Marketing Strategies

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A marketing strategy refers to a business's overall game plan for reaching prospective
consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services. A marketing
strategy contains the company’s value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target
customer demographics, and other high-level elements. A thorough marketing strategy covers
"the four Ps" of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. The 4 P's are used when
planning a new business venture, evaluating an existing offer, or trying to optimize sales with
a target audience. It can also be used to test a current marketing strategy on a new audience.


1. Product Features

First and foremost, our product name is Cokpes. Basically, our products are based on
chocolate snacks that is usually on the market. But Cokpes is different from other chocolate
snacks in the market. We had used multiple ingredients to produce one bottle of Cokpes.
Basically, we had used Cokpes as the name of our product because our products have three
different layers (3 Coklat Lapis) of filling to satisfy the customers who bought our products.
In one bottle of Cokpes, we had use three layers of fillings which are baby crunch, chocolate
chips cookies and chocolate balls. By that, when the customers buy our products they will get
multiple taste of chocolate in just one bottle of Cokpes.

Besides three layers of fillings, we also provide chocolate syrups for those who buys
this Cokpes. This chocolate syrups were given separately with each purchase of Cokpes to be
pour as topping before they eat the Cokpes. If the customers want to add more chocolate
syrups, they can add on this chocolate syrups with additional price. The purpose of this
chocolate syrup was to ensure the customers will get the full taste of chocolate in our
products. For this products, we also provided a convenient packaging for those who buy this
Cokpes. This Cokpes was bottled in medium size cylinder bottle which was easy to carry it
2. Delivery Of Product

To ensure the convenience and comfort of customers, we had manage our products
delivery systematically. We can deliver the Cokpes with two ways either by post or cash on
delivery right in front of customers home or premises. For post, we will use two types of
couriers to post our product to the customers which is J&T Express or Poslaju Express. The
delivery cost was according to the quantity of the order. Next, our company was located at
Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. By that, the customers who resides in Negeri Sembilan or nearby
areas such Bangi and Kajang, we will deliver their orders direct to them by our agent. The
cost for the delivery depends on the distance of the delivery.

3. Quality Of Product

To ensure the quality of our products, we had used premium grade ingredient to
produce one bottle of Cokpes. For instance, for the three fillings in the Cokpes, we had used
chocolate balls from Apollo Food Industries, chocolate chips cookies from Mondelez
Malaysia Sdn Bhd and baby crunch from Aaron’s Homemade Chocolate. For the chocolate
syrups, we had used the famous chocolate brands in Malaysia to produce it which is Beryl’s
Chocolate. For information Beryl’s Chocolate and Confectionery Sdn. Bhd was set up in
1995 at Kuala Lumpur and this company had produce the best chocolates for both the local
and global markets.

Next, we will maintain the quality of our packaging by providing a bottle which was
not easily broken. We had used double seal packaging to ensure the three filling of the
Cokpes will stay crunchy and not sluggish when it was send to the customer. We will also
ensure all the ingredient in a bottle of Cokpes was well organized and the three fillings of
Cokpes will not mixed together. Since we had used the Beryl’s Chocolate for the chocolate
syrups, the syrups were not too sweet because Beryl’s Chocolate was made from high quality
cocoa. By that, this Cokpes was suitable for all ages either children, adults or senior citizen.
4. Product Design

For this Cokpes, we will ensure the design of the products will attract the people or
customers to buy it. Because of that, we had used striking colours on the stickers of our
product bottle which is red to attract the customers. We also illustrated the stickers based on
the popular tv shows “Money Heist”. “ Money Heist” was a well- known tv shows on Netflix
and most of the people know and recognised this tv shows. The design and the production of
the sticker was made by ATI Printing. ATI printing was a famous printing company that was
located in Shah Alam, Selangor. In accordance to the design that we have made, we are
confident that the customers will be attract to our products.

5. Warranty Of Product

Our first priority in making the Cokpes is the halal certificate for every ingredients use
in this product. We had used all of the ingredient that have the halal certificate which has
been approved by JAKIM. The purpose of halal certificate is to ensure the customers to eat
the Cokpes without any doubt especially for Muslim’s customers. In the making or
production of the Cokpes, we will ensure the hygiene or cleanliness in making of the product.
In the making of Cokpes, we require all the workers to wash the hands properly and use hand
glove before making the product.

For the freshness and quality of our products, since we had used double seal
packaging the crunchiness of the ingredients was guaranteed. For the chocolate syrup, we did
not add any added sugar and we guaranteed that the ingredient has no added preservative.
Lastly, we also guaranteed to the customers that the Cokpes will be last or good to eat for six
months after the packaging.

Importance of Pricing

First of all, this is also one of the main marketing strategies that must be well planned
as it is very important for any company’s running. This is because it is the only element that
related with money. In another words, without this element or having problem dealing with
this matter will be resulting to failure to any sort of company. For example, even if there is a
small company that comes with the net profit of margin around RM50, 000 per month,
without proper guidance of handling the price of the selling product which will be affecting
the business to run the company, as the money will be used for many unnecessary purposes,
in result of that the company may go into liquidation or bankrupt.

First, the marketing company must organize prices that customers and the targeted
people can afford and are willing and able to pay, as well as prices that allow for a profit
margin. This overview above will be the most essential part for any marketing team at a
company, this is because by managing and handling these kind of expectation of demand will
lead to a greater future for the company. Other than that, the prices for a product must be
fixed so that it will not be an issue in the near future for having multiple and various selling
prices on one product. This may cause a nuisance and disturbance towards customers and
even the owner for the company, therefore, it is a must and very notable for any marketing

1. Cost-Based Pricing

Before setting and deciding the fixed price for any product, there are some factors that
must be taken into consideration, which are cost-based pricing, value-based pricing and
competitor-based pricing. Firstly, cost-based pricing. Company primarily is a cost-based
pricing method that is commonly used for ease of calculation at the time of purchase. As a
result, a consumer has the freedom to compare products based on price per serving, allowing
them to select the product with the best price in terms of quality and practicality.
It is a very simple and straightforward factor that relates with the actual cost on one
product and their profit margin. For example of our product which is the Cokpes, the actual
cost for one product only cost us RM8 and the selling price is RM17. It must be very clear for
a company to decide on the actual cost, in order to calculate the profit margin. So in our
company, the net profit margin for one product is RM9. Then, we can calculate the target for
one month on how many products that must be sell in order to achieve the company’s
monthly goal. This factor also helps to identify whether there is any leak or shortage in the
company’s account.

2. Value-Based Pricing

Second, value-based pricing. It is also important for the setting price to be based on
the evaluation and perception of customers' inherent worth. Before proceeding into this, the
company that trying to come up with a product, it must be notable that the product itself must
be a worthy of buying. The product must be valuable enough for the customers to be attracted
to buy them. In order words, if the product is not valuable and not worthy for selling, there is
no way it would be attractive for customers. So, the price must be on the same level as the
value of the product.

For example, if the product of a shoes with the quality of only RM40, but the
company try to sell them for the price of RM400 as if it was a limited edition and imported
item, it will not be consider as value-based pricing, because the price and the quality and
value of the product are not on the same level. Even in the eyes and perceptive of a customer,
the product is not worthy to spend that much amount of money.

Pricing strategy is the market and customer's visual analytics of the strategy. With the
ideal process of having been part of the margin that the merchant seeks in sales, goes through
the analysis of measures and fixed expenses until applied to their variable costs.
For the product of Cokpes, with the amount of Choco balls, Choco chip cookies and
baby crunch that are inserted, with the chocolate syrup that was given in just a product, the
RM17 of price for a product of Cokpes is surely based on the evaluation and perception of
customers' inherent worth. Some of the customers even recognised that every bite of the
Cokpes worth their RM17. Therefore, the price that was given for a product of Cokpes is
surely following the requirement of value-based pricing.

In addition to this, the content of Cokpes contains of Choco balls, Choco chip cookies
and baby crunch. Therefore, by comparing Cokpes with the price of RM17 against a bottle of
Choco chip cookies with the price of RM15. A bottle of Choco chip cookies may be a little
bit cheaper but Cokpes did not only provide Choco chip cookies, it also comes with the
yummy baby crunch and the delicious Choco balls with the addition of chocolate syrup. By
this means, Cokpes is absolutely more valuable, attractive and demanding.

3. Competitor-Based Pricing

Third, competitor-based pricing. It can take a long time to find the best priced option. It
also can take a long time to visit each provider's website, call customer service with
questions, and try to find the right information to compare like with like. Price comparison
between products after compiling all of the information in one place, allowing you to easily
compare the options.

This will be related with some of our competitors that also sells quite the same
products. For example, Realkies mini crunch with the price of RM15 per product and AB
Choco Jar with the price of RM14 per product. If you compared only the price, Cokpes is at
disadvantages. However, by taking into account all goods, Cokpes is the most valuable and
attractive product. This because of our elements that contains in the goods, which are the
likes of Choco balls, Choco chip cookies and baby crunch with chocolate syrup.

Promotion aims to stimulate demand for our company’s goods or services. Promotional
strategy is designed to inform, persuade, or remind our target audiences about our products.
The goals of promotion are to create awareness, get people to try products, provide
information, keep loyal customers, increase use of a product, identify potential customers,
and even teach clients about potential services. The unique combination of advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, social media, and e-commerce used to
promote a product is called the promotional mix.
However, in today’s business environment, our company realize that it is not only
important for marketers to communicate with customers and potential customers, but it is also
crucial that marketers communicate with suppliers, distributors, competitors and at the same
time, provide avenues for customers to communicate with each other.
In Cokpes, we only use several ways of promotion in regards of our type of business,
price and costing plus due to current pandemic Covid-19. Such as in Cokpes, we do not use
personal selling where we promote the product through our attitude, appearance and
specialist product knowledge. It is a one-to-one communication with potential customers and
the most expensive type of promotion, but also the most effective when done correctly.
Among several types of promotion that we used are advertising, direct marketing, sales
promotion and public relation.

1. Advertising.

Ads play a crucial role in making brands recognizable. Good advertising with an accurate,
targeted message will reach both existing and potential customers. Hence, in Cokpes we use
this method because it is suitable to apply to our business. This is because, since our business
is new and through this type of promotion only requires capital, which is not too expensive, it
is worth it. We started our advertisement through online where we targeted a small number of
Instagram users in Malaysia, and most of it are teenagers and woman, as we believe that
woman loves chocolate and sweets more than man. Hence, we targeted our advertisement in
Instagram towards them and specifically in Negeri Sembilan.
2. Direct marketing.

Next, the other type of promotion what we used in Cokpes is, direct marketing. Direct
Marketing is a type of advertising campaign that seeks to achieve a specific action in a
selected group of consumers such as an order, store or website visit, or a request for
information, in response a communication action done by the marketer. This communication
can take many different formats, such as postal mail, telemarketing, point of sale and others.
But one of the most interesting methods that we used is direct email marketing. Where we
performed the marketing through our social media, email, and SM, unlike advertising, direct
marketing intends to build relationships with people who have or had our product on their
radars before.
In our business, we use our social media to create awareness about our product such as
through Instagram Stories, Feeds, WhatsApp Status and others. Then in the time we will
approach our targeted customer who seems to be interested in our product through WhatsApp
and Instagram DM’s. There, we will directly be promoting our product and explaining our
product specialties. This is one of the efficient ways for our Cokpes business as it is costless
and can attract customers in our surroundings.

3. Sales promotions.

Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product.
Sales promotion is designed to be used as a short-term tactic to boost sales which it is rarely
suitable as a method of building long-term customer loyalty. Promos stimulate purchasing
and sales by giving discounts, cashback, free shipping, gifts, and more. There are many
methods of sales promotion, including money off coupons, where customers receive coupons,
or cut coupons out of newspapers or a products packaging that enables them to buy the
product next time at a reduced price. Also, there is competitions, where buying the product
will allow the customer to take part in a chance to win a prize. Other than that, is loyalty
cards where customers earn points for buying certain goods or shopping at certain retailers
which that can later be exchanged for money, goods or other offers.
In Cokpes, we provide sales promotion in way of limited time combo purchase and
loyalty or membership cards. Membership cards have recently become an important form of
sales promotion. They will encourage our customer to return to us and we will be giving them
discounts based on the spending from a previous visit. Membership can offset the discounts
they offer by making more sales and persuading the customer to come back. Hence, we
provide that every customer who purchase two and above of our product will have the
benefits of discount of RM 1 for the following purchases. And the more they make the
purchase the more discounts they will get as we will give them a stockist price.

4. Public relations.

This promotion style is a chance to build a positive and attractive brand image. With
public relation promotions, we will analyse the way people respond to our product, find
out the positive and negative associations with our company, and work on the
reconstructing of the product. Public relation is a strategic communication process companies,
individuals, and organisations use to build mutually beneficial relationships with the public.
Hence, we decided to use it in Cokpes.
We drafted a specialised communication plan and used media and other direct and
indirect mediums to create and maintain a positive and a strong relationship with the
target audience. In simple terms, we use public relations as a strategized process of
managing the release and spread of organisation-related information to the public to
maintain a favourable reputation of our product.
As an example, after the customer purchase our product, in three days then we will
communicate and ask some feedback from the customers regarding our product and
service. Much of the medium we use is through WhatsApp messages and Social Media
comments, where the customers are open to give their sincere thoughts regarding Cokpes.
We then will evaluate those comments and feedback to improve our services and product
to a better version. Also, if the customer is satisfied and happy with our product, we will
appreciate them by posting their comments and feedback in our social media. This also
will create awareness to the public about how our product taste like and make the
customers happy.

1. Strategies For Setting Locations

The strategy of place is used to create products easily accessible to potential

customers. A producer must make decisions regarding how to deliver products to customers.
Attempting to make these decisions can be as simple or as complicated as you want. There
are advanced and powerful location analysis resources available, for example, that include
traffic pattern data, population and lifestyle data, and competitive analyses. People really
should consider neighbourhood traffic power stations such as other retail outlets that attract
visitors to the area, industrial or office parks, schools, colleges, and hospital complexes. You
should also consider both highway and pedestrian traffic.

This is why we decided to choose Negeri Sembilan as our main target area for
delivering and consuming our products. This is because Negeri Sembilan is a highly
populated area which are still developing, so with our Cokpes entering the area at the moment
will be in line with the population which eventually will be the targeted consumers for our

Selling, providing information, logistics, research, and financing are all important
functions that must be performed in any type of distribution platform. This also included the
research on our competitors. Of course, even though your competitors appear to be
flourishing in the area, it was still a good idea to conduct your own performance reviews of a
specific property. Staying ahead of the game in this regard will help your business grow if
you decide to open another location in the future, for example.

It really is a good idea to work with a local real estate professional who understands
your customers as well as you do. Whether you are starting a restaurant business or a clothing
business, you will want to talk about things like what kind of merchandise your target
customers buy and what kind of food they like to eat. Being conscious of all the location
costs associated with starting your business will improve your ability to adapt to climate
change any disasters that may and almost certainly will come your way. One of the most
common start up mistakes is underestimating the costs and time involved in launching your
business especially when it comes to your location which you can avoid if you plan properly.
2. Strategies On Setting Up for Online Market

A direct channel is one in which producers deliver products directly to customers

without the use of a third party. Online sales are one of the fastest-growing direct sales
distribution methods which is through the Internet. When you are in online market, you have
the ability to target your advertisements to the most qualified customers, resulting in more
leads and conversion rates. You can base your intended audience on much more specific
criteria with any internet marketing strategy than audiences of a specific radio station or
readers of a specific magazine. Instead, you reach out to users based on the demographics of
your specific audience.

Whatever sort of products you produce, it should always be useful and interesting to
your intended audience. When your readers find the information that would be useful, they
are more likely to share it with others, and they will regard you as a leader in your field. This
will assists you in establishing yourself as an online authority.

By managing the place and locations right, whether it is for online market or not for
our product with the exact targeted customers and consumers, it will eventually help the
company’s productivity for the future. As Cokpes will succeed in the area that we are
targeting, we may start to think about a new product for the company and even try to locate
another location for a new branch.

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