ELS Q1 M4 Exogenic-Processes

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Department of Education

National Capital Region


Earth & Life Science

First Quarter-Module 4:
Exogenic Processes

Jeffrey G. Dela Cruz

Maria Carmina R.Martin
Illustrator: Christine Ann G. Faraon
Cover Illustrator: Johnsmith D. Aurelio

City of Good Character

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Exogenic Processes. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module has one lesson which is exogenic processes.

After going through this module, you are expected to

1. explain how the products of weathering are carried by erosion and deposited
elsewhere (S11/12ES-Ib-12);
2. identify the different agents of erosion and deposition; and
3. describe characteristics surface features and landforms created and the
processes that contributed to their formation.

What I Know

Read the following questions carefully. On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter
of the best answer.

1. Which among the following processes is the principal source of the inorganic
constituents of soil where most vegetation could not grow?
A. Disintegrating
B. Mass wasting
C. Transporting
D. Weathering

2. Which of the following processes is described as the breaking free of individual

mineral grains from a rock?
A. Exfoliation
B. Oxidation
C. Hydration
D. Granular disintegration

City of Good Character 1

3. Which of the following is TRUE about “soil flow”?
A. Avalanche
B. Creep
C. Fall
D. Solifluction

4. Which of the following processes is involved in the formation of various types of

carbonates in rocks?
A. Carbonation
B. Exfoliation
C. Block disintegration
D. Frost weathering

5. Which process is the successive expansion and contraction of the outer layers
of the rock peeling off from the main rock?
A. Exfoliation
B. Hydration
C. Oxidation
D. Solution

6. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. Deposition
B. Mass wasting
C. Transportation
D. Tectonic uplift

7. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to glaciers or area of accumulation?

A. Discharge
B. Ice sheets
C. Ice shelves
D. Valley or Alpine

8. Which of the following processes DOES NOT belong to the same group as the
other three?
A. Contraction
B. Exfoliation
C. Expansion
D. Oxidation

2 City of Good Character

9. Which of the following streams transport its sediment load?
1. Bed load
2. Dissolved load
3. Overload
4. Suspended load

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 4 only
C. 1, 2 and 4 only
D. All of the above

10. Which of the following choices IS NOT made of shoreline erosion processes?
A. Abrasion
B. Beach drift
C. Corrosion
D. Hydraulic

11. Which of the following statements is TRUE about deflation result?

A. Blowout
B. Desert pavement
C. Yield ventifacts and yardangs
D. Downslope movement

12. Which of the following waves are classified based on generation force?
1. Seiches
2. Tides
3. Tsunamis
4. Wind-generated waves

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 3 and 4 only
C. 2, 3 and 4 only
D. All the above

13. Which is best described for exfoliation under physical weathering?

A. It stripped the outer layers of rocks due to intense heating.
B. It is caused by successive heating and cooling that causes the expansion
and contraction of rocks.
C. It alternated freezing and thawing of water inside the joints of the rocks,
causing them to split into small particles of fragments.
D. The high diurnal range of temperature of day and night cause successive
expansion and contraction of the rocks.

City of Good Character 3

14. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. Carbonation
B. Hydration
C. Oxidation
D. Block disintegration

15. The increase in pollution results in an increased amount of weathering agents

in soil, water, and wind. Which is the most responsible for this problem?
1. Animals
2. Humans
3. Microbes
4. Plants

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 2, 3 and 4 only
D. All the above

Lesson 1 Exogenic Processes

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you learned that our planet Earth is composed of rocks
and minerals as part of the geosphere. Remember that geosphere is the solid portion
of Earth that includes the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outermost layer of the
earth which is composed of the crust and the upper mantle. In this lesson, you will
learn about exogenic processes that play important roles in the formation variety of
landscapes on this planet.

What’s New

Weathering, erosion or transportation, and deposition are exogenic processes

that bring about changes in the configuration of Earth’s surface.

4 City of Good Character

Activity 1.1. Sediments

Find a tray inside your house and put some sand on it. Challenge yourself in finding
different ways to move the sand from one end of the tray to the other.

List down your ways or techniques on a separate sheet of paper.

What Is It

Exogenic processes that take place at or near the earth’s surface that makes
the surface wear away. Exogenic processes are very destructive. They are responsible
for degradation and sculpting the earth’s surface.

a. Weathering –is the process that breaks down rock into smaller pieces.

• Physical weathering happens when rock is physically broken into smaller

pieces. Some factors that affect physical weathering are ice wedging,
release of pressure, growth of plants, animals, and abrasion.

• Chemical weathering is the process of breaking down rock through

chemical changes.

Some factors that affect chemical weathering are water, oxygen, carbon
dioxide, living organisms, and acid rain.

b. Erosion – In erosion, rock particles are carried away by wind, ice and
gravity. Weathering causes the rocks to break down. Erosion (water) or
transportation moves the sediments downhill to other places.

c. Sedimentation/ Deposition – Sedimentation is a natural process in which

a material is carried to the bottom of bodies of water and forms to solid.

d. Mass wasting – Mass wasting is the downward movement of a rock, soil and
regolith due to the action of gravity. It is triggered by the following factors:
over-steepened slope, water, earthquake, and vegetation removal.

Some of the classifications of mass wasting are slump, solifluction, earthflow,

mudflow, debris slide, debris flow, rock fall, and soil creep.

City of Good Character 5

What’s More

Generally, the disintegration and decomposition processes act together, but one
may be dominant over the other depending on the climate. In addition, the weathered
material lies on top of the layer of rock that is not weathered.

Activity 1.2 Which is which?

Classify the following words as PW for Physical Weathering, CW for Chemical

Weathering, or BW for Biotic Weathering. Give a brief description, a short
explanation, or an example for each number. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

___1. Carbonation-___________________________
___2. Plants-_________________________________
___3. Block disintegration-____________________
___4. Hydration-______________________________
___5. Exfoliation-_____________________________
___6. Animals-_______________________________
___7. Solution-_______________________________
___8. Humans-_______________________________
___9. Oxidation-______________________________
__10. Frost weathering-_______________________

What I Have Learned

Complete the following statements below based on what you have learned about
exogenic process.

Copy and write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

1. Name five examples of agents of erosion and give a brief description for each
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________________________

6 City of Good Character

2. Differentiate the following:
a. Physical weathering vs. chemical weathering
b. Weathering vs. erosion

What I Can Do

Humans play a very important role in the weathering and erosion of rocks.
Suggest some ways to be considered to lessen weathering and erosion. Focus on the
types of motion that could be generally classified as a fall, a slide, or a flow.

Read the following questions carefully. On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter
of the best answer.

1. Which of the following processes is described as the breaking free of individual

mineral grains from a rock?
A. Exfoliation
B. Oxidation
C. Hydration
D. Granular disintegration

2. Which of the following about “soil flow” is TRUE?

A. Avalanche
B. Creep
C. Fall
D. Solifluction

3. Which of the following processes is involved in the formation of various types

of carbonates in rocks?
A. Carbonation
B. Exfoliation
C. Block disintegration
D. Frost weathering

City of Good Character 7

4. Which among the following processes is the principal source of the inorganic
constituents of soil where most vegetation could not grow?
A. Disintegrating
B. Mass wasting
C. Transporting
D. Weathering

5. Which processes is the successive expansion and contraction of the outer

layers of the rock peeling off from the main rock?
A. Exfoliation
B. Hydration
C. Oxidation
D. Solution

6. Which of the following is DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. Deposition
B. Mass wasting
C. Transportation
D. Tectonic uplift

7. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to glaciers or area of accumulation?

A. Discharge
B. Ice sheets
C. Ice shelves
D. Valley or Alpine

8. Which of the following processes DOES NOT belong to the same group as the
other three?
A. Contraction
B. Exfoliation
C. Expansion
D. Oxidation

9. Stream can transport solid particles. It is described by competence and

capacity. Which of the following streams transport its sediment load?
1. Bed load
2. Dissolved load
3. Overload
4. Suspended load

A. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2 and 4 only

B. 2 and 4 only D. All of the above

8 City of Good Character

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE about deflation result?
A. Blowout
B. Desert pavement
C. Yield ventifacts and yardangs
D. Downslope movement

11. Which of the following choices is NOT made of shoreline erosion processes?
A. Abrasion
B. Beach drift
C. Corrosion
D. Hydraulic

12. Which is best described for exfoliation under physical weathering?

A. It stripped the outer layers of rocks due to intense heating.
B. It is caused by successive heating and cooling that causes the
expansion and contraction of rocks.
C. It alternated freezing and thawing of water inside the joints of the rocks,
causing them to split into small particles of fragments.
D. The high diurnal range of temperature of day and night cause
successive expansion and contraction of the rocks.

13. The increase in pollution results in an increased amount of weathering

agents in soil, water, and wind. Which is the most responsible for this
1. Animals
2. Humans
3. Microbes
4. Plants
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 2, 3 and 4 only
D. All of the above

14. Which of the following has been wrongly grouped?

A. Block disintegration
B. Carbonation
C. Hydration
D. Oxidation

City of Good Character 9

15. Which of the following waves are classified based on generation force?
1. Seiches
2. Tides
3. Tsunamis
4. Wind-generated waves
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 3 and 4 only
C. 2, 3 and 4 only
D. All the above

Additional Activities

It is important that everyone is aware of the source of and effects of weathering or

erosion. List down two sources and effects of these concerns.

10 City of Good Character

11 City of Good Character
Activity 1.1 What I Know
Possible answers: 1. D
2. D
Blowing, tilting the tray, 3. D
running water, pushing, etc. 4. A
5. A
Activity 1.2 6. D
7. A
1. PW 8. A
9. C
10. B
3. BW 11. D
12. C
4. PW 13. A
14. D
5. CW 15. D
6. BW
7. CW
8. BW
9. CW
10. PW
10. PW
Answer Key

(1) Backman, D, Evers, C., Gabler, R.E., Hyndman, D., Hyndman, D., Petersen,
J.F., Sack, D., Seeds, M., Starr, C., Taggart, R., Evers, C.. Earth and
Life Sciences.856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.
Rex Book Store, Inc., 2016.

(2) Olivar II, J.T., Ramos, A.C.M..Exploring Life Through Science Earth and Life
Science. 927 Quezon Ave.,Quezon City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing
House Inc.2016

(3) Teaching Guide for Senior High School Earth and Life Scince. 4TH Floor,
Commission on Higher Education, C.P. Garcia Ave., Diliman, Quezon
City. 2016

(4) Arizona State University | Ranked #1 for Innovation in the US | ASU.

Accessed August 11, 2020. https://www.asu.edu.

(5) Mindat.org - Mines, Minerals and More. Accessed August 11, 2020.

(6) Mineralogy Database. Accessed August 11, 2020. https://webmineral.com.

(7) "Mineralogy -II." Share and Discover Knowledge on LinkedIn SlideShare.

Last modified September 10, 2013.

(8) Notitle. Accessed August 11, 2020. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov.

(9) "The Science and Legends of Birthstones." Burke Museum. Accessed

August 11, 2020. https://www.burkemuseum.org/collections-and-

(10) Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly

Operated KioskS. Accessed August 11, 2020.

(11) "What Are Rock-Forming Minerals?" Geology and Earth Science

News, Articles, Photos, Maps and More. Accessed
August 11, 2020. https://geology.com/minerals/rock-

12 City of Good Character

Development Team of the Module
Writers: Jeffrey G. Dela Cruz (PHS)
Maria Carmina R. Martin (MHS)
Editors: Reynald Alfred A. Recede (MHS)
Maria Carmina R. Martin (MHS)
Russel S. Berador (SEHS)
Reviewer: Jessica S. Mateo (EPS – Science)
Illustrator: Christine Ann G. Faraon (BNHS)
Layout Artist: Ed-Angelo P. Tan (SEHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jessica S. Mateo
Education Program Supervisor – Science

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resource Management Section

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office - Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 8682-2472 / 8682-3989

Email Address: [email protected]

City of Good Character


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