Satge of Civil Trial
Satge of Civil Trial
Satge of Civil Trial
Cause of action.
Subject matter.
Relief claimed.
h) Where plaintiff has allowed a set off or relinquishes a portion of his claim,
the amount so allowed for relinquishment.
i) Statement of the value of the subject matter of the suit for purpose of
jurisdiction and court fees.
After submitting of the plaint, if Court finds that it’s not correct court will
return it, and intimation thereof can be specified to the plaintiff.
b) Where the relief claimed is undervalued and plaintiff on being require by the
court to correct the valuation within the time fixed and fails to do so.
d) Where the suit appears to be time barred, from the statements in the plaint.
Order 7, Rule 12: If a judge who rejected a plaint shall record an order to
that effect with reasons for such order.
The court may at any stage of proceeding allow either party to alter or
amend his pleadings. (Order 6, Rule 17).
When the suit has been duly instituted a summons may be issued to
defendant to appear and answer the claim on day to be fixed by court.
Defendant to whom a summons has been issued may appear in person or by
a pleader duly instructed or by a pleader accompanied by some person who
is able to answer all questions. (Order 05, Rule 01).
Court can summons to defendant for final disposal of case and order him to
produce his witnesses. (Order o5 and Rule 08).
When the summons is not served by ordinary process through the court
bailiff. Where the court is satisfied that there is reason to believe that the
defendant is keeping out of the way for purpose of avoiding service or that
for any others reason the summons cannot be served in ordinary way the
court order for issuing of substituted service.
4) Beat of dram
2) Denial To be specific: Its not enough for the defendant to deny generally
grounds alleged in plaint. Defendant must deal specifically with each
allegations of fact except damages. (Order 8, Rule 03).
Definition of SET OFF: Where in suit by the plaintiff for recovery of money and
defendant find that he has a claim of some amount against the plaintiff what he do
is he can claim a set off in respect of the said amount.
Where any party from whom a written statement is required fails to present
the same within the time permitted or fixed by the court, as the case may be
the court shall pronounce judgment against him. (Order 8, Rule 10).
Court shall dismiss the suit if summon was not served to defendant on
consequence of plaintiff’s failure to pay court or postal charges for such
service. (Order 9, Rule 02)
Where Plaintiff and Defendant not appear in court on day fixed for hearing
court may make an order for demises of suit. (Order 9, Rule 03).
The court may adopt lawful procedure such as: Order 10, Rule 1-A
b) Issue commission with consent of parties for examine witness and dmit
documents and take other steps
When the pleader of the party who appears, refuses or is unable to answer any
material question relating to suit court may direct the concerned party should
answer it to whom such pleader represents. If the party does not appear in
person court may pronounce judgment against him or such other orders. (Order
10, Rule 4).
parties which are required to be answered and which are related to the matter. It is
necessary for parties to gain knowledge about each other case and their contentions
to be put before court.
Each material proposition affirmed by one party denied by other shall form
subject of distinct issues.
Issues are of two kinds 1; issue of law and fact 2: issue of fact. (Order 14
Rule 1).
When issue of law and fact arise in same suit. Court will try issue of law
first (Rule 02).
Court may at any stage before passing of decree amend issue or frame
additional issues. (Rule 05)
Next step of civil trial is summoning and attendance of witness. Not later than 07
days after the date on which issues are settled the parties shall present in court a list
of witnesses whom they propose to call either to give evidence or to produce
documents. A party is not permitted to call witnesses other than those contained in
list. Except with approval of court. Party may obtain summons for person whose
attendance is required by court by filing of application to the court. (Order 16,
Rule 01)
Expenses of witness must be paid into court by party who applied for
summons. And if summon is for any expert the scale of expenses rule made
by High court in this behalf if such court is subordinate to it. But
government applied for summons to any of his officer is exempted (Rule
On the day fixed for the hearing of the suit or any other day to which hearing
is adjourned the party having right to begin shall state his case and produce
his evidence in support of issue which he is bound to prove. And other party
shall then state his case and produce his evidence and that address court
generally on case. (Order 18, Rule 02)
The plaintiff has to state his case in front of the judge. The plaintiff has to submit
the evidence that was earlier marked. If any evidence was not marked earlier then
it will not be considered by the court. Then the plaintiff will be cross-examined by
the defendant's Advocate. The witnesses from plaintiff's side also have to appear in
the court, who are also cross-examined by the defendant's lawyer. The defendant
also presents his side of the story supported by his witnesses and evidence from his
side. The evidence needs to be marked earlier by the court, otherwise it will not be
considered by the court. The plaintiff's lawyer will then cross-examine the
Judgement shall be dated and signed by judge and once it signed shall not
afterward altered except by review or under Section 152 of Civil procedure
code 1908. (Order 20 Rule 03)
registered addresses, and particulars of the claim, and shall specify clearly the
relief granted or other determination of the suit. The decree shall also state amount
of costs incurred in suit and by whom or out of what property and in what
proportions such costs are to be paid.