Hiroshi Nagamochi - Packing Unit Squares in A Rectangle

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Packing Unit Squares in a Rectangle

Hiroshi Nagamochi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University Sakyo, Kyoto-city, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan [email protected] Submitted: Sep 29, 2004; Accepted: Jul 8, 2005; Published: Jul 30, 2005. Mathematics Subject Classications: 05B40, 52C15

Abstract For a positive integer N , let s(N ) be the side length of the minimum square into which N unit squares can be packed. This paper shows that, for given real numbers a, b 2, no more than ab (a + 1 a ) (b + 1 b ) unit squares can be packed in any a b rectangle R with a < a and b < b. From this, we can deduce that, for any integer N 4, s(N ) min{ N , N 2 N + 1 + 1}. In particular, for any integer n 2, s(n2 ) = s(n2 1) = s(n2 2) = n holds.


Packing geometric objects such as circles and squares into another object is one of the fundamental problems in combinatorial geometry [1, 2, 4]. For a positive integer N, let s(N) be the side length of the minimum square that can contain N unit squares in the plane whose interiors do not overlap. The problem of packing unit squares into a square was initiated by Erds and Graham [2]. They prove that, for a large number s, unit o squares can be packed into an s s square so that the wasted area is O(s7/11 ). This is surprisingly small compared with the wasted area in the trivial packing of N = n2 n unit squares in an n n square, where n is an integer more than 1. Determining or estimating s(N) is posed as one of the unsolved geometric problems listed by Croft et al. [1]. We easily observe that for any positive integer N, N s(N) N , and that for any square number N = n2 , s(N) = n. It was conjectured that s(n2 n) = n holds for integers n 2 (whenever n is small). For n 17, s(n2 n) < n is demonstrated by an explicit construction (see [3]). Friedman [3] conjectures that, once s(n2 k) = n holds for some integers n and k, s((n + 1)2 k) = n + 1 holds. Determining s(N) for non-square numbers N seems rather dicult. Currently such s(N) has been determined only for some limited numbers N < 100 (see [3, 5]). These nontrivial values for s(N) are based on lower bounds which are established in a particular way for each N.

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In this paper, we introduce a lower bound on s(N) that is systematically constructible for any integer N 4. For two positive real numbers a and b, let (a, b) denote the maximum number of unit squares that can be packed into the inside of an a b rectangle R with a < a and b < b. A trivial upper bound on (a, b) is (a, b) < ab. In this paper, we prove the following result. Theorem 1 For real numbers a, b 2, (a, b) < ab (a + 1 a ) (b + 1 b ).

In particular, for two integers a b 2, we see that an a b rectangle is the smallest rectangle with aspect ratio a/b into which ab 2 unit squares can be packed. Theorem 1 also provides a new lower bound on s(N), determining s(N) for innitely many new numbers N. Theorem 2 (i) For any positive integer N such that N {n2 , n2 1, n2 2} for some integer n 1, s(N) = n holds. (ii) For any integer N 4 such that N {n2 , n2 1, n2 2 | integers n 1}, s(N) N 2 N + 1 + 1 > N .

Note that new lower bound in Theorem 2(ii) is strictly stronger than the trivial our lower bound N . This paper is organized as follows. After deriving Theorem 2 from Theorem 1 in section 2, we dene an unavoidable set U in section 3, showing that proving the unavoidability of U implies Theorem 1. In section 5, we present a proof for the unavoidability of U after preparing a series of technical lemmas in section 4. We make concluding remarks in section 5.

Proof of Theorem 2

This section shows that Theorem 2 follows from Theorem 1. Any square number N = n2 satises s(N) = n = N = N = N 2 N + 1 + 1 and inequality N + 2 N . Now assume that N is not an integer, for which N = N + 1 holds. Then we have N 2 N + 1 + 1 = N ( N )2 + ( N + 1)2 2 N + 1 + 1 = N + 2 ( N )2 + ( N )2 + 1. Hence N 2 N + 1 + 1 N + 1 if and only if N + 2 N . A positive integer N satises N + 2 N if and only if there is an integer n such that N + 2 n N, i.e., n2 N n2 2. It is known that s(1) = 1 and s(2) = s(3) = s(4) = 2 [4]. Let N 4. We rst consider the case where + 2 N . Then by Theorem 1 with a = N b = N 2, we have ( N , N ) < ( N )2 2 N. This says that N unit squares cannot be packed in any square with side length less than N . Thus, s(N) N . So any integer N {n2 , n2 1, n2 2}, where n 1 is an integer, we for have s(N) n = N s(N). This proves (i).
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We next consider the case where N + 2 < N . Let k = N 2 and = N 2 N +1 N + 1. Note that is a solution to ( + k 1)2 = N 2k + 1. N . Hence by Theorem 1 with a = b = k + 2, we Note that < 1 since N + 2 < 2 have (k +, k +) < (k +) 2(+1 ) = (k +)2 2 = (k +1)2 +2k 1 = N. Therefore, N unit squares cannot be packed in any square with side length less than k + = N 2 N + 1 + 1. Thus, s(N) N 2 N + 1 + 1. Furthermore, we see that N 2 N + 1 + 1 > N 2 N + 1 + 1 = N . This proves (ii).

Unavoidable Sets

The conventional method for deriving a lower bound on s(N) [3] is as follows. Suppose that we wish to show s(N) a. Let R be a square with side length less than a, and U be a set of some points inside R, where U is called unavoidable if any unit square placed inside R must contain at least one point from U. If we successfully obtain an avoidable set U with |U| < N, then we can conclude that |U| + 1 unit squares cannot be packed inside R, i.e., s(N) s(|U| + 1) a. For example, let N = 2. Take a square R with side length less than a = 2. Then we easily see that U consisting of the center of R is unavoidable, and thereby we need a square R with side length at least a = 2 to pack two unit squares, i.e., s(2) 2. An unavoidable set U with |U| < N over a smaller square R provides a better lower bound on s(N). Only for few integers N < 100, have such unavoidable sets been constructed to obtain nontrivial lower bounds on s(N). However, these constructions are not systematic in terms of N, providing no general lower bound on s(N) for large N. In this paper, we use not only points but also other geometric objects such as line segments and rectangles to dene our unavoidable set U. Recall that the trivial lower bound s(N) N follows from the fact that each unit square consumes at least area 1 from the entire square R, where R can be regarded as an unavoidable set from which unit square takes score 1. In the xy-plane, a line segment L connecting two points p1 = (x1 , y1 ) and p2 = (x2 , y2 ) is denoted by L = [p1 , p2 ] or L = [(x1 , y1), (x2 , y2)]. A rectangle R with edges parallel with x-, y-axes may be written as [x1 , x2 ] [y1 , y2 ] if the four corners of R are given by (x1 , y1 ), (x1 , y2 ), (x2 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2) for real numbers x1 x2 and y1 y2 . To prove (a, b) < ab (a + 1 a ) (b + 1 b ) for given real numbers a, b 2, we consider a rectangle R = [0, a] [0, b] in the xy-plane. Let U consist of a rectangle R , four lines Li (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), a set Q of eight points, and a set P of 2 a + 2 b 12 points, such that R L1 L3 Q = = = = [1, a 1] [1, b 1], [(0.9, 1), (a 0.9, 1)], L2 = [(0.9, b 1), (a 0.9, b 1)], [(1, 0.9), (1, b 0.9)], L4 = [(a 1, 0.9), (a 1, b 0.9)], {(0.9, 1), (a 0.9, 1), (0.9, b 1), (a 0.9, b 1),

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(1, 0.9), (1, b 0.9), (a 1, 0.9), (a 1, b 0.9)}, P = {(i, 0.9), (i, a 0.9) | i = 2, 3, . . . , a 2} {(0.9, j), (b 0.9, j) | j = 2, 3, . . . , b 2}. See Fig. 1.
1+a- -a-| | (0,b) (a,b)

1+b- -b-| |



R* L1

0.9 (a,0)


score 0.5 score 0.5

score 0.05

score 0.45


Figure 1: An unavoidable set U for a rectangle R = [0, a] [0, b]. Let > 1. We say that R and U are shrunken toward the origin (0, 0) by factor 1 if we map each point (x, y) in R and U to a new point (1 x, 1 y). Let 1 R and 1 U respectively denote such R and U shrunken by factor 1 . For a given unit square S inside 1 R and an object K {Q, P, L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 , R }, we dene score (S; K) of S by K as follows. (S; R ) =(the area of the intersection of S and R ) 2 , (S; Li ) =(the sum of length of the intersection of S and line segment Li )0.5 , (S; Q) =(the number of points in Q contained in S)0.45, and (S; P ) =(the number of points in P contained in S)0.5. Dene (S) = (S; R ) + (S; L1 ) + (S; L2 ) + (S; L3 ) + (S; L4 ) + (S; Q) + (S; P ). Note that the total score from Li (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and Q is 2(a 1.8) 0.5 + 2(b 1.8) 0.5+80.45 = a+b. Then the total score from U is (a2)(b2)+a+b+ a 3+ b 3 = ab (a + 1 a ) (b + 1 b ). In what follows, we prove that U is an unavoidable set in the following sense.
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Lemma 1 Any unit square S inside 1 R satises (S) > 1.

We show that Theorem 1 follows from Lemma 1. Assume that N unit squares are packed inside 1 R. Each of the N unit squares has (S) > 1 by Lemma 1 and the total score of U is ab(a+1 a )(b+1 b ). Then we have N < ab(a+1 a )(b+1 b ) for any factor 1 < 1, i.e., (a, b) < ab (a + 1 a ) (b + 1 b ), as required. A square S with side length is called a square. For a notational convenience to prove Lemma 1, we consider packing squares with > 1 into the original rectangle R = [0, a] [0, b], instead of considering 1 R and 1 U. In this case, each Li contributes to (S) by 0.5 per length and R by 1 per area while each point in Q (resp., P ) contributes to (S) by 0.45 (resp., 0.5). It suces to show that any square S with (1, 1.01] has (S) > 1 over the original R and U.

Technical Lemmas

In this section, we prepare some technical lemmas in order to establish a proof of Lemma 1 in the next section. Let [1, 1.01] for a technical reason to prove the lemmas in this section. Lemma 2 Let S be a square with [1, 1.01]. For a line L with distance h [0, ( 2 1)/2) from the center of S, let c be the length of the intersection of S and L (see Fig. 2(a)). Then c or c > 1. Proof: Let L intersect edges e1 and e2 of S. If e1 and e2 are not adjacent, then c . We consider the case where e1 and e2 are adjacent. We can assume that = 1 to estimate the minimum c. Let denote the angle made by L and e2 , where 0 < /4 assumed is without loss of generality. Let t = tan(/2), where 0 < t = tan(/2) 2 1 for (0, /4]. Then we have c = h (1 + t2 )2 (1 + t2 )(1 + 2t t2 ) + , 2t(1 t2 ) 4t(1 t2 )

which is a decreasing function of h for a xed t. Hence it suces to show that f (h, t) = 2h(1 + t2 )2 + (1 + t2 )(1 + 2t t2 ) 4t(1 t2 ) is nonnegative for h = ( 2 1)/2. We have 21 f( , t) = (t + 1 2)2 ( 2t2 + (2 + 2 2)t + 2 + 2). 2 By the concavity of g(t) = 2t2 + (2 + 22)t + 2 + 2, g(0) > 0 and g( 2 1) > 0 mean g(t) > 0 (0 < t 2 1). Hence f (( 2 1)/2, t) 0 and c > 1. Lemma 3 Let S be a square with [1, 1.01] such that one corner of touches S the x-axis and S is entirely above the x-axis. For a line L : y = h with h (0.5, 2 0.5), let c be the length of the intersection of S and L (see Fig. 2(b)). Then c or c > 1.
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S L e1 h c e2 L

e2 c S




Figure 2: (a) Illustration for Lemma 2; (b) Illustration for Lemma 3.

Proof: Let L intersect edges e1 and e2 of S. We consider the adjacent (otherwise c ). By h > 0.5, both e1 and e2 are We can assume that = 1 to estimate the minimum c. Let e2 , where 0 < is assumed without loss of generality. /4 0 < t = tan(/2) 2 1) for (0, /4]. Then we have c = (h 1)

case where e1 and e2 are not touching the x-axis. be angle made by L and Let t = tan(/2), where

(1 + t2 )2 2t(1 t + t2 t3 ) + , 2t(1 t2 ) 2t(1 t2 )

which is a decreasing function of h for a xed t. To prove the lemma, it suces to show that f (h, t) = (h 1)(1 + t2 )2 + 2t 2t2 + 2t3 2t4 2t + 2t3 0 for h = 2 0.5. We see that f ( 2 0.5, t) = (t + 1 2)2 ((1 + 2 2)t2 + (2 2 + 2)t + 1). By the concavity of g(t) (1 + 2 2)t2 + (2 2 + 2)t + 1, g(0) > 0 and g( 2 1) > 0 = mean g(t) > 0 (0 < t < 2 1). Therefore f ( 2 0.5, t) 0 and c > 1. Lemma 4 Let S be a square with [1, 1.01], and e1 and e2 be two adjacent edges of S that meet at a corner v of S. For a point p1 on e1 and a point p2 on e2 with p1 = v = p2 , let c be the length of the line segment L = [p1 , p2 ], and d be the area of the triangle enclosed by L and line segments [p1 , v] and [v, p2] (see Fig. 3). Then 0.5c > d. Proof: Let h and be the lengths of the line segments [p1 , v] and [v, p2 ], respectively. Then c = h2 + 2 and d = h /2. To prove c/2 > d, it suces to show that h2 + 2 h2 2 > 0. Since h, (0, ], we have h2 + 2 h2 2 = (h )2 + h (2 h ) h (2 2 ) > 0.

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v e2 p

T d L c S

e1 p

Figure 3: Illustration for Lemma 4.

Lemma 5 Let S be a square with [1, 1.01] such that one corner of S touches the x-axis and S is entirely above the x-axis, c > 0 be the length of the intersection of S and line L : y = 1, and d be the area of the triangle enclosed by S and L (see Fig. 4(a)). Then d + 0.5c > 0.5. Proof: Let (0, /4] be the angle made by an edge of S and the x-axis, and t = tan(/2). We obtain d = c2 t(1 t2 )/(1 + t2 )2 . We denote c and d for = 1 by c and d. Then we have 1 = d = (tt2 )/(1+t), for which d+0.5 = 1+0.5 = 0.5+0.5(1) > c c c c c 0.5. Now consider the case of > 1. Since 1 is small, we can write c = c + x and d = ( + x)2 t(1 t2 )/(1 + t2 )2 = d + (2 + x2 ) t(1 t2 )/(1 + t2 )2 for some number c c + 0.5 + 0.5x + (2 + x2 ) t(1 t2 )/(1 + t2 )2 d + 0.5 > 0.5. x > 0. Then d + 0.5c = d c c c

d c S 1 c`{ p`

d c





Figure 4: (a) Illustration for Lemma 5; (b) Illustration for Lemma 6.

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Lemma 6 Let S be a square with [1, 1.01] such that one corner of S touches the x-axis and S is entirely above the x-axis. Assume that two adjacent edges e1 and e2 of S intersect line L : y = 1, point (1, 1) is not in S, point (2, 0.9) is on an edge e2 of S. Let c be the length of the intersection of S and L, d be the area of the triangle enclosed by S and L, and p = (1, 1 c ) be the crossing point of e1 and line x = 1 (see Fig. 4(b)). Then d + 0.5c + 0.5 0.5c > 1 holds. Proof: For values d, c, c for a square S with > 1, we can get smaller d, c, c choosing a square S with 1 < . Then we only consider the case of = 1. Let (0, /2] be the angle made by e1 and L : y = 1. By calculation, we have d = t(1 t)/(1 + t), c = (t + t2 )/(1 + t), and c = 2t(t(1 t)2 0.2t)/(1 t2 )2 . To have c > 0 (i.e., to keep (1, 1) outside S), t(1 t)2 0.2t > 0 (i.e., t < 1 0.2) must hold. Note that c = 1 d holds. To prove d + 0.5c + 0.5 0.5c > 1, it suces to show that d > c , i.e., t(1 t) 2t(t(1 t)2 0.2t) > , (0 < t < 1 0.2). 2 )2 1+t (1 t For this, we show f (t) = (1 t)2 (1 t2 ) 2(t(1 t)2 0.2t) 0. We have f (t) = 2 2 (1 t) (1 + t) ) + 0.4t, which is positive for 0 < t 2 1. On the other hand, for (2 0.41 < 2 1 < t < 1 0.2 < 0.56, we have (1 0.41)2 (2 (1 + 0.56)2) + 0.4 0.41 > 0. This completes the proof of the lemma.

Proof of Lemma 1

Throughout this section, S denotes a square with (1, 1.01] that is entirely contained in a given a b rectangle R = [0, a] [0, b]. We prove that (S) > 1, from which Lemma 1 follows. We distinguish the following seven cases: Case-1: S is contained completely inside R = [1, a 1] [1, b 1]. Case-2: S is not completely contained inside R , the center of S is inside R , S does not contain any point in Q as its interior point, and there is no line segment Li U that intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. Case-3: The center of S is inside R , S does not contain any point in Q as its interior point, and there is a line segment Li that intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. Case-4: The center of S is inside R , and S contains a point in Q as its interior point. Case-5: The center of S belongs to the rectangle [0, 1] [0, 1]. Case-6: The center of S belongs to the rectangle [1, a1][0, 1], and line y = 1 intersects two adjacent edges of S.

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Case-7: The center of S belongs to the rectangle [1, a1][0, 1], and line y = 1 intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. The case where the center of S belongs to one of the rectangles [a 1, a] [0, 1], [0, 1] [b 1, b] and [a 1, a] [b 1, b] can be treated analogously with Case-5. Also the case where the center of S belongs to one of the rectangles [1, a 1] [b 1, b], [0, 1] [1, b 1] and [a 1, a] [1, b 1] can be treated in a similar way of Cases-6 and 7. In Case-1, we easily see that (S) (S; R ) = 2 > 1 holds. The rest of the cases will be discussed in the subsequent subsections.



In this case, S is not completely contained inside R , the center of S is inside R , S does not contain any point in Q as its interior point, and there is no line segment Li U that intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. Then there is a line segment Li U that intersects two adjacent edges of S, cutting out from S a triangle Ti that is not covered by R (see Fig. 5). For each of all those line segments Li , let di be the area of the triangle Ti , and ci be the length of the intersection of Li and S (some of these triangles may be overlapping, as illustrated by S3 in Fig. 5). By Lemma 4, we have 0.5ci di > 0 for all such Li . This implies that (S; Li ) = 0.5ci compensates the loss di in (S; R ). Thus (S) is not less than that of a square S which is completely contained in R . Therefore, (S) > 1.




Figure 5: Illustration for squares in Case-2.



In this subsection, we consider the case where the center of S is inside R , S does not contain any point in Q as its interior point, and there is a line segment Li that intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. The length of the intersection of Li and S is at least > 1. Then if there are two such line segments Li and Li , then (S) (S; Li ) + (S; Li ) 0.5 2 > 1. Assume that there is exactly one such line segment Li , which cuts out from S an quadrangle uncovered by R . From the above observation using Lemma 4,
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we can assume that there is no other line segment Lj U that cuts out from S an uncovered triangle Tj . Since the center is in R and (S; R ) 0.52 , we have (S) (S; R ) + (S; Li ) 0.52 + 0.5 > 1.



In this case, the center of S is inside R , S contains a point in Q as its interior point. We show that this case can be reduced to Case-2. Assume that S contains point (1, 0.9) (the case where S contains other point in Q can be treated analogously). To estimate the minimum (S), we temporarily replace the point (1, 0.9) with line segment L = [(1, 0.9), (1, 0)], setting the score of L per length to be 0.5 (note that the total score of L is 0.45, the same as that of point (1, 0.9)). If S contains other points in Q, we replace each of them in a similar manner. With this modication, the score of S never increases and the argument in Case-2 can be applied, indicating (S) > 1.



We start with the following lemma to handle Cases-5, 6 and 7. Lemma 7 Let S be a square with (1, 1.01] that is entirely contained in R. Assume that the center of S belongs to the rectangle [0, a] [0, 1]. Then (i) The length c of the intersection of S and line L : y = 0.9 is more than 1. (ii) If the center of S belongs to the square [0, 1] [0, 1], then S contains three points (1, 1) and (1, 0.9), (0.9, 1) Q as its interior points. (iii) S contains at least one point in Q P . (iv) (S; R ) > 0. Proof: (i) If L intersects two nonadjacent edges of S, then c > 1. Assume that L intersects two adjacent edges of S. If the center is below L then we only have to consider the case where one corner of S touches the x-axis, and in this case c > 1 follows from Lemma 3 with h = 0.9. In the other case (i.e., the center of S is situated between L and line y = 1), c > 1 holds by Lemma 2 with h = 0.1. (ii) It is known that any unit square inside the rst quadrant whose center is in [0, 1] [0, 1] contains the point (1, 1) (for example, see [3]). Then S contains (1, 1) as its interior point since > 1. We show that S contains (1, 0.9) (we can show that S contains (0.9, 1) analogously). By (i), S contains one of the points (0, 0.9) and (1, 0.9). Assume that S contains (0, 0.9) but not (1, 0.9). This can occur only when one corner of S attaches the y-axis at the point (0, 0.9). Let e and e be the edges of S that are not incident to the point (0, 0.9). Since any point on e and e has distance at least > 1 from the (0, 0.9), S must contain (1, 0.9) as its interior point. (iii) Immediate from (i) and (iii).
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(iv) We easily see that (S; R ) > 0 holds from > 1 if the center of S belongs to the rectangle [1, a 1] [0, 1]; (S; R) > 0 holds from (ii) otherwise. In Case-5, the center of S belongs to the rectangle [0, 1] [0, 1]. Then by Lemma 7(ii) S contains (1, 0.9), (0.9, 1) Q and line segments [(1, 0.9), (1, 1)] and [(0.9, 1), (1, 1)], and thereby (S) (S; R ) + 0.45 2 + 0.1 2 0.5 > 1.



In this case, the center of S belongs to the rectangle [1, a 1] [0, 1], and line y = 1 intersects two adjacent edges e1 and e2 of S. Let L be the line segment obtained as the intersection of line y = 1 and S, c be the length of L , and d be the area of the triangle T enclosed by L , e1 and e2 . We rst assume that S contains a point in P and none of points (0.9, 1), (a0.9, 1) Q. Then L is contained in L1 . To estimate the minimum of d + 0.5c in this case, we can assume that one corner of S touches the x-axis. Assume that triangle T is contained in R . Since S contains T , L and a point in P , we have (S) d + 0.5c + 0.5 > 1 by Lemma 5. Even if T has an intersection with L2 , (S) > 1 still holds by applying Lemma 4 to the triangle T enclosed by L2 and S. We next consider the case where S contains a point in P and at least one of points (0.9, 1), (a 0.9, 1) Q (say (0.9, 1)). Then S contains line segment [(0.9, 1), (1, 1)] and hence (S) (S; R ) + 0.5 + 0.45 + 0.05 > 1. We now consider the case where S contains no point in P . Then, by Lemma 7(iii), S contains at least one of points (1, 0.9), (a 1, 0.9) Q. Assume that S contains (1, 0.9) (the case that S contains (a 1, 0.9) can be treated analogously). If S contains point (0.9, 1), then it contains line segments [(0.9, 1), (1, 1)] and [(1, 0.9), (1, 1)], and (S) (S; R ) + (0.45 + 0.1 0.5) 2 > 1 holds. Similarly if S contains (a 1, 0.9), then we can show that S contains line segments [(a 1, 0.9), (a 1, 1)] and [(a 0.9, 1), (a 1, 1)], implying (S) 1. Then assume that S contains none of points (0.9, 1) and (a 1, 0.9). If S contains point (min{2, a 1}, 0.9) then (S) 0.45 2 + d + 0.5c > 1 by Lemma 5. Assume further that S does not contain point (min{2, a 1}, 0.9); a 3 is assumed (the case of a < 3 can be treated analogously). To estimate the minimum (S) in this case, we can assume that one corner of S touches the x-axis and point (2, 0.9) is on an edge of S. If point (1, 1) is in S, then (S; L3 ) + (S; Q) 0.5 and (S) d + 0.5c + 0.5 > 1 by Lemma 5. Assume that (1, 1) is not in S. Let p = (1, 1 c ) be the crossing point of line segment [(1, 0.9), (1, 1)] and an edge of S, where line segment [p , (1, 1)] is not covered by S. Note that (S; L1 ) = 0.5c and (S; L3 ) + (S; Q) = 0.5 0.5c . Then (S) d + 0.5c + 0.5 0.5c , which is greater than 1 by Lemma 6.



Finally we consider the case where the center of S belongs to the rectangle [1, a1][0, 1], and line y = 1 intersects two nonadjacent edges e1 and e2 of S. Let L be the line segment
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obtained as the intersection of line y = 1 and S, and c be the length of L . Then c > 1 since y = 1 intersects two nonadjacent edges of S. If L is contained in L1 (i.e., S contains none of (0.9, 1), (a 0.9, 1) Q) and S contains a point in P , then (S) 0.5c + 0.5 > 1. We next consider the case where S contains one of (0.9, 1), (a 0.9, 1) Q. If S contains both (0.9, 1) and (a 0.9, 1), then L1 is entirely contained in S, implying (S) (S; R ) + (0.45 + 0.05) 2 > 1. Assume that S contains (0.9, 1) but not (a 0.9, 1) (the other case can be treated analogously). By Lemma 7(iii), S contains (2, 0.9) or (1,0.9). In any case, S contains line segment [(0.9, 1), (1, 1)] and point (2, 0.9) (or line segment [(1, 0.9), (1, 1)]), indicating (S) (S; R ) + 0.5 + 0.5 > 1. We nally consider the case where L is contained in L1 and S contains no point in P . Then by Lemma 7(iii) S contains (1, 0.9) or (a 1, 0.9); We assume that (1, 0.9) is in S (the other case can be treated analogously). If S contains (1, 1), then it also contains line segment [(1, 0.9), (1, 1)] and satises (S) 0.5c + 0.5 > 1. Hence the remaining case is that S contains (1, 0.9) but none of (1, 1) and (min{2, a 1}, 0.9) (see Fig. 6). To estimate the minimum (S) in this case, we can assume that S touches the x-axis (allowing it to violate the condition that y = 1 intersects two nonadjacent edges of S). Now y = 1 intersects two adjacent edges of S and this case has already been discussed in Case-6.

y=1 S

Figure 6: Illustration for the case where S contains (1, 0.9) but none of (1, 1) and (min{2, a 1}, 0.9) in Case-7.

This completes the proof of Lemma 1.

Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we have established a nontrivial upper bound on the number of unit squares that can be packed into a rectangle with given side lengths. With this bound, we have derived a stronger lower bound on s(N) and determined that s(n2 1) = s(n2 2) = n for all integers n 2. Our unavoidable set U can be seen as a modication of the entire area R so that the total score becomes less than the area of R by replacing the boundary part of R with a set of points and line segments with appropriate scores. This technique
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can be easily applied to the problem of packing unit squares into other types of convex polygons such as regular k-gons (k 3) by modifying the denition of endpoints in Q and their scores.

We would like to express our gratitude to the anonymous referees whose suggestions contributed to improving the written style. This research was partially supported by a Scientic Grant in Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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