Specification Kacharapara 200510

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Date: 17.05.


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Draft for Internal Use of RDSO



Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0000-2010 (Rev. 0)

Issued:---.--- .2010

Approved by Signature


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S.N. Date of Revision Page No. Revision Reasons for Revision
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Abbreviations Page -
Definitions Page -

Chapter 1
General Technical Requirement Page -

1.1 Introduction
1.2 References to Various Standards
1.3 General Requirements
1.4 Engineering philosophy and requirement
1.5 Quality Assurance
1.6 Reliability, Availability , Maintainability and Safety(RAMS)
1.7 Definitions and interpretation

Chapter 2 Operating & Service Conditions
And Design Constraints
Page -
2.1 Leading parameters of EMU & MEMU
2.2 Pay load and weight particulars
2.3 Gauge and moving dimensions
2.4 Power supply system
2.5 Track parameters
2.6 Climate and Environmental Conditions
2.7 Signal and Telecommunication Installation

Chapter 3 Performance Requirements Page -
3.1 Acceleration and Deceleration
3.2 Auxiliary Power
3.3 Efficiency
3.4 Train Resistance
3.5 Specific Energy consumption
3.6 Continuous operating Equipment
3.7 Redundancy requirements
3.8 Jerk Limits
3.9 Electro-magnetic compatibility requirements

Chapter 4 Technical Requirements Page -
4.1 General
4.2 Coach Design
4.2.1 Coach Body
4.2.2 Coach Interior

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4.2.3 Body side door and Windows
4.2.4 Driving cabs
4.2.5 Bogies
4.2.6 Wheels, Axles & Roller Bearings
4.2.7 Draw and Buffing Gears
4.2.8 Brake System
4.2.9 Lavatories
4.2.10 External fittings
4.2.11 Passenger Alarm Signal Apparatus
4.2.12 Marking
4.3 Electrical System
4.3.1 Pantograph
4.3.2 Main Circuit breaker
4.3.3 Lightning arrestor
4.3.4 Traction Transformer
4.3.5 High Voltage cable Assembly
4.3.6 Power Converter- Inverter
4.3.7 Traction Motor and drive
4.3.8 Electronic Control and Communication
4.3.9 Train Line cables, Inter Vehicular Electric couplers
4.3.10 Auxiliary System
4.3.11 Air Ventilation
4.3.12 Passenger Information and communication System
4.3.13 Master Cum Brake Controller
4.3.14 Brake blending
4.3.15 Display Panel
4.3.16 Instruments and gauges
4.3.17 Wiring Cabling
4.3.18 Speed Indicating and recording equipment
4.3.19 Event Recorder
4.3.20 Control Equipment
4.4 Environmental Noise Standards
4.5 Safety Measures

--- Annex A1 Page -
---- Annex A2 Page -
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---- Annex A3 Page -
---- Annex A4 Page -
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The following abbreviations are used in this Specifications and Standards:
Abbreviation Full Name
AAR Association of American Railroads
AC Alternating Current
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
ATP Automatic Train Protection
BS British Standards
DB Dry Bulb
DC Direct Current
EMC Electro-magnetic Compatibility
EMI Electro-magnetic Interference
EN Euro Norm (European Standard)
EMU Electrical Multiple Unit
EP Electro Pneumatic
FEM Finite Element Method
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile
GSM-R Global System for Mobile Railways
HT High Tension voltage as defined in Indian Electricity Rules
IC Integrated Circuit
IEC International Electro technical Commission
IEEE Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IPR Intellectual Property Right
IR Indian Railways
IS Indian Standard
ISO International Standards Organization
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Kmph Kilometers per hour
LED Light Emitting Diode
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
MEMU Main line Electrical Multiple Unit
OHE Over Head Equipment
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PIS Public Information System
PA Public Address
RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
RDSO Research Designs & Standards Organisation
RFP Request For Proposal
SI Systeme Internationale
SIL Safety Integrity level
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (International Union of
VHF Very High Frequency
VCU Vehicle Control Unit
VCD Vigilance Control Device
WB Wet Bulb
WC Water Closet (i.e. a flush toilet)

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In this Specifications and Standards, the following words and expressions shall, unless repugnant
to the context or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

Term Definition
Agreement shall mean the Procurement cum Maintenance Agreement for
EMUs and MEMUs, published by the Government of India;
BOXN shall mean the air braked open wagon used by IR;
Coach shall mean a passenger carrying rail vehicle, either powered or
Depot shall mean the place where the EMU/MEMU can be
ICF shall mean the Integral Coach Factory Chennai
IP shall mean degree of protection provided by enclosures according
to IEC 60529;
L-10 shall mean life of bearing in accordance with ISO 281;
Ti shall mean the temperature index of the insulation system;
Others any capitalized term used herein not specifically defined shall have
the meaning ascribed to such term in the Off-take Agreement.

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Chapter 1
General Technical Requirement
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 This specification outlines the requirement for EMU and MEMU cars to be procured from
Rail Coach factor being set up at Kancharapara West Bengal.
1.1.2 This Specification and Standards referred to herein covers salient features for the supply of
complete BG EMU and MEMU trains to ply on 25000 volts 50 Hz AC traction on Indian
Railway network. The EMU and MEMU train shall be air ventilated or air-conditioned,
vestibuled and propelled with 3-phase asynchronous induction motors fed from IGBT
based, micro-processor controlled converter-inverter designed for high energy efficiency,
auxiliary converter and associated filters etc. For providing maximum on board space for
passengers traction equipments shall be under slung.
1.1.3 In developing the detailed design, the Company shall acquaint itself and take note of
passenger loading density especially during peak time, the route , environmental and
operating conditions especially the monsoon and dusty atmosphere .
1.1.4 The EMU stock shall be employed for short distance sub-urban services (up to 150 Kms)
having frequent stops and starts and the MEMU stock shall be used for medium distance
(300 to 500 Kms) passenger transportation on the existing track, signaling and overhead
electrical supply systems. These shall be designed to meet the performance requirements
enumerated in chapter 3.
1.1.5 Each EMU/MEMU train shall have 1 (one) driving coach at each end. One basic unit of
EMU/MEMU shall comprise 1 (one) motor coach and 1(one) trailer coach. Presently, on
Indian Railways the EMU trains are running in 9/12/15 coach formation whereas MEMU
trains are running in 12/16/20 coach formation. The lengths of 9- coach formation EMU
train and 12-coach formation MEMU train presently running on Indian Railways are 195
meter (approx.) and 267 meter (approx.) respectively. This shall be considered as the basic
train length of one EMU and MEMU train however, it shall be possible to add one or more
basic unit(s) to increase the length of EMU and MEMU train suitably.
1.2 References to various standards
1.2.1 The standards applicable and relevant to the complete EMU and MEMU and to the various
sub-systems and systems shall be,
a) IEC publications;
b) EN;
c) UIC;
d) AAR;
e) IEEE;
f) BS;
g) IS; and
h) other standards referred to in Specification and Standards.
In the event of any contradiction in the aforesaid standards, the following standards shall
have priority in the order listed:
(i) Standards mentioned in these Specification and Standards set forth herein;
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(ii) IEC/EN publications ;
(iv) UIC/AAR; and
(v) IS
For avoidance of any doubt, in case of any conflict between the requirements of these
standards, the stipulations of this Specifications and Standards shall have precedence.
1.2.2 The EMU, MEMU and their sub-systems and systems thereof shall comply with the
standards as mentioned in Annexure A4.
1.2.3 Latest version of the standards as issued up to 60 (sixty) days before the date of issue of
RFP shall be considered for technical evaluation.
1.2.4 Alternative Standards:
The requirements listed in these Specifications and Standards are the minimum. The
Company may adopt alternative internationally recognised codes, standards and
specifications if it can demonstrate to the Government that such alternative is superior or
more pertinent to the EMU and MEMU than the standards specified in these Specifications
and Standards. The Company shall seek the prior approval of the Government for any
alternate standards proposed to be used.

1.3 General Requirements

From the point of view of system performance, the general requirements of the EMU and
MEMU shall be Safe, environment friendly, adapted to climatic condition prevailing in India;
inclusive of protective measures against storms and other local climatic conditions, reliable,
efficient, comfortable, aesthetic and accessible to public including physically challenged.

Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, where specific standards or specifications
are prescribed in relation to any of the foregoing, the Company shall comply, at the
minimum with such standards and/or specifications.

1.4 Engineering Philosophy and Requirements

1.4.1 The Company shall develop the engineering based on these Standards and Specifications
and in accordance with Good Industry Practice.

1.4.2 Adequate margin shall be built into the engineering to protect against high ambient
temperatures, seasonal humidity, corrosive conditions, and the effects of lightning strikes,
etc. prevailing in India.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 The Company shall develop and maintain a quality assurance system for design,
manufacturing procedures and the interfaces between them. The quality plan shall also
cover fully all quality assurance and quality management aspects of the design,
manufacturing and maintenance of the EMU and MEMU.

1.5.2 The quality assurance programme and plan shall be implemented during the entire
Agreement Period, and shall conform to EN ISO 9001:2000- Model for quality assurance in
design/development and servicing or any higher standards.

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1.6 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
1.6.1 General
The Company shall design the EMU and MEMU to meet the specified Reliability,
Availability standards and high degree of safety in order to provide a dependable service.
The optimization of the system with respect to Reliability, Availability, maintainability and
safety shall form an integral element of these Specifications and Standards.
The plan for Reliability, Availability, maintainability and safety shall conform to EN 50126/
IEC 62278. Reliability of electronic components shall conform to IEC 61709.
1.6.2 The Company shall develop RAMS targets both for the complete system and for the major
sub-systems such as transformer, traction converter, auxiliary converter, electronics,
traction motor, transmission system, bogie, suspension system, high voltage equipments,
blowers and other auxiliary machines, such that it will provide a high level of dependability.
1.6.3 Components critical for safety shall fall into safe operating mode in case of malfunctioning.
The system safety plan shall identify and list safety critical components and this list shall be
updated periodically.
1.6.4 The Company shall establish and operate a detailed reliability, availability, maintainability
and safety (RAMS) assessment system in support of the design, manufacture and
subsequent testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the EMUs and MEMUs.
1.7 Definitions and Interpretation
1.7.1 The rules of interpretation as specified in Clause ----------- of the Agreement shall apply
mutates mutandis to these Specifications and Standards.
1.7.2 The definitions contained in the Agreement shall apply to the provisions of these
Specifications and Standards unless the context otherwise requires. Terms or words not
defined in these Specifications and Standards or the Agreement shall be governed by the
definitions contained in the standards applicable.
1.7.3 References to sub-system include equipment(s), unless the context otherwise requires.
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Chapter 2
Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints
2.1 Leading parameters of EMU and MEMU
Each EMU/MEMU train shall have 1 (one) driving coach at each end. One basic unit of
EMU/MEMU shall comprise 1 (one) motor coach and 1(one) trailer coach. The lengths of 9-
coach formation EMU train and 12-coach formation MEMU train presently running on
Indian Railways are 195 meter (approx.) and 267 meter (approx.) respectively. This shall
be considered as the basic train length of one EMU and MEMU train however, it shall be
possible to add one or more basic unit(s) to increase the length of EMU and MEMU train up
to 400 meter.

Parameter EMU MEMU
Track gauge 1676 mm 1676 mm
Maximum width over body
3658 mm

3245 mm
Maximum permissible axle
load of motor coach
19.5 tonnes +/- 2% 16.25 tonnes +/- 2%

Maximum permissible axle
load of trailer coach
19.5 tonnes +/- 2% 16.25 tonnes +/- 2%
Maximum centre buffer
coupler height from rail level
1064 mm 1064 mm
Maximum service speed 130 Kmph 160 Kmph up gradable to
200 Kmph
Test speed 10 % more than maximum service speed
Minimum clearance of all
items except wheel from rail
level in with payload as per
clause 2.2.1 of these
Specifications and
Standardsand with fully worn
102 mm 102 mm
Minimum clearance for the
body mounted under slung
equipment under tare
condition with fully worn
215 mm 215 mm
Height above rail level for
high passenger platform
840 mm (maximum)
760 mm (minimum)
Maximum height above rail
level for low passenger
455 mm

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2.2 Payload and Weight Particulars :

2.2.1 The number of passengers to be carried in one basic train length as specified in clause
no. 1.1.5 of these Standards and Specifications shall not be less than 3900 passengers
for EMU train and 3300 passengers for MEMU train. Out of the above total number of
passengers, seated passengers shall not be less than 630 passengers for EMU train and
790 passengers for MEMU train. For design calculation of payload the average weight of
one passenger shall be considered as 65 (sixty five) Kgs.

2.2.2 Weight Distribution

(i) The equipment shall be so designed that the total overall axle load of the driving
coach or motor coach or trailer coach, fitted with the three phase electrics and other
accessories does not exceed maximum permissible axle load capacity as given in
clause 2.1 of these Specifications and Standards after taking into consideration the
payload as per clause 2.2.1.

(ii) Axle load limitation shall be taken into account while finalising and designing the
equipment layout giving due consideration to weight unbalancing during tare and
payload as per clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards.

(iii) The power equipment viz. converter-inverter, traction motor and transformer etc.
shall be distributed amongst motor and trailer coaches for optimized weight distribution
and axle load within the unit.

2.3 Gauge and Moving Dimensions

The EMU and MEMU coaches shall conform to the Indian Railways Schedule of Dimension
1676 mm gauge revised 2004 with latest amendments. For EMUs chapter IV-B shall be

2.4 Power Supply System
The overhead traction supply system is provided with polygonal type overhead equipment
comprising of 107 mm
hard drawn grooved copper contact wire and 65 mm
catenary wire.
The tension in both these conductors is 1000 Kgf, each which is maintained with the help of
auto tensioning devices. The overhead equipments are fed from 25kV, 50Hz single-phase
AC supply. The guaranteed performance of the rolling stock shall be based on supply
voltage of 22.5 kV, 50Hz single-phase AC. The salient features of power supply system are
as under:

Nominal supply voltage 22.5 kV, 50 Hz, single phase, AC
Normal variation in supply voltage 19 kV to 27.5 kV
Occasional maximum voltage 31 kV
Occasional minimum voltage 16.5 kV
Variation in supply frequency 8% (46 to 54 Hz)
Stagger of the contact wire 200mm on straight track
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Up to +300mm on curves
Normal contact wire height in mid span 5.5 m from rail level
Max. contact wire height

5.8 m from rail level
Min. contact wire height 4.58 m from rail level
Neutral Sections After every 25 to 50 Kms

2.5 Track parameters
The track parameters shall be the following:
Gauge Broad Gauge 1676mm
Schedule of dimensions Indian Railways Schedule of
Dimensions for Broad Gauge
(1676mm). Revised, 2004
Sharpest curve to be negotiated Horizontal- 152.4 m radius;
Vertical 4000 m for group A routes
- 3000 m for group B routes
- 2500 m for group C,D and
E routes

Sharpest reverse curve to be negotiated 152.4 m radius (horizontal) back to
back with or without any straight
portion in between
Sharpest turnout to be negotiated 6400 mm overriding switch (curved)
BG (1673 mm) for 60 kg (UIC) or 52
kg rail for 1 in 8 (crossing angle,
tan) turnouts on pre stressed
concrete sleepers
Permissible speed at turn outs
1. 1 in 8 curved switch 52/60 Kg on
PSC sleepers
2. 1 in 8 symmetrical split with
curved switches 52/60 Kg on PSC
3. 1 in 12 curved switch 52/60 Kg on
PSC sleepers

15 Kmph

30 Kmph

30 Kmph
Maximum Super elevation 165 mm for group A, B and C routes
140 mm for group C,D and E routes
(in special case 185 mm for group A
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Maximum cant deficiency 100 mm for group A and B routes
75 mm for group C.D and E routes
Permissible track tolerances: BG Main Line BG High
Speed Route
volume 1)
Unevenness (3.6 m base) < 15 mm < 10 mm
Twist (3.6 m base) < 2.78 mm/meter <2.08
Gauge variation < 6 mm < 3 mm
Alignement (versine on 7.2 m chord) < 5 mm < 5 mm
Gauge widening:
On curves of > 350m radius -5mm to +3mm
On curves of < 350m radius Up to +10mm

Group 'A' - Speeds up to 160 Kmph
Group 'B' - Speeds up to 130 Kmph
Group 'C - Suburban Sections Of Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta
Group 'D' - Sections where the sanctioned speed is 100 Kmph at present
Group 'E' - Sectional and branch line with the present sanctioned speed less than
100 Kmph
2.6 Climatic and Environmental Conditions:

Maximum temperature of metallic surface under the Sun: 75
degree celsius and in shade: 55 degree celsius
Minimum temperature: - 10 degree celsius ( Also snow fall in
certain areas during winter season)
Humidity 100% saturation during rainy season
Reference site
i) Ambient temperature: 50 degree celsius
ii) Humidity: 100%
iii) Altitude: 1776 m above mean sea level (For avoidance of
doubt it is clarified that the ambient temperature of 50 degree
celcius may not happen at the altitude of 1776 m.)
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Rain fall Very heavy in certain areas (between 1750 to 6250 mm)
Extremely dusty and desert terrain in certain areas. The dust
concentration in air may reach a high value of 1.6 mg/m3. In
most of iron ore and coal mine areas, the dust concentration is
very high affecting the filter and air ventilation system
Coastal area humid and salt laden atmosphere with maximum pH value of 8.5,
sulphate of 7 mg per liter, maximum concentration of chlorine 6
mg per liters and maximum conductivity of 130 micro siemens /
Vibration (i) The vibration levels at some intermittent points on the track
may be higher than those specified by the relevant IEC
publication. The suspension system and the mounting
arrangements shall be so designed that the equipments
performance is not adversely affected due to such high
vibrations and shocks and shall withstand satisfactorily in
service as indicated below.

(ii) The equipment and their mounting arrangements shall
withstand satisfactorily the following

(a) Max. Vertical acceleration - 3.0 g
(b) Max. Longitudinal acceleration - 5.0 g
(c) Max. Transverse acceleration - 2.0 g
(g being acceleration due to gravity)

(iii) Relationship between amplitude of vibrations a (sine wave
form) and their frequency between 1Hz and 50Hz,
expressed in millimeters is given as a function of f by
the equation: -

a = 25/f for values of f from 1 Hz to 10 Hz.
a = 250/f
for values of f exceeding 10 Hz and up to 50

Wind speed Wind pressures as per IS 875

The EMU/MEMU equipment shall be designed to start up at the maximum temperature,
which may be reached inside an EMU/MEMU standing in sun, without any requirement of
pre-cooling of electronic equipment.
2.7 Signal and Telecommunication Installations:
2.7.1 Single/double distant colour light signalling system with relay / electronic interlocking is
currently employed on Indian Railway.
2.7.2 The tracks over which the EMU and MEMU shall work may be equipped with DC track
circuits, 83-1/3 Hz track circuits, audio frequency track circuits up to frequency of20.7 KHz.
and other devices like digital axle counters(up to a frequency of 43 KHz), block
instruments, point machines, auxiliary warning system, train protection and warning
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system, etc.. On the communication network, control circuits, teleprinter circuits, as well as
VHF/UHF and micro-wave circuits are employed.
2.7.3 The harmonic currents injected in the overhead electrical supply system (as also the track
return current) can introduce voltage harmonics on power supply and can interfere with
signal and telecom circuits. The design of the power electronics and control electronics
provided on the propulsion system shall be such as not to cause levels of interference
exceeding the levels specified below at any point in the operating envelope of one EMU or
MEMU train. The value of interference current of individual motor coach shall not differ
from each other & shall be in the same range.

Interference Current Limit
1.0 Psophometric current 10.0 A
2.0 DC component 4.7 A
3.0 Second Harmonic component (100 Hz) 3.0 A
4.0 1400 Hz to 5000 Hz 400 mA
5.0 More than 5000 Hz up to 50000 Hz 270 mA

Note: 1. The measurement of the interference current shall be done in track return
current circuit of the EMU/MEMU.
2. The second harmonic current of each motor coach shall not exceed 0.5
Amps and shall preferably be governed by international standard (IEEE 519-

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Chapter 3
Performance Requirements

3.1 Acceleration and deacceleration

The equipment shall be designed for following operational parameters at payload as per
clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards. at 22.5 kV OHE voltage and with half
worn wheels.

Parameter EMUs and MEMUs
Starting acceleration at full load (up to 50 Kmph) 0.8 m/s
Acceleration (residual) at maximum permissible speed 0.08 m/s

Deceleration (from maximum speed to 50 Kmph) 0.8 m/s
Deceleration (from 50 Kmph to 0 Kmph) 1.0 m/s
Emergency braking distance with payload as per
clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards at
130 Kmph
less than 700 m
Emergency braking distance with payload as per
clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards at
160 Kmph
less than 1200 m

3.2 Auxiliary power
Full auxiliary power shall be available in the specified normal range of variation of voltage
of power supply in accordance with clause 2.4 of these Specifications and Standards.
Reduction of power beyond the normal variation of voltage shall be permissible, but the
EMU and MEMU shall be able to work and auxiliary output shall be available under such
different voltage conditions..
3.3 Efficiency
The efficiency of traction system, consisting of transformer, power converter (line side
converter and drive side inverter) and traction motor, of EMU/MEMU shall not be less than
87 % at full load. The efficiency of traction system shall be product of efficiency of
transformer, power converter and traction motor, measured at full load. Similarly the
efficiency of auxiliary converter shall not be less than 96% at full load. Efficiency at full load
means, efficiency computed from parameters measured at conditions corresponding to full
load and governed by IEC 60310 for transformer, IEC 61287-1 for power converter and
auxiliary converter; and IEC 60349-2 for traction motor.
3.4 Train Resistance
Train resistance of the existing EMU and MEMU motor and trailer coaches is as under:

EMU and MEMU motor coach:
R = 2.35 + (0.02922-0.00049xW)xV+(0.03722/W)xVxV Kg/t

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EMU and MEMU trailer Coach:
R = 1.347 + 0.00385xV + 0.000165xVxV Kg/t
where W is the gross wt in tonnes,
R is the resistance in Kg/tonnes, and
V is the speed in Km/hour.

Starting train resistance: The starting train resistance for EMU and MEMU motor and
trailer coaches is 4 kg/t.

3.5 Specific Energy consumption
The specific energy consumption calculated as KWH per 1000 Gross Tonnes Kms
(KWH/1000 GTKm) shall not be more than 30 KWH/1000 GTKm for schedule speed (i.e.
distance/(run time + stop time)) of 45 Kmph (approximately) in Bardhman Jn.- Chandanpur
section (Chord line) with scheduled stops. The stop time shall be considered as 30
seconds. Full auxiliary load shall be taken into account except air- ventilation/ air-
conditioning and emergency load. Duty cycle for the compressor and lights shall be taken
as 50% and for the balance load 100% duty cycle shall be considered.
3.6 Continuous Operating Equipment
The capacity of the traction motors and other equipments shall be adequate to permit
continuous and punctual operation in Bardhman Jn.- Chandanpur section (Chord line)
stopping at all scheduled stations, with payload as per clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications
and Standards under the operating and service conditions specified in chapter 2 of these
Specifications and Standards.
3.7 Redundancy requirements
3.7.1 In the event of failure of one motor coach, the EMU/MEMU train shall be able to complete
journey up to destination.

3.7.2 The capacity of traction motors shall be so designed that in the event of failure of one
bogie, an EMU/MEMU train shall be able to complete its journey to destination without
incurring a delay of more than five minutes. In case of failure of one converter, only one
bogie shall be isolated.

3.8 Jerk limit

Under all normal operating conditions, the rate of change of coach acceleration or
deceleration shall be less than 0.7 m/s. Failure of the jerk limiting system shall not limit
braking effort. Emergency brake applications and any associated ramp down of tractive
effort shall not be jerk limited. Reduction of tractive effort due to a power interruption need
not be jerk limited.
3.9 Electro-magnetic compatibility requirements

3.9.1 All components on the EMU and MEMU coaches shall be designed and constructed to
fulfill the requirements of EN 50121-3-2.

3.9.2 The complete EMU and MEMU trains shall meet the requirements of standard EN 50121-3-
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Chapter 4
Technical Requirements
4.1 General
EMU and MEMU trains shall have air- conditioned or air-ventilated or mix of air-conditioned
and air-ventilated coaches depending upon the type of services. As such the design of the
coach shall be suitable for provision of air-conditioning unit, doubled sealed glass windows,
power supply system and other accessories besides the provision of air ventilation system.
The air conditioning equipments along with its associated equipments/fittings shall be
optional requirement.
4.1.1 The EMU shall consist of following type of fully air-conditioned / air-ventilated coaches:
(i) Streamlined end driving coaches;
(ii) motor coaches; and
(iii) trailer coaches;

4.1.2 The MEMU shall consist of following type of fully air-conditioned / air-ventilated coaches:
(i) Streamlined end driving coaches with separate vendor/luggage compartment of 5
tonnes capacity and remaining portion shall be passenger area;
(ii) motor coaches; and
(iii) trailer coaches;

4.1.3 There are certain sections of the track that get flooded with water to standing depth of
760mm. The traction equipments and other under slung equipments shall be completely
water proof to this height above rail level.

4.1.4 The traction equipments shall be designed and manufactured to run at 8 Km/h through
water up to 203 mm above rail level, allowance to be made in addition for increase in the
height of water level due to wave effect.

4.1.5 The equipment compartment having relays, contactors, electronic control panels, etc., shall
be suitably protected from dust and water.

4.1.6 The equipment below the under frame sole bar shall be designed to with stand or be
protected from repeated impacts from ballast up to 75 mm at speed of up to 160Kmph.

4.1.7 The EMU and MEMU train shall have distributed power so as to achieve the designed
passenger carrying capacity and the acceleration/deceleration parameter as prescribed in
clause 3.1. However, minimum number of pantograph shall be used in service in view of
the type of catenary system employed on Indian Railway.
4.1.8 The three phase propulsion equipment shall be based on the latest IGBT based state-of-art
technology and shall be suitable for regeneration.
4.1.9 Necessary precautions in accordance with Good Industry Practice shall be taken to ensure
that any electromagnetic interference generated in the machine room does not adversely
affect the performance of equipments.
4.1.10 Modular constructions shall be adopted and easy access for inspection and maintenance
shall be given special consideration in the design and layout of the EMU and MEMU.

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4.1.11 The power drawn by the pantograph(s) of the EMU/MEMU from OHE shall be at power
factor better than 0.98, subject to the interference levels as specified in clause 2.7 of these
Specifications and Standards.
4.1.12 Pantograph(s) bouncing shall not adversely affect the performance of traction equipments.
4.1.13 The voltage rating of IGBT shall be so chosen that at least 25% margin is available after
taking into consideration the DC link voltage and voltage jump on account of inductance
and capacitances in the circuit. The current rating of IGBT shall be such that the junction
temperature has the minimum thermal margin of 10C in the worst loading conditions and
under the ambient conditions as specified.
4.1.14 The design calculations of worst case temperature rise of equipment shall be made after
taking into account 25% choking of filters and heat sink/radiator fins. A safety margin of at
least 10C shall be kept with respect to maximum permissible junction temperature of
power devices declared by the manufacturer.
4.1.15 All propulsion equipments i.e. traction motor, control, braking and driving equipments for
EMU and MEMU shall be identical in all respects.
4.1.16 Energy metering (energy consumption and energy regeneration) function shall be
integrated in the control software.
4.1.17 Use of materials likely to cause environmental damage during the manufacture,
maintenance, operation and disposal of EMU and MEMU coaches shall be avoided. The
material listed in this clause are a minimum list of restricted material and the Company
shall provide adequate evidence to the Government that all materials used will not cause
environmental damage.
The following material shall not be used:
a) Asbestos;
b) Chlorofluorocarbons;
c) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs);
d) Exposed Lead and paints containing lead;
e) Chromates;
f) Cadmium; and
g) Cyanide.

4.2 Coach Design
4.2.1 Coach Body Coaches shall have adequate margin of safety against
(i) Derailment; and
(ii) overturning. Crashworthiness

i) The coach structure and its supplemental energy absorption devices shall be
designed to minimize accelerations transmitted to passengers, by absorbing collision
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energy, whilst not permitting one vehicle to over-ride another, nor to telescope one into

ii) At high energy levels it shall ensure that collision energy is absorbed by progressive
deformation of the vehicle end structure, thereby protecting the passengers and
passenger area in the coach. There shall be least deformation between the body

iii) Of particular concern is the cab front structure, which is required to protect the
driver and vital control and communications equipment in the event of impact with an
obstruction after a collision. The coach body shall be lightweight and corrosion resistant. The body panelling shall have
resistance to the tractive and braking effort as well as impact and accidental damage. The
coach body shall conform to EN 12663:2000 Railway applications Structural
requirements of railway vehicle bodies or any other standard as applicable to coaches of
an urban rail transport system Category P-III with increased end sill compression load of
2000 kN. The coach body shall be metallic (Austenitic Stainless steel or Aluminum alloy). Where
dissimilar materials are used, measures shall be provided to mitigate corrosion in the body
due to electrolytic action.The coach body shall be of an integral design, where body and
under frame (chassis) shall be integrated so that the body structure contributes to strength
of under frame and the unit as a whole behaves as a rigid tube in its ability to withstand
loads. The body ends of the coach shall incorporate an anti-telescopic feature. coach shall have a suitable gangway connecting to the adjoining coaches excluding the
driving cab. The gangways shall be completely weather and draught proof. The floor plate
in the inter-coach gangway shall be maintained as nearly as possible at the same height as
the rest of the coach floor. The height difference shall be kept to a minimum, and shall not
exceed 20 mm during stationary condition or while on run. Height changes shall be
suitably ramped so as not to cause inconvenience to passengers. The gangway floor shall
be designed to meet the same strength requirements as the rest of the coach floor. The coach body shall lend itself to repeated lifting in workshops by overhead cranes or
jacks without risk of damage. Suitable lifting pads shall be provided and marked in a readily
distinguishable manner on the coach body. The design of the coach exterior shall generally be aesthetically pleasing, and shall
minimize the buildup of dirt. Any surface preparation and wall thickness of roof, sides and
end panels shall be without bulges or depressions and shall also not deform during service
according to conditions specified herein. front portion of the driving coach shall be provided with rugged cattle guard that can
withstand collisions with animals weighing up to 600 kg and shall be strong enough and
profiled to prevent the entry of animals under the coach after impact.

4. 2.1.9 Projectile Structure Resistance Design
The body and the attached component shall protect passengers and crew against the risk
of injury from projectile as mentioned below and shall be validated by test.
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a) Side and roof areas
All side and roof areas, with the exception of the windows shall withstand without
any penetration into the coach interior an impact created by a sharp cornered
hollow steel cube of 75 mm side and one kg mass, travelling corner first at a
velocity of 80 Kmph.
b) Roof areas
The roof including any window which may form part of the roof shall withstand an
impact from falling objects such as a sharp cornered concrete cube of mass 11 Kg,
dropped from a height of 10 meter, corner first. No part of the falling object shall
penetrate any part of the roof. Damage shall be limited to local roof deformation.
Internal ceiling height shall be maintained after local roof deformation has occurred.
A location shall be provided on the roof of the coach where emergency services
may cut through to gain access to the interior of a coach that has rolled on to its
side. This space shall be clearly labeled to enable emergency services to
immediately identify the appropriate space and cut lines. The location shall be
adequate to enable a stretcher born patient to be removed from the EMU/MEMU.
The region to be cut shall be devoid of any cables/ pipes or miscellaneous
equipments that may impede access.
c) Forward areas
All forward facing areas of leading and trailing driving coaches including the ends
with the exception of the drivers wind screen shall withstand without any
penetration, an end impact created by a sharp cornered hollow steel cube of 75mm
side and one Kg mass travelling corner first at a velocity of 160 Kmph. The region of
impact application shall be taken to be anywhere on the coach body forward facing
4.2.2 Coach Interior Nominal clear height inside the coach shall be 2100 mm. The coach shall be provided with aesthetically designed comfortable seats of fire resistant,
vandal and scratch proof material. The seats shall be designed to prevent slipping when
the EMU/MEMU accelerates and decelerates. The material selected for seats shall not
become readily soiled, shall be easily cleaned, shall be impervious to and chemically
unaffected by water, paint, human waste, graffiti removers, wash plant solutions, cleaning
solutions, food and drink spills. Each end coach of the EMU trains shall have space for one wheel chair and wheel chair
restraint with a grab rail next to it. This space shall be near the door. On the outside of the
coach, the location of the space for wheel chair shall be indicated. Flooring shall be using material that meets or exceeds the skid resistance requirements of
SATRA test TM 144 or equivalent with a coefficient of friction of at least 0.4, and shall be
skid resistant when wet. The floor covering shall have as few seams as possible; all
seams shall be fully sealed and welded and shall not create a tripping hazard. All floor
covering material and joints shall be impervious to and chemically unaffected by water,
paint, human waste, graffiti removers, wash plant solutions, cleaning solutions, food and
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drink spills. Floor design shall allow the floor covering to be removed and replaced without
damage to the floor sub structure. Interior shall have colour design to have maximum visibility. Contrasting colour shall be
used for improved visibility for visually impaired persons. Grab pillars / rails and grab handle shall have bright colour. Partitions and vestibule walls shall be aesthetic and have sufficiently good wear and tear
properties. The wall panels shall be designed as individual, self-supporting, easily replaceable
modular units. All permanent notices, warnings etc., of vandalism proof design, shall be displayed at
least at 4 (four) locations inside the coach. The coach interior shall have resistance to fire and conform to NFPA-130, 2003 edition -
- Standard for Fixed Guide way - Transit and Passenger Rail Systems. Each coach
shall be provided with two dry powder type or other appropriate fire extinguishers located
near the gangways. These shall be in a niche so as not to cause injury or obstruction to
people. Materials selected especially for internal fixtures, fittings, furniture and decorations shall
be the ones, which will minimise the risk of fire and the spread and effects of fire. Materials known to have hazardous properties shall not be used. Where it is unavoidable
to use such materials, passengers shall be shielded from the effects of such materials. Material used for interior of a coach shall be resistant to scratching, graffiti and
detergents. Environmental conditions for the equipment on board the coach shall conform to EN
50125 -1. Luggage Racks

The Company shall provide lightweight luggage racks in each coach at a suitable height
above the passenger seats. Due care shall be taken in its design so as to avoid any
injury to passenger. These racks shall run longitudinally along the sidewalls and securely
fixed. The material used for these racks shall be anodised Aluminium, of lightweight but
of sturdy design. It shall meet the requirements given in UIC 566.

4.2.3 Body Side Doors and Windows Body side doors shall meet the following requirements:
(i) The EMU and MEMU coaches shall have minimum 08 (eight) electrically powered,
sliding bi parting doors, 04 (four) on each side;
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(ii) the free passing through height of open door shall be 1900 mm minimum and the
minimum door width shall be 1400 mm for EMU and 800 mm for MEMU;
(iii) the doors shall be suitable for air conditioning and provided with suitable sealing
(iv) the door hand holds for MEMU train shall not project outside the coach profile to
facilitate mechanized coach washing;
(v) the doors shall be vibration free and insulated against heat and sound transmission.
The doors shall be sealed against draughts and water. Any ingressed water shall
drain rapidly without affecting surrounding equipment or systems. The doors shall
be as light and rigid as possible;

(vi) the doors shall have correct side door enabling provision which detects if the
EMU/MEMU is correctly located in the platform halting position and thereafter
allows door actuation on the platform side of the EMU/MEMU;

(vii) the passenger body side door shall fully open in not greater than 4.5 ( four point
five) seconds and shall close within 6 (six) seconds from the instance the driver
operates the door. The door mechanism shall have safety provision whereby the
EMU/MEMU cannot start unless all doors have been closed and electrically locked;

(viii) the door pitch shall be approximately equally spaced over the length of the
EMU/MEMU train;

(ix) the doors shall be designed so as to retain the passengers during all service
conditions and shall minimise risk in the event of an accident;

(x) the strength of the sliding doors shall be as per EN 14752 and the doors shall be
able to resist the loads without deformation or damage; and

(xi) the doors shall have following additional safety features:
Obstacle detection and preventing the EMU/MEMU from starting in case of
internal and external release;
door closing warning by audible and flashing light indication.
visual door open indication; and
monitoring from the drivers cab.

Provision shall be made for passengers to open EMU/MEMU doors to permit evacuation
from a stopped EMU/MEMU in an emergency. Windows shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Air-ventilated coaches
All windows of air-ventilated coaches shall be provided with lift type wider windows
flush with the exterior of the coach and having fixed type louver on top and movable
glass window at the bottom.
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Air-conditioned coaches
All windows of air-conditioned coach shall be doubled sealed, flush with the exterior of
the coach and shall normally be provided with double-glazed, toughened and
laminated glass to the appropriate standard. The glazing shall have resistance to
breakage and shall minimise danger on breakage, especially from objects hitting it,
taking into account the speed of the EMU/MEMU. The exterior glazing shall withstand
aero dynamic forces.
(b) Each coach shall have emergency ventilation windows, two on each side.
(c) All windows shall be highly resistant to acts of vandalism involving the etching or
scratching of the glass and shall be easily cleaned. It shall be impervious to and
chemically unaffected by water, paint, human waste, graffiti removers, wash plant
solutions, cleaning solutions, food and drink spills.
(d) All windows shall be highly resistant to damage arising from the impact of ballast up to
75 mm at speed of up to 160 Kmph.
4.2.4 Driving Cabs A cab shall be provided in the driving coach at each end of the EMU and MEMU train with
provision for adequate forward visibility. The cab shall be adequately insulated against
noise, vibration and heat and ingress of water and dust. Driving cabs shall be adequately
reinforced and connected with the main under frame at the cab ends.
The cab shall be ergonomically designed for convenience and to minimize fatigue of the
driver. The visibility diagram shall be in accordance with UIC 651.
There shall be provision of air conditioning including cooling, heating and ventilation
arrangement in the cab space. There shall be sufficient space for four persons in the cab.
The air conditioning and heating system shall maintain temperature as per UIC 651,
during summers, by compressor cut in/ cut out and between 23-25 degree Celsius, during
winters and humidity between 40% - 60%. In addition, provision of two cab fans shall also
be made. Temperature and humidity indicators shall also be provided in the cab.
All windows, rearview mirror and door glasses shall be of shatterproof type laminated
glass, set in sun and heat resisting synthetic rubber sections. Electric or electro pneumatic
or pneumatic windscreen wipers with washers shall be provided on the lookout windows
with foolproof drive arrangement and emergency manual control. Rolling blinds and sun
visors shall be provided on the windscreens. The front look out glass shall be plastic
laminated. The layout of the driving cab and the driving position shall be ergonomically sound
enabling the driver, in the interest of safety, to concentrate his attention outside of the cab
to observe line side signals and instructions as applicable. The driver shall be able to
undertake this task in both seated as well as standing position. A suitable adjustable seat
shall be provided for the driver. All necessary controls and instrumentation shall be
presented in a manner that shall aid the correct reflex action from the driver in both
normal and emergency situations. The driving position shall be on the left side of the
driving cab and the brake handles shall be located on the left hand side of the driver in the
running direction. The relative positions of cab equipments shall be similar to those
available on existing EMU/MEMU.
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Draft Access to the cab shall be from either side of the cab by means of sliding or inward
opening doors having minimum height of 1900 mm and minimum width of 650 mm. The
door leading to passenger area from cab shall open into the passenger area. The cab
access doors shall be provided with lock and key. The position of hand holds provided for
cab entry shall be so as to enable the climbing into the cab from ballast level. Hinged grill for prevention of damage to the front glass panel of the windscreen shall
be provided. Horns
Dual tone (low tone and high tone) pneumatic horns without rubber parts shall be
provided facing outwards at each driving cab. The horns shall be of sufficient size and
power to provide sound level of 125 dB at a distance of 5 meters from the driving cab.
Controls shall be provided in close proximity to the driver permitting the driver to operate
either horn individually or both horns simultaneously. The high tone horn shall have
fundamental frequency of 390 +/- 25 Hz and the low tone horn shall have fundamental
frequency of 290 +/- 25 Hz. The sound level of horn as measured in associated driver
cab shall not exceed 92 dB. In addition to above, each driving cab shall be provided with the following:
(i) Two cabinets in the rear and locker for toolbox;
(ii) two fire extinguisher;
(iii) one LED based rechargeable torch with socket and charger;
(iv) space / room for installation of wireless set and automatic train protection/auxiliary
warning system/ train protection warning system equipments;
(v) suitable trays with clamps for working time table, caution orders, walkie-talkie etc;
(vi) suitable LED based lighting in cab. Lighting on the drivers console shall not be less
than 60 lux measured at the console. The cab shall be provided with ceiling lights
designed to provide 200 lux at 1 meter above floor level. There shall also be provision
that during running of the EMU/MEMU only driver desk, timetable and caution order
area shall be illuminated without causing any hindrance to the visibility of drivers.
(vii) destination indicator (head code) shall be provided on the driving coach face. The
head code box shall be behind the lookout glass and flushed with the driver cab
interior. A modern high resolution LED display in both English, regional language and
Hindi shall be provided which shall be visible clearly from the platform from the
distance of 100 meters minimum (in bright day light) while the train is approaching
the platform. Data input shall be from the drivers console as a part of setting up
procedure. The destination indicator shall have IP65 protection. The viewing angle
for the destination indicators shall be such that it is visible to the person standing on
platform, as such angle from his eyes to the destination board shall be 30 degree

4.2.5 Bogies The bogies shall be of proven design and shall provide the required riding comfort, as set
out in clause of these Standards and Specifications. The suspension shall give a
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low transmissibility of vibration to the bogie and the coach body and shall minimise
impact, vibration and noise. Suspension characteristics shall be selected so as to avoid
resonance. The structural design of the bogie frame shall conform to BS EN 13749:2005 Railway
applications method of specifying structural requirements of bogie frame or
equivalent standard; The bogies of powered coaches shall be of similar performance as BS EN 13104:2009
Railway applications Wheel sets and bogies Powered axle design method or
UIC 615 -4 Motive Power Units Bogie and running gear Bogie frame structural
strength test The bogies of non powered coaches shall be of similar performance as BS EN 13103:2009
railway applications wheel sets and bogies non-powered axle design method
or UIC 515-4 Passenger rolling stock Trailer bogies -- Running gear bogie frame
structural strength test. The bogies shall have self air cooled asynchronous three phase AC motors suitable for
IGBT based VVVF traction system. The Sperling Ride index (RI) of the coach under all loading conditions, when travelling
throughout the range of operating speeds and cant deficiencies provided in the track for
the service life of all suspension components shall not exceed 2.75 in both vertical and
horizontal directions.

The RI calculations shall be done as per Para 2.1 of ORE Report no. 8 of C 116 using
FFT method (Fast Fourier Transform method). The bogie shall be compatible with the track parameters specified in clause 2.5 of these
Standards and Specifications. The bogie shall be capable of safe operation keeping the
damping values positive, at all permitted combinations of track condition, vehicle speed,
equivalent conicity, co-efficient of friction, operating conditions, maintenance condition, and
loading. The suspension system shall prevent excessive forces transmitted by wheels
leading to track damage/derailment and/or unloading of wheels leading to risk of
derailment. The axle yaw stiffness and the rotational resistance of the complete bogie shall
be such that lateral flange forces generated when negotiating the track alignments shall not
cause excessive rail wear and flange wear, but shall be sufficient to obviate bogie and
wheel set hunting.

4.2.6 Wheels, Axles and Roller Bearings Wheels shall be in accordance with IRS R 19/93 Pt. II (latest revision) and axles shall be
to IRS R - 16 for non-powered axles and R - 43 for powered axles. Currently Indian Railways uses wheels with 952 mm dia (new) as per RDSOs drawing no.
SKETCH K4004 (refer Annex - A1). The Company may explore the possibility of using
either these wheels in the EMU/MEMU coach, or wheels in accordance with any
international standards subject to compliance on the Indian Railway Schedule of
Dimensions for 1676 mm gauge.
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Draft Wheel and axles dimensions shall meet the requirements of Indian Railways Schedule of
Dimensions, 1676 mm gauge. All roller bearings shall have a minimum life rating of 3 x 10
Kms, when computed as per
method given in ISO Standard ISO 281/1.
4.2.7 Draw and Buffing Gear The coaches shall be provided with automatic tight - lock centre buffer couplers with
provision for automatic coupling of pneumatic and electrical connections between two
coaches. End driving coaches shall be provided with high tensile automatic center buffer
coupler (transition) with AAR E type coupler head and with AAR F type shank and AAR
F type yoke and screw coupling in accordance with RDSO drawing No. SKDL 2494 (refer
Annex - A2), on the front side. It shall conform to AAR specification No. M-211 with grade
E steel. All couplers shall have crash worthiness features. Draw and buffing gear provided between vehicles shall resist locking. Draw and buffing
gear systems shall resist over riding and relative rotation to keep vehicles upright. Capacity of draft gear shall be adequate to meet operating requirements of the fully loaded
EMU and MEMU train up to 500-meter length.
4.2.8 Brake System The brake system shall be of UIC approved type and shall meet at UIC requirements for air
brakes on EMU type of passenger vehicles, operating at speed up to 200 kmph. The
coaches shall be provided preferable with disc brakes and also, if considered necessary,
with clasp brakes. The brake system shall comprise the following types of brakes:

Electric regenerative service brakes;
Electro-Pneumatic (EP) service friction brakes;
Brake-pipe controlled back-up brake system
fail safe emergency pneumatic brakes; and
spring applied, pneumatic release parking brakes. It shall be possible to apply emergency brake from the drivers control position. The
emergency braking system shall be designed to optimise the Train retardation and shall not
be degraded by wheel slide protection equipment if provided.

If a door opens when an EMU/MEMU is in motion, emergency brake shall be applied to
bring the EMU/MEMU to a standstill.

EMU/MEMU shall be provided with self-check method to ensure completeness of the train
in all respects before emergency brake can be released. For the service brake, the electrical brake is preferred, the use of pneumatic brake being
limited to the lower speed range when the electric regenerative brake effort is insufficient.
There shall be smooth blending of electro-pneumatic brakes and regenerative brakes. The brake system shall provide for automatic wheel slipslide protection.

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Draft The parking brake shall be automatic and shall be designed to hold an EMU/MEMU train
with payload as per clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards on the gradient of 1
in 37 in the wind condition, in accordance with clause 2.6 of these standards and
Specifications, for an unlimited time. The complete brake system shall be of similar performance as EN 13452-1:2003
Railway application Braking Mass transit brake system performance
requirements or equivalent standard. The braking system shall interface with automatic train protection, auxiliary warning system
and train protection and warning system equipment. Adequate safety straps shall be provided below the moving components of brake rigging
to prevent falling on the track in the event of failure of any component. All piping shall be of stainless steel with flare less compression fittings for tropical
conditions. Compressed air system
The compressed air system shall comprise of air compressor, compatible air dryer and
filters so as to ensure delivery of the compressed air complying with air quality class
specified in ISO-8573.
(a) Compressor
The motor compressor unit of suitable free air delivery, shall be under slung, resiliently
mounted with the under frame through stainless steel springs to minimize the levels of
vibrations transmitted to the EMU and MEMU body. It shall be sized to fulfill all air
requirements of each coach under all operating conditions. The mounting arrangement
shall be of proven design. The compressor shall preferably be splash lubricated to avoid
the need for oil pump, filter, valve, etc. The oil sump inlet shall be so designed to avoid
any over filling during service. The company may offer alternative design such as, oil free
The intake air shall be directed through a properly designed filter, suitable for the
specified dusty atmospheric conditions. The inlet air filter shall be so mounted on
compressor so that it can be easily taken out for cleaning purpose. Arrangement shall be
made so that the compressor does not start against backpressure. A non-return valve
shall be provided between the compressor and the main reservoir supply line. A safety
valve shall be provided to protect the compressor against excess pressure.
(b) Air Dryer
The air delivered to the pneumatic system shall be clean and dry, free from water vapor,
oil and particles. A heatless regenerative type air dryer of matched capacity shall be
provided between the air compressor and the main reservoir so as to provide dry
compressed air to the EMU and MEMU brake system. The air dryer shall be preceded by
automatic drain valve and oil separator, which collects and discharges bulk of the
moisture and oil present in the compressed air, before it enters the air dryer. Air drier shall
be so located /protected in under frame to avoid any hitting during run.
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(c) Air Reservoirs
Reservoirs of adequate capacity and in numbers, made of corrosion resistant material,
shall be provided with provision of suitable safety valve and automatic drain valve.
4.2.9 Lavatories The coaches of MEMU, except the motor coaches shall have 02 (two) lavatories. One
lavatory with Indian style WC and one lavatory with western style WC shall be provided
along with all other standard fittings such as mirrors, washbasins, toilet paper holder, liquid
soap dispensers and litter bin. The toilets shall be designed in such a way as to permit the
wheel chair users to use them conveniently. Lavatory engaged / free indication light shall
be provided at both ends inside the coach at convenient location. The coaches shall be provided with modular lavatory/ controlled discharge toilet system so
that sewage disposal can be done at terminals. Recycling of the wastewater shall be done
for re-use in the lavatory. Roof mounted or under slung water tanks of not less than 455 litres capacity per lavatory
shall be provided. The tank shall be mounted so as to be readily removable for repairs.
Side filling arrangement only shall be provided for filling water. Suitable device for extraction of air from lavatory shall be provided.
4.2.10 External fittings steps and hand holds shall be provided at all body side doors in all the coaches of
MEMU and driving cab. water wriggles from one end of the coach to the other shall be provided water gutters of suitable design over the doorways shall be provided.

4.2.11 Passenger alarm signal apparatus Brake alarm pulls shall be provided in the compartments and lavatories of the coaches. Provision shall be made for a warning signal to be given to the driver and/or guard in the
event of passenger alarm being pulled in any coach. The operation of the alarm pull by a
passenger shall not act directly on the train brakes but the brake operation shall be left to
the decision of the driver/guard. An audio visual indication shall be provided to identify the
coach and the location inside the coach from where the alarm pull has been operated. It shall be possible to reset passenger alarm system from outside the coach.

4.2.12 Marking

The coach number shall be applied on both sides of each coach, both externally and
internally and also inside the cab to be easily visible to the driver and maintenance
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4.3 Electrical system

4.3.1 Pantograph The basic unit of EMU and MEMU shall be equipped with one pantographs for current
collection. Efficient current collection while traversing the OHE shall be ensured at all
speed with least sparking. The maximum limit of contact loss should be of the order of 0.2
percent in the regulated OHE. The raising or lowering of the pantograph, with the
EMU/MEMU in motion, shall not cause any undue disturbance to OHE. It shall be possible for each of these pantographs to be electrically disconnected from the
roof equipment and earthed in case of damage. The profile of the pantograph shall generally be in accordance with the drawing no. SKEL-
3871 enclosed as Annex-A3. Metalised carbon strip in accordance with RDSOs
specification No: RDSO/2009/EL/SPEC/0097, Rev. 0 shall be used on the pantograph. The pantograph shall be air spring operated type and suitable to work in areas having high
wind pressure as specified in Clause 2.6 of these Specifications and Standards In static condition, the pantograph shall exert upward force of 7 0.4 kg on OHE. Pantograph shall have auto drop function to drop the pantograph automatically when
excessive height is detected.

4.3.2 Main Circuit Breaker

Each motor coach shall be provided with one main circuit breaker.

4.3.3 Lightning Arrestor
Two metal oxide gapless lightning arrestor, on each motor coach shall be provided on the
roof of the motor coach for protection against the line voltage transients caused by lightning
and system switching.

4.3.4 Traction Transformer A fixed ratio transformer shall be provided with multi traction windings suiting the
requirements of IGBT based power converter-inverters to meet the load of three- phase
propulsion equipments and complete air-conditioning system. The number of secondary
traction windings shall match the number of power converters duly phase shifted for the
motor coach and one independent auxiliary winding to cater the air-conditioning and
lighting loads. The kVA rating of the transformer shall be specified at a line voltage of 22.5 kV and shall
be designed to deliver the power at a total current corresponding to the continuous rated
traction motor currents after accounting for the efficiency and power factor of traction
motor, converter-inverters, auxiliary converter and converter/inverter for air-conditioning.
The transformer shall be designed with overload capacity to permit full utilization of the
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traction motor capacity during starting as well as running. Similarly, the auxiliary winding
shall be designed suitably to cater the air-conditioning load of the same unit as well as 50%
of the adjacent unit. The transformer shall be designed to conform to IEC 60310 and temperature rise limits of
the windings and oil shall correspond to IEC 60310 minus 20
C under all conditions of
operations. The secondary windings shall have a very high magnetic de coupling. The transformer shall be complete with oil pump and radiator with blower, conservator and
protection equipment assembled in single module. Means shall be provided for letting out
the oil from transformer to the underside of the coach in the event of any fault/electrical
disturbance in the transformer causing oil to rush out. No part of the transformer shall
protrude above floor level. Adequate care shall be taken in design in view of the high
humidity for long duration (in coastal areas). The cooling agent for the transformer shall be arc resistant and shall have high flash point. The transformer shall be under slung. The lower portion of the tank shall be of adequately
strong so as to protect against hitting by extraneous objects while on run.

4.3.5 High Voltage Cable Assembly
High voltage cable assembly, from the roof of coach to traction transformer of adequate
size having interface with transformer bushing at the transformer end and with cable head
termination bushing fitted at the coach roof, shall be provided in accordance with the Good
Industry Practice.

4.3.6 Power Converter-Inverter The four quadrant power converter-inverter shall be IGBT based with PWM control to
ensure regeneration and the power factor to near unity. The power converter-inverter shall
be under slung. The power converter shall be either natural air or forced air-cooled.
However, natural air-cooling shall be preferred. If forced cooling is adopted proper method
of dust filtration shall be ensured. The wheel slip detection and correction system shall be an integral part of the EMU/MEMU
control system and if necessary also of the power converters-inverter which shall capture
any excessive acceleration, differential speeds between axles, over speed and any other
parameter considered necessary to elsius adhesion and elsius wheel slipping /
skidding. The converter and inverter system shall be capable of withstanding the maximum short
circuit current under fault conditions, in accordance with Good Industry Practice The
converter and inverter system shall also be designed to withstand extreme disturbances
like short-circuit / open circuit at all points of input / output interfaces with EMU/MEMU, with
minimised effects/damages. This shall be according to the relevant provisions of the IEC
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Draft During the earth fault or phase to phase fault in the traction motor, protection scheme of the
converter and inverter shall ensure that the fault does not have any adverse impact on the
performance of the converter/inverter. In the vital units of power control circuit like power supplies etc., where any defect/failure of
component would cause complete failure of the motor coach, suitable means for
redundancy shall be provided in order to avoid the motor coach failure or reduction in
performance due to such defects. Suitable margin shall be provided in the equipment rating such that under emergency
condition with isolation of single traction unit such as converter, traction motor etc., there
shall be no necessity to withdraw the EMU and MEMU train from service and journey is
completed satisfactorily. Selective isolation of individual bogies i.e. two motors, shall be ensured by providing
individual and independent converter-inverter for each bogie of the motor coach. The
propulsion equipment shall ensure the guaranteed performance for wheel diameter
differences for at least up to 6 mm within any bogie and up to 13 mm between bogies
without any adverse affect on any equipment. If the wheel diameter tolerances exceed the
above limits then no damage shall occur to any equipment. The protection/alarm/indication circuit shall normally have self correcting features rather
than cause tripping of the motor coach for reduction of the tractive effort. If the driver
intervention is needed, sufficient indication shall be given to the driver to enable corrective
action to be taken in time. It shall be possible for the driver to take any protective action, or
any other action as indicated to him through diagnostic display, on any of the motor
coaches in the train, if so desired, from the driving cab itself. Only dry type capacitors (having self healing property) shall be used for DC link / harmonic
filter / resonant circuits. Converter output:
The motor converter output current ripple shall be such as to keep the torque pulsations
and traction motor heating to a minimum.

4.3.7 Traction motor and drive The traction motor shall be designed for climatic and environmental conditions as specified
in clause 2.6 of these Specifications and Standards. The general design and manufacture
of the motor shall be done to the standard IEC 60349-2 in accordance with the modern
traction practices. The traction motor shall be suitably rated according to the
EMU and MEMU performance requirements for the most severe normal service as
defined in clause 2.2(a) of IEC 60077-1. The traction motor shall be self ventilated three phase asynchronous motor. The traction motor shall be designed so as to be capable of withstanding transients such
as line voltage fluctuations, switching surges and such other conditions as caused by
stalling and wheel-slips under different operational conditions.
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Draft In determining the ratings, design parameters and construction of the traction motor, full
consideration shall be given to the duties imposed by requirement of regenerative braking. The motor shall be designed such that the hot spot temperature under any condition of
loading in winding does not exceed the average temperature of that winding measured by
resistance method, by more than 15 degree Celsius. Insulation system
(i) The insulation system to be employed shall be particularly designed to withstand the
adverse climatic and environmental conditions specified in these Specifications and
Standards. Imperviousness to moisture shall be ensured.
(ii) the evaluation of the insulation system for thermal endurance shall be with fabricated
test models by way of accelerated ageing tests based on the test programme drawn
up in accordance with the norms specified in IEC: 60034-18. Evaluation of the
insulation system shall be done according to IEC 60034-18.
(iii) ageing parameters of heat, vibration, mechanical/compressive stresses, special
environmental effects of humidity, dust and metallic dust from brake shoes shall be
incorporated to simulate the actual working conditions as closely as possible.
(iv) the temperature at which an extrapolated life of 20,000 hours is obtained shall be
treated as the thermal endurance limit (Temperature Index) of the insulation system.
(v) with regard to the system of insulation adopted and the climatic and environmental
conditions, the Company shall provide maximum possible margins in the temperature
rise, for prolonged life of the traction motors. Lubrication system for gear/pinion shall be kept physically segregated from the traction
motor bearings. Maximum temperature rise of traction motor winding shall be limited to Ti 70 degree
celsius, considering 25% choking of filters. The following operational and environmental factors shall also be kept in view in the
design of the motor:
(i) Prevalence of high temperature and humidity and highly dusty environments for
most part of the year; and
(ii) operation of the MEMU over a long country terrain in which the climate shall vary
from excessive dry heat on one end to high humidity on the other end or during
winter months from very cold conditions at one end to moderately warm and humid
conditions at the other. Harmonic/Ripple factor:
The traction motor shall operate satisfactorily over the entire range of loading, with
harmonics/ripples imposed from the supply system comprising of transformer, converter
and inverter, both during motoring and regenerative braking conditions. The Company
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shall conduct necessary tests on the traction motor to establish compliance with this
requirement. The L-10 life of traction motor bearings shall be 1.2 million Kms. Various components of traction motor shall be manufactured with such tolerances so as
to enable complete interchangeability of components from one motor to another of same
design. The lubricant shall be so chosen that the viscosity of the lubricant is not lost even at
highest temperature during operation. Temperature rise of the gears shall be in the range
of 30 degree elsius above the ambient temperature.

4.3.8 Electronics, Control and Communication The general provisions of this clause shall also be applicable to the electronics used for
power and auxiliary converters. The electronics used shall conform to IEC-60571.
However, due to higher ambient temperature in India, it shall be suitable for working for
short time (at least 15 minutes) at high temperatures as expected to be encountered in
EMU/MEMU standing under sun. Therefore there shall be no requirement of pre-cooling of
the electronics on EMU and MEMU standing in summer sun for long duration. The
electronic control equipments shall be protected against unavoidable EMI. The leading driving cab of EMU/MEMU shall be controlling the motor coaches in the train
formation. Necessary provision shall be made for acquisition and transmission of data
required for leading cabs and the controlled equipment on other coaches. Necessary
measures shall be taken to ensure that any type of interference does not distort the control
signals. Control and communication shall be based on open control architecture and compliant to
IEC-61375 Train Communication Network protocol or any other equivalent, internationally
published protocol. The programmable devices should be programmed using language
compliant to IEC-61131. Majority of control and monitoring function shall preferably be implemented by software so
as to reduce hardware and cables. The control system shall integrate the task of fault diagnostics and display in addition to
control task. It should be capable of real time monitoring the status of all the vital
equipment continuously and occurrence of faults. It shall also take appropriate protective
action and shut down the equipment wherever necessary. Features of self-check,
calibration and plausibility checks shall be incorporated in the design. The vehicle control unit (VCU) shall be interfaced with the brake system. The automatic
flasher operation (in case of train parting) and the vigilance control functionality shall be
implemented. The vehicle control unit (VCU) shall have a diagnostics computer, with non-volatile
memory, to store all the relevant diagnostic data. On occurrence of each fault affecting
operation, besides the fault information on equipment parameters, background data with
time stamp along with GPS data shall also be captured and stored with a view to enable
proper fault analysis. There shall be facility to capture post trigger and pre-trigger
background information. The diagnostic computer shall specify diagnostic of fault up to
card level. The diagnostic system shall be able to identify and log the faults of the EMU
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and MEMU on account of wrong operation by the driver and such data shall be stored in
the diagnostic computer for a period of not less than 100 days. Application software shall
be provided to facilitate the fault diagnosis and the analysis of equipment wise failures. The
steps required for investigation to be done, shall be displayed in simple language along
with background information. Such software shall be compatible for working on
commercially available operating systems. The vehicle control unit (VCU) shall also provide on-line, context sensitive trouble shooting
assistance to the driver in case of any fault, through the drivers display. The fault display to
driver shall also accompany the standard trouble shooting instructions in simple English
language. It shall be possible to access all the processors of all the motor coaches in an EMU/MEMU,
from the driving coach, over wired train bus (WTB) in accordance with IEC 61375 or any
other equivalent, internationally published protocol, using a standard laptop connected to
one of the ports provided in the driving cab. Such access is needed for visualization of
process parameters and also force or record the same and downloading the diagnostic
data. Required interfaces shall be built in the VCU so that standard laptops, with
commercially available operating system, shall be directly plugged to the VCU port,
provided in the driving cab, without any special interface. A suitable software tool shall also
be provided in the laptops. Using this tool, it shall be possible to reset the diagnostic
memory for further recording. This tool shall also provide detailed off line analysis facility. It shall be possible for the Government to execute parametric changes in the software viz:
modifying some of the permissible parameters like current and voltage sensor settings,
horse power, temperature sensor setting, pressure sensor setting, maximum speed of the
EMU and MEMU, wheel diameter, main reservoir pressure setting for loading & unloading
of compressor, vigilance control timer settings and maximum tractive effort etc., for
adjusting the characteristic within permissible range, changing preset values, limits,
characteristics etc. and behavior of the EMU and MEMU in general, and add/alter the
protection features, if so required in future in order to improve the operation of
EMU/MEMU. It shall be possible to configure these parameters through laptop. A menu
driven easy to use application software shall be provided for loading on the laptop for this
purpose. Password protection shall be provided to safeguard against misuse. The EMU and MEMU shall be provided with remote diagnostic and tracking equipment.
The equipment shall be based on GPS, GSM and GSM-R technologies. This equipment
shall perform the function of tracking of the EMU/MEMU and also communicate with the
EMU/MEMU diagnostic system, and pass on this information to the central server. The
central server shall be provided by the Company at a place to be nominated by the
Government. It shall be possible to remotely send and obtain the information stored in the
diagnostic memory of the computer system, depending on availability of communication
channel, for control and diagnosis, with the aim of facilitating and speeding up the
maintenance process of the EMUs and MEMUs. The electronics shall be designed to be sealed from the remaining part of the machine
room so as to ensure that there is no dust ingress whatsoever in to the electronics. The
cooling arrangement of the electronics shall be designed so that the temperature of
components of cards do not rise more than 20 degree elsius above outside ambient for
industrial grade components suitable for 85 degree elsius environment. Use of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) shall, preferably, be avoided.
Circuit boards shall use general purpose Ics to the extent possible.
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Draft The electronic cards shall be mechanically coded to ensure that insertion of card in wrong
slot is not possible. Capacitors shall be suitably rated, keeping in view the high ambient temperature
specified, vibrations of electric rolling stock and electrical surges expected during
operation. High failure rates of electrolytic capacitors mounted on PCBs of electronic
cards are expected due to high operating temperature / voltage / current vis--vis
designed operating temperature / voltage / current. Dry type of capacitors shall
preferably be used. Expected life of the cards, and electronics in general shall be at least
18 years under actual working conditions. Features of the electronic systems:
(i) The diagnostic computer in the EMU/MEMU shall be able to differentiate between
fault in rest of the EMU and MEMU and fault in the electronic equipment; and
(ii) should the fault be found on electronic equipment, the diagnostic computer shall
enable fault finding to be carried out at module level.

4.3.9 Train Line Cables, Inter Vehicular Electrical Couplers The electrical coupler shall be capable of making all necessary electrical connections
between adjacent coaches to permit controls of all coaches in a train from the leading
driving cab. On minimum radius curves, the covers shall not exceed the allowable
clearance envelope of the coach. Sufficient spare contacts (at least 15 %) shall be provided
for catering to future needs of the Government. As such multiplexing of signal shall be
adapted to the maximum extant possible in line with the current international practices. The outer cover of the electrical coupler shall be additionally strengthened to protect the
coupler against ballast or external hitting. In order to secure the cables from external hitting, the cables connected with the coupler
shall not hang lower than the lowermost face of the coupler and shall be suitably secured to
arrest any dangling. Electric couplers shall use a configuration so that any end of the standard unit can couple
to any end of any other standard-unit. Contacts shall preferably be spring loaded, of silver
surfaced alloy, shall have sufficient capacity, shape and positive action to prevent fouling in
coupling, shall maintain positive contact under all specified operating conditions and shall
be capable to work even with the impacts to which the coach coupler may be subjected in
service. The inter-vehicular coupler arrangement for both power and control system shall be proven
and shall conform to international standards. However, special arrangement shall be made
to ensure that it is not damaged due to external reasons like vandalism, ballast hitting and
the flooding conditions. The layout shall be such that it is out of the reach of any passenger
or common man. The design shall cater for relative movements between the coaches. It shall be that there is
no disruption and sparking due to vehicle behaviour under worst conditions of operation.

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Draft Couplers shall allow coupled coaches to negotiate curves of radius 152.4 metres and shall
be capable of passage in either direction over standard 1 in 8 turn outs and shall function
satisfactorily with difference in head stock heights of adjascent coaches up to 75 mm. It
shall be ensured that the jumper cable assemblies do not touch/rub the couplers under any
circumstances. Coupling shall be capable of being accomplished by one person and shall be practicable
with longitudinal axes misalignment between coaches of eight degrees and 100 millimeters
different in height. All train lines and inter vehicular couplers shall be so designed that they are not susceptible
to any damage due to vandalism and external hittings during the run. Further, adequate
safety measures shall be taken to safeguard against ballast hitting, vandalism, rains and
flood water. The layout shall be such that they are accessible to maintenance staff only.
Adequate measures shall be taken to reduce the number of train lines to bare minimum. The 25 kV coupler, provided on the roof, between two coaches shall be operable from
inside the coach.

4.3.10 Auxiliary Systems The power supply for the auxiliaries shall be through IGBT based converter-inverter
supplies. The auxiliary converter-inverter shall be under slung. The auxiliary converter
shall be either natural air or forced air-cooled. However, natural air-cooling shall be
preferred. If forced cooling is adopted proper method of dust filtration shall be ensured. The auxiliary converter-inverter provided on each basic unit of EMU/MEMU shall cater for
the complete auxiliary load of the unit and additionally shall cater for air conditioning/air
ventilation, lights and fans and any other emergency requirements of the adjoining unit
which shall have to be fed in case of failure of auxiliary converter. The changeover shall
be affected automatically and without any time delay through control electronics. The full
power availability of the auxiliary converter shall be ensured throughout the voltage limits
specified for traction system in clause 2.4 of these Standards and Specifications, so that
the loads connected to the auxiliary converter shall not have to be reduced / adjusted in
the entire voltage variation from minimum to maximum. While traversing the neutral section or in the event of momentary non availability of OHE
during the service, the lights and fans shall work normally. While calculating the rating of the auxiliary converter, a provision of 10% in the auxiliary
converter capacity shall be kept for future use. Separate inverter shall be provided for supplying power to the compressor, independent
of other loads like pumps, blower motors etc. All the drive motors shall be designed for three phase AC supply with suitable protection
against single phasing and short circuits and over loads. The supply voltage for the auxiliary machines shall be 415 V +/-
10%, 3-phase, 50 Hz,
sine wave AC. The control voltage shall be 110 Volt DC.

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Draft Power quality of the 415 V three phase sine wave AC under all working conditions shall
be as under:
Output Voltage : 415V 5%
Output Frequency : 50Hz 3%
Short time current overload rating : 125% for 20 sec.
Total harmonic distortion (THD) : Less than 10% in output voltage
dv/dt : Less than 10 V / Microsecond
Voltage unbalance : Less than 1 % In addition to above, galvanically isolated 230 V AC and 110 V AC, single phase supply of
1 kVA shall also be made available, in driving cabs, to enable powering any small
equipment. Totally enclosed fan cooled design is to be considered for auxiliary machines if the use
of such machines is likely to result in freedom from dust and contamination and in
general better performance. Internally ventilated auxiliary machines having encapsulated
stator windings may also be considered for this application if considered to be
advantageous over totally enclosed fan cooled design. The temperature rise limits for auxiliary machines will be reduced compared to IEC limits
to take care of the higher ambient in India.

Only insulation system of class H and higher will be acceptable. The permitted
temperature rise for different classes will be:

Class H:- 80 degree C
Class C:-100 degree C

Vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) of the stator winding must be done using solvent
less varnish having thermal index above 200
C. Any other method utilized in place of
VPI may be considered provided its advantages are listed and provenness is ensured,
for the environmental conditions existing in India., In the case of squirrel cage motors, aluminum alloy die cast rotor construction shall be
preferred. L-10 life of bearings shall not be generally less than 1,00,000 working hours when
calculated as per ISO recommendation R-281. For motors higher than 15 KW, flange
bearing housing units shall be used. The bearing design shall be such that no greasing
or any intermediate attention may be required to be done for at least one and half year
after each greasing/adopting maintenance schedule as recommended by the
manufacturer. Battery and battery charger
(i) An automatic static battery charger fed from three phase auxiliary supply shall be
provided. Its rating and charging characteristics shall be matched to the battery, by
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monitoring of charging current and voltage and shall have a provision for fine
adjustment and good stability to avoid overcharging or undercharging of batteries;
(ii) low maintenance batteries of adequate capacity (C5 capacity) shall be provided on
the EMU and MEMU. Nominal voltage of the battery shall be 110 V. The batteries
shall be maintained at an adequate level of charge to satisfy the requirements as
given below:
System maintained time
Emergency ventilation 90 minutes after the loss of OHE power
Communication system (PIS and PA
4 hours after the loss of OHE power
Emergency lighting 4 hours after the loss of OHE power
Door release of alternate doors on either
4 hours after the loss of OHE power
Train controls (full load) 4 hours after the loss of OHE power
Fire detection system 4 hours after the loss of OHE power
; and
(iii) the design and control of the battery shall ensure that the battery gets
disconnected from non essential loads when the battery gets discharged, however
there shall be sufficient capacity left under all conditions to raise pantograph and to
power event recorder and flasher light. When auxiliary load is reconnected, the
initial battery load shall not cause the battery output to oscillate. Auxiliary Compressor Set

A 110 V DC battery operated auxiliary compressor set having adequate capacity, shall
be provided in each basic unit for feeding the auxiliary air reservoir for operation of the
pantograph and main circuit breaker during the preparation of the EMU/MEMU for
service. Lights and fan circuit

I) Lights and fans shall be fed by the auxiliary converter.

ii) Separately protected lighting circuits shall be used, such that in the event of one
tripping, the others provide evenly distributed lighting throughout the coach.

iii) For lighting the interior of the coach, suitable lamps shall be used. During night, the
illumination shall be not less than 200 lux at the floor of the coach and not less than
300 lux at seating positions. Electric lighting shall be of similar or equivalent
performance to EN 13272:2001 Railway application Electrical lighting for
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rolling stock in public transport systems as applicable to urban rail transport

iv) Electrical socket for charging batteries for portable electronic devices or for
powering a laptop computer shall be provided in the coaches.

v) At least 50% of lights and fans, evenly distributed over the coach area, shall remain
energized and provide sufficient light for safety of passengers, in the event of a
main auxiliary power failure even from the adjacent unit.

vi) All electrical circuits shall be fused or otherwise protected to avoid danger from
overheating or arcing.

vii) Coach wise indication of healthiness/working of lights and fans circuit shall be
provided in the driving cab. In case it is required to changeover to emergency feed,
same shall be possible from drivers cab. It shall be possible to isolate 50 % lights of
the train from driver cab when the EMU/MEMU is stabled in yards or shed.

viii) Emergency lights (at least 8 nos. per coach) shall be provided in each coach to be
fed by battery in case of total failure of auxiliary supplies.

ix) The wirings, switchgears, relays and terminal equipment required for proper
working of lights and fans shall be provided. Head light, marker and tail lights

The front end of each driving coach shall be provided with:

a) Head light Twin beam head lights shall be provided at each end, working on 110
V halogen lamps having two filaments or LED lamps. Headlight units shall be pre-
focused, capable of giving minimum 3.2 lux at a distance of 305 meters. The design
shall provide for easy replacement of bulb. Arrangement shall be made for dimming
the headlight output when required. The head lights shall be provided in suitable
waterproof enclosures conforming to IP 65. The head light shall work in neutral
section also;
b) tail light (blinking at a rate of 55-65 flashes per minute during the service);
c) flasher light to provide flashes at the rate of 40 +/- 5 flashes per minute; and

d) two twin marker lights with suitable waterproof enclosures conforming to IP 65 and
window toughened front glass. Each twin marker light shall provide one white and
one red array. If the marker lights are mounted with the twin lenses side by side the
red lens or array shall be towards the outside of the coach. If the marker lights are
mounted with the twin lenses one on top of the other, the red lens or array shall be
on the top. The marker lamp shall have a nominal light output of 40 lux at 1 meter.
The marker light shall work in neutral section also.

These shall work on the battery supply. A separate switch shall be provided in the drivers
cab to switch ON/OFF the auxiliary head light independent of head light and tail light
(normal & blinking operation).
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4.3.11 Air Ventilation The coach shall be air ventilated with minimum two roof mounted packaged unit type air
ventilation units in each coach in addition to coach fans. The air ventilation units shall be
fed from auxiliary converter. The design of the ventilation unit shall be such that CO
level inside the with payload as
per clause 2.2.1 of these Specifications and Standards shall not exceed the permissible
threshold limit of the order of 700 PPM above the CO2 concentration in air outside the
coach. units shall be so provided in EMU and MEMU coaches that the coach can
be converted into air conditioned coach by providing only air conditioning unit in future
without change in envelope.
Air conditioning

a) The coach shall be air-conditioned with minimum two roof mounted packaged unit
type air-conditioning units in each coach. Air-conditioning in coaches shall conform
to EN 14750 or equivalent and to internationally accepted standards and practices.
The air conditioning units shall be fed from auxiliary converter.

b) Interior temperature shall be 25C (DB) and 16C (WB) at an ambient of 50C.
Relative humidity inside coach shall not be more than 60%. Indoor air quality shall
be as per ASHRAE norms. Refrigerant used shall be eco friendly for next 30 years
as per Montreal protocol.

c) In the event of failure of air-conditioning unit/units, harmful quantities of the
refrigerant shall not be released inside the compartment and there shall be an
arrangement for forced ventilation of the coach/coaches.

d) The air-conditioning system shall provide a high rate of renewed air, maintenance of
constant temperature and take into account, frequent door opening and high User
density. The units shall be compact; roof mounted and of low power consumption.

e) Emergency ventilation

In the event of power failure to all air-conditioning unit exceeding 2 (two) minutes, a
minimum of 1000 liters per second of fresh air shall be introduced to the coach and
distributed evenly through the passenger areas. This is not expected to be cooled
air. The EMU/MEMU shall be able to maintain this air supply for at least 90 minutes.

4.3.12 Passenger Information and Communication System

Passenger information and communication system shall be based on GPS system and
shall provide following facilities:

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i) public address announcements or playing of recorded information by the driver and
connectivity of the public address system of the train with the announcements made
by train controller through Train Monitoring System installed by respective user
Railways on the speakers provided in the coach;

ii) coach shall be provided with 06 (six) numbers LED based passenger information
display board inside the coach and 02 (two) numbers LED based destination board
out side the coach(one on each side). These shall show current location of the
EMU/MEMU, next station, time to next station, next interchange points, platform
side, passenger related safety information; and any other important information in
Hindi, English and regional languages.

iii) the microphone used by the driver shall be common for all voice modes and priority
shall be allocated to various modes;

iv) the public address intercom system shall have the driver-guard and driver/guard
passenger communication. The driver shall have the facility of adjusting the volume
level from a minimum to maximum level by suitable mode provided in drivers
dashboard. Emergency buttons and talk back phones shall be located near all the
doors and gangways;

v) the communication shall be in full duplex mode and multiplexed with suitable
measures to prevent acoustic feedback. The priorities of different functions of the
public address system shall be defined;

vi) in case of failure of one unit of PA system or a passenger communication unit in
one coach, there will be no failure of the whole system; and

vii) all the communication and control cables shall be conforming to international
standards for fire retardant, fire survival characteristics suitable for the EMU

4.3.13 Master Cum Brake Controller A combined master cum brake controller, integrated into a single unit shall be used. This
shall be of step less type. Suitable provision shall be made to ensure unhindered
operation in case of failure of master controller.

The master controller shall be provided with a device which shall have to be remained
activated manually and consciously by the driver. In case of the driver gets incapacitated
and the device is released, the emergency brakes shall apply through direct opening to
atmosphere. The master controller shall be suitable to ensure controlled speed. For the purpose of
wheel slip and slide control, the 3-phase drive traction/braking control system shall
supervise the following condition and take corrective action:-

-- Excessive acceleration;
-- differential speed between axles; and
-- over-speed control.
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Draft Suitable forward/reverse interlocks and interlocks with braking system shall be
incorporated in the master controller. The traction shall be possible only from one cab at a

4.3.14 Brake Blending Full utilization of the regenerative braking is envisaged in the 3-phase drive system such
that regenerative braking is available over full range of speed to be blended/ interfaced
with the existing EP brakes. The control system shall be designed that in the EP brake
region, for any set braking effort demand, as decided by the position of the brake handle,
maximum possible brake effort is obtained from the regenerative energy of the motor
coaches and the EP brakes of the trailer coaches are applied mainly to supplement the
difference between the demand and the regenerative braking effort achieved. Normally, in the EP service braking zone, only regenerative braking is applied in the
motor coaches where as the EP brakes are applied on the trailer coaches. However, if the
regenerative braking becomes ineffective, the EP brakes shall come on the motor
coaches. In order to ensure smooth changeover from regenerative to EP brakes and vice versa,
braking resistor shall be provided during the change over period. Adequate redundancy shall be provided to ensure that the EP brakes do not become non
functional in case of failure of power supplies, isolation of motor coach or failure of
control electronics and pressure transducers etc. In case of isolation of any EP valve due
to any defect, the brake electronics shall take adequate corrective action with least
system isolation. System shall provide enough redundancy in the brake electronics and
controls so that the isolation of motor coach does not lead to non-functioning of EP brakes
of the motor coach.

Separate brake electronic control unit of proven design compliant to SIL 4 shall be
provided to ensure redundancies and shall perform the functions as defined in sub-
clauses of this clause. It shall be possible for the driver to know the mal functioning of brake system of a coach.
Selective isolation of EP valves (coach wise) shall be possible. friction braking system shall function as the ultimate braking system on the coach,
acting as a backup during normal service braking and as the primary braking system
during emergency stops and while parking. It shall provide adequate safety against rolling
back of EMU and MEMU train in case the train is to be started on a rising gradient.

4.3.15 Display Panel

A suitable LCD display (back lit) with rob high resolution, all time visibility, wide viewing
angle, suitably designed against vandalism, high impact, rough handling, ingress of water
and dust and IP 54 protected robust and heavy duty input/output system as per the
available technology, shall be provided on drivers desk to display fault status, energy
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values and status of various important parameters as selected by driver/ maintenance staff
or as required for the satisfactory system operation.

4.3.16 Instruments and gauges
OHE line voltage, battery voltage, tractive/braking efforts, energy consumed / regenerated,
pressures in the main reservoir pipe, brake actuators, brake pipe and feed pipe and
indication of air flow in the brake pipe and any other indication considered important /
relevant for the driver shall be displayed on both end driving cab consoles.

4.3.17 Wiring and cabling The cables for wiring in the EMU and MEMU and equipments shall use high grade
electrolytic copper stranded conductors tinned in accordance with Good Industry Practice. Electron beam irradiated/chemically cross linked, thin walled, halogen free, low smoke
and less toxic cables according to relevant international standards and the Good Industry
Practice for rolling stock application, shall be used. The insulation/sheathing material shall
be EPDM/EVA and shall be fire survival type according to EN 50264. At locations in the
EMU/MEMU, where high temperatures are likely to be encountered, special cables shall
be used. The layout of the cables shall be such that there is no contamination by oil. Length of
power cables shall be kept to minimum. Cables and connections carrying different types
of voltages shall be physically segregated from each other. For vital circuits, adequate
numbers of spare control wires shall be provided with clear identification. Cable layout
shall be according to EN50343. Loading of power cables shall be such that in no case conductor temperature shall
exceed maximum temperature according to data sheet minus 10 degree elsius. The
power cable layout shall ensure equal sharing of current in all power cables. Derating of
cables due to bunching effect and cable layout shall be taken into account during design All connections shall be terminated on terminal bars manufactured in accordance with
Good Industry Practice. The terminals and wire cable ends shall be suitably marked to
facilitate correct connections. Plugs/couplers and sockets shall be used to connect pre-assembled units to facilitate
maintenance and ensure a better layout. No cable having a conductor size of less than 2.5 sq. mm shall be used except for multi
core cables where 1.0 sq. mm cable is permitted. Smaller size cables for internal wiring of
panels, control cubicles, consistent with the mechanical and electrical requirements, may
be adopted.
4.3.18 Speed indicating and recording equipment
The speed indicating-cum-recording equipment shall be provided in each driving cab of
EMU and MEMU. The speed indicating-cum-recording equipments with
electrical/electronic type of drive having scale range of 0 to 160 Kmph in EMU and 0 to
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200 Kmph in MEMU shall be used. The equipment shall also incorporate the feature of
indicating and recording kilometers traveled by the EMU and MEMU.

4.3.19 Event recorder
The event recorder shall monitor and record various events so that data is available for
analysis to assist in determining the cause of accident, incident or operating irregularities.
The equipment shall be designed in such a way so as to provide an intelligence based
recording of the following parameters against the time axis (time interval shall be decided
by recorder itself whenever there is a change in the respective parameter). Most recent
data for below mentioned events for a minimum of the last 30 minutes in loop form shall
be recorded.
The following parameters shall be recorded:
(a) Speed in Kmph;
(b) OHE voltage;
(c) OHE current;
(d) tractive/braking effort;
(e) battery voltage;
(f) brake pipe pressure;
(g) pantograph up/down position;
(h) status of main circuit breaker i.e., open/close;
(i) mode of operation i.e., traction mode/braking mode;
(j) direction of travel i.e., forward/reverse with respect to activated cab;
(k) head light status on/off;
(l) flasher light status on/off;
(m) horn status on/off;
(n) status of penalty brake application;
(o) wiper on/off; and
(p) any other parameter considered necessary.
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The event recorder shall be designed to:
(i) Permit rapid extraction and analysis of data for the purpose of monitoring driver or
EMU/MEMU system ;
(ii) assist retrieval of data after an incident or accident; and
(iii) mitigate the effects on recorded data of foreseeable impact or derailment.
4.3.20 Control equipment All control equipment, including drivers controls and indications for electrical, pneumatic,
air pressure, brake and other circuits shall be provided. Necessary operational, protective
and safety devices in the form of relays, contactors, switches as may be required by the
circuit design shall also be incorporated for proper functioning of the power and auxiliary
equipments and brakes etc. The control equipments, relays and switches, and such other devices shall be in
accordance with the Good Industry Practice. All vital contacts for operation of the EMU/MEMU shall be duplicated to provide
redundancy. Interlocks and auxiliary contacts of relays of protective, operation, control, auxiliary and
safety circuits shall be housed in dustproof enclosures either by providing the complete
equipment in dust-proof cabinets and/or pressuring the cabinets or by covering the
contacts only by dust-proof covers. The working of all relays and contactors shall be in the range 30 % / +25 % of nominal
battery voltage when the operating coils are at their rated temperature and the contacts
are subjected to normal pressure. The temperature of the equipments shall be governed by IEC minus 30
C. Rubber components, such as pistons, O rings etc. wherever employed in the control
gear, brake system and their controls shall be suitable for the specified humid and
environmentally severe conditions. The life of rubber components shall not be less than
six years. Surge suppression circuits shall be incorporated to eliminate surges, wherever required. Endurance tests, both mechanical and electrical, shall be in accordance with IEC 60337.

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4.4 Environmental Noise Standards

The following noise standards shall be followed.

4.4.1 Stationary EMU/MEMU

Noise level inside the coach and cab.

The noise level inside the coach and the cab shall not exceed 68 dB (A) with all
auxiliary equipment operating at its greatest noise output. The noise level shall be
measured in the coach along the center line between 1200 mm and 1600 mm above
the floor and at a distance over 600 mm from the end of the coach. The measurement
shall be done as per ISO 3381.

Noise level outside the EMU/MEMU

The noise level outside the Train shall not exceed 68 dB (A) with all Auxiliary
Equipment operating. The noise level shall be measured at a point 7.5 m from the
EMU/MEMU centerline at a point between 1200 mm and 1500 mm above the rail level.
The measurement shall be done as per ISO 3095.

4.4.2 Moving EMU/MEMU

Noise level inside the coach and cab.

The noise level when running at the scheduled maximum speed shall not exceed 72 dB
(A). The noise level shall be measured in the coach along the center line between 1200
mm and 1600 mm above the floor and at a distance over 600 mm from the end of the
coach. The measurement shall be done as per ISO 3381.

Noise level outside the EMU/MEMU

The noise level when it is moving at the scheduled maximum speed shall not exceed 85
dB (A) with all auxiliary systems operating. The noise level shall be measured at a point
7.5 m from the EMU/MEMU centerline at a point between 1200 mm and 1500 mm
above the rail level. The measurement shall be done as per ISO 3095.

4.4.3 All noise levels listed above are in decibels referred to 20 micro Pascal as measured
with A weighting network of standard Type 1 sound level meter with time weighting F.

4.5 Safety measures
4.5.1 All exterior components including under slung equipments shall be attached with use of
secondary restraints, redundant fixings or secondary latches as appropriate to ensure
that no single point failure shall cause equipment to either physically detach or protrude
out of gauge.
4.5.2 Standard protective systems shall be provided, in accordance with the Good Industry
Practice, for protection of the electrical equipments against abnormal currents,
excessive voltages, etc., with indicating facilities, so as to ensure safe and correct
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operations. All equipments shall be adequately earthed, insulated, screened or
enclosed and provided with essential interlocks and keys as may be appropriate to
ensure the protection of the equipments and safety of those concerned with its
operation and maintenance.
A sensitive and reliable protection arrangement against earth fault shall be provided in
each circuit group.
All electrical circuits shall be fully insulated from the superstructure on both the positive
and negative sides and the super-structure shall not be used as a part of any earth
return circuit.
Relevant provisions stipulated in Indian Electricity Rule 1956 (or latest) shall strictly be
followed in the interest of safety of passengers/staff as well as for
equipments/instruments provided in the EMU and MEMU coaches.

4.5.3 Fire prevention measure
i) The equipments shall be designed to minimize the risk of any fire.

ii) Materials used in the manufacture of equipments shall be selected to reduce the
heat load, rate of heat release, propensity to ignite, rate of flame spread, smoke
emission and toxicity of combustion gases.

iii) The equipments shall comply with specification NF F 16-101: (Railway Rolling
Stock Fire behavior Choice of Material), NF F 16-102: (Railway Rolling Stock Fire
behavior Material choosing, application for electric system category A2), BS 6853
1999 Category II or DIN 5510 or any other equivalent/superior international
standard for fire safety plan in respect of their equipment.

iv) All safety features in design, construction and materials used shall conform to the
best safety standards and shall in particular prevent fires in EMU/MEMU in
accordance with Good Industry Practice.

4.5.4 Fire detection system

The EMU and MEMU shall have a fire detection system. This shall be capable of
detecting a fire in any coach or drivers cab. On detection of a possible fire by
means of suitable detection, the system shall have two levels of response that shall
indicate the coach involved, the level and the location to within less than 8 (eight)
meters (measured longitudinally) within the coach in which the possible fire is
The two level of alarm shall be:
a) First alarm: sent to the driver indicating that a fire may have started and that this is
a first stage alarm.
b) Second alarm: if the detection system detects a large heat source or denser smoke
it shall send a further alarm to the driver indicating that this is a second stage alarm.
The second stage alarm shall also be sent to the coach involved to alert the
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passengers. The audio video indication for second stage alarm in the coaches shall
be provided near the niche provided for fire extinguishers.
In the event of detection of a fire the ventilation and air-conditioning system shall be
controlled to minimize the spread of fire to promote the escape of passenger. In the
event of detection of smoke outside the EMU/MEMU an alarm shall be provided to
the driver. The driver shall then be able to remotely close the ventilation and air
conditioning units fresh air intake.

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Annex- A1

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Annex- A2

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Annex. A3

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Annex. A4
List of Standards
1. Axle Non powered
IRS R-16
IRS R-43
2. AAR approved couplers and coupler
3. Brake system EN 13452-1:2003
4. Batteries IEC 60623
5. Cables IEC 60228, IS 10810
6. Control cubicle IEC 60068
7. Degree of protection provided by
IEC 60529
8 Draw and buffing gear SKDL 2494
9 Electric traction rolling stock test
methods for electric and thermal
/electric rolling stock on completion of
construction and before entry into
IEC 61133
10 Electronic equipment used on rail
11 Electronic converter fed alternating
current motors
IEC 60349 2 IEC-60563
12 Electric railway equipment-train
communication network
IEC 61375
13 Environmental conditions for the
equipment on board the coach
EN 50125-1
14 Guide for the evaluation and
identification of insulation systems of
electrical equipment
IEC 60505
15 Guide lines for evaluating passenger
comfort in relation to vibration in
Railway vehicles
UK 513 E
16 High voltage AC circuit breaker IEC 60056
17 Indian Electricity Rules Indian Electricity Rules-1956 (or
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18 Lightning arrestor IEC 60099-4, IS 3070 pt III
19 Limit of second harmonic IEEE 591-1992
20 Layout of drivers cab in Locomotives,
Rail cars, Multiple unit trains and
Driving trailers
UIC 651
21 Loading of coach bodies and their
UIC 566
22 Metallised carbon strip for pantograph

Specification No:
RDSO/2009/EL/SPEC/0097, Rev.
23 Noise level Out side the coach
In side the coach
ISO 3095
ISO 3381
24 Programming languages for PLC IEC 61131
25 Power converter installed on board
rolling stock Part 1: Characteristics
and test methods
IEC 61287-1
26 Power converter installed on board
rolling stock Part 2: Additional
technical information
IEC 61287-2
27 Power factor correction IEC 60871
28 Railway application rolling stock
Part 1: combined testing of inverter fed
alternative current motors and their
control system
IEC 61377-1
29 Rotating electrical machines:
Functional evaluation of insulation
IEC 60034-18
30 Railway applications electromagnetic
compatibility Part 3-2: rolling stock
EN 50121-3-2/ EN 50121-3-1 /IEC
31 Railway applications electromagnetic
compatibility Part 2: emission of the
whole railway system to the outside
EN 50121-2/ IEC 62236-2
32 Railway applications compatibility
between rolling stock and train
detection system
EN 50238
33 Rules for pantograph of electric rolling
IEC: 60494 Pt.I
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34 Relays, contactors and switches IS 3231, IEC 60337, 60947
35 Railway applications rolling stock
equipment shock and vibration test
IEC 61373
36 Railway applications electric
equipment for rolling stock
IEC 60077-1
37 Railway application rolling stock
protective provisions against electrical
IEC 61881
38 Rules for installation of cabling EN 50343
39 Railway applications, welding of railway
vehicles and components. Inspection,
testing and documentation
40 Reliability of electronic component IEC 61709
41 Reliability , Availability, Maintainability
and Safety (RAMS)
EN 50126/ IEC 62278
42 Railway applications; Body entrance
EN 14752
43 Railway applications , Methods of
specifying structural requirements of
bogie frames
BS EN 13749:2005
44 Railway applications, Wheel sets and
bogies , Non powered axles, Design
BS EN 13103:2009 UIC 515-4
45 Railway applications, Wheel sets and
bogies , Powered axles, Design
BS EN 13104:2009 UIC 615-4
46 Ride quality of the coach (RI) RDSO report no. MT-334
ORE report no. 8 of C 116
47 Resistance to fire (Coach interior) NFPA-130 2010
48 Railway rolling stock cables having
special fire performance
EN 50264
49 Specific rules concerning the electronic
control part of converters
50 Solid forged wheels ( motor and trailer
IRS R-19
Drg. No. SKETCH-K4004
51 Schedule of Dimension for broad gauge IR Schedule Of Dimension for
Broad Gauge, revision 2004
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52 Structural requirements of railway
vehicle bodies
EN 12663 2000
53 Slip/ skid resistance test for floors SATRA TM 144
54 Safety measures NF F 16-101
NF F 16-102
BS 6853-1999 DIN 5510
55 Transformer and chokes IEC 60310
56 Transformer oil IEC 60296/ IS12463
57 Wind loads on buildings and structures IS- 875

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