
assignment, a fresh feasibility study will be conducted and the scope increased to cover Kyaka
II refugee settlement in Kyegegwa District and Kabogore RGC in Kiruhura District. The
existing feasibility study and preliminary design report shall be referred to for guidance
purposes and to facilitate development of better scenarios and designs. Detailed engineering
design of the preferred feasible option shall be done and the Consultant shall proceed to
supervise the construction works upon procurement of the Contractor.

The Consultant to undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for all IWMDP towns has already been procured and is
already executing the assignment for the towns with ready designs. For Kyegegwa-Mpara-
Ruyonza Project the Consultant did preliminary work on ESIA and RAP based on the existing
preliminary designs. The ESIA and RAP reports shall be updated by the Consultant upon
completion of the designs under this consultancy. The design and implementation of source
protection measures will be undertaken under this consultancy together with the contractor who
will be procured to implement the project.

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The IWMDP development objective is to improve access to water supply and sanitation
services, improve capacity for integrated water resources management and the operational
performance of service providers in the Project areas. The project will also contribute to the
achievement of National Development Plan II objectives, Vision 2040 and Sustainable
Development Goals.

1.10 Existing Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design

The existing feasibility study and preliminary design was undertaken by the Water and
Sanitation Development Facility –South West (WSDF-SW) of the Ministry of Water and
Environment (MWE) in 2014 for Kyegegwa T/C including Mpara and Ruyonza RGCs and
proposed a water supply system based on surface water from River Katonga. The design
horizon for the Project was from 2016 to 2036 with a design period of 20 years. The proposed
interventions towards meeting the water and sanitation needs for the ultimate year 2036 are as
detailed below.

1.10.1 Proposed Water Supply System

The proposed water supply system under the preliminary design was based on maximum day
demand of 1,237m3/d in the intermediate year 2026 and 1,934m3/d in the ultimate 2036. The
design period was 20 years with 2016 as the initial year and 2036 as the ultimate year. The
project was designed to serve a population of 39,474 in the initial year 2016 and 79,010 in the
ultimate year of 2036. The estimated Project Cost was about UGX 13 billion.

The proposed source of water is River Katonga which passes through Mpara and Ruyonza Sub-
counties and is located about 45km away from Kyegegwa T/C. Raw water is proposed to be
treated at a water treatment plant located about 200m away from the intake and comprising of
the processes of aeration, flocculation, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration and chlorination.
Treated water is then pumped to a reservoir at Iziina hill from where it is gravitated to a ground
tank at Kabani Primary School and Ruyonza RGC distribution area. Treated water from Kabani
ground tank is then pumped to a reservoir at Mwikya hill from where it is gravitated to
Kyegegwa T/C and Mpara RGC storage tanks and then to the respective distribution areas.

The components of the proposed water supply and sanitation system as per the preliminary
design are as listed below:

1. A raw water intake at River Katonga.

2. A water treatment plant of capacity 1,934m3/d located 200m away from the intake
comprising of aeration, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination.
3. A transmission main of total length 45km consisting of OD140 HDPE and OD200
HDPE pipes.
4. A reinforced concrete tank of 300 m3 capacity at Iziina hill.
5. A reinforced concrete tank of 60 m3 capacity at Kabani Primary School.
6. A reinforced concrete tank of 200 m3 capacity at Mwikya hill.
7. A reinforced concrete tank of 150 m3 capacity at Mailo Musanju.
8. A reinforced concrete tank of 250 m3 capacity at Kyegegwa hill.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 97

9. A cold pressed steel reservoir of 60 m3 on a 10m elevated steel tower for Kabogore
10. A distribution pipe network of total length 145km of HDPE and uPVC pipes ranging
in size from OD40-160 mm.
11. 30 Public stand posts.
12. 1,000 consumer connections.
13. Water offices- 2 No.
14. Public Toilets – 2 No.
15. Household Ecosan Toilets- 10 No.

1.10.2 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
for this Project are being done under a separate Consultancy Contract. For Kyegegwa-Mpara-
Ruyonza Project the Consultant did preliminary work on ESIA and RAP based on the existing
preliminary designs. The ESIA and RAP reports will be updated/prepared during the design
phase of this consultancy and will inform the final design solution.

1.10.3 Water Source Protection Plan, Sub-Catchment Management Plan and Design for

The goal of water source protection is to ensure sustainable supply of clean and adequate water
for supporting livelihoods. To achieve this goal it requires that the quality and quantity of water
at the abstraction point is maintained or sustained through a series of land and water based
management interventions that reduce the risk of pollution, declining water quantities and
conflict over water use among the various stakeholders. This goal seeks to ensure low costs of
water purification and maintenance of supply infrastructure.

The design and implementation of source protection measures will be undertaken under this
consultancy together with the contractor who will be procured to implement the project.

The aim of the Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation Project is to improve
water supply and sanitation services in the Project towns.

2.1 Specific Project Objectives

The specific objectives of the Project include:

1. To ensure adequate and sustainable provision of water for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza

and en-route RGCs of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement and Kabogore for a design period of
20 years through development of new infrastructure.

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Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 98

2. To implement appropriate source protection measures that are sustainable, within

socially acceptable cost, and in accordance with the catchment protection guidelines
under preparation by the DWRM (Framework and Guidelines for Water Source
3. Improve sanitation at public places and selected institutions in the Project towns and
faecal sludge management by provision of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTPs) and
public and institutional toilets and supporting the required processes to ensure proper
functionality of the FSTPs.

2.2 Objectives of the Consultancy Services

The consultancy services are aimed at the following;

1. Conduct a fresh feasibility study for the Project area, prepare Detailed Engineering
Designs and tender documents ensuring the Project meets its objective of providing
adequate water supply and improved sanitation for a design period of 20 years.
Reference should be made to the existing feasibility study and preliminary design report
for guidance purposes and to facilitate development of better scenarios and optimum
2. Review and update the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report and
the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) prepared under a separate consultancy contract
based on the preliminary design of the water supply and sanitation system for the
project area. The ESIA and RAP reports should be updated based on the new studies
conducted and the final detailed design prepared under this consultancy.
3. Based on the Catchment Planning and Water Source Protection Guidelines developed by
the Ministry of Water and Environment, the Consultant shall undertake Water Source
Protection Plan, Sub- Catchment Management Plan and Design for Implementation.
4. Provide engineering consulting services complete in all respects in undertaking
supervision of construction works under the contract.


The consultancy is divided into two discrete parts: (i) design of infrastructure measures; and (ii)
tendering and construction supervision. Sections 3.1 to 3.2 below outline the specific scope of
works in detail.

3.1 Design Consultancy

The design consultancy part of this work consists of (i) feasibility study; (ii) detailed
engineering design for water supply, sanitation and water source protection, (iii) preparation of
Water Source Protection Plan (iv) preparation of tender documents and (v) review and update
Section 7. Terms of Reference 99

of the existing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report and the
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
Feasibility Study
The work under this section will include but not limited to the scope detailed below. Reference
should be made to the existing feasibility study and preliminary design report for guidance
purposes and to facilitate development of appropriate/ better and optimum design solutions

1. Collect and analyse socio-economic data and any other relevant information. This
should include ability and willingness to pay for water and sanitation services and
gender related issues to promote gender equality and enhance the Project’s development
effectiveness. The analysis will also highlight key socio-economic issues related to refugee
and host communities in Kyaka II refugee settlement for consideration by the Client.
2. Based on the collected information, project population and water demand trends for a
design period of 20 years from the initial year. The projection, disaggregated by sub-project
area should be presented in 5-year steps. The projections must consider the physical
expansion of the water service areas over time including considerations in the available
physical development plans. The Consultant is also expected to compile a simple profile
(population and mapping) of anticipated project beneficiaries by village and anticipated
population for the refugee settlements. Population data should be disaggregated by gender
and residency status. For refugee communities, the consultant will determine the planning
horizon depending on the available data.
3. Detailed hydrological and hydrogeological investigation to determine potential raw
water sources. The investigation must include all potential surface and groundwater
sources in the area including a water resources reliability assessment to meet a design
period of 20 years. The investigations shall at the minimum include the following;
(a) Surface water

i. Detailed water quality analysis;

ii. Determination and mapping of water intake locations and the
alignment to the raw water pump station;
iii. Determination of raw water transmission routes;
iv. Determination of the most appropriate water treatment location;
v. Preliminary geotechnical and topographic surveys at locations proposed
for water intake and treatment locations;
vi. Determination of treatment volumes, technology and processes
vii. The treatment technology options analysis should include current best
practices in process technology to achieve cost effective,
environmentally friendly and efficient systems;
viii. Determination of sludge management mechanisms.

(b) Groundwater:

99 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 100

i. Carry out a detailed reconnaissance survey and groundwater resources

assessment for the project area as described in section 1.6.
ii. Carry out detailed Hydrogeological investigations leading to the site
selection including:

a) Study and analysis of existing data,

b) Mapping of sources in the vicinity of the proposed location, study
and analysis of the geology and the geological structures of the
selected area,
c) Study and analysis of the aerial photographs and or satellite images
of the selected locations,
d) Conducting a detailed Hydrogeological and Geophysical
investigation at the selected locations including the generation of 2-
D resistivity plots of the selected area.
e) Determination of treatment volumes, technology and processes
required. The treatment technology options analysis should include
current best practices to achieve cost effective, efficient, user and
environmentally friendly systems

Geophysical surveys shall be carried out employing methods including but not
limited to Magnetic, Electromagnetic and Resistivity. A combination of Traverse
and Vertical Electrical Sounding methods is recommended. The consultant shall
be required to use appropriate methods/techniques and sounding equipment to
carry out work in the field. All the surveys shall be carried out with an objective
of determining the site(s) with the highest potential for water productivity. The
anticipated activities will include but not limited to

i. Determination of recharge capacity and mapping of recharge area

of aquifer(s)/ identified;
ii. Determination and mapping of locations suitable for drilling of
ground water production wells (considering technical, socio-economic,
and socio- cultural factors);
iii. Supervision of the drilling of test boreholes (assume 6 boreholes
distributed in the entire project area each with depths of up to 150
metres in weathered crystalline ground), including completion with
appropriately sized casing and pump testing. This shall be done using
correct drilling methods, tools and equipment according to standard
drilling practice. The drilling, completion and pump testing of the test
boreholes shall be done by a drilling Contractor who shall be procured
by the Client. The drilling Contractor shall be procured through an
appropriate procurement method to fit within the Work Program of the
iv. Determination of the safe yields of boreholes, as well as distance
Section 7. Terms of Reference 101

required between wells, number of wells, well depths, etc. (all raw data
obtained shall be recorded and shown in a report);
v. Determination of water quality in each of the trial boreholes (assume
two sample each).
4. Based on projected water demand figures, hydrological and hydrogeological
investigations, will consider the information gathered through the ESIA, undertake an
options/alternatives analysis for both groundwater and surface water combinations to
provide reliable and energy efficient raw water source(s) for the project area. As part of
the alternatives analysis, the Consultant shall carry out and report on the financial,
environmental, social, health and safety impact assessment of each option. The analysis
should also consider information gathered by the Project ESIA consultant while
preparing the ESIA using existing preliminary designs. An optimum combination of
ground and surface water sources should be considered to mitigate climate change and
water source risks.
5. Based on population distribution and demand forecasts, determine the required
transmission, storage and distribution capacity including configuration that will ensure
energy efficiency and cost optimization as necessary. This should include but not limited
to the following:
5.1 Determination and mapping of transmission and distribution routes, and
storage locations;
5.2 Preliminary geotechnical and topographic surveys at locations proposed for
transmission routes and storage locations;
5.3 Preliminary determination of properties of transmission and bulk distribution
pipeline (e.g. sizes, PN rating, material, etc.) and storage facilities (e.g. volume,
type of tank, elevation, etc.). The choice of pipe materials should include
analysis of current best practices in water transport to achieve cost effective,
environmentally friendly and efficient systems.
5.4 Determination and mapping of consumer connection points to the distribution
6. Investigate the feasibility of centralised or decentralised water supply solutions to
Kyegegwa T/C, Mpara, Ruyonza, Kyaka II and Kabogore RGCs and any other areas as
may be determined under the feasibility study. This should include a supply options
analysis with corresponding assessment of Operation and Maintenance options and
recommendations for sustainable management, taking into consideration the proposed
options in the draft Government of Uganda O&M framework of water supplies in refugee
communities, the recommendations from the 2019 study on assessment of Water Service
Delivery in Uganda Districts Hosting Refugees and options for water supply system
management under the Urban Water and Sewerage Services Department of the Ministry
of Water and Environment.
7. Undertake a preliminary design of the treatment processes and units. The Consultant
shall include results of this design in the options analysis for the water supply system(s).

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Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 102

8. Undertake an assessment and options analysis potential energy source(s) to power the
water supply system components. Green and energy efficient/smart systems should be
ensured which may include solar and in-pipe hydropower generation.
9. Carry out a sanitation needs assessment at public places and institutions in urban areas
and rural growth centres and develop sustainable, practical and user friendly proposals
for sanitation provision. A town sanitation plan including beneficiary populations for all
proposed infrastructure shall be developed
10. Assess the functionality of faecal sludge and on-site public sanitation management chain
including regulation, collection, containment, transport, treatment and disposal and
recommend cost effective and sustainable management mechanisms. This should also
include stakeholder engagement requirements, operation and maintenance plans, the
required transportation and regulation arrangements, identification and evaluation of
different options for faecal sludge treatment in terms of location, clustering and treatment
technologies. The consultant shall explore and recommend sustainable business models
for management of the different solutions proposed for fecal sludge management
11. Carry out a preliminary design of a Faecal Sludge Treatment infrastructure that meets the
current and future faecal sludge services demand requirements.
12. Clearly outline well costed new build and rehabilitation requirements for both the water
supply and sanitation system components.

13. Provide preliminary cost/benefit analysis for all measures proposed.

14. Undertake an options analysis for implementation strategies/packaging of the proposed

works including estimated construction period and recommend the most appropriate approach
to delivery of the assignment.

15. The Consultant shall identify and provide cost estimates for appropriate source protection
measures for the water sources that shall be identified and approved for development. These
measures will provide input for the development of a comprehensive ESIA (see section 1.10.2)
and source protection plans (see section 1.10.3), whose physical implementation is foreseen
during or at the tail end of the construction works. The source protection measures shall be
aligned with the appropriate catchment management planning regime for which the consultant
shall liaise with Albert WMZ.

3.1.1 Detailed Design of Infrastructure

The Consultant shall, based on the feasibility study produce detailed designs for system
requirements, to meet demand for a design period of 20 years. In particular, the services will
have to include the following as a minimum for each of surface and ground water sources as
determined in the feasibility study. The detailed design should also be informed by the ESIA
and ESIA update, including any structural designed environmental and social mitigation
measures proposed in the ESIA e.g., temporary walls / noise buffer, wetland friendly
construction, etc.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 103

(a) Surface Water Sources Development

The infrastructure components to be designed under surface water sources include the
following as a minimum; raw water intake, raw water transmission, water treatment
plant, clear water transmission, reservoirs, primary and secondary distribution lines, and
boosters (where applicable) including all electrical and mechanical equipment. The activities
listed below will be carried out on each of the components as a minimum;
1) Carryout detailed topographical surveys on sites selected for major infrastructure
installations (intake, water treatment plant, reservoirs) and routes for transmission and
distribution lines.

2) Carry out detailed geotechnical investigation at sites selected for major infrastructure
installations (intake, water treatment plant, boosters, reservoirs) and at least 2 spots per
km on routes for transmission and primary distribution lines to ascertain the nature of
ground conditions. The number of testing points should be sufficient to allow design of
intakes, water treatment plants, reservoirs and routes of transmission and distribution
lines. The consultant is expected to advise, based on investigations, on the suitability
of different sites in view of structural, cost and construction management requirements.

3) Carry out process designs including methods and calculations, system schematics and
functions, formulation of design scenarios/configurations based on water treatment
alternatives/methods together with their respective estimated Capital and Operation
and Maintenance (O&M) cost estimates.

4) Carry out hydraulic design of systems to optimise capital and operation costs taking
into consideration water hammer and surge analysis.

5) Design of transmission lines, reservoirs and distribution lines.

6) Carry out structural designs of all structures and foundations.

7) Identify problem areas along the transmission and distribution lines for special
consideration (e.g. road and river crossings) and prepare appropriate design details.

(b) Groundwater Production Well Fields Development

The infrastructure components to be designed based on groundwater sources may include
well field development based on information obtained from the drilled test boreholes through
methodology explained above, raw water transmission, raw water collection sumps,
pump houses, water treatment plant as well as clear water transmission and distribution
network, including all electrical and mechanical equipment. The activities listed below are
expected for each of the components, as a minimum;
1. Design of well fields and determination of the number of wells necessary for
contributing sufficient raw water as defined in the water balance and based on the
103 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 104

information obtained from the drilled test boreholes.

2. Design of groundwater monitoring systems for boreholes to be developed.

3. Detailed topographical survey and mapping of selected sites and alignments of

transmission and distribution pipes.
4. Carry out detailed geotechnical surveys at sites selected for major infrastructure
installations including pump houses and sumps.
5. Preparation of detailed standard well design (layout of well and pump house,
sections, location of pump, hydraulic and electrical equipment).
6. Carry out process designs including methods and calculations, system schematics
and functions, formulation of design scenarios/configurations based on water
treatment alternatives/methods together with their respective estimated Capital and
O&M cost estimates.

7. Carry out hydraulic design of systems to optimise capital and operation costs taking
into consideration water hammer and surge analysis.

8. Design of transmission lines, reservoirs and distribution lines.

9. Carry out structural designs of civil structures and foundations.

For all groundwater and surface water sources, the detailed design should include the
1 design of system electrical and mechanical installations. Emphasis should be put on
green and smart systems to achieve energy efficiency.

2. design of appropriate monitoring and control systems including but not limited to
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or any other approved remote
control system to manage the entire water system operation. The control system
should, among others, be capable of carrying out real time water quality monitoring and
automatic adjustment of chemical doses to achieve pre-set water quality standards. It
should further allow for manual, semi-automatic and full automatic modes.
3. Design of appropriate water office structures conveniently located for the management
of the Water Supply System.

For sanitation provision and management in the project area, the consultant is
expected to carry out the following;
1. Design sustainable and user friendly sanitation infrastructure for public places and
institutions in urban and rural growth centres after identifying and evaluation of
possible options with the Client and recommending appropriate O&M and
management options to ensure sustainable service provision.
2. Develop a cost effective and sustainable faecal sludge and public sanitation
management solution(s) including regulation, collection, containment, transport,
Section 7. Terms of Reference 105

treatment and disposal. These will include town sanitation towns and an
implementation package (s) involving priority activities to be implemented under the
IWMDP. The design solutions should include detailed engineering designs of all
proposed infrastructure.

For both water supply and sanitation,

1. Undertake full analysis of the economic and financial viability of the project. The
following should be included as a minimum:
a. Assessment of CAPEX and OPEX of the facilities proposed.
b. Assessment of dynamic prime costs and specific investment costs related to
population served.
c. Assessment of the proposed tariff system and extent of coverage by costs
(e.g. operational cost coverage, operational and basic maintenance; full cost
coverage including depreciation over 20 years and capital for future network
expansion). This should clearly specify the recommended options for the water
supply to refugee settlements
d. Assessment of key financial performance indicators/ ratios such as operating
cash flow CAPEX cover, operating cash flow debt service cover, NPV, FIRR,
DSCR, ROE, ROA, debt to equity, and the EIRR.
e. Statement of all assumptions the economic and financial tests were based on
(e.g. inflation, billing efficiency, etc.).
2. Prepare a detailed project risk register. The register should list and quantify the
possible monetary impact of each risk, propose parties responsible for each risk, and
propose mitigation measures.

4. The consultant will be expected to prepare detailed engineering designs for each
facility (detailed scheme layout, topographic and profile surveys, hydraulic profiles,
detailed calculations (process, structural, hydraulic), engineering and structural
drawings, overview plans, descriptions in text, etc.)

5. Identify and peg all the required pieces of land for the installation of project structures.
All the affected land owners, forms of ownership and the ease/difficulty of land
acquisition should be identified and documented. This will ease the process of land
acquisition and enable the local authorities to start the process early enough.

3.1.2 Preparation of Water Source Protection Plan, Sub-Catchment Management Plan

and Design for Implementation

The goal of water source protection is to ensure sustainable supply of clean and adequate water
for supporting livelihoods. To achieve this goal it requires that the quality and quantity of water
105 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 106

at the abstraction point is maintained or sustained through a series of land and water based
management interventions that reduce the risk of pollution, declining water quantities and
conflict over water use among the various stakeholders. This goal seeks to ensure low costs of
water purification and maintenance of supply infrastructure.

Based on Catchment Planning and Water Source Protection Guidelines developed by the
Ministry of Water and Environment, the Consultant will assist the Client in undertaking a
number of activities related to catchment management and water source protection that will
result in a Water Source Protection Plan (WSPP). The Consultant will refer to the existing
ESIA report to benefit from any recommendations made on water source protection
requirements. The activities will include but not limited to the following:

i) Identify the problems to be addressed, set the objectives for the water source protection
and identify the conditions needed to make water source protection successful.
ii) Design an awareness raising and sensitisation plan for the stakeholders with the
objective of involving and informing them about the water source protection and
making them appreciate the importance of source protection.
iii) Undertake detailed catchment problem analysis to fully understand the water and land
use challenges and how they relate to the functionality of the water source.
iv) Undertake a detailed catchment stakeholder analysis to fully understand the people and
organisations that have an influence on, or are influenced by, the proposed water source
protection plan, and to work out the most likely ways of aligning stakeholder interests to
the need of the WSPP.
v) Establish what monitoring and regulation is relevant and useful to successfully
establishing and maintaining protection of the water source and set targets for success
that can be easily and regularly measured.
vi) Identify Catchment Control Measures in form of physical, legal, educational or social
actions that can be undertaken to improve the protection and performance of the water
vii) Prepare a Water Source Protection Plan that contains realistic actions supported with an
overall estimate of time and cost.
viii) Prepare an implementation, review and monitoring plan for the WSPP for
consideration during the construction phase to achieve the agreed aims and objectives to
protect the Water Source and to periodically review progress and update the plan to
keep it relevant, useful and used by all partners.
ix) Based on the Water Source Protection Plan, the consultant shall produce designs for the
required structural and management/protection measures.
x) Collaborate Catchment Management/Water Source Protection Plan with Environmental
and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) to provide inputs into the environmental and
social management plan as may be required.

3.1.3 Preparation of Tender Documents for Construction Works

The consultant shall prepare tender documents for all infrastructure components designed. In
Section 7. Terms of Reference 107

particular, the consultant shall carry out the following as a minimum:

1) Prepare a complete set of tender documents for construction contracts according to

FIDIC Conditions of Contract.

Tender documents shall conform to the prevailing guidelines for procurement of works
IBRD loans and IDA credits as issued from time to time by the World

The tender documents shall be packaged in accordance with World Bank Procurement
Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement in investment Project Financing; Goods, Works,
Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016. The Consultant shall use the SBD-
Procurement of Works & Users Guide updated December 2019 that have been adjusted to
enhance ESHS performance. In addition, the Contractors and supervision Consultants to be
procured shall be required to develop and implement Construction Environmental and Social
Management Plans (CESMP), including hiring qualified Environmental Specialists, Health &
Safety Specialist and Social specialists on their project teams.

3.1.4 Review and Update of the existing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
(ESIA) Report and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Update of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

The Ministry of Water and Environment hired a Consultant, M/S ESL Ecoserv Ltd. to prepare
the ESIA report for the Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
October 2018. The Consultant produced a preliminary ESIA report based on the existing
feasibility study and preliminary design.

The main objective of this assignment therefore is to update the Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) report for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and
Sanitation Project in line with the final detailed design produced under this assignment and
clearly identify the potential impacts of the project on the environment and their mitigation

(a) Work Done by the Consultant on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

 Public consultations were held with all the villages affected by the proposed Kyegegwa-
Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation Project. National agencies and District
Local Governments were also consulted. Stakeholders were engaged during the ESIA
process to create awareness about the Project and obtain their perceived positive and
negative social and environmental impacts.

107 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 108

 The Consultant assessed biophysical and socio-economic environmental parameters

within the project area e.g. Baseline noise condition, Biodiversity inventories, Mapping
and Photography to record empirical evidence on the status quo so as to facilitate future
monitoring of project activities on the environment.
 Assessed direct and indirect; immediate and long term; permanent and temporary
impacts of the project. This was done based on various criteria including severity of
impacts, duration, geographical scope, and the existence of readily identifiable cost-
effective mitigations.
 Alternatives were also analyzed to maximize environmental safety.

(b) Guiding Principles in Updating the ESIA Report

The updated ESIA report should be carried out in line with the requirements of the legal,
policy and regulatory framework of Uganda as well as the World Bank Policies,
Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines, specifically; World Bank policy OP4.01:
"Environmental Assessment," and other World Bank safeguard and information disclosure
policies. Items where World Bank policy requirements are more comprehensive must be
addressed over and above the requirements of the regulatory framework of Uganda.

(c) Specific Objectives for the ESIA

1. To establish the Project’s potential environmental and social impacts and propose
measures to mitigate them.
2. To assess the impacts of alternatives and advise the designing process accordingly.
3. To determine the actions required by MWE and other stakeholders to satisfactorily
address the impacts.

(d) Scope of Services under Update of ESIA

The Consultant shall prepare an updated ESIA statement for the proposed water supply and
sanitation sub-projects of Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza in accordance with the scope of
services that will include but not be limited to the following; (i) policy and legal frameworks,
(ii) description of potentially affected areas, (iii) Project’s potential impacts, (iv) analysis of
the Potential Impacts of the Project (v) analysis of alternatives, (vi) public consultation and
disclosure (vii) development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), (viii
) Inter-Agency Coordination, (ix) a Chance finds procedure and (x) Overall project level
Grievance Redress Mechanism.

The Consultant shall refer to the preliminary ESIA report prepared by M/S ESL Ecoserv Ltd.
and ensure that all the above mentioned sections are updated according to the new detailed
Section 7. Terms of Reference 109

design for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza WSS Project. Update of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

The Ministry of Water and Environment hired a Consultant, M/S JBN Consults Ltd. to
prepare the RAP for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
October 2018. The preliminary RAP report was prepared based on the existing feasibility
study and preliminary design.

The main objective of this assignment therefore is to update the Resettlement Action Plan
(RAP) for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Water Supply and Sanitation Project in line with the
final detailed design produced under this assignment and determine anticipated resettlement
impacts associated with the construction of the water supply and sanitation system as well as
putting in place measures to mitigate such impacts.

(a) Work Done on Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

 M/S JBN Consults Ltd. conducted census to cover all persons who will be potentially
affected by the land take for the proposed water supply system (water intake and
treatment plant, transmission lines, distribution lines and reservoirs). A census was
conducted for each infrastructure in order to establish their number, types, size and
quality of affected assets. A breakdown of a number of affected households by
infrastructure in their respective villages (cells) was developed.
 The Consultant determined the size of land to be acquired/affected by the Project i.e. for
transmission pipelines (22.5018 acres), water treatment plant (2.471 acres), distribution
lines (11.4006 acres), reservoirs (0.7826 acres) giving a total of 37.1560 acres.
 Determined crops/trees to be affected and described them by; crop/tree type, description
and total numbers. The types include; acacia, aloevera, avocado, banana, bottle brush,
busitani, cactus, cedurella, chillies, cloton, coffee, cypress, eucalyptus, first class timber
tree, bush tree, mangoes, among others.
 The Consultant also carried out consultations with Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in
the project affected areas of Kyegegwa Town Council, Kyegegwa Sub-county, Mpara
Sub-county as well as Ruyonza. During this period, the project planning schedule was
disclosed, cut-off for eligibility was explained and rights of PAPs, compensation process
on who is eligible and grievance procedures were outlined. Key stakeholder
views/concerns were also obtained.

109 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 110

 The budget for resettlement compensation and livelihood restoration was determined.
The total compensation value for RAP was estimated at UGX 882,844,535 and total
livelihood restoration value was estimated at UGX 435,541,000.
 M/S JBN Consults Ltd. designed monitoring and evaluation procedure for the RAP, to
readily identify problems and successes as early as possible.

(b) Guiding Principles in Updating the RAP Report

The updated RAP report should be carried out in line with the requirements of the legal,
policy and regulatory framework of Uganda as well as the World Bank Policies, specifically;
World Bank policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) and other World Bank safeguard
and information disclosure policies. Items where World Bank policy requirements are more
comprehensive must be addressed over and above the requirements of the regulatory
framework of Uganda.

(c) Specific Objectives for the RAP

1. To determine the scope and magnitude of social impacts resulting in the permanent or
temporary acquisition of land and displacement of people.
2. To avoid or minimize adverse social impacts.
3. To provide people with opportunities to participate in the design and implementation of
the resettlement program.
4. To assist displaced people in their efforts to improve their livelihood and standards of
living or at least to restore them.

(d) Scope of Services under Update of RAP

Under the RAP assignment the Consultant will establish the project social and economic
impacts resulting from the damage of crops and property and acquisition of land for the
project on individuals or groups of people and also try to minimize land acquisition and its
impacts. The Consultant will also determine the extent of involuntary resettlement impacts
associated with the project and put in place measures to mitigate those impacts. The impacts
are mainly related to the interruption of livelihoods of people affected by the project due to
damage of crops and property, land acquisition, taking or changing the use of the affected
land related to the proposed surface water intake, water treatment works, construction of
storage reservoirs, laying of transmission and distribution pipelines, construction of faecal
sludge treatment plant and solid waste disposal site and public and institutional toilets. The
Consultant will work with the office of the Chief Government Valuer to update the existing
budget for resettlement compensation and livelihood restoration based on PAPs being
affected or no longer affected in accordance with the new detailed designs and the applicable
Government of Uganda rates and World Bank O.P.4.12 guidelines.

In addition, the Consultant will carry out consultations with relevant stakeholders, including
Section 7. Terms of Reference 111

potentially affected persons and members of vulnerable groups, to obtain their views and
suggestions regarding the social impacts of the proposed project and agree on the measures to
cover the losses. The Consultant should address the concerns and issues brought forward by
the PAPs within the same timeline for Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) envisaged
under the original RAP. The outcome of the consultations will be reflected in the RAP report
and incorporated into the project design as appropriate.

The Consultant shall refer to the preliminary RAP report prepared by M/S JBN Consults Ltd.
and ensure that all the above mentioned RAP aspects are updated according to the new
detailed design for Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza WS&S Project.

3.2 Tendering for Works Contract and Construction Supervision

3.2.1 Tendering for Works Contract

The Consultant shall participate in the entire tender process. In particular, the tasks will
include but not limited to the following:

1) Participate in pre-tender site visit and meeting.

2) Respond to queries raised by bidders.

3) Participate in tender evaluation. This will include:

i. review of the tenderers’ technical and financial capacity, experience in projects of
similar nature and complexity and availability of staff suitable for the project.

ii. Review of the tenderers’ proposed construction methodologies.

iii. Review of tenderers’ proposed programme of work.

iv. Analysis of costs cited by the tenderers.

v. Preparation of the tender analysis report for the Client and the World Bank.
4) Assist the Client during negotiations with the successful tenderer.

3.2.2 Construction Supervision

The Consultant shall prepare for the commencement of the works; and subsequently supervise
the construction Contract as the “Engineer”. The terms and conditions for construction works
shall be as stipulated in the latest harmonised version of the FIDIC conditions of contract.
Construction supervision will also be in line with the ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL
POLICY in section 11, and the CODE OF CONDUCT in section 12.

Construction supervision will encompass the entire scope of work related to the project. The
scope of supervision will also encompass re-instatement works and, if necessary, structures for
111 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 112

source protection. The Consultant shall put in place a quality assurance system, risk and
environmental management systems to ensure compliance with construction standards.

Construction supervision covers four areas: (i) Pre-construction and mobilisation phase; (ii)
construction phase (iii) defects liability phase and (iv) compliance with legal, health, safety and
environmental requirements. Pre-Construction and Mobilisation Phase

During the pre-construction and mobilisation phase, the Consultant shall undertake all
preparations for commencement of works like site handover to Contractors. The tasks shall
include but not limited to;

1. Review the contractor’s work programme and method statements and highlight areas
that may pose a risk to timely and in-budget project completion.
2. Review the contractor’s proposed staffing, equipment, and insurance, performance
securities, advance payment guarantees, and recommend appropriate actions to the
3. Review and make recommendations on the Contractor’s procurement schedule.
4. Review and approve the Contractor’s ESMP, including Labour Influx Management Plan
and Workers’ Camp & Accommodation Management Plans, Environmental, Social,
Health and Safety (ESHS) provisions, and Grievance Redress Mechanisms.
5. Carryout due diligence on and approve Contractor’s proposals for construction materials
acquisition sources.
6. Carryout and/or supervise any pre-construction sensitization activities associated with
environmental and social issues affecting communities and Contractor/sub-contractor
7. Review and approve the Contractor’s proposed procurements during mobilisation,
ensuring that all materials are from the right source, are of the right quality and
specifications, and are in sufficient quantities.
8. Monthly progress reporting to the client, and immediate reporting should any issues be
identified that could impact on the project completion schedule.
9. Development and confirmation of the training plan with the MWE. Construction Phase

The Consultant shall represent the Client on site and supervise the entire construction process in
close cooperation with the Client’s Project Manager. During the construction period, the
Consultant’s task shall specifically attend to the following;

1. Supervise the Contractor’s work progress vs. the planned project time schedule and
ensure that delays are being kept to a minimum and, wherever possible, the Contractor
Section 7. Terms of Reference 113

takes measures to make up for the time lost and put the Project back on the planned
2. Timely issuance to the Contractor all necessary correspondences related to information,
instructions, clarifications and suggestions so as to ensure consistency in quality,
positive progress and planned costs.
3. Inspect, determine and approve the part of works, before, during and after construction
of part and or whole of the works to ensure all time compliance with the specifications
and standards.
4. Supervise the Contractor’s procurements, ensuring that all materials are from the right
source, are of right quality and are of sufficient quantities. In addition, the Consultant
shall prepare/modify and approve specifications for equipment to be procured for the
Project as necessary.
5. Supervise the Contractor’s construction activities, ensuring that all construction is
undertaken as designed, or in accordance with the Client’s approved variations to the
original design, and that all quality standards are met.
6. If necessary, make amendments to the design with approval from the Client.
7. Admeasure and certify all quantities invoiced by the Contractor. Certify payment
certificates for payments of completed works or parts thereof. Prepare the Contractor’s
payment statement including certificates in accordance with the General Conditions of
Contract and Particular Conditions.
8. Inspect and certify all completed works.
9. Prepare snag lists after substantial completion of works.
10. Advise the Client on contractual obligations and establish early warning systems to
minimise financial impacts from compensation events and subsequent claims.
11. Ensure that the contractor meets Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) as
indicated in Annex 1 & 2 and in the project ESIA.
12. Ensure that the Contractor works within the Environmental and Social frameworks as
detailed in the Project’s Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and the Resettlement Action Plan.
13. Periodically review the status of the Contractor’s real vs. required staffing, equipment,
insurance, performance securities, advance payment guarantees and recommend
appropriate actions to the Client.
14. State all methods and procedures that are intended to ensure robust quality control,
execute all procedures accordingly, and report on all quality control undertakings and
their results to the Client. This will include performance of tests from approved
laboratories on selected materials to ensure they comply with standards and

113 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 114

15. In addition to continuous construction supervision, schedule and organise a weekly

formal visitation of activities with the Contractor’s representative and agree with the
Contractor on progress made as compared to the previous week.
16. Develop and maintain a project progress reporting format that is both, concise and in
accordance with the Client’s and the Development Partner’s requirements.
17. Monthly progress reporting to the Client, and immediate reporting should any issues be
identified that could impact on the project completion schedule.
18. In consultation with the Client, prepare the necessary variation orders.
19. Schedule and organise witness testing events, including contractual tests for the
completed works.
20. Maintain daily site records on prevailing weather conditions, labour, availability and
operational condition of key plant, disputes between employers and staff as well as
between contractor and local residents, and all other observations that may be of
importance in case of any arbitration or legal disputes.
21. Mentor and transfer knowledge to trainees attached to the Project including endorsement
of monthly training reports to be submitted to MWE. Defects Liability Phase

During the defects liability period, the Consultant’s tasks which will be performed in close
cooperation with the staff of the operator of the Water Supply System (NWSC or Umbrella
Authority of Water and Sanitation – Mid West) as nominated by the Client shall include, but
not be limited to the following;

1. Supervise and certify the addressing of all items on the snag list by the Contractor, as
agreed at substantial completion.
2. Monitor the performance of all plant, notify both the Contractor and the Client on
defects identified, and recommend remedial actions.
3. Supervise and certify the remedying of any defects that become apparent during the
defects liability phase.
4. Review and supervise the agreed upon ‘on the job’ training programme of staff of the
operators of the Water Supply System (NWSC or Umbrella Authority of Water and
Sanitation – Mid West) by the Contractor.
5. Ensure that the Contractor supplies complete sets of all works manuals, drawings,
models, warranties, and other relevant plant documentation to the Client. The
supervision Consultant should point out all items missing and recommend actions to be
taken by the Client.
6. Review, approve, and certify ‘as built’ drawings.
7. Review and certify the final statement of accounts.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 115

8. Develop and maintain a defects liability reporting format that is both, concise and in
accordance with the Client’s and the Development Partner’s requirements.
9. Conduct quarterly site meetings with the Contractor where all defects identified are
recorded and a time schedule for remedying the defects is agreed.
10. Prepare monthly progress reporting to the Client on the operation status of the plant.
11. Prepare the project completion report.
12. Prepare and updated asset register.
13. Assist the Client in the final handover and acceptance process, including all
associated administrative work, such as the discharge certificate for the contractor. Works Commissioning

Works Commissioning comes at the tail end of the Defects Liability Phase and during this
phase, the Contractor will continue to operate/oversee operation of the scheme to ensure it is
fully optimised and functioning to the satisfaction of the Client. The Consultant will implement
works commissioning including:

1. Preparing the completion report for the works, which will be based on the record
maintained during construction and defects liability supervision phases. It will include
the environmental completion report which will be submitted to NEMA and the World
Bank for compliance with initial recommendations for environmental and social
mitigation measures. The Consultant will be expected to include a project outputs
delivery report on areas agreed with the Project Manager (Client) as a key component in
the completion report. The outputs report will form the project operational baseline data
summary report for operation improvement tracking purposes.
2. The Consultant will ensure the preparation of ‘as-built drawings’ by the Contractor
during construction of works. On completion of the Project, the Consultant will check,
approve and submit to the Project Manager for the Client’s retention, 2 complete sets of
all detailed drawings and 2 electronic CD-ROM copy and computations in accordance
with revisions made during the construction.
3. Based on the information and booklets received from the Contractors, Manufacturers,
Suppliers and his own experience, the Consultant will ensure preparation and
submission of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals by the Contractor. The
Consultant will ensure the manuals are complete with the O&M recommendations
identified during construction and that all relevant technical booklets of scheme
components are provided in English. Compliance with Legal, Health, Safety and Environment Requirements

During the pre-construction and mobilisation, construction and defects liability phases of the
115 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 116

project, the Consultant will ensure that the Contractor adheres to legal, health, safety and
environment requirements as follows;

1) Review the Contractor’s proposed staffing capacity to address legal, health, safety
and environment requirements.

2) Ensure that the Contractor continuously meets legal, occupational health and safety
standards including compliance with labour laws.

3) Ensure that the Contractor continuously meets social and environmental safeguard
requirements according to World Bank guidelines and as defined in the Environmental
and Social Management Plan (ESMP).

4) Maintain daily site records on disputes between employers and staff as well as between
Contractor and local residents, and all other observations as necessary

The Consultant's tasks for execution of this assignment have been outlined and detailed as
thoroughly as possible. However, the Consultant shall bear in mind that the list of tasks and
activities can by no means be considered as a complete description of the Consultant's duties. It
is to be understood that the Consultant shall perform all duties of the Engineer as outlined in
FIDIC Red book, Environmental and Social Policy and Code of Conduct.


4.1 Contractual Arrangements

The contractual arrangements for this project shall be:

1) Design phase and tendering for works’ contract shall be lump sum.

2) Construction supervision and defects liability phase shall be time based.

The Consultant shall show the costs of his proposed services in accordance with these
contractual arrangements.

Note that continuation from the design phase to tendering and construction supervision phase
shall be subject to successful completion of the design phase. This will be measured in terms of
deployment of right skills and timely delivery of project outputs.

4.2 Liaison with the Client

MWE shall nominate members to constitute a contract management team. The team will
comprise of Project Manager and Engineer. The Project Manager shall carry out all project
management oversight activities, supervisory roles and review, sign-off and approval of
Consultant’s reports. It will be the Consultant's duty to maintain close contact with the Project
Section 7. Terms of Reference 117

Manager on all aspects of work. As a matter of principle, all formal communications relating to
the work will be directed to the attention of the Project Manager.

MWE shall nominate an Engineer as part of the contract management team, responsible for the
day-to-day coordination and monitoring of the project activities. As such, the Engineer shall
closely work with the Consultant during the design review and supervision stages to ensure that
all the technical requirements of the Project are fully met. In particular, the Engineer, under the
guidance of the Project Manager, shall review and provide the Client’s input, comments and
guidance on the work plans, methodologies and reports prepared by the Consultant for quality
assurance and achievement of set objectives. The MWE shall also assign social and
environment safeguard specialists responsible for supervision of EHS and social aspects of the

4.3 Logistical Setup and Staffing

Within the technical proposal, the Consultant shall elaborate on the envisaged logistical setup
and deployment of appropriate skills for execution of the assignment. The Consultant shall
present the staffing schedule in a manner that clearly shows the stage and duration where each
of the proposed team member is planned to be involved in the Project.

An organogram reflecting the responsibilities of each staff member and line management setup
of the proposed team shall be part of the proposal. It is recommended that the Consultant
integrates local expertise into the project execution team.

In the course of implementation of the assignment, all the proposed personnel must be available
for this assignment. Staff changes shall not be accepted, except in exceptional
circumstances (and at the discretion of the Client).

The minimum number of key experts and mandatory non-key experts including the minimum
time input and minimum qualifications of each are indicated in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.

The Consultant is free to propose additional skills as are deemed necessary to execute the
assignment within their stated methodology.

4.3.1 Experts-Design Phase

Key experts for the design phase are indicated in Table 4-1 below.

Table 4-1: Key Experts-Design Phase

Minimum Relevant Minimum Staff Input
Experience (Years) (Months)

Team Leader-Design 10 06

Water Treatment Process Expert 07 03

117 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 118

Hydro-geologist 07 03

Hydrologist 07 03

Water/Natural Resources 07 03
Management Expert
Water Supply/Hydraulic expert 07 03

Electro-mechanical expert 07 02

Structural Engineer 07 03

Financial/Economic Expert 07 02

Sanitation Expert 07 03

Environmental Safeguards Expert 07 02

Sociologist/ Social Safeguards expert 07 03

Sub –Total 1 36

Mandatory Non-key Experts for the design phase are indicated in Table 4-2 below.

Table 4-2: Mandatory Non-key Experts- Design Phase

Minimum relevant Minimum staff input
experience (years) (month)

Geotechnical Engineer 07 01

Surveyor 07 04

Valuer 05 02

Computer Aided Design (CAD) 05 02

Sub-Total 2 09

Overall Total – Design 45

4.3.2 Experts- Tendering and Construction Supervision Phase

Key experts for the Tendering and Construction Supervision Phase are indicated in Table 4-3

Table 4-3: Key Experts-Tendering and Construction Supervision

Section 7. Terms of Reference 119

Minimum Relevant Minimum Staff Input

Experience (Years) (Months)

Team Leader-Construction 10 8
Resident Engineer 10 20

Social Safeguards Expert 07 18

Electro-mechanical Expert 07 04

Environmental Safeguards Expert 07 18

Water Treatment Process Expert 07 03

Hydro-geologist 07 03

Water supply/hydraulic expert 07 02

Structural Engineer 07 03

Sanitation Expert 07 03

Sub-Total 1 82

The mandatory Non-Key experts for Tendering and Construction Supervision are indicated in
Table 4-4 below.

Table 4-4: Mandatory Non-Key Experts-Tendering

Minimum relevant Minimum staff
experience (years) input (month)

Surveyor 07 04

Valuer 05 03

Geotechnical Engineer 07 01

Clerk of Works-Civil Works 05 10

Clerk of Works-Pipelines 05 10

Clerk of Works -Electromechanical Works 05 05

Sub-Total 2 33

Overall Total - Construction Supervision 115

119 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 120

4.3.3 Qualifications and required experience of the firm and Experts Firm requirements

1. Experience of the Bidder in implementation of similar assignment (Feasibility study and

preliminary design, detailed design and construction supervision for piped water supply and
sanitation systems) for at least 3 assignments in surface water supply projects involving lake
off-shore water intake works, water treatment plant of at least 5,000m3/d production,
transmission and distribution pipelines and steel tanks and more than 2 assignments in fecal
sludge treatment plant project. Minimum Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel

Table 4-5:

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

Team Leader - Education:
Design Minimum of Master’s degree in Civil/Environmental/Hydraulic
Engineering or other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 15 years working experience
Specific experience:
 10 years’ experience in design of water supply and sanitation
 Experience as Project Manager or Team Leader on not less than 3
previous projects similar in scale and content to this one.
 Experience in implementation of projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering society.
Water Treatment Education:
Process Expert Minimum of Master’s degree in Water/Environmental/Process
Engineering or other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 15 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ experience in water treatment process design.
 Experience as Water Treatment Process Engineer on not less than 3
previous projects similar in scale and content to this one.
Hydrogeologist Education:
Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Water Resources Engineering/Geological
Sciences or equivalent and a post graduate degree in Hydrogeology.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Section 7. Terms of Reference 121

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in ground water investigations,
exploration and development.
 Experience in implementation of projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Hydrologist Education:
Minimum of Master’s degree in water resources/hydrology or other
relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in surface water investigations,
exploration and development.
 Experience as Water Resources expert on not less than 3 previous
projects similar in scale and content to this one. Particularly in
hydrological assessments.
 Experience in implementation of projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Water/Natural Education:
Resources Expert Minimum of a Master’s degree in Water/Natural Resources
Management or related field.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
7 years’ specialist experience in natural/water resources management
with specific focus on catchment based integrated water resources
management. Must have experience in implementing catchment
management and water source protection measures and stakeholder
analysis and sensitisation in catchment management.
Water Supply/ Education:
Hydraulic Expert Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Environmental/Hydraulic Engineering or
other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
7 years’ experience in the design of water supply networks and or
hydraulic/surge analysis.
Electromechanical Education:
Engineer Masters’ degree in Electrical/Mechanical/Instrumentation Engineering

121 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 122

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

or other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in design/installation of
electromechanical equipment for water supply projects. The
position holder should have prior experience in design/installation
of SCADA systems.
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering society.

Structural Engineer Education:

Masters’ degree in Civil/Structural Engineering or other relevant
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in design of foundations and
 Experience as Structural Engineer on not less than 3 previous projects
similar in scale and content to this one.
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering society.
Financial/Economic Education:
Expert Minimum of Master’s degree in Engineering Sciences with a bias in
Engineering Economics or Economics with a bias in Financial and
Economic analysis of investment projects or any closely related field.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in conducting Financial and Economic
analysis of Water Supply Projects. Must have experience in
assessment of key financial performance indicators/ratios such as
operating cash flow CAPEX cover, operating cash flow debt service
cover, NPV, FIRR, DSCR, ROE, ROA, debt to equity, and the EIRR of
water supply projects.
Sanitation Expert Education:
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Environmental/Sanitary
Engineering or an equivalent.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Section 7. Terms of Reference 123

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in design of sanitation systems
including faecal sludge and solid waste treatment plants, public and
institutional toilets etc.
Environmental Education:
Safeguards Expert Minimum of a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Sciences, or equivalent.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in assessing environmental
compliance of infrastructure projects including Environmental Social
Impact Assessments (ESIA).
 The person shall be a NEMA- accredited environmental
practitioner, have familiarity with World Bank’s environmental
safeguards policies.
 Experience in delivering good international industry practice with respect
to Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Sociologist/Social Education:
Safeguards Expert Minimum of Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Sociology, or any
closely related field.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ experience in conducting socio-economic assessments for
feasibility studies of water and sanitation projects specifically, baseline
studies for water and sanitation and assessment of ability and willingness
to pay for water and sanitation services.
 Experience in conducting socio-economic studies for projects in Sub-
Saharan Africa.
 Experience in enforcing social safeguards compliance of
infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The person shall have
familiarity with World Bank’s social safeguards policies.
 Experience in managing project associated social risks and
specifically implementing Resettlement Action Plans (RAP)
Geotechnical Education:
Engineer Masters’ degree in Civil/Structural/Geotechnical Engineering or other
relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience

123 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 124

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in the field of geotechnical
engineering and shall have worked as Geotechnical Engineer on not
less than 3 previous projects involving water supply infrastructure.
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering body.
Surveyor Education:
Bachelor’s degree in Surveying or other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience.
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in cadastral, topographic and route
 Must be registered with relevant professional body.
 Experience in surveying works on at least two previous water
supply or sewerage projects in Uganda.
Valuer Education:
Bachelor degree in Land and/or Development Economics or an
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience.
Specific experience:
 7 years’ specialist experience in valuation of properties and preparation
of strip maps for compensation on water infrastructure projects in
 Must be registered with a relevant professional body.
Computer Aided Education:
Design (CAD) Minimum of a Diploma in Civil Engineering/Surveying or an equivalent
Technician General experience:
Minimum of 7 years working experience.
Specific experience:
 5 years’ relevant experience in use of CAD software like Auto CAD
in preparation of design drawings for water supply projects.
Team Leader – Education:
Construction Minimum of Master’s degree in Civil/Environmental/Hydraulic
Supervision Engineering or other relevant discipline.
General experience:
Minimum of 15 years working experience
Specific experience:
 10 years’ experience in planning and implementation (design and
construction supervision) of water supply and on-site sanitation
Section 7. Terms of Reference 125

Position Minimum Qualifications and Experience

infrastructure projects.
 Experience as Project Manager or Team Leader on not less than 3
previous projects similar in scale and content to this one.
 Experience in implementation of at least 2 projects in Sub-Saharan
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering society.
Resident Engineer Education:
Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Environmental/Hydraulic Engineering
or other relevant discipline. Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
will be added advantage.
General experience:
Minimum of 10 years working experience
Specific experience:
 7 years’ experience in construction supervision of water supply
infrastructure including similar conventional water treatment plants
and pipe networks
 Experience as Resident Engineer on not less than three previous
projects (similar in scale and content to this one) with at least one in
Sub-Saharan Africa
 Experience in construction supervision of sanitation infrastructure
including waterless and waterborne systems
 Shall be a Registered Engineer in Uganda or any other recognized
engineering society.
Clerks of Works – Education:
Civil Higher diploma in Civil Engineering or related field. Bachelor’s degree
in relevant field is added advantage.
General experience:
Minimum of 7 years working experience
Specific experience:
5 years’ supervision of water supply infrastructure projects involving
surface water intakes and conventional treatment plants, reservoirs
and pipe networks.
Clerks of Works – Education:
Electro-mechanical Higher diploma in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering or related field.
Bachelor’s degree in relevant field is added advantage.
General experience:
Minimum of 7 years working experience
Specific experience:
5 years’ specialist experience in installation and maintenance of
electromechanical equipment in water supply infrastructure projects

125 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 126

NB: All CVs including for Key and Non-Key staffs shall be endorsed by the Experts and
the Consultant’s representative (with power of attorney).

4.4 Familiarization with the Assignment

To familiarise Consultants with the services to be provided under this consultancy, a pre-bid
meeting will be held in Kyegegwa-Mpara-Ruyonza Project Area and it will include a tour to the
project sites. It is at the Consultant’s discretion to make additional visits to the project area, in
case they feel there is need to gather more information. It should be understood, that any cost
incurred to the Consultant in this regard shall not be reimbursed.


The assignment is will be divided into two parts as follows:

A. Design Stage and Tendering – 17 months (Lump sum Contract)

1. Feasibility study and detailed design– 8 months.

2. Works tendering – 6 months
3. Pre-construction i.e. Contractor’s mobilization period – 3 months

B. Construction Supervision - 31 months (Time based Contract)

4. Construction supervision – 18 months
5. Defects liability period – 12 months

6. Final reporting and project closure – 01 months.

The above stated durations are to be understood as guidance and it is the responsibility of the
Consultant to establish a detailed work program within the above time estimates. The estimated
staff time inputs should be provided in accordance with the Consultant’s professional judgment
and knowledge of the local conditions and needs.


In accordance with the provisions of the World Bank procurement regulations, the consultancy
services shall be priced in any fully convertible currency, singly or in combination of up to
three foreign currencies.


7.1 Reporting Address

Section 7. Terms of Reference 127

The Project Coordinator – Integrated Water Management and Development Project

Telephone: +256392731290 / 0772 578 223
E-mail: [email protected] / herbert. [email protected],ug
Plot 22/28 Port Bell Road, Luzira
Kampala, Uganda

The Consultant will be required to deliver a hard copy of each of the reports as shown in Table
7-1 below to the World Bank to;

The Task Team Leader - Integrated Water Management and Development Project
World Bank
Uganda Country Office
Rwenzori House, Plot 1, Lumumba Avenue

As indicated in Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 below, the Consultant will be required to produce and
submit the following principal reports and documents in the quantities and timing indicated. At
each reporting stage, the Consultant shall also be required to submit to the Client an electronic
copy, using the software specified in the tables.
The MWE and the World Bank shall review draft reports and approve/give comments within
two weeks of submission.
7.2 Reporting Requirements and Content

7.2.1 Reporting Requirements and Content – Design Phase

During the design phase, the Consultant shall submit reports as stated in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1: Reporting requirements-Design

Description Timing in No. of hard Electronic copies to MWE
months copies to contact person
from World MWE
contract Bank
Inception report 1 1 2 Word; Excel (all tables)
Feasibility study Word; Excel (all tables); CAD
report 4 1 2 (all drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF
Updated ESIA and RAP 6 Word; Excel (all tables); CAD
reports 1 2 (all drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF
Draft Detailed design Word; Excel (all tables); CAD
report 6 1 2 (all drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF
127 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 128

Final detailed design Word; Excel (all tables); CAD

report 7 1 2 (all drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF
Draft tender documents Word; Excel (BoQ); CAD (all
7 1 2 drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF
Final tender documents Word; Excel (BoQ); CAD (all
8 1 4 drawings); Copy of all
documents in PDF

The reports shall, as a minimum, have the following contents:

1. Inception report

The inception report shall define the design criteria and assumptions that are agreed by the
MWE as the basis of design for the design component of the project. This may include
revisions and alternatives to the relevant technical manuals where appropriate. It will also
include initial findings from their visual and risk assessment, and include a detailed site
inventory and photographic record, consultant’s revised time schedule.

2. Feasibility study report

The report shall present results of socio-economic, hydrological and hydro-geological

studies as outlined in the scope and shall include willingness to pay and affordability
studies. The feasibility study report shall also include a baseline report indicating project
beneficiary information, preliminary calculations and layouts of all measures proposed.
Furthermore, appendices showing all raw data utilised as well as photographs of project
related areas should be part of the documentation. The basis of all proposals shall be
clearly cross referenced to results gained during the economic feasibility studies, as well
as all technical investigations. In addition, all standards and criteria applied for each
solution proposed shall clearly be stated. The feasibility study should enable the client to
choose feasible options for infrastructure development and management. The options
chosen at this stage will be carried forward to the detailed design stage.

3. ESIA and RAP Reports

The ESIA report shall present the baseline data according to the Environmental and
Social Safeguards findings. The report shall discuss the technical, economic, social and
environmental parameters and the identified impacts for the proposed project and its
alternative scenarios. An Environmental and Social Management Plan shall be presented
in the report identifying the required actions needed to avoid or mitigate the
environmental and social impacts of concern as well as the required monitoring measures
and responsibilities for implementation and oversight and an estimate of investment
and/or operating budget required. The ESIA report shall comply with the national
legislation and the World Bank policies and Environmental, Health and Safety
Section 7. Terms of Reference 129

The RAP report shall present the project social and economic impacts, resulting from
acquisition of land for the project, on individuals or groups of people and the proposed
measures to compensate for or to minimize land acquisition and its impacts. The report
shall detail the outcomes of the consultations with relevant stakeholders, including
potentially affected persons regarding the social impacts of the proposed project and the
agreed upon measures to cover the losses. The report shall also cover the Grievance
Redress Mechanism, RAP implementation arrangements and schedule, Monitoring and
Reporting arrangements both during the project and post project implementation,
compensation costs and budget, livelihood restoration activities, community development
and resettlement plan. The RAP report shall comply with the national legal, policy and
regulatory framework as well as the World Bank Policies, specifically; World Bank
policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12).

4. Draft design report

The report shall be based on the recommendations of the feasibility study. The report
shall provide design criteria, detailed designs for all key structures and component details for
the water supply and sanitation solutions adopted. Detailed dimensioning of all systems and
structures, technical specifications, cost estimates, implementation schedules, site maps
shall be provided. For the water supply system this shall include relevant details for the Intake,
Water Treatment Plant (WTP), transmission and distribution mains, main storage
facilities, booster stations where applicable, electromechanical equipment and accessories
etc.. The report should further include as Appendices to the report; Schematic drawings,
structural drawings, hydraulic and profile drawings, as well as detailed calculations and
geotechnical investigations reports.

5. Final design report: The final design report shall have the same contents as the draft
design report. The report shall reflect all changes requested by and agreed with the

6. Draft tender documents: The draft tender documents shall be in accordance with
the applicable World Bank requirements.

7. Final tender documents: The final set of tender documents shall have the same
contents as the draft documents. The documents shall reflect all changes requested by
and agreed with the Client.

7.2.2 Reporting Requirements and Content– Tendering and Construction

Supervision Phase

During the construction phase, the Consultant shall submit reports as stated in Table 7-2

Table 7-2: Reporting Requirements-Tendering and Construction Supervision Phase

129 | P a g e
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption 130

Description Timing in No. of hard copies Electronic copies to

months to MWE contact
from MWE World
starting Bank
Tendering for works contract
Tender evaluation report 12 2 0 Word; Excel (all
tables), A copy in PDF
Contract documentation 14 6 0 Word, A copy in PDF
Construction Period
Monthly construction Word; Excel (all
progress reports 17 - 35 2 1 tables), MS Project
(time schedules)
Substantial project 1 Word; Excel (all
35 2
completion report tables), A copy in PDF

The reports shall, as a minimum, have the following


1) Tender evaluation report: The tender report shall be in accordance with the
World Bank reporting format and guidelines.

2) Contract documentation: Contract documentation shall be in accordance with

Bank requirements.

3) Monthly construction progress reports: The monthly progress reports shall state
the status of project implementation (i.e. actual vs. planned physical progress; actual
vs. planned expenditures), actual staffing levels and deployment of equipment by the
contractor against planned, financial information, all agreed and all new variation and
compensation events, all issues requiring client attention, health and safety
Section 7. Terms of Reference 131

social and environment safeguard management information and other information

that may have an impact on project progress. The report shall include a Gantt
chart and should include photographic evidence of progress as well as key
lessons. In addition, the report should project cash flows and work progress over
the next three months. The report shall also include information on training of
sector professionals undertaken as part of the project.

4) Substantial project completion report: The substantial completion report shall

state the project scope, principal activities by the Consultant and the Contractor
(including deployment of resources during project implementation), the
contractor’s performance, all project relevant observations of the Consultant,
safeguards performance, major issues that were encountered and lessons learnt
during project implementation and how these were solved, the project schedule
citing all delays if any, and financial information. Most importantly, the
substantial completion report shall include a list of all snags to be addressed
during the defects liability period, if any, and propose a time schedule for
addressing the issues that have been identified. Recommendations should also be
made to MWE on how to improve service provision. The substantial completion
report should also include a presentation on the report to be made by the
Consultant to MWE.

7.2.3 Reporting Requirements – Defects Liability Period

During the defects liability phase, the Consultant shall submit reports as stated in Table 7-
3 below.

Table 7-3: Reporting Requirements-Defects Liability Period

Description Timing in No. of hard copies Electronic copies to
months to MWE contact
from MWE World
starting Bank
Defects Liability Period
Interim report (quarterly) (35-47) 1 1 Word; Excel (all tables)
Operational manuals 45 2 1 pdf
As built drawings 45 2 1 CAD (all drawings);
ArcView GIS (location
of all new &
rehabilitated assets)
Completion of training 45 2 1 Word; Excel (all tables)
Final completion report 48 2 1 Word; Excel (all tables)
Section 7. Terms of Reference 132

The reports shall, as a minimum, meet the following requirements:

1) Interim progress reports: The interim progress reports shall state progress of the
Contractor on addressing items on the snag list, all observations on the
performance of the project installations, system weaknesses and defects, and
warranty issues and measures taken by the Contractor to address the defects. In
addition, the report shall indicate the Consultant’s and/or the Contractor’s
progress on the undertaking of staff training.
2) Operational manuals: The Consultant shall, through the Contractor ensure that
suppliers / manufacturers submit all operational manuals in English to the Client
in the formats and numbers of copies specified in Table 7-3. The Consultant shall
prepare an O&M manual for the system as constructed including any
changes/modifications made during the system commissioning phase and
recommendations for future operations.

3) As built drawings: The Consultant shall submit all ‘as built drawings’ to the
Client in the
format and numbers of copies specified in Table 7-3.

4) Completion of training report: The completion of training report shall state the
training obligations of the Consultant and the Contractor, as agreed with the
Client, the type and duration of training activities undertaken, the number of
participants in each training and their professional background, training
outputs and achievements, as well as recommendations for
further/continued training if any.

5) Final completion report: The final completion report shall include the same type
of information as outlined for the ‘substantial completion report’. In addition, it
shall show the status of all outstanding actions that were to be completed during
the defects liability period. The report should not include any outstanding actions.

7.3 Meeting and Workshop Requirements

Following the submission of the inception report, the Consultant will avail appropriate
personnel for review meetings with the Client during the entire project period. The review
shall be for the purposes of:

1) Assessing progress.

2) Obtaining signoffs on proposals made in respect of minimizing project’s social

and environmental impacts

3) Exchanging information and data relevant for the successful accomplishment of

the entire assignment.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 133

The nature of the meetings, locations (e.g. site, MWE offices, and Consultant’s offices)
and agenda shall be agreed upon by the Consultant’s and the Client’s project managers.

For ensuring organizational and stakeholder wide appreciation and ownership of the
proposed recommendations, the consultant shall be required to organise coordination
workshops for presentation of key reports after each project milestone to a representative
group of stakeholders that is to be agreed with the Client. A minimum of three workshops
is proposed and shall include presentation of project inception, draft feasibility study
and draft detailed design reports. Two workshops will be held in Kyegegwa-Mpara-
Ruyonza Project Area and one will be held in Kampala. For costing purposes, it shall be
assumed that each workshop will be attended by 35 people.



To the extent possible, the Client will provide free of charge the following information,
data, reports and maps in the custody of the Client, and will assist the Consultant in
obtaining other relevant information and materials from governmental institutions and state
authorities as far as possible. The data shall include (but not be limited to) the existing
Feasibility Study and preliminary Design Report prepared by the MWE, preliminary
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report prepared by M/S ESL Ecoserv
Ltd. and the preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) prepared by M/S JBN Consults
Ltd. The Client will also assist the Consultant in obtaining work permits for the projects’
Key Experts.

The information, data, reports, etc., will be available for the Consultant's unlimited use
during execution of the proposed services.

For purposes of capacity building and ensuring adequate direct involvement of the Client in
delivering the final project objectives, the Client will assign counterpart staff that shall be
agreed upon with the Consultant prior to commencement of the consultancy services.


In carrying out this assignment, the Consultant shall provide the following services, among
others, which should be duly provided for in the Consultant’s proposal:

1. Suitable office space necessary for the Consultant’s team engaged on the
2. Office furniture and other related equipment including desk top computers complete
with printers, auxiliary power units, and modern plan reproduction equipment all to
be purchased by the Consultant through the contract as a reimbursable expenditure.

133 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 134

3. Office supplies, as required for the period of services.

4. Utility services and costs.
5. Long term accommodation for the Consultant’s staff while in Uganda and hotel
accommodation for short term experts.
6. Subsistence (or per diem) payments for official travel for Consultant’s staff.
7. Secretarial and administrative support staff.
8. International and local telephone services for official communication only.
9. Transport for the duration of the lump sum contract.
10. Aerial photographs and maps, meteorological and geological data.

NB: The Consultant shall include in their costs, the full cost for transport services for the
entire duration of the lump sum assignment.

All furniture, technical and office equipment and Vehicles procured under the project
shall be handed over to the Client as per the provisions of the contract.


CONTRACTOR (under the time based contract for the Consultant)

Upon commencement of the works contract, the Contractor will provide the following
services to the supervision Consultant:

1. A fully furnished site office for the Resident Engineer and Clerk of Works, fully
maintained and utility services paid.
2. Survey equipment.
3. Transport for official work of the Consultant (Project Manager and Resident
4. Fully furnished accommodation for the Resident Engineer and Clerk of Works, fully
maintained and utility services paid.
5. Remuneration for support staff of the Resident Engineer.



The Consultant shall note that taking any action under a civil works contract designating
the Consultant as “Engineer” for which action pursuant to such civil works contract to the
written approval of the Client as “Employer” is required for the following actions:

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