NCP Leukemia
NCP Leukemia
NCP Leukemia
Diagnosis Outcome
Subjective Cues(s): Ineffective After 24 hrs of a. To protect client from Goal Met:
protection nursing Bleeding hazards and lessen After 24 hrs of nursing
“Nanghihina po r/t abnormal interventions, the risk for injury. interventions patient was
ako” as verbalized blood profile patient will be 1. As baseline data protected from
by patient XY and drug protected from 1. Monitor v/s infection and bleeding
requirement infection and 2. Suppression of bone marrow hazard
Objective Cue (s): (anti- bleeding hazard 2. Inspect skin/mucous and platelet production. Places that may contribute to
neoplastic). that may membrane for petechiae, patient at risk for spontaneous/ patient’s health condition
-With ongoing contribute to ecchymotic areas, note uncontrolled bleeding and demonstrated
chemotherapy patient’s health bleeding gums, frank or occult Improvement in vital signs,
(Cytarabine) condition and blood in stools and urine, laboratory result, and
may oozing from invasive-line site 3. Fragile tissues and altered lessen the difficulty of
V/S demonstrate clotting mechanisms. Increase body function.
Temp: 37.1oC Improvement in 3. Implement measure to the risk of hemorrhage following
RR: 24pm vital signs, prevent tissue injury/ bleeding even minor trauma.
HR: 120bpm laboratory (Avoid Sharp Object, Minimize
(+) Pallor result, and invading procedure,
(+) Weakness lessen the Avoid Contact Sport)
(+) Easy fatigue difficulty of body (e.g. gentle brushing of teeth
function. or gums with soft toothbrush,
cotton swab, or sponged tipped
applicator, avoiding
needlesticks when possible,
using sustained pressure on 4. When bleeding is present,
oozing puncture/IV sites. even gentle brushing may cause
more tissue damage. Alcohol has
4. Limit Oral Care to a drying effect and may be
mouthwash if indicated (a painful to irritated tissues.
mixture of 1/4tsp. baking soda
or salt in 4-8 oz water or
hydrogen peroxide in water).
Avoid mouthwashes with 5. May reduce gum irritation
6. To relieved bleeding cessation.