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On Stanley’s theorem & It’s Generalizations

Suprokash Hazra
Department of Mathematics,
Ramanujan school of Mathematical Sciences,
Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper we go on to discuss about two different versions for the proof of the
generalization of Stanley’s theorem in integer partition. We illustrate two different techniques
that may be applied to profitably understand the underlying structure behind the theorem.
Keywords: Stanley’s theorem, Tilings, Partition identities.
AMS Classification: 2010, 05A17.

1 Introduction :
Stanley’s theorem is an important result in the theory of partitions. Various generalizations have
been made to it over the course of time inc and Dastidar & Gupta’s subsequent generalization. In
their paper they go on to show how the sum of the number of distinct members of the partition is
not just equal to the number of 1’s present in the partition of the same number but is also equal
to the sum of the number of i’s in the partitions of all the numbers from n to (n + i − 1), where i
can be any positive integer. In this paper we go on to provide different combinatorial arguments
to prove such generalizations. A proof of the generalization involves the use of tilings of a 1x∞
board. This concept can be further generalised to cover similar properties for overpartitions as
well.To prove the generalization we first make use of some lemmas which follow subsequently in
the article.

2 Main Results :
A. Combinatorial proof of the extension of Stanley’s theorem :
We need the following lemma in order to prove our main theorem.

Lemma 2.A.1 : Let n and k be two positive integers with k ≤ n, then for each positive integer
i, (1 ≤ i ≤ n), we have n + i = qi k + ri , where 0 ≤ ri < k, then,
qi = q0 , for all 1 ≤ i ≤ s − 1
= q0 + 1, for all i ≥ s

And ri = r0 + i , for all 1 ≤i ≤ s - 1,
= i − s , for all i ≥ s where s = k − r0

Proof : Let us consider the two integers n + i and k,then by division algorithm there exists two
integers qi and ri such that, n + i = qi k + ri with 0 ≤ ri < k. Now, n = q0 k + r0 . We assume,
k − r0 = s, then we have the following,
n = q0 k + r0 ; n + 1 = q0 k + (r0 + 1);
n + s − 1 = q0 k + (r0 + s − 1), n + s = (q0 + 1)k ;
n + s + 1 = (q0 + 1)k + 1, ...n + k − 1 = (q0 + 1)k + (r0 − 1)
By the above formula it is clear that
qi = q0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ s − 1
=q0 + 1 for all i ≥ s
Hence the lemma 2.A.1

Notation 2.A.2: We consider these following notations,as follows,

Qk (n + i) := Number of occurences of k in the unordered partitions of (n + i)
B(n) := Sum of the total number of distinct members in all the partitions of n.
A(n) = k−1
i=0 Qk (n+i)=Sum of all the number of occurrences of k in all unordered partitions

of (n + i) for all i.

Lemma 2.A.3: Qk (n + i) = j=1 P (n + i − jk), for some fixed i.

Proof : For fixed i, considering the two integers n + i and k, then by division algorithm there
exists two integers qi and ri such that,

n + i = qi k + ri with 0 ≤ ri < k (as mentioned in lemma 2.A.1)

For a fixed i, the number of partitions of n + i,where k occurs exactly t-times is,

P (n + i − tk) − P (n + i − (t + 1)k), for all 1 ≤ t ≤ qi − 1

And , the number of partitions of n + i, where k occurs exactly qi times is P (ri ).

So, we have, Qk (n + i)
= The number of occurrences of k in all unordered partitions of n + i
= P (n + i − k) − P (n + i − 2k) + P (n + i − 2k) − P (n + i − 3k) +...
...(qi − 1)[P (n + i − (qi − 1)k) − P (n + i − qi k)] + qi P (ri )

=P (n + i − k) + P (n + i − 2k) + P (n + i − 3k) + ...... + P (n + i − (qi − 1)k)
−(qi − 1)P (n + i − qi k) + qi P (ri )
=P (n + i − k) + P (n + i − 2k) + P (n + i − 3k) + ....... + P (n + i − (qi − 1)k)
− qi P (n + i − qi k) + P (n + i − qi k) + qi P (ri )
=P (n + i − k) + P (n + i − 2k) + P (n + i − 3k) + ....... + P (n + i − (qi − 1)k))+
P (n + i − qi k)[since, n + i − qi k = ri ]
= qj=1
P (n + i − jk),
Hence the lemma 2.A.3.

Remark 2.A.4 : When t ∈ 1, 2, ..., n is fixed, then for all 1 ≤ i ≤n ,we have,
i=0 [P (n + i − tk)]

=P (n − tk) + P (n + 1 − tk) + P (n + 2 − tk) + ...+P (n + k − 1 − tk) = P (n − tk) +

P (n − (tk − 1)) + P (n − (tk − 2)) + . . . . + P (n − ((t − 1)k + 1)).

Now we come to our main theorem which states that,

Theorem 2.A.5 : A(n) = B(n) for all non-negetive integers n

Combinatorial Proof: First we consider the quantity,

A(n) = i=0 Qk (n + i) = k−1
Pk−1 P P
i=0 [ P (n + i − jk)] (By lemma 2.A.2)
= k−1
P Pk−1 Pk−1
i=0 [P (n + i − k)]+ i=0 [P (n + i − 2k) +...+ i=0 [P (n + i − (qi − 1)k))]+
i=0 [P (n + i − qi k)]

from which it follows that A(n)

= [P (n − 1) + P (n − 2) + P (n − 3) + .... + P (n − k)] + [P (n − (k + 1))+
P (n − (k + 2)) + ... + P (n − 2k)]+.... + [P (n − ((q0 − 1)k + 1)+
P (n − ((q0 − 1)k + 2) + ... + P (n − q0 k)]+ i=s [P (n + i − qi k)]
(by By Remark 2.A.4)
= P (n − 1) + P (n − 2) + P (n − 3) + ... + P (n − q0 k) + i=s P (ri )
(Using lemma 2.A.1)
= P (n − 1) + P (n − 2) + P (n − 3) + ... + P (r0 )+[P (r0 − 1) + P (r0 − 2) + ... + P (1) + 1]
This is the expression for A(n).
Now to find the expression for B(n) using P (1), P (2), ..., P (n−1). For finding the expression
for B(n),we will look at this sum to count the number of partitions of n in which the number i

appears and sum those result for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Now the number of partitions of n in which i
appears is P (n − i) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 and with the special case i = nis 1.
Hence B(n) = 1 + P (1) + P (2) + ... + P (n − 3) + P (n − 2) + P (n − 1).
Hence A(n) = B(n)
This completes our proof.

B. Tiling proof of the extension of the Stanley’s theorem :

We consider a 1 x ∞ board. We will tile this board using white squares and finite number of
black squares. Here we allowing the stacking of the black squares. Let T be the set of all such
tilings. Let a white tile will have measure 1 and a black tile in position i will have measure q i .
Now we define the measure of a tiling to be M (t) = m(t). (where the product runs over all
the squares for a particular tiling t∈ T ,and m denotes the measure of the squares for a particular
tiling t.

Definition 2.B.1 : (Partition representation of a tiling:)

Suppose we assume a partition of m = µ1 + µ2 + ... + µK , denoting this partition by µ.
Then we associate a tiling tµ such that, it has a black tiles in position µ1 , µ2 , ..., µK . Now as
the numbers µ1 , µ2 , ..., µK ,may not all distinct so we can have more than one black tiles in some
position. Also we obtain M (tµ ) = q µ1 +µ2 +...+µK ,
Now we need these following lemmas in order to prove the theorem.

Lemma 2.B.2 : For each 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1, the number of partitions of n with atleast (k − i)

times r = Number of partitions of n + ir with atleast r times k.

Proof : Consider A = Set of all tilings with atleast (k − i) black tiles in position r.
And, B = Set of all tilings with atleast r black tiles in position k.
Now we define T : A→ B, by the following way that, we take a tiling from A, then we remove
(k − i) black tiles from position r and add r black tiles in position k.
Then T is well defined map. In order to prove T is bijective, we define a mapping S:B→A,
by the following way,we take a tiling from B,then we remove r black tiles from position k and
add (k − i) black tiles inposition r. Then S is well defined map. Also ST =IdA and T S = IdB ,
the identity mappings on A and B respectively.
Now clearly the change of measure under the map T is q −r(k−i)+kr = q ir .
Now take A∗= Set of all tilings of A with measure q n . Then for each tiling of A∗ we obtain a
bijective Correspondence with a tiling of B of measure q n+ir .Also every tiling gives a partitions
and vice versa.So by the Partition representation of a tiling, the lemma follows.

Hence the lemma 2.B.2.

Lemma 2.B.3: Number of partitions of n with atleast i times r = The number of partitions of
n with atleast r times i.

Proof : Consider M = Set of all tilings with atleast i black tiles in position r. And N = Set of all
tilings with atleast r black tiles in position i. Now we define Q: M→N, by the following way, We
take a tiling from M, then we remove i black tiles from position r and add r black tiles in position
Then Q is well defined map. In order to prove Q is bijective we define a mapping Z:N→M,
bythe following way,we take a tiling from N, then we remove r black tiles from position i and add
i black tiles in position r. Then Z is well defined map. Also QZ= IdN and ZQ = IdM , the identity
mappings on N and M respectively. Now clearly there is no change of measure under the map
Q. Now take M*=Set of all tilings of A with measure q n . Then for each tiling of A* we obtain
a bijective Correspondence with a tiling of N of measure q n . Now every tiling gives a partitions
and vice versa. So by the Partition representation of a tiling, we have the lemma 2.B.3.

Lemma 2.B.4 : The number of partitions of n with atleast 1 times r = The number of partitions
of (n + kj − r) with atleast j times k. we assume n = qk + r,and 1 ≤ j ≤ q.
In particular,Vjk (n + kj − r) = Vsk (n + ks − r),for all 1 ≤ j, s ≤ n, where Vpq (m)= The
number of partitions of m with atleast p times q.

Proof : Let C = Set of all tilings with atleast 1 black tiles in position r. And D= Set of all tilings
with atleast j black tiles in position k. Now we define F: C → D, by the following way, We take
a tiling from C, then we remove 1 black tiles from position r and add j black tiles in position k.
Then F is well defined map. In order to prove F is bijective we define a mapping G:D→ C,by
the following way, we take a tiling from D, then we remove j black tiles from position k and add
1 black tiles in position r. Then G is well defined map. Also GF = IdC and FG = IdD , the identity
mappings on C and D respectively.
Now clearly the change of measure under the map F is q kj−r .
Denote, C # =Set of all tilings of C with measure q n . Then for each tiling of C # we obtain a
bijective Correspondence with a tiling of D of measure q n+kj−r .
Now every tiling gives a partition and vice versa. So by the Partition representation of a
tiling, we have that, the number of partitions of n with atleast 1 times r = number of partitions of
(n + kj − r) with atleast j times k.
So notationally, Vjk (n + kj − r) = V1r (n).
Since the right hand side of the above expression does not depend on j,so clearly we have

that, Vjk (n + kj − r) = Vsk (n + ks − r), for all 1 ≤ j, s ≤ n
Hence the lemma 2.B.4.
We now give the tiling proof of the extension of Stanley’s theorem.

Tiling proof of Theorem 2.A.5 : First we put r = 1 in lemma 2.B.2.

Then we get, the number of partitions of n with atleast (k − i) times 1 = number of partitions
of (n + i) with atleast 1 times k.
that is, V(k−i) (n) = V1k (n + i) for all 1≤ i ≤ k − 1
We sum this over all 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1 and obtain,
Pk−1 1
i=1 V(ki) (n) = i=1 V1k (n + i) ......... (1)

Next we put r = 1 in lemma 2.B.3 and obtain, Vi1 (n) = V1i (n)
We sum this over all k ≤ i ≤ n and obtain,

Pn Pn
i=k Vi1 (n) = i=k V1i (n) .......(2)

. We add (1) and (2),to obtain,

Pk−1 1 Pn 1
i=1 V(k−i) (n) + i=k Vi (n)

= k−1
P k
Pn i
Pn 1
Pk−1 k Pn i
i=1 V1 (n + i) + i=k V1 (n) i=1 Vi (n)= i=1 V1 (n + i) + i=k V1 (n)

Number of 1’s present in the all unordered partitions of n

= k−1
P k
Pn i
i=1 V1 (n + i) + i=k V1 (n)

= k−1
P k k
Pn i
Pk−1 k Pn i
i=1 V1 (n + i) + V1 (n) + i=k+1 V1 (n) = i=0 V1 (n + i) + i=k+1 V1 (n) ......(3)

Now by Lemma 2.B.4,

Pn r
Pn k
i=k+1 V1 (n) = i=k+1 Vj (n + kj − r)

= 2k
P k
P3k k
Pqk k
i=k+1 Vj (n + kjr) + i=2k+1 Vj (n + kj − r) + .....+ i=(q−1)k+1 (Vj (n + kj − r))

= 2k
P k
P3k k
Pqk k
i=k+1 V2 (n + 2kr) + i=2k+1 V3 (n + 3k − r) + ......... + i=(q−1)k+1 (Vq (n + kq − r))

Hence we obtain,
Pn r
Pk−1 k Pk−1 k Pk−1 k
i=k+1 V1 (n) = i=0 V2 (n + i) + i=0 V3 (n + i) + ......... + i=0 Vq (n + i) .......(4)

Now by (3) and (4) we have that,

Number of 1’s present in the all unordered partitions of n

= k−1
P k
Pk−1 k Pk−1 k Pk−1 k
i=0 V1 (n + i) + i=0 V2 (n + i) + i=0 V3 (n + i) + ...... + i=0 Vq (n + i)

Pq Pq Pq
= j=1 Vjk (n) + j=1 Vjk (n + 1) + .... + j=1 Vjk (n + k − 1)

= Qk (n) + Qk (n + 1) + Qk (n + 2) + .... + Qk (n + k − 1)

= k−1
i=0 Qk (n + i)

This completes our proof.

3 Conclusion :

In this paper we have demonstrated how simple combinatorial proofs can be effectively applied
to problems involving unordered partitions. Similar to the extension of Stanley’s theorem,we can
apply similar techniques to prove further extensions of Elder’s theorem and not just for regular
partitions but for all classes of overpartitions. The concept of tilings could also pe profitably
extended to study similar results in the area of planar partition.

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