vacations and public holidays, weekends, festivals, celebrations, ceremonies, cyclical events
such as spring blossoms, summer sun, autumn leaves, snowfalls, annual animal migrations, or
other factors that generate significant tourism or visitor activity within relatively short periods
of the year. At some sites there may be considerable fluctuations in visitor pressures at various
times of the week, particularly at weekends or during the day, such as at sunrise or sunset, or
when daily rituals or ceremonies take place.
This form of congestion requires additional staffing, transportation, security, food and beverage
resources for relatively short periods. It is likely that these resources cannot or do not need to
be sustained on a continuing basis, but are of critical importance to manage short-term visitor
Where seasonal or other forms of fluctuation occur on a known and predictable cycle, when
access is possible due to weather conditions, or at times of daily, weekly or annual events,
destination and site managers can cooperate with the local tourism industry to provide the
additional resources.