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School Grade Level 7

Date Section Time
GRADE 7 Teaching 06/09/2023 7- STE 7:00-7:45
DAILY LESSON LOG Dates Quarter 4th
and Time
2 sessions
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the relation of geographical
location of the Philippines to its environment.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to analyze the advantage of the location of the
Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to …
(with the LC code) Describe ways of using Earth’s resources sustainability. (S7ES-IVc-4)

D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Identify the effects of human activities on Natural Resources
2. Suggest ways that reduce the effects of human activities thereby
sustaining Earth’s resources;
3. Explain why do we need to sustain Earth’s resources.
4. Value the importance of sustaining Earth’s resources
A. Subject Matter/ Topic: The Philippine Environment -Protection and Conservation of Natural

Topic: Sustaining Earth’s Resources

B. Concepts:  The Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals,
fuels, plants, and animals.
 All resources used by humans, including fuels, metals, and building
materials, come from the Earth. Many of these resources are not in
endless supply. It has taken millions of years to develop and
accumulate these resources.
 To conserve natural resources is to protect or use them wisely
without wasting them up completely. Conserving natural resources
can make them last and be available for future generations. This is
what sustainability of natural resources mean.
 Our country, the Philippines has various energy resources such as:
solar energy, heat from the ground (geothermal energy),
hydropower (from water), wind energy and natural gas.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. ----289-290
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. ---300-301
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources LAS

Teacher will use 7 E’s for teaching and learning process and printed
materials/ laptop and projector for learning resources to present the lesson

(Indicator 7-Planned, managed and implemented developmentally sequenced

IV. PROCEDURES teaching and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching

(Indicator 8- Selected, develop and organized and used appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson. Teacher will give instruction before the lesson start.
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Cleanliness of the surrounding& arrangement of the chairs check-
(3 mins) up
 Listen and participate in the discussion

(Indicator 4- Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in

groups, in meaningful, discovery and hand-on activities within the range of physical

*Please take note of our classroom rules: If you want to answer raise your hand,
respect everybody, participate actively and listen attentively. Don’t hesitate to
express your opinion, you are all equal here. If there’s something you don’t
understand, ask question.

(Indicator 5- Manage learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-

violent discipline to ensure learning focused envitonments)

Picture Identification-The teacher will show to the class different pictures,

then the teacher will ask to use the pictures and the given letters/statement
as clues to identify the Earth’s Resources.


FUEL- material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or
PLANTS-predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom plantae
ANIMALS-multicellular, eukaryotic organism in the kingdom Animalia
MINERALS- any of a class of naturally occurring solid inorganic substances
with a characteristic crystalline from a homogeneous chemical composition.
AIR- general name for the mixture of gases that makes up the Earth’s
SAND- substance that looks like powder and consist of extremely small
pieces of stone
WATER- substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and
oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states.

(Indicator #1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
CONTEXT CLUES- are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or
passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of unfamiliar

B. Establishing a purpose for the Present the topic and objectives.

lesson Topic: Sustaining Earth’s Resources

1. Identify the resources of Planet Earth
(2 mins) 2. Identify the effects of human activities on Natural Resources
3. Suggest ways that reduce the effects of human activities thereby
sustaining Earth’s resources;
4. Explain why do we need to sustain Earth’s resources.
5. Value the importance of sustaining Earth’s resources

C. Presenting Examples/ (Indicator # 6- Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning
instances of the new lesson experiences to address learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and
(15 mins)
Differentiated Instruction (DI)
 To attain these objectives, the students will perform the activities
 Teacher will present different activities that suits to the learning
capabilities and skills of the learners.

(Constructivism Approach- more on learners construct knowledge rather

than just passively take information to the teacher

ACTIVITY 1: Fill Me In!

Identify the effects of some human activities on natural resources.
Suggest ways to reduce the effects of human activities thereby
sustaining Earth’s resources.

When roads are built, Damage natural
mountains are blown habitats and/or kill
off using dynamite. plants and animals
Rice fields are turned
into residential or
commercial centers.
People cut too many
trees for lumber or
paper or building
More factories are
being built to keep up
with the demands of a
fast growing population
and industrialization.
Too much mining and
quarrying for the
purpose of getting
precious metals and
stones and gravel.
Some farmers use too Too much fertilizer
much fertilizers to destroys the quality of
replenish soil fertility. the soil and is harmful
to both humans and
Plastics and other
garbage are burned.

Cars, trucks and

tricycles that emit dark
smoke (smoke
belchers) are allowed
to travel.

ACTIVITY #2: ROLE PLAY: Make a short play/skit on the theme, “Ways to
Sustain Earth’s Resources”

(Indicator #1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching

Scoring Rubric:
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Great job! Your role- The role- The role-
You offered play is on play is play is
creative new the topic, but somewhat completely
insight on it is missing off-topic. off-topic.
the topic some
and insight.
Roles Excellent Everyone in For the most Your group
Work! Every your group part, your failed to stay
member of stayed in group stayed in character.
your group character, in character.
stayed in some but spend
character, members more time
and it was didn’t seem preparing for
clear you really be how the
took your “into” what character
roles they were might think
seriously. doing or act.
Overall Excellent! Good! Your Keep Your
Impression Your presentation working! presentation
presentation was fun to Your was
was watch, could presentation completely
entertaining have been was little off-topic
and more entertaining
informative informative and less
*Teacher will present the scoring rubric and let the students to compute the total
score of their presentation. (Indicator 2-Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills)

ACTIVITY #3: POSTER MAKING: Make a poster to illustrate how the

natural resource can be used wisely.
Materials: ¼ white cartolina, pencil crayons/oil pastels

Students may use available materials (natural dyes) at their locality such as Orange
color-carrot, onion skin, Brown color- coffee, pink- avocado skin
(Indicator #1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching


4 3 2 1

CON All All Most Requiremen

TENT requirements requirements requirements ts missing
present, well present, present, text poorly
written text descriptive text contains some written
and carefully and inaccuracies or inaccurate
chosen appropriate lacks or
visuals work visuals work organization or insufficient
together to together to impact, text and or
illustrate and inform viewers inappropriate or visuals or
inform about missing visuals “cut &
poster subject posted” text.

CRE Pleasing use Good use of Graphics have Little

ATIVI of color, color, and eye clustered constructive
TY shapes, catching appearance or use of color
symbols, and graphic are sparse (too or graphic
other graphic elements much empty elements
elements space)
attention and

VISU Incorporates Contains some Contains some No evidence

AL unique and unique or good, although or creativity
APPE pertinent imaginative not entirely
AL ideas, design elements original elements
visual or text
that make the
poster stand

D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher will discuss the answer to the activity.
practicing new skills #1
 A sustainable(napapanatili) environment is one that is well-
balanced and rich in natural resources.
 Conservation(konserbasyon) means preserving and protecting our
natural resources. It also involves using such resources wisely. One
effective way to do this is by practicing the three R’s: REDUCE,
(12 mins)
Example of Conservation
• Turning off the lights when not being used
• Walking or riding a bike instead of driving a car when going to
nearby places
• Disposing of wastes properly
• Using energy efficient appliances at home and in school,
• Planting new trees
 Need for Conservation of Natural Resources, As the population of
the world is increasing at an alarming rate, the consumption of
natural resources is also increasing. Hence, these resources should
be conserved to maintain ecological balance and save them for
future generations.

*the teacher allows the students to read the important/unfamiliar concepts of

the lesson. (Indicator 2-Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills)

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to TRUE or FALSE. Identify if each statement is true or false.
Formative Assessment 3) 1. The Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals,
fuels, plants, and animals.-T
2. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all
(5 mins) living things can benefit from them now and in the future. -T
3. Conservation means preserving and protecting our natural
4. A sustainable environment is one that is well-balanced and rich in
natural resources.-T

(Indicator 9- Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and

summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements)
G. Finding practical applications As a student, what environmental advocacy will you suggest in your school?
of concepts and skills in daily Why? How will you do it so that other students will follow you?
(10 mins) (Indicator 3- Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher –order thinking skills)
H. Making generalizations and WEB ORGANIER- Use this organizer web to make generalization of the
abstractions about the lesson lesson by placing the required items in the designated areas, use the cloud
(3 mins) shapes for details and examples. You may draw additional lines and cloud
shapes as needed.



Ways to
Effects of
Activities on

I. Evaluating learning (Indicator 9- Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements)

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer.

(10 mins) 1. A natural resource is any material or element from the
environment that humans
a. has created
b. observe scientifically
c. makes from themselves
d. use to meet their needs
2. A resource that people can use again and again without
destroying it is called
a. renewable
b. unlimited
c. non-renewable
d. potentially renewable
3. The resource base varies in different parts of the world
because resources are not
a. sufficient to meet the needs of developed countries
b. needed in the same amounts by all people
c. taken from both land and water in all countries
d. evenly distributed on earth
4. Which of the following is potentially renewable?
a. wood
b. ore
c. Natural gas
d. petroleum
5. Conservation of resource means
a. not using it at all
b. wide use of resources
c. practice of human activities that destroys the resources
d. using it in a way that does not damage the environment

J. Additional activities for Make a Reflection on the Song “Masdan Mo ang Kapaligiran” by Asin on
application or remediation YouTube using the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6VuuyfJeuQ.
4 3 2 1
Quality of

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared and Demonstrated by:







Head Teacher III – Science Department

Group No./Name: __________________________ Year & Section:____________________

ACTIVITY 1: Fill Me In!

Identify the effects of some human activities on natural resources. Suggest ways to reduce the effects of human activities
thereby sustaining Earth’s resources.



When roads are built, mountains are Damage natural habitats and/or kill
blown off using dynamite. plants and animals

Rice fields are turned into residential Food resources are reduced.
or commercial centers. Areas are excavated sometimes also
destroying waterways

People cut too many trees for lumber • Many plants and animals
or paper or building houses. grow on trees; biodiversity id
• Soils in the area become
easily eroded
• Reduced food source
• Plants and animals used as
medicine are reduced
More factories are being built to keep • Natural habitats are
up with the demands of a fast growing damaged
population and industrialization. • Plants and animals move
away or die

Too much mining and quarrying for • Mountains areas are

the purpose of getting precious metals destroyed
and stones and gravel. • Natural habitats are damaged
• Formation of sinkholes and
contamination of soil.
• Soil erosion

Some farmers use too much fertilizers Too much fertilizer destroys the quality
to replenish soil fertility. of the soil and is harmful to both
humans and animals.

Plastics and other garbage are • Too much fertilizer destroys • Stop burning of garbage
burned. the quality of the soil and is • Segragate the garbage
harmful to both humans and ( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to
animals. reduce land and air pollution

Cars, trucks and tricycles that emit • Air and water Pollution Owners of vehicles that emit dark
dark smoke (smoke belchers) are • People get sick smoke must visit an emission testing
allowed to travel. • Government spend more center to evaluate if their vehicle
money for reducing pollution passes the exhaust emission standard

Group No./Name: __________________________ Year & Section:____________________

ACTIVITY #2: ROLE PLAY: Make a short play on the theme “Ways to Sustain Earth’s Resources”

Scoring Rubric:
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Great job! You offered Your role-play is on the The role-play is The role-play is
creative new insight on topic, but it is missing somewhat off-topic. completely off-topic.
the topic some creativity and

Roles Excellent Work! Every Everyone in your group For the most part, your Your group failed to
member of your group stayed in character, group stayed in stay in character.
stayed in character, some members didn’t character. but spend
and it was clear you seem really be “into” more time preparing for
took your roles what they were doing how the character
seriously. might think or act.
Overall Impression Excellent! Your Good! Your Keep working! Your Your presentation was
presentation was presentation was fun to presentation was little completely off-topic
entertaining and watch, could have been entertaining and less
informative more informative informative


Output Levels Points

Very Good 11-12- 100
Good 10-8- 90
Satisfactory 4-7- 80
Needs Improvement 1-3- 75

Group No./Name: __________________________ Year & Section:____________________

ACTIVITY #3: POSTER MAKING: Make a poster to illustrate how the natural resource can be used wisely.

Materials: ¼ white cartolina, pencil crayons/oil pastels

You may use available materials (natural dyes) at their locality such as Orange color-carrot, onion skin, Brown color- coffee, pink- avocado skin

Scoring Rubric:

4 3 2 1

CONTENT All requirements All requirements present, Most requirements Requirements missing
present, well descriptive text and present, text contains poorly written inaccurate
written text and appropriate visuals work some inaccuracies or or insufficient text and or
carefully chosen together to inform viewers lacks organization or visuals or “cut & posted”
visuals work impact, inappropriate text.
together to or missing visuals
illustrate and
inform about
poster subject
CREATIVITY Pleasing use of Good use of color, and Graphics have Little constructive use of
color, shapes, eye catching graphic clustered appearance color or graphic
symbols, and other elements or are sparse (too elements
graphic elements much empty space)
captures viewers
attention and

VISUAL Incorporates Contains some unique or Contains some good, No evidence or creativity
APPEAL unique and imaginative elements although not entirely
pertinent ideas, original elements
design elements,
visual or text that
make the poster
stand out

Output Levels Points

Very Good 11-12- 100
Good 10-8- 90
Satisfactory 4-7- 80
Needs Improvement 1-3- 75

Group No./Name: __________________________ Year & Section:____________________

Make a Reflection on the Song “Masdan Mo ang Kapaligiran” by Asin on YouTube using the link www.youtube.com/watch?


Wala ka bang napapansin

Sa iyong mga kapaligiran
Kay dumi na ng hangin
Pati na ang mga ilog natin

Hindi nga masama ang pag-unlad

At malayu-lauyo na rin ang ating narrating
Ngunit masdan mo ang tubig sa dagat
Dati’y kulay asul, ngayo’y nagging itim

Ang mga duming ating ikinalat sa hangin

Sa langit, ‘wag na nating paabutin
Upang kung tayo’y pumanaw man
Sariwang hangin, sa langit natin matitikman

Mayro’n lang akong hinihiling

Sa aking pagpanaw, sana ay tag-ulan
Gitara koay aking dadalhin
Upang sa ulap na lang tayo magkantahan
Ang mga batang ngayon lang isinilang
May hangin pa kayang matitikman
May mga puno pa kaya silang aakyatin
May mga ilog pa kayang lalanguyan

Bakit ‘di natin pag-isipan

Ang nangyayari sa ating kapaligiran
Hindi ngamasama ang pag unlad
Kung hindi nakakasira ng kalikasan

Darating ang panahon, mga ibong gala

Ay wala nang madadapuan
Masdan mo ang mga punong dati ay kay tatag
Ngayon’y namamatay dahil sa ating kalokohan

Lahat ng bagay na narito sa lupa

Biyayang galling sa Diyos kahit no’ng ika’y wala pa
Ingatan natin at’wag nang sirain pa
‘Pagkat pag Kanyang binawi, tayo’y mawawala na

Mayro’n lang akong hinihiling

Sa aking pagpanaw2, sana ay tag-ulan
Gitara ko ay aking dadalhin
Upang sa ulap na lang tayo magkantahan

4 3 2 1
Quality of Information

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