Thou Shall Invite Her To Join Your Adventure

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Some of the key takeaways are to build an exciting life, be congruent, lead women on adventures, and convey personality.

It is advised to lead a woman on your adventure confidently and to different locations, making it clear through your body language and words that you are in charge of the experience. If she is not interested in your adventure, she may not be compatible.

It is suggested to convey as much of your personality as possible through sharing about your life, vulnerabilities, interests and passions in order to help her get to know you on a deeper level.

Thou shall invite her to join your adventure

Otherwise she might think you don’t like her, or you’re a loser, or a pussy

Women universally want to be with a man that other women desire and who men admire.

If you have a life filled with things you enjoy, it is much easier for a woman to join you

If your not excited about your life, the girl wont be either

The following things should be clear: you are respected by other quality men, another beautiful
woman would be delighted to take her place with you, her friends are jealous of her, they wish they
found their equivalent of a guy like you

Doesn’t matter what your goals are, there will always be a woman who wants to join the journey
with you, as long as you accept who you are and are striving to be a better version of yourself.

Congruent- act the same in most environments except work related places. So she knows you’re the
man you present yourself to be.

Don’t lie to her or anyone, be an honest man. She wants to know you’re a man with core values and
real integrity that’s on his path and who doesn’t compromise what he wants or who he is.

When people see you playing different fronts, they don’t trust you

People wanna be around people whose thoughts words and actions are aligned.

Take action every day to be an even better version of yourself

Congruence and consistency makes you stand out positively for little effort.

She wants to see a man with integrity, a plan, and a path.

Woman want a man who is at ease, is comfortable in their own skin, and comfortable being

After you have a woman’s attention, start inviting her more into your life to see if you guys are

Application: build a life you enjoy, have goals in life that you execute on,

Entitlement is not a child-like giddiness, it’s a lack of emotion. It means the interaction is not a big
deal, its like turning on a light or drinking water.

Give yourself legitimate credit for your accomplishments

Don’t idealize any woman (princess, angel nah yuck) Shes just a little girl and does not have a perfect
life, and neither do you.

When you idealize another human, you’re conveying your naivety about who they are

Don’t let people idealize you

Be humble and have humility during amazing times

If your not too arrogant when things are going well, your girl wont be a bitch when things are going
Don’t idealize a woman, don’t let others idealize you

Know who you are, what you want, get in there and convey your personality, and sense of humour

Open a lot of sets, and talk to them as if they’re your target market

The woman is not some sort of prize

You don’t get rejected, its just that you and many people are not going to be compatible.

Your life should be awesome with or without her

Exercises: Make a list of 5 things going well in your life that are a cause of an action you have taken
in the past. Give yourself appropriate credit for these accomplishement, still stay on your path with
the 10 commandments.

How would you spend your time if you had lots of money?

How would you behave around beautiful women if you are having lots of sex already. Theres no
reason you cant behave like that right now.

How would you act around a woman if you had 100 million in the bank and had a 3some that
morning with hot Latinas?

Implement these behaviours now.

When you’re meeting girls, invite them all to come do cool shit with you and/or your friends. Even if
it means there will be 20 of them at the event.

If any particular woman isn’t excited to join my life adventure I know damn well another one will be.

Be persistent but not needy, don’t try to convince her on you or things you do. If she likes it, she
likes it.

Rejecting the wrong kind of woman builds entitlement and massive confidence, assuredness. Also
non neediness.

Youll be able to date the quality of woman you’d be willing to walk away from

You don’t get to keep a woman you feel needy around

Books: the power of now by Eckhart tolle, trust me Im lying by ryan holiday

Seans notes

Long term fun is what makes a girl want to stay

Just being a guy who is constantly working is dull for the girl. She will admire you but will not be
emotionally compelled by it. The average girl just doesn’t relate.

Guys that get lots of girls have:

1. Fun lifestyle,
2. a certain archetype, and a tribe around that archetype
3. Some kind of adventure they can take the girl on that relates to that archetype
Pickup is for lead generation

A girl wants to have FUN

Girls want a brand of guy, because it is familiar.

Whatever things you enjoy, you want to become congruent to that lifestyle. Dress like that person,
post things that show that life. You want a brand.

If you’re a nerd, dress like one and own it. If you’re a business guy, dress like one, if you’re a skater,
dress like one. Embrace your fucking archetype.

In each archetype, theres always some kind of adventure, (nerd, e3) etc.

Emphasize the fun parts of these archetypes and live them out

Don’t embrace one that doesn’t have some elements of fun and non-judgement, or religious shit

Dress like your archetype, and make sure your house/personal space matches it.

You can also add a subtle little twist to your niche, slightly unique

You have to be a leader of that niche or archetype, an authority

Make sure your hobbies and skills are congruent with that life. It has to be a congruent and easy
story about who you are.

You should have a deep knowledge of your niche and should be able to talk about it compellingly, as
if it’s the most exciting and the best thing in the world.

She wants to see that you have alliances in your niche. This is an evolutionary thing, she wants to
gain alliances so she can feel safer.

To build that tribe

1. Create it
2. Build it up yourself

To attract these friends into your life, sub communications are also important: certainty, honesty,

Make sure you get shared experiences with these friends.

You can meet them through work, at hobbies

Start by inviting them to low investment places, like your hobby, or the bar. Slowly build the circle
gradually. Meet them individually, then invite them as a group. Eventually, you can invite a girl to
hang with you and the group.

Do your niche activities, travel to do niche events

Also, fun, one off adventures, like skydiving, go carting, bushwalks

Core hobbies, things you enjoy doing consistently.

You want to have a little bit of night life in this adventure, social circle things
Also do some grand events, like new years party, high status events,

You want to be exact same person throughout all the different events

You can also meet girls at events, you have a natural commonality. If you are just carefree, having
fun, and compelling, girls will come approach you or stand near you.

Don’t hit on girls in your social circle, but her friends.

Don’t fuck your buddys crushes

You should be one of the leaders of the social circle

Don’t be on the guy that hits on every girl that comes into the social circle. Don’t approach the girls,
express your personality and have the most fun and be the most comfortable in your group. The girls
will naturally gravitate to you and try to join your convos.

Girls gravitate to guys who have an archetype

Use snapchat to: show your adventure, and show your personality and humour on there

Books: level up your life, by steve camp.


Each commandment must be implemented one at a time.

A bit of vulnerability can work as social calibration when using dark humour.

The game is something you do WITH the girl.

How close you should be to the girl: put elbows at sides and make your forearm and finger face
forward. Go and touch a wall. The distance between you and the wall is approx. the distance
between you and the girl. Further than this is not man to woman.

Establish friendly physical contact as soon as possible. Don’t do the hand of doom; on her lower
back. Stand that close to her and friendly physicality as you hold relaxed eye contact.

Man meets woman, meets her tribe, woman comes and meets the man’s tribe. Then the tribal drink
and the tribal dance and then sex.

Take her on an adventure you would enjoy. If she doesn’t like it, she’s not for you. Not everyone will
be compelled by your adventure and this is fine, they can leave! Your adventure is not for everyone.

Move the girl to new locations as part of your adventure. If you don’t lead the girl, she will think
you’re gay.

The ‘brandon’ experience. Take the girl anywhere you want, but don’t take her home the first time
you move her. Just lead her somewhere where YOU want to go(except home)

For a date: take her wherever the fuck you want to take her, or whatever the fuck you are doing that
day. Invite her along to you living your ideal life. If she doesn’t like your adventure, she’s not the
right girl for you.

Don’t go on her adventure if you don’t like it.

If she’s not excited for your adventure, she’s not the right one for you. There are millions of girls to
choose from.

She doesn’t care what you guys end up doing, she just wants to come along for the BRANDON

Take her anywhere you feel like going.

When inviting her on your adventure, don’t ask, just tell announce that you’re going to go over
there, and she’s coming with. Don’t be uncomfortable or nervous when leading her, it will make her

Be the problem solver and leader so she can be a little girl.

Just be confident about your move. Just grab her hand and start moving her. She can say no or leave
if she doesn’t dig it. Be positive dominant confident congruent fun to lead.

To ease her logical brain, you can say 2 seconds, 2 minutes, well be right back,

Taking her on your adventure gets her and you into an emotional space.

If you get a pushback, which means not yet. Tone it back and try again later. If it’s a no, shes not the
right girl for you. Same as physicality.

People like to be told what to do.

Tale her on 3 adventures. If you take her to 2 places, she feels like she’s met up with you multiple
times and will have more familiarity with you. ~10-15 mins per location

On the dance floor dance for 2 songs max, after that it is not your adventure, it is the djs adventure.
Kiss on the dance floor

A woman will not fuck a stranger, but a guy they feel they know.

You can talk about shit going on in your life, vulnerabilities, traumas, put your personality out there.

If each time she follows your lead, she has a good time, she associates positive emotions with
following your lead.

The interaction should have positive and negative emotions- just have boundaries, differing
opinions, fun, passion, interest.

Convey as much personality as possible.

You want to be excited about your peer group and always agree with them

Provide direction. Reduce uncertainty.

Sit down and write down what YOUR experience is. What do you like to talk about. What adventures
do you like most?


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