Project On Iso 9001:2015 Mgt-408

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Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408


Submission Date (July 26, 2020)


QAMAR ZMAN 18272720-080

ALI HAMZA 18812720-011

MGT-408 (Total Quality Management)

MBA 4th (B)

Submitted To:

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal

Department of Management Sciences


Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

What Is An ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System?

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

a) Needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet
customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and

b) Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,
including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer
and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any
organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides

ISO 9001 2015 includes 10 clauses

1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Term and definition
4. Context of the organization
5. Leadership
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operation
9. Performance evaluation
10. Improvement

Summary (ISO 9001:2015):

In ISO 9001:2015 The 1st clause Scope explain need to demonstrate its ability to consistently
provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective applications of the system. The 2 nd
clause Normative references ISO 9000- fundamentals vocabulary It means this clause describe
the vocabulary of ISO 9000 like different name of clause and names of different clause of total
quality management. Such type of clause does not apply on any firms because this clause is only
for fundamental vocabulary. The 3rd clause Terms & Reference for the purpose of these
documents, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000:2015 apply. This clause is also use for
only ISO terms and references and does not apply on any firm’s performance. Only first three

Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

clause of ISO does not use for any firms for improving firma quality. After 3rd step 4th step
must be use for evaluating any firm performance. The 4th clause Context of the organization
This is a new clause and provides a key insight into the organization What constitutes the
organizations quality management system; understanding the organization and its context
Understanding the need and expectations of interested parties Determining the scope of the
quality management system management system and its process. The 5th clause Leadership Top
management to now has a greater involvement in the QMS. What is required by top
management? Leadership and commitment Top management must ensure that Customers and
regulatory requirements are met Risks and opportunities are determined and addressed Focused
on enhancing customers satisfaction Policy Must be documented and must be available internally
and to interested parties organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities Ensures
responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned, communicated and understood No
formal requirements for specific management representative. The 6 th clause Planning How
quality planning is achieved, Introduces risk based approach to planning, Addresses risks,
opportunities and quality objectives. Actions to address risk and opportunities, When
planning must consider external and internal issues and interested parties, Determine risks to
ensure QMS achieves results, enhance desirable effect and achieve improvement. Quality
objectives and planning to achieve them, Objectives should be, Consistent with the quality
policy, Relevant to conformity of products and services, and the enhancement of the customer
satisfaction, Monitored communicated and updated as appropriate, Must determine what, how,
who, when, etc, planning of changes, Where change is needed, it need to be carried out in a
planned and systemic manner, Must ensure integrity of QMS. The 7th clause Support the
organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment,
implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality management system.
The organization shall consider: The capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal
resources; what needs to be obtained from external providers? The organization shall determine
and provide the persons necessary for the effective implementation of its quality management
system and for the operation and control of its processes. Competences the organization shall:
Determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects the,
performance and effectiveness of the quality management system; Ensure that these persons are
competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience; Where applicable, take

Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken,
Retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence. Awareness the
organization shall ensure that persons doing work under the organization’s control are aware of:
The quality policy; relevant quality objectives, their contribution to the effectiveness of the
quality management system, including the benefits of , improved performance, The implications
of not conforming with the quality management system requirements: Communication the
organization shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the quality
management system, including on what it will communicate: When to communicate, With
whom to communicate, How to communicate, Who communicates? Documented information
The organization’s quality management system shall include, documented information required
by this International Standard, Documented information determined by the organization as being
necessary for the effectiveness of the quality management system. The 8th clause Operation
included Operational planning and control, the organization shall plan, implement and control
the processes (see 4.4) needed to meet the requirements for the provision of products and
services, and to implement the actions determined in : Requirements for products and
services, Providing information relating to products and services; Handling enquiries, contracts
or orders, including changes; The requirements for the products and services are defined, The
organization can meet the claims for the products and services it offers. Design and
development of products and services, the organization shall establish, implement and
maintain a design and development process that is appropriate to ensure the subsequent provision
of products and services. Control of externally provided processes, products and services, the
organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products and services, Production
and service provision include, Control of production and service provision, Identification and
traceability, Property belonging to customers are external providers, Preservation, Post delivery
activities, Control of changes, Release of products and services, the organization shall
implement planned arrangements at appropriate stages to verify that the product and service
requirements have been met, Control of nonconforming output, the organization shall ensure
that output that do not conform to their requirements are identified and controlled to prevent their
unintended use or delivery the organization shall retain documented information through
different ways. The clause 9 of the ISO 9001 requires an organization’s QMS to monitor,
measure, analyze, and evaluate their quality management system to satisfy their customers.

Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

Organization conduct internal audit at planed intervals to check their effectiveness of

implementation and maintenance process. And collect reviews from management. ISO
9001:2015 requirements for clause 10 are based around continual improvement. Select
opportunities for development, make a move against nonconformities, execute corrective actions
as vital, and continual improve quality management system. Organization consider the result of
analysis and evaluation and the outputs from the management review to determine if there are
needs that needs to addressed as part of continual improvement.

Comparison between ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001-2008 ISO 9001-2015
Structure Eight clause Ten condition and
rearrangement of statement
request and substantial to all
the more likely to line up
with difference guidance

Context of the No requirements An association must decide

organization screen and survey inward
and outside issue just as
implement invested
individual and their

Documented information Six require procedure Report the QMS scope

targets quality strategy and
any procedure the
association decides should
be achieved

Exclusion and Barring and standard Any request that cannot be

requirements prerequisite was explicit to counted might be rejected as
product realization long as it is supported
An association must go out
on a limb and opining

Back based thinking Preventive action

Objects outputs Process based only The procedure model is

extended to incorporate

Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

whatever influence quality

by others

Technology Product Product and service

Supplier External provider
Preventive action Risk and opportunities
Documents and records Documented information

Implementation of ISO on A Business

Apple is first step to recognize the internal and external parties who assists QMS. The internal
parties include employs, management departments. The external parties included stake holder’s
competitors and suppliers; it would help enhance the performance of company. Apple is a
multinational organization. Apple is successful just because of its dynamic, consistency in
variations and constantly changing business ideas and plans. All products of apple base on facts
that jobs represent the real customers. Apple company engineers have gripped on designing
products. In our business ISO would provide an integrated approach to organizational
management and consistent foundation for the next 10 years that Reflects the increasingly
complex environments in which organizations’ operate the ultimate purpose of ISO is to enhance
an organization’s (Apple) ability to satisfy its customers.
ISO 9001:2008 focused on products and ISO9001:2015 focused on services that are why wearer
implementing this ISO on service base newly started business (project for entrepreneurship).We
would adapt process approach and documented information such as process diagrams or written
procedures could be used to support this.

APPLE Company must consider issues related to values and performance of the organization for
the understanding of internal issues. Product and service offerings, Governance, organizational
structure, roles, and accountability, Regulatory requirements, Policies and goals, and the
strategies that are in place to achieve them.

Assets like facilities, property, equipment, and technology Capabilities understood in term so
resources and knowledge like capital, time, people, processes, systems, and technologies.
Information systems, information flows, and decision-making process (both for melanin formal).
Relationship soft he staff members and the perceptions and values of their internals take holders
including suppliers and partners. Standards, guidelines, and models adopted by the organization

Project on ISO 9001:2015 MGT-408

and for man extent of the organization’s contractual relationships. We must also consider the
requirements of interested parties persons and customers.
We shall adapt process-planning approach, that great lyre enforces the requirement. Apple is
going to establish a process-based management system. We may do this by adapting process
approach. For that we need to consider each major process of the company and their supporting
All processes have:
 Inputs
 Outputs
 Operational control
 Appropriate measurement & monitoring
There is now has a greater expectation for Apple consider the resources needed to deliver
services and products. The main objectives of ISO9001 are to provide confidence in the
organization’ stability to consistently provide customers with conforming goods and services and
to enhance customer satisfaction. This International Standard makes risk-based thinking more
explicit and incorporate satin requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance
and continual improvement of the quality management system that we adapt. Risk-based
thinking is already part of our process approach.

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