Ac Electric Locomotive

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An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from
overhead lines, a third rail or on-board energy storage such as a battery or a super
capacitor. Electric locomotives with on-board fueled prime movers, such as diesel
engines or gas turbines, are classed as diesel-electric or gas turbine-electric and not
as electric locomotives, because the electric generator/motor combination serves
only as a power transmission system.

Electric locomotives benefit from the high efficiency of electric motors, often
above 90% (not including the inefficiency of generating the electricity). Additional
efficiency can be gained from regenerative braking, which allows kinetic energy to
be recovered during braking to put power back on the line. Newer electric
locomotives use AC motor-inverter drive systems that provide for regenerative
braking. Electric locomotives are quiet compared to diesel locomotives since there
is no engine and exhaust noise and less mechanical noise. The lack of reciprocating
parts means electric locomotives are easier on the track, reducing track
maintenance. Power plant capacity is far greater than any individual locomotive
uses, so electric locomotives can have a higher power output than diesel
locomotives and they can produce even higher short-term surge power for fast
acceleration. Electric locomotives are ideal for commuter rail service with frequent
stops. Electric locomotives are used on freight routes with consistently high traffic
volumes, or in areas with advanced rail networks. Power plants, even if they burn
fossil fuels, are far cleaner than mobile sources such as locomotive engines. The
power can also come from clean or renewable sources, including geothermal
power, hydroelectric power, biomass, solar power and wind turbines. Electric
locomotives usually cost 20% less than diesel locomotives, their maintenance costs
are 25-35% lower, and cost up to 50% less to run.

The chief disadvantage of electrification is the high cost for infrastructure:

overhead lines or third rail, substations, and control systems. Public policy in the
U.S. interferes with electrification: higher property taxes are imposed on privately
owned rail facilities if they are electrified. [citation needed] The EPA regulates
exhaust emissions on locomotive and marine engines, similar to regulations on car
& freight truck emissions, in order to limit the amount of carbon monoxide,
unburnt hydrocarbons, nitric oxides, and soot output from these mobile power
sources. Because railroad infrastructure is privately owned in the U.S., railroads
are unwilling to make the necessary investments for electrification. In Europe and
elsewhere, railway networks are considered part of the national transport
infrastructure, just like roads, highways and waterways, so are often financed by
the state. Operators of the rolling stock pay fees according to rail use. This makes
possible the large investments required for the technically and, in the long-term,
also economically advantageous electrification.
The first practical AC electric locomotive was designed by Charles
Brown, then working for Oerlikon, Zürich. In 1891, Brown had demonstrated long-
distance power transmission, using three-phase AC, between a hydro-electric plant
at Lauffen am Neckar and Frankfurt am Main West, a distance of 280 km. Using
experience he had gained while working for Jean Heilmann on steam-electric
locomotive designs, Brown observed that three-phase motors had a higher power-
to-weight ratio than DC motors and, because of the absence of a commutator, were
simpler to manufacture and maintain. However, they were much larger than the
DC motors of the time and could not be mounted in underfloor bogies: they could
only be carried within locomotive bodies. In 1894, Hungarian engineer Kálmán
Kandó developed a new type 3-phase asynchronous electric drive motors and

generators for electric locomotives. Kandó's early 1894 designs were first applied
in a short three-phase AC tramway in Évian-les-Bains (France), which was
constructed between 1896 and 1898. In 1918,Kandó invented and developed the
rotary phase converter, enabling electric locomotives to use three-phase motors
whilst supplied via a single overhead wire, carrying the simple industrial frequency
(50 Hz) single phase AC of the high voltage national networks.

In 1896, Oerlikon installed the first commercial example of the system

on the Lugano Tramway. Each 30-tonne locomotive had two 110 kW (150 hp)
motors run by three-phase 750 V 40 Hz fed from double overhead lines. Three-
phase motors run at constant speed and provide regenerative braking, and are well
suited to steeply graded routes, and the first main-line three-phase locomotives
were supplied by Brown (by then in partnership with Walter Boveri) in 1899 on
the 40 km Burgdorf—Thun line, Switzerland. The first implementation of
industrial frequency single-phase AC supply for locomotives came from Oerlikon
in 1901, using the designs of Hans Behn-Eschenburg and Emil Huber-Stockar;
installation on the Seebach-Wettingen line of the Swiss Federal Railways was
completed in 1904. The 15 kV, 50 Hz 345 kW (460 hp), 48 tonne locomotives
used transformers and rotary converters to power DC traction motors.

Italian railways were the first in the world to introduce electric traction for
the entire length of a mainline rather than just a short stretch. The 106 km
Valtellina line was opened on 4 September 1902, designed by Kandó and a team
from the Ganz works. The electrical system was three-phase at 3 kV 15 Hz. The
voltage was significantly higher than used earlier and it required new designs for
electric motors and switching devices. The three-phase two-wire system was used
on several railways in Northern Italy and became known as "the Italian system".
Kandó was invited in 1905 to undertake the management of Società Italiana
Westinghouse and led the development of several Italian electric
locomotives.During the period of electrification of the Italian railways, tests were
made as to which type of power to use: in some sections there was a 3,600 V
16+2⁄3 Hz three-phase power supply, in others there was 1,500 V DC, 3 kV DC
and 10 kV AC 45 Hz supply. After WW2, 3 kV DC power was chosen for the
entire Italian railway system.

In the 1980s, the development of very high-speed service brought further

electrification. The Japanese Shinkansen and the French TGV were the first
systems for which devoted high-speed lines were built from scratch. Similar
programs were undertaken in Italy, Germany and Spain; in the United States the
only new mainline service was an extension of electrification over the Northeast
Corridor from New Haven, Connecticut, to Boston, Massachusetts, though new
electric light rail systems continued to be built. On 2 September 2006, a standard
production Siemens electric locomotive of the Eurosprinter type ES64-U4 (ÖBB
Class 1216) achieved 357 km/h (222 mph), the record for a locomotive-hauled
train, on the new line between Ingolstadt and Nuremberg. This locomotive is now
employed largely unmodified by ÖBB to haul their Railjet which is however
limited to a top speed of 230 km/h due to economic and infrastructure concerns.

AC Locomotives
AC Locomotive Parts -

 Asynchronous Motor
Modern traction motor type using three phase AC electrical supply and now
the favoured design for modern train traction systems.  It can be used on DC
and AC electrified railways with suitable control electronics and on diesel-
electric locomotives.

 Axle Brush
The means by which the power supply circuit is completed with the
substation once power has been drawn on the locomotive. Current collected
from the overhead line or third rail is returned via the axle brush and one of
the running rails.
Balancing Speed
The economical service speed at which the tractive effort of the train equals
the train resistance and no further acceleration takes place.
 Battery
All trains are provided with a battery to provide start up current and for
supplying essential circuits, such as emergency lighting, when the line
supply fails. The battery is usually connected across the DC control supply

 Bucholz Relay
A device inserted in the oil cooling circuits of electric locomotive
transformers to detect low oil pressure. If low oil pressure is detected, the
relay trips out the power system. Often a source of spurious circuit breaker
trips if not carefully calibrated.

 Chopper Control
A development in electric traction control which eliminates the need for
power resistors by causing the voltage to the traction motors to be switched
on and off (chopped) very rapidly during acceleration. It is accomplished by
the use of thyristors and will give up to 20% improvement in efficiency over
conventional resistance control.

 Circuit Breaker
An electric train is almost always provided with some sort of circuit breaker
to isolate the power supply when there is a fault, or for maintenance. On AC
systems they are usually on the roof near the pantograph. There are two
types - the air blast circuit breaker and the vacuum circuit breaker or VCB.
The air or vacuum part is used to extinguish the arc which occurs as the two
tips of the circuit breaker are opened. The VCB is popular in the UK and the
air blast circuit breaker is more often seen on the continent of Europe.

 Contactor
Similar to a relay in that it is a remotely operated switch used to control a
higher power local circuit. The difference is that contactors normally latch
or lock closed and have to be opened by a separate action. A lighting
contactor will have two, low voltage operating coils, one to "set" the
contactor closed to switch on the lights; the other to "trip" off the lights

 Converter
Generic term for any solid state electronic system for converting alternating
current to direct current or vice versa. Where an AC supply has to be
converted to DC it is called a rectifier and where DC is converted to AC it is
called an inverter. The word originated in the US but is now common

 Cooling Fans
To keep the thyristors and other electronic power systems cool, the interior
of a modern locomotive is equipped with an air management system,
electronically controlled to keep all systems operating at the correct
temperature. The fans are powered by an auxiliary inverter producing 3-
phase AC at about 400 volts.

 DC Link
Used on modern electronic power systems between the single phase rectifier
and the 3-phase inverter. It is easier to convert the single phase AC from the
overhead line to the 3-phase required for the motors by rectifying it to DC
and then inverting the DC to 3-phase AC.

 Dynamic Braking
A train braking system using the traction motors of the power vehicle(s) to
act as generators which provide the braking effort. The power generated
during braking is dissipated either as heat through on-board resistors
(rheostatic braking) or by return to the traction supply line (regenerative
braking). Most regenerative systems include on board resistors to allow
rheostatic braking if the traction supply system is not receptive. The choice
is automatically selected by the traction control system.

 Ground Relay
An electrical relay provided in diesel and electric traction systems to protect
the equipment against damage from earths and so-called "grounds". The
result of such a relay operating is usually a shut-down of the electrical drive.
Also sometimes called an Earth Fault Relay.

 GTO Thyristor
Gate Turn Off thyristor, a thyristor which does not require a commutation
(reverse flow circuit) circuit to switch it off.

Most recent power electronics development. It is replacing the GTO
thyristor as it is smaller and requires less current to operate the switching
sequences. See Transistor upon which the technology is based.

 Inverter
Electronic power device mounted on trains to provide alternating current
from direct current. Popular nowadays for DC railways to allow three phase
drive or for auxiliary supplies which need an AC supply. See also converter
with which it is often confused.

 Line Breaker
Electro-mechanical switch in a traction motor power circuit used to activate
or disable the circuit. It is normally closed to start the train and remains
closed all the time power is required. It is opened by a command from the
driving controller, no-volts detected, overload detected and (were required)
wheel spin or slide detected. It is linked to the overload and no-volt control
circuits so that it actually functions as a protective circuit breaker.

 Master Controller
Driver's power control device located in the cab. The driver moves the
handle of the master controller to apply or reduce power to the locomotive or
train. Modern systems often have controllers that incorporate braking.

 Motor Blowers
Traction motors on electric locomotives get very hot and, to keep their
temperature at a reasonable level for long periods of hard work, they are
usually fitted with electric fans called motor blowers. On a modern
locomotive, they are powered by an auxiliary 3-phase AC supply of around
400 volts supplied by an auxiliary inverter.

 No-Volt Relay
A power circuit relay which detected if power was lost for any reason and
made sure that the control sequence was returned to the starting point before
power could be re-applied.

 Overload Relay
A power circuit relay which detected excessive current in the circuit and
switched off the power to avoid damage to the motors. See Motor Protection

 Rectifier
A converter consisting of thyristors and diodes which is used to convert AC
to DC. A modern locomotive will usually have at least two, a "Main
Rectifier" for the power circuits and one or more for the auxiliary circuits.

 Tap Changer
Camshaft operated set of switches used on AC electric locomotives to
control the voltage taken off the main transformer for traction motor power.
Superseded by thyristor control.

 Transformer
A set of windings with a magnetic core used to step down or step up a
voltage from one level to another. The voltage differences are determined
by the proportion of windings on the input side compared with the
proportion on the output side. An essential requirement for locomotives and
trains using AC power, where the line voltage has to be stepped down before
use on the train.

 Pantograph
The current collection system used by locomotives and trains on routes
electrified with overhead lines (Figure 2). The pantograph (often shortened
to "pan") is held up by compressed air pressure. It is designed to collapse if
it detects an obstruction. It can also be lowered manually to isolate the
locomotive or train.

List of AC Locomotives at Indian railways -

Advantages of AC Locomotives –
 Cleanliness : Absence of smoke, ash etc. So suitable for underground
 High Starting torque, High acceleration and retardation 1.5 to 2.5 kmphps.
 High traffic holding capacity suitable for urban area.
 Flexibility of operation. This gives better traffic handling.
 Maintenance cost is 50% of steam locomotive.
 Starting time is very less.
 Centre of gravity is lower than steam locomotive so curvatures can be
negotiated at higher speeds.
 Power to weight ratio is high.
 Absence of unbalanced forces so coefficient of adhesion is more.
 Saving is high grade coal used for metallurgical purpose.
 Railway electrification encourages rural electrification.

Disadvantages of AC Locomotives –
 Power failure of few minutes causes distortion in traffic. Traction is tied to
electric routes
 Provision of negative booster is necessary otherwise it causes corrosion
 Causes disturbance in neighboring communication lines
 High capital cost
Electric traction system has provided the possibility of traveling faster.

Electric locomotive is used widely nowadays due to large power generation

Electric locomotive has reducing the greenhouse gasses and increasing life of
environment by keeping nature healthy.

The technology has gifted us the faster and safer way of communication electric
locomotive are considered as power saving unit due its large advantages

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