Anushka Jain - MDC003 - BBA
Anushka Jain - MDC003 - BBA
Anushka Jain - MDC003 - BBA
Conservation of energy
Energy conservation is one of the words you are hearing
more and more these days. Without energy
conservation, the world will deplete its natural resources.
Some of the measures are:
Turning off lights, fans or other electric appliances
when not in use.
Use maximum daylight.
Use solar heater for cooking.
Drive less, walk more and carpooling.
Replacing tube lights with CFL bulbs and LED
Conservation in transport
Transport sector has huge resource saving potential.
Use of public transport is a good way to conserve huge
amount of resource per head. Consumer can basically
play a very important role in the sense, if they generate
public transport, then investors both public and private
will be interested in investing in this sector. It not only
reduces per capita energy use, but also has huge
potential in lowering emission. Also, more use of
pollution free vehicles such as bicycle, trams which has
eventually no energy requirement could play an
important role in energy conservation. Similarly,
pedestrians demand could not only result in clean
pavements, the beautification can be done by tree
plantation, playing crucial role in pollution absorption.
Conservation of forests
Conservation of forests is the practice of planting more
trees and maintaining the forest areas for the
sustainability for future generations. Forests are
important natural resources and are beneficial to
humans in several ways. Some of the measures to
conserve forests, save trees and planting new trees
With the advent of industrialization, several trees
have been cut at an alarming rate for raw materials
and various other purposes. This felling of trees can
be regulated by selective cutting, clear-cutting and
shelter wood cutting.
More trees should be planted to increase the forest
cover. Trees should be selected according to the
geographical conditions of a particular region and
proper care should be taken during the growth of
Encourage to adopt a tree programme ‘i.e.’ each
one each tree’.
Avoid the construction of dam, road in the forest
Conservation of water
Water is the basic need of a living organism. The
demand for fresh water is likely to exceed its supply by
the first or second decade of the next country. The
shortage of water make many areas barren, devoid of
life. Some measures to conserve water resources
Continuous running of water taps should be
By erecting embankments and dams we can store
large amount of water which can be utilizable for
longer time.
Sewage treatment plant may be installed in all
industries and institutions.
Adopting rain water harvesting in your house to
conserve water for future use.
Use drip irrigation and sprinkling irrigation to
improve efficiency and reduce evaporation.
Role of individuals in food security
Some of the measures to achieve food security are:
Sustainable use of food and not wasting it.
Consuming local and seasonal vegetables and so
as to save energy on their transportation, storage
and preservation.
Discourage packed, canned and preserved food.
Organic farming must be followed which a
combination of traditional farming and modern is
Crop rotation method must be followed.