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David MCConnell

National Historic Parks and Sites

Environment Canada - Parks
©Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1988.

Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other booksellers or by

mail from the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada,
Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9.

Catalogue No.: R64-178/1988E

ISBN No.: 0-660-12750-4

Price Canada: $34.75

Price Other Countries: $41.70
Price subject to change without notice.

Cover: Shuttleworth Drawing, circa 1820, for a light 6-pounder carriage. (Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.)
Cover design: Rod Won.

Published under the authority of the

Minister of the Environment,
Ottawa, 1988.

The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and not necessarily those
of Environment Canada.

Parks publishes the results of its research in archaeology, architecture, and history.
A list of publications is available from Research Publications, Environment Canada --
Parks, 1600 Liverpool Court, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OH3.

9 Abstract
11 Acknowledgements
13 Preface
15 The Manufactur ing of Ordnance
29 Brass Guns
29 42-Pounder
30 32-Pounder
31 24-Pounder
34 18-Pounder
36 12-Pounder
38 9-Pounder
41 6-Pounder
47 3-Pounder
51 1-l/2-Pounder
51 l-Pounder or Amusette
53 Desaguliers' Construction of Brass Guns
55 Cast Iron Guns
55 68-Pounder
56 56-Pounder
58 42-Pounder
60 Note concerning sources
61 32-Pounder
62 Blomefield's 32-Pounders
64 Millar's 32-Pounders
65 Monk's Medium 32-Pounders (A, B, and C)
67 Dundas' 32-Pounders
68 Congreve Guns (32-, 24-, and 18-pounders)
72 24-Pounder
75 18-Pounder
79 12-Pounder
84 9-Pounder
87 6-Pounder
92 4-Pounder
92 3-Pounder
95 Shell-Guns
96 8-Inch Shell-Gun
99 lO-Inch Shell-Gun
101 12-Inch Shell-Gun
103 Carronades
113 Mortars
113 Brass Mortars
113 Coehorn Mortar
115 Royal Mortar
118 8-Inch Mortar
120 10-Inch Mortar (Land Service)
121 13-Inch Mortar (Land Service)
122 lO-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)
123 13-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)
124 Iron Mortars
124 8-Inch Mortar (Land Service)
127 lO-Inch Mortar (Land Service)
128 13-Inch Mortar (Land Service)
129 10-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)
133 13-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)
137 Howitzers
137 Brass Howitzers
137 Coehorn Howitzer
141 Royal or 5-l/2-Inch Howitzer
144 8-Inch Howitzer
149 lO-Inch Howitzer
150 Millar's Howitzers
152 l2-Pounder
154 24-Pounder
155 32-Pounder
155 Iron Howitzers
155 5-l/2-Inch or 24-Pounder Howitzer
159 8- and 10-Inch Howitzers
163 Carriages and Limbers
165 Garrison Carriages
165 Common Standing (wood)
171 Common Standing (iron)
174 Rear Chock
175 Sliding Carriages for Dwarf and Casemate Traversing Platforms
177 Mortar Beds (wood and iron)
188 Travelling Carriages
188 Wheels
191 Axletrees
194 Bodies
198 The Block Trail Carriage
211 Howitzer Carriages
211 Travelling
219 Garrison
221 Carronade Carriages
224 Limbers
237 Gun Sleighs
243 Traversing Platforms
243 Common Traversing Platform
252 Dwarf Traversing Platform
257 Casemate Traversing Platform
259 Traversing Platforms (Iron)
259 Common Traversing Platform
260 Dwarf Traversing Platform
261 Gins
261 Artillery or Triangle Gin
266 Gibraltar Gin
269 Bell's Gin
273 Gunpowder and Cartridges
273 Introduction
274 The Manufacture of Gunpowder
274 Saltpetre
275 Sulphur
276 Charcoal
277 Grinding
277 Mixing
278 Incorporating (Amalgamating)
278 Pressing
279 Granulating (Corning)
280 Sifting, Dusting, and Glazing
280 Drying
281 Powder Charges
282 Cartridges
287 Projectiles
287 Solid Round Shot
291 Shells
307 Carcass
315 Grapeshot
319 Case or Canister Shot
323 Spherical Case Shot or Shrapnel Shell
333 Fuzes
335 Fuze Composition
338 Fuzes for Spherical Case (Shrapnel Shells)
339 Reform
340 Boxer's Common Fuze
343 Boxer's Diaphragm Shrapnel Fuze
343 Large Mortar Fuze
343 Small Mortar Fuze
344 Metal Fuzes
345 Boxer's Metal Time Screw Fuzes
345 20-Second Metal Time Fuze
347 7-l/2-Second Metal Time Fuze
347 Percussion and Concussion Fuzes
349 The Freeburn Fuze
349 Moorsom's Fuzes
350 Pettman's Fuzes
350 Pettman's Land Service Percussion Fuze
352 Pettman's Sea Service Percussion Fuze
353 Pettman's Genmeral Service Percussion Fuze
353 Later Wooden Time Fuzes
353 The 9-Second Fuze for Muzzle-Loading Ordnance
356 The 20-Second Fuze for Muzzle-Loading Ordnance
359 Ignition
359 Slow Match
360 Quick Match
362 Portfire
365 Tubes
371 Locks
375 Sights and Sighting
385 Summary
387 Appendix
388 Appendix A. General Statement of the Regulations and Practice of the
Inspector of Artillery's Department in Examining, Proving and
Receiving of Iron Ordnance Supplied by Contractors for His
Majesty's Service and that of the East India Company.
391 Appendix B. Use of Desaguliers' Instruments.
392 Appendix C. Powder for Proof of Ordnance, circa 1720-1820.
395 Appendix D. Powder for Proof Charge, circa 1820-70.
398 Appendix E. Particular Dimentions of all the Parts of an Iron 6 Pounder
Cannon of Eight Foot Long According to the new Proportion
given by Coll. Borgard in the year 1716.
399 Appendix F. A Table for Surveying Iron Cannon in the Severall Parts
According to the Regulation by Coll Borgard in the year 1716.
400 Appendix G. Dimensions of Brass Guns According to the Mensuration of the
Year 1743.
401 Appendix H. Dimensions of Iron Guns According to mensuration in the year
402 Appendix I. Dimensions of Brass Battering Pieces of different Calibres
403 Appendix J. Dimensions of Brass Field Pieces (1766).
404 Appendix K. Dimensions of the Iron Ship & Garrison Guns of Different
Calibres (1766).
405 Appendix L. Table of Length Weight Calibre and Principal Dimensions of
the Brass Ordnance of each Nature according to the present
Establishment in Great Britain 1778.
406 Appendix M. Dimensions of the External parts and Calibre of Iron Guns of
each Nature and Length in Inches and Decima1s.November
407 Appendix N. Armstrong's, B1omefie1d's, and Desaguliers' Construction of
426 Appendix o. Shell-Guns.
427 Appendix P. Carronades, 1779-1870.
429 Appendix Q. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages in Use in
430 Appendix R. Table of Iron Work on Common Standing Garrison or Ship
431 Appendix S. The Construction of a Common Standing Garrison Carriage ac-
cording to John Muller, circa 1760.
432 Appendix T. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1801 and
434 Appendix U. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1828 and
435 Appendix v. Dimensions of Iron Trucks for Common Standing Garrison Car-
riages, 1839-62.
437 Appendix W. Dimensions of Stool Beds and Quoins, 1839-62.
438 Appendix x. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, circa
439 Appendix Y. Dimensions of Rear Chock Carriages, circa 1864.
440 Appendix Z. Dimensions of Sliding Carriages, circa 1864.
441 Appendix AA. Dimensions of Land Service Mortar Beds, 1750-80.
442 Appendix BB. Dimensions of the Iron Work for Wheels of Travelling Car-
riages, 1719.
444 Appendix CC. Dimensions of the Iron Work for Wheels of Limber, 1719.
446 Appendix DO. Dimensions of Wheels for Travelling Carriages, 1722.
447 Appendix EE. Dimensions of Wheels for Limbers of Travelling Carriages,
448 Appendix FF. Dimensions of the Wheels of Travelling and Field Carriages,
449 Appendix GG. Dimensions of the Wheels for Limbers of Travelling and Field
Carriages, 1750-80.
450 Appendix HH. Dimensions of Wheels, 1801, 1813, 1827.
451 Appendix II. Dimensions of Wheels, 1825.
452 Appendix JJ. Dimensions of Wheels, 1860s.
453 Appendix KK. Dimensions of Iron Work for Ax1etree of Travelling Carriages,
454 Appendix LL. Dimensions of Iron Work for Axletree of Limbers, 1719.
455 Appendix MM. Dimensions of Carriage (Hind) and Limber (Fore) Axletrees,
456 Appendix NN. Dimensions of the Axletrees of Travelling and Field Carriages,
circa 1750-80.
457 Appendix 00. Dimensions of the Axletrees of the Limbers for Travelling and
Field Carriages, circa 1750-80.
458 Appendix PP. Dimensions of the Galloper Carriage, circa 1750-80.
459 Appendix QQ. Dimensions ofAxletrees for Travelling Carriages and Limbers,
460 Appendix RR. Dimensions ofAxletrees for Travelling Carriages, 1828.
461 Appendix SSe Dimensions ofAxletrees for Travellng Carriages, 1844.
462 Appendix TT. Dimensions ofAxletrees, 1860s.
463 Appendix UU. Dimensions of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling Carriages,
467 Appendix VV. Dimensions of the Bodies of Travelling Carriages according to
the New Regulation 1719.
469 Appendix WW. Dimensions of the Brackets of Travelling and Field Carriages,
470 Appendix XX. Construction of Travelling Carriages according to John Muller,
472 Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer
Carriage, 1719.
477 Appendix ZZ. Dimensions of the Bodies of Howitzer Travelling Carriages
according to the New Regulation 1719.
479 Appendix AAA. Dimensions of the Carriage for 8-Inch Howitzer, circa 1750-
480 Appendix BBB. Dimensions of Limber for 8-Inch Howitzer, circa 1750-80.
481 Appendix CCC. Dimensions of Howitzer Garrison Carriages.--
482 Appendix DDD. Dimensions of Block Trail Carronade Carriages, 1828 and
483 Appendix EEE. Richardson's Description of Gun Carriages, 1859.
495 Appendix FFF. Dimensions of New Oblong Hammered Iron Carcasses.
496 Appendix GGG. Dimensions and weights of round Carcasses, as established the
2d of August, 1760.
497 Appendix HHH. Partial Dimensions of 20 Shot Grape Shot.
498 Appendix III. Dimensions of Quilted Grape Shot (9 shot), 1750-1800.
499 Appendix JJJ. Dimensions of Quilted Grape Shot, circa 1845.
500 Appendix KKK. Grape Shot, circa 1860. --
501 Appendix LLL. Dimensions of "Tin Case Grape Shot for Land Service," April
502 Appendix MMM. Dimensions of Case Shot 1766-80.
503 Appendix NNN. Sea Service Case Shot, circa 1780.
504 Appendix 000. Wright and Dimensions of Case Shot for Guns, Howitzers, and
Carronades, 1828.
505 Appendix PPP. Dimensions of Case Shot, 1863.
506 Appendix QQQ. Spherical Case or Shrapnel Shells, 1820-50.
507 Appendix RRR. Service Charges and Dimensions of Cartridges, 1863.
511 Appendix SSS. Dimensions of Common Fuzes, 1752-1830.
512 Appendix TTT. Dimensions of Common Fuzes, 1830-50.
513 Appendix UUU. Round Fuze Gauge made of Steel 1752.
514 Appendix VVV. Dimensions of Mallets as regulated in 1753.
515 Appendix WWW. Dimensions of Setters for Fuzes, 1750-1800.
516 Appendix XXX. Ladles.
517 Appendix YYY. Quick Match for Fuzes.
518 Appendix ZZZ. Dimensions of Drifts (iron, tipped with brass or copper) for
driving Fuzes.
519 Appendix AAAA.Dimensions of Brass Sockets for Driving Fuzes, circa 1780.
520 Appendix BBBB. Method of Making Quick Match, circa 1800. --
521 Appendix CCCC. Table of Utensils for Driving Portfires, circa 1800 and 1849.
522 Appendix DDDD. Dimensions (in inches) of Tin Tubes.
524 Appendix EEEE. Richardson's Description of the 18 foot Triangle Gyn, New
525 Appendix FFFF. Inventory of Original Pieces of Smooth-Bore Ordnance at
National Historic Parks and Sites, Environment Canada - Parks.
529 Endnotes
579 Bibliography
579 Primary Sources and Repositories
585 Published Primary Sources
591 Secondary Sources

Submitted for publication in 1986, by David MCConnell, Historic Research Division,

National Historic Parks and Sites, Environment Canada - Parks, Ottawa. This book is
a revised version of British Smooth-Bore Artillery... that was prepared for Parks'
Microfiche Report Series, No. 269 in 1987.


Under its mandate to interpret Canadian history to the public, Environment

Canada - Parks initiated an extensive study of the technology of British ordnance
circa 1710 to the 1860s to aid in the re-creation of period settings at a number of
British military sites in Canada. Its purpose is to provide a manual for the
reconstruction of pieces of artillery, their carriages and platforms and, as well, to be
a source for interpretation of the technology in use at British forts. The study covers
the production of ordnance, the history of the development and design of various
pieces (guns, mortars, howitzers, carronades), their carriages and platforms, and the
development of gunpower, cartridges, fuzes, and projectiles.


Much of the primary source material in this report was consulted at the Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K. It is reproduced here with the kind permission
of that institution. I wish to thank Brigadier R.J. Lewendon (Retd), the Historical
Secretary, and his staff for their unfailing courtesy and help during my visit to their
library and the Rotunda museum.
Also, I want to thank my supervisor, Gordon Bennett, who provided me with the
necessary stimulus to complete this work and who took the time to criticize it


As part of its mandate to interpret Canadian history to the public, Environment

Canada - Parks administers a great number of military parks and sites, the majority
of which originated during the British period of Canadian history. Many of these sites
are commemorated with a plaque put up on the recommendation of the Historic Sites
and Monuments Board of Canada, but others are being developed and animated. Such
development can take the form of static displays, for example, the reconstructed
Queen's Battery on Signal Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland, or the gun emplacement in
the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec. However, other operations, such as at the
Halifax Citadel, at Fort Wellington in Prescott, Ontario, and at Fort George in
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, are ambitious programs designed to remove the visitor
from the modern world to the period of the British garrison. Part of the creation of
this verisimilitude has been the reconstruction of British artillery equipments and the
re-enactment of period drill and its explanation to park visitors.
Because of the lengthy British presence in British North America and the
variety and complexity of British smooth-bore artillery during the period, Environ-
ment Canada - Parks initiated a comprehensive study of the technology of British
ordnance. Its purpose is to provide a manual to aid in the reconstruction of pieces of
artillery, their carriages, and platforms, and as well a source for interpretation of the
technology in use at the forts. Initially the stimulus came from Ontario Region, but
since the inception of the study both Quebec and Atlantic Regions have been
supportive. Indeed, with the exception of Fort Prince of Wales which is really a fur
trade post, these three regions administer all of the British military and naval sites of
the smooth-bore era.
The scope of the study is extensive. It extends over 150 years, from circa 1710
to the 1860s. The earliest date is somewhat outside the period of British control in
British North America, but it must be remembered that pieces of ordnance could
have a long life. For example, there are 18-pounder guns still existing on the site of
a battery near Digby, Nova Scotia, which were in use during the War of 1812 but
which were cast during the reign of King George II. The latter date marks the decade
when the first effective system of rifling, breech-loading, and elongated projectiles
- the Armstrong system - came into use to replace the ancient smooth-bore, muzzle
loading, and round projectile system of ordnance.
In terms of materiel, the study deals with the production of ordnance, the
history of development and design of the various pieces - guns, mortars, howitzers,
carronades - how they were mounted, the development of projectiles, and the
manner of ignition. Not all details of materiel are discussed - merely the most
obvious; to attempt more over such a long period of time would be too formidable a
task. Nevertheless, it is hoped that both the reconstruction of artillery equipments
and their interpretation will be aided by this book.
It was not intended that the study be only of ordnance which has been
documented at National Historic Parks and Sites nor only of those weapons presently
owned by Parks. Because it is not known for all locations and times what pieces were
in British North America, the study was designed to cover all probabilities. However,
some equipments which were designed exclusively for the East India Company or for
the British army in Africa or India have been ignored.
Parks possesses a great variety of ordnance, however, which has served as
illustrative material here. This includes brass field guns (3- and 6-pounders), iron
guns of a variety of calibres (from the small swivel guns to the finest smooth bore
weapon of the era, the 68-pounder of 95 hundredweight) and of a variety of dates

(from the reign of Queen Anne to Queen Victoria's), iron mortars, carronades, and
some obscure weapons. (For a list of these weapons see Appendix FFFF.)
A large amount of material has been published about artillery, much of it of a
popular nature. A glance at the bibliography of this report will confirm this
observation. In particular the work of O.F.G. Hogg, B.P. Hughes, and the continuing
series of articles by Adrian Caruana, can be signalled out. But none of these works is
as detailed or extensive in its coverage of the subject as the present study attempts
to be. It is in large part a technical treatise designed for reference rather than
casual reading.
Two iconographic sources which are often referred to in this study but which
are readily available should be noted: R.J. Nelson, Gun Carriages: An Aide Memoire
to the Military Sciences, 1846 (Ottawa, Museum Restoration Service, 1972) and C. W.
Rudyerd, Course of Artillery at the Royal Military Academy as established by His
Grace the Duke of Richmond Master General of His Mao est's Ordnance &c. &c. &c.
1793 Ottawa, Museum Restoration Service, 1970. Because of their accessibility,
illustrations from these works have not been reproduced in this study.
Many of the photographs included were taken by me at the Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich. Notwithstanding the questionable quality of some of the
photographs, they have been included for their information value.
Certain usages in this book should be noted. Original spelling in titles and text
references has been retained. The spelling "fuze" for the device that ignited a shell
rather than "fuse" is the convention adopted by British military writers. Similarly the
spelling "cascable" for that part of an artillery piece behind the base ring rather than
"cascabel" has been used because it was current with eighteenth and nineteenth
century military writers. The term hundredweight (cwt) in the period under study
was defined as 112 pounds, and the convention was often used of weighing guns,
carriages, etc. in hundredweight, quarters of hundredweight, and pounds. Guns and
carronades were usually identified by the weight of the round shot that they fired;
thus a 12-pounder gun fired a cast-iron ball that weighed approximately 12 pounds.
On the other hand, mortars and howitzers, which fired shells, were usually identified
by the diameter of the bore; thus an 8-inch mortar had a bore diameter of 8 inches.
There were certain exceptions - shell-guns, which did not fire solid shot, were
identified by their bore diameter and the Millar field howitzers were identified with
the guns of which they had the same bore diameter (e.g., a 12-pounder howitzer had
the bore diameter of a 12-pounder gun). The term equipment is sometimes used to
describe an artillery piece, its carriage, and accoutrements as a unit.


During the two centuries before 1700, the beginning of the period under study,
gunfounders had developed two materials that had the requisite qualities for the
manufacture of ordnance - hardness, tenacity, and elasticity.
In 1858, at the culmination of the smooth-bore era, an artillery officer
explained the need for these qualities:
The material should be hard, so as not to yield too easily to
the action of the ball when passing out of the bore; tenacious,
so as to resist the explosive power of the Gunpowder and not
to burst; and lastly, elastic, so that the particles of the
material of which the Gun is composed should, after the
vibration caused by the discharge, return to their original
position. 1
Artillerists found that cast iron and brass or gun-metal met these requirements.
(Strictly speaking, the latter composition was bronze, but contemporaries referred to
it as brass or gun-metal and to the ordnance cast therefrom as brass ordnance.)
Brass or gun-metal was an alloy of copper and tin, usually in the proportion of
10 parts tin to 90 parts copper for guns or howitzers and 12 parts tin to 88 parts
copper for mortars.2 In their pure form both components were inadequate to be cast
into ordnance. Copper, a very tenacious, ductile, and malleable metal, with a
relatively high fusing point (I083.0°C), was much too soft to withstand the passage of
a shot down the bore. Tin, less ductile than copper but malleable and even softer,
possessed an added disadvantage of melting at a relatively low temperature
(231.9°C). It had been known for centuries, however, that an admixture of tin to
copper served to harden the latter metal, although too much tin made the resulting
mixture brittle and thus liable to fracture. Copper and tin in the proper proportions
produced an alloy harder than either of its components, quite tenacious, and with a
fusing point somewhat lower than that of copper but considerably higher than that of
tin. Its advantage in gun founding was its strength; its disadvantage was its tendency
to heat up quickly, become soft and thus susceptible to damage in the bore. Brass
ordnance could not sustain rapid firing over a long period of time)
While most authorities included only copper and tin in the composition of brass
or gun-metal, some indicated that a small proportion of true brass (Le., an alloy of
copper and zinc) was also added. The anonymous writer of an eighteenth century
notebook remarked:
Some Founders recommend a small mixture of Brass from a
Notion that it promotes the union of the Tin with the Copper,
but this opinion does not appear to be founded on sufficient
grounds, and it should if used at all be added very sparingly, as
the piece might be endangered from its brittleness when
violently heated by repeated firing. 4
Analysis of the metal of a number of pieces of British brass ordnance of various dates
at the Tower of London has revealed that not only was zinc present in small
proportions but lead as well. Various other elements were also identified in minor to
trace quantities. Guns cast toward the end of the smooth-bore era were closer to
being bronze, that is, entirely of copper and tin. 5

Type Date Copper Tin Zinc Lead

% % % %

2 pdr. gun ca. 1700 79.5 11.3 0.50 3.55

Mortar 1726 89.1 6.8 0.30 0.35
24 pdr, gun 1743 90.8 2.25 0.10 0.75
Howitzer 1798 86.0 8.75 0.15 0.80
Howitzer 1810 87.1 6.65 0.15 1.00
6 pdr. gun 1850 87.5 8.5 0.05 0.50
9 pdr. R.M.L. 1870 88.7 8.1 0.05 0.40

Iron, the other material utilized to make ordnance, rarely exists in a pure form.
In a manufactured state it contains a proportion of another substance, usually carbon.
Wrought iron, the most pure, is relatively soft, and very tenacious, but it can only be
fused at a very high tempeature. Ordnance had been made of wrought iron, but,
because of the manner in which the iron was produced, only comparatively small
weapons could be manufactured. Cast iron, which contained more carbon, about five
per cent, was much harder, more brittle, and fused at a lower temperature. Produced
by smelting iron ores in a blast furnace which burned charcoal or, later, coke, the
molten iron could be cast directly as ordnance or alternately as pigs. The latter
could be resmelted in a reverberatory furnace to be cast into artillery pieces.
Considerably harder than brass ordnance but not as strong, cast iron pieces were
heavier with a greater thickness of metal than their brass equivalents. They were
less prone to injury in their bores, did not heat as quickly or melt at so low a
temperature, and they were considerably cheaper to produce. Slowly cast iron guns
superseded brass in all branches of artillery except in the field where lightness was of
paramount Irnpor-tance.s
There is no detailed eighteenth century account of gun founding in Britain until
the 1770s. Most descriptions are based on continental manuscripts or books and,
while undoubtedly correct in their broad outlines, do not provide detailed pictures of
what was happening in British foundries. Recently a series of 50 drawings, executed
probably by Jan Verbruggen (1712-81) or possibly by his son, Pieter (1735-86), master
founders at the Royal Brass Foundry, Woolwich (1770-86), have been published,
providing a graphic account of the process as it was practiced there in the late 1770s
and early 1780sl Supplementing these are two manuscripts in the library of the
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, written by Isaac Landmann, a teacher at the
Royal Military Academy from 1777 to 1815.8 One, written in 1793, seems to be daily
notes of activities in a brass foundry, undoubtedly at Woolwich. The other, bearing
the date 1795, appears to be the manuscript for a book based on the notes of the first
volume, although there is no evidence that it was ever published.f Unfortunately no
similar detailed records of iron gunfounding in eighteenth-century Britain have been
found, but it is fair to say that the processes were similar.
In order to cast a piece of ordnance, either of iron or of brass, an exact model
of it was built up of loam and clay on a wooden spindle bound with rope or twine.
Once this had been dried it was coated with carbon or wax, and the mould, which
produced the negative image, was shaped over it similarly in layers of loam and clay.
After being dried, it was encased in reinforcing iron staves and hoops, the model was
removed, and it was buried upright in a pit before the smelting furnace. When the
bath of metal in the hearth was sufficiently fused, workmen tapped the furnace
allowing the molten metal to flow into the mould. A feeding-head or dead-head was
cast on top of the piece either in a separate mould attached to the barrel mould or in
an extension of it. This provided for extra pressure on the metal hardening in the
barrel proper and allowed for filling up the shrinking volume of metal as it cooled.

Once cool, the casting was taken from the pit, the mould broken off, the barrel
deburred and smoothed, and the dead-head cut off.
Originally, guns, mortars, and howitzers, either of iron or of brass, were cast on
a core, built up of iron wire and clay over an iron spindle to the dimensions of the
bore. When the casting had cooled, the core was removed and the rough hole left was
reamed out to smooth it and to bring it to the exact dimensions of the bore. Quite
often, unfortunately, the bore was not true because either the core had shifted under
the pressure of the molten metal or it had been warped by the heat. An obvious
solution to this problem was to cast the gun solid and then to drill out the bore.
While the solution may have been obvious in theory, the implementation of it in
practice necessitated improvements in drilling technology. In 1715, Johann Maritz of
Burgdorf, Switzerland, invented a new cannon-boring mill that incorporated two
revolutionary innovations in technique. Firstly, the piece, rather than the drill, was
rotated, and the drill was fed into it. Secondly, the piece and the boring machine
were placed horizontally on a solid stone foundation, not vertically as before. 10
Maritz's machine had a number of advantages over the older vertical boring
devices. Because the piece rotated rather than the drill, it was easier to make the
bore straight and concentric with the axis of the piece. The horizontal position
allowed the massive stone foundation to be an integral part of the machine, far less
flexible than the timber jig which in the vertical machine held and lowered the piece.
Also, it was far easier to control the light iron drill than the heavy frame and piece
of artillery of the earlier machine. The new technique also allowed for machining
simultaneously with boring. Lastly it was much easier to load a piece of artillery into
a horizontal than a vertical mill. ll
Despite the success of the Maritz technology on the continent, some 50 years
were to pass before it reached England. The delay may have been due to the
reluctance of the French, who first adopted the new technique in their foundries, to
allow its export but it was also attributable to the conservatism of English founders,
particularly of Andrew Schalch, master founder at the Royal Brass Foundry,
Woolwich, from 1717 to 1770.
The Royal Brass Foundry was established in 1716. The Board of Ordnance had
been thinking of such an institution for a number of years with the hope of
standardizing land ordnance, of providing specifications for contractors, and of
ascertaining costs. Two events - the disaster of 10 May 1716 at Mathew Bagley's
foundry at Moorfields in which a casting blew up killing Bagley and a number of
onlookers and the discovery that the royal stores of brass land ordnance contained
only two 12 pounders - spurred on the Board to make the decision on 19 June 1716 to
set up the foundry.
Andrew Schalch, who had been trained at Douai in Flanders, was the first
master founder at Woolwich. During his tenure of 43 years he did little to keep up
with European technology. By the end of the Seven Years' War the foundry was a
shambles and the Board of Ordnance was looking to replace its master founder. The
Board opened negotiations with Jan Verbruggen, master founder of the Heavy
Ordnace Foundry at The Hague, but these initial negotiations in 1763 fell through,
and it was not until 1770 that the Board secured the services not only of Jan but also
of his son Pieter.
The elder Verbruggen had been appointed master founder at Enkhuizen, West
Friesland, in 1746 and had accepted the same position at the National Heavy
Ordnance Foundry at The Hague in 1755. With the aid of Johann Jacob Spiegler who
knew of the Maritz machine at Douai, over the next three years Verbruggen designed
and built a new horizontal boring machine, the knowledge of which he brought to
England in 1770. The arrival of the two Verbruggens at Woolwich that year brought
energy and experience in European technology to replace Schalch's lethargy and

incompetence. They had to rehabilitate the foundry, rebuilding the old furnaces and
adding a new one. They disposed of Schalch's ancient vertical boring mill and built
two new horizontal boring machines, one for cannons and one for mortars. (Later in
1776 they added a third.) By 1774 the newly reorganized Royal Brass Foundry at
Woolwich was in production. So satisfied was the Board of Ordnance that henceforth
all brass ordnance was to be cast at Woolwich, putting an end to the system whereby
Schalch had contracted out some of the work. 12 .
In 1774, shortly after the Verbruggens had introduced the Maritz technology to
England, John Wilkinson, an ironmaster, patented a horizontal boring machine for iron
cannon which seems to have been essentially the same as the Verbruggens'. Whence
Wilkinson obtained his knowledge is not known, but he could have seen the Maritz
system in France or Holland. At this time, a certain Anthony Bacon, who was
probably associated with or working for Wilkinson, submitted proposals to the Board
of Ordnance to manufacture solid bored-out cannon. The Board, which had just
experienced a great number of failures of guns cast by the Carron Company in
Scotland, was receptive and called in the Verbruggens to report on Bacon's castings.
The Board of Ordnance was so impressed with their findings that on 15 August 1776 it
stipulated that henceforth only guns cast solid and bored out would be accepted into
service. Wilkinson's invention was so successful that other ironfounders soon copied
it despite his patent. By the late 1770s all ordnance in England, brass and iron, was
being cast solid and bored out. l3
The technology which the Verbruggens introduced into the Royal Brass Foundry
in the 1770s did not change in essentials for over two generations, not until the 1840s,
when new machinery was installed, and the mid-1850s, when the moulding techniques
were revised. Bya study, therefore, of the Verbruggen drawings, of Isaac Landmann's
commentary, and of subsequent briefer descriptions it is possible to construct a
detailed picture of the process of brass gun manufacture as it was carried out in the
Royal Brass Foundry from the 1770s to the 1840s.
The first stage of the process was to create an exact model of the gun, mortar,
or howitzer that was to be cast. This was built up upon a tapered wooden spindle,
from eight to 12 feet in length and about two inches less than the model in diameter.
A sloping neck was cut into it about a foot from its thicker end and two holes were
drilled through this head to hold two cross bars by which the spindle was rotated. As
the years passed, the shape of the spindle may have become more formalized. A
drawing in a cadet notebook of 1849 gave very detailed dimensions for the spindle of
a 24-pounder howitzer.I 4
The spindle was then set upon a wooden turning frame and covered with grease
or soap to aid in its eventual removal from the mould. Beginning at the breech end,
workmen began winding a plaited straw rope around it. On smaller pieces the rope
was used only at the breech and muzzle ends while cord or yarn was wound around the
middle section. Landmann depicted the turning frame as separate, but most other
works showed it sitting atop a brick firebox in which a fire would be lit to dry the
mould during the next stage. 15
Over top of the rope or cord armature, workmen began to plaster on a
composition to complete the model. This was a combination of clay, sand, horsedung,
and water, well beaten and mixed to give it a smooth and homogeneous consistency.
Layers were put on by hand, each dried over a fire, until somewhat more than the
required dimensions were reached. Then a wooden stickle board or pattern of the
profile of the piece being modeled (by the 1790s edged in iron), was held against the
model to smooth and shape it as it was turned on the frame. Finally the model was
coated with wax or a solution of wood ashes in water to prevent it from adhering to
the mould.
With the aid of a trunnion gauge that ensured that the trunnions were level and

at right angles to the axis of the model, wooden replicas of the trunnions, well
greased, were attached by long iron skewers or nails. Finally wax models of the
dolphins (if required), of the vent shell, and of the arms of the monarch and of the
Master-General of the Ordnance were made in permanent moulds and attached in
their proper place by iron skewers. In the nineteenth century the regulations called
for the ornamentation to be engraved, thus doing away with the wax models of the
coats of arms. Also, the models of the vent pan (much simpler than a shell) and of
the front sight were made of lead. The dolphin models remained of wax.
Once the model was dry, the mould, which was the negative image, was built up
on top of it. The initial two or three layers of composition, put on by hand, were a
combination of finely pulverized refractory clay and silicon sand, with perhaps a
small amount of cow's hair, well mixed in water. Since fire drying would melt the
wax, each layer was allowed to dry in the air. Then a coarser mixture of clay, sand,
and larger amounts of cow's hair was plastered on by hand, coatings of it alternating
with coverings of tow (flax or hemp) which aided one layer adhering to the next.
Before they became buried in the composition, the iron skewers holding on the
ornaments and dolphins were carefuly removed. When the mould had reached the
required thickness, its final shape was determined by the application of a pattern
board. After the final coating was dried over the fire, iron staves, which matched
the shape given to the mould by the pattern board, were bound tightly around it by
iron hoops. It was finished by a final application of fine mould composition and then
dried over a fire.
In preparation for the removal of the model, the completed mould was lifted
from the turning frame and placed upon a wooden cradle. A workman struck the
narrower end of the spindle, which was conical and well greased, with a wooden
mallet, while other workmen steadied the opposite end of the mould and carefully
removed the loosened spindle. The rope was then wound out of the cavity and set
aside for future use. The trunnion models were either pulled out or shoved into the
cavity and removed. To calcine the clay of the model that still remained, a fire was
burned inside it and the debris broken or swept out. The fire melted whatever wax
remained of the dolphin and ornament models. Later when lead replaced wax to
model the vent pan and front sight, these models had to be picked out by hand.
Workmen then inspected the interior for any defects or flaws, and repaired any they
found with a trowel and model composition. A coat of a lye mixture was spread over
the interior surface to prevent the molten metal of the casting adhering to the walls
of the mould. The mould was then taken to the casting pit to be annealed. 16
The Verbruggen drawings indicate that the dead head and barrel moulds, except
in the case of large mortars, were made as a unit. Landmann and subsequent
authorities say that the dead head mould was constructed separately and then
attached to the main mould in the casting pit. I? It was made in exactly the same way
as the main mould, of dimensions to fit onto the latter. A hole was drilled into it
near its top into which a clay pipe or sprue was introduced, through which the molten
metal would flow into the mould. Bound with iron staves and hoops the dead head
model was taken to the casting pit to be attached to the main mould by wires through
holes in the ends of the staves.
In the casting pit the mould was supported upright on a low foundation of bricks
with intervals between them. A charcoal fire was lit beneath the mould and old hop
poles burned within. The fire was kept going for two or three hours until the interior
of the mould was red hot, the clay on the verge of vitrification. Then it was put out,
the mould was covered with an iron lid, and allowed to cool. This process of
annealing hardened and toughened the clay to resist the molten metal of the casting.
At this point the main mould was ready to be attached to the cascable mould
which had been made separately using similar methods. This model was built up upon

a wooden disk, its diameter depending on the size of the piece to be cast, pierced
through the centre by a wooden spindle. Modeling composition was layered onto the
disk and straw rope was wound around the spindle followed by coatings of composi-
tion. When the appropriate size was reached the proper shape was achieved by using
a stickle board or pattern. Once it had dried it was coated with wax or a solution of
wood ashes. The mould was built up over it with alternating layers of mould
composition and tow until the correct size was realized whereupon it was dried over a
charcoal fire. Since the cascable mould had to bear the entire weight of the mould
and metal, the Verbruggens placed it in a metal container which it was made to fit
exactly. Landmann indicated that the container was used only with heavy pieces.
The cascable moulds of lighter pieces were strengthened by being encircled with two
metal straps.l8 At this stage a collar was turned on the cascable mould to ensure its
exact fit into the main mould. The model was removed and the mould was annealed
by burning charcoal under it.
The open breech end of a small mortar was closed slightly differently because
its trunnions, unlike those of a gun or howitzer, were located at its extremity. The
models of the trunnions were removed in the usual way. A plug of loam was
fashioned to the required size and its interior surface moulded against a long model
of the trunnions inserted into the trunnion holes. Incorporated into the plug was the
mould of the protrusion to fit into the chuck of the boring mill) 9
According to the Verbruggens the mould of a large mortar could not be built up
on a horizontal model. Rather it was constructed much in the manner of a bell
mould, around a vertical spindle. An iron tripod, from which an iron rod ran to a
wooden beam above, was set atop a brick firebox. A stickle-board, or template,
rotating through 360 degrees, by which the model was shaped, was attached to the
iron rod.
A brick armature was built up around the tripod in the general shape of the
mortar. Onto this workmen applied layers of clay to build up the model, which was
finally shaped by the application of the stickle-board. Coincident with the applica-
tion of the clay, a fire was lit in the firebox to ensure a gradual drying of the model.
The breech section was produced separately and attached, the metal rod being
removed beforehand. Finally a wax coating was applied and the wax models of
whatever ornaments were called for were attached with iron skewers.
When the model was dry, the mould was built up in the usual way by smoothing
on layers of composition. After a template, attached to the overhead beam, was used
to give the mould its final shape, the iron reinforcing loops and staves were attached.
The massive mould was then lifted by block and tackle off the firebox and placed on a
wooden cradle where the brick armature and clay model were removed. After
inspection and repair, if necessary, the interior surface was brushed with a solution of
ash to prevent the molten metal penetrating the mould. After it was well baked it
was read to be taken to the casting pit, where the dead-head mould would be
attached. 0
Once the cascable mould of a gun or howitzer was ready it was taken to the
casting pit, where the main mould was lifted up, the brick support and ashes cleaned
out, and the ground carefully levelled. The cascable mould was lowered into its
proper position in the pit. Into it a disk of cloth, the edge of which was pierced by a
number of small rings, was placed. This cloth served as holder for a small candle, by
whose light the workmen could observe the joining of the cascable and main moulds,
and as a depository for any dirt or debris which might fall into the mould. It was
eventually removed by hauling it up on a long string that was threaded through the
rings and extended upwards through the barrel mould.
The main mould, with the sprue opening facing inwards, was lowered carefully
onto the cascable mould. The candle was snuffed out and all the openings were

closed to prevent debr is from entering. The joint of cascable and main mould was
smeared with composition to ensure as close a fit as possible. Finally it was
ascertained that the mould was perfectly vertical.
From an adjoining pit workmen lifted baskets of damp earth, spread it thinly
between the moulds (more than one piece was usually cast), and firmly compacted it
by tamping with iron or bronze weights. The trunnion holes were closed with
firebrick when the level of the earth reached them. The filling and compacting
continued until the sprue holes were reached. The work was completed as quickly as
possible, as many workmen as were available or could fit into the pit being employed.
They tamped the earth until it had the solidity of stone.
A channel of loam, or later of firebricks, which led from the furnace door and
passed by the various sprues, was built into the surface and was so constructed that it
sloped away from the furnaces. 21 At its end a pit was dug to hold any excess metal.
Iron plates would be inserted into the channel at intervals so that the moulds could be
filled consecutively, not all at once. The channel was fired with charcoal to anneal
While the pit was being readied the furnace in which the charge of metal was to
be melted was lit. The furnace was the reverberatory type, that is the firebox, in
which cord wood was burned, was separated from the furnace proper where the metal
was melted. The flames, passing through the firehole, played over the metal and
heated the roof of the furnace to a white heat, thus melting the metal by both
convection and radiation.
The charge of metal consisted of old used-up guns, captured pieces, metal
filings, deadheads, and other scraps as well as such amounts of pure copper and tin as
would be sufficient to create a gun-metal of the proper proportions. The founder
carefully weighed the metal to equal the weight of the pieces to be cast and assayed
its quality, either by eye or by immersing samples in nitric acid to ascertain the
proportions of copper and tin. Pure ingots of the latter metals would be added
toward the end of the smelt to adjust the proportions if necessary.
It was important that the furnace be heated gradually to ensure as little
damage as possible to its walls and especially that the floor be well heated before the
charge was introduced and melted. Sometimes large old pieces were put in
beforehand, but they were elevated above the furnace floor by bricks to allow the
flames to play around and under them, heating the floor of the furnace before the
metal fused. As the metal melted more and more of the charge was added to the
molten bath which was kept well stirred by wooden poles. Periodically the dross on
the surface was skimmed off with a large wooden rake. Toward the end of the smelt,
the founder, if he thought it necessary, threw in the pure ingots of copper and tin.
Workmen stirred and skimmed the bath once more and the furnace was ready to be
While the metal was being brought to the proper temperature, the founder was
coordinating activities outside the furnace so that all would be completed precisely
when the furnace was ready to be tapped. The charcoal fires that annealed the
channel were not extinguished until just before the tapping so that the channel would
be hot when the metal flowed through it. It was swept out and the metal sluice gates
which controlled the flow of metal were inserted. The covers were removed from the
moulds and the cloths containing the candles and any debris that had fallen in were
taken out in the manner previously described. According to Landmann, the bottom of
the moulds were cleaned out by a ball of wax on a long pole. 22 The sprue openings
were uncovered and iron plugs of a shape to fit them on the end of iron rods were
inserted into the sprue holes of the first moulds to be filled.23
The furnace now could be tapped. Using the crook or lancet, a long iron pole
curved into a semi-circle at one end and suspended by chains so that it could swing

freely, a workman drove the iron plug of the tapping hole into the middle of the
furnace, allowing the molten metal to run out into the channel. In order that as little
dross as possible would flow into the moulds, the level in the channel was allowed to
rise above the level of the sprue openings before the stoppers were removed, thus
allowing only the pure metal to enter. Once the moulds in the first section were
filled (this might be two or four depending on their size), the sluice gate was removed
and the metal allowed to flow into the next section where the same procedures were
followed. When all the moulds had been filled the last sluice gate was pulled up and
the excess metal allowed to flow into the pit to be saved for future use. Once the
furnace was empty, the iron plug was retrieved the fire was put out, and the doors
and chimneys were closed.
When the moulds had cooled for a day, workmen began the dirty, hot, and
uncomfortable job of digging them out. This was done as quickly as possible, for slow
cooling made the metal brittle. When the earth level had been reduced sufficiently,
each mould was broken free by block and tackle, usually leaving the cascable mould
behind in the fill. Once out of the pit the hoops and staves were removed and the
mould broken off with a sledge hammer. Then a hammer and scraper were used to
remove whatever crust had formed on the surface of the piece. The dead head was
sawn off by hand and a chisel and file used to remove whatever inequalities remained
on the cross section. 24 The piece was ready to be taken to the machine shop to be
In the machine shop the axis of the piece was determined by finding the centre
point on the face of muzzle and on the protrusion behind the button. At this point a
hole was drilled into the muzzle. The protrusion at the other end was chipped and
filed into a square which would fit into the chuck of the rotating device. This done,
the piece was mounted in the lathe; one end rested in the chuck, and the muzzle was
supported by a steel centre inserted into the hole and mounted on top of the boring
The muzzle was to turn in a support, called a steady-rest, at the end of the
boring table. In order that it would run true the piece was rotated and a collar of the
same size as the hardened steel bearing of the steady-rest was cut round the muzzle
concentric with the centre hole. The steel centre was removed and the muzzle
clamped into the steady-rest. The centre hole was enlarged to take the first of the
three or more drills, each of an increased diameter, which would be used. The
cutting edge of the drill was at the end of a long rectangular shank which was
securely clamped between two exactly parallel metal guides. The drill and the axis
of the piece had been lined up with the aid of a series of plumb bobs hanging from the
ceiling above the lathe and boring table. As the piece was turned by horse power, the
drill was gradually fed into it by a rack and pinion device at the rear of the drill
While the boring was progressing, the surface of the piece was being smoothed
by a chisel as much as the ornamentation would allow. Later, when the ornamen-
tation was engraved most of the surface of the piece could be finished at this stage.
Areas that could not be reached were finished later by hand with chisels and files.
The trunnions were also brought to their proper size and shape by hand. Finally the
vent was drilled and the piece was ready to be proofed.
Before discussing proofing, I want to describe a machining process was carried
out after the piece had been tested, namely bouching. 25 A bouch was a threaded
plug, usually of copper, with the vent hole drilled along its axis, that was screwed
into a piece at the vent. Bouching was adopted to combat the enlargement of the
vent as a piece was fired. Copper was used because it did not melt at as low a
temperature as gun-metal nor corrode as readily as cast iron.
Brass guns were issued bouched, but it is not known when the practice began.

Landmann described the process in 1793, but there are no references before this.2 6
Possibly the practice was first adopted sometime in the 1780s.
The evidence concerning the bouching of cast iron guns is more abundant. The
vents of the iron guns at the sieges of Badajoz and San Sebastian during the
Peninsular campaign in 1812 and 1813 had enlarged badly. In consequence the Royal
Artillery carried out experiments at Woolwich in the autumn of 1813 testing common,
wrought iron, and copper vents. Copper withstood the firing best, although wrought
iron also resisted well. It was decided, therefore, to bouch guns with copper when
their vents had become enlarged from .2 to .25 of an inch. In 1855 it was ordered
that all iron guns (except 6- and 9-pounders which by then were only used to fire
salutes) were to be bouched before issue.2 7
From 1844 to 1855 wought iron bouches were used. It was believed that a
"galvanic" action was set up between the copper bouch and the iron gun which caused
their corrosion. In 1855 exp.eriments proved that this was not true and the use of
copper bouches was resumed.2 8
The process as described by Landmann and later manuals remained essentially
the same although the tools became more sophisticated. The vent hole was drilled
out into the bore, first with a narrow and then with a larger set of drills. The latter
drilling did not penetrate into the bore but stopped where the thread was to end. The
remainder of the hole was finished as a cone. The hole was then tapped down to the
beginning of the cone, burrs were removed, and the hole was cleaned with tow. Next
the copper bouch, well oiled, was screwed in by a hand lever or wrench.
The bouch was a threaded cylinder of pure copper, with a vent drilled
lengthways along its axis, one end squared to receive the wrench and the other
slightly conical. This conical end ensured a tight fit into the bore of the gun. After
the bouch had been screwed home an impression of the end of the bore was taken to
ensure that the fit was proper and that no gap existed between the bouch and the
bore. Then the projecting end was cut off with a long cutter especially designed for
the purpose, care being taken that the two surfaces were flush. Then that part of the
bouch above the surface of the gun was sawn off and by the use of a chisel and
hammer made flush with the surface. Then the vent hole was opened and the vent
reamed and gauged. A final impression was taken inside the piece and if that was
satisfactory the operation was finished. 29
Landmann's description in 1793 differed in some details from the above, being
less refined. Landmann made no mention of the conical end, either of the bouch or of
the hole it was to fit. The accompanying drawing in his manuscript showed that the
thread extended the length of the bouch and hole. The projecting end of the bouch
was cut off by the final drilling bit inserted into the bore and turned by hand)O It is
not known when the cone bouch was developed; perhaps it arose out of the series of
experiments at Woolwich during the autumn of 1813.
The process of manufacture of brass ordnance in the Royal Brass Foundry,
which has just been described, remained essentially constant until the 1840s. The
machinery that the Verbruggens installed remained in use until 1842, when the
Inspector of Artillery, Colonel Dundas, inaugurated a series of changes by which, in
the opinion of one expert, "•••the manufacture of brass guns •••was brought up to as
great a degree of perfection as may be considered attainable in the present state of
the art."31 The old horsepowered boring mills were done away with, a steam engine
was introduced, new boring machinery brought in, and new machinery designed and
built to perform those tasks originally done by hand with file and chisel. The same
jobs had to be done but they were done more efficiently and more accurately:
If this Department, as it stood in 1841, with its rude boring
mills turned by horses, and with all the finishing work per-
formed by the hand chisel and file of the workman, were

placed side by side with the Department in 1851, furnished as

it was with steam power, with numerous lathes, and with self-
acting machines for boring, turning, and finishing the guns, the
value of the labour and energy which has been expended
thereon, would be sufficiently apparent. 32
Shortly after 1855, when Colonel F. Eardley Wilmot had been appointed
superintendent of the Royal Brass Foundry, a new method of creating the moulds for
brass guns was introduced. Instead of being destroyed each time a mould was made,
the model, which was cast in iron, could be reused. The model of one-half of the
piece, convex surface uppermost, was attached to a specially designed cast iron
table. It was carefully oiled and sprinkled with dry sand to prevent adhesion to the
mould. A cast iron jacket or gun box was carefully placed over the model and the
interval between them rammed with the mould composition, a mixture of two parts
loam and one part sand. When the space was completely filled, the model was
withdrawn by a device which lowered it through the section of the table on which it
rested. The interior surface of the mould was washed with a mixture of tan-ash and
water to prevent the molten metal penetrating the mould wall during casting. A
large number of holes in the metal jacket allowed the mould to be ventilated by
driving a pricker almost through its walls. These holes permitted gases to escape
when the metal was poured in. Then the mould, and its mirror image, were taken to
the stove (i,e. a room with a grate in it) for drying. After 10 or 12 hours the two half
moulds were taken to the casting pit, lowered in, and bolted together. In the
meantime, the gun metal had been melted in a reverberatory furnace. When the bath
of metal had achieved the proper temperature, the furnace was tapped to release the
molten metal. It flowed into the mould along a wrought iron channel covered with
3/4-inch of loam to protect the iron. Apparently the mould was no longer buried but
propped up in some manner. After cooling for about an hour in the pit, the moulds
were taken out and, when properly cool, the castings were finished and machined in
the manner already described. 33
The discussion to this point has been mainly about the manufacture of brass
ordnance, about which we have considerably more information than about the
manufacture of iron. Until late in the 1850s all iron pieces were cast by private
manufacturers from whom no documents comparable to the Verbruggen drawings or
Landmann's descriptions have come down to us. The two processes were similar.
Originally all ordnance, whether brass or iron, was cast in clay or loam moulds,
in the manner already described. Another method, casting in sand moulds, was
adopted for iron weapons. Hughes in his study of smooth-bore artillery claims that
sand moulds were being used by 1750, but he gives no source. 34 There is no detailed
description of the process in England until well into the nineteenth century. The
most complete was given in 1809 by Louis de Toussard in The American Artillerist's
Companion. 35 The author was a French artillerist in the American service, but he
seems to have been quite familiar with British authorities. His description of iron
gun casting matched closely with later descriptions in British manuals. Little change
seems to have occurred in the process during the first 60 years of the nineteenth
century and quite possibly during the years before.
Whereas the model was destroyed when the clay or loam method of the
Verbruggens was used, the model was retained for reuse when sand casting as
described by de Toussard was employed. The model was an exact replica of the
piece, made of hard wood, iron, or brass. It was divided into a number of hollow
pieces - cascable, two reinforces, chase, muzzle, and deadhead. A cast iron jacket
or flask which would contain the model corresponded to each of these parts. Except
for the two cascable flasks, all the others were in halves joined longitudinally by pins
and keys (later by nuts and bolts). Flanges on the ends of each flask allowed it to be

joined to the next flask. The mould was built up by ramming sand in the interval
between the flask and the model.
The sand had to have certain characteristics. It must not melt during the
baking of the model or the pouring of the metal. It must not have too much clay
mixed with it or it would contract too much during drying. Its grains had to be rough
and angular in order that it would hold together. A sand of quartz, angular, rather
coarse, and very refractory, was prescribed. In order to give the composition
consistency it was moistened with water in which clay was dissolved and well mixed.
Each model, which was coated with a carbon solution, was centred vertically
inside its flask and sand was rammed down between it and the flask, care being taken
that only a small amount of sand was rammed at one time. When one section was
finished its upper surface was sprinkled with powdered charcoal to prevent its
adhering to the next section. Then the next model was lowered onto the completed
model and mould, the two models being joined by rabbets. The corresponding flask
was then put into place and connected, and more sand was rammed here. This
process was repeated until the deadhead was finished. The trunnion moulds were
attached to the main mould by screws from the inside. The sand was rammed home
from the side and metal covers were fixed over the flask openings. The screws were
taken out before the main model was removed.
When the mould was completed, the flasks were disassembled and set upon the
ground, their large ends uppermost. The hollow models were disengaged from the
sand and lifted out to be reused. The trunnion models, their attaching screws having
been previously removed, were pulled from their positions. The flasks containing the
moulds were then taken to the stove, a brick lined room with a large grate, in which
they were dried for about fifteen hours. The interiors of the moulds were then
brushed with a coating of carbon and clayed water to prevent the molten metal
adhering to the surface of the mould. Following this the flasks were taken to the
casting pit where they were resassembled. The process of casting and machining was
similar to the process for brass ordnance already described)6
Before a piece of ordnance was accepted into service it was necessary to
ascertain that it met the specifications set forth by the Board of Ordnance and that
it was safe to fire. It was submitted to proof by the Ordnance at Woolwich. A
parliamentary commission in 1783 neatly summarized the process:
Every gun first undergoes an examination, and then a proof
li.e, by being fired]. The examination is performed with
Instruments calculated to discover errors in the forms and
position of the bore, and to ascertain whether the construction
is agreeable in every respect, to the mould sent as a pattern to
the Gun-Founder; then by forcing water into the bore; and
lastly by an inspection of the inward surfaces, effected by
throwing into it a quantity of light, by means of a mirror,
which frequently discovers concealed defects that escape
every other examination and proof)7
No descriptions of proofing before 1750 have been found7,. but there are tables of
proof powder charges from the 1720s and perhaps before. 3<s Accounts after 1750
agree, more or less, in their general outlines.
The piece of ordnance, whether brass or iron, gun, howitzer, or mortar (or
carronade after 1779), was first inspected by eye and by instruments to detect any
imperfections. Its length was measured and the thickness of metal ascertained. The
bore had to be of the proper diameter and its axis coincident with the axis of the
piece. The trunnions must be level, of the correct diameter, and in their proper
position. The vent had to be of the proper diameter and correctly bored. Small

variations were allowed, but discrepancies beyond these resulted in the piece's
The interior of the bore was next inspected. A searcher was used to detect
holes or honeycombs in the bore. It consisted of an iron socket, with four to eight
branches bent outward at their ends into sharp points, connected to a pole of from
eight to 12 feet. The searcher was inserted into the bore of the gun and twisted
around as it was slowly withdrawn. The branches of the socket were sprung outwards
and became caught in any hole that was in the surface of the bore. If a hole was
discovered, a chalk mark was placed on the handle of the searcher and also at the
hole's position on the exterior surface of the gun. Then a second searcher with only
one point, on which a mixture of wax and tallow was stuck, was inserted to discover
the hole and to take an impression of it. If the hole was 1/4-inch deep or of a
considerable length the piece was rejected. This regulation was refined by the 1790s:
a hole of 0.2 inch in the charging cylinder or 0.25 inch in the chase caused the
rejection of the piece. 39
One other instrument, the reliever, should be noted. It was a flat ring attached
by a socket at right angles to a pole. The ring was put over the searcher pole and
thrust into the gun to release the seacher if it became stuck.
In the 1770s General Thomas Desaguliers invented a more sophisticated and
complex instrument to detect imperfections in the bore.
This instrument, grounded on the truest mechanical principles,
is no sooner introduced into the hollow cylinder of the gun,
that it discovers its defects, and more particularly that of the
piece not being truely bored, which is a very important
one ••• 40
This device, or one based on its principle, was still in use almost a century later (See
Appendix B for a detailed description of its operation).
When a piece had been successfully proofed by instrument, it was taken to the
proofing butts where it was fired twice with a predetermined charge of powder, two
junk wads, and ball (carronades were proofed with only one wad) [see Appendix C for
proof charges]. After each firing it was carefully inspected and searched as before to
detect any holes or cracks which had appeared. The guns were laid on the ground
supported by a billet of wood to raise their muzzles slightly and fired into a wooden
butt. Mortars and howitzers were fired at an elevation of 70 degrees out into the
If the piece passed this trial, it then had to undergo the water proof. John
Muller had doubts about its efficacy.
Sometimes water is forced into them, but this proof is
insufficient; it has been found, that though the water pene-
trated through the piece in several places, yet they were very
good and serviceable. 41 ,
Smith does not mention this proof in his An Universal Military Dictionary in 1779, but
it was certainly well established by the mid-1780s. 42
The piece was stopped up with a tapering wooden plug through which a hole had
been drilled lengthways. Originally it had been driven tightly into the bore with a
setter and mallet, but by the mid-1780s, due to problems in getting it out, the plug
was lined with cow-hide and held in place by chains wrapped around the trunnions.
The piece was filled with water, the vent was plugged, and a hose was screwed into
the plug and attached to a pump. It was worked for about five minutes to attempt to
force water out through any cracks which might be in the piece. If any water
appeared the piece was rejected. When the water had been emptied out and the bore
dried, a mirror was inserted to detect any holes or spunginess. Either sunlight or a
special candle inserted in the bore would illuminate the mirror. The flaws, which

would still be damp while the rest of the bore was dry, were thus easily detected. 43
In 1782 Captain Thomas Blomefield was appointed Inspector General of
Artillery at Woolwich, responsible for the proofing of ordnance. He entered into his
job with great vigour and subjected the pieces to rigorous proofs. According to his
proposed regulations for iron ordnance, should one gun in 10 burst, then the whole
number submitted from that cast would be rejected immediately. If a smaller
proportion failed, then the inspector could select two other guns which had been cast
immediately before and after the burst gun, and fire each 20 times with the service
charge. If either of them failed, the inspector could reject the whole batch (See
Appendix A).
Such rigour was not appreciated by the contractors and a less demanding
solution was worked out. If any gun were to burst, then all the guns of that batch
would be subjected to a third proof, using the same charge as in the first two proofs.
Any failure could result in the whole batch being rejected. According to the
documentation, this was an arrangement worked out with the contractors, but not yet
approved by the Board of Ordnance. 44 A later manual of 1801 notes:
Ordnance suspected of being bad are often subject to a more
severe proof; that of firing 30 rounds quick, with the service
charge and 2 shot ••• 45
A survey of the manuals and notebooks after 1800 reveals that in all essentials
the method of carrying on the proof continued much as it had before (See Appendix 0
for proof charges). The instruments used became more refined - for example, the
handle of the seacher was graduated to aid in measuring and the pump became more
powerful exerting more pressure on the water in the bore during the water test. A
notebook of 1859 could almost have been written in the 1770s. It began:
The examinations & proofs to which ordnance are subjected in
this department are arranged as follows
I) instrumental proof.
2) fire proof.
3) searcher.
4) water proof.
5) sun proof.
It then went on to describe Desaguliers' instrument used for ascertaining the size and
trueness of the bore, and the various callipers and levels to measure the external
surfaces. The method of fire proof was much the same except that by the later 1850s
a galvanic battery was used to ignite the powder charge by transmitting an electric
current through copper wires to the tube. The searchers were used in the usual
manner and the gun was proofed with water and then with a mirror. 46
The century and a half after 1700 saw a number of technological developments
that resulted in British ordnance being arguably the best in the world by 1860. By the
beginning of the eighteenth century gun founders had discovered that brass, often
called gun-metal (really bronze, an alloy of copper and tin) and cast iron were most
suitable for the manufacture of ordnance. Because of its cheapness and less
proclivity to damage, cast iron came to replace brass except for field pieces for
which lightness was of more importance. In the first half of the eighteenth century
British technology tended to lag behind developments on the continent where Maritz's
invention of a horizontal, as opposed to a vertical, boring mill and the innovation of
turning the artillery piece rather than the drill bit allowed ordnance to be cast solid
and then accurately bored out. The Verbruggens, who replaced Andrew Schalch as
master founder at the Royal Brass Foundry in 1770, introduced the new technology to
England for brass ordnance in the early 1770s and the iron founder John Wilkinson
adapted it to iron ordnance by the end of the decade. The adoption of a rigorous
proofing system in the 1780s, under the supervision of Thomas Blomefield, Inspector

General of Artillery, along with the introduction of the new technology, ensured the
quality of British smooth-bore ordnance for another 60 years. In the 1840s and 1850s
new machinery and technical innovations were introduced into the Royal Brass
Foundry to increase the efficiency of operation, but the processes remained essen-
tially the same. By the 1850s the technology that had perfected smooth-bore
muzzle-loading ordnance was being turned to the task of replacing it with rifled
breech-loading artillery.


Originally brass guns were cast in all calibres from the heaviest 42-pounder to
the lightest l-pounder (the 4-pounder seems to have been an exception) and they were
used for all purposes - on ships, for sieges, and in the field. As explained previously,
the heavier brass pieces were replaced by iron guns because of the latter's cheapness
and durability, except in the field service where lightness was of more importance.
By the 1760s field guns included 24-, 12-, 6-, 3-, and 1-1/2-pounders, but the 24-
pounder came to be little used in the field and even the 12-pounder was awkward.
(The 1-1/2-pounder was obsolete by the 1770s.) By the 1790s, when the 9-pounder
field piece was introduced, the standard brass field guns were the 9-, 6-, and 3-
pounders. (A I-pounder or amusette has been recorded but its history is somewhat
obscure.) The 9-and 6-pounders remained in service thereafter but the 3-pounder was
relegated to colonial or mountain service where its lightness was of value in rugged

-_________________ E B
------ --l--------i
, ,
lI lI
I !

n o


.AB Length ol"dle Gun L Veru;Ji'Uld h .BaseRi'o/
AC .First Rein/Orce N Vent i .Base Ring Ogee
CD Second R~inlOrce o SweU ol'"rhe NUJJ ie k YNlr FUld Astragal ~ Filleu
DE Chase VAK Breech 1 flr.rrRein/brce.Rin;y
EB MUl3le S fiUUon In Second Reinl'"orce Rin!l & 09~e
F A Cas-cable a b .Lluffon Astra:;aZ n Alii-JJleAS'h'agtll kFil/~r.r
GH .Bore c d Heel, 0 ~fu3:-le Mouldi"!/.r
RH b·t.,· ol"rlu1'f~c' e f Neel.- Fi"ller s ShM"ldu' ortll~ T,.,,,nnwn
I Tru'Ullonr g Jireech Ogt't'! t u /Jianue-er 01'" rile Bort'! or ("a/ibn

Figure 1. The parts of a gun. (Griffiths, The Artillerist's Manual••• (London, 1847),
opposite p. 55.)


Details about the 42-pounder brass gun are mostly lacking. James mentions it
three times in his notebook, circa 1722. In 1715, a 10-foot version of 66
hundredweight was recommendedfOr naval use. There also was a slightly shorter,

and presumably lighter, model of 9 feet 6 inches. James included a table of

dimensions given in Armstrong's regulations of 1725 that specified only the 10-foot
model, but unfortunately the details are largely incomprehensible. 1
The 42-pounder may have gone out of fashion temporarily for it was not
included in the mensuration of 1743, the highest calibre recorded being a 32-
pounder) It was included in the Board of Ordnance's regulations of 1764 at 9 feet 6
inches in length and weighing 61 hundredweight) Thereafter it was noted in various
notebooks or manuals. Until the late 1770s it was usually cited at 61 hundredweight,
after that its usual weight was said to be 66 hundredweight. 4 An increase of 5
hundredweight undoubtedly indicated some change in design, perhaps an increase of
metal around the breech, but it is only speculation. The 42-pounder was last
mentioned by Adye in his manual of 1813. 5 Hughes in his study was of the opinion
that the gun was obsolescent by 1800 and obsolete by 1816.6
Thomas Walton, who was probably a civilian employee of the Board of
Ordnance, was the only authority who recorded any dimensions, specifically those of
the establishment (Le., the official dimensions promulgated by the Board) in 1778/
Unfortunately, he gave only diameters, except for the length of 9 feet 6 inches.

Diameters ft. in. 10th

On the base ring 1 9 75 ?

Behind the 1st reinforce ring 1 7 0
Before the 1st reinforce ring 1 6 166 ?
Behind the 2nd reinforce ring 1 5 5
Before the 2nd reinforce ring 1 4 5
At the muzzle astragal 1 1 916
At the muzzle swell 1 5 166

Thickness of metal at the

muzzle astragal 3 443


The 32-pounder brass gun is as obscure as the 42-pounder. Two lengths, 10 feet
and 9 feet 6 inches, were recorded in James' notebook in the 1720s, but no mention of
it was made in the table of dimensions laid down by Armstrong in 1725. 8 According to
the mensuration of 1743, however, the gun was 10 feet long and weighed slightly
more than 55-1/2 hundredweight. 9 There was no mention of a brass 32-pounder in the
Board of Ordnance's regulations of 1764 nor by Walton in his table of 1778.10 Adye,
in his notebook of 1766, gave detailed dimensions of a gun 9 feet long. This is at odds
with the rest of his table of guns which agreed with the mensuration of 1743. 11 A
brass 32-pounder continued to be noted throughout the century, the last reference
being in Adye's manual of 1813. Usually it was listed at 10 feet in length, weighing
55-1/2 hundredweight.1 2 It is impossible to know if there were any changes in design
since the only detailed specifications were those of 1743. 13 According to Hughes,
the 32-pounder, like the 42-pounder, was obsolescent by 1800 and obsolete by 1816.1 4


In the 1720s at least four different 24-pounder brass guns were reported. In one
table, James listed the partial specifications of three of them, "according to the First
and Second Regulation:,,15

Base ring to
Length trunnion centre Weight
Ft. In. Ft. In. Cwt, Qr, Lb.

10 6 4 6 54 0 2
10 0 4 3 51 3 26 1/2
9 6 4 1 not given

In another table, listing weapons according to Armstrong's regulations of 1725, he

noted only one 24-pounder of 9 feet in length, with no weight given)6 The lack of
detail in the first table and the obscurity of it in the second, in which diameters of
the piece were intended to be set out, make it impossible to describe these guns more
fully. The distance from the base ring to the trunnion centre, given in the first table,
approximates the proportion later attributed to Armstrong of 3/7 the length of the
About 1750 Glegg copied into his notebook detailed dimensions, according to
the mensuration of 1743, of a brass 24-pounder of 9 feet 6 inches, weighing 52
hundredweight, 1 quarter, 12 pounds.L/ Whether this was the same gun that James
listed in the 1720s is impossible to say. A 24-pounder of this length, weighing 51 or 52
hundredweight, continued to be noted in books and manuals into the next century, the
last reference to it being in Adye's manual of 1813)8
Two new models were brought into use about 1750: an 8-foot gun of 40
hundredweight and a 5-1/2-foot gun of about 16 hundredweight, both of which,
according to the Aide-Memoire, were intended for the field service. 19 All three
varieties were included in the regulations of dimensions formulated by the Board of
Ordnance in 1764, and they continued to be mentioned in books and manuals
throughout the century.2 0 Their weights tended to increase slightly by about 1780
which may indicate increases in diameters (see below).
According to a table of 1778, attributed to Congreve, there was a 24-pounder of
5 feet in length, weighing 16 hundredweight, 3 quarters, 13 pounds.U This length and
weight of gun continued to appear subsequently and was included in Adye's manuals of
1801 and 1813.2 2 The slightly longer gun of 5-1/2-feet also was noted, but no record
has been found of both guns being recorded in the same table. It is quite possible that
a new model was introduced, but it is equally possible that someone made a slight
error in copying, an error which was repeated subsequently. After 1778 the weight of
either length of gun was said to be 16 hundredweight, 3 quarters, 13 pounds (in one
case only 13-3/4 hundredweight). A difference of 1/2 foot of metal should have made
a difference in weight.
Probably in the 1790s Thomas Blomefield introduced a new light brass 24-
pounder. It was slightly more than 6 feet 3 inches long, that is 13 calibres, and
weighed 24 hundredweight, that is one hundredweight of metal for each pound of
shot.2 3 According to Hughes, this new gun shared the fate of the other three: all
were "out of service after failure at the siege of Badajoz in 1811."24
There are a number of documents extant that illustrate these guns to a greater
or lesser extent. Drawings of a 9 foot and a 9-1/2-foot brass 24-pounder, tentatively
dated to circa 1735, from which exact dimensions can be extracted, have been

preserved at the Royal Artillery Institution Library, Woolwich (Figs. 2 and 3).25 An
actual example from 1748, weighing about 50 hundredweight, is on display at the
Rotunda, Woolwich, but unfortunately its length is not in the museum catalogue (Fig.
4).26 Dimensions of a 9-1/2-foot gun were included in the "mensuration" of 1743, and
these dimensions (with some differencesl, along with those of the 5-1/2-foot gun,
were put into Adye's notebook of 1766.2/ Walton gave partial dimensions for the
three models in 1778.28 Finally, in 1791, Rudyerd made scale drawings of the heavy
and medium guns during his course at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwkh.2 9

Figure 2. Brass 24-pounder, weight: 50 hundred weight 3 quarters 22 pounds, length:

9 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings,
circa 1735.)

Figure 3. Brass 24-pounder, length: 9 feet 6 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa 1735.)

The basic design of the heavy and medium guns, that is the number and
arrangement of their parts, was very similar. The only differences, other than
length, between the two guns in the circa 1735 drawings was the presence of a fillet
behind each of the three rings of the 9 foot gun, while the 9-1/2-foot gun retained a
fillet behind only the first reinforce ring. The 1748 gun at the Rotunda appears to
match this latter drawing, including the single fillet behind the first reinforce ring.
Rudyerd's drawing is similar except that the fillet has vanished. The only repre-
sentation of the medium 24-pounder, by Rudyerd in 1791, showed that it followed the
basic design of its heavier sister.
A comparison between the detailed dimensions of the circa 1735 drawing, the
mensuration of 1743, and those given by Adye in 1766 of the 9-1!2-foot gun indicates

Figure 4. Brass 24-pounder, cast in 1748 by Andrew Schalch, weight: 50 hundred-

weight 2 quarters 24 pounds. It has been painted black. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, 11/45.)

a great degree of similarity. The 1743 dimensions and Adye's, with two very minor
exceptions, were identical in the body of the piece. Adye's dimensions showed,
however, that the cascable had increased in length from 11 to 12 inches, with
corresponding changes in the diameters of the fillets. The circa 1735 dimensions
were very similar in diameters, but the lengths indicated slightly longer reinforces
and a correspondingly shorter chase (a difference of 2.09 inches). Walton, for 1778,
gave no lengths, only diameters or thicknesses of metal, which were consistently
larger by about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. This increase in metal was reflected by the weights
given: slightly more than 51-1/4 hundredweight in 1743 and 53-1/2 hundredweight in
1778. The gun drawn by Rudyerd in 1791 was lighter than either of these, slightly
more than 50 hundredweight, and the dimensions, although not specifically stated,
seem also to vary slightly. It is therefore very difficult to come to any general
conclusions, except that between 1735 and 1791 there was little change in the overall
appearance of the heavy brass 24-pounder of 9-1/2-feet.
There is less detailed information available about the medium gun of 8 feet.
The earliest set of dimensions discovered, those set down by Walton for 1778,
included, except for overall length, only diameters and thickness. He gave the length
at 8-1/2-feet, but this must be an error, for elsewhere in his notebook he indicated
that it was 8-feet long. Rudyerd drew a plan of a medium 24-pounder, 8 feet in
length, weighing 2 pounds more than 41-3/4 hundredweight, the exact weight set
down by Walton. The dimensions of the scaled drawing seem to be very similar to
those given in 1778.
Although no drawings have been discovered of the light 24-pounder of 5-1/2-
feet, Adye provided detailed specifications in 1766 and Walton set down its diameters

for 1778. A comparison indicates, as in the case of the heavy gun, that the diameters
had increased by the latter year and, it is assumed, the weight as well. According to
the regulations of the Board of Ordnance in 1764, the light gun weighed 16
hundredweight 1 quarter 12 pounds while in 1778 it was listed at the increased weight
of 16 hundredweight 3 quarters 13 pounds.
The appearance of this weapon was more simplified that the heavy and medium
versions. In 1766 Adye noted:
NB. These Guns [light pieces generally] have no other
Mouldings besides y~ Base Ring & Ogee next to it. The Ogees
have no fillets except that at the Muzzle which has two fillets
like all other Guns & the Reinforce is join'd by a little Cavity.
There is a small Ring cast under the Neck of the Cascable to
fix the Elevating screw, which is used with light Field Pieces,
instead of Coins or Wedges)O
In his table Adye gave the length of the vent field and the chase girdle, which implied
the presence of the vent field and chase astragals and fillets, and he mentioned
specifically the muzzle astragal. Walton's table in part confirms this description in
that it left blank the diameters of the reinforce rings and recorded the thickness of
metal at the muzzle astragal,
The 24-pounder described by Adye in 1801 as "Blomefield's," of 6 feet 3 inches
and 24 hundredweight, undoubtedly was designed to replace the shorter light piece)l
A formula for its construction was given in a manuscript notebook attributed to Isaac
Landmann, circa 1790)2 According to these notes its length was 6 feet 3.669 inches
long or 13 calibres and its weight 24 hundredweight. (There may be a slight error as
13 calibres exactly would be 6 feet 3.699 inches, the calibre being 5.823 lnches.) The
design of the gun was a reversion to a more traditional outline. The two reinforce
rings and the second reinforce ogee were put back on, but the chase astragal and
fillets have vanished.


The brass 18-pounder gun seems to have been a rather obscure weapon.
Between about 1725 and 1780 it was recorded at various lengths from a rather short 7
feet 6 inches to 10 feet. By 1780 in its various manifestations it was probably
obsolete, until, about 1790, it received a renewal of life when Thomas Blomefield
brought forward his 18-pounder of 5 feet 9 inches and 18 hundredweight. The British
artillery used the new weapon in the Peninsular campaigns, but withdrew it from
service, along with the 24-pounders, after its failure at the siege of Badajoz in 1811.
In the second quarter of the eighteenth century three lengths of brass 18-
pounders were identified. James listed two in his notebook, "according to the First
and Second Regulation," at 9 feet and 9 feet 6 inches in length but he gave no
weights. In addition he gave the lengths from the base ring to the centre of the
trunnion, 3 feet 10 inches and 4 feet 1 inch respectively, that is about 3/7 the length
of the gun which would be in accordance with Armstrong's proportions)3
Two drawings, tentatively dated circa 1735, depicted two 18-pounders, one 9
feet 6 inches and weighing 46 hundredweight 1 quarter 17 pounds, and the other 10
feet and weighing 54 hundredweight 1 quarter 12 pounds (Figs. 5 and 6). Detailed
measurements were written on the drawings. 34 Except for a minor variation in the
cascable design, the profiles of the two guns were identical, although the proportions
of the lengths of the reinforces and chase to the total length were not exactly the

Figure 5. Brass l8-pounder, weight: 46 hundredweight 1 quarter 17 pounds, length: 9

feet 6 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of
Drawings, circa 1735.)

Figure 6. Brass l8-pounder, weight: 54 hundredweight 1 quarter 12 pounds, length:

10 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings,
circa 1735.)

Although a 10 foot l8-pounder continued to be mentioned for another 40 years,

no detailed measurements of it subsequent to 1735 have been found. There are
however, detailed measurements of the shorter gun recorded in 1743 and in 1766. 35
These three sets of dimensions were very similar. The diameters were practically the
same but the reinforces of the circa 1735 gun were slightly longer with a
correspondingly shorter chase (a difference of 3.49 inches). The only difference
between the dimensions of 1743 and those of 1766 was that the length of the cascable
had increased by 1766 from 10 to 12 inches, with corresponding changes in the fillet
diameters. Otherwise the basic design was very similar.
Both these lengths of 18-pounder brass guns were mentioned in notebooks or
manuals until about 1780. 36 Significantly, however, no 18-pounder was recorded in
Walton's table of 1778)7 In all likelihood, therefore, by the late 1770s the 18-
pounder had become obsolete. Adye, in whose tables appeared other brass guns of the
1770s, failed to mention it in his manuals in the first decade of the nineteenth
At this point three anomalous brass 18-pounders should be noted. In his An
Universal Military Dictionary, George Smith claimed that in 1753 there was an 18-
pounder ships gun of 9 feet and 48-1/4 hundredweight. He also recorded two other
versions, one of 9 feet and weighing the extraordinary weight of 20-1/4 hundred-
weight and the other of 7 feet 6 inches and 27-3/4 hundredweight. 39 The light gun
was probably the l8-pounder that Muller had cast for the East India Comgan y, 9 feet
in length weighing 2400 pounds or 21 hundredweight 1 quarter 20 pounds.f Smith said

that the short gun was a garrison piece. All three guns were mentioned in a table
attributed to William Cargreve in 1778. 41
In 1801, Adye listed in his manual a new 18-pounder gun of 5 feet 9 inches and
18 hundredweight, attributed to Thomas Blomefield. 42 This gun, like the 24-pounder
and 12-pounder of Blomefield's design, was 13 calibres in length (5 feet 8.796 inches
exactly) with a proportion of 1 hundredweight of metal to 1 pound of shot.
Undoubtedly it was designed at the same time as the other guns, that is in the 1780s
or early 1790s. 43 According to Hughes it saw service in the Peninsular campaign but
was no longer used after its failure at the siege of Badajoz in 1811. 44


The early history of the brass 12-pounder gun is obscure. In the 1720s James, in
his notebook, gave some details on two models:

Length Base ring to

trunnion centre Weight
Ft. In. Ft. In. Cwt. or. Lb.
9 6 4 1 30 3 20 1/2
9 0 3 10

The distance from the base ring to the trunnion centre is very close to 3/7 the length
of the gun, which would match the proportions later ascribed to General Armstrong's
construction. In another table, largely indecipherable, James also noted a brass 12-
pounder of 8 feet in length, but nothing more is known of this gun. 45
In a portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, there is extant a detailed plan of a 12-
pounder of 9-1/2-feet weighing 21 pounds more than 44-3/4 hundredweight (Fig. 7).46
Obviously, because of its great weight, this could not have been the gun noted by
James. Interestingly, a brass 12-pounder of 9-1/2-feet and weighing 17 pounds more
than 45 hundredweight was used in 1776 for experiments on different kinds of shot. 47
Probably such a heavy weapon was used because of its strength resulting from the
thickness of metal around the bore, especially at the breech. No other record has
been found of such a heavy 12-pounder; undoubtedly it was obsolete before the 1770s.
The standard heavy brass 12-pounder, for use in garrison, on ships, or as a
battering piece, was 9 feet in length and weighed 29 hundredweight. Details of its
dimensions were given in the mensuration of 1743. 48 The length and weight were the
same as those given in the Board of Ordnance's regulations of 1764.49 The 1743
dimensions were very similar to those given by Adye in his notebook in 1766, although
there were some small variations in diameters, in the size of some of the mouldings,
and an increase in 1766 in the length of the cascable. 50 While there would be little
difference between a heavy 12-pounder cast according to the specifications of 1743
and one cast according to those of 1766, by the late 1770s there may have been some
considerable increase in the thickness of metal. In 1778 Walton recorded diameters
that were mostly greater than those of Adye, and he indicated that the weight of the
gun had increased to 31-1/2 hundredweight. 5 l This heavy brass 12-pounder continued
to be mentioned throughout the rest of the eighteenth century, and was included in
Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813.52 Undoubtedly it had become obsolete before 1800.
Sometime around 1750 two shorter and lighter models came into service - a
medium gun of 6 feet 6 inches weighing about 21 hundredweight and a light piece of 5
feet weighing about 9 hundredweight. It is impossible to say precisely when they

Au'")''' l.'''Ill911t11~,D~B.,,.,...., ~,{J 44-11'"


Figure 7. Brass 12-pounder, weight: 44 hundredweight 3 quarters 21 pounds, length:

9 feet 6 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of
Drawings, circa 1735.)

were introduced. The 5-foot gun was mentioned in Glegg's notebook from the 1750s
and in Muller's 1757 edition of his Treatise on Artillery.53 The medium gun, along
with the light piece, was included in the 1764 regulations of the Board of Ordnance. 5ij
Both guns were mentioned thereafter throughout the century and were listed in
Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813. 55 In all likelihood they had become obsolete before
Detailed specifications of the 5-foot field piece were given by Adye in 1766. 56
According to a note in Adye's notebook this gun, like the light 24-pounder, was simply
designed, lacking reinforce rings and fillets, the second reinforce joining the chase by
a small cavity or curve. Like its heavier sister it too had a ring cast under the neck
of the cascable to which to fix the elevating screw. This would seem to be very
similar to a gun of which Walton gave partial dimensions in 1778. 57 He included no
lengths and only certain diameters, leaving out those of the reinforce rings, implying
thereby that they did not exist. The diameters in his table, except for the muzzle
swell, were consistently larger suggesting a somewhat heavier piece, although of the
same general appearance.
There are no detailed dimensions of the medium 12-pounder, except for the
diameters given by Walton in 1778.5 8 In all likelihood its profile was similar to the
heavy rather than to the light piece.
Both of these guns were included in Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813, but by
1800 they were undoubtedly obsolete.59
Probably in the early 1770s an artillery officer, Thomas Desguliers, designed a
new 12-pounder, 7-1 /2-feet long and weighing about 22 hundredweight. It continued
to be mentioned in notebooks and in Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813, but it too was
obsolete by 1800. It will be considered below in a separate section along with the 6-,
3-, and I-pounders that Desaguliers also designed.
In the 1790s two new 12-pounders were added to the service which, according to
Adye in 1801, "•••are the only ones now used on general service." 60 One was a new
medium gun, of the same length as the old, 6 feet 6 inches, but lighter at 18
hundredweight. The other was a light piece, 5 feet in length but weighing 12
hundredweight. Both these guns, according to Landmann's notes, circa 1790, were
designed by Thomas Blomefield. 61 At least one of the new medium guns had been
cast by 1794, when a committee of artillery officers recommended a casting of five
new pattern pieces in order to compare them with the older pattern of 21
hundredweight. 62 The records are incomplete but presumably shortly thereafter the
gun was officially sanctioned for service.
The medium 12-pounder remained in service during the rest of the smooth-bore
era, but the light piece was not mentioned beyond the mid-1840s. In 1825 a student

at the Royal Military Academy noted that the medium 12-pounder was "excellent,"
but remarked, perhaps jaundicedly, that the "Light 12 Pr might be of use in Canada
and Countries of difficult movement."63 It seems likely that the light piece saw
little use. In the 1840s only the medium gun was included in the tables of brass
pieces in the Aide-Memoire and in the drawings and tables made by Boxer in 1853 for
the students of the Royal Military Academy (Fig. 8).64 As late as 1881 the 12-
pounder of 18 hundredweight was still included in lists of weapons to be retained on
active service. 65

Figure 8. Brass 12-pounder, weight: 17.5 hundredweight, length: 6 feet 6.6. inches,
circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XIX.)


In his notebook in the early 1720s James referred to three brass 9-pounders, but
he gave no details of each gun other than its length and the distance from the centre
of the trunnion to the base ring: 66

Length Trunnion centre to base ring

Ft. In. Ft. In.

9 6 4 1
9 o 3 10
8 6 3 8

If the measurement is from the rear of the base ring to the trunnion centre, in
each case the distance is within a fraction of an inch of being 3/7ths the length of the
gun, in accordance with Armstrong's system of proportions.
The subsequent history of the brass 9-pounder remains obscure for about the
next 40 years. The table of measurements of 1743, contained in Glegg's notebook,

contains a column for the gun's dimensions but it is entirely blank. Almost 20 years
later, however, in 1764 a heavy 9-pounder, 9 feet in length and weighing 26
hundredweight, was included in the establishment of artillery of the Board of
Ordnance. 67 In 1766 Adye gave detailed dimensions for this gun in his notebook. 6& In
177& in his comprehensive table, Walton left the ~ace for the heavy 9-pounder blank,
but he did record it elsewhere in his notebook.s Undoubtedly the gun was obsolete
by then.
Neither in Adye's nor in Walton's tables was there any mention of a light 9-
pounder field piece. Yet Hughes in his study of British smooth-bore artillery
maintains that a light 9-pounder was first cast in 1719 and cites Muller to prove its
use during the campaign of 1747)0 In his Treatise of Artillery Muller reproduced
lists of guns, horses, and equipment of that campaign which included brass 9-
pounders, but, since it required 11 horses to pull one gun, it seems likely that the gun
referred to was the heavy, not the light, piece)l If indeed a light gun was used in
1747, it is clear that it was not in general use during the rest of the eighteenth
By the 1790s Thomas Blomefield had produced his system of design for guns,
which included a brass 9-pounder of 17 calibres or 5 feet 11.4 inches in length and
weighing 13-1/2 hundredwelght.Z? It is not known when the Board of Ordnance
ordered the production of this model, but by November 1&05 it was being tested at
Woolwich to ascertain its ranges)3 The gun came into its own in 1&0& when the
British forces in Spain found that they were being out-gunned by French & and 12-
pounders. A brigade of 9-pounders was brought in and it proved so successful that, by
the time of the battle of Waterloo, Wellington had ordered that half of his troops of
Horse Artillery were to be armed with the gun. By this time the field batteries were
similarly equipped)4
Following Waterloo the 9-pounder became the standard gun of the Field
Artillery, although the Horse Artillery reverted to the light 6-pounder. The gun was
used extensively and achieved a degree of fame during the Crimean War (Fig. 9»)5
Its design underwent little change except for the addition of a dispart sight on its
muzzle and the loss of its do1phins)6 An example of the gun, cast in 1&59, is
preserved at the Rotunda, Woolwich (Fig. 10).77 Nearby is what might have been an
experimental model, cast in 1&57. Except for the base ring all the mouldings have
vanished, the two reinforces have been combined into one, and it joins the chase by a
slight curve)& According to the catalogue of the Rotunda Museum, only a few guns
of this pattern were manufactured (Fig. 11). The standard model was cast until 1&62
and as late as 1&&1 was still on the active service list)9

Figure 9. Brass 9-pounder, weight: 13.5 hundredweight, length: 5 feet 11.4 inches,
circa 1&50. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XX.)

Figure 10. Brass 9 pounder, cast in Figure 11. Brass 9 pounder cast in
1859, weight: 13 hundredweight 2 1837, length: 6 feet 7 inches. (The Royal
quarters 1 pound, length: 6 feet. Cf. Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Figure 9. (The Royal Artillery The Rotunda, 11/91.)
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The
Rotunda, 11/90.)


In the 1720s James listed four brass 6-pounders in his notebook: 80

Length Base ring to

trunnion centre Weight
Ft. In. Ft. In. Cwt, Qr. Lb.

9 0 3 10 18 0 14
8 6 3 8
8 0 3 5 Blank
7 6 3 3

In all cases the distance from the trunnion centre to the base ring is fractionally
close to 3/7 of the length of the gun, in accordance with Armstrong's system of
proportions. The weight given for the longest gun seems light. There is a drawing of
a 6-pounder of 9 feet, circa 1735, which was said to weigh slightly more than 27
Of these four guns all but the 8-foot one passed from the scene quite quickly.
There are extant drawings, tentatively dated 1735, of brass 6-pounders of 9 feet and
8 feet in length (Figs. 12 and 13).81 It is impossible to determine if these were of the
same design as those of the 1720s; as noted above there was a discrepancy in the
weights of the guns of 9 feet in length. The weight of the gun of 8 feet was not given
on the 1735 drawing. The gun of 9 feet was last mentioned in a notebook, circa
1770.82 --

Figure 12. Brass 6-pounder, weight: 27 hundredweight 14 pounds, length: 9 feet.

(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa

Figure 13. Brass 6-pounder, length: 8 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa 1735.)

The gun of 8 feet and 19 or 19-1/4 hundredweight remained in service probably

until the end of the 1770s. It was included in the table of mensuration of 1743 and
listed in the establishment promulgated by the Board of Ordnance in 1764. 83 Adye
gave detailed dimensions in his notebook in 1766 and Walton included it in his tables
of diameters of 1778.84 A comparison of the dimensions of circa 1735, 1743, and
1766 reveals that, except for the length of the cascable which in Adye's table of
dimensions has increased by 3 inches, there were only a few fractional variations and
that the design had remained unchanged. A further comparison with the diameters
given by Walton also shows only minor variations of no significance. An example of
this 6-pounder, cast by the Verbruggens in 1774 is held at the Rotunda, Woolwich,
and, as far as can be determined without its detailed measurements, seems
tocorrespond to the drawing of 1735, with the addition of dolphins (Fig. 14).85 The
gun was still listed by Adye in his manual of 1813, but it must have been long obsolete
by then. 86
Two smaller 6-pounders were also included in the establishment of 1764 - a
medium gun of 5 feet and 10-1/4 hundredweight and a light gun of 4-1/2 feet and 4-
3/4 hundredweight. 87 It is not known precisely when these guns were introduced, but
the light piece was used in Flanders during the campaigns of the 1740s and Muller
wrote of testing one that was at the battle of Lauffeldt in 1747. 88 Both models were
noted by Glegg in his notebook of the 1750s. 89 An example of the light gun, cast by
Gilpin in 1756, is held at the Rotunda, Woolwich. 90 It was being used as late as 1783
when it burst at St. Lucia in the West Indies. Despite a large section missing from
the reinforces, it is still possible to understand its design (Fig. 15).
Adye set out detailed dimensions of the light field piece in his notebook of
1766.91 Athough no exact measurements of the burst gun of 1756 have been made, it
seems to match generally the dimensions given by Adye, Its weight, 4 cwt, 2 qr, 22
lb., agrees with that given in the regulations of 1764. There may, however, be a
difference in detail for Adye appended a note to his table that "These Guns field
pieces have no other Mouldings beside ye Base Ring &: Ogee next to it." Since he
mentioned the vent field, chase girdle (both of which were in part delimited by an
astragal), and muzzle astragal in his detailed specifications, presumably he meant
merely that there were no reinforce rings and ogees. The gun of 1756 clearly has a
first reinforce ring and ogee, but equally clearly no second reinforce ring or ogee,
The second reinforce joins the chase by a shallow caveto or curve. Either Adye was
in error or a minor change was made in design after 1756.
Neither the gun of 1756 nor that detailed by Adye was the same as a light 6-
pounder that Rudyerd drew in his notebook in 1791. 92 The latter's length was the
same, 4-1/2 feet, but it was slightly heavier, 5-1/4 hundredweight, and its proportions
were different. This new gun was introduced into the service probbly in the 1770s,
certainly by 1778. The diameters given by Adye in 1766 were significantly different
from those given by Walton in 1778 (he gave no lengths); the latter matched those of
Rudyerd's scaled drawing. 93 As well, references have been found beginning late in
1778 and continuing in 1780 to Capt. Congreve's light 6-pounder or to 6-pounders "of
the new Construction," all 4-1/2 feet in length and weighing more than 5 hundred-
weight. 94 In his 1977 booklet on the light 6-pounder Adrian Caruana is of the opinion
that the references to Congreve merely signified that the gun was mounted on the
carriage designed by Congreve. 95 It is at least arguable that Congreve designed the
new gun and that his name was attached to it in the same way that Belford's and
Desaguliers' names were attached to the guns that they designed. On the other hand
Rudyerd's drawing conforms to the dimensions given by Landmann in the 1790s which
he attributed to Armstrong. 96 This light 6-pounder of 4-1/2 feet was listed in Adye's
manual of 1813 but by then it was undoubtedly obsolete. 97

Figure 14. Brass 6-pounder, cast by the Figure 15. Brass 6-pounder, cast by
Verbruggens in 1774, weight: 19 Richard Gilpin in 1756, we ight: 4
hundredweight 2 quarters 6 pounds, hundredweight 2 quarters 22 pounds,
length: 8 feet. (The Royal Artillery length: 4 feet 6 inches. Burst at St.
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Lucia in 1783. (The Royal Artillery
Rotunda, II/59.) Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The
Rotunda, 11/48.)

The other short brass 6-pounder which was in service by 1764 was a medium
gun, 5 feet in length, weighing about 10-1/4 hundredweight. 98 Few details are
available about this gun. Adye did not mention it in his detailed tables in 1766. In
1778 Walton recorded a medium 6-pounder, but stated its length at 7 feet and its
weight at 12 cwt. 1 qr , 17 lb. This is the only reference to such a gun. It is
impossible to say whether Walton was in error or whether such a gun existed.
Elsewhere in his notebook he clearly referred to the medium 6-pounder of about 10
hundredweight. 99 Two examples of this gun, cast by the Verbruggens in 1778, are held
at the Rotunda, Woolwich, both of which were rifled for experiments in 1790.100 The
design is like the heavier guns, not the light pieces, with the usual rings, ogees, and
astragals. Both guns weigh slightly more than 10 hundredweight. One is said to be 5
feet in length, the other 5 feet 5 inches, but this latter measurement must be an
error. This gun was included in Adye's manual of 1801 but not of 1813.101 It was
undoubtedly obsolete by 1800.
As well as Congreve's light 6-pounder, two other 6-pounders were probably
introduced in the 1770s. One was designed by Thomas Desaguliers, 7 feet in length
and weighing about 12-1/4 hundredweight. It will be dealt with below in a separate
section. It is sufficient to say at this point that as late as 1825 it was in use. In that
year Mould commented that it was "...Good Shooting but not good travelling gun."102
The second gun introduced in the 1770s was a light piece of 5 feet, weighing
about 5-1/2 hundredweight, designed by William Belford, a distinguished artillery
officer who had risen from a cadet in 1726 to become Colonel-Commandant of the
Royal Regiment of Artillery by 1751. 103 In 1778 Walton listed a light 6-pounder of 5
feet but gave no weight; presumably this was Belford's gun,104 It was mentioned by
name during experiments held at Woolwich in December 1778 and at Winchester in
August and September 1780,105 There are also records of trials held in 1792
involving light 6-pounders of 5 feet and weighing slightly more than 5-1/2 hundred-
weight. r 06 The details of the gun's construction are not complete since Walton gave
only diameters, but there is extant a gun of 5 feet at the Rotunda, Woolwich, cast by
Francis Kinman in 1794 (Fig. 16). No weight is given in the museum catalogue, but
this probably is Belford's gun,107 The gun was last mentioned by Adye in his manual
of 1813,108
The last pages of Walton's notebook were devoted to range tables and
experiments with case shot, including in part the use of brass 6-pounders. Three of
these would appear to have been Desaguliers', Belford's, and Congreve's, but three
others had not previously been recorded. One was 6 feet long and weighed 8:3:30 [sic,
20?]; the two others were each 5-1/2 feet long and weighed 8:3:37 [sic, 277] and
8:0:22 respectively. The first of these latter two guns was refered to in two tables as
"heavy"; the second gun as "reduced." In another table both appeared to be termed
"heavy reduced." No date has been ascribed to these experiments, but since they
follow tables dated 1792, it seems not unlikely that they were carried on in the early
In 1801 Adye did not include these guns in his manual; he listed only one
medium gun of 5 feet and 10 hundredweight. By 1813 his manual had dropped this gun
and added two medium guns, one called "new" of 6 feet and weighing 8:3:27 and the
other called "reduced" of 5-1/2 feet and weighing 8:0:11. 110 These appear to be two
of the three guns listed by Walton. Adye noted that the medium reduced, along with
the gun of 7 feet, were the only 6-pounders on general service. Neither of these
medium guns was mentioned after 1813 and both were probably obsolete before then.
As part of his system of gun design Thomas Blomefield produced the design for
two 6-pounders in the 1790s, a heavy gun of 17 calibres or 5 feet 2.356 inches in
length and weighing 9 hundredweight and a light gun, 5 feet in length and weighing 6
hundredweight (Fig. 17).111 It is difficult to determine how extensively the heavy

Figure 16. Brass 6-pounder, cast by Francis Kinman in 1794, length: 5 feet. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, 11/72.)

gun was used for it was rarely mentioned, but by 1825 Mould, in his notebook,
commented that the 6-pounder, 5 feet in length and weighing 9 hundredweight
(presumably Blomefield's gun, the length given being a slight error) was "not used."
Its dimensions were given in Boxer's diagrams of the 1850s but it was not included in
the tables of artillery in the Aide-Memoire. 112 Presumably it was obsolete by 1820,
probably because it gave little advantage over the light gun, while weighing 3
hundredweight more.
The light gun was in service as early as 1797, an example cast that year being in
our Parks collection together with one of 1813 (Fig. 18). The Tower of London holds
a similar piece cast in 1798. 113 This gun became the standard weapon of the Horse
Artillery until it gave way to the 9-pounder Armstrong gun in the 1860s. It was
reportedly last cast in 1862.114 A comparison between drawings of the gun made in
circa 1820 and Boxer's diagram of the 1850s shows no changes in design. 115 The
precise dimensions were supplied by the Aide-Memoire and the Boxer drawing; the
minute differences in some of the measurements are insignificant,l16 The only
change that occurred was the addition of a dispart sight on the muzzle in the 1850s.
Three examples of the gun from this decade are at the Tower of London,l17 As late
as 1881 it was still on the active list,l18

, \1' H



Figure 17. Light and heavy brass 6-pounders, (1) weight: 6 hundredweight, length: 5
feet; (2) weight: 8.75 hundredweight, length: 5 feet 2.356 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer,
Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXI.)

Figure 18. Light brass 6-pounder, cast by John and Henry King in 1797, weight: 6
hundredweight 1 pound, length: 5 feet. (Parks, Lower Fort Garry National Historic


James listed four brass 3-pounders in his notebook of the 1720s:

Length Base ring to

trunnion centre Weight
Ft. In. Ft. In. Cwt, Or, Lb.

7 0 3 0 10 2 0 1/2
6 6 2 10 8 3 18 1/2
6 0 2 7
5 0 2 2

The distance from the centre of the trunnion to the base ring is exactly 3/7 the
length of the gun of 7 feet and is within fractions of an inch of this proportion in the
other three guns. This would be in accordance with the proportions of the
construction attributed to Armstrong. 119
It is impossible to say precisely what these guns looked like, although the
longest may have resembled the circa 1735 drawing preserved at the Royal Artillery
Institution, of a brass 3-pounder of 7 feet (Fig. 19).1 20 The dimensions of this latter
weapon were very similar to those given in the mensuration of 1743 and by Adye in
his notebook of 1766, the most noticeable difference being an increase of almost 4
inches in the length of the cascable between 1743 and 1766.1 21 The collection of
arms in the Tower of London contains a brass 3-pounder, cast in 1742, 6 feet 11
inches long, weighing 11 cwt, 3 qr. 19 lb., which is similar in design to the circa 1735
drawing and, as far as can be ascertained from a line drawing, appears to match
closely the dimensions given in 1743.1 22 The Board of Ordnance included a brass 3-
pounder of 7 feet and 11-1/2 hundredweight in the establishment of 1764.1 23
Although the gun was mentioned throughout the rest of the century and was included
in Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813, it seems likely that it had become obsolete
before 1800.1 24

Figure 19. Brass 3-pounder, length: 7 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa 1735.)

There seems to have been an attempt to develop a lighter brass 3-pounder of 7

feet in the late 1770s. Such a gun, weighing only 6 cwt. 3 qr , 3 lb., now in the
collection at the Rotunda, Woolwich, was cast by the Verbruggens in 1777 (FiIi.
20).1 25 Walton referred to such a gun in 1781 but nothing more is known about it.1 b
Presumably it was not successful.

Figure 20. Brass 3-pounder, cast by the Verbruggens in 1777, weight 6

hundredweight 3 quarters 3 pounds, length: 7 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, 1I/63.)

As a complement to the heavy gun of 7 feet, a light 3-pounder of 3-1/2 feet and
about 2-3/4 hundredweight was introduced into the service probably in the 1740s, but
certainly by the 1750s. An example of this weapon, cast by William Bowen in 1756,
has been preserved at the Rotunda, Woolwich.l 27 The Board of Ordnance included it
in the establishment in 1764 and Adye recorded it in his notebook two years later, but
unfortunately, for reasons now unknown, he did not give any information about it
other than its length of 3 1/2 feet.l 28 In 1778 Walton gave partial dimensions, the
various diameters but not the lengths of its components.1 29 A second example of the
gun, cast by the Verbruggens in 1782, is also at the Rotunda, Woolwich.130 Although
Adye included it in his manuals of 1801 and 1813, it was likely obsolete by 1800. 131
Two other light brass 3-pounders were introduced into service in the 1770s.
Both were 3 feet long, one weighing about 1-1/2 hundredweight and the other about
1-3/4 hundredweight. The lightest of the two was designed by a well-known artillery
officer, James Pattison, and demonstrated before King George III at Woolwich early
in July 1773.132 Called a grasshopper, this gun was designed for rough terrain and
could be carried, with its carriage and ammunition, upon two horses. 133
The second gun, usually styled the "light infantry" 3-pounder, was slightly
heavier. It was probably introduced later than Pattison's, although this is by no
means certain, but by 1778 both were clearly in service according to Walton's list of
that year.l 34 Adye included both guns in his manuals of 1801 and 1813, but they
were likely obsolete before 1800.135
Adrian Caruana devoted a booklet in 1980 to these guns in which he referred to

two notebooks held by the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, one of which was a
list of drawings and the other the actual drawings. In the latter the draughtsman had
illustrated an "Irish 3 Pounder" and "Lord Townshend's 3 Pounder." Caruana
identified the Irish gun with Pattison's and the light infantry pattern with Lord
Townshend's. He produced a scale drawing of each gun, presumably extrapolated
from the illustrated manuscript although this is not made clear. Pattison's gun was a
conventionally designed piece with the usual mouldings; the light infantry gun, on the
other hand, has lost its reinforce rings and mouldings and seems to resemble the light
infantry pieces that Adye described in his 1766 notebook.l 36
There are problems with Caruana's drawings, however. The diameters of
Pattison's gun are consistently drawn larger than those of the light infantry pattern.
This should mean that the former would be the heavier piece. But in various
notebooks the weight of Pattison's gun consistently was given as being lighter than
the other weapon. Moreover, according to the table of 1778 in Walton's notebook, the
diameters of the lighter gun (i.e. Pattison's) were consistently less than the heavier
gun (i,e. the light infantry pattern). 137 The reconciliation of Caruana's drawings with
the evidence of the notebooks remains a puzzle.
During the 1770s, Thomas Desaguliers also designed a brass 3-pounder gun 6
feet in length and, according to Walton, weighing 5 3/4 hundredweight. Other
notebooks usually indicated 6 hundredweight. This gun will be dealt with below in the
section dealing with Desaguliers' construction.
By the 1790s new 3-pounders, designed probably by Thomas Blomefield, were
introduced into service. According to Landmann's notes, Blomefield included two 3-
pounders in his sytem. One was 17 calibres or 4 feet 1.521 inches long and weighed 4-
1/2 hundredweight; the other was 6 feet long and weighed 6 hundredweight) 38 The
evidence of the 3-pounders that are known to exist, however, indicates that a
somewhat lighter gun was actually introduced. Parks collection contains six brass 3-
pounders 4 feet in length, but weighing only slightly more than 3 hundredweight, all
cast by John and Henry King between 1799 and 1810 (Fig. 21). Similar guns are at the
Tower of London and at the Rotunda, Woolwich) 39 In appearance these guns seem
to conform to the standard Blomefield construction, but they are lighter than the
weight prescribed in his table.

Figure 21. Brass 3-pounder, cast by John and Henry King in 1810, weight: 3
hundredweight 7 pounds, length: 4 feet. (Parks, Lower Fort Garry National Historic

There was also a shorter 3-pounder of 3 feet and weighing abut 2 1/4
hundredweight. Parks has an example cast by Kinman in 1812 (Fig. 22) and the Tower
of London has another cast sometime between 1801 and 1810.140 The Parks gun
conforms to the usual Blomefield design, except there is no breech block to be drilled
for a rear sight.
Neither of these patterns was included in Adye's manuals of 1801 or 1813, an
omission which indicates that his information was not up to date. They are, however,
listed in a revised edition of 1827 and in various other notebooks until the close of the
smooth-bore era.1 41 In 1825, Mould, a cadet at the Royal Military Academy, noted
that the gun of 4 feet was "For Colonial Service" and that the shorter piece was
designated for "Mountain Service.,,142
Probably in the early 1840s, a second pattern of a 3-pounder of 4 feet was
introduced. The Aide-Memoire of 1845 and 1853 listed two models, one styled "light"
and the other "colonial." In 1849, Noble, a student at the Royal Military Academy,
made the same distinction in his notebook.143 A comparison of the dimensions given
in the Aide-Memoire with those given by Spearman in 1828 indicates that the gun
termed "colonial" after 1845 was the new pattern. Its dimensions differed from those
of the "light" gun by fractions of an inch; its bore diameter was slightly larger, 2.95
rather than 2.91 inches. Why it was considered necessary to create a new pattern
with such minor variations remains a puzzle. According to the catalogue of the
Rotunda, 3-pounders of 4 feet were not cast subsequent to 1859, although as late as
1881 the patterns of 4 feet and of 3 feet were still on the active service list.1 44
A heavy 3-pounder of 6 feet and 6 hundredweight continued to be recorded until
the 1850s. In Adye's manuals of 1801 and 1813 it was designated "Desagullers'" but
thereafter either "long" or "heavy."145 The dimensions given in the Aide-Memoire in
1845 and 1853 are not in keeping with the proportions for Desaguliers' construction as
outlined by Landmann in the 1790s.146 Also, the length was given at 72.8 inches, 0.8
inch longer. Although it is difficult to say for certain, in all likelihood the
Desaguliers' model was replaced by a pattern which probably resembled that
suggested in Blomefield's table of construction. This gun was not mentioned
subsequent to 1853 and was probably obsolete by 1850.

Figure 22. Brass 3-pounder, cast by Francis Kinman in 1812, weight: 2

hundredweight 14 pounds, length: 2 feet 11.9 inches. (Parks, Lower Fort Garry
National Historic Park.)


A brass l-l/2-pounder seems to have been in service from about 1720 to the
1770s when it was superseded by the lighter l-pounder or amusette. In the 1720s
James recorded a l-l/2-pounder of 6 feet in length, weighing 4 cwt, 2 qr, 22 1/2 lb.
As in the case of the other guns in the table, the distance from the base rin~ to the
trunnion centre was very close to 3/7 the length of the gun, 2 feet 7 inches. 47 This
weapon was probably not the gun depicted in the scaled drawing of circa 1735 (Fig.
23).1 48 The latter was also 6 feet long but it weighed more, 5 cwt, 3 qr, 24 lb. A
brass l-l/2-pounder was included in the mensuration of 1743 and in the establishment
promulgated by the Board of Ordnance in 1764.1 49 Its weight then was slightly
reduced at 5-1/2 hundredweight. Walton provided a column for its dimensions in his
table of 1778, but left it blank.l 50 Undoubtedly the gun was obsolete by then.
The appearance and dimensions of the l-l/2-pounder are provided by the scaled
drawin§ of circa 1735, by the mensuration of 1743, and by Adye's notebook of
1766) 1 The differences in the three sets of dimensions are minimal. The major
change by 1766 was the lengthening of the cascable and the moving of the trunnions
slightly forward. Otherwise the gun of circa 1735 seems to have been very similar to
that of 1766.

Figure 23. Brass 1 l/2-pounder, weight: 5 hundredweight 3 quarters 24 pounds,

length: 6 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of
Drawings, circa 1735.)

I-Pounder or Amusette

Brass I-pounder guns were in service early in the eighteenth century. In the
1720s James listed a model 4 feet long and the catalogue of the Rotunda included 2
examples from the reign of King George II, each 3 feet in length and weighing 1
hundredweight) 52 Little is known about these guns, however. Neither the
mensuration of 1743 nor the establishment of 1764 included this calibre. Only in the
mid-1770s did the British develop the I-pounder amusette.
The term amusette was first used by Hermann-Maurice, comte de Saxe, in his
treatise on the science of warfare Mes Reveries. Published in 1756, the treatise
described a light, long-barrelled field piece, capable of long range and quick firing.
Although de Saxe never developed the gun, a light l-pounder was issued to the
Norwegian and Danish infantry in 1758. The British did not design their version until
1776, presumably as part of the attempt to produce light pieces to serve in the rough
terrain of North America. 153
According to the gunfounder Pieter Verbrug~en the British model was based on
a l-pounder of 1669 which was nearly 7 feet long. 54 A gun of this calibre, cast in

1776, 6 feet 11 inches long, weighing 3 cwt, 1 qr , 12 lb., is preserved at the Rotunda,
Woolwich (Fig. 24).155 It is long and slim and has the conventional mouldings of the
period, except that it lacks the vent astragal and fillets. Also, the often elaborate
vent shell has been reduced to a round raised circle of metal through which the vent
has been drilled. Two other lengths, 5 and 6 feet, were also tried and after a series
of experiments the pattern of 5 feet was accepted as standard. 156 The Rotunda also
holds an example of this model, cast in 1782, weighing 2 cwt. 2 qr , 11 Ib (Fig. 25),157
Except for its length it resembles closely the pattern of 7 feet. The design of all
three lengths of this gun was attributed to Thomas Desaguliers.l 58

Figure 24. Brass I-pounder, cast by the Figure 25. Brass I-pounder, cast by
Verbruggens in 1776, weight: 3 Pieter Verbruggen in 1782, weight: 2
hundredweight 1 quarter 12 pounds, hundredweight. The total length is given
length: 6 feet 11 inches. (The Royal as 5 feet 5 inches; the nominal length is
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., likely 5 feet. (The Royal Artillery
The Rotunda, 11/61.) Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The
Rotunda, 11/70.)

British interest in the amusette returned in the early 1790s with the beginning
of the French revolutionary wars. Once again a series of experiments were
undertaken in 1794 using l-pounders of 5, 6, and 7 feet to determine if the amusette
should be reintroduced into service. One of these guns, of 5 feet and weighing 2 cwt.
2 qr, 3 lb., is preserved at the Tower of London. 159 Its design is different from the
earlier guns of 1776 and 1782 and appears to conform to Thomas Blomefield's
pattern) 60 According to Blackmore, "The experiments were evidently considered a
failure as no more amusettes were produced."161 In contradiction of Blackmore's
assertion, a I-pounder continued to be mentioned in notebooks and manuals until the
early 1860s and its detailed dimensions were included in the tables of both editions of
the Aide-Mernoire, It was often designated either "colonial" or "mountain.,,162

Desaguliers' Construction of Brass Guns

Beginning with Walton's table of 1778 there appeared in various notebooks and
manuals references to General Desaguliers' guns, 12-, 6-, 3-, and I-pounders, which,
with the exception of the I-pounder, seem to have been designed as alternatives to
the common medium guns of the same calibre.1 63 The designer, Thomas Desaguliers,
who was the grandson of a Hugenot emigre and son of a well-known scientific thinker,
had risen to prominence in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, from cadet in 1742 to
Colonel-Commandant 20 years later. Since 1748 he had also been Chief Firemaster
at Woolwich, in which capacity he had devoted himself to the scientific study of
gunnery until his death in 1780.1 64 Sometime before 1778 he produced his method of
construction of medium brass guns.
Since his journals or notebooks have not survived it is impossible to know for
certain what were his principles of construction. Fortunately Walton, in 1778,
recorded the diameters of his guns and Landmann, in the 1790s, set down the
construction of his 6-pounder.163 It is reasonable to assume, although perhaps
mistakenly, that the proportions given for the 6-pounder were the same for the other
calibres. The diameters derived from Landmann's notes compare very closely with
those given by Walton in 1778, with the exception of the diameter of the muzzle-
swell of the I-pounder , Unfortunately there is no similar table of lengths of
reinforces and chase to set against those provided by Landrnann, According to the
latter a Desaguliers gun had a long first reinforce, a short second reinforce (less than
1/2 the length of the first), and a chase slightly more than 1/2 the length of the gun.
Desaguliers' guns weighed about the same as the common medium guns but,
except for the 6-pounder, were longer .166

Weight Lengths
Calibre Common Desaguliers Common Desaguliers
cwt. qr, lb. cwt. qr, lb. ft. in. ft. in.

12 21 3 0 23 0 0 6 6 7 6
6 1 0 12 1 1 0 7 7
3 6 0 0 5 3 0 3 6 6
1 2 2 0 5

What he seems to have done was to distribute about the same weight of metal over a
longer length of gun, presumably with the intent of increasing the range and accuracy

of the piece without decreasing its mobility. The I-pounder was a new gun in the
1770s which was probably designed to replace the heavy 1-1/2-pounder.
The l-pounder remains problematic. As previously noted, three lengths, 5, 6,
and 7 feet, were tested in the late 1770s, the design of which was attributed to
Desaguliers. Two examples, one of 7 feet cast in 1776 and the other of 5 feet cast in
1782, have survived (see above Figs. 24 and 25). Their weight matches that assigned
to Desaguliers' construction, but the proportions of the length of the reinforces are
clearly not those of the 6-pounder described in Landmann's notebook.
It is not known how many of Desaguliers I guns were constructed, nor where nor
how extensively they were used. They seem to have become obsolete by 1800 and, in
the case of the 3- and 6-pounders, to have been replaced by similar guns of
Blomefield construction (see above).


The history of cast-iron guns is the converse of brass. In 1700 both cast iron
and brass were used for almost all calibres but by mid-century, despite its weight,
cast iron was replacing brass because of its cheapness and durability. The exception
was field guns. Guns were manufactured in cast iron in all calibres up to 42-pounder.
The latter seems to have been mainly in use on the lower decks of the largest line-of-
battle ships, but was obsolete by the 1&20s. Although the different calibres could
have many uses, the standard siege gun was the 24-pounder and the standard
broadside gun on line-of-battle ships was the 32-pounder, especially the weapons
designed by Thomas Blomefield in the late 17&Os or 1790s. These were excellent
guns. The development of armour-plated steam-ships promoted the search for
heavier, longer-ranging weapons to be mounted in shore batteries and on war-ships.
New patterns of an old calibre, 42-pounder, and of a new calibre, 56-pounder, were
designed, but both were only limited successes. However, an even heavier gun, the
6&-pounder, was perhaps the finest smooth-bore cast-iron gun designed, particularly
the model of 10 feet and 95 hundredweight.


The 6&-pounder was the most successful of the three new heavy guns brought
into service in the 1&40s (the others were the 42 and 56-pounders). According to
Miller, it "is the most powerful smooth-bored gun in the service; it gives the longest
ranges, throws the greatest projectile, and is generally the most accurate in its
fire •••.,,1 Two 6&-pounders of 110 and 112 hundredweight, which were first tested
about 1&39, were found not to be superior to the 56-pounder, but in 1&41 a pattern
designed by Colonel Dundas, 10 feet 10 inches in length and weighing 112 hundred-
weight, was accepted into service.Z Dundas was also responsible for introducing two
lighter and shorter models, one of 10 feet and 95 hundredweight, in 1&46, and another
of 9-1/2 feet and && hundredweight, shortly thereafter. 3 All three were intended for
naval service, but because the 112 hundredweight gun was found to be too heavy to
work easily on shipboard, it was relegated to coast defences. Even so it was never
popular; in 1&57 only 11 were in use and another seven were in stor e.f The 8&
hundredweight gun, exclusively a naval weapon, also was not much used; in 1&57 only
six were mounted on board ship and 19 others were in store) The most popular was
the 6&-pounder of 10 feet and 95 hundredweight, which was employed either as a
pivot gun for steamers and men-of-war or in coast batteries.v By 1&62, 1972 of this
pattern had been cast.?
In 1&59, the Committee on Ordnance recommended that the 6&-pounders of 112
and && hundredweight be kept in service but that no more be manufactured, and that
a new gun of 10 feet and 100 hundredweight be tested to replace that of 95
hundredweight.& It is not known if such a weapon was tried, but in 1865 the 95
hundredweight gun was ordered retained in service. Many were converted into 80-
pounder rifle muzzle loader (R.M.L.) guns. 9 The heaviest was to be retained only
until it could be replaced by rifled pieces. 10 The lightest 6&-pounder was declared
obsolete in 1&65. 11
There is no lack of information on the design and dimensions of these guns. In
1&53, Captain E.M. Boxer prepared detailed dimensions and a diagram for the three

68-pounders (Fig. 26).1 2 The Aide-Memoire of 1845 gave the dimensions only of the
112 hundredweight gun; the 1853 edition added those of the 95 hundredweight gun. 13
All three sources were in agreement. The only change in design appears to have been
the strengthening of the breeching loop of the 95 hundredweight 1un, ordered in
September 1860, because of which its weight increased by 22 pounds. 4 An example
of this gun, cast in 1858, is extant at the Halifax Citadel (Fig. 27).

Figure 26. Iron 68-pounder, (1) weight: 113 hundredweight, length: 10 feet 10 inches;
(2) weight: 95 hundredweight, length: 10 feet; (3) weight: 87 hundredweight, length: 9
feet 6 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagram of Guns, Plate II.)

Figure 27. Iron 68-pounder, cast in 1858, weight: 95 hundredweight 1 quarter,

length: 10 feet. (Parks, Halifax Citadel National Historic Park.)


In 1838, T.B. Monk, clerk and draughts man in the Department of the Inspector
of Artillery, brought forward a new principle of construction of iron guns. He
proposed keeping unchanged the ratio of the weight of the gun to that of the shot
(about 1-3/4 hundredweight in the gun to each pound in the shot), but at the same
time increasing the thickness of metal around the charging cylinder (where the
cartridge and shot rest in the bore) while diminishing it in the chase. This principle
was first applied to the design of a 56-pounder, 11 feet long and weighing almost 97-
3/4 hundredweight, which was successfully tested at Deal in 1839. Monk's purpose in
designing this new gun
was to obtain by it more efficient and accurate practice at
great ranges for general service, but more particularly for

coast defences, in which artillery having the greatest powers

of range seaward is of the utmost importance. lJ
A second version of 10 feet and 87 hundredweight was first constructed in 1844 (Fig.
28).1 6
Unfortunately, this straightforward account becomes complicated. In 1845,
Fitzhugh wrote in his notebook:
The 56 Pr , is a new gun to throw solid shot, originally
intended for coast batteries, it is called Monk's gun. There is
another made by Col. Dundas. 17
It might be thought that Col. Dundas' gun was the new 56-pounder of 10 feet, but
there is a scale drawing, circa 1848, entitled "Lt. Col. Dundas's 56 Pro of 11 feet and
98 cwt" (Fig. 29).1 8 At first glance Dundas' gun appears similar to the scale drawing
of the gun of 11 feet prepared by Captain E.M. Boxer in 1853, but a closer look
reveals cetain differences. While the lengths of the reinforces, chase, and muzzle
are not significantly different, the trunnions of Dundas' gun are positioned 3.3 inches
further forward. Also, Dundas has moved metal around, decreasing the thickness of
the reinforces and increasing that of the chase. As well, the bore is almost an inch
longer. How this reapportioning of metal affected performance is not known. These
are the only references to Dundas' 56-pounder; the dimensions for the gun of 11 feet
given by Boxer and in the Aide-Memoire (which show no significant variations) and by
Miller, in 1864, (though less complete), were not the same as those of Dundas' gun.
Also, both in the Aide-Memoire and in Miller's work, Monk's name was attached to
the 56-pounder construction.I 9 Dundas' variation may have been no more than an
unsuccessful attempt at improvement.
A second complication is that there may have been two models of the 56-
pounder of 10 feet, one weighing 87 and the other 85 hundredweight. Both Boxer and
the Aide-Memoire gave the gun's weight as 85 hundredweight. The Committee on
Ordnance, 1857-9, gave both weights and treated each as distinct guns. All 42 of the
guns of 85 hundredweight were in use, either in England or abroad, while all 18 of the
guns of 87 hundredweight were in store in England. 20 Perhaps the latter weight of
gun may have been an improvement of the 85 hundredweight model. It is the gun of
87 hundredweight that Miller recorded in 1864, but he wrote that it was first
constructed in 1844 and gave no indication of a lighter version. 21

Figure 28. Iron 56-pounder, (1) weight: 97 hundredweight, length: 11 feet; (2) weight:
85 hundredweight, length: 10 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate Y.)

OUNDASS8GP~().fII/(d rmtl/JtPt'"..(·

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•• ,v 13.,l,
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A H 1tl.'

Figure 29, Iron 56-pounder, weight: 98 hundredweight, length: 11 feet, circa 1850.
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

The 56-pounder was not a successful weapon. Because it had a reduced windage
(0.175 inch) it shot well, but it was considered to be of a weak construction.2 2 It had
some popularity in coastal batteries and even on ships, but it was replaced by the 68-
pounder. 23 In 1857, according to the Committee on Ordnance, 42 of the guns of 85
hundredweight were in use; 18 guns of 87 hundredweight and 10 guns of 98
hundredweight were in store.2 4 In consequence the Committee recommended that
the gun of 85 hundredweight might be retained but was not to be replaced, while the
other models more to be declared obsolete.2 5 In 1865, it was ordered that 56-
pounders were to be retained only until they could be replaced by other pieces. 26


Although the cast-iron 42-pounder gun was clearly referred to in the first half
of the eighteenth century, it was not a common gun and not a great deal is known
about it. James' notebook of the early 1720s is characteristically laconic, giving only
the guns four lengths - 10, 9-1/2, 9, and 8-1/2 feet. 27 A drawing of a 42-pounder,
circa 1735, is accompanied by the following modern handwritten note:
The 42 pounder Iron is probably an older pattern still in
use [in 1735]. Borgard's iron 42 pounder was produced in 1716,
and a plan exists of it; they are not the same. There is very
little mention of 42 pdrs, in the early 18 century, it being only
mentioned at Minorca in the war of the Spanish Succession;

Figure 30. Iron 42-pounder, weight: 68 hundredweight 2 quarters, length: 11 feet

1.25 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of
Drawings, circa 1735.)

this 42 could well be the pre-Borgard pattern, possibly Martin

The appearance of this gun is unlike the others included with it in a portfolio of
drawings: it has more astragals and the second reinforce ring is strangely composed
of a series of mouldings, seemingly a caveto, an astragal and fillets, and an ogee. Its
length was 11 feet 1-1/4 inches, quite long, and its weight was 68-1/2 hundredweight,
relatively light for its length (Fig. 30).28
By 1764, there rnay have been two 42-pounders in service. In 1753, a ship's 42-
pounder 10 feet long and weighing slightly more than 55-1/4 hundredweight was
noted.2 9 The establishment of 1764 indicated only one 42"80under of 9-1/2 feet,
weighing 65 hundredweight, much heavier than the ship's gun) In 1780, Walton gave
dimensions for a gun of 9-1/2 feet but, according to him, weifhing only 61-1/2
hundredweight. In 1781, he referred to guns 10 and 9-1/2 feet. 1 Other sources
around 1780, recorded a 42-pounder of 10 feet and 67 hundredweight and of 9 1/2 feet
and 65 hundredweight. 32 In 1781, Mountaine claimed in his manual of naval gunnery
that twenty-eight 42-pounders formed the armament on the lower deck of first rates
of 100 guns; these, he wrote, weighed 65 hundredweight. 33 All in all, the evidence
for this period is rather confusing.
By about 1790, as part of his formula of construction, Blomefield produced
specifications for a 42-pounder of 9-1/2 feet, weighing 65 hundredwelghr.J'' Whether
or not this gun was ever constructed cannot be ascertained, but at Signal Hill
National Historic Park, there is a Blomefield model 42-pounder, bearing the cypher of
King George III, which is, remarkably, 12 feet in length (Fig. 31). In 1801 and 1813,
Adye listed in his manual 42-pounders of 9-1/2 and 10 feet, weighing 65 and 67
hundredweight respectively, but these quite likely were the pre-Blomefield guns. 35 In
1825, Mould noted that the 42-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and 65 hundredweight was
"obsolete. There may be some in Garrisons.,,36
In his study, Naval Gunnery, Sir Howard Douglas wrote that the regulation
assigning 42-pounders to the lower decks of some line-of-battle ships remained in
force until 1839, but quite likely it had been long ignored, for the 32-pounder, again
according to Douglas, was the heaviest gun in naval service in 1838.37 By the end of
the 1830s the Ordnance was searching for heavier guns, and in 1839 at Deal, a 42-
pounder of 10-1/2 feet and weighing 80-3/4 hundredweight was tested. 38 This initial
design seems to have been unsuccessful, for a slightly shorter but heavier 42-pounder,

10 feet long and weighing 84 hundredweight, was introduced into the service. (Miller
wrote that the pattern dated from 1839; Owen and Porter that it was introduced in
1843.)39 In 1845, a 75 hundredweight gun, of the same length and, in 1846, a gun of
9-1/2 feet and 67 hundredweight were cast (Fig. 32).40 The guns of 10 feet were
designed by Monk, that of 9-1/2 feet by Colonel Dundas. 41
All three patterns were initially designed for sea service, but they were
available for defensive positions, at least on a contingency basis in the ear ly 1850s. 42
In the naval service the gun of 9-1/2 feet was the most efficient. It was introduced
as the lower-deck guns of "Blenheim" and "Ajax," steam guard-ships for dockyards,
but it was found to be too heavy, requiring a crew which overcrowded the decks.
Consequently, it was replaced by the 32-pounder of 56 hundredweight. 43 Indeed by
the mid-1850s, all 42-pounders were considered obsolete although they remained in
service for a number of years. 44 In 1865, the 84 and 67 hundredweight guns were
ordered to be retained but only until they could be replaced by rifled pieces; the 75
hundredweight gun was declared obsolete. 45 In 1881, Owen and Porter noted, "42-
prs, are rare; a few may yet be found mounted in out-of-the-way batteries. ,,46

Figure 31. Iron 42-pounder, Blomefield design, length: 12 feet. (Parks, Signal Hill
National Historic Park.)

Note concerning sources

Most sources agree that there were three 42-pounders in service during the
1840s - two models each 10 feet in length and weighing 84 and 75 hundredweight
respectively, designed by Monk, and a third model 9-1/2 feet in length and weighing
67 hundredweight, designed by Dundas. This relatively straightforward account is
complicated by certain problems. The Aide-Memoire in 1845 gave deminsions of a
42-pounder of 9 feet 6 1-2 inches, weighing 85 hundredweight; nowhere else was a gun
of such a length and weight recorded,7~7 While the Aide-Memoire of 1853 and Boxer's
tables were in agreement on both 42-pounders of 10 feet, there were slight variations
in their dimensions of the gun of 9-1/2 feet and 67 hundredweight. 48 The Aide-
Memoire indicated that its construction was "0" (standing for ordinary) that usually
meant Blomefield construction. Since the proportions were not Blomefield's, this

designation must be in error. The failure of these sources to agree completely is

slightly disconcerting.
More mystifying is the evidence submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,
appointed in 1857. According to its records there were six 42-pounders in existence
in 1857:

Length Weight In use In store Total

Ft. In. Cwt,

10 6 84 47 47
10 0 84 1 1
10 0 75 9 9
9 11 84 1 1
9 8 78 10 10
9 6 67 25 25

No other source mentioned 42-pounders of 10 feet 6 inches, 9 feet 11 inches, or 9

feet 8 inches. Also, when the Committee presented its final report in 1859, the gun
of 10-1/2 feet, 84 hundredweight, had vanished; its numbers in use, 47, were included
alongside the gun of 9-1/2 feet and 67 hundredweight. 49 It seems likely that the
committee had discovered an error and corrected it for the final report •


• <•

Figure 32. Iron 42-pounder, (1) weight: 84 hundredweight, length: 10 feet, (2) weight:
75 hundredweight, length: 10 feet, (3) weight: 67 hundredweight, length: 9 feet 6
inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate VI.)


In the 1720s there were four lengths of cast-iron 32-pounders in service. James
listed them in his notebook and gave some details about the gun of 9-1/2 feet. 50

Base ring to Diameters at the

Length Trunnion Centre Base ring 2nd reinforce ring Weight
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft • In • Ft • In • Cwt.

10 o
9 6 4 1 1 10 1 6 1/4 52
9 o
8 6

About 20 years later, the mensuration of 1743 gave detailed dimensions of a 32-
pounder of 9-1/2 feet, weighing 5 pounds less than 54 hundredweight. 51 These, with a
few slight variations, were reproduced by Adye in his notebook in 1766. 52 A probable
example of this gun, raised from the wreck of the Royal George in 1834, is held by
the Tower of London. 53
The establishment promulgated by the Board of Ordnance in 1764 included only
one 32-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and weighing 55 hundredweight. 54 Presumably this was
the same gun, the detailed dimensions of which Walton put in his notebook in 1780.
Except for the increased length of the second reinforce, these measurements were
similar, but not identical, to those given by Adye in 1766 and by the mensuration of
1743; the weight, 55 hundredweight, was slightly heavier but identical with that of
the establishment of 1764. 55
Elsewhere in Walton's notebook, in gunnery tables dated 1781, reference to a
32-pounder of 10 feet and 58 hundredweight appeared along with that to the gun of 9-
1/2 feet. 56 No other details have been discovered about this gun, but it continued to
be referred to into the early nineteenth century, although by then it was probably
obsolete. It is likely these were the 32-pounders that Adye recorded in his notebook
rather than Blomefield models)7

Blomefield's 32-Pounders

By the 1790s, Blomefield had developed his system of construction of iron guns,
that initially included only one 32-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and 55-1/2 hundredweight
(Fig. 33).58 This gun, which was designated either for garrison or sea service, proved
to be very popular to the end of the smooth-bore era. In 1851, the captain of H.M.5.
Excellent, the naval testing laboratory ship, wrote in praise of the gun:
The old gun has been a great favourite. It works extremely
easy, its recoil is not too severe, it does not wear its vent
away quickly, its precision is equal to the new A, B, and C
guns, which work heavily, and wear the vent away rapidly, and
which have reduced windage. 59
The Committee on Ordnance reported that at the end of March 1857, there were 1961
of these guns in use and 1733 in store; while they did not recommend that it be
reproduced, they recognized that it would continue to be in use for a number of
years. 60 In 1865 it was ordered retained in service. 6 1 It seems to have been an
excellently designed weapon.
There was also another Blomefield 32-pounder, 8 feet in length and weighing 48
to 50 hundredweight (Fig. 33). It is not known when it was first cast, but Mould noted
it in 1825: "Not used in service only six in the Arsenal at Woolwich."62 Despite its
alleged unpopularity in 1825, it remainded on the active service list, for many years;
in 1859 the Committee on Ordnance recommended that, while it not be manu-
factured, it continue to be used. 63 In 1865 it was ordered to be retained in service. 64
Details of its construction were published by Boxer and in the Aide-Memoire. 65 (Care

must be taken not to confuse this gun with Millar's model of the same length and
There were five other Blomefield 32-pounders in service after 1830, but these
were bored-up guns (Figs. 33 and 34).66

Length Weight Bored up

Ft. Cwt. From

9 46 24-pdr. of 48 cwt,
8 41 24-pdr. of 43 cwt.
7-1/2 39 24-pdr. of 40 cwt.
6-1/2 32 24-pdr. of 33 cwt.
6 25 18 -pdr , of 27 cwt.

The Ordnance began the practice of boring-up about 1830 in an attempt to gain the
advantage of heavier shot and shell with reduced windage without incurring the
expense of new heavier guns. Although these bored-up guns remained in service for a
number of years, the experiment was not successful. The decreased windage did
result in greater power of penetration, but the decrease in the weight of the gun
meant a more severe recoil, damaging the carriage, rendering the gun unsteady, and
therefore making the accuracy of fire more uncertain. If the service charge was
reduced to limit the recoil, the power of penetration was lessened, thereby obviating
the purpose of boring-up. Also, bored-up guns were unsafe if double-shotted (that is,
loaded with two projectiles), a practice common in the naval service. 67 In 1865, it
was ordered that the bored-up 32-pounders of 39 and 32 hundredweight were to be
retained on the active service list; the others were declared obsolete. 68


b I,

Figure 33. Iron 32-pounder, Blomefield design, (1) weight: 56 hundredweight, length:
9 feet 6 inches, (2) weight: 46 hundredweight, length: 9 feet, (3) weight: 48
hundredweight, length: 8 feet, (4) weight: 41 hundredweight, length: 8 feet, (5)
weight: 39 hundredweight, length: 7 feet 6 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of
Guns, Plate VII.)


Figure 34. Iron 32-pounder, (1) weight: 25 hundredweight, length: 6 feet, (2) weight:
32 hundredweight, length: 6 feet 6 inches, (3) weight: 25 hundredweight, length: 5
feet 4.1 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate X.)

Millar's 32-Pounders

In 1829 or the early 1830s a new set of 32-pounders was developed. Their
design has usually been attributed to William Millar, but the name of Sir Alexander
Dickson, Wellington's commander of artillery in the Peninsula, has sometimes been
attached to two of them. Both men were Inspectors-General of Artillery, Millar
succeeding Dickson in 1827. Millar was well known for his successful design of shell
guns and of brass field howitzers during the 1820s. He died in 1838 and Dickson in
There were four varieties of these 32-pounders:

Length Weight
Ft. In. Cwt,

9 7 63
8 0 48 to 50
6 0 25
5 4 25

According to Miller in his Equipment of Artillery, Millar designed the guns of 9 feet 7
inches and of 6 feet in 1829 (See Fig. 34, Gun No. 1 for the gun of 6 tt.). It seems
likely that he designed the other two guns at the same time, although Miller gave no
specific date. He did say that two lighter models of the gun of 5 feet 4 inches,
weighing 22 and 20 hundredweight, were cast in 1836.7 0
In 1865 when the War Department revised its list of smooth-bore guns in
service, it noted: "There are three patterns of 48 cwt, and two of 50 cwt., but issued
without distinction." One of these was a Blomefield, but the names of both Millar
and Dickson were attached to these guns as well,?1 On the other hand, Strange and
Noble, students at the Royal Military Academy, and Miller indicated that Millar

designed the 32-pounder of 8 feet and 48 hundredweight,73 (It had only two muzzle
moulding rings rather than three.)72 Dickson may have designed another gun of 48 or
50 hundredweight. It seems likely that these guns were very similar since they were
"issued indiscriminately, mounted on the same carriages, and bracketed together in
The design of the gun of 5 feet 4 inches was attributed to Millar in the early
records, but the Committe of Ordnance in the late 1850s indicated that Dickson was
the designer, and this attribution was confirmed in the "Changes in Artillery
Materiel •••" in 1866,75 Given the paucity of information, it is impossible to account
for the change of the designer's name from Millar to Dickson.
In outward appearance the design was quite simple. There were three simple
rings (at the breech, first reinforce, and muzzle), a vent patch, and a block behind the
base ring for a rear sight, but there were no astragals and fillets. The second
reinforce ring and ogee had been eliminated, the second reinforce merging into the
chase through a slight curve or cavetto. The two largest guns had a breeching loop
with a pin, while the two shortest, in addition, had a horizontal loop which
presumably took an elevating screw. This latter arrangement appears to have been
based on the carronade design (Fig. 34, Gun No. 3),76
A discussion of the strength and weaknesses of Millar guns has not been found,
but they seem to have been largely superseded by the new guns of Monk and Dundas.
The 32-pounder of 6 feet vanished quickly, but as late as 1857 the two largest guns
were still in use,77 The Committee on Ordnance noted that they would continue in
use for some years, and in 1865 they were ordered to be retained on the active list.
Only the light piece of 5 feet 4 inches was declared obsolete,78

Monk's Medium 32-Pounders (A, B, and C)

The origin of Monk's guns lay in the failure during trials of a number of 32-
pounders bored up from 24-pounders of 9 and 6 feet. To replace these guns T.B.
Monk brought forward a design for a new 32-pounder. The principle underlying the
design, which he had already successfully applied to the construction of a 56-pounder,
consisted in maintaining the existing ratio between the weight of metal in the
Blomefield 32-pounder and the weight of shot (about 1-3/4 hundredweight to 1 pound),


Figure 3'. Iron 32-pounder, Monk design, (A) weight: 50 hundredweight, length: 9
feet, (B) weight: 45 hundredweight, length: 8 feet 6 inches, (C) weight: 42
hundredweight, length: 8 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate IX.)

while at the same time redistributing the metal by thickening it around the charging
cylinder and diminishing it in the chase. In 1838, Monk successfully brought to trial a
32-pounder of 9 feet and 50 hundredweight (gun A). Shortly thereafter in that year,
he applied his method of construction, with some modifications, to two more 32-
pounders of 8-1/2 feet and 45 hundredweight and 8 feet and 42 hundredweight (guns B
and C) [Figs. 35 and 36.]79
The three guns were very similar in external appearance to the long Millar 32-
pounders. All had three simple rings (at the breech, end of the first reinforce, and
muzzle), a vent patch, and a block behind the base ring to take a rear sight, but there
were no astragals and fillets. The second reinforce ring and ogee had been
eliminated, the second reinforce merging into the chase through a slight curve or
cavetto. There was a breeching loop with a pin. Their calibres were less than the old
calibre of 32-pounders, 6.41 inches; the gun A had a calibre of 6.375 inches, and guns
Band C of 6.35 inches. 80
Although all three guns were initially intended only for naval service, in 1854
the 50 hundredweight gun was adopted into the land service. 81 It could on occasion
be used in the siege train as a substitute for the 24-pounder, and as late as 1881 it
was reported to be found occasionally in garrison. 82 In the naval service Monk's guns
replaced the old 24- and 18-pounders; although they did not exceed them in range,
they had "great advantages over these from the superior magnitude and momentum of
their shot."83 In 1865 the War Department ordered that all three guns be retained in
the service. 84

Figure 36. Iron 32-pounder, Monk A, cast by the Walker Company in 1859, weight:
51 hundredweight 2 quarters, length: 9 feet. (National Maritime Museum, London,


Lieutenant-Colonel William Dundas, who was Inspector of Artillery from 1839

to 1852, designed two new 32-pounders which, with Monk's guns, were part of the new
armament accepted into the naval service. A short gun of 6 feet and 25
hundredweight dated from 1845. A long gun of 9-1/2 feet and 58 hundredweight was
developed in 1847, but it was not officially accepted into service until 1853.
In 1847, Dundas was aware that a new supply of heavy 32-pounders would
shortly be required to replenish stores. Until then, the old Blomefield model of 9-1/2
feet and 56 hundredweight had been used, and although its windage of 0.233 inch was
perhaps excessive, it was regarded as an excellent gun. Dundas saw the need for new
guns as an opportunity to test various constructions and windages to determine which
would be best for future service. Because Monk's construction had come under
suspicion due to the failure early in 1846 of a 42-pounder of his design, Dundas
proposed to submit for trial his own construction of a heavy 32-pounder, along with
Monk's and the old Blomefield pattern. A Monk and a Dundas gun were very similar
in appearance, the difference being in the distribution of metal, Monk's gun was
thicker at the breech in proportion to the thickness at the muzzle face than Dundas'.
Trials were held in 1847, but they seem to have been inconclusive; anyway, no
decision was made. Another series of tests was conducted late in 1851 that resulted
in 1853 in the adoption of Dundas' gun into the naval service. It was 9 1/2 feet long,
weighed 58 hundredweight, and had a calibre of 6.375 inches or a reduced windage of
0.198 inch {Figs. 37 and 38).85 By 1857, 250 of these guns were mounted on board
ship and 99 were in store. 86 In 1861 an ordnance committee recommended that this
gun replace the Blomefield 32-pounder of 56 hundredweight in coastal batteries. 87 In
1865, it was included in the list of guns to be retained in service. 88 Later, mag>; of
them were converted on the Palliser principle to 64-pounders, RML, land service. 9
In 1845, Dundas brought forward the design of a light 32-pounder, 6 feet in
length, weighing 25 hundredweight, with a calibre of 6.3 inches {windage of 0.123 of
an inch).90 Since a similar gun designed by Millar was already in service, the new gun
was probably intended to replace it. It is not known precisely when this gun was



Figure 37. Iron 32-pounder, Dundas design, weight: 58 hundredweight, length: 9 feet
6 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate VIII.)

accepted into the naval service, but Douglas, in his Naval Gunnery, included it in a
list of guns dated 1848. 91 By 1857, 395 of these guns were mounted on board ship and
527 were in store. 92 In 1865, it was retained on the active list of service ordnance. 93
Although no diagrams of it exist, it probably was similar in appearance to the Dundas
32-pounder of 58 hundredweight, except that it had only two, rather than three,
muzzle moulding rings. 94



Figure 38. Iron 32-pounder, Dundas design, cast by Low Moor in 1859, weight: 59
hundredweight, length: 9 feet 6 inches. (National Maritime Museum, London, U.K.)

Congreve Guns (32-, 24-, and 18-pounders)

The origin of the Congreve gun lay in a letter from Admiral Hope, one of the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to William Congreve, the younger, in January
1813. With it he enclosed the accounts of a practice that had demonstrated the light
24-pounder of 6-1/2 feet and 33 hundredweight was inadequate to be fired double-
shotted, a common naval tactic. Hope suggested that Congreve consider "whether it
might not be possible to construct 24-pounders considerably lighter than the long 24-
pounders, and which might still be of sufficient weight to be capable of firing two
shot." A few days latter Congreve sent the Admiral his plan of a radically designed
24-pounder of 7-1/2 feet and 41 hundredweight.

Congreve determined the weight of his gun by adopting the ratio of weight of
shot to weight of gun of the 32-pounder of 55 hundredweight, that is, about 1 to 193.
He chose this ratio because this 32-pounder was the standard naval gun of a ship of
the line, it was of demonstrated efficiency, and it was quite capable of being fired
double-shotted. He rejected the shot-weight ratio of the 42-pounder because he
doubted its ability to fire two shots and of the 24-pounder because he felt that it was
too heavy.
He also rejected the standard length of 9-1/2 feet. He pointed out that with
the increase in the power of modern gunpowder the service charge had been reduced
to 1/3 the weight of the shot. With a smaller amount of powder the longer length was
no longer necessary to allow for the complete combustion of the service charge.
Using tables compiled by the mathematician and ballistics theorist Euler, Congreve
arrived at a length of about 15 calibres or 7-1/2 feet which he argued was adequate
for a 24-pounder.
Not only was Congreve's gun lighter and shorter than usual, but it was also
constucted on a new principle; it appeared to be a hybrid of a gun and a carronade. It
was much more conical in shape than a conventional gun, since Congreve had
increased the weight of metal at the breech and around the charging cylinder while
he had reduced it in the chase. This redistribution of metal, he argued, gave the gun
a greater "reacting power," that is, it threw the shot farther than would a
conventionally constructed 24-pounder of the same weight. He had arrived at this
conclusion seemingly more by intuition than by any scientific principles, although he
did cite "the generally received fact of the increased effect in reacting upon, and
propelling the charge produced by the thickened breech in fowling pieces and small
arms; which I conceive must apply with equal force to ordnance."
Since this increase of weight toward the breech moved the centre of gravity
farther back, it was possible to cast the trunnions farther to the rear as well. This
allowed the muzzle to project beyond the port of a ship a greater distance than that
of a conventional 24-pounder of 8 feet and within 9 inches of the muzzle face of the
gun of 9-1/2 feet. The shape of the muzzle was similar to that of a carronade which
allowed it to have more traverse without "wooding" against the side of the port.
Also, Congreve got rid of the old breeching loop; in his gun the breeching passed
through the centre of the neck of the cascable "to equalize the shock of the recoil,
and to obviate the blow upon the coin created by the old construction." He also
designed a dispart sight cast on the ring in front of the trunnions which allowed the
gun to be fired at three elevations, point blank, 2-1/2, and 5 degrees.
Congreve's arguments to Hope convinced the Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty to request the Board of Ordnance to put his theory to the test.
Consequently, on 17 February 1813, the Board placed an order with the Carron
Company for two sets of 24-pounders constructed on Congreve's principle, one set to
be cast with trunnions, the other with a loop like a carronade, They were to be
tested against the standard 24-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and 50 hundredweight and two
new guns, designed by Blomefield on the old construction, of 7-1/2 and 8 feet and 40
and 43 hundredweight respectively. Sometime between 15 and 22 November 1813 the
Board of Ordnance conducted trials of the four guns on Sutton Heath; also, early in
October 1813, Congreve's gun had been tested aboard H.M.S. Eurotas. In February
1814, a lighter version of the gun of 7-1/2 feet weighing 37 hundredweight was
successfully tested aboard H.M.S. Pactolus, The results were so favourable that 300
more Congreve 24-pounders were ordered to be cast. In 1820, Congreve noted that
700 of his guns had been manufactured, some with trunnions in the axis of the piece,
some with trunnions in the lower half of the barrel as usual, and some with loops like
a carronade. 95 According to Mould in 1825, these guns were assigned to the "Upper
Deck of first rates, quarter deck and Forecastle of 2nd. rates."96


.s'l' ,.-. :l
., ., I ~. ".

L f'."-'Gtlt.- .. !1J; 6 ..'".,

'YV"u'gkl: -. LI C'w"t.

Figure 39. Iron 24-pounder, Congreve design, weight: 41 hundredweight, length: 7

feet 6 inches, circa 1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 104.)

Congreve's hopes for his gun were much too sanguine. By about 1&30, the 24-
pounders had been withdrawn from service although they were still used by the East
India Company. 97 Ironically, an early suggestion of problems had arisen at the end of
the Napoleonic wars during an engagement between the Eurotas, whose captain had
praised Congreve's guns, and the French frigate Clor inde, According to Sir Howard
Douglas, the Congreve 24-pounders did not perform as well as the French 18-pounders
or as well as English long 18-pounders had on other occasions. He conceded that this
may have been due partly to a deficiency in British gunnery, but he went on:
the main defect was in the short 24-pounder guns, which,
however they may have succeeded in the experiments at
Sheerness (when they bounded but a little more than the long
24-pounder against which they were tried), acted most vio-
lently on their carriages when heated with continued firing in
that protracted action. This is ascribed partly to the great-
ness of the windage, partly to the charge (one-third of the
weight of the shot) being too high, and again, to the diminution
of the preponderance of the breech by the trunnions being
placed so far back. 9&
Despite these early indications of difficulties, it was not until about 1830 that these
guns were removed from service because of "the unsteady and unsafe action of these
guns upon their carriages"99
The successful trials of his 24-pounders prom~ted Congreve to propose that
other guns be constructed according to his prlnclpler! 0

Length Weight
Cal. Ft. In. Cwt.
24 pdr , a 0 50
32 pdr , 8 3 55
32 pdr, 7 9 50
42 pdr , not given
1& pdr. 7 0 31

Evidence of trials of such guns have not come to light, but according to lists of
ordnance submitted to the Committee on Ordnance in the late 1850s, other Congreve
guns were cast: 101

Length Weight No. in store,

Cal. Ft. In. Cwt. 1857

24 8 0 not given 1
32 a 3 not given 1
32 7 10 not given 1
18 6 10 not given 8
6 4 9 not given 2

Considering the number of each calibre in existence in 1857, it seems likely that,
except the 18-pounder, these guns never went beyond the testing stage. Even the 1g;
pounder may never have been more than experimental, although six of the eight guns
existing in 1857 were in store outside of England.
Despite the dissatisfaction with the 24-pounder Congreve gun the Ordnance
bored-up 800 of them to the calibre of a 32-pounder in 1&30. According to Sir
Howard Douglas, this was an economy measure to attempt to take advantage of
heavier weight of shot without incurring the expense of casting new guns.l 0 2 But if

the 24-pounder was unsteady in action, surely the bored-up 32-pounder would react
even more violently? Whatever the case, the bored-up guns remained on the active
list for many years. In 1865 all the Congreve guns, except the 32-pounders, were
declared obsolete.l 03

Figure 40. Iron 24- and 32-pounders, Congreve design, (1) weight: 41 hundredweight,
length: 7 feet 6 inches, (2) weight: 40 hundredweight, length: 7 feet 6 inches (24-
pounder bored up to 32-pounder), circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XI.)


In his notebook in the early 1720s, James set down the lengths of iron 24-
pounders - 10, 9-1/2, 9, and 8-1/2 feet -, but gave no other details.l 04 Probable
examples of the gun of 9-1/2 feet are preserved by Parks on the ramparts of Fort
Prince of Wales on Hudson Bay (Fig. 41). These 10 guns, which bear the cypher of
King George I, weigh between 48 and 49-3/4 hundredweight. They all have vent
patches and the cascable design usually attributed to Armstrong rather than to
Borgard. These guns appear to be very similar to the 24-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and
slightly more than 49-1/4 hundredweight which was detailed in the mensuration of
1743.105 In 1766, Adye almost duplicated these dimensions in his notebook; the
lengths of the reinforces varied slightl~ but the diameters, with the exception of
those of the trunnions, were the same. 10
The establishment of 1764 included two iron 24-pounders, but there is some
confusion about their lengths - Smith's An Universal Military Dictionary, a list
attributed to Congreve, and the Aide-Memoire indicated that there were two guns of
9-1/2 feet weighing 49 and 47-1/2 hundredweight.l 07 On the other hand, Landmann
said that the 47-1/2 hundredweight gun was only 9 feet long) 08 It is possible that
there were two different weights of the same length of gun, but it seems more likely

that an error was made and that the lighter gun was only 9 feet long. In 1780, Walton
recorded both lengths and weights, and other sources also referred to them.!09
In 1780, Walton gave detailed dimensions for both lengths of 24-pounders, but as
with the other calibres, the length of the second reinforce was over-long. In another
place in his notebook he included a 24-pounder of 10 feet and 52 hundredweight; a
practice book of 1780 recorded information on such a gun and it was still listed in
Adye's manual as late as 1813, although by then it was likely obsolete. 110 Whether it
was a new or an old gun in 1780 is impossible to decide.

Figure 41. Iron 24-pounder cast in the reign of King George I (1714-27), weight: 49
hundredweight 3 quarters 26 pounds, length: 9 feet 6 inches. (Parks, Fort Prince of
Wales National Historic Park.)

As part of his system of construction, Blomefield designed two 24-pounder iron

guns of 9-1/2 and 9 feet weighing 50-1/2 and 47-3/4 hundredweight respectively (Fig.
42).111 Later these were usually referred to as 50 and 48 hundredweight guns.)
According to Mould, writing in 1825, the 50 hundredweight gun was used on the
Middle Deck of First Rates, and Main Deck of some 4th rates,
also on Fortresses and in Battering Trains.
The 48 hundredweight gun was assigned to the
Upper Deck of 2nd rates, lower of some 4th rates &c.
garrisons Battering trains &c.
In the land service the 24-pounder, especially the heavier gun, was highly regarded as
a battering piece, and it was extensively used during Wellington's Peninsular
campaigns and again in the Crimea some 40 years Iater.! f3 Examples of both these
guns can be found within the Parks system.
In 1813, Sir Thomas Blomefield designed two 24-pounders of 8 feet and 43
hundredweight and 7-1/2 feet and 40 hundredweight to be used in the trials on Sutton
Health of Sir William Congreve's new medium gun) 14 Neither gun was much used
thereafter. In 1825 Mould noted that the gun of 8 feet was "Not used. - 100 in the
Arsenal at Woolwich."ll5 Spearman included it in his manual of 1828, but thereafter
it went unnoticed until it was officially declared obsolete in 1865.1 16 In 1825, the

gun of 7-1/2 feet was "Appropriated to the Upper Deck of one Ship only; the
Donegal."117 It too was officially declared obsolete in 1865. 118
A short 24-pounder of 6-1/2 feet and 33 hundredweight, undoubtedly a Blome-
field design, was first cast in 1805.1 19 As a 24-pounder it proved unsuccessful; in
1825 Mould wrote that it was not used.1 20 Despite this, Boxer included it in his
series of gun diagrams in the 1850s and Miller described it in his Equipment of
Artillery in 1864 (Fig. 43).1 21 It was declared obsolete in 1865.122 It did have a
separate life as a 32-pounder, bored-up to the higher calibre probably in 1830.1 23
There are records of 24-pounders of 6 feet, presumably of Blomefield construc-
tion, being proofed at Woolwich in the period from March 1800 to June 1801. Some
were cast with chambers, the presence of which in guns was unusual.1 24 In 1825,
Mould noted that the 24-pounder of 6 feet and 30 hundredweight, probably the same
gun, was "not used at present."125 Thereafter no references to this length and
weight of 24-pounder have been found.
Although Blomefield had designed a 24-pounder of 8 feet in 1813, the Ordnance
bored-up a number of Blomefeld 18-pounders of that length and 38 hundredweight.
This gun, weighing 37 hundredweight in its new calibre, was first noted in a list of
service ordnance of 1847, but it is impossible to say when it was first converted.1 26
The Aide-Memoire included it in its table of dimensions in 1853, but four years later
only nine of these weapons still existed. 127 Thereafter they were not not discussed.
As well as the 18-pounder of 8 feet, 12-pounders of 6 feet and 21 and 24
hundredweight were bored-up to 24-pounders of 20 and 22 hundredweight.1 28 These
pieces were used in casemates and flank defences in substitution for the 24-pounder
carronade.1 29 In 1865, it was decided to retain this gun, along with its larger sisters
of 50 and 48 hundredweight, on active service. l3O
There also appear to have been some very obscure 24-pounders. The dimensions
of two of these, designated Millar constructions, were set out in the tables in the
Aide-Memoire in 1853; they were 7-1/2 and 6-1/2 feet long and weighed 41 and 33
hundredweight respectively.1 36 Their dimensions were very similar to the old

Figure 42. Iron 24-pounder, Blomefield design, (1) weight: 50 hundredweight, length:
9 feet 6 inches, (2) weight: 48 hundredweight, length: 9 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer,
Diagrams of Guns, Plate XII.)

Figure 43. Iron 24-pounder, Blomefield design, weight: 33 hundredweight, length: 6

feet 6 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XIII.)

Blomefield pattern, but the calibre was slightly less, 5.792 instead of 5.823 inches.
Presumably they had the profiles of other Millar guns.
In the records of the Committee on Ordnance, 1857-9, they were a number of
24-pounders designated "N.P." for new pattern; these included guns of 7-1/2 and 6-1/2
feet, but also of 9-1/2, 9, 8, and 6 feet. Unfortunately, there were no other
details. 137 None of these guns appeared in the lists of 1865 when the War
Department decided which guns were to be retained and which were to be declared
Finally, the Com mittee on Ordnance recorded a short 24-pounder, 4 feet 10
inches in length and weighing 18 hundredweight, designated "Dickson's," presumably
designed by Sir Alexander Dickson. l3 3 In 1865, the War Department declared
obsolete a 24-pounder of the same weight but said to be 5 feet in length, also
described "Dickson."l34 Presumably these were the same guns.


According to James, there were six iron 18-pounders in service in the early
1720s. They varied in length by 6 inches from 11 to 8-1/2 feet. The only other detail
that he noted was that for the gun of 11 feet the distance from the centre of the
trunnions to the base ring was 4 feet 9 inches. 135 Although it is impossible to be
certain, these guns may be similar in design to an 18-pounder, depicted in a diagram,
circa 1735 which was 9 feet long and weighed 41 hundredweight 1 quarter 8 pounds
(Fig. 44).136 Its dimensions were very similar to those given by the mensuration of
1743 and by Adye in his notebook in 1766.137 There were slight variations in the

Figure 44. Iron 18-pounder, weight: 41 hundredweight 1 quarter 8 pounds, length: 9

feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa

three sets of dimensions, but essentially they were of the same weapon; indeed, the
weights given on the drawing and of the gun of 1743 were indentical, 41 hundred-
weight 1 quarter 8 pounds.
At Mahon in Minorca in 1745, General George Williamson and other artillery
officers conducted tests to attempt to determine the best length for an 18-pounder
and the proper charge for the greatest range. They used two types: one was 11 feet
long and weighed 51 hundredweight 5 pounds, the other 9 feet long and 39
hundredweight 1 quarter 3 pounds. 138 Although slightly light, the latter gun was
probably that depicted in the circa 1735 drawing and the 1743 mensuration. Three
examples of an 18-pounder from the reign of King George II (1727-60), all about 9
feet long, one of which weighs 41 hundredweight 2 quarters 10 pounds, lie on the site
of an old battery at the Gut of Digby in Nova Scotia (Fig. 45). They bear a close
resemblance to the circa 1735 gun.

Figure 45. Three iron 18-pounders, cast in the reign of King George II (1727-60),
weight: 41 hundredweight, length: 9 feet. (Parks Gut of Digby, Nova Scotia.)

Figure 46. Iron 18-pounder, cast in the reign of King George III (1760-1820), weight:
41 hundredweight 2 quarters 21 pounds, length: 9 feet. (Parks, Fort Anne National
Historic Park.)

Although the gun of 11 feet was not mentioned in the offical establishment
after the 1720s, it may have had a long history. In 1820, at York, Upper Canada, an
unnamed person who wanted to establish a forge at the Credit River made inquiries
"•••about the purchase of the unserviceable Iron Ordnance lying about on the beach."
These guns included 6 iron 18-pounders varying in weight from about 50 to about 54
1/4 hundredweight.1 39 An obvious inference is that they were old 18-pounders of 11
feet. It is impossible to know how long they had been "on the beach," but possibly
they had seen service during the War of 1812. Indeed, two 18-pounder guns,
condemned and lacking trunnions, were pressed into service to defend York against
the American attack in April 1813.140 As late as 1857, an 18-pounder, 11 feet long,
"O.P." (old pattern) turned up in the lists of guns submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance.l 41 It is not known precisely what was meant by "O.P."
The establishment of 1764 listed only one 18-pounder, a gun of 9 feet and 40
hundredweight (Fig. 46).1 42 In 1780, Walton included an 18-pounder of this length
and weight in his table of dimensions.l 43 With the usual aberration of the length of
the second reinforce, these dimensions were very similar to those of 1743 and Adye's
of 1766. Elsewhere in his notebook he referred to an 18-pounder of 9-1/2 feet and 42
hundredweight; such a gun was used in practices in 1780.1 44 These two lengths were
probably the standard 18-pounders of the period. Adye included both guns in his
manuals of 1801 and 1813, but b then they were probably being superseded by the
newer Blomefield constructions. 1 5
As part of his system of guns, Blomefield designed two 18-pounders of 9 and 8
feet, weighing 42-1/2 and 37-3/4 hundredweight respectively (Fig. 47).1 46 It is not
known precisely when these guns came into service, but there are records of 18-
pounders of 9 and 8 feet, which were probably Blomefield guns, being proofed at
Woolwich in 1801. 147 In 1825, Mould noted that the gun of 9 feet was used on the
"Upper Deck 74 Gun Ships, Garrison and Battering trains"; the gun of 8 feet was
assigned to the "Main Deck 46 and 42 Gun Frigates Garrison Battering train." He also
mentioned an 18-pounder of 6 feet and 27 hundredweight that was "not used at
present." 148 Presumably this was also a Blomefield gun.
Lll 1-'J j IJ,'j 1J 1.;i a:Pi \flI1f:t ii1lh'J.


- .!...- - C
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·.. .
At' .1
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Figure 47. Iron 18-pounder, Blomefield design, (1) weight: 42 hundredweight, length:
9 feet, (2) weight: 38 hundredweight, length: 8 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of
Guns, Plate XIV.)

The 18-pounders of 9 and 8 feet continued in service into the 1860s, but also
three light 18-pounders, bored-up from smaller calibres, appeared on the active list in
the 1840s: 149

Length Weight Bored-up

Ft. Cwt. From

7 22 9 pdr. of 24 cwt.
6 20 12 pdr, of 22 cwt.
5-1/2 15 9 pdr , of 17 cwt.

Initially it was assumed that these were Blomefield patterns, the gun of 7 feet being
general service and the other two being old land service models, with some exterior
machining when they were bored up. Unfortunately, the various sources are in
disagreement. The detailed dimensions given by Boxer (Fig. 48) and in the Aide-
Memoire do not agree. Also, according to the "Changes in Artillery Materiel •••"
approved in 1865, the two smallest guns were designed by Dickson.l 50 At present, it
has been impossible to reconcile or to clarify the conflicting evidence.
In 1865, four 18-pounders were placed in the list of guns to be retained in

Length Weight Remarks

Ft. Cwt.

9 42 Blomefield
8 38 Blomefield
6 20 Dickson
5 1/2 15 Dickson

Also, four 18-pounders were placed in the list of guns to be abolished:

Length Weight
Ft. In. Cwt.

9 0 40
6 10 32
6 0 27
7 0 22

These guns were all identified as Blomefield's but there may be an error here.l 5 1 The
gun of 7 feet must be the bored-up 9 pounder. The gun of 6 feet 10 inches has
elsewhere been identified as a Congreve gun (see section on Congreve guns). The gun
of 6 feet was an old Blomefield model (see above). The gun of 9 feet and 40
hundredweight remains a mystery.


In his notebook in the 1720s James listed four iron 12-pounders varying in
length, by 6 inches, from 10 to 8-1/2 feet. Unfortunately, he gave no other
details.l52 It seems likely that Parks has preserved a number of these guns at Fort
1$ ?!J!J .'JD': il JiW~'J ,.H.J,'J. o

'l..J). ,I I



... u ~





Figure U. Iron 18-pounder (bored-up), (1) weight: 22 hundredweight, length: 7 feet,

(2) weight: 20 hundredweight, length: 6 feet, (3) weight: 15 hundredweight, length: 5
feet 4.82 inches, cir9l 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns Plate XV.)

Prince of Wales at the mouth of the Churchill River on Hudson Bay. Damaged by the
French when they captured the fort in 1782, 24 iron 12-pounders, cast in the reigns of
Queen Anne and King George I, still point their muzzles out through the embrasures
of the fort. Six of these, each 9 feet long and weighing from 32-1/4 to 33-1/4
hundredweight, bear the Rose and Crown of Queen Anne (Fig. 49). Of the remaining,
12 are from the reign of King George I (Fig. 50); six others are without insignia, but
since they have been cast with a vent patch they too are probably Georgian. Of these
18 guns, three are 9-1/2 feet long, weighing from 33-1/2 to 35 hundredweight; 14 are
9 feet long, weighing from 32 to 33-1/2 hundredweight; one is 8 feet long and weighs
almost 33 1/4 hundredweight. The only obvious difference in design is the shape of
the cascable, the Queen Anne guns differing from the others.
The mensuration of 1743, the first detailed table of dimensions discovered, gave
the weight of an iron 12-pounder as 32 cwt , 2 qr, 3 lb., a weight similar to the
Georgian 9-foot guns at Fort Prince of Wales. 153 Until detailed measurements can
be taken of the guns at the fort, it is impossible to say if any changes had occurred
after the accession of King George II in 1727. The dimensions of 1743 were almost
identical to those given for a 12-pounder of 9 feet in Adye's notebook of 1766, so
similar that it is difficult not to conclude that they were for the same gun. 154 In
1780 Walton put down detailed measurements for a 12-pounder of 9 feet, which were
also quite similar, but the chase had a greater thickness suggesting that some changes
in design had been made.l 55

Figure 49. Iron 12-pounder, cast in the reign of Queen Anne (1702-14), weight: 33
hundredweight 5 pounds, length: 9 feet. (Parks, Fort Prince of Wales National
Historic Park.)

If changes in specifications were made, perhaps they occurred in 1764 when the
Board of Ordnance established three lengths and weights of 12-pounder iron guns: 156

Length Weight
Ft. Cwt.

9 32 1/2
8 1/2 31 1/2
7 1/2 29 1/4

In 1780 Walton gave a table of detailed dimensions for iron 12-pounders of these
lengths and weights. Elsewhere in his notebook he also mentioned a 12-pounder of 9
1/2 feet and 34 hundredweight, but it is not clear whether this was an old or new gun.
Except for the consistent aberration of the length of the second reinforce, the
dimensions given by Walton approach very closely those attributed to Armstrong's
construction as set down in Landmann's notes on artillery.l57

Figure 50. Iron 12-pounder, cast in the reign of King George I (1714-27), weight: 32
hundredweight 1 quarter, length: 9 feet. (Parks, Fort Prince of Wales National
Historic Park.)

Armstrong's construction was replaced by Blomefield's in the late 1780s or

1790s. Although the appearance and thickness of metal changed, the Blomefield 12-
pounders for sea and garrison service remained the same length, although two of
them were heavier:

Length Weight
Ft. Cwt.
9 34-3/4
8-1/2 33-1/4
7 -1/2 29-1/4 (Fig. 51)

Figure .51. Iron 12-pounder, cast during the reign of King George III (1760-1820),
weight: 29 hundredweight 22 pounds, length: 7 feet 6 inches. The trunnions have been
knocked off. (Parks, York Redoubt, Halifax Defence Cornplex.)

As well, Blomefield designed two short guns exclusively for the land service, both 6
feet long and weighing 24 and 21 hundredweight respectively) 58 The latter lacked
the breeching loop of the general service gun and their muzzles were shaped
differently (Fig. 52).159
In 1825, Mould provided a brief resume of the uses of these 12-pounders: 160

Length Weight Use

Ft. Cwt.

9 34 - chase guns, line of battle ships, garrison

8-1/2 33 - garrison service, battering train
7-1/2 29 - quarter deck, line of battle ships, garrison
6 28 [sic] - not used at present
It is presumed that Mould made an error in writing the weight of the 6-foot gun;
probably he was referring to the 24 hundredweight gun, although this is by no means
clear. The 21 and 24 hundredweight guns were bored-up to a 24-pounders of 20 and
22 hundredweight (See section on 24-pounded.
With the development of new and heavier guns in the 1830s and '40s, the
usefulness of 12-pounders was clearly limited. By the mid-1840s their use was
becoming exceptional. The ordnance committee of 1844 recommended that the 9-
foot gun of 34 hundredweight be substituted occasionally for the 18-pounder in
batteries where quick fire might be necessary against storming parties or boat
attacks. The 8-1/2 foot, 33 cwt. gun, was recommended for use sometimes with the
siege train since it was powerful enough to dismount artillery and required less
ammunition (presumably meaning powder) than an 18- or 24-pounder gun.l 6 1 By
1857, except for some of the 12-pounders of 6 feet, all of these guns were in storage,
either in England or abroad. 162

Length Weight Mounted In store Total

Ft. Cwt. England Abroad England Abroad

9 34 257 53 310
8 1/2 33 82 82
7 1/2 29 1/2 321 61 382
6 21 194 232 218 9 653
4 ? 1 2

,., t;

Figure 52. Iron 12-pounder, (1) weight: 34 hundredweight, length: 9 feet, (2) weight:
33 hundredweight, length: 8 feet 6 inches, (3) weight: 29.5 hundredweight, length: 7
feet 6 inches, (4) weight: 21 hundredweight, length: 6 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer,
Diagrams of Guns, Plate XVI.)

Presumably the 21 hundredweight gun was used for the defence of ditches or other
places where range was not important. The Committee on Ordnance, which reported
in 1859, recommended that all but the 12-pounder of 6 feet be declared obsolete and
disposed of, but in 1865 the guns of 9 and 8-1/2 feet were ordered retained in service
and the remander were declared obsolete.l 63


Two 9-pounders from the reign of Queen Anne (1702-14), both 9 feet long and
weighing about 21-1/2 hundredweight, can be seen in the Tower of London (Fig.
53).1 64 Although no detailed measurements have been taken, their proportions,
ornamentation, and cascable design appear to be the same as those of a 6-pounder
drawn by Borgard in 1716 (see below).l65 It is impossible to know if this design
remained unchanged for the four 9-pounders that James listed in his notebook in the
early 1720s, because he gave only their lengths which varied by 6 inches from 10 feet
to 8 feet 6 inches.l 66 Thereafter, a detailed drawing, circa 1735 (Fig. 54), and tables
of dimensions from 1743 and 1766 of a 9-pounder of 8 feet 6 inches, weighting 27-3/4
hundredweight, were so similar that they must have been of the same gun.l 67
In 1764, the Board of Ordnance, as part of the establishment of artillery pieces,
ordered that there were to be five lengths and weights of 9-pounders: 168

Length Weight
Ft. Cwt.

9 29
8 1/2 27 1/2
8 26 1/2
7 1/2 24 1/2
7 23

Figure 53. Iron 9-pounder, cast in the reign of Queen Anne (1702-14), weight: 21
hundredweight, length: 9 feet. (Collection of the Armouries, H.M. Tower of London.
Reproduced by kind permission of the Trustees of the Arrnouries, See Blackmore,
p. 70.)

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..... G fiJolI ",I,?,.

Figure 54. Iron 9-pounder, weight: 27 hundredweight 3 quarters, length: 8 feet 6

inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings,
circa 1735.)

In a table dated 1780, Walton gave detailed dimensions of only three 9-pounders, of 8-
1/2, 7-1/2, and 7 feet; the weights of the latter two guns were the same as the
establishment, but that of the gun of 8-1/2 feet was a hundredweight lighter. Except
for the usual aberration of the length of the second reinforce, the dimensions of the
gun of 8-1/2 feet were very similar, but not identical, to the dimensions of circa
1735, 1743, and 1766.1 69 Elsewhere in his notebook, under the date of 1781, Walton
included a list of 9-pounders which matched the establishment of 1764, but with the
addition of a gun of 9-1/2 feet, weighing 30-1/4 hundredweight.1 70 Whether this gun
was an old or new weapon was not clear.
In the mid-1780s or early 1790s, Blomefield produced specifications for his

design of 9-pounders, four of which were for garrison and sea service and the fifth
exclusively for land service.! 71

Length Weight Services

Ft. Cwt.

9 31
8 1/2 29 1/2
7 1/2 26 1/2
7 25 1/4 sea service and garrison
5 1/2 18 land service

It is impossible to say how quickly these guns were introduced - Adye in 1801 and
1813 included only two 9-pounders in his manual, both probably of the old construc-
tion, one of 7-1/2 feet we~hing 24-1/2 hundredweight and the other of 7 feet
weighing 23 hundredweight)
Undoubledly the new guns were introduced before 1815; the~ were certainly in
use by the 1820s. In 1825, Mould gave a capsule review of them: 17

Length Weight Services

Ft. Cwt.

9 31 garrison
8 1/2 29 garrison
7 1/2 26 chase guns of frigates, garrison
7 25 garrison
5 1/2 22 not used

It is possible that a heavier gun of 5-1/2 feet had been introduced, but more likely the
weight given by Mould was an error since all subsequent reference to this gun gave its
weight as either 17 or 18 hundredweight.
The design of the 9-pounder followed the standard Blomefield pattern, as shown
in the Boxer drawing of 1853, except for the land service gun of 5 1/2 feet (Fig. 55).

Figure 55. Iron 9-pounder, Blomefield design, (1) weight: 28.5 hundredweight, length:
8 feet 6 inches, (2) weight: 26 hundredweight, length: 7 feet 6 inches, (3) weight: 25
hundredweight, length: 7 feet, (4) weight: 18 hundredweight, length: 5 feet 6 inches,
circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XVIII.)

According to a footnote, "The mouldings of this Gun at the cascable and muzzle are
different from the drawing."174 Presumably it resembled its sister land service 12-
pounder. The cascable lacked the breeching loop and took the form of an ogee; the
muzzle was without two of the three rings (see 12-pounder above).
Even the larger 9-pounders were probably little used. No reference can be
found to the gun of 9 feet after 1840. According to a student at the Royal Military
Academy in 1845, "Nine and six Prs, (iron) are now little used except sometimes for
saluting."175 The Committee on Ordnance which met in the late 1850s revealed that
there were large numbers of these weapons in store in England or abroad} but only
111 of the gun of 7-1/2 feet and 26 hundredweight were actually in use.1 7b In 1864,
according to Millar, 9-pounders "may occasionally be found in the flanks of old
fortifications, but their ordinary use is confined to firing salutes••••"I77 The
Committee on Ordnance recommended that all but the gun of 7-1/2 feet be declared
obsolete and disposed of; it recognized that the latter would stay in use, but it was
not to be replaced.l 78 In 1865, it was ordered that the guns of 8-1/2 and 7 feet be
retained in service and that those of 7-1/2 and 5-1/2 feet be declared obsolete. 179


Albert Borgard has left a 1716 scale drawing of an iron 6-pounder, 8 feet long,
with dimensions calculated both in inches and in calibres (Fig. 56). He did not write
out a formula for computing the lengths of the component parts, but it appears to be
the following

first reinforce: 2/7 of total length

second reinforce: 1/7 of total length + 1-1/2 calibres
chase: 4/7 of total length - 1-1/2 calibres
from rear of base ring to trunnion centre: 3/7 of total length

This formula and the thickness of metal computed by Borgard in calibres may be
used, presumably, to reconstruct any gun of any length and calibre of this early
period.l 80
In the early 1720s, James entered in his notebook six iron 6-pounders, varying in
length, by 6 inches, from 10 to 7-1/2 feet. Other than their lengths, he gave one
further piece of information - for the gun of 8 feet, the distance from the centre of
the trunnions to the base ring was 3 feet 5.14 inches.l 81 This matches exactly the
same length on Borgard's drawing of the 6-pounder of 8 feet. Unfortunately, not
much can be made of this similarity, since most constructions adopted this propor-
tion, 3/7 the length of the gun.
Parks has six iron 6-pounders of 8-1/2 feet and two of 9 feet at Fort Prince of
Wales (Figs. 57 and 58). The former, although having no royal cypher, are probably
from the reign of Queen Anne; the latter bear the cypher of King George I. Without
detailed measurements it is impossible to know whether or not these guns were
manufactured in accordance with Borgard's construction. The cascables of the Queen
Anne guns resemble that of the 1716 drawing; those of the King George I guns are of
a design usually attributed to General Armstrong.
There is an incomplete scale drawing, circa 1735 (the cascable and trunnions
are missing), of a 6-pounder of 6-1/2 feet weighing 14 pounds more than 17-1/2
hundredweight, whose design seems to follow the Borgard proportions and ornamenta-
tion {Fig. 59).1 82 A 6-pounder of 7 feet, weighing slightly more than 23-1/2

hundredweight, was included in the mensuration of 1743; its proportions were slightly
at variance with Borgard's.l83 In 1766, Adye set down in his notebook the dimensions
of a gun of 6-1/2 feet which were similar to those of the circa 1735 drawing but
which were sufficiently different to prevent concluding that the two guns were the
same weapons.l 84
In 1764, the Board of Ordnance established the lengths and weights of 6-
pounders: 185
Length Weight
Ft. Cwt.

9 24
8 1/2 23
8 22
7 1/2 20 1/2
7 19
6 1/2 18
6 16 1/2

The weight of the gun of 7 feet indicates that it clearly was not the gun of 1743
which weighed slightly more than 23-1/2 hundredweight. In 1780, Walton gave
dimensions for three 6-pounders of 9, 8, and 6 feet in length whose weights
correspond to those of the establishment of 1764.186 (Again there was the aberration
of the length of the second reinforce.) Elsewhere in his notebook, under the date of
1781, he listed all the 6-pounders by length and weight as set out in 1764.
In the mid-1780s or early 1790s, Blomefield introduced his construction for 6-
pounders, although undoubtedly the older guns continued to be used:

Length Weight
Ft. Cwt,

8 1/2 23 3/4
8 22 1/2
7 1/2 21 1/4
7 20 1/4
6 1/2 18 1/2
6 17 3/4

These were for sea service and garrison.l 87 It is impossible to say how extensively
they were used, but by the mid-1820s most were obsolete. In 1825, Mould commented
that all models from 8-1/2 to 6-1/2 feet in length were for "garrison but little used."
The only gun in use, of 6 feet and 17 hundredweight, served as a chase gun in sloops
of the Royal Navy. Interestingly, Mould mentioned two small 6-pounders, one of 4
feet 10 inches and 12 hundredweight and the other of 3-1/2 feet and 6 hundredweight,
which he noted were no longer in use. Presumably these were land service guns made
on the same pattern as the short land service 9- and 12-pounders of Blomefield
design.l 88
Although most of these guns were to be found listed in various manuals over the
next 30 to 40 years, except for the model of 6 feet and 17 hundredweight, it is
unlikely that they were used for much besides saluting.1 89 The !}un of 6 feet was the
only 6-pounder included in the ordnance tables in the Aide-Memoire in 1845, and
although the others were listed in the second edition of 1853, only its dimensions
were set down.1 90 The Committee on Ordnance, which met in the late 1850s,
reported that it was the only 6-pounder actually in use. 191

Figure 56. Iron 6-pounder, 1716, length: 8 feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Borgard, Artillery Tables, No. 30.)

Figure 57. Iron 6-

pounder, cast probably
in the reign of Queen
Anne (1702-14), weight:
22 hundredweight 2
quarters 7 pounds,
length: 8 feet 6 inches.
(Parks, Fort Prince of
Wales National Historic

Figure 58. Iron 6-pounder, cast in the

reign of King George I (1714-27), weight:
24 hundredweight, length: 9 feet.
(Parks, Fort Prince of Wales National
Historic Park.)

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: ·······_····_···1· t

Figure 59. Iron 6-pounder, weight: 6 hundredweight 1 quarter 14 pounds, length: 6
feet 6 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution Woolwich, U.K., A Portfolio of
Drawings, circa 1735.)

Figure 60. Iron 6-pounder, (1) weight: 21 hundredweight, length: 7 feet 6 inches, (2)
weight: 20 hundredweight, length: 7 feet, (3) weight: 17 hundredweight, length: 6
feet, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XVIII.)

The Committee also recorded some obscure 6-pounders. There were 10 guns of
4 feet 11 inches and one of 4 feet 9 inches in store. Perhaps one of these was the gun
of 4 feet 10 inches that Mould referred to in 1825. As well, there were two other
guns of 4 feet 9 inches, designated Congreve's; these may have been similar in design
to his 24-pounder. Finally the Committee noted two guns of 3 feet 6 inches, called
Roebuck's and three others, also 3 feet 6 inches, presumably those referred to by
Mould in 1825. 192
The Committee recommended that all the 6-pounders be declared obsolete and
disposed of.1 93 Despite this recommendation, in 1865 the 6-pounder of 6 feet and 17
hundredwei~ht was retained in service, but the remaining models were declared
obsolete .19


In the 1720s, according to James, there were five iron 4-pounders in service,
varying in length, by 6 inches, from 9 to 7 feet.1 95 Nothing more is known about
these guns. Although a 4-pounder was not included in the mensuration of 1743, it was
in use during the reign of King George II (1727 -60). A gun of this calibre, bearing this
monarch's cypher, 5 1/2 feet in length and weighing 11 hundredweight 2 quarters 7
pounds, has been recovered from Captain Cook's ship Endeavour.1 96 Also, both Muller
and Smith made reference to a 4-pounder ship's gun, from the 1750s, 6 feet in length,
weighing 12 hundredweight 2 quarters 13 pounds.1 97 In 1764, the Board of Ordnance
included two iron 4-pounders in the official establishment - one of 6 feet and 12-1/4
hundredweight and the other of 5-1/2 feet and 11-1/4 hundredweight.1 98
Both models were referred to throughout the remainder of the eighteenth
century and were listed in Adye's manual in 1801 and 1813.199 Walton gave
dimensions for both guns in 1780, but as previously noted, there was the aberration of
the excessively long second reinforce. 200 As well, there is a 4-pounder, 5-1/2 feet in
length, about 11-1/2 hundredweight, bearing the cypher of King George III, at the
Rotunda, Woolwich (Fig. 61). Its ornamentation is very similar (perhaps identical?),
to the Endeavour gun at Greenwich. It appears that its reinforces are slightly longer
than those of Captain Cook's gun, thus making the length of the chase slightly shorter
than the combined lengths of the two reinforces. 201
When Blomefield prepared his system of construction in the 1780s, he included a
4-pounder of 5 feet in length.2 02 It is not clear that it was actually introduced.
Adye referred to the older guns and in 1825 Mould noted a 4-pounder of 6 feet and 12
hundredweight, but this was probably the older model. 203 Thereafter, the various
manuals and notebooks failed to mention 4-pounders. Interestingly, a 4-pounder,
bearing the cypher of King George III, 5-1/2 feet long and weighing 11 hundredweight
2 quarters 9 pounds, was captured from American filibusters at the Battle of the
Windmill in 1838.2 04


In his notebook in the 1720s, James set down the lengths of four iron 3-
pounders, 7, 6-1/2, 6, and 5 feet, but beyond this nothing more is known for certain
about these guns. 205 The 3-pounder of 6-1/2 feet, weighing 17 hundredweight 1
quarter 14 pounds, included in the mensuration of 1743 may be one of these guns. 206
A 3-pounder at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Park may have been cast during
Queen Anne's reign. It is 5 feet in length and weighs 4 hundredweight 3 quarters 8
pounds. Its cascable design is similar to Borgard's, and it lacks a vent patch,
characteristic of Queen Anne guns. Its ornamentation is similar to the early guns,
but it does not have a chase astragal and fillets. Although the centre of the trunnions
is about 3 /7 the length of the gun from the rear of the base ring, it has a very long
first reinforce and a short chase. Since the broad arrow is not in evidence, it was
probably cast for the Hudson's Bay Company; possibly it is contemporary with the
guns at Fort Prince of Wales (Fig. 62).
The Board of Ordnance approved only one iron 3-pounder on the establishment
of ordnance of 1764 - 4-1/2 feet long, weighing 7-1/4 hundredweight. 207 This length
and weight of 3-pounder continued to be referred to throughout the rest of the
century. Adye in 1766, and Walton in 1780, recorded its dimensions in their
notebooks, but some of the diameters given by Adye are obviously wrong and the
excessive length of the second reinforce given by Walton remains problematic. 208

Figure 61. Iron 4-pounder, cast in the

reign of King George III (1760-1820),
weight: 11 hundredweight 1 quarter 16
pounds, length: 5 feet 6 inches. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., The Rotunda, III/29.)

Figure 62. Iron 3-

pounder, tenta-
tively dated to the
reign of Queen
Anne (1702-14),
weight: 4 hundred-
weight 3 quarters 8
pounds, length: 5
feet. (Parks,
Lower Fort Garry
National Historic

When Blomefield developed his method of constructing guns, he included a 3-

pounder of 4-1/2 feet, but nothing is known about it, not even if it was ever cast. 209
Adye listed a 3-pounder of 4-1/2 feet and 7-1/4 hundredweight in his Pocket Gunner
in 1801 and 1813, but probably he was referring to the older gun.2 10 Iron 3-pounders
were undoubtedly obsolete by about 1800.
There are three short 3-pounders, 3-1/2 feet long (weight unknown), preserved
by Parks at Lower Fort Garry, which are very much like a land service Blomefield
design in their proportions and exterior appearance. A serial number and the
manufacturer's mark, S. Co., have been carved into the ends of the left and right
trunnions respectively, but neither a royal cypher nor the broad arrow is evident.
Probably, then, the guns were made especially for the Hudson's Bay Company (Fig.
The 3-pounder made a brief and obscure reappearance during the meetings of
the Committee on Ordnance in the late 1850s. It noted two sorts of 3-pounders
Roebuck's and Merchant's, but only one gun of Roebuck's design was in store. 21 l
Beyond this nothing is known about these guns.

Figure 63. Iron 3-pounder, circa 1800, length: 3 feet 6 inches. (Parks, Lower Fort
Garry National Historic ParkJ""


Solid shot fired from long guns and, after 1779, from carronades was the usual
projectile used in naval battles. Despite shot's formidable penetrative power, sinking
a ship by gunfire became increasingly difficult; ship actions had become battles of
attrition, with the object being to kill or maim as many of the enemy as possible
rather than to sink his ship. As a way to reduce the effects of these bloody battles of
attrition the use of the explosive and incendiary capabilities of shell-fire suggested
Shells fired from mortars and later from howitzers, had been well-known in land
warfare for centuries. The French had even adapted the mortar to naval warfare. In
1682 a French fleet of sea-going bomb ketches, specialized ships mounting mortars,
had devastated first Algiers and then Genoa. 2 But mortars and howitzers, with their
high trajectory of fire and their low muzzle velocities, were hardly suitable to ships
of war. One problem was to project a shell from a long gun with sufficient power to
lodge in a ship's side, or penetrate between decks, where it could explode with
devastating effect, without its disintegrating or bursting in the barrel of the gun. A
second problem was to overcome the naval prejudice against shell-fire. Sailors
argued that it was both unchivalric to use shells in battle at sea and (no doubt a more
important point) dangerous to store shells on shipboard.
Attempts to fire shells from guns had a long history. As early as 1674 in
England, Robert Anderson had revealed in his The Genuine use and Effects of the
Gunne how to shoot "Grenados" out of long guns. In 1690 a French seaman, a M.
Deschiens, had learned, much to the sorrow of English and Dutch shipping that he
encountered, how to project shells from guns but the "secret" died with him) The
English conducted experiments at Acton Common in 1760 and in Canada in 1776.
During the siege of Gibraltar in 1781, they successfuly discharged 5-1/2-inch royal
mortar shells from their 24-pounders into the Spanish Iines.s In 1788, an Englishman
in the Russian service, Sir Samuel Bentham, directed an inferior Russian naval force
to victory over a Turkish fleet in the Sea of Azov, the latter being ripped apart by
shell-fire.5 The French, in the hope of counteracting British naval supremacy,
continued experiments so successfully that in the late 1790s, 36-pounder shells were
provided to their ships of war.6
The British retained their prejudice against shells at sea and seized upon any
French disaster, such as the blowing up of the Orient during the Battle of the Nile, as
evidence of the danger of shells or other combustibles on shipboard. They argued
that in the confusion of battle there was too much chance of accident with shells and
that in case of fire, if it spread among the shells, the whole ship could be destroyed.
It was many years before they could be persuaded that no more danger existed from
shells than from gunpowder stored in the ship's hold. British refusal to adopt shell-
fire in naval engagements probably had more to do with a reluctance to introduce a
new mode of warfare when they were supreme in the old.?
The French on the other hand, being the inferior naval power, had every reason
to innovate. Their experiments ultimately bore fruit in the ideas of a general of
artillery, Henri-Joseph Paixhans, who put them forward in two books, Nouvelle force
maritime (1822) and Experiences faites par la marine fran~aise, sur une arme
nouvelle (1825). In these works Paixhans combined three innovations:
m the development of steam driven warships,
(li) the rationalization of calibres on board warships,
(Hi) the superiority of shells over solid shot.

The successful use of the steam engine in ships of war would of course render
obsolete the wind-driven navies of the world and leave the French at least equal to
the British. The adoption of a single maximum calibre of ordnance, albeit of
different weights, had obvious advantages in the simplification of the supply of
materiel and in the provision of the greatest destructive power. But while suggesting
the adoption of the 36-pounder as the standard solid shot gun, Paixhans took the
argument one step further and advocated the complete armament of the French navy
with guns designed to fire shells which, he argued, were superior to solid shot.
Although shells, because of their lighter weight, did not range as far nor have the
penetrating power of shot, nevertheless, their range was more than sufficient for the
distance at which naval engagements were usually fought and their velocity was
sufficient to lodge them in the sides or timbers of ships where they would explode.
The destructive effect of their explosion was far greater than that of the smashing
power of shot. They were fired with reduced charges from lighter guns with a shorter
recoil; consequently the guns could be worked more rapidly and a greater volume of
fire directed at an enemy.
Paixhans reinforced his arguments by designing his own shell-gun or canon-
obusier. In essence this was a long howitzer, chambered like that weapon, with a
short chase, a large bore (22 ern, or about 8.7 inches), no muzzle swell, and all the
extraneous ornamentation (rings, astragals, fillets) removed. Tests were held at
Brest in 1821 and 1824 with such impressive results that the commission observing
recommended the adoption in small numbers in ships of the line of the newly designed
weapon. Noting perhaps its low muzzle velocity (armour could repel a shell) and its
relatively short range, the French navy was less impressed. Although it adopted
Paixhans views on the standardization of calibre in 1829 (the 30-pounder was chosen
as the unit), more trials of the shell-gun were held and its design modified. Finally in
1837 the principle of shell fire was accepted and the Paixhans gun, alongside the 30-
pounder, was accepted as part-armament of the French navy.8
The British, although perhaps not wishing to lead the way but well aware that
they must keep abreast of advances, also began experiments with a shell-gun. As
early as 1820 Colonel William Millar of the Royal Artillery had designed and was
experimenting with what he called a 68-pounder, designed to fire both shot and shell,
which was the prototype of the 8-inch shell gun. In 1824 a lO-inch gun was proposed
for the navy but was found to be too heavy and was replaced by the 8-inch calibre.
Various models of 8-, 10-, and even 12-inch guns were tested throughout the 1830s.
Finally by 1839, in reaction to the French reforms, the British had adopted various
lengths of 32-pounders as the standard shot gun and two lengths of the 8-inch shell
gun (9 feet of 65 hundredweight and 8 feet of 52 hundredweight) for the armament of
the Royal Navy.9

8-Inch Shell-Gun

This first reference to the 8-inch shell-gun occurred in 1820. In September of

that year, "Colonel Millars sic 68 pr Gun of 10 Calibres &: cvt. 50.0.0" was tested,
firing both shot and shell. Although it was called a 68-pounder and so designated in
manuals for a number of years, this was obviously the prototype 8-inch shell-gun
(Figs. 64 and 65).1 0 It was first introduced into the naval service in 1825 when the
newly designed lO-inch gun was deemed too heavy for ordinary ships (for the lO-inch
gun, see below).11 Two 8-inch guns were assigned to the lower deck of 2nd rates to
replace 68-pounder carronades. f2 This model was quickly found to be too short and

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Figure 64. Iron 68-pounder, Millar design, weight: 50 hundredweight, length: 6 feet
8.5 inches. The prototype shell-gun, circa 1825. (Royal Military College, Mould,
p. 103.)



Figure 65. Iron 8-inch shell-gun, weight: 50 hundredweight, length: 6 feet 8.5 inches,
circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate IV.)

light and was replaced by longer and heavier 8-inch guns, although it was still
retained on the list of active ordnance.l 3 In fortresses or batteries it was probably
seen as a substitute for the 8-inch howitzer. In 1845 one artillery officer remarked.:
The 8-inch gun, of 6 feet 8-inches [sic], 50 cwt., appears to be
much preferable for firing through embrasures, to the 8-inch
howitzer (but 4 feet long); both may be used for firing en
barbette from traversing platforms.l 4
It was for a short time considered as a suitable weapon to be included in the
armament of coast batteries and "for flanks, interior defences, and for commanding
landing places." 15 In 1857, there being only 15 of these guns remaining, all in store in
Great Britain, the Committee on Ordnance recommended that it be declared obsolete
and, finally, in 1866 it was so declared.l 6
Douglas, in his Treatise on Naval Gunnery, maintains that in 1838 the 50
hundredweight gun was replaced by the 8-inch gun of 9 feet and 65 hundredweight. 17
He does not mention another model, of 8 feet 10 inches and 60 hundredweight that
was first introduced in 1831. 18 It first appeared in a manual in 1844 where it was
designated for garrison use. This designation, if correct, may account for Howard's
neglect.l 9 But by 1848 it was being described as a sea service gun and by 1857 there
were 120 of these weapons on board ship, none being mounted on land, either in Great
Britain or abroad.2 0 In 1857 the Committee on Ordnance recommended that it be
declared obsolete but as late as 1881 it was still retained on active service.2 1
As previously noted, Douglas wrote that the 8-inch gun of 9 feet and 65 cwt,
was introduced for steamers in 1838. Other writers have said that it was first
brought forward in 1834. 22 Possibly Douglas was suggesting that it was not officially
accepted until 1838 and had been under trial for four years. This model was the most
popular of the 8-inch guns; 4157 of it were ordered from contractors between 1834
and 1862 for both land and sea service. 23 In 1881 it was still in service. Many were
converted to 64-pounders R.M.L. of 71 hundredweight.2 4
A very obscure model of 8 feet 6 inches and 60 hundredweight was first noted in
a manual of 1839.2 5 It was reportedly designed for sea service. 2o Its career seems to
have been very short, possibly only from 1840 to 1846 when 110 of these guns were
manufactured.2 7 By 1857 only six were reported, all in store in Great Britain, and
the Committee on Ordnance recommended that it be declared obsolete. 28 Presum-
ably this recommendation was implemented for with the exception of the note on
production this model was not mentioned again.
A fifth 8-inch gun, of 8 feet and 52 hundredweight, was introduced in 1840, but
it was not noted in any of the manuals until 1847.29 Although originally designed for
naval service, it received its most extensive use in the siege train sent to the Crimea
in 1854, where, mounted on a modified 24-pounder carriage, it served as a
howitzer .30 In 1858 the Committee on Ordnance recommended its retention in the
service and in 1859 it was decided that the piece was the most suitable for the
armament of caponnieres and flanks of works (Fig. 66»)1
According to Sir Howard Douglas, this model of the 8-inch gun was an
inefficient weapon:
It is commonly said that 8-inch shell-guns of 52 cwt, - an
inferior and inefficient class of shell-guns, of which vast
numbers have been provided, but which are rapidly and justly
falling into disfavour and disuse in the naval service •••
form a large portion of the present siege-train service; not it
is hoped, to interfere with the usual proportion of the good old
24-pounder - a capital siege-gun - but to be used as
howitzers; for they are incapable of serving with efficiency as
battering ordnance (excepting against earthen works ••• ), or for

richochet [sic], with shot; and they are very inconveniently

heavy howitzers for siege service. 32
Despite Douglas' strictures, the 52 hundredweight gun was retained in service
and sometime in the 1860s it was slightly modified by the addition of 2 hundred-
weight, probably by adding additional metal to the breech and perhaps removing some
from the chase, a modification which had been carried out upon the lO-inch gun (see
below).33 The gun was still in use in 1881 although there were "but few of the 54-
cwt. pattern mounted in L.S. batteries."34
The Committee on Ordnance noted one other 8-inch gun, of 5 feet 8 inches and
36 hundredweight. On 31 March 1857, 11 of these, which had been supplied sometime
before 1854, were in store in Great Britain. The Committee recommended that it be
declared obsolete. 35 This is all that can be said of this piece, since nowhere else is it
mentioned. It remains a most obscure weapon.

tl UI G JJ ra o I'J cun ,

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Figure 66. Iron 8-inch shell-gun, (1) weight: 65 hundredweight, length: 9 feet, (2)
weight: 60 hundredweight, length: 8 feet 10 inches, (3) weight: 52 hundredweight,
length: 8 feet, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate III.)

to-Inch Shell-Gun

A potentially more powerful but ultimately less successful weapon than the 8-
inch was the 10-inch shell-gun. This weapon, of 9 feet 4 inches and 84 hundred-
weight, was first introduced into the naval service in 1824, but, because it was found
to be too heavy for an ordinary ship, quickly gave way to the 8-inch gun. 36 Despite
its initial failure it never completely fell from favour. About 50 were manufactured
between 1831 and 1840. 37 It was part of the extensive gunnery trials at Deal in
1839 38 and in 1845 one artillery officer regarded it as a formidable weapon for
coastal batteries. The lO-inch shell-guns, he wrote,
Are most eligible pieces for sea defences.

The diameter and weight of the shell, and its explosive

effect when filled with powder, must have most destructive
effect upon any vessel.
The lO-inch gun of 9 feet 4 inches, 84 cwt, may be fired
with advantage through an embrasure from a dwarf traversing
platform, or from a traversing platform, en barbette over a
parapet. By means of a bearer the shell, though heavy, may be
readily raised to the height required to load. 39
In 1846 the Millar model was modified by Colonel W.B. Dundas, Inspector of
Artillery. The weight was increased by 2 hundredweight to 86 hundredweight by
adding 4 hundredweight of metal around the breech and charging cylinder and
removing about 2 hundredweight from the chase. 40 This new model superseded the
original gun but the latter still continued to be used but exclusively on ships. The
heavier weapon served both on land and at sea. 41 Even with the additional weight it
was still suspect. Although the Committee on Ordnance recommended that it be
retained in service, it felt constrained to direct "that its enduring powers should be
ascertained by experiment ...,,42 Artillerists argued that it was a formidable weapon
at short range, but that it was inaccurate at long range. The 68-pounder, 32-pounder,
and 8-inch gun were felt to be superior (Fig. 67).Tj.3
The lighter 84 hundredweight gun slowly passed from the scene. In 1866 it was
abolished and by 1873 only the 86 hundredweight gun was in use. 44 By 1881 it was
still listed in service, but it did cause some problems at times:
The muzzle of this gun being too large for the ports of some
ships, one of the muzzle mouldings was sometimes turned off
in order to obtain a larger angle of training. Guns so treated
are called L.M. (low muzzle), in contradistinction to the H.M.
(high muzzle).45
There were two other models of 10-inch guns - one of 7 feet 6 inches and 57
hundredweight and one of 8 feet 4 inches and 63 hundredweight. Seven of these
(three of the former, four of the latter) were constructed in 1829 but only for

l!) j,'1C H J SlOII '-IHl.

Figure 67. Iron lO-inch shell-gun, (1) weight: 87 hundredweight, length: 9 feet 4
inches, (2) weight: 84 hundredweight, length: 9 feet 4 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer,
Diagrams of Guns, Plate 1) --

experiment and were never accepted into service. 46 The Committee on Ordnance
noted their existence in 1857 (three of each model) and the next year recom mended
that they be declared obsolete. 47 In 1866 they were finally abolished. 48

12-Inch Shell-Gun

A 12-inch shell-gun of 8 feet 4 inches and 90 hundredweight was proposed and

cast in 1828, but, according to Miller, only one specimen was ever manufactured. 49
There is, however, in Straith's Atlas which accompanied his artillery manual of 1841 a
drawing of a 12-inch shell-gun said to be of 9 feet 2 inches and 5 tons (about 89-1/4
hundredweight).50 An earlier notebook also noted a 12-inch shell-gun of 9 feet 2
inches but weighing 100 hundredweight. 51 All other manuals, if they recorded a 12-
inch gun at all, referred to the model of 8 feet 4 inches. The question of whether
there were one or two specimens, however, is purely academic, because the 12-inch
gun never came into use.


The carronade was a short, light piece of cast-iron ordnance with a large bore
relative to its weight. The bore terminated in a cylindrical chamber, its diameter
equal to the preceding calibre. Although it fired the standard shot, the windage
around the ball was less than normal because the bore diameter was slightly smaller
than in the corresponding gun. Since its light weight necessitated the use of a
reduced powder charge, the carronade was a relatively short-range weapon.
Its profile was distinctive. It lacked a muzzle swell and the mouth of bore was
enlarged or "scooped" to facilitate loading. An unusual dispart sight was usually cast
on the reinforce ring, although on early models it may have been mounted on the
muzzle. Two rings projected behind the uniquely designed cascable, a vertical one
for the breeching rope, and the other, horizontal, threaded for the elevating screw.
Although some carronades were cast with trunnions, most had a loop or "joint"
underneath through which a bolt passed to attach them to their carriages. The
carriage was constructed in two parts - a lower one attached to a pivot in the ship's
side and an upper one, held in place by a bolt protruding down through a slot in the
lower, along which the upper part recoiled until checked by the breeching rope.
The appearance of the carronade in 1778 was the result of the practical
application of the ideas of artillery theorists like Benjamin Robins and John Muller,
ideas which had been discussed for 30 years or more. Robins, mathematician and
military engineer, author of the influential New Principles of Gunnery, published in
1747 a pamphlet, A Proposal for increasing the strength of the British Navy, by
changing all guns from l8-pounders downwards into others of equal weight but of a
greater bore. Noting that lighter pieces became proportionally heavier relative to
the weight of the shot, he argued for a more efficient allocation of metal, thereby
decreasing the weight of the smaller calibred guns. In effect, this would allow the
smaller ships of the navy to carry larger calibre guns without any increase in the dead
weight of the metal on board. At the same time to limit the stress on the guns,
Robins called for a reduction in the powder charge to one-third the weight of the
ball. Admitting that his proposal to increase the calibre of a warship's guns would be
at the expense of ranging power, he pointed out that most naval duels were fought at
close quarters and that the destructive effect of a cannon ball increased dispropor-
tionately to its increase in size.I
John Muller, professor of artillery and fortifications at the Royal Military
Academy, Woolwich, also called into question in his A Treatise of Artillery the
excessive weight of guns. While Robins had been concerned with sea ordnance,
Muller applied his reasoning to all types of guns, developing a system of construction
in which his proposed pieces would be both lighter and shorter. 2 Also, Muller
questioned the excessive windage of British guns and proposed that it be reduced to
1/24 the diameter of the shot. 3
The carronade was developed by the Carron Company, ironfounders of Falkirk,
Scotland. This firm, founded in 1759, was determined to become a major foundry of
cast-iron ordnance. Its first attempts in 1761-2 to supply the Board of Ordnance
were frustrated by the proofing failures of too large a percentage of its guns. In 1764
the company resumed its attempt to become the major supplier to the Board, and for
the next nine years achieved a modest success. But again, in 1773, a high proportion
of its guns failed and the Board declined to place further orders.
Despite this setback, or perhaps because of it, Carron endeavoured to improve
its methods of producing ordnance. In 1775 the company began to cast barrels solid
rather than on a core and adopted John Wilkinson's method of horizontal boring (see

above). From 1776 to 1778 the foundry produced successfully a number of light-
weight, small-calibre guns, the plans of which are lost, but which apparently
approximated the carronade. There is in the Tower of London two short swivel guns,
4 pounders, with trunnions, cast by Carron in 1778, that may be an example of these
forerunners. 4 Out of this ferment of innovation Carron developed the carronade. It
was first tested in the autumn of 1778.5
While it is beyond dispute that the carronade was first manufactured by the
Carron Company, it is not clear which individual was responsible for the design of the
weapon. There have been three claimants of the honour - General Robert Melville,
Charles Gascoigne, and Patrick Miller. 6 Naval historians have credited the invention
to Melville, an intelligent, well-read, infantry officer who was interested in problems
of gunnery. An appreciation of Benjamin Robins' arguments led Melville, according
to the naval historian, Robertson,
to propose, in 1774, a short eight-inch gun weighing only
thirty-one hundredweight yet firing a nicely fitting sixty-eight
pound ball with a charge of only five and a half pounds of
powder. This piece he induced the Carron company to cast,
appropriately naming it a Smasher. Of all the carronades the
Smasher was the prototype •••the carronade was a reproduction,
to a convenient scale, of the Smasher.7
Robertson cites as conclusive evidence that Melville was the inventor the inscription
on a model that the Carron Company presented to the soldier:
Gift of the Carron Company to Lieutv-General Melville, in-
ventor of the Smashers and lesser carronades for solid, ship,
shell, and carcass shot, etc. First used against the French in
1779. 8
R.H. Campbell, in his history of the Carron Company, is less dogmatic in his
attribution of credit. 9 He points out that the strongest evidence in Melville's favour
is his own letter written on 31 July 1797, some 20 years later, and a subsequent brief
reference in another letter that he dictated on 1 July 1806. According to his own
testimony, he conceived the idea of the carronade in 1753 when, as a captain of the
25th Regiment, he was stationed at Cork. He told members of the Carron Company
of his speculations, who then constructed and tested successfully an 8-inch model.
Unfortunately the Board of Ordnance was not interested, but the company began to
produce smaller carronades for the use of privateers and on its own ships. In
commenting on Melville's assertions Campbell points out that there is no evidence
surviving of the testing of a heavy proto-carronade previous to the development of
the lighter sorts. He suggests that Melville, in his old age, may have confused these
trials with those of a 100-pounder in 1781, records of which are extant.l O But it is
clear, argues Campbell, from extensive correspondence in the company records, that
"if Melville did not invent the carronade, he was constantly being consulted on its
development," and that his basic contribution to the development of the carronade
was to suggest "the possibility of lighter but equally effective cannon, if they had
chambers like howitzers."ll
A suggestion coming from Melville, such as casting the bore of a cannon with a
chamber, could be picked up and implemented by a founder like Charles Gascoigne,
manager of the Carron works and another claimant to the title of inventor of the
carronade. The evidence for his claim is less straightforward then Melville's,
comprising the attribution of the invention to him by the Scots Magazine in 1779, the
fact that the original name of the carronade was "gasconade," references in certain
letters to "our C.G. Esqrs. invention," and his unsuccessful attempt to patent the
weapon in his name. Campbell points out that Gascoigne was often vague in his
descriptions of the uniqueness of the weapon and suggests that he was developing a

good idea that he had come across without fully understanding its distinction.l 2
Patrick Miller, banker and merchant of Edinburgh, strongly asserted his own
claim to be the inventor but, like Melville, years after the event. He contended that
he conceived the idea to use light guns with reduced charges for short range
engagements at sea, contracted with the Carron Company to cast and test 12-
pounders, and, in the autumn of 1778, fitted out a private ship, Spitfire, with them.
Campbell indicates certain weaknesses in Miller's claim, but admits that Miller was
indeed involved in the Spitfire venture, that he was an interested amateur in
engineering and mechanical ventures, and was an active and enthusiastic promoter of
the sale of the carronade after its invention. Campbell is inclined to see Miller more
as promoter rather than as inventor .13
Campbell's final conclusion is judicious:
From this welter of conflicting evidence it is difficult to
determine who invented the carronade. Probably all three
were involved•••
He argues strongly that Melville and Gascoigne, through their interaction and
expertise, made the most significant contribution while Miller, in the role of wealthy
amateur, encouraged and later promoted their work.
Yet is is really impossible to state the carronade's inventor
dogmatically. It first appeared at Carron and most truthfully
of all it may be said that all who had any connection with the
Company - which includes Melville, Gascoigne, and Miller -
were all involved in this major operation.J''
The carronade was first tested in action in the autumn of 1778 when Gascoigne
engaged his kinsman, Captain William Elphinstone, to carry Carron goods to London
in exchange for arming the latter's ships. The results of these trials of what was
initially called the gasconade are unknown, but the news of this new weapon was
sufficient to prompt many enquiries from merchants. Then the Spitfire of Liverpool,
armed with 16 carronades, engaged a French frigate of nearly four times her burthern
and, while eventually striking her colours, damaged her enemy severely. In
December 1778 the company gave Gascoigne permission to produce the new weapon,
now officially dubbed carronade, for general sale; shortly orders were flooding in.
Subsequent accounts of successful actions against French or American ships only
enhanced the cararonade's reputation in unofficial circles.
The government responded more slowly, but in May 1779 sufficient pressure was
brought to bear that the King ordered trials of the carronade at Woolwich. By July
the Admiralty had accepted the new weapon and shortly was demanding large
quantities. By January 1781, according to the naval historian William James, 429
ships of the Royal Navy mounted carronades.I 5
The first major action in which carronades contributed to victory occurred on
12 April 1782 when the British under Rodney defeated the French under de Grasse at
the Battle of the Saints in the West Indies. That same year, in the most dramatic
demonstration of the power of the carronade in favourable circumstances, the British
Rainbow, armed entirely with carronades, decisively defeated the French frigate,
Hebe, in a very short exchange. By the end of the War of the American Revolution
the carronade was well established both in official and in unofficial circles.l 6
The radical design of the carronade was responsible for its dramatic success at
sea. Since it was very light and short it could be eaily manoeuvred and worked by
fewer men than the corresponding calibre of long gun. As well, a lighter piece fired a
heavier shot. Even the largest of the carronades, the 68-pounder of 36 hundred-
weight, was only slightly heavier than a 12-pounder long gun. This was especially
advantageous for a small ship, such as a merchantman or privateer, which, by
substituting carronades for long guns, became capable of throwing four or five times

the weight of projectile without increasing the dead weight of her weapons. As long
as she fought at close range, a carronade-armed vessel could be a dangerous
adversary against a ship that, under normal circumstances she would not have dared
to approach.
The low velocity of the shot, the reduced windage, and the large ball were all
advantageous characteristics of the carronade, Gunners knew that a shot which had
just sufficient velocity to pierce a ship's side caused the most damage. A high speed
ball often passed through both sides without causing more damage than two small
holes. A larger ball caused damage out of proportion to the increase in size,
especially by the splintering effect which scattered slivers of wood in all directions,
killing or maiming the men in the nearby gun crews. The small windage meant that
the utmost effect was achieved by the reduced powder charge, since less of the force
of the explosion was lost escaping around the ball. 17
The disadvantages of the carronade derived from precisely those characteristics
that gave it its advantages. Its critics charged that its shortness prevented it from
extending sufficiently beyond the ports of a ship, thus creating a danger of setting
fire to the rigging or indeed to the side of the vessel. Between decks, the detractors
added, there would be an increase in the amount of smoke collecting, thus blinding
and choking the gunners. The speed with which the carronade could be worked and
fired could result, it was feared, in overheating and bursting. The recoil, which was
said to be especially violent due to the light weight of the carronade and the peculiar
method of its mounting by a loop underneath the barrel, could so stretch the
breeching rope that, when the upper part of the carriage recoiled the metal bolt
would strike the rear of the guiding slot in the lower carriage, breaking it, and thus
disabling the weapon. 18
These criticisms could be answered but the major weakness, the carronade's
short range, was a more serious problem. In battle at short range the carronade was
formidable. A spectacular example was the case of Glatton, a former East Indiaman
in Admiralty service, armed exclusively with carronades. Attacked by six French
frigates, a brig-corvette, and a cutter off the coast of Flanders in 1795, she drove
them off, all badly damaged. But if the enemy refused to fight at close quarters, the
carronade was useless. Commodore James Yeo discovered this on Lake Ontario in
1813, complaining that he could not bring the American ships to close action, "not a
carronade being fired." The American frigate Essex, armed almost exclusively with
carronades, was pounded into submission by two British warships who stood off at
long-gun range and refused to close. By the end of the Napoleonic wars the
reputation of the carronade was considerably diminished. 19
Thereafter the carronade began to be supplanted by lighter guns. In 1825 a
student at the Royal Military Academy noted that a variety of 68-pounder was no
longer in service and that the other was to be retained in use only "'till Genl. Millars
68 pro Guns are ready." According to his notes, only the 32-pounder carronade was in
general use in the Royal Navy; the other calibres were in service in the lesser rates,
in boats or cutters, or in fortresses where they were used for flanking fire. 20 A
French commission visiting England a decade later noted that carronades, while still
in use, were being replaced by light guns of a new constructlon.U In 1846, one
military writer, Hector Straith, argued strongly for the use of 68-pounder carronades
to scour narrow ditches or other fixed positions in fortresses because they fired a
large charge of case or grapeshot and could be worked very quickly)2 But even in
this restricted use, he noted, they were being replaced by reamed-up guns:
Carronades are however so inferior to guns in most respects
and they project so short a distance out of the embrasures,
that they are becoming increasingly objected to, and a ~re­
ference is now given to reamed up guns of heavy calibre••• D

rJ.• ..l.;....,..>: ".I tAo. C''''- ..~ , .... "

"I1;7','l';"W .?~.".~",~
"'"sc..;h,&;1' __ Z
.,-eee, ~4t 6 ...
- t~. Bore -.:J~ ,I..,. f.~.1 Ie,.."

",0.1'4"~ "'.f .,),.d,..... n.,rr ..

s: C>lL.,..... l... ,.. 1:.. _ .... -t·ULh. TJ.,. t'L t ..... £'.,,'1 ........ ' .-,. r,,~ (h ..... 4> 'll t.lt.,
.. .1~ l~ lit... ""'f.~l1'r't k Co J J, .. 'Ie ...f l.l.. •. ..h "' •.f+J.r .. l,nll. ll. ..
. 'In.. e:.fP..... ,J.e e-, ~l .. ,,'" ~f t.l.. LI .. r l t 10
Figure 68. General Construction of Carronades, circa 1825.
(Royal Military Col- Vl
lege, Mould, p. 102.)

In 1864 they were used only for the flank defence of permanent works. 24 A year
later the existing 68-, 42-, 32-, and 24-pounders were retained in the service "either
permanently or for a time" and in 1866 the lesser calibres were declared obsolete. 25
The career of the carronade may be summed up in the words of Sir Howard
Douglas, an expert on naval gunnery:
The defects of carronades, and the danger of employing
that imperfect ordnance, are now generally felt and admitted;
that ordnance, however, rendered important service in its
time, for it taught us practically the great value of a reduced
windage, the advantage of quick firing, and the powerful
effects produced at close quarters by shot of considerable
diameter striking a ship's side with moderate velocity.2 6
Chambered like a howitzer but firing solid shot, it was replaced in naval warfare by
the shell gun, which in essence was merely a long howitzer.
Carronades were cast in all calibres from the 3- to the 68-pounder, except the
56-pounder. There is some controversy whether the heavy 68-pounder was developed
before the lighter calibres. The older view, previously noted, holds that the Carron
Company began to produce the lighter models following the failure of the Admiralt
to express any interest in the "Smasher" that Melville allegedly had cast in 1774.2 7
R.H. Campbell, in his more recent study of the Carron Company, argues that the
lighter carronades were developed first, pointing out that there are no records of the
tests of 68-pounders until 1780. 28 Whatever the truth, by 1780 carronades of a
calibre from 12- to 68-pounder had been successfully tested and were in service.
The history of the lighter pieces, the 3-, 6-, and 9-pounders, is more obscure.
The first reference to these, and the only reference to the 3-pounder, occurred in a
table of powder charges dated 1797.29 In it the term "Merchant's" was appended
beside them, suggesting perhaps a different design. There are no subsequent reports
of a 3-pounder, but in 1825 the 6-pounder was said to be in use on King's and revenue
cutters)O It continued to be included in lists of ordnance until it was declared
obsolete in 1866)1 The 9-pounder was first noted in the Queen's service in 1847, but
by 1859 it was slated to be declared obsolete. 32 Presumably it was so declared, but
it is not included in the 1866 list of obsolete pieces. It seems to have been a rather
obscure weapon.
Although no examples or drawings of the 6- or 9-pounder exist, the specifi-
cations that have been found indicate that in length and weight they were proportion-
ately longer and heavier than the other carronades. The 6-pounder, 2 feet 9 inches,
and the 9-pounder, 4 feet, were respectively slightly more than 9 and 11-1/2 calibres
long as opposed to the usual length for long carronades of from 7 to 8 calibres. The
ratio of weight of shot to weight of carronades was about 1 to 88-1/2 for the 6-
pounder of 4-3/4 hundredweight and about 1 to 99-1/2 for the 9-pounder of 8
hundredweight. The usual ratio varied from 1 to 50 to 1 to 60)3
In his study of British smooth-bore artillery, Hughes lists neither the 3- nor 9-
pounder and of the 6-pounder he notes: "Probably not in service after 1810. Not
mentioned in tables of armaments after 1813."34 This must be a typographical error,
for the author himself reproduces tables of dimensions which include the 6-
pounder. 35 He must mean not in service before 1810 and not mentioned before 1813.
It was certainly mentioned from the mid-1820s onward.
The heavier calibres were in service from 1779 or 1780 until the mid-1860s (and
perhaps later in remote posts), although they were obsolescent by 1840 or before.
The 12- and 18-pounders were tested at Woolwich in 1779 and all calibres were put on
trial there the following year .36 Some of these models do not appear thereafter -
e.g, a 12-pounder of 1 foot 10 inches and more than 4-1/2 hundredweight and an 18-
pounder of 3 feet 1/2 inch. 37 It is hardly surprising that different lengths and

weights were tried until a satisfactory size was selected.

Two sizes of carronades were developed - a shorter version about 5.9 calibres
long, with a ratio of shot weight to total weight of about 1 to 52, and a longer model
about 7.7 calibres long, with a ratio of shot weight to total weight of about 1 to 59.
From the beginning both varieties of the 18-, 24-, and 68-pounders co-existed, the
shorter type becoming obsolete probably in the 1820s and certainly by 1840. The
short 12-pounder was replaced by a long model about 1800. 38 There never seems to
have been a short 32- or 42-pounder. Presumably the shorter weapon was found to
have inadequate range, accuracy, and power with perhaps a more violent recoil
because of its lightweight, while not protruding sufficiently out the ship's port.
The first models of the 12 and 18-pounder carronades may have had a slightly
smaller, and the 42-pounder a slightly larger, bore diameter, than later weapons.
These calibres may have been only experimental, although one notebook compiled in
the first decade of the nineteenth century still recorded the earlier bore diameters
for the 18- and 42-pounders)9

Bore Diameter

1780 1800 difference

12 pdr, 4.50 in. 4.52 in. +.02 in.

18 pdr, 5.14 in. 5.16 in. +.02 in.
24 pdr, 5.68 in. 5.68 in.
32 pdr, 6.25 in. 6.25 in.
42 pdr, 6.85 in. 6.84 in. -.01 in.
68 pdr, 8.05 in. 8.05 in.

Partly because of the method of mounting on the carriage by a loop cast

underneath the barrel rather than by trunnions cast on the sides, the carronade was
alleged to recoil violently and uncontrollably. When it was fired, it tended to rotate
around the loop, the muzzle flying up and the breech smashing down, thus putting a
great deal of strain on the carriage. The carronade was purposely designed with a
loop" to enable it to project further from the Ships [sic] side than its want of length
would otherwise have allowed."40 This is not an entirely convincing explanation. An
obvious solution to the problem was to cast trunnions on the carronade,

Figure 69. Carronades, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXX.)

There are vague references in secondary literature to carronades with trun-

nions, but no mention was made of them in the various semi-official manuals that
were published throughout the nineteenth century.4l Examples, however, do exist.
There is a 3-pounder at the Tower of London. 42 The National Maritime Museum,
Greenwich, possesses a scale drawing of a 9-pounder. 43 Parks owns a 4-pounder, two
6-pounders, and two l8-pounders. They are similar in appearance to a carronade
except that they have trunnions rather than a loop and they retain the standard gun
button rather than the carronade's elevating screw box. In some cases the trunnions
are centred, in others cast below the axis of the bore as was standard in gun design.
The muzzles of some also had extra mouldings cast on. None of these appear to have
been cast for official military or naval use, lacking the Board of Ordnance's
identifying mark, the broad arrow (Figs. 70, 71, and 72).
There is a rather obscure reference in 1841. A Captain Hastings, a British
naval officer who ended his career in the Greek service, wrote of
Four long shorts (after drawings furnished by Captain Hasting
s), each 7 feet 4 inches long, weighing 58 cwt. with the form
of a carronade in all but having trunnions to mount them, the
same as long guns; but these trunnions are not placed as is
usual in long guns, below the line for the quarter sights••• , but
so as to intersect the gun horizontally. These pieces of
artillery were mounted on lO-inch howitzer carrIages.v''
Whatever these weapons were, they were very heavy, over 20 hundredweight more
than a long 68-pounder carronade. It is also not clear if Hastings was writing of a
British or a Greek vessel.

Figure 70. Carronade with trunnions, (calibre: 3.25 inches, 4-pounder ?), length: 3
feet. (Parks, Fort Beausejour National Historic Park.)

Figure 71. Carronade with trunnions (calibre: 3.55 inches, 6-pounder?), length: 3
feet 6 inches. (Parks, Lower Fort Garry National Historic Park.)

Figure 72. Two carronades with trunnions (calibre: 5.125 inches, 18-pounder?),
weight: 18 hundredweight, length: 5 feet. (Parks, Fort George National Historic


Descended from the stubby, large-bore mediaeval bombards, mortars were

relatively short, large-calibre artillery pieces designed to fire the largest, heaviest
projectiles on the highest possible trajectories. Unlike guns which fired solid shot
horizontally at high velocity, mortars fired shells or carcasses vertically at low
velocity. Because the elevation usually was kept at 45 degrees in the British service,
the range was altered by varying the strength of the service charge. Mortars
depended for their destructive results not on the velocity of the projectile but on the
explosive power and incendiary effects of their shells and carcasses. With their high
angle of elevation, mortars could fire over obstacles to hit their targets and were
consequently especially useful siege weapons. Occasionally the small, lighter mortars
were used in the field.
Unlike guns or howitzers that were mounted on wheeled carriages, mortars
were cast with their trunnions at the rear. Their carriages, called beds, were
substantial blocks of wood hollowed out to receive the trunnions and breech of the
mortar and designed to absorb the downward thrust of recoil when the mortar was
fired. Unlike guns but like howitzers, mortars were chambered, that is the bore
terminated in a compartment smaller than the calibre. This allowed the breech to
have a greater thickness of metal to resist the power of discharges and to make the
most efficient use (so it was argued) of the explosion of the service charge.

Brass Mortars

Coehorn Mortar

This small brass mortar was invented by the Dutch military engineer Baron
Menno van Coehorn (or Cohorn, 1641-1704) and first used at the siege of Grave in
1674) The originals were made
of hammer'd Iron of four inches diameter of the Bore, ten
inches and a half long, and nine inches in the Chase, fixed upon
a piece of Oak of 20 inches long, 10 and a half broad, and
betwixt 3 and 4 thick; they stand fixed at 45 Degrees of
Elevation and throw Hand Grenades as all other Hand Mortars
do; they are placed in the bottom of the Trenches, at 2 yards
distance from one another, having each a Soldier to serve it,
and an Officer to every 40 or 50, who lays them to what
Elevation he thinks convenient, by raising or sinking the hind
part of the Bed; three or four hundred of them are sometimes
in Service at once, in different parts of the Trenches, 60, 70,
or 80 in a place)
In the British service the Coehorn was cast in brass, it was slightly longer than its
Dutch counterpart and it had a slightly larger bore.
The Coehorn appeared in a inventory at the Tower of London for the first time
in 1713) James, an artillery officer at the Tower, noted it about 1725, when it was
said to be 1 foot 1 inch in length and to weigh slightly more than 1/2 hundredweight. 4
No other information was given. A Coehorn of the reign of King George II at the

Rotunda, Woolwich, described at 13.6 inches in length and 58 pounds in weight may
approximate the mortar to which James referred (Fig. 73).5
Over the century and a half of its existence the Coehorn underwent changes in
calibre, weight, dimensions, and the shape of its chamber. Although there is an
example at the Tower of London from the reign of George II having a calibre of 4.5
inches, the early written sources gave its bore diameter at 4.6 inches and two
specimens at the Rotunda Museum, Woolwich, have a calibre of 4.64 inches.f In 1764
when the Board of Ordnance revised the dimensions of pieces of artillery, it changed
the Coehorn's calibre to 4.52 inches, at which it remained for the rest of its service
Increases in weight and dimensions were probably related. A survey of the
weight of these mortars from about 1725 to the 1860s reveals a gradual increase in
weight from about 1/2 to almost 1 hundredweight, although the nominal weight was
usually given as 3/4 hundredweight. This increase seems to have been caused mainly
by an increase in the diameter of the mortar. A comparison of tables of dimensions
from the 1750s, 1790s, and 1850s showed in each case that the diameter, and
therefore the weight, had increased. 8

Figure 73. Brass Coehorn Mortar, cast Figure 74. Brass Coehorn Mortar, cast
in the reign of King George II (1727-60), in the reign of King George III (1760-
weight: 2 quarters 24 pounds, length: 1820), weight: 3 quarters 18 pounds.
13.6 inches. (The Royal Artillery Insti- (The Royal Artillery Institution,
tution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda,
II/55.) uncatalogued.)

Ii I


Figure 75. Brass Coehorn Mortar, weight: 1 hundredweight, length: 12.7125 inches,
circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXIX.)

Another change, very minor, was the shortening of the mortar. After about
1750 its stated length was 1 foot 1 1/2 inches and it was so described by Rudyerd in
1791. 9 Probably in the first decade of the nineteenth century, perhaps earlier, it was
shortened slightly to 12-3/4 inches, at which length it was to remain,lO
A more radical change was the replacement of a slightly conical chamber by
the Gomer chamber. In the 1750s Glegg gave the dimensions of the conical chamber:
length 3.7 inches
greatest diameter 2.7 inches
least diameter 1.4 inches
In 1791 Rudyerd recorded a shorter, less tapering version:
length 3.35 inches
greatest diameter 2.2 inches
least diameter 1.55 inches l l
The conical chamber was connected to the bore by a semi-hemisphere corresponding
to the exterior of the shell.
The Gomer chamber was also a truncated cone but it merged directly into the
bore of the mortar. It took its name from a French officer, Louis-Gabriel de Gomer
(1718-98), who successfully incorporated this chamber into a mortar in the mid-
1780s.1 2 It was later adopted by other European powers. Blackmore in his inventory
of ordnance at the Tower of London recorded a Gomer chamber in a Coehorn mortar
cast in 1814, but it may have been adopted as early as the 1790s. 13

Royal Mortar

The history of the Royal Mortar is very similar to that of the Coehorn, although
its origins are more obscure. It is not known when the Royal was introduced into
service but James included a reference to it in his notebook about 1725 and it was
first included in an inventory of the Tower of London in 1726.1 4 Nor is it known why

it was called Royal; Blackmore cited a reference from Belgium in 1716 referring to
"mortiers royals" and suggests that the term originally may have been French.l 5 Two
examples of these early Roy.al Mortars from the reign of King George I are at the
Rotunda, Woolwich (Fig. 76}.16
Like the Coehorn, the Royal underwent changes during its lifetime to its
calibre, weight, dimensions, and, although this is less clear, to the shape of its
chamber. The calibre of the early Royals was 5.8 inches; this is the measurement
given by the earliest written source, Glegg, in the 1750s, and the Royals at the
Rotunda were measured at 5.73 inches, a difference that is hardly significant)7
When the Board of Ordnance revised the dimensions of mortars in 1764 the calibre
was cha¥ed to 5.62 inches at which it was to remain throughout the remainder of its
career. 1
The weight of the Royal was increased during its service life. About 1725
James gave its weight at 1 hundredweight 4-1/2 pounds.l 9 Thereafter in the
eighteenth century it was usually recorded at 1-1/4 hundredweight while in the next
century it was usually about 14 pounds heavier.2 0 This increase in weight was caused
probably by increases in the diameter of the mortar. A comparison of tables of
dimensions, circa 1750, 1791, and circa 1850, shows, as with the Coehorn, that at
each period the diameter and thus the weight had increased. 21

Figure 76. Brass Royal or 5 1/2-inch Mortar, cast in the reign of King George I
(1714-27), length: 15.2 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The
Rotunda, 1I/35.)

Figure 77. Brass Royal or 5-1/2-inch Mortar, cast by Francis Kinman in 1794,
weight: 1 hundredweight 1 quarter? pounds. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, uncatalogued.)

Figure 78. Brass Royal or 5-1/2-inch Mortar, weight: 1.25 hundredweight, length:
15.1 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXVIII.)

The Royal also underwent slight variations in length. About 1725 James set
down its length at 15.5 inches, in the 1750s Glegg had it at 16.5 inches, in 1764 the
Board of Ordnance reduced it to 16 inches, and in 1791 Rudyerd recorded it at 16.265
inches. 22 Although Adye in 1801 and 1813 indicated that the length was 16.25 inches,
Blackmore has recorded four Royals of this period at the Tower of London all with
lengths of 15 inches.2 3 The most precise measurement of its length stated in
subsequent manuals is 15.1 inches. 24 It seems likely that Adye's manual was out of
date and that the change in length took place in the 1790s.
Originally the Royal had a conical chamber. In the 1750s Glegg gave its
dimensions as
length 4.5 inches
greatest diameter 3.0 inches
least diameter 2.4 inches
In 1791 Rudyerd recorded a slight change in size and shape:
length 4.05 inches
greatest diameter 2.85 inches
least diameter 2.05 inches
The conical chamber, as in the case of the Coehorn gave way to the Gomer chamber.
It is reasonable to conclude that this happened at the same time that it did in the
case of the Coehorn, which possibly was as early as the 1790s (see above). Blackmore
did not mention a Royal with a Gomer chamber until 1859, but Spearman in his 1828
manual gave dimensions of the chamber which indicated that it was of the Gomer
shape. 2o

8-Inch Mortar

About 1725 James noted an 8-inch brass mortar in his book. Its length was 2
feet 2 inches and its weight 4 hundredweight. 27 Unfortunately no other dimensions
were given, nor are there any examples extant at either the Tower of London or the
Rotunda, Woolwich. The first table of dimensions in Glegg's notebook of the 1750s
gave the length at 25.5 inches, that is 1/2 inch shorter than James's specification.
The weight was about the same, 4 hundredweight 20 pounds. 28 Quite likely there
would be no significant difference between a 8-inch mortar of 1725 and one of 1750.
According to Smith the length and weight of the 8-inch mortar established by
the Board of Ordnance in 1764 was 2 feet 2 inches and 4 hundredweight. 29 In 1791
when Rudyerd made his drawings, the length given was 25.75 inches and, compared to
the Glegg table, there were certain other differences in lengths and diameters, most
notably in the diameter of the reinforce. 30 Glegg gave the diameter of the reinforce
at 15.4 inches while Rudyerd stated it to be 11.4 inches. In the latter case this
equalled the diameter of the muzzle ring, an equality usual in land service mortars.
In Glegg's table the muzzle was said to be 11.2 inches in diameter, much smaller than
the reinforce. It is possible that Glegg has erred in recording the reinforce diameter.
In any case a comparison of the dimensions listed by Glegg and those by Rudyerd
indicates that there were some changes in detail between about 1750 and 1791.
In his manuals of 1801 and 1813, Adye listed the 8-inch brass mortar at 25.75
inches in length and at slightly more than 4-1/4 hundredweight in weight; in all
likelihood this was the mortar drawn by Rudyerd (Fig. 79).31 At variance with this
design is that of four 8-inch brass mortars, three of 1805 and one of 1808, in the
Tower of London. Whereas Rudyerd's mortar had a reinforce, these have lost it and
are consequently shorter, being 1 foot 8.5 inches long. On the other hand, they weigh
more, about 6-1/2 hundredweight (Fig. 80).32 It seems clear that Adye's manual was
out of date and that the newer model, as in the case of the Royal and Coehorn, had
been introduced during the 1790s.

Figure 79. Brass 8-inch Mortar and Bed, circa 1820. (Cf , Rudyerd drawing.) (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 80. Brass 8-inch Mortar and Bed. (Collection of the Armouries, H.M. Tower
of London. Reproduced by kind permission of the Trustees of the Armouries. See
Blackmore, pp. 100-1, No. 110.)

The 8-inch brass mortar reached the end of its career probably during the
Napoleonic Wars. In 1825 a student at the Royal Military Academy noted that it was
obsolete, although it continued to be recorded in one manual until the end of the
1850s. 33 Boxer did not include it in his series of drawings, circa 1850, nor was it
listed in the tables of the Aide-Mernoire , It may have been lengthened slightly being
listed at 1 foot 9 inches and 1 foot 9-1/2 inches in length. Straith included a diagram
of it in his Plans of 1841, in which its length was given at 1 foot 9-1/2 inches and its
weight at 6-1/2 hundredweight. The diagram resembles very closely the examples at
the Tower of London.3 4
There is extant in the Tower of London an 8-inch bronze (brass) mortar of a
different design dated 1865. It was composed of two parts, breech and chase, but the
latter was longer and consequently the total length of the mortar was 2 feet 10.5
inches. According to the Inventory its weight was 3 cwt, 1 qr , 16 lb., which seems
remarkably light, about one-half the weight of the older and shorter model. This
design of mortar was not mentioned elsewhere; it may perhaps have been an
experimental model, as suggested by the NO 1 stamped on the end of the right

lO-Inch Mortar (Land Service)

The lO-inch land service brass mortar had been in service well before the
beginning of the eighteenth century.36 In 1725 James gave some details in his
notebook - 2 feet 9 inches long and weighing almost 10 hundredweight. 37 A quarter
of a century later Glegg compiled the dimensions of an 8-inch mortar, of the same
length but weighing 10-1/2 hundredweight. 38 The Board of Ordnance regulations of
1764 left the length the same, 2 feet 9 inches, but increased the weight once again to
11 hundredweight. 39 Mortars of both of the latter weights were referred to in
practice tables during the 1770s and 1780s. 40 The mortar drawn by Rudyerd in 1791
matched the length and weight of the one specified in 1764. 41 A comparison of the
dimensions set down by Glegg and Rudyerd indicate slight increases in the diameters
of the latter, but the most notable change was in the shape of the chamber. Glegg
gave the dimensions as
length 7.8 inches
greatest diameter 4.5 inches
least diameter 3.6 inches
Rudyerd specified a longer, less tapering chamber:
length 8.5 inches
greatest diameter 4.75 inches
least diameter 4.0 inches
It is likely that the history of the lO-inch brass land service mortar paralleled
that of the 8-inch, becoming shorter and heavier; unfortunately the evidence is not so
clear since there are no examples extant at the Tower of London or at the Rotunda,
Woolwich. Although in 1801 and 1813 Adye referred to a lO-inch brass land service
mortar of 2 feet 9 inches and almost 10-1/2 hundredweight, there is some evidence
that he was again out of date. 42 According to the Aide-Memoire the weight of the
lO-inch mortar about 1790 was 12-3/4 hundredweight. 43 There was also the
reference in 1795 or 1796 to ordnance "Upon the old Construction," including the 10-
inch mortar of 11 hundredweight, which implied a "new" construction. 44 In 1827,
Adye cited an example of 12-3/4 hundredweight, and Griffiths in his manuals from
1839 to 1859 included a lO-inch mortar of 2 feet 3 inches weighing 12-1/4
hundredweight. 45 Since Boxer did not include a drawing of it in his collection of
plans, nor was it included in the tables of dimensions in the Aide-Memoire it is

reasonable to conclude that it was obsolete by the 1840s, indeed probably a number of
years previous.

13-Inch Mortar (Land Service)

Brass 13-inch land service mortars were certainly in use before 1700. The
Gentleman's Dictionary referred to them in 1705 and James noted a 13-inch brass
mortar about 1725, although he does not specify whether land or sea service. 46 In
the 1750s Glegg set down detailed dimensions, noting its length at 3 feet 7 inches and
its weight at 25 hundredweight. 47 According to Smith, the regulations of the Board
of Ordnance of 1764 specified the same weight but a length of 3 feet 8 inches. 48
Other sources in the 1770s and 1780s also recorded this length, but there is extant a
13-inch brass land service mortar on loan from the Tower to the Royal Arsenal,
Woolwich, which, while weighing 25 hundredweight, was measured at 3 feet 7
inches. 49
In 1791 Rudyerd included in his notebook the drawing and dimensions of a 13-
inch land service mortar of a length of 43.6 inches and a weight of 25 hundred-
weight. 50 Its dimensions, except for the chamber, were very similar to those
recorded by G1egg. The bore was slightly shorter and the chamber slightly longer and
more tapered. Glegg gave dimensions of:
length 12 inches
greatest diameter 6.6 inches
least diameter 6 inches
Rudyerd recorded them as:
length 12.6 inches
greatest diameter 6.5 inches
least diameter 4.9 inches


/i/,'"/ (<< 0'-*',1''''''


Figure 81. Brass 13-inch Mortar and Bed, circa 1710. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Borgard, "Practiss of Artillery.")

A comparison of Rudyerd's drawing with one made by Adye in 1766 showed that,
except for the adoption of an ovolo in 1791 rather than a ogee behind the reinforce,
the general design and the arrangement of mouldings of the two mortars was the
In his manuals in 1801 and 1813 Adye recorded the 13-inch brass land mortar at
3 feet 7-1/2 inches and 25 hundredweight, very similar to Rudyerd's specifications.
About 1820 Shuttleworth made a drawing of a 13-inch mortar which appears to be
very similar to Rudyerd's (Fig. 82).5 2 By 1825 Mould recorded the weight at 27-3/4
hundredweight but declared it to be obsolete. 53 Thereafter there was no mention of
it. Possibly, like the 8- and lO-inch mortars it had been redesigned in the same
manner, becoming shorter and heavier, but no examples, drawings nor detailed
specifications exist to verify this speculation.

Figure 82. Brass 13-inch Mortar and Bed, circa 1820. (Cf. Rudyerd drawing.) (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

10-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)

It is difficult to say when the lO-inch brass sea service mortar was first brought
into service. According to The Gentleman's Dictionary of 1705 sea service mortars
were usually 13 inches in calibre. 54 The lesser calibre was certainly in existence by
the 1750s when Glegg set down its dimensions. 55 It was 56 inches in length and
weighed 32 cwt, 3 qr, 7 lb. According to Smith, in 1764 the Board of Ordnance

specified that the length was to be 57 inches and the weight 33 hundredweight. 56 In
1791 Rudyerd made a drawing of a mortar with a length and weight matching that of
Glegg. 57 A close examination of the two sets of dimensions indicate that they were
very similar, except for the chambers. Glegg gave the following dimensions:
length 15 inches
greatest diameter 6.6 inches
least diameter 6.0 inches
Rudyerd showed a longer but more tapering chamber:
length 15.8 inches
greatest diameter 6.5 inches
least diameter 4.5 inches
The last mention of the lO-inch brass sea service mortar, 56 inches in length and
weighing 33 hundredweight, occurred in Adye's manual of 1813.58 Quite likely it was
already obsolete.

I3-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)

The brass 13-inch sea service mortar was described in The Gentleman's
Dictionary in 1705:
Sea Mortars ••• generally 13 inches diameter of the Bore, is
longer and more reinforced than a Land Mortar, because they
are fired with a greater quantity of Powder, sometimes with
30 or 33 pounds; some of them have their Beds or Stools of
Metal cast in a piece with the Mortars, others have them of a
thick square piece of Oak, which by the help of Handscrews or
Jacks is turned round upon a strong Axis of Iron to fire any
way; they are always fixt at an Elevation of 45 degrees; they
carry Bombs of 200 pound and generally weigh about 9 or 10
000 weight ll.e, about 80 or 90 hundredweight])9
There is in the Tower of London a 13-inch brass mortar cast by Andrew Schalch in
1726 which fits this description (Fig. 83). It is 5 feet 3 inches in length, weighs
almost &1-3/4 hundredweight, and its reinforce is of a greater diameter than its
muzzle. 60
There are no detailed specifications of Schalch's mortar, but a comparison
between a drawing of it and drawings made by Muller and Adye indicated a very close
resemblance; indeed they appeared identical. According to Glegg, Muller, and Adye
the mortar was 5 feet 3 inches long and weighed 81 hundredweight 1 quarter 18
pounds, a difference in weight of no great significance. 61 According to Smith, in
1764 the Board of Ordnance established the length at 5 feet 3 inches and the weight
at 82 hundredweight. 62 In 1791 Rudyerd's drawing and specification were very
similar to those of the 1750s, although there were some minor variations. The length
and weight were the same. As in the case of the other mortars the major change was
in the chamber. In the 1750s its dimensions were:
length 21 inches
greatest diameter 8.5 inches
least diameter 7 inches
In 1791, Rudyerd specified a slightly longer, wider, and more tapered chamber:
length 21.55 inches
greatest diameter 9.6 inches
least diameter 6.& inches
The latest reference to this mortar occurred in Adye's manual of 1813.63 Quite
likely it was obsolete by this time.

Figure 83. Brass 13-inch Mortar and Bed, cast by Andrew Schalch in 1726, weight:
&1 hundredweight 2 quarters 24 pounds, length: 5 feet 3 inches. (Collection of the
Armouries, H.M. Tower of London. Reproduced by kind permission of the Trustees of
the Armouries. See Blackmore, pp. 97-&, No.1 02.)

Iron Mortars

In the first decade of the nineteenth century, two systems of iron land service
mortars were in existence. One of these, probably the older, was recorded in the
"Notes" of Samuel Parlby in 1&04.64 In an article on iron mortars, Adrian B.
Caruana argues that mortars of this system were being used in practice as early as
1794. The other system, while not recorded in student notebooks until the 1&20s,
clearly dated from before 1&10; Caruana offers evidence that mortars of this pattern
were used in a practise at Woolwich in 1797. The precise dates of origin of these two
systems remains the subject of speculation, however, although Caruana, citing
student notebooks from the late 1&20s and 1&30s, suggests that the second system
originated partly in 17&0 and partly in 17&6.65 A third system of iron land service
mortars was introduced alongside the second, probably in the late 1&30s or early

8-Inch Mortar (Land Service)

The &-inch iron mortar of the early system was 2 feet 4 inches long and weighed
7-3/4 hundredweight, according to Parlby. Its structure was similar to that of brass
mortars - a cascable, reinforce, and chase, with an assortment of rings, fillets, and
ogees. It was constructed with the old long, narrow, slightly conical chamber. 66
The other &-inch iron mortar of the early period was 1 foot 10 inches long and
weighed & hundredweight. (Later sources indicated that it was 1 foot 10-1/2 inches
long and weighed &-1/2 hundredweight.) It was more simply des~ned, lacking a
reinforce, and it was bored with a Gomer chamber (Figs. &4 and &5).6

(;t'rlt~ral Con.druclt·

Figure 84. General Construction of 13-, 10-, and 8-inch Land Service Mortars, circa
1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 100.)

Figure 85. Iron 8-inch Land Service Mortar, weight: 8.5 hundredweight, length: 22.5
inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXX VI.)

Figure 86. Iron 8-inch Land Service Mortar, weight: 9 hundredweight, length: 25.23
inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXVII.)

In the 1840s a second 8-inch iron mortar, longer and slightly heavier at 2 feet 1-
1/4 inches and 9 hundredweight, was added to the service (Fig. 86).68 The chase was
lengthened, the fillets around the rings were removed and a flat vent patch, to which
a firing lock could be attached, was added.
Both mortars remained in service, but the newer model obviously was to
supersede the older. In 1852 it was recommended that the former be included in the
armament of coast batteries. 69 By 1857 there were 35 in use and 78 in store. Two
years later it was recommended that the older model, of which 95 were in store, be
declared obsolete.70 This recommendation was carried out in 1865.71 The newer
model was still in service as late as 1881. 72

IO-Inch Mortar (Land Service)

The history of the lO-inch iron land service mortar duplicates that of the 8-
inch. In 1804 Parlby recorded its length at 2 feet 10.37 inches and its weight at 15-
1/2 hundredweight. Like its smaller sister it had a similar design, decoration, and
chamber.7 3 The lO-inch mortar of the second system was 2 feet 3.5 inches long and
weighed 16 hundredweight. (Caruana cites a number of sources giving the length at 2
feet 4 inches; Boxer in the 1850s has it at 2 feet 3.125 inches and weighing 17
hundredweight.) It was bored with the Gomer chamber and it was cast with dolphins
(Figs. 84 and 87).7 4
In the 1840s a longer model of 2 feet 7.53 inches and about 28 hundredweight
was brought into service (Fig. 88).7 5 The chase had been lengthened, a flat vent
patch added, and the fillets had been removed from around the rings. It retained the
Gomer chamber but it was no longer cast with the dolphins of the earlier model. By
the end of the 1850s the shorter version was no longer in use but the 18
hundredweight mortar was regarded as "••• a serviceable piece for siege trains." 76 It
was still in service in 1881. 77

Figure 87. Iron lO-inch Land Service Mortar, weight: 17 hundredweight, length:
28.125 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagram of Guns, Plate XXXIV.)

Figure 88. Iron lO-inch Land Service Mortar, weight: 18 hundredweight, length:
31.53 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagram of Guns, Plate XXXV.)

I3-Inch Mortar (Land Service)

The history of the 13-inch land service iron mortar varies slightly from that of
the 8-inch and lO-inch. In 1804 Parlby recorded two 13-inch mortars - one 3 feet 9.5
inches long and weighing 34-1/4 hundredweight and the other almost the same length,
3 feet 8.6875 inches, but considerably heavier at 37 hundredweight 3 quarters 1
pound. According to Caruana the decorations were similar on both, but the longer
mortar was cast with considerably less metal, especially around the chamber.7 8
There are two 13-inch mortars in the Tower of London both listed at 3 feet 9.5 inches
in length, weighing 38 hundredweight and 38-3/4 hundredweight. Their dates are
estimated at 1830, but while not matching exactly, their appearance is very similar
to the system that Parlby recorded in 1804 (Fig. 89).7 9
According to the general construction of the second system of land service iron
mortars of this early period given in Mould's notebook of 1825, the 13-inch of this
system would be 2 feet 9.75 inches long. Caruana cites a number of sources from
1827 to 1839 giving the length at 3 feet and the weight at 36 hundredweight. There
are two examples of this calibre and construction of mortar in the Tower of London.
One, which is known to have been proofed in 1808, is 3 feet 0.5 inches long and
weighs 3.5 hundredweight 3 quarters 17 pounds; the other is the same length but
weighs 36 hundredweight 12 pounds (Fig. 89). This pattern was cast with a Gomer
chamber and dolphins. It seems to have passed from favour quite early, for, while
there are references to it in the 1840s, it was not listed in the Aide-Memoire nor did
Boxer include it in his series of drawings in the 1850s. 80

Figure 89. Two iron 13-inch Mortars. The longer wights 38 hundredweight and is 3
feet 9.5 inches long; the shorter weights 35 hundredweight 3 quarters 17 pounds and is
3 feet 0.5 inches long. (Collection of the Armouries, H.M. Tower of London.
Reproduced by kind permission of the Trustees of the Arrnour ies. See Blackmore,
pp. 102-5, Nos. 113 and 119.)

In the 1840s a slightly longer model of 3 feet 3.65 inches, weighing 36

hundredweight, was introduced into service (Fig. 90). As was true of the 8- and 10-
inch mortars, the 13-inch mortar lost its dolphins and the fillets around the ring but it
retained the Gomer chamber and added a flat vent patch. The chamber had changed
slightly in size, its length and greatest diameter remaining at 13 inches but its least
diameter increasing from 7.5 to 7.6 inches. 81 This pattern continued in service and,
by the 1860s, was "••• used in siege operations as well as permanent batteries, and is
provided with a travelling carriage for its transport in siege trains." 82 It was still on
the active list of ordnance in 1881. 83
Along with land service mortars, there were also sea service mortars which
were used on gun ketches or in coastal fortifications. These were longer, heavier
weapons than the land service mortars. (Only the 10- and 13-inch mortars were
designed for sea service; there is no record of an 8-inch sea service rnortar.) The
evidence indicates that between about 1790 and the 1860s there were in service two
variations on one pattern (probably designed by Sir Thomas Blomefield). The
difference between the two variations was an increase in the weight of each calibre
of mortar; the appearance remained the same.

Figure 90. Iron 13-inch Land Service Mortar, weight: 36 hundredweight, length:
39.65 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagram of Guns, Plate XXXIII.)

10-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)

According to Miller the 1O-inch iron sea service mortar was first cast in
1790. 84 The earliest written evidence of such a mortar occurs in a notebook
attributed to R. W. Adye, circa 1800, which gives the general construction of two
patterns, one of 5-1/2 calibres (4 feet 7 inches) and weighing 47-1/2 hundredweight,
the other of 4-1/2 calibres (3 feet 9 inches) and weighing 42 hundredweight (Fig.
92).85 The Parlby notebook of 1804 gave similar dimensions: a 1O-inch long sea
service mortar of 4 feet 7.6 inches and 47-1/2 hundredweight and a short pattern of 3
feet 9.6 inches and 42 hundredweight. 86 As well, at Quebec City there are two 10-
inch mortars cast by Carron in 1798, both within fractions of an inch of 4 feet 7
inches in length, one weighing 47 hundredweight 2 quarter 14 pounds and the other 47

hundredweight 3 quarters 4 pounds (Fig. 91). In appearance they match the patterns
reproduced by Adye and by Caruana. 8T
Also in Quebec City there is a lO-inch mortar 3 feet 10 inches in length and
weighing 52 hundredweight 13 pounds which was cast by Carron in 1813 (Fig. 94).88
This agrees closely with the length of the pattern given in Mould's notebook in 1825 -
4-9/16 calibres. Mould's 1825 pattern looks the same as the circa 1800 pattern but
the former has considerably more metal around the bore. 89 According to the Adye
notebook, circa 1800, the mortar was designed by Sir Thomas Blomefield; the heavier
version is clearly only a variation of the lighter. The heavier pattern continued to be
mentioned in various manuals, but in 1864 Miller noted that "sea service piece has
been but little employed in late years." It was still listed in service in 1881. 90
The sea service mortar did not adopt the Gomer chamber but retained the long,
narrow, slightly conical variety. There were certain modifications in it, however.
Spearman in 1828 gave its dimensions:
length 10 inches
greatest diameter 7.5 inches
least diameter 5.64 inches 91
By 1850 this chamber had been lengthened and slightly widened:
length 11.68 inches
greatest diameter 7.5 inches
least diameter 5.75 inches. 92
Another variation was the loss of dolphins in the 1850s. Although Boxer's
diagram still showed the dolphins (Fig. 95), an example of the mortar in Quebec city,
cast by Walker and Co. in 1855, which in most other external respects appears to be
identical to the 1813 example, is lacking them. 93 Also there is no vent patch on the
later mortar; the vent is drilled directly through the breech (Fig. 96).94

Figure 91. Iron lO-inch Sea Service Mortar, cast in 1798 by the Carron Company,
weight: 47 hundredweight 2 quarters 14 pounds, length: 4 feet 7 inches. One of a
pair. (Parks, rue des Remparts, Quebec.)
~r.l.J~._ .,.. A-J ........




Figure 92. General Construction of Sea Service Iron Mortars (Colonel Blornefield). I-

(Parks, Fort Malden National Historic Park, Adye, Notebook, circa 1800.)



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Figure 93. General Construction of 13- and lO-inch Iron Sea Service Mortars, circa
1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 101.)

13-Inch Mortar (Sea Service)

The history of the 13-inch iron sea service mortar was similar to the lO-inch.
Its pattern was first outlined circa 1800 in the Adye notebook; it was 4 calibres or 4
feet 4 inches long and weighed 82 hundredweight (Fig. 92).95 The Parlby notebook of
1804 confirms both the length and weight. 96
A slightly longer, 4 feet 4.8125 inches, and much heavier model, 100 hundred-
weight, was first cast in 1810. 97 Its construction was outlined in Mould's notebook of
1825 (Fig. 93).98 Boxer included it in his drawings in the 1850s (Fig. 97).99The only
difference between the two versions appears to have been in the size of the chamber.
In 1828 its dimensions were:
length 13 inches
greatest diameter 9.75 inches
least diameter 7.312 inches,lOO
Boxer showed a longer slightly wider chamber:
length 15.14 inches
greatest diameter 9.75 inches
least diameter 7.5 inches) 01
This mortar was used in the Crimea during the siege of Sebastopol in 1855. In 1861 it
was recommended for the armament of coast batteries. 102

Figure 94. Iron lO-inch Sea Service Mortar, cast in 1813 by the Carron Company,
weight: 52 hundredweight 13 pounds, length: 3 feet 10 inches. (Parks, rue des
Remparts, Quebec.)

A number of 13-inch iron sea service mortars burst or were rendered unservice-
able during the bombardment of Sweaborg on the Baltic in 1855. This misfortune
prompted a series of tests into the nature of the metal and the methods of
construction of mortars.l 03 Perhaps because of these investigations the mortar was
redesigned and a new model accepted into the service in February 1862. The new
mortar weighed the same but it was longer, 5 feet 4 inches, with a windage of 0.1
inch rather than .16 inch of the old model. It no longer was cast with dolphins.l 04
Both versions were still on the active list in 1881. 105

Figure 9'. Iron lO-inch Sea Service Mortar, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XXXII.)

Figure 96. Iron 10-inch Sea Service Mortar, cast in 1855 by the Walker Company,
weight: 52 hundre?weight 1 quarter 8 pounds, length: 3 feet 9.5 inches. (Parks, rue
des Remparts, Quebec.)

Figure 97. Iron 13-inch Sea Service Mortar, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XXXI.)


A howitzer was a cross between a gun and a mortar. Like a mortar it was a
large calibre weapon designed to fire shells or carcasses, but it was neither so heavy
nor so immobile. Longer than a mortar but shorter than a gun, it was cast with
trunnions like a gun, enabling it to be mounted on a wheeled carriage. Designed to
fire its projectiles on high trajectories, although not as extreme as a mortar's, it
could fire over the heads of friendly troops or over obstacles to hit its target. Its
bore was chambered like a mortar's and for the same reasons. Howitzers were used
both as siege weapons and in the field. The first howitzers, both siege and field, were
cast of brass. But following the Napoleonic wars iron siege howitzers were
introduced, and longer brass howitzers, shaped more like guns, replaced the old, short
howitzers in the field service.

Brass Howitzers

Coehorn Howitzer

The Coehorn Howitzer was essentially the Coehorn mortar designed for field
service. It came into use sometime before 1750. Hughes, in his study of British
smooth-bore artillery says it was first cast in 1728 but he does not cite his source. 1 A
treatise on artillery published in 1881 claimed that it was introduced in 1738.2
According to a note in the Aide-Memoire it was in service by 1750. 3 In 1764 the
Board of Ordnance set out its dimensions - calibre, 4.52 inches; length, 1 foot 10
inches; weight 2 hundredweight and 14 pounds.s Over the next quarter century there
were references to a howitzer of this length and about this weight, but no drawings or
detailed specifications have been found until Rudyerd's series of drawings made at
the Royal Military Academy in 1791. 5 It seems likely that the howitzer he depicted
had not changed significantly since 1764 or even before. The weight was not stated
but the length was 21.95 inches, an insignificant difference of 0.05 inches. Like its
mortar counterpart, the Coehorn howitzer's bore ended in a slightly conical chamber:
length 4.52 inches
greatest diameter 2.73 inches
minimum diameter 2.24 inches
In the 1790s the early pattern was replaced by a newer version of the Coehorn
howitzer, an example of which, cast in 1811, is extant at the Rotunda, Woolwich (Fig.
98).6 The museum catalogue gives the calibre at 4.52 inches, the length at 1 foot 10
inches, and the weight at 2-1/2 hundredweight, but the design has been somewhat
simplified. The chase astragal and fillets have vanished and the first and second
reinforces are joined by an ogee rather than by an astragal and fillets. The chase
tapers towards the muzzle but both reinforces now seem to be true cylinders unlike
those of the earlier model. The button and neck of the cascable have been shortened.
A thick vent patch through which the vent was drilled has been cast on the first
This piece closely resembles a drawing of a Coehorn howitzer made in 1819 by
Shuttleworth, a student at the Royal Military Academy (Fig. 99). Its length was given
at 22.6 inches (that is 5 calibres) and its weight at 2 hundredweight 1 quarter 14
pounds "nearly." The lengths and diameters of the various parts were stated quite

clearly. The only peculiarity of the drawing was its portrayal of the cascable; in it
the ogee leading from the base ring to the neck of the button is drawn as a short
cylinder. This is at variance with the 1811 example and with later drawings. It may
be no more than an error in draughting.7
This is the pattern of mortar described in the later manuals and portrayed in
drawings in the late 1840s. It is probably this pattern which Mould, in his notebook in
1825, described "For Colonial Service in difficult roads and with Mountain Artillery."
In 1828 Spearman gave the length at 22.6 inches, slightly longer than the 1811
example, but an exact 5 calibres. He also noted dimensions which indicated that the
chamber was no longer slightly conical, but, rather, cylindrical:
length 4.8 inches
greatest diameter 2.26 inches
least diameter 2.26 inches. 8
There are two later drawings of this pattern, one by a student at the RMA in
the late 1840s (Fig. 100) and the other by Boxer in his series of plates published in
1853 (Fig. 101).9 A comparison indicates certain minor differences. The howitzer in
the student's drawing is 22.6 inches long; Boxer's is shorter, 22.38. There are also
certain proportional differences in the lengths of the reinforces and chase, but the
diameters are the same. The chamber is also slightly longer in Boxer's drawing,
5.1025 inches, but its diameter remained the same, 2.26 inches. It seems then that
about 1850 the Coehorn howitzer underwent certain minor changes in design.
That there were two Coehorn howitzers by about 1845 is supported by the
tables in the Aide-Memoire which list two patterns, one called "light" and the other
"Coehorn." I0 These tables record the chamber sizes mentioned above, and agree as
well in the diameters that are identical. But the lengths of the two patterns do not
agree with the lengths given either by the student or Boxer. It is difficult to believe
that there were four variations, albeit minor, of the Coehorn howitzer by the mid-
1840s. The only other detailed drawing and measurement which has been found
occurred in a treatise in 1881; it almost duplicated Boxer's drawings and dimen-
sions. 11 Probably it is best to view the Aide-Mernoire's dimensions with suspicion.
The Coehorn howitzer, originally designed for the field service, was replaced by
Millar's 12-pounder brass howitzer in the 1820s, but it continued in use for mountain
and colonial service. As late as 1881 it was still included on the active list.l 2

Figure 98. Brass Coehorn Howitzer, cast in 1811, weight: 2 hundredweight 2

quarters, length: 1 foot 10 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
The Rotunda, 11/76. This piece appears to have been misnumbered 11/78; in the
catalogue it does not correspond to the description of 11/78 but rather of 11/76.)
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Figure 99. Brass Coehorn Howitzer, circa 1820 (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

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Figure 100. Brass Coehorn Howitzer, circa 1850. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

Figure 101. Brass Coehorn Howitzer, weight: 2 hundredweight 1 quarter 14 pounds,

length: 1 foot 10.6 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXIX.)

Royal or '-I/2-Inch Howitzer

It is not known precisely when the 5-1/2-inch brass howitzer, the howitzer
equivalent to the Royal mortar, was introduced into the field service of the British
army, but Glegg mentioned it in his notebook in the 1750s. While no dimensions were
given its weight was said to be 4 hundredweight or slightly more. 13 According to
Smith the Board of Ordnance established its dimensions in 1764 - calibre 5.62 inches,
length 2 feet 2 inches, weight 4 hundredweight 14 pounds)4 Although it was referred
to in a number of practice books, no detailed specifications have been discovered
until 1791. The length was usually stated to be 2 feet 2 inches but 2 feet 2-3/4 inches
and 2 feet 2-1/2 inches were also given. The weight varied from 4 to almost 4-1/4
hundredwelght.Jv It is impossible to know if these minor variations indicate changes
or whether they merely reflect inaccuracies of casting or measurement. In any case
it is unlikely that the changes would have been of great significance.
There is extant at the Rotunda, Woolwich, an example of a 5-1/2-inch brass
howitzer of this period cast by the Verbruggens in 1782 (Fig. 102). It is one of a pair
which King George III had presented to the Emperor of China in 1792 and which the
British had recaptured near Peking in October 1860. Its length was not stated, but its
weight has been cut into the cascable, 4 hundredweight 17 pounds.l 6
This weapon of 1782 appears to be very similar to the 5-1/2-inch howitzer
drawn and detailed by Rudyerd in his notebook in 1791. 17 While it is impossible to
compare the exact dimensions, the arrangement of parts and mouldings is identical.
Rudyerd stated the length to be 2 feet 2.1 inches, a difference of 0.1 inch from the
most commonly stated length. He did not give the weight. He also showed a slightly
conical chamber:
length 6.01 inches
greatest diameter 3.2 inches
least diameter 2.45 inches.

Figure 102. Brass 5-1/2-inch Howitzer, cast in 1782 by the Verbruggens, weight: 4
hundredweight 17 pounds. It has been painted black. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, II/68.)

It seems likely then that the 5-1/2-inch brass howitzer detailed by Rudyerd and
exemplified at Woolwich was the standard pattern from 1764 (and perhaps before)
until the 1790s.
This weight of howitzer, 4 to 4-1/2 hundredweight, continued to be mentioned
in notebooks and manuals in the 1790s and early 1800s, when a slightly heavier
version at 4-3/4 hundredweight, also made an appearance. It was recorded by
Richard Bogue in his notebook composed between 1793 and 1802; he gave a weight of
4 hundredweight, 3 quarters, 14 pounds.l 8 During the period May to August 1819 a 5-
l/2-inch howitzer, length 2 feet 4 inches, weight 4 hundredweight, 3 quarters, 18
pounds, was involved in experiments firing spherical case shot. In 1825 Mould
mentioned a similar howitzer of the same length, weighing 4-3/4 hundredweight.l 9
Thereafter it was not mentioned. It had become obsolete and was replaced by
Millar's 24-pounder brass howitzer (see below).
There is extant at the Royal Military Institution, Woolwich, two scaled
drawings, made about 1820, of a 5-l/2-inch howitzer on a field carriage (Figs. 103
and 104). No weight was given; the length was about 2 feet 4 inches. Since its design
was obviously based on the same principles of the Coehorn of the same period, it is
reasonable to conclude that it too was designed in the 1790s. 20
About this same time a heavy 5-1/2-inch brass howitzer also appeared.
According to a note in the catalogue of the Rotunda Museum, Woolwich, "The first
heavy 5-1/2-inch howitzers were cast about 1786 and another pattern in 1798, the
last in 1819."21 Hughes in his study says they were first cast about 1790. 22 The
Rotunda, Woolwich, holds an example cast in 1813, length 2 feet 7.5 inches, weight 10
hundredweight (Fig. 105). The calibre is said to be 5.66 inches, somewhat larger than
before. 23
If the catalogue is correct, one might speculate that the pattern cast in 1786
was similar in appearance to the Rudyerd drawing of the light 5-l/2-inch howitzer,
perhaps longer, of a greater diameter, and consequently heavier. The pattern of
1798, presumably that of the 1813 howitzer at Woolwich, was based on the same
principles followed in the redesign of the Coehorn and the light 5-1/2-inch of that
period. The major differences seem to have been the addition of dolphins and a
dispart sight on the muzzle. Otherwise the arrangement of parts and mouldings was
similar to the Coehorn at the Rotunda, cast in 1811. It is impossible to speculate
what changes, if any, were made in the pattern of 1819. (The language of the
catalogue is ambiguous and may mean no more than that no 5-1/2-inch howitzers
were cast after 1819, and not that the last or latest pattern was cast in 1819.)
The heavy 5-1/2-inch howitzer was identified in Adye's manual of 1801 and
again in the 1813 edition. 24 He gave a weight of 10 hundredweight but no
dimensions. In 1811, two heavy 5-1/2-inch howitzers were used in a practice on
Sutton heath, each 2 feet 8 inches in length and each weighing more than 9-1/2
hundredweight.2 5 In 1819, a howitzer of the same length and weighing more than
hundredweight was involved in experiments firing spherical case shot. 26 Thereafter
the weight was said to be 10 hundredweight and the length 2 feet 8 inches or, very
precisely, 2 feet 8.3 inches. 27 Only one manual, Griffiths' in 1847, noted the length
at 2 feet 9 inches. The calibre was given sometimes at 5.62 inches, at other times at
5.66 inches. The weapon was chambered, but cylindrically not conically:
length 7.02 inches
greatest diameter 4.215 inches
least diameter 4.215 inches. 29
According to Mould in 1825 the heavy 5-1/2-inch brass howitzer was intended for
garrison use. 30 It was undoubtedly obsolete by the 1840s, not being included in
Boxer's series of drawings nor being listed in the tables of artillery in the Aide-
Memoire, --

Figure 103. Brass 5-1/2-inch Howitzer on a block trail carriage, plan, circa 1820.
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)


Figure 104. Brass 5-1/2-inch Howitzer on a block trail carriage, elevation, circa
1820. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K. Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 105. Brass 5-1/2-inch Howitzer (heavy), cast in 1813, weight: 10 hundred-
weight, length: 2 feet 7.5 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
The Rotunda, 11/78.)

8-lnch Howitzer

The history of the 8-inch brass howitzer is more confusing than that of the field
pieces, paradoxically because there is more detailed information available about it
and more examples extant. There is at the Rotunda, Woolwich, an early example
from the reign of William and Mary, cast in 1695, 3 feet 7.5 inches long, weighing 15
hundredweight 2 quarters 22 pounds (Fig. 106).31 It appears to match very closely a
drawing of an 8-inch howitzer attributed to Albert Borgard, circa 1714 (Fig. 107).3 2
About 10 years later, according to James in his notebook, the length of the 8-inch
howitzer was 3 feet 1 inch. 33 It would seem that some change had been made in the
design, perhaps as part of that standardization which Borgard had been commissioned
to oversee in 1716. According to Hughes in his study of smooth-bore artillery and to
the catalogue of the Rotunda Museum, Woolwich the pattern of 3 feet 1 inch which
superseded the older model was first cast in 1719. 34
In Glegg's notebook which was compiled during the 1750s, there is a table
entitled "Dimensions of Howitz rs: in the Years 1727-1740. & 1744.,,35 In it detailed
lengths and diameters are given of a lO-inch howitzer and two 8-inch howitzers. One
of the latter was 3 feet 4 inches long and weighed 15 hundredweight 2 quarters 9
pounds; the other was 3 feet 1.4 inches and weighed 12 hundredweight 1 quarter 11
pounds. The title appears to link 1727 and 1740 as a period of time and then 1744 as
a separate date, but this is by no means clear; it could be stating three distinct dates
on each of which one of the three sets of dimensions was established. All that can be
said is that by 1744 there were two varieties of 8-inch howitzers in existence, the
shorter of which may have been similar to that noted by James about 1725.

Figure 106. Brass 8-inch Howitzer,

cast in 1695, weight: 15 hundredweight 2
quarters 22 pounds, length: 3 feet 7.5
inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, 11/26.

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Figure 107. Brass 8-inch Howitzer and Carriage, circa 1714. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Borgard, "Practiss of Artillery.")

There is also extant a measured diagram of an 8-inch howitzer, which is part of

a portfolio of drawings at the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, tentatively dated
circa 1735 (Fig. 108).36 A comparison of the measurements on the diagram with
those in Glegg's table reveals a very close similarity between those of the diagram
and those of the 8-inch howitzer of 3 feet 4 inches and 15 hundredweight. No weight
appears on the diagram but the length is only .25 inches longer and the diameters
vary even less. It is not unreasonable to conclude that the drawing of the howitzer
and the dimensions given by Glegg were of the same pattern.
The dimensions of the smaller howitzer in Glegg's table are very similar to
dimensions given by Muller in his Treatise of Artillery, by Adye in his notebook, and
by Smith in his dictionary.37 The length was the same, as was the weight; there were
minor variations in the size of the chamber, a difference of 0.1 inch in diameters, and
the cascable, while the same length, may have been designed somewhat differently.
Again it is reasonable to conclude that the howitzer in Glegg's table was the same
howitzer (with perhaps a slightly different cascable) which was detailed by Muller,
Adye, and Smith.
There is at the Rotunda a second 8-inch brass howitzer, this one cast by Gilpin
in 1760 (Fig. 109). Surely this would be an example of one of the howitzers in Glegg's
table. Unfortunately it does not match that shown in the circa 1735 diagram and, if
its total length, 49.5 inches (I.e. from face of muzzle to end of button), is stated
correctly, it is longer than either pattern detailed by Glegg. Its weight, 13
hundredweight 15 pounds, lies between theirs)8 On the other hand, except that it is
too long and heavy, it is very similar in appearance to the 8-inch howitzer drawn by
Rudyerd in his notebook over 30 years later.
A comparison between the dimensions set out by Rudyerd in 1791 and those of
the smaller 8-inch howitzer given by Glegg indicates a close similarity.39 There are
discrepancies both in lengths and in diameters but they are small. For example,
Rudyerd gave a length of 37.2 inches, only 0.2 inch shorter than Glegg's weapon.
Rudyerd's dimensions also seem to indicate that in 1791 the howitzer may have had

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Figure 108. Brass 8-inch Howitzer. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., A Portfolio of Drawings, circa 1735.)

Figure 109. Brass 8-inch Howitzer, cast Figure 110. Brass 8-inch Howitzer, cast
in 1760 by B. Gilpin, weight: 13 hundred- in 1814 by Henry and Char les King,
weight 15 pounds, length: 49.5 inches. length: 3 feet 4 inches. (The Royal
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, II/58.) The Rotunda, 11/81.)

slightly less thickness of metal around the bore. His mouldings also may have been
slightly smaller. Perhaps the biggest change was to shorten the length of the slightly
conical chamber by somewhat more than an inch. Essentially though the tables of
dimensions indicate that the two patterns were very similar.
The differences may be accounted for, perhaps, by the regulations promulgated
by the Board of Ordnance in 1764. According to Smith the 8-inch howitzer was to be
3 feet 1 inch long and to weigh 11 hundredweight. 40 Over the next 30 years or so
there were references to 8-inch howitzers in various practice books; the length was
variously quoted at 3 feet 1/2 inch, 1 inch, 1-1/2 inches, and even once at 3 feet 6
inches and the weight was given from 11 hundredweight to slightly more than 13
hundredweight. 41 It is impossible to know if these variations indicate changes in
patterns or more likely the use of howitzers cast at different times. There would be
no reason why a howitzer cast in 1740 could not be used alongside one cast in 1775,
provided both were serviceable.
An example of the last pattern of this howitzer is also at the Rotunda, cast by
the Kings in 1814 (Fig. 110). It is 3 feet 4 inches long but the weight is not given.
There is also a drawing made by Shuttleworth in 1819 which is identical (Fig. 111).42



Figure 111. Brass 8-inch Howitzer, circa 1820. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

This must be the same pattern 8-inch howitzer Mould referred to in 1825, noting that
it was 3 feet 4 inches long and weighed 14 hundredweight. 43 The design was along
the same lines as the Coehorn and 5-1/2 inch howitzers of the same period. The two
reinforces were cylinders and the chase tapered slightly to the muzzle mouldings.
The mouldings have been simplified, as has the cascable, the neck and button have
been shortened, and a flat vent patch has been cast on the first reinforce. The
dolphins were plain handles. It is reasonable to assume that this pattern of 8-inch
howitzer came into service at the same time as the others, that is in the 1790s. The
Aide-Memoire claims that the weight of the weapon about 1790 was 14 hundred-
weight; unfortunately the source of this information is not cited. 44 The 8-inch
howitzer was used in the Peninsular campaign, but following its failure there went
out of service. 45 According to the catalogue of the Rotunda the last casting of it
was in 1820. 46 No reference to it has been found subsequent to Mould's in 1825.

10-Inch Howitzer

There were three patterns of lO-inch brass howitzers. According to Hughes,

the earliest casting was in 1727. 47 The table in Glegg's notebook entitled
"Dimensions of Howitztf in the Years 1727-1740. & 1744" gives some support to this
statement. 48 Certainly no references have been found to lO-inch howitzers before
this date. In the table the details of the howitzer were set out. Its length was 4 feet
2.4 inches and it weighed 31 hundredweight 2 quarters 26 pounds. In appearance it
resembled the 8-inch howitzer which appeared in the circa 1735 diagram. According
to Muller, the "superfluous weight of the 10 inch howitz [sic] has occasioned its
disuse, at least these 25 years."lj.9 When the 8-inch was redesigned about 1744, the
lO-inch seems to have been ignored. There is no record, moreover, of its dimensions
being established by the Board of Ordnance in 1764 as in the case of the 8-, 5-1/2-
inch, and Coehorn howitzers.
A new pattern appeared in the 1770s. The older model was mentioned in a
practice book for the period 1770-3, but thereafter the lO-inch howitzer reported was
3 feet 11 inches long (or slightly more) and weighed anywhere from 25-1/2 to slightly
more than 25-3/4 hundredweight. 50 Partial dimensions were given in Walton's
notebook, 1780-92, which agree very closely with those set down by Rudyerd in his
notebook. 51 Rudyerd gave no weight, but the length was 3 feet 10.75 inches, slightly
shorter than the length noted in the 1770s, although hardly a significant difference.
It is a safe conclusion that the newly designed lO-inch howitzer which appeared in the
1770s was that which Rudyerd drew in 1791.
A comparison of the dimensions of this pattern with those of the earlier version
given by Glegg, indicates that, other than the decrease in length, the most marked
change was in the chamber size. The dimensions of the chamber of the earlier
howitzer were:
length 16.8 inches
greatest diameter 6.5 inches
least diameter 5.6 inches.
The chamber dimensions given by Rudyerd were shorter and narrower:
length 12.6 inches
greatest diameter 5.77 5 inches
least diameter 4.12 inches
This howitzer had much the same history as the 8-inch; it was used in the
Peninsular campaign and failed due to age and wear (see above).52 It was replaced by
a third pattern. There is a record of a lO-inch howitzer 4 feet 2 inches long and
weighing slightly more than 27-3/4 hundredweight being used at a practice on Sutton

Heath in 1811. 53 There is at the Rotunda Museum, Woolwich, a lO-inch brass

howitzer, cast by the Kings in 1814, 4 feet 2 inches long (Fig. 112). No weight was
marked on it. It is the same pattern as the 8-inch cast by the Kings that same year
(see above). According to the Museum catalogue the lO-inch was last cast in 1816.54-
No references to it have been found beyond Mould's note in 1825 when he recorded its
length at 4 feet 2 inches and its weight at 27 hundredweight.5 5

Figure 112. Brass lO-inch Howitzer, cast in 1814 by Henry and Charles King, length:
4 feet 2 inches. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, 11/80.)

Millar's Howitzers

Following the Napoleonic wars William Millar designed two new brass howit-
zers, a 12-pounder and a 24-pounder, to replace the 4-2/5-inch Coehorn and the 5-
1/2-inch Royal howitzers in the field and horse artillery batteries (Fig. 113). They
were much longer than the older weapons, being 10 calibres in length. In profile they
were similar to guns, being smaller brass versions of the iron shell-guns that Millar
also introduced into the service about the same time. In structure they were
composed of three truncated cones, that is two reinforces and chase. The muzzle
swell no longer equalled the base ring in diameter but was surmounted by a dispart
sight to compensate for the difference. The cascable design was simplified and a
loop cast underneath the button for attaching the elevating screw. The parts were
separated by four plain rings and the vent field was set off by an astragal and fillets.
The older, slightly conical chamber was replaced by one of the Gomer design. These
howitzers were brought into service in the early 1820s. Later, about 1840, a 32-
pounder of the same design was introduced by Colonel Dundas.

P" .lll'tll1r rlr'nl!1 '1'.".Jio


Figure 113. Brass 24- and 12-pounder Howitzers (Millar), circa 1825. (Royal
Military College, Mould, p, 98.)

The 12-pounder brass howitzer was introduced into the service in 1820 or 1822
although there are records of it being used in experiments and practice in 1819.56 It
was to be used in batteries with the 6-pounder brass gun, replacing the 4-2/5-inch
Coehorn howitzer .57 Its length was 45.2 inches (that is, 10 calibres) throughout its
career and its weight was usually stated at 6-1/2 hundredweight, although there are
examples extant weighing slightly less at a little more than 6 hundredweight.5 8
Initially its calibre was 4.52 inches, the same as the Coehorn which it was replacing,
but, probably in the 1830s, it was increased to 4.58 inches. 59 The bore of the 12-
pounder terminated in a Gomer chamber, 6.8 inches long tapering to a hemisphere of
3.4 inches in diameter. 60 The cascable had been simplified in design and a loop had
been cast under the button to take the elevating screw. (The earliest design seems
not to have had the loop. See Fig. 113.) There was a vent patch on the first
reinforce, a dispart sight on the muzzle; four plain rings and a vent astragal and
fillets separated its parts. It was last cast in 1859, being replaced by the Armstrong
gun in the 1860s. 61 At the Rotunda there is an example extant, cast in 1853, which
precisely illustrates the design (Fig. 115).62
There were also two 12-pounder howitzers designed for sea service. One was
identical to the land service pattern, except that it was cast with a breeching loop
and the second reinforce ring had been turned off. It could be used on boat service or
landed on a field carriage; two were put on board first to sixth rates and one on board
brigs and smaller vessels. 63 There is a sea service howitzer of this pattern, cast in
1858, at the Rotunda, Woolwich (Fig. 116). It was manufactured without the loop for
attaching the elevating screw. 64
A heavier 12-pounder was designed by Colonel Dundas and introduced into the
service probably in the early 1840s. It was 4 feet 7 inches long and weighed 10
hundredweight. Its use was restricted to fourth and fifth rates. 65 Other than these
facts, little else is known about this howitzer. 66


Figure 114. Brass 12-pounder Howitzer (Millar), weight: 6.5 hundredweight, length:
3 feet 9.2 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XX VIII.)

Figure 115. Brass 12-pounder Howitzer

(Millar), cast in 1853 by S. Eccles,
weight: 6 hundredweight 2 quarters,
length: 3 feet 9 inches. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
The Rotunda, II/85.)

Figure 116. Brass 12-pounder Sea Service Howitzer (Millar), cast in 1858 by F.M.
Eardley-Wilmot, weight: 6 hundredweight 26 pounds, total length: 50.25 inches. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, II/?l.)

The history of the 24-pounder is very similar to that of the 12 pounder.
Designed by Millar on the same principles as the lighter weapon, it too was being used
in experiments and practice in 1819 and was introduced into the service in 1820 or
1822. 67 It was to be used in batteries with the 9-pounder brass gun, replacing the 5-
l/2-inch Royal howitzer. 68 Its length was usually stated at 56.6 inches (that is, 10
calibres) and its weight at from 12 to 13 hundredweight. 69 Initially its calibre was
5.66 inches but, probably sometime in the 1830s, this was increased to 5.72 inchesJO
Like the 12-pounder, its bore terminated in a Gomer chamber, which was originally
8.5 inches long tapering to a hemisphere 4.25 inches in diameter.7 1 By 1850 the size
of the chamber had been adjusted. In his diagram Boxer indicated that its length was
7.85 inches tapering to 4.15 inches; the Aide-Memoire in 1853 gave slightly different
dimensions, 7.86 inches in length tapering to 4.2 inches.7 2 The cascable design was
the same as the 12-pounder and the howitzer had the same four rings, astragal and
fillets, vent patch, and dispart sight (Fig. 117). The 24-pounder brass howitzer
continued in general service until 1861. 73
The 24-pounder was also designed for sea service (Fig. 118). Like the sea
service 12-pounder, it duplicated the land service pattern except for the addition of a
breeching loop, the loss of the second reinforce ring, and the vent field astragal and
fillets, and a minor change in cascable design.7 4 There is a pair of these cast in
1859, in the grounds of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, on which these
characteristics can be clearly seen. Two of these were carried on board first, second,
and third rates, which could be used in their boats or mounted on field carriages for
use with landing parties. They were also used on gunboats during the Crimean war J 5
There was also mention of a 24-pounder 4 feet long weighing 10 hundredweight
which, according to Hughes, was cast for the Indian service/ 6

Figure 117. Brass 24-pounder Howitzer (Millar), weight: 12.5 hundredweight, length:
4 feet 8 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVII.)

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Figure 118. Brass 24-pounder Sea Service Howitzer (Millar), weight: 12.5 hundred-
weight, length: 56.6 inches, circa 1850. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

The 32-pounder howitzer was designed by Colonel Dundas on the same principle
as the two Millar howitzers (Fig. 119). It was introduced into the service in 1840 or
1841. 77 Originally intended to accompany 12-pounder guns, it was used by itself as a
gun of position in batteries of four during the Crimean war,78 None was cast after
It was 63 inches long and weighed 17 1/- to 18 hundredweight. Its calibre was
6.3 inches and its bore terminated in a Gomer chamber, 10.25 inches long tapering to
a hemisphere 5 inches in diameter. Like the Millar howitzer it was cast with four
rings, vent astragal and fillets, a vent patch, and a dispart sight mounted on the
muzzle. It did not have a loop to take an elevating screw. 80 An example of a 32-
pounder, cast in 1854, is in the Rotunda Museum at Woolwich. 81

Iron Howitzers

5-I/2-Inch or 24-Pounder Howitzer

The history of this howitzer is rather obscure. According to Miller, writing in

1864, it was first cast in 1800. 82 A notebook contains a reference to a practice with

Figure 119. Brass 32-pounder Howitzer (Dundas), weight: 17.5 hundredweight,

length: 5 feet 3 inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVI.)

an iron 24-pounder howitzer of 16 hundredweight 4 pounds on Sutton Heath in

November 1810. According to the brief note.
The Howf was on its standing & traversing Carriages similarly
placed to their Position on the Martello Tower for which the
Howf was designed. 83
Unfortunately no other details were given.
There is at the Rotunda, Woolwich, a rather strange looking piece, described as
a 24-pounder iron howitzer "originally intended for Martello towers" (Fig. 120). Its
length is 2 feet 9 inches, its weight 11 hundredweight 3 quarters 4 pounds. 84 It is
constructed with one reinforce separated from the chase by a ring. There are also
rings at the base and muzzle and a dispart sight on the latter. The cascable
resembles that of a carronade except that it ends in a diamond shaped lug to which
two curved handles were attached, one of which has been broken off. No date of
casting has been ascribed to this piece. It is impossible to know whether or not this is
a lighter version of the howitzer that was employed on Sutton Heath in 1810.
As previously stated, Miller claimed in 1864 that "••• the existing pattern was
first cast in 1800•••" and was "••.of older date than those constructed by General
Millar [i.e, the 8- and lO-inch iron howitzers], and has consequently a cylindrical
instead of a gomer chamber." He went on to describe it:
•.•it has a dispart at the muzzle, a vent patch, and a block
behind the base ring; the cascable has a plain button; there are
no rings except at the base and muzzle, and the vent is
He gave the length at 3 feet 5 inches and the weight at 15 hundredweight. 85 Except
for the perpendicularity of the vent this description matches well with Boxer's
drawing, published in 1853, of an iron 24-pounder howitzer (Fig. 121).86 It also would
describe, except for the lack of a dispart sight, the howitzer depicted in a scaled
drawing by Shuttleworth in 1819 (Fig. 122).87
The records, such as they are, for the 1820s, are not very satisfactory. Mould
in 1825 and Adye in 1827 recorded two iron 5-1/2-inch howitzers. Mould gave lengths

Figure 120. Iron 24-pounder Howitzer, said to be originally intended for Martello
towers, weight: 11 hundredweight 3 quarters 4 pounds, length: 2 feet 9 inches. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, I1I/41.)

Figure 121. Iron 24-pounder Howitzer, weight: 15.5 hundredweight, length: 40.76
inches, circa 1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXV.)

of 3 feet 6 inches and 3 feet 10 inches and weights of 15 and 12 hundredweight

respectively. Adye gave only weights, 15 and 13 hundredweight. 88 It seems strange
that in Mould's table the longer howitzer was the lighter. This particular length of
howitzer was recorded by Griffiths in his manuals from 1839 to 1852 but he gave a
weight of 15 or 15-3/4 hundredweight. 89 It seems impossible to conclude much more
than that two patterns of iron 5-1/2-inch howitzers were in existence early in the
In 1825 Mould commented on the iron 5-l/2-inch howitzer - "Not used, but are
good Garrison Howitzers."90 Except for Adye in 1827 and Griffiths in the 1840s and
'50s, the authors of manuals ignored this weapon, which neglect suggests that Mould's
remark remained true. In the late 1840s it was recorded by a student at the Royal
Military Academy and by Sir Howard Douglas in his study of naval gunnery.91
Detailed specifications were set out in the Aide Memoire in 1845, and Boxer
published both measurements and a diagram in 1853. 92 The specifications given by
Boxer agree in most respects with those of the Aide-Mernoire, except most notably in
the diameter of the chamber. Both chambers were cylindrical, but Boxer's was much
larger. The Aide-Memoire indicated a length of 5.1 inches and a diameter of 3.64
inches while Boxer showed a length of 5.25 inches and a diameter of 5.1 inches. 93
In 1864 Miller wrote:
The 5-1/2-inch howitzer is almost obsolete, but a few
may still be found in the flanks of old fortified places. Pieces
of this class and calibre were also included in armaments on

Figure 122. Iron 24-pounder (?) Howitzer on Traversing Platform, circa 1820. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawlngs.)

account of their being so easily moved to any threatened

point. 94
On 1 January 1866 the piece was officially declared obsolete, although it was to be
retained, if already mounted on works, until its carriage wore out at which time it
was to be replaced. 95

8-Inch and lO-Inch Howitzers

The histories of these howitzers are so similar that they can be recounted at
the same time. Both weapons were designed on the same principles by Wiliam Millar
in 1819 or previously, for in that year they were used in experiments at Woolwich. 96
The next year a committee of artillery officers suggested that they be adopted for
the battering train, a recommendation made "on a supposition of the new Iron 10 Inch
and 8 Inch Howitzers being introduced into the service••." to replace those of
brass. 97 Hughes, in his study of British smooth-bore artillery, says they were
introduced "by 1820," but Miller, writing in 1864, claimed they were not brought in
until 1825. 98 In that year Mould, a student at the Royal Military Academy, noted that
they were to be used in battering trains and in garrison. 99
Although there were minor changes in dimensions, the basic appearance of
these howitzers did not change over the years. Each was 6 calibres long, that is 4
feet and 5 feet respectively. The length of the two reinforces equalled that of the
chase. The parts of the howitzer were set off by plain rings at the base, between the
two reinforces, and at the muzzle; the second reinforce was distinguished from the
chase by a short curve rather than a ring. The cascable was simply designed,
terminated by a plain button. There was a dispart sight on the muzzle swell and a
block behind the base ring. The vent was drilled at an angle through the base ring
into the Gomer chamber which terminated the bore. lOO
While this basic design did not change, there were minor changes in dimensions.
A comparison of three sets of dimensions - those given in Mould's diagram of 1825
(Fig. 123), those of the Aide-Memoire of 1845 and 1853, and those of Boxer in 1853
(Figs. 124 and 125) - indicate that there was an increase in the diameters of the
parts of the howitzer.l 01 These changes were reflected by an increase in weight of
the howitzers from about 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hundredweight respectively. These modifi-
cations probably occurred in the 1830s; the 8- and lO-inch howitzers used in the
major p'ractice at Deal in 1839 were considerably heavier than those used 20 years
before.l° 2
There were also changes to the length of the bore and perhaps to the diameter
of the chamber. The bores of both howitzers were shortened from about 1 inch to 1-
1/4 inches respectively, probably at the same time as the exterior diameters were
altered. As to the size of the chamber, the major sources do not agree. The length
remained constant in both howitzers but the least diameter of the chamber may have
been changed slightly.l03
Both howitzers remained in service throughout the period and, in 1865,
following a review of all ordnance, it was recommended that both continue in
service. I04 As late as 1881 they were still listed, but undoubtedly they were of
minor importance.l 05

'] .

Figure 123. Iron 10- and 8-inch Howitzers, circa 1825. (Royal Military College,
Mould, p. 99.)

Figure 124. Iron lO-inch Howitzer, weight: 42 hundredweight, length: 5 feet, circa
1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXII.)

Figure 125. Iron 8-inch Howitzer, weight: 22 hundredweight, length: 4 feet, circa
1850. (Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXIII.)

Figure 126. Iron 8-inch Howitzer, cast in 1859, weight: 22 hundredweight 10 pounds,
length: 4 feet. (National Battlefields Commission, Plains of Abraham, Quebec.)


Gun carriages may be divided into two categories - garrison carriages and
travelling carriages. For much of its history the common standing garrison carriage
remained relatively unchanged, a simple wooden machine consisting of two brackets,
a transom, two axletrees, four cast iron trunks, and a stool bed (Fig. 127). Late in its
history variations of this design appeared in response to special circumstances. The
rear chock carriage, in which the rear axletree and trucks were replaced by a chock
or block of wood, was an attempt to control the violent recoils of certain pieces. The
sliding carriage, in which both axletrees were replaced by wooden blocks, was placed
on a traversing platform. The notable exception to this general description of the
garrison carriage was the mortar bed, which was a solid block of wood shaped to
receive the mortar and resting directly on the platform. These carriages were not
designed to be moved from place to place but to remain in one position in a fort,
tower, or permanent battery. If it was necessary to move them, specially designed
carriages were used.

GAHKl~f)N Co\RR IA (~.E

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11 H-Y/Y-.." K ·JUrl hd
C fln- -u-/Wr<' L t)NWt..
"I/'",! (.' 1,'-brl' ~ 1hm~"f'fn k-l't
t: .1~.,. b&-d !~II
... {I~lIl/, ".."idrr ~I'!fn C'.1lnu~'/L- ~., .
(1 ,,!;...r "TJot d L,inrhjN:'U
H Ikntl Tho'iA eh{dr,.~ /wr)l..·
I Y}t""'N,. //,1, r .VPf/( /t,J' ~tll/,..·
,T A"/,/rr;r n.-", f/g/r ,iL:w ,,,,h~;UW~·

c (;.

Figure 127. Common Standing Garrison Carriage. (Straith, Plates (1852.)


Travelling carriages, as the name clearly implies, were designed to be moved to

bring up the guns either to support the infantry and cavalry during battle or to batter
fortresses or city walls during a siege. They were categorized by function - field,
position, and siege, but the latter two distinctions in terms of design were artificial.
A more meaningful distinction was light and heavy. A travelling carriage consisted
of an axletree, two wheels, and a body or trail, the ends of which rested on the
ground. Initially the body was composed of two brackets joined by transoms, but for
field carriages in the 1790s, these were replaced by a solid block of wood to which
two small brackets were bolted to support the trunnions of the piece (Fig. 128). The
heavier position and siege carriages retained the double bracket trail until about
1860. Iron axletrees were adopted at the same time as the block trail, and the wheels
and axletrees were standardized.
When it was necessary to move travelling carriages, they were attached to two
wheel vehicles called limbers. In essence a limber was two wheels on an axletree,
with a pintle - either straight or crooked - to which the trail of the carriage was
hooked. By joining a carriage to a limber a four-wheel vehicle was created which
provided better traction and greater stability, especially in moving over bad roads or
rough ground. Although this basic design remained the same, the limber also
underwent changes - the pintle design changed, the wheels increased in size, and
some limbers became capable of carrying ammunition and small stores, boxes and

g. Portfire clipper. q. Hand,pik,· shoe.

A. Block, or Trail. J. Tire, or streak. R. Locking plate,
B. Cheeks, or Brackeu. K. Rivets. ". Handspi k e pill.
i, Trail plate bult. I. Handspi ke rrng.
C. AlIetr... L. Tire. or Streak bolt s, k. Trail plate.
D.Ogee. G. Eye, or Capaquare bolt•• t. A,J,.'ure arms.
I. Trail plate eve. ct. Dragw ashers.
E. Truonioo bolel.
F. Wheel. ~: X~~r~r'1,'~odl. m. Chain eye bolt.
•. Lorking chain,
tI. Nave hoops.
G. Felly. d. Bracket bolu. to. }<:Ipvating "new.
H./Spokel. e. Trlolom bolt •• e. Breast, or Advancing chain. z Handle.. of elt'\'ating screw.
I. Nave. /. TrlWoioo plate•. p. 'I'rail handle•. 1/. Elevaung screw box.

Figure 128. Block Trail Field Carriage. (Boyd, A Manual for Naval Cadets (1857),
pp. 257-8.)

Garrison Carriages

Common Standing (wood)

The common standing garrison carriage was made up of two wooden sides or
brackets joined together near their fore ends by a transom; the latter was mortised
into the brackets and they were bound together by an iron bolt passing transversely
through them. The brackets were housed and bolted into two wooden axletrees. The
ends of the axletrees were turned and four cast iron trunks, held in place by linch
pins, were fitted on. A second long bolt was passed through both brackets a little
behind their centre point. It supported one end of the stool bed while the other end
was bolted to an upright which rested on the rear axletree. Quoins were placed on
the stool bed by which the gun was elevated. Half circles to take the trunnions of the
piece were cut in the upper edges of the brackets; initially capsquares, keyed in place
over the trunnions, held the gun in place but in the nineteenth century these were
found to be unnecessary for heavy guns. Various iron loops or eye bolts were
attached to the carriage.
The origin of the common standing carriage was undoubtedly the naval carriage,
with which it was almost identical, brought on shore early in the 1700s to be used in
permanent works, but it is impossible to know precisely when it was distinguished
from its sea-going counterpart) In a notebook compiled at the Tower of London in
the early 1720s, Lieutenant Thomas James recorded extensive details of travelling
and ship carriages, but what he designated as a "Standing Carriage" was very similar
in design to a travelling carriage, although quite heavy and equipped with "Plank
Wheels."2 There is a drawing of a carriage like a ship carriage but fitted with a
semi-circular skid in place of the rear axletree and trucks which one student of
eighteenth century artillery, Adrian Caruana, argues is of a land service garrison
carriage. 3 Unfortunately the drawing was not titled, nor was there an accompanying
table of dimensions or explanatory note.
The first detailed information we have on common standing garrison carriages
originated in the 1750s and 1760s with the writing of John Muller and the notebook of
S.P. Adye, one of Muller's students at the Royal Military Academy and a Royal
Artillery officer (Fig. 129). Muller provided a table of "Dimensions of Ship and
Garrison Carriages" from the 42-pounder to the 3-pounder which, he noted, were used
in 1748. 4 (See Appendix Q.) He also supplied a formula whereby a carriage could be
constructed for any gun if its dimensions were known.J (See Appendix S.) Also,
although produced in 1792, there is a series of drawings by C. W. Rudyerd of a
garrison carriage for a heavy 24-pounder. 6 The use of these sources, if applied with
discretion, provide a solid basis for the reconstruction of garrison carriages in the
latter half of the eighteenth century.
A few notes regarding the construction are in order, however. As previously
described, a common garrison carriage was composed of two wooden brackets
connected by a wooden transom and fitted into two wooden axletrees. Both Muller
and Adye in their drawings placed the transom directly over the fore axletree and in
the middle of the height of the brackets. This seems to be Muller's own construction,
however, for he then wrote:
though it is customary to place the fore part of the transom
in a line passing through the centre of the trunnion holes, and
so as to project the axletree by an inch, and the lower edge to
touch the axletreel
He did not describe the nature of the joints that he proposed for fitting the brackets
into the axletrees and the drawings are not clear, but it appears that they were more

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Figure 129. Elevation and Plans of a 32-pounder Garrison Carriage. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Adye (1766), Plate 5.)

complicated than a simple cut into the axletree the width of the bracket. Even so he
claimed that his method was "•••more simple, and yet equally as secure as the
common manner." 8
The brackets were pierced by two wrought iron bolts. One of these passed
through both brackets and the upper part of the transom immediately below the
trunnion holes. The other was positioned in the lower half of the brackets
immediately under the highest of the four steps. A burr or washer was placed over
the small end of both bolts which were then riveted into place. The lower bolt
supported one end of the wooden stool bed which had a groove cut across its
underside to hold it in position. The other end of the bed was supported by a wooden
block mortised and bolted to it. The stool bed was removable, possibly to allow for
an exaggerated elevation of the piece in unusual circumstances.
The brackets were usually composed of two pieces of wood held in place by two
dowels and bolted through the top step. The bolt head was countersunk and the bolt
was keyed into position. The hind axletree was also held in place by two bolts on

each side which passed down through the lower two steps; their heads were also
countersunk and they were keyed into place. An eye bolt passed downwards from in
front of the trunnion hole through the bracket and fore axletree, To the rear of the
trunnion hole a joint bolt, on which the capsquare pivoted over the eye bolt, passed
downwards to emerge behind the axletr ee, An axletree band or stay was fitted over
the ends of these bolts and keyed firmly into place. The capsquare was held closed by
another key which was attached to the side of the bracket by a staple and chain and
was inserted through the end of the eye bolt.
Both Muller and Adye drew ship carriages as illustrations in their writings which
were very similar to garrison carriages but had different iron work:
The garrison carriages have the same irons, excepting
the breech rings, and their trucks are of cast iron; for which
reason their axle-trees have copper clouts [plates] underneath,
to diminish the friction of the iron against wood. 9
If this statement was correct, a garrison carriage would have had two loops or eye
bolts through each bracket, one through the transom, and another through the rear
axletree. These were rivet ted into place against square riveting plates set into the
wood. Other iron work included traversing plates underneath the rear ends of the
brackets to protect the wood from the working of the hand spikes. Iron hoops
encircled the ends of the axletree arms to keep them from splitting. The trucks were
held in place by iron linch pins which passed through the axletree arms.
This description of the construction of a common standing carriage remained
generally correct for the next century or so, but there were certain changes in detail.
Rudyerd's drawings of a standing carriage for a heavy 24-pounder made in 1792 (if
they can be trusted) revealed some differences. It is clear from them that the joints
of the axletrees and brackets were complicated, which may have been what Muller
meant by his comment (quoted above) that his method of joining was simpler but as
secure as what was commonly used. The stool bed appeared to be heavier; indeed
that drawn by Muller and Adye looked too slight to support a heavy gun. Otherwise
the wooden parts appeared to be about the same as they were 30 or 40 years
before. 10
The iron work was similar, but there were some interesting variations. Rudyerd
clearly showed only two loops or eye bolts, one on each side of the carriage in the
lower half of the bracket at about one-quarter of the length of the carriage from the
rear. He also indicated that the ends of the transom and bed bolts were threaded and
showed a peculiar round nut which resembled the head of the bolt; if this
arrangement was used, it would have been inherently weak compared to riveting or
the use of a more conventional nut. Although the rear axletree and centre bracket
bolts were clearly intended to be keyed into place, the joint and eye bolts were shown
with threads and nuts on their ends. Like those of Muller and Adye, Rudyerd's
carriage was fitted with capsquares held in place by keys attached to the brackets by
staples and chains. The axletree bands or stays shown were rather insubstantial
pieces of curved wrought iron, but similar to those of the earlier period) 1
The manner of securing the transom and bed bolts perhaps needs further
comment. Because the nut was made to resemble the head of the rivet, it would need
a special wrench to tighten it. Besides that, there was so little metal in the nut that
at best it could only be tightened one or two turns. If the bolt was to be secured by a
nut, why not use a conventional one? The only purpose immediately evident in this
arrangement was aesthetic, that each end of the bolt appeared the same, hardly a
convincing argument, it is suspected, to a carriage designer. It is difficult to credit
this arrangement although it was clearly shown; such nuts did not appear before or
thereafter. The usual method was to rivet these bolts,12
It is not clear precisely when capsquares were discontinued, but by the 1820s

they were no longer in use for garrison guns (Fig. 130). Later commentators
explained that they were heavy enoujh to remain in the trunnion holes when fired
without the restraint of capsquares.! Boss headed bolts replaced the eye and joint
bolts in front and behind the trunnion hole. These were probably keyed into place
rather than riveted or nutted.J''
Rudyerd clearly showed that the centre bracket bolt and the rear axletree bolts
were keyed into place. This practice probably lasted till the late 1850s or early
1860s; in 1845 Fitzhugh wrote that all the axletree bolts were riveted.!5 In the mid-
1860s the centre bolt was nutted, while the rear axletree bolts were riveted onto a
countersunk burr or washer. If the rear trucks were damaged or shot away in action,
the carriage could still be worked as if it were a rear chock carriage.l 6

Figure 130. Heavy 24-pounder on a Garrison Carriage, circa 1820. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Perhaps the most significant change in the design of the common standing
garrison carriage was the introduction of the swing bed and elevating screw.
Elevating screws had been standard equipment on field carriages since about 1750,
but there is no evidence of their use on garrison carriages before 1800. By the first
decade of the nineteenth century some form of screw had come into at least partial
use, for in the spring of 1807 the Board of Ordnance ordered, among other items, that
a 24-pounder carriage for a traversing platform with an elevating screw be sent to
Quebec as a pattern for the construction of new carriages. I I The pattern of screw
may have been similar to the one which is partially visible in Shuttleworth's drawing
in 1819 of a 24-pounder on a common standing carriage on a traversing platform (Fig.
131). Only one of the lever arms and the flat head are visible.! 8 It was likely a
threaded rod which moved up and down in a nut fitted into the rear axletree bed. The
rod was rotated probably by four arms fitted into the cylindrical flat head on which
the swing bed rested. It should be noted that the ends of three, not two, bolts are
evident protruding from the side of the carriage; presumably the middle bolt
supported the swing bed which was held in place by a groove in its fore end which
fitted over the bolt. The outline of the bed in the drawing does not line up with the
middle bolt, but this was likely a minor error in draughting; otherwise it is difficult to
imagine the purpose of three bolts driven through the brackets. Indeed, later
carriages with elevating screws had only two bolts.

• I

Figure 131. Heavy 24-pounder on Garrison Carriage on Traversing Platform, circa

1820. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

It is not clear when the elevating screw became standard issue for the common
standing carriage. In 1845 Fitzhugh wrote that it was optional:
There is a horizontal bolt passing through both transoms
[sic] brackets which is intended for the swing bed, if the
carriage have one and if it have not it serves to support the
stool bed.
Garrison carriages either have a stool bed and quoin or a
swing bed elevating screw and quoin.l 9
By the 1860s, however, descriptions almost invariably mention the swing bed and
elevating screw although dimensions for stool beds and blocks could still be found. 20
A pattern of elevating screw different from that of the 1820s had been adopted
by the 1860s. In 1859 Richardson described the elevating arrangement of a common
standing carriage which he was disassembling:
A stool bed rests on two Iron shoulders projecting from the
inside of the front Transom, and on the head of the elevating
screw... The elevating screw works in a female one of
gunmetal let into the rear transom [sic]axletree ; it is provided
with horizontal radiating teeth on the top and a movable bent
lever with corresponding teeth. The head of the screw is
hemispherical and rests in an oblong plated slot in the stool
bed to admit of the play required for elevation and
depression. 21
This description leaves unclear the precise arrangement whereby the front of the
swing bed was supported, but it does indicate that it was wood protected by metal
where the head of the screw contacted it. Also, the screw did not shift or "oscillate"

but rather the bed moved back and forth on its rounded head as the elevation of the
gun was adjusted.
This pattern of screw proved unsatisfactory in some ways and was modified in
The following are the improvements in the construction
of this elevating screw, viz. -
The teeth are cut on the edge, instead of on the face, of
the ratchet wheel. This secures a better connexion of the
lever, and causes less liability to slip.
The key fastening the lever handle to its socket is placed
in a more convenient position.
The brass nut in which the screw works has been lowered
about 3/& of an inch, and the head of the screw lengthened, so
as to obtain space for the lever handle to work, in any position
in which the stool bed may be placed.2 2
The screw was named after its designer Mr. G. Smith, Assistant Superintendent of
Machinery, Royal Carriage Department.
Until 1&64 the swing bed of the garrison carriage continued to be made of wood,
and the bed bolt, rather than merely supporting it, passed through it. The bolt was
not riveted but fixed in place with a collar (washer) and key so that it could be
removed if required. A batten equal in length to the inside width of the carriage was
attached to the underside of the front end of the bed to prevent its moving from side
to side. (This description of how the bed was supported is at variance with
Richardson's in 1&59.) An iron plate was set into the upper side of the bed for the
breech to rest on if a quoin was not used, and "underneath is a sunk plate, with a slot
in it for the head of the elevating screw to work in." Finally, a rivet of iron was
driven through and across the rear end of the bed, presumably to strengthen it.2 3
The screw referred to was Smith's elevating. Its rounded head fitted into the
slot on the underside of the swing bed and its threaded shaft worked in a brass nut set
into the rear axletree, According to Miller in 1&64, there were two varieties of
elevating screws for garrison service - large, 16 inches long, and 1-1/2 inches thick,
and small, also 16 inches long but 1-1/4 inches thick. The former was used in
carriages for the 110-pounder Armstrong gun, the lO-inch and 6&-pounder smooth
bore guns; the latter with the &-inch, 32-pounder, and smaller natures of ordnance. 24
The Royal Carriage Department photo-lithograph of Smith's Elevating Screw,
produced in 1&70, showed two screws, one with a flat head and 2-1/4 inches in
diameter, the other with a round head and 2-1/2 inches in diameter (Fig. 132). The
former may be excluded from discussion because it was used for heavy siege guns, the
base rings of which rested directly on the flat head. The latter was known as an
oscillating screw which was fitted to rear chock and sliding carriages but not to
common standing carriages. 25 But it may have been that by 1&70 only one size of
screw was being used, the only change necessary being the adoption of a square nut
for the screw to work in.
In July 1&65 the authorities directed that in future all common standing
carriages were to be fitted with iron swing beds similar to those adopted for sliding
carriages (Fig. 133). The only difference was that a groove had to be made in the
underside of the bed for the head of the elevating screw, which did not oscillate, to
work in. 26 The bed was attached to an iron staple bolted to and protruding from the
transom; it was held in place by an iron pin attached to the transom by a chain and
staple. A round hole was cut in the transom to allow a man to reach through to take
out the pin if the bed was to be removed. The bolt which formerly supported the bed
was retained, but its position was lowered so as not to interfere with the working of
the swing bed and it was riveted in place.2 7


Figure 132. Colonel Clerk's Lifting Jack. Smith's Elevating Screw. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 75, Septem-
ber 1&70.)

Common Standing (iron)

There were as well iron standing garrison carriages whose origins dated back to
the mid-eighteenth century. According to one modern authority,
The English type of four-wheeled carriage .•• was based on
that patented by Stephen Remnant, the Master Smith to the
Board of Ordnance in 1761 (Pat. No. 765).2&
They were reported to have come into service by 1&00, but the first specific
reference to their use occurred in Adye's Pocket Gunner in 1&13:
Standing gun carriages of cast iron have lately been introduced
in the service for warm climates and situations not much
exposed •••
He gave the weight of iron carriages from the 32-pounder to the 6-pounder and
mentioned experiments with an l&-pounder iron carriage at Sutton Heath in 1810. 29
While they resisted the weather well, it was found that in battle if they were
struck and shattered by a ball their fragments were as dangerous as enemy fire,
killing and maiming the gun crews nearby and destroying the neighbouring carriages
as well. Moreover, once they were damaged, they were almost impossible to repair

Figure 133. Garrison Standing Carriage for 32· Pr, 56 or 58 Cwt, (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 63, June

on the spot, unlike wooden carriages. Consequently, the Master-General and Board of
Ordnance issued an order on 9 March 1810 regulating their use. They were:
lito be placed in such parts of fortifications as are least
exposed to the enemy's fire; and in sea batteries to which
heavy ships cannot approach nearer than 1000 yards." 30
Eventually they came to be restricted "•••to saluting batteries and those fronts of
fortifications which are not liable to sudden attacks or enfilading fire •••" 31 Wooden
carriages were to be kept in store to replace them if attack was imminent.
Iron garrison carriages were made for all calibres of guns from the 42- to the 6-
pounder and according to Miller, even for the 8-inch gun, but other than tables of
weights dating from 1813 to the 1860s, details of their construction are lackingunt il
the publication of a drawing and some dimensions in the Aide-Memoire in 1846. 32
Maximum height at front
above platform 3 ft. 1 in.
Diagonal length
32- and 24-pr. 6 ft.
18- and 12-pr. 5 ft. 9 in.
9- and 6-pr. 5 ft. 4 1/2 in.

In 1852 Straith published a scale diagram with dimensions.3 3

Maximum height at front
above platform 3 ft.
Distance, centre to centre,
between axletrees 4 ft. 3 in.
Length of bracket 5 ft. 9 in.
Length of axletree 4 ft. 3 in.
Diameter of trucks 1 ft. 6 in.
He did not specify, but these appear to be dimensions for the 24- and 32-
pounder iron carriages. It is possible that the length of the axletrees remained the
same in all calibres, but obviously the position of the brackets would have to vary to
accommodate the different diameters of guns.
A cast iron garrison carriage consisted of two open-frame iron brackets fitted
over two iron axletrees, held together by two bolts, and resting on four iron trucks.
The extremities of the axletrees were cast round to take the trucks. The brackets
were cast with square holes to fit around the axletree beds, front and rear; iron
shoulders on the bed held the axletrees at the proper distance apart and iron keys
driven through the axletree secured them firmly against the shoulders. They were
bolted at the top underneath the trunnion holes and at the middle. These bolts were
secured by hexagonal nuts at each end. The middle bolt supported one end of an iron
stool bed; the other end fitted into an iron support which rested on the rear axletree.
The front and rear trucks were the same diameter, 16 inches, and were held in place
by iron linch pins. 34
There are a number of iron garrison carriages in the Parks system - namely,
carriages for 24- and 32-pounders on rue des Remparts in Quebec City, for 24-
pounders in St. Andrew's, N.B., and for 9-pounders at Fort Amherst, P.E.I. These
carriages are all basically of the same design, but there are variations. One 24-
pounder carriage at Quebec City, which may be the oldest, is much more angular than
the others and has four steps in its brackets (Fig. 134); the other 32- and 24-pounder
carriages have three steps (Fig. 135). The 9-pounder carriages at Fort Amherst have
only two rather long steps, but otherwise they seem similar to the design published in
the Aide-Memoire (Fig. 136). Without tables of dimensions or other drawings it is
impossible to come to other conclusions about design, although the small changes in
weights recorded between 1813 and the 1860s probably indicate variations from year
to year.

Figure 134. Iron Garrison Carriage for a 24-pounder Gun, weight: 18 hundred-weight
3 quarters 14 pounds. (Parks, rue des Remparts, Quebec.)

Figure 136. Iron Garrison Carriage for

9-pounder Gun, weight: 14 hundred-
weight 2 quarters 20 pounds. (Parks,
Fort Amherst National Historic Park,
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.)
Figure 135. Iron Garrison Carriage for
a 24-pounder Gun, weight: 21 hundred-
weight 18 pounds. (Near Town Hall, St.
Andrew's, New Brunswick.)

Rear Chock

A rear chock carriage was very similar to a common standing carriage, except
that instead of a rear axletree and trucks it was fitted with a chock or block of wood
which rested upon the platform. It was designed to control more effectively certain
guns which recoiled quite violently. The design probably originated with carriages
upon which 8-, 10-, and 5-1/2-inch iron howitzers had been mounted for a number of
years. It is not clear when it was first used for guns, but there was no mention of it
in the Aide-Memoire in 1853. The first specific reference discovered was in
Griffiths' Artillerist's Manual in 1859)5
The construction of a rear chock carriage is clearly illustrated in a Royal
Carriage Department (R.C.D.) photo-lithograph dated May 1870 (Fig. 137»)6 The
construction of the brackets and front axletree was the same as of the common
standing carriage. The chock was fitted to the brackets in much the same way as the
rear axletree which it was replacing. The R.C.D. plate shows two bolts driven
through the lower two steps of the brackets; however, another source, circa 1864,
indicated that, because the chock was wider than the axletree, three bolts were used
which passed through the three lower steps. To the left of centre in the rear of the
chock a handspike iron was fixed in the bottom of which there was a socket into
which the double roller handspike was fitted to raise the carriage and run out the gun.
There were also sockets attached under the rear of each bracket of the 68-pounder
and 10-inch carriage. An eye bolt was attached to each bracket and to the right side
of the rear of the chock. The swing bed was made of iron and was attached by a pin
to a staple bolted through the transom. The carriage was equipped with Smith's
oscillating screw. Its rounded headed fitted into a hollow in the underside of the bed.
The threaded rod worked in the oscillating nut which fitted into a pan set into the

chock; the nut was so shaped that it could rock back and forth as the gun was
elevated or depressed. 37
Rear chock carriages were constructed for lO-inch, 68-pounder, 8-inch, 32- and
24-pounder guns; unfortunately different sources indicate different models of 32- and
24-pounders. The carriage for the 8-inch gun was approved to be used for the
defence of flanks and caponnieres on 25 February 1860 and the pattern for the
carriage of the 68-pounder, 95 hundredweight, or lO-inch, 87 hundredweight, guns was
sealed on 27 April 1864. 38 A drawing of this latter carriage has not been found but
dimensions of rear chock carriages were published about 1864 (see Appendix Y») 9

Sliding Carriages for Dwarf and Casemate Traversing Platforms

In the 1840s when dwarf and casemate traversing platforms were introduced,
sliding carriages were developed to replace the common standing carriages which had
been mounted on the old long-legged common traversing platforms. Written
descriptions of the new carriages date from the 1860s, but there are two drawings
from 1846 and circa 1850 of a sliding carriage on a dwarf traversing platform. 40 The
brackets and transom design and assembly were the same as that of the common
standing carriage, but a block of wood had been substituted at the front and rear for
the axletrees and trucks. Each block was connected to the brackets by two bolts and

Figure 137. Garrison Carriages. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Royal Carriage Department, Plate 62, May 1870.)

there were no capsquares. The blocks, which rested on the side pieces of the
platform, were made deeper in the centre to keep the carriage in place as it recoiled.
(For illustrations see chapter on Traversing Platforms.)
In order to run the gun out, an ingenious device was employed. Two gun metal
trucks fitting into iron brackets were bolted to the front ends of the brackets, the
trucks being slightly off the platform. Two eye bolts were driven through the rear
block beneath the ends of the brackets; above them two sockets were attached with
screws into the ends of the brackets. The heads of two roller handspikes were
inserted into the eye bolts, the handles pulled down to the level of the side pieces,
and two pawls, attached to the head, pivoted up and into the sockets. When the
handles of the handspikes were lowered, the rear of the carriage was lifted off the
platform and the metal trucks at the front brought in contact with the side pieces,
thereby turning the sliding carriage into a four-wheel vehicle; the pawls kept the
handspikes down as the carriage was run out.
The elevating device consisted of a wooden swing bed, elevating screw, and
quoin. The front end of the bed was supported by a bolt, which may have been
inserted through it; if so it would have been keyed into place, not riveted. The screw
appears to have been the same as that which was fitted to some common standing
carriages - a threaded shaft surmounted by a cylindrical head into which were
inserted four rods whereby the screw was turned. The shaft worked in a square nut
fitted into the rear block of the carriage. It is difficult to tell from the drawings, but
it seems unlikely that the screw "oscillated" as it did in the l860s; however, there
appears to be a hemispherical projection, probably of metal, from the underside of
the bed which rested on the head of the screw and protected the bed as it was raised
or lowered.
By the l860s the essentials of the sliding carr iage had not changed, but there
were certain differences in detail. The blocks, which were said to be of African oak
or sabicu, were wider especially the rear block which was held in place by three bolts.
The blocks were made in two parts; the guiding section, which was 2.5 inches
narrower than the distance between the side pieces of the platform, was bolted to the
nderside of the front block to take the bearing of the carriage on the iron plates of
the platform as it recoiled. (It is not apparent why friction plates were not attached
to the rear block as well.) The method of running the carriage out remained the same
but the roller handspike, or truck lever, may have been more sophisticated. When the
front rollers were not engaged they were 3/16 inch off the surface of the platform;
the truck levers raised the carriages two inches which was sufficient to engage the
It was found that controlling the carriage as it was run out was difficult;
consequently an eye bolt was bolted to the rear of the rear block to which a
preventor rope was hooked. It was wound three or four times around a bollard fixed
into the left side of the platform by which the carriage could be restrained; there was
a mark on the rope indicating when the carriage was almost run out. The eye bolt
also took the pintle of the transporting dilly and a hole drilled through the front block
took an axletree for wheels when the carriage was to be moved. It was also found
that the rear block was damaged by the iron stops set into the platform when it
recoiled or was pulled back by tackle during practice. To prevent this damage two
plates of iron about 1/16-inch thick were fitted to each side of the rear block where
it met the stops.42
In certain carriages it was found that the recoil was so violent that a brake or
wooden compressor was necessary. In October 1862 it was ordered that the wooden
compressor which had already been developed for the 110-pounder Armstrong gun was
to be adopted to use with the lO-inch, 8-inch, and 68-pounder sliding carriages~3

The compressor consists of two cheeks, ••• of elm, held

together by two guide bolts ••• in such a manner that they fit
tightly in one cheek but slide easily in and out of the other,
being prevented sliding beyond certain limits by nuts. An iron
eccentric is fitted between the cheeks in metal bearings,
through which a square bolt passes from the under side: over
the bolt resting upon the upper surfaces of the cheeks an iron
disc ••• is placed, and above it again a lever handle, with fall
and toggle, is nutted on the bolt. On the iron disc are two
slotted holes ••• through which a small iron stud •••, on each
cheek projects. Two short iron plates project on each side of
the compressor and serve to support it as it lies between the
sides of the platform beneath the carriage: its lever is on the
right, and when drawn to the rear, by means of the eccentric,
presses the sides of the compressor against the sides of the
platform, fixing it therefore more or less to the latter: the
carriage however to recoil must carry the compressor with it
and therefore the recoil is checked. To remove the compres-
sion for running up, the lever is drawn to the front, when the
slots in its iron disc working on the studs in the cheeks bring
the latter together and free of the platform. 44
The dimensions of the sealed patterns given in 1862 were: 45

Length Width Depth Weight

ft. in. ft. in. in. qrs, lbs,
lO-inch or 68-pdr. 2 4 1/2 1 8 7/8 4 3 21
8-inch of 52 cwt, 1 10 1 8 7/8 4 3 14

Elevation was still accomplished by a swing bed, elevating screw, and quoin, but
major changes had been made. Sometime before 1860, an iron stool bed had been
adopted that was pinned to an iron staple bolted through and projecting from the
transom. A hole was cut in the transom to allow a man to reach in to withdraw the
pin to remove the bed; the staple was attached to the transom by a chain and staple.
The underside of the bed had an indentation in it to take the head of Smith's
oscillating elevating screw. As the gun was depressed or elevated this screw worked
in a gunmetal nut which was so shaped that it could rock back and forth in a pan
fitted into the rear block of the carriage. This arrangement was the same as for the
rear chock carr iage.
There was as well certain other iron work. Two loops were bolted on each side
to take tackle. There was a rivet just before and behind each trunnion hole to
prevent the wood splitting. All the bolts in the carriage were nutted and the nuts of
those bolts which passed through the blocks were countersunk. Finally there was a
loop for the priming wires. 46
The casemate sliding carriage is similar to the dwarf sliding carriage except
that it had lower brackets.

Mortar Beds (wood and iron)

Land service mortar beds in the eighteenth century were massive blocks of
wood hollowed out to receive the trunnions and breech of the mortar. Mortar beds
were obviously in use before, but the first detailed specifications found were
published by Muller in 1757 and repeated, more or less, in Adye's notebook in 1766. 47

These and accompanying drawings (Fig. 138) suggest that the beds for 8-, 10-, and 13-
inch mortars were made up of an upper and a lower bed, but according to Muller and
Adye they were composed of four pieces of wood.
The land mortar beds are here made of solid timber, consisting
generally of four pieces ••• The joint of the two pieces of the
upper bed, in the 13, 10, and 8 inch beds, are so contrived as
not to be directly over the joint of the pieces in the under
bed. 48
In 1779, Smith wrote that they consisted of two pieces. 49 The suggestion of four
pieces seems curious, but the beds were pierced by both horizontal and vertical bolts.
Clearly the vertical bolts held the upper and lower beds together. The horizontal
bolts must have held the bed together transversely; for what other reason would so
many transverse bolts have been necessary?
Muller, Adye, and Smith indicated that the depths of the trunnion holes were
equal to their width; thus the trunnions were sunk completely in the bed and the
capsquares were flat pieces of iron bolted unto the mortar bed. Muller appeared to
find this arrangement unsatisfactory, for he wrote:

.. -
' .• '.f'.
0" 0/;" .
" -':0""
.0.. 04/ 'O~,·,

,, .,
f '.J.- :.,-;'/

Figure 138. Plan and Elevation of the Beds for a 13-inch and a Coehorn Mortar.
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K. Adye (1766), Plate 9.)

We suppose these mortars so fixed in their beds as to be

moveable [sic], quite contrary to the present practice under-
lining mine, and that they may be raised from an angle of 10
degrees to any under 90; for which reason the depth of the
trunnion hole is not equal to its diameter, and the cavity in the
bed is to be made in such a manner as to receive the wedges
by which the mortar is raised. 50
This foreshadowed the later practice clearly shown in the Rudyerd drawings in which
the trunnion hole depth is 1/2 the diameter of the trunnions. British practice,
however, seems to have been to fire mortars only at an elevation of 45 degrees.
Coehorn and royal mortars were simply single blocks of wood hollowed out to
take the mortar. The iron work was much simpler than for the heavier weapons.
Except for the number of pieces composing the heavier beds, there were no
substantial differences between the dimensions set down by Muller, Adye, and Smith
in the l750s, '60s, and '70s (see Appendix AA). A comparison with the l3-inch bed
that Rudyerd drew in 1791 or 1792 shows that there were some minor differences
between the l770s and the l790s. 5l The general appearance was the same, but there
were minor differences in the lengths and widths. The overall height was about the
same, but rather than the two beds being equal in height, the upper bed was the
deeper of the two in the l790s. As previously noted, the trunnion holes were the
depth of 1/2 diameter of the trunnions, and the capsquares, of course, were shaped
appropriately. Previously they hinged, but these appear to have been held on by two
eye bolts and keys and to have lifted off entirely. One set of the eye bolts was
denoted joint bolts, but they did not have the latter's appearance. For whatever
reason, the number of transverse bolts had increased; 10 were shown. Otherwise the
iron work was more or less the same. There was one additional piece of woodwork,
attached in front of the cavity, which appeared to support the mortar; whether it was
movable to adjust the elevation is not clear. Since Rudyerd made no drawings of any
other mortar beds, it is impossible to compare the beds of the other calibres in detail.
Later wooden beds drawn by Shuttleworth, circa 1820, were very similar to RUd5;erd's
drawing, although that of an 8-inch mortar bed showed only one transverse bolt. 2
In the first decade of the nineteenth century, Adye published dimensions which
were quite similar to those of 50 years before,the major difference being in the
length of the lO-inch mortar bed: 53

Calibre Weight Length Breadth Height

in. cwt. qr. lb. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

13 21 2 7 7 2 6 2 3
10 10 0 20 6 6 1 8 1 10
8 6 0 20 4 2 1 7 1 7 1/2
5 1/2 1 0 22 2 9 1 4 0 10
4 2/5 0 3 11 2 4 1/2 1 2 0 9

A difference of a foot in the length of the 10-inch bed is considerable; it is possible

that a typographical error has been made and 6 feet 6 inches substituted for 5 feet 5
inches. Adye did not indicate that the bed was made in two pieces, but other sources
did; the lower part was of oak and the upper of elm. 54 By this time, however, iron
mortar beds were coming into service for the three largest mortars and, although
Mould noted the wei~ht of wooden land service beds in 1825, they probably became
obsolete before 1830. 5
There seem to have been two designs of iron mortar beds. The first, introduced
by Blomefield before 1800, perhaps as early as the late l780s, was cast as a single

unit, except for the capsquares which were bolted into place (Fig. 139).56 With minor
variations, this design was published in the Aide-Memoire in the mid-1840s. 57 A
second design, which may have been introduced in the second half of the 1820s, was
cast in pieces and bolted together; its capsquares slipped on and were held in place by
vertical pins dropped into the brackets (Fig. 140). This design was also illustrated in
the Aide-Memoire of 1846.5 8 The second design was also much lighter than the first.

I., Wi ,;•..1 ~ - . " .~I'" ""~ M. .......,. ,IA_"",., .I'M',
" *,~.iIIIIiItr_III ..Jul·tl •
... .....,

Figure 139. General Construction of Land Service Iron Mortar Beds. Colonel
Blomefield's. (Parks, Fort Malden National Historic Park, Adye, Notebook, circa

The iconographic evidence is clear, but the literary evidence is confusing and
may indicate design changes within the two basic categories. Information up to 1825
was consistent: 59

Calibre Weight Length Breadth Height *

in. ewt. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

13 50 6 3 3 1 1 6
10 23 4 8 2 4 1 1 1/2
8 12 4 0 1 11 11
* without capsquares

These weights and dimensions clearly referred to the beds designed by Blomefield.
But three years later Spearman published dimensions for Old Pattern and New
Pattern iron beds:

Calibre Weight Length Breadth Height

in. ewt. qr, lb. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

Old Pattern
13 48 3 11 5 8 3 4 2 1
10 21 3 19 4 5 2 7 1 7
8 11 1 10 3 6 2 1 1 3

New Pattern
13 33 0 1 5 5.5 3 10.5 2 1
10 16 1 16 4 4 3 4.5 1 7
8 7 2 27 3 3 3 1 1 3

There was also a notation that "The breadth and length of each bed •••is measured
from the extremities of the traversing bolts."60

Figure 140. Iron Bed for lO-inch Mortar. (National Maritime Museum, London, U.K.)

It is tempting to conclude that the Old Pattern was the bed designed by
Blomefield, for the differences in weights are insignificant, but the variations in the
dimensions need some explanation. The increased height may be accounted for if the
capsquares were included in the measurement. At first sight, the notation regarding
measurement might account for the increased width, but the differences of 2 or 3
inches would mean a traversing bolt 1 or 1-1/2 inches long, lengths which seem
unlikely. Also, if Spearman's Old Pattern dimensions for a 13-inch mortar bed are
compared with dimensions scaled from the Aide-Memoire drawing of a 13-inch
mortar bed in 1844, they are found to be the same, if the notation about measuring
from the extremities of the traversing bolts is ignored. Since a second design of
mortar, which was slightly broader and shorter, was replacing Blomefield's original
design by at least 1820 (see section on mortars), it seems likely that the Old Pattern
bed referred to by Spearman was designed for this newer mortar. It also appears
clear, given the evidence of the drawing of the 13-inch iron mortar bed in the Aide-
Memoire of 1846, that the change was in dimensions and not in basic appearance: the
bed was still cast as a unit and the capsquares were bolted on.
Spearman's New Pattern mortar bed was a change in design, if the drawing of a
New Pattern lO-inch bed in the Aide-Memoire of 1845 is accepted as essentially the
same. Moreover, the difference in weight between the Old and New Pattern suggests
a radical change in design. It was cast in parts and bolted together and the
capsquares were designed to slip on and to be held in place by vertical pins. It is not
clear if the 1828 New Pattern bed was only an improvement in design or if it
originated in the development of the new mortars to be introduced shortly by General
Thomas Millar. Probably the former explanation is correct for the new mortars do
not seem to have come into service until the 1830s.
Sources, both iconographic and literary, indicate that there were changes in
dimensions in the mortar beds, perhaps to accommodate the shift to the Millar
mortars or perhaps only as design improvements. During the 1840s and '50s in the
various editions of his Artillerist's Manual Griffiths published tables of dimensions for
both Old and New Pattern iron mortar beds:

Calibre Weight Length Breadth Height

in. cwt. qr, lb. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

Old Pattern
13 35 2 22 5 5.5 3 1 2 1
10 16 1 16 4 4 3 1 1 7
8 7 2 27 3 3 3 1 1 3

New Pattern
13 31 0 0 6 1 3 2.75 2 0.5
10 15 2 22 4 4 3 1 1 7
8 7 2 10 3 3 3 1 1 3

With the exception of the weight of the 13-inch bed and the widths of the 13- and 10-
inch beds, the table of Old Pattern dimensions duplicates the New Pattern table
published by Spearman in 1828. All three beds were said to be the same width, 3 feet
1 inch, which seems unlikely. The table of New Pattern dimensions indicated changes
had taken place, but the relatively slight changes in weight indicated that these were
not radical. The greatest change occurred to the 13-inch bed which was longer,
wider, and slightly lower; the length, width, and height of the 10- and 8-inch beds
remained the same although the lessening weight indicated some design changes. It

seems likely that the appearance of these Old and New Pattern beds was essentially
the same.
The evidence of Griffiths indicated that there were changes to the beds, but the
details that he gave should be looked at skeptically. It seems unlikely that the lO-and
8-inch beds would be the same width or that the New Pattern 13-inch bed would be
only 1-1/4 inches wider. Griffiths' dimensions can be checked to some degree by
reference to the drawings in the Aide-Memoire, In the 1845 edition there is a
drawing of New Pattern lO-inch bed the dimensions of which when scaled from it
matches very closely Griffiths' dimensions for the same calibre bed, if the width is
taken to incude the length of the traversing bolts. Griffiths's Old Pattern and New
Pattern lO-inch bed remained the same size, but the Aide-Memoire in its second
edition in 1853 published a second drawing of a lO-inch bed which is about 9 inches
longer although its width and height remained about the same. 62 An example of this
bed may be seen outside the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. 63 The second
edition of the Aide-Memoire also published a 13-inch New Pattern bed whose length
of 6 feet 1 inch is the same as Griffiths's New Pattern, but whose width including the
traversing bolts is about 3 feet 9 inches. (The height is about the sarne.)
In summary, the first iron beds, introduced by Blomefield before 1800 were cast
as single units with the capsquares bolted on. This design may have undergone minor
modifications to accommodate a new design in mortar. In the late 1820s a new
design of bed was introduced, in which the parts were cast separately and bolted
together; the capsquares slipped on and were pinned in place. This design was
considerably lighter. It too seems to have undergone minor modifications to
accommodate the third design of mortar introduced in the 1830s.
Until 1859 the same beds were used for both siege and garrison service, the
mortars and beds being transported on wagons. In December of that year a travelling
carriage was approved for the 8-inch mortar for naval service in China. 64 Its precise
nature is not known, but it must have inspired Ltv-Col, Clerk to design travelling
carriages first for the 8- and lO-inch mortars and then for the 13-inch mortar which
were a.fproved in December 1860 and February 1861 respectively (Figs. 141, 142, and
143).6 These were wooden beds fitted with an axletree and wheels and with a trail
to be attached to the limber. When the mortar was to be readied for action it was
tipped forward onto its end which lifted the wheels slightly off the ground; the wheels
were then removed and the mortar brought back to a horizontal position ready for
firing. Their natures may be seen in the three Royal Carriage Department plates. 66
The only change in design was the enlargement of the tires for the 8-inch carriage
from 2-1/4 inches to 3 inches in December 1862. 67
Coehorn and Royal mortar beds were simple rectangular blocks of wood,
hollowed out to receive the trunnions and breech of the mortar, and fitted with a
minimum of iron work. Although minor details and dimensions changed, this basic
description was as true in 1860 as it had been in 1750. About 1760, the mortar was
held in place by two capsquares bolted to the bed by two joint bolts and two eye
bolts. As well, there was a ring attached by a bolt toward the front of the bed; its
purpose is not clear. On each side there were handles by which the bed could be
carried (Fig. 138).68
The dimensions given in Adye's manual of 1801 were more or less the same as in

Calibre Weight Length Width Height

in. cwt. qr, lb. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

5 1/2 1 o 22 2 9 1 4 10
4 2/5 3 11 2 4.5 1 2 9
PLATt 48.
lti :1\.£r ,Lr,.:L1C1,, \i to"" if.:t\J( ~~ l'1ID)B A:i'! a JI:t'!C.l! ~. sa'.O:.a~A.1
~ or ~'U: Nfl ~ VAa:JiWa JlAJ"tJJUhtl Of' EKD'7 Min 118L-:


• CJ~IV;<'l"


.4"11'1 _ _ . . . . 1' ... 'tift> .tt~L 1'_~ _" T~ wqtU-

.."€fIJI"""" HJIll"i#4' flUfP4.""'f"€tIt . .".

Utc;;1tA'l.t'~ rp fW'ir£ tP¥ t'(4d


971:1..~ .t"Jrr if: ..

Figure 141. Travelling Carriage for an 8 inch LoS. Mortar. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 48, June 1869.)



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.. ~-6~lMIt, .~"--'" rn
Figure 142. Travelling Carriage for a 10 inch L.S. Mortar. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 49, May 1869.)
:l"LA!rlll 50 ;".r:n.A''':.!~1d!'lJ}!1£:n:n3'&\J}:'! ;rDm ;lJS 3;,'1. 1" ~~ ~o:n'J'~JlJ
IilP ....J tOvtO
M"'' '1If C3'



....... ....

•'.1.'" eo.
P1jwllt?,:J);~~,4eed<¥",: ~~

Figure 143. Travelling Carriage for a 13 In. L.S. Mortar. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 50, July 1869.

There is, however, a Coehorn mounted on its original bed at the Tower of London
whose dimensions are slightly different: 70

Length Width Height

ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

1 11.8 11.8 8.3

This mortar bed was also equipped with a pair of lugs on each side which could be
used for carrying or for running up.
The dimensions given thereafter, from the 1820s to the 1860s, were consis-

Calibre Weight Length Width Height

in. cwt. qr, lb. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.

5 1/2 1 0 10 2 7 1 3 9
4 2/5 3 5* 2 5 1 3 8.5
*before 1840 only 3 qr .

Two drawings of a Royal bed appeared in the Aide-Memoire in 1844 and again in
1853. 72 The iron work has changed slightly. Capsquares bolted on by two joint bolts
and two eye bolts hold the mortar in place. A pair of rope handles are attached by
rings to each side of the bed. A coin could be fitted under the mortar to give an
elevation of 45 degrees; without it the elevation was 15 degrees. The dimensions of
the bed are very similar to the above. The only difference in the two drawings was
that the cavity of the 1853 drawing was longer than that of 1844 reflecting a change
in mortar design (Fig. 144).

Figure 144. Beds for 5-1/2 and 4-2/5-inch Mortars, circa 1850. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

Travelling Carriages

As previously noted travelling carriages were designed to accompany an army

into the field, either to act as siege weapons to bombard a city or fortress, or to give
support to infantry and cavalry in battle. The designation of a carriage could be
made in a number of ways - according to its function Weld, position, or siege) or
according to its design (double bracket or block trail). But regardless of designation a
travelling carriage was made up of a pair of wheels, an axletree, and a body. The
development of each of these elements is such that for analytical purposes they can
be discussed separately (Fig. 145).


A wheel was composed of a nave, 12 spokes, and six Ielloes. The nave was
generally cylindrical but shaped and smaller in diameter towards its ends; it was
pierced along its horizontal axis by a conoidal hole to take the axletree arm. The
spokes were mortised into the nave. Muller wrote (and Adye agreed) that "The
mortises of the spoke [sic] should be placed in the middle of the nave, but the
workmen make them an inch nearer to the linch."n This statement is confusing in
that Muller's own diagram showed the mortise holes nearer the axletree bed end of
the nave, not the linch end, as did other diagrams into the l840s. Later diagrams
placed the spokes in the centre of the nave. The spokes radiated out to receive the

t ".,f /, ,,_.t

I /I."i, ',I .J. L

II., ,. I •• "

~1I,4liif'I,·,:t, l(t:'J.,l,~, d /', H ,j,';;.·",

dC/ • •

..I": O',;o,Nu$k,l'~:.,i .., :f Ii 1."4

Figure 145. Names of the several Parts of a Carriage, circa 1825. (Royal Military
College, Mould, p, 157.)

. I

(" "i f"· A te . /'



,t Ii!,

" I

Figure 146. Construction of Heavy 6 - Pr, Wheels, circa 1825. (Royal Military
College, Mould, p. 167.)

felloes into which they were also mortised, the mortises extending entirely through
them. The felloes, each of which received two spokes, were joined to each other by a
wooden dowel inserted into their ends. When the felloes were in place, the spokes
were trimmed flush, their tenons split, and wedges inserted into their ends to hold
them in place. Although the parts of the wheel became more refined over 150 years,
a refinement which can be seen in the accompanying illustrations, the essentials
remained unchanged (Fig. 146).
The mortises were cut into the nave so that the spokes extended at an angle
outward; this was known as dishing. Its purpose was to counteract stresses driving
the nave outwards caused by the carriage turning or travelling over uneven ground
that would have broken the spokes and destroyed the wheel had the spokes been
inserted at right angles to the nave. Muller wrote that the spokes were inclined three
inches in a wheel of a diameter of five feet. He went on:
How they [the workmen] found out that this inclination renders
the wheels more perfect is not easily known, those that I have
conversed with know no more than that it was an old custom,
which made me inquire farther into it, and I have found that it
is grounded on true mechanical principles••.7 4
Later sources in the mid-nineteenth century indicated that it was reduced somewhat
to 2-1/2 inches in the 5-foot wheel.7 5

The nave was bound round with wrought iron hoops to prevent it from splitting
while the spokes were being driven and afterwards when the wheel was in use. In
Borgard's time four hoops were used, two on each end and two in the middle close to
the mortise holes.76 By mid-century only one of the middle hoops, that nearest the
linch, was in place.7 7 In the early 1790s Rudyerd still recorded three hoops, but
sources in the 1820s showed that only two hoops were thought necessaryJ8 It is not
known precisely when the change occurred, perhaps in the 1790s or early 1800s with
the development of the block trail carriage and the beginning of standardization of
wheels and axletrees (see below). Whatever the case, the two hoops remained the
practice from the 1820s onward.
The rim of the wheel, that is the six felloes joined by wooden dowels, was
covered with a tire composed of six wrought iron streaks. Each streak was attached
so that it was bisected by the joint of two felloes. According to Borgard's tables of
1719, the streaks varied in size with the calibre. The widest, those for the 24-
pounder, were attached by 12 nails in a double row; the others, narrower, were
attached by eight nails in a single rowJ9 Muller, Adye, and Smith in the third
quarter of the eighteenth century do not indicate that the 24-pounder streaks were
double holed (they call for eight nails in all streaks for carriage wheels) but Rudyerd
in 1792 showed the streak with 10 nail holes in a pattern of 2-1-2-2-1-2. 80 Limber
streaks, since they fitted on smaller wheels, were shorter and were attached by six
nails throughout the century. Again the date of change cannot be pinponted, but nails
had given way partially to bolts by the 1820s - four bolts and two nails (one nail next
to each of the two spokes).81 This seems to have remained the practice into the
1860s. Instead of streaks, a ring tire was adopted for the light 3-j:?ounder, by 1839 at
least, and probably for the 4-2/5 inch howitzer, and their limbers. 82 Dowledges were
flat pieces of wrought iron fitted into the outer sides of the felloes, straddling the
joints, and attached with rivets. In 1719 Borgard indicated that those of the wheels
of the 24- and 12-pounder carriages were attached by four rivets each while those of
the other carriages and limbers by two rivets each. 83 Muller, Adye, and Smith sa};
that dowledges of travelling carriages generally were attached by four rivets,8
Rudyerd showed four rivets for the dow ledges of 24-pounder and the 8-inch howitzer
carriage, but two rivets for those of the 24-pounder limber and the light 6-pounder
carriage. Dowledges were not shown on the wheel of the light 6-pounder limber, but
this could have been an oversight. 85 According to Hughes, in his study, dow ledges
had vanished by about 1800; certainly drawings in the 18205 failed to show them. 86
They were replaced by rivets, driven through the felloes near the end of the dowel
holes, whose purpose was to prevent the felloes from splitting. (They appear not to
have been used in the wheels for the light 3-pounder, presumably for the 4-2/5-inch
howitzer, and for their Ilrnbers.)
To prevent the wearing away of the axletree arm hole through the nave, the
hole was lined with metal nave-boxes. In 1779, Smith wrote that these "•.•were
formerly made of brass; but experience has shown that those of cast-iron cause less
friction, and are much cheaper. "87 However, the tables prepared by Borgard and the
writings of Muller and Adye before 1779 all included pipe-boxes under the heading
"iron work" and made no reference to brass. 88 Further confusing was Adye's
statement in 1813:
The wheels for the Guns, Limbers, and Ammunition Carriages,
have brass boxes. Those for Waggons, Carts, &c. have iron
boxes. 89
In the mid-1820s they were said to be of gun metal,90 but sources for 1841 onward
referred to them as made of iron. 91 It is not clear precisely what Smith meant by
"formerly" but probably brass or gun-metal boxes were used in the first quarter or

more of the nineteenth century, at least for gun carriages, limbers, and ammunition
In the eighteenth century the nave box was of two parts, one part inserted at
each end of the arm hole, prevented from turning by a feather and held in place by
metal pins. Between them there was a slight hollow to hold grease. 92 In 1825, the
description of the gun metal nave box indicted that it was in one piece, extending
completely through the nave; it was hollowed out in the centre for the double purpose
of holding grease and allowing the axletree arm to bear only on about 3 inches at
each end~~ Descriptions in the 1840s and later indicated that wedges were driven in
around each end, their purpose being not only to secure the nave box firmly but to
ensure that it was exactly in the centre of the nave. 94 The change from gun metal to
cast iron did not change the design of the box.
Even in the eighteenth century, there was a tendency toward the standardi-
zation of wheels to allow for much wider substitution if wheels were damaged or
destroyed in action. This tendency was probably accentuated in the 1790s when the
block trail carriage and new limber were developed for Horse Artillery and a wheel
with a diameter of 5 feet both for the carriages and limbers came into use. This
development was quite clearly reflected in the tables of wheel dimensions published
by Adye in 1801 and 1813, especially for those of the brass field pieces (Appendix
HH).95 The design of wheels for siege artillery or guns of position seemed to change
more slowly, but certainly by the 1820s a system of dimensions was in place which
remained reasonably constant into the 1850s. A comparison of tables of dimensions
from Mould's notebook of 1825 and from Spearman's two editions of the British
Gunner in 1828 and 1844 show that there was little if any change (Appendix II).96 It
should be noted that in 1844 Spearman added the wheels of the 18-pounder gun and
the 8-inch howitzer and of their limbers to the category of field carriages; these
were clearly intended for guns of position. A reasonable assumption would be that
they would be the same as the wheels for the siege equipment, but while the limber
wheels of both classes seem to be the same (a difference of 9 pounds), the carriage
wheels for the pieces of position were heavier. As well Spearman included a 12-
pounder gun with 18-pounder and 8-inch howitzer siege weapons, a weapon which
seems too light for battering purposes. Perhaps he has transposed the position and
siege weapons. Other than this relatively minor problem, these tables give a
reasonably complete picture of wheels into the 1850s. By the 1860s the final
classification of wheels for smooth-bore gun carriages had come into effect, with the
addition of heavier weapons to the siege train and the development of travelling
carriages for the 8-, 10-, and 13-inch iron mortars (Appendix JJ).97


Throughout the eighteenth century an axletree was a substantial construction of

wood reinforced by an iron bar set into its underside and bound round by a number of
iron hoops. It was composed of a central rectangular bed from which two arms
extended. The arms were turned to take the wheel, but their shape was somewhat
unusual. Viewed from above the arm tapered evenly away from the bed towards the
linch; viewed from the side the bottom was level while the top sloped down from the
shoulder of the bed to the linch. When the wheel was in place this slope would tilt
the wheel so that, as it turned, the dish of the wheel was counteracted and the
working spoke, that is the one directly beneath the axletree arm, was more or less
vertical when the wheels were level. 98
An axletree bar was set into the complete length of the underside of the
axletree. It was held in position by a bolt passing down through the centre of the bed

and keyed into place. Borgard's table of 1719 indicated that the axletree of the
limber was similarly equipped and Adye in 1766 and Muller wrote that the iron work
for the limber axletree was the same as that for the carriage axletree; however,
Rudyerd's drawings in the early l790s failed to show a bar among the iron work for
the limber. 99 It is not clear why a bar would no longer be thought necessary for the
limber axletree.
Also holding the bar in place and keeping the axletree from splitting was a
number of bands or hoops. All sources agree that there was a linch hoop around the
extremity of the arm. They also indicate that there was another arm hoop - Borgard
described it as "Hoop in the middle of the arm," Rudyerd as "Middle arm hoop," and
Landmann, in a drawing, showed it circling the middle of the arm. lOO This would
mean that when the wheel was in place, this hoop would be inside the nave where
there was a hollow for grease. Borgard did not indicate any other hoops, but later
sources descr ibed two body bands around the shoulders of the axletree bed. l O1
To protect the arm where it bore upon the nave boxes, iron clouts were nailed
onto the underside of the axletree arm at the linch and at the shoulder of the bed.
An inch or so from the end of the arm a hole was drilled to take the linch pin which
along with a washer held the wheel in place.l 02
The last piece of iron work to be discussed provides some problems. According
to Smith, a hurter was
a flatted iron fixed against the body of an axle-tree, with
straps to take off the friction of the naves of wheels against
the body.l03
Although its general purpose was apparent, it is not clear precisely what was meant
by "straps" nor precisely how the hurter was attached. Rudyerd drew two sorts of
hurters, one for the carriage and one for the limbers. The limber hurter was like a
washer but with a rectangular flap attached through which there were three holes for
nails. It could be nailed through this flap to the shoulder of the bed and edge of the
bolster immediately above. The carriage hurter, without the flap, had four holes in it
equidistant from each other. Although these evidently were for nails, given the shape
of the bed shoulder, only one of the holes could actually be used.l 04
Sometime before 1800, precisely when is uncertain, the ordnance began a
transition to iron axletrees for field guns. The wooden axletree bed remained, into
which a wrought iron axletree was set, bolted and bound in place. In 1801 Adye noted
in his Pocket Gunner that "Most of the field carriages are now made with iron
axletrees •••"; he then gave dimensions for the following:1 05

Length of Arm
Iron Diameter of Arm Nave Washer To Linch
Axletrees shoulder point part part pin

6-pr. light
3-pr. heavy 2 3/4 1 3/4 13 5/8 13 5/8
5-1/2 in. howitzer
l2-pr. light 8 limber 3 1/4 2 1/4 16 3/4 16 3/4
12-pr. medium 3 1/2 2 1/2 16 3/4 16 3/4
l2-pr. medium limber 2 3/4 2 13 5/8 13 5/8

By 1813 the transition was complete for field carriages.


All the field carriages are now made with iron ax1etrees,
which are more durable than wood; their diameters being less,
the friction is thereby decreased, and they require less grease.
There are but two sorts used, heavy and light.1 06
Unfortunately no dimensions were given.
The use of iron axletrees also extended to siege carriages. In 1820 a committee
of artillery officers reported:
••.the 24 Pounder Battering Gun is the only one the Carriage of
which has a Wooden Axletree, they are persuaded that an Iron
one can be adopted to it with the greatest advantage, exper-
ience having shewn that it is the part most apt to give way,
both in Firing and Travelling. - The experience of the 18
Pounder Battering Ordnance moving in Spain and France
during the late Campaigns, fully authorizes this conclusion; as
well as the late experiments with the 10 Inch Iron
The first set of more or less complete dimensions of iron axletrees that has
been found was in a student's notebook of 1825. Also included were diagrams and
instructions for drawing the axletree arms of light and heavy 6-pounders, 18-
pounders, and 24-pounders. The accompanying table indicated that there were two
other axletrees for 3-pounder, I-pounder, and 4-2/5-inch howitzer.1 08
A comparison of this set of dimensions with similar tables appearing in two
editions of Spearman's The British Gunner in 1828 and 1844 indicates that there was
little, if any, change in the 1830s and 1840s.1 09 What differences there were are
minor, and the important dimensions of the axletree arm remained unchanged. The
only major change by 1844 seems to have been the adoption of a lighter axletree for
the 8-inch iron howitzer, the one that was used for the limbers of all iron ordnance.
As well, the table of 1844 did not include the dimensions of axletrees for mountain
guns and the 5-1/2-inch howitzer which had been included in 1828. Use of those
diagrams and tables then should give us a good picture of axletree construction into
the 1850s (Fig. 147).

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.li.'hjtl t1 bilti .rr I' If L ':'>4 pr/"''' flllII ~ 10 I", h II, .. ,It, r
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• ,7/>141
, J 1 ,1,

Figure 147. Axletree Arms, circa 1850. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

The tendency and indeed purpose of this development, which of course went
hand in hand with the design of the nave or pipe box, was to reduce the number of
types of axletrees in use and to allow the interchanging of wheels between the
carriages and limbers of pieces of artillery that were used together. This was made
possible by the standardization of the axletree arms and the pipe or nave boxes and
the adoption in most cases of a wheel of a diameter of 5 feet. This process reached
its culm ination in the l860s with the designation of four classes of axletrees, the last
of which, for naval service, need not concern us at all (Appendix UU).ll 0
We do not have anything like a complete description of the manufacture of iron
axletrees until the l860s, but presumably the process had changed only in detail and
in the sophistication of the machinery used. Fitzhugh, writing in his notebook in
1845, noted:
Formerly there were two iron axletree arms let into the
axletree bed but now a different system has been adopted.
The two axletree arms are joined and form one piece. 111
On the face of it, using two separate axletree arms seems unlikely as both awkward
and weak. It is possible that some system such as Fitzhugh suggested was practiced
early, but clearly a single axletree was in use at least by the l840s and probably well
Wrought iron was heated and hammered into the approximate form of one-half
of the axletree and then finished on a lathe. Then the two halves were welded
together. By the l860s, to prevent the arm being worn away by the friction between
it and the pipe box, a piece of steel was inserted into a slit cut in the underside of the
arm and heated and hammered until it was incorporated with the arm. It is not
known when this process of steeling was initiated.
The axletree arm was designed with a "hollow" and a "lead." The purpose of the
hollow, which was given by bending the arm downwards slightly, was to counteract
the effect of the dish of the wheel by bringing the working spoke, which was
immediately under the arm into a vertical position when the wheels were level;
otherwise this spoke would be subject to transverse stress. The hollow and dish had a
tendency to cause the wheel to rotate slightly away from the direction in which the
wheel was turning. To counteract this, lead was given to the arm by bending it
forward slightly. The hollow was 3/8 inch and the lead was 1/8 inch for a wheel of a
diameter of 5 feet. 1l 2


Until the introduction of the block trail carriage in the l790s, the basic
construction of the bodies of travelling carriages, whether for heavy or light (field)
guns, remained essentially unchanged during the eighteenth century (Fig. 148). The
body was composed of two side pieces or brackets which were cut from single planks
and joined together by transoms and bolts. The axletree bed was bolted to the fore
part of the body just behind the trunnion holes. When the wheels were put on, the
carriage rested on the ground at three points, at each of the wheels and at the trail
of the body which was rounded to facilitate recoil.
In the case of heavy travelling carriages, four transoms were fitted into the
brackets to join them together (for dimensions at various times see Appendices VV
and WW). The fore or breast transom was housed vertically just in front of the
trunnion holes, parallel to the head of the bracket. At about the mid-point the
middle transom was set into the brackets and about two calibres in front of it the bed
transom was fitted. The bed on which the quoin would rest to support the breech of
the gun was attached to and stretched between these two transoms; when the trail


lniIIfnfuf=:==:t::::==:t:===:t::==±::=::J" . ", /

Figure 148. Plan and Elevation of a Travelling Carriage for a Heavy 6 Pounder.
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K. Adye (1766), Plate 6.)

was resting on the ground, the bed was level. The rear or trail transom, which was
pierced in the centre to take the pintle of the limber, was tenoned into the trail
parallel to the ground. The brackets were bound together by five bolts - one just
behind the breast transom, two (one above the other) just behind the middle transom,
and one in front of and one through the trail transom. These bolts also held in place
three transom plates with hooks on each bracket of the carriage; the ends of the bolts
were riveted against the plates.
The edges of the brackets were protected by a number of wrought iron plates.
The breast plate was nailed onto the front edge of the bracket and folded over onto
the top and bottom edges. On the top it adjoined the trunnion plate, which stretched
back to cover the bracket to the rear of the trunnion hole. The latter was held in
place by an eye bolt in front of the trunnion hole and by an eye bolt, joint bolt, and
garish bolt behind it. These bolts penetrated through the brackets, both eye bolts
emerging in front of the axle tree and the joint and garnish bolts behind. The
axletree band which bound the axletree to the bracket was fitted over the bolt ends
and keys inserted to secure the bolts and bed. (In the l790s, Rudyerd did not show a
garnish bolt.) The joint bolt was attached by a rivet to the capsquare that pivoted to
fit over the eye bolts to secure the trunnion when a gun was mounted on the carriage.

A spring key, attached by a chain and staple to the bracket, was inserted into each
eye bolt to secure the capsquare. Immediately behind the trunnion plate a garnish
plate extended back just to the rear of the middle transom; it was attached by a
number of small nails, three garnish nails, and a rose-headed nail driven through the
rose (a decorative element) which terminated the plate. The trail plate was nailed
round the trail of the bracket; it too terminated on the upper edge in a rose through
which a rose-headed nail was driven. An upper and a lower pintle plate were nailed
on top of and beneath the trial transom; a loop, through which a handspike was
inserted for traversing, was riveted through the plate at the very end of the transom.
Iron straps were nailed round the bracket near the points where it was reduced in
thickness between the middle and rear transoms. An eye bolt, to which a draught
ring was attached, was riveted through the rearmost strap. Immediately in front of it
a locking plate was nailed to protect the bracket from the limber wheel when the
carriage was turned sharply. Finally, two lashing rings, to which side arms could be
secured, were riveted to each bracket. 113
Field carriages for the smaller guns were proportionately lighter and shorter in
construction. The only difference in the woodwork was the lack of a bed transom
because, rather than quoins, screws were used to elevate these guns. Consequently,
the centre transom, which was about two calibres broad and one thick, was placed in
the middle of the brackets so that its centre was immediately underneath the neck of
the cascable, The housing for the screw was fixed therein. 1l 4
According to Muller, the light carriages had two lockers or boxes on each side
of the carriage, one sliding on top of the other, attached in a manner that is not
precisely clear from his description:
on each side of these carriages is a locker or box of two feet
long, its upper surface even with, or about an inch above the
upper part of the axle-tree, extending from thence toward the
trail; and its depth is equal to the height of the axle-tree.
These lockers serve to hold shot upon a march, and are
covered each by another box that slides on, and is fastened
with a bolt, in which cartridges are lodged, to be ready for
firing at any time, without having recourse to the ammunition
carts. 115
In the next paragraph he noted that the garnish bolt "supports the fore part of the
Muller's description of the iron work of a field carriage indicated that it was
lighter and that there were some differences as compared to that of a heavy
travelling carriage. There were no garnish nails, although they had been included in
error upon Plate XI. He then explained:
The eye bolt next to the joint bolt passes through the axle-tree
band behind, and not before as in other carriages; the fore part
of this band is only fastened by the fore eye bolt. 1l 6
But in the diagram of the cheek of a field piece, Plate XI, he showed the arrangement
whereby both eye bolts passed to the front of the axletree, Also, he drew only one
bracket bolt at the centre and the trail, but he indicated in the text that the practice
was to have two at each point, which he argued was superfluous. He also commented:
The draught hooks are placed to the breast transom plates,
instead of fixing them to the axletree, as practiced; because
the horses draw with more strength when the hooks are nearly
breast high. 117
This seems to indicate that existing field carriages had hooks attached to the
axletree, presumably the bed. He suggested that
instead of making hooks to the trail transom plates, there are

substituted nails about four inches long, which we imagine are

much more convenient than the former. 118
It seems clear that hooks were current, but he felt that nails were more convenient
for lifting the trail, but surely not for attaching drag ropes to retreat the gun.
Finally he wrote:
The washers have also hooks, to which are fastened the ropes
by which the gunner draw the gun along. 119
Presumably this was actual usage. The mixing of actual practice and his suggestions
makes this a confusing paragraph.
Dimensions of the field carriages for 3-pounders were not given by Muller,
Adye, and Smith; it may well have been that the light 3-pounder of 3-1/2 feet was
usually mounted on a galloper carriage, which, although developed for a I-pounder,
was said to be suitable for a 3-pounder. Whatever may have been the practice in the
1760s, it is clear that by the mid-1770s two conventional double bracket field
carriages had been developed by James Pattison and William Congreve for new light
3-pounders of 3 feet. Adrian Caruana, in one of his many articles on eighteenth
century artillery, has outlined the history of these guns and their carriages.l 21
Pattison IS carriage, which Caruana argues was known as the grasshopper, was a
double bracket design with certain unusual features allowing it to be moved over
rough ground or through woodlands where there were no roads but only trails. It
could be taken apart and carried on horseback or it could be carried by eight men
using crooked handspikes inserted into metal holders attached to the outsides of the
brackets at front and rear. There were no side boxes or lockers, but some
ammunition and small stores were carried in a large box attached between the
brackets to the rear of the gun. Although there were no draught hooks and the bolts
are not indicated in the diagrams reproduced by Caruana, generally the iron work
shown was similar to, but undoubtedly lighter than, that of the conventional
travelling carriage.
The second carriage, which Caruana argues was known as the Butterfly, was
developed by William Congreve to carry the light infantry, or Lord Townshend's 3-
pounder of 3 feet. It also was a double bracket design, but slighty shorter than
Pattison's carriage; it was the same width between the brackets in front but did not
widen so much in the rear as the Grasshopper. Congreve's contribution to design may
have been determining the manner in which the ammunition, small stores, and side
arms were stowed on the carriage. There were two side boxes resting in part on the
axletree bed, a box between the brackets to the rear of the gun (not as deep as that
of Pattison), and a small locker underneath the gun. The carriage could be pulled by
a limber or, if desired, it could be hooked up directly to the limber shafts and used as
a galloper. All the bolts are not shown in the diagrams reproduced by Caruana, but
its iron work also seems to have been conventional.
In 1776 the older pattern carriage for the light 6-pounder was modified by order
of Lord Townshend, Master General of the Ordnance, and a new carriage designed by
William Congreve came into service. The older carriage had a number of short-
comings. Its wheels of 4 feet diameter were too small to allow for efficient draught
especially on badly rutted roads or over rough country. The brackets were too short
for the side arms to be conveniently carried on them during action and they were
often lost when the gun advanced or retreated. The elevating screw did not allow for
sufficient elevation or depression to support infantry properly if the enemy were
nearby but on a height or in a gully. Moreover, because the box of the elevating
screw was fixed in the centre of the transom it often jammed when the gun reached
the limit of its elevation or depression, and the levers of the box were sometimes
wrenched off in trying to free it. Finally, the breast drag hooks were found to get

caught in the mens' clothing. As well the hooks were too weak for attaching ropes to
pull the carriage up difficult terrain.
Congreve's modifications also dealt with these problems and others. The
diameter of the wheels was increased to 4-1/2 feet to improve the draught. The
cheeks were lengthened from 94 to about 104 inches. The elevating screw was
modified so that its box moved back and forth in an oval affixed in the transom. It
allowed elevations through 16-1/2 degrees and no longer jammed. The levers of the
box were underneath the transom out of harms way. The breast hooks were replaced
with eye bolts. These were either fixed to hoops driven round the axletree bed or
they were driven through the bed; both descriptions were given. Eye bolts did not
interfere with the mens' clothes and they were stronger than the hooks.
Congreve made other changes as well. He cut away the upper surface of the
cheek from the trunnion hole to the breast so that it was parallel to the horizon. This
allowed sighting to be taken along both sides of the gun and over the top. The side
lockers were replaced by a locker underneath the gun. Boards were laid on top of the
axletree bed extending back over the locker bar to support the side boxes. A set of
drag ropes and a set of men's harness could be coiled on hooks underneath the
carriage where the lockers had been. The drag ropes were to be made of tarred rope
rather than white rope to preserve them better from damp. They were equipped with
a hook on one end and a loop on the other rather than loops on both ends. Finally,
newly designed fork levers, replacing the common handspikes, were to be carried
between the brackets.l 22 The new carriage with its limber was heavier than the old
pattern, but it was felt to be a more efficient vehicle.
A slightly different field carriage, the galloper, should be mentioned at this
point. It was a gun carriage equipped with shafts, thereby allowing it to be pulled
without a limber. Two small brackets, to support the gun, were mounted between the
wheels, resting on the axletree bed and a cross bar. As well, an ammunition box or
locker was attached on each side. It was designed for l-l/2-pounders, but according
to Muller and Adye it might also be used for 3- and 6-pounder guns.l 23
It seems to have dated from at least the 1720s. In his notebook, James included
a table entitled "Dimensions and Draughts of Galloping Carriages for Field Service,
according to my own Projection and approved by the Honble, Board of Ordnance June
3rd. 1725." He set up the table to include 6-, 3-, l-l/2-pounders, howitzer, and
amusette, but unfortunately he never completed it, nor did he make the drawing.1 24
Some kind of a galloper may have existed previously, for there was also a table of
wheel dimensions according to the Regulation of 1722 which gave dimensions for the
hind, Le. carriage, wheel of a l-l/2-pounder but not for the fore, Le, limber, wheel;
this seems to imply a vehicle without a limber.l 25 Whatever the case Muller and
Adye supplied a table of dimensions and drawings after mid-century (Appendix PP;
Fig. 149).1 26
It is not known how extensively this carriage was used, but it will be recalled
that Congreve's carriage for Lord Townshend's light 3-pounder in the 1770s could be
fitted up as a galloper by attaching the "mantlet limber" shafts directly to the trail
of the carriage (see above). Interestingly, this form of draught returned to service by
the mid-1840s for the mountain carriages of the light 3-pounder and 4-2/5-inch
howitzer (Fig. 150).1 27

The Block Trail Carriage

The next important development in carriage design was the introduction of the
block trail, firstly for horse artillery, shortly for all field guns, and eventually for
siege guns and guns of position. Instead of two long brackets joined together by


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• .0 •• 4" ••••• ,

Figure 149. Plan and Elevation of a Galloper. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Adye (1766), Plate 8.)

transoms, this new pattern carriage consisted of a solid central shaft of wood to
which two small brackets were fitted and bolted at the front to support the trunnions
of the gun. The shaft tapered toward the trail which was turned up and shaped in
much the same way as the double bracket carriage.
The new design had a number of advantages over the older pattern. The centre
of gravity of the latter was too far to the rear necessitating heavy work for two men
with handspikes to traverse the gun or to lay it under the direction of the
commanding N.C.O. With the new design, the trail could be picked up by one man
using a crooked handspike; moreover, this same man could lay the gun as well. The
narrowness of the block trail allowed a greater amount of lock to be given the limber,
thereby allowing the whole carriage to be reversed almost on its own ground.l 28
As early as 1779 or before, Desaguliers had designed a carriage for a heavy 3-
pounder suitable for use with cavalry which, according to Congreve, was based on
some field carriages captured on the island of Martinique in 1761. Drawings of
manoeuvres which Desaguliers asked Congreve to prepare indicated that the carriage
was a block trail. In 1788, when the Duke of Richmond, Master-General of the
Ordnance, ordered Congreve to design carriages for field pieces and ammunition
wagons, Congreve had recourse to Desaguliers' design. Richmond specifically ordered
~Jn~~ 5:JiliWJ1\CJ; X;A&~1lA.~lI~ o
... KO"W'ITZlllR
LIGHT 3-_ ()
4. MOWITZER :::0
=.A~Ap'_ ( J { J.J!

LICHT .1-1""
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s,._ ~r"" zss
'l<A·~Jw..l... t:.a.8~ l' 3 $1 iJ-1}

_1 s.: .=_~7r"""t

. . .trJilnOII . . .

........ ....... ....

~~l M61
~ ..a

Figure 150. Mountain Service Carriages (4 2/5 inch Howitzer and Light 3-Pr.) (The
Royal Artillery Institution, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 1, April 1867.)

the Wheels & Axletrees of the Gun Carriage & its Limber
[were to be] of the same Diameter & strength as those of the
Amrnn, Waggons, & that the Fore Wheels and Axletrees of
each Carri~e should be of the same height & strength as the
hind ones. 1
To meet these requirements, that is to enable high wheels to be used with limbers,
Congreve saw that only Desaguliers' design would allow the carriages to turn as short
as the older pattern. In 1779, by his own testimony, Congreve had made some
"trifling additions" to the design and, in 1788, had felt it was only necessary to
strengthen the block or shaft to prevent it from warping and rendering the draught
uncertain. 130 After a series of experiments, the block trail carriage was introduced
for the 3-pounder Desaguliers, 6-pounder Belford, and probably the 5-1j2-inch
howitzer when the Horse Brigade of the Royal Artillery was formed in 1793. 13
Although initially introduced for horse artillery, the block trail carriage was
soon extended to all field guns. By 1813, the medium 12-pounder, 9-pounder, heavy
and light 6-pounder~ and the heavy 3-pounder were all said to be mounted on the new
pattern carriage.1 3L As well, the light 3-pounder was similarly mounted, but on
wheels 4 feet 4 inches in diameter rather than 5 feet. 133 Undoubtedly double
bracket carriages were still issued as long as they were in store, but by the end of the
Napoleonic war the revolution in field carriage design was complete. 134
Neither tables of dimensions nor a formula for the construction of the block
trail carriage have been discovered, but very good illustrations of carriages for
various calibres have been found. Shuttleworth, a student at the Royal Military
Academy, has left a portfolio of drawings, circa 1820, including a plan and elevation
of the carriage of a light 6-pounder and an elevation of the carriage and limber of a
medium 12-pounder (Figs. 151, 152, and 153).1 35 The drawing of the latter carriage
showed an extra pair of trunnion holes cut in the brackets toward the rear of the
carriage for the gun to rest in when limbered up for travelling. Moving the gun into
these "travelling" trunnion holes moved the centre of gravity toward the limber,
making for a more stable carriage especially in hilly country or over rough roads. In
1846, plans and elevations of the carriages and limbers for 12-, 9-, 6-, and 3-pounder
field guns were published in the Aide-Memoire; a plan and elevation of the 9-pounder
carriage, differing in some details, was published in the second edition of 1853. 136
Finally, in the 1860s the Royal Carriage Department published a series of definitive
drawings of artillery carriages, limbers, and other vehicles (Figs. 154, 155, 156, and
157).1 J7

Figure 1'1. Medium 12-Pounder, circa 1820. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 152. Plan of a Light Six-Pounder, circa 1820. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 153. Elevation of a Light Six-Pounder, circa 1820. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawing~
LF.~ <C£:1iJ.BJ1~:..\G:)~. -- ·r;:t;:L(D)A~:l~.~J ,~

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Figure 154. Light 3 Pro Carriage - Colonial Service. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 3, February 1867.)
PLA:r:B: U. lrll~IWDr:~l!..f1,£,:J; ..." t5 lJ'",. iJ. lIt ;:Gll:mf. N
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"\p _llJlWttrJAil>

Figure I ". Field Carriage for 6 Pr, S.B. Gun. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 13, July 1867.)
II Jh.U.·~ C.i.1J.iiU\lDl.
~.If1"{JI'F""'1862 !It
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Figure 156. 9 Pro S.B. Field Carriage. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, VI
U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 14, December 1867.)
PLAT_ ~15.
:)lJ:.I:.L:D ~A:3:3JA~;,j J'®:3 1S :p llS• ill:.l:D3\Yill :.!J:3A:a'Ji:S >D\Y~", !'J



Figure 157. Carriage for 12 Pro Medium Brass Gun. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 15, March 1867.)

Design of carriages for siege artillery or guns of position did not undergo the
same changes until the late 1850s, undoubtedly because they did not need to be as
light and manoeuvrable as field pieces (Figs. 158, 159, and 160). In 1859, a block trail
carriage was approved for the 18-pounder of 38 hundredweight; in 1860 the design
was extended to the 32-pounder and 24-pounder of 50 hundredweight, and finally to
the 8-inch gun of 52 hundredweight (Figs. 161 and 162).138

1 1

"p' 'If

.,j 111'11

Figure 158. Heavy 24-Pounder on a Travelling Carriage, circa 1820. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 159. Plan of an 18-pounder Travelling Carraige. (The Royal Artillery

Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Greg, Drawings of Guns, Mortars, Howitzers, etc., 1848.)

Figure 160. Elevation of an 18-pounder Travelling Carriage. (The Royal Artillery

Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Greg, Drawings of Guns, Mortars, Howitzers, etc., 1848.)
PI..AT[ "I ;.iJAJl.lQ£JZ.:J Jf<D:i ll.8 Jf'a. ,I.E} ·C"". (fiI.'rJ'!".

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Figure 161. Block Trail Carriage for 18 Pr, 38 Cwt, Gun. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 41, April 1869.)
:.D:.LO$J~ "J'1l~:.rb ~~llil.a:..c~!}).2i~Q

l"LA'l'JIt U,
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ltf.A .. A""(H.
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Pk##-L~7- ij,1 I "-"':~ 71iA"p_."._""••-m--a.

Figure 162. Block Trail Carriages. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Royal Carriage Department, Plate 42, May 1869.)

Howitzer Carriages


The evidence concerning howitzer travelling carriages during the first half of
the eighteenth century is limited but valuable. There is a drawing attributed to
Borgard, circa 1714, of an elevation of a carriage for an 8-inch howitzer (Fig. 163).
As well, there are tables of dimensions of the wooden parts and of the iron work for a
howitzer carriage according to the Regulation of 1719. These latter tables did not
specify the calibre; presumably the 8-inch was intended. The use of these documents
should give us a good idea of a howitzer travelling carriage, circa 1720.139
Generally the construction of the carriage was similar to those for guns, but
there were minor variations. There were only three transoms - fore, middle, and
trail - rather than four, and the carriage did not have any lockers. The iron work
was the same, except that the table specified two fore riveting bolts through the
brackets instead of the one called for in gun carriages.
The brackets of the carriage of the 1714 drawing were about 7-1/2 feet long,
but the Regulation of 1719 called for brackets 10 feet in length, a significant
difference. Later carriages of the 1750s and 1790s, while longer by a foot than in
1714, were not that long. A length of 10 feet seems excessive, but it is impossible to
check the accuracy of the table which James copied into his notebook in the 1720s.

A· i~ li.:·lt.ANi(.F:ANlnlt~H·I-r-tIt)
J) is 'K GJnvE "1i1lLa'
C .:r!«·AICIlllL OJ' 1iu: \~,ttr~]4,.·CARRiAGJ':

Figure 163. Carriage for an 8-inch Brass Howitzer, circa 1714. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Borgard, "Practiss of Artillery.")

The drawing also shows a lack of certain pieces of iron work. There does not appear
to be a breast plate, a garnish plate, and possibly no middle plate and hook (although
the latter may be concealed by the wheel), nor were there side straps or locking
plate. It is impossible to know if they were not required or left off through oversight
or because the drawing was never completed.
Over the next 40 years there was little change in howitzer carriage design,
although there were differences in dimensions. Both Adye and Muller gave tables of
dimensions and drawings of the 8-inch howitzer carriage (Fig. 164). (The smaller
howitzer and the lO-inch carriage were noted, but their dimensions were not included
in the table.) The most significant difference compared to 1719 was the length of the
bracket, 101 inches; its depth and thickness remained the same. As to the iron work,
the only change was the loss of the garnish bolts. In 1719 there were two garnish
bolts and two garnish nails; Muller and Adye indicated only four garnish nails. If the
garnish bolts have vanished then the axletree band, which connected the axletree to
the brackets, was held on by the two eye bolts before and the joint bolt behind. Such
a method was illustrated in Rudyerd's drawing in 1792.140

Figure 164. Plan and Elevation of an 8 Inch Howitz [sic] Carriage &: Limber. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Adye (1766), Plate 11.)

In his dictionary of 1779, Smith provided us with information about the use of
elevating screws in howitzer carriages:
those [carriages] for the 6[sic?] and 5.8-inch howitzers are
made with screws to elevate them, in the same manner as the
light 6-pounders; for which reason they are made without a
bed, and the centre transom must be 9 inches broad to fix the
screw, instead of 4 for those made without: in the centre,
between the trail and centre-transom, there is a transom bolt,
which is not in others, because the centre-transom must be
made to be taken out; after which the howitzer can be
elevated to any angle under 90 degrees)41
This description is not entirely clear, but he may have been describing the
arrangement that Rudyerd illustated in his notebook in 1792. 142
A comparison of the Adye or Muller drawing with the Rudyerd drawing of an 8-
inch howitzer carriage, with the exception of the elevating arrangement, indicates
that there were no other changes made in carriage design between 1760 and 1790.
Undoubtedly the carriages for the 5-1/2-inch, 4-215-inch, and lO-inch howitzers
would vary only in dimensions from that of the 8-inch.
The revolution in carriage design of the 1790s, when the block trail was
introduced, was not confined to field guns. A similar block trail carriage was also
developed for the light and heavy 5-1/2-inch and the 8-inch howitzer.143 The latter
weapon, however, went out of service during the Peninsula campaign, and the new
carriage for the 5-1/2-inch howitzer, according to Hughes, was not issued.144 But
there is an excellent illustration of it by Shuttleworth, circa 1820 (Figs. 165 and
166).1 45 (This weapon went out of service shortly being replaced by the new Millar
24-pounder brass howitzer.) The 4-215-inch howitzer remained in use for colonial or
mountain service and block trail carriages for it remained available in the 1860sj one
variety hooked to a limber, another was attached directly to shafts (Fig. 167).1 4b
In the 1820s General Millar introduced his new howitzers, both brass and iron.
The brass 12- and 24-pounders, which resembled guns more than they did the older
howitzers, were mounted on block trail carriages, very similar to gun carriages, from
the onset of their careers. 147 Initially the elevating screw may have been detached,
the base ring of the weapon resting on its head; at least this is the way it was
depicted in the 1840s.1 48 Sometime in the late 1840s or early 1850s, the design of
elevating screw was changed; it was bolted to a loop cast under the button of the
howitzer. This meant repositioning the elevating screw housing somewhat more to
the rear. At the same time the length of cheeks was increased slightly and small
changes were made in the nature of the iron work.l 49 The final design of the
carriages for both the 12- and 24-pounder howitzer was sealed for manufacture in
1864 (Figs. 168 and 169).1 50
In the early 1840s, Dundas introduced a 32-pounder howitzer manufactured
along the lines of Millar's design of the 12- and 24-pounder. It too was mounted on a
block trail carriage. Unlike the carriages for its lighter sisters, its carriage was
equipped with travelling trunnion holes to which it was moved by a roller when
limbered up. Between 1840 and 1860 its carriage underwent only minor changes in
the ironwork; the detached elevating screw was retained throughouts its career (Fig.
170).1 51
Millar also introduced 8- and lO-inch iron howitzers in the early 1820s and along
with them the distinctive perch trail travelling carriage.1 52 The only information
available about these carriages at that time was their weight, 22 and 29-1/2
hundredweight respectively) 53 Because this was 2 hundredweight less than the
weights given for them in the 1840s and later, undoubtedly some changes had been
made but probably of no great significance.

tr, I

Figure 165. Plan of a '-1/2-inch Howitzer Carriage, circa 1820. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Figure 166. Elevation of a ' ..I/2-inch Howitzer Carriage, circa 1820. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth, Drawings~

4. fiM:.erL>·7rlIr;r~:E:rt CJUlJl.IA~JI - CCL@ltIAlL ~]:ltY1C;g.


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t"mw/" j : ". ===7' ?:::t" _"· •. _,,M~.~~ l,w,.,,, L ~ c' tit; t r wW'7W"d"'.... 'f
Figure 167. 4 2/5 In Howitzer Carriage - Colonial Service. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 4, December 1867.)
ali ;"p. :.ll&>·~r~ :J'J:.Illlli:.o ~£llimJ.J.1~:.:m. N
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Figure 168. 12 Pro Howr. Field Carriage. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 16, June 1867.)
px...a..-r. '-7.
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Figure 169. 24 Pr. Howr. S.B. Field Carr iage, (The Royal Artillery Institution,

Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 17, February 1867.)

P ..4o:r. 1.. lJ'lllBlLl) (!JAIBIBU.. lJ't)IB 81 lPlIl • %8IBA"" l)I<f>VllijflllBlB.
• »
Wd ,..,. it:!
T~ ';J;~$ -

Figure 170. Field Carriage for 32 Pro Brass Howitzer. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 18, March 1867.)

These carriages were much like the double bracket gun carriages, but the
brackets were shorter and set further apart (Fig. 171). They were joined by three
transoms and bolted together. Attached underneath the rear and middle transoms
and extending about 3 feet behind was a slender perch trail on the end of which a
trail eye was bolted to fit over the straight pintle of the limber. An axletree on
which two iron trucks fitted was bolted to the undersides of the rear of the brackets.
These trucks served to keep the perch off the ground when the carriage was
unlimbered and aided in running up. To reduce recoil, a wooden lever, which was
shaped to fit over the nave of the wheel, was bolted to the front of each bracket.
When these levers were compressed on the naves and bolted into place at the other
end, the friction between them and naves reduced the recoil greatly. Also, although
it was rarely necessary, two wedges could be hammered over the rear trucks for the
same purpose. The elevating screw, on whose head the howitzer rested, was fixed
into the centre transom; by the 1860s the screw supported a narrow metal swing bed
pivoting on a staple bolted through the front transom. By then these carriages were
rarely in use because shell guns were replacing howitzers in the siege train.154


Because howitzers were developed originally for field or siege work, the first
carriages were travelling carriages, but garrison carriages were also manufactured
although they are much more obscure. In 1813 Adye referred to "Brass Howitzer
standing Carriages" for the 10- and 8-inch howitzers, but the only details he gave
were their weights: 155

cwt. qr, lb.

10-inch 21 1 7
8-inch 16 2 23

Figure 171. Travelling Carriage and Limber for a lO-inch Iron Howitzer. (Note that
the trucks were inside the brackets, not outside as shown.) (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Greg, Drawings of Guns, Mortars Howitzers, etc. 1848.)

In 1825 Mould also gave the weight of garrison carriages for brass howitzers: 156
10-inch 19 1/2
8-inch 16 1/2

The decrease in weight of the carriage of the lO-inch howitzer of about 1-3/4
hundredweight may have indicted some design changes, but if so they were not likely
significant. In the 1860s Miller gave the weight of common standing howitzer
garrison carriages at 16 and 15-1/2 hundredweight respectively; these would be for
the iron howitzers, of course.l 57 In all likelihood a howitzer standing garrison
carriage was much like that for a gun, but shorter and wider.
The brass howitzers were replaced by Millar's 8- and lO-inch iron howitzers and
the rather obscure 5-1/2-inch or 24-pounder iron howitzer. In 1828 and 1844
Spearman published dimensions for the 8- and lO-inch garrison carriage (Appendix
DOD); a scale drawing of the 8-inch carriage appeared in the Aide-Memoire in
1846.158 This carriage was composed of two wooden brackets on top of which were
bolted two iron "trunnion boxes" to support the howitzer. A vertical front transom
and a horizontal middle transom were housed into the sides and the whole held
together by two bolts. At the front the brackets were bolted to an axletree and two
iron trucks; in the rear it was bolted to a block. In the illustration the carriage was
mounted on a traversing platform and the block was in two parts - a transverse
wooden block and two smaller "trail bearings" of cast iron which were bolted under it
and rested on the side pieces of the platform.l 59 The centre transom was fitted with
an elevating screw and there was an eye bolt in each bracket over the rear block.
There were no capsquares.
In 1864 Miller said that there were both rear chock and sliding carriages for the
8- and lO-inch howitzers. Other than giving their weight he did not describe
them: 160
Rear Chock Sliding
cwt. qr. lb. cwt, qr. lb.
lO-inch 15 0 9 14 1 o
8-inch 12 2 0 12 2 o
Technically speaking, a rear chock carriage was not placed on a traversing platform,
and a sliding carriage should have a block at both front and rear. Without further
details, it is difficult to known if Miller was referring to the carriage illustrated in
the Aide-Memoire.
There was also a garrison carriage for the iron 24-pounder or 5-1/2-inch
howitzer. It was illustated in the Aide-Memoire of 1846 as a "24 Pounder Howitzer
Garrison Carriage." In 1819 Shuttleworth drew what appear to be this same carriage
on a traversing platform (Fig. 172). It was quite short, mounted on an axletree and
two trucks at the front and a block at the rear. An elevating screw of the detached
type was fixed to its centre transom. There were no capsquares.l 61 In 1864 Miller
referred to a rear chock carriage for the 5-1/2-inch iron howitzer which weighed 7-
3/4 hundredweight. 162
According to Griffiths there were iron garrison carriages, but other than their
weight nothing is known about them: 163
cwt. qr, lb.
lO-inch 25 1 5
8-inch 18 1 18
24-pdr. or 5 l/2-in. 15 1 24

Presumably the same rules applied to their use as to iron garrison carriages for guns.

Figure 172. Howitzer Garrison Carriage on a Traversing Platform, circa 1820. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

Carronade Carriage

It was appropriate that the carronade, an innovatively designed piece of

artillery, was mounted from its inception on an innovative carriage. Records of
experiments conducted at Woolwich in August 1779 referred to a "new constructed
sliding Carriage." The carriages made for the 18-pounder carronades of the Spitfire,
the first ship to be armed with carronades, were built "upon principles different from
everything they [the workmen] had ever seen."164 So successful was this radical
design that it did not change in its essentials over the next 60 to 70 years.
The sliding carriage was made up of two parts. The lower and longer section,
that is the slide, was a rectangular block of wood, resting on two transverse chocks at
front and back, bolted vertically to the side of the ship. The earliest designs showed
both a front and rear chock, but the design published in the Aide-Memoire in 1846
showed only a rear chock, the front of the slide being supported by the side of the
ship. A long slot was cut down the centre of the slide. The upper and shorter
section, that is the carriage, which was held in place by a bolt passing down through
the slot, recoiled along the slide. Two small cast iron brackets were bolted to the
carriage, and the carronade was attached to them by a bolt which passed through
them and the loop cast on its underside. The bolt was held in place by a pin through
its end. The carronade was restrained on recoil by a breeching rope and run out by
tackle, both attached to the ship's side.
It is clear that the sliding carriage could traverse around the bolt attaching it
to the bulkhead, but there is conflicting evidence that trucks, or rather small rollers,
were attached to the rear chock (somewhat in the manner of a traversing platform)
to facilitate the movement. It is true that the earliest illustrations showed trucks
attached to the chocks, front and rear, but these cannot have been for traversing
since there were attached parallel to the length of the slide. There are as well

illustrations that depict small rollers attached to the rear chock which were obviously
intended for traversing; but other illustrations show neither trucks nor rollers.
Perhaps the design depended on the carronade's location. If it was part of a broadside
battery, traversing was usually not required, and thus the carronade was mounted on
chocks; even so, traversing could be accomplished with handspikes or tackle if it was
necessary. In other positions, say on the poop deck, it might be appropriate to be
able to traverse the carronade easily and quickly.l65
There is a curious statement by Congreve in his An Elementary Treatise on the
Mounting of Naval Ordnance in which he seems to indicate that the carriage could be
traversed on the slide. In support of his proposed method of mounting carronades he
••• That, in this carriage is avoided the traversing motion of the
upper bed upon the slide, which exists in the common carriage,
and which constantly dismounts these carriages when the
upper bed is traversed across the lower slide in firing. In the
new carriage the cradle can only recoil in the true direction of
the slide, so that no mischief can happen.1 66
An illustration of a sliding carriage published in a Manual for Naval Cadets in 1857
showed a "Pintail" as well as a "Drop bolt" and a "Nut of bolt for groove piece" fitting
into the carriage. The term "Pintail" or pintle suggests turning, but it is not clear
how it could be possible with a separate bolt and groove piece. The diagram in the
Aide-Mernoire , dated 1845, did not indicate a pintle.l 67
The sliding carriage was the usual method of mounting a carronade on
shipboard, but there is evidence that truck carriages were also tried. On 20 July
1808, an Admiralty order directed that two carronades on the poop deck were to be
mounted on trucks.l 68 Philip Broke, who commanded the "Shannon" during the war
of 1812, left rough notes indicating that at least he was considering truck
carriages.l 69 An illustration of "A Brig of War's 12 Pro Caronade" in 1828 showed the
piece mounted on a wooden carriage which recoiled on four trucks.1 70
Although carronades were designed for sea service and achieved their most
spectacular successes in naval engagements, they were adopted in the land service as
well. They may have been part of the secondary armament of the circular towers
built by the British on Minorca between 1798 and 1801. Along with a long gun, two of
them were intended to be mounted on traversing platforms on each of the smaller of
the prototype Martello towers approved for the south coast of England in 1804 but,
because the "ingenious device" to take them turned out to be inadequate, only an 18-
pounder gun was put in place. Either carronades or howitzers formed part of the
armament of the larger east coast towers. 171 In Canada carronades were mounted
on the Martello towers built at Halifax between 1796 and 1815.1 72
It is not clear how the carronades were mounted in Minorca and England, but in
the towers at Halifax they were mounted on traversing slides. Detailed drawings or
dimensions of these have not been discovered, but the plans of the towers show them
on a small scale. They appear to have been naval sliding carriages mounted on long
rear legs and trucks and traversing around a front pivot - in effect the sliding
carriage adapted to enable the carronade to fire en barbette and turned into a front
pivot traversing platform. It is speculation, but it is possible that this method of
mounting carronades originated in Halifax, for Prince of Wales, Fort Clarence, and
York Redoubt towers were built by 1798, well before the Martello tower program was
underway in Great Britain. Carronades were similarly mounted on Georges Island
tower when it was completed in 1812, and it was intended to use the same method in
Carleton tower in Saint John, New Brunswick, but the cessation of hostilities with the
United States made this unnecessary.173
In the land service the carronade was usually mounted on a block trail garrison

carriage (not to be confused with the field artillery block trail carriage, which was a
travelling carriage). The body was a solid more or less rectangular block of wood,
bolted to a wooden axletree in front and to a transverse block in the rear. The
axletree was supported by two cast iron trucks while the block at the rear rested on
the platform. Two cast iron cheeks or brackets were bolted to the body, and the
carronade was held in place between them by a bolt passing through them and the
loop on the underside of the carronade, The axletree was supported by two diagonal
braces, the ends of which were secured by the bracket bolts which passed through the
axletree and by two bolts driven through the body to the rear of the brackets. In
1845 these seem to be keyed into place, but they may have been threaded and nutted
later on. The carronade was notorious for the violence of its recoil; hence the
adoption of a rear block rather than a rear axletree and trucks in an attempt,
presumably, to control its recoil.! 74
The first reference found to the carronade block trail garrison carriage
occurred in a student's notebook of 1825.175 Although Adye gave the dimensions and
ranges of carronades, he made no mention of their carriages, not even in the 1827
edition of his manual. Possibly, then, the block trail carriage was introduced in the
early 1820s. Tables of its dimensions were published in 1828 and 1844 and a scale
drawing appeared in 1845; thereafter it continued to be briefly noted (Appendix
DOD). f7 6 Even though the carronade might be used for flank defences or to protect
ditches, by the 1860s it was for all intents and purposes obsolete.
The tables of dimensions were published by Morton Spearman in the 1828 and
1844 editions of The British Gunner. The earlier edition omitted dimensions for the
carriages of 42- and 32-pounders, but the later edition included those of all calibres
from 68- to 12-pounders inclusive. Similarly in 1828 the dimensions of the trucks
were not given while they were in 1844. A comparison between the dimensions of the
two tables indicates no significant differences although there were variations, the
most noticeable being that the lengths of the axletrees in 1828 were consistently
longer. Two curious notes were struck in 1844, however. Firstly, the diameters of
the trucks for the 68-, 42-, and 32-pounder carriages were put at 19 inches; those for
the carriages of the 24-, 18-, and 12-pounders at 18.75 inches. It seems strange that
there should have been such a small difference in diameter. Secondly, the bearing,
that is the rear block, was said to be cast iron. This would be possible, but it seems
unlikely; no other source makes this observation. The scale diagram of the 24-
pounder carriage published in the Aide-Memoire in 1846 does not appear to differ
significantly from the 1844 dimensions for that carriage, but it does show certain
refinements of design such as the tapering of the body to the rear, and the sloping to
the side of the upper surfaces of the rear block and of the axletree bed. It also shows
a plate to take the bottom of the elevating screw, although the carronade could be
elevated by a quoin as well.
There were iron garrison carriages for carronades, also first noted in the
student's notebook of 1825.1 77 No record has been found of them for 68- or 42-
pounders, and an iron carriage for the 18-pounder was not noted until 1839)78
Spearman referred to a 6-pounder carriage in 1828, but no other source mentioned it.
(Possibly it was an error.)179 Although only a record of the weights of these
carriages has been discovered, because they remained quite consistent (but not
entirely so), there were probably few changes in design)80 A scale drawing of a 12-
pounder carriage was published in the Aide-Memoire in 1845, and an example of a
carriage for this calibre is qreserved on the grounds of the National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich (Fig. 173). 81
The iron carriage was composed of two brackets, an axletree, a rear transom,
two centre transoms, three bolts, and two fore trucks. The brackets, each of which
was a frame with a backing, were fitted onto the axletree and the transoms and

bolted together, a bolt at the rear, middle, and just behind the loop bolt holes. These
were threaded at each end and secured by hexagonal nuts. A pin, the purpose of
which is not clear, was driven through the bottom of each bracket immediately below
the middle bolt and riveted in place. The trucks were fitted onto the fore axletree
and held in post ion by two linch pins; as there was no rear axletree, the curved lower
surfaces of the brackets rested on the platform.
The iron carriage at Greenwich, which is identified as the "1846 pattern,"
appears to be identical to the diagram in the Aide-Memoire except that the centre
transoms are missing. In the diagram what appears to be a metal support rests on the
two transoms; at Greenwich it rests on the middle and front bolt. On it is a curious
metal object on which the elevating screw box of the carronade is resting. These
details seem to be makeshifts and not authentic.


Figure 173. Iron Carriage for 12-pounder Carronade, (National Maritime Museum,
London, U.K.)


The limber, which was introduced about 1680, was a two-wheeled vehicle to
which the carriage could be attached for travelling and from which it could be
quickly removed when action was imminent. Because it converted the gun carriage
into a four-wheeled vehicle, to which horses could be hitched for draught, the
artillery achieved greater mobility and minimized delay in getting into action. As
well, the flexible coupling of the carriage to the limber allowed for greater stability
when travelling over rough ground. Initially draught was provided by a single horse
harnessed between the shafts and the rest of the team linked on in pairs to the front,
but by about 1800 an even number of horses was being used.l 82

For over a century the structure of the limber for heavy and medium field
pieces remained essentially unchanged (Fig. 174). It consisted of two wheels, an
axletree, a bolster, two shafts, two cross bars, and the iron work to complete it. The
bolster, which sloped up from its ends to a flat surface on top, was fitted on top of
the axletree, It and the axletree were equally mortised in their joint to take the ends
of the shafts. The bolster was held in place partly by two hoops which passed around
it and the axletree bed; these may have been iron straps bent on and nailed in place
with dog nails.183 Two bolts passed down through the bolster, the ends of the shaft,
and the axletree bed; these were keyed into place. An iron plate fitted over the flat
surface of the bolster and extended, like a double tail, down its front and rear; it was


I r, • .
I' .2,
ITI1nfIl511' I I
. l l -_ _..L.-_ _'---_.....--4_


Figure 174. Plan and Elevation of a Limber for a Heavy 6-pounder. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Adye (1766), Plate 7.)

held in place by eight diamond-headed nails. The pintle, which was shaped so that it
rested on the bolster plate to allow about a 15-inch section to project upwards,
passed through the plate, bolster, and axletree bed and was keyed into place. A
relatively thick iron washer, on which the pintle plate of the carriage worked when it
was attached to the limber, fitted over the pintle and rested on the bolster plate. It
does not appear to have been fixed in place.
The shafts were slightly carved to be somewhat closer together at the front
than at the middle or rear. This shape seems not to have been precisely prescribed
and was partly fortuitous:
All shafts are about two feet open before, two feet ten
inches in the middle, and something less near the axletree,
according as the wood happens to be more or less crooked; for
it is never cut across the grain, because that would weaken it
too much. 184
Two wooden cross bars were fitted into the shafts, bolted and keyed into place. As
well, the limber bolt passed through both shafts between the bars and was also
secured by a key. To it was attached the limber chain which, when the carriage was
attached, passed around the pintle and was hooked onto itself. Also, various chains
and hooks were fixed to the shafts for harnessing a horse.
A comparison of the earlier drawings of the heavy limber with Rudyerd's of
1792 indicates that some details, such as the shape of the bolster plate or the exact
positioning of the bolster hoops, may have changed. Since no circa 1800 tables of
dimensions have been found it is impossible to compare dimensions, but the length of
the shafts drawn by Rudyerd are longer, about 102 inches. Also, his limber, which
was for a heavy 24-pounder carriage, seems to be of a somewhat lighter construction
than that of circa 1760. Undoubtedly there was a greater degree of sophistication in
the manufacture of parts and their assembly. In essence, however, the limber of
Borgard's time was the same as that detailed by Rudyerd almost a century later )85
Although neither Muller nor Smith referred to it, there was also a limber for
light field pieces, except for the 3-pounder. This was probably developed about 1750
when artillery began to be used in close support of the infantry. The length of the
shafts was 94 inches, the same as that of the heavy limbers, but the dimensions of the
other parts were proportionally smaller. Otherwise light limbers were constructed in
the same manner as their heavy sisters. 186
In 1776, along with the new light 6-pounder carriage, a new light limber was
also brought into service. The old limber served no other purpose than to support the
trail of the carriage; neither men, equipment nor ammunition could be carried on it.
It could not turn as short as was required at times to support infantry properly. The
diameter of its wheels was so small that on badly rutted roads the axletree often
dragged on the ground. The manner of hitching the fore horse to the thill or shaft
horse could put so much strain on the latter as to cripple it very shortly. Finally, the
nave of its wheels was too small to be placed on the axletree of the gun carriage if
the latter's wheels were damaged and, on the other hand, its construction was too
weak to allow it to bring the gun off the field.
The design of the new limber responded to these criticisms. The shafts were
lengthened, fitted on top of the axletree bed, and extended to the rear. The bolster
and pintle were removed from the axletree bed and placed 18 inches behind it, fitted
and bolted to the ends of the shafts. The limber bolt was driven through the shafts
about halfway between the axletree bed and the ends of the shafts. A wooden cross-
bar was joined between the shafts about the same distance before the axletre bed as
the bolster was behind. Finally, two slats extended lengthways between the bolster
and the fore cross-bar. Two ammunition boxes rested crossways on the platform so
created. These had two handles on each end to enable the men to carry them. Upon

the upper surface of the shafts between the bolt and the front cross bar two ribbons
of iron with holes were attached into which the steady pins were inserted to enable
the ammunition boxes to be moved backwards and forwards to counterpoise the trail
of the carriage on the principle of the steelyard. A locker underneath the limber held
tackle for getting the carriage and limber over difficult terrain. The fore horse was
hitched differently to take the strain off the thill horse behind. Finally, the wheels
were strengthened to enable the limber to carry the gun out of action if the carriage
was disabled; as well, the nave was enlarged to allow it to be ~ut on the axletree of
the gun carriage if the latter's wheels were damaged in actlon.! 7
Although the light 3-pounder of the 1750s may have been mounted on a galloper
carriage, it seems likely that the design of limber described above would be used with
the carriages upon which Pattison's and Townshend's light 3-pounders were mounted
in the 1770s. Townshend's gun could be fitted up alternately as a galloper and
Pattison's could be carried on hand spikes, but both carriages were of the traditional
double bracket design with a pintle hole through the trail transom. It seems
reasonable that the light 6-pounder limber or one very like it would be used rather
than the older design if these carriages were to be limbered up. Unfortunately no
definite information on a light 3-pounder limber has been discovered.188
The evolution of the design of the light limber continued in the 1790s when the
block trail carriage was introduced for horse artillery. It has been argued that the
new carriage that Congreve brought forward was essentially that which Desaguliers
had proposed for a 3-pounder in 1778. It is not clear if the new limber for the block
trail carriage originated with Desaguliers as well or if its design should be attributed
to Congreve. The Duke of Richmond ordered that the size of the wheels and
axletrees of both carriage and limber should be the same when in 1788 he instructed
Congreve "to contrive carriages for Field Pieces and Ammunition wagons, capable of
accompanying Cavalry as well as infantry. ,,189
Although neither detailed tables of dimensions nor plans of this limber have
been found, undoubtedly it was essentially the same as it was depicted following the
end of the Napoleonic wars. The earliest drawing yet discovered dates from 1825
(Fig. 175); a comparison of it with the limber depicted in the Royal Carriage
Department Photo-lithograph in 1867 shows only minor changes in detail (Fig.

Ir .fl.. ,tit"

Figure 175. Names of the several Parts of a Limber, circa 1825. (Royal Military
College, Mould, p. 156.)
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Figure 176. Field Service Limber. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Royal Carriage Department, Plate 25, August 1&67.)

The new limber consisted of two wheels, a wooden axletree bed, three futchells,
a splinter bar, a platform board, a foot board, two shafts, and the necessary iron work
to hold it together. The iron axletree was fitted into a groove in the bottom of the
axletree bed and held in place by two bolts, one on either side of the centre futchell,
and by a yoke hoop and coupling plate bolted together at each end of the bed. The
straight pintle had been replaced by a crooked pintle, an iron hook attached by three
bolts to the rear of the axletree bed at its centre. When the carriage was limbered
up, the trail eye was dropped over the hook and held in place by an iron key inserted
through a hole in the point of the hook. The key was attached to the axletree bed by
a chain and staple) 91 The axletree bed was joined to the splinter bar by three
futchells. The side futchells were housed and the centre futchell was mortised into
the axletree bed; all three appear to have been mortised into the splinter bar. The
side futchells were also bolted through the axletree bed by two bolts. Flat irons,
which were finished in eyes to take traces or swingle trees, were bolted over the
joints of the futchells with the splinter bar. Two tie irons were bolted to the
undersides of the axletree bed and the splinter bar to strengthen this framework
further. One end of the iron was attached by the bolt holding the yoke hoop and
coupling plate in place, the other through the splinter bar. In the 1850s the iron may
have been shifted slightly toward the centre and attached to the splinter bar by two
bolts. A platform board was attached by four countersunk bolts toward the centre of
the futchells; staples were sunk into it to which pieces of equipment could be
lashed. 192 In front of it a footboard was placed held at an angle by two tr iangular
pieces of wood resting on the two outside Iutchells, By 1860 a board shorter than the
splinter bar, called the "slat," was fixed into the futchells immediately behind the
splinter bar and jointed to it and the futchells by the flat eye-irons. Its purpose was
to prevent a kicking horse getting his hoof between the splinter bar and foot board.
It is impossible to tell if the slat was in the 1825 drawing, but it was not shown in
those of 1845 or 1852.
The limber was constructed to take either single, double, or even triple draught.
Four metal bands or shaft-irons were fitted underneath the splinter bar; six metal
eyes for traces or swingletrees were bolted to its upper surface. For double draught,
the near shaft passed through the third shaft-iron from the right (at the centre of the
splinter bar) and fitted into a mortise or a mortise plate in the axletree bed. It was
secured by a bolt which passed through the platform board, futchell, and shaft and
was keyed in place. The off shaft passed through the first shaft-iron, at the right end
of the splinter bar, and was fitted over the axletree arm by a metal loop on its end,
called the wheel iron, that acted as a washer. It was held on by the linch pin. The
off horse was harnessed between the shafts and a swingle tree was hooked to the
centre eye of the left side of the splinter bar for the near horse. For single draught,
the near shaft passed through the fourth shaft-iron, its end resting in a iron stirrup
fixed underneath the near side futchell. It was held in place by a bolt that passed
through the foot board, futchell, and shaft and was keyed in place. The off shaft
passed through the second shaft-iron and fitted onto an iron crutch, analogous to the
end of the axletree arm, and held in place by a linch pin. The crutch carried a washer
which was transferred to the axletree arm before the shaft was put in place. For
triple draught, a swingletree was hooked onto the eyes fitted at each extremity of
the splinter bar ,193 The off shaft was equipped with a prop to hold the shafts up in
park; in 1862, it was ordered that a second prop be fitted to the near shaft as
well. 194 In 1860 the design of the off shaft was modified; its iron extended to the
splinter bar, thereby leaving a wider space between the wheel and shaft for mud to
work through when the limber was passing over muddy ground,195
Two ammunition boxes fitted onto the rear of the limber, resting on the
axletree bed and the futchells. They were held in place by the rear edge of the

platform board and by two iron stop plates or shoulders attached towards the end of
the axletree bed. The 1825 drawings do not show them, but later drawings indicate
that two boards were nailed to the rear of the axletree bed for the boxes to rest on as
well. A small piece of wood was nailed on top of the axletree, flush with its rear
surface to separate the boxes. They were lashed or later strapped into place. Earlier
sources indicated a small box was fitted in the space between the large boxes, but it
may have vanished by the 1860s. The boxes were equipped with handles on each end
and with a guard iron on the side facing outwards. In 1862, it was ordered that this
guard iron should be made with a hinge so it could be turned down for stowage on
board ship. When in use, it was kept erect by a small key.l96
This limber was used with the carriages of most field pieces. In 1825 Mould
indicated that it was known as the second class limber and listed the carriages with
which it was compatible:
9 Pounder, Heavy and Light 6 Prs., Heavy 3 Prs., Hy, and Lt.
5 1/2 Inch Howitzers, 24 and 12 Pro Howitzers; Also for the
Gun ammunition, store and forge Waggons and Wheel
Carriages. 197
He also noted the three other classes of limbers, of which the first class was for the
12-pounder gun and ammunition wagon. He did not explain how it differed from the
second class, but a drawing by Shuttleworth, circa 1820, shows a medium 12-pounder
on a block trail carriage (Fig. 158).1 98 Only the side view is given, but the limber
appears to be of the same design as the second class with one difference. Although
the ammunition box hides it, the trail eye of the carriage is attached to the limber
between the boxes and on top of the axletree bed; this suggests that the older
straight pintle was used rather than the new, improved crooked pintle. In the 1860s,
a source indicated that the limber for the 32-pounder howitzer (a piece introduced in
the early 1840s) was the same as for the medium 12-pounder; in 1846, a plan and
elevation of the 32-pounder howitzer carriage and limber were published in the Aide-
Memoire.l 99 The limber was very similar to that drawn by Shuttleworth, and it was
equipped with a straight pintle. The design was the same as the second class limber,
but the axletree bed was heavier. The heavier axletree and the straight pintle were
probably necessary because of the weight of these weapons, 18 and 17-1/2 hundred-
weight for the gun and howitzer respectively.
The third class limber was for the light 3-pounder and the 4-2/5-inch howitzer.
Other than a brief note on the shafts Mould supplied no more information. "Shafts,"
he wrote, "are the same for all natures of Field Guns above the Light 3 Pounder,
which as well as the Mountain Service Carriage have each a different description."
The Aide-Memoire printed a plan and elevation of the carriage for a light 3-pounder
but not of the limber, but it did include some information about it in an accompany-
ing table :200
weight 3 cwt, 3 qr , 4 lb.
axletree, length 4 ft. 8 in.
wheels, diameter 4 ft. 4 in.
Given the shortness of the axletree, the limber must have been constructed for single
draught. In all likelihood this was the limber of 1825.
The second edition of the Aide-Memoire in 1853 omitted the drawings of the
light 3-pounder carriage, but it continued to print the tabular information without
change. Seemingly there were no changes in design until 13 January 1859 when a new
pattern carriage and limber were approved for the light 3-pounder for colonial
service (Fig. 177).201 The limber was slightly constructed, furnished with a crooked
pintle, and set up for single draught only. It was slightly heavier at 4 hundredweight
than the limber listed in the Aide-Memoire; its axletree was shorter, 4 foot 4.25
inches, and its wheel diameter was less, 4 foot 2 inches. Despite these differences
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Figure 177. Light 3 Pro Limber-Colonial Service. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 6, September 1866.) ....

and undoubtedly other minor variations, it must have been very similar to the limber
of 1825 and 1845.
Its construction was quite simple. Two shafts, each slightly curved, passed
entirely through the axletree bed and were bolted into place. Two bolts, one on each
side of the iron axletree which was fitted into a groove in the underside of the
axletree bed, were driven through the bed and each shaft. Underneath an axletree
support fitted over their ends and was nutted in place. It extended diagonally
upwards and was bolted to the shaft. A yoke hoop and coupling plate were bolted
together at each end of the axletree bed to contain the iron axletree.202 Positioned
the width of the ammunition box from the rear of the limber, a wooden board was
fixed by four bolts across the shafts. The four bolts on each side served to take the
end of the axletree support; all four were secured by nuts. The limber carried one
ammunition box which was held in place by the cross board and an iron shoulder
attached at each end of the axletree bed. It was strapped on by a leather strap
passed through a handle on each end and a staple in the side of the shaft. The box did
not have guard arms because the limber was not designed to carry men.
The fourth class limber for "The Small arm Ammunition wagon new Limber"
need not concern us.
The history of the field limber having been brought into the 1860s, there
remains to recount the development of the heavy limber since about 1800. Unfortun-
ately, information is lacking and it is not clear when the heavy limber which Rudyerd
had drawn in the 1790s was replaced by a new pattern. It may have been devised in
the 1820s when the perch carriages for the Millar 8- and lO-inch howitzers, with
which the new limber was associated, came into service. The first clear reference to
it was a scale drawing which appeared in Straith's Plans accompanying his Treatise on
Fortification and Artillery in 1841. 203 A note in the Aide-Memoire in 1846 indicated
that the same limber was used with the 8- and lO-inch iron howitzers and the 18- and
24-pounder iron guns.2 04
The new pattern limber was composed of two wheels of 3 feet 10 inches in
diameter, an axletree bed, a bolster, three futchells, a slat, a splinter bar, a sweep
bar and the various pieces of iron-work to hold it together. The bolster rested on top
of the axletree and was held in place by the pintle, two bolts (one on either side of
the pintle), and a yoke hoop and coupling plate at each end. Three futchells were
fitted through the bolster and axletree bed at the joint and were connected to a
sweep bar in back and to a splinter bar in front. The futchells were mortised into the
splinter bar and held in place by iron bands. The sweep bar was fitted on top of the
futchells and bolted into place; its upper surface, upon which the trail of the carriage
partly rested, was protected by a strip of iron. Two bolts passed through the bolster,
each of the ouside futchells, and the axletree bed; the pintle, of course, passed
through the centre futchell. As well, the slot was mortised into the futchells just
behind the splinter bar, at about one-third the distance to the axletree bed. The
limber was further strengthened by iron stays extending from the yoke hoops and
coupling plates to the splinter bar.
The pintle was the straight pattern of the old heavy limber. It rested on a
pintle plate fixed to the top of the bolster whose extension sloped forward and was
connected to the centre futchell by an eye bolt. The limber chain was attached to
this eye bolt in two sections; when the carriage was attached the longer section was
looped over the trail and around the pintle and joined to a hook on the end of the
shorter section. This chain kept the trail in place, but the strain of the draught was
taken by another chain extending from the axletree bed of the limber to the axletree
of the perch trucks in the case of the howitzers or to the axletree of the carriage in
the case of the guns.
Initially the shafts of the limber may have been attached in the same way as

those of the field limber were; Straith's drawing of 1841 showed the near shaft
passing through a shaft-iron underneath the splinter bar and fitted into the axletree
bed. Presumably the off shaft was fitted through a shaft-iron on the extremity of the
splinter bar and over the end of the axletree arm. Thereafter, neither the drawings
in the Aide-Memoire nor in subsequent editions of Straith's work gave any indication
of shaft-irons. Instead, splinter bar loops (similar to eye bolts) were passed through
the splinter bar and secured by nuts. On the off side a pair of shafts, framed (joined
together) were attached by the shaft bolt which passed through the ends of the shafts
and the loops, and was keyed into place. On the near side a swingle tree was hooked
onto a chain that was attached to the axletree bed to take the harness of the
horse.2° 5
In 1859 a block trail carriage was designed to take the 18-pounder iron gun and
in 1860 the block trail system was extended to the 24- and 32-pounders and the 8-inch
gun. It seems likely that a new limber was also designed, but the "Limber for Heavy
Batteries" was not approved until 29 January 1862. 2U6 It is possible that the older
limber was used, or there may have been a transitional version of the newer limber in
use before the pattern of 1862 was finally approved.
The essential details of the new pattern heavy limber, which resembled the
field limber, can be seen in the Royal Carriage Department drawings (Figs. 178 and
179). Its wheels were the same size as those of the carriage, 5 feet in diameter, to
provide better traction. It was capable of carrying one small and two large boxes
forammuntion and small stores for the 18-pounder. The ammunition boxes of the
heavier guns were removed from the limber and carried separately. The shafts for
the off horse were attached for double draught in the same way as those of the field
limber, but they were not designed to be moved. The near horse was harnessed to a
pair of shafts, framed, attached by a shaft bolt to loops driven through the splinter
bar. If four horse draught was desired, metal outriggers, which could be unhooked
and folded onto the splinter bar when they were not in use, were attached at each end
of the splinter bar to which swingle trees were hooked. The pintle, which was a
heavy piece of iron bolted to the rear of the axletree bed, appeared to be a
combination of the straight and crooked pattern. The trial of the carriage was held
in place by the limber chain which was bolted to the axletree bed; it was passed over
the trail, around the pintle, and keyed into an eye bolt on the opposite side.
This limber was used for the travelling carriage of the 13-inch mortar, but the
old pattern limber was employed with the 8- and lO-inch howitzers on travelling
carriages; the latter pieces, however, were largely replaced by shell guns in the siege
train by the 1860s. The travelling carriages of the 8- and lO-inch mortars were
pulled by a "shell cart limber" which was a modified trench cart. This was a simple
platform, with moveable sides, fitted to an axletree, Like the mortar carriage, it
took small wheels, 4 feet 2 inches in diameter. It was equipped with five metal
cleats any of which could be fitted to the bottom of the cart to enable it to carry
projectiles of different calibres; the cleats not in use were strapped to the sides.
Two single reversible shafts were fitted for draught. As well, an outrigger was
attached at each end of the splinter bar to which swingletrees were hooked if three
horses were to be harnessed abreast. The limber was fitted with a variation of the
crooked pintle. 207
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Figure 178. Limber for Heavy Batteries. Elevations. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 44, July 1869.)
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Figure 17'. Limber for Heavy Batteries. Plan. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 45, March 1869.)


While it is likely that in North America during the winter months sleighs were
used to convey guns in the same manner as other goods and materials, it was not until
1760 that the Royal Artillery designed sleighs from which a gun or howitzer could be
During the late War in America the Seven Years War, it was
found very inconvenient in the Winter to transport Guns and
Howitzes [sic] over the Snow on their own Carriages made
with wheels, Slade [sic] were therefore made at Quebec for
light six pounders and Royal Howitzers••..!
This simply constructed sleigh consisted of two wooden runners, sheeted on the
bottom with iron, connected at one end by a heavy wooden transom and toward the
other by a vertical framework, somewhat like a sawhorse, upon which the axletree of
the carriage was strapped by metal bands. The bottom ends of the double bracket
trail, which rested in two slots cut into the heavy transom, were held in place by an
iron bolt passing through the transom and pintle hole. The sleigh was pulled by two
horses abreast, harnessed to a central pole hooked to the heavy transom (Fig. 180).2

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Figure 180. Slade [sic] for a .5 1/2 Inch Howitz [sic]. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Adye (1766), Plate 12.)

Captain John Knox, who kept a journal during the winter of 1759-60 at Quebec,
noted that, around the middle of January 1760, "Our artificers are constructing sleigh
carriages for the service of cohorns [sic], and guns of six and twelve pounders." Early
in February, he wrote,
A six and twelve pounder were mounted on distinct sleighs,
when trial was made of them, and the invention answered to
our most sanguine wishes, being drawn and worked with as
great facility, as upon wheeled carriages.
Since the French did not attack until April when the snow had melted away in many
places, the sleigh carriages proved of little use) Probably, the sleighs that Knox
referred to were similar to that drawn in Adye's notebook six years later.
Although eighteenth-century armies rarely mounted major campaigns in winter,
the need for sleighs to transport ordnance for minor forays or to support foraging
parties was obvious. 4 Even though there seems to have been no standardized design
emerging out of the experience in Canada in 1760, there are a number of references
to the use of sleighs by the British forces during the American Revolutionary War,
both in Canada and at New York. They seem to have been of two kinds - the
travelling or field carriage, the wheels removed, mounted on a sleigh; and a specially
designed carriage, similar to a garrison carriage, mounted on runners.
Adrian Caruana in his article "Artillery Sledges & Gun Sleighs in North
America, 1778-1783" has documented a number of instances of the use of gun sleighs
in Canada and at New York. He argued that one type of sleigh probably mounted the
field carriage on runners and, lacking a description from the 1770s, he speculated as
to the nature of the sleigh. He cited an illustration from the circa 1820 notebook of
John Cockburn, a student at the Royal Military Academy, as a probable example of
the design of a sleigh for a field piece during the Revolutionary War. In the drawing
the axletree arms of the carriage were attached by capsquares to a wooden frame on
runners, with the unsupported trail of the carriage dragging behind. Caruana's
conclusion may be correct and some form of this sleigh may have been used in the
1770s, but it is equally reasonable to assume that some variation of the earlier
Quebec sleigh was adopted.P Also, there is evidence that the type of carriage drawn
in the Cockburn notebook was not introduced until 1813 (see below).
Caruana also argued that some form of sleigh resembling a garrison carriage
resting on a flat platform mounted on runners was used as well. He based this
conclusion on references in the documents to carriages "with beds and coins on sleds,"
which are suggestive of other than field carriages. An artillery officer writing in
1858 supported this view:
••• that first sleigh used consisted of two brackets for the gun
to rest on, placed on the simplest form of sledge. The
platform of this Sleigh was about 8 inches from the ground,
and was inclined a little upwards at each end; the runners (or
part resting on the ground, in fact the substitute for wheels)
were placed at about 27 inches apart, that being the usual
breadth of the traineaux used by the French Canadians, and
consequently of the winter roads in Lower Canada at the time
these Sleighs were introduced into the servlce.f
While this officer's evidence must be treated as critically as any other secondary
source, presumably he was working with documents no longer available.
In 1796, a garrison carriage type of sleigh was constructed and tested at
Quebec; according to Ralph Willet Adye, compiler of Little Bombardier and Pocket
Gunner, it performed very well (Fig. 181). His description of it is worth quoting in


Figure 181. Section, Plan, and Elevation of a Gun Sleigh. (Parks, Fort Malden
National Historic Park, Adye, Notebook, circa 1800.)

This Slay [sic] was made and tried at Quebec is 1796 - It is

drawn by Horses on a lead, by means of Shafts fixed at C, or
by men on SnowShoes, with two pair of Drag Ropes - The
front ones fixed to the Rings D if advancing and to E if
retreating; the rear ones being hooked to the center rings F
either in advancing or retreating - This Gun was drawn and
worked by 15 Men on SnowShoes with great ease and expedi-
tion, and kept up with a column of Infantry, likewise on
SnowShoes - Several discharges were made from it by way of
Experiment, with round Shot and Grape, which it stood without
injury - It recoiled generally about 7 feet in Soft Snow - A
Box was fitted to the Space G, which held 14 rounds of
Ammunition - This Box was Semi-circular at top, was in
length, the breadth of the Slay, and having a handle at each
end, was easily removed and placed in the rear, when the Gun
was prepared for Action - A crooked handspike passed thro'
the ring H and was keyed under the Staple K; by this it was
traversed - The side Arms were lashed on by means of the
small ring MJ
Even though, according to Adye, the sleigh had performed well, it had several
shortcomings. In a memorandum on gun sleighs, Lieutenant-Colonel William Robe,
R.A., analysed the defects of the light 6-pounder sleigh in use in Canada in 1800:
the principle of the Carriage is defective from being on a
Garrison Pattern, the wood of the Cheeks being so much cut
away, as well by the steps, as by the segment for the
[ammunition] box, leaves very little grain of the wood to resist
the shock of the Recoil.
Then, interestingly, he recommended a reform:
For this reason the principle of the Travelling Carriage
appeared to me more Eligible, taking the straight grain of the
wood & supporting it on a frame as in N02, a few were
constructed nearly on this Principle, only the front supporting
Transom was a solid piece instead of a frame. 8
Unfortunately, the drawings accompanying the memorandum have not been dis-
covered, but clearly some adaptation of a travelling or field carriage to a sleigh was
The problems of a garrison carriage sleigh were even more extensive that Robe
had stated.
The principal objections to this Sleigh were that it soon got
injured in travelling, particularly when passing over uneven
roads, from the transoms which connected the runners coming
in contact with large lumps of ice, snow, & c., arising from
their being only raised about 4 inches from the ground; and
that the gun was not sufficiently raised to permit of its being
readily laid, notwithstanding which it was much too easily
overturned when travelling. 9
About 1813, Major John S. Sinclair, R.A., designed a new pattern sleigh which
overcame these problems, except that of overturning.
In this Sleigh the summer carriage, having the axle-tree [sic ?]
and wheels removed, was placed with the axle-tree bed resting
upon runners about 16 inches high, the trail resting on the
ground and being to the rear in travelling.l 0
This description fits the Cockburn drawing, circa 1820, cited by Caruana, which,

Figure 182. Gun and Ammunition Sleighs. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Wool-
wich, U.K., Cockburn, "Notes on Artillery," circa 1820.)

consequently, can be reasonably described as a Sinclair pattern gun sleigh (Fig.

Despite the improvement, objections to the new sleigh resulted in a model of it
being sent from Canada to Woolwich, about 1829 or 1830, to be examined by a
committee of artillery officers. They rejected it and proposed a new pattern,
subsequently adopted, called the "Woolwich Pattern."
This sleigh is much superior •••• Although high enough to permit
of the gun being laid with tolerable facility, it travels well
over the worst roads with the muzzle either to the front or
rear ••••
The Woolwich Pattern consists of a platform 6 feet 10
inches long, and 3 feet 10 inches wide, placed on runners 16
inches high, upon which rest two strong transoms to which the
brackets supporting the gun are secured. A box is placed on
each side of the gun, together capable of containing about
thirty rounds of ammunition, and which serve as seats for Nos.
1 and 2••••
The extreme breadth of the runners is three feet, which
through broader than the Sleighs used by "the habitans" of
Lower Canada, is not so broad as to prevent their travelling
over any of the ordinary roads of the country.l2

This description was written in 1858, but it seems probable that few if any changes
had been made in the carriage since its introduction in the 1830s (Fig. 183).
Accompanying the gun sleigh were ammunition sleighs. The early documents do
not mention them specifically; they may have been especially designed, or the
common sleighs of the country may have been used. Cockburn's drawing, circa 1820,
depicted an ammunition sleigh, a simple platform on runners to accommodate the
ammunition boxes.l 3 When the Woolwich Pattern sleigh was adopted, an ammunition
sleigh was also accepted, which seems to have been the basic platform of the gun
sleigh with whatever minor modifications were necessary to accommodate the boxes
and other stores necessary to the working of the gun. 14
The Woolwich Pattern sleighs were built by contractors in Canada:
Sleighs have hitherto been built by contract, the price
being 13 1. to 14 1. sterling for the Gun Sleigh, and 10 1. to 11
1. for each Ammunition Sleigh. The timber used was Ameri-
can, which is inferior to that of this country England. They
should be made of English oak, with the exception of the
shafts, splinter bars, and platforms, the two former of ash, the
latter of fir. If made in the Storekeeper's Department at
Montreal, uniformity of construction, good materials, and the
best workmanship would be ensured.!.J
It is not known if the Ordnance continued to contract out the manufacture of the
sleighs or not.

Fig. I. GU1I Sieigli.

A ri- SZ,,'Q.i.. E Handspike .

• TAe B,a:'k,1. F Spon!Je.
C Slov: _\[atch Boe, o ~"aft Hooks;
o Side Bases,

Fig. II. Ammunition Sleigh..

A Rear Bo» Waggon Bod», D Waltr Bucket».
• Boru of WagyU1l Limber. E Camp Kellle.e,
C K1IlJp,c#"'.

Figure 183. Gun and Ammunition Sleighs, circa 1860. (Great Britain. War Office.
Manual of Field Artillery Exercises (London: H.M.S.Q., 1861), opposite p. 181.)


Common Traversing Platform

In 1793, Lieutenant John Rutherford, R. E., designed and erected on the Scilly
Islands at least one, perhaps two, wooden traversing platforms for a 24-pounder iron
gun.J The rough sketch and explanation which he sent to the Royal Military
Repository, Woolwich, in July of that year are the earliest records )'et discovered of
this innovative method of mounting ordnance (Figs. 184a and 184b).2 The platform,
which supported a gun on a standing garrison carriage, was a rectangular frame 14
feet long and 3 feet 5 inches wide. According to Rutherford's note:
The principal pieces [were] 6 inches square - 2 1/2 inch plank
[was] nailed on the inside ••• to keep the gun from running to
one side - and 2 1/2 inch plank [was] nailed on the top where
the trucks run 9 inches wide _3
The final 3 feet of the side pieces rose rather abruptly, presumably to act as a brake
on the carriage as it recoiled.
To enable the gun to fire over the parapet, the platform was supported on what
appear to have been two raised masonry abutments, a massive one at the front and a
slighter one at the rear. It was held in place by a pintle, around which it rotated,
which was fixed into the fore abutment and inserted into a wooden transom set into
the side pieces about 2-1/4 feet from their front edges. At the front, it rested
entirely on the pintle, fore trucks not being evident. At the rear it rotated on a
single wheel, probably of iron, 1-1/2 feet in diameter, which was fixed on an axle
mounted between two transoms. A large ship's wheel was attached to a rear-
extension of the axle; its rotation turned the smaller wheel, thereby traversing the
platform. (Rutherford noted that originally he had used a windlass). Although the


Figure 181fa. Hind part of the Traversing Platform executed at the Scilly Islands in
1793. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., "Collected Military Papers,"
Vol. 2.)

drawing does not show it, possibly the smaller wheel moved on a track of wood or

dt.. v£J, A 6t-

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Figure 184b. Sketch of a Traversing Platform executed at the Scilly Islands in 1793.
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., "Collected Military Papers," Vol. 2.)

Traversing platforms very similar to Rutherford's were built for the defence of
Halifax in the 1790s. In 1801, George Parkyns, an English landscape painter,
published an engraving of "View of Halifax from George's Island," showing in the
foreground a battery of six guns mounted on traversing platforms which, except that
the ship's wheel was lacking, were clearly relations of Rutherford's platforms (Fig.
185).4 They had been in place there since at least 1795. In August of that year,
Prince Edward, commander-in-chief, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, directed:
that the Traversing Carriages [platforms] making for the
Battery at Point Sandwich, should have but One Wheel in the
Centre, similar in every respect to those on Georges [sic]
Island and Fort Ogilvie, and further to direct that those
already at Point Sandwich should be altered as soon as the
remainder are finished.
Slightly less than a year later, he gave orders:
to fit iron circles for the wheels of the Traversing Carriages
[sic] to move upon at Point Sandwich.
His Royal Highness further directs ••• that the Traversing
Carriages [sic] for the twelve pounders at that post should be
altered to have only one wheel behind, like those on Georges
[sic] Island. 5
Obviously, a platform slightly different than that shown by Parkyns had been put up
at Point Sandwich. Is it possible that the alteration "••• to have only one wheel •••"
meant that the large ship's wheel of Rutherford's design was being removed? The
platforms shown by Parkyns where probably traversed with handspikes.
A scaled drawing of a traversing platform for a 12-pounder gun, which bears a
close resemblance to those Parkyns depicted, has been discovered in a notebook,
circa 1800, attributed to R. W. Adye, the compiler of Bombardier and Pocket Gunner
(Fig. 186). Although it is, of course, impossible to compare in detail the drawing with
the platforms in the Parkyns engraving, it can be compared with the Rutherford
drawing of 1793, of which it appears to be a stronger, more sophisticated version.
The side pieces were 14 feet long, but they were wider and thicker, 8 or 9 inches by
12 inches. There was no indication of soles nailed on top of them; rather runners,
about 2-1/2 inches square, were attached to their upper surfaces to keep the trucks
of the gun carriage running true. The platform was wider, 3 feet 8 or 9 inches, which
would be consistent with wider side pieces. The pintle appears to have been a long
bolt penetrating through the centre of the front transom into a pintle block. This
transom was yoke shaped and was bolted vertically to the side pieces. The traversing
wheel, which was 1 foot 9 inches in diameter (slightly larger than that shown by
Rutherford), was held in place by two brackets bolted underneath the rear transoms.
These were tenoned into the side pieces, and the rearmost was bolted tightly into
place. Since there was no indication of a ship's wheel, presumably the platform was
traversed by handspikes or by tackle.v
Of interest is another drawing, circa 1812, which shows a more sophisticated
traversing platform (Fig. 187).7 It was signed by A. Gray, who has not been positively
identified, and it is not clear if it was a drawing of an existing platform or if it was
merely a proposal. Like Rutherford's, it was without legs and rotated on a front
pivot. Unlike his, the front was supported by two small trucks, about 5 inches in
diameter, running on a small circular track; the rear similarly moved on two trucks
(not one), about 18 inches in diameter, also running on a track.
Of particular note in this drawing is what appears to be a carriage restraining
device. Attached to the rear axletree (the method is not clear but it had to allow for
vertical movement) was a piece of flat iron about 3 feet long, slightly curved, with a
tooth at one end. This piece of iron rested in a groove cut into a squared timber

Figure 185. View of Halifax from Georges Island, by G.I. Parkyns, circa 1801.
(National Archives of Canada, C-982.)


Figure 186. 12 Pounder & Carriage Mounted upon a Traversing Platform. (Parks,
Fort Malden National Historic Park, Adye, Notebook, circa 1800.)


Figure 187. Detailed drawing of a gun on traversing platform and emplacement, by
A. Gray, circa 1812. (National Archives of Canada, C-5549.)

which ran down the middle of the platform. In the groove were two notches which
would receive the tooth. Thus after the gun had recoiled up the sloped side pieces it
was restrained from running forward again by the tooth hooking into the rear notch.
Similarly when it was run forward it was again restrained by the tooth hooking into
the front notch. It is unknown whether this design was ever tested.
During the 1790s, traversing platforms of other designs also came into use, but
their advantages were in dispute between officers of the Royal Artillery and of the
Royal Engineers. In 1804, following a complaint about some platforms in use in the
Southern District in England, the Inspector-General of Fortifications, Lieutenant-
General Robert Morse, proposed to the Master-General, the Earl of Chatham, that a
committee made up of officers from both corps be convened to consider the problem.
The terms of reference which he suggested were:
j st Whether Traversing Platforms are generally or in what
particular cases preferable to the common Stone or
Wooden Platform combining [?] the consideration of
firing through Embrazures [sic] or over the Parapet
2nd For what height of Parapet in the latter case should the
Traversing Platform be constructed.
3rd Whether the Center of motion should be near the front
or near the rear or towards the center of the Platform
and for what reason.
4th What should be the length of the traversing Platform and
the inclination of the Plane to govern the recoil and the
number of its Trucks -
In Morse's opinion, it was desirable to arrive at a standard so that the platforms "•••
may be made by Contract and kept in Store ready to deliver when wanted ••.•"8 No
record of such a committee or of its deliberations has been found, but it seems likely
that it met and determined standards for the traversing platform.
Although no details have been found, three traversing platforms, to be mounted
on front, centre, and rear pivots, were sent to Quebec lito serve as Patterns•••• " 9
Also, by 1813, Adye had added to his manual a short section on traversing platforms
which answered the questions raised by Morse.
That adapted for general service in this country, is 16
feet long, traversing on 4 iron trucks. The length of the
transoms, or distance between the side pieces must depend
upon the nature of ordnance intended to be mounted on it; for
a 24-pounder the distance is 2 feet 7 inches. The width of the
side-pieces are generally 10 inches, and the depth 11 inches, to
which is added a 2 inch board on the upper part for the trucks
of the gun carriage to recoil on. The height of the traversing
platform in regulated according to the height of the parapet,
usually allowing 6 inches from the under part of the gun to the
top of the parapet. The slope on which the gun recoils is 1
inch to a foot. The pivot on which the platform traverses, is
placed in the frontl.] centre, or rear transom; in batteries
liable to be attacked in the rear, it would be advisable to place
the pivot in such a manner, that the gun may be brought round
to defend the gorge of the work. 9
For about the next 30 to 40 years, the platform described by Adye was in
common use in Canada. There is evidence of its being mounted in Prince of Wales
tower at Halifax in 1812, at Coteau du lac in 1821, at Quebec City in 1836, at the
Eastern Battery, Halifax, in 1839, and in Fort Henry, Kingston, in 1851 (Figs. 188 and
189).1 1 Details of repairs at Fort Wellington in the late 1840s indicate that there

may have been local variations in certain dimensions; the side pieces were said to be
16 feet long but 8 inches wide and 9 inches thick.l 2 But essentially it remained the
same. Scaled diagrams by Shuttleworth in 1819 (Fig. 190) and in the Aide-Memoire in
1846 show little if any change except that the slope was slightly gentler, 7/8 inch in
12 inches. 13 Certain details, which were always present, also emerged - a grate
between the centre and rear transoms on which the gunner stood to lay the gun, foot
boards at the side and rear, blocks at the ends of the soles against which the trucks
could come to rest as the gun recoiled or was run out.l 4

Figure 188. The Coteau Rapids from the Fort, 1821, by John Elliott Woolford.
(National Archives of Canada, C-99548.)

Figure 189. Halifax from the Eastern Battery, by J.S. Clow, circa 1839. (National
Archives of Canada, C-94689.)

Figure 190. Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in the Centre, 1819. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Shuttleworth Drawings.)

In 1846, the Aide-Memoire implied that handspikes alone were used to work the
traversing platform and that the blocks and tackles formerly used had been done
away with. A memorandum by "an old Artillery Officer II was very critical of the new
method and the diagram in the Aide-Memoire included ring bolts "••. on the ends of
the platform as originally constructed." 15 In 1819, Shuttleworth did not show them,
but a drawing in a notebook of 1830 depicted blocks and tackle draped over the ends
of a traversing platform (Fig. 191). Clow's drawing of the Eastern Battery at Halifax
in 1839 clearly indicated the eye bolts, although blocks and tackle were not
evident.l 6 It may be that blocks and tackle were more common than the Aide-
Memoire implied. Certainly the old artillery officer did not regard the use of hand
spikes as an improvement: "••• much of the efficiency of the platform itself, as to
accurate and rapid firing at a ship in motion has been lost" [italics in originalJ. 17
By the 1840s, the common traversing platform was falling into disfavour, being
replaced by the dwarf platform. In January 1853, the Master-General and Board
approved a recommendation to discontinue it in favour of the latter.l 8 The
advantage of being able to fire over a parapet through a wide angle was outweighed
by certain disadvantages. The gun and carriage mounted on the common traversing
platform presented a large target above the parapet and could be easily dismounted.
Their height made mounting the guns more difficult. The gunners working the guns
were very much exposed. Also, as the guns became heavier, it was felt that the long-
legged platform was a weaker construction) 9 Undoubtedly, the common platform

continued to be used, for it was still being described in the 1860s. The only major
change it seems to have undergone was an increase in the thickness of the side pieces
to 14 inches; the width remained at 10 inches. 20 This increase was probably a
reaction to the heavier guns being mounted on it.

Figure 191. Common Traversing Platform, circa 1830. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Robert Cockburn, "Practical Course of Instruction.")

Dwarf Traversing Platform

In the early 1840s, Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Emmett, R.E., designed the

dwarf traversing platform, a low variation of the common traversing platform. Its
similarity to the platforms built by Rutherford on the Scilly Islands and drawn by
Parkyns at Halifax are evident (see above), but those early variants seem to have
been supplanted by the long-legged platform. Although, in the Royal Navy,
carronades had been mounted on slides since their inception, the dwarf's immediate
ancestor, of which it was an adaptation, was the naval slide used to mount pivot guns
on stearners.Z!
Emmett had removed the legs from the common platform and attached the
trucks, mounted in flanges, directly onto its body. At the front they were bolted onto
the side pieces and at the rear onto a block which passed underneath the side pieces,
whereby a slope of 5 degrees was maintained. Since the carriage recoiled, not on
trucks, but on blocks designed to be engaged between the side pieces, runners were no
longer necessary to keep it on the platform. These blocks slid along wrought-iron
soles which were the length of the side pieces but slightly narrower. Drawings in the
1840s indicated a wooden sole underneath the metal one, but later plans showed the
metal sole fixed directly into the side pieces. 22
The dwarf traversing platform was composed of two side pieces and three
transoms held together by iron bolts. In order to prevent the carriage from
dismounting at the front, a stop block was bolted between the side pieces, and at the

rear two iron stops were attached to the insides of the side pieces. Sometime in the
late 1840s a round bollard was set into the inner surface of the left side piece near its
end. A restraining rope attached to the carriage was wound around it to control the
spead of the carriage as it was run forward.
To aid the gunners in the working of the piece, footboards were attached to
each side. Originally both may have extended from front to rear transom, but by
about 1850, the left front board had been shortened to about half its former length.
Generally, this was the nature of the dwarf traversing platform throughout the '40s,
'50s, and '60s, although there were changes in detail, which can be seen on the
accompanying illustrations (Figs. 192a and 192b).2 3

Figure 192a. 56 Pro 11 ft. 98 cwt, on a Dwarf Traversing Platform, circa 1850. (The
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

Figure 192b. Plan of Dwarf Traversing Platform, circa 1850. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

Since much of the evidence is lacking, it is difficult to trace in detail the

changes over the three decades. The design published in the Aide-Memoire in 1846
was adopted by an order of the Master General and Board of 1 April 1846; it was
applicable to all calibres from the 8-inch gun down to the 18-pounder, except for the
56-pounder, the platform of which was slightly wider. Since this order superseded
previous orders of 6 May 1844 and 15 December 1845, it is inferred that there were
earlier designs, although no details have come to light. 24 These earlier versions may
have been similar to that published by Straith in the Plates accompanying his manual
of 1852. 25 The dimensions of this platform were different from those of the diagram
in the Aide-Memoire, principally in that it was longer, 16-1/2 feet, and the side
pieces were thicker. The radii of the racers were also different. If Straith is
correct, it seems likely that his design predated that of the Aide-Memoire since
designs in the 1850s and '60s more closely approximated the latter than the former.
According to the Aide-Mernoire, not only was the platform for a 56-pounder
wider, 4 feet, but when mounted on a front pivot, it also had an intermediate set of
trucks and racers, which were attached to the centre transom. This peculiarity of
design was also indicated in a plan and section for a 56-pounder at Fort Henry,
Kingston, Canada West, dated 24 July 1849, although the radii of the racers were
different. 26 Undoubtedly, the third set of trucks and racers was thought necessary
because of the weight of this gun, 97 or 98 hundredweight for the 11 foot model, but
this development may have been short lived since there is a drawing of a dwarf
platform for a 56-pounder, circa 1851, with only two sets. 27 There is no evidence,
moreover, that the 68-pounder, an equally heavy gun, required additional trucks and
The various weights of the platforms given by Griffith in his manuals during the
1850s suggest that probably there were minor changes made during the decade.2 By
1860 there were two varieties of "Old Pattern" platforms, one for 68-pounders and
lO-inch guns and one for all other varieties from 8-inch guns to 18-pounders. 29 These
were superseded by a "New Pattern," adopted 29 May 1860, applicable to all natures
of ordnance (Fig. 193). Subsequently, on 9 August 1864, another pattern with minor
changes was approved (Fig. 194).30
Perhaps the major change in design was the removal of the pivot and the
development of hollow-soled trucks to run on concave racers. The shock of the
discharge of a gun had put a great deal of strain on the pivot, often loosening or
breaking it, thereby rendering the platform unserviceable. To solve this problem
Colonel James Nisbet Colquhoun, probably when he was Inspector at the Royal
Carriage Department in the early 1850s, devised a system whereby the pivot was
removed and the carriage was held in place by hollow-soled trucks fitted to concave
racers. The racers were still curved but the gun rotated around an imaginary pivot,
that is the point at which the pivot would have been, of which there were six
positions, the choice of which depended on the nature of the gun position. Under this
system when the gun was fired the shock of discharge was divided among four points
and distributed over the racers, rather than being concentrated on the pivot. 31 It is
not clear precisely when Colquhoun's improvements were accepted, but they were
certainly in place by 1860. 32
Previous to the adoption of Colquhoun's system there had been five positions of
pivots with the corresponding sets of racers. The use of imaginary pivots allowed for
a new position at the muzzle of the gun when it was run out and, therefore, a sixth
::"!:~nr ~\j:t'!

U'fKiUt CASl.AT,£: 011 DWAlif, UilTASI..[ TO A ,LUll'V~

1 /44,·

l •• I. Jmt
..,;...., ...
_"';. .. ..
." _~ .. ,"
r -;
e »
iIY~ "T]
Figure 193. Drawing of New Platform. Either Casemate or Dwarf. Suitable to any l'V
Radius. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Carriage Depart- IJI

ment, Plate 60, October 1868.)

~ .. lP.. 1flBA'l'llllB~ll~(0 a>:1A"J':J'(f}lB~..
rrt-r eo "$ A OW"A'-f WiTH C.'Hf~AaE fOR A~¥STRONQ OV~

J::, »
r~ ['Tl
MiA •• 1


~/4 tfje

Figure 194. N.P. new pattern Traversing Platform. Fitted as a Dwarf with
Carraige for 110 Pro Armstrong Gun. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 60B, October 1868.)

set of racers. The dimensions of the other sets of racers remained the same. By
1860 then, the system of radii of racers measured from the imaginary pivot was as

Position Radii
Front Rear

A at muzzle 5 ft. 16 ft. 6 in.

B front 1 ft. 10 in. 12 ft. 10 in.
C centre 6 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. 1 in.
0 intermediate 9 ft. 3 ft. 4 1/4 in.
E rear before chock 10 ft. 8 1/4 in. 2 ft. 2 in.
F rear behind chock 12 ft. 10 in. 2 ft. 2 in.

(E and F refer to a position just before or just behind the rear transom and block.)33
According to an amendment to a report by a committee on coast batteries,
written in 1860, the above positions were appropriate in the following circumstances:
A. When firing through embrazures [sic], or en barbette, when the lateral range
does not exceed 1100•
B. Ordinary front pivot •••
For firing through embrazures [sic], or en barbette, when a pivot is used.
C. In salients, when en barbette, or whenever the lateral range exceeds 110 0, and
does not exceed 1500.
(This pivot is not adopted for firing round the entire circle, as its designation
would irnply.)
D. Intermediate pivot ••••In salients, whenever more than 150 0 lateral range is to be
obtained, or whenever a fire is required throughout the entire circle.
E. Although the construction of a new parapet can always be suited to one of the
foregoing cases, it may in many instances be found convenient to adopt this
pivot, rear before chock whether in designing a new battery or in modifying an
old one.
In the body of the report E was said to be "••• for salients generally." (No specific
mention was made of the F position, rear behind chock.)34

Casemate Traversing Platform

Because the genouillere of a casemate was lower than the normal parapet of 4
feet 3 inches, a modified form of the dwarf traversing platform was adopted for use
therein. The front flanges and trucks were replaced by very small flanges and rollers
(or trucks) and the rear block was removed so that the rear flanges and trucks could
be mounted directly onto the side pieces. This was the only difference between the
dwarf and casemate traversing platforms, although the latter seems not to have been
available until 1860 for pieces heavier than the 8-inch gun.3 5
The development of the casemate traversing platform, then, followed generally
that of the dwarf. There seems to have been some problems in keeping the small
front rollers properly lubricated and, consequently, an improved flange was intro-
duced in 1863.36 The platform was always mounted on a front pivot, until the
introduction of the system of imaginary pivots in 1860, when the imaginary pivot at
the muzzle was adopted. 37 With the adoption of the New Pattern platforms in 1860,
pieces heavier than the 8-inch gun could thereafter be mounted (Fig. 195).38
~. loP. 'il'm£ "!!1m~:J:t~IB :S>:1J£....r:.rl):..3JU. VI
;r.loATE 60~
nrTET. A. A CA$f¥.'!t W!?~ <4I1tRiAQ£, ?OR el '~f>: ~t

N'!APK i
·i'~HJd"ll.lf.<.ol'l< ~

*,~.......r ".
./;"',. r -:;a..-.;,r-tle-.;'"

Figure 195. N.P. new pattern Traversing Platform. Fitted as a Casemate with
Carriage for 68 Pr, of 95 cwt, Gun. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Royal Carriage Department, Plate 60A, December 1868.)

Traversing Platforms (Iron)

Common Traversing Platform

The Ordnance also developed a platform of cast iron as an alternative to wood.

The latter material, particularly in hot humid climates, rotted quickly; the former,
properly cared for, lasted much longer. The precise date of the iron platform's
introduction is not known, but a pattern was approved by the Board of Ordnance on 8
March 1824. The Aide-Memoire noted that its use was regulated by an order of the
Master General and Board of 9 March 1810, but initially this order seemed to apply
only to iron gun carriages; it might be inferred, then, that the iron platform was
developed subsequent to 1810 and finally standardized in 1824 (Fig. 196). There was
only one design weighing 51 hundredweight, for 32-, 24-, and 18-pounder guns. 39

Figure 196. Iron Traversing Platform proposed for Fort George, Halifax, in 1825.
(cr.Figure 197.) (Great Britain, Public Record Office, W078/1786.)

According to the order of 1810, which came to apply to iron platforms as well
as to iron carriages, they were "•••to be placed in such parts of fortifications as are
least exposed to the enemy's fire; and in sea batteries to which heavy ships cannot
approach nearer than 1000 yards." Wooden carriages and platforms were to be kept
in store to replace those of iron in case of attack. The splinters from an iron
platform or carriage when shattered by shot would destroy nearby carriages and
crews. As well, once damaged, they could not be repaired, while those of wood could
usually be fixed on the spot. 40
By the 1840s the use of cast iron carriages and platforms was being called into
question and directions were issued to replace them with wood, although the
immediate implementation of the order was to be left to the discretion of local
authorities. In 1853 the Master General and Board approved a recommendation that
no more iron carriages and platforms were to be constructed. 41 In 1860 a committee
on coast defences made no recommendations on them "••• as they believe that it is
not intended that any more be made or issued." 42

A scaled drawing of the pattern approved in 1824 was published in the Aide-
Memoire in 1846. It was similar to the wooden platform, but its legs were longer, its
side pieces slightly shorter, and it had a somewhat steeper slope. Originally, it was
mounted on a front, centre between the trucks, or rear pivot; later, a fourth position,
middle of the length, was added as well. Although this is by no means clear, the
diagram suggests that the trucks and truck housings were moveable to accommodate
the different curves of the racers called for by the position of the pivot. 43
There are 21 iron traversing platforms in the Grand Battery on rue des
Remparts in Quebec City (Fig. 197).44 Their designs are identical except that there
are three minor variations in the front legs and two sizes in the depth of the side
pieces. These trivial differences did not affect the function of the platforms. They
are also similar in design to the diagram in the Aide-Memoire with the major
exception that the trucks cannot be adjusted and consequently they can only be
mounted on a front pivot. It is not known when these platforms were cast.

Figure 197. Iron Traversing Platform on a Front Pivot. (Parks, rue des Remparts,

Dwarf Traversing Platform

There was also a cast iron dwarf traversing platform but almost nothing, except
its weight, is known about it. In 1852 Griffiths recorded a weight of 52 hundred-
weight 5 pounds, and in 1859 of 50 hundredweight, implying perhaps, certain design
changes. It was available for 8-inch, 32-pounder, and 24-pounder guns. 44
GINS 261


Artillery or Triangle Gin

The Artillery or Triangle Gin l was a mechanical device used to mount or

dismount artillery pieces onto or from their carriages or beds. Although details of its
construction changed, its principle and design remained essentially the same for over
a century, from at least circa 1750 to the l860s. It was a tripod, two of the poles of
which, usually called cheeks, were rigidly fixed together by two iron bars, one near
the base and the other toward the mid-point of the triangle so formed.Z The third or
prypole was attached to these two at the apex of the triangle by an iron bolt which
passed through the ends of the three poles. The bolt also secured an iron D-shaped
shackle from which, by means of a hook, a tackle was suspended that was used to
raise or lower the artillery piece. 3 The hauling part of the fall was wound round a
roller or windlass set into the cheeks between the two iron support bars. The
windlass was rounded towards its centre to take the rope and squared at each end.
Handspikes or levers, fitted into holes cut into the square ends, were used to turn the
windlass and thereby lift the piece. Later gins, beginning in the first decade of the
nineteenth century, were equipped with a ratchet and pawl, connected to one end of
the windlass, which prevented it from slipping back.
Early in the eighteenth century a heavier and more awkward gin, a circa 1714
drawing of which is extant, was in use (Fig. 198).4 The basic tripod principle was
evident, but the sides of the rigid triangle, about 8 feet long, were connected by four
wooden cross pieces pinned into place. A wooden block about 2 feet long, which
contained three sheaves, two above each other and the other to the side, was fixed to
the apex of the triangle. A second block, double sheaved, was roved to it to form the
tackle. The prypole, about 10 feet long, was attached to upper part of the standing
block. The windlass was set into two uprights towards the base of the rigid triangle.
It is not known how long this gin remained in service, but by mid-century a
lighter, simpler gin as described above was in use. Both John Muller in his A Treaties
on Artillery (1757) and S. P. Adye in his artillery notebook (1766) drew and described
this gin. Muller's description was the longer but both were clearly writing of the
same machine. According to Miller, the gin
consists of three round poles of about 12 or 13 feet long,
whose diameters at the lower end are about four inches, five
just below the roller, besides the cheeks that are added to
them in that place, and about 3 or 3.5 inches above.
The roller is 7 3/4 inches in diameter, and six feet long;
20 inches are left square at each end for the holes made in
them to receive the hand-spikes, by which the roller is turned;
the middle part is made round to wind the cable upon; the two
poles, which support the roller, are fastened together by two
iron bars, the one about 28 inches below the roller, and the
other as much above it. These bars are fixed with one end to
one of the poles by means of a bolt, and with the other end to
the other pole with a bolt and key, so as to be taken out, in
order that when the gin is to be carried abroad, the poles may
lay close together upon the waggon; sometimes wooden bars
are used instead of these iron ones, which cost less, and
answer the purpose as well. There are two iron bands and two
262 GINS

iron bolts to fasten each cheek to the poles, and likewise iron
plates round the poles where the iron or wooden bars are fixed.
The poles are hooped at each end, and those above have straps,
through which the iron bolt passes. This bolt keeps the upper
ends together, as likew ise serves to support the iron to which
the windless [sic] is hooked: this windless contains two brass
pullies, about which the cable goes, which is fixed to the
dolphins of the gun or mortar with another windless, contain-
ing two brass pullies likewise.
The accompanying diagram showed a spike in the bottom end of each pole to prevent
it from slipping when the gin was erected)
Again it is not clear how long this particular model was in use, but some time
before 1&00 a slightly taller gin, undoubtedly of the same basic design, came into
service. According to Adye's manual of 1&01, arms of this gin were 16 feet 4-1/2
inches long and the roller 6 feet long. The tackle fall was 3-inch white rope, 7& feet
long, and the sling was 6-inch white rope. The 1&13 edition of the manual recorded a
change in the rope dimensions: the fall was now 5-inch white rope, 14 fathoms 2
inches (&4 feet 2 ln.) long and the sling was 6-3/4-inch white rope, 4 fathoms (12 feet)
long. 6 It is difficult to say if these changes were merely corrections of errors or if
they did reflect actual changes.

Figure 198. Artillery Gin, circa 1714. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Borgard, "Practiss of Artillery.")
GINS 263

This gin was adequate to lift guns onto or from garrison and siege carriages, but
with the introduction of the long-legged traversing platform in the first decade of the
nineteenth century a taller gin was introduced. As early as April 1807 "One Triangle
Gin, new Pattern for Traversing Platform" was being sent to Quebec.? This
undoubtedly was the machine described by Adye in 1813:
Gin - Large Triangle, new Pattern - Length of arms, 18
feet 6 inches; roller 7 feet 4 inches; racket [sic] wheel,
diameter, 1 foot 2 inches; length of the pall [sic], 1 foot;
weight, 8 cwt, 2 qrs. 16 lbs. This gin is intended for mounting
guns on traversing platforms. 8
This is the first mention of a ratchet and pawl, an innovation attached to the end of
the windlass of the large gin. 9 Since rope was not mentioned, presumably the rope
for slings and tackle was the same as that used for the small gin.
Evidently the new gin was found to be inadequate for it was further modified,
probably in the 1820s. In 1828 Spearman's manual indicated that the length of the
cheeks and prypole had been increased to 20-1/2 feet and that the windlass, which
was 9 inches square at its ends, had been shortened slightly to 6 feet 9 inches. The
ratchet wheel was 12 inches in diameter and 0.25 inch thick. To reeve the tackle 3-
l/2-inch rope, 16 fathoms (96 feet) long, was to be used. For the small gin the rope
was only 72 feet long. The tackle was composed of a double and treble block roved
According to Spearman, the small gin had changed little. The cheeks and
prypole were 16 feet 3 inches long and the windlass, which was 8 inches square at its
ends, was 5 feet 11 inches long. Like the large gin it had a ratchet wheel of the same
size. These dimensions are at slight variance with those given in 1813. The
difference in the length of the arms of 1-1/2 inches seems insignificant; the
shortening of the windlass by 1 inch may be accounted for by the introduction of the
ratchet wheel. lO
There are a number of drawings in notebooks of students at the Royal Military
Academy during the 1820s that showed the gin fully erected and supporting a gun.
The method by which the gun was raised is quite clear. A sling of rope, doubled and
joined at the ends, was twisted and then looped over the cascable at one end and a fid
inserted into the bore of the gun at the other. The sling was caught a little behind
the trunnions by the lower hook of the tackle whereby the gun was raised. One
drawing showed the gunners in the process of lifting a large gun (Fig. 199).

Figure 199. Artillery Gin in use, ~ 1830. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Robert Cockburn, "Practical Course of Instruction.")
264 GINS

Interestingly, two of the gunners responsible for heaving on the levers to turn the
windlass were standing on the windlass, each with one foot braced against the upper
iron support bar, presumably to gain added force as they pull down on the levers.
Other gunners are pulling on the fall to take up slack. When the gun was raised to the
required height two levers were left inserted in the windlass resting against the upper
support bar and the fall was tied off around the lower bar. This can be clearly seen in
a drawing of 1825 (Fig. 200).
The various pieces of hardware can be clearly seen. The ratchet and pawl were
evident. Each iron support bar had an extra eye in it at such a distance so that when
the gin was taken down and one end of the bar unkeyed it could swing and be keyed in
place on the cheek. Two strengthening bands have been wound around the squared
ends of the windlass. One drawing appeared to show a ring inserted low down into the
prypole which would take a handspike as the gin was raised. The D shackle and
connecting bolt were clear and the tackle appeared to be composed of a treble and
double block, the former hooked to the shackle. The drawing of 1825 showed a
method to prevent the gin sinking into wet ground. The ends of the poles were
inserted into wooden trucks. 11
The only scaled drawing from this period that has been found was of the small
gin contained in the Aide-Memoire (Fig. 201). The cheeks were 16 feet 3-3/4 inches
and the prypole 5 feet 10-1/2 inches long; the ends of the latter were 7-1/2 inches
square. The various pieces of hardware, including the ratchet (said to be 11 inches in
diameter) and pawl, were clearly drawn. The differences in dimensions between this
gin and the one outlined by Spearman appear insignificant. A detailed drawing of the
large gin was not ~iven, but it was said to be 20 feet long, a length similar to that
given by Spearman. 2
Some additional information was given in Griffiths' manuals in the 1840s about
stores needed to work the gin. The slings, which Spearman did not mention, were of

Figure 200. Artillery Gin, circa 1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 221.)
GINS 265

5-inch-white rope, of three different sizes according to the nature of the piece. A
smaller rope, 2-1/4 inch, 2 fathoms (12 feet) long was used to sling mortars and a
piece of skidding or large block of wood, rather than a fid, was inserted in the bore.

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Figure 201. The Artillery Gin. (Alde-Memoire (1853), Vol. I, Derrick (Sheers &: Gyn)
Plate 3.)
266 GINS

A piece of spun yarn, 3 stranded, 1-1/2 fathoms (9 feet) long was required to seize
the clinch of the fall where it was attached to the tackle. Three small trucks, or
pieces of board, 4 inches thick, with a small hole to take the spikes on the ends of the
pole were used on soft ground. In addition, the large gin required a 4-inch block and
60 feet of 1-1/2 inch rope. No explanation was given but later authorities indicated
that the block was hooked to a ring on the end of the prypole and used to pull the
tackle up to be attached to the D shackle. Two double lashings were also indicated
for breech and muzzle ropes or guys, presumably to control the gun as it was raised
or lowered. 13
About 1860 the gin of 20 feet was superseded by one of 18 feet. The smaller
gin of 16 feet remained in service. Details about the new 18 foot gin are scant other
than that its cheeks were 18 feet and its windlass 6 feet 9 inches long. Certain
changes in the stores were indicated, however. The levers, which were 6 feet 9
inches long, were fitted at their small end with 2-1/2 fathom (15 feet) of 2-inch
tarred rope by which the levers could be pulled down to turn the windlass. This would
render unnecessay the rather clumsy method of standing on the windlass shown in the
drawing of 1830. The slings were now of 6 inch rope in 2 lengths, 11 feet and 10 feet
as measured from bight to bight. Mortars were slung by 2-1/2-inch rope. The tackle
was composed of two 12-inch blocks, usually 1 double and 1 treble, but for very heavy
weights, like 68-pounder and 10-inch guns, 2 treble blocks were used. The trucks to
be used on soft ground were 12 inches in diameter and 3-1/2 inches thick. Four
common handspikes, 6 feet long, were also necessary to each gin.l 4
Writing in 1864, Miller outlined the use of the two gins:
••• the larger is furnished to siege trains in the proportion of 1
to 9 pieces of heavy ordnance, the smaller is furnished to
every battery of position. The 18-feet gun will raise guns of
any weight, the 16-feet gyn is not suitable for weights above
56 cwts.; but two may be used, if the 18-feet gyn is not
available, for mounting the lO-inch, 8-inch (of 60 cwt, and 65
cwt.), 68-pounder, 56-pounder, 42-pounder guns, and the
heavier nature of 32-pounder guns.l 5
By 1867 the design of the gins had undergone more changes. There were then
three gins, two of 18 feet and one of 16 feet. The larger gins were used for garrison
and general service. The heaviest of the two, weighing 24 hundredweight, was
designated "18 feet strengthened gyn" and was capable of lifting 12 tons (Fig. 202).
The lighter one, weighing 13-1/2 hundredweight, was named "18 feet gyn with
strengthened windlass," and was used for mounting guns weighing up to 95 hundred-
weight. The windlass was strengthened by the substitution of wrought for cast-iron.
The 16-foot gin, which was used with heavy batteries, weighed 9 hundredweight and
was capable of raising 56 hundredweight.l 6 The main improvement in design was the
development of a more sophisticated ratchet device on the windlass which allowed
the lever to be pushed backwards without rotating the windlass. The various details
of the strengthened gin, whose pattern was approved on 6 March 1866, were evident
in a drawing produced by the Royal Carriage Department. 17

Gibraltar Gin

Since the triangle gin could not be used in casemated batteries or other
confined spaces in garrison, a more compact gin, the Gibraltar Gin was developed. It
is not known when it was invented, but its name suggests that its provenance was the
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Figure 202. 18 Ft. Triangle Gyn. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., 'J

Royal Carriage Department, Plate 72A, November 1867.)

268 GINS

great fortress at Gibraltar. The ear list reference to it yet discovered is a drawing in
a notebook of John Cockburn, a student at the Royal Military Academy, circa 1820.1 8
Thereafter there is evidence of the use of the gin well into the 1860s. - -
The Gibraltar gin consisted of a horizontal cross bar supported by two uprights
which were fixed to two axletrees mounted on four iron tracks (Figs. 203 and 204).
Attached to one upright was a windlass turned by a crank and small pinion wheel
geared to a larger spur wheel. A ratchet and pawl attached to the windlass locked it
in position. A rope passed around the windlass, up over a sheave set into the
horizontal bar near its end, and then down around a treble sheave set into the middle
of the bar. To complete the tackle the rope was rove through a metal treble block to
which was fixed a horizontal iron bar. Rather than being slung, the artillery piece
was lashed to this bar the ends of which were turned up to prevent the lashings from
slipping off.
The gin did not change much in design between circa 1820 and 1866 when the
plans produced by the Royal Carriage Department were approved. The main
improvement was to increase the lifting power of the windlass. In the early 1820s the
difference in size between the pinion and spur wheels was small; by 1830 this
arrangement had been modified and the spur wheel had become much larger, thereby
augmenting the lifting power of the windlass.1 9 In the 1860s it could lift 3 tons
There are a number of drawings of the Gibraltar gin but little detailed written
material about it. In his manuals in the 1840s and 1862 Griffiths provided some
information as did Miller in his Equipment of Artillery in 1864. In 1862 Griffith gave
its weight at 10-3/4 hundredweight while in 1864 Miller put it at 14-3/4 hundred-
weight. Unless Griffiths was in error this difference probably indicated some changes
in design; moreover, Miller's weight was the same as that of the gin the design of
which was approved in November 1866.
If the information given by Griffiths and Miller are combined, a more complete
picture of the gin emerges. It was of wood, 8 feet long and 8 feet high. It could be
moved over short distances by dragropes hooked onto staples set into the front or

Figure 203. Gibraltar Gin, circa 1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 224.)
GINS 269

Figure 204. Gibraltar Gin in use, circa 1830. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Robert Cockburn, "Practical Course of Instruction.")

rear axletrees. In order to work it the following stores were needed:

One fall of 3 1/2 inch white rope, 8 fathoms (96 feet) long;
Two lashings for slinging the gun of 2 1/2 inch tarred rope,
each 20 feet long;
One stopper about 5 1/2 feet long of 2 1/2 inch tarred rope,
more than one-half plaited as a gasket (the purpose of this
remains a mystery);
One 12 inch iron treble block with brass sheaves to which was
attached an iron bar 2 1/2 feet long for suspending the gun,
its ends turned up;
Four handspikes, common, 6 feet long;
Two heavy dragropes.2 1
The details of the Gilbraltar gin as approved on 2 November 1866 can be seen in the
elevation and plan produced by the Royal Carriage Department (Fig. 205).2 2

Bell's Gin

Similar to the Gilbraltar gin but much lighter in construction and weaker in
power (it could lift no more than about 30 hundredweight), Bell's Gin was developed
to mount or dismount heavy field artillery or carronades. Instead of a windlass with
pinion and spur wheels, a rack and pinion device, working down through the centre of
the horizontal beam, was used to lift the artillery pieces. The vertical rack ended in
a hook from which the piece, lashed to an iron bar, was suspended. The pinion wheel
that moved the rack was worked by a set of four handles on each side. Around each
set a rope was wound so that, by pulling on it, the handles were turned and the rack
was raised.
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Figure 205. Gilbraltar Gyn. Bell's Gyn. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Royal Carriage Department, Plate 73, January 1870.)
GINS 271

The earliest reference found to Bell's gin was in 1825 in a notebook of a student
at the Royal Military Academy (Fig. 206).23 It was still in use in the 1860s but
references to it were scant from the 1820s to the 1860s. Only Griffiths gave any
information about its stores:
Two pieces of 2 1/2 inch tarred rope, each 20 feet long, for
One suspending bar;
Two pieces of 1 1/2 inch rope, each 12 fathoms (72 feet) long,
for winding round the sets of handles. 24
The details of this gin can be seen in the plan and elevation, a~proved 2 November
1866, produced by the Royal Carriage Department (Fig. 205).2 With the obsoles-
cence of heavy field guns and the use of light pieces which could be manhandled,
Bell's gin probably had little use by the 1860s.

Figure 206. Bell's Gin, circa 1825. (Royal Military College, Mould, p. 222.)



Gunpowder is a mixture of saltpetre (potassium nitrate), sulphur, and charcoal.

Saltpetre was the most important of the three ingredients, but the other two were
necessary, if ancillary, to the production of good gunpowder. Their proportions,
which were worked out by trial and error, varied from country to country and from
time to time. From about 1260, when Roger Bacon cryptically wrote out the
formula, to about 17&0 when the final proportions were established, the amount of
saltpetre was gradually increased with a corresponding decrease in the quantities of
sulphur and charcoal.

Year Saltpetre Sulphur Charcoal

1260 41.2 29.4 29.4

1350 66.7 11.1 22.2
1647 66.6 16.6 16.6
1670 71.4 14.3 14.3
1742 75.5 12.5 12.5
17&1 75.0 10.0 15.01

Although the quality of gunpowder improved after 17&1, its compositon remained
unchanged until the end of the smooth-bore era.Z
Equally important, perhaps even more so, to the production of good gunpowder
was the method of manufacture. The earliest form, called serpentine, was a dry
mixture of the three finely ground ingredients. Unfortunately, because of its
compactness, it burned slowly and therefore imparted a relatively weak velocity to
the projectile. Also, it stored poorly, and if transported for any distance, it tended to
separate into its component parts. To solve this problem, early powder-makers
developed the technique of corning: after they had mixed together the three
ingredients, they dampened the gunpowder and rubbed it through a sieve, thereby
creating corns or grains, each of which was an integrated miniature combination of
its three elements. It stored much better in this form, since it was less likely to
absorb moisture; it travelled better, since it did not separate into its components; and
it burned more quickly, thereby discharging the projectile with greater force.
Although corned powder was known from about 1450, it was not used for artillery in
England until about a century Iater.J
Corning was a major innovation in the manufacture of gunpowder, but despite
the improvement, by the time of the American Revolutionary War, "•••the inferiority
of the English gunpowder to that of the enemy, [sic] was the constant subject of
complaint both in the navy and army•••"4 The problems were various, but one, the
impurity of charcoal, was pinpointed by Richard Watson, ecclesiastic and chemist,
who suggested an improved method for its production. Instead of the traditional
burning of wood in large piles covered with earth and sod in the forest, he
recommended that it be charred in closed iron containers, the acid and gas by-
products being carried off, leaving a much purer charcoal. (For a more detailed
description, see below.) The adoption of Watson's suggestion resulted in a more
powerful gunpowder and in a consequent reduction of the service charge.

The Manufacture of Gunpowder


The saltpetre used in the production of gunpowder was either imported from the
East Indies or extracted from damaged gunpowder. Brought into England in a grough
or rough, semi-refined state by the East India Company, it was purified by a process
of "solution, filtration, evaporation, and crystalllzation.vf A mixture of the grough
salt and water was boiled in a large copper for about 3-1/2 or four hours, until the
scum, which was periodically skimmed off, ceased to form on the surface of the
liquid. Occasionally, cold water was thrown in to aid in the formation of the scum
and to precipitate other impurities to the bottom. When the process was completed,
the fire was put out and the liquid was allowed to cool to some extent to precipitate
more impurities.
After cooling for about two hours, the liquid, or liquor as it was called, was
ladled or pumped through a spout into a trough with four brass cocks. These
controlled the flow of the liquor into inverted cone-shaped, double-canvas filtering
bags, each containing a little sand to prevent the too quick passing of the liquor.
Collected in pails, the liquor was filtered repeatedly until it ran completely clear.
Then the filtrate was transferred to special crystallizing pans. There, as it continued
to cool, crystals of saltpetre precipitated. When the crystallization was complete,
the liquor (called the mother liquor) was poured off and reserved, and the saltpetre
allowed to drain for 24 hours. The salt was then boiled, filtered, and crystallized
twice more in the same way, except less water was used each time. The mother
liquor, reserved after each refining, was boiled, filtered, and allowed to crystallize;
since the resulting salt was considered equivalent to grough saltpetre, it was mixed
with the next quantity of impure saltpetre for refining. Thus as little as possible was
lost during purifying.
To evaporate water trapped inside the crystals, the triple refined saltpetre,
usually in units of about 4 hundredweight, was fuzed in iron pots, care being taken
that it not boil lest it be spoiled by the formation of a nitrite. The melted saltpetre
was poured into circular gun metal moulds to form cakes. Once cooled they were
packed in barrels and stored until needed.f
Although there were minor variations, the basic method of refining saltpetre
remained unchanged until about 1850, when a more efficient procedure was adopted
at the Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey. A mixture of the salt and water
(40 hundredweight to 270 gallons) was boiled and filtered in the usual manner. The
filtrate was run into large copper lined troughs, where it was agitated by wooden
rakes until it was nearly cold, whereby a large quantity of small crystals of saltpetre
were precipitated. The salt was collected with a wooden hoe as it formed, shovelled
onto copper sieving above the trough to drain, and raked into a washing vat where it
was rinsed with cold water for an hour. After it was drained, the saltpetre, which
was equal to that triple refined by the older method, was dried on large copper trays
fitted over furnace flues and subsequently barrelled for use. The mother liquor left
over from the agitation was first allowed to sit overnight to precipitate large
crystals; then it was boiled, filtered, and allowed to crystallize. Both these
precipitates were added to grough saltpetre for refining'?
Saltpetre could be recovered from badly damaged gunpowder by a process
similar to refining. A mixture of the damaged powder and water was boiled for 1/2
hour in a large copper and then filtered through double-canvas bags until it ran clear.
The black residue left in the filter bags was emptied back into the boiler, mixed with
clean water, boiled, and filtered as before. The residue left was carted off to be

buried. The filtrate was poured into another boiler and reduced until at the point of
crystallization, when it was filtered into pans and allowed to stand while the
precipitate formed. The saltpetre was drained, rinsed in cold water, and drained
again for 24 hours. After being dried, it was treated as grough saltpetre and purified
in the usual manner. 8
About 1785, William Congreve, the elder, improved the method of extracting
saltpetre from damaged gunpowder by designing a machine to press all the liquor out
of the black residue. The boiled mixture of water and gunpowder was first passed
through a large filter bag, in which the black residue was retained, and then through
the small filter bags to be collected and processed as usual. The black residue in the
large bag was pressed as dryas possible on Congreve's machine, the liquor passing
through the small filter bags for the usual treatment. The bag was emptied and the
residue processed once more before being dlscarded.P According to Congreve, his
method resulted in an extra 6 pounds of saltpetre being recovered from every 100-
pound barrel of damaged powder.l 0


Most of the sulphur used by the Ordnance was imported from Sicily in a crude,
unrefined state, although some attempt was made to use that dug from the copper
mines in the Isle of Anglesea, but it could not be successfully separated from its
arsenic content.U Until about 1850, the Sicilian sulphur was purified by a simple
process of melting the ore in pots, skimming off whatever impurities rose to the
surface, and then allowing the molten sulphur to cool and harden in tubs. During the
cooling, impurities rose to the surface or sank to the bottom, leaving the purest
sulphur in the middle. The impure sections were sawn off and the purer sulphur was
remelted, skimmed, and hardened once or twice more, until sufficiently pure sulphur
was obtained. Finally melted and cast in wooden moulds into "roll sulphur," it was
ready to be used in gunpowder rnanuracture.Jj' One manual noted: "A trifling degree
of impurity in this ingredient is, however, of no moment; roll sulphur alone is
therefore used in the government mills•••"13
By the 1860s, the Ordnance had found this process to be unsatisfactory, and a
different method of refining sulphur was devised at the Royal Gunpowder Factory at
Waltham Abbey. A large iron retort, with a tight fitting lid, was built into brickwork
over a furnace. Two pipes, each fitted with a sluice cock, branched off in opposite
directions from the top of the retort, one leading to a small room, the subliming
chamber, and the other to a tank, the distilling chamber. The latter pipe and
chamber were encased in a jacket through which cold water was circulated.
About 6 hundredweight of crude sulphur (i.e, once refined by a simple process of
distillation) was loaded into the retort, and a slow fire was lit in the furnace. The
cock in the pipe leading to the subliming chamber was opened and the other was
closed. As the sulphur melted, it began to evaporate into a yellow vapour, passing
through the opened pipe into the subliming chamber, where it fell to the floor as
"flowers of sulphur." After about 1-1/2 or 2 hours, as the heat increased, the vapour
in the retort became a deep red brown, whereupon the open cock was closed and the
cock in the pipe leading to the distilling chamber was opened. Passing into this pipe,
which was cooled by the water circulating around it, the vapour condensed into a
thick yellow liquid that flowed into the distilling chamber. After it had cooled
somewhat, it was run off into tubs to be thoroughly cooled. Because the flowers of
sulphur contained sulphurous acid, they were suitable only for laboratory work; the
crystalline sulphur was used in the manufacture of gunpowder.l 4


The traditional method of manufacturing charcoal had been practiced in the

woodlands of England for centuries. The wood was usually cut in winter, corded, and
left to season until summer, when it was charred. A circular area was stripped of
sod, which was set aside, and the bare earth pounded into a hearth. The wood to be
charred was systematically piled up from the centre into a conical or semi-spherical
mound, with a central hole left for a chimney. The mound's exterior was covered
with sod, the grass side inwards, and the seams were pointed to exclude air as much
as possible. The wood was ignited by dropping burning pieces of charcoal or chips of
wood down the chimney, which was then closed up. Circles of holes were pierced into
the mound to provide sufficient draught to keep the fire going and to conduct it
throughout the pile. When all the wood was completely charred and the fire
extinguished, the mound was opened and the charcoal taken out. Although any wood
could be used, it was found that alder, willow, and especially dogwood made the best
charcoal for gunpowder manufacture.!5
Seeking to find ways to increase the strength of gunpowder, in 1786 the
government approached Richard Watson, the Bishop of Llandoff, who, as well as being
an ecclesiastic, was a chemist of considerable reputation. He suggested that purer
charcoal could be produced by distilling the wood in closed vessels. Watson's method
was tried at Hythe in 1787, and the gunpowder made with the cylinder charcoal, as it
was called, when tested, was found to be more powerful than the old gunpowder by a
ratio of 5 to 3. Cylinder charcoal was not introduced generally until about 1794, but
it proved so successful that it completely supplanted pit charcoal in the manufacture
of gunpowder. To produce sufficient quantities of the purer charcoal, the Ordnance
established its own manufactories, first, in 1800, in the Sussex Weald and then,
following the Napoleonic Wars, at Faversham. Finally, in 1831, production was
transferred to the Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey.!6
Because Watson's method of production ensured a more complete charring of
the wood than the traditional way, it produced a purer charcoal. Iron cylinders,
usually in sets of three, each 6 feet long and 2 feet in diameter, were placed
horizontally in brickwork over a grate. One end of each cylinder was closed, except
that two copper pipes projected from it leading to two barrels. The wood to be
charred - seasoned, the bark removed, and cut into short lengths - was piled into
each cylinder. The open end was closed with a metal stopper, which was filled and
rammed with sand, and a "sand door," similarly filled with sand, was fitted over the
opening. (The precise method of closure is slightly obscure, but the purpose is clear
enough - to make the cylinder as air tight as possible.) A fire of sea-coal was lit in
the grate, and as the wood in the cylinder charred, gas and tar passed out through the
pipes, the tar collecting in the barrels. When the gas and tar ceased to flow, the
indication that the wood was completely charred, the cylinder was unsealed, and the
charcoal was raked out into coolers. These were closed up, taken away, and the
charcoal allowed to cool, when it was ready to be used in the manufacture of
gunpowder. 17
This method of producing charcoal remained essentially unchanged, but ele-
ments in the technology had been improved by the mid-nineteenth century. The wood
was put into a sheet-iron cylinder with a moveable door, called Coleman's slip, which
was lifted into the cast iron retort, and the latter was closed with a tight fitting
door.1 8 The retort was heated as previously described, and as the wood began to
char, the gases and tar passed out of the slip through holes in one end and then out of
the retort through a pipe into the furnace to be burned up as fuel. When the wood
was completely charred, the slip was pulled out by tackle, lowered into a cooler, or

extinguisher with a tight fitting lid, and kept there until all the fire was out. Then
the charcoal was emptied into a receiver with a tight fitting cover to cool for two or
three days, when it was ready for use.l 9


Before the three constituent elements of gunpowder were combined, they were
reduced to a fine powder. Originally, saltpetre was pulverized by dissolving a
quantity of it in water in a kettle, boiling the water off, and working the precipitate
with wooden paddles shod with copper until it had reached the requisite consis-
tency)O Because this method was slow, tedious, and expensive and because so great
a quantity of saltpetre was needed, rolling mills, similar to those used for incorpora-
ting (see below), were adopted at Faversham to grind the saltpetre. The older
method remained in use, however, to pulverize saltpetre for certain laboratory
purposes.Zl Sulphur and charcoal were originally ground in pestle mills, but rolling
mills proved to be more effective)2 Because the grinding of charcoal was so dirty,
about 1850 Samuel Hall, an engineer, introduced a new mill which effectively
controlled the diffusion of dust throughout the mill building. It consisted of a conical
drum working vertically in a conical box)3 Once the ingredients were ground, they
were sifted to ensure their proper fineness; whatever did not pass through the mesh
of the sieves was collected and ground again.


The finely ground ingredients were weighed out in their proper proportions (31-
1/2 pounds of saltpetre, 4 lbs. 3 oz. 3 dr , of sulphur, and 6 lbs. 4 oz. 13 dr , of
charcoal) into a charge of 42 pounds, and given a rude, preliminary mixing. The
weight of the charge was traditional, being the amount of powder that it was felt
could be safely worked in a rolling mill. By 1850, some officials were arguing that 50
pounds was more appropriate, and at least at Waltham Abbey, this size of charge was
adopted. 24
An early method of mixing was quite simple. The ingredients were weighed into
a charge tub, fitted with a circular board, from the underside of which projected a
number of paddles. The board and paddles were rotated by a handle, like that of an
augur, attached to its upper side, thereby mixing the charge)5 A more sophisticated
device was a barrel, which rotated in one direction around a horizontal spindle fitted
with projections called flyers, which rotated in the other. After five minutes mixing
in this barrel, the powder was poured into canvas bags, tied tightly to prevent the
constituents from separating during movement, and taken to a small magazine for
storage until it was required at the next stage of manufacture. These were called
"green charges.,,26
Congreve, the younger, designed a very sophisticated method of mixing, but it
is not clear that it was ever installed. Each ingredient was poured into a separate
hopper, fixed contiguously to each other over an endless belt. Each was released in a
stream onto the endless belt by the rotation of a wire brush fitted horizontally into a
slot in the bottom of each hopper. The thickness of the stream was determined by
the closeness of the fitting of the brush. The three components, released in their
proper proportions onto the endless belt, were dumped by it into another hopper from
which another brush forced the charge through a sieve, reducing it to a fine
powder. 27

Incorporating (Amalgamating)

The purpose of incorporating, which was regarded as the most important part of
the manufacturing process, was to crush, grind, and mix together the ingredients into
a hard mill-cake. Although it could be accomplished by hand with a pestle and
mortar, to produce sizeable quantities stamp mills were developed to carry out the
process mechanically. The charge was placed in wooden or stone mortars, dampened,
and beaten for 24 hours by long pestles driven by a cam shaft. According to Smith,
writing in 1779, there were 24 mortars in each mill, each capable of holding 20
pounds of mixture. The pestle, the beating end shod with copper, was 10 feet high
and 4-1/2 inches broad. 28 The moistening agent could be water, vinegar, spirits of
wine mixed with water, or urine, but Coleman in 1801 dismissed these latter agents
and specified solely water. Eventually distilled water was used.29
Because stamp mills frequently exploded, they were prohibited in England (with
certain specific exceptions) by act of Parliament in 1772.30 In their place runner
mills were adopted. Each of these consisted of a circular limestone bed, about 7 feet
in diameter, on which rotated two limestone cylinders or runners from 5 to 7 feet in
diameter and from 14 to 18 inches thick. The runners were mounted vertically on a
common axle, which was attached to an upright shaft, connected to the machinery
that turned them. Since they were positioned at different distances from the shaft,
the paths of their rotation overlapped. Behind each runner followed a wooden scaper
or plough, shod with leather and felt, which continuously distributed the charge
underneath the runners. A sloping wooden border fixed around the bed, about 2 feet
high, held the charge in, and a gun-metal "cheese," about 2 feet in diameter and 5
inches high, prevented the powder from working into the shaft hole at the centre. In
the 1850s, iron beds and runners began to be substituted for those of stone, and by the
l860s, all the mills in the Royal Gunpowder Factory were iron.
The charge of 42, or later 50, pounds was spread evenly over the bed and
dampened with water to give it sufficient body. The machinery was set in motion,
the runners making seven or eight revolutions per minute, and the process was kept
up for about 3-1/2 hours. Periodically a workman watered the charge, the frequency
depending on the humidity in the mill house.
When the incorporating was completed, the mill-cake was shovelled from the
bed into tubs and stored overnight in a small magazine. Later descriptions indicated
that the cake was subjected to a proof to verify that it was properly mixed. A
portion was broken: if it was a consistent, slate grey colour, some was ground up and
fired in an eprouvette; another portion was flashed on glass. If the tests were
satisfactory, the mill-cake could move on to the next stage in the process. 3 l


Pressing seems to have been a relatively late development in the manufacture

of gunpowder. The brief accounts from 1750 to 1780 did not mention it, the cake
proceeding directly from the mill to be granulated, or corned. 32 When Congreve, the
elder, described the improvements in the manufacture of gunpowder since 1783, he
indicated that special attention was paid to pressing. In 1801 Coleman also
mentioned it)3 Probably pressing was introduced in the mid-1780s.
The lumps of mill-cake were taken to the pressing house where they were put
into a hand-press to be compacted into hard sheets of press-cake. A description,
circa 1827, of the "Old Mode" was probably how it was done manually until the 1840s.
Six layers of the mill-cake, alternating with thin copper plates, 1/8 inch thick, were
put into a strong wooden box, about 3 feet long by 2 feet wide, the front of which

opened sideways on hinges. The box was placed in a hand screw-press, and pressure
was applied, compressing the mill-cake between the copper plates into very hard
sheets of press cake, about 1-3/4 to 2 inches thick)4
Pressing continued to be an integral part of the process of gunpowder
manufacturing, but certain innovations were introduced. In 1795 Joseph Bramah
patented a hydraulic press, which in 1812 a committee of Royal Engineers recom-
mended replace the screw-press. Its introduction, which may have been connected
with improvements in granulating or corning made by Congreve, the younger, in 1816,
seems to have been slow for the screw-press was still being used in the late 1820s.
By the end of the 1840s, however, the hydraulic press was exclusively used in the
Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey)5
To ensure that a more homogeneous, thinner, and harder press-cake was
produced in the hydraulic press, the mill-cake was first broken down into a fine meal
by passing it through a pair of brass rollers with coarse teeth. Then it was taken to
the press-box, which in the 1850s and 1860s, was 2-1/2 feet square and 2 feet 9 inches
thick. The box was placed in a vertical position, its top side hinged open, and
removeable guides, gauged to receive 46 copper plates at intervals of 5/8 inch, were
inserted along each side. When the copper plates, each 2 feet 5-1/2 inches square and
0.1 inch thick, had been put in place, about 800 pounds of meal were poured in, the
guides removed, and the top side securely screwed down. The box was lifted by
tackle into a horizontal position and put into a hydraulic press, where a force of
about 70 tons per square foot was applied for 15 minutes. The box was lifted out of
the press, opened, and the press-cake, which was about 3/10- to 1/2-inch thick, was
separated from the copper plates. It was broken up by hand and stored in tubs in a
small magazine for a day before proceeding to the next stage of manufacture)6

Granulating (Corning)

The process of granulating or corning that produced hard, integrated grains of

gunpowder also underwent change and refinement over the years. In 1766, Adye
wrote that the cake, which came directly from the stamp mill, was moistened (a
variety of liquids could be used) and formed into balls about the size of an egg. Along
with a wooden ball, these were put into a parchment sieve, punched with holes of the
appropriate size. The sieve was shaken, causing the wooden ball to break up the
powder balls and to force the powder through the holes into granules or corns. 37 In
1801, Coleman described a similar process, except that the cake was not dampened
but broken up with mallets before being passed through the sieve. A number of these
sieves were contained in large frames that were shaken mechanically)8
Although this method of corning continued to be used into the 1840s, in 1816
Congreve, the younger, installed a new granulating machine at Waltham Abbey, but it
seems to have had only limited initial success. The press-cake was broken up and fed
into two sets of toothed brass rollers, one above the other, the upper having coarser
teeth than the lower. When the cake had been crushed by both sets of rollers, which
rotated in unison, the resulting meal fell through a series of wire sieves of prescribed
mesh which separated out the powder grains and the dust. Each sieve, which was set
at an incline, deposited the powder or dust that remained on it onto a endless belt
leading into a separate room. There the powder or dust was dumped into separate
bins which were wheeled away when they were full. 39 Toward the end of the 1820s,
this machine was reportedly in operation, but it needed constant repair because the
teeth of the rollers lost their edges very quickly. When operating properly, it was
capable of producing 36 barrels of powder a day, compared to eight barrels by the
older method. 40

By the early 1850s, perhaps before, Congreve's machine had been refined and
completely adopted in the Royal Gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey. The broken
press-cake was placed in a hopper, which rose slowly by the motion of the machine,
dumping its contents steadily onto an endless belt that carried the cake upwards to
the first set of rollers. The cake passed through, not two, but three sets of rollers,
each with finer teeth than the one before, and then fell through a series of three
sieves of progressively finer mesh, by which large and fine grain gunpowder and dust
were separated out into separate carriages. Any pieces, called chucks, which were
too large to pass through the first sieve, were collected and recirculated through the
machine. When the hopper was empty at the top of its upward passage, it rang a bell
to signal the workmen to stop the machine and to wheel away the carriages of corned
powder. In the 1860s, the only substantial change in the process was the addition of a
fourth pair of rollers, of the same size as the third, presumably as an attempt to
reduce the amount of chucks which had to be recirculated. 41

Sifting, Dusting, and Glazing

Congreve's granulating machine and its successor combined the operations of

corning and separating the sizes of gunpowder, but in the older process, sifting was
done separately. The earlier descriptions were sufficiently vague that it is difficult
to discover precisely what was done, but the intent, if not the details, is clear. The
different types of gunpowder, as defined by grain size, were to be separated from
each other and from the dust which was too fine for use. Then the gunpowder was
glazed, that is, the rough edges of each grain were ground off and its surface given a
hard shiny appearance. Separating and dusting could be accomplished in flat sieves,
but reels, barrel-like frames covered with canvas or wire mesh in which the
gunpowder was rotated, were being used in the 1790s. Because the axis of the reel
was sloped, the powder was poured in at its upper end and rotated down its length,
the dust falling through the mesh and the clean powder emerging at its lower end.
Then the powder was glazed by rolling it in a barrel for about three hours. Either the
barrel was a horizontal reel, or the glazed powder was subsequently reeled, since
grinding off the rough edges of the corns would have produced more dust. 42
With the introduction of the modified Congreve granulating machine in the late
1840s, the large grain (LG) and fine grain (FG) gunpowders produced by it were each
treated slightly differently. The LG powder was loaded into a horizontal, cylindrical
reel, covered with a canvas mesh, and the reel was rotated for about five hours, the
dust falling through the mesh into the wooden case that enclosed the reel. When the
process was completed, the gunpowder was both dusted and glazed and ready to be
The FG powder was passed twice through a sloped reel, covered with a canvas
mesh, to remove the dust. Then it was rotated for 5-1/2 or six hours in a large barrel
to glaze it. Once more it was put through the sloeed reel to remove the dust created
during glazing, whereupon it was ready for drying. 3


Although the gunpowder appeared dry, there was still some water in it, which it
was necessary to remove. In Mediterranean countries or in India, drying could be
accomplished by exposing the powder to the heat of the sun, but in England, a gloom
stove was used. This was a room into one side of which projected a cast iron vessel,
that was heated by a fire from the outside. The gunpowder was spread out on trays

set into racks in the room and dried at a temperature of about 130°F. Although the
fire was outside the drying room, there was some danger if powder were accidentally
spilled onto the hot cast iron vessel. 44
A safer method, which was introduced at Waltham Abbey in 1795, was to heat
the room by steam circulated through pipes. (Steam drying had a secondary
advantage of supplying distilled water for mixing with the charge during incorpor-
ating.) When the powder was dried, it was dusted in a horizontal reel to remove any
dust produced by the heating. It was then ready to be packed in barrels for use as
gunpowder. 45

Powder Charges

From about 1700 to 1860, the service charge for artillery pieces was reduced
generally. About 1725 it was 1/2 the weight of shot for brass guns; it varied for iron
guns, increasing from about 2/5 the weight for a 42-pounder up to 3/4 the weight for
a 1/2-pounder. Around 1750 the charge for brass guns remained unchanged, but it had
fallen to some extent for iron guns; there was no change for the 42- to the 18-
pounder (from 2/5 to 1/2 the weight of shot), but it had been reduced to 1/2 the
weight of shot for the remaining calibres. By 1780 the service charge for both iron
and heavy brass guns had been lowered to 1/3 the weight of the shot, although slight
variations did occur; it was 1/3 or less for medium brass guns and even less for light
guns. Although slight adjustments, both up and down, were registered until the end of
the Napoleonic wars, this generalization remained essentially true. With the
development of a greater diversity of iron guns after 1820, variations in service
charge were more evident, but the heaviest charge was usually not more than 1/3 the
weight of the shot. The service charge for the 32-pounder, for example, varied from
10 pounds for the 56 hundredweight gun down to 4 pounds for the very light 25
hundredweight gun. 46
The Ordnance was able to reduce the service charge because gunpowder was
becoming more powerful and of better quality. In 1783 at the end of the American
Revolutionary War, William Congreve, the elder, found that in some line-of-battle
ships, not 10 barrels of powder were fit for service. 47 Almost 20 years later, due in
part to his efforts, "Gunpowder has been so much improved of late years ••• that the
experiments made with the old powder are now of little service•••"48 By the mid-
1820s, the Respective Officers at Quebec were requesting the replacement of
powder, not only because it was 25-years old, but because "...a great improvement
has taken place in the manufacture of that article within these 20 years: such
powder even in its original state was inferior to that made since•••• ,,49
The improvement in the quality of gunpowder was due to a number of factors.
The development of the corning process, a significant innovation, had taken place
well before the beginning of the eighteenth century. Despite this improvement,
gunpowder produced by private manufacturers was still such a variable product that,
in 1760, the Ordnance bought a gunpowder factory at Faversham. In 1787, it acquired
a second at Waltham Abbey, and in 1794, a third was established at Ballincollig in
Ireland. The control of these factories allowed the Ordnance to undertake improve-
ments in manufacture and at the same time, by maintaining a high standard of
comparison, to establish what today would be called quality control over the
production of the private manufacturers. 50 In addition to government involvement,
technological innovation made an important contribution to improved powder. The
changeover from stamping to rolling mills in the 1770s, the introduction of the

hydraulic press following the Napoleon wars, the perfecting of Congreve's granulating
machinery by the 1840s, and other less important developments resulted in the
production of a more consistent gunpowder. As well, more concern about the
purification of ingredients and especially the discovery in the late 1780s that a purer
charcoal could be produced by the distillation of wood in iron retorts than by the
traditional method culminated in a more powerful and more durable product (for
details see above).


Originally, a gunner used a ladle, a copper spoon attached to a wooden handle,

to measure out and put down the barrel of a piece the proper charge of gunpowder.
The slowness of this method and the danger inherent in having loose powder in a
battery led to the introduction of cartridges in the early part of the seventeenth
century. A cartridge was simply a bag of such a size and shape that it contained the
appropriate charge of powder and could be rammed down the bore of the piece. At
first, cartridges were used only for rapid firing, but by the middle of the eighteenth
century, they were being made for all natures of ordnances. 5l
Since their introduction early in the seventeenth century, cartridges have been
made of a variety of materials - different kinds of paper, parchment, bladders,
canvas, linen, and woollens. 52 In England, paper and parchment were most commonly
used by the first half of the eighteenth century, but their use was accompanied by
certain difficulties. The bottoms of paper cartridges usually remained unburned at
the bottom of the bore, and unless they were removed with a wadhook, an operation
that delayed the working of the piece, they accumulated there and blocked the vent.
Also, since the paper bottoms tended to retain fire, the bore had to be sponged out
carefully lest the next cartridge put in be ignited prematurely. Parchment shrivelled
up on firing and got into the vent, where it became so hard that it could not be
cleaned out with the priming iron. A much more satisfactory material, flannel, had
been adopted for the field service by mid-century, but paper cartridges remained
standard issue both in the Royal Navy and for siege guns. Flannel burned more
complete~, or if fragments remained in the bore, they did not retain fire as readily
as paper.
In 1755, the Admiralty attempted unsuccessfully to introduce flannel cartridges
into the naval service.54 In 1778, Sir Charles Douglas, who had developed a flintlock
for firing naval guns, recommended flannel cartridges, but with no success. A
compromise of making the bottom of flannel was adopted at times. In his work on
artillery, John Muller referred to parchment cartridges with flannel ends, and
Douglas reportedly fitted out his ship, H.M.S. Duke, with flannel-bottom paper
cartridges at his own expense. It is not clear precisely when the Royal Navy
accepted flannel cartridges; one authority, Majendie, argued that they were in use in
the navy by 1800, but it may have been after the Napoleonic wars before they were
generally adopted at sea.55 Both flannel and paper cartridges were listed as naval
stores at Kingston, Upper Canada, in February 1813, but paper cartridges with flannel
bottoms, as well as those of paper only, were still being sent out to the naval forces
on the lakes in the spring of 1816. 56 It is certain, however, that by 1830 flannel
cartridges were in common use for sea service)7
By the early 1790s (and probably before) both paper and flannel cartridges were
appearing on lists of stores for the Royal Artillery in Canada. The field service used
exclusively flannel, but both kinds appeared for garrison use, and during the war of

1812, paper cartridges with flannel bottoms also began to appear. 58 As early as
1795, these latter were being made in the Royal Laboratory.59 As late as 1816,
James noted in his dictionary:
Cartridges for heavy guns are now partly made of cured paper
only, and partly of cured paper with flannel bottoms. 60
Paper was falling rapidly into disfavour. In 1819 a committee of artillery officers
strongly recommended flannel cartridges, urging particularly their use with battering
in consequence of the many accidents that occur on Service
from Paper Cartridges breaking whilst conveying through the
Trenches, and also in the Batteries which very often occasion
explosions .••; to this may be added the safety that Flannel
Cartridges afford in the service of the Guns, whilst keeping up
the rapid and vigorous Fire so necessary in a Siege. 61
By the mid-1820s paper cartridges were still in service for guns, but they were nearly
obsolete. Henceforth cartridges were made of flannel. 62
Although there is a paucity of information about the precise manner in which
cartridges were manufactured in the eighteenth century, the general method seems
clear; moreover, it did not change, except in detail, during the nineteenth. The
proper dimensions, taken from a pattern, were marked on the material, and the
cartridge was cut out. Then it was rolled on a former, much like a rolling pin, of the
appropriate size and pasted (paper) or sewn (flannel) together, the edges overlapping.
It is unclear how the bottom was closed. One notebook, describing the forming of
paper cartridges for proof, seems to indicate that the bottom was choked, that is,
tied off; after the cartridge was pasted and dried for 24 hours "•••it will be ready for
choaking [sic] & when choaked they are to be tied up in Bundles of 25 each ••• "63
Another notebook of about the same time, circa 1800, seems to suggest that the
bottom was glued; the paper was "•••formed into Cartridges or Cylinders, using Wood
Formers and Glue for securing the Joints and Bottom of each Cartridge &
Cylinder •••1164 Perhaps proof cartridges were treated differently than service
cartridges, but there is no obvious reason why they should have been. Presumably
flannel cartridges could be either sewn or choked, but the few drawings extant
indicate that they were sewn. 65
When the cartridge was filled, especially with large amounts of powder, it
tended to loose its shape. One method of counteracting this problem was to size the
material before it was formed. John Muller advised:
The best way of making flannel cartridges is, is [sic, in] my
opinion, to boil the flannel in size; this will prevent the dust of
the powder from passing through them, and renders them stiff,
and more manageable; for without this precaution they are so
pliable, that when they are large, and contain much powder,
they are very inconvenient in putting them into the piece. 66
Paper was treated similarly. The process as practiced in the Royal Laboratory in
1797 was set down in some detail. The sheets of paper were first boiled briefly in an
alum solution, and then taken out and dried. Once dried, they were submerged in a
hot solution of alum and size and thoroughly washed in it. Presumably, the alum was
a fixing agent to attach the size to the paper. Known as cured paper, the sheets were
taken out and partially dried before being formed into cartridges or cylinders. 67
No further references to the sizing of flannel have been found, but another
method of strengthening flannel cartridges, by encircling them with hoops of worsted
thread, was being used by the 1790s. In 1802, a notebook contained this description:
Fill your Cartridges of what Nature soever they are with the
proportionable quality [sic, quantity] of Powder and shake it

down, then cut the Bag in a semicircular form at top and sew
it up tight bringing the Worsted round the Cartridge in two
Places, one at top and the other at bottom, giving several
stitches of the Worsted over it to keep it down to the
Cartridge to prevent it from slipping off. 68
The number of hoops came to depend, in part, on the bulk, or rather, the length of the
cartridge and, in part, on its use. In the naval service, the distant charge had three
hoops, the full charge two, and the reduced and carronade charge one; in the land
service, cartridges for heavy ordnance had three hoops, for light ordnance two, and
for howitzers one. 69

All conical cartridges (with the exception of those for the 12-pr.
howitzer) are made of two pieces of serge shaped thU!!:2
4 C

Figure 207. Patterns for Cylindrical and Conical Cartridges. (Majendie, p. 151.)

The process of manufacturing flannel cartridges seems to have varied only in

minor details from the 1820s (possibly earlier) to the 1860s.70 The material, a kind
of high quality flannel called serge, was hot pressed before use to stiffen it and to
render it less liable to moth and other insect attack.Z! Two patterns of cartridge
were cut from it - cylindrical, for most guns and the 12-pounder howitzer, and
conical, for howitzers (except the 12-pounded, shell guns, and mortars)2 The
cylindrical cartridges were made from one piece of serge, but those of a conical
shape were composed of two identical pieces. All cartridges for pieces above the 6-
pounder gun, 12-pounder howitzer, and 5-1/2-inch mortar had seams with a 1 inch
overlap, sewn with three rows of stitches; those for pieces below these calibres had a
3/4 inch overlap, sewn with two rows of stitches.
Once sewn into shape, the empty cartridge bag was then filled with the
appropriate amount of powder)3 The open end was then pleated closed with a needle
threaded with three strands of worsted, the worsted was wound three times round
the pleats, and the needle was passed five times alternately above and below the
turns, thereby stitching the worsted in place. The surplus material above the turns of
thread was cut off. The length of this choke varied. In the land service it varied
with the calibre, but it was never to exceed half the diameter of cartridge; in the
naval service, it was 1 inch in 1851, but subsequently it was shortened to 1/2 inch. In

1863, when the cartridges of both services were assimilated, a choke of 1 inch was
adopted generally.
When the choking was completed, the needle was passed down through the
cartridge to emerge from the seam at the appropriate distance for the number of
hoops to encircle the cartridge. The strands of worsted were then brought tightly
around the cartridge and stitched to it at two or three places to hold the hoop in
place. Each additional hoop, if called for, was made in the same way.74
Until 1863, land and sea service cartridges were marked differently. On the
side of the former, the nature of the piece and the number of pounds of powder were
printed in black. Because there were three sizes of charge for each gun in naval
service, these cartridges were marked differently:
Distant - in black, with calibre and weight of piece, number
of pounds of powder, and letter D;
Full - in blue, with calibre and weight of piece, number
of pounds of powder, and letter F and a ball;
Reduced - in red, with calibre and weight of piece, number
of pounds of powder, and letter R and a ball.
The carronade cartridge was marked similarly to the full charge.7 5 In 1863, it was
decided that all cartridges were to be painted in black letters with the calibre of the
piece and the weight of the charge; howitzer, mortar, and carronade cartridges also
bore the letters "How .," "Mor.," or "Car." The only exceptions were the 10-pound
cartridges for the 8-inch guns of 65 and 60 hundredweight and the 32-pounder guns of
58 and 56 hundredweight; the letter D and the weight of gun were also marked7 6 As
well, all cartridges had stamped on their bottoms the initial letter or monogram of
the station at which they were filled, except those filled by the Royal Artillery which
remained unmarked. 77


Solid Round Shot

The most common, simplest, and probably oldest projectile fired from smooth-
bore ordnance was solid round shot. Since this missile had been thrown from the pre-
gunpowder artillery of the ancient civilizations, it was a natural progression to use it
in the newly invented guns. Initially the shot was of stone, but this material proved
too brittle to withstand the explosive force of gunpowder. Other substances were
tried. Lead was appropriately dense but too soft. Wrought iron was very strong but
difficult to work and expensive. Only cast iron united the "••• essential qualities of
hardness, strength, density, and cheapness,"!
Solid shot was a most effective weapon. It was very destructive when fired
against material - gates, walls, gun-carriages, wagons. It was equally ruinous
against men and horses, particularly if they were massed in column or if they could
be taken in enfilade, when one ball could kill or maim many. It is difficult to say
precisely when it was introduced into use in England, but by 1700 it was the most
popular projectile of the artillery, whether field, siege, or garrison. 2
By 1700, or shortly thereafter, artillery materiel in England was undergoing a
reorganization. The older practice of giving fancy names to pieces (such as fierce
birds or animals) was dropped, and guns became known by the weight of the shot that
they fired. The sequence of weights of shot adopted, 1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 3, 4, 5-1/4, 6,
9, 12, 18, 24, 32, and 42 pounds, remained in effect more or less until after the
Napoleonic wars. (The 5-1/4-pounder gun remains a mystery, but it had vanished by
the middle of the eighteenth century.) Since the diameter of a cast iron round shot
varied directly as the cube root of its weight, and since it was known that a 9-pound
ball had a diameter of 4 inches) it was possible to find the diameter of any weight of
round shot by using the formula

J; = 3
given weight

The diameter of the bore or calibre of a gun was determined by adding the
windage to the diameter of the shot. Windage, which is the difference between the
diameters of the bore and the shot, was usually expressed as a fraction of the
diameter of the shot. Colonel Albert Borgard, who was designing guns between 1716
and 1725, specified a slightly different windage, and therefore a different calibre, for
his brass and iron guns, even though they fired the same weight of ball: for brass guns
1/31 and for iron guns 1/21 of the diameter of the shot. 4 Subsequently it was set at
1/20 of the diameter of the shot for both brass and iron pleces.v Windage was
necessary to allow for inaccuracies in the casting both of the bore and of the shot,
for accumulation of rust or paint on the shot, for the fouling of the bore during quick
or continuous firing, for the expansion of the shot if it was heated, and for the
thickness of the tin straps used to attach the ball to its wooden bottom or sabot.
Since it was technologically impossible to cast a ball exactly to the diameter
required, a certain element of error was allowed the manufacturer. It has not been
discovered what allowance Borgard made, but subsequently it was 1/3 of the windage.
This was known as the high gauge; the prescribed diameter of the shot was the low
gauge. 6 These gauges were metal rings with handles, through which, in the case of

the high gauge, the shot must pass, and in that of the low, it must not pass.
Using these formulae, we can deternmine the diameter of the shot (and of the
low gauge), the windage, the calibre of the gun, and the high gauge from 1716 to
1825. (The figures are rounded to the nearest 1/1000 inch.)

Windage Calibre High

Borgard post- Borgard post- Borgard post-
Diameter Brass Iron Borgard Brass Iron Borgard Borgard
Pounder of shot 1/31 1/21 1/20
diam , diarn , diam ,

1/2 1.526 .049 .073 .076 1.575 1.599 1.602 1. 551

1 1.923 .062 .092 .096 1.985 2.015 2.019 1.955
1-1/2 2.201 .071 .105 .110 2.272 2.306 2.311 2.238
2 2.423 .078 .115 .121 2.501 2.538 2.544 2.463
3 2.773 .089 .132 .139 2.862 2.905 2.912 2.819
4 3.053 .098 .145 .153 3.151 3.198 3.206 3.104
5-1/4 3.342 .108 .159 .167 3.450 3.501 3.509 3.398
6 3.494 .113 .166 .175 3.607 3.660 3.669 3.552
9 4.000 .129 .190 .200 4.129 4.190 4.200 4.067
12 4.403 .142 .210 .220 4.545 4.613 4.623 4.476
18 5.040 .163 .240 .252 5.203 5.280 5.292 5.124
24 5.547 .179 .264 .277 5.726 5.811 5.824 5.639
32 6.105 .197 .291 .305 6.302 6.396 6.410 6.207
42 6.684 .216 .318 .334 6.900 7.002 7.018 6.795

A comparison of these figures with those in tables in various notebooks and

manuals from 1750 to 1821 reveals only minor differences.? Muller put the diameter
of a 3-pound shot at 2.775 inches and of a 6-pound shot at 3.498 inches, figures which
were repeated in subsequent tables. In 1764 the l/2-pounder gun was said to have a
calibre of 1.58 inches and fired a shot of a diameter of 1.505 inches, but a later
notebook from the 1790s agreed with the above table. Except for the 1/2-pound shot,
the diameters of the cast iron solid round shot did not vary significantly from 1716 to
Given the relationship between the nominal weight of a shot and its diameter,
this observation is hardly surprising. But the problem of excessive windage, which
much exercised the minds of artillerists during this period, could be solved either by
reducing the diameter of the bore or by increasing the diameter of the shot. It was
clear that if the windage was reduced, both the range and accuracy of artillery
practice could be improved. Less of the explosive force of the propellant would
escape around the ball, and since the ball would bounce less coming along the bore, it
would deviate less in flight. Benjamin Robins had made this point in his New
Principles of Gunnery in 1742, and John Muller had reiterated it in his A Treatise of
Artillery in 1757. 8 The introduction of the carronade in 1779 recognized in practice
the value of reduced windage, for the diameter of the calibre of a carronade was
slightly less than that of the corresponding gun. Dr. Charles Hutton, professor of
mathematics at the Royal Military Academy, conducted numerous experiments on
windage during the 1780s that illustrated the correctness of the views of theorists
like Robins and Muller, but nothing was done to reduce the windage either by

decreasing the diameter of the gun's calibre or by increasing the shot's dlameter.f
In June 1817 Colonel Sir Howard Douglas, then Inspector-General, Royal
Military College, submitted a paper to the Master-General of the Ordnance in which
he recommended reducing the windage by increasing the diameter of the shot. He
argued further that there was no reason for determining the windage as a proportion
of the diameter of the shot, since, except for expansion due to heating for hot shot,
the reasons for windage bore no proportional relationship to the size of the shot.
Instead he suggested a constant figure. The Select Committee of the Board of
Ordnance was sufficiently impressed by Douglas' views that it conducted a series of
experiments to determine if a reduction of windage was justified. Initially it
recommended that the windage of field guns (6-, 9-, and 12-pounders) be reduced to
0.1 inch, and subsequently, after a series of experiments with an iron 24-pounder,
that the windage of iron ordnance be decreased to 0.15 inch.l O
Although the officers of the Royal Artillery were in agreement, their col-
leagues in the Royal Navy would not support their views. The naval authorities saw a
greater potential for shot stored on shipboard to rust. Given the standard naval
tactics of close action, they were less concerned with accuracy than with rapidity of
fire. Unless the carronades were all bored out to the diameter of the bore of guns,
they feared that there would be confusion resulting from having different sized shot
for the same calibre of gun and carronade. Lastly, they felt that a gun could not
stand the strain of double shoting (a common naval practice) with the proposed
diameter of shot. In deference to their naval colleagues' opinions, the Royal Artillery
officers withdrew their recommendations concerning the windage of iron ordnance,
but even the proposal to increase the diameter of the shot of field guns, which
remained, was not implemented. 11
In 1825, for reasons not clear from the sources available, the windage of guns
was decreased by the introduction of a new series of gauges. The high gauge for the
1-, 1-1/2, 2-, and 4-pound shot; both the high and low gauge for the 3-, 6-, and 9-
pound shot; and the low gauge for the 12- to 42- pound shot were increased. 12 The
windage was calculated from the mean of the high and low gauge, rather than from
the low gauge as before. (The l/2-pound shot did not fit the pattern, but information
about it is incomplete and confused.) The following table outlines the changes.!3

Pounder Calibre High Gauge Low Gauge Mean Gauge Mean Windage
in. in. in. in. in.

1/2 1.602 1.549 1.519 1.534 0.068

1 2.019 1.969 1.923 1.946 0.073
1-1/2 2.311 2.269 2.201 2.235 0.076
2 2.544 2.484 2.423 2.4535 0.0905
3 2.913* 2.833 2.803 2.818 0.905
4 3.204* 3.124 3.053 3.0885 0.1155
6 3.668* 3.568 3.532 3.550 0.118
9 4.200 4.100 4.060 4.080 0.120
12 4.623 4.476 4.432 4.454 0.169
18 5.292 5.124 5.074 5.099 0.193
24 5.823* 5.639 5.584 5.6115 0.2115
32 6.410 6.207 6.147 6.177 0.233
42 7.018 6.795 6.729 6.762 0.256

* These are calibres given in 1821 and not those computed for the table
previously given. The differences are minor, 0.001 or 0.002 inch.

These gauges remained the standard until 1&43 when the Select Committee of
the Board of Ordnance once again considered the question of the windage of brass
field guns (3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-pounders) and recommended that the windage of 3-
pounders be set at 0.09 inch and of 6-, 9-, and 12-pounders at 0.1 inch. This was to be
accomplished by adjusting the gauges according to the recommendations made by the
Select Committee in 1&1&. On 27 March 1&43 the Master-General and Board
sanctioned the following new gauges;14

Pounder Calibre High Gauge Low Gauge Mean Gauge Mean Wind-
in. in. in. in. age in.

3 2.913 2.&3&0 2.&0&0 2.&23 0.09

6 3.668 3.5855 3.5505 3.568 0.1
9 4.200 4.1175 4.0825 4.100 0.1
12 4.623 4.5405 4.5055 4.523 0.1

This indicates that there were two sets of gauges for 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-pound
shot, one to measure shot for brass field pieces and another to measure it for iron
guns. This may have been true for a short period, but by the 1840s iron 3-pounders
were probably no longer in service, iron 6- and 9-pounders were used only for
saluting, and iron 12-pounders served occasionally in special situations. By 1857 the
shot gauges for 12-pound shot and lower for iron guns have vanished completely. By
then the sets of gauges issued incorporated those of 1825 for shot for iron guns above
the 12-pounder, those of 1843 for shot for field pieces, and a new set for shot for the
new iron guns (42-, 56-, and 68-pounders) introduces since 1825.1 5

Pounder * High Gauge Low Gauge Mean Gauge

in. in. in.

3+ 2.&38 2.808 2.823

6+ 3.585 3.551 3.568
9+ 4.117 4.083 4.100
12+ 4.540 4.505 4.5225
1& 5.124 5.074 5.099
24 5.639 5.5&4 5.6115
32 6.207 6.147 6.177
42 6.795 6.735 6.765
56 7.510 7.450 7.480
6& 7.950 7.900 7.925

* For calibres, see individual guns. Those of some guns, especially 32-pounders, vary
by this time.
+ These are very minor variations between the dimensions of the gauges listed here
and those listed for 1843, of no significance.


A shell was a hollow globe, usually of iron, filled with gunpowder that was
exploded by a fuze inserted into its casing. Although there were references to the
use of shells as early as 1376, it is questionable if these were other than reports of
their occasional and probably imperfect employment. Probably in 1624, during the
siege of Grol, Prince Henry of Nassau first used shells extensively, and his success
resulted in their adoption by the other warring European powers. Initially shells, or
bombs as they were also called, were hurled from mortars at high angles during
sieges, but howitzers, which were really light, portable mortars, were developed to
allow their use in the field. Also, Vauban's successful innovation of ricochet firing of
shot during sieges was adapted to the firing of shells from howitzers.1 6
Although shells undoubtedly were included among British munitions during the
first half of the eightenth century, no details of their construction have been found.
For the period from about 1750 into the 1790s most of the material about shells is
contained in four manuscript notebooks held by the Royal Artillery Institution
Library, Woolwich. From these sources three tables of dimensions and weights can be
put together, two of which can be dated and seem to indicate a progression, while the
third raises a problem. A table of shell dimensions dated September 1753 occurs in a
manuscript notebook. attributed to Samuel Glegg; a table, identical except for one
minor variation, which seems to be a transpositional error, appears in Thomas
Walton's notebook, which was probably compiled in the 1780s.1 7

Exterior Interior Thickness of Iron Diameter of Fuze Hole Weight

Diameter Diameter at Top at Bottom at Top at Bottom
in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. ozs, parts

12.75 8.760 1.593 2.390 1.837 1.696 194 4 339

9.75 6.700 1.220 1.830 1.570 1.450 87 7 302
7.75 5.541 0.968 1. 331 1.219* 1.127 43 14 041
5.54 3.896 0.692 0.951 0.894 0.826 16 0 389
4.40 3.094 0.549 0.755 0.832 0.769 8 4 125

* Walton, 1.291. Walton appears to have made an error in copying.

In both Glegg's and Walton's tables the thickness of iron at the top of the shell
was said to be 8/64 and at the bottom 12/64 of the diameter of the shell. But the
figures actually given for the bottom thickness of the three smallest shells was 11/64
of the diameter. There is no obvious explanation of this discrepancy, but the figures
given should probably be accepted, since in all three cases they add up to the exterior
diameter of the shell.
A second table of dimensions, different from the above, can be put together
from three sources --- from the Glegg notebook, from a practice book of 1760, and
from a manuscr ipt notebook of 1766. 18 The three sources were in general
agreement, but there were slight variations in individual measurements. (The actual
figures were given as fractions but have been converted to decimals for comparison
to the table above.)

Exterior Interior Thickness of Iron Diameter of Fuze Hole l Weight

Diameter Diameter at Top at Bottom at Top at Bottom
in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs. ozs, parts

12.75(S.S.) 200 0 0
12.75(L.S.) 9.875 1.250 2 1.625 3 1.750 1. 4375 168 0 0
9.75 7.250 1.000 1.500 1.625 1. 3125 84 8 0
7.75 6.375 .625 .750 1.625 4 1.1875 40 7 0
5.50 4.125 .500 .806 .8755 .8125 14 9 0
4.42 3.625 .400 .625 .750 .6875 7 7 0

1 The fuze hole was conical, Le, the top diameter was greater than that of the
bottom. In the three tables consulted to make up this table these measure-
ments were confused, sometimes the top, sometimes the bottom diameter being
greater. They have been rearranged so that the top diameter is always greater.
2 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope clt., p. 37 gave 1.375 in.
3 Ibid. gave 1.5 in.
4 Ibid. gave .625 in.
5 Ibid. and RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 73, gave .875 in., as above, but RAI, "Practice
Book 1760," gave 1.875 in., which must be an error.

Although there are problems with this table, it indicates that there was a change in
shell specifications between 1753 and 1760; the shell had become lighter, thinner
skinned, with a larger interior capacity to contain more powder.J?
There is a third table of shell dimensions in Glegg's notebook, however, which
differs from both these tables.2 0

Exterior Interior Thickness of Iron Diameter of Fuze Hole 1 Weight

Diameter Diameter at Top at Bottom at Top at Bottom
in. in. in. in. in. in. lbs, ozs, parts

12.75 8.3125 1.75 2.70 1.75 200 190 195

9.75 6.000 1.50 2.25 1.50 93 85 89
7.75 5.125 1.05 1.57 1.25 42 38 40
5.50 4.000 .57 .87 1.85 2 15-1/4 14 14-5/8
4.40 3.250 .46 .69 .75 8 7 7-1/2
1 Only 1 dimension was given.
2 This must be an error for 0.85 in.

It is difficult to know what to make of this table. Its position in Glegg's

notebook on page 69, between the 1753 table (p, 4) and the table similar to that in the

1760 practice book (p. 73), suggests that it should be dated sometime between 1753
and 1760, but it seems unlikely that there would be three different specifications
developed within seven years. The solution to the problem remains a mystery.
Similarly, it is not clear why Walton's notebook contains only the 1753 specifications;
had those of the 1760 trials been found wanting and had the Ordnance reverted to the
ear Her dimensions?
Until at least 1780 and probably later shells continued to be manufactured with
a greater thickness of metal opposite the fuze hole. Two reasons were given for this
••• the first is, that they are thereby better enabled to resist
the shock or impression of the Powder that discharges them;
the other, that the Shell always falling with ye heaviest part
undermost, there will be no danger of the fuze being extin-
guish'd or broke off br the fall, should it come to ye Ground
before the Exploslon.f
John Muller had scoffed at both these reasons •
••• if the shells were everywhere equally thick, and of the same
weight as those above-mentioned [of his design], the blast of
powder lodged in the chamber would hardly be able to break
them; and as to the fuze falling uppermost or not, that is of no
detriment, since the composition of fuzes is such, that nothing
but an absolute stoppage from the air is able to choak them;
for they burn in water as well as any other element; for which
reason I would make them everywhere equally thick, because
they would burst into a greater number of pieces. 22
Muller's advice was not quickly adopted. As late as July and August 1792 the
Ordnance conducted experiments to test old and new pattern shells in which the
thickness of metal was variable. 23 In the 1801 edition of the Bombardier and Pocket
Gunner, however, Adye noted:
Shells were till lately made thicker at the bottom than at the
fuze hole; but are now cast of the same thickness throughout,
and are found to burst into a greater number of pieces in
consequence.2 4
Probably between 1792 and 1801, therefore, the ordnance decided to construct shells
with a skin of constant thickness.
A second innovation of the last two decades of the eighteenth century was the
development of shells to be fired from guns. Previously shells had been fired with
high trajectories and small charges from mortars and howitzers. Fired horizontally
from guns they tended to break up and explode in the barrel. 25 While there is
evidence that the Royal Artillery experimented with firing shells horizontally in
Canada in 1776,26 a major breakthrough was made during the siege of Gibraltar,
1779-83, when the British succeeded in throwing 5-1/2-inch mortar shells out of their
24-pounder guns. By 1798 an artillery notebook listed gauges for shells to be fired,
not only from mortars and howitzers, but also from guns and carronades, Interesting-
ly, the high gauges for carronade shells were slightly smaller than those for shells for
the corresponding calibre offun, probably to compensate for the slightly smaller bore
diameter of the carronade. 2
According to the circa 1798 notebook the dimensions presumably of the high
gauge for shells of guns and carronades were: 28

Nature Guns Carronades

pdr. in. in.

68 7.83
42 6.795 6.67
32 6.20 6.07
24 5.63 5.50
18 5.11 4.955
12 4.45 4.315

It is not clear why only the dimensions of the one gauge were given; presumably the
gauges for shot could be used for the low gauge.
Although Adye mentioned in his' 1801 manual that shells could be fired from
guns and carronades, it was not until the 1813 edition that he supplied tables of
dim ensions. 29

Guns Thickness
Nature Diameter Diameter of Fuze Hole of Metal
exterior interior outside inside
pdr. in. in. in. in. in.

42 6.684 4.404 0.894

32 6.105 4.005 0.894
24 5.547 3.767 0.893
18 5.05 3.4 0.832 0.76
12 4.4 2.8 0.832 0.769

Nature Diameter Thickness of
exterior interior
pdr. in. in. in.

68 ? ? ?
42 6.64 4.36 1.14
32 6.05 3.95 1.35*
24 5.48 3.48 1.00
18 4.935 3.235 0.85
12 4.295 2.695 0.98*

* These appear to be wrong: 1.05 and 0.8 respectively would be correct if the
exterior and interior diameters are correct.

Adye's exterior diameter appear to be ideal; the diameters of the gauges listed in
1798 were always higher, that is those of the high gauge.
A third development during this period, although this is not as clear, may have
been the decrease in windage by the slight enlargement of the diameters of mortar
shells. Excessive windage was one of the problems being investigated by the
committee conducting the experiments in 1792 previously referred to. They
concluded that it should be reduced to 0.15 inch for 13-, 10-, and 8-inch shells and to
0.1 inch for the smaller natures and, moreover, that this reduction should be achieved
by increasing the diameters of the shells)O A table dated 1798 in a manuscript
notebook indicated that the low gauge for mortar shells was greater than the
diameters previously given for mortar shells)l Unaccountably, Adye in the various
editions of the Bombardier and Pocket Gunner up to 1813 continued to list dimensions
for mortar shells which allowed a windage of 0.25 inch.3 2
The table dated 1798 gave the following dimensions of the gauges for mortar
and howitzer shells)3

Nature High Gauge Low Gauge

in. in. in.

13 12.88 12.80
10 9.88 9.80
8 7.88 7.80
5-1/2 5.54 5.48
4-2/5 4.42 4.38

In the 1801 and 1813 editions of his manual Adye provided the following information
on mortar and howitzer shells.3 4

Nature Weight Diameter Diameter of Fuze Hole Thickness of

outside inside Metal
in. cwt, qr. lb. in. in. in. in.

13 1 3 2 12-3/4 1.837 1.696 2.05

10 3 9 9-3/4 1. 57 1.45 1.575
8 1 11-1/2 8-3/4 1.219 1.127 1.2
5-1/2 15-1/4 5-1/4 0.894 0.826 0.822
4-2/5 8 4-1/5 0.832 0.769 0.653

By 1820 there seems to have been some minor adjustments to the size of the
fuze holes and the thickness of the skins (depth) of shells for mortars and howitzers.
According to a "memorandum furnished by Lieut. Colonel Bingham from Laboratory"
the dimensions of fuze holes were:

Nature Diameter of Fuze Hole Depth

top bottom
in. in. in.

13 in. 1.84 1.7 2.1

10 in. 1.61 1.5 1.6
8 in. or 68-pdr. 1.22 1.13 1.3
5-1/2 in. or 24-pdr. 0.9 0.84 0.85
4-2/5 in. or 12-pdr. 0.82 0.77 0.7

These changes continued when in 1825 a new series of gauges for both shot and shell
was introduced into the service. The dimensions of the various shells were: 35

Mortars and Howitzers

Nature Weight Diameter Diameter of Fuze Hole Thickness

High Low outside inside of Metal
in. cwt, qr, lb. in. in. in. in. in.

13 in. 3 4 12.88 12.8 1.84 1.7 2.1

10 in. 3 11 9.88 9.8 1. 61 1.5 1.6
8 in. 1 13 1/4 7.95 7.85 1.22 1. 13 1.3
5-1/2 in.
or 24-pdr. 15 5.62 5.57 0.9 0.84 0.85
4-2/5 in.
or 12-pdr. 7 1/2 4.476 4.432 0.82 0.77 0.7

Guns and Carronades

Nature Weight Diameter Diameter of Fuze Hole

High Low outside inside
in. qr. lb. oz. in. in. in. in.

10 in. 2 14 9.9 9.84 1.22 1.1

68-pdr. 1 5 6 1/4 7.95 7.85 1.22 1.1
42 20 6.795 6.729 1.22 1.1
32 15 4 1/4 6.207 6.147 1.22 1.1
24 11 15 5.62 5.57 .89 .77
18 9 1 1/4 5.124 5.074 .89 .77
12 5 15 4.476 4.432 .89 .77
9 4 10 4.1 4.06 .89 .77
6 3 2 3.568 3.532 .89 .77

The changes in shell diameters over the next 30 to 35 years concerned mainly
those shells for the new guns which were developed in the 1830s and '40s - the new
42-pounders, the 56- and 68-pounders, and the shell guns. The dimensions of shells
for the 32-pounder down to the 6-pounder remained unchanged during this period. 36
In 1857 the following dimensions were given for the shells of the new guns: 37

Nature Diameter
high low mean
in. in. in.

10 inch 9.88 9.8 9.84

68-pdr., 8 inch 7.9 7.82 7.86
56-pdr. 7.51 7.45 7.48
42-pdr. 6.795 6.745 6.77

Ten years later, minor variations, the reasons for which are obscure, were noted in
the 10-inch and 42-pounder gauges: 38

Nature Diameter
high low mean
in. in. in.

10 inch 9.88 9.82 9.85

42-pdr. 6.795 6.735 6.765


Figure 208. Common Shell. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal
Laboratory, Plate 34, July 1864.)

In the 1840s a manual by Straith gave a separate table for carronade shells: 39

Nature Diameter
high low mean
in. in. in.

68 7.9 7.8 7.85

42 6.79 6.72 6.755
24 5.63 5.58 5.605
18 5.12 5.07 5.095
12 4.47 4.4 4.435

For some reason the 32-pounder was left out. In 1862 Griffiths printed a slightly
different table including the 32- and 6-pounder and showing minor changes for the 68-
and 12-pounder; the other calibres remained unchanged. 40

Nature Diameter
high low mean
in. in. in.

68 7.95 7.9 7.925

32 6.2 6.14 6.17
12 4.47 4.3 4.385
6 3.56 3.53 3.545

The authoritative works of Majendie and Lefroy in 1867 did not mention separate
dimensions for shells for carronades. 41 Considering how near to the diameters of gun
shells they were, the question might be raised if in practice this distinction was
actually made.
The diameters of mortar shells, except for that of the 8-inch shell, remained
constant from 1825 to 1857. 42 The 8-inch shell was made slightly smaller,
presumably to match the 68-pounder or 8-inch gun shell:

high low mean

in. in. in.

7.9 7.82 7.86

Between 1857 and 1867 there was a minor change in the low gauge of the 10-inch
shell, increasing from 9.8 to 9.82 inches, the same as the common and naval shell. 43
The size of fuze holes of common shells remained constant throughout the
1830s and 1840s. 44

Figure 209. Mortar Shell. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal
Laboratory, Plate 35, August 1864.)

Nature Diameter
Outside Inside
in. in.

lOin. to 32-pdr. 1.2 1.1

24-pdr. to 6-pdr. .89 .77

In 1849 Boxer began his series of modifications in fuze design, and in 1855, with the
introduction of his "large cone" fuze, the fuze hole for all calibres of shells
wasreduced to one diameter on the outside. It remained conical in shape, pitched at
1 inch in 9.375 inches. In 1854 or 1855 the Board of Ordnance ordered that it be
tapped to hold the wooden fuze more securely. Originally this tapping may have been
no more than roughing, but in 1856 metal screw plugs were adopted in place of cork
plugs. 45 The hole was tapped with a right handed thread, 14 threads to 1 inch,
sufficiently along its length to take the screw plug. In 1860 the hole was countersunk
to bring the top of the plug flush with the surface of the shell so that it could be used
as hollow shot. In 1861 the tapping of the fuze hole was continued over its entire
length to take Pettman's fuze, and shells so tapped were to have + marked on their
plugs to indicate this capability. The fuze hole of the 12-pounder shell was treated
differently because in many instances the fuze had been blown out of the shell by the
explosion of the bursting charge without the shell fragmenting. 46 To give the fuze
more support the fuze hole was fitted with a gun metal bush which extended into the
interior of the shell. Thus, by 1867 the dimensions of fuze holes in common shells
were: 47

Nature Diameter
Countersunk Below Countersunk
Top Bottom
in. in. in.

10 in. 1.32 0.88

8 in. or 68-pdr. 1.32 high 0.875
56-pdr. 1.32 1.034 0.89
42-pdr. 1.32 0.902
32-pdr. 1.32 low 0.913
24-pdr. or 5-1/2 in. 1.32 1.024 0.925
18-pdr. 1. 32 0.937
12-pdr. or 4-2/5 in. 1. 32 1.295* 1.225*

* Before bushing

The size of the fuze holes of mortar shells had a similar history. Most sources
in the 1840s gave the following dimensions, although Griffiths gave slightly different
figures. 48

Nature Diameter
Outside Inside
in. in.

13 in. 1.837 1.696

10 in. 1. 61 1.5
8 in. 1.22 1.13
5-1/2 in. .9 .84
4-2/5 in. .82 .77

The development of Boxer's new mortar fuze in 1855 necessitated a change in the
diameters of the fuze holes. 49

Nature Diameter
Outside Inside
in. in.

13 in. 1.484 1.25

10 in. 1.484 1.309
8 in. 1.411 1.259

(The 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch mortars threw the same shell as the 24- and 12-pounder
guns.) The hole was not countersunk, but it was tapped part way down, initially to
secure the fuze more firmly, but after 1856 to take a white metal screw plug. In
1860 this plug was discontinued, and beeswaxed cork plugs that had previously been
used, were reintroduced.5 0
Mortar shells differed from common shells in not being attached to wooden
bottoms; hence they had no rivet holes drilled in them. 51 As well, because of the
weight of 13- and la-inch shells, they were equiped first with lugs and then, after
January 1856, with lewis holes to aid in their loading. The lugs, which were two
projecting loops of wrought iron cast into the shell on each side of the fuze hole, had
been the traditional device. Muller described them in the eighteenth century:
They are two handles of hammered iron fixed in the mould
when they are cast, which fasten to the shell, and serve to lay
hold on when the mortar is to be loaded thereby, as likewise to
carry them from one place to another. 52
The lugs were often broken off during transport, and they necessitated that the shells
be cleaned by hand, a more expensive process than milling or rotating them in large
iron drums. In 1856 lewis holes were ordered drilled in the 13- and lO-inch shells in
the same position as the lugs and inclined toward each other; into these two holes
lewis hooks fitted to aid in lifting the shell into the mortar. 53
Along with the development of new naval guns and metal fuzes in the 1830s,
shells for the t O-lnch, 8-inch or 68-pounder, and 32-pounder guns were prepared for

the exclusive use of the Royal Navy. Initially, perhaps, the only distinction between
these naval shells and common shells was the tapping of the fuze hole to receive the
screw-in metal time fuze. Since dimensions of naval shells have not been found for
the 1830s, it is impossible to say if their dimensions varied then from those of
common shells, but by the end of the 1840s both the 10- and 8-inch shells were
slightly larger and thinner skinned than the equivalent common shells. The 32-
pounder naval shell was identical to the common shell.

Nature Dimensions Thickness of Metal

high low medium mean
in. in. in. in.

10 in. 9.88 9.82 9.85 1.35

8 in./68-pdr. 7.95 7.9 7.925 1.35
32-pdr. 6.207 6.147 6.177 1.034

These dimensions remained constant to the end of the smooth-bore era.5 4

In the 1830s the fuze hole was tapped to take the metal fuze, but because of
rust and the resulting increased friction when the fuze was screwed in, accidental
explosions occurred. Consequently, by about 1843, gun metal bushes were fixed into
the fuze holes. 55 Originally the holes were probably conical and of the same
diameter as those of common shells;56 diagrams toward the end of the 1840s
certainly indicated a cone shaped fuze hole with diameters of 1.2 and 1.1 inches on
the outside and inside respectively, although the drawings gave no indication of
bushing. 57
Although the introduction of the cylindrical Moorsom fuze in 1851 must have
necessitated a change in the size and shape of the fuze hole, according to Majendie,
it was not until 1858 that what was known as the "Moorsom gauge" was approved in
its final form by the Board of Ordnance.58 All fuze holes except that of the 32-
pounder shell were countersunk so that the shells could be used as hollow shot. All
were tapped to 0.2 inch above the bottom of the fuze hole to provide a shoulder to
support the bush. In 1867 the dimensions of the fuze holes of naval shells were: 59

Diameter Below Depth Screw

Counter- Countersunk Counter- No. of Bush
Nature sunk Portion Countersunk sunk Threads Interior
Portion Top Bottom Portion Portion Depth perin. Diameter Depth
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

10 in. 1.6 1.45* 1. 35 1.85 1.65 1.04 16-1/2 1.23 1.0

8 in. or 68-pdr. 1.6 1.45 1.35 1.85 1.65 1.04 16-1/2 1.23 1.0
32-pdr. 1.45 1.35 1.034+ 0.85 16-1/2 1.23 0.85

* Before bushing.
+ Not countersunk, but total depth of fuze hole.

Naval shells also differed from common shells in the nature of the bottom or
sabot and the manner of its attachment. Originally bottoms were the same for all
natures of shell and were attached with metal straps. When double-shotting, that is,
firing a shot or shell together, a common practice in the navy, gunners found that the
shell was often broken up by the shot. Experiments indicated that if the two
projectiles were touching, they survived discharge intact. In 1856 Captain Sir J.
Maitland, R.N., suggested that the bottoms of one-quarter of the naval shells supplied
be hollowed completely through the centre to expose the shell flush with the lower
surface of the bottom; thus the shell would be in contact with the shot if it were
fired double-shotted. In 1858 this innovation was extended to all 8-inch and 32-
pounder naval shells and in 1859 to the lO-inch shells as well.
Initially these bottoms were strapped on, but in 1859 a new method of
attachment was adopted. On each side of the central hole two small inclined holes
were drilled that coincided with two similarly inclined holes in the shell. To hold the
bottom in place two rivets, which were merely copper pins, were inserted into the
inclined holes. They were held in place by inclination rather than by expansion as in
the single central rivet method. Since the 10-inch gun was never fired double-
shotted, in 1863 the lO-inch bottom was ordered to be made on the land service
pattern and to be attached by a single rivet. For the sake of uniformity, however, a
few months later it was decided to retain the naval method of attaching the bottom;
thus the lO-inch bottoms were manufactured with three holes for either land or sea
service shells. 60
Majendie wrote in 1867 that "••• it would be laborious and unprofitable to go
into all the different minor chanCes which have from time to time been effected in
the different bursting charges." 1 A survey of the available documentation from
about 1750 to the 1860s confirms his opinion, but certain tables of charges recur and
certain generalizations can be made, nevertheless.
Until 1864 it was conventional wisdom that shells should not be filled to their
capacity. John Muller wrote:
The quantity of powder they ought to be filled with, so as to
burst into most pieces, is not known; but most artillerists
agree that they should not be quite full; and Colonel Desa-
guliers, after having made several experiments, imagines, that
two thirds of the weight which would fill them is the quantity
they should be loaded with. 62
This rule of two-thirds capacity was being repeated at the end of the eighteenth
Before Desaguliers' experiments, John Muller listed quantities of powder which
were probably determined in 1742-3.

Nature Quantity of Powder

lb. oz.

13 9 4.50
10 4 14.75
8 2 3.50
5-1/2 1 1.50
4-2/5 o 8

These quantities were given in a number of manuals or notebooks during the 1760s
and 1770s. 64 Although it was not precisely clear, this table probably represents the
capacity or near capacity of the shell.
Beginning about 1760, a second table of weights of powder for the bursting
charge, which one note book referred to as General Desaguliers' allowance began to

Nature Quantity of Powder

lb. oz.

13 6 12
10 2 10
8 1 14
5-1/2 12
4-2/5 5

From 1760 until the 1840s these quantities, or amounts varying only slightly, were
given for bursting shells. 65 Although differing tables of quantities can be found, it
seems likely that the amounts in the first table above, which were equal to or near
the shell's capacity, were in use about 1750. Around 1760, following experiments by
Desaguliers, those set down in the second table began to be employed. (The practice
may be slightly more complicated, since there are indications that shells for sea
service mortars (8- and lO-inch) may have contained different amounts of powder
during the early period.)
With the development of shells for guns new tables of bursting charges
appeared. In 1813 Adye gave the following amounts: 66

Nature Quantity of Powder

pdr, lb. oz.

42 14
32 12*
24 11*
18 9
12 5.50

* These amounts were reversed originally.

By the 1840s new guns had been introduced and the quantities seemed to have been
increased. 67

Nature Quantity of Powder

lb. oz.

12-in. 13 13
10-in. 6 8
8-in. 2 9
42-pdr. 1 8
32-pdr. 1 2
24-pdr. o 15
18-pdr. o 12
12-pdr. o 6

Variations seem to have occurred quite often. Immediately before 1864 the
quantities used and the date of their introduction are set out in the following table: 68

Nature Common Naval Mortar

lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz.

13-in. 10 8 (20 Aug. '55)

10-in. 6 4 (27 Oct. '62) 6 4 (27 Oct. '62) 5 0 (l Mar. '59)
8-in. 2 4 (8 Dec. ' 54) 2 4 (8 Dec. '54) 2 4 (8 Dec. '54)
56-pdr. 2 0 (1 Mar. '59)
42-pdr. 1 6 "
32-pdr. 1 2 "
24-pdr. 12 (20 Feb. '58)
18-pdr. 10 (19 Nov. '59)
12-pdr. 6 "

In 1864 the Ordnance finally rejected the view that shells should not be
completely filled, and on 22 September ordered that all shells (excepting shrapnel)
were to be filled by capacity instead of by weight. On 2 October of the next year a
new scale of approximate bursting charges was adopted. 69

Nature Common Naval Mortar

lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz.

13-in. 10 15
10-in. 6 12 6 5 5 4
8-in. or 68-pdr. 2 9 2 9 2 9
56-pdr. 2 7
42-pdr. 1 12
32-pdr. 1 5 1 5
24-pdr. or 5-1/2-in. 1 0 1 0
18-pdr. 0 12
12-pdr. or 4-2/5-in. 0 7 o 7

It is perhaps extraordinary that it was not until 1864 that the traditional
practice of filling the shell partially was finally rejected. It may have been the
influence of the dead hand of an authority as great as Desaguliers, but neither the
records of his experiments not his arguments have been discovered. A later authority
wrote that a smaller charge produced larger shell fragments; presumably it was felt
that they produced greater damage than smaller ones.7 0 Whatever the reasons, by
1864 the arguments had been rejected, and four other arguments were advanced in
favour of filling shells to capacity (allowing of course sufficient room to insert the
1) the effect of the shell was increased;
2) the danger of premature explosion was diminished;
3) the shells were less eccentric and consequently more accurate in flight;
4) the issue of bursters was much reduced and simplified.
Before 1860 the bursting charge was issued in a serge bag, but that year it was
ordered placed in a pulp or paper bag that was then put inside a calico bag. The
calico and paper bags were numbered to correspond to each other, from one to seven,
each bag capable of containing a variety of charges.

Bag No. lbs. oz. drrns, lbs, oz. drms.

1 24 or under
2 above 20 to 30
3 " 30 " 70
4 " 70 " 13
5 " 13 " 2 8
6 " 2 8 " 4
7 " 4 " 12

When the calico bag had been filled, it was marked in black with the word "burster"
and the weight of the charge. It was then choked with twine; the choke was not cut
off as it had been up to 1859. 72


The carcass was an incendiary device used to set fire to buildings and shipping.
During the period studied, there were two carcass forms - oblong and round.
Derived from the ancient "fire ball," the carcass was strengthened, either by iron ribs
in its oblong form or by an iron casing in its spherical form, to withstand the greater
charges of gunpowder. It was filled with an inflammable composition which was
ignited by the flash of the service charge, the resulting flames spewing forth from a
varying number of vent holes. Depending on its size, a carcass burned from three to
11 minutes and its fire was very difficult to extinguish/ 3
It is not known when the oblong carcass was first introduced or what were the
details of its development, but in England it seems likely that it first appeared during
the last half of the seventeenth century.7 4 It was cetainly in use in the first decade
of the next century, for it was described in The Gentleman's Dictionary in 1705:

A Carcass is an Invention of an oval Form made of ribs of Iron,

afterwards filled with a composition of Meal-Powder, Salt-
petre, Sulphur, broken Glass, shavings of Horn, Pitch, Turpen-
tine, Tallow and Linseed Oil, and then coated over with a
pitched Cloth; it is primed with Meal-Powder and Quick-
match, and fired out of a mortar: the Design of it is to set
Houses on fire. For lifting it up to put it in the Mortar, it has
two small Cords fixed to the sides of it.? 5
A circa 1710 drawing of a carcass, probably by Borgard, showed four ribs contained in
a hemispherical bottom and strengthened by a latitudinal iron bar (Fig. 210). Holes
were shown at the intersection of the bars which might be interpreted as vents, but
they were more likely for rivets. There appeared to be a large central vent where
the four ribs intersected from which fire could emanate.76 These carcasses were
probably made for all natures of mortars from the 18-inch (which was probably
obsolete by mid-century) to the small 4-2/5-inch Coehorn.
No tables of dimensions have been found for these early carcasses, but in April
1759 the weights of "New Oblong Hammered Iron Carcasses" were established. 77

Nature Empty Coated Filled Woolded Primed Kitted

in. lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz. lb.oz, lb. oz. lb. oz.

10 33 0 33 10 68 14 69 8 70 4 71 2
8 15 12 16 1 32 14 33 2 33 10 34 0
5-1/2 1 8 1 10 8 6 8 8 8 9 8 12
4-2/5 1 2 1 4 4 9 4 10 4 12

Figure 210. Carcass, circa 1714. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Borgard, "Practtis of Artillery.")

This table was repeated in various notebooks until about 1800. As well, more
detailed measurements also labelled "New Oblong Hammered Carcasses," were copied
into two notebooks, one circa 1780 and the other circa 1800. Interestingly, the
dimensions of an 18-inch carcass, which must have been long obsolete, were
included. 78
Although all oblong carcasses were essentially the same, there were minor
variations in construction and therefore in treatment between the smaller 5-1/2- and
4-2/5-inch carcasses and their larger brothers. The latter were composed of two iron
hemispheres, the top smaller than the bottom, joined together by four iron ribs, which
were strengthened by a transverse iron bar. Two ears or lugs were attached to the
upper hemisphere by which the carcass was lifted. The 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch carcass
lacked the top and lugs.7 9
By 1780 what may be regarded as the classic method of preparing oblong
carcasses had been developed. Before then information is slight, but there are some
indications of the earlier, cruder techniques. A definition in Chambers' Cyclopaedia
of 1751 seemed to suggest that a canvas bag was filled with composition and then
placed inside the iron framework:
Carcasse, or Carcass, a kind of bomb, usually oblong, or oval,
rarely circular; consisting of a shell, or case, sometimes of
iron, with holes; but more commonly of a coarse strong
canvas, pitched over, and girt with iron hoops; filled with
combustible matter. 80
A note on carcasses in Smith's An Universal Military Dictionary, although somewhat
confusing, suggested a similar arrangement. 81 On the other hand, in his notebook of
1766, Adye wrote:
They [carcasses] are cover'd over with a coarse piece of
Canvas and filled with ••• composition•••
The Carcass being put into the Bag of coarse Canvas which is
called Coating it •••
An accompanying diagram showed the carcass sewn into its canvas bag. 82 By 1780
carcasses were prepared in a more sophisticated manner.
During the eighteenth century various combinations and proportions of mater-
ials were used in the preparation of the inflammable composition with which
carcasses were filled. In his notebook, circa 1750, Glegg listed six different mixtures
and later sources indicated others. 83 The basic ingredients were gunpowder (usually
corned but sometimes rnealed) and pitch, with saltpetre, sulphur, turpentine, and
tallow, all or severally mixed in. One of these mixtures was recorded consistently
from 1760 until 1801, when Adye referred to it as the "Old Carcass Composition,,:84
corned powder 30
swedish pitch 12
saltpetre 6
tallow 3
This may be regarded as the standard formula for carcass composition during the last
half of the eighteenth century.
The corned powder was spread on a table and any lumps in it were crushed with
a rubber. The saltpetre was evenly poured over it through a fine hair sieve, and the
two ingredients were well mixed by hand. The pitch and tallow were melted in an
iron pot over a fire and stirred until they were thoroughly mixed and quite hot. Then
the mixture was transferred into a copper pot that was resting in a copper vessel full
of hot water. The powder and saltpetre were added gradually and the mixture was
well stirred until all the ingredients were completely combined.
In preparation for being filled with the composition, the carcasses were coated

with sacking. In the case of the large carcasses, the open spaces between the top and
bottom hemispheres were covered with a layer of sacking, sewn on with pack thread
as tightly as possible at the top and bottom of each bar. One quarter was left open
for filling. In the case of 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch carcasses, the sacking was sewn on
over all four quarters, but the top, where the upper hemisphere was missing, was left
open for filling.
Since the composition was put into the carcass by hand, the workman
responsible greased his hands well with tallow to prevent the mixture's adhering to
them. When the composition had cooled sufficiently, he filled the carcass through
the space left open. Then five plugs of well-greased wood, 5 or 6 inches long and 3/4
inch in diameter were inserted into the mixture through the vent holes in the upper
hemisphere. The composition was allowed to cool for an hour or more, during which
time the composition settled. More composition was put in to make up for whatever
was lacking, and the sacking was then sewn up as tightly as possible. While the
composition continued to cool and harden, the workman rolled the carcass about to
prevent it from swelling out one side more than another. (The precise manner of
plugging the smaller carcasses was not well described, other than that they were
plugged (but with only four plugs) in the same manner as the larger. This was
obviously an oversimplification.)
While the composition was still hot, four holes were cut in the sacking, one in
each quarter, alternately 2 inches from the top and 2 inches from the bottom.
Loaded and primed pistol barrels, presumably as booby traps, were inserted into the
carcass through these holes flush with the sacking. Pistol barrels were not placed in
the 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch carcasses.
When the composition had cooled and hardened, the carcass was woolded, that
is, line was wound around it where the hemispheres met the sacking. For the la-inch
carcass, the line was 5/8 inch in diameter at the top and 3/8 inch at the bottom, and
the woolding was about 2 inches wide. For the 8-inch carcass, the line was 3/8 inch
diameter at the top and 1/4 inch at the bottom, and the woolding was about 1-1/2
inches wide. The dimensions of the line for the 13-inch carcass have not been found.
It is not clear that the small carcasses were woolded, but it would seem reasonable to
do so where the sacking met the bottom hemishpere.
Next, the greased plugs were removed and the holes cleared out in preparation
for priming with fuze composition. Each ladle-full of 4 drams that was placed in the
holes was driven 12 strokes with a drift and mallet. When each hole was half full,
cotton quick match was inserted: in the top hole of the large carcasses it was
inserted double with two ends protruding; in the side holes and in those of the small
carcasses it was put in single. The dimensions of the match was:

Nature of Length
Carcass Threads Top hole Side holes
in. 00. in. in.

10 4 12 9
8 3 9 6
5-1/2 2 4
4-2/5 2 4

The match was set with mallet and drift, and then the vent hole was driven with fuze
composition as before until within an inch of the top. The priming was finished by
putting in a ladle-full of mealed powder, driving it, and then by coiling the ends of
the match into the hole. Each hole was plugged with a piece of paper to protect the
match and composition from the kit which was to be applied next.

Kit was made of rosin, pitch, beeswax, and tallow, melted together in a pot and
made very hot. It was brushed on the top of the carcass and a circular cap of sacking
or barras (with slits if necessary cut for the ears or lugs) was stuck on. Then the
whole carcass was brushed over with kit, and sawdust was sprinkled over it to reduce
the kit's stickiness.&5
The oblong carcass was ballistically inefficient, or, in John Muller's words, "•••
the flight of the oblong is so uncertain ••• ," but so long as the range was short and the
target large this uncertainty was probably not a great problem.& A noteworthy and
effective use of oblong carcasses was at Quebec in August 1759. George Reed gave
this account of the bombardment from Pointe-Levis:
Being orderd to destroy the lower Town by fire, if possible,
several expedients were tried without effect; the distance
being so great, that a lO-inch Sea Service Mortar loaded with
5 lbs. of powder, could not throw a 10 inch oblong Carcass
over the river St. Lawrence; and when 6 Ibs, were tried, the
Carcasses were blown to pieces.
After a number of fruitless trials, I fell upon the following
vizt, - over 6 lbs, of powder, I rammed a wad of grass or half
made Hay, which filled the Chamber of the said mortar so that
the Carcass rested upon the Wad; and then ten out of twelve,
were thrown into the middle of the lower town; and set it on
fire so effectually, that before morning the greatest part of it
was destroyed.
Some time after, I was ordered to try if the upper Town could
be destroyed by Oblong Carcasses from the same Mortar; In
which I likewise succeeded with 7 lbs. of powder (with a wad
over it as beforernentioned) which threw seven carcasses (out
of ten) into the upper Town, and set it on fire also, and caused
a great conflagration - In both Towns, there were 503 Houses
and one Church destroyed.&7
Reed's account of the bombardment of Quebec highlighted problems of the
oblong carcass's range and strength, and by about 17&0, according to contemporary
writers, it had been replaced by a round, shell-like carcass.&& Its demise seems to
have been exaggerated for dimensions of oblong carcasses continued to be printed
into the first decades of the nineteenth century.&9 Of more significance was their
inclusion in ammunition lists in Canada during the Napoleonic wars. 90 In all
likelihood they were finally retired sometime after 1&15; writers in the last half of
the 1&20s were quite definite that they were no longer in use. 91
The definition of a carcass in Chambers' Cyclopaedia of 1751 - "a kind of
bomb, usually oblong, or oval, rarely circular •••" - implied that spherical carcasses,
although exceptional, had been devised by mid-century, but it was not until 2 August
1760 that the dimensions of round carcasses were officially established. 92 The
evidence suggests that initially only a 13-inch round carcass was developed, although
George Smith, in his An Universal Military Dictionary, printed the results of trials,
probably in the 1770s, of round 8- and lO-inch carcasses. 93 At first, the 13-inch
round carcasses were made with either five, four or three vent holes, but by about
17&0 only the variety with four holes was in use. 94 Presumably the selection of four
holes was made as a compromise between the most efficacious transmission of fire
and the least weakening of the shell casing.
Although the evidence is not conclusive, the round 13-inch carcass may have
been first developed for sea service, to be fired from bomb ketches. Smith wrote:
"There are other than oblong carcasses for the sea service, which differ from a shell
only in the composition, and the 4 holes from which it burns when fired.,,95

Mountaine, in The Practical Sea-Gunner's Companion, after describing large oblong

carcasses, went on:
The next invented were cast Spherical Carcasses, in Diameter
12-3/4 Inch, with five Holes; afterwards their Number was
diminished to three; but all these are now obsolete, chiefly, I
believe, because they discharged their Combustibles too pre-
cipitately; for those now in Use are of the same Nature and
Magnitude with the last mentioned, but with one Hole only, as
the Shells have, but much larger, that the Composition may be
discharged with a visible Flow; for by the Assistance of these
in a dark Night, they are able to direct the Mortars for
execution. 96
His remarks about the number of vents was at variance with other sources, but in a
manual exclusively devoted to naval gunnery, it was suggested that the 13-inch round
carcass was first developed for sea service.
There is clear evidence of the adoption of 13-inch and at least experiments with
8- and 1O-inch round carcasses by 1780. But the development of a complete range of
these carcasses, which could be fired from guns and carronades, as well as from
mortars and howitzers, seems to have been contemporaneous with the development of
shells for the same weapons. After all, a round carcass was merely a shell filled with
a flammable composition instead of a bursting charge, with a number of vents out of
which flame issued. It is significant, then, that the first table of dimensions for all
natures of carcasses that has been found was dated 1796, in the same decade that a
complete range of shells was developed. 97
For the next 60 to 70 years round carcasses were part of the arsenal of the
Royal Artillery. During that time there were only minor changes made in their
design, but because the tables consulted gave only weights, not precise measure-
ments, it is impossible to detail what changes were made. Despite this shortcoming,
a comparison of these tables indicates perhaps three sets of specifications. Until
1826, no set of dimensions other than the 1796 table, which was published in Adye's
Pocket Gunner, has been discovered. 98 It is not unreasonable to assume that there
were no changes made to carcass design until after the end of the Napoleonic wars
and possibly until the early 1820s, when we know that there were changes in shell
From 1826 until 1853, a series of tables appeared in a number of manuals and
note-books which, with some minor exceptions, were in agreement. 99 Only the
exterior diameters and the weights were given, but it seems likely that few if any,
and then only minor, changes were made to carcasses during this period. Toward the
end of the 1850s, a third set of dimensions appeared, which continued to be published,
with minor variations, throughout the 1860s.10 0 In 1860, the Royal Laboratory
published a scaled drawing and dimensions to govern the manufacture of carcasses in
the British service.l 01
In his authoritative and comprehensive study of ammunition for smooth-bore
ordnance, Majendie suggested that the adoption of four vent holes took place about
1808. 102 He based his conclusion on a note appearing in a report of experiments with
carcasses carried on since 1855, but according to sources from the 1760s and 1770s,
carcasses with four holes were preferred long before (see above). Adye's Pocket
Gunner, which published the table of dimensions from 1796, did not indicate the
number of holes. Later sources were in conflict. In his notebook in 1825, Mould
clearly stated that there were three vent holes; in 1826 Swanston and in 1828
Spearman just as clearly wrote that there were four. In 1847, Griffiths described
carcasses with three or four holes, and in 1853, the Aide-Memoire referred to 3 and 4
holes.! 03 Other sources said that the carcass was pierced with three vent holes. IU1f

Since no new carcasses were manufactured during the peace between the
Napoleonic and Crimean wars, it seems likely that both patterns of carcass were kept
in storage ready for use. During the Crimean war, it was found that the carcasses
with four vents tended to break up on discharge. Experiments carried out in 1855 led
to the adoption of three vents. Finally in 1860 drawings and patterns were approved
to govern the future manufacture of carcasses (Fig. 211).1 05
At the same time that a complete range of round carcasses was designed, a new
inflammable composition also appeared, possibly for use in the round carcasses.

lb. oz.
saltpetre 5
sulphur 2
antimony 8
rosin 1
tallow 8

Henceforth gunpowder would no longer be included but rather two of its components,
saltpetre and sulphur, along with tallow and the new substances, antimony and rosin.
Pitch made a brief reappearance in 1813,106 but in 1825, Mould set down the
ingredients and their proportions which remained standard into the 1860s:10 7

lb. oz.
saltpetre 6 4
sulphur 2 8
rosin 1 14
antimony 10
turpentine 10
tallow 10

The manner of preparation of the composition and of the filling of a round

carcass was similar to that of an oblong carcass. The dry ingredients were sieved and
mixed thoroughly together, either by hand or with a copper slice. The tallow and
turpentine (some sources say the rosin, as well) were melted in an iron pot set in a
boiler containing hot oil. The dry ingredients were added gradually and the mixture
was stirred for about 20 minutes until it became a thick paste. Then it was ladled out
of the pot onto a board where it was allowed to cool sufficiently that it could be
The workman who was to fill the carcass greased his hands well in order to
prevent the composition sticking to them. Then he rolled the composition into small
pieces, and having closed all but one of the vent holes with corks, proceeded to fill
the carcass through the open hole, ramming the pieces of composition home with a
mallet and drift. When the carcass was completely filled, the corks were removed
and well greased wooden plugs were thrust through the vent holes into the
composition. Initially, these plugs seem to have been all the same length, depending
on the nature of the carcass, but by the 1860s one plug, which penetrated more than
halfway through the composition, was longer than the other two. These shorter plugs
approached the longer near the centre of the composition, but did not quite touch it.
All three were tied together to prevent their moving while the composition hardened.
When it had hardened, the plugs wer removed, and the holes remaining were driven
with fuze composition, matched, and primed like fuzes. Then the holes were plugged
with brown paper and covered over with circles of kitted canvas or barras cut larger
than the diameter of the holes. Finally the circles were covered with sawdust to
reduce the stickiness of the kit.! 08
Ri V I

";, ;";~, ·
; :' !

Fl.." CAHCAS~, A;k(



Figure 211. Carcasses. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal
Laboratory, Plate 20, February 1868.)


Early in the history of artillery, gunners had found that firing a shower of small
projectiles at short range against men massed together could be very destructive.
Initially they may have used whatever odds and ends were at hand - stones, balls,
nuts, bolts, - rammed in on the powder and fired off, but in time they began to put
the projectiles into bags or metal containers, calling it langridge, a term of unknown
origin. Grapeshot like case or canister shot, was a sophisticated version of this
primitive weapon) b9
Grapeshot consisted of a flat circular bottom with a spindle extending from its
centre, both made of either iron or wood, the spindle surrounded by cast iron balls,
usually nine; the whole was enclosed in a canvas sack, and the balls were held in place
by a "quilting" line looped and tightened round them. Its name derived from its
supposed resemblance to a hanging bunch of grapes. When it was fired from a gun,
the bag burned or burst releasing the balls over a broad front. It was used mainly in
the navy or from fortifications; it was not fired from brass field pieces because it
damaged the bore and could quickly render the gun unserviceable. Contemporaries
mention its use from field guns, but probably either the term grape included what
later was called canister or case shot, or the writers were using language impre-
Until about 1800 there was a distinction between land and sea service
grapeshot. The former was made up of a wooden bottom and spindle with various
numbers of balls quilted into the canvas sack, the quantity depending on the calibre
of the gun; the latter was composed of an iron bottom and spindle around which nine
balls were quilted regardless of calibre. It is not known precisely when the land
service grapeshot was declared obsolete, but by 1801 Adye, in his Pocket Gunner,
indicated that there was only one sort for both land and sea service. 11I
Two tables of specifications for land service grapeshot have been prepared, the
first drawn up by Albert Borgard in 1717, the second, contained in an untitled bound
manuscript notebook circa 1750 attributed to Samuel Glegg, an officer of the Royal
Artillery. While not entirely in agreement, both tables are very similar and are
clearly describing the same sort of grapeshot. In addition, Glegg outlined a system of
determining dimensions and gave a sketch of the spindle and bottom. Borgard also
drew up a table listing the materials needed to make up grapeshot. 112
For each calibre of gun from the 42- to the 6-pounder there were usually five
sorts of grapeshot; for the lesser calibres only one kind, except for the 3-pounders
and the 8-inch howitzer for which there were two. 113This variation was occasioned
by the size and number of balls used - the smaller the ball, the larger the number
necessary to make up the grapeshot. For example, the following table shows the
details of weight and arrangement of the balls for grapeshot for a 42-pounder.

Weight of Diameter No. of balls No. of Total No.

ball ball per row rows of balls
lb. oz. in.

1 8 2.201 6 4 24
1 o 1.923 7 5 35
13-1/8 1.800 8 6 48
8 1.526 10 7 70
4 1.211 14 11 154

Obviously, as the calibre of gun lessened, the weight of the balls also decreased; for
example, the weights of the balls for the five grapeshots for a 9-pounder were 6-3/4,
4, 3, 2, and 1-1/2 ounces.
The spindle or pin comprised a relatively thick barrel surmounted by a thin neck
and then a thicker head; a thin tennon projected from the bottom of the barrel. the
canvas sack was sewn into a hollow cylinder, somewhat less in diameter than that of
the bottom, turned inside out, and tied round where the tennon joined the barrel. It
was then reversed up over the spindle, filled regularly with shot, and when full, tied
at the neck and quilted. The quilted grapeshot was then fitted to the bottom, which
was hollowed out to receive the bag of shot and was pierced with a hole at its centre
to take the termon of the spindle. The excess length of the spindle was cut off, and it
was wedged securely into place. Finally, the grapeshot was painted red. 1l 4
John Muller's Treatise on Artillery and George Smith's An Universal Military
Dictionary confirmed generally the previous description of land service grapeshot in
the third quarter of the eighteenth century. But while the spindle and bottom were
wooden and balls of various sizes and weights were used, both writers indicated that
the bottom, which was probably no longer hollowed out, was enclosed within the sack
before the shot was put in and quilted in place)15 Both writers indicated some
dissatisfaction with the projectile, and an artillery officer, George Williamson,
writing about 1770, criticized quilted grapeshot generally and the size of the wooden
pin in particular:
••• for experience the wisest & best of Masters, has taught us
how much the wooden pin has scattered the shott [sic] in the
canvass sic bag quilted grape; particularly when the Pin is
thick as some have been extravagantly so without any reason
given to us as yet why they should be so)16
It is possible, then, that by the end of the 1770s the bottom and spindle, while still
made of wood, had been modified in size and shape.
This land service grapeshot may have become obsolete by the 1780s; there is no
record of it later than the reference to it in Muller's 1780 edition of his Treatise on
Artillery. Rather a variety designated "New Pattern Grape Shot" appeared probably
in the 1780s. Its spindle and bottom were made of iron, and they, along with the
canvas bag, were identical to those for sea service grapeshot; unlike the latter,
however, it was made up of 20, rather than nine balls. 117 Because of this one other
modification was necessary: "••• as the shot are much smaller than those with 9 shot,
it is necessary to wrap hemp, rubbish or tow tight about the spindle in order to bring
out the shot equal to the diameter of the Bottom of the Tampinion [sic]."118 Possibly
in the land service the wooden bottom and spindle have been discarded in favour of
the iron bottom and spindle of the sea service, but a large number of balls, 20, were
retained. By 1800 even this pattern seems to have been found inadequate, and sea
service grapeshot was adopted for both services. 1l 9
Sea service grapeshot remained essentially unchanged for about a century.
Invariably it was composed of nine cast iron balls, of various sizes depending on the
calibre, grouped in three tiers around a cast iron spindle which was fixed securely to
a cast iron bottom; until about 1800 the whole was enclosed in a canvas bag,
thereafter only the shot and spindle, and quilted to hold the balls securely in place.
The earliest detailed references found to sea service grapeshot occurred in Glegg's
notebook, circa 1750. There were two tables of dimensions, one slightly different
from the other, but the differences were so small that practically they would make
little difference.1 20 One of these tables was repeated, more or less, in various
notebooks until this pattern of grapeshot became obsolete after 1856.121
Some minor changes did occur. About 1800 the patten of the canvas bag was
altered so that it was slightly smaller at the top. At the same time a new method of

quilting was adopted in which the bag no longer enclosed the whole of the projectile
but only the balls and the spindle.I 22 Much later, in the l840s, for reasons that are
unclear, minor changes were made in the diameter of the spindles - those for 42- and
32-pound shot increasing slightly and those for 24- to 6-pound shot decreasing
The introduction of new guns in the l830s and 1840s necessitated new calibres
of quilted grapeshot for the 56- and 68-pounder guns and for the 8- and lO-inch shell
guns. Grapeshot for the lO-inch gun was composed of 24 3-lb. balls, for the 68-
pounder and 8-inch gun, 15 3-lb. balls, and for the 56-pounder, 12 4-lb. balls, put
together in the usual manner.I 24
On 2 September 1822 the Board of Ordnance approved a new pattern of
grapeshot designed by William Caffin of the Royal Laboratory, Woolwich.I25 Caffin's
or tier grapeshot consisted of nine cast iron balls arranged in three layers between
four iron plates, held firmly in place by a central wrought iron spindle and nut.
Later, 56- and 68-pounder grapeshot had four and five balls respectively in each of
the three tiers. The lower plate, which was made of wrought iron, was stamped with
indentations sufficient in number for the shot of the first layer to rest in. The other
plates, made of cast iron, were manufactured with holes equal to twice the number of
shot in a tier in order to receive the shot immediately above and below. (For
convenience in manufacture and ease in assembly the top plate was cast with the

Figure 212. Grapeshot. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery
Implements •••")

same number of holes as the other two, although only half that number would be
necessary.) When assembled, the grapeshot was painted black. 126
Caffin's grapeshot had a number of advantages over the quilted pattern. It was
much less perishable; the rope and canvas of the older variety often rotted, thus
rendering the projectile unserviceable. As well, since the components of the new
pattern were interchangeable, if the grapeshot did become damaged, a number of the
damaged projectiles could be combined to obtain serviceable weapons. Caffin's
pattern could be easily assembled by unskilled labour, even on station, while
manufacturing quilted grapeshot was not only tedious but required considerable
training and skill. The destructive potential of the new pattern was probably greater,
although Sir Howard Douglas expressed some reservations in 1840. 127
According to Majendie in his authoritative work on smooth-bore ammunition,
although the Board of Ordnance approved Caffin's grapeshot in 1822, it was not
manufactured until 1856.1 28 Majendie did not explain this strangely large gap of 34
years between approval and manufacture. His statement appears even more unusual
in light of numerous references to, and dimensions of, Caffin's grapeshot given in
notebooks and manuals compiled during the intervening years. These also raise
questions since one group of references gave the weight of shot for the equivalent
calibre of quilted grapeshot 129 while the other group listed shot that was consistently
lighter .130 It is difficult to explain these different sets of specifications; perhaps
one was in error, or perhaps there were two patterns of Caffin's grapeshot, and a
final decision was not made until 1856. Even after 1856 there were variations in the
tables given by various authorities but the dimensions given by Majendie and Lefroy
were probably the most accurate'! 31

Shot Plates Tampion> Case Weight
Number of
Nature of Weight Number Number Total Wrought Cast
Ordnance of each in a tiers of tiers Number Iron Iron Diameter Thickness Length Thickness Depth Diameter
Lb. Oz. Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Lb. Oz.

10 inch 24 9.592 .165 8.1 9.82 81 7

8\1 or 68 pds. 15 7.82 .5063 10.375 .75 65 9
56 pds. 12 7.45 .5063 u , 25 .75
42 69 7
9 6.735 .5 10.5 .5 48 II
32 9 6.147 .5 9.37 .5
24 36 12
9 5.57 .375 8.375 .5 25 3
18 J 3 5.074 .3125 7.375 .5 18 13
12 9 4.402 .3125 6.375 .375
9 12 15
13 1/8 9 4.06 .25 6.127 .3125 10 12
6 8 9 3.532 .165 5.25 .3125 6 II
J 4 9 2.71 .165
. spindle
3.25 2.808 2 II

Note: the grapes~ot for .a IO-inch gu~ was packed in an iron cylinder (sheet iron, No. 16 wire gauge), with plate iron end and
top (sheet IfOi1, No.8 wire gauge), wi th an l~on handle; ~or the 3-pounder gun it was packed. in a tin cylinder wijh a tin end,
plate Iron top, and ropE' handle. Both were painted red. 13 The a-pounder grapeshot was abolished 5 June 1866.13

If Caffin's grapeshot was first manufactured in 1856, it had a short life. It was
declared obsolete for the naval service on 28 February 1866, and its manufacture for
the land service was discontinued after 20 S~tember 1866, although it was still to be
issued until the stores of it were exhausted. 1 4
A grapeshot designed specifically for carronades, which might better have been
termed heavy case, was first described in a manual of 1840 and continued to be
included in lists of ammunition into the 1860s.135 Each calibre was composed of the
weight and number of balls of the equivalent calibre of quilted or Caffin's grapeshot,
but they were packed in tin cases, similar to but longer than those used for cannister
or case shot. Throughout the 1840s and '50s it was said that its bottom was closed

with a wooden tampeon, possibly for attaching a cartridge, but by 1867, according to
Majendie, the tampeon had been replaced by a tin end. Its top was a piece of plate-
iron, equipped with either an iron or a rope handle.1 36 Since the weight and numbers
of the balls remained constant, changes in the design of the case were perhaps
reflected in changes in the total weight of the grapeshot; it increased in weight
generally from the 1840s to the 50s. By 1867, according to Majendie, it was generally
lighter. This grapeshot was painted red.

Case or Canister Shot

Fired from most pieces of artillery except mortars, case or canister shot
consisted of a tin cylinder, whose diameter varied according to the calibre of the
piece, filled with iron balls, called sand shot, whose size and number also varied with
the calibre. One end was closed with a tin plate and the other, until the 1860s, with a
wooden bottom which rested against the cartridge. Case for field service was often
fixed to the cartridge to facilitate quick loading. When fired, the tin cylinder held
the balls together as it passed down the bore and then burst at the muzzle releasing
them in a rapidly expanding cone. Because of the size of the cone and of the rapid
loss of force of the small balls, case was rarely used beyond 300 yards. At short
range it was effective against troops in close formation and especially against massed
cavalry. 137
Like grapeshot, case shot was a descendant of the cruder langridge. Its early
history is obscure, but it was said to have been used at the siege of Constantinople in
1453. Something similar, called hail shot, appeared in Germany in the next
century.138 In England, "Cases filled with square shott" were first recorded in an
inventory of stores at the Tower of London in 1603; "Tyn cases fill'd with Musquett
Shott" were included in 1635 and in subsequent inventories up to 1725/6.1 39 There
may have been some confusion of case and grapeshot, or an imprecision in
terminology, for in a document of 1755 the hybrid "Tin Case Grape shot" was used,
and a description written in 1766 suggested that case shot developed subsequently to
Case Shot signifies a Tin Case, made to fit ye Bore of the
different Guns & filled full of small shot. Formerly the
Method was to quilt these small shot on a wooden bottom
around an Iron Spindle, which was call'd Grape Shot, but
latterly the present Method of putting them into a Tin Case
has been found less troublesome and expensive. 140
An earlier variation, referred to as late as the 1770s, was called "Matted Shot." Iron
balls were held in place on a wooden bottom by a congealed mass of tallow and tar,
presumably cylindrically shaped to correspond to the calibre of the piece. It was
composed of shot heavier than those for case and was perhaps more similar to true
grape.l 41 It is not known how extensively it was used.
Although the table of matted shot gave the quantities of materials to make shot
for all calibres from 42- to 3-pounders, the table of 1755 gave details (and then
incompletely) of case shot only for 12-, 6-, 3- and 1-1/2-pounders, which were
undoubtedly field guns. Possibly only field case was being manufactured, but more
likely the table had not been completed.l 42 Three years later case for 24-pounders,
as well as for 12-pounders, was shipped out for the siege of Louisbourg, and by 1766
dimensions of it for all calibres from 42- to 1-l/2-pounders and for the three
howitzers (8-inch, 5-1/2 inch, and 4-2/5 inch) had been set down. Either two or three

kinds of case were listed for each calibre from the 24- to the 9-pounder inclusive
(only one sort for each of the other calibres), the difference between them being in
the size of and therefore the number of balls in the tin cylinder.l 43 Virtually these
same dimensions were reproduced in a notebook of artillery experiments, circa 1770,
with the added notation that certain of the case shot were "••• thought most proper
for the land service. II For those calibres with more than one kind, that with the
heaviest shot was indicated, except for the 24-pounder where all three sorts were
chosen and for the 5-1/2-inch howitzer where that with the lighter shot was
selected. 144
Although one authority has written that case shot was first used on ships of war
in 1760, the earliest distinct reference to sea service case that I found appeared in
Smith's An Universal Military Dictionary of 1779 where dimensions were specified for
it over the whole range of calibres. It was similar to land service case, but the
individual balls contained in the tin cylinder were consistently heavier for each
calibre of sea service case although, with the exception of the 42-pounder which was
3-1/4 pounds heavier, the total weight of each round was about the same. The tin
cylinders for land and sea service seem to have been interchangeable.l 45 The wood
bottoms may also have been the same for both services, but later sources were quite
clear that sea service bottoms, since sea service case was not fixed to the cartridge,
were different.
By the 1790s, perhaps before, a complete range of case shot had been developed
- for land service, sea service, carronades, howitzers, and even mortars. How
successful firing case from mortars was is questionable; nevertheless, tables of
dimensions are extant. In essence, there was no change in design - a tin cylinder
sealed at one end with a tin plate, filled with iron shot, and stopped at the other end
with a wooden bottom, nailed or bradded into place. The bottoms varied in size and
shape according to the service and the nature of the ordnance. Those for the land
service were relatively long (but shorter than they had been in the 1770s); the section
that protruded from the canister and over which the cartridge was fitted for field
service was circled with two parallel grooves for tying on or choking the cartridge.
Since sea service case was never fixed to the cartridge, its bottom was much shorter,
lacking the grooved projection to which to attach the powder charge. Carronade case
bottoms were similar. Those for howitzers and mortars were hemispherical in order
to fit the chamber of the artillery piece.l 46
An innovation of the 1790s was the design of what was called tier case shot for
the 12-, 6-, and 3-pounder field guns. Its name derived from the manner in which the
balls were placed in the cylinder - one by one in layers or tiers rather than being
poured in promiscuously. For the heavy and medium guns of each calibre there was a
large and small case shot of 15 and 41 balls respectively (heavy case); for the light
guns similar kinds of 12 and 34 balls respectively (light case). The balls of the heavy
case were laid in five or six tiers, those of the light in four or five tiers. Since it held
more balls, the length of the tin cylinder for heavy case was longer than that for light
or common case. The size of the large balls for each calibre whether heavy or light
was the same, as were the small balls. But they were considerably larger and heavier
than those of common case, the large ones being comparable to grapeshot, and even
the light guns were firing a weight of metal slightly in excess of their nominal
poundage. [47
The patterns of case shot developed in the 1790s probably remained unchanged
until the 1820s. Then, sometime before 1826, Millar introduced some modifications
(except for carronade case which remained unchanged).
The weights and dimensions of the cases ••• apply to the new
pattern case shot introduced into the service by Major General


Figure 213. Fixed Ammunition for 3-pounder Guns. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements •••")

Miller [sic]. The depth of the old pattern cases is generally

four or five tenths of an inch less than the New. 148
Although the weight of the individual ball for each calibre remained the same as
before, the number contained in each canister generally increased; thus, probably, the
need to increase slightly the length of the case.
Tier shot for field guns also changed; the heavy case of 15 balls and the light
case of 12 and 34 balls vanished by 1826. The case of 41 balls remained for all
calibres but new patterns of 126 for the 12- and 9-pounders and of 85 balls for the 6-
pounders (but not for the 3-pounder) were recorded. 149 According to Brigadier
O.F.G. Hogg, the light case was abolished on 25 November 1830, although it was still
recognized in manuals in the 1840s. 150
While case shot for mortars vanished by the 1820s, probably because of its
ineffectiveness, that for howitzers was modified and two new patterns were

developed for the new 24- and 12-pounder Millar brass howitzers. Excepting those
for the case of the 8-inch howitzer, the weight of each ball was established at 2
ounces, and in consequence the number of shot increased. (There is evidence in a
table in a 1825 notebook of a heavy case shot for the 5-1/2-inch brass howitzer
containing 20 balls each weighing 13 ounces, but it seems to have been short-
lived. 151) As well, the case shot for the lO-inch howitzer, which had not been listed
ear Her, was made up of 170 balls of 8 ounces each. The new 24- and 12-pounder
Millar howitzers did not fire the case shot of the 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch howitzers, to
which they were equivalent in calibre, but a heavier case of 140 and 84 balls
Although Majendie, writing in 1867, claimed that all case shot before 1861 had
wooden bottoms, both Swanston in 1826 and Spearman in 1828 included dimensions for
iron bottoms or tampeons as well as those for wooden.l 53 It may be that iron
bottoms were not officially sanctioned, but Fitzhugh wrote in his notebook in 1845:
Some case shot have iron bottoms as they take up less room in
a limber. The end of the case is then cut down a little way in
str ips and turned over the iron bottom .154
This remark appears to have applied to the field service. Also writing in the 1840s,
Straith noted that a canister could have either a wooden or an iron bottom, but he
argued that iron bore the explosion of discharge better and kept the balls together
longer, thus increasing range and effectiveness. The objection that the iron bottom
damaged the bore of brass pieces was exaggerated, some felt, and was more than
made up for by superior range.l 55 As early as the late 1820s, then, perhaps some
iron bottoms were being used.
By the 1840s only minor changes had been made in case shot. It was introduced
for the new 10- and 8-inch guns; the lO-inch case held two sizes of balls, 34 of 1
pound and 50 of 13-1/8 ounces, while the 8-inch contained 90 balls each weighing 8
ounces. Case for the 68-pounder was the same as for the 8-inch gun. The bottoms
were probably iron rather than wood. Otherwise, the number of balls in 4- and 3-
pounder commmon case was increased from 28 to 32 and from 34 to 41 respectively.
Although Griffith continued to include light case for the field service in his manua~
probably it had ceased to be used and only the case holding 41 balls was in service.l 5
Rather puzzlingly, the dimensions of the cases and of the bottoms changed, the cases
becoming shorter and the bottoms thicker.
The tables of dimensions from the 1840s showed three kinds of case for
howitzers. First there was the case for common howitzers, presumably the old and
largely obsolete 8-, 10-, 5-1/2-, and 4-2/5-inch brass howitzers. Then, there was the
case for the Millar howitzers, the iron 10- and 8-inch and the brass 24- and 12-
pounder pieces. This was of two kinds, one having a conical wooden bottom and the
other an iron plate. The weight and the number of balls in the 10- and 8-inch and the
24-pounder were the same for either pattern, but the case was shorter if an iron plate
bottom was used. The 12-pounder case with an iron bottom held more shot, and
consequently the case was longer than that with the wooden bottom.l 57
Few changes occurred over the next decade. Case shot for the brass 32-
pounder howitzer, which came into service in the early 1840s, and for the sea service
brass 24- and 12-pounder howitzers appeared in the ammunition lists. The 32-pounder
case contained 105 balls each weighing 3-1/4 ounces. The sea service weapons fired
much heavier balls - the 24-pounder 30 balls of 8 ounces and the 12-pounder a
mixture of 15 balls of 8 ounces and three balls of 4 ounces. Other than some minor
revisions in the number of balls is some calibres, the only major change was the
reduction from 140 to 100 balls in the 24-pounder howitzer case shot, which made it
the same as that for the brass 5-1/2-inch howitzer.l 58
Major revisions were made to the patterns of certain case shot in the 1860s.

Because of the difficulty of securing seasoned wood for bottoms, on 26 May 1859
Boxer proposed the substitution of sheet iron or tin plate. On 27 March 1861 sheet
iron was approved for the bottoms of all case shot, except of that for brass ordnance
for which wood was to be retained. On 25 January 1866 a further change was
ordered; the canister of the case shot of 32-pounder, 8-inch, lO-inch, and 68-pounder
guns was to be a hollow iron rather than tin cylinder closed by two iron ends. This
design was later extended to case shot for 8- and lO-inch howitzers.
Thus, by the mid-1860s there were three classes of case shot. Class III was
standard for all brass ordnance, whether guns or howitzers, and for all iron ordnance
below the 12-pounder (inclusive), as well as the 5-1/2-inch iron howitzer. The
canister was a tin cylinder with a tin top soldered on (that is, thin sheet iron tinned
over). The bottom was wooden secured by tin tacks, 4 inches apart, the heads
soldered over to hold them in place and to prevent their scoring the bore. Projecting
below the canister, the bottom varied in shape depending on the nature of the piece's
chamber. To fit the Gomer chambers of the 32-, 24-, and 12-pounder howitzers (and
for the 12-pounder gun even though it was not Gomer chambered) the bottom was
connical; to fit the chambers of the 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch howitzers it was
hemispherical; and for the remaining guns, the 9-, 6-, and 3-pounders it was
cylindrical. None of these case shots had a handle except that for the 32-pounder
howitzer which, because of its weight, was fitted with one of rope.
Class II case shot, which had been approved in 1861 for all other ordnance, was
identical to Class III, except it was fitted with a bottom of sheet iron rather than of
wood. The edge of the open end of the cylinder was fringed, and this fringe was
hammered over the edge of the iron bottom to secure it in place. A rope handle was
attached to the bottom for ease in lifting.
Class I case shot, approved in 1866 for the 32-pounder, 8-inch, lO-inch, and 68-
pounder guns, was composed of a sheet iron cylinder with sheet iron ends. Its top was
fitted with an iron handle. The bottoms of the 10- and 8-inch case shot were slightly
rounded to fit the chamber better and to ensure that the cartridge was set home in
simultaneous loading. This variety of Class I case shot was designated Pattern II to
distinguish it from Pattern I which was really the older Class II case for these
particular calibres. After the approval of Pattern II, it was obsolete but it continued
to be re-issued to the land service if it was serviceable. Pattern II case shot for the
8-and lO-inch guns was also issued for the corresponding howitzers.l 59
Earlier sources had indicated that sea service case was painted red and that
land service case was not painted, but by 1861 the Ordnance had decided that case
for guns and carronades was to be painted red and for howitzers black. The Pattern II
case which was issued for the 8- and lO-inch howitzers was gun case and was
therefore painted red.l 60
It should be noted, a point which Majendie made emphatically, that the rope
handles of Class II and III case shot were attached for convenience in lifting but not
for swinging up into the piece; the handles, which were attached to the bottoms, were
placed next to the powder charge. This seeminrly was not true of Pattern II case
shot whose iron handle was attached to its top.l6

Spherical Case Shot or Shrapnel Shell

Spherical case shot or shrapnel shell, its official designation after 1852, was a
shell filled witn carbine or musket balls, containing a bursting charge and fuze with
which to explode it. Its purpose was to give the effect of case or grapeshot at the

extreme range of artillery where, until its advent, only round shot was effective. The
bursting charge was small, sufficient only to open the shell casing, thereby releasing
the carbine or musket balls in an expanding cone which descended onto the target.
Because the bursting charge was so small, the trajectory and velocity of the balls
were determined, not by the explosion of the bursting charge, but by the service
charge and elevation when the gun was fired.
Although claims have been made that German artillerists in the sixteenth
century and French gunners in the seventeenth century understood and applied the
principle of the shrapnel shell, its invention is usually attributed to Henry Shrapnel,
an officer of the Royal Artillery.l62 Even though he was not present at the siege of
Gibraltar in 1781, he appears to have learned from the experience of the gunners
there. Round shot fired from batteries high on the rock had proved ineffective
against the beseigers in their works on the isthmus below. Also, because of the
smallness of the service charge, shells fired from howitzers had neither the accuracy
nor the force to do much damage; moreover, the explosion of the bursting charge
scattered the splinters ineffectually over a large area. Finally long 24-pounder guns
were substituted for the howitzers and 5-1/2-inch shells with short fuzes were fired
from them with as large a service charge as the shells could sustain. When the shells
burst over the heads of the beseigers, the high velocity imparted by the discharge of
the gun drove the fragments forward with greater force than before, and their
dispersion was less because of the preponderance of their velocity over the force of
the bursting charge. The result proved extremely destructive to the enemy
It is not clear precisely when Shrapnel first conceived the idea of his shell. In
1813 he wrote ".. Notwithstanding it is nearly 30 years ago since I first exhibited the
firing of balls in 'metal cases.' 11164 Hogg and Hughes in their studies of British
artillery accepted 1784 as the date of the proposal or invention of spherical case
shot.l 6 .5 The author of the biographical notice in the Dictionary of National
Biography agreed:
••• in 1784••• he [Shrapnel] began, at his own expense, to make
experiments and to investigate the problems connected with
hollow spherical projectiles filled with bullets and bursting
charges, and with their discharge from the heavy and light
ordnance of the time••.l 66
His investigations bore fruit for in 1787, when he was stationed at Gibraltar, he
demonstrated before the commander, Major-General O'Hara, "••• a new method of
extending the use of grape shot, to the utmost range of ordnance." 167 His firing of
an 8-inch mortar shell loaded with 200 musket balls and 1 lb. 3 oz. of powder which
exploded just above the water favourably impressed O'Hara. In February 1792,
Shrapnel made proposals to the Board of Ordnance for firing grape and case shot "•••
in a more collected manner." The Board responded by convening a committee of
officers to consider the proposal, but there is no record of its findings. Indeed it was
not until 7 June 1803, following other trials, that there was a favourable but cautious
recommendation to the Board of Ordnance.l 68
Perhaps as a result of the invasion scare following the failure of the Peace of
Amiens, orders for shrapnel shells were placed with the Carron foundry in Falkirk,
and in August 1803 the Board of Ordnance sent Shrapnel north to test the production.
Many of the shells were sent to Ireland, but others went to various English posts in
response, it seems, to requests from local commanders rather than as part of an
overall Ordnance policy. The evidence is limited, but it appears that initial
acceptance, at least by those in high positions, was restrained. In addition to
Shrapnel's own endeavours, Sir John Sinclair, the agricultural reformer and statistical

enthusiast, busily importuned soldiers and politicians to adopt the new shells into
general service.l 69
However limited official recognition was, the new weapon achieved some
success in various minor engagements. The first recorded instance was in April 1804
against the Dutch settlements of Surinam in South America. In 1806 British forces
used it at the Cape of Good Hope, in Italy, and in Egypt; in 1807 it saw service
outside Copenhagen with the British force supporting the naval action against the
Danish fleet. At Rolica and Vimiero in August 1808, at the beginning of the
Peninsular war, the artillery put the new shell to such effective use that it drew the
praise of Wellington himself; it continued to be issued throughout the remainder of
the war, and was used at Waterloo in 1815.1 70
The slowness to accept Shrapnel's invention may be attributed to wrong-
headedness or to inherent conservatism, but it may also have been due to a realistic
recognition of the problems of the new weapon, some of which were not successfully
resolved until the late 1850s. As early as 1804 the Committee on Ordnance
conducted experiments "••• for the purpose of ascertaining the causes of some of his
[Shrapnel's] shells failing, and bursting in the bores of the pieces of ordnance .••" In
response, Shrapnel convinced the Committee that the fuzes were at fault, and he
modified and improved them to its satisfaction.!71
Undoubtedly the improvement of the fuzes increased the efficiency of the
shells, but Shrapnel never solved the recurring problem of premature bursts. While he
recognized "••• that the ignition of the bursting powder was sometimes caused by the
reaction of the balls on the inside of the shell•••," he did not arrive at a satisfactory
method of separating the balls from the bursting charge. He may have driven the
balls into the shell as tightly as possible, and then removed a few to make a space for
the bursting powder, but this solution, while perhaps marginally succesful, was not
adequate. 1rz
Other problems were solved more successfully. Though Shrapnel initially
experimented with mortar shells, the shrapnel shells adopted were thinner skinned
than these, or indeed than common shells. Consequently at first a much reduced
charge was used to fire them; thus their range and therefore their usefulness was
much decreased. In 1813, however, it as reported that:
Ltv-Col, Shrapnel has proved by experiments, that spherical
case shot for all natures of field ordnance m<!y be fired with
effect with the service charge for round shot.! T3
Certainly by the 1820s the practice was to use the standard service charge to fire
spherical case shot.!74
Another problem which Wellington himself raised was the effectiveness of the
balls contained in the shell. Shrapnel had recommended carbine rather than musket
balls (calibre 0.6 inch as opposed to 0.68 inch), presumably because more of them
could be packed into a shell, while at the same time he felt that the lighter ball still
had adequate penetrating power. In 1812, Wellington, who previously had a high
opinion of the shells, found that they were defective in that "••• they inflict trifling
wounds, and kill nobody•••" In consequence of his criticism, and on his and his senior
artillery officers' recommendation, musket balls were substituted for carbine balls
thereafter .17 5
Following the Napoleonic wars, Shrapnel continued his experiments attempting
to perfect his shell, but, after extensive tests at Woolwich in 1819, the Ordnance lost
interest in the problem for reasons of economy) 76 Despite its imperfections,
spherical case shot was used effectively in India and South Africa during the next
three decades)77 It was not until 1849, when Captain Edward M. Boxer, who later
was appointed Superintendent of the Royal Laboratory, became aware of the problem

of the premature bursting of the shell, that the Ordnance once again began to take a
serious look at its defects.
At first Boxer attributed the cause of the premature bursts to faulty fuzes and
he designed a new fuze to overcome their failing. Tests conducted in 1849 convinced
him that the fault lay not with the fuze but with mixing the bursting charge among
the lead balls; heat generated by the friction of the balls working against each other
or against the wall of the shell ignited the bursting charge. Various expedients were
tried to eliminate this reaction - coating the interior of the shell with cement; fixing
the balls with pitch, sulphur, or plaster of Paris; reducing the service charge - but all
proved unsuccessful. Boxer argued that the balls and the bursting charge should be
separated and his suggestion of putting the latter in a canvas bag within the shell
eliminated premature bursts. In 1849 Boxer failed to convince his colleagues - they
successfully argued for a reduction of the service charge - and it was not until 1852
that he again got the chance to demonstrate the soundness of his opinion.l 78
Boxer's achievement was not only in recognizing the cause of the premature
bursts of the Shrapnel shell but also in redesigning it without sacrificing its principle
of action which Henry Shrapnel had perceptively understood 70 years before. Using a
canvas bag to contain the bursting charge separated it from the balls, but, because
this arrangement placed the charge toward the middle of the shell, the explosion
tended to scatter the balls in all directions rather than just releasing them unto their
target. Boxer overcame this difficulty by introducing a wrought iron partition or
diaphragm into the interior of the shell to divide it into two unequal sections, thus
keeping the bursting charge, contained in the smaller section, to one side of the balls
rather than among them. Because the shell was weakened where the diaphragm was

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I" ....,,.,. ';', ....,,10- Fh

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, • •/11",11,
-¥/ • /·.;Jt"di'"

Figure 214. Spherical Case Sections. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Strange, "Drawings on Artillery.")

joined to it, there was a danger that it would be fractured at points of least
resistance into two sections, the balls remaining in the larger section without being
released properly. To counteract this tendency Boxer strengthened the shell wall by
thickening it at the juncture points. At the same time he made four tapering grooves
in the interior, extending from the fuze hole to points near the bottom of the shell;
these created lines of least resistance along which the shell was opened and the balls
were little affected by the explosion of the bursting charge. Experiments with this
design of shell in 1852 and 1853 were successful, and on 11 October 1853 Boxer's
diaphragm shell was provisionally approved for service.l 79
Once Boxer had demonstrated that the mixing of the balls and the bursting
charge in the original shrapnel caused the premature bursts, the Ordnance was faced
with the problem of what to do with the large supply of old shells in store. As well,
the deteriorating situation in the Balkans that led to British involvement in the
Crimean War created a demand for the shells that was greater than could be supplied
by the newly approved diaphragm shrapnel. In September 1853, Boxer proposed a
As there are a great number of shrapnel shell now in store, I
beg to say that having now for so long a time turned my
attention to the subject, I can with confidence undertake to
prepare these shells in such a manner as to prevent the defect
of premature explosion, although it will be im~acticable to
make them as efficient as the diaphragm shell.!
He suggested separating the balls and bursting charge by placing the powder in a tin
cylinder which was in the continuation of the fuze hole. This design overcame the
problem of premature bursts, but, because the bursting charge acted through the
balls, it tended to scatter them more than was desirable. Also, the explosion crushed
the balls, even when hardened with antimony, against the side of the shell at the
moment of rupture, thereby reducing their velocity and striking force. Despite these
defects, because of the large number in store and because of the anticipated war in
eastern Europe, what was called "improved shrapnel" was approved on 23 March 1854,
although the detailed instructions for converting the old shells were not actually
promulgated until January 1855.
Improved shrapnel was the original shrapnel shell fitted with a gun-metal fuze
socket attached to a tin cylinder to hold the bursting charge. The socket was
screwed into the fuze hole, projecting about 0.2 inch above the surface of the shell.
Its bottom was closed except for a small fire-hole through which the flame from the
fuze reached the bursting charge in the tin cylinder. Its interior was slightly conical
and tapped with a right-handed thread that served to hold the improved shrapnel fuze
more firmly. A gun-metal plug with a plug of wood covered with serge attached was
screwed into the socket to block the fuze-hole to prevent any powder getting into the
socket before the shell was prepared for action. The tin cylinder was soldered to the
socket as its continuation and extended through the shell, but it was not in contact
with the bottom of the shell.
A loading hole through which the balls were put into the shell was drilled near
the fuze hole and closed with a gun-metal screw plug. The hole was small for the 6-,
9-, and l2-pounders which were filled with carbine balls and large for the other
natures which contained musket balls. As well, a pistol ball and a buck shot were
added when the complement of large balls had been put in. The balls were cast of a
mixture of lead and antimony (six parts lead to one part antimony) to harden them to
prevent their conglomerating when the shell burst. Resin was poured in among the
balls to assist in this. Also, it embedded the balls not allowing them to press against
or to break the tin cylinder. Being brittle when cold, it broke up when the shell burst,
thereby releasing the balls.l 8 l

Boxer was aware that the provisional pattern of diaphragm shrapnel approved in
1853 was not completely efficient, but because of the pressure of the developing war
against Russia in the Crimea, he did not have the chance to conduct the necessary
experiments to perfect the details of the shell. Some of the deficiencies he
attributed to the inexperience of the contractors who were manufacturing the shells,
others to details of design; even so, he believed that "••• the effect of these shells is
nevertheless very destructive." Following the war he continued to perfect the
diaphragm shell and on 29 December 1858 his new pattern was provisionally
approved. 182
The most important difference between the 1853 and 1858 patterns was the
manner of attachment of the diaphragm to the interior of the shell. In the 1853
pattern the complete rim of the diaphragm had been cast into the shell. Conse-
quently, the diaphragm provided sufficient resistance to the explosion of the bursting
charge that the shells tended to fracture round this juncture, often preventing the
proper release of the balls. The diaphragm adopted in 1858 was joined to the shell by
four projections equidistant from each other of a strength just sufficient to resist the
shock of discharge. Thus, it provided much less resistance to the explosion of the
bursting charge, and the shell was more likely to open along the lines of least
resistance, that is the four tapered grooves. To fill up any space between the
diaphragm and the side of the shell (and around the fuze socket [see belowl), thereby
preventing any leakage of powder out of the powder chamber into the ball chamber,
the interior of each chamber was coated with Jeffrey's marine glue.
The diaphragm had a hole in its centre to allow for the insertion of the gun-
metal fuze socket which was screwed flush into the shell. The socket's internal
diameter and shape, which were designed to take the diaphragm shrapnel fuze, were
the same as those of the fuze hole of the common shell, but somewhat larger and
more conical than those of the improved shrapnel socket. A fire-hole pierced one
side of the socket to allow the flame from the fuze to pass to the bursting charge.
To aid its passage the socket was constructed to be slightly longer than the fuze, and
a shallow groove was cut up to the hole from the bottom of the socket. It was tapped
for about 1 inch to take a gun-metal screw plug with a wood plug covered with serge
that closed the socket before the shell was prepared for action. The screw-threads
also secured the fuze more firmly. The bottom of the socket was open to allow the
balls to be put in; it was then closed with a gun-metal screw plug.
To one side of the socket hole a loading hole was drilled into the powder
chamber through which the bursting charge was poured in. It was of two sizes, small
for calibres up to 18-pounder (inclusive), and large for those above. It was closed
with a gun-metal screw plug.
There were other minor improvements in the 1858 pattern. In all natures of the
shell above the 12-pounder the bottom of the shell was thicker than the sides to
withstand the shock of discharge. Such thickening was not necessary for the lesser
natures because the service charge was relatively light. The thickness of metal
around the fuze hole was also increased to afford proper support to the socket. Also,
after 1858, the socket was screwed in flush rather than projecting above the surface
of the shell.l 83
It was noted above that originally Shrapnel had filled his shells with carbine
balls, but that, on the advice of of Wellington and other artillery officers, musket
balls were substituted in 1812. This appears to have remained the practice until the
1850s, when once again carbine balls were re-introduced but only for the lighter
nature of diaphragm shells from 6- to 12-pounders (inclusive). In addition, one pistol
ball and one buck shot were inserted into all calibres when the requisite number of
the larger balls had been added. Also, in order to harden the balls, the lead was
mixed with antimony (six parts lead, one part antimony); the hardening reduced a

tendency of the balls to lump together or to lose their shape, which decreased their
effect. To help prevent this lumping together coal dust was shaken among the balls
to fill up the spaces. 184
Following the provisional approval in 1858 there was a delay of six years before
final approval was given. Presumably tests were conducted on the shell, but except
for an increase in the amount of bursting powder in all natures except the 6-pounder
no other changes seem to have been made.l 85 Final approval of the adoption of the
diaphragm shrapnel shell was given on 27 September 1864.186
11 !J Jet:1! n J J':. P 1J J! J':. '} ,\I ;) JJ ;J "L~ ]. ;; JH 1.
"_??r?r~rJr!?r?", x o

~ ::0
.), rn
l\t Q

Figure 215. Boxer Diaphragm Shrapnel Shell. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 24, July 1863.)
Jl UX.£J.I .!.lj",\PJJJL'\!:).M! ;UHI,APlJ.£1 .jjj!ll
H l- :'\ i
6, 9. 12, & 18 PRS

s c c r r c .. Of StellOk Ot $Hf U

Figure 216. Boxer Diaphragm Shrapnel Shell, 6, 9, 12, & 18 Prs. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 21, March 1863.)

lLIJXUi 1J J APii JiAt."l '" JJJ1AP J'a .I. ;; Ja 1.
¥ f: II f _'It • f:
Pi A" 0' llHlP1HtACtlil I.I.l
24. 32. 42. lS6 P••. 1 BIN. I.I.l

IIOtt Of SHHl- o




Figure 217. Boxer Diaphragm Shrapnel Shell, 24, 32, 42, 56 Prs, &: 8 In. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 22, April 1863.)


A fuze was the means of igniting the bursting charge of a shell. It was so
designed that it could effect this ignition at any particular time, during flight, on or
after impact. 1
The earliest fuzes were pieces of quickmatch stuck into a hole in the shell
casing. This was replaced by a tube containing a mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and
mealed powder which would burn at a predictable rate. Initially the tube was iron,
but beechwood (or sometimes hornbeam) was eventually adopted. No precise date
can be given for the introduction of beechwood, but there is a record of experiments
carried out with shells and fuzes in 1743-4 in which, because of their weight, the
fuzes must have been made of wood, probably beech. 2 The recognized authorities
agree that by 1750 beechwood fuzes were the standard issue and so continued until
the end of the smooth-bore era. 3
From about 1750 until Boxer's improvements in the early 1850s, the common
wooden time fuze remained remarkably unchanged. A tapering tube of beechwood,
with an enlarged head until about 1830, it came in five sizes corresponding to the five
shells fired from mortars and howitzers - 13, 10, 8, 5-1/2, and 4-2/5 inch (Figs. 218,
219, and 220). A bore was drilled along its axis, almost but not quite through, and
this bore was filled with a composition of saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal, moistened
with spirits of wine and driven hard. The upper part of the bore was enlarged into a

Figure 218. Old Pattern Fuze for 13- Figure 219. Old Pattern Wood Fuze for
inch Mortar Shell. (The Royal Artillery 10-inch Mortar Shell. (The Royal
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Rotunda, XXII/2.) The Rotunda, XXII/3.)

shallow cup which was primed with quickmatch and mealed powder moistened with
spirits of wine. A cap of paper or canvas was then tied around the head.
When the fuze was to be inserted into the fuze hole of a shell, it was cut off at
the length required for its time of flight. Early authorities state that this cut should
be made at an angle, -presumably to provide a slightly larger surface to transfer the
fire from the composition to the bursting charge in the shell. 4 Before insertion the
cap was removed, the fuze was rasped to ensure that it fitted properly, and flax was
wrapped around it to prevent the flame of discharge entering the shell and exploding
it prematurely. The fuze was put in by hand, and then set firmly with a setter and a
mallet, care being taken not to split the wood, since a split could result in the shell
bursting prematurely. 5
To prepare a fuze, beechwood was cut into the required sizes, then rough turned
to the required shape and bored. These rough turnings were then stored and dried for
several years.f Although the authorities do not mention it, presumably when the
fuzes were to be filled with composition they were once again turned and bored to
their required size before going to the laboratory to be filled and primed for use.
Although all contemporary documents do not agree, a set of dimensions seems to
have prevailed until about 1830. (See Appendix TTT). In the late 1820s or early 1830s
minor changes were made in the dimensions of fuzes, principally in the elimination of
the enlarged head, the fuze henceforth tapering continuously from top to bottom.
(See Appendix UUU). These dimensions remained in effect until about 1850.

Figure 220. Three Old Pattern Wood Fuzes for 8-in., 5-1/2-in. and 4-2/5-in. Mortar
Shells, 1815, 1838, 1840. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The
Rotunda, XXII/4-6.)

Fuze Composition

Throughout the period under study the fuze composition was composed of a
mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and mealed powder. The earliest sources list a number
of variations of the mixture. One practice book noted that General Borgard,
presumably about 1720, recommended different proportions of the ingredients,
depending on the nature of the shell.

l3in., 10.in. L.S. Hin., lO.in. 5.5. Howitzer & 8in.

lbs, ozs, drs. lbs. ozs, drs. lbs. ozs, drs.
saltpetre 3 8 0 3 0 0 2 8 0
sulphur 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
mealed powder 3 8 0 3 0 0 2 8 07

The different proportions probably affected the speed at which the composition
Both Muller in his Treatise of Artillery, and Smith in his An Universal Military
Dictionary (in which he seems to be copying from Muller), noted that the proportions
of the ingredients may be varied - saltpetre, three parts; sulphur, one part; mealed
powder three, four, or five parts "••• according as it is required to burn quicker." 8 A
quicker burning composition would be called for if the use of a slower burning
composition necessitated cutting the fuze so short that it could not be fitted properly
into the fuze hole. A second method to achieve the same result was to cut the fuze
long and then drill out the fuze composition to the required length, thus allowing the
fuze to be fitted properly.?
Despite a record of some variation in the early period, one mixture of fuze
composition consistently appeared in the various notebooks and manuals from circa
1750 to 1867.

lbs. ozs,
saltpetre 3 4
sulphur 1 o
mealed powder l O 2 12

A note in Adye in 1813 says that mealed powder alone may be used for short
distances since it burns twice as fast as composition, but other than this the above
composition remains constant for at least 100 years) 1
Although detailed descriptions of the manufacture of common wood fuzes do
not appear until about 1800, it is clear from earlier, briefer accounts that in all
essentials the method remained the same from about 1750 until Boxer's innovations in
the 1850s)2 Before 1750 very little information on fuzes has survived. The
following description, which has been abstracted from various manuals written around
1800, may be considered accurate for the century after 1750.
Mixing the fuze composition was the first step. The proper proportions of the
ingredients (saltpetre, sulphur, and mealed powder) were carefully measured out into
a leather bottom and brought to the mixing table. On it they were combined by hand
and with a wooden rubber. Then the mixture was passed first through a hair sieve
(using a copper slice to force through the larger grains) and second, through a lawn
sieve to make it even finer. Lastly the composition was spread out on the table and
mixed some more with a copper shovel. It was essential that the ingredients be as
well mixed as possible.
Once mixed, a proportion of the composition was put into a small square box to

be taken to where the fuzes were to be driven. (The two areas of mixing and driving
were usually separate to mitigate the effects of an accident in one or the other.) The
fuzes were driven on a large block of elm with holes drilled into it to hold metal
sockets into which the empty fuzes were secured with a small piece of leather. Once
the fuze was in place, a ladle-full of composition was put into the fuze bore. For
each size of fuze a particular size of ladle was used. (Since it was essential that the
same amount of composition be put in each time, a small piece of wood or something
similar was used to remove excess composition above the edges of the Iaddle.) Then
the longer of two iron drifts, each tipped with brass or copper, was introduced into
the bore and the appropriate number of blows given with a wooden mallet, the drift
being turned in the fingers as the operation progressed. This was repeated until the
bore was almost full, about 1/10 inch from the top. It was then gauged with the
appropriate instrument and the level of the composition marked on the outside of the
fuze. (It was from this point that the appropriate length was measured when the fuze
was cut.)

Figure 221. Implements necessary for Driving Fuzes. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements•••")

Figure 222. Fuze Auger, Fuze Gauge, and Fuzes. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements •••")

Next the fuze was primed with quickmatch and mealed powder. The upper
surface of the driven composition was then scratched and loosened slightly with a
brass pricker. The appropriate length of quick match was taken, gently doubled, and
the doubled end put into the bore on top of the loosened composition. The shorter
drift was inserted and two or three gentle blows given to secure the quick match.
Finally a ladle of mealed powder was poured in and driven down with the same
number of blows as for the composition.
Mealed powder was mixed up stiff with spirits of wine. (Later sources specify
cylinder mealed powder rather than pit mealed powder, the difference being in the
method of making the charcoal in the powder.) The ends of the quick match were
curled inside the fuze-cup which was then filled with the dampened mealed powder,

well pressed down by a finger. The cup was dipped in dry mealed powder and the fuze
was placed in a tray to dry for three or four days.
Once dried the fuze was capped. A circle of curred (that is, especially treated)
paper of the proper size was punched out of a sheet and placed on top of the cup.
Over that a square of brown paper or canvas (canvas is prescribed as an alternative
after 1800) was placed, turned down, and pleated round the head of the fuze. It was
secured with two turns of twine below the shoulder. The paper was cut off about
1/10 inch below the twine and turned up by striking with the edge of a knife to
prevent the twine from slipping off. Finally the paper or canvas was covered with
two coats of paint and the date when the fuze was made painted on. 13

Fuzes for Spherical Case (Shrapnel Shells)

The development of the spherical case (shrapnel shell) in the first decade of the
nineteenth century necessitated a new fuze to meet its requirements. There were
two sizes, the 8-inch and the 5-1/2 inch, the former to be used in 32-pounder shells
and above, the latter in 24-pounder or 5-1/2-inch shells and below. Like the common
fuze, it was made of beechwood in the shape of a frustum of a cone, but it lacked the
enlargement of the head. According to dimensions printed in 1827, the two fuzes
varied in their lengths, although the depths and diameters of their cups were the
same. Dimensions of about 1850 showed more slight variations in size.14 The bore,
the diameter of which was the same as that of the fuze of the 8-inch or 5-1/2-inch
common shell, was threaded to hold the composition more firm ly.1 5
The preparation of the spherical case fuze was similar to that of the
corresponding common fuze. The composition was the same, and the method of
driving and the tools used were those prescribed for the common fuzes. It is assumed
that it was gauged in the same way as the corresponding common fuze. Unlike the
latter, the spherical case fuzes were calibrated in tenths of an inch from their
On the other hand, the method of quickmatching was different. Four holes
were drilled through the sides of the cup, presumably dividing the cup into four equal
sections. One length of quick match was doubled and secured in the cup in the usual
way. Then two other pieces were inserted through the holes in the side of the cup so
that they crossed in its middle. The next step in which the quick match was secured
by catgut was not described very clearly in the sources. One notebook said:
A piece of Catgut is then taken [,] the two ends passed through
2 adjacent holes and another piece of quickmatch is placed in
the loops of the Catgut which is then drawn tight & fastened
by a treble reef knot on the outside.l 6
The additional lengths of quickmatch were to increase the probability that the fuze
would ignite.
The fuze was then primed with a paste of mealed powder and spirits of wine, on
top of which a circle of cured paper was placed. It was finished off with a cap of
brown paper, tied down undoubtedly in the same way as the caps of the common
fuzes)7 Each fuze was marked with a stripe of a specific colour on two sides and
with a letter of the same colour on the cap to indicate the range for which the fuze
had been cut or bored before it was issued.
Whether the fuze was cut or bored is not precisely clear. It could be sawn off
at the prescribed calibration, but a very short fuze probably could not be fitted into
the fuze hole properly. Instead, with a special tool, a fuze auger, a hole was bored

from the side of the fuze into the composition at the prescribed calibration and the
hole was primed with quick match. The fire would pass down the composition to the
bore hole and then along the quick match into the bursting charge, thereby exploding
the shell. A practice book described a process in which, as well as the hole being
bored, a groove was cut around the fuze, quick match put in and held in place by a
piece of flax pasted on until the fuze was to be placed in the shell.l 81


A major problem with the common fuzes, and with the shrapnel fuzes if they
were cut rather than bored, was that the composition was unsupported once the fuze
was cut for insertion into the fuze-hole of the shell. When the shell was discharged
from the piece, the burning composition, due to its own inertia and the pressure of air
against it, was often set down into the shell, causing a premature explosion. In 1849
Captain E.M. Boxer submitted a new fuze design to the Board of Ordnance, in which
the fuze was no longer cut off, but bored into from the side. In addition to the
composition channel bored from the top, he added a smaller second channel to one
side bored from the bottom. Into this second channel he drilled a series of holes 2/10
inch apart. This channel was filled with mealed powder. The holes, except the
bottom one, were plugged with pressed powder and putty. When the fuze was
prepared for use, one of these channels was bored out (depending on the length of
time the fuze was to burn), and the hole extended into the composition channel.
When the fuze was ignited by the firing of the shell, the composition burned down to
the bored-out side hole. If it opened inside the shell, the fire could pass directly to
the bursting charge. If it opened against the shell wall, then the fire ignited the
powder in the small channel, passed down it and out through the open bottom hole to
ignite the bursting charge. In the first instance, of course, the fire passed into the
shell through both passages. After this design was tested successfully at Woolwich
and Shoeburyness in September 1850, it was approved for use in shells fired from guns
and howitzers; mortar shell fuzes remained unchanged.
Because the side holes were 2/10 inch apart, it was necessary to have two fuzes
for each shell, one with even, and the other with odd, tenths marked. The paper caps
were painted as an aid in distinguishing between them, the even-tenths black, the
odd-tenths white. This awkward situation remained unchanged for almost two years,
when Boxer proposed certain alterations in design. In effect he combined the two
fuzes into one, by employing two powder channels and two rows of holes, one for odd
and the other for even tenths, and, to allow room for them, by drilling the
composition channel off centre.
Over the next year Boxer continued to refine his design. To afford support to
the powder in the powder channels, which had been held in place only by a paper disc
pasted on the fuze bottom, he inserted pieces of quick match into the bottom holes of
each row. In order that the bursting charge would be ignited even if the fuze was not
bored or if it was improperly bored, he drilled the bottom holes of each channel
through into the composition, an additional hole being added to the odd-tenths row to
ensure that the time of burning not be shorter than 10 seconds. Also, he made other
minor changes in quick matching and priming. Of particular note, and considered
very important and distinctive of Boxer fuzes, a hole, at first 1/10 inch in diameter,
then 1/8 inch, was drilled into the upper surface of the composition. This simple
expedient ensured ignition by exposing a greater area of composition to the flame.
These improvements were successful, and early in 1854 Boxer's fuzes of two powder

channels were approved, one of 1 inch of composition for Shrapnel shells and one of 2
inches for all shells fired from guns and howitzers.
In March 1854, the projecting head of the fuze was streamlined so that the fuze
fitted more closely to the surface of the shell and was less likely to be knocked out
on ricochet. It was shortly found, however, that this improvement raised a new
difficulty. Because of the straightness of the cone or the shrinking of the wood, or
both, many fuzes were being set into the shell by the shock of discharge, thus causing
premature explosions. Boxer's solution was to increase the angle of the cone. His
recommendation was accepted, and his "large cone" fuze with a new metal cap was
officially approved for the service on 18 August 1855. After that no substantial
changes were made in Boxer's wood time fuze for common and Shrapnel shells.
A mortar fuze on the Boxer principle, for 8-, 10-, and 13-inch shells, was not
introduced into service until 27 January 1855. Initially this was a "small cone" fuze,
subject to the danger of being set into the shell on discharge, but a "large cone"
version was developed and accepted into service on 18 August along with the shrapnel
and common fuzes. The small mortar fuze, for 5-1/2- and 4-2/5-inch shells seems to
have been developed about the same time and underwent the same progression from
"small" to "large cone." Both mortar fuzes had metal caps.l9

Boxer's Common Fuze

This fuze was a truncated cone of beechwood about 3 inches long, with a
diameter at its top of about 1 inch (Fig. 223). The slope of the cone was about 0.11
inch in 1 inch. A cup 0.25 inch deep was hollowed out in the top of the fuze. Four
holes, which were connected by a shallow groove on the outside, were bored through
the sides of the cup. The composition channel, slightly more than 0.25 inch in
diameter, was bored through the cup almost to the bottom of the fuze, somewhat off
centre but parallel to its axis. Fuze composition was pressed or driven into this
channel until it was filled up to the cup.
Two pieces of quick match were threaded through the holes in the cup
(precisely how is not clear). The upper surface of the composition was disturbed with
a pricker, and the ends of the match were driven into it with a drift and mallet and a
little mealed powder. A third piece of match was threaded under one of the other
pieces on that side of the fuze in which the wood was thickest. The cup was then
filled with dampened mealed powder. After it had dried, a hole 1/8 inch in diameter
and 0.7 inch deep was drilled into the fuze composition. The level of the bottom of
this hole, which marked the zero point of the composition, was marked on the outside
of the fuze. The third piece of match was then coiled round the inside of the cup.
Parallel to, and 0.2 inch from the side of the fuze where the wood was the
thickest, two powder channels, 0.125 inch in diameter, were drilled from the bottom
almost to the top. Opposite and breaking into them, two rows of 10 holes of the same
diameter as the channels were drilled. The two bottom holes were drilled through
into the composition. These were 0.2 inch apart, centre to centre, the top hole of
one row 0.2 inch below the zero point, the top hole of the other row 0.3 inch below.
With the exception of the two bottom holes, they were filled with shell F.G. (fine
grain) powder pressed down and covered with finely ground clay, similarly pressed.
(Originally putty was used.) Wires of the diameter of the powder channels were
inserted therein to provide a backing for the clay and putty. These were taken out
and shell F.G. powder was poured, not pressed, into the powder channels. A piece of
quick match was threaded into each of the bottom holes to support the channels of
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Figure 223. Boxer Fuzes for Common, Diaphragm & Mortar Shells. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate ?, circa 1&60)


powder, and their ends were closed with pieces of quick match pressed down and
secured with shellac putty.
A pasteboard disc (made of two sheets of rocket paper and a sheet of 100 lb.
brown wrapping paper as topping pasted together), to which a tape loop was attached,
was placed over the top of the fuze. A tin cup (0.016 inch thickness of tin), its inside
coated with an anti-corrosive, was put over the pasteboard disc, and its sides were
pinched in to secure it. A strip of "white fine" paper was pasted over the side holes
and end of the fuze. Finally, a disc of this paper was pasted over the end of the fuze.
Except for the top of the cup, the fuze was coated with drab-white varnish, and
a strip of black varnish, thickened to exclude moisture, was put over the even-
numbered row of side holes, the end of the fuze, and the junction of the cap and body.
(These varnishes were made with spirit and not with oil, because spirit dried more
quickly, and oil might have affected the fuze composition if it penetrated to It.)
Except for the one at the bottom of each row, the side holes were dotted, those on
the black ground in yellow, those on the drab ground in black. The tenths of inches
were stamped in vermilion opposite the appropriate holes, except the bottom hole of
each row. In 1864 the Ordnance decided to stamp near the top in vermilion the
numeral of pattern, the number of thousand, and lower down, the month and year of
To prepare the fuze for action, the gunner using a hook borer bored out the
appropriate hole (l/10 inch for each 1/2 second of flight) (Fig. 224). He then set it
home in the shell, using a mallet and setter for the larger shells or by striking against
a wheel for the smaller. Only after the shell was in the bore of the piece did he give
the tape a sharp pull to uncap the fuze.
The flash of the explosion from the discharge of the gun ignited the fuze
composition, which burned down to the side hole that had been bored out. If the hole
passed directly into the shell, the flame went directly to the bursting charge. If the
hole came up against the side of the shell, the flame burned along the powder channel
to reach the bursting charge. If the fuze was unbored or improperly bored, it would
ignite the bursting charge after 10 seconds, since the 2-inch hole was bored through
to the composition. 20

Figure 224. Fuze Borers and Bits and Holder. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda XXII/44, 59-65.)

Boxer's Diaphragm Shrapnel Fuze

The diaphragm shrapnel fuze was identical to the common fuze, with two
exceptions (Fig. 223). Firstly, it was shorter with only 1 inch of fuze composition,
and consequently, the powder channels were drilled with five holes each, rather than
10. The upper of the two bored-out bottom holes was marked 0 (for 10). Secondly,
the powder channels were connected by a groove on the end of the fuze which was
laid with quick match. Thus both channels were exploded simultaneously, the treater
flash thereby secured making the ignition of the bursting charge more certain. 1
There was, in addition, a fuze which could be used only with improved Shrapnel.
It was identical to the diaphragm shrapnel fuze except that it was made on the "small
cone" principle, being straighter and smaller in diameter with a pitch of cone of 0.065
inch per inch. It was distinguised by the top of its cap being painted red,22

Large Mortar Fuze

Designed to fit shells for 13-, 10-, and 8-inch mortars, this fuze was longer than
the common fuze, taking 6 inches of composition (Fig. 223). It was shaped similarly,
but although the pitch of the cone was the same, the frustum was of necessity larger
and longer. There were no powder channels. The bore for the composition was
drilled in the axis of the fuze, its diameter slightly larger than that of the common
fuze, its length sufficient to hold 6 inches of composition. There was only one row of
side holes, located spirally around the fuze; the top hole was 2 inches below zero, the
bottom hole 6 inches. Except for the bottom hole, which was bored through to the
composition, although not filled with quick match nor closed in any way, the other
holes were not drilled out, but were only indentations, 0.1 inch deep, to indicate
where the fuze could be bored. A ring was cut round the fuze at zero, to indicate the
depth to which it penetrated into the 13- and lO-inch shells; another ring was cut 0.9
inch below this, marking the depth of penetration into the 8-inch shell that had a
smaller fuze hole. Rings were cut at each inch from 2 to 6 and each was stamped in
red accordingly; the intervening side holes were not numbered, but only stamped in
red. The fuze was painted drab-white, except for a black ring round the junction of
the cap and the body.
The large mortar fuze was quick matched more simply than the common fuze.
The 6 inches of match was doubled, its ends set down into the composition, and then
coiled round the inside of the cup, since there were no holes drilled through the sides
of the cup. In other respects this fuze was similar to the common fuze.
The fuze was prepared for use in the same way as the common fuze, except
that a brace and bit, rather than a hook-borer, was used to drill the hole (Fig. 225). It
could not be prepared for flights shorter than 10 seconds (that is, 2 inches of
composition), nor more accurately than within a second (that is, 0.2 inch between

Small Mortar Fuze

This fuze was to be used with 24-pounder and 12-pounder common shells when

they were fired from 5-1/2-inch and 4-2/5-inch mortars at ranges beyond which the
common fuze was effective, that is, beyond 10 seconds of flight (Fig. 223). It was the
same shape as the large mortar fuze, but being a smaller frustum vf the same cone, it
contained only 3 inches of composition. The bore for the composition was the same
size as that for the common fuze. The position of the side holes wound spirally
around the fuze, and they were marked similarly to the large fuze, from 1 to 3
inches. In other respects its construction was identical to the large mortar fuze, and
its burning, preparation, and action was similar.2 4

Figure 22.5. Brace for Drilling Mortar Fuze. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, XXII/43.)

Metal Fuzes

Between 1829 and 1832, when shells and shell guns were being introduced into
the Royal Navy, gun-metal screw time fuzes, recommended by William Millar, were
adopted for insertion into lO-inch, 8-inch, and 32-pounder naval shells. 25 It was
argued at the time that metal screw fuzes were preferable to wood for naval use for
a number of reasons:
1) a metal fuze made the storage of filled and fuzed shells less dangerous;
2) it provided a better barrier to damp reaching the bursting charge than a
wooden fuze;
3) it was less likely to deteriorate from the effects of damp or climate, or to
be damaged by accident;
4) it was less likely to be broken or knocked out when striking a solid object;
5) the explosive effect was greater with a fuze that screws. T6
Until about 1850 there were four different sorts of these fuzes: a 3-inch and a
4-inch, each driven with mealed powder, which burned 7.5 and 10 seconds respec-
tively; and a 4-1/2 inch and a 5-inch, each driven with fuze composition, which
burned 22.5 and 25 seconds respectively.27 Detailed specifications are lacking, but
one note book contained a short description:
The 10 &. 8 Inch and 32 Po • Naval Shells are fitted with
Metal Fuzes, they are driven in the same manner as other

fuzes, screwed into a Metal Socket while driving, they are

Quick Matched, and primed with meal powder, all confined
within the cup, they have a Metal cap with a wire spiral
spring, a circle of Buff placed on top of the spring, a circle of
parchment is placed between the Fuze and cap to prevent
friction, the cap is screwed on turning it to the right, a larger
washer is greased and placed under the shoulder of the Fuze,
the worm of the Fuze is also greased the Fuze is screwed into
the shell turning it to the Left.2 8
Initially the fuze hole of the shell was formed into a female screw to take the fuze,
but it was found that due to rust and increased fr iction, "Accidents have••• happened
with them, ignition having occurred in fixing them."2'j Consequently, by 1843 ~un
metal bouches were fitted into the fuze holes of naval shells to reduce the danger. 0
In the 1850s these four types seem to have been reduced to three, but the
sources are rather confusing. The Aide-Memoire, in 1853, noted three metal fuzes: a
3-inch, driven with mealed powder, which burned seven seconds, and a 4-inch and a
short range fuze, both driven with fuze composition, which burned 20 seconds and 2
seconds respectively. A 3-inch fuze driven with mealed powder should burn 7.5
seconds (2.5 seconds per inch); the length of the composition in the short range fuze
would be only 0.4 inch long, a very short fuze indeed <Composition burned at a rate of
0.2 inch per second).31 Later sources in the decade described a 4-inch fuze, driven
with fuze composition which burned 29 seconds, and a 3-inch and a 1.25-inch fuze,
driven with mealed powder, which burned 7.5 and 2 seconds respectively. A mealed
powder fuze 1.25 inches long should burn for 3.125 seconds, not 2 seconds. 32 It is
difficult to arrive at any conclusions, except that, probably, changes were made in
the metal fuzes during the 1850s, before Boxer's metal fuzes were adopted.

Boxer's Metal Time Screw Fuzes

Boxer turned his attention to metal fuzes late in the 1850s when he developed
20-second and 7-1 /2-second metal time screw fuzes (Fig. 226). The former came into
general use early in 1857 and the latter a little more than a year later. Although the
principle of design of these fuzes remained unchanged, they were smaller in diameter
than the later model, and the thread of the body was left handed and that of the
neck, to take the cap, right handed. The shoulder above the thread, which rested
upon the shell's surface when the fuze was screwed in, was square. In September
1858, in order to meet naval specifications, the fuze was ordered modified so that it
could fit into the Moorsom fuze bush for naval shells (for Moorsom fuze see below).
Consequently its diameter was increased, and the body thread became right handed
and the neck thread left handed. At the same time the shoulder became round. This
pattern was finally approved on 9 September 1859)3

20-Second Metal Time Fuze

This fuze, made of gun metal, was 5 inches long (Fig. 226). Its lower section,
which protruded into the shell, was conical; but the screw part, immediately above,
was cylindrical, cut with a thread pitched at 16-1/2 to the inch. The shoulder was a

Figure 226. Boxer's 7-1/2- and 20-second Metal Time Fuzes. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, XXII/76-77, 79-80.)

plain cylinder drilled with four equidistant holes on its upper surface into which a
special wrench fitted to screw the fuze in and out of the shell. A cylindrical neck,
threaded to the left but pitched the same as the body thread, onto which a metal cap
fitted, completed the fuze. This cap was not removed until the shell was in the bore.
A composition channel, 1/2 inch in diameter, was bored down the axis of the
fuze to within about 0.2 inch of the bottom. It was tapped with a fine thread, and a
rolled paper cylinder, one end stopped with a cardboard disk and its exterior smeared
with shellac as a protection against damp, was inserted therein. Fuze composition
was pressed or driven into the bore, where the paper lining prevented contact
between it and the metal (fuze composition and metal had a deletereous effect on
each other if they were touching). The fuze was matched and primed similarly to
the mortar fuze.
Two rows of holes, each hole 0.2 inch from its neighbour, were drilled into the
composition channel. These holes, with the exception of the last, were closed with
pressed ground clay and dotted white. The top hole of one row was 1.5 inches below
the zero point, the other 1.6 inches below. The bottom hole, at the 4-inch mark, was
drilled through the paper lining into the composition to ensure the action of the fuze
if it was improperly bored or not bored at all. It was made somewhat larger than the
others, and after 1865, it was filled with a perforated powder pellet and closed with a
piece of fine paper and shellac varnish to exclude moisture. Since all holes fell
within the shell, powder channels were unnecessary.
A cylindrical gun metal cap, slightly squared to allow a key to grip it properly
for removal, screwed onto the neck to close the fuze. A lead washer was inserted
between it and the shoulder to ensure a moisture proof seal. Similarly, a leather
collar was glued underneath the shoulder to exclude damp from the shell after the
fuze had been screwed home.
Instead of being marked with the length of composition, this fuze had stamped
on it opposite alternate holes the time of burning in seconds and half-seconds - thus
8, 10, 12, etc. on the even row and 8-1/2, 10-1/2, 12-1/2 on the odd row. Also, the
date of manufacture was stamped on the bottom, and the numeral of pattern and
number of thousand on the side of the shoulder. The fuze was completely lacquered
to preserve it from corrosion.

To prepare the fuze for any time of flight between 7-1/2 and 20 seconds it was
necessary to bore out the appropriate hole, through the clay and paper liner, with a
brace and short bit or a hook borer. The fuze was screwed into the shell, and the
metal cap was removed, but only when the shell was in the bore of the piece. 34

7-1/2-Second Metal Time Fuze

This fuze was similar to the 20-second fuze in appearance, construction, and
dimensions, but it was adapted for shorter times of flight and could be adjusted to
quarter-seconds (Fig. 226). It was driven with 3 inches of pit mealed powder, which
burned at twice the rate of fuze composition, that is, I inch in 2-1/2 seconds. As in
the 20-second fuze, the red-dotted side holes were arranged in two rows, the holes
0.2 inch apart, but there were more holes, 15 in the even-numered and 14 in the odd-
numbered row. The top holes of each row which were 0.2 inch and 0.3 inch from the
zero point, were not numbered, but the alternate holes thereafter were stamped - 1,
2, 3, etc. in the even row and 1-1/4, 2-1/4, 3-1/4, etc. in the odd row.
Although the 7-1 /2-second fuze was very similar to the 20-second fuze, it had
certain distinguishing marks:
1) a groove cut around the top of the cup, painted red;
2) the letter M.P. (for mealed powder) stamped on top of
the shoulder;
3) the side holes dotted red;
4) the different readings on the side holes.
The preparation of the fuze for use was the same as the 20-second fuze.3 5

Percussion and Concussion Fuzes

These fuzes were similar in that they depended upon the impact of the shell
against the target for their action. The distinction between them has been confused
and "••• altogether arbitrary, and the application of the terms depended upon the
sense in which the inventor of any particular fuze chose to apply them." 36 A
common distinction was that a percussion fuze contained a detonating chemical
composition exploded by the shock of impact, while a concussion fuze did not. In
1863 the Ordnance adopted the following definition:
A percussion fuze is one which is prepared to act by the shock
of discharge, but put in action by the second shock on striking
the object. A concussion fuze is one which is put in action by
the shock of discharge, but the effect of that action is
restrained until it strikes the object. II37
The similarity between the two kinds of fuzes was more important than the
semantical difference.
Although there is evidence that such fuzes were used as early as the
seventeenth century, with ineffectual results, they were not adopted in the British
service until 1846. In 1845 a mixed military and naval com mittee tested five
different percussion or concussion fuzes, but none were deemed sufficiently efficient
to be recommended for service. The next year Quartermaster Freeburn, R.A.,
designed a wooden concussion fuze for 32-pounder shells and upwards which was
approved for the land service on 12 October 1846. 38

The Freeburn Fuze

The Freeburn Fuze, looking much like an old mortar fuze, was made of
beechwood, conical in shape with an enlarged head, and about 6 inches long. The
composition channel, the upper end of which was enlarged into a cup, was drilled
down the axis of the fuze to within a short distance of its bottom. Three rectangular
perforations, equidistant from each other, were cut into the fuze penetrating to the
composition channel in a plane about 2-1/4 inches from the top, that is, far enough
down that they opened within the shell when the fuze was fixed. Three gun-metal
wedges were placed in the holes. On the inside they were supported by the fuze
composition, which was driven half way up them; on the outside they were held in
place by pieces of wood secured with copper wire. A strip of paper, painted white,
about 1 inch wide, was pasted around the fuze to cover the holes. A long piece of
quick match was set into the top of the composition and its end coiled around the
interior of the cup, which was then primed with a paste of mealed powder. The fuze
was capped with paper and a piece of painted canvas was tied on. The bottom of the
composition was bored into from the side to ensure action if the concussion
arrangement failed.
When the shell was fired, the composition, the top 1/2 inch of which was mealed
powder, was ignited by the flash of discharge; as it burned away, it deprived the gun-
metal wedges of their internal support. The shock of impact then jarred the wedges
loose, leaving passages for the flame from the burning composition to pass into the
shell and explode the charge. These fuzes were effective up to the length of time the
composition continued to burn, from 12 to 13 seconds.
Since the Freeburn fuze was made of wood, it was not suitable for sea service.
It shortly became obsolete in the land service when the Boxer system of fuzes was
introduced in 1850. When the new fuze hole and cone was adoped in 1855, it was not
altered, thus becoming unserviceable even though large stores of it continued to

Moorsom's Fuze

In 1850 and 1851 William Moorsom, R.N., developed a metal percussion fuze
that met the needs of the navy (Fig. 227). Three models were tested; the last, "C"
pattern, was approved on 16 July 1851. It remained officially in service in the Royal
Navy until 2 May 1865 when the existing stores of it were ordered to be broken up,
but practically it had become obsolete with the introduction of the Pettman fuze in
1862; thereafter it ceased to be manufactured and was only issued in reduced
proportions to 32-pounder shells. 40
This fuze was made of gun metal, consisting of a body generally cylindrical but
tapering toward the end, and of a projecting head or shoulder. It was nearly 4 inches
long and 1.2 inches in diameter below the head. It was threaded for about 1 inch
below the head, pitched at 16-1/2 to the inch. Four holes (originally two) were drilled
into the top of the head into which a special wrench fitted for inserting or removing
the fuze (Fig. 228).
Three cylindrical detonating chambers were drilled into the fuze below the
thread. Two, identical in layout and function, were drilled longitudinally, one above
the other but at a right angle to each other. At the end of the chamber a small
recess was drilled and then a smaller hole to the outside. It was closed with a screw

plug in which the recess and hole opposite were duplicated. A small patch of
detonating composition was put into each of the recesses. It was made up of equal
quantities of sulphide of antimony and cholorate of potash made into a paste with
varnish of shellac and methylated spirits. A cylindrical gun-metal hammer, with a
nipple on each end, was suspended in the chamber by a fine copper wire (18 wire
gauge) which passed through holes in the hammer and in the sides of the chamber to
the outside of the fuze to which it was soldered.

Figure 227. Moorsom Percusion Fuze. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., Richardson, Long Course•••, 1859.)

Figure 228. Wrenches for Naval Fuzes. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich,
U.K., The Rotunda, XXII/88 and 89.)

The third chamber, also a cylinder, was drilled vertically into the bottom of the
fuze. A recess, into which a patch of detonating composition was placed, was drilled
into its upper end. The fire hole was drilled horizontally through the fuze connecting
with the recess; its ends were enlarged to allow grains of powder of the shell's
bursting charge to work in. A gun-metal hammer, with a nipple only on its upper end,
was suspended below the composition by a fine copper wire (21 wire gauge) in the
same way as in the upper chambers. In addition, as safety precautions to prevent
premature detonation, a guard wire (26 wire gauge) was passed between the nipple
and the composition, and a lead pillar was inserted into the bottom of the chamber
and held in place by a screw cap fitted onto the end of the fuze. Finally a piece of
tracing paper was secured by varnish shellac over the four holes of the horizontal
chambers, and a similar piece varnished over the lower part of the fuze.
When the gun was fired, the shock of discharge sheered off the wires suspending
the hammers, thus freeing them to move about in their chambers. When the shell
struck its target, one or more of the hammers would be propelled into the detonating
composition, setting it off, the flame passing through the fire holes to the bursting
charge, thereby exploding the shell. 41

Pettman's Fuzes

With the adoption of the smaller fuze hole in 1855 and the consequent
obsolescence of the Freeburn fuze, the land service was without a percussion or a
concussion fuze. In January 1860 Mr. Pettman, a foreman of the Royal Laboratory,
Woolwich, put forward a new design of percussion fuze. It relied on a small metal
ball coated with detonating composition being set free inside the hollow metal fuze
body by the shock of discharge and then being detonated against the sides of the
chamber by the shock of impact of the shell against its target. Both the land and
naval service tested the fuze and while finding it generally satisfactory, made various
modifications to the design. Pettman's land service fuze was adopted on 30 October
1861 and his naval service fuze on 2 August of the next year. Later, Pettman
proposed modification of the naval service fuze to use it in rifled as well as smooth-
bore shells. Known as the general service fuze, it was introduced on 19 May 1866 for
immediate use with certain rifled shells and in the future to supersede the naval
service fuze for naval smooth-bore shells. 42

Pettman's Land Service Percussion Fuze

This fuze consisted of seven parts:

Top plug
Bottom plug
Lead cup
Cone plug
Detonating ball
Steady plug
It was made of gun metal, its body hollow and slightly conical, conforming to
the common fuze - hole taper of 1 inch in 9.375 inches. Its lower end was slightly
rounded; its upper end was a plain projecting head or shoulder which rested on the
surface of the shell when the fuze was inserted in it. Four equidistant holes were cut

into the upper surface of the head into which a special wrench fitted to insert or
remove the fuze. It was cut with a right-hand thread to fit the fuze hole of the
common shell, pitched at 14 to the inch. The top and bottom of the hollow interior
were tapped with a right-handed thread, pitched at 14 to the inch, to receive the top
and bottom plugs. Otherwise the interior was a plain cylinder, except for a slight
concavity just above the bottom plug.
The top plug was a gun-metal screw that closed the top of the fuze. A square
key-hole was cut into its upper surface to take a key by which it was inserted or
removed from the fuze.
The bottom plug, another gun-metal screw, served the same purpose in the
bottom of the fuze. It had a small projecting stud on its upper surface and a small
cut for a screw driver on its lower. A small passage, which served as the fire hole to
pass the flame to the bursting charge, was drilled along its vertical axis. Another
hole was drilled horizontally through the fire channel and threaded with a piece of
quick match to prevent grains of powder from the bursting charge working their way
in and choking the fuze.
The lead cup was a hollow cylinder of pure lead, its bottom completely open but
its top pierced by a small hole. It rested on the bottom plug, surrounding but not
touching the stud, its lower sides adopting to the slight concavity of the lower
interior of the fuze.
The cone plug, which was made of a harder alloy (copper, 87.5% and tin, 12.5%)
than the rest of the fuze, was a plain cylinder, its slightly bevelled top edge fitted
exactly the interior of the fuze. A stud projected from its underside. A fire hole was
drilled through the stud along the vertical axis of the plug. It rested on the lead cup,
the stud entering into its top hole.
The detonating ball was a solid sphere of the harder alloy, its surface roughened
and a groove cut round its horizontal circumference. At the extremes of its vertical
axis there were two projections, the lower one conical and the upper one cylindrical,
with a small shoulder round its base. A small groove was cut round the neck of each
The detonating composition was composed of:
Cholarate of potash 6 oz.
Sulphide of antimony 6 oz.
Sublimed sulphur 1/2 oz.
Mealed powder, loG. 1/2 oz.
made into a paste with varnish of shellac and methylated spirits. It was plastered
over the surface of the ball up to but not in the grooves at the necks of the
projections. In order to safeguard the composition from premature detonation, the
ball was covered with fine sheep's gut tied on with silk cord and varnished. When this
proved insufficient, it was additionally covered with Sarsenet silk, similarly secured
and varnished. The ball, with its conical projection inserted into the fire hole, rested
on top of the cone plug.
The steady plug was a cylinder of the harder alloy that fitted exactly the
interior of the fuze. A hole was drilled through it along its vertical axis which
allowed it to fit over the upper projection of the detonating ball. When the steady
plug had been inserted, the top plug was screwed in closing up the fuze.
When the fuze had been assembled, the key-hole in the top and the slot in the
bottom were filled with shellac putty, and discs of fine tracing paper were varnished
onto the top and bottom to exclude moisture. (This paper would eventually be broken
at the wrench holes when the fuze was screwed into the shell.) A leather collar was
secured by shellac varnish underneath the shoulder to exclude damp from the shell
after the fuze been inserted.

The pattern numeral and the number of thousand of the fuze was stamped on
top of each fuze between the wrench holes, and, after 1864, also the year and month
of issue. The entire exterior of the fuze was then lacquered to prevent corrosion.
The fuze needed no preparation before it was screwed into the shell. When the
gun was fired, the lead cup was crushed, partly by its own inertia and partly by the
weight of the cone plug, detonating ball, and steady plug resting on it. The crushing
of the cup created an area for the movement of the detonating ball within the fuze.
At the same time, by expanding around the studs on the bottom and cone plugs, the
lead cup had rivetted itself and the cone plug to the bottom plug. The rotation of the
shell during flight disengaged the detonating ball and the steady plug. When the shell
struck an object, the ball was thrown violently against some part of the interior of
the fuze, detonating the composition, the flash passing through the fire holes in the
cone and bottom plugs into the bursting charge to explode the shell. 43

Pettman's Sea Service Percussion Fuze

The principle of action of Pettman's sea service fuze was the same as that of
the land service, but some of the details of its construction were different. It was
larger in diameter than the land service fuze, and threaded to fit the fuze holes of
naval shells, that is the Moorsom gauge, right-handed, but pitched 16-1/2 to the inch.
Also, the thread only extended 3/4 inch below the head or shoulder. In order that the
naval wrench could be used the holes in the upper surface of the head were further
apart. There was no bottom plug, only a fire hole that was closed with a disc of
cardboard over which a disc of fine tracing paper was varnished.
The detonating ball was the same size and shape as the land service fuze, and it
was covered with the same detonating composition. In addition, it was enclosed by
two hemispherical cups of thin sheet copper (0.008 inch thick), joined round their
horizontal circumference by a strip of tissue paper varnished on. Then, the ball was
covered with gut, silk, and varnish in the usual manner. The copper cups regulated
the sensitivity of the fuze, preventing its detonation when ricocheting off the water,
but still allowing its detonation when striking the side of a ship. The interior of the
fuze was enlarged, not only to equalize the force of the detonating ball striking in
every direction, but also to control its sensitivity.
The cone plug was also constructed differently from that in the land service
fuze. Its stud was prolonged downward as a hollow table which was filled with
mealed powder and pierced like the composition in a tube. The lower end was closed
by a cardboard disc. The plug sat on top of the lead cup, as in the land service fuze,
but the tube extended through it into the fire hole in the bottom of the fuze. Since
there was no stud projecting up from the bottom, the lower part of the fuze interior
was undercut or hollowed out. Thus, when the lead cup was crushed, it expanded
outwards into the hollow where it was securely held, while its upper part contracted
around the stud of the cone plug to prevent its farther movement. The lead cup was
made of such a size and weight that the fuze would act with a very reduced charge.
The sea service fuze was marked with the pattern numeral, the number of
thousand, and, after 1864, the month and year of issue. It was then lacquered all
This fuze acted similarly to the land service fuze, except when the lead cup was
crushed, the tube of the cone plug was forced beyond the fuze bottom, thereby
forcing out the cardboard disc which closed the fire hole. When the ball detonated on
impact, the flame flashed through the tube into the bursting charge to explode the
shell. 44

Pettman's General Service Percussion Fuze

Because there was no lateral movement or rotation in breech-loading rifle

shells, it could not be depended upon that the steady plug of Pettman's fuze would
separate from the detonating ball, a failure which could result in a blind shell.
Pettman's general service fuze was developed to solve this problem, and eventually it
entirely superseded the sea service fuze (Fig. 229).
Externally the fuze was conical, lacked a projecting shoulder, and had a right
handed thread over its whole length, pitched at 14 to the inch. Its cone, increasing 1
in 9.375 inches, was gauged to fit the general service fuze hole.
length 1.95 in.
diam., top 1.213 in.
bottom 1.006 in.
Two slots cut in its top served as key holes for screwing the fuze into the shell.
Although the interior arrangements were similar to the sea service fuze,
certain modifications had been made to ensure detonation. The bottom of the top
plug and the top of the steady plug were cupped out in the centre to hold a plain
metal ball (70 parts copper, 30 parts zinc), which kept the two plugs slightly apart. A
circular groove cut into the top of the steady plug was pressed full of dry detonating
composition and covered with a thin copper washer (0.008 in. thick) to serve the same
purpose as the copper cups round the detonating ball of the sea service fuze. Two
conical fire holes were drilled vertically from the composition grove through the
The cone plug was also modified. Its upper surface was no longer conical but
flat. As well as the central fire hole through the elongated stud or tube on its
bottom, two inclined fire holes were also drilled through it. A suspending wire (0.087
inches thick), which passed through the lower part of the tube and rested on the fuze
bottom, supported the interior parts. The lead cup remained, but it only served to
rivet down the cone plug after discharge.
The general service fuze acted in much the same way as the naval service fuze,
except that the shock of discharge had to shear the suspending wire. If the
detonating ball did not become disengaged from the steady plug in a breech-loading
rifle shell, the fuze was still detonated on impact by the plain ball striking the
composition in the groove on the top of the steady plug. The flash passed through the
fire holes to the detonating ball and thence through the cone plug to the bursting
charge, thereby exploding the shell. 45

Later Wooden Time Fuzes

The 9-second Fuze for Muzzle-Loading Ordnance (wood)

On 26 June 1866 this fuze was approved for use with certain muzzle-loading
rifle shells, but it was intended that eventually it would replace the 7-l/2-second
metal time fuze for naval spherical shells as well (Fig. 230). It could be used in all
muzzle-loading shells which had the general service fuze hole or adapter. Like the
common fuze, it was drilled for a composition channel and two powder channels, each
of the latter with a row of side holes, but it was about an inch longer and somewhat
thicker to fit the general service fuze hole.


•• -..
CD ..,

Figure 229. Fuze Percussion Pettman General Service. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 44, July 1866.)
J J iii J: ~'l).!J 11 lJ 1):.t.1 J.l lJ
H.c u i'LO <:>
Si.VH~:~t BuSH
i~.1. j. • tI Jj.!J ,'In,' t 1-
. ,

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r 0

Figure 230. Fuze, Time Wood Boxer 9 Seconds M.L. Ordnance. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 45, July 1866.)


Unlike the common fuze, the 9-second fuze was primed differently. The upper
end of the composition channel was closed by a gun-metal plug screwed in flush with
the top of the fuze. It prevented the extinction of the fuze if it hit the target end on
and the great acceleration of the burning of the composition caused by the rapid
passage of air during flight around the fuze fixed in the apex of a rifle shell. Two
holes were drilled through the side of the fuze entering the composition channel just
below the plug, and a groove was cut round the head of the fuze joining them. A
piece of quick match was threaded through these holes and looped round a copper pin
that projected from the plug. The ends of the match were laid in the groove round
the head of the fuze, and they were covered, first by a strip of thin sheet copper, and
then by a tape band, one end of the copper being left exposed. The band and upper
end of the fuze were painted black, and its top was covered with shellac varnish.
The composition channel was lined with a tube of white wrapping paper coated
with shellac. This prevented a space being formed between the composition and the
wood if the wood shrank, in which case the composition would explode rather than
burn regularly. The composition was the same as that in the common fuze, but
mealed pit powder was used above the top side hole. The side holes of the powder
channels were plugged with rifle powder only, no ground clay being used. Like the
arrangement of the diaphragm fuze, the bottoms of the powder channels were
connected by a piece of quick match to ensure a greater flash.
The fuze was prepared in the same way as the common fuze by boring out the
appropriate side hole into the composition. It was then pressed and screwed into the
shell by hand, a mallet and setter not being necessary. Only when the shell was in the
bore of the gun was the copper band and tape taken off, exposing the quick match.
The match, ignited by the flame of discharge, ignited the composition that burned
down to the bored-out side-hole through which the fire passed to the bursting charge
to explode the shell. 46

The 20-second Fuze for Muzzle-Loading Ordnance (wood)

In some respects this fuze was similar to the 9-second fuze and in others to a
fuze for a mortar shell (Fig. 231). Like the former, the composition channel was
lined with a paper cylinder and its upper end stopped by a metal plug; its head was
grooved and drilled for quick match and the match was held in place by copper and
tape bands. Like the latter, it had only a composition channel and only one row of
side holes arranged spirally around the body. The composition was 4 inches long with
0.1 inch of mealed powder on top into which a small hole was bored to facilitate
ignition. A hole was drilled through the fuze immediately below the composition into
which a pellet of mealed powder, pierced like a tube, was placed. The ends of the
hole were closed with discs of thin paper secured with shellac varnish. The side holes
were marked from 2 inches downwards, each hole numbered in tenths of inches.
The 20-second fuze could be used with any muzzle-loading shell, rifle or
smooth-bore, which had the general service fuze hole or adapter, where a time of
flight between 10 and 20 seconds was desired. Eventually, it was to supersede the
metal 20-second fuze for naval spherical shells. The side hole was drilled out in the
same way as the fuze for a mortar shell, and it was uncapped similarly to the 9-
second fuze. Its action was the same as a mortar fuze, with addition of greater
intensity of flash if the composition was allowed to burn to the powder pellet in the
bottom of the channel. 47
llJ::L1.JJUJ1."'InlJlJ lJD;H:J.l 20 'Jj"
~1.L:j:J .. i.L.LJJJLIJ/Lc'u'1

a ~


Figure 231. Fuze Time Wood Boxer 20 Seconds M.L. Ordnance. (The Royal Artillery
Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Royal Laboratory, Plate 51, August 1867.)



The ignition system was the method by which fire was transmitted to the
propellant charge in the chamber of a piece of artillery. At the most primitive, the
charge could be ignited by inserting a hot iron into the vent, a practice that could be
most dangerous to the gunner. Later, a train of powder was poured down the vent
and into the vent shell and set alight, perhaps at first by a hot iron, but then by slow
match or portfire. To replace the trains of loose powder, tubes were devised that
were inserted into the vents of artillery pieces from at least 1755 to the 1860s.
Depending on their design, they could be fired by match or port fire, by flint work, or
by percussion lock. Finally in the 1850s a self-sufficient device, the friction tube,
was invented.

Slow Match

Although slow match was usually made of hemp rope, loosely twisted, its
preparation varied from time to tlrne.J About 1750, it was "••• Spun in Three Layers
not too hard and then boild [sic] in Slacks & Lime & some Brimstone and a proper
Proportion of Water.112 In 1779, Smith gave a more detailed and somewhat different
It is made of hempen tow, spun on the wheel like cord, but
very slack; and is composed of three twists, which are
afterwards again covered with tow, so that the twists do not
appear: lastly it is boiled in lees of wine)
In 1816, James repeated this description, but it is likely that by then slow match was
being prepared otherw Ise,4
According to the sources consulted, from the 1820s to about 1850, a strong lye
of wood ashes and lime was substituted for the lees of wine. 5 In the 1850s and 1860s
the solution was said to be composed of saltpetre and lime water.s But in his
authoritative study of smooth-bore ammunition published in 1867, Majendie main-
tained that according to the authorities at Chatham, where the match was then
manufactured, slow match had been made by boiling it in a lye of wood ashes and
water for more than 20 years. He also commented on the failure of all the sources
published up till the time of his writing to have noticed the change and on their
continuing to describe a solution of saltpetre and water, or saltpetre and lime water
(8 oz. of saltpetre to 1 gal. of water).7 Presumably Majendie, who was Assistant
Superintendent of the Royal Laboratory at Woolwich, was correct; probably the other
sources were also correct but out-of-date and their information needs to be pushed
back 20 years or so.
The match that was soaked in saltpetre and lime water burned at the rate of 1
yard in three hours; that soaked in the lye of woodashes burned more slowly, 1 yard in
eight hours. 8 It was made up of skeins of 35 yards weighing 7 pounds each or, if
larger amounts were required, packed in bales of up to 1 hundredweight. 9 Early in its
history it had been used to ignite the priming of guns and later to light the port fire,
but it was rarely used after the adoption of friction tubes even though it was still
issued to all artillery equipments in the 1860s.10 It remained useful as a fuse to fire
charges of powder if it was necessary for some time to elapse between the ignition of
the match and the powder.11

Quick Match

Artillerists had used quick match for many centuries. From the early 1600s it
was employed to fire guns when a piece of it, fed into the vent and ignited, acted as a
weak tube.l 2 The invention of tubes proper rendered this use obsolete, but quick
match continued to be necessary for laboratory manufacture, particularly in the
priming of carcasses and fuzes. Usually made from cotton wick or yarn, although
worsted was also used, it was soaked in a solution of either saltpetre or gunpowder
dissolved in water or spirits of wine (alcohol), then sprinkled with gunpowder, and
dried. Its precise manner of manufacture varied until about 1760, however. For
example, about 1750 Glegg gave three slightly different formulae: 13
Cotton 4 lb.? ?
Saltpetre 6 lb. 6 lb. 6 lb.
Gunpowder 6 lb.
Spirits of wine 4 qt. 6 qt.
Water 12 qt. 12 qt. about 11 qt.
In the 1760s the ingredients, their proportions, and the method of manufacture
(excepting the amount of water) were standarized and remained unchanged for almost
a century.
Cotton wick 1 lb. 12 oz.
Saltpetre, pulverized 1 lb. 8 oz.
Powder, mealed 10 lb.
Spirits of wine 2 qt.
Water 1 1/2 to 4 qt.
The variation in the amount of water used might be accounted for by the length of
time the solution was boiled. Small quantities of isinglass were said to have been
added in the 1770s, but this may have been an error or, if true, an aberration. The
saltpetre was put into a large copper pan with two handles, the wick coiled on top of
the saltpetre, and each end of it tied to a handle. The water was added and the
solution boiled (the time varied); then, the spirits of wine were added and the mixture
was allowed to simmer for a short time. Next, the pan was removed to another room
where some of the gunpowder was poured in and the wick was allowed to become well
soaked. Then, the ends of the wick were untied and it was gently passed through the
fingers into another pan. Some recipes say that more powder was added, others only
that the remaining liquid from the first pan was poured over the wick. Once more it
was allowed to soak for a short time, after which an end of the wick was tied to a
reel and it was reeled out of the pan, again being passed gently through the fingers to
shape it (Fig. 232). As each reel was filled, the wick was cut, and the reel was then
placed on two battens on a table; the remaining powder was sifted over each side of
it. After the wick had been allowed to dry (about 10 days in summer), it was cut into
lengths, tied up in bundles, weighed, and ticketed for use.l 4

Figure 232. Reel for Winding Qulckrnatch, (The Royal Artillery Institution, Wool-
wich, U.K., "Artillery Implements •••")

The number of threads of cotton making up the match, as well as the use to
which each thickness was put, seems to have varied from time to time. About 1770
quick match was said to be made up of from one to four threads; in 1779 Smith in one
place in his Dictionary wrote that it was composed of three threads and in another
from one to six threads.1 5 About 1800 quick match from two to eight threads was
specified and their various uses set down: 16
No. of threads Uses

6 &8 priming fire ships & fire barrels

4 priming 13,10, & 8-inch round iron carcasses, 10 &
8-inch oblong carcasses; 42,32, & 24-pounder round
iron carcasses with 3 holes for guns & carronades;
13,10 and 8-inch fuzes & smoke balls
3&2 priming 5 1/2 & 4 2/5-inch fuzes; 18 & 12- pounder
round carcasses with 3 holes; for cutting into
lengths for firing mortars & howitzers; priming
fuzes for land and sea service and grenades.

In the 1820s, Robert Swanston in his notebook listed the uses of quick match: 17
Quick match is a very necessary article and is used for priming
of Fuzes Round and Oblong Carcasses Light Balls Smoke Balls
Fire Balls and Fire Ships for Quickmatching the Cases and
leading most kind of Fire works, and for Mortar Practice
Experiments &c
Quick Match of two threads for priming Hand Fuzes, 3
threads do. for 5 1/2 and 4 2/5-Inch Fuzes 4 threads for 8 Inch
Spherical Fuzes 5 threads for 8 Inch Common Fuzes 6 threads
for 10 and 13 Inch Fuzes
Some time in the 1850s the ingredients for making the match were changed
slightly and the proportions thereof were varied, depending on the thickness of the
" thread 6 thread 10 thread

Cotton wick 1 lb. 10 oz. 2 lb. 2 oz. 2 lb. 7 oz.

Water, distilled 8 pints 9 pints 10 pints
Gum, Arabic 8 oz. 9 oz. 10 oz.
Powder, mealed cylinder 20 lb. 20 lb. 24 lb.

The method of preparation remained essentially the same as before, the wick being
boiled in solution of gum arabic, mealed powder, and distilled water; the gum was
added to cause the powder to adhere to the cotton. Only two-thirds of the powder
was put into solution; the remainder was sifted over the match when it was put onto
the reels in the manner previously described. The 4-thread match was the most
com monl y used. All burned at the rate of 1 yard in 13 seconds if unconfined.18
A worsted quick match was also manufactured, but it was discontinued for use
when short tin and quill tubes were adopted for service in 1788.1 9 The implication
seems to be that it had been used to fill tubes rather than composition. The
ingredients for it were:
Worsted 10 oz.
Spirits of wine 3 pints
Water 3 pints
Isinglass 1/2 pint
Mealed powder 10 lb.

It was prepared in much the same way as cotton quick match exc~t that the water
was not boiled, the worsted being allowed to soak in a cold solution. 0


The common port fire, used to ignite the charge of a piece of artillery, was a
rolled paper tube closed at one end and driven with a composition of saltpetre,
sulphur, and mealed powder. Its name derived from the French porte-feu which was
originally used to denote a piece of quick match fed into the vent of a gun or mortar
to act as a weak tube. Not until the end of the seventeenth or the beginning of the
eighteenth century did it assume its modern meaning. 21 In 1710, a portfire was
defined as:
a composition of Meal, [sic] Powder, Sulphur and Salt-Peter
drove into a case of Paper, but not very hard; 'tis about 9 or 10
inches long, and is used to fire Guns and Mortars instead of
Match. 22
Thereafter its dimensions or the precise manner of its manufacture may have varied
somewhat, but this definition of a portfire would have been recognizable 150 years
The amounts of the three ingredients of the composition varied during the
eighteenth century, and at times small quantities of antimony or linseed oil were said
to be mixed in as well, but a mixture of the proportions of
saltpetre 6 lb.
sulphur 2 lb.
mealed powder 1 lb.
can be traced back to 1750. 23 By 1800 these were the only proportions noted, and
they remained constant until about 1860, when the quantity of mealed powder was
increased to 1-1/4 pounds. 24
The dimensions of portfires varied only slightly between 1750 and 1860. In
1779, Smith wrote that a port fire was rarely longer than 21 inches, its length being
usually 17 inches. 25 After 1800, it was commonly said to be 16 inches long, but 16-
1/4 and 16-1/2 inches were also recorded.2 6 There were also minor changes in the
interior and exterior diameters; the earlier portfires seem to have been slightly
smaller. For example, in 1766, the exterior diameter was said to be 6/10 inch and the
interior 5/12 inch; about 1800, they were 0.64 and 0.43 inch respectively; in 1867,
0.675 and 0.45 inch respectively.27 Such changes hardly seem significant.
The process of manufacturing port fires may be divided into four stages: mixing
the composition; rolling the case; driving and priming; and packing.
The ingredients of the composition (saltpetre, sulphur, and mealed powder) were
weighed out in their proper proportions onto a table, mixed by hand or with a wooden
rubber, and passed through a hair sieve four times. Then the mixture was scooped
into a wooden box and taken to the driving room.
The cases were made of paper, pasted and rolled with a rolling board on a
former. Early sources referred to either 6-pounder or 9-pounder cartridge paper, a
coarse, tough paper used presumably to make cartridges to hold the charge for a
6-pounder or 9-pounder gun. Later, what was called 60-pound paper (I ream, or 480
(sometimes 500) sheets, weighed 60 pounds) was specified; how this differed (or,
indeed, if it differed at all) from the cartridge paper is not known. About 1856,
because of a difficulty obtaining 60-~ound paper, 100-pound paper was substituted
and found to perform equally as well.2
Sheets were thoroughly pasted on one side and allowed to soak, after which they

Figure 233. Implements Necessary for Making Common Portfires. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements•••")

were wound round a former and rolled under a rolling board (Fig. 233). Then, the
resulting cases were gauged, paper being added or taken away to meet the required
dimensions. When they were the proper size, they were removed from the former and
allowed to dry.
When a case was thoroughly dry, one end was turned in, layer by layer with a
metal pricker, to form a bottom (Figs. 233 and 234). It was then placed in a hollow
brass mould, somewhat shorter than the case. Details of the mould's design varied
from time to time; around 1800 it was tightened by slipping brass rings over it, but by
the 1820s three screws secured it. Once the case was secured in the mould, the
longest of the four drifts was inserted into the case and given three or four blows
with a mallet to set the bottom properly. Various methods of opening the end of the
case to prevent spillage of the composition were practiced, but by the 1820s a small
wooden cup was placed over the end of the case which was protruding from the mould
and the excess paper was cut off even with the cup's surface. Then a small fid,

something like a marline-spike, was introduced to open up the top of the case; the
purpose was to prevent spilling as the composition was poured in, the cup and opened
case acting like a funnel. A ladle of composition was put in, a drift inserted, and 15
blows given it to set the composition; as the case filled the shorter drifts were used.
When the case was filled to about 0.1 inch from the top of the mould, the cup was
removed and the case cut off even with the top of the mould. It was then primed
with a paste of mealed powder and spirits of wine.
When the priming had dried, the portfire was painted; in the 1860s flesh colour
was used. 30 Until about 1855 the paint used was oil based, but when it was discovered
that the oil was injurious to the composition, methylated spirits were substituted. In
the 1860s each portfire was marked with the date of manufacture and the driver's
name; it is not clear how they were marked before then. They were tied up in
bundles of 12 and the whole lot was covered with a cap of brown paper tied on over
the open ends.
Port fires were used to carry fire from the slow match burning on the linstock to
set alight the loose priming or the tube to discharge the piece. After the invention of
the friction tube in the 1850s, the port fire was no longer necessary, but it continued
to be issued in case of the lack of friction tubes or of their failure. If the piece was
not to be fired again immediately, the end of the port fire was cut off with a portfire
cutter. Its time of burning varied somewhat between 13 and 16 minutes, but a rate of
slightly more than 1 inch per minute was given in the 1860s)1

Figure 234. Implements Necessary for Making Common Port fires. (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements•••")


It has previously been pointed out that a piece of quick match inserted into the
vent of a piece, when ignited, would transmit the fire almost instantaneously to the
powder chamber. The discovery of this power of quick match resulted in the
invention of the first true tube, probably sometime in the first half of the eighteenth
century; it was certainly in service by 1755. This first tube was a tin cylinder about
0.2 inch in diameter, sufficient to enter the vent of a piece of artillery. A cup-
shaped head was attached, probably soldered, to one end; the other end was cut on a
slant like a pen and may have been strengthened with solder to enable it to pierce the
cartridge. The diameters of the cup and cylinder and the length of the slant cut were
the same regardless of calibre, but the length varied depending on the thickness of
metal at the vent to allow the tube to pierce the cartridge. A piece of quick match
was threaded through the tube and the cup was primed with a paste of mealed powder
and spirits of wine. Muller wrote that paper, which was removed when the tube was
to be used, was tied over the cup. Later, he claimed, a flannel cap, steeped in a
solution of saltpetre and spirits of wine, was used; it did not need to be removed
because it took fire as quickly as the priming.
The development of the tin tube improved the practice of artillery. Since its
use obviated having to thread a piece of quick match into the vent, the rate of fire
could be increased, an improvement of some importance, especially to field artillery.
Enclosing the match in a cylinder also gave greater protection to the vent, slowing
down the speed of its corrosion. Also, it was a safer method of firing because a train
of loose powder no longer had to be used to prime the gun. On the other hand there
were some problems. It was alleged that the tin would spoil the match if the tubes
were stored too long. Although there was a reference to the use of tin tubes at the
battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759, generally the naval service disliked them. Salt water
corroded them quickly, and they cut the sailors' bare feet on the fighting decks after
they had been used. 32
The next improvements in the manufacture of tubes - the adoption of a
uniform length and the use of composition instead of quick match - may have been
inspired by European practices. Certainly the British were aware that continental
nations used other materials and methods. Muller wrote:
The French use a small reed, to which is fixed a wooden cap
about two inches long; they are filled with mealed powder
moistened with spirits of wine, and a small hole is made
through them the size of a needle, through which the fire darts
with great violence, and gives fire to the cartridge which must
be pierced beforehand with the priming iron. 33
Whatever the precise origins .of the reforms, by at least 1788, the British were using
quill and tin tubes, of a uniform length, driven with composition, and pierced
longitudinally. The anonymous writer of a notebook, circa 1797, declared that "After
repeated experiments for many years with about 40 different Inventions of Tubes,
these two kinds were approved as fittest, for service."34
The choice of 1788 is at variance with the conclusion that Majendie came to in
his authoritative study of smooth-bore ammunition and perhaps needs further
argument. Citing Adye's publication of tables of variable length tin tubes in 1813 and
1827 and Spearman's publication of tables of uniform length for metal and quill tubes
in 1828, Majendie argued that the changeover to a uniform length took place
sometime between 1813 and 1827. 35 But in one of Sir Augustus Fraser's notebooks
the following statement appeared:

N.B. Worsted quickmatch no longer in use since 1788. The

Short Tin and Quill Tubes being filled with Composition. 36
Also, an anonymous manuscript notebook, circa 1797, gave two tables of the amounts
of materials and the costs of labour to make 1000 quill tubes and 1000 short tin tubes,
both lists dated October 1790. It is clear from the tables that composition, not
match, was used and that the composition was pierced. Further, a notebook of Sir
Augustus Fraser gave details for making quill tubes and for filling both quill and tin
tubes, dated 1800. It may well have been that the older tubes were still being used in
the early nineteenth century, but it seems clear that innovations had been adopted by
the end of the l780s.3 7
More is known about the introduction of quill than of the short tin tubes. In
1778 when he was placed in command of H.M.S. Duke, Sir Charles Douglas proposed
to the Admiralty the adoption of quill tubes along with flannel cartridges and
flintlocks. The Admiralty was not immediately responsive to his suggestions, but at
his own expense he equipped his ship with quill tubes as well as flintlocks and flannel
bottomed cartridges. His foresight was amply rewarded for on 12 April 1782 the
British won a major naval battle in the West Indies due in part to his innovations. The
victory ended the need for innovation, however, and it was not until the end of the
decade that quill tubes, along with flint locks, were adopted into the naval service. 38
The manner of manufacturing quill and short tin tubes changed very little, if at
all (Fig. 235). Goose quills were gauged to 0.2 inch, scrapped to clean them, and cut
at both ends to about 3 inches in length. (It seems strange to gauge them and then
clean them, but this is what the sources appear to say.) Then the quills were cleared
of pith by passing a small iron or brass wire through them. Next they were placed
individually into a special machine which held them firmly with about 1/4 inch of the
large end protruding; a seven-edge slitting knife was introduced into the large end to
slit it into seven prongs. The quill was removed from the machine, the prongs were
laid out almost flat, and a worsted thread was intertwined through them to form a
shallow cup about 7/10 inch in diameter. To finish it off, the worsted was stitched all
round on the outside between each prong to secure it in place. It was now ready for
filling with composition (Fig. 236).
Tin and quill tubes were filled in the same way. The composition of mealed
powder was dampened with spirits of wine and well mixed. The workman closed the
large end with the thumb of his left hand and dug the small end into the composition;
he gently drove home the composition thus collected with a small drift. This
operation was repeated until the tube was completely filled. Then the cup was filled
with priming paste and dusted with mealed powder; the other end was carefully wiped
dry. A fine wire was inserted through the small end the length of each tube and the
tubes were set aside to dry, the wires being turned periodically to prevent their
sticking. When the tubes were dry, the wires were removed. Finally the heads of the
tubes were capped with paper, twisted on, which was removed before the tubes were
to be used. They were usually packaged up in paper parcels of 100. 39
Another tube, which was known in the British service but was not widely used or
only in emergency situations, was the Dutch or paper tube (Fig. 236). It was made
from small arms cartridge paper cut up into pieces about 5-1/2 inches by 2 inches,
pasted, and rolled on a former into hollow cases. They were gauged, cut to a length
of about 1-3/4 inches, and dry rolled. A strip of cartridge paper 17 inches long by
4/10 inch broad was wound around one end, each turn overlapping the last slightly, to
form a cup. Paper tubes were strengthened with two coats of blue paint before they
were filled and pierced in the manner described above. Priming was slightly
different; the paste was shaped into a cone protruding out of the cup. Paper caps
were tied on. Later sources said the paper was dipped in a salt8etre solution, making
it unnecessary to remove the caps before the tubes were used. 4

The match or Fynmore's tube (its name deriving from Lt. Fynmore, R.N., who
proposed it) was similar to the quill tube (Fig. 236). It differed in having eight
strands of worsted, each 2 inches long, protruding from the cup. The strands were
smeared with a thick paste of mealed powder, methylated spirits, and gum arabic,
and then drawn through dry mealed powder. When the tube was inserted in the piece,
the worsted strands, instead of priming powder, were laid in the pan of the flintwork.
These tubes were adopted sometime between 1818 and 1824, but it is not clear how
extensively they were used. 41

( / 1/ //

~~_..~ RhO nl/1P~t.'J /Jr"O"P-/

-. -
-._.~_.~-~~ ......


Figure 235. Implements for Preparing Quill Tubes. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., "Artillery Implements •••")
'J!J .l.l



Figure 236. Tubes. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K. Royal
Laboratory, Plate 5, December 1867.)

The next major innovation was the development of detonating or percussion

tubes. Although there was some suggestion that experimental models were made
earlier, the first service detonating tubes were manufactured for the navy in 1831 on
the proposal of a Mr. Marsh of the Royal Arsenal Surgery. It was composed of a main
quill filled with normal composition, and a side quill, fixed at right angles to the body
near one end, filled with a detonating composition. This was made up of half chlorate
of potassa and half sulphuret of antimony. The two tubes were cemented at the joint
and the whole was varnished with red sealing wax dissolved in spirits of wine. These
were known as "rectangular percussion quill tubes. ,,42
This tube was fired by a percussion lock, the hammer striking the side tube that
held the detonating composition. Because the detonating composition was off to one
side, the hammer was not blown back by the explosion from the vent, but the tube
seems to have been relatively sluggish in action. Various experiments with tubes and
locks were tried, including a "crutch-tied" tube in which the detonating quill was tied
across the top of the main quill, a notch or crutch having been cut therein to receive
it. 43
Although the navy had adopted the "rectangular percussion quill tube" in 1831,
the Royal Artillery accepted it for garrison and seige (but not field) service only in
November 1845. Its career thereafter was short, however, for in 1846 Colonel
Charles C. Dansey, Chief Firernaster, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich, introduced a
"cross headed detonating quill" which was adopted by both the land and sea service
(Fig. 236). At the same time, a special lock devised by Colonel Dundas was adopted,
in which the hammer was pulled back from over the vent after it had struck the
detonating composition; this movement preserved the lock from serious damage from
the explosive force emanating from the vent.
The body of the tube was made of goose quill 2.5 inches long, cleared of pith,
scraped clean, and gauged in the usual manner. Its small end was snipped off, and as
near its large end as possible a hole was drilled through both sides. The tube was
filled with composition and pierced as usual. Then a small pigeon's quill or "snipe,"
which had been filled with detonating composition, was inserted into the hole and
secured with fine silk. The detonating composition was a mixture of
Potash, chlorate of 6 oz.
Antimony, sulphide of 6 oz.
Glass, ground 1 oz. 10 dr,
dampened with spirits of shellac. The open end of the snipe was closed with shellac
putty. The small portion of the main tube above the snipe was filled with a small
amount of L.G. powder to increase the flash and closed with shellac putty. Early on
the body of the tube was varnished black and the head and snipe were covered with a
thicker red varnish; after 1857, it seems that the whole was varnished black. 44
This detonating tube was an improvement over the "rectangular percussion quill
tube," but it still presented problems. Considerable force was required to crush the
quill above the cross of the snipe and the main tube, and there was the danger that if
the lanyard were not pulled sharply enough (the hammer was not spring released), the
hammer would only bruise the composition and not explode it. Also, where the vent
had become enlarged with wear, if the blow was not strong enough, the snipe could
become doubled up and driven into the vent; this would cause delay and danger to the
gunner removing the tube. 45
The final solution was the development of the friction tube - copper for land
service and quill for sea service. The initial inspiration came from a German officer,
a Lieutenant Siemans, whose metal friction tubes were ordered to be made in the
Royal Laboratory for experiment in 1841. Tests seem to have been made throughout
the 1840s, but it was not until 1851 that a Mr. Tozer of the Royal Laboratory
perfected the copper friction tube. It was adopted into all branches of the land

service (field, garrison, and selge) on 24 June 1853. Because it was metal it was
deemed unsuitable for the navy, and it was not until 16 July 1856 that a quill friction
tube, designed by Boxer, was adopted into the latter service. 46
The main tube was made out of sheet copper, rolled, gauged, and cut into 3 inch
lengths (Fig. 236). A nib was also stamped out of sheet copper; it was rolled into a
short tube, but it was designed with two projecting stubs to fit round the main tube.
It was attached to the main tube at a right angle near one end, woolded with copper
wire and soldered into place. A drill was inserted into the nib and a hole drilled into
the main tube. Then the main tube was driven with composition (rnealed powder
slightly dampened with methylated spirits) and pierced with a fine wire along its
length. A friction bar, which was stamped out of a piece of copper and roughened on
both sides, was inserted into the nib, and a small piece of detonating composition was
placed above and below it. The nib was then flattened with pincers onto the bar and
detonating composition. The projecting end of the bar, which was circular to take
the hook of the lanyard, was turned up slightly to ease its attachment. The top of the
tube was closed with shellac putty and the bottom with a disc of fine white paper,
varnished on. The end of the nib was varnished thickly and the whole tube was
varnished black to exclude moisture as much as possible. The tube was fired by
withdrawing the bar by a sharp pull on the lanyard, the friction between the
roughened bar and the detonating composition exploding the latter and igniting the
tube. 47 The detonating composition was made of
Potash, chlorate of 6 oz.
Antimony, sulphide of 6 oz.
Sulphur, sublimed 1/2 oz.
dampened with a mixtured of methylated spirits and shellac; the appropriate sized
patches were then dried for use. 48
The principle of the quill friction tube was the same, although some details of
construction varied (Fig. 236). The body, about 2-1/2 inches in length, was made of
quill, cleaned of pith, its end nipped off, and gauged in the usual way. It was driven
with the usual composition and pierced. Near its large end two transverse slits were
cut, through which the copper friction bar, roughened only on its upper side, was
inserted. The protruding roughened end of the bar was bent downward slightly to
increase the friction when withdrawn, and the end with the loop was twisted so that
the loop was vertical rather than horizontal to facilitate the attachment of the
lanyard. To strengthen the tube it was woolded with fine copper wire above and
below the slits for the friction bar. A small quantity of detonating composition,
dampened with methylated spirits and shellac and not dried, was driven inside the
quill on top of the friction bar. It was slightly different than that used in copper
friction tubes:
Potash, chlorate of 6 oz.
Antimony, sulphide of 6 oz.
Sulphur, sublimed 1/2 oz.
Powder, mealed 1 oz.
The addition of the mealed powder was to ensure a longer lasting flash, since only one
pat of detonating composition was being used. Over the detonating composition a
little gunpowder was driven; then a little ground clay; it was finished off with
beeswax. The upper part of the tube and the roughened, protruding end of the
friction bar were varnished and the latter was dipped in ground glass to increase
friction. A small parchment cap was then tied over the top with fine kitted silk.
The original quill detonating tube was fitted with a leather collar around its
upper end, tied on with kit ted silk, which formed a loop about 1-1/2 inches long. This
loop passed over a metal pin near the vent which took the strain of the pull of the
lanyard, preventing the quill from breaking. From 1859 to 1865 this loop was

dispensed with, being replaced by a leather band around the tube which filled up a
metal crutch placed alongside the vent to support the tube. After 1865 the quill
friction tube was manufactured with a loop again, of which there were two patterns
of little difference in design. 49


The introduction of the use of flint-locks to fire guns in the naval service is
usually attributed to Sir Charles Douglas' personal initiative between 1778 and 1782,
but the naval historian Dudley Pope has discovered an Admiralty order, dated 21
October 1755, which stipulated that locks were to be fitted to all quarter deck guns
and to be introduced gradually to all other guns. 50 It is by no means clear, however,
that this order was widely followed or, indeed, followed at all. If locks were
introduced to some extent in 1755, their use seems to have been forgotten by 1778
when Douglas was placed in command of H.M.S. Duke. He entered into discussions
with the Admiralty to introduce flannel cartridges, quill tubes, and flint-locks, but he
was largely unsuccessful, receiving only eight locks in 1779. Undaunted, at his own
expense he furnished his ship with flannel, goose quills, and flint-locks. The
performance of the Duke during Rodney's celebrated victory over the French in the
West Indies at the Battle of the Saints, 12 April 1782 (although Douglas had by then
been transferred to another ship) confirmed the efficiency of the flint-locks. The
ending of the war seems to have delayed their introduction, and it was not until 1790
that a new pattern of "brass locks" was generally introduced into the British naval
service. 51
The common naval flint-lock continued in use throughout the wars with France
and Napoleon, but its performance was open to some criticism. In particular, it was
pointed out that if the flint failed during the heat of battle, it was rarely replaced
immediately because of the difficulty of fixing a new one quickly and properly. If it
were not precisely aligned, it could break or even cause premature ignition as the pan
was closed. Consequently, upon the failure of the flint recourse was had to the
portfire, the use of which the flint-lock was supposed to obviate. 52
In an attempt to increase the efficient use of the flint-lock, Sir Howard
Douglas, Sir Charles Douglas's son, submitted to the Admiralty in 1817 a new design
of lock (Fig. 237). It was fitted with double jaws holding two flints, held in position
by a notch and a wing nut. If one flint failed, the other could be brought into play in
four or five seconds by loosening the nut, pivoting the double jaws, realigning their
shaft in the notch, and tightening the nut. Then "••• the back flint may be replaced at
comparative leisure whilst the gun is re-loading, without disarming the lock of its
efficient flint." 53 Moreover, not only could this be done quickly, but there was no
danger of losing loose parts since the double lock was self-sufficient. 54
The admiralty tested the double lock, probably in August 1817, and reported
that they "... are considered to be a very great improvement on those at present in
use." 55 On 16 January 1818, Douglas was advised further "••• that the provision of
locks for Sea Service Ordnance now in use, should be discontinued, and those of your
invention gradually introduced into the service." 56 The Board of Ordnance, on the
other hand, was more cautious and initially declined to make a decision. Douglas
enlisted the aid of Sir Alexander Dickson, a distinguished artillerist and Wellington's
chief of artillery during the Peninsular campaigns and the subsequent invasion of
France. Dickson argued strongly for the adoption of the new locks by the Royal
Artillery, supporting Douglas' argument of the inability of gunners to change flints

both quickly and properly, and adding that lighted port fires were dangerous in
batteries because of the presence of powder in a busy and confined space. He had
reservations about the use of a lock in the field service, unless a new tube was
adopted (Douglas had a proposal); using the existing tubes it was necessary to prime
the lock with powder. On the other hand, he pointed out the danger of setting fire to
dry grass, corn, houses, and villages, when the burning ends of port fires were cut off,
and the trouble of continually lighting, cutting, and relighting portfires. 57
According to Douglas,
Supported by that distinguished officer, the author's
proposition received favourable consideration, and would then
have been carried into effect had not financial and other
considerations rendered it inexpedient to provide forthwith the
necessary supply of locks. 58
The possibility that the Royal Artillery never used this flint-lock was to some degree
contradicted by Majendie in his study of smooth-bore ammunition although he does

Figure 237. Douglas Gunlock. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
Lefroy, Papers.)

not cite any specific evidence. After quoting the above statement by Douglas, he
went on:
But there is no doubt flint locks were used for land
service to a certain extent, and I conclude therefore that the
passage refers merely to a lock of a particular construction,
and not to locks generally. 59
But he conceded:
••. their employment for land service never became general,
and a large, probably the larger, proportion of land service
guns continued to be fired with common ••• tubes by the
application of a lighted match or portfire.
The development of the detonating or percussion tube in the 1830s required
coincidentally the design of a different lock, one whose hammers would explode the
detonating composition by striking it. If the tube were so designed that the hammer
came down on the detonating composition directly over the vent, unless the hammer
could somehow be pulled away, it would be thrown back violently by the explosion of
the charge issuing through the vent, thereby in all likelihood damaging the lock and
putting it out of action. Consequently, the first percussion tubes were so designed
that the detonating composition was attached to one side of the tube, and the
hammer of the lock thus came down to one side of the vent. Unfortunately, this
arrangement was found sluggish and unsatisfactory.
Various designs of locks were put forward to allow the hammer to fall directly
over the vent and instantaneously allow it to slip or be drawn away, but the simplest
and most efficient was patented in 1842 by an American named Hidden. The hammer
of this lock was modified and improved by Colonel Dundas, and on 2 October 1846
Hidden's lock as modified was adopted into both services. 61 The hammer, which was
made of the best wrought iron and weighed about 3-5/16 lb., was attached to a gun-
metal block upon which it rotated. A slot was made in the hammer so that when it
was jerked forward upon the vent by the pull of the lanyard it was instantly shifted
backward by the continued action of the lanyard. Although this device was ingenious
and simple, it had its shortcomings. Its firing action was not as quick as if the
hammer was spring propelled. Also, crushing the top of a cross-headed detonating
tube required a strong pull on the lanyard; if it was insufficient, the composition
would not be exploded but rather the tube driven into the vent, resulting in delay and
danger in its removal. It is not clear how widely this percussion system was used, but
shortly it became obsolete with the development of friction tubes in both the land
and sea service (see above).62


To hit a target with a projectile a gunner had to lay his gun properly. He did
this by aligning the axis of his piece and the vertical plane of the object and, unless it
was point blank range, by giving the gun some elevation above the horizontal plane
that passed through the target. Since guns had no sighting devices originally, laying
was done most crudely. In the field, the gunners usually opened up at point blank
range; during sieges, they usually determined the elevation by experience and trial
and error.! In 1610 a dispart sight, set on the muzzle to make up the difference in
diameter between the base ring and the swell of the muzzle, was used to lay the gun
point blank, and in the mid-1700s such a device was still in use, but usually only in
practlce.Z To aid the gunner a button or acorn was cast on the mid-point swell of the
muzzle and a notch or cavity in the mid-point of the base ring; lining these two points
up with the target gave the proper line of dlrection.J According to John Muller, who
was writing in the 1750s, pieces were formerly cast with these sights, but there is no
other evidence that English guns were so marked in the eighteenth century. Rather,
the gunner found the line of direction by establishing the centre points of the base
ring and the swell of the muzzle, using a plumb-line or spirit level, and by joining
them with a chalk line, although Muller felt that this method was "... very tedious,
uncertain, and unrnaster ly.t''' In 1766 Adye described the devices used to lay a gun -
the dispart sight; the line of direction, determined by spirit level and marked with
chalk; and, for determining elevation, the gunner's quadrant. 5
Invented about 1545 by Niccolo Tartaglia, an Italian mathematician and pioneer
ballistics theorist, the gunner's quadrant was a simple and effective device for
determining the elevation of a piece. It was constructed in wood or metal of two
arms of unequal lengths joined in a right angle and connected by a half circle
graduated in degrees. A plumb-bob on a thread was suspended from the vertex of the
angle. The long arm was inserted into the bore of the piece and the angle of
elevation was read at the point the thread of the plumb-bob touched the quarter
circle. Angles of depression could be determined by placing the long arm flush on the
face of the muzzle and again determining where the thread touched the quarter
A variation of the gunner's quadrant was the spirit level quadrant, in which a
spirit level was pivoted from the vertex of the right angle and the angle of elevation
read from where it intersected the graduated quarter circle. It was used similarly to
the gunner's quadrant - the long arm was inserted into the bore of the piece, the
spirit level adjusted until it was level, and the angle of elevation determined from the
scale on the quarter circle. Angles of depression were determined by placing the
short arm flush on the muzzle face or if the bore were large enough, into the bore,
and adjusting the level. 6
The spirit level dates from 1661, but it is not known precisely when it was
married to the gunner's quadrant) In the catalogue of the Museum of Artillery at
Woolwich there is a record of "Brass instrument (quadrant with spirit level and
plummet index) for laying guns and mortars" attributed to Albert Borgard and dated
1710. 8 Although Adye mentioned only the gunner's quadrant in his notebook of 1766,
John Muller described the spirit level quadrant two years later:
The best sort has a spiral [sic] level fixed to a brass radius, so
when the long end is introduced into the piece, this radius is
turned about its centre till it is level, then its end shows the
angle of elevation, or the inclination from the horizon ••.•9
How extensively it was used may have been a function of its cost compared to the

gunner's quadrant. Along with the latter it continued to be mentioned into the 1860s.
A scale drawing in a repository course notebook, circa 1826, showed a rather compact
instrument, equipped with a vernier to read to quarters of a degree and with a screw
device to adj ust the level finely.l 0
Although Tartaglia and other writers constructed elaborate theories of ballis-
tics around the use of the quadrant, it is unlikely that it was used very often in the
heat of battle. Commenting on the use of various instruments, including the gunner's
quadrant, in 1766 Adye remarked:
These Instruments may be very well used in practice as they
serve to show a Young Artillerist on what Principles his
Business is founded, but are seldom made use of in real
Service, as it must render the firing very slow & tedious & if
the Gunner finds his Gun throw at first either too high or too
low or too much to the right or left, he can easily alter it by
his Eye without the Assistance of an Instrument.! 1
Later, with the development of tangent sights, the use of the quadrant was probably
even more restricted, although its use was still taught and it continued to be issued.
In 1864 Miller indicated that for the field service one quadrant was issued to each
rocket carriage (but not to the field guns), eight were considered adequate for a siege
train of 105 pieces, and one was issued to every four mortars (but not to the guns) in
garrison.!2 Clearly its use was limited and it was largely superseded by the tangent
A tangent scale was a laying device marked off in quarter degrees, which
allowed a gun to be elevated the required number of degrees above the horizon,
depending on the range of the target. The length of each degree of elevation on the
scale could be determined by multiplying the distance between the two sights on the
piece (e.g., between the base ring and the swell of the muzzle, or between the base
ring and the dispart sight) by the tangent of the number of degrees of elevation
required, which could be obtained from trigonometrical tables. A manual gave the
following natural tangents: 13

1/2 = .00872 5-1/2 = .09629

1 = .01745 6 = .10510
1-1/2 = .02618 6-1/2 = .11393
2 = .03492 7 = .12278
2-1/2 = .04366 7-1/2 = .13165
3 = .05240 8 = .14054
3-1/2 = .06116 8-1/2 = .14945
4 = .06992 9 = .15838
4-1/2 = .07870 9-1/2 = .16734
5 = .08748 10 = .17632

(A modern table gives a variation of .00001 in some of the tangents, which is so slight
as to be insignificant.) If the piece did not have a dispart sight, the length of the
dispart (one-half the difference in diameter between the base ring and the swell of
the muzzle) had to be subtracted from lower end of the scale to establish the lowest
elevation at which the gun could be laid using the scale, Le, the line of metal
elevation. For elevations below this to point blank the quarter sights had to be used.
If the piece had a dispart sight, which field guns in the late 1850s and howitzers had
cast on, the dispart was not subtracted, and the tangent scale could be used to lay the
weapon from point blank upwards.Jf
The tangent scale may have been first suggested by Thomas Blomefield in the
mid-1770s, who, in a paper before the Military Society at Woolwich, proposed:

that the tangents for every 1/2 degree of elevation be

calculated from point blank to 6 0 , according to their different
lengths, which graduated upon a small scale with sights might
be fixed or occasionally applied to the base ring.15
It is not known when the tangent scale came into general use, but Blomefield's
position as Inspector of Artillery in the 1780s would have facilitated its development.
Certainly by the late 1790s brass guns were being cast with a block behind the base
ring for the drilling of a hole into which the tangent scale fitted.l 6 Older brass guns
could be fitted with a tangent scale by attaching with screws a holder to the cascable
in which the scale could slide (Fig. 238).17 A tangent scale could be attached to any
gun, but initally it was used only with brass field pieces, in particular the following:

pdr. ft. in.

12, medium, 6 6
light 5
6, heavy 7
light 5
3, heavy 6

10, howitzer 3 11-1/2
8 3 1
5-1/2 2 2-3/4
4-2/5 1 10 18

Figure 238. Brass Tangent Scale for Old Brass Guns. (The Royal Artillery Institu-
tion, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, XXIV/50.)

According to Landmann, the tangent scale

consists of a piece of brass 0.6 of an inch in diameter, applied
to the breech of guns and howitzers; and, sliding in a grove
[sic], cut through the cascable: the back has a small flat
surface on which the divisions are made for elevating the
piece: there is a notch also upon the top of the scale
corresponding with those upon the base-ring and the swell of
the muzzle. A small screw is contrived to fix the scale in any
given position.1 9
Suggestions were made to engrave the distances corresponding to the degrees of
elevation, and tests were carried out in 1813 with scales on which were marked the
spherial case fuze letter, the fuze length, and the range. Marking the scale in this
way seems not to have become common practice, however (Fig. 239).2 0
Quarter sights, which complemented the tangent scale on field guns, were
developed concurrently with it. 21 They allowed for elevations down to point blank,
the tangent scale being useless below the line of metal elevation. They were cut on
the upper quarters of the base rings in quarter degrees from point blank to 3 degrees,
thus allowing some overlap with the elevations of the tangent scale. The point blank
sights were obtained by cutting a notch on both sides of the muzzle swell and base
ring so that a line joining them would pass slightly above the trunnions, parallel to the
axis of the bore. The other quarter sights were then cut on the base ring, the lengths
of the degrees being tangents calculated from the long radius of the gun. These lines,
along with the centre point on top of the base ring and the swell of the muzzle, were
ordered cut on guns from the late 1790s. Although the development of Millar's sights
obviated quarter sights, as late as the 1860s quarter sights were cut on all brass guns
and land service iron guns, 32-pounders and and lesser calibres. 22
Detailed descriptions of the method of cutting the visual lines on guns have not
been found until the 1840s, but it seems unlikely that they varied greatly before then.
For reasons which are not apparent, there were some differences between the
methods used for brass and iron guns. For the former, the gun was placed with its
trunnions perfectly horizontal, and the centre point on the base ring and the muzzle
was determined with a spirit level; these points were joined with a straight edge,
marked, deepened with a chisel, and finished with a file. To establish the lowest
quarter sights on the base ring and muzzle swell, a semi-circle equal to half the base
ring and another equal to half the muzzle swell were inscribed from the same centre
on a plate of brass. A line was drawn 3/4 inch above, and parallel to, the common
diameter of the two semi-circles; the 3/4 inch represented the thickness of the
capsquares. The radius was set off from the common centre perpendicular to the
diameter of the semi-circles. On each semi-circle the distance between the points
where the perpendicular and the parallel line intersected the semi-circle was
measured with callipers, and that distance, measured from the centre point already
cut, was marked on both sides of either the base ring or the muzzle.
To determine the remainder of the quarter sights, a brass template with one
edge curved to fit the base ring and the opposite edge straight was used. The
tangents for each quarter degree of elevation up to 3 degrees, calculated for the long
radius, were marked on the straight edge, and perpendiculars were drawn to intersect
the curved edge. The template was applied to both sides of the base ring and the
scale transferred on to it; the marks were finished with chisel and file, a straight
edge being used to join each mark to that on the side of the muzzle swell.
Iron guns were treated somewhat differently. To establish the centre points on
the base ring and the muzzle swell, the trunnions were levelled and a long batten,
with a line bisecting it lengthways, was put down the bore of the gun. The batten was
levelled and a perpendicular was raised from the bisecting line against the muzzle

Figure 239. Tangent Scales. (The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
"Repository Course•••")

face. Another batten was placed along the upper surface of the gun from the base
ring, touching the perpendicular, and made to coincide with the centre line of the
batten extending from the bore. The points where the batten touched the base ring
and muzzle swell were marked. The batten was reversed and the points marked
again; if they did not coincide the mid-point between the two marks was selected.
They were deepened with a chisel and finished with a file. The line between the cuts
on the base ring and the muzzle should have been coincidental with the axis of the
To mark the lowest quarter sights, the inclination of the bore was taken with a
quadrant spirit level. A piece of iron the thickness of the capsquares (about 1-1/2
inches) was placed on the trunnions, and a batten was balanced on it at the same
angle as the bore. Marks were made where the batten touched the base ring and the
muzzle swell on both sides; they were deepened with a chisel and finished with a file.
The remainder of the quarter sights were marked in the same way as they were on
brass guns. 23
The centre of metal was cut on the base ring and the swell of the muzzle on
both sides, and on the face of the right trunnion after 1860. It was obtained much as
the line of metal except that the trunnions were brought into a vertical instead of a
horizontal position. As well the line on the right trunnion was bisected with a
vertical line, so that on ship board it was possible with the aid of a plumb line to

ascertain when the axis of the gun was horizontal. It is not clear but these marks
may have been only for naval guns, since the centre of metal on the base ring was
used with a wooden side tangent scale, which was exclusively a naval sight. 24
While the tangent scale seems to have been used for pointing field pieces from
at least the late 1790s, it was not immediately adopted either for siege or garrison
service or in the Royal Navy where the gun continued to be laid by the line of metal
and the quarter sights. The latter method may have been adequate on land, but on a
rolling ship the necessity of directing the gun over the top and then of determining
the elevation at the side was extremely awkward. Adverse encounters with American
frigates during the War of 1812 convinced the Lords of the Admiralty, when
hostilities had ceased, to attempt to discover efficient sights and elevating devices.
In 1817 they asked Sir William Congreve, the younger, to consider the problem.2 5
Although Congreve collected and made models of various kinds of sights, his
immediate inspiration was a straight-edge sight used by the Americans during the
War of 1812. It was a simple grooved piece of wood fixed to the upper surface of the
gun, parallel to its axis, which enabled the gunner to direct the piece at point blank,
but it had no means of elevation.2 6 Congreve improved on its design by providing the
means of elevation and equipping it with a tube or rings to keep the eye down to the
proper level when the gun was being laid. After considering the various sights, their
Lordships agreed with Congreve that some form of the straight-edge sight was
appropriate to naval gunnery, and they directed that tests be made with different
models on board H.M.S. Liffey. These were carried out from January to June 1819.
Congreve designed three different lengths of sights, for guns or carronades,
based on the straight-edge principle. The straight-edge, which was grooved, could be
used as an open sight, or it could be fitted either with a tube with cross wires or, at
each end, with a ring with cross wire. The longest was attached by a foot in front of
the second reinforce ring and by a shackle to the vent patch, using one of the screws
securing the lock. It was jointed at the foot and could be raised to various elevations
from point blank to 5 degrees by fixing the shackle into a graduated scale of holes
drilled into it. A shorter sight, which was attached to the vent patch and at the first
reinforce ring, was elevated slightly differently, by legs of unequal length attached at
each end, working somewhat like parallel rulers. The shortest sight, which was also
elevated by this method, was fitted to the vent patch on the side opposite to the lock.
Congreve designed an addition which was added to the longest sight in response to a
suggestion that more accuracy could be achieved if the sight extended to the muzzle.
Each sight was so calculated that it could be attached to 32-, 24-, or 18-pounders.
The practice on board H.M.S. Liffey was very successful. Captain Duncan, the
officer in charge, commented: "••• I do not think there can be better sights than
those fitted on our gun" and "••• I am perfectly satisfied as to the utility of the
Sights." In November 1819 a joint committee of naval and field officers, persuaded
of the efficacy of Congreve's sights, recommended their adoption for guns and
carronades in the Royal Navy. Certain minor alterations in the manner of attaching
and elevating the sights were made, but the principle was essentially Congreve's of
sighting through two rings along a grooved straight-edge.
The sight's initial success was short lived; by 1827 the Royal Navy was
dissatisfied with them and, in that year, withdrew them from service. The sights
were undoubtedly ingeniously designed, in the words of one writer, "••• of delicate
construction, fitted, with mathematical and mechanical nicety, to minute differences
of elevation•••," but because of their standing so high above the gun, they were liable
to damage from falling rigging or other debris during action or by the working of
tackles and sheets when the ship was manouvering. If a strong breeze was blowing,
they could not be used from the lee side for high elevations because the lowness of
the ports blocked a view of the target. If the ship was in quick motion in rough seas,

because the sights were closed it was extremely difficult to anticipate the arrival of
the target in the rings and, thus, the proper moment of firing; open sights were found
much more advantageous. Finally, Congreve's sights were expensive to manu-
facture. 27
In 1828 Lieutenant T.S. Beauchant, R.M.A., published a book entitled The Naval
Gunner in which he discussed, among other topics, the laying of guns.2 8 Interestingly,
he made no mention of Congreve's sights, which may indicate that they had fallen
into disuse a number of years before the navy withdrew them from service in 1827.
Rather, he described two tangent scales. One, which might be termed a dispart-
tangent, set on the gun in front of the second reinforce ring and the other, for higher
elevations, set about 9 inches in front of the breech. It is not clear from Beauchant's
description whether he was proposing new sights or he was writing about existing
ones. There are at the Rotunda, Woolwich, two brass tangent scales for the 24-
pounder of 9 feet which are very similar to Beauchant's dispart-tangent scale (Fig.
240).29 His sights may have been in use in the 1820s before the generally accepted
Millar sights were adopted about 1830.
The dispart-tangent sight, which was set on the gun just in front of the second
reinforce ring, allowed for elevations from point blank to the line of metal. A
vertical slit in it was calibrated in quarter degrees, and a movable guide, which was
secured by a screw, was raised or lowered to the desired degrees of elevation. The
aim was taken by lining up the sight on the base ring, the movable guide, and the
target. For elevations above the line of metal a second tangent scale was necessary,
fixed to the gun 9 inches from the breech. It was of a similar design to the dispart-
tangent sight, but longer, calibrated from the line of metal to 4-1/2 degrees. The
aim was taken by lining up the movable guide, the sight on the muzzle swell, and the
target. The long scale was probably made of wood, while the dispart-tangent sight
was of metal. 30
Without a dispart sight the tangent scale could not be used to lay a gun between
the line of metal or dispart angle and point blank; for those elevations the quarter
sights were utilized, a method which was very awkward, especially at sea. Beau-
chant's sights solved this problem, but they were not adopted (at least not for long).
Rather in 1829, William Millar, Inspector-General of Artillery, devised sights which
were used, first in the naval and then in the land service, until the end of the smooth-
bore era. j 1 He attached a pointed gun-metal dispart sight to the second reinforce


Figure 240. Two Brass Tangent Scales for the 24-pdr. of 9 feet (rear and front).
(The Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, XXIV/55-6.)

ring of the gun or, if there was no ring, at the end of the second reinforce, and a gun-
metal block, in which a brass tangent scale could slide, to the breech (Figs. 241 and
242). A piece of lead, not less than 1/8 inch thick, was placed underneath both the
dispart sight and the block to prevent the fixing screws from snapping off when the
gun was fired. These were hexagonal headed for all blocks for Blomefield guns and
for all fore sights, but round headed for all other blocks. The former were removed
with a wrench, the latter with a screw driver. (When the sights were removed,
preserving screws were inserted into the screw holes.)
Eventually there were five different shapes of blocks - for the 8- and lO-inch
guns; the 68-pounders; the 56-, 42-, and 32-pounders; all Blomefield guns; and the 32-
pounder of 25 hundredweight. 32 The tangent scale, which fitted into the block and
was secured by a thumb-screw, was a brass rod, calibrated in quarters from point
blank to a maximum of 5 degrees. 33 The extent of the calibration depended on the
clearance angle of the guns above which the scale could not be used. Its upper end
was shaped like an arrow-head, the point of which was notched. When wooden
tangent scales were introduced, the block was fitted with two pins on which the
wooden scale rested. 34
Millar's sights were initially designed for the Naval Service, but the advent of
steam driven warships impressed on the coast artillery their utility in laying a gun
quickly when firing at a rapidly moving target. Late in 1845 this view was forcefully
presented by a Captain Wilford, R.A., in a paper read before the Royal Artillery
Institution, and in 1846 or 1847 Millar's sights were adopted in the land service. 35
Toward the end of the 1850s, the Royal Navy adopted a hexagonal-shaped
tangent scale made of brass tubing. The scale of degrees was marked on one side,
and the ranges in yards for shot and shell with different charges were marked on the
others. All scales were not marked in precisely the same way, but in accordance with
the following principle:

Figure 241. Millar's Dispart Sight. (The Figure 242. Millar's Tangent Scale for
Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, 32-pounder, 58 hundredweight, 9-1/2
U.K., The Rotunda, XXIV/43.) feet. (The Royal Artillery Institution,
Woolwich, U.K., The Rotunda, XXIV/34.)

o degrees
F yards with full charge
D yards with distant charge for shot
R yards with reduced charge
SF yards with full charge
for shell
SR yards with distant charge

The form of the scale and the method of making it were introduced by Admiral Sir
Thomas Maitland, probably sometime between 1&57 and 1&59.36
Because the tangent scale and dispart sight could not be used beyond the angle
of clearance, above which the muzzle obscured the target, a wooden tangent scale,
made of walnut with brass fittings, called No.1, was issued to the land service for
elevations from the angle of clearance to &degrees (Fig. 243). The degrees above the
angle of clearance were calculated using the long radius, that is, from the muzzle
swell to the scale; opposite them the corresponding ranges were marked in yards. A
slot ran down the middle of the scale along which a brass sight could be moved and
secured by a screw at the appropriate elevation. The degrees below the angle of
clearance (calculated, as on the brass scale, using the short radius) and the
corresponding ranges were also marked on the wooden scale beneath the slot.
The base of the wooden scale, to which a brass plate was attached to prevent
its splitting, was designed to fit over the block of the brass scale (Fig. 244). A brass
staple or fixture was attached to the back into which the head of the brass scale
fitted. Thus, when the wooden scale was to be attached to the gun, the brass scale
was raised, its head inserted into the brass staple, and the wooden scale was pressed
down until it rested on the block, when the thumb screw was tightened to secure the
brass scale. This sight was introduced by Colonel Hardinge, R.A., at almost the same
time as Millar's sights were adopted.
Another wooden scale, No.2, also made of walnut, was issued to guns which
were not fitted with Millar's sights. Similarly marked to No. 1 scale, it was
calibrated, using the long radius, from the line of metal to & degrees. Its base, to
which a brass plate was attached, was curved to fit the base ring, and a piece of brass
projected down to fit into the notch thereon. It was held by hand. 37
In the naval service, pivot and shell guns required elevations greater than the
angle of clearance. Instead of the wooden scales of the land service, the navy
substituted a long metal tangent scale, calibrated for the long radius, for the short
scale. Because of the short distance between the block and the breeching loop of the
gun (this varied depending on the design of the gun), up to four scales might be
required to give elevations up to 10 degrees (sometimes 11 degrees), each taking up
where the last left off. In 1&49, Noble, a student at the Royal Military Academy,
indicated that the long scales were brass, but in 1&60 Douglas wrote that they were
wood because brass scales of great length tended to droop. Later authorities
suggested that both materials were used. Their form and markings were the same as
the shorter scales for which they were substituted. Broadside guns usually were
supplied only with the short scale, but for every six guns one set of long scales giving
elevations up to 10 degrees was issued.3&
In addition elevation could be given on ship board by a wooden tangent scale,
which was used when the elevation required was so great that the line of sight was
blocked by the upper edge of the port hole. Graduated to give 12 degrees of
elevation and 6 degrees of depression, it was held on one of the steps of the carriage
bracket, and used in conjunction with the ship's pendulum that indicated the heel of
the vessel)9
When the method of finding the lengths of degrees on a tangent scale was
explained above, it was assumed that the scale was perpendicular to the axis of the

piece. Millar's scale, however, was inclined at an angle of 14 degrees from the
vertical; thus it was not truly a tan scale, and a different formula was used to
establish the length of each degreer'' 5ent
Up to the clearance angle, that is for the metal scale

sin b
x =r sin (90 + a - b)

Above the clearance angle, that is for the wooden scales

R sin (b - c)
x = sin (90 + a - b)

where a =angle of inclination of tangent scale from vertical

b = given angle of elevation
c = angle of dispart
r =short radius
R =long radius
x = length of tangent scale required.

(The value of sin can be obtained from trigonometrical tables.)

A practical method of calibrating a tangent scale, which the Ordnance adopted,
was to use a radius board. This was an accurately planed wooden table about 12-1/4
feet long and about 3-1/4 feet broad at one end and 1-1/2 feet broad at the other.
Drawing paper was pasted to it. From a point at the small end of the table an arc of
14 degrees with a radius of 12 feet and one of 20 degrees with a radius of 6 feet were
drawn. They were accurately divided into degrees and radii were drawn to these
divisions. The bottom radius was divided into tenths of inches. A line drawn from
the bottom radius at any point on it, at a right angle or at any required inclination to
it, will represent the tangent scale for that radius and inclination and will be
accurately divided into degrees by the various radii. The lengths can then be
transferred to the tangent scale. 41

Figure 243. Wooden Tangent Scale, Figure 244. Wooden Tangent Scale,
No.1, for 32-pounder, 58 hundredweight, No.1, for 32-pounder, 58 hundredweight,
9-1/2 feet (front view). (The Royal 9-1/2 feet (rear view). (The Royal
Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K., Artillery Institution, Woolwich, U.K.,
The Rotunda, XXIV/35.) The Rotunda, XXIV/35.)


This book provides a great amount of information on the construction of British

smooth-bore ordnance, carriages, platforms, projectiles, and certain ancilliary equip-
ment to enable Environment Canada - Parks to undertake reconstruction of them.
As well, it has made available material that will be of use to Parks interpreters in
explaining the nature and function of artillery within the military sites. It is not
claimed that all questions have been answered, but it is felt that sufficient
information has been provided to enable Parks to attempt reconstructions with some
degree of confidence in their accuracy, even when examples of the weapon or
carriage are no longer extant.
It is worth noting that during the study, I was asked to provide information to
the Atlantic, Quebec, and Ontario regional offices of Parks on the production of
ordnance and accoutrements. The experience gained therefrom was valuable and
serves to highlight the real or potential limitations of a general work such as this.
For example, historical requisitions for material to repair the traversing platform and
carriage at Fort Wellington provided partial dimensions to reproduce these items, but
when they were compared with what was known of the standard Royal Artillery
platform of the period, there was a variance. Seemingly the Royal Artillery at Fort
Wellington had made local adaptations for reasons that remain obscure. The resulting
platform that was built was the conventional platform as modified by the knowledge
gained from the repair requisitions. At Fort Henry, historic knowledge was useful to
complete and verify as-found drawings of an existing weapon, a rifled 7-inch
Armstrong gun. Also, the carriage and platform there was a reconstruction which,
when compared with historic drawings turned out to be inaccurate in many respects;
consequently the reconstruction was based mainly on historical material. In the case
of Coteau-du-Lac where almost all details of the platform and carriage that had been
there in the 1820s were lacking, the work of reconstruction was based on con-
temporary drawings made by Royal Artillery officers in England. Lacking local detail
it was necessary to revert to standard.
Any study of this nature will be incomplete, but it is hoped that as recon-
struction work is carried out new knowledge which comes to light will be made
available to supplement this work. It is also hoped that any errors discovered will
also be communicated to me so that the study can be as accurate as possible.


The following appendices detail the dimensions and changes thereof for British
smooth-bore ordnance during the period circa 1710-1860.
The original language and spelling has been retained generally, but in some cases the
original documents have been adapted or modified for clarity or to enable their more
convenient reproduction on modern word processing equipment.
In particular the tables from the 1844 edition of Morton Spearman, The British Gunner,
in which measurements were given in feet and decimals of feet, were converted to feet and
inches to make comparisons with other sources easier.

Appendix A. General Statement of the Regulations and Practice of the Inspector of

Artillery's Department in Examining, Proving and Receiving of Iron Ordnance Supplied by
Contractors for His Majesty's Service and that of the East India Company.

1st On the Ordnance being received from

the Contractors, they are drawn to a
Note. The limitations in construction are convenient place for Examination; which in
given in a Table which is hung up in the the first instance is confined to the External
Inspector's office and to which all figure and dimensions, and their being free
Contractors have access. from outward flaws and honey-combed
The limits for Ordnance for the King's defects: After which their Cylinders are
and the India Company's Services are within visited by very accurate Instruments, and, if
narrower bounds than those for Merchants: found Sufficiently correct, and in the true
And it is not the practice to submit the axis of the piece (not exceeding certain
latter Guns to the Water Proof unless it may small limits) they are taken to the Proof
be asked for. Ground.

Proof Charges for Iron Guns 2 nd The Ordnance are then laid
Powder horizontally, and fired one round, loaded in
32E£ 21 1/2 lbs. accordance with the Table in the margin;
24 18 One round Shot and two after which they are carefully seached
18 15 junk wads are used twice, and should their bores be found free
12 12 each round. from flaws or holes, they are (as soon after
9 9 as convenient: sometimes the same day but
6 6 generally the day following) subjected to a
Note: The above charges apply to Iron Guns similar proof and searching.
of the regular Fabric: but for those of a Holes or flaws discovered after the first
lighter nature, double the Service Charge is round render, of course, further proof
generally used for proof. unnecessary.

For Carronades Holes in the bore which condemn the piece

Powder are
68E£ l3 1bs
42 9 One round shot and one In the Charging
32 8 junk wad are used Cylinder 1/5 of an
24 6 each round. In the Chase 1/4 inch
18 4
12 3
6 1 1/2

Weight of Junk Wads

lbs oz.
68 pr 4 11
42 2 14
32 2 4
24 1 12 number as
18 1 6 above
12 1 1
9 o 12
6 o 9

Further Trial Charges for Guns 3rd Should one Gun in ten burst in both the
Powder above rounds, the whole number laid are
32 14 lbs. rejected, and are not to be subjected to any
24 11 Two round Shot and farther Trial.
18 9 two Junk wads used
12 6 each round. 4t h Should a smaller proportion than one in
9 4 1/2 ten fail, and the Inspector be generally
6 3 satisfied with the strength and quality of
the metal, then a piece is selected on each
Note: The Inspector has lately preferred side the running number of that which burst
(with the Concurrence of the Contractor) in to be put to further Trial, by firing each
the Event of any Gun bursting, the putting twenty rounds with the Charge given in the
the whole of those laid with the burst Gun, opposite Table; And should either of them
to a third Proof with the same charge, as fail by this Test of ascertaining their
the first and Second. And should any failure strength, it is at the Inspectors sic
take place in this third Proof, the whole will discretion to reject the whole, unless the
be condemned: But as yet there is no Founder can give such substantial reasons as
authority from the Board for this Change. may induce him to extend this Trial to those
which have been cast under different
Circumstances; as the failure by their
firings is a strong evidence against the
quality, or evincing bad management of the
metal in the Furnace.

5th Should the whole number of pieces

resist the Proofs they have been submitted
to, so as to satisfy the Inspector's judgement
of their Strength, they are taken from the
butt, and subjected to the water Proof,
which is applied, by forcing Water into their
Cylinders, by means of a powerful Engine;
and it will be in the Inspector's discretion to
condemn Such piece as has its mass
penetrated through with the water.

Lastly. The Guns are well washed out, and

conveniently laid up so as to admit the Sun's
rays being reflected from a Mirror into their
bores, to discover whether any Flaws or
Holes may have escaped the former
Searchings, which are perceptible from the
water which may have been forced into the
Open parts, leaving them in a discoloured
state, and thus leading to their detection:
And, during the whole proceedings the
greatest possible care is taken to find that
no defects have been concealed by Screws,
Plugs or Hammering up of Holes or Flaws by
the Founder previous to their delivery: as
such measures if discovered in any of the
Guns would lead to the rejection of the
whole number sent for Proof.

The Guns after proof and examinations

are received as being fit for His Majesty's
Service and marked; and such as may be
condemned are mutilated and returned to
the Contractors.

With regard to the Strength of the

Powder used &. the Elevation of the Piece It
may be observed that the Powder is large
Grain of the very best quality: The Guns are
laid on the ground without Carriages, and
fired nearly horizontal into the Butt.

Proof Charges of Powder The foregoing Instructions apply to

for Iron Mortars Iron Guns only. Mortars and Howitzers are
Sea Land examined and proved upon the same
lbs. oz. ""165. principle; the former, however, are fired
13 In. 20 11 9 with their Chambers full of Powder, and a
10 9 8 4 Solid Ball; upon their own beds; generally at
8 2 a high Angle, (about 75°) though of late
from the almost total impossibility of
getting a Safe Range upon the River, they
have been laid as Guns and fired into the

Proof Charges of Powder Iron Gomer Howitzers are proved in

for Gomer Iron Howitzers. the same manner with the Charges
given in Margin; but with a Shell.
10 Inch. 12 Ibs,
8 8

Source: Royal Artillery Institution (RAI),

General Statement of the Regulations and
Practice of the Inspector of Artillery's
Department•••, circa 1785.

Appendix B. Use of Desaguliers' Instruments

The first instrument, called Desagulier's [sic], is employed, to ascertain whether the
bore is correctly situated, that is to say, if its axis is identical with that of the piece, and
also to test the smoothness and regularity of the bore.
This instrument is of the following construction. Two long iron bars are connected
together, so that they can be moved outwards or inwards on the principle of parallel rulers,
and are opened and closed by a screw at one end; at the same end of the bars there is a
framework of brass, on which slide two brass arms, these being strictly at right angles to the
bars, and they can be moved in or out by means of small pinions. At the ends of these arms
are two others placed at right angles to them, and consequently parallel to the long bars;
upon each of these last arms are fixed two small brackets of brass, each having a fine notch
cut in it, so that the line joining the notches on either side shall be strictly parallel to the
long bars.
The application of the instrument is as follows. The iron bars are inserted into the
bore of the piece, and held in the axis by means of heights fixed underneath; the bars are
opened by means of the screw until they touch the surface of the bore. A silk thread being
held at the notch A, at the extremity of one of the arms, the other end of it is placed
against the base ring, or in a notch in a plate resting against the base ring, C; the arm is
thus moved in or out by the pinion until the thread falls into the other notch B. This being
done, the distance BD, of the thread from the edge of the nearest long bar outside the
muzzle is measured, and this must manifestly equal the thickness of metal CE, at that part
of the piece where the end of the silk is placed. The same is done on the other side of the
piece, and should the two measurements agree, it is evident that the axis of the bore
corresponds with that of the gun as regards one plane.
Whilst the above apparatus is in the bore another part of the instrument is placed in,
called the index rod, consisting of a long rod having a powerful spring at the end which first
enters the bore. A small arm carrying a friction wheel is fitted on to the end of the spring,
and is connected by a bent lever to another thin rod, which passes down the length of the
first, and is attached to a hand working over an index plate fixed to the end of the rod which
projects from the muzzle; any movement of the friction wheel, which touches one side of
the bore, is multiplied on the divisions of the index plate, so that a very slight compression
of the spring is clearly shown, and any irregularity in the surface of the bore on this side
easily detected; the distance of the irregularity from the face of the muzzle can be readily
seem by the divisions on the rod.
Both sides of the bore are examined with the above instrument when the trunnions are
horizontal, and also when they are vertical. Before the bars are removed the diameter of
the bore is measured across them by means of small sliding callipers.

Source: Charles H. Owen, Rough Notes on the Manufacture of Ordnance, Carriages, and
Ammunition re ared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the R.M. Academ
Woolwich: Royal Artillery Institution, 1867 , pp. 23-24.

Appendix C. Powder for Proof of Ordnance, circa 1720-1820 1

Guns Brass2
Heavy Medium Light
Cal. Proof Service Proof Service Proof Service
Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz.

42 pdr.31 8 21
32 26 12 16
24 21 12 18 9 10 5
18 18 9
12 12 6 9 4 6 3
9 9 4 8
6 6 3 6 2 8 3 1 8
4 4 2
3 3 1 8 3 1 8 1 8 12
2 2 1
1 1/2 1 8 12
1 1 8
1/2 8 4

Heavy Medium Light
Cal. Proof Service Proof Service Proof Service
Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. dr, Lb. oz.
43 pre 25 17 22 3 8 8/9 14
32 21 8 14 19 1 11 4/9 10 10
24 18 11 16 8
18 15 9 13 5 5 1/3 6
12 12 6 10 10 10 1/4 4
9 9 4 8 8 8 3
6 6 3 4 0 2 0 5 5 5 1/2 2
4 4 2 3 8 14 2/9 1 10
3 3 1 8 2 10 10 2/3 1
2 2 1 1 12 7 1/9 10
1 1/2 1 8 12 1 5 5 1/3 7
1 1 0 8 14 3 5/9 4 1/2
1/2 8 4 7 1 2/9 2 1/4

Appendix C. Powder for Proof of Ordnance•••(cont.)


Proof Service
Lb. oz. Lb. oz.

68 pdr, 13 6
42 pdr, 9 4 8
32 pdr. 8 4
24 pdr, 6 3
18 pdr. 4 2
12 pdr. 3 1 8
8 lU Merchants'J


Brass Iron
Lb. oz. Lb. oz.

10 inch 7 12
8 inch 3 8 8
5 1/2 inch 1
4 2/5 inch 8

Brass and Iron Mortars, Land and Sea Service

Brass Iron5
Lb. oz. Lb. oz.

13 inch 5.5. 30 20 11
10 inch 5.5. 12 84 9 8
13 inch L.S. 9 8 to 10 lb. 9
10 inch L.S. 3 14 to 4 lb. 4
8 inch L.S. 2 2
5 1/2 inch L.S. 9
4 2/5 inch L.S. 4 1/2

1 These proof tables 1720-1820 have been compiled from the following sources. RAI,
Thomas James, His Book of Artillery..• (G3n/la), p. 27, "Weight and Value of Brass and
Iron Cannon according to their different Lengths: With the Quantity of Powder
required for Proof, Service, Saluting and Scaling, according to the First and Second
Regulation" (circa 1725); RAI, Practice Book, 1760, "General Borgard's Table of
Powder allow'd for Iron and Brass Guns," unpaginated; RAI, Samuel G1egg, Notes on
Artillery, (circa 1752), "Diameters of Guns, Shot Gauges &:d\ p. 134; RAI, S.P. Adye,
The Artillery Officer's Vade Mecum... (New York, 1766), Vol. I, pp. 20-1; RAI,
Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773, "Weight of Powder for Proof Service and Scaling
of Brass and Iron Ordnances," unpaginated; Pamphlet, Vol. 19, T. Fortune, The
Artillerist's Com anion... (London, 1778), p. 21; George Smith, A Universal
Dictionary... Ottawa, 1970 reprint), pp. 211-12; RAI, Thomas Walton, Gunnery Tables
1780-1792, "Weight of Powder for Proof Service &: Scaling of Brass &: Iron Ordnance,"
unpaginated; RAI, Artillery Practice (circa 1780), "Proof Table for Mortars and
Howitzers," p. 3, "Weight of Powder for Proof, Service, Saluting, and Scaling Iron Guns
and Carronades," p. 11; Second Part, "Weight of Powder for Proof Service &: Scaling
Brass &: Iron Ordnance," p. 89; G3n/35, Untitled MS, (circa 1798), "Weight of Powder
for Proof, Service and Scaling of Brass and Iron Ordnance. 1797," unpaginated; RAI,
Richard Bogue, Exercise &: Manoeuvres for Light 6 Pounders (circa 1800), "Weight of
Powder for Proof, Service, Saluting and Scaling Iron Guns &: Carronades," p. 135; RAI,
Oliver Fry, Tables of Ranges, Weights, &:c. of Ordnance (circa 1800), "Proportion of
powder for the under mentioned Uses Also the weight of Shells," unpaginated; R. W.
Adye (1801), The Little Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner (London), p. 178 and (1813), p.
2 RAI, G1egg, op. cit., p. 134. Glegg is the first to include light and medium brass guns.
His figures for the following calibres are at variance with later tables:
Proof Service
Lb. Lb.
light 24 12 6or5
med. 12 8 4 or3
med. 6 4 2
Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 178, (1813), op. cit., p. 294, makes the following notation:
"The brass ordnance have not however been proved of late with such heavy charges,
but with the following:
3 - prs. light, 3 times, with 1 lb. each round.
6 - prs. light, 3 times, with 2 lbs. each.
12 - prs. light, 2 times, with 4 lbs. each.
12 - prs. med, 2 times, with 5 lbs. each."
RAI, T.R. Mould, "Observations on a Course of Instruction in Artillery," pp. 133-8, in
1825 noted some changes in the proof of brass ordnance:
Heavy 12 6
Med. 12 5
9 3 1/2
Heavy 6 3
Light 6 2
Heavy 3 1 1/2
Light 3 1
3 RAI, Untitled MS, (circa 1798) is the only source to include 9-, 6-, and 3-pounders.
4 RAI, Fortune, op. clt., p. 21; Smith, op. cit., p. 212; RAI, Fry, op. clt., unpaginated,
give 10 lb. 4 oz. as the proof charge of the 10-inch S.S. brass mortar.
5. The powder charge for proof of iron mortars is taken from RAI, General Statement of
the Regulations and Practice of the Inspector of Artillery's Department.•., circa 1785.

Appendix D. Powder for Proof Charge, circa 1820-70.1


Length Weight Service Proof

Ft. In. Cwt. Lb. Oz. Lb. Oz.

12 inch 8 4 90 12 18
10 inch 9 4 87 12 20
9 4 85 12 18
8 inch 9 65 10 20
8 10 60 9 18
8 6 60 9 18
8 52 8 16
6 8 50 8 14

68 pdr, 10 10 112 20 30
10 95 16 28
9 6 87 14 25

56 pdr, 11 98 16 28
10 85 14 25

42 pdr. 10 84 14 25
10 75 12 25
9 6 67 10 8 23

32 pdr, 9 7 64 10 21 8
9 6 58 10 18
9 6 56 10 21 8

bored-up 24 9 0 46 6 12
8 0 48-50 8 21 8

Monk's A 9 0 50 8 18
Monk's B 8 6 45 7 16
Monk's C 8 0 42 6 14

bored-up 18 8 0 41 6 18
bored-up 24 7 6 40 6 12
bored-up 24 7 6 39 6 12
bored-up 24 6 6 32 5 10
bored-up 18 6 0 25 4 9
5 4 25 4 9

24 pdr, 9 6 50 8 18
9 0 48 8 18
bored-up 18 8 0 37
Congreve's 7 6 41 8 15
6 6 33 6 12
bored-up 12 6 0 20 3 6

Appendix D. Powder for Proof Charge...

CAST IRON GUNS (continued)

Length Weight Service Proof

Ft. In. Cwt. Lb. Oz. Lb. Oz.

18 pdr, 9 0 42 6 15
8 0 38 6 15
bored-up 9 7 0 22 3 7
bored-up 12 6 0 20 3 7
bored-up 9 5 6 15 2 5

12 pdr, 9 0 34 4 12
8 6 33 4 12
7 6 29 1/2 4 12
6 0 21 4 10

9 pdr. 8 6 28 1/2 3 9
7 6 26 3 9
7 0 25 3 9
5 6 18 3 8

6 pdr, 8 6 23 2 6
8 0 22
7 6 21 2 6
7 0 20 2 6
6 6 18
6 0 17 2 6
5 11 11


12 pdr. medium 6 6.6 17 1/2 4 5

light 5 12 3 3

9 pdr, 5 11.4 13 1/2 2 8 3 8

6 pdr, long 7 12 2 3
heavy 5 2.356 8 3/4 2 3
light 5 6 1 8 2

3 pdr, long 6 o 1/2 6 1 1 8

light 4 3
colonial 4 3 12 1
mountain 3 2 1/4 10 1
1 pdr, 5 2 1/2 6 12

Appendix D. Powder for Proof Charge...


10 inch 5 42 7 12
8 inch 4 22 4 8
5 1/2 inch or
24 pdr, 3 4.76 8 1/2 2 8 6


Length Weight Service Proof

Ft. In. Cwt. Lb. Oz. Lb. Oz.

32 pdr. 5 3 17 1/2 3 4
24 pdr. 4 8.6 13 2 8 2 8
12 pdr, 3 9.2 6 1/2 1 4 1 4
5 1/2 inch 2 9 10 2 3
4 2/5 inch 1 10.6 2 1/2 8 1


13 inch S.S. 4 4.8 100 20 20 11

10 inch S.S. 3 9.6 52 9 8 9 8

13 inch LoS. 3 3.6 36 9 9

10 inch LoS. 2 7.5 18 4 4
10 inch L.S. 2 4.1 17 4 4
8 inch LoS. 2 1.2 9 2 2
8 inch LoS. 1 10.5 6 1/2 2 2


10 inch 2 3 12 1/4 4
8 inch 1 9 6 1/2 2
5 1/2 inch 1 3.1 1 1/4 8 8
4 2/5 inch 1 0.7 1 4 5

1 These tables were compiled from a number of sources, in which there were
some minor variations of no great significance. DND, Fitzhugh, "A Course of
Practical Artillery," (Woolwich, 1845), p. 115; F.A. Griffiths, The Artillerist's
Manual and British Soldier's Compendium (Woolwich: E. Jones, 1847), pp. 69-70;
Royal Engineers, Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences, (London, 1853), Vol. I,
pp. 60-3; E.M. Boxer, Diagrams of Guns referred to in Treatise on Artilery
re ared for the use of the Ro al Militar Academ, Section 2. - Part II
London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1853, passim; John F. Owen and Morton
Porter, Treatise on the Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance••. (Reprint:
London, 1881), p, 525.
* For mortars, service charge means maximum charge.

Appendix E. Particular Dimentions of all the Parts of an Iron 6 Pounder Cannon of Eight
Foot Long According to the New Proportion given by Coll, Borgard in the year 1716.

Caliber Inches

AT Totall Length 25 15/16 96.00
AG Fore Part 12 31/32 48.00
GN Middle Do 5 3/16 19.20
NT Hind Part 7 25/32 28.80
AD Head with Astragall 3 7/16 12.75
AR Cylinder or Bore 24 15/16 92.30
RT Resistance 1 3.70
TX Cascab1e whole length 2 7.40
WX Neck and Button 1 19/64 4.81
LT Tronion's Center from the Base Ring 11 1/8 41.14
IK Do Length 1 3.70

Moulding's Breadth with Freeze

AB Muz1e 5/16 1.12
C D,E F,P Q Astragall 13/64 0.75
GH Second Reinforce Ring 41/64 2.37
NO First Reinforce Ring 41/64 2.37
ST Base Ring 23/32 2.62
TV First Cascable with stave 25/64 1.43
VW Second Cascab1e with stave 17/64 1.00
QS Plain Freeze 1 3.70
FG Second Reinforce Ring Do. 3/4 2.77

Thickness of Metall 1 1/4 4.62

1m Over Vent 1 3/16 4.39
no Behind the first Reinforce 1 1/16 3.93
rs Before 1 3.70
tv Behind the second Reinforce 7/8 3.24
yz Before 1/2 1.85
34 Muzle

Moulding's greatest height above the Metall 7/32 0.80

ik Baze Ring 3/32 0.37
pq First Reinforce Ring 3/32 0.37
wx Second Reinforce Ring 31/64 1.80
12 Head

Semi-Diameter of the
gh First Cascab1e Stave 1 7/32 4.50
ef Second Cascab1e Stave 23/32 2.65
cd Neck 1/2 1.85
ab Button 39/64 2.24
LM Tronion 1/2 1.85
Source: Slightly adapted from RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables, No. 30.
Refer to Fig. 56.

Appendix F. A Table for Surveying Iron Cannon in the Severall Parts According to the
Regulation by Coll Borgard in the year 1716.

(The first part of this table, "Length" and "Moulding's Breadth with Freeze," duplicates the
parts and dimensions in inches of the previous table, and is consequently omitted.)

Diameter Inches

89 Bore 3.70
7 10 Muzle Stave 7.80
56 Head 11.12
34 Behind the head Astragall 8.12
12 Before The Second Reinforce Ring 10.17
yz Over The Second Reinforce Ring 11.87
wx Behind The Second Reinforce Ring 11.10
KM Tronion 3.70
rs Before The First Reinforce Ring 11.56
pq Over The First Reinforce Ring 13.25
no Behind The First Reinforce Ring 12.49
1m Vent 12.95
i k Base Ring 14.57
gh First Cascable Stave 9.00
ef Second Cascable Stave 5.30
cd Button Neck 3.70
ab Button 4.48
Source: Slightly adapted from RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables, No. 30.
Refer to Fig. 56.

Appendix G. Dimensions of Brass Guns According to the Mensuration in the Year 1743.

Caliber [Pounder] 32 24 18 12 6 3 1 1/2

Total Length [feet] 10.0 9.5 9.5 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0
First Reinforce in in in in in in in
Length 33.2 31. 6 31.6 29.5 26.6 23.3 20.0
G: Diameter 18.3 17.8 16.6 13.8 12.5 10.2 7.6
Least Diameter 17.6 16.7 15.6 13. I 11.3 9.7 7.2
Second Reinforce
Length 24.0 20.3 20.3 19.6 17. I 15.0 12.8
G: Diamr, 16.3 16.0 14.8 12.2 10.7 9.1 6.6
L: Diamr. 15.7 15. I 14.3 11.9 10.0 8.6 6.4
G: Diamr. 14.3 14.2 13.2 10.8 9. I 7.8 6.1
L. Diamr. 12.2 I I. 7 11.5 9.3 7.8 6.5 5.4
Base Ring
Breadth I. 3 [?] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.1 0.8
Diamr. 21.0 19.2 18.2 15.3 13.6 11.5 8.7
Field 5.5 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.6 2.4 2.2
Astragal 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9
First Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.8
Diamr. 18.4 17.2 16. I 13.4 I I. 7 10.0 7.5
Ogee 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.1
Second Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.8
Diamr. 16.5 15.4 14.9 12.2 10.3 9.3 6.6
Ogee 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
Girdle 4.0 4.4 4.4 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.4
Astragal 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9
[Muzzle face] to the
Muzzle Girdle 15.0 14.2 14.2 12.7 12.0 10.5 9.0
Ring 11.9 11.4 11.0 9.2 7.8 6.5 5.3
Ogee 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.9 0.8 0.7
Diamr. Fillett 14.2 14.0 13.5 10.0 9.3 7.6 6.7
Swel Muzle
Distance [from face] 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8
Diameter 15.3 15.3 15.0 12.4 10.0 8.8 7.3
Trunnion from 2d.
Reinforce Ring 2.9 0.4 1.2 0.6 0.4 2.5
Length of Cascable 12.2 11.0 10.0 9.2 7.0 5.4 4.4
To first Fillett 9.5 9.0 7.5 7.3 6.0 4.5
Diameter 9.3 9. I 7.8 6.6 6.5 4.1
2d. Fillett Diamr. 14.8 17.8 16.5
Weight of Metal l Cwt, Qr, Lb.] 5512/7 51/1/12 48/1/0 29/010 19/010 11/010 513/24

RAI, Clegg, Notes on Artillery, circa 1752, pp, 115-16.


Appendix H. Dimensions of Iron Guns According to mensuration in the Year 1743.

Caliber (Pounder] 32 24 18 12 9 6 3 1 1/2

Total Length [feet] 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.0 8.5 7.0 6.5 4.5
(First Reinforce] inches
Length 31.2 32.0 29.0 30.0 28.0 23.0 21.0 14.5
G. Diarnr, 20.0 19.1 17.8 16.1 15.2 15.2 13.7 10.6
L. Diamr. 18.8 17.8 16.8 15.2 14.2 14.5 12.7 9.8
(Second Reinforce]
Length 22.8 21.0 22.0 19.7 18.7 16.0 15.0 10.0
G. Diarnr. 18.0 16.9 16.1 14.3 13.5 13.6 9.4
L. Diamr. 17.2 16.3 14.4 13.6 12.7 12.9 9.0
G. Diarnr, 16.2 15.4 14.6 12.0 11.9 12.0 10.5 8.3
L. Diarnr, 13.8 12.7 11.7 9.8 9.6 9.3 8.4 6.8
[Base Ring]
Breadth 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.1
Diamr. 21.8 20.8 19.4 17.9 16.9 16.9 15.3 11. 5
Field 4.9 4.4 4.0 0.3 ? 4.0 4.1 3.6 2.1
Astragal 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.8
[First Reinforce Ring]
Breadth 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8
Diarnr, 19.5 18.4 17.3 15.7 14.6 15.0 13.2 10.2
(Second Reinforce Ring]
Breadth 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8
Diamr. 17.7 16.9 15.8 13.6 13.2 13.6 11.8 9.25
Chace Girdle 5.1 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 2.1
[Muzzle Swell?]
Distance (from face] 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5
Diamr. 17.7 16.6 15.5 13.8 13.0 13.0 11. 3 9.0
Muzzle Astraga1 distance 17.0 16.0 15.5 14.0 13.2 13.5 11. 5
From 2d. Reinforce to Trunion 1.5 2.0 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.5
Diameter 6.0 5.7 4.3 5.0 4.0 4.3 3.7 3.0
Length 7.0 6.0 4.2 5.0 4.0 4.3 4.0 2.2
Diamr. Button 7.0 7.2 5.1 6.1 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.0
Weight of the Gun [Cwt.Qr.Lb.]53/3/23 49/1/15 41/1/8 32/2/3 27/310 2312/2 17/1/14 711/7

RAJ, Clegg, Notes on Artillery, circa 1752, pp. 117-18.


Appendix I. Dimensions of Brass Battering Pieces of different Calibres (1766).

Nature of the Gun Prs. 32 24 18 12 9 6 3 1 1/2

Total length of the Gun Feet 9.5 9.5 9.5 9 9 8 7 6

First Reinforce Inches
Length 31.6 31.6 31.6 29.5 29.5 26.6 23.3 20.
Greatest Diameter 18.4 17.8 16.6 14.4 13.9 11. 7 10. 7.5
Least Diameter 17.6 16.7 15.6 13.1 12.3 11.3 9.7 7.2
Second Reinforce
Length 20.3 20.3 20.3 19.6 18.8 17.1 15. 12.8
Greatest Diameter 16.3 16. 14.8 12.2 11. 10.7 9.1 6.6
Least Diameter 15.7 15.1 14.3 11.9 10.6 10. 8.6 6.4
Greatest Diameter 14.3 14.2 13.2 10.8 10.2 9.1 7.8 6.1
Least Diameter 12.2 11. 7 11.5 9.3 9. 7.8 6.5 5.4
Base Ring
Breadth 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.8
Diameter 21. 19.2 18.2 15.3 15. 13.6 11.5 8.7
Vent Field, Length 5.5 4.8 3.6 3.2 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.2
---- Astragal, breadth 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1. 0.9
First Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1. 1. 0.7
Diameter 18.4 17.2 16.1 14.4 13.9 11.7 10. 7.5
Second Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1. 1. 0.7
Diameter 16.5 15.4 14.9 12.2 11.7 10.3 9.3 7.
Chase Girdle, length 4.4 4.4 4.4 3. 3. 2.5 2. 1.4
---- Astragal, breadth 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1. 0.9
From the Chase Astragal to
the Muzzle Astragal 28.2 28.2 28.2 26.7 26.5 26.5 24.5 23.
Muzzle Astragal, breadth 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1. 1. 0.9
Swelling of Muzzle diameter 15.3 15.3 15. 12.4 11.2 10. 8.8 7.3
Muzzle Ring, diameter 11. 9 11.5 11. 9.2 9. 7.8 6.5 5.3
From the Second Reinforce to
the Trunnions 4. 4. 1.2 1. 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4
Trunnions, diameter 6.4 5.8 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.6 2.9 2.3
Ogees, ,each, diameter 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
Totallength of ye Cascable 12. 12. 12. 11. 11. 10. 9. 7.5
Diameter of ye first Fillett 18. 17. 16. 15. 15. 13.6 13. 12.
Diameter of ye Second Do. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6.5 5.5 5. 4.
RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 12-14.

Appendix J. Dimensions of Brass Field Pieces (1766)

Nature of the Gun [Pounder] 24 12 6 3

Total length of the Gun Ft. 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.5

First Reinforce Inches
Length 19.5 18. 15.6
Greatest Diameter 11.6 9.6 8.7
Least Diameter 11. 8.7 8.6
Second Reinforce
Length 13. 12. 10.9
Greatest Diameter 10.3 7.6 7.3
Least Diameter 9.6 7. 5.8
Greatest Diameter 9. 6.4 5.
Least Diameter 7.7 5. 4.
Base Ring
Breadth 1. 0.9 0.9
Diameter 12.2 10.2 9.4
Ogee, next to it 1.3 1. 1.
Vent Field, length 4. 3.5 3.
Chase Girdle, length 3.5 3.3 3.
From the Chase Girdle to
the Muzzle Astragal 9. 9. 8.8
Diametear at ye
Muzzle Swelling 12.3 9.7 7.8
---- at ye Muzzle Ring 10.3 7.6 7.3
From the Chase to ye Trunnions 1.3 6. 1.
Diameter of the Trunnions 4.7 3.4 3.
Length of ye Cascable 7.5 7. 6.
To ye first Fillett 6. 5.5 5.
. To the Second Do. 6.4 5.4 5.
Diameter of the Button 3.7 2.9 2.9
N.B. These Guns have no other Mouldings besides ye Base Ring & Ogee
next to it. The Ogees have no fillets except that at the Muzzle which has
two fillets like all other Guns & the Reinforce is join'd by a little Cavity.
There is a small Ring cast under the Neck of the Cascable to fix the
Elevating Screw, which is used with light Field Pieces, instead of Coins or

Source: RAI, Adye (1766), op, cit., pp. 18-19.


Appendix K. Dimensions of Iron Ship &: Garrison Guns of Different Calibres (1766).

Nature of the Gun Pdrs. 32 24 18 12 9 6 3 1 1/2

Total Length Feet 9.5 9.5 9. 9. 8.5 6.5 4-.5 3.

First Reinforce Inches
Length 32. 31.2 29. 29. 28. 21. 14-.5 10.
Greatest Diameter 20. 19.1 17.8 16.1 15.2 15.2 13.7 10.6
Least Diameter 18.8 17.8 16.8 15.2 14.2 14-.2 12.7 9.8
Second Reinforce
Length 22.8 22. 21. 19.7 18.7 15. 10. 6.7
Greatest Diameter 18. 16.9 16.1 14-.3 13.5 13.5 11.9 9.4
Least Diameter 17.2 16.3 14.4- 13.6 12.7 12.7 11.3 9.
Greatest Diameter 16.2 15.4 14.6 12. 11.9 11. 10.5 8.3
Least Diameter 13.8 12.7 11.7 9.8 9.6 9.3 8.4- 6.8
Base Ring
Breadth 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.8
Diameter 21.8 20.8 19.4- 17.9 16.8 15.3 11.5 6.4
Vent Field, length 4-.9 4-.4- 4. 3.6 3.6 3. 2.1 1.2
---- Astragal, diameter 1.5 1.4- 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.5
First Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1. 1. 0.8 0.5
Diameter 19.5 18.4- 17.3 15.7 14.6 13.2 10.2 5.6
Second Reinforce Ring
Breadth 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1. 1. 0.8 0.8
Diameater 17.7 16.9 15.8 13.8 13.2 12.8 9.2 4-.9
Chase Girdle, length 5.1 4-.2 4-. 4-. 4. 3.9 2.1 a
---- Astragal, breadth 1.5 1.4- 1;3 1.2 1.1 1. 0.9 a
From ye Muzzle to the
Muzzle Astragal 17. 16. 15.5 14. 14-. 13.2 7.5 5.6
Muzzle Astragal, breadth 1.6 1.6 1.4- 1.4- 1.3 1.2 1. a
Swelling of the Muzzle,
diameter 17.7 16.6 15.5 13.8 13. 13. 11.3 9.
Muzzle Ring, diameter 13.8 12.7 11. 7 9.8 9.6 8.4 6.8 3.4
From the Second Reinforce
to the Trunnions 1.5 2. 0.9 1. 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.8
Trunnions, diameter 6.1 5.5 5. 4.6 4.2 3.5 2.7 1.6
Ogees, each diameter 2.1 2.1 2.1 2. 2. 1.2 1.2 1.0
Total1ength of Cascable 12. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 6.5 5.
Diameter of ye First Fillett 18. 17. 16. 14. 14. 12. 11. 9.
Diameter of the Second Do. 10. 9. 7.5 7. 5.5 5. 4.5 3.5
RAI, Adye (1766), pp, 15-17.
Appendix L. Table of the Length Weight Calibre and Principal Dimensions of the Brass Ordnance of each Nature according to the present Establishment in Great Britain 1778.

Nature Heavy Comn. Medium Genl, Desaguliers

Pounders 42 24 12 6 3 24 12 6 3 12 6 3
Weight [Cwt.] 61/0/0 53/2/0 31/2/0 19/1/14 1l/2/0 21/3/0 12/1/17 6/0/0 23 12 1/4 53/4
Length in Feet 9.5 9.5 9 8 7 8.5 6.5 7 3.5 7.5 7 6 5
On the Base Ring 21.75 19.5 15.75 13.46 18.6 14.916 11.5 9.583 15.1 11.45 9.0 6.75
Before the Base Ring 18.02 14.1 17.5 13.85 13.0 9.9 7.8
On the first Reinforce Ring 17.52 13.7 16.65 13.5 12.87 9.85 7.6
Behind the first Reinforce Ring 19.0 17.0 13.5 11.025 16.45 13.166 9.508 7.833 12.5 9.6 7.3 5.25
Before the first Reinforce Ring 18.166 16.25 12.666 10.508 15.7 12.5 9.5 7.75 12.3 9.5 7.2 5.25
On the second Reinforce Ring 15.87 12.55 15.2 12.25 12.0 9.2 7.15
Behind the second Reinforce Ring 17.5 16.5 12.333 10.75 15.0 12.0 9.0 7.333 11.8 9.1 6.85 4.916
Before the second Reinforce Ring 16.5 14.508 11.508 9.333 14.2 11.416 8.833 7.25 11.35 8.85 6.75 4.916
At the Muzzle Astragal 13.916 12.0 9.666 8.093 Il.ll 9.508 6.333 5.166 8.7 6.5 5.0 3.416
At the swell of the Muzzle 17.166 15.5 12.666 10.416 12.0 8.833 7.0 11.75 8.8 6.95 3.666

Thickness of Metal
Before the Base Ring 5.84 4.19 3.12 2.445
At the Muzzle Astragal 3.443 3.085 2.518 2.221 2.14 2.439 1.336 1.128 2.04 1.42 0.698
At the Charging Cylinder
above the calibre

Nature Light
Pounders 24 12 6 3
Weight [Cwt.] 5/1/0 2/3/4 1/2/18-· 1/3/14
Length in Feet 5.5 5 5 4 1/2 31/2 3 3
On the Base Ring 14.25 11.225 9.7 9.666 7.333 6.75 7.166
Before the Base Ring 13.5 10.65 8.7
On the first Reinforce Ring 8.25
Behind the first Reinforce Ring 12.85 10.05 8.05 8.0 6.508 5.75 6.083
Before the first Reinforce Ring 12.15 9.5 7.75 7.75 6.25 5.5 5.916
On the second Reinforce Ring 7.75
Behind the second Reinforce Ring 11.65 9.1 7.467 7.333 6.166 5.25 5.33
Before the second Reinforce Ring 11.0 8.5 7.1 7.0 5.75 5.0 5.083
At the Muzzle Astragal 9.9 7.75 5.95 5.916 5.0 4.291 4.5 ):-
At the swell of the Muzzle 9.7 7.35 7.333 6.508 5.333 5.508 '"0
Thickness of Metal rn
Before the Base Ring 3.84 3.015 5.04 Z
At the Muzzle Astragal
At the Charging Cylinder
above the calibre
2.04 1.56 1.145 1.128 1.045 0.69 0.79
Adapted from RAJ, Walton, "Gunnery Tables 1780-1792...," unpaginated. 0
Appendix M. Dimensions of the External parts and Calibre of Iron Guns of each Nature and Length in Inches and Decimals. November 17&0

21; I;
Natures 1;2 32 18 12 9 6 3 0'\
Length in Feet 9:5 9:5 9.5 9 -9- 9 8.5 7.5 8.5 7.5 7 9 8 6 6 5.5 """"43
Diameters [inches] '1J
On the Base Ring 22.8 21. 8 21. 20.75 19.1; 18.03 18. 17.18 17. 17. 17. 15.88 15.8 15.5 13.6 13.6 11.6 [TI
Before the Base Ring 19.1 19.1 17.67 16.16 16.2 16.1 15.16 15.3 15.1; 11;.3 11;.0 13.85 12.1 12.05 10.55 Z
21. 19.96
On the first Reinforce Ring 20.1;7 19.1; 18.1;7 18.5 17.17 15.7 15.65 15.95 11;.7 11;.76 11;.81; 13.55 13.5 13.52 II. 75 11.81; 10.2 I:'
Behind the first Reinforce Ring 20.1 18.9 17.97 18.05 16.7 15.2 15.17 15.1;3 11.2 11;.36 11;.2 12.97 13.0 13.02 11.3 11.31; 9.8
Before the first Reinforce Ring 19.3 17.95 17.05 17.21; 15.76 11;.33 11;.32 11;.6 13.31; 13.1;2 13.1; 12.2 12.75 12.18 10.57 10.57 9.3
On the Second Reinforce Ring 18.75 17.66 16.82 16.9 15.57 11;.15 11;.1 11;.6 13.15 13.25 13.22 12.0 12.05 12.05 10.52 10.57 9.15
Behind the Second Reinforce Ring 18.1;7 17.16 16.32 16.1;5 15.07 13.65 13.6 11;.1 12.63 12.75 12.8 12.52 11.55 11.55 10.25 10.07 8.75
Before the Second Reinforce Ring 17.6 16.22 15.35 15.5 14.15 12.75 12.75 13.3 II. 76 11.86 11.7 10.7 10.7 10.67 9.3 9.3 8.25
At the Muzzle Astragal 15.25 14.15 13.08 13.3 12.73 10.9 11.0 11.12 10.16 10.15 10.5 9.2 9.2 9.35 8.18 8.18 7.15
At the swell of the Muzzle 18.63 17.16 16.82 16.85 15.5 11;.05 13.9 13.8 13.15 13.25 13.3 11.87 12.05 11.95 10.1; 10.52 9.05
Thickness of Metal
Before the Base Ring 6.98 6.77 6.63 6.63 6.19 5.76 5.78 5.73 5.1;7 5.51; 5.59 5.32 5.27 5.09 1;.1;4 1;.1;2 3.82
At the Muzzle Astragal 4.11 3.86 3.62 3.73 3.42 3.13 3.18 3.11; 2.97 2.97 3.11; 2.77 2.77 2.81; 2.1;8 2.48 2.12
At Charging Cylinder above
ye Calibre .35 .8 .8 .9 1.13 1.15 1.10 1.26 1.33 1.38 1.66 1.61 1.1;3 1.23 1.21 0.91
From behind the Base Rg to
ye hinder part of the Trunnion 45.35 1;5.65 1;5.95 1;3.37 43.61; 1;3.97 41.4 36.3 41.61 36.51 33.9 1;1;.1;5 1;1.1 29.01 29.24 26.66 20.63
From Do. to the First Reinforce 32.5 32.5 32.5 30.8 30.8 30.8 29.11; 25.7 29.11; 25.7 21;.0 30.8 27.1; 20.56 20.56 18.8 15.1;
From Do. to the Second Reinforce 25.1 26.15 26.73 21;.97 25.5 26.7 21;.5 21.07 21;.93 21.5 19.8 27.18 23.76 16.9 17.35 15.63 12.5

Diameter of the Calibre 7.03 6.1;2 5.83 5.29 1;.63 1;.21 3.66 3.21 2.91

Adapted from RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated. It is very difficult to interpret the "Distance" which is said to be from behind the base ring to the second reinforce; if it means to the end
of the reinforce this creates a rather long second reinforce and a consequently short chase.

Armstrong's, Blomefield's, and Desaguliers' Construction of Guns*

General Armstrong's construction of heavy iron guns

A scale is formed of the diameter of the bore or calibre divided into 32 equal parts,
from whence the several dimensions of metal in guns of different natures is given in the
following table.

Nature Diameter Thickness of metal at Thickness of metal at Thickness of metal

of of the the breech, or begining the end of at the
Guns Calibre of the 1st reinforce the 2d reinforce muzzle astragal

Inches Parts of the calibre Parts of the calibre Parts of the calibre

42 7.018 32 27 18
32 6.410 34 28 19
24 5.823 36 29 20
18 5.292 38 30 21
12 4.623 40 31 22
9 4.200 42 32 23
6 3.668 44 33 24
4 3.204 44 33 24
3 2.913 44 33 24
1 2.019 44 33 24

*The various plates and draughts referred to in the text were not found with the Ms.

Construction of a 24 Pr, iron gun

On a given line AB representing the axis of the piece, set off in feet and inches the
given length of the piece, and draw lines CD, EF each distant from it the semi-diameter of
the calibre, which will represent the bore.
The length of the piece is divided into seven equal parts. From the two sevenths G a
line GH is draw perpendicular to the axis AB, for the length of the first reinforce; the length
GI of the second reinforce is equal to one seventh plus one diameter of the calibre
terminated by a line IK perpendicular to the axis, and the remainder IL will be for the
The breech AM is equal to the greatest thickness of metal NO equal to 36 parts, or one
diameter and four parts.
The thickness of metal PK, at the extremity of the second reinforce, is equal to 29
parts, to which 2 parts KR are added, then in the direction 0 and R a line QH is drawn,
representing the exterior surface of the first reinforce. The second reinforce is determined
by a line KS drawn through K, parallel to the exterior surface of the first reinforce.
The breadth of the base-ring and mouldings Aa is equal to 1/32 part of the length of
the piece AB.
The first and second reinforce rings and their moulding be, de are each equal to 3/4

the base ring and mouldings Aa. The ogees are equal to their respective rings. The
astragals and fillets fare 1/3 the base ring and ogee, and all the fillets are half the
The projection of the mouldings are half the fillets excepting those of the muzzle
which are the whole breadth of the fillets.
The length FU of the muzzle is equal to the diameter of the second reinforce ring.
The thickness of metal PT at the beginning of the chace is also diminished by 2 parts,
and its outline TV is drawn to the muzzle astragal, where the thickness of metal UV is equal
to 20 parts.
The axis XY of the trunnions is perpendicular to the axis of the piece, placed at the
3/7 of the length of the piece from the extremity of the breech. The centre Z of the
trunnions is placed half a calibre below the axis of the piece; their diameters are one
calibre, and their lengths the same, allowing for the projection of the second reinforce ring;
their faces hi are parallel to the axis of the piece.
The vent field ag, is determined by placing the vent astragal f, 1/4 of the calibre
before the bottom of the bore M.
The breadth ek of the chace girdle is equal to the breadth ag of the vent field.
The diameter lm of the base ring is determined by lines produced touching the
extremities of the first and second reinforce rings.
The pan M, extends from the base ring to the centre of the vent astragali its breadth is
2 1/2 inches, and its sides are made parallel to the axis of the piece; its projection is
determined by a line 10 drawn through 1 the extremity of the diameter of the base ring
parallel to the exterior surface of the vent field.
The vent no, is 2/10 of an inch in diameter; it is situated at the bottom of the bore in
n, and its direction is such, as that when produced it may meet the lower surface of the bore
at 4 parts of the calibre from its extremity N.
The bottom Nn of the bore is a plane surface, meeting the sides in a small arc,
described with a radius of 1/24 part of the calibre.

Muzzle PI: [Plate]

The length DE of the muzzle is equal to the diameter of the second reinforce ring.
The length ON of the neck is equal to 1/5 DE the length of the muzzle, and through N a line
NE is drawn parallel to the axis of the piece, which will determine the thickness of metal at
the face.
Take BA equal to the breadth of one of the reinforce rings and ogees, for the centre of
the swell, and its diameter HK is made equal to that of the second reinforce ring.
Take KI equal to 1/4 AB, from I as a centre and with IK as a radius describe the arc
RKS, draw IR parallel to the axis of the piece, which will determine the diameter of the
fillet RP. Take KS equal to 1/3 KR; and from Nand S as centres and with 5 diameters of
the bore FG as a radius describe two arcs cutting each other in 0; from 0 as centre and with
the same radius NO describe the hollow or cavetto, NS.
After having drawn the two fillets R, E the ogee ab is described by equilateral

Cascable PI: [Plate]

The length AB of the cascable is equal to 2 diameters and 9 parts of the calibre.
The distance Bh from the extremity B of the breech to the last fillet EF is equal to 24
The diameter EF of the last fillet is 1 diameter and 16 parts.

The breadths Bc, gf of the ovolos are each equal to 4 parts.

The ogee CK is described by isosceles triangles.
The diameter of the button mn, is 1 calibre 8 parts; the diameter kl of the neck, is
equal to that of the bore; from G as centre and with 34 parts as a radius describe an arc in
M, and from E with a radius of 14 parts cut the former arc; from their intersection as centre
and with ME as a radius describe the arc EkN.

General construction for brass guns, upon the late General Armstrong's principle

The general dimensions of heavy, medium and light brass guns are as follows expressed
in 1/32 parts of their respective calibres.

Heavy Medium Light

Parts Parts Parts

at the breech and commencement of 33

Thickness the first re-inforce 32 22
of metal at the end of the second re-inforce 26 25 16
at the muzzle astragal 17 16 10
Diameter 32 30 20
Length 32 30 24
From the extremity of the base-ring to
that of the breech mouldings 12 10 9
From the end of the breech mouldings
to the centre of the button 30 24 24
Breadth of the ovolo, or 1/4 round 4 3 3
(of the button 32 26 26
Diameter (of the neck 26 22 20
(of the last fillet 48 44 36

The lengths and constructions, of the reinforces of heavy and medium brass guns, are
subject to the same rules as those in iron guns. In light brass guns, the length of the piece
must be divided into 18 equal parts of which
5 parts are taken for the breech and 1st reinforce
4 parts for the 2d reinforce
9 parts for the chace
2 1/2 parts for the length of the muzzle
1/2 part for the length of the neck of the muzzle.
The axis of the trunnions are placed 8 parts from the breech, and half a calibre below
the axis of the piece.
The position of the trunnions of heavy and medium brass guns, are the same as those of
The trunnions of medium and light guns have shoulders, which are 1/ 10 of the diameter
of the trunnion in breadth, and of sufficient depth to clear the projection of the second
Their faces are parallel to the axis of the piece; in heavy guns, which have no

shoulders to their trunnions an allowance must be made for the projection of the reinforce-
The vent fields are one seventh of the breech and first reinforce.
The chace girdles are 1/14 part of the chace.
The lengths of the muzzles are equal to the diameters of the second reinforce-rings, in
heavy guns, and in medium guns 1/7 part of the lengths of the piece.
The diameters of the swells of the muzzles are equal to the diameters of the second
The bottoms of the bores of heavy brass guns are constructed as in iron guns, in
medium and light guns, they are hemispherical, and their vents form an angle of 75 degrees
with the axis of the piece, meeting it in light guns 1/3 of a calibre and in medium 1/4 of a
calibre, from the extremity of the bore.
The vents in heavy brass guns are the same as in iron.
The mouldings of the piece differ in some measure from those of iron guns; but their
general proportions are the same, excepting those of the breech and cascable, the
construction of which is explained in the draught.
In medium and light guns, there is a projection of metal beneath the neck of the
cas cable, for receiving the loop of the elevating screw, the lower part of it is the arc of a
circle described with a radius equal to the semi-diameter of the neck. The position of its
centre is 1/4 part of the distance from the extremity of the breech mouldings to that of the
button, and is 1/14 of the diameter of the neck below it.
Medium and heavy guns are cast with dolphins, by which they are occasionally
suspended and consequently ought to be placed over the centre of gravity of the piece, or
rather so as that the breech may preponderate in a very small degree. In pieces of the
above construction, the points of suspension are 3/4 of a calibre; in heavy and in medium
guns 1/2 a calibre behind the axis of the trunnions.
The interior height of the dolphins of heavy guns is 14/32 of the calibre, and in medium
guns 12/32 their form is nearly semi-circular.
The greatest diameter of the dolphins is 1/2 a calibre, and the least thickness 1/3
nearly; their directions lie parallel to the outline of the second reinforce, and their fore
parts are distant from each other one calibre.
The ornaments of the piece are a shell at the vent, the arms of His Majesty, upon the
first reinforce, and those of the Master General upon the chace of heavy and medium guns;
but their cypher only are engraved on light guns.
On the base-ring is engraved the name of the Founder, and the date when the piece
was cast.

Table of the length, weight, calibres and diameters of shot of iron

guns, of each nature, according to the present establishment in great
Britain 1764, with the weight of powder for proof and service

Weight of Calibre of Diameter Weight of

Iron powder for Length of Weight of each nature of the powder for
Guns proof each gun Metal of guns shot service

Pounders Lb oz Feet In c wt Q 1b Inches Inches Lb oz

42 25 0 9 6 65 0 0 7.01& 6.6&4 14 0

32 21 s 9 6 55 0 0 6.410 6.105 10 10

1& 0 9 6 49 0 0
24 5.&23 5.547 s 0
15 0 9 0 47 2 0

1& 15 0 9 0 40 0 0 5.292 5.040 6 0

9 0 32 2 0
12 12 0 s 6 31 2 0 4.623 4.400 4 0
7 6 29 1 0

9 0 29 0 0
a 6 27 2 0
9 9 0 s 0 26 2 0 4.200 4.000 3 0
7 6 24 2 0
7 0 23 0 0

9 0 24 0 0
s 6 23 0 0
s 0 22 0 0
6 6 0 7 6 20 2 0 3.66& 3.49& 2 0
7 0 19 0 0
6 6 1& 0 0
6 0 16 2 0

6 0 12 1 0
4 4 0 3.204 3.053 1 5
5 6 11 1 0

3 3 0 4 6 7 1 0 2.913 2.775 0

1/2 0 s 3 0 1 1 25 1.5&0 1.505 0 3


Table of the length, weight, calibres and diameters of shot, of brass

guns of each nature, according to the present establishment in
great Britain 1764 with the weight of powder for proof and service

Weight of Calibre of Diameter Weight of

Brass powder Weight of each nature of the powder for
Guns Pdr for proof Length metal of guns shot service

Lb oz Ft In c wt Q lb Inches Inches Lb oz

42 31 8 9 6 61 0 0 7.018 6.684 14 0
24 21 0* 9 6 53 0 9 5.823 5.547 8 0
12 12 0 9 0 29 0 0 4.623 4.403 4 0
Heavy 9 9 0 9 0 26 0 0 4.200 4.000 3 0
6 6 0 8 0 19 0 0 3.668 3.498 2 0
3 3 0 7 0 11 2 0 2.913 2.775 1 0
1 1/2 1 8 6 0 5 2 0 2.310 2.201 0 8

24 18 0 8 0 40 1 21 5.823 5.547 8 0
Medium 12 9 0 6 6 21 0 14 4.623 4.403 4 0
6 6 0 5 0 10 1 12 3.668 3.498 2 0

24 10 0 5 6 16 1 12 5.823 5.547 8 0
12 6 0 5 0 8 3 18 4.623 4.403 4 0
Light 6 3 0 4 6 4 3 14 3.668 3.498 2 0
3 1 8 3 6 2 3 4 2.913 2.775 1 0

* <Corrected in MS from 12)

Colonel Blomefield's general construction for Brass guns

A scale must be formed of the calibre or diameter of the bore, divided into sixteen
equal parts, from whence the thickness of metal in guns of different natures is given in the
following table

Thickness of Thickness of
Brass metal GI or AY metal KL
Guns Length Length Weight of metal at the breech at the muzzle

Pounders Calibres Feet In cwt Q lb Equal parts Equal parts

12 17 6 6.660 18 0 0 14 6
9 17 5 11.400 13 2 0 14 6
6 17 5 2.356 9 0 0 14 6
3 17 4 1.521 4 2 0 14 6

24 13 6 3.669 24 0 0 12 6
18 13 5 8.796 18 0 a 12 6
12 13 5 0.099 12 0 0 12 6

6 5 0.000 6 0 0 11 4
3 6 o. 6 a a 14 6
1 5 o. 2 2 0 14 6

Diameter Neck Radius Radius

Guns mn op An or AB BC

Cal Part Cal Part Cal Part Cal Part

17 Calibres 1 0 0 9 a 4 1/2 a 6
13 Calibres 1 0 0 9 0 4 1/2 a 6
Pummel 6 poundr 5 feet and 6 cwt 1 2 0 10 a 5 0 6 1/2
3 por of 6 feet 1 0 0 12 0 8 0 8
1 por of 5 feet 1 a 0 12 0 8 0 8

In the above guns, the diameter of the swell of the muzzle, is so proportioned, to that
of the base ring, as to give a dis part of one degree.

Construction of Colonel Blomefield's light 24 pounder brass gun, length 13 calibres weight 24

The diameter of the calibre or bore of a 24 pounder is equal to 5.823 inches, and is
divided into 16 equal parts, by which scale the several dimensions of the gun are determined.
On a given line AB representing the axis of the piece 13 calibres are set off, for the
length of the gun and on each side of it parallels are drawn at the distance of half a calibre,
or 8 parts, which will represent the bore.
The length of the piece is divided into 18 equal parts, (which parts are marked on a
line drawn parallel to the axis AB and at any distance from it). From the 5th division, on
indefinite line 5C is drawn perpendicular to the axis AB, for the length of the first reinforce

AC; the length CD of the second reinforce, is equal to 4/18 determined in a like manner by a
line 90 perpendicular to the axis AB, and the remaining 9/18 will be for the chace DB.
The thickness of metal FG at the breech is equal to 12 parts, and that HI at the face is
equal to 6 parts of the calibre, and the lines GI, KL being drawn will determine the exterior
surface of the chace.
Through G draw GN parallel to the axis AB, bisect NO in c and join GC, which will be
the exterior surface of the first reinforce. Through 0 draw OP parallel to the axis AB,
bisect PQ in e and join ce, which will be the exterior surface of the second reinforce.
The axis RS of the trunnions is perpendicular to that of the piece placed at the
distance of 8/18 of the length of the gun, from the extremity of the breech: their centre T is
half a calibre below the axis of the piece.
The diameter of the trunnions is equal to 1/3 GK the diameter of the breech, and their
length, RS the same.
The breadth of the shoulders is equal to 1/10 the diameter of the trunnions, and their
projection is equal to that of the second reinforce-ring, made parallel to the axis of the
The thickness of metal Af is equal to FG equal to 12 parts, and the bottom of the bore
is semi-elliptical described from the several centres, a,b,c; the first a is at the distance of
one calibre from f, and those band c, are each at the distance of 3 parts from hand i taken
on the line hi passing through g of 1/4 of the calibre from f the bottom of the bore and
perpendicular to the axis of the piece.
The breadth Am of the base-ring is equal to 4 parts, and is [its] ogee mn is to 3 parts
of the calibre.
The vent field no is equal to 13 parts.
The astragal and fillets are equal to 3/4 the base-ring, and the fillets half the
The breadth of the first and second reinforce-ring are each equal to 3/4 the base-ring,
and the second reinforce-ogee is equal to 3/4 of its respective ring.
The projection of the mouldings are half the fillets; excepting those at the muzzle,
which are the whole breadth of the fillets.
The pan extends from the base-ring to the fillet of the vent field astragal, and its
breadth is 2 inches. Its projection is determined by drawing a line tangent to the swell of
the ogee, parallel to the surface of the vent field, meeting the fillet of the vent field
The vent tv is 2/10 of an inch in diameter, and takes its direction tv in a line with g of
1/4 of the diameter of the calibre from f the bottom of the bore, meeting the intersection t
formed by the surface of the pan and the line ft drawn from the bottom of the bore,
perpendicular to the axis of the piece.
The projection of the diameter of the base ring is 2 parts, and its surface is
determined by a line produced touching the extremities of the first and second reinforce


The length BE of the muzzle is equal to 1/5 BD the length of the chace. The centre a,
or e of the swell from the face B is equal to 1/6 BE, and ac is equal to 1/3 ab, The diameter
of the swell of the muzzle is equal to 2 diameters and 5 parts, and is described from e as a
centre and with a radius equal to ac; through e draw el parallel to the axis, which will
determine the diameter of the fillet, make ik equal to 1/3 kl; from d and i as centres, and
with the diameter of the swell as a radius describe two arcs intersecting each other in m,
and with the same radius, from m as a centre describe the cavetto or hollow di,


The outline of the breech GUK, is concentric with the arc kl the bottom of the bore,
described with the radius aGo
The length AB of the cascable is equal to 1 calibre 5 parts, the diameter of the last
fillet is equal to the diameter of the bore, the diameter of the button is equal to 12 parts;
from C as a centre and with a radius of 10 1/2 parts describe an arc in r, and from q with a
radius of 4 1/2 parts cut the former arc; from their intersection r as a centre and with the
same radius of 4 1/2 parts describe the neck, the ogee ih is described by iscoceles triangles,
and com pleated according to the dimensions given in the draught.

Construction of a brass 12 pounder; its length being 17 calibres, and its weight 18 Cwt.
according to Colonel Blomefield's principle

The diameter of the calibre of a 12 pounder is 4.623 inches, divided into 16 equal
parts, by means of a diagonal scale.
On a line given AB representing the axis of the piece 17 calibres are set off for the
length of the gun; and on each side of it, parallel lines are drawn at the distance of half a
calibre, which will represent the bore.
The length of the piece is divided into 18 equal parts, 5 of which are for the length of
the first reinforce AC, expressed by the perpendicular 5C. 4 are given to the second
reinforce CD, and the remaining 9/18 are for the chace.
The length BE of the muzzle is equal to 1/5 DB the length of the chace.
The thickness of metal FG at the breech is equal to 14 parts, and that HI at the neck
of the muzzle is equal to 7 parts of the calibre, and the lines GK, LM being drawn will
determine the exterior surface of the chace.
Through G, draw GN parallel to the axis; bisect NO and join cG which will be the
exterior surface of the first reinforce; through 0 draw OP, parallel to the axis; bisect PQ
and join ce, which will be the exterior surface of the second reinforce.
The axis RS of the trunnions is perpendicular to that of the piece, placed at the
distance of 8/18 of the length of the gun, from the extremity of the breech. Their centre T,
is placed half a calibre below the axis of the piece. The diameter mn of the trunnions is
equal to 1/3 GL the diameter of the breech, and their length Rq the same, allowing for the
projection of the second reinforce-ring, and their faces are parallel to the axis of the piece.
The breadth of the shoulders of the trunnions, is equal to 1/ 1a of their diameter, and the
projection equal to that of the second reinforce ring, made parallel to the axis of the piece.
The thickness of metal Af is equal to the greatest thickness of metal FG, equal to 14
parts. The bottom of the bore is semi-elliptical, described from the several centres a,b,c;
the first a is taken in the axis of the piece of 1 calibre from f the bottom of the bore, and
those band c are each distant of 3 parts, from h and from i, taken in the line hi passing
through g, of 1/4 of the calibre from f the bottom of the bore, and perpendicular to the axis
of the piece.
The outline GKL of the breech, is concentric with the arc of the bottom of the bore,
described with the radius aGo
The breadth AI, of the base-ring is equal to 1/18 AC the length of the first reinforce,
equal to 4 parts of the calibre, and the ogee is equal to 3/4 the base-ring, or 3 parts of the
The breadth of the first and second reinforce rings are each equal to 3/4 the base-ring;
and the second reinforce ogee is equal to 3/4 its respective ring.
The astragal and fillets are 3/4 of the base-ring, and the fillets are half the astragals.
The projection of the mouldings are half the breadth of the fillets, excepting those at
the muzzle, which are equal to the whole breadth of the fillets.

The projection of the base ring is 2 parts, and its surface is determined by lines
produced touching the extremities of the first and second reinforce ring.
The vent field mn is determined by placing the centre of the the vent astragal none
calibre from the ogee m.
The pan f extends from the base ring 1, to the fillet of the vent astragal, and its
breadth is 2 inches.
The vent is 2/10 of an inch in diameter, and takes its direction ek in a line with g of
1/4 of the diameter of the calibre, from the bottom of the bore, meeting the intersection k
made by the surface of the pan, and the line fk drawn from the bottom of the bore
perpendicular to the axis of the piece.

The length BE of the muzzle is 1/5 BD the length of the chace; the neck EL, is 1/3 EB
the length of the muzzle. The centre d or e of the swell is distant from the face B, 1/6 the
length of the muzzle, and the breadth aB of the muzzle-mouldings equal to 2/3 Bd. The
diameter FN of the swell is so proportioned to that of the base ring as to give a dispart of
one degree; and is described with a radius eN, equal to 1/3 Bd. The cavetto or hollow cg, is
described with a radius cf equal to four times the thickness of metal ig of the neck; the
diameter of the fillet mn, is determined by a line en drawn through the centre e of the swell
parallel to the axis of the piece.


The length AM of the cascable, is 1 calibre 6 1/2 parts. The diameter UV, of the last
fillet, is 1 calibre. The distance KN from the last fillet to the centre of the button is 10
parts, and the button is described with a radius of 6 parts. From N as a centre and with a
radius of 10 1/2 parts describe an arc in x and from V with a radius of 4 1/2 parts cut the
former arc, from their intersection x as centre and with xV as a radius describe the arc VRy,
which will be the neck; the ogee Vsr is described by iscoceles triangles, and is compleated as
may be obtained from its dimensions given in the draught.

Construction of a light 6 pounder, brass gun its length being 5 feet and weight 6 Cwt.
according to Colonel Blomefield's principle (Fig. 1)

On a given line AB, representing the axis of the piece, five feet are set off which will
be the length of the gun.
The diameter of its calibre is 3.668 inches, divided into 16 equal parts.
Lines are drawn parallel to the axis AB, each distant from it the semi-diameter of the
calibre, which will represent the bore.
The length of the gun is divided into 18 equal parts (these parts are marked on a line
drawn parallel to the axis AB and at any distance from it). From the 5th division a line 5C
is drawn perpendicular to the axis AB, which will be the length of the first reinforce AC.
The length of the second reinforce CD is made equal to 3/18 plus 1 diameter of the calibre,
and determined in a like manner by a line drawn perpendicular to the axis of the piece; the
remaining 9/18 are for the chace.
The length of the muzzle Bf is equal to 1/5 DB, the length of the chace.
The thickness of metal EF at the breech is equal to 11 parts, and that at the face GH
is 4 parts of the calibre, and the lines FH, PS being drawn will determine the exterior
surface of the chace. Through F draw FI, parallel to the axis; bisect IK and join Fe, which
will be the exterior surface of the first reinforce; through K draw KL parallel to the axis;
bisect LM, and join en, which will be the exterior surface of the second reinforce.

The axis NO of the trunnions is perpendicular to that of the piece, and placed 8/18 of
the length of the gun, from the extremity of the breech; their centre d is placed 1/18 of the
diameter of the trunnion above the lower surface of the bore. The diameter of the trunnions
is 1/3 the diameter FP of the breech, and their length the same, allowing for the projection
of the second reinforce ring. The breadth of the shoulders be, is equal to 1/ 10 ab the
diameter of the trunnion, and their projection is equal to that of the second reinforce ring,
made parallel to the axis of the piece.
The thickness of metal As, is equal to that EF equal to 11 parts. The bottom of the
bore is semi elliptical described from the several centres g, h, i; the first g is distant 1
calibre from the bottom of the bore, and those i and h are distant 3 parts from k and from
m, taken in the line km, distant 1/4 of the calibre from s the bottom of the bore, and
perpendicular to the axis of the piece.
The outline FQP of the breech is concentric with the arc op of the bottom of the bore,
described with the radius gF.
The breadth Al of the base ring is equal to 1/18 AC, the length of the first reinforce,
and the ogee 3/4 of the base ring.
The breadth of the first and second reinforce rings, are 3/4 the base ring AI, and the
breadth of the second reinforce ogee, is equal to 3/4 its respective ring.
The astragals and fillets, are 3/4 the base ring, and all the fillets are 1/2 the astragals.
The projections of the mouldings are half the fillets, excepting those at the muzzle,
which are equal to the whole breadth of the fillets.
The projection of the base ring is 2 parts, and its surface is determined by lines
produced touching the extremities of the first and second reinforce rings.
The vent field is determined by placing the centre of the vent astragal, one calibre
from the ogee.
The pan extends from the base ring to the fillet of the vent astragal; its breadth is 2
inches, and its projection is equal to that of the swell of the ogee.
The vent is 2/10 of an inch in diameter and its direction rn is drawn from n 1/4 of the
calibre from the bottom of the bore, to the intersection r formed by the surface of the pan
and the line sr drawn perpendicular to the axis of the piece.


The neck ic is 1/3 Bf the length of the muzzle; the centre e of the swell is distant
from the face B, 1/6 Bf, and the breadth Bn of the mouldings 2/3 Be: the diameter of the
swell, is so proportioned to that of the base ring, as to give a dispart of one degree, and is
described with radius ps equal to 1/3 Be; the cavetto or hollow dm is described with a radius
om equal to 5 cd [?6cd] the thickness of metal at the neck; the diameter of the fillet is
determined by a line drawn through r the centre of the swell, parallel to the axis of the

Cascable fig: 2*

The length mk of the cascable is 1 calibre 6 parts; the diameter pq of the last fillet is
1 calibre 2 parts; the distance from the last fillet to the centre of the button is 10 parts, and
the button is described with a radius of 6 1/2 parts; from I as a centre and with 11 1/2 parts
describe an arc in 0, and from p with a radius of 5 parts, cut the former arc, from their
intersection 0 as a centre and with op as a radius describe the arc pbu, which will determine
the neck, the ogee bci [?beiJ is described by iscoceles sic triangles, of which the remainder
of its construction is given in the draught, as also that of the loop for receiving the
elevating screw.
*Figure 2 missing from Ms.
Table of the length, weight, calibres and diameters of shot of brass guns of each
nature, with the weight of powder for proof, scaling and service, according to
Colonel Blomefield's principle >-
Guns Pounders Length
of metal
of the
of the
shot Windage
Thickness of metal
before the
base ring
at the
at the
muzzle ast,
Weight of powder for

Scaling Proof Service

NO of rounds
for proof -
Feet In cwt Qrs Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Ib oz Ib oz Ib oz Number

12 6 6.66 18 0 4.623 4.403 0.220 4.008 4.050 1. 950 0 12 5 0 4 0 2

9 5 11.40 13 2 4.200 4.000 0.200 3.650 3.670 1.800 0 10 3 8 3 0 2

17 Calibres
6 5 2.35 9 0 3.668 3.498 0.170 3.176 3.200 1.566 0 8 3 0 2 0 2

3 4 1.52 4 2 2.913 2.775 0.138 2.533 2.548 1.238 0 4 1 8 1 0 2

24 6 3.67 24 0 5.823 5.547 0.227 4.384 4.367 2.403 I 0 8 0 8 0 2

13 Calibres 18 5 8.78 18 0 5.292 5.040 0.252 3.945 3.950 2.194 0 12 6 0 6 0 2

12 5 0.10 12 0 4.623 4.403 0.220 3.450 3.467 1.913 0 8 4 0 4 0 2

6 5 0 6 0 3.668 3.498 0.170 2.496 2.521 1.086 0 4 2 0 2 0 3

On the 3 6 0 6 0 2.913 2.775 0.138 2.513 2.549 1.093 0 4 1 8 1 0 2

Principle 3 4 0 3 0 2.913 2.775 0.138 1.978 2.002 0.863 0 2 1 0 1 0 3

5 0 2 2 2.019 1. 923 0.096 1.7005 0 1 0 8 0 6 2


Construction of GenI. Desagulier's [sic] brass 6 pounder, its length being 7 feet

A draught of Genl Desagulier's brass 6 poundr natural size having been communicated
to me by Col. Blomefield, without being informed of its construction I have, in order to
ascertain it, made several scales of equal parts of the diameter of the calibre, amongst
which I found the decimal division to answer best, according to this the following
construction is described.


The diameter of the calibre being 3.668 inches, is divided into 100 equal parts by the
means of a diagonal scale.
On a given line AB representing the axis of the piece, 7 feet are set off, for the length
of the gun, and on each side of it parallel lines are drawn at the distance of half the calibre,
which will be the bore.
The length of the gun is divided into 36 equal parts; 12 of them are for the length of
the first reinforce AC, and 5 parts for the length CD of the second reinforce, and the
remaining 19/36 are for the chace.
The length of the muzzle BE is equal to 4 parts.
The breech AF is equal to 1 calibre.
The greatest thickness of metal GH is equal to 85 parts of the calibre.
The thickness of metal IK at end of the first reinforce is equal to 80 parts of the
calibre, and a line drawn HK will represent the exterior surface of the first reinforce.
The thickness of metal LM at the end of the 2d. reinforce, is equal to 74 parts, and a
line KM drawn will represent its external surface.
The thickness of metal NO at the muzzle astragal, is equal to 37 parts of the calibre,
and a line drawn MO will be for the exterior surface of the chace.
The axis XY of the trunnions is perpendicular to that AB of the piece, place at the
16/36 of the length of the gun, from the extremity of the breech. The centre of the
trunnions is placed half a calibre below the axis of the piece.
The diameter of the trunnion is one calibre, and its length the same, allowing for the
projection of its shoulder, which is 4 parts of the calibre, and its breadth 1/12 the diameter
of the trunnions drawn parallel to the axis of the piece.
The breadth Aa of the base ring and ogee, is equal to 1/36 part the length of the gun,
and the ogee is equal to the base ring.
The first and second reinforce rings and ogees, are each equal to 2/3 the base ring and
ogee, divided into 9 equal parts, 4 of them are given to the rings and 5 to their respective
The astragals and fillets, are 1/3 the base ring and ogee and all the fillets are half the
The projections of the mouldings are half the fillets, excepting those at the muzzle
and at the cascable which are the whole breadth of the fillets.
The breadth of the vent field is 1/36 part of the length of the gun, equal to the base
ring and ogee.
The chace girdle is equal to the vent field.
The projection of the base ring is equal to 23 parts of the calibre, and the direction of
its surface is in a line with that of the first reinforce ring.
The bottom of the bore is hemispherical, described with a radius equal to half the
diameter of the calibre.
The vent is 2/10 of an inch in diameter and its direction, from the centre of the
semicircle, forms an angle of 68 degrees with the axis of the piece.


The length OR of the neck of the muzzle is equal to 1/3 the length eB, and its external
surface is determined by a line OR drawn parallel to the axis of the piece.
The diameter of the swell of the muzzle, is 2 calibres 42 parts, which admits a disport
of 1 degree of elevation.
The thickness of metal PQ at the face is 41 parts.
The distance from the face B to the centre r or t of the swell is 1/7 the length eB of
the muzzle, and is described with a radius of 1/3 Br, the breadth of the muzzle mouldings.
The diameter of the muzzle fillet is determined by a line drawn through the centre t
of the swell, parallel to the axis of the piece, and its ogee is described by equilateral
Take ab equal to 1/3 ac, and from b, d as centres and with a radius equal to the length
of the muzzle BE, describe the hollow or cavetto bd,


The distance AS from the breech to the last fillet is 40 parts. The distance ST from
the last fillet to the centre of the button is 77 parts. The diameter of the button is 85 parts.
The diameter gh of the last fillet is equal to 1 calibre 38 parts.
The diameter of the neck ef is equal to 66 parts taken on a line ef drawn parallel to gh
at the distance of 34 parts; from f and g as centres and with 34 parts as a radius arcs are
described intersecting each other in s; from s as centre and with sf as radius describe the
arc gf; from f as a centre, with 60 parts as radius describe an arc in c; from T as centre with
the semi diameter of the button and 60 parts as radius, cut the former arc, from their
intersection c as centre and with cf as a radius describe the arc fi which will compleat the
The breadth of the ovolo or quarter round is equal to 10 parts.
The ogee gl is described by iscoceles triangles whose equal sides are each equal to 3/4
The loop p is described with a radius of 32 parts and its centre 0 is placed 1/5 of ef
below the neck.
The method of describing the dolphins and the shell of the vent, may be obtained from
the draught.

Colonel 81omefield's general construction for garrison, land and sea service iron guns

A scale is formed of the diameter of the calibre or bore, divided into 16 equal parts,
from whence the thickness of metal in guns of different natures is given in the following
Guns for Sea or Garrison Service

Diameter Diameter of
Nature Diameter of the Thickness of metal at the of the the swell of
Pounder Length Weight Calibre Shot Windage Breech Neck Base ring the muzzle

Feet In cwt Q Inches Inches Inches Parts of Cali Parts of Cali Inches Inches

42 9 6 65 0 7.018 6.684 0.334 16 8 23.26 17.460

32 9 6 55 2 6.410 6.105 0.305 17 8 1/2 22;24 16.450
9 6 50 2 21.20 15.440
24 5.823 5.547 0.277 18 9
9 0 47 3 21. 24 15.780
9 0 42 2
18 5.292 5.040 0.252 19 9 1/2 19.68 14.250
8 0 37 3
9 0 34 3 17.73 12.260

12 8 6 33 I 4.623 4.403 0.220 20 10 17.80 12.640

7 6 29 I 17.86 13.301
9 0 31 0 16.80 11. 340

8 6 29 2 16.84 11. 680

9 4.200 4.000 0.200 21 10 1/2
7 6 26 2 16.90 12.233

7 0 25 I 16.94 12.680
8 6 23 3 15.00 9.840

8 0 22 2 15.05 10.180

7 6 21 I 15.08 10.520
6 3.668 3.498 0.170 22 II
7 0 20 I 15.11 10.860

6 6 18 2 15.15 11. 200

6 0 17 3 15.20 11. 540

Inches Inches
4 5 0 3.204 3.053 0.151 4.469 2.208 12.004 7.620
3 4 6 2.913 2.775 0.138 4.005 2.003 10.923 6.919 >-
Guns for Land Service rn





4.623 4.403 0.220





9 5 6 18 0 4.200 4.000 0.200 5.280 2.620 14.740 9.440 ~


On a line given AB respresenting the axis of the piece, the number of feet and inches,
of the given length of the piece are set off; and on each side of it, parallels EF, CD are
drawn, at the distance of half a calibre, which will represent the bore.
The length of the gun is divided into seven equal parts, two of which are for the length
of the first reinforce Ab: 1/7 plus one diameter of the calibre, for the second reinforce bd;
and 1/5 of the remaining part dB is given to the length of the muzzle Be.
The thickness of metal AS from the extremity of the breech to the bottom of the bore,
as likewise that of Ra which is equal to AS, is given in the table of a gun of that nature, and
in the same manner, the half of that dimension is given to the neck ki; A line drawn through
a and i produced towards t will describe the outline of the chace.
The outlines of the reinforces are determined in the following manner, make bn equal
to Aa bisect mn in 1, join al which will be for the outer surface of the first reinforce; take dr
equal to bm, bisect pr in q and join lq, which will be the exterior surface of the second
The axis of the trunnions is determined by a line drawn from the 3/7 of the pieces
length, perpendicular to the axis of piece; their diameters are one calibre and lengths the
same, clear of the projection of the second reinforce ring; and the centre of the trunnion is
place half a calibre below the axis of the piece.
The bottom of the bore is made semi-elliptical, described from the several centres 0,
P, z, the first 0 is at the distance of 1 calibre from S the bottom of the bore, and those P
and z are distant of 3 parts from g and y, taken in the line gy passing through f of 1/4 of the
calibre from the bottom of the bore and perpendicular to the axis of the piece.
The outline of the breech aw is concentric with the arc TQ of the bottom of the bore,
described with the radius Oa,
One eighth an divided into 3 equal parts, gives the base ring and its two mouldings au.
The outline of the breech is joined to the projection of the base ring by a small arc wx.
The breadth of the first and second reinforce rings, and all the astragals compre-
hending their fillets, are respectively equal to that of the base ring.
The second reinforce ogee is equal to 3/4 of its ring.
The projection of the second reinforce ring is equal to 1/2 of a fillet.
The projection of the base ring is 2 parts of the calibre, and a line drawn from its
surface to that of the second reinforce ring, determines the projection of the first reinforce
The projection of the mouldings, are half the breadth of the fillets.
The vent field uv is 1 calibre. The breadth of the pan is 2 1/2 inch, and thickness equal
to the swell of the ogee, and extends from the centre of the ogee, to that of the vent
The vent is one fifth of an inch in diameter, and takes its direction from a point in the
axis of the piece at one fourth of the calibre from the bottom of the bore, meeting the
exterior surface of the pan, at the intersection made by a line drawn from the bottom of the
bore perpendicular to the axis of the piece.


The bottom of the cascable is constructed from the scale of the calibre; the diameter
1, 2 of the neck fillet is 22 parts, and that of the neck 3, 4 one calibre; it is described with a
radius of 6 parts, meeting the outlines of the bore produced, the small arcs adjoining the
neck are described with a radius of 3 parts, from centres taken in the produced lines of the
bore; the end of the button is described with a radius of 12 parts, joining the last mentioned
two small arcs, from a centre taken in the axis of the piece. The position of the button

fillet is determined by the centres of the small arcs, and the breadth of the fillets are equal
to those of the astragals.
The diameter 6, 7 of the hole for the breeching loop is half a calibre and its thickness
6,8,2/3 of its diameter. It is placed so as that the circumference of the hole shall meet the
neck fillet and touch the arc of the circle describing the breech in one point, its position is
in a vertical plane, with the axis of the piece, when the trunnions are in a horizontal
situation. [A more particular construction may be obtained from the description given on its
page 42. (See section ahead called "Construction of the Casable•.•")]


The length Be of the muzzle is equal to 1/5 Bd, the length of the chace. The distance
BN from the face of the piece to the centre N of the swell is 1/5 Be the length of the
muzzle, divided into three equal parts, for the muzzle mouldings. The diameter of the swell
of the muzzle is so proportioned, to that of the base ring, as to admit a dispart of 1 1/2
degree of elevation; the arcs L, M, K are described with a radius of 1/4 KL; and the cavetto
or hollow GH is described with a radius equal to twice GH.
Note. To reduce the diameter of the base ring and that of the swell of the muzzle, of
each nature of gun given in Inches, into parts relative to the diameter of the calibre, as
given in the table of iron guns page 35 [see table pg. 421], in which the diameter of the
calibre according to the annexed construction, is divided into 16 equal parts. Divide 16 by
the number of inches in the given calibre, and the quotient will be the number of parts
contained in one inch, which being multiplied by the given diameter in inches, the product
will be the required parts.


To find in parts, the diameter of the base ring of a 42 pounder, answering in the table
to 23.26 inches. Divide 16 by 7.018 and the quotient 2.2798 will be the number of parts
contained in one inch, which being multiplied by 23.26 in. that is 23.26 x 2.2798, the product
52.028 will be the diameter of the base-ring in parts. [This is an error; product should be
The diameter of the swell of the muzzle of the 42 pounder, being 17.46 inches.
Multiply 17.46 by 2.2798, and the product 39.805 will be the diameter of the swell of the
muzzle in parts.
The same rule is made use of, the diameter of the calibre being divided into any other
number of parts, as for instance, into 32, 64, or 100 equal parts.

Construction of the cascable of an iron 12 pounder. Pl. 5

Make a decimal scale of inches, in the proportion of 1 1/2 foot to 10 inches, and from
this scale make that of the calibre = 4.623 inches, divided into 16 equal parts.
Lengthways through the middle of the paper draw a line AB representing the axis of
the piece, and on each side of it draw parallels at the distance of 8 parts. Make AC equal to
48 1/2 parts and through C draw DE perpendicular to AB.
Describe the base moulding, the vent field, the bottom of the bore &c as shown in the
construction pl. 4. and according to the dimensions laid down in pl. 5.
From G as a centre and with GD as a radius describe the arc DHIE for the outer
surface of the breech, take Dr equal to 5 parts, from r as a centre and with rD as a radius
describe the arc DO.

Of Carronades and Cannonades

The construction of Carronades and Cannonades is obtained from the drawings which
are in one of my portfolios, and from the dimensions given in the table page 425.
As a piece of ordnance is generally constructed from a scale of the diameter of the
calibre, divided into 16 equal parts, the same may likewise be constructed, from a scale of
the diameter of the calibre divided into 100 equal parts. The centesimal divisions of this
scale being obtained according to probe 11 sect 1st practical geometry.
When required to reduce arithmetically into hundredths, any given number of 16ths;
find first how many 100ths there will be contained in 1/16. Divide 100 by 16 and the
quotient will be 625 [6.25] then this quotion [sic] being 100ths it is written 0.0625.
Wherefore any number of 16th of a piece of ordnance being multiplied by 0.0625 the product
will be the required number in hundredths.
Suppose for example the thickness of metal at the breech of a gun to be 12/16,
multiply 12 by 0.0625 and the product 0.7500, or 0.75 will be the required thickness of metal
in hundredths.
Should the construction of a piece be made from a scale of the diameter of the calibre
divided into 32 equal parts, and these parts required to be reduced into hundredth, divide 100
by 32 and the quotient will be 0.03125 = 1/32. If the diameter is divided into 64 equal parts,
to reduce 1/64 into 100th proceed in the same manner by dividing 100 by 64 and the quotient
0.015625 will be the number of 100ths in 1/64 of the diameter of the calibre.

RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," circa 1790.

Construction of Carronades and Cannonades

Diameter Thickness of metal Weight of powder

Nature and Weight Before Muzzle
length of guns of Piece Calibre Shot Windage base ring Breech Astragal Proof Service Scaling

ordnance Pounder Feet In cwt Q Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches lb oz lb oz lb oz

68 5 0.693 36 1 8.05 7.9 0.150 13 0 2 0

42 4 3.719 22 1 6.84 6.684 0.156 5.95 3.16 Neck 9 0 1 8

32 3 11. 71 17 2 6.25 6.105 0.145 5.50 2.85 8 0 1 4

24 3 7.4 13 1 5.68 5.547 0.133 4.96 6 0 1 0
18 3 3.26 9 3 5.16 5.040 0.120 4.60 2.40 4 0 1 0

12 2 8.361 6 0.74 4.52 4.403 0.117 3.95 2.12 3 0 0 12

24 6 0 31 2 5.823 5.547 0.227 6.308 6.200 3.100 8 0 4 0 1 0
18 5 6 5.292 5.040 0.252 5.533 5.600 2.800 6 0 3 0 1 0

Cannonades 12 5 0 4.623 4.403 0.220 4.750 4.900 2.450 4 0 2 0 0 12

9 4 6 4.200 4.000 0.200 4.740 4.475 2.237 3 0 1 8 0 8
6 4 0 3.668 3.498 0.170 4.132 3.900 1.950 2 0 1 0 0 6


APPENDIX o. Shell-Guns.

Length Weight Cal. When

Type ft. in. cwt. in. introduced

8-inch 5 8 36 8.05 obscure

6 8.5 50 8.05 1825 (tested 1820)
8 52 8.05 1840
8 54 8.05 early 1860s
8 6 60 8.05 1839
8 10 60 8.05 1831
9 65 8.05 1838 ( 1834?)
lO-inch 7 6 57 10.0 1829 never
8 4 62 10.0 1829 accepted
9 4 84 10.0 1824
9 4 86 10.0 1846

12-inch 8 4 90 12.0 1828 (only 1 cast)

9 2 90 12.0 obscure

Source: Compiled from various shell-gun sources including Hogg and

Batchelor, Naval Gun, 1978; Robertson, Artillery Through the Ages, 1971;
Douglas 1860; RMC, Mould, 1825; Spearman 1844; and Straith, 1841.
Appendix P. Carronades, 1779-1870

ratio of weight of 1 windage

length weight lb. shot to total calibre 0 1810 P 1865-6q
ft. in. cal. cwt, qr. lb. weight of caronade in. in. in.

6 pdr. a 2 9 9.167 4 3 88.667 3.6 .12 .05

9 pdr, 4 11. 650 8 99.555 4.12 b .12 ?

12 pdr, 2 2c 5.752 5 3 10 54.5 4.52 .12 .056

2 8d 7.080 6 56. 4.52

18 pdr. 2 4e 5.426 8 1 25 52.722 5.16 .12 .061

3 3 7.558 9 56. 5.16
3 4f 7.752 10 62.222 5.16
24 pdr. 3g 6.338 11 2 25 54.708 5.68 .14 .068
3 7 1/2 7.658 13 60.667 5.68
3 9h 7.922 13 60.667 5.68

32 pdr. 4 01/4 i 7.720 17 0 14 59.937 6.25 .15 0.73

4i 7.680 17 59.5 6.25
42 pdr, 4 3 1/2 7.529 22 1 59.333 6.84 .15 0.78
4 4k 7.602 22 1 59.333 6.84
4 61 7.895 22 58.667 6.84
68 pdr, 4m 5.963 29 47.765 8.05 .15 .125
5 2 7.702 36 59.294 8.05
5 4n 7.950 36 59.294 8.05

12 - 68 pdr, Average length average ratio

in calibres shot /weight

short 5.87 52.424

long 7.67 59.243 rn

Appendix P. Notes

a RMC, Mould, op. cit., p, 317, gave length of 2 ft. 8 in.; Spearman, (1844), op. cit., and
Owen and Porter, op. cit., p, 66, gave weight of 5 cwt.
b Calculated, if windage is .12 in. and shot is 4 in. in diameter.
c Last reference, Adye, (1813), op, cit., p. 88.
d Straith, (1841), op, cit., p. 20 and Boxer, op. cit., plate XXX gave length of 2 ft. 8.361
in.; Aide-Memoire, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1, gave length of 2 ft. 8.36 ln.; Boxer and
Aide-Memoire give weight of 6 3/4 cwt,
e Last reference, Straith, (1841), op, cit., p, 20.
f First reference, Griffiths, (1847), op, cit., p. 69; Aide-Memoire, op, cit, Vol. I,. p. 60
gave the length of 3 ft. 3.25 in. but Vol. II, p. 522, gave it of 3 ft. 4 in.; Boxer, op.
clt., plate XXX gave length of 3 ft. 3.26 in.
g Last reference, Straith, (1841), op. cit., p. 20.
h First reference, Griffiths, (1839), op, cit., 1839, p. 51; Aide-Memolre, op. cit., Vol. I,
pp, 60-1, and Boxer, op. cit., plate XXX, gave length of 3 ft. 7.4 in. while RMC, Mould,
op. cit., p. 317, and Owen and Porter, op. cit., p. 66, said 3 ft. 8 in.
Last reference, Adye, (1813), op, cit, p. 88.
First reference, RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 317; Spearman, (1844), op. cit., Aide-
Memoire, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1, and Boxer, op. cit., plate XXX, gave length of 3 ft.
11.71 inches.
k First reference, RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 317.
1 First reference, Griffiths, (1847), op, clt., p, 69; Lefroy, (1867), op. cit., p. 72, and
Owen and Porter, p. 66, gave length of 4 ft. 5 in.
m Last reference, Straith, (1841), op, cit., p. 20.
n First reference, Griffiths, (1847), op. cit., p, 69.
o Slight variations of calibres which may have existed before 1800 are not given.
p William MUller, The Elements of the Science of War•.• (London: Longman" Hurst,
Rees, Orme and Co., 181 0, Vol. I, p. 84.
q Lefroy, (1867), op. cit., pp. 71-3.

Appendix Q. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages in Use in 1748

Nature of Gun (pr.) 42 32 24 18 12 9 6 3

Width enclosed before 18 18 16.5 15.5 14 13 II. 5 9

behind 23.5 23.5 22.5 21.5 19.5 18.5 16.8 12.5
Fore axletree

I length
35.4 **
51. 5
Arms length 10.8 10.2 9.8 9.2 8 7.5 7 6.5
diameter 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.8 5.2 5 4.5 3.5
Hind axletree length 57 57 54.5* 51.5 45.5 42.5 38.8 32.5
~ length 35.4 ** 36.6 34.9 33.1 29.5 27.5 24.8 19.5
Body height 6.8 6.8 6.8 6 5.5 5.2 5 4
breadth 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Arms length 10.8 10.2 9.8 9.2 8 7.5 7 6.5
diameter 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.8 5.2 5 4.5 3.5
Fore trucks diameter 19 19 18 18 16 16 14 14
breadth 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3
Hind Trucks diameter 16 16 16 15 14 14 12 10
breadth 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3
Bracketsteight before 26.8 26.2 26 23.6 20 18.8 16 13.6
length 78 78 72 69 66 63 60 37.5
breadth 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3
Trunnions from the head 8 8 8 8 6.8 6.6 6.6 6
Steps+ height 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2 1.10 1.6 1.3
length 9.8 9.8 9 8.3 8.2 8 7.5 4.6

** Adye gives 36.6

* Adye, Muller, and Smith give 54 inches, but in all other carriages the lengths of the fore and hind
axletree are the same.
+ Given only in Adye. The length is close to the formula of 1/2 the length divided by 4, but the
height is considerably less than 1/2 the height divided by 4.

Adapted from John Muller, Treatise of Artillery, (London, 1780), p.96; RAI, Adye (1766),
pp. 40-1; George Smith, An Universal Military Dictionary .... (London, 1779), p. 51.

Appendix R. Table of Iron Work on Common Standing

Garrison or Ship Carriage

Iron Work No.

Cap squares 2
Eye bolts 2
Joint bolts 2
Transom bolt 1
Bed bolt 1
Bracket bolts 2
Hind axletree bolts 4
Breeching bolts with rings 2
Burrs 2
Loops 6
Dowel pins 4
Square rivetting plates 8
Rings with keys 10
Traversing plates 2
Linch pins 4
Axletree hoops 2
Axletree stays 2
Keys, chains, and staples 2
Stool bed bolts with rivetting plates 2
Axletree clouts (copper) 4

1. Burrs were washers placed around the ends of bolts to be
2. Loops attached to the transom and the rear axletree may
be for sea service. They were not shown by Rudyerd. Also
Rudyerd showed only one loop on each side, not two.
3. The Dowel pins were wood not iron.
4. The square riveting plates were associated with the loops
and the two breeching bolts and rings, the latter for sea
5. Rings with keys - these appear to be misnamed. Keys
were inserted into the slots in the ends of some bolts.

Sources: RAI, Adye (1766), pp.42-3; Muller, Treatise on

Artillery, p. 99; Smith, An Universal Military Dictionary ... ,
p. 51.

Appendix S. The Construction of a Common Standing Garrison Carriage

According to John Muller, 1750-1780

In a line AB, take two points C, D, so as their interval be equal to the distance from
the center of the trunnions to the extremity of the breech, that is, equal to three sevenths
of the gun's length; through these points draw two lines at right angles to AB; in the first
take CE, CF, each equal to half the diameter of the second reinforce ring; and in the second
DG, DH, each equal to half the diameter of the base ring; then the lines drawn through the
points E, G, and F, H, will determine the width within of the carriage.
If to these lines there be drawn two parallels at a caliber's distance, they will
determine the breadth of the side pieces; and by setting off from D to B, the length of the
cascable, and from C to A, half the diameter of the trunnions and half the diameter of the
fore trucks; then will AB be the length of the carriage.
The line EF passes through the centre of the trunion holes, which are a caliber, and
whose center is a quarter of an inch below the upper surface of the side pieces. On each
side of GH set off 6 inches for the breadth of the axletree, which is always 12 inches broad;
and the fore part of the trunion holes is the centre line of the fore axletree, whose
dimensions, as well as those of the trucks, are given in the following table (See Appendix Q).
The height of the side pieces is 4 3/4 diameters of the shot before, and half that height
behind; and if half the length of the side pieces be divided into four equal parts, beginning at
the hind end, you will have the steps; the quarter-round is taken from the fore part. The
lower part of these pieces is hollowed in the form of a circular arc, in order to make them
something lighter without diminishing their strength. Both axletrees are sunk into the side
pieces in the manner represented in the 17th figure; and as to the transom, we chose to
place it directly over the fore axletree, it is a diameter of the shot broad, and two high, and
placed exactly in the middle of the height of the side pieces: though it is customary to place
the fore part in a line passing through the center of the trunion holes, and so as to project
the axletree by an inch, and the lower edge to touch the axletree.

Source: Muller (1780), Treatise on Artillery, pp. 95-6.

Note: This formula is more or less repeated in Abraham Rees, The Cyclopaedia... (London,
1819), Vol. 6, "Carriages," with the following additional piece of information:
Each of these side pieces is hollowed or cut out beneath, in the
form of a circular arc, of which the radius is about half the
length of the piece.

Appendix T. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1801

Calibre 32 24 18 12 9 6
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Axletrees, length 4 9 4 7 4 3 3 9.5 3 6.5 3 4

Side pieces, length 6 4 6 0 5 9 5 6 5 3 5 0
Whole height to trunnion
beds 2 9 2 7 2 6 2 3 2 1 2 0
Weight of Carriage, bed
and coins, cwt, 9 8 7 6 3.75 2.75

Adye (1801), p, 58

Dimensions of Stool for Beds Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1801-13

Length Breadth Height

Ft. In. Inches Inches

42 Pounder 2 10 11 to 8.75 3.75

32 Pounder 2 10 10 to 5.50 3.25
24 Pounder 2 9 10.25 to 6.50 4
18 Pounder 2 8 9.50 to 6.50 3.75
12 Pounder 2 8 10 to 6.50 4
9 Pounder 2 7 9.50 to 5.75 3.50
6 Pounder 2 6 9 to 4.75 3.50
4 Pounder 2 6 8.25 to 5.25 3

Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 35 and (1813), Ope cit., p. 63.

Appendix T. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1813

Calibre 42 32 24 18 12 9 6
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Axletree, total length 5 0 4 10 4 6.5 4 5 4 1 4 0 3 10

Fore 11 11 11 10.5 10.5 10.5 9.5
Hind 7.75 7.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 5.75
Fore 7.75 7.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 5.75
Hind 7.75 7.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 5.75
Width 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 a 1 0 1 0
Length of Bracket 6 5 6 3 6 2 6 1 5 9 5 8.25 5 7
Thickness of Bracket 6 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.25
Depth of Bracket 2 3 2 2.5 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 0
before 1 6.75 1 5.5 1 4.75 1 3.75 1 1.875 1 0.875 II. 75
behind 2 0.5 1 II. 75 1 11 1 9 1 7.5 1 6.5 1 5.25
Diameter of trucks
Fore 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.75
Hind 1 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75
Diameter of arm of
axle 1/4 of an inch 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5
less than bore of
Weight of carriage, bed, c. Q. Lb. c. Q. Lb. c. Q. Lb. c. Q. Lb. c. Q. Lb. C. Q. Lb. c. Q. Lb.
trucks, and coins 16 3 13 15 1 0 13 2 0 12 3 0 11 3 0 10 1 0 9 1 0
Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 92. The dimensions have been printed as given but those for the axletree - depth, thickness, and width - do not
make sense.

Appendix U. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1828 and 1844.
Calibre 42 32 24 18 12 9 6 4 3
Ft. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. Ft. In.
Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.
Top Z











5 8.5







Depth 1 1.5 1 1. 25 1 1.0 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 9.5 9.5

Thickness 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.25 4.5 4.25 3.75 3.75 3.25
Length 1 9.0 1 8.5 1 7.5 1 7.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 3.0 1 1.0 1 1.0
Depth 1 5.0 1 4.75 1 4.75 1 4.0 1 4.5 1 4.0 1 3.75 1 0.5 1 0.5
Thickness 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.25 4.5 4.25 3.75 3.5 3.25
Length of bed 3 1.5 3 0.5 2 11.0 2 10.0 2 6.0 2 5.0 2 4.0 1 10.0 1 10.0
Breadth 7.75 7.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 5.75 5.75 5.75
Depth 11.0 11.0 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 9.5 6.5 6.5
Length of bed 3 1.5 3 0.5 2 11.0 2 10.0 2 6.0 2 5.0 2 4.0 1 10.0 1 10.0
Breadth 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11
Depth 7.75 7.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 5.75 5.75 5.75
Length of arm 10.75 10.75 9.75 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0
Diameter of arm 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Diameter 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7.75 1 7.75 1 7.75 1 6.25 1 6.25 1 6.25
Diameter of Hole 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Width of sole 6.625 6.625 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.25 4.25 4.25
Diameter 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0
Diameter of hole 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Width of sole 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Length 2 11.0 2 11.0 2 10.0 2 8.5 2 8.5 2 8.5 2 8.0 2 3.0 2 3.0
Breadth, greatest 11.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.0 8.5 8.5
least 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0
Thickness 4.5 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5
Length 1 3.0 1 5.0 1 4.0 I 3.0 1 3.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 11.0 11.0
Breadth 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Thickness 4.75 4.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0
Breadth, greatest 10.75 10.75 9.5 9.25 9.25 9.75 9.25 8.25 8.25
least 6.5 6.25 5.75 5.75 6.0 5.5
Length 2 3.0 2 3.0 2 0.75 2 0.75 1 11.0 1 10.0 1 8.0 1 6.0 1 6.0
Thickness, greatest 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.25 6.0 5.75 6.0 6.0
least 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.5 2.5

Adapted from Spearman, The British Gunner (1828), pp. 48-9, 112, 342-3, 386-7,401 and
(1844), "car." unpaginated. The two sets of tables are not identical, that of 1844 does not
given any dimensions for the 42-, 4-, or 3-pdrs. The table of 1844 gives least breadth and
thickness of the quoin and of the bed of the stool-bed; this has been included in the table
above. The table of 1844 gives the diameter of the fore trucks of the 24- to 9-pdr. inclusive
as 1 ft. 6.75 in., also the greatest breadth of the coin of the 12-pdr. as 9.5 inches.

Appendix V. Dimensions of Iron Trueks for Common Standing Garrison Carriages, 1839-62

Fore Hind

Diameter Width of Weight Diameter Width of Weight

Truck Hole Sole of two Truck Hole Sole of two
Ft. In. in. in. ewt. qr. lb. Ft. In. In. In. ewt. qr, lb.

42 1 7 7.5 6.62 3 0 20 1 4 7.5 5 2 0 4

32 1 7 7.5 6.62 3 0 20 1 4 7.5 5 2 0 4
24 1 7 6.5 5 2 1 26 1 4 6.5 4.5 1 2 5
18 1 7 6.5 5 2 1 26 1 4 6.5 4.5 1 2 5
12 1 7 6.5 5 2 1 26 1 4 6.5 4.5 1 2 5
9 1 7 6.5 5 2 1 26 1 4 6.5 4.5 1 2 5
6 1 6 5.5 4.25 1 3 4 1 4 6.5 3.5 1 1 6
3 1 6 5.5 4.25 1 3 4 1 4 6.5 3.5 1 1 6

Adapted from Griffiths, The Artillerist's Manual..., (1839), p.62 (1840), p. 69, (1847), p. 77,
(1852), p. 68, (1859), p. 71, (862), p. 73. In 1839 the diameter of the fore trucks of the 42-
to 9-pdr. inclusive was said to be 1 ft. 7-3/4 in., but thereafter 1 ft. 7 in.

Appendix VI. Dimensions of Stool Beds and Quoins, 1839-62

Stool Beds

Beds Blocks

Length Breadth Thickness Length Breadth Depth

Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

42 2 11 11 4.5 1 5 4.75 9
32 2 11 10 4.25 1 5 4.75 9
24 2 10 10 4.25 1 4 4.5 8
18 2 10.2 9.5 4.25 1 3 4.5 8
12 2 to.2 9.5 4 1 3 4.5 8
9 2 10.2 9.5 4 1 1 4.5 8

Adapted from Griffiths, The Artillerist's Manual •.., (1839), p. 80, (1840), p. 93, (1847), p. 101,
(1862), p. 99


Length Width Thickness

Ft. In. In. Ft.

42 2 3 10.75 6.75
32 2 3 10.75 6.75
24 2 9 9.5 6.75
18 2 9 9.5 6.75
12 1 11 9.25 6.25
9 1 11 9.15 6

Adapted from Griffiths, op. cit., (1839), p. 79, (1840), p. 88,

(1847), p. 96, (1862), p. 96
Appendix X. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, circa 1864.

Brackets Axletrees, Wood

Depth Width
Length Length Diameter of of
between of of Axle- Ax1e-
Shoulders Arm Arm tree tree
Length Width Depth Front Hind Front Hind Front Hind Front Hind
ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. m.

8-inch, 65 cwt. Gun 6 0 6 2 3 35 1/2 37 10 10 7 1/4 7 1/4 10 12

24-pdr., 50 cwt. Gun 6 2 1/2 5 1/2 2 1 1/2 35 1/2 35 1/2 10 10 7 1/4 6 1/4 10 12
18-pdr _, 42 cwt, Gun 5 11 5 2 o 1/4 35 1/2 36 10 10 6 1/4 6 1/4 10 12


Width Diameter
Diameter of of
Sole Hole
Front Hind Front Hind Front Hind
in. in. in. in. in. in.

8-inch, 65 cwt, Gun 19 16 6 1/2 5 1/4 7 1/2 7 1/2

24-pdr., 50 cwt. Gun 19 16 6 1/2 4 1/2 7 1/2 6 1/2
18-pdr., 42 cwt. Gun 20 16 5 4 1/2 6 1/2 6 1/2

"For the 24-pounder the axletree is 7 1/2 inches in diameter in front, and 6 1/2 inches in
rear. Above that size, and up to the 56-pounder, both axletrees are 7 1/2 inches, and for the 56- >-
pounder and upwards they are both 8 1/2 in diameter. (p.16).
"The trucks are of cast iron, those in front have a diameter of 19 inches and a width of sole rn
of 6 inches; the rear trucks are 16 inches in diameter and 4 1/2 inches wide in the sole." (p.17) Z
There is a conflict between these two statements and the tables which has not been
PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp. 5, 76, "Notes on Manufactures of the Royal Carriage
Department," p. 31. .J:'"
Appendix X. Dimensions of Common Standing Garrison Carriages, circa 1864. .;:-

Trucks Front Hind rn
Diameter Sole Hole Weight Diameter Sole Hole Weight o
in. in. in. lb. in. in. in. lb. X

8-in., 42-pr., 32-pr. 19 6 1/2 7 178 16 5 7 114

24-pr. to 9-pr. 19 5 6 1/2 139 16 4 1/2 6 1/2 87
6-pr. 18 4 1/4 5 1/2 100 16 3 1/2 6 1/2 73

Miller, Equipment of Artillery ••• (London, 1864), p. 385.

Appendix Y. Dimensions of Rear Chock Carriages, circa 1864.

Brackets Axletrees, Wood Trucks

Length Length Diameter of Width Diameter
between of of Axle- Diameter of of
Hind Shoulders Arm Arm tree Sole Hole
Length Width Depth Block Front Hind Front Hind Front Hind Front Front Hind Front Front Hind
ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.. in. in. in.

68-pr., 95 cwt. or 6 1/2 8 3/4

6 8 6 1/2 2 6 52 x 18 x II 38 II 8 II 1/2 19
lO-in., 87 cwt,
8-in., 52 cwt, 5 6 6 2 4 48 x 15 x II 1/2 35 1/2 II 7 1/4 10 19 6 1/2 7 1/2
8-in., 65 cwt, 5 II 1/2 6 2 3 3/4 49 x 13 x 6 35 1/2 10 7 1/4 10 19 6 1/2 7 1/2
J2-pr., 56 cwt. 6 3 1/2 6 2 2 49 x 12 x 6 1/4 35 1/2 10 7 1/4 II 19 6 1/2 7 1/2
24-pr., 32 cwt, 5 o 1/2 4 1/2 I II 1/2 30 1/2 x 12 x 6 30 9 1/2 6 1/4 7 1/2 20 5 6 1/2
8-in., 22 cwt., How. 5 o 1/2 6 2 3 1/2 48 x 12 x 6 36 II 7 1/4 10 19 6 1/4 7 1/2
10-in., How. 5 3 1/2 6 2 5 1/2 49xl81/2xl0 35 1/2 II 7 1/4 10 1/2 19 6 1/2 7 1/2
5 1/2-in., How. 3 7 1/2 5 I 7 1/2 33 x 9 x 8 31 1/2 9 6 1/4 II 20 5 6 1/2

PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp. 5, 76 "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal Carriage
Department," op. cit., p. 31.

Appendix Z. Dimensions of Sliding Carriages, circa 1864 +:-

Brackets Blocks "'0
Length Width Depth Front Hind Z
ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. in. in. C
10-in. 87 cwt, Dwarf 6 6 6 1/2 2 7 46 x 15 x 8 48 x 20 x 9
68-pr. Casemate 6 6 6 1/2 2 0 45 x 15 x 8 48 x 20 x 9
68-pr., 95 cwt, 6 6 6 1/2 2 7 48 x 15 x 8 48 x 20 x 9
56-pr., 98 cwt, 6 6 1/2 6 1/2 2 3 48 x 14 x 8 49 x 19-1/2 x 8-1/4
32-pr., 56 cwt, 6 1 6 2 3 45 x 12 x 7 45 x 18 x 9
24-pr., 50 cwt, 6 2 5 1/2 2 1 1/2 45 x 12 x 7 45 x 14 x 9
18-pr., 32 or 42 cwt. 6 0 5 2 3 45 x 12 x 6 45 x 18 x 8-1/2
8-inch, 60 or 65 cwt. 6 1 6 2 1 1/2 45 x 12 x ? 45 x 18 x 9
8-inch, 52 cwt. 5 10 6 2 1 1/2 45 x 15 x 7 45 x 18 x 9

PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp, 5, 76 "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department," Ope cit., p. 31.

Appendix AA. Dimensions of Land Service Mortar Beds, 1750-80

Calibre 13 in. 10 in. 8 in. 5.8 in. 4.6 in.

in. in. in. in. in.

length 84 66 50
Lower Bed breadth 33 26 20
height 13 10 9
length 83 65 49 31.5 28.5
Upper Bed breadth 32 25 19 16 14
height 13 12 11 10 9
Breadth of quarter round 3 2.5 2.5
Breadth of ogee &: fillet 4 3.5 3
Length of cavity 20 16 12 8 5.7
Trunnion from the fore end* 31 20 15.5 13.3 11.7
Diameter of the trunnion hole 7.2 6.4 5.4 3.4 2.4
Depth of the trunnion hole 7 6 5 3.2 2.2

* The distance of the trunnion holes is measured from the quarter round and not from
the end of the bed.

Iron work of 13-, 10-, &: 8-inch beds Iron work of a royal &: coehorn bed
No. No.
Cap squares 2 Cap squares 2
Eye bolts 2 Eye bolts 2
Joint bolts 2 Joint bolts 2
Under & upper bed bolts 9 Rivetting bolt with ring 1
Dowell bars 4 Handles with starts 2
Rings with bolts 4 Square rivetting plates 5
Reverse bars 2 Keys, chains, and staples 2
End rivetting plates 2
Middle plate 1
Rivetting bolts 6
Square rivetting plates 12
Traversing bolts 6
Keys, chains, and staples 2

Adapted from RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 60-2;

Muller Treatise of Artillery (1780), op, cit., pp. 119-20; Smith, An Universal Military
Dictionary pp. 28-9.
Appendix BB. Dimensions of Iron Work for Wheels of Travelling Carriages, 1719 ~

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. I 1/2-pdr. >-

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. "0
Double hole 12

length 2 5 7/8 tJ:l
breadth 4 3/4
thickness 5/8
Single hole 12 12 12 12
length 2 5 7/8 2 4 1/2 2 4 1/2 2 2 2/3
breadth 4 3 1/4 2 1/2 2
thickness at edge 5/8 1/2 1/2 3/8
thickness in middle 5/16 1/4 1/4 3/16
Nails for
Double streak 144
shank's length 7 3/4
shank's breadth 3/4
shank's thickness 1/2
diamond head's square 1 1/4
diamond head's thickness 5/8
Single streak 96 96 96 96
shank's length 7 1/4 6 1/4 5 1/4 4 3/4
shank's breadth 3/4 5/8 1/2 1/2
shank's thickness 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8
head's length 2 1/4 2 1/8 2 2
head's breadth 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
head's thickness at crown 5/8 1/2 1/2 1/2
Double hole 12 12
length 1 4 1 3
breadth 2 3/16 2
thickness 2/5 2/5
1st hole's centre from end 1 1
2nd hole's centre from end 4 4
Single hole 12 12 12
length II 10 9
breadth 1 5/8 1 1/3 1 1/8
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8
hole's centre from end 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/4
Rivets 48 48 24 24 24
length 5 1/2 4 3/4 4 3 1/4 2 3/4
thickness 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 3/8
head's diameter 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/8
Nave hoops
Fore 2 2 2 2 2
breadth 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/8 1 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Middle 4 4 4 4 4
breadth 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/8 1 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Hind 2 2 2 2 2
breadth 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/8 1 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Stubbs 24 24 24 24 24
length 3 3 3 3 3
thickness 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Body box 2 2 2 2 2
interior diameter 7 6 1/2 6 5 1/4 4 1/2
length 3 1/2 3 1/4 3 3 2 3/4
thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
Linch box 2 2 2 2 2
interior diameter 5 1/2 5 4 1/2 3 3/4 3
length 3 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/4
thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
Body box pins 6 6 6 6 6
length 5 5 5 5 5
thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
Linch box pins 4 4 4 4 4
length 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2
thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

1) Streaks for 24-pdr. have a double row of holes, 12 holes per streak. For the others a single
row of 8 holes.
2) Nails for double and single streaks are described differently.
3) The 24- and 12-pdr. dow ledge each have 4 holes for the rivets; the remainder have only 2
holes each.
4) All naves have 4 hoops, one set at each end and 2 at the middle, presumably snug against the
spokes. The interior diameter of the hoops is not given, but it would have to correspond to
the nave dimensions.
5) The 1 1/2-pdr. has no limber.
6) The thickness of the single hole streaks seems to vary from edge to centre, presumably "'C
because there is more wear on the edge. Z
RAI, Borgard, Tables, op. cit., No. 36, 37, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-Work for Hind de
Fore Wheels for Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regulation By Colonel Albert Borgard

in the Year 1719." 0'
Appendix CC. Dimensions of Iron Work for Wheels of Limbers, 1719

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. >-

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. [TI

Double hole

length o
Single hole 12 12 12 12
length 1 11 5/8 1 11 5/8 1 11 1/8 1 11 1/8
breadth 3 3/4 3 1/4 2 3/4 2 3/8
thickness at edge 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2
thickness in middle 5/16 5/16 1/4 1/4
Nails for
Dougle streak
shank's length
shank's breadth
shank's thickness
diamond head's square
diamond head's thickness
Single streak 72 72 72 72
shank's length 6 1/2 6 5 1/8 4 5/8
shank's breadth 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2
shank's thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
head's length 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 2
head's breadth 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
head's thickness at crown 1/2 1/8 1/2 1/2
Double hole
1st hole's centre from end
2nd hole's centre from end
Single hole 12 12 12 12
length 9 9 8 1/2 8
breadth 1 5/8 1 3/8 1 1/4 1 1/8
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
hole's centre from end 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 1/8
Rivets 24 24 24 24
length 4 3/4 3 3/4 3 3/8 3
thickness 5/8 5/8 1/2 3/8
head's diameter I 3/8 I 3/8 1 1/4 1 1/8
Nave hoops
Fore 2 2 2 2
breadth 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Middle 4 4 4 4
breadth 1 1/2 1 1/2 I 1/2 1 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Hind 2 2 2 2
breadth I 1/2 I 1/2 I 1/2 I 1/2
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Stubbs 24 24 24 24
length 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/4 2 1/4
thickness 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Body box 2 2 2 2
interior diameter 6 1/8 5 5/8 5 1/4 4 1/2
length 3 2 7/8 2 3/4 2 3/4
thickness 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2
Linch box 2 2 2 2
interior diameter 4 3/8 3 7/8 3 1/2 2 3/4
length 2 3/4 2 5/8 2 1/2 2 1/2
thickness 5/8 5/8 1/4 1/2
Body box pins 6 6 6 6
length 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 4
thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
Linch box pins 4 4 4 4
length 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 3
thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 »
RAI, Borard, Tables, Ope cit., No. 36, 37, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-Work for Hind &. Z
Fore Wheels for Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regulation By Colonel Albert Borgard
in the Year 1719." -><

Appendix DD. Dimensions of Wheels for Travelling Carriages, 1722 ~

24 pro 12 6 3 1 1/2 >-

Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. "'C
Total Height 4 9 4 9 4 6 4 6 4 3

Dishing 4 4 3 3/4 3 1/4 3 1/2 0
Total Length 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1
Pain Stroke's Length
from y.e 1 1 1 1
Centre forw d [?]
Greatest Height 1 5 1 4 1 3 1/4 1 1 1/2 1 0
DO. behind 1 3 1 2 1 1 3/4 1 1 11
DO. before 1 1 1 o 1/4 1 o 1/4 11 9 9
Beads Square from ye 2 2 2 2 2
Pain Stroke [1]
Length 2 5 5/8 2 5 5/6 2 4 1/3 2 4 1/3 2 2 2/3
Depth 6 1/2 6 5 1/2 4 3 1/2
Greatest Thickness
at the womb 5 3/8 4 5/8 3 7/8 3 1/8
DO. Lesser 5 4 1/4 3 1/2 2 3/4 2 1/4
Spokes at yeo Nave
Length 2 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 2 1 1/4 2 1 1/2 2
Depth 4 3 5/8 3 1/4 3 2 3/4
Thickness 2 1/4 2 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4
Spokes at yeo Fellows
Depth 3 1/4 3 2 3/4 2 1 3/4
Thickness 2 1/4 2 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4
Tongues Thickness 1 8/12 1 5/12 1 2/12 11/12 9/12
Dowil pins for Fellows
Length * 8 1/2 8 8 7 1/2
Thickness * * 1 1/8 1 1/8 1

*Indecipherable cit., p. 8.
RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 8, "Dimentions and Draughts of Hind and Fore Wheels for Travelling
Carriages. Regulated 1722."
Appendix EE. Dimensions of Wheels for Limbers of Carriages, 1722

24 pro 12 6 3
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Total Height 3 10 3 10 3 8 3 8
Dishing 3 1/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Total length 1 3 3/4 1 2 7/8 1 2 1 a
Pain Stroke's Length
from ye 1 1 1 1
Center forw d l?]
Greatest Height 1 2 7/8 1 2 1 1 1/4 1 a 3/8
DO. behind 1 1 3/8 1 a 1/2 1 a 1/4 11
DO. before 11 7/8 11 1/4 11 10
Beads Square from yeo 2 2 2 2
Pain Stroke [?1
Length 2 a 1/12 2 a 1/2 1 11 1/24 1 11 1/24
Depth 5 4 3/8 3 7/8 3 3/8
Greatest Thickness
at the womb
DO. Lesser 4 3 3/8 3 2 5/8
Spokes at yeo Nave
Length 1 8 3/8 1 9 1 8 1/4 1 8 3/8
Depth 3 1/2 3 3/16 3 2 5/8
Thickness 2 1 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/4
Spokes at yeo Fellows
Depth 2 5/8 2 3/8 2 3/16 1 5/8
Thickness 2 1 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/4 ):-
Tongues Thickness 1 4/12 1 1/8 1 a 7/8 "0
Dowil pins for Fellows Z
Length 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 7 ....
Thickness 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1 X

RAI, James, op, cit., p, 8. ~
Appendix FF. Dimensions of the Wheels of Travelling and Field Carriages, 1750-80 ~

Travelling Field >-

Calibre 24 12 6 3 24 12 6 "'C
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. rn

Diameter of the wheels 58 58 58 58 50

50 50

Length of the Nave 17.5 17 15.5 15* 15 13 12.7 "T1
Diameter of the Nave
body 15 15 13 12.5 13 11 10.6
middle 16 16 14 13 14 12 11.6
linch 13.5 13.5 10 10 12 11 10
thickness 5 4.5 4 3 3.3 2.8 2.4
breadth 6.5 6 5.5 4.5+ 4.7 4 3.6
thickness 2.3 2.2 2 .1 2 2 1.8 1.7
breadth 4.5 4 3.5 3 3.5 3.2 2.9

* 12.5 and +5 in Smith.

RAI, Adye (1766), pp, 45-6, 50-1; Muller, Treatise of Artillery (1780),108,113; Smith, An
Universal Military Dictionary, pp. 52-53.

The Iron Work of Wheels of Travelling Carriages

The Dowell Pins 6 "The Dowell Pins are wooden pegs, tho' by mistake included in the Iron Work, about three Inches
The Streaks 6 long &. three quarters of an Inch diameter &. the Dowledges are Iron plates, fsten'd and sunk into
The Streak Nails 48 the fellows on the outside."
The Nave Hoops 3
The Nave Boxes 2
The Dowledges 6
Rivets for Dowledges 24
Nave Hoop Stubs 9
Box Pins 6

RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 47-8; Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 107; Smith, op. cit., p. 53.
Appendix GG. Dimensions of the Wheels for Limbers of Travelling
and Field Carriages, 1750-80

Travelling Field
Calibre 24 12 6 3 24 12 6
in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

Diameter of the wheels 48 48 48 45 48 45 45

Length of the Nave 16 15 14 10 14 12 10
Diameter of the Nave
body 13.5 13.5 12 12 12 10 12
middle 14 14 13 12.5 13 12.6 12.5
linch 12 12 11 10 11 10.5 10
thickness 4.5 4 3.5 3 3.5 3 3
breadth 5 4.5 4 3.5 4 3.5 3.5
thickness 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5
breadth 4 3.5 3 2.5 3 2.5 2.5

RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 53-4, 56; Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 116; Smith, Ope cit., p. 54. Only Adye gives the dimensions for the field
carriage limber wheels

Appendix HH. Dimensions of Wheels, 1801, 1813, 1827 +:.-
Diameter )-
Ft. In. "0
All horse artillery carriages, limbers; Hy. s-pr. rn
and long 3-pr. and limbers; carriages of s-pr, 5 Z
battalion guns &. Lt. 5 I/2-inch howitzer o
Limbers to Lt. 6-pr. and 5 I/2-inch Howitzer 4 8
Med. I2-pr. carriage &. limber t4 8 ?] ::c
Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 57.

Wheels (1813) Length of Box Width Weight
Height of Box Body linch of TIre of Two
Ft. In. Ft. In. In. In. In. ewt. qr. lb.

Heavy - I2-pr., 9-pr., Hy, 6-pr. guns
5 1 2 3 1/8 2 1/16 2 3/4 4 0 26
Hy. 5 I/2-inch howitzer

Light-Lt. 6-pr. gun, Lt. 5 I/2-inch howitzer,

5 1 1 23/4 1 3/4 2 1/2 3 2 7
Hy. 3-pr. gun

Light 3-pr. block trail carriage &. limber, I-pr. gun,

4 4 II 2 I 1/2 2 1/4 1 3 20
4 2/5-inch howitzer

Limbers for 12-pr. iron gun, 9-pr. iron gun, 24-pr. iron 20
4 2 I I 2 3/4 I 3/4 2 1/2 2 3

8-inch howitzer, 18 pr., 12-pr. of 9 ft. 4 10 I 5 6 1/2 5 1/2 4 6 2 7

Limbers of 8-inch howitzer, 24-pr., 18-pr., 12-pr. of 9 ft. 3 10 I 2 3 1/8 2 1/16 3 1/4 3 2 27

Carriage of 24-pr. of 50 cwt, or 9 1/2 ft. 4 10 I 6 7 5 1/2 5 7 I 2

Adye (1813), op. cit., pp, 390-1.

8-inch howitzer, 18-pr., 12-pr. of 9 ft. 5 I 4 3 1/2 2 1/2 4 6 2 7

Limbers of 8-inch howitzrer, 24-pr., 18-pr., 12-pr. of 9 ft. 3 10 I 2 5 1/8 2 1/16 4 1/4 3 2 27

Carriages of 24-pr. of 50 cwt, or 9 1/2 ft., lO-inch howitzer 5 I 6 3 3/4 2 3/4 5 7 I 2

Adye (1827), op, cit., pp, 392-3. This table is similar to that of 1813; only the last three items are copied, in which there were some changes. The other
items remained unchanged.
Appendix n. Dimensions of Wheels, 1825

Diameter Weight of Pair

Ft. In. cwt. qr. lb.

1st Class: 12 pro gun and limber, 9 &. Hy, 6-pr. guns,
5 4 0 26
Hy. 5 1/2 and 24-pr. howitzers - Hy. 6-pr. wheels

2nd Class: 9 and Hy. 6-pr. limber, Lt. 6-pr. gun &. limber,
Hy. 5 l/2-inch and 24-pr. howitzer limbers, Lt. 5 l/2-inch 5 3 2 1
howitzer &. limber, and l2-pr. howitzer &. limber -
Lt. 6-pr. wheels

3rd Class: Lt. 3-pr. and 4 2/5-inch howitzer 4 4 2 0 15

4th Class: Mountain 3-pr., 4 2/5-inch howitzer, l-pr, 3 3 19

24-pr., 10-inch howitzer 5 8 1 10

l8-pr., 8-inch howitzer 5 6 0 13
Limbers for the above 3 10 3 2 10

Adapted from RMC, Mould, pp. 168, 170.

Appendix JJ. Dimensions of Wheels, 1860s V1

Nave Tire Wheel

Weight of one Length Diameter Width Diameter ""C
cwt. qr. lb. in. in. in. Ft. In. z
• X
1st or siege class u
carriages of 8-inch, 32-pr., 24 pdr., 18-pr. guns;
l O-in, &. 8-in. howitzers; 13-in. mortars.
4 5 16 18 6* 5 o
2nd or field class
carriages of 12-pr. medium brass &. 12-pdr. iron,
9 pdr. brass guns; 32-pr. &. 24-pr. howitzers
limbers of siege guns, howitzers, mortars;
2 1 12 13 14 3 5 o
12-pr. brass gun; 32 pr, howitzer (heavy wheel)

limbers of O.P. bracket trail siege carriages 2 0 0 13 14 4 3 10

carriages of 6-pr. guns; 12-pr. howitzer

limbers of 9-pr., 6-pr. guns; 24-pr. &. 1 3 23 13 14 3 5 o
12-pr. howitzers (light wheel)

limbers &. carriages for S-In. &. 10-in. mortars

limber of 12-pr. iron gun
1 2 26 13 14 3 4 2

3rd or general service class

carriage &. limber 3-pr. (4 feet) 1 1 0 9 12 3 4 2

Naval Service
carriage &. limber 24-pr. howitzer and 6-pr. guns 1 2 6 13 + 14 3 4 2
carriage &. limber 12-pr. heavy &. light howitzers &. 8-inch mortar 1 0 6 3/4 11 13 3 3 6

* two 3 in. streaks

+ 2nd. class stock or nave.

Miller, Equipment of Artillery, p. 383; Owen, Elementary, p. 65; PRO, Supply Department
Records, Supp. 5, 76, "Notes on Manufacturers of the Royal Carrige Department," p, 29;
Lefroy, Handbook of Field Service (1867), pp, 147-48.

Appendix KK. Dimensions of Iron Work for Axletree of Travelling Carriages, 1719

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. I 1/2-pdr.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Axletree bars
Total length 6 6 1/4 6 5 6 5 6 3 6 2 3/4
Breadth at centre 2 1/4 2 1/8 2 1 7/8 I 3/8
Thickness at centre 1 1/2 1 1/3 1 1/4 1 1/8 1
Breadth between centre &: body box 2 1 7/8 1 3/4 1 5/8 1
Breadth at body box 2 1/1i 2 1/8 2 1 7/8 1 3/4
Thickness at body box 2 I 3/1i I 1/2 1 3/8 1 I/Ii
Breadth at linch pin I 1/2 I 3/8 1 l/Ii I 1/8 I
Thickness at linch pin 1 1/2 I 3/8 1 I/Ii I 1/8 1
Axletree bolts
Total1ength 10 1/2 9 3/1i 8 3/1i 8 10 3/1i
Thickness 1 1 3/1i 3/1i 3/1i
Head's diameter 2 2 3/1i 3/1i 1 1/2
Head's thickness 5/8 5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Hoop in the middle of the arm 2 2 2 2 2
Breadth 2 2 2 3/1i 3/4
Thickness 1/4 11M?] 1/4 1/1i 1/1i
Hoop at the linch-pin 2 2 2 2 2
Breadth 2 2 2 2 2
Thickness 1/1i 1 1M?) I/Ii I/Ii 1/4
Washer Hurters 2 2 2 2 2
Breadth 1/8 7/8 7/8
Thickness 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2
Strap's length Ii Ii 3 3/1i 3 1/2 3
Strap's breadth 3 3 2 7/8 2 3/1i 2 I/Ii
Strap's thickness 1/4 1/1i I/Ii I/Ii I/Ii
Washers 2 2 2 2
Breadth 1/8
Thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
Clouts at the body box 2 2 2 2 2
Length 8 1/2 7 3/1i 7 l/Ii 6 I/Ii 5 1/4
Breadth 4 3/1i Ii 1/2 Ii l/Ii Ii 3 3/1i
Thickness 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Clouts at the linch box 2 2 2 2 2
Length 9 8 7 1/2 7 6 I/Ii
Greatest breadth 7 6 1/2 5 3/1i 5 1/2 Ii 3/1i
Lesser breadth 5 1/2 5 Ii 3/1i Ii I/Ii 3 3/1i
Thickness 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Clout Nails 1i0 1i0 1i0 1i0 1i0
Linch pins 2 2 2 2 2
Shank's length 8 7 I/Ii 6 3/1i 6 I/Ii
Shank's Breadth at shoulders I I 7/8 7/8 3/1i
Shank's Thickness 7/8 3/1i 3/1i 3/1i 5/8
Head's length 3 2 3/1i 2 1/2 2 I/Ii 3/4
Head's greatest breadth 2 1/8 I 3/1i I 3/1i I 5/8 I/Ii
Head's Lesser breadth I 3/4 I 1/2 II/Ii II/Ii
Crown's length I I 7/8 7/8 3/1i
Crown's thickness 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8
Single Forelockeys 2
Length 5 5 5
Breadth 1/8 I 1/8 1/8 I 1/8 I 1/8
Thickness 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8

RAI, Borgard, Tables, op. cit., No. 38, "Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for Hind and
Fore Extrees for Travelling Carriages; according to the New Regulation by Colonel Albert
Borgard in the Year 1719."

Appendix LL. Dimensions of Iron Work for Axletree of Limbers, 1719

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Axletree bars
Total length 6 6 6 5 1/4 6 5 1/4 6 5 1/4
Breadth at centre 2 1 7/8 1 5/8 1 5/8
Thickness at centre I 1/4 1 1/8 1 7/8
Breadth between centre & body box 1 3/4 1 5/8 1 1/2 3/8
Breadth at body box 2 1 7/8 1 3/4 5/8
Thickness 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/8
Breadth at linch pin 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8
Thickness at linch pin 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8
Axletree bolts
Totallength 1/4[?)
Thickness 3/16[?1
Head's diameter
Head's thickness
Hoop in the middle of the arm 2 2 2 2
Breadth 1/2 1/2 1/4 2
Thickness 1/4 1/4 3/16 1/4
Hoop at the linch pin 2 2 2 2
Breadth 2 2 2 7/8
Thickness 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2
Washer Hurters 2 2 2 2
Breadth 7/8 7/8 7/8
Thickness 5/8 9/16 9/16 1/2
Strap's length 3 2 1/2 1 3/4 1 3/4
Strap's breadth 3 2 3/8 2 1/4 2 1/4
Strap's thickness 5/8 9/16 9/16 1/2
Washers 2 2 2 2
Breadth 7/8 7/8 7/8
Thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Clouts at the body box 2 2 2 2
Length 7 1/2 7 1/4 6 3/4 5 1/4
Breadth 4 3/8 4 1/4 4 3 3/8
Thickness 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Clouts at the linch box 2 2 2 2
Length 7 1/4 7 6 1/2 6
Greatest breadth 5 3/4 5 1/2 5 1/4 4 3/4
Lesser breadth 4 3/4 4 1/4 4 3 3/4
Thickness 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Clout Nails 40 40 40 40
Linch pins 2 2 2 2
Shank's length 6 1/4 6
Shank's Breadth at shoulders 7/8 3/4
Shank's thickness 3/4 5/8
Head's length 2 1/2 2
Head's greatest breadth 1 5/8 1 1/2
Head's lesser breadth 1 3/8 1 1/8
Crown's length 1 7/8
Crown's thickness 1/2 3/8
Single Forelockeys 3 3 3 3
Length 5 5 5 5
Breadth 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
Thickness 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8

RAl, Borgard, Tables, op, cit., No. 38, "Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for Hind and
Fore Extrees, for Travelling Carriages; according to the New Regulation by Colonel Albert
Borgard in the Year 1719."
Appendix MM. Dimensions of Carriage (Hind) and Limber (Fore) Axletrees, 1722

Hind Wheels
Calibre 24 12 6 3 1 1/2
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Total Length ? 6 1/4 6 5 6 3 1/4 6 2 1/2

Beds Length 3 1 1/2 3 2 1/4* 3 6 1/2
Arms Length 1 9 1 7 3/4 1 6 1/2 1 4 1/4
Bed's Depth [Width?] 0 8 1/4 0 7 1/4 0 6 1/2 0 5 1/2
Arm's or Bed's thickness 0 7 0 6 1/2 0 6 0 5 1/4 0 4 1/2
Do. before at ye Linch 0 6 1/2 0 5 0 4 1/2 0 3 3/4 0 3

Fore Wheels
Calibre 24 12 6 3
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Total Length 6 6 1/2 6 6 6 5 3/4 6 5 3/4

Beds Length 3 6 3 5 1/4 3 6 1/4 3 8
Arms Length 1 7 1/4 1 6 3/8 1 5 3/4 1 4 2/8
Bed's Depth [Width?] 0 7 7/8 0 7 1/8 0 6 1/8 0 5 1/2
Arm's or Bed's thickness 0 6 1/8 0 5 5/8 0 5 1/8 0 4 1/2
Do. before at ye Linch 0 4 3/8 0 3 7/8 0 3 1/2 0 2 3/4
Note: Blank areas had become erased in the original. *possibly 4 1/4

RAI, James, op, clt., p. 8, "Dimentions and Draughts of Hind and Fore Wheels and Extrees for
Travelling Carriages. Regulated 1722."
Appendix NN. Dimensions of the Axletrees of Travelling and Field Carriages, 0'\
circa 1750-80.
Travelling Field rn
Calibre 24
in. -><

Total length of the Axletree 81 80.5 80 78 76 68
72 76
bre adt h 7 7.8 6.5 6 5.5 6 5.5 5

Body height

lengt h 21 20.8 20.5 19 17.5 18 16 15.7
Arms body, diameter 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.5 6 5.5 5
linch, diameter 5 4.8 4.5 4 3.5 4 3.5 3

Note: The dimensions of the 18-pdr. were given by Smith only.

RAI, Adye (1766), pp, 45-6, 50-1; Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp, 100, 113; Smith, Ope cit., pp. 52-3.

The Iron Work of an axletree for a Travelling Carriage

The Axletree Bar 1 Washers 2
Clouts Sbady 2 Lynch Pins 2
llinch 2 Axletree Bolt 1
Single Forelock Keys

l i nc h 2 2
Axletree hoops arms 2 Clout Nails 12
body 2 Dog Nails 12 (8, Smith)
Hurter with Straps 2 Axletree hoops 2

RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 48-9; Muller (1780), Ope cit,; pp, 109-10; Smith, Ope cit., p, 53.
Appendix 00. Dimensions of the Axletrees of the Limbers for
Travelling and Field Carriages, circa 1750-80.

Travelling Field
Calibre 24 12 6 3 24 12 6
in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

Length, total 78 76 74 69 74 69 69
length 40 40 40 43 40 43 43
height 7.6 7 6.5* 5.5 6 5.5 5.5
breadth 6 5.5 5 5 5 5 4.5
length 19 18 17 13 17 13 13
diameter, body 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
diameter, linch 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

*6 in Muller and Smith

RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 53-4, 56-7; Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 116; Smith, op. cit., p. 54. Only Adye gave the dimensions of the field


Appendix PP. Dimensions of the Galloper Carriage, circa 1750-80

Feet Inches

Total length of the shafts 11 o

From the fore End to ye fore cross Bar 6 4
From the hind End to the round part 5 o
Height at ye hind End o 6
------ at the fore End o 3
Breadth behind & before o 3.5
----- in the middle o 4.5
within behind 2 6.5
at the fore cross bar 2 4
at the fore end 2 1
From the hind End to the Axletree o 11
Cross Bar from the hind End o 3
Length of the Cheeks 4 2
Breadth of Do. o 2.5
Height of the cheeks o 6.5
Width within
before 8
behind 11.5
Total length of the Axletree 6 4
length 3 6.5
breadth o 5
height o 6
length 1 4.6
greatest diameter o 5
least diameter o 3.3
Diameter of the Wheels 4 3
Nave, length 1 1
body o 11
middle 1 o
linch o 10
breadth o 1.5
thickness o 3
breadth o 3
thickness o 4.5

Adye (1766), p. 57; Muller Treatise of Artillery (1780), pp. 115-16; Smith, An
Universal Military Dictionary, p. 54.
Appendix QQ. Dimensions ofAxletrees for Travelling Carriages and Limbers, 1825

Length of Length of Length of Diamr. of Diamr. of

Axletree Bed Arm to Washer Body Linch
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

12~ Pro or 10 Inch Howitzer 6 7 1/~ 3 1 1/2 1 6 3 3/~ 2 3/~
Iron 2~ Pro of 6 Ft., 18 Pr., 12 Pro of 8 Feet
Ordnance and 8 Inch Howitzer 6 ~ 3/~ 3 3 1 ~ 3 1/2 2 1/2
2~ Pro Howitzer, 12 Pro of 6 Feet, 9 Pro
12 Pro Medium, Light 9 Pr., Hy. 6 Pro 6 5 3 7 1 2 3 1/8 2 1/16
Brass \ H .5 1 2 Inch Howr. & 2~ Pro Howr.
Lt. 5 1 2 Inch Howr., 12 Pro Howr., Lt. 6 Pro & Hy. 3 Pro 6 3 3 8 1 1 2 3 ~ 1 3 ~
Ordnance' Lt. 3 Pr., & ~ 2/5 Inch Howitzer ~ 8 2 6 1/2 11 2 1 1/2
. 3 Pr., 1 Pr , ? & ~ 2/5 In. Howitzer Bed 3 1 1/2 1 ~ 1/~ 9 1 1/2 1 1/8

Iron ~ 2~
Pro of 91/2 Feet or 61/2 Feet, 18 Pro & 12 Pro of 8 feet
10 or 8 Inch Howitzer 6 2 1/2 3 ~ 1/~ 1 2 3 1/8 2 1/16
Ordnance (2~ Pro Howitzer, 12 Pro of 6 Feet & 9 Pro
j24 & 12 p,-. Howr.; Lt. & Hy. 5 1{2 Inch How'. The same as Lt. 6 Pro Carriages
Brass Lt. 9 Pr., Lt. 6 Pr., & Heavy 3 Pro
Ordnance 12 Pr. medium The same as Hy. 6 Pro Carriages.
Lt. 3 Pr,, ~ 2/5 Inch Howr. & 1 Pounder The same as the Carriage.

RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 175.

Appendix RR. Dimensions of Axletrees for Travelling Carriages, 1828 ~
Arms >-
Length of bed length of Thickness of Width of Diameter Total length Weight incl. "'0
between shoulders Box Arm Washer Linch Hole Shoulder Linch Point to Point Linchpins, washers
in. Ft. In. qr. lb. Z
Ft. In. in. in. in. in. in. ewt.
Carriage ~
Iron \ 24-Pr. Gun or lO-lnch How. 3 1.5 18 20.503 .625 .875 3.75 2.75 6 6.5 I 3 8
Ordnance 18-lnch Howitzer, or 18- and 12-Pounder Iron Guns 3 3 16 18.503 .625 .875 3.5 2.5 6 4 I I 18

Medium 12-Pr., Lt. 12-Pr., 9-Pr., Heavy 6-Pr. ! 3 7 14 15.875 1.0 .75 3.13 2.13 6 4.5 I - 2
24-Pr. &. 5-l/2-lnch Howitzers
Brass , Light 6-Pr., Heavy 3-Pr., 12-Pr. Howitzer 3 8 13 15.625 1.0 .625 2.75 1. 75 6 3.25 - 3 12
Ordnance} 6-Pr. Mountain 2 8 13 14.625 1.0 .625 2.75 1. 75 5 3.25 2 22
Lt. 3-Pr., 4 2/5-lnch Howitzer 2 6.5 11 12.75 .5 .5 2.0 1.5 4 8 1 8
Mountain-3-Pr., I-Pr., 4 2/5-lnch Howitzer 1 4.25 9 10.5 .375 .375 1.5 1.125 3 1.25 20


Iron \ 24-Pr. Gun, 10-lnch How., 8-lnch How., 3 4 14 16.503 1.0 .75 3.13 2.13 6 1.5 1 - 2
Ordnance 118-Pr. &. 12-Pr. Iron Guns

M edi u m 12-Pr. Same as for gun.
Brass Light 6-Pr. Same as for gun.
Ordnance Mountain 6-Pr. Same as for gun.
3-Pr. &. 4 2/5-ln. Howitzer Same as for gun &. howitzer.

Spearman (1828), op. cit., pp. 50-1.* It is not clear, but presumably the axletree dimensions for the limbers of the other brass
ordnance is the same as that of the carriage axletrees.
Appendix SSe Dimensions ofAxletrees for Travelling Carriages, 1844

Length of bed Length of Diameter Total Length Weight incl.
between shoulders Box Arm Shoulder Linch Point to Point Linchpins, washers
Ft. In. in. in. in. in. Ft. In. ewt. qr. lb.


Iron ~ 24-Pr., 10-ln. Howitzer 3 1.5 20.004 20.508 3.756 2.748 6 6.504 3 8.064
18-Pr., 12-Pr. 3 3 16.008 18.504 3.504 2.508 6 4.008 1 18.032
Ordnance 8-Inch Howitzer 3 4.008 14.004 16.5 3.132 2.136 6 1.5 2.016

Brass ~ 12-Pr., 9-Pr., Heavy 6-Pr., 24-Pr. Howitzer 3 7.008 14.004 15.876 3.132 2.136 6 4.5 2.016
Light 6-Pr., Heavy 3-Pr., 12-Pr. Howitzer 3 8.004 13.008 15.624 2.748 1. 752 6 3.252 3 2.016
Ordnance Light 3-Pr., 4 2/5-Inch Howitzer 2 6.504 11. 004 12. 756 2.004 1.5 4 8.004 1 8.064


Iron 24-Pr., 18-Pr., 12-Pr., 8 In. & 10 In. Howitzers Same as 8-Inch Howitzer

Brass ~ 12-Pr., 9-Pr., Heavy 6-Pr., 24-Pr. Howitzer Same as for guns and howitzer
Light 6-Pr., Heavy 3-Pr., 12-Pr. Howitzer Same as for guns and howitzer
Ordnance Light 3-Pr., 4 2/5-Inch Howitzer Same as for guns and howitzer

Spearman (1844), Ope cit., "Axletree," unpaginated.

Appendix IT. Dimensions of Axletrees, 18605 N

Arm "'0
Distance Diameter Z
between shoulders
Ft. In.
Shoulder Unch
in. in. Cwt.
qr. lb. -><

First or Siege Class
8-inch of 52 cwt., 32-pr., 24 pr., 18 pr. guns;
3 4 1/2 16 5/8 3 3/4 2 7/8 I 3 9
lO-inch, 8-inch howitzers; 13-inch mortar

Second or Field Class

Limbers of siege carriages
Carriages & limbers of 12-pr., 9-pr. 3 8 I 0 17 Heavy
guns & 24- & 32-pr. howitzers Axletree

Limbers of bracket trail siege carriages 3 9 14 3 1/8 2 1/8 1 0 22

Carriages & Limbers of 6-pr. gun, 12-pr. howitzer 3 8 0 3 16 Light
Carriages of lO-inch & 8-inch mortars 2 9 1/2* 0 3 20

Third or General Service Class

Carriage & Limber of 3-pr. (of 4 feet) 2 9 1/2 9 3/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 0 1 15

Naval Service
Carriages & Limbers 24-pdr. how., 6-pdr. gun 2 0 3 2
Carriages & Limbers 12-pdr. heavy & light 11 1/2 2 3/4 1 7/8
howitzers, 8-in. mortar 2 : l 0 2 15

* Lefroy and PRO give 3 ft.

Adapted from Miller, Ope cit., p. 384; Lefroy (1867), pp, 148-9; PRO, Supply Department Records,
Supp. 5, 76, "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department," Ope cit., p. 28.

Appendix UU. Dimensions of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling Carriages, 1719

Z'-pdr. lZ-pdr. ~. J-pdr. 1 1/Z-pdr.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Fore with hook 2 2 2 2 2
Total length 8 8 7 1/4 7 1/4 2 1/2
Greatest breadth 3 3/4 3 3/4 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 1/2
Lesser breadth 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 1/2
Thickness 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/4
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2 4 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Return's total length 2 2 2 2
Hook's greatest diameter I 1/4 I 7/8 7/8
Hook's lesser diameter 5/8 1/2 1/2 1/2
Nob's diameter I 1/4 7/8 3/4 3/4
Rivet hole's centre from behind 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 2
Diameter of rivet hole I 1/4 I 1/4 I 1/8 I 1/8
Middle with hook 2 2 2 2 2
Total length 1/2 II 9 1/2 8 1/2 2 1/2
Greatest Breadth 3 3/4 3 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
Lesser Breadth 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
Thickness 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/4
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2 4 1/2 3 1/2
Return's total length 2 3/8 2 2
Hook's greatest diameter I 1/4 I 7/8
Hook's lesser diameter 5/8 1/2 1/2
Nob's diameter I 1/4 7/8 3/4
Rivet hole's centre from each end 2 5/8 3/8 3/8
Diameter of rivet hole I 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8
Trial or hind with hook 2 2 2 2
Total length 8 1/2 5 I 1/2 11 1/2
Greatest breadth 3 3/4 3 3/4 3 2 3/4
Lesser breadth 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4
Thickness 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2 4 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Return's total length 2 2 2 2
Hook's greatest diameter I 1/4 I 7/8 7/8
Hook's lesser diameter 5/8 1/2 1/2 1/2
Nob's diameter I 1/4 7/8 3/4 3/4
Rivet hole's centre from behind 2 1/8 2 1/8 I 3/4 3/4
Rivet hole's centre from before 6 5 3/4 4 1/4 3 3/4
Diameter of rivet hole I 1/4 I 1/4 I 1/8 I 1/8
Head or breast 2 2 2 2
length 3 I 1/2 2 5 1/2 7 1/2 2 1/2
breadth 5 3/4 4 1/2 3 7/10 3
thickness 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
Garnish 2 2 2 2
length 3 6 3 3 1/2 3 3 3/4 2 5 1/4
breadth 5 3/4 4 1/2 3 7/10 3
thickness 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
thickness 2 2 2
Trail 2 2
7 5 5 10 1/2 4 II 4 5 2 I
length 3 2 1/4
breadth 5 3/4 4 1/2 3 7/10
1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
Upper Pintail with strap 10
total length with strap 3 1/4 2 11 1/2
2 1/4 2 1/4 2 2
strap's breadth 1/4
thickness 5/16 5/16 1/4
10 1/2 10 9 8
Oval's greatest diameter 5 1/4
DO.clear 7 1/2 7 6
8 3/4 7 1/2 7 6 1/2
Oval's lesser diameter 4
DO.clear 5 5/8 4 3/4 4 1/2
I 1/4 I 1/4 I 1/8 I 1/8
Shank hole's centre from strap end 5/8
Diameter of shank hole 3/4 3/4 5/8

Appendix UU. Dimensions of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling Carriages, 1719, cont,

2IJ.-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. 1 l/2-p<tr.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Under Pintail with strap

total length with strap 8 3/4 5 1/2 II
strap's length forward from the
clear of the hole 9 8 6 1/4 5 1/4
D0. hind 5 1/4 3 1/2 3 2 1/4
Return's length 2 3/4 2 1/2 I 3/4
Strap's breadth 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 2
Thickness 5/16 5/16 1/4 1/4
Oval's greatest diameter 6 5/8 6 1/4 5 3/4 5 1/2
D°. clear 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 2 3/4
Oval's lesser diameter 5 5/8 5 3/8 5 1/4 4 3/4
D°. clear 2 8/10 2 7/10 2 3/8 2 1/4
Plate's thickness at the hole's edge 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8
Plate's thickness at the out edge 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Trunnion 2 2 2 2 2
Total length 2 7 1/2 2 5 1/2 2 I 3/4 2 4 1/2
Length behind trunnion I 6 3/4 I 6 I 4 I 3 2 8
Length before trunnion 7 7 6 6 5 1/4
Breadth 5 7/10 4 4/10 3 1/2 2 7/8 2 1/4
Thickness at the end 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
at the trunnion 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16 3/16
behind the trunnion 7/8 3/4 5/8 1/2 3/16
Fore eye-bolt's centre from trunnion 3 3/4 3 7/12 3 1/2 3 1/2 3/8
Hind eye-bolt's centre from trunnion I 4/10 I 1/8 7/8 7/8
Joynt bolt's centre from trunnion 9 8 3/10 7 1/2 6 1/4 2 1/4
Garnish bolt's centre from trunnion 4 3/4 3 5/8 2 1/4 3/4
Diameter of eye and joynt bolt's hole I I 7/8 13/16 3/4
Diameter of the Garnish I I 7/8 13/16
Locking 2 2 2 2
length 7 7 6 6
breadth 3 3 2 3/4 2 3/4
thickness 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
Side strap or g,,,I<'r 4 4 4 4
total length 3 8 7/10 3 6/10 2 5 2 3/8
breadth 2 3/4 I 1/2 1/2
thickness 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
total leng th 3 2 7/10 2 6 6/10 2 7 1/2
breadth 2 I 3/4 1/2 I 1/2
thickness 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16

Fore rive ting
total length 2 6 2 2 1/2 9 5 3/4 3/8
thickness I 1/4 I 1/4 I 1/8 I 1/8
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2 2 1/2 I 3/4 I 3/4 1/2
Middle 2 2 2 2 2
total length 2 10 2 5 2 8 1/4 7/8
thickness I 1/4 I 1/4 1/8 I 1/8
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2 2 1/2 3/4 I 3/4 1/2
Trail 2 2 2 2
total length 3 2 3/4 2 8 1/2 2 3 II 1/2
thickness I 1/4 I 1/4 I 1/8 I 1/8
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2 2 1/2 I 3/4 I 3/4
Eye 4 4 4 4 2
total length 2 1/4 9 1/4 6 3 1/4 1/2
thickness I I 7/8 13/16 3/4
head's length 2 1/4 2 1/8 2 2 1/2
head's breadth 2 I 7/8 I 3/4 I 3/4 1/2
head's thickness I I 7/8 13/16 3/4
key-hole's length I 1/8 I 1/8
key-hale's beadth 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
Joynt 2 2 2 2 2
total length 2 1/4 9 1/4 6 3 1/4 1/2
thickness I 7/8 13/16 3/4
joynt's greatest diameter 7/8 I 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/8
joynt's lesser diameter 7/8 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
joynt's thickness 1/2 1/2 7/16 7/16 5/16
key-hole's length 1/8 1/8
key-hole's breadth 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16

Appendix UU. Dimensions of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling Carriages, 1719, cont,

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. I 1/2-pdf.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Rivet for joynt 2 2 2 2 2

length 6 4 7/10 3 3/4 3 1/8 2 1/2
thickness 7/8 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
Garnish 2 2 2 2
total length 11 1/4 8 5 2 1/2
thickness I I 7/8 13/16
head's length 2 3/8 2 1/8 7/8 3/4
head's thickness 2 I 7/8 3/4 7/16
groove's centre from shoulder 5/8 1/2 3/8 3/8
groove's breadth 1/2 4/10 3/10 3/10
groove's depth 2/10 2/10 1/8 1/8
Ear Bread 2
total length 6
thickness 3/4
head's diameter 1 1/8
Ring with bolt for draught chains 2 2 2
total length 5 4 3 1/2
thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8
head's greatest diameter 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/8
head's lesser diameter I 1 7/8
head's thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8
ring's greatest diameter 5 1/4 5 4 3/8
ring's thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8
Pintail plate ring complete
diameter of ring in the clear 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 3
thickness of ring 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8
shank's length 6 4 3/4 4 1/4 3 1/2
shank's thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8
breadth of shank's head 2 2 3/4 3/4
thickness of shank's head 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2

Lashing ring complete 8 8 8 8

total length 4 4 3 3
thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
head's greatest diameter 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
head's lesser diameter 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
head's thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
ring's greatest diameter 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 2
ring's thickness 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Capsquare with joynt 2 2 2 2 2
length when turned II 1/2 9 7 4 3/4 8 5/8
breadth 5 7/10 4 4/10 3 1/2 2 7/8 2 1/4
thickness 9/16 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/4
joynt's greatest diameter 7/8 3/4 I 1/2 1/2 1/8
joynt's lesser diameter 7/8 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
eye-bolt hole's length 2 1/4 2 1/8 2 2 3/4
eye-bolt hole's breadth 1 1/8 I 1/8 I 15/16 7/8
Axletree bands 2 2 2 2
total length when turned 2 II 1/2 2 5 1/2 2 3 1/2 2 1/4
bracket's length on each side X-tree I 2 1/4 II 1/2 10 3/4 9 1/2
breadth 5 1/4 4 1/4 3 1/4 2 3/4
thickness 5/8 9/16 1/2 3/8
First centre-hole from axletree 2 1/4 2 1/8 I 7/8 I 3/4
Second centre-hole from axletree 9 1/4 9 1/8 7 1/2 7 1/2
Hole's diameter I I 7/8 13/16
Garnish 6 6 6 4 6
total length 7 3/8 6 5/8 5 7/8 5 3/4 5
thickness 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8 1/2
head's length 2 3/8 2 1/8 7/8 3/4 1/2
head's thickness 2 I 7/8 3/4 7/16 1/4
groove's centre from shoulder 5/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8
groove's breadth 1/2 4/10 3/10 3/10 3/10
groove's depth 2/10 2/10 1/8 1/8 1/8

Appendix UU. Dimensions of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling Carriages, 1719, cont.

24-pdr. 12-pdr. 6-pdr. 3-pdr. 1 1/2-pdr.

Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No. Ft. In. No.

Square-headed plate 91 &7 &7 69 s

head's square 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
head's thickness 5/16 5/16 1/4 1/4 1/4
shank's length 3 3 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
shank's thickness 1/4 1/4 3/16 3/16 3/16
Rose for trail and garnish plate 4 4 4 4 2
shank's length 5 1/2 5 1/2 4 4 4
shank's thickness 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2
head's length 1/8 I 1/& 3/4 3/4 3/4
head's diameter I 5/& 5/8 5/8
Dog 33 33 27 27 27
length 3 1/4 3 3 2 1/2 2 1/2
thickness 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Locker hinge 14 14 14 28
length I 7/8 7/& 7/8 7/8
thickness 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
head's diameter 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16

Locker Hinges 2 2 2 4
total length 8 3/8 a 3/8 8 3/8 8 3/8
cross part-length 3 5/8 3 5/8 3 5/8 3 5/8
breadth 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8
thickness 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
tail part-length 7 7 7 7
greatest breadth I 1/2 I 1/2 I 1/2 I 1/2
lesser breadth 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
length from cross part to joynt's centre 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
joynt's greatest diameter 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
rivet's diameter 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/&
the hinge's tail part's diameter

RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 39-41, "Dirnentions, Weight, and Value of Iron Work for
Bodies of Travelling Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719."
Appendix VV. Dimensions of the Bodies of Travelling Carriages
according to the New Regulation 1719

24 12 6 3 I 1/2
Calibre Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Total length 13 0 II 10 1/2 II 5 1/2 9 4
Total Breadth I 9 3/4 I 6 4/10 I 2 8/10 0 11 7/10
Depth at ye face of the Carriage I 8 4/10 I 5 1/4 I I 6/10 0 10 7/10
Center of the Tronions from ye face of ye Carriage 1 5 1/10 1 I 6/10 0 10 8/10 0 8
Length from Do. to ye Back brake 5 o 3/4 4 6 1/4 4 4 3/4 3 4 1/4
Depth at ye Back Brake or Middle Camber 1 5 1/2 1 2 3/4 I 0 0 9 1/2
Len: from yeo B. brake to ye Rebate mouldings foot 0 10 1 6 3/4 I 4 1/8 1 1 1/4
Length from yeo Camber to yeo Locking Circle 1 6 1/2 2 o 7/8 I 9 1 7
Reverse Circles length from yeo end of yeo plank I 5 4/10 1 I 8/10 0 11 1/10 0 9 4/10
Depth of yeo Reverse Circle brake I 1 0 11 1/2 0 9 1/8 0 7 1/8
Trains or Reverse Circles Brakes length 1 6 1 3 I 0 0 10 1/4
Len. from yeo Rev.Circ.Bra, to yeo Reb. moulds foot 0 6 9/10 0 5 6/10 0 4 7/10 0 3 5/8
Total Depth at the Reverse Circle 1 2 5/8 1 o 9/10 0 10 5/8 0 8 1/2
Locking Circle's Semidiameter 0 1 3/4 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/4 0 1 1/8
Total Thickness 0 5 8/10 0 4 6/10 0 3 7/10 0 3
Thickness of yeo Rebate part 0 4 7/10 0 3 6/10 0 3 0 2 3/8
Fore Transoms
Total length I 6 1/4 1 I I o 3/8 0 10 3/4
Do. in the clear next the Tronion 1 4 1/4 I o 5/8 0 9 3/4 0 8 3/4
Total Breadth 0 II 0 10 1/2 0 7 0 6
Facing both ways length 0 I 1/2 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2 0 I 1/2
Transoms place from yeo back of yeo Cheeks 0 5 3/4 0 4 3/8 0 3 1/2 0 2 1/2
Circles depth from yeo upside of yeo Transom 0 3 1/2 0 2 1/2 0 2 1/4 0 2 1/4
Transoms Thickness 0 5 8/10 0 4 6/10 0 3 7/10 0 3

Middle Transoms
Total length 1 9 1/4 1 6 1/4 I 2 3/8 I o 3/4
Do. in ye clear next ye Back Brake 1 7 1/4 1 4 1/4 I 0
Total breadth I 1 1/2 0 II 1/2 0 9 0 7 1/4
Facing from yeo upside length 0 3 0 2 3/10 0 1 1/2 0 I 1/2
Do. from the under side 0 2 0 2 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2
Transoms place from ye Back brake 0 1 1/2 0 I 1/2 0 1 0 1
Transoms Thickness

Bridge Transoms
Total length 1 8 1/2 I 5 1 2 1 0 >-
Do Breadth 0 8 3/4 0 7 0 7 0 5 1/4 "0
Facing each way 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2 0 I 0 1 rn
Transoms place from yeo clear of yeo Transom I o 3/4 0 II 5/8 0 10 0 5 5/8 Z
Transoms Thickness 0 5 8/10 0 46/10 0 3 7/10 0 3

Appendix VV. Dimensions of the Bodies of Travelling Carriages 0'
according to the New Regulation 1719
24 12 6 3 I 1/2 '"0
Calibre Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. rn

Trail Transoms
Total length

2 I 1/4 1 II 1 7 1 5
Do in yeo clear of yeo end I 11 1/4 1 9 I 4 3/4 1 2 3/4
Total breadth I 6 1 3 1 0 0 10 1/4
Facing each way 0 2 0 2 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2
Transoms place from yeo Reverse brake 0 4 1/2 0 4 0 3 0 2 3/4
Transoms Thickness 0 5 8/10 0 4 6/10 0 3 7/10 0 3
Bedd Piece
Total Length I 6 1/2 I 4 3/10 I 1 1/2 0 8 5/8
Do Breadth 0 11 0 10 0 8 1/2 0 7 1/2
Facing each way 0 o 1/2 0 o 1/2 0 o 1/4 0 o 1/4
Thickness 0 39/10 0 33/10 0 27/8 0 2 1/2

Width in yeo clear I 1 1/2 0 11 0 9
Total depth of yeo fore part I o 1/8 0 9 3/4 0 7 1/2
Do. in yeo clear 0 9 1/8 0 6 3/4 0 4 3/8
Total length of yeo fore part 1 7 1/8 1 3 1/4 1 I 1/4
Do. in yeo clear I 5 1/8 1 1 3/4 0 11 1/4
Fillets for yeo bottom of yeo Locker length I 7 I 3 1/2 1 1
Do. greatest breadth 0 2 0 2 0 2
Do. lesser breadth & thickness 0 1 0 I 0 1
Do. Thickness of the hanging Fillet 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2 0 1 1/2

Bottom Coin
Total Length I 9 I 9 1 6 1 3 1 3
Do. breadth 0 11 0 II 0 10 0 8 0 8
Greatest thickness 0 6 0 6 0 4 1/2 0 4 0 3 3/4
Do. Lesser 0 3 0 3 0 2 1/4 0 2 0 1 7/8

Top Coin
Total Length 1 6 I 6 1 3 I 0 1 0
Do. breadth 0 10 0 10 0 9 0 7 0 7
Greatest Thickness 0 5 0 5 0 3 1/2 0 3 0 2 3/4
Do. Lesser 0 I 1/2 0 I 1/2 0 1 1/4 0 1 0 o 7/8
holes distance from yeo end in yeo clear
Do.s breadth
Do.s depth at yeo square part

RAI, James, op, cit., p. 2.

Appendix WW. Dimensions of the Brackets of Travelling and Field Carriages, 1750-80
Travelling Field
Calibre 24 18 12 6 3 24 12 6
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

Length of the bracket 156 150 144 132 120 108 106 94
Thickness 5.& 5.2 4.6 3.6 3 4.5 3.7 3
Height of the plank 22 21.6 19 16 13 15.6 14 12.4
Height of the bracket
before 20 19.6 17 14 11.5 14.5 12.7 II
centre 17 16.6 15 12* 9.5 12 10.9 9.&
trail 12 11.6 11 10 7.5 10 9.2 &.4+
Dist. of the head from the centre 74 72 69 60 51.5 50 45 40
Length of the trail 1& 16.6 15 12 10 11 10.5 10
before 11.5 10.7 10
behind 17 15 13

* 10 and +& in Smith.

RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 45-6, 50-I; Muller (17&0), op. clt., pp. 100, 112; Smith, pp. 52-3. Only Smith gives the dimensions for the brackets of the I&-pdr.

The Iron Work of the Travelling Carriage

No. No.
Transom bolts with burrs Axletree bands 2
breast 1 Side straps 4
centre 2 Draught rings, bolts & burrs 2
trail 2 Locking plates 2
Transom plates with hooks Lashing rings with loops &
breast 2 Single forelock keys S
centre 2 Bed piece chain with staple 1
trail 2 Locker hinges 2
Trunnion plates 2 Locker hasp and staples 1
Cap squares with joint bolts 2 Pintle plates, upper and under 2
Spring keys, chains & staples 4 Rivets
Eye bolts
fore 2
rosebud 4
hind 2 diamond headed S ""0
Breast plates 2 countersunk

Plates with roses
garnish 2
Wood screws
26 o
trail 2 ><
Garnish bolts 2 ~
Garnish nails 6 ~
RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 46-7; Muller (17&0), op. cit., pp. 106-7; Smith, op. cir., pp, 52-3. The nails were given by Smith and the wood screws and rivets by 0'
Muller and Smith, but no quantities of the latter. \0

Appendix XX. Construction of Travelling Carriages

According to John Muller, 1750-80

Let Abcd be the plank, and AB the height before of the cheeks; set off from B to C the
sum of the head AB, and the distance from the hind part of the trunnions to the extremity of
the cascable; then from the point A as center, describe an arc CD through the point C, on
which as a chord set off the height at the centre, and draw the lines AD, BC. On BC take
BE, equal to the head AB, and towards the head Er, rS, each equal to half the diameter of
the trunnions, so that ES will be the width of the trunnion hole, whose centre is about a
quarter of an inch below the line BC. From the point r draw rF, perpendicular to AD; in AD
take FH, equal to the breadth of the axle-tree, which is sunk about an inch into the cheeks.
On the side FH make a square, and from the intersection I of diagonals, as center, describe
an arc, with a radius of 29 inches, or equal to the radius of the wheel; this arc will represent
a part of the wheel. Then if a ruler be laid so as to touch this arc, and cut the plank in two
points ML, such that the distance ML be equal to the length of the trail, and you erect at
these points two perpendiculars MN, LO, to KM, each equal to the height of the trail; by
drawing the lines CN, NO, and DM, you will have the figure ABCNOLDA of the cheek
The part MP is made round, that the carriage may slide with more ease on the ground,
which is done by dividing LO into four equal parts, so that LP be one of them, by drawing
MP; and at the points M and P, erecting two perpendiculars on DM, and on MP, which
meeting in Q, then the point R, which bisects MQ, will be the center of the arc MP required.
The mortise V of the center transom is determined by drawing a line through the point
C, perpendicular to the horizon KM, in which Cp is taken equal to a fourth part of the shot's
diameter, and pq equal to two of these diameters for the height, and in pz, parallel to KM,
the breadth px equal to one diameter. The distance between the center and bed transom X
is two diameters; this last is a diameter each way. The breast transom Y is a diameter
broad and two high; the sides are parallel to the head AB, and terminate above even with the
bottom of the trunnion hole one way, and when produced the inside meets the point S.
Lastly, the mortise T of the trail transom is equal in length to the trail, a diameter high, and
is parallel to the upper side NO, so as when the lower is produced to meet the point P.
All these mortises are divided into four equal parts by horizontal lines; the upper part
is sunk half an inch into the cheeks; the two middle parts are sunk to the depth of two thirds
of the thickness of the cheeks, but the lower part is not sunk in at all. They are made in this
manner to prevent the wet from getting into the joint and rotting the tenons.

Construction of the plan

Draw the indefinite line AB, in which take the points CD, so as their interval be equal
to the distance from the center of the trunnions to the extremity of the base ring; through
these points draw EF, KL, at right angles, to AB; make DK, DL, each equal to the radius of
the base ring, and CE, CF, each equal to the radius of the second reinforce ring; then the
lines drawn through the points F, L, and E, K, will determine the width within of the
carriage; if to these lines two others are drawn parallel, and at a distance equal to the
length of the trunnions, you will have the thickness of the cheeks QP and RS.
On both sides of the points E and F, set off half the diameter of the trunnions, in order
to have the trunnion holes m, n; draw the breast transom Y of a diameter broad, so as the
inside be in a line with the fore part of the trunnion holes; and if CA be taken equal to rB in
the last figure, the line RQ at right angles to AB will determine the breast of the carriage,
and the total length AB of the carriage is determined by the last figure.
If you set off from the line KL two diameters for the length of the cascable, you will

have the hind part of the center transom V, whose width is a diameter as well as the bed
transom X, and their interval is two of these diameters, as has been said before; the trail
transom T is determined as before by the length of the trail. In the middle of this transom
is the pintle hole of an oval figure, wider above than below, that the pintle may have room
to play on uneven ground.
The bed w is a board of an inch and a half thick, a foot broad, and sunk into the bed
and center transoms; the width of the axle-tree has been determined before, and its fore
part passes through the centers of the trunnion holes: there is a board fixed upon the ax1e-
tree with one end, and the other upon the bed transom, which serves to lay hay or straw
upon for wadding.
Between the trail and center the breadth of the cheeks is diminished on the inside by a
sixth part, beginning at about a diameter from the trail, and ends within a diameter and a
half from the center transom.
This is the common construction of field carriages; but as it relates only to the four
calibers, whose dimensions have been given, the reader will still be at a loss how to
construct any other; and as the length of the cheeks depends not only on the caliber of the
gun, but likewise on the height of the wheels, as well as on the length of the pieces, which
varies very often: therefore, in the following construction, we suppose the wheels of the
common size, and the guns to be 20 to 21 diameters long, which is the common length at
present of the 24 pounders.

General dimensions of travelling Carriages.

The length Ad of the plank is 12 diameters of the shot and 7.5 feet besides; its height
Ab three diameters and three quarters; the height AB of the cheeks three diameters and a
quarter; so that Bb is half a diameter, the height DC at the center 70 parts of that
diameter, divided into 24 equal parts, as in the construction of guns; the length of the trail
is three diameters, and its height MN two; the breadth FH of the axle-tree is two diameters,
and the rest of the dimensions depend on the size of the gun.

Source: Muller Treatise of Artillery (1780), pp. 100-4.


Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer Carriage, 1719

Ft. In. No.

Fore with hook 2
Total length 8
Greatest breadth 3 3/4
Lesser breadth 2 3/4
Thickness 1/2
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2
Return's total length 2
Hook's greatest diameter 1
Hook's lesser diameter 1/2
Nob's diameter 7/8
Rivet hole's centre from behind 2 1/2
Diameter of rivet hole 1 1/4

Middle with hook 2

Total length 1 1 1/2
Greatest Breadth 3 3/4
Lesser Breadth 2 3/4
Thickness 1/2
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2
Return's total length 2
Hook's greatest diameter 1
Hook's lesser diameter 1/2
Nob's diameter 7/8
Rivet hole's centre from each end 1 5/8
Diameter of rivet hole 1 1/4

Trail or hind with hook 2

Total length 1 5
Greatest breadth 3 3/4
Lesser breadth 2 3/4
Thickness 1/2
Hook's total length to return 4 1/2
Return's total length 2
Hook's greatest diameter 1
Hook's lesser diameter 1/2
Nob's diameter 7/8
Rivet hole's centre from behind 2 1/8
Rivet hole's centre from before 5 3/4
Diameter of rivet hole 1 1/4

Head or breast 2
length 1 11
breadth 4 1/2
thickness 1/8

Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer Carriage,
1719, cont'd

Ft. In. No.

Garnish 2
length 1 1
breadth 4 1/2
thickness 1/8

Trail 2
length 5 10 1/2
breadth 4 1/2
thickness 1/8

Upper Pintail with strap 1

total length with strap 1 2
strap's breadth 2 1/4
thickness 5/16
Oval's greatest diameter 10
DO. clear 7
Oval's lesser diameter 7 1/2
DO. clear 4 3/4
Shank hole's centre from strap end 1 1/4
Diameter of shank hole 3/4

Under Pintail with strap 1

total length with strap 1 5 1/2
strap's length forward from the clear
of the hole 8
DO. hind 3 1/2
Return's length 2 1/2
Strap's breadth 2 1/4
Thickness 5/16
Oval's greatest diameter 6 1/4
DO. clear 3 1/2
Oval's lesser diameter 5 3/8
DO. clear 2 7/10
Plate's thickness at the hole's edge 5/8
Plate's thickness at the out edge 1/4

Trunnion 2
Total length 2 5 1/2
Length behind trunnion 1 6
Length before trunnion 7
Breadth 4 4/10
Thickness at the end 3/16
at the trunnion 1/2
behind the trunnion 3/4
Fore eye-bolt's centre from trunnion 3 7/12
Hind eye-bolt's centre from trunnion 1 1/8
Joynt bolt's centre from trunnion 8 3/10

Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer Carriage,
1719, cont'd

Ft. In. No.

Garnish bolt's centre from trunnion 1 3 3/8

Diameter of eye and joynt bolt's hole 1
Diameter of the Garnish 1

Locking 2
length 7
breadth 3
thickness 3/16

Side strap or garter 4

total length
total length

Fore riveting 2
total length 2 2 3/4
thickness 1 1/4
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2
Middle 2
total length 2 4 1/4
thickness 1 1/4
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2
Trail 2
total length 2 7
thickness 1 1/4
head and burr's diameter 2 1/2

Eye 4
total length 1 9
thickness 1
head's length 2 1/8
head's breadth 1 7/8
head's thickness 1
key-hole's length 1 1/8
key-hole's breadth 3/16
Joynt 2
total length 1 8 1/4
thickness 1
joynt's greatest diameter 1 3/4
joynt's lesser diameter 3/4

Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer Carriage,
1719, cont'd

Ft. In. No.

joynt's thickness 1/2

key-hole's length 1 1/8
key-hole's breadth 3/16

Rivet for joynt 2

length 4 7/10
thickness 3/4

Garnish 2
total length 1 8
thickness 1
head's length 2 1/8
head's thickness 1 7/8
groove's centre from shoulder 1/2
groove's breadth 4/10
groove's depth 2/10

Ring with bolt for draught chains 2

total length 4
thickness 3/4
head's greatest diameter 2 1/2
head's lesser diamerter 1
head's thickness 3/4
ring's greatest diameter 5
ring's thickness 3/4

Pintail plate ring complete 1

diameter of ring in the clear 3 1/2
thickness of ring 3/4
shank's length 4 3/4
shank's thickness 3/4
breadth of shank's head 2
thickness of shank's head 5/8

Lashing ring complete 8

total length 4
thickness 3/8
head's greatest diameter 1 1/4
head's lesser diameter 1/2
head's thickness 3/8
ring's greatest diameter 2 1/4
ring's thickness 3/8

Capsquare with joynt 2

length when turned 1 9
breadth 4 4/10
thickness 1/2

Appendix YY. Dimensions of the Iron Work of the Body of a Howitzer Carriage,
1719, cont'd

Ft. In. No.

joynt's greatest diameter 1 3/4

joynt's lesser diameter 3/4
eye-bolt hole's length 2 1/8
eye-bolt hole's breadth 1 1/8

Axletree bands 2
total length when turned 2 5 1/2
bracket's length on each side X-tree 11 1/2
breadth 4 1/4
thickness 9/16
First centre-hole from axletree 2 1/8
Second centre-hole from axletree 9 1/8
Hole's diameter 1

Nails 2
total length 6 5/8
thickness 3/4
head's length 2 1/8
head's thickness I 7/8
groove's centre from shoulder 1/2
groove's breadth 4/10
groove's depth 2/10

Square headed plate 75

head's square 1/2
head's thickness 5/16
shank's length 3
shank's thickness 1/4
Rose for trail and garnish plate 4
shank's length 5 1/2
shank's thickness 3/4
head's length 1 1/8
head's diameter 1

Dog 33
length 3
thickness 1/4

RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 39-41, "Dimentions, Weight, and Value of Iron Work for
Bodies of Travelling Carriages according to the New Regulations in 1719."

Appendix ZZ. Dimensions of the Bodies of Howitzer Travelling Carriages

According to the New Regulation 1719.

Ft. In.

Total Length 10 0
Total Breadth 1 5
Depth at yeo face of the Carriage 1 5
Center of the Tronions from ye face of ye Carriage 1 0
Length from Do. to ye Back brake 2 6
Depth at yeo Back Brake or Middle Camber 1 5
Len: from yeo B brake to ye Rebate mouldings foot
Length from yeo Camber to yeo Locking Circle 1 1
Reverse Circles length from yeo end of yeo plank 1 1 3/4
Depth of yeo Reverse Circle brake 0 11 1/4
Trains or Reverse Circles Brakes length 1 3
Len. from yeo Rev. Circ, Bra. to yeo
Reb. mouldings foot
Total Depth at the Reverse Circle 1 o 9/10
Locking Circle's Semidiameter 0 1 3/4
Total Thickness a 4 1/2
Thickness of yeo Rebate part a 4 1/2

Fore Transoms
Total length 1 4
Do. in the clear next the Trunion 1 2 1/2
Total Breadth 0 8 3/4
Facing both ways length a 1 1/2
Transoms place from yeo back of yeo Checks a 8
Circles depth of yeo upside of yeo Transom 0 4
Transoms Thickness a 4 1/2

Middle Transoms
Total length 2 1
Do. in yeo clear next yeo Back Brake 1 3 1/2
Total breadth 1 4 3/4
Facing from yeo upside length a 2
Do. from the under side a 5
Transoms place from yeo Back brake a 2 1/2
Transoms Thickness a 4 1/3

Bridge Transoms
Total Length
Do Breadth
Facing each way
Transoms place from yeo clear of yeo Transom
Transoms Thickness

Trail Transoms
Total Length 1 8
Do in yeo clear of yeo end 1 7 1/2

Appendix ZZ. Dimensions of the Bodies of Howitzer Travelling Carriages

According to the New Regulation 1719, cont'd

Ft. In.

Total breadth 1 3
Facing each way 0 2
Transoms place from yeo Reverse brake 0 4
Transoms Thickness 0 4 1/2

Total Length
Total Breadth before
Breadth before in yeo clear
Total breadth behind
Breadth behind in yeo clear
Bedds Thickness
Bedds Center from yeo under side
Letting in parts length

Bedd Piece
Total Length 2 2 1/2
Do Breadth 0 10
Facing each way
Thickness 0 4

Width in yeo clear
Total depth of yeo fore part
Do. in yeo clear
Total length of yeo fore part
Do. in yeo clear
Filletts for yeo bottom of yeo Locker length
Do. greatest breadth
Do. lesser breadth &: thickness
Do. Thickness of the hanging Fillet

Bottom Coin
Total length 1 9
Do. breadth 0 11
Greatest thickness 0 6
Do. Lesser 0 3

Top Coin
Total Length 1 6
Do. breadth 0 10
Greatest Thickness 0 5
Do. Lesser 0 1 1/2
holes distance from yeo end in yeo clear
Do.s breadth
Do,s depth at yeo square part

RAJ, James, p. 2.

Appendix MA. Dimensions of Carriage for 8-Inch Howitzer, 1750-80

Length of the Cheeks 101
Thickness of Do 4.5
Height of Do
before 18
at the center 16
at the trail 14
Length of the trail 15
Height of the plank 18
From the head to the center 43
From the Center of ye End of ye trail 54
Breast Transom
length 14.5
height 8.8
thickness 4.5
Center Transom
length 16.5
height 14
thickness 4.5
Trail Transom
length 19
height 15
thickness 4.5
Trunnion holes from the head 9
Diameter of the Trunnion holes 5
Breast Transom from the head 5
From the head to the Axletree 14.5
Length of the Axletree 75
length 35
breadth 6.5
height 8
length 20
breadth 6
height 4.5
Breast transom) from the upper 7.5
Center transom) part of ye Cheek 3
Diameter of the Wheels 58
Nave, length 17
body 15
middle 16
linch 13.5
height 6
breadth 5
breadth 2.1
thickness 3.8
RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 65-7; d. Muller Treatise of Artillery (1780), p. 124; Smith, An
Universal Military Dictionary... , p. 55.

Appendix BBB. Dimensions of Limber for 8-Inch Howitzer, 1750-80

Diameter of the Wheels 46
Nave, length 14
body 12
middle 13
linch 11
breadth 3.5
height 4
breadth 1.5
height 3
Length of the Axletree 74
length 40
height 6
breadth 5
length 17
diameter of the body 4
diameter of the linch 3
Length of the Shafts 94
Breadth of Do.
behind 2.5
before 5
Height of Do.
behind 3
before 2.5
Height of the Bolster
middle 8
end 3
Width of the Limber
before 24
behind 25

RAI, Adye (I766), pp. 67-8.


Appendix CCC. Dimensions of Howitzer Garrison Carriages

1828 1844
lO-Inch 8-Inch lO-Inch 8-Inch
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Top (Cast Iron)
Length 2 2.75 2 0 2 2.75 2 0.5
Depth 0 8.0 0 6.5 0 9 6.25
Thickness 0 6.0 0 5.0 0 5.75 5.0
Length 6 0 5 0 6 0 5 0
Depth 1 10.5 1 9.5 1 10.0 1 10.0
Thickness 0 6.5 0 6.0 0 6.5 0 6.0
Length 2 0 1 7.5 2 0.5 1 7.5
Depth 1 3.75 1 2.5 1 4.0 1 3.0
Thickness 0 6.5 0 6.0 0 6.5 0 5.5
Length 2 0 1 7.5 2 0 1 7.5
Depth 1 5.0 1 2.0 1 5.0 1 2.0
Thickness 0 6.0 0 5.0 0 6.0 0 5.0
Length of Bed 3 0.5 3 0
Breadth 0 7.75 0 7.75
Thickness 0 9.5 0 9.5
Length of Arm 0 10.75 0 10.75
Diameter 0 7.5 0 7.5
Trail-Bearing (Cast Iron)
Length 0 11.5 0 11.5 0 11.5 0 11.5
Depth 0 4.75 0 4.75 0 4.75 0 4.75
Thickness 0 4.0 0 4.0 0 4.0 0 4.0
Diameter 1 7.0 1 7.0
Diameter of Hole 0 7.5 0 7.5
Width of Sole 0 6.625 0 6.625
Weight Cwt. 16 13 16 13

Spearman The British Gunner (1828), pp. 115-16 and (1844), "Car," unpaginated.
Appendix DOD. Dimensions of Block Trail Carronade Carriages, 1828 and 1844 00

Calibre 68 42 32 24 18 12 'U
Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. rn

Trail 0
Length 7 0 5 2 5 0 4 6 0
Width 2 1.5 1 4 1 3 1 0.5
Thickness 1 3 11 11 10
Length 1 8 1 6 1 6 1 4
Width 1 0 10 9 8
Thickness 8 5.5 [?] 7.5 7
Axletree Fore
Depth 10.75 10 9 9.25
Breadth 7.75 8 7 6.75
Total Length 4 5 4 2 3 7.5 3 3
Weight Cwt, Qr. lb. 17 / 1 / 25 7 / 3 / 21 4[?]/ 3 /20 6 / 1 / 0
Length 7 0 5 10 5 6.5 5 1.5 5 0 4 6
Width 2 1.5 1 6 1 5.5 1 4 1 3 1 1
Thickness 1 1.5 1 0 11.5 11 10.5 10
Bearing (cast iron)
Length 1 10 1 5.5 1 5 1 5 1 4.5 1 3.5
Width 10 10 10 10 9.5 9
Thickness 9 9 9 9 9 9
Axletree, Fore 4 2 3 11.5 3 10.5 3 7 3 6 3 3
Length of Bed 2 5 2 2.5 2 1.5 2 0 1 11 1 9
Depth of Bed 10.5 10 10 10 9 9.75
Breadth of Bed 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 5.5
Length of Arm 10.5 10.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 9
Diameter of Arm 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 5.5
Trucks, Fore
Diameter 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 6.75 1 6.75 1 6.25
Diameter of Hole 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 5.5
Width of Sole 6.6 6.6 6.6 5 5 4.25
Weight Cwt. 17.75 10.5 9 8 7 6.25

I, Spearman The British Gunner (1828), pp. 49,114; II, Spearman (1844), Ope cit., "Car," unpaginated.

Appendix EEE. Richardson's Description of Gun Carriages, 1859

Garrison Carriage

The Garrison Carriage is composed of the Cheeks or Brackets connected together by

an Axletree Transomes and Iron Bars. The Front Transome connects the two cheeks
together in front and is placed as high as possible consistently with allowing the gun to be
depressed. It is inclined slightly to the rear. The rear transome serves as an axletree and
also supports the elevating screw. The extremities are dovetailed on their upper surfaces
and mortice holes are cut in the cheeks to fit. Either extremity of both axletrees is turned
circular so as to form an arm, and is provided with an Iron Plate or clout fastened
underneath to take the bearing of the Iron Trucks. Each Bracket is generally composed of
two pieces secured by Dowels and by 5 bolts on each side. The front bolt passes through the
axletree bed and the rear through the rear transorne. These two are pinned underneath. An
Iron Band below each Bracket receives the axletree. A bolt called a transome bolt passes
through the Brackets and Transome and is rivetted on the outside. Another bolt called the
bed bolt passes between the two brackets and is rivetted in a similar manner.
The upper surface of these carriages have an ovolo or quarter round and 4 steps to
facilitate raising the Breech by Handspikes. A stool bed rests on two Iron shoulders
projecting from the inside of the front Transome, and on the head of the elevating screw.
The trucks are generally made of Iron, the front ones having a greater diameter than the
rear. The elevating screw works in a female one of gunmetal let into the rear transome; it
is provided with horizontal radiating teeth on the top and a movable bent lever with
corresponding teeth. The head of the screw is hemispherical and rests in an oblong plated
slot in the stool bed to admit of the play required for elevation and depression.
Capsquares are not used in the ordinary Garr ison carr iages.

Traveling Siege Carriages

The object of this carriage is to combine the means of transport of Heavy Guns with
the appliances for firing them. It consists of the body of the carriage and the Limber. The
body of the carriage is composed of two long Brackets, an axletree, front transome,
elevating screw bed, the step and rear transome all of which connect the two brackets
together, and two wheels.
The front transome is let into the Brackets in a slightly inclined position close to the
front. The elevating screw bed is placed horizontally connecting the Brackets underneath
the Breech when the Gun is in the firing trunnion holes.
The step is .a small piece of wood also let in horizontally into the brackets a short
distance behind the elevating screw bed and is placed there for the convenience of the man
laying the gun. The rear transome, likewise in a horizontal position, connects the rear of
the brackets and through it is bored the hole for receiving the pintail when limbered up.
The axletree bed and arm are attached under the fore part of the bracket on exactly
similar principles to those of a Field Gun.
There are two sets of trunnion holes in the Brackets, one for the position of the gun in
Action when unlimbered, the other set, in rear of the first, for the purpose of dividing the
weight more equally beween the gun and limber wheels when limbered up for travelling.
The limber consists of an axletree bed and arm and a light framework of futchells.
There are no limber boxes it being merely intended for purposes of draught. The shafts are
movable in vertical planes on an iron rod to protect the Shaft Horse from unequal strains.
The gun wheels are considerably larger than those of the limber.
The Elevating Screw works in a female screw let into the bed.

Traversing is accomplished with the aid of handspikes.

A straight pintail fixed on the top of the limber axletree bed fits into the hole through
the rear transome and for security a keep chain is fastened round the projecting part of the
pintail and hooked into itself. A heavy draught chain connects the limber with the
remainder of the carriage and takes the strain of draught off the pintail. There are no
capsquares to the travelling trunnion holes. The front and upper edges of the brackets are
protected with Iron Plates fastened by bossheaded bolts and die dog nails.

68-Pounder 112 cwt Rear Chock Carriage

The Rear Chock Carriage is constructed on similar principles to the ordinary Garrison
carriage with the exception that instead of having the rear transome made for trucks it lles
flat on the platform. For the purpose of running up, there is a small iron socket projecting
from the rear of the carriage to receive the tooth of a rolling handspike, a long lever with
two lignum vitae trucks acting on an arm close to the tooth; this lever is of such power that
one man can raise the rear of the carriage and throw the weight onto these trucks. The gun
is run up by applying handspikes under the axletree arms as in an ordinary carriage.

The advantages of this description of carriage are: - that the recoil is much less,
steadier and consequently less destructive in its effects on the platform. It is almost as
easily run up as the ordinary carriage and the traversing is quicker and more accurate.
It would not be so easy to manage however unless the platform were good in the first

9-Pounder Axletree and Axletree Bed

The Axletree is made of wrought Iron and consists of 3 parts viz. t. The Body and 2
The Arms are those portions which project from the main piece and are alike for both
heavy and light Axletrees Length 14" to the Lynch pin hole Diameter 3" at shoulder 2" at
Lynch pin hole. The size of the Lynch Pin Holes is 3/4" x 1/2". The end of the arm varies in
length but commonly projects 1" from front of the Lynch pin hole, in which case the total
length of arm would be 15 3/4".
The body of the Axletree is 3' 8" long. Dimensions, at the centre being 3 3/4" x 1 5/8"
and at the shoulders 3 1/4" x 3 3/4". In the center is a bolt hole 1" in diameter and two
other bolt holes are placed 7 1/4 inches from its centre and of the same diameter. They are
used when the axletree is fitted to the gun-carriage. Two smaller bolt holes 5 1/2" from the
center of the center bolt hole and 7/8" diameter are used to fit the Axletree to the limber.
The Axletree arms have a set of 3/8" upwards {measured at the shoulder by drawing a
line between the lynch pin holeslll,
They have also a set to the front of 1/8" The faces of the shoulders are cut
perpendicular to the center of the Axletree arms. A glance at the Figures will better
explain the sets.
The Axletrees above described are used for all guns as far as 24 Por and for
Ammunition Waggons.
The Axletree bed is usually made of oak for Gun carriages and of Elm for Limbers.
Dimensions: - Length 3' 8" - Depth 7" in front 6" in rear x 7" top and bottom.
The Axletree bed therefore slopes to the rear in action but when limbered up for
travelling, becomes horizontal. The faces of the shoulders are cut perpendicular to the
Axletree Arm.
The following Bands Plates &c are used to connect it with the Axletree, Trail &c
Looking at the Isometric plan and commencing at the left the first Iron Band is termed a
"clip" of which there are two on the bed. It is made of 1/4" Iron 1 3/4" wide, it goes round
three sides of the bed, the ends being welded round and tapped as a screw. These ends are
confined underneath by a "Buckling Plate" made of Iron of the same thickness and fastened
to them by means of nuts, screwing on to the ends of the Clips which pass through holes in
the Buckling Plates.
The 2nd & 4th Plates we come to are known as Jack Plates of which there are 4 (two
on either side) They are made of 1 3/4" Hoop Iron and are put on to the bottom of the bed
with a return of 2". Each plate is fastened by 4 screws and on the under side, dents are
made to receive the teeth of the Lifting Jack.
The Irons between the Jack Plates are called Axletree Box staples and are formed of
1/4" Iron 1 1/4" in Breadth having a shoulder on the top of the side with a screw projecting
from the center.
The two broad Irons on each side of the center piece of all are termed axletree bands.
They are made a little smaller than the axletree bed, are put on hot & allowed to burn the
wood a little so that when contracted by cooling they fit quite tight. Their Dimensions are
Breadth 3 1/4" 5/8" Iron Projection of Shoulder 5". They are attached to the trail by 3 bolts
the center one of which passes through the axletree.
The center Iron of all is termed the "Center Trail Plate" Dimensions. Breadth over

Axletree 3" Length of shoulder 7" to neck. Breadth of neck 2" 5/8" Iron. The distance
between the center of Trail plate to center of either Band 7 1/8" Length from Shoulder of
Axletree Arm to center of Buckling Plate 1 1/2". Ditto to center ofAxletree Box Staples
5". The Jack Plates fit close on either side of the above.
The left Axletree Box is fastened on the left end of the Axletree Bed close to the
shoulder by means of the Axletree box staples; the screws of the latter projecting inside and
fixed by two forked [?] nuts.
The Front Rear and Top of the Box are made of fir 1" wood, the bottom and sides of
Elm 1" wood. The interior is divided in two unequal portions by an Iron plate from Front to
Rear. It is first nailed together and then strengthened by 8 corner plates being screwed on.

The lid and the slow match or smaller and lefthand portion of the box are copper lined also
there is a 1/4" extra lining on the lid to make all safe.

The lid externally is covered with canvas fastened by strips of leather and tacks & at
the back of the box, the canvas is prolonged so as to form an apron, which is plated with
sheet Iron so as to protect it from the fire of the slow match. The box is closed by means of
a turnbuckle and screw and a hasp on the lid.
Internal Dimensions of the box Depth 5 3/4" Breadth 10 1/2" Width 9 3/4". The Right
Axletree box is similar in most respects to the left with the exception of the sheet iron
partition and flap. It is not copper lined.
Dimensions Depth 5 3/4" Breadth 10 1/2" Width 10".
The corner plates of both have a return of 2 1/2". Small metal plates are placed in the
center, front and rear to prevent damage from the axletree box staples.
The Turnbuckle is fastened to a diamond shaped plate which is screwed to the front
center of the Box by 4 "3/4 Strong 3/4 indecipherable" screws. The hasp is 4 1/2" long
averaging 1" wide.
2 Breast Chains (2'9" long 1/2" Iron) are attached to the Axletree Bed by means of two
Eyebolts. They have rings at their ends.

Field Gun Carriage

The cheeks or Brackets are made either of oak or elm and are attached to the trail by
means of "housings" to enable them to resist damp and to strengthen the whole, and also by
3 bolts running horizontally through both brackets & trail

Dimensions (vide Isometric Plan)

Thickness. ac. de &c 4"
Length ct 4'. 1 1/2"
ab 3'. 10"
Diameter of Trunnion Hole pq 3 7/8"
Length of op 8 3/4"
Depth ao 10 1/2"
Depth bn 8 1/2"
Extreme Do. fr I'. 1."

The top is curved from r gradually down to n,

The following are the dimensions of the housing cut to fit the axletree bed
dl 2 3/4"
lk 5 1/2"
ki 1/2"
ih 1 1/2"
hf 2 1/4"
Total Breadth df 7"
ad 11 1/2"

"' .

The Bolt hole S is in the center of the housing. An Iron plate is fixed on the front and top of
the Brackets called the "Trunnion Plate." The Return commences 6" from the Axletree
Housing and ends about 2' 6" from the rear of Trunnion hole The Thickness of Iron
commences at the end of the return with 1/8" at 0 it is 3/8", at p 1 1/2" at q 7/8". From q
it gradually becomes thinner till it terminates at 1/16". It is attached to the Bracket by 8
Die Dog nails (see Diagram) in front, 2 Die dogs in front of the trunnions, and by 15 die dogs
and two boss headed bolts in rear of the same. The three bolts u, v, ware termed Bracket
bolts, having their ends countersunk into Brackets and fastened by Forked nuts 2 3/8"
diameter. The diameter of each bolt is 1 1/8"
Posi tion of center of u - 10" from ao 5 1/2" from ad
Position of center of v - 2" from fb 6 3/4" from fh
Position of center of w - 4 1/2" from fb 4" from nb.
2 Hammer Loops xx of sheet Iron - fastened by 4 screws each are placed 5 1/2" apart & 1"
each from front of Trunnion plate. 2 Portfire stick loops yy having a lanyard hook between
them are fixed about 11" from bn 4 1/2" long
The following are the dimensions of the housings depicted on the lower figure
0< S = 8 1/4" S y= 5" Y = 9" yo= 9 1/4"
o E: = 6" E: = 7 3/4" = 6 1/4" = 2 3/4"
=3/4" =57/8" =6"
A moulding runs along the top of the housings varying in breadth from 2" to 2 3/4" & fits
tightly to the top of the trail assisting in keeping out the wet. The plate shews [sic] the
position of the die dog nails & mentioned in the description of the upper Figure.
The Capsquares fit onto two eyebolts which pass through the Bracket and are fastened
underneath by nuts
The length of the front bolt is 16" and that of the rear 18 1/2" from the shoulder to the
end. The bolt portion is made of 1" Iron
The dimensions of the Capsquares themselves may be seen from the following diagram
and they are secured to the Eyebolts by spring keys attached to the Brackets by chains of
1/8 Inch Iron.

The Trail is made either of oak or Teak and is occasionally made in two pieces should
the soundness of the wood be doubtful. Teak trails are the heaviest but they resist the
effects of wet better than oak.
The end of the Trail is turned up and the top and bottom rounded off with an Iron plate
termed the Trail Plate. On either side are placed handles to assist in limbering up. A ring is
attached to the Trail plate and a "shoe" to receive the Handspike. Under the Trail is a
leathern shoe to receive the spare side arms. Near the Top of the Trail are two "Locking
Plates" to prevent injury to the wood from the Wheels in turning A portfire cutter is
attached to the Trail near the locking plate by means of 3 screws and various small staples
are let into the Trail to receive leathern Straps for securing Side Arms &c.
Total length ab 9' "7"
Length of Wood work bl 9' "1"
Length db 6"
Length hd 7"
The housing are cut to fit the brackets from which the dimensions may be taken

\Ill "t

Length to Cushion bj 3' 1"

do of do jk 8 1/4"
do to Locking Plate bm 5' 9"
Breadth cb 10"
do jo 10"
do kp 10 1/2"
From kp the breadth of the Trail gradually diminishes to
ql 6 1/4"
5" from the end cb the top of the Trail commences to be rounded off
A bolt v to attach the Axletree bed to the Trail passes through the latter 7" from the end

Depth vd 7 3/8"
Depth in front of cushion JJ' 7"
do do rear do kk' 10 1/4"
do do do rr' 8"
from whence it gradually diminishes in breadth
to SS' 6"
when it again widens.
In the cushion 4" from pk is a hole to allow of the insertion of the Elevating Screw having
two holes on each side to allow the plate of the oscillating box to be screwed to the trail
t is the Drag chain Hook.
The edges of the Trail from the cushion to the rear are slightly bevelled off
The Portfire cutter plate is put on 3" from r and is of the following dimensions as may be
seen in the plate. The point of the plate reaches the bottom of the trail and has a return of
1 1/2" on the top side.
The breadth of the Locking plate is 6 1/2"
The greatest thickness of the Trail plate is 1" and it tapers to 1/4".
Length of plate underneath 2' 3"
do do above 2' 1"
The Trail Eye projects from the wood 6"
The trail Eye is not circular inside, its axes being 2 3/4" lengthways 2 1/2" across.
7" from the end of the Trail plate eye is the Handspike loop socket which has a shoulder 1/4"
on each side to prevent the loop falling backwards; the socket goes through the Trail plate
and is rivetted underneath
Breadth of socket 3 1/4"
The loop is made of 3/4" Iron 4" square inside, Outside socket included 5" do [square]
The handles are put on parallel to the top of the Trail 14" from the point of the plate and
are made of 3/4" Iron Their breadth inside is 8 3/4". The iron is flattened 2" at each
extremity. One rivet passing through the flattened ends of each handle fastens them to the
trail. The fronts of the handles are 2 1/4" from the top.
The Handspike shoe passes over the Trail Plate and has returns down the sides of the
Trail 2" wide at top 1 1/2" at bottom The shoe is 2 3/8" high in rear & 2" in front and has a
small hole at the top to receive the pin when the handspike is shipped. It is 18 1/2" from the
end of Trail Eye
The Sponge loop 4" wide x 4" high, is made of 3/4" Half round Iron, put on 4" from the
beginning of the Trail plate being fastened by screws through its ends which are flattened to
the top and side of the Trail.
The Leather Shoe for side arms is 5" deep x 6 3/4" long but sometimes varies slightly
3 Bolts secure the Trail plate to the woodwork of the Trail
The center of the first is 2 1/4" from the end of the Trail Plate and on the under si.de
terminates in a loop to which the Drag Chain is attached. The ends of the other bolts are
countersunk. The second bolt is 9" from end of Trail plate. The third 7" from back of
handspike Shoe.
There are also 7 countersunk nails in the Trail plate.
The Handspike key Chain Staple is driven in 2" in front of the shoe to the wood, at the side
of trail plate. The Chain is 6" long & has 6 links, terminating in a 1" ring; Key 4" long 1/2"
The bolts xy are to strengthen the trail
The size underneath of the elevating screw hole is 4" x 2 1/2"
The Drag Chain is made of 1/2" Iron and the hook to the eye of 3/4" Iron
A chain of 4 links 2 1/4" inside is fastened to the eye of the first rivet of trail plate and then
a ring is attached to hook the dog to. After which a chain of 12 links 2 1/4" and then an 8"
long loop with a 'Dog' and 'Keeper' running in it, 14 links with another 8" loop and Dog and
Keeper are attached to this. The total length of the chain is 7'6"

The Elevating Screw works in an oscillating box attached to the Trail by means of a plate
and two bolts. On either side of this plate are Gun Metal Brackets having holes in these
similar to the Trunnion holes. The Tumbler through which the Elevating screw passes is a
rectangular piece of gun metal having two arms like trunnions which work in the Brackets.
This arrangement allows the Elevating Screw a certain play The Elevating Screw passes
completely through the Block Trail its length being 19" for the 9 Por,
Dimensions of the oscillating box &c.
Length of Flange [?] Plate BC 6 1/2"
Breadth of do BD 8 1/2"
Depth CG 3/4"
Length EF 10 4/5"
Breadth BH 2"
do BI 1/2"
Height JK 2"
Height of Oscillating Box LM 2 1/4"
Length EN 3 1/4
EX 1 7/8
Diameter of hole xx in centre of DB 1 1/8"
The oscillating Box is made in two pieces the top being screwed on to the bottom by 4
The top is 1/2" deep.
Side of Box LP 4 3/4"
do do MQ 4"
Diameter of Trunnions 1 1/4"
In the center of the top of the box is a circular hole 1/2" deep 3" in diameter to receive the
shoulder of the Elevating screw which has the arms attached.
A Female screw is tapped through the remainder of the box, diameter 1 1/2" and has a pitch
of 3 threads in every 1 1/8" Breadth of Screw 9/40"
The shoulder to which the horns are attached fits into the Circular hole 1/2" deep before
mentioned, the female screw continued through it
Total depth of Female Screw 2 3/4"
Height of Shoulder 1 3/4"
There are 4 horns attached to the shoulder Length 5 1/2" from the center of the shoulder for
the purpose of giving leverage in raising the Elevating Screw.
Distance of the bolts in Brackets from ends 1/4"
Height of Brackets from Flange [?] Plate 2"
The Flange[?] plate is made of cast Iron and is connected with the Trail by 2, 1" bolts
through xx and XIX'
The Elevating Screw has a diameter of 1 7/8"
Pitch 3 threads in every 1 1/8"
Length 19"
It has a loop at the top to attach it to the button, which is effected by means of a bolt
passing through 2 holes in the button and the loop and is secured by a nut

Limber Bed

The Limber is composed of an axletree bed of Elm and three futchells made of ash. The
axletree fits into a groove in the bed and is secured there by 2 bolts, one on each side of the
centre futchell, which pass through it and the bed and are rivetted underneath At the
extremities of the bed there are buckling plates fastening the ends of coupling plates.
The axletree is similar to the Gun axletree.
The three futchells connect a piece of wood called the "Splinter bar" with the Axletree bed.

This connexion is also strengthened by means of 2 arms of Iron secured underneath the
axletree bed and close inside the Buckling plates at one end, the other end being bolted near
the extremities of the splinter bar. A piece of wood, termed the "Slat," shorter than the
splinter bar lies close behind it, parallel to it, and on top of the 3 futchells, and is fastened
to the futchells and splinter bar by means of Iron Plates on the top of the Futchells and
between the Axletree bed and Slat, parallel to both are two I" Boards called the Platform
Board (nearest the axletree) and the footboard, the latter inclined to the futchells and kept
in that position by two pieces of wood one on either side of the futchell.

The splinter bar is so constructed as to be available for either single or double draught. It
has 4 iron loops A,B,C,D. When used for single draught, the shafts pass through B & D When
for double draught through A & C The eyes eeeeee are for the purpose of hooking on the
traces or swingle tree as required. The Slat was added to prevent a kicking horse getting his
hoof between the splinter bar and the foot board.
The stays are to strengthen the splinter bar and to throw the strain of draught on the
Axletree bed and Arm
The Platform board is attached to give a place to fasten side arms to (the staples iiiii are
for this purpose) and is secured to the two side futchells by means of 4 countersunk bolts
When double draught is required the off shaft passes through the splinter bar and is

fixed by a loop on the end of itself on to the axletree arm outside the wheel and keyed by
the Linch Pin.
The near shaft passes through C the end of it fitting into a hole made to receive it, in the
axletree bed and is keyed with a bolt passing through a hole K in the Platform Board and a
hole through itself
When used for Single draught the off shaft passed through B, the loop at the end of it fitting
on to a small Iron Crutch let into the Axletree Bed
The Near Shaft passes through D, the end of it fitting into a hole made for the purpose in
the axletree bed, and is keyed by an Iron bolt passing through the hole L in the foot board
and the hole in itself.
Small shoulders of Iron MM are fixed at the extremities and on top of the axletree bed to
steady the Limber boxes, a rectangular piece of wood n is fixed in a similar position in the
centre of the axletree bed and flush with the rear, for the same purpose. The Limber boxes
project behind the axletree bed the support afforded by the axletree bed being enlarged by
two pieces of wood nailed on
The center futchell is morticed and the side futchells housed into the axletree bed Various
Loops, Straps &c are fastened to the bed to attach the side arms
The above diagrams being drawn to scale the various dimensions may be found by
measurement [.]

The principal parts of the wheel are the "Nave," the "Spokes" the "Felloes'' and the "Tire."
The nave is made of Elm. A cylindro-conoidal hole B running in the direction of its axis is
made to receive the axletree arm; this hole is lined with iron pipe box C to protect the wood
from friction and consequent wear and tear. The internal diameter of the Pipe box is
slightly increased at the center to admit grease 12 mortice holes DD are cut in the Nave,
radiating from the axis, to contain the spokes EEE which are driven in by mechanical power.
These spokes 12 in number (made of oak) connect the nave with the remaining fundamental
parts of the wheel.
There are 6 Felloes of ash FF&c. which form the circumference of the Wheel. Finally the
Felloes are protected by a "Tire" composed of 6 "Streaks" of Wrought Iron. The extremities
of the Streaks and Felloes do not coincide but overlap each other halfway to increase the
strength of the whole. The outer extremities of the spokes are cut to fit mortice holes and
secured by oak wedges GGGG&c are bolts 1" in diameter to prevent the Felloes from
splitting when wedging the spokes. Each Felloe has a dowel at one end fitting into a hole in
the next felloe. The inner edges of the felloes are bevelled. The Tire is put on hot in order,
by contracting to draw the Felloes into close contact. Each streak is attached to the
Felloes by 6 Iron bolts. All wheels in the service are constructed with a disk of 1/4" to a
foot ....
A nave hoop is placed on either end of the nave to prevent the wood from splitting, when
driving the spokes and afterwards ....
In our service shafts are used for draught as they afford greater facilities than the pole for
turning. They are termed "Near" & "Off"
The total length of the near shaft is 9' 7"
The total length of the off shaft is 9' 5"

Source: RAI, J.B.S. Richardson, Account of Long Course at Shoeburyness, 1859-60. Bound
MS, unpaginated.
App. FFF. Dimensions of New Oblong Hammered Iron Carcasses

Side Bars Bottom Centre Bar Top

Nature Dist,
of Greatest Inter. Greatest from
Carcass Breadth Thick. Diam. Thick. Depth Breadth Thick. Diam. Diam. Thick. Depth Bottom
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

18 2.25 .375 17.375 .375 5.75 2.25 .375 15.25 13.5 .375 2.0 16.0
13 1.75 .375 12.0 .3125 4.0 1.75 .375 11.0 10.375 .3125 2.75 9.0
10 1.5 .312 8.75 .3125 3.125 1.5 .3125 8 .. 5 8.0 .25 3.0 7.125
8 1.25 .25 7.375 .25 3.0 1.25 .25 6.9 6.625 .2 1.6 5.75
5 1/2 1.0 .1 5.25 .1 2.25 1.0 .1 4.75 These have
4 2/5 .75 .1 4.2 .1 2.0 .75 .1 3.8 no tops

Diameter Centre
Diameter Ears of Oblong Bar
No. of
-- Thick. Diam.
Nature Holes Thick. Dist. of side Total at centre
of Side Centre in Ext. of Inter. Inter. from barrs in Length &: barr
Carcass Holes Hole Top Diam. metal Conjugate Transv. Bottom bottom Ext. Ext.
in. in. in. in. in. in. ft. in. in. in. in. ft. in. ft. in.

18 1.5 2.75 5 1.75 .5 2 0 15.2 3.5 1.0 2 0 5

13 1.25 1.75 5 1.75 .375 1 4 11.0 3.0 .75 1 5.0
10 1.0 1.5 5 1.75 .375 1 0.75 8.5 2.25 .3 1 2.125 9.25 >-
8 .8125 1.25 5 1.25 .3125 10.25 6.875 2.0 .25 11.25 7.5 "'0
5 1/2 7.5 4.75 2.0 7.625 5.4 [TI
4 2/5 6.25 3.8 1.1 6.25 4.125 Z
Slightly adapted from RAI, Walton, "Gunnery Tables 1780-1792... ," unpaginated. -n
Appendix GGG. Dimensions of weight of round Carcasses, as established the 2d. of August, 1760.
Diameter of the Holes Side Holes Thickness of Metal rn

Exterior Interior
In the Sides
From the From
bottom of
Carcass Weight

in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. c. q. lb. o

5 holes 12.75 8.2 3.4 3.25* 2.4 2.3 6.2 7.0 2.0 2.55 1 2 14
4 holes 12.75 8.0 3.5 3.3 2.5 2.2 6.2 10.85 2.0 3.0 1 2 26
3 holes 12.75 7.5 4.0 3.8 2.8 2.6 6.2 12.0 2.0 3.25 1 3 4

Slightly adapted from RAJ, Adye (1766), op. cit., p. 89 and Smith, op. cit., p. 287.
Appendix HHH. Partial Dimensions of 20 Shot Grape Shot.

Iron Shot Pin Bottom Line
Nature Breadth Breadth Total
Weight Diameter Height Diameter Thickness Length sewed Cut out Length Weight
lb. oz. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Y. F. I. lb. oz.

42 pdr, 2 0 2.42 9.15 6.68 0.61 17.5 18.7 20.2 5 1 6 46 6

32 1 8 2.20 8.31 6.1 0.55 15.9 17.1 18.6 4 2 8 34 1
24 1 0 1.92 7.26 5.54 0.48 14.2 15.1 16.3 4 1 0 25 2.5
18 0 13 1.8 6.60 5.03 0.44 12.8 14.0 15.2 4 0 0 19 15.5
12 8 1.52
9 6 1.38
6 4 1.21
4 3
3 2

Notes: The height of the pin may not include its head.
Later weights for 32 and eight l-pdr, grape was 31 lb. 1 oz. and 19 lb. 5.5 oz. respectively.

RAI, Walton, "Gunnery Tables 1780-1792•.." unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, "Laboratory Work," p.
17. Frazer includes the calibres of 12-pdr. and below.


Appendix ID. Dimensions of Quilted Grape Shot (9 shot), 17j()-1800) >

Tampeon rn
Nature - - - - - - - - P i n ----- Z
Iron Shot Bottom Bag

Height Height Diameter Diameter Breadth Breadth Total 0
Weight Diam. of Body of Head of Body of Head Diameter Thickness Weight Length Sewed Cut Out Length Circ, Weight
--.n:- --.n:- -m:-
~2 pdr. ~
lb. oz.

0 3.052




1.16 6.68~




~ 17.5







32 3 0 2.773 8.319 0.28 0.559 1.118 6.105 0.55~ 5 a a 15.9 17.1 18.6 9 2.5 0.85 32 1~.5
2~ 2 0 2.~22 7.266 0.35 0.702 1.~O~ 5.5~6 0.~8~ ~ 0 6 1~.2 15.1 16.3 8 1 0.75 23 1
18 1 8 2.201 6.603 0.32 0.637 1.37~ 5.039 O.~~ 3 0 6 12.8 1~.0 15.2 7 ~.3 0.69 17 3
12 1 0 1.923 5.769 0.28 0.556 1.112 ~.~02 0.38~ 1 15 1~ 11.2 12.3 13.5 6 ~.8 0.60 11 0
9 13 1/8 1.8 5.~0 0.20 O.~O 0.80 ~.O 0.36 1 10 12 10.~ 11.2 12.~ 5 11.9 0.56 9 2
6 8 1.526 ~.578 0.221 0.~~2 0.88~ 3.~8 0.305 1 a 8 8.9 9.7 10.7 5 1 0.~7
~ 6 1.386 ~.158 0.1~ 0.28 0.56 3.052 0.273 0 8 13 7.9 8.5 9.5 ~ 7.2 0.~1
3 ~ 1.211 3.633 0.175 0.351 0.702 2.773 0.2~2 a 6 10 7.1 7.7 8.7 ~ 0.5 0.38
1 1/2 2 0.961 2.88 + 0.279 + 2.201 0.192 a 3 15 5.6 6.1 6.9 0.28
1 1 1/2 0.873 2.619 + 0.177 + 1.923 0.17~ a 2 8 ~.5 5.3 6.1 0.25
1/2* 3/~ 0.693 2.079 + 0.139 + 1.526 0.138 a I 2.5 ~.2 5.0 2 3.~ 0.19

* Lead shot + no heads

This table was prepared from a number of notebooks; RAI, Glegg, op.cit., pp. 15-16; RAI, "Artillery Experiments 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, op. cit., p. 31; RAJ, Walton, op. cit.,
unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, "Work Notes," pp. 87, 89, 91.
There were minor variations between the various notebooks.
Appendix JJJ. Dimensions of Quilted Grape Shot, circa 1&45.

Tampion Bag
Nature Shot Pin Bottom
Line Width Total
No. Weight Length Diameter Thickness Diameter Length Width Length Finished Weight
lb. oz. in. in. in. in. ft. in. in. in. in. lb. oz.

68 pdr , 15 3 0 9.6 .75 .64 7.78 12 6 23 17 10 5/8 50 8

56 12 3 0
42 9 4 0 9.15 .668 .61 6.68 10 0 20 16 9.5 42 9
32 9 3 0 8.31 .6 .55 6.1 9 2 19 14.5 8.5 32 0
24 9 2 0 7.26 .554 .48 5.54 8 1 16.5 13.5 7.75 22 9
18 9 1 8 6.6 .503 .44 5.03 7 4 14.75 12.25 6.875 16 8
12 9 1 0 5.76 .44 .38 4.4 6 5 13 10.5 6 10 15.5
9 9 13 1/8 5.4 .4 .36 4. 6 0 12 10 5.5 9 1
6 9 8 4.57 .348 .3 3.48 5 1 10.75 8.5 5 5 8.5

Slightly adapted from RMC, Noble, "Notes on Practical Artillery" (l849), p. 353; DND,
Fitzhugh, "A Course of Practical Artillery" (l845), p. 269.


Appendix KKK. Grape Shot, Circa 1860 o
Shot Plates Tampion Case
Nature Weight ~mber --rl/umoer Total Numoer Number [Tl
of each in a of Number Wrought Cast Total Z
Tier Tiers Iron Iron Diam. Thickness length Thickness Depth Diam. Weight o
lb. oz. in. in. in. in. in. in. lb. oz.
Guns A
10 in. * 3 8 3 24 2 9.592 .165 8.1 9.82 81 7 A
8 in. or 3 5 3 15 1 7.82 .5063 10.375 .75 65 9
68 pdr.
56 4 4 3 12 3 7.45 .5063 11.25 .75 69 7
42 4 3 3 9 3 6.735 .5 10.5 .5 48 11
32 3 3 3 9 3 6.147 .5 9.37 .5 36 12
24 2 3 3 9 3 5.57 .375 8.375 .5 25 3
18 1 8 3 3 9 3 5.074 .3125 7.375 .5 18 13
12 1 3 3 9 3 4.402 .3125 6.375 .375 12 15
9 13 1/8 3 3 9 3 4.06 .25 6.127 .3125 10 12
6 8 3 3 9 3 3.532 .165 5.25 .3125 6 11

Carronades *
68 pdr. 3 5 3 15 7.7 .165 7.87 7.82 46 8 1/4
42 4 3 3 9 6.594 .165 8.5 6.35 38 8 1/4
32 3 3 3 9 6.02 .165 7.6 6.147 28 3 3/4
24 2 3 3 9 5.44 .165 6.4 5.57 18 9 3/4
18 1 8 3 3 9 4.96 .165 6.0 5.074 14 6 3/4
12 I 3 3 9 4.34 .165 5.4 4.432 10 o

* Grape for the lO-inch gun is packed in an iron cylinder, with plate-iron end and top, with an iron handle; and, for carronades in tin cylinders with a tin end, plate-iron top,
and rope handle.
Majendie, Ammunition: A Descriptive Treatise on Different Projectiles, Charges, Fuzes and
Rockets, etc..,. (London, 1867), p. 324.
Appendix LLL. Dimensions of "Tin Case Grape Shot for Land Service," April 1755

Shot Tin Case

Nature Diameter Real Number Exterior Interior over Shot
Weight Diameter Depth bottom for fills up
oz. in. oz. dr. in. in. in. in.

12 pdr. 1 1/2 0.873 1 8 4.4

6 1 1/4 0.822 1 4 68 3.49 4.96 0.65 4.21
3 1 1/S 0.827 1 3.9 33 4.2 0.6 3.60
1 1/2 1 1/8 0.827 1 3.9 16 3.3 0.5 2.80

Appendix LLL. Dimensions of "Tin Case Grape Shot for Land Service," April 1755

Parchment Cap and Case

Case Cap Bottom Powder Total
Length Length Total Length Breadth Tin Wooden Shot Case and in length
cut out over powder length cut out cut out Case Bottom Shot flannel fixed
fixed fixed cartridge
in. in. in. in. in. oz. dr. lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz. in.

12 pdr. 6.6 3.88 5.6 6.6 15.0 o 3

6 5.45 3.05 4.45 5.45 11.83 3 14 8 3/16 5 5 6 1 1/16 1 8 "0
13.25 [11
3 4 2 8 11/16
o Z
1 1/2

RAI, Glegg, Notes on Artillery, circa 1752, pp. 13-14.

2 2 1/4 1 3 3/4
Appendix MMM. Dimensions of Case Shot 1766-80. N

Weight Number Case Bottom Depth ['Tl
Nature of
Weight Length Weight Length of
Shoulder -><

oz. oz. dr, in. lb. oz. in. in. s::

42 pdr. 6 a 94 15 8 8.75 5 2 5.875 1.25
32 6 a 72 15 0 8.25 4 0 5.6 1.875
24 6 a 56 13 8 8 2 0 5 1
4 a 85 13 8 8 2 0 5 1
3 a 113 13 8 8 2 0 5 1
18 4 a 62 9 8 7.75 1 15 4.5 1
3 82 9 8 7.75 1 15 4.5 1
12 2 a 84 7 8 6.25 1 1 3.5 .875
1 1/4 134 7 8 6.25 1 1 3.5 .875
9 2 a 63 5 8 6 13 3 0.6
1 3/4 73 5 8 6 13 3 0.6
1 1/2 84 5 8 6 13 3 0.6
6 1 1/2 a 56 4 4 4.9 8.5 3 0.6
3 1 1/4 a 34 2 4 3.9 4.25 2.4 0.5
1 1/2 1 1/8 a 17 1 14 3.5 2.25 1.9 0.5

8 in. 6 a 81 14 0 6.1 4 0 5 1
5 1/2 3" 55 8 8 4.8 1 8.5 4 0.8
2" a 70 8 8 4.8 1 8.5 4 0.8
4 2/5 4.1 1 0 3.5 0.7
-2 a 54 6 8

RAJ, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 115-16; RAJ, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773,"
unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, "Laboratory Notes, 1780". The notation "a" was made in the
"Artillery Experiments" to indicate the shot ".•.most proper for Land Service."
Appendix NNN. Sea Service Case Shot, circa 1780.

Weight Number Case Bottom Depth

Nature of of Weight Length Length Weight of
shot shot Shoulder
oz. oz. dr, in. in. lb. oz. in.

42 pdr. 13 1/8 47 15 8 8.75 1.45 1 14 .85

32 8 56 15 0 8.25 1.3 14.25 .8
24 8 42 13 8 8 2.75 1 14.25 .863
18 6 42 9 8 7.75 2.475 15 .8
12 4 42 7 8 6.75 2.360 12 .775
9 3 44 5 8 6 2.05 12 .65
6 2 40 4 4 4.9 1.975 5.25 .625
4 2 28 3 8 4.3 1.725 3.5 .55
3 1 1/2 31 2 4 3.9 1.55 1.75 .525

RAI, Meridith, Ope cit., p. 25. Meridith does not say specifically that the bottoms are for sea service and some of
the dimensions are a little puzzling.

Appendix 000. Weight and Dimensions of Case Shot for Guns, Howitzers, and Carronades, 1828 VI

Shot Tampeons Cases Total

Nature Weight No. in Iron Wood
Circum- Depth Weight Weight
each Thickness Diameter Weight Thickness Diameter Weight ference Between clipts Total "'0
oz. dr. in. in. oz. dr. in. in.. ~ in.. in. in. lb. oz. lb. oz. rn
Guns - Garrison and Sea Service
68 pdr. s .06 7.6 11 1.9 7.6 X
42 8 85 .05 6.45 9 1.52 6.45 21.6 9.0 10.0 6 42 15 o
32 8 66 .05 5.9 7 1.32 5.9 19.8
8.3 9.5 15 33 8 o
4 &
4.75 16.5
14 o
12 4 46 .04 4.25 2 8 1.1 4.25 14.4 6.0 7.1 8.5 11 13
9 3 44 .04 4.0 2 1.0 4.0 13.2 5.3 6.3 7 8 8
6 2 40 .04 3.5 1 8 .9& 3.5 11.5 4.5 5.6 5 5 12
4 3 28 .04 2.9 1 .86 2.9 9.9 5.9 6.6 6 4
3 I 8 34 .04 2.7 12 .79 2.7 9.1 4.25 4.7 3 3 9

Guns - Field Service

12 pdr. 2 126 .05 4.25 2 8 1.1 4.25 14.~ 7.7 8.& 11 17 6.5
6 8 41 .05 4.25 2 8 1.1 4.25 14.4 7.63 8.7 13 15 9
9 I & 126 .05 4.0 2 1.0 4.0 13.2 7.3 8.4 9 12 14
5 41 .05 4.0 2 1.0 4.0 13.2 7.0 8.0 9 13 4
6 1 8 85 .05 3.5 I 8 .98 3.5 11.5 6.7 7.7 8 8 12
3 4 41 .05 3.5 1 & .98 3.5 11.5 6.1 7.2 7 9
I 8 41 .05 2.7 12 .79 2.7 9.1 4.8 5.8 4 4

10 in. s 170 .06 9.7 13 31.7 8.3 9.4 2 1 86 4
8 2 285 .05 7.6 8 s 7.& 24.8 7.6 8.6 14 35
5 1/2 2 100 .05 5.3 4 1.29 5.3 18.1 4.5 5.7 7 14
4 2/5 2 55 .04 4.25 2 1.1 4.25 14.4 3.7 4.8 4.5 7 11.5
24 pdr. 2 140 .05 5.3 1.29 5.3 18.1 5.5 6.5 19 4
12 2 84 .04 4.25 1.1 4.25 14.4 5.2 6.2 11 13

68 pdr. 8 90 .06 7.6 1.45 7.6 6.25 24.5 7.7 8.9 4 46 2
42 & 66 .05 6.45 1.35 6.45 0.75 21.6 7.9 8.9 2 32 8.5
32 8 40 .05 5.9 1.0 5.9 7.25 19.3 5.9 7.0 11.25 21 4
24 8 32 .05 5.3 .85 5.3 6.5 17.9 5.8 6.8 10.5 16 1
1& 6 31 .05 4.75 .s 4.75 6.375 15.8 5.7 6.6 7.25 12 2

12 32 .04 4.25 .75 4.25 4.375 13.8 4.4 5.5 5.75 8 2

Spearman ([82&), op. cit., pp. 127-9; ct. RAI, Swanston, Papers, op. cit., pp, 90-1.

Appendix PPP. Dimensions of Case Shot, 1863.

;',15 :J2 (1;
u';:::c .i.,
G~l Ai I.... 13 I'
G'::,t7 :3G 12 i Iron handle,

s: 57 Ii


S'5 9'82 89 j


.... "r

7'7 '165



I vi)
lI ha~d1:s,
8 40 6'02 'lCG u'7 22

4'tK; '16;;
'165 { 5'C
17 lIt
32 1':U 'J\1;') XX 1', n ,0 j
4J X S
'" S', {'1132 J'O

11 7'.\ (l".:;

,11 '::'5 a'tlS2 {j'';5

rV23 2'808 (l~75 4

5'7':' 0'147 Q'45 21 7

2 ,1'25 5'57 1'175 13 13
2 '1'15 -1'432 0'9 , lSn
2 4'25 5'57 3'0 13 151 Without
4'15 4'4.32 2'2 S 01
8 5'55 5',,7 J>2 16 9
,8 4'65 4'432 0'9 9 S~
... ,~,-

:r;'otc.-Thc 10o.pr. and Patterns n. of 10 and s-mcb and 52-pr. have both ends iron.

Majendie, Ammunition••• (1867), p. 323, Table III.


Appendix QQQ. Spherical Case or Shrapnel Shells, 1820-50. >-

Nature No. of
of Metal
Fuze Hole
Diameter Depth -
Balls Top Bottom to
oz. dr. in. in. in. in. in. in. to

68 pdr. 377 15 0 7.85 .785 .131 1.22 1.1 1.9

42 261 7 8 6.65 .665 .111 1.22 1.1 1.5
32 176 7 0 6.105 .610 .101 1.22 1.1 1.5
24 128 6 0 5.5 .55 .091 .89 .77 1.1
18 90 5 0 5.0 .5 .083 .89 .77 1.1
12 63 4 8 4.4 .44 .073 .89 .77 1.1
9 41 3 8 4.05 .405 .067 .89 .77 1.0
6 27 2 8 3.55 .355 .059 .89 .77 1.0
3 11 1 8 2.79 .283 .047 .89 .77 .9
8 in. 377 15 0 7.85 .785 .131 1.22 1.1 1.9
5 1/2 128 6 0 5.5 .55 .091 .89 .77 1.1
4 2/5 63 4 8 4.4 .44 .073 .89 .77 1.1

RAI, "Equipment, Royal Arty. 1813-1819;" RAI, "Mern. of Colonel Millars 68 Pr , Gun ..., p. 9; Adye (l827), op .cit., p. 348. The
number of balls in the 42-pdr. shell seems to have been reduced to 240 or 241 in the 1820s; by the 1840s the number of balls in
the 32-pdr. shell was increased to 204; the number in a 24-pdr. shell was often said to be either 128 or 130. The 3-pdr.
shrapnel shell seems to have vanished quickly.
Appendix RRR. Service Charges and Dimensions of Cartridges, 1863

rpose for which each Ch~ is intended.

Nature of Ordnance.
1 "
• I u
How mar!md..t
",1" ;"~~"'~!:4~Gd"
,'... ;CO'
, "H~4 "....
Width. L
. . '.


WiAt.to. .

f, "


°1' !l·


.J 5_
Land Service,
Sea Service.
1, r: ~·····.··ITop.lB<ltt"'t-:~TY'ToI. IDo"",! zi r~" I z-
I lbs.
j ,

,In ..
~e.4" " / i
, Iflell. InGb. Inch.
~ .'
.28.....8lL .~.~ .1I1:j U'3'l

• 150-pr••0 lb. ""/1$ U:

r 150-pr. •{

40 I

• • Battering

• 150-pr.351b.
. Reduced and saJuting. ISO-pI'. ao lb.
• 25'25
- !4'61114'37

II I 25·. . , Battering • • 100-»1'. a5lb. • 'llll 211'11 "'lib )12'. 8 *3;
l1oo.pr , • ~t .·Il 1!!'9n.ma
·u ~ m~r 17'~ ~11
•{ 2ll • • • Full • • • 10q-pl'. :&0 lb. til
11il.ill. {I
" ,
12 •
12 '3crviec·

Reduced and saluting· 100-pr.la lb.
"Full· • • • 10·1n. la lb. •
}l!'rtin shell," !llI;rcass. salut- Mllrtin shell.. carcass; 10.iD. 8 lb.·

. 1 ' 1,1
,,1ft:,.,111.. .
16 "
'll .,l3j'
;1.8; ,

14 ' I!.,
3 !
:u.:j; 81

mg; or exercismg. and reduced.

I 1() Servie«, Go and 00 cwt, gun- Distant. 65 and 00 ewt I. 8~1!l'..G5 or GO:» I 19 11lliI. til 18 I 12J
gun, I [1,0 ID.
Si ~7
·fI I
Ig'i1l' 1\ S"nic{', 52 or 50 cwt. and Full and Martin shell 8-iD. 8 lb. lSi llt 121
I Martin shell,
> 17 16 3 2 11
U, 5 Saluting or exercising Reduced, with coal-dust 8-111. SIb.
15 1st 9t 14 12t 3 2 17
Guns, l 18 Service, 113 ewt. gun 68-pr. 18 lb. 24 • 2.'lt -
23 111 3 3

1, i 16 ~enire, 95 owt, gun • Distant, 95 cwt. gun 68-pr. 16 lb. 22 231 -
21 111

It ,ernce, 87.ewt. tron • "\ Distant, 87 cwt. gun • .8-pr. 19: lb. 20\ 231 --
lilt I 111

I. !". III
i 1~ .. • Pull, 95 cwt. gun • G8-pr. 121 lb. 19 ' 2st 18 111 8 2 19
· i 10 Martin slwll* .. • Full, 87 cwt. gun, and .8-pr. 10 lb. 17t 281 -
161 111 3 2 19
Martin shell.
231 -
I 1I
1\ Saluting: or exercising
Reduc-d \l,) CWL, gun • .8-pr. 8 lb••
Reduced, 87 cwt, gun • 68-pr. 61b. "
14. 2.'lJ
fi(j~pr. -/i
14 H'TVif't' 56-pl'. 19: lb.
" 56-pr. 8 lb. .
I . .1rl ""Z-pr. 1"" lb. 22} 21 -
l;:1! 10 3 3 17
t J:&~pr.
II . ""Z-pr. lZ lb. 20 III -
lit 10 3 3 17
and hot, • • ""Z-pr. 10~ lb. 18 21 17- 10 8 3 17
\. '1Z-pr.81b... Hi '21 - 15 I 10 3 2 17 I >-

Appendix RRR. Service Charges and Dimensions of Cartridges, 1863, cont'd o

f ~:trtridvj '>1. rn
which (\:t/'h Cha)'g'(~ is iutrudcd. Z
Nature of Ordnance.
P:lt o
~ Land Servire, Sea Service.
Hnw markCtL* X
6 ;;0
I]". ;;0
III t-;(~rriCOli (f,'),
fig, aud 56 cwt, Distant, 58 or 5t) cwt, 3Z-pr. 58 or 56 D
guns. rmns, 10 lb.
8 Servit'e. :',1) to tS cwt, gnns .. Fall, 58 to 48 ewt. guns> 3Z-pr. 81b•.

7~ Hot shut. G:l to 5(; {'wt. ;runs Hot shot, oK or 511 cwt. 3Z-pr. 7t lb.-

! (;
S·"rYl{'[', 45 cwr.
"14i, 1::2,
gllB ..

n, tUlil 3tJ
3Z-pr. 'lIb.
32-pr. l5 lb.

;, ::::Z-pr. SIb.

4> 3Z-pr. 41b••

I 3
2i 25 I }t",-hwed, ~G cwt, gnu -\3z-
pr. Z~

G;:~1 2
Saluting .. . .. , 3Z-pr. Z lb.
Z'.l-pr. SIb. -
)\i:' - I

I li;~
H H} :;
o • , Z'.l-pr. 6 lb. - HI 17i - 1:1i' s~

" 2 II>

5 2'.l-pr. 5 lb•• . 1:1,~ 171 _. 1~~

\ 21·pr,
4 . • , 24:-1b. 4: lb. • -
1~t Im ,-- 11~
. t{;

3 - 1 24:-pr. 3 lb. -
29:-pr. 2l lb. .
m -
n~ Bi


1S-pr. 6Ib•• - 13
3 :1
- , 1S-pr. 4:! lb. - 1!1! 3 i5

l"'" . :I
2 P....-duced, 22 or 20 ewt.
guns , full, 15 cwt. gun,
18-pr. 4: lb.
Full, 22 or 20 ewt. guns-!1a-pr. 3 lb• .
1S-pr. Z lb ... -




:I I



• .~I\ cannon cartridges, hoth for sl1!ooth-hore and rifled guns, issued from store filled. art) td
end, see p. 154>, 'I'he cartridges lill,," by t he Royal Artillery will be distiuguished bj' having no
No.831>, stores; Paragraph 763. •
Appendix RRR. Service Charges and Dimensions of Cartridges, 1863, cont'd

I'ul'll,>se I\.f which (,lid, Chl1l""e is intended.

x atuf(~ of (h'i1J i"~nef', 'Q~
How llil1rked.t ~~
8 1' ..
c~ 'd8
z z
12-pr• .g, lb• . · -
I'll at lat fit - 3 e
12-pr" .. d i ,-:-;lIlILIJI'.:
n. or{'\('n~],";Jnt: nronzc ..
· · • I 12-pr. 3 lb• . 1')1 IH - 111 I 6~ -
...,,1 ·"l ,'),>1 .... "

Z~ lb••
I 3 "
~ e
· 1l~ 14; - lOi
- 6~ a 2
. ..:2~ I! Service bronze f-f,uns
· ·
~-pr. 3 lb.
9-pr. 2~ lb.
· ·
12~ .. ". I -
I·n - lit
l.!~pr. .~ I
I), I
t':dlltim: 01' eXt:rdsiug' irou
· · · 9-pr.2Ih. · 10
"' -
11 5t - :I 2 13
· · 9-pr. Il lb.
· 9 12t - I, 8 5t - 3 1 13
· lS-pr.21b.
· 12 lIt - Hi 5t
! - 2 :; 12
6-pr.l~ lb.
· · lOt 11i 9! 51 - 2 1\ 12
· \ IS-pr. lIb. • 81 llt - oil - 1\ 1 12
l'ractiec . · • C)-pr. t;. OZ. •
· ot 9 'H ~l - 2 5
• 3-pr. 12 oz•.
· 81 9 - 7t 41 - 2 Ii
3-pr.l0 oz•. 7; 9 - 7 4J - 1\ 5
l-pr. 6 oz. · 8 GI - '7 .....
- 2 '
1 4
· • 110-ln. how. 71b. IS! lIt! 12 l'H Hl~ 11 1 17
. · 10-ln. how. t; lb. lIt llt 12 lOt lU~ II 3 1 17
· · · 8-ln. how. "" lb. · 13 12 8 12 11 7 3 1 16
· 8-ln. how. 3' lb.
· 12t 12 8 llt 11 7 :I 1 16
Zi.'fS, 'J2-jI1' ) · 32-pr. how. 3 lb•. 12~ Hi - llt H~' - II 2 6
· · 32-pr. how. 2 lb•• lOt Ht lli H~ .'. 0 1 6
~l·pr , -: ! \:
29;-lb. how. 2: lb•. 11 HI: 7 II 10 ,':'~ U :I I 14
Zt;-pr. how. 1; lb•. !J Hi 7 i s~ I. :I 1 H
~ Ill'" f '~'nl , I
1 S '-in. how. 2 lb.
· lO~ I ,<"I
! !},l
I 2 1 11

Appendix RRR. Service Charges and Dimensions of Cartridges, 1863, cont'd ......
llUl'pOSt' for which each Cll[ll)4,~ i~ intended.
en r11';r tv;.',,;. X
Nature OfOl'<lllullce,
~~ Hnw m'lr!;',',l·
I Ptlf!\'l'u.
I.Hwl scrvlco. S'_'n ice.
2 s'urvlce, 10 cwr. .. 12.-pr. haw. 21b.
fJ2.Pl'•• ]t SefV1ee tl; cwt. 12-pr.llow.1' lb.-
}~~~VJ~Jl Sa] ut iug or c"XCl'I-j:.;iilgfi\ewL
Service 2! cwt., eoehorn
12.-pr. bow. 1. lb.
4;-in. how. a 07..
coni, ,1'..in.
Salutuu» or
(>x,,~rei~ing 2'~ - 4;-in. bow. '.I: oz.
Sr-rvl.-o 13-in. mol'. 20 lb.-
r I 3- ill > C:ll'C:LSS - 13-in. mol'. 16 lb. - ~l Hi III :20 ..
,. a " b

Service l:';-in.lnor 9 lb. liil 11 ~,~ l:l II 1""

;)<t 12 ;j 1 j,1

1101" IJ(~U1.. • l Scrvlco •

ao-r». mer, 9llb••
10-1n. mol'. 4 lb. .
IS! 1:; Ji) 1'; ;j :) )7
i s-rn,
a-in. mol'. 2 lb.

j-J :1


l Si .ill.
Servlc Royal
Hervk " coehorn
5~-in. mOl'. 7 oz.
'.I:~-in. mol'. S oz.
21 -

42-pr. carue, 3llb. J2t JlI III o - :I 2

32-pr. earue, 2:; lb. 1"\ In 1l! - a 2

2<!1:-pr. carne, 2. lb. Jl ie -, 111 lij - 3 "

18-1'1'. cardc.1i lb. 101- 1~3~ - ttl (;~ -. a 2
12-p1'. carde. 1 lb. II l:ll c,~-
a 2
6-pr. carde, 10 oz. 7 I 101 ... e .if - 2 2

• All cannon cartridges, both for smooth-bore lind ritled guu«, issued from store filled, nrc to .tllt!<llll1t which t/ll'Y lift', Jill..,l ,him/"'(l
end, see p.1M. 'rho enrtl'il1gc~ fillod by tho Rc,j':ll Artillery will he distillguiijheJ. by ha villg no Oil thCUl.-Approvcd 28th llny 1863: WUl'
No. sas, stores ; Paragraph 103.
Appendix SSS. Dimensions of Common Fuzes, 1752-1830.

Calibre (inches) 13 10 8 51/2 42/5

Diameters in. in. in. in. in.

Diameter of the cup, ab 3 1.575 1.35 1.125 0.825 0.75

Depth of the cup, cd 1 1/2 0.7875 0.675 0.5625 0.4125 0.375
Greatest diameter of fuze, ef 4 3/4 2.494 2.137 1.781 1.306 1.187
Exterior diameter 1 cal. below the top of bore, gh 4 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.1 1.0
Diameter at the middle of the bore Ik 3 1/3 1.75 1.475 1.25 0.917 0.833
Diameter at the bottom of the bore, 1m 3 1.575 1.35 1.125 0.825 0.75
Diameter at the bottom of the fuze, pq * 3 1.575 1.35 1.125 0.825 0.75
Thickness of wood at the bottom of the bore, no 2 1.05 0.9 0.75 0.55 0.5
Diameter of the bore 1 0.525 0.45 0.375 0.275 0.25
Length of the bore, dn 8.4 7.2 6.375 4.4 3.5
Length of the bore in calibres 16 16 17 16 14
Outside length of the fuze, co 10.237 8.775 7.6875 5.3625 4.375
Outside length of the fuze in calibres 19 1/2 19 1/2 20 1/2 19 1/2 17 1/2

* In Glegg and Adye this row of dimensions is left empty.

RAI, Glegg, op. cit., p. 12; RAI, Adye (1766), p, 122; RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, op, cit., p. 18; RAI, Laboratory Notes,
circa 1798, unpaginated; Adye (1801), op. cit., pp. 104-5 and (1813), op. cit., p. 128 and (1827), op. cit., p, 173; Spearman (1828), op. cit., p.

b\ h k m
c !d·· --------------:-- -- .------ nl- --.--10 '"C

aL ...--!
-g - i I
e ><

Appendix TTT. Dimensions of Common Fuzes, 1830-50

Calibre (inches) 13 10 8 51/2 42/5

in. in. in. in. in.

Diameter of the cup, ab 1.49 1.28 1.07 .78 .71

Depth of the cup, cd .75 .7 .56 .43 .41
Greatest diameter of fuze, ef 2.48 2.14 1.79 1.3 1.18
Diameter at the bottom of the
fuze, pq 1.66 1.4 1.16 .9 .82
Thickness of wood at bottom, no 1.25 1.13 .85 .65 .62
Diameter of the bore .525 .45 .375 .275 .25
Length of the bore, dn 8.5 7.47 6.59 4.49 3.5
Outside length of fuze, co 10.55 9.3 8. 5.6 4.6

RAI, Denning Papers, "Laboratory Course," p. 10.

o n '-- ~d c

q b


Appendix UUU. Round Fuze Gauge made of Steel, 1752

Nature ab bc cd de ak ef
in. in. in. in. in. in.

13 in. 8.4 1.05 0.7875 0.7875 0.525 0.55

10 7.2 .9 0.675 0.675 0.45 0.475
8 6.375 .75 0.5625 0.5625 0.375 0.4
5 1/2 4.4 .55 0.4125 0.4125 0.275 0.3
4 2/5 3.5 .5 0.375 0.375 0.25 0.275

ab - length of the bore

bc - thickness of wood left at the bottom
ce - diameter of the cup
ak - diameter of the bore
ef - if that goes into the fuze the bore is too big and should not be received
ad - whole length of fuze

Source: RAI, Glegg, Notes on Artillery, circa 1752, p. 10; RAI, Walton, "Gunnery Tables
1780-1792•••," unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, Laboratory Notes, 1780, p. 19; RAI, Frazer,
"Work Notes," p. 11.

Variation of the above, circa 1798

ab bc cd ak ef
in. in. in. in. in.

13 in • 8.4 0.7875 1.05 0.525 0.55

10 7.2 0.675 0.9 0.45 0.475
8 6.375 0.5625 0.75 0.375 0.4
5 1/2 4.4 0.412 0.55 0.275 0.3
4 2/5 3.5 0.375 0.5 0.25 0.275

ab - the length of the bore

bc - the depth of the cup
cd - thickness of wood left at the bottom
ak - diameter of the bore and must go tight into fuze up to ch
ef - if that goes into the fuze the bore is too big and should not be received
ad - whole length of the fuze
Source: RAI, Laboratory Notebook, circa 1798, unpaginated.

b d
Round Fuze
i 1 g
Appendix VVV. Dimensions of Mallets as regulated in 1753 .-

Diameters Lengths Weight

ab cd ef gh ik 1m mp np op* lp
--- '"0
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. lb. oz.
For setting 13 inch fuzes 4.06 4.06 1.4 1.4 2.3 8.05 7.15 1.02 15.2 3 8 ><
For driving 13 inch fuzes and setting -<
10 inch fuzes 3.5 3.5 1.3 1.3 2.0 6.43 6.1 0.87 12.53 2 1 -<
For driving 10 inch fuzes and large long -<
portfires, and setting 8 inch fuzes 3.2 3.2 1.2 1.2 1.85 6.0 6.0 0.85 12.0 1 10
For driving 8 inch fuzes, large short and small
long portfires, and setting Royal and Coehorn
fuzes 2.95 2.95 1.15 1.15 1.7 5.52 5.9 0.83 11.42 1 4 1/2
For driving Royal fuzes and small short
portfires 2.55 2.55 1.12 1.12 1.68 4.68 5.15 0.727 9.83 14
For driving Coehorn fuzes 2.2 2.2 1.1 1.1 1.65 4.46 5.0 0.725 9.46 11
For driving !'vIusquet Mortars and hand fuzes 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 4.12 4.98 0.701 9.1 8 1/2

*In all cases op is 1/3 of np,

RAJ, Glegg, Ope clr., p. 6; RAJ, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 125-6, 147; RAJ, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated; RAJ, Meridith, Ope clt., P- 20; RAJ, Laboratory Notes, Ciifil 1798,
unpaginated; RAJ, Frazer, "Work Notes," p. 76. There are some minor variations.

Mallets as Regulated in 1753

b, d

1 .

a: c

Appendix WWW. Dimensions of Setters for Fuzes, 17.50-1800

Calibre 13 10 8 .5 1/2 4 2/.5

in. in. in. in. in.

AC 2.7 2.3 1.92 1.42 1.3
CG 4.1 3.5 3.15 3.0 2.6
GL 1.5 1.25 1.0 0.9 0.75
ON 0.6 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.27
NR 8.9 7.45 6.42 5.62 4.92
SR .47 0.42 0.37 0.27 0.25

AB 3.4 2.95 2.5 1.85 1.75
CD 3.65 3.15 2.65 1.97 1.85
EF 2.7 2.3 1.92 1.42 1.3
GH 3.2 2.8 2.37 1.77 1.67
IK 3.4 2.95 2.5 1.85 1.75
LM 3.2 2.8 2.37 1.77 1.67
AP 0.35 0.32 0.3 0.25 0.22
PQ 2.7 2.3 1.92 1.42 1.3

RAI, Glegg, Notes on Artillery, circa 1752, p, 8; RAI, Adye (1766),

pp. 123-4, 147; RAI, Walton, "Gunnery Tables 1780-1792".,"
unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, "Laboratory Notes, 1780," p. 19; RAI,
Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, "Work
Notes," p, 83.

Setters for Fuzes 1752


~ .'
.. . .

Appendix XXX. Ladles

Nature Contents No. of Strokes

oz. dr. per ladle full

13 in. 2 0 21
10 1 0 18
8 8 15
5 1/2 6 13
4 2/5 4 12

RAI, "Artillery Experiments 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, "Laboratory Notes,
1780," p. 17; RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, "Work Notes," p.
75; Adye (1813), "Observations on a Course of Instruction in Artillery (1825), p. 189; RMC,
Mould, op. cit., p. 24; Spearman (1828), The British Gunner, p, 226 and (1844), op. cit.,

Appendix YYY. Quick Match for Fuzes

Weight of Length of No. of No. of

Nature Quick Quick Threads Threads
Match Match pre-l 820 post-1820
dr, in.

13 in 8 17 4 6
10 6 14 4 or 3 6
8 4 12 3 5
5 1/2 3 10 2 3
4 2/5 3 8 2 3

RAJ, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAJ, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798,
unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, "Work Notes," p. 75; Adye (1813), p. 188; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p.
25; Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 224 and (1844), op. cit., unpaginated.

Appendix ZZZ. Dimensions of Drifts (iron, tipped with brass or copper) for driving Fuzes

No. I No.2 Diameter Diameter Length

Nature Length of Length of of of of
of body body body handle handle
Drift ab cd ef gh ik
in. in. in. in. in.

13 in. 9.6 4.889 0.5 0.9 1.7

10 8.2 4.125 0.438 0.75 1.6
8 7.15 3.15 0.375 0.7 1.5
5 1/2 4.875 2.85 0.275 0.55 1.37
4 2/5 4.0 2.2 0.25 0.46 0.95

RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; RMC,
Mould, op. cit., p. 24; Spearman (1828), op. cit., p, 226 and (844), op. cit., unpaginated,
There are minor variations in some of these sources.

No. 1
Ii kl a
e b
h f
Ji kl c e d
Appendix AAAA. Dimensions of Br-ass Sockets for Driving Fuzes, circa 1780

Calibre Exterior Dimensions Interior Dimensions

The Body The Head
in. ab as· gh ik ef pf QI 1m np Qr ST ub uo bo AB
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

l3 8.125 1.175 2.4 2.075 3.25 0.4 0.2 0.35 0.175 2.1 1.875 0.75 8.75 9.5 0.15
10 6.850 0.875 2.0 1.85 2.525 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.2 1.84 1.6 0.4 7.375 7.775 0.15
8 5.5 0.76 1.75 1.75 2.35 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.16 1.525 1.3 0.57 5.78 6.35 0.15
5 1/2 3.9 0.8 1.45 1.45 2.0 0.2 0.125 0.225 0.2 1.1 0.975 0.45 4.3 4.75 0.15
42/5 3.25 0.85 1.34 1.15 1.975 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.28 1.0 0.925 0.725 3.375 4.1 0.15

* It is not clear of what this measurement is.

RAJ, Walton, "Gunnery Tables 1780-1792," unpaginated.

q 0

e f
a h

s.... ':1... _1,' rn
il L .Ik >-


Appendix BBBB. Method of Making QuickMatch, circa 1800

To make Cotton Quickmatch

lb. oz.
Cotton 1 12
Salt Petre 1 8
Spirits of Wine 4 pints
Water 5 pints
Mealed Powder 10 o
Take Cotton either two, three or four threads according to the Size wanted to be made
and unwind it into a Copper Pan fastening the outward end to the handle of the Pan let the
Petre be under the Cotton, then pour over the Water and let it boil about an hour, then pour
in the Spirits of Wine and let it simmer about a quarter of an hour, then take it off into
another Room and put about six pounds of mealed powder over it or as much as will cover it
well and let it be well soaked; then untie and take the end fastened to the handle and draw
the Cotton gently through your fingers into another Pan fastening the last end to the handle
of the second Pan, pour the liquor which is left in the first Pan over the Cotton in the
second Pan, and let it stand some small time as before, then fasten the end to the Reel and
reel it off, this requires two men, one to sit down and let the Cotton slide gently through his
fingers not pressing it too hard for fear of breaking, while the other man keeps turning the
Reel round moderately till it is filled with the Cotton, when full break off the end and tie it
to one side of the Reel observing to fill each Reel in the same manner, but only one at a
One Reel being fill'd put two battins on the table and lay the quickmatched Reel upon
them, then sift mealed Powder all over the upper side of the quickmatch missing not the
least Part, then turn the Reel and sift equally over the Match as before sifting it well over
both sides, and looking well all over it now and then to see that no part shines, wherever the
Match appears shining it is missed, and such Places must be sifted over till the whole is well
covered. Next set up the Reel edgeways giving it a gentle knock or two upon the table to
shake off the superfluous loose powder, then lift the Reel carefully off the Table and set it
upon the Floor letting it lean edgeways agains the Wall to dry; proceeding in like manner to
sift over both sides of every Reel as fast as they are com pleated with quickmatch setting
the reels leaning one against the other to dry till the whole is compleatly reeled off and
sifted and shifting the Reels every other Day.
After sifting each Reel the loose Powder which falls on the Table must be swept
together with a hand Brush to be taken up with a copper Shovel and put into the Sieve to
serve in part for sifting over the next Reel.
In Summer about ten days will be sufficient for the match to dry in, after which it may
be cut off, tied up in Bundles and hung upon Pins or laid carefully in fir Boxes with sliding
covers - Each Bundle of Quickmatch must be weighed off, tied up in paper, and ticketed
with the weight before they are put up into Boxes.
The weight of each Bundle of Quickmatch to be afterwards entered in the Books where
Issued for Service.

Source: RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated.


Appendix CCCC. Table of Utensils for Driving Portfires,

circa 1800 and 1849

1800 1849
in. in.

Iron Formers
Length of body 20.0 20.0
Diameter of body .43 .45
Length of handle 4.0
Diameter of handle .71
Length of Case (unfinished) 19.5

Bottom 4.0 2.2
Top 2.0
Interior 0.64 .7
Interior 17.65 16.0
Exterior 18.0
Thickness of bottom 2.8

Interior 2.25
Exterior 4.0
Interior 1.4
Exterior 3.0

Diameter 0.4 0.425
Length, exclusive of handle
No.1 17.9 17.8
2 12.55 12.6
3 7.55 7.5
4 4.25 4.2
Handle 1.4

Nature of Mallet for 8-in. fuze 1 lb. 10 oz.

Nature of Copper Ladle 2 oz. for 10-in. fuze
No. of Blows per Ladle Fall 15 15

Based on RAI, Frazer, "Work Notes," p. 65 and RMC, Noble, "Notes on Practical Artillery"
(1849), pp. 292, 294.

Appendix DODD. Dimensions (in inches) of Tin Tubes

Length of tube April 1755 1 17662 17793 18014

(without cup)

Heavy Guns
42 pdr, 9 3/4 9.7
32 9 1/2 9.7
24 8.8 8 1/2 8.9 8.8
18 8.2 8 8.0 8.2
12 7.75 7 3/10 7.3 7.75
9 6.8 6 8/10 6.8 6.8
6 6.5 6 1/2 6.5 6.5
4 6.5
3 5.9 5 9/10 5.9 5.9
1 1/2 4.75 4 3/4 4.2 4.75
Medium Guns
24 pdr, 8.8 8 1/2 8.3 8.8
18 8.2
12 7.75 7 3/10 7.3 7.75
9 6.8 6.8
6 5.9 5 9/10 5.7 5.9
4 5.7
1 1/2 4.75
Light Guns
24 6.5 6 1/2 6.5 6.5
12 5.9 5 9/10 5.7 5.9
6 4.75 4 3/4 4.7 4.75
4 4.7
3 4 3/10 4.2
8-in. 6.5 6 1/2 6.5 6.5
Royal 5.9 5 9/10 5.7 5.9
Coehorn 4.2 3 6/10 4.2 4.2
Land Service Mortars
13-in. 7.75 7 8/10 7.75
10 5.9 5 9/10 5.7 6.5
8 5.0 5 4.7 5.0
Royal 4.2 4 2/10 4.2 4.2
Coehorn 3.6 3 6/10 3.6 3.6
Sea Service Mortars
13-in. 12.0 12 12.0 12.2
10 7.75 7 1/2 7.75 7.75

Appendix DODD. Notes

1 RAJ, Meridith, "Laboratory Notes, 1780," p. 27, "Dimensions of Tin Tubes April 1755."
2 RAJ, Adye (1766), pp. 119-20.
3 Smith, An Universal Militar Dictionar ••• , p. 248. Slightly modified and corrected.
4 Adye (1801 , p. 209 and 1813, p. 382.
Meridith gave the exterior diameter of the tube, 0.15 in. and the exterior diameter of the
cup, 0.9 in. Smith said the tube was 0.2 in. in diameter, but that was also the vent
diameter. He agreed with the cup diameter except
13-in. 5.5. Mortar 1.2
10-in. L.S. and 5.5. mortars 1.0
5 1/2-in. mortar .8
all Howitzers .8

Appendix EEEE. Richardson's Description of the 18 Foot

Triangle Gyn, New Pattern

It consists of two Cheeks, a Prypole and a Windlass. The top of the gyn is connected
by means of a bolt to which the Shackle is attached. The Windlass consists of a cylindrical
piece of wood with an axle at either end fitting into corresponding holes in the Cheeks and
kept in position by means of two iron cross bars, the two ends of which revolve on bolts in
the cheeks their other ends being keyed up on the opposite cheeks. On either end of the
windlass are two arrangements of teeth with their points fixed in contrary directions. The
use of one pair of these is to prevent the windlass revolving backwards, effected by means
of two iron palls attached to the Cheeks which can be fixed in position or not at pleasure. In
working the gyn, the windlass being kept firm by means of the palls, there are two other sets
of teeth one under each Lever socket to which are attached pinions to catch the teeth and
to enable the levers [heavers?] to heave on the windlass downwards and at the same time to
allow of their returning back and taking another purchase without the former operation of
'fetching and heaving.'

Source: RAI, J.B.S. Richardson, Account of Long Course at Shoeburyness, 1859-60. Bound
MS, unpaginated.
Appendix FFFF. Inventory of Original Pieces of Smooth-bore Ordnance at Environment Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites

Length Weight Date of

Calibre ft. in. cwt. qr. lb. Manufacture Manufacturer Location

Guns, Brass
3-pdr. u 3 0 1 1799 J. & H. King Carleton Martello Tower,
Saint John, N.B.
Ii ISOO J. & H. King Carleton Martello Tower,
Saint John, N.B.
Ii 3 a 7 1810 J. & H. King Lower Fort Garry, Man.
4 3 a 1 1807 J. & H. King Lower Fort Garry, Man.
4 3 a 6 1810 J. & H. King Lower Fort Garry, Man.
Ii 3 a 3 1809 J. & H. King Lower Fort Garry, Man.
3 2 a 14 1812 F. Kinman Lower Fort Garry, Man.
3 Fort Wellinpton, Prescott, Onto
(,-pdr. 5 6 0 9 1813 J. & H. King Fort Beausejour, N.B.
5 6 ? 1 1797 J. & H. King Lower Fort Garry, Man.
Guns, Iron
1/2-pdr. 2 6 1 1 1 Fort Langley, B.C.
2 6 Lower Fort Garry, Man.
2 6 Lower Fort Garry, Man.
2 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
1 10 1760-1820 Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
1 10 1760-1820 Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
l-pdr. 3 10 Fort Anne, N.S.
2 6 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
2-pdr. 3 2 2 3 25 B.P. & Co. St. Andrews Blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B.
3 3 2 3 25 B.P. & Co. Fort Lennox, Quebec
3-pdr. 6 circa 1710 Fort George, Onto
5 4 3 8 Lower Fort Garry, Man.
3 6 S. Co. Lower Fort Garry, Man.
3 6 S. Co. Lower Fort Garry, Man.
3 6 S. Co. Lower Fort Garry, Man.
Ii-pdr. 4 6 Fort Anne, N.S.
4 6 Fort Edward, N.S.
6-pdr. 9 24 0 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 23 3 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
8 6 22 2 7 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
8 6 21 2 21 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
8 6 22 1 0 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. >-
8 6 22 0 21 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
6 22 0 11 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. rn
8 6 22 0 7 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. Z
circa 1710
Fort George, Onto
Castle Hill, Nfld.
Castle Hill, Nfld.

1760-90 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S. "T1
6 4 1800-20 Fort Amherst, P.E.I. "T1
6 4 1800-20 Fort Amherst, P.E.I. "T1
6 4 1800-20 Fort Amherst, P.E.I.
Appendix FFFF. Inventory of Original Pieces of Smooth-bore Ordnance at Environment Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites 'vi

ft. in,
cwt. qr. lb.
Date of
Manufacture Manufacturer Location
Guns, Iron (cont'd) Z
12-pdr. 9 32 1 3 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. ....X
9 33 0 5 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 3 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. -n
9 32 0 1 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. -n
9 33 1 17 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man. "Tl
9 32 2 17 1702-14 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 0 14 circa 1710 Churchill, Man.
9 32 1 0 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 17 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 2 4 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 2 4 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 18 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 0 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 11 circa 1710 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 0 14 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 0 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 0 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 0 17 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 1 14 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 35 1 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 2 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 33 2 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
8 33 0 24 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
8 6 29 3 1 circa 1780 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
9 33 ? 25 1819? Carron Citadel, Halifax, N.S.
8 6 32 2 24 1800-20 Walker Citadel, Halifax, N.S.
8 6 32 3 7 1800-20 Walker Citadel, Halifax, N.S.
8 6 32 3 27 1800-20 Walker Citadel, Halifax, N.S.
8 6 33 3 17 1800-20 Walker Castle Hill, Nfld.
7 6 29 0 22 circa 1780 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
18-pdr. 9 1727-60 Gut of Digby, N.S.
9 41 2 10 1727-60 Gut of Digby, N.S.
9 1727-60 Gut of Digby, N.S.
9 1760-80 St. Andrews Blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B.
9 41 1 24 1760-80 St. Andrews Blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B.
9 40 2 7 1760-80 St. Andrews Blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B.
9 4? 9 0 1760-80 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
9 41 1 21 1760-80 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
9 1760-80 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
9 41 2 21 1760-80 Fort Anne, N.S.
9 41 2 14 1760-80 Fort Anne, N.S.
9 42 0 0 1760-80 Fort Anne, N.S.
8 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
8 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
8 1800-20 Fort Lennox, Quebec
7 6 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
Appendix FFFF. Inventory of Original Pieces of Smooth-bore Ordnance at Environment Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites

Length Weight Date of

Calibre ft. in. cwt. qr. lb. Manufacture Manufacturer Location

Guns, Iron (cont'd)

18-pdr.Icont) 8 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
8 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
8 38 0 16 1800-20 Walker Fort George, Onto
9 42 1 4 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
9 42 0 7 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 41 3 5 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 41 3 ? 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 41 3 12 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 41 3 11 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 42 0 19 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 41 3 12 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 49 3 26 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 48 0 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 48 1 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 48 2 0 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 49 3 14 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 49 3 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 ? ? 24 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 49 3 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 49 3 21 1714-27 Fort Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 48 1 14 1714-27 Foret Prince of Wales, Man.
9 6 50 0 14 1800-20 Walker Town Hall, St. Andrews, N.B.
9 6 50 0 14 1800-20 Walker Town Hall, St. Andrews, N.B.
9 6 50 0 21 1800-20 Walker Fort Beausejour, N.B.
9 6 1800-20 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
9 6 51 2 14 1807 Carron Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
9 6 49 3 7 1800-20 Walker Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
24-pdr. 9 6 50 1 21 1812 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 51 2 0 1807 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 1807 Carron Fort George, Onto
9 6 1807 Carron Fort George, Onto
9 48 0 6 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 47 3 4 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
32-pdr. 9 6 56 2 21 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 55 2 21 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec >-
9 6 55 3 7 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec "'0
9 6 56 0 25 1807 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec rn
9 6 56 1 7 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec Z
rue des Remparts, Quebec
rue des Remparts, Quebec
rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 56 3 25 1807 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 2 "Tl
56 14 1807 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec "Tl
9 6 55 3 14 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec "Tl
9 6 56 1 21 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 56 2 21 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec N
9 6 55 0 21 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec ......
Appendix FFFF. Inventory of Original Pieces of Smooth-bore Ordnance at Environment Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites
Length Weight Date of
Calibre ft. in. cwt. qr. lb. Manufacture Manufacturer Location >-
Guns, Iron (cont'd) Z
32-pdr.(cont) 9 6 55 2 10 1800-20 Walker rue des Rernparts, Quebec ....
0 10
I 1806
rue des Remparts, Quebec
rue des Rernparts, Quebec
9 6 56 0 0 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec "T1
9 6 55 1 14 1806 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec "T1
9 6 55 3 7 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec "T1
9 6 55 2 25 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 55 1 17 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 55 1 21 1800-20 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec
9 6 1807 Carron Dufferin Terrace, Quebec
9 6 1806 Carron Dufferin Terrace, Quebec
9 6 7 7 7 1800-20 Walker Dufferin Terrace, Quebec
9 6 1800-20 Walker Dufferin Terrace, Quebec
68-pdr. 10 95 1 0 1858 Citadel, Halifax, N.S.

12-pdr. 2 8.75 Fort Anne, N.S.
24-pdr. 3 8 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
3 7.75 York Redoubt, Halifax, N.S.
32-pdr. 4 17 3 0 Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
4 17 0 9 Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto

Carronades, with trunnions

4-pdr. 3 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
6-pdr. 3 1.5 Fort Anne, N.S.
3 1.5 Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto
3 6 Lower Fort Garry, Man.
18-pdr. 3 4 7 3 18 Fort George, Onto
3 3 8 1 7 Fort George, Onto

Mortars, Brass
Coehorn 1 1 1827-60 Coteau du lac, Quebec
Royal 1 2 1 1 14 1760-1820 Fort Lennox, Quebec
1800 F. Kinman Fort Wellington, Prescott, Onto

Mortars, Iron
8-inch 2 2.5 Fort Beausejour, N.B.
lO-inch 4 7 47 2 14 1798 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
4 7 47 3 4 1798 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
3 10 52 0 13 1813 Carron rue des Remparts, Quebec
3 10 52 1 8 1855 Walker rue des Remparts, Quebec

Howitzers, Iron
24-pdr. 3 5 15 1 11 Circa 18307 Fort George, Onto

Note: There are some weapons stored near Signal Hill National Historic Park, St. John's, Newfoundland, which are not included
in this inventory because of the lack of reliable information.


The Manufacturing of Ordnance

1 Captain Manley Dixon, "Remarks on Military Carriages and Gun Metal,"
Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 1 (1858), p. 105.
2 Royal Engineers, Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences [Henceforth Aide-
Memoire] (London: John Weale, 1850), Vol. 2, p. 523. At different times
different proportions were given: Captain George Smith, An Universal Military
Dictionary (London: J. Millan, 1779; reprinted, Ottawa: Museum Restoration
Service, 1969), p. 175, specified 100 lbs. of copper to 12 Ibs. of tin; Ralph
Willett Adye, The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, Revised and corrected by
William Granville Eliot (London: T. Egerton, 1813), p. 218, and F.A. Griffiths,
The Artillerists's Manual and British Soldier's Com endium (Woolwich: E. Jones,
1847 , p. 58, indicated 100 Ibs, of copper to 8 or 10 lbs. of tin.
3 Woolwich. Royal Artillery Institution Library [Henceforth RAI], Casting and
Proving of Ordnance, MS notebook, late eighteenth century, unpaginated.
4 Ibid.
5 H.Le Blackmore, The Armouries of the Tower of London: I: Ordnance (London:
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1976), pp. 407-9.
6 Aide-Mernoire, Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 523; Royal Military College. Massey Library,
Henceforth RMC , E.M. Lloyd, Notes on Artillery, 1859, pp. 124-7; Dixon, Ope
cit., pp. 105-6.
7 Melvin H. Jackson and Carel de Beer, Eighteenth Century Gunfounding: The
Verbru ens at the Ro al Brass Foundr A Cha ter in the Histor of Tech-
nology Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1974 •
8 Dictionary of National Biography [Henceforth DNB], Vol. 32, p. 52.
9 RAI, Isaac Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes," Vol. I (1793), Vol. 2 (1795). The
second volume bears the title "Petit traite practique sur la maniere [sic] de
fondre et de mouler les canons et les mortiers" with the attribution "Par I.
Landmann 1795." Both volumes are written in French, which was Landmann's
mother tongue. The processes described have been summarized by Adrian B.
Caruana, "British Production of Brass Ordnance, 1780," The Canadian Journal:
Arms Collecting, Vol. 16, No.4 (1978), pp. 107-18. Caruana acknowledges the
uses of "a manuscript in the collection of the RAI , which was prepared by
Isaac Landman [sic], Professor of Fortification at the R.M .A. about 1780."
Similarity in detail, especially of the drawings reproduced, seems to indicate
that he is referring to the above-mentioned manuscripts, but why he attaches
the date of 1780 to them is unclear.
10 The secondary literature on the technology of boring is confusing. Jackson and
de Beer in their study of the Verbruggens emphasize that the Maritz system
"•.•was based on the development of two factors: massive castings and accurate
boring machinery." They seem to imply that Maritz was the first to cast solid.
They are explicit, however, that Maritz was the first to rotate the gun and to
perform the boring in a horizontal position. Both ffoulkes and Straker assign
1713 not 1715 as the date of the introduction of the new system, and Hughes
says 1739. ffoulkes also contends that Maritz invented a machine in which the
piece was lowered unto a vertical rotating drill similar to the machine
illustrated in Diderot's Encyclopedie, and that Jan Verbruggen, with the help of
his colleague Ziegler, developed the horizontal mill at The Hague in 1755. The
article "Alesoir'' in the Encyclopedie describes a vertical drilling machine and
claims that it was invented in Strasbourg and kept secret for a long time, but

that one was now on display at the Paris arsenal. This reference would seem to
refer to Maritz and his invention, but there is no reference to horizontal boring,
a rather remarkable omission in a work such as the Encyclopedie. Straker
claims that in 1740 John Fuller in Sussex ".•.used a horizontal boring machine,
in which the gun was revolved by the waterwheel, and the drill, supported
between slide-rails, was gradually advanced by means of a chain wound round a
form of windlass." I have followed Jackson and de Beer in this matter since
their's is the most recent scholarship on the subject, Jackson and de Beer, op.
cit., pp. 16, 73-4; Charles ffoulkes, The Gun-Founders of England (London: Arms
and Armour Press, 1969, reprint of 1936 edition), pp, 17-18; Ernest Straker,
Wealden Iron (Newton Abbot, Devon: David and Charles, 1969, reprint of 1931
edition), pp, 157-8; B.P. Hughes, British Smooth-Bore Artiller : The Muzzle
Loadin Artiller of the 18th and 19th Centuries London: Arms and Armour
Press, 1969, p. 26; Denis Diderot, Enc clo edie ou Dictonnaire Raissone des
Sciences des Arts et des Metiers ar une societe de ens de lettres Paris,
1751-1780 , Texte, "Alesoir," pp.254-5; Planches, "Fonderie des Canons," Vol.
5, plate XVII.
11 Jackson and de Beer, op, cit., pp. 71-4.
12 Ibid., passim, for the careers of Jan and Pieter Verbruggen.
13 Ibid., pp, 49-52; Thomas Southcliffe Ashton, Iron and Steel in the Industrial
Revolution (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1963), pp. 44-6, 63, 68.
14 RMC, A. Noble, "Notes on Practical Artillery," 1849, p. 117.
15 RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes," op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 2-3; Jackson and de
Beer, op. cit., p. 80; RMC, T.R. Mould, "Observations on a Course of
Instruction in Artillery," 1825, p. 111.
16 Jackson and de Beer say that the lye mixture was applied after the mould was
annealed; Landmann says before. The Verbruggen drawings show the annealing
being done on the surface while Landmann and subsequent sources indicate that
it was done in the pit. The details are probably not important; the purpose is
clear enough. Jackson and de Beer, op. cit., pp. 97-8; RAI, Landmann, "Gun
Factory Notes," op. cit., Vol. 2, opposite p. 10.
17 Jackson and de Beer, op, cit., pp. 82, 103; RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory
Notes," op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 13.
18 Jackson and de Beer, op. cit., p. 104; RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes,"
op. cit., Vol. 2, pp, 11-12. Later sources agree with Jackson and de Beer, cf,
RMC, Mould, op. cit., pp. 109-20; Department of National Defence, Head-
quarters, Library, [Henceforth DND], H.T. Fitzhugh, A Course of Practical
Artillery, 1845, p. 101.
19 Jackson and de Beer, op. cit., p. 96.
20 Ibid., pp. 99-103.
21 Ibid., p. 126, says a loam channel; RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes,"
op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 18 and DND, Fitzhugh, op. cit., p. 101, say brick.
22 RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes," op. cit., Vol. 2, p.23.
23 DND, Fitzhugh, op, cit., p. 102, calls them "pears," presumably alluding to their
24 The process may have been mechanized by the 1820s. Mould says that the dead
head was "turned off," a choice of words which suggests that the piece was
placed in a lathe and a chisel introduced to remove the deadhead as the gun was
25 "Bouch" and "bouching," equivalent to the modern "bush" and "bushing," are the
words used in the contemporary manuals.
26 RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes," op. cit., Vol. I; Vol. 2, pp, 30-1.
27 Adye (1813), op, clt., pp. 389-90; J. Morton Spearman, The British Gunner

(London: Parker, Furnivall, & Parker, 1844), unpaginated; John F. Owen and
Morton Porter, Treatise on the Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance in
the British Service (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1881), p, 60.
28 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 60.
29 Ibid., p. 61.
30 RAI, Landmann, "Gun Factory Notes," Ope cit., Vol. 1; Vol. 2, pp. 30-1.
31 John Anderson, General Statement of the Past and Present Condition of the
Several Manufacturin Branches of the War De artment as called for b a
letter dated 8th May 1856 London: Eyre and Spottiswoode for Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1857), p. 6.
32 Ibid., p, 6. For a detailed description of the machnery and its working see Aide-
Memoire, Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 527-38; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp. 143-5; Charles
H. Owen, Rough Notes on the Manufacture of Ordnance, Carriages, and
Ammunition re ared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the R.M.
Academy Woolwich: Royal Artillery Institution, 1867 ,pp. 11-12.
33 Anderson Ope cit., p. 7; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp. 130-4; Owen, Rough Notes,
Ope cit., pp. 9-12.
34 Hughes, British Smooth-Bore Artillery, Ope cit., p. 26.
35 Louis de Tousard, American Artillerist's Companion, or Elements of Artillery
(Philadelphia: C. and A. Conrad, 1809-14, reprinted, New York: Greenwood
Press, 1969).
36 Ibid., pp, 531-46; Aide-Memoire, (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 523-6; RMC, Lloyd,
Ope cit., pp. 134-7.
37 Maj. Gen. Forbes, History of the Royal Ordnance Services, cited by Colonel
A.H. Mockridge, "The Proving of Ordnance and Propellants," The Journal of the
Royal Artillery, Vol. 77, No.1 (1950), p. 88.
38 RAI, Thomas James, "his Book of Artillery &C at the Office of Ordn. ce in the
Tower of London, March the 25t h, 1722; RAI, "Practice Book, 1760," "General
Borgard's Table of Powder allow'd for Iron and Brass guns."
39 RAI, "General Statement of the Regulations & Practice of the Inspector of
Artillery's Dept. in Examining, Proving and Receiving of Iron Ordnance supplied
by Contractors for H.M. Service and that of the East India Coy," circa 1785 •
40 Smith, Ope cit., p, 211. --
41 John Muller, A Treatise of Artillery (London: Millan, 1780; reprinted Bloom-
field, ont.s Museum Restoration Service, 1977), p. Ill.
42 RAI, Collected Military Papers, Vol. 2, John Bell, Serg~ R.R.A., "Observations
on an improved method of proving Guns with Water shewing the advantage it
has over the former mode - Also a few Remarks on the Utility of the Water
proof with the Method of performing it - Woolwich 29 April 1785."
43 Ibid, It is not clear if the water proof was used for mortars and howitzers.
According to Smith, Ope cit., p. 212, mirrors were usually the only instruments
used to detect flaws in the bores of mortars and howitzers.
44 RAI, "General Statement•••," Ope cit. This unsigned, undated MS appears to be
Blomefield's regulations. It agrees substantially with remarks in an MS article,
RAI, H.A. Baker, Late Cast Guns, but unfortunately Baker gives no references.
45 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 180.
46 RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp. 159-68.

Brass Guns
1 RAI, James, Ope cit., pp. 22, 27, 29.
2 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp, 115-16.
3 Smith. Ope cit., p. 285; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit. Vol. 2, p. 514; RAI, Isaac
Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12.

4 RAI, Williamson, "Collections, Proportions &:: Experiments of Artillery," circa

1770, p. 102-3; RAI, Casting Proving Guns, Vol. 2, circa 1775, unpaginated; RAI,
Thomas Walton, Gunnery Tables, unpaginated; RAI, Artillery Practice, Part I,
circa 1780, pp. 1-2; Adye; Ope cit., (1801), p, 115 and (1813), p. 203.
5 Adye, Ope cit. (1813), p. 203.
6 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 28.
7 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
8 RAI, James, Ope cit., pp. 22, 27.
9 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 115-16.
10 Smith, Ope cit., p. 285; Aide-Mernoire, (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 514; RAI, Isaac
Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
11 RAI, Adye, Ope cit. (1766), pp. 12-14.
12 RAI, "Artillery Practice &:: Stores," pp. 1-2; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., 1781 unpagin-
ated; Peter Padfield, Guns at Sea (London: Hugh Evelyn, 1973), "Gunner's Rule,"
circa 1780, p. 106; RAI, Bogue, Ope cit., circa 1800, pp. 141-2; Adye (1801),
Ope cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203. --
13 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 115-16.
14 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p, 28.
15 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
16 Ibid., p. 22.
17 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp, 115-16.
18 RAI, Williamson, Collection, circa 1770, pp, 102-3; RAI, "Experiments with long
and round Shot ••• 1774", unpaginated; RAI, Bogue, Ope cit., pp. 141-2; Adye
(1801), Ope cit., (1801), p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
19 Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp, 520-1.
20 Smith, Ope cit., p.285; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., p. 514; RAI, Landmann,
"Notes on Artillery," p. 12. See also note 18.
21 Adrian Caruana, Grassho ers and Butterflies: The Li ht 3-Pounders of Pattison
and Townshend (Bloomfield, Ont: Museum Restoration Service, 1980 , p. 5.
22 RAI, "Artillery Practice &:: Stores," circa 1780, pp, 1-2; RAI, Bogue, Ope cit., pp.
141-2; Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115 and (813), p. 203.
23 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13; Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115 and
(1813), p. 203.
24 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 28.
25 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plates 50, 53.
26 J.P. Kaestlin, Catalo ue of the Museum of Artiller in the Rotunda at
Woolwich; Part I, Ordnance. Revised ed., n.p., 1970, II 45, p. 13.
27 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp, 115-16; Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 12-14, 18-19.
28 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
29 Rudyerd, Ope cit., plates 4-9.
30 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p, 19.
31 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115.
32 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," pp, 14-18.
33 RAI, James, Ope cit., p, 27.
34 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plates 51, 54.
35 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 115-16; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 12-14.
36 RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, pp, 17, 102-3; RAI, "Experiments with
long and round Shot ••• 1774", unpaginated; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., 1781,
37 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., table of 1778, unpaginated.
38 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
39 Smith, Ope cit., p, 47.
40 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. xxii,

41 Caruana, "Grasshoppers and Butterflies," Ope cit., p. 5.

42 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115.
43 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13.
44 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 28.
45 RAI, James, Ope cit., pp. 22, 27.
46 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plate 53.
47 RA, "Experiments with long and round shot .••," unpaginated.
48 RAI, G1egg, Ope cit., pp. 115-116.
49 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12; Smith, Ope cit., p. 285.
50 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 12-14.
51 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
52 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p, 1
53 RAI, G1egg, Ope cit., p. 140 Muller, Ope cit., (1757), p. 110.
54 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12; Smith, Ope cit., p. 285.
55 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 15 and (1813), p. 203.
56 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 18-19.
57 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
58 Ibid.
59 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
60 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115.
61 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13. Adye in his 1801 manual, p. 115,
attributed the new medium gun to Congreve, but Landmann clearly stated that
it was designed by B1omefie1d.
62 RAI, "Collected Military Papers", Vol. 2, p.221, Woolwich, 14 Feb. 1794,
Stehelin to Richmond.
63 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p, 318.
64 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, pp.58-9; RAI, E.M. Boxer, Diagrams of
Guns referred to in Treatise on artiller re ared for the use of Ro a1 Militar
Academy. Section 2. Part II London: Eyre to Spottiswoode for HMSO, 1853 ,
plate XIX.
65 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 65.
66 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
67 Smith, Ope cit., p. 285; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12.
68 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 12-14.
69 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
70 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 71, Cf. Kaest1in, Ope cit., p. 17, 11/90.
71 Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp, 180, 192.
72 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13.
73 RAI, Notebook, 1805-22, "Experiments •.• to ascertain the Ranges of a Brass 9
Pounder Gun of 17 Calibres," 13 Nov. 1805.
74 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 72.
75 Ibid., p. 80.
76 For detailed dimensions and a scale drawing see Aide-Memoire (1853), Ope cit.,
Vol. I, pp. 62-3; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, plate XX. The Boxer drawing
shows dolphins but the gun at Woolwich does not have them.
77 Kaest1in, Ope cit., p. 17, 11/90.
78 Ibid., p. 17, 11/91. The catalogue says that the guns length is 6 feet 7 inches,
but this may be its tota11ength.
79 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 17,11/90; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 90.
80 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
81 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plates 50/3, 54.
82 RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, pp, 102-3.
83 RAI, G1egg, Ope cit., pp, 115-116; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12;

Smith, op. cit., p. 285.

84 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 12-14; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
85 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 14, II/59. This gun weighed 19 cwt, 2 qr, 6 lb.
86 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p, 203.
87 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12; Smith, Ope clt., p. 285.
88 Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp, v, 180, 192.
89 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 140.
90 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 13, 11/48. This gun weighed 4 cwt. 2 qr, 22 lb.
91 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 18-19.
92 Rudyerd, Ope clt., plate 10.
93 RAI, Walton, Ope clt., unpaginated.
94 Ibid.; RAI, Experiments Woolwich 1778-1779, unpaginated; RAI, "Practice with
Case Shot from Two Six Pounders of the new Construction.••," Winchester, 30
Oct. 1780, unpaginated; RAI, "Practice with Two Light Six Pounders of the new
Construction," Winchester, 25 Sept.-26 Oct. 1780; RAI, "Artillery Practice, &:
Stores," Part I, pp. 1-2; Part II, pp, 45-53, Aug. and Sept. 1780.
95 Adrian Caruana, The Light 6-Pdr. Battalion Gun of 1776 (Bloomfield, ont.s
Museum Restoration Service, 1977), p, 5.
96 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p, 6.
97 Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 203.
98 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12; Smith, Ope cit., p. 285.
99 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
100 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 14, 11/65-66.
101 Adye (1801), op. clt., p. 115 and (1813), p, 203.
102 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 318.
103 DNB, Vol. 4, pp. 146-7.
104 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
105 RAI, "Experiments Woolwich 1778-1779," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Practice
&: Stores," Part II, 45-53.
106 RAI, Trials Goodwood, 1792, unpaginated.
107 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 15, 11/12.
108 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p, 203.
109 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated. The position of these tables after others of
1792 is hardly conclusive, since they could be copied into the notebook after
1792 although the experiments were actually carried out sometime previously.
110 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
111 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13.
112 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, plate XXI.
113 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 81, No. 68.
114 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 17; Miller, Ope cit., p, 160.
115 RAI, Shuttleworth Collection, 2 sketches of a light 6-pounder, circa 1820.
116 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, pp. 58-9 and (1853), Vol. J, pp. 62-3; RAJ,
Boxer, Ope cit., plate XXI.
117 Blackmore, Ope cit., pp, 86-8, Nos. 82, 84, 85.
118 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p, 65.
119 RAJ, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
120 RAJ, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plate 53.
121 RAJ, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 115-116; RAJ, Adye, (1766), Ope cit. pp, 12-14.
122 Blackmore, Ope cit., pp. 71-2.
123 RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," Ope cit., p. 12; Smith, Ope cit., p. 285.
124 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p, 115 and (1813), p. 203.
125 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 14, 11/63.
126 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.

127 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 13, 11/49.

128 RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," op, cit., p. 12; Smith, op, cit., p. 285;
RAJ, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 18-19.
129 RAJ, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
130 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 15, 11/67.
131 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
132 Caruana, Grasshoppers and Butterflies, op. cit., p. 3; d. Jackson and de Beer,
op. cit., p. 533.
133 Caruana, Grasshoppers and Butterflies, op. cit., passim; RAJ, "Description and
Utility of the Portable 3 Pl.Brass Cannon and Carriage," circa 1774, in Trials,
Woolwich, 1774 , unpaginated; RAJ, "Return of the Weight of Saddles, Ammuni-
tion, Gun, Carriage, &c: of Light 3 Pounders (or Grasshoppers)3 d August 1776 in
"Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated.
134 RAJ, Walton, op, cit., unpaginated.
135 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
136 Caruana, Grasshoppers and Butterflies, op. cit., pp. 3-16; RAJ, Adye (1766),
op. cit., p. 19.
137 RAJ, Trials, Woolwich, 1774, op. cit., unpaginated; RAJ, "Artillery Experi-
ments, 1770-1; 1773," op. cit., unpaginated; RAJ, Walton, op. cit., various
tables, unpaginated; Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 115 and (1813), p. 203.
138 RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13.
139 Four of the guns are at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, and two are at the
Carleton Martello Tower, St. John, N.B.; Blackmore, op. cit., p. 84, Nos. 74-6;
Kaestlin, op. cit., p, 16, 11/79.
140 The Environment Canada - Parks gun is at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba.
Blackmore, op. cit., p. 84.
141 Adye (1827), op, cit., p. 192; Spearman (1828), op, cit., pp. 154, 244; Griffiths
(1839), op. cit., p. 52, (1852), p. 60 and (1862), p. 62.
142 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 318.
143 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. J, pp. 58-9 and (1853), Vol. J, pp. 62-3; RMC
Noble, op, cit., p. 228.
144 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 17, 11/88; Owen and Porter, op, cit., p. 65.
145 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 115 and (1813), p.203; RMC, Mould, op. cit., p.318;
Aide-Mernoire, (1846), op. cit. Vol. J, pp. 58-9 and (1853), Vol. J, pp. 62-3.
146 RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," pp. 19-34. The construction outlined is
for a Desaguliers' 6-pounder of 7 feet, but it is assumed that the proportions
would be the same for a 3-pounder of 6 feet.
147 RAJ, James, op, cit., p. 27.
148 RAJ, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, plate 54.
149 RAJ, Glegg, op. cit., p. 115-116; RAJ, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 12;
Smith, op. cit., p. 285.
150 RAJ, Walton, op, cit., unpaginated.
151 RAJ, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp, 12-14.
152 RAJ, James, op. cit., p. 27; Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 14, 11/64.
153 Blackmore, op. clt., p, 218.
154 Ibid., p. 218.
155 Kaestlin, op, clt., p. 14, 11/61.
156 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 218; RAI, "Experiments, Woolwich, 1778-1779," unpagin-
ated; RAJ, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
157 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 15, 11/70.
158 RAJ, "Experiments, Woolwich, 1778-1779," unpaginated; RAJ, Walton, op. cit.,
159 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 78. There is also a record of tests in Oct. 1792. RAJ,

Trials, Goodwood, 1792, unpaginated.

160 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 13.
161 Blackmore, Ope clt., p, 78.
162 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 318; Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 192; Aide-Memoire (1846),
Ope cit., Vol. I, pp. 58-9 and (1853), Vol. I, pp. 61-3; Griffiths (862), Ope cit.,
163 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
164 DNB, Vol. 14, pp. 401-2.
165 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," pp. 29-34.
166 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.

Cast Iron Guns

1 Major Miller, E ui ment on Artiller Formin Part II of the Series relatin to
Army Eguipments London: Eyre & Spottiswoode for HMSO [1864], p. 297.
2 Sir Howard Douglas, A Treatise on Naval Gunnery. 5 editions (London: John
Murray, 1820-60), pp. 179-80; Miller, Ope cit., p. 295; Owen and Porter, p. 65.
3 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p, 65. No references to these guns have been found
till after 1846.
4 Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., p. 28; Great Britain. Public Records Office
[Henceforth PRO], W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July
1859, p. 2.
5 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, p. 2.
6 Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., p. 28.
7 Miller, Ope cit., p, 297.
8 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, p. 5.
9 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 58.
10 uarterl List of Chan es in Militar Stores from Januar 1860 to December
1867 London: Eyre and Spottiswoode for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1860-
~1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140 [Henceforth Quarterly Lists of
11 Ibid.
12 RAI, Boxer, Dia rams of Guns, Plate II.
13 Aide-Memoire 1846, Vol. I, Ope cit., pp, 56-57; (1853), Vol. I, Ope cit., pp. 60-1.
14 Miller, op.cit., p. 296.
15 Douglas (1860), Ope clt., p. 178; "A Synoptical Table of the Deal Practice
carried on in the Year 1839," Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution
(Vol. I), 1858, No. 15.
16 Miller, Ope cit., p. 304.
17 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 8-10.
18 RAI, Strange, Ope cit., "Lt. Col. Dundas's 56 Pro of 11 feet and 98 cwt,"
19 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate V; Aide-Memoire (1853), Vol. I, Ope cit.,
pp, 60-1; Miller, Ope cit., p. 302.
20 PRO, W033/7, "Report of the Committee on Ordnance," 26 July 1859, pp. 6-7.
21 Miller, Ope cit., p. 304.
22 J.H. Lefroy, Handbook for Field Service. 4th ed. (Woolwich. Boddy, 1867), p. 74.
23 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Confidential Circulars. Abstract of Recom-
mendations and Observations taken from a report of a Committee of Officers
of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers•••for Coast Batteries••• reported 5th.
November 1852..•approved 1853. M/612." p. 9; Douglas (1851), Ope cit., p.581,
"These 56-pounders give place to 68 prs. when ships at sea are recommis-
24 PRO, W033/7, "Report of the Committee or Ordnance," pp. 6-7.
25 Ibid., pp. 6-7.

26 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.

27 RAI, James, op. cit., p. 27.
28 RAI, Portfolio, circa 1735, Plate 51.
29 Smith, op. cit., p.47; Muller (1757), op, cit., p, 105. Muller does not give a
specific date. See also Miller, op. clt., p. 307.
30 Smith, op. cit., p. 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two light
six Pounders...," unpaginated; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11.
31 RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
32 RAI, "Artillery Practice & Stores," circa 1780, pp. 12, 92.
33 William Mountaine, The Practical sea::-Gunners' Companion; or an Introduction
to the Art of Gunnery..., London: Mount, Page, 1782, p. 70.
34 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.
35 Adye (1801), op. cit., p, 116 and (1813), p. 204.
36 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 315.
37 Douglas (1860), op. cit., pp, 182, 178.
38 "A Syntopical Table of the Deal Practice carried on in the Year 1839."
Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), No. 15.
39 Miller, op. cit., p. 305; Owen and Porter, op. cit., p, 65.
40 Miller, op. cit., pp. 306-7.
41 Ibid., p. 307. Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I., p. 60, indicates the designer
of the two guns of 10 feet was Millar; this must be an error, for Millar
committed suicide in 1838.
42 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Abstract of Recommendations and Observations...
for Coast Batteries... 1853," p. 9.
43 Douglas (1860), op. cit., p. 184.
44 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Confidential Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance..." [1857-9], p. 43.
45 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
46 Owen and Porter, op. cit., p. 58.
47 Aide-Memoire (1845), op, cit., Vol. I, pp. 56-7.
48 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate VI, "42 Pounder Iron Gun."
49 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "... Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance...," [1857-9], pp.9, 30, 40-1, 43; PRO, W033/7, Report of the
Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, pp, 3, 6-7.
50 RAI, James, op. cit., p. 27.
51 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., pp, 117-18.
52 RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 15-17.
53 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 74.
54 Smith, op, cit., p. 286; RAI, Con greve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two light
six Pounders... ," unpaginated; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11;
Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
55 RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
56 Ibid.
57 Adye (1801), op. cit., p, 116 and (1813), p. 204.
58 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.
59 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "...Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance...," [1857-9], p. 54, H.D. Chads to the Secretary of the Admiralty,
Portsmonth, 20 May, 1851.
60 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 6.
61 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
62 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p, 315.
63 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 6.

64 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.

65 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, op. cit., Plate VII; Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit.,
Vol. I, pp. 60-1.
66 Douglas (1851), op. cit., p. 581; Aide-Memoire (1853), op, cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1;
RAI, Boxer, Dia rams of Guns, op, cit., Plates VII, X; Miller, op. cit., pp. 310-
13; Lefroy (1867 , op, cit., pp. 71-2, 74. Concerning the bored-up 32 pdr., 8 feet
and 41 hundredweight, Douglas and Lefroy say that it was originally a 24-pdr.,
but the Aide-Mernoire, Boxer, and Miller claim that it was an 18-pounder (Boxer
says of 42 cwt). No record can be found of an 18-pdr., 8 feet and 42 cwt; the
18-pdr. of 8 feet weighed 37 cwt. There is a record of a 24-pdr. of 8 feet
weighing 43 cwt,
67 Douglas (1860), op. cit., pp, 165-70.
68 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28, Nov. 1865, 1140.
69 DNB, Vol. 15, pp. 39-41 and Vol. 37, p. 404.
70 Miller, op. cit., pp, 308, 314.
71 uarterl List of Chan es, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
72 Lefroy 1867, op. cit., p. 73.
73 RMC, Noble, op. cit., "General Millar's Construction," unpaginated; RAI,
Drawings on Artillery, "General Millers sic Construction," unpaginated; Miller,
op. cit., p, 311.
74 Owen and Porter, op. cit., pp, 58-9.
75 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 7;
Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
76 Miller, op cit., pp, 308, 314; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, op. cit., Plate X.
77 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 3.
78 Ibid., pp. 6-7; Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865,
79 Douglas (1860), op. cit., pp 178, 180-1.
80 Miller, op, cit., pp. 310-12.
81 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Abstract of Recommendations and Observations ...
for Coast Batteries... 1853," p. 9, handwritten note.
82 Miller, op. cit., p. 315; Owen and Porter, op. cit., p. 58.
83 Douglas (1860), op. cit., pp, 180-1.
84 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
85 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "...Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,
November 23, 1857...," Nos. 30-46, pp. 50-59. A series of letters and tables
from 1846 to 1853 concerning the tests.
86 Ibid., p. 40.
87 Ibid., "Confidential Circular," Horse Guards, 1 Jan. 1861. Report of a Commit-
tee of Ordnance to revise Confidential Circular of 1853, M/61, Woolwich, July
1860. On page 1 the weight of the 32-pounder was given as 56 cwt., but the
table on p. 14 gave the weight at 58 cwt,
88 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
89 Owen and Porter, op. cit., n., p. 58.
90 Miller, op, clt., p. 314.
91 Douglas (1851), op, cit., p. 581. Inexplicably it was not included in the tables of
dimensions in the Aide-Memoire (1853), Vol. I, op. cit., pp. 60-1.
92 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "••• Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,
November 23, 1857...," p. 40.
93 Lefroy (1867), op. cit., p. 71. Cf. Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866,
approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140, in which a bored up 32-pounder of 6 ft. and 25
cwt. was included in both lists. Presumably an error was made.
94 Lefroy (1867), op. cit., p, 73.

95 William Congreve, A Concise Account of the Ori in & Princi les of the New
Class of 24-Pounder Medium Guns of Reduced Len th and Wei ht... London:
Egerton, 1820 ; Douglas 1860, op. cit., pp. 98-9. Later criticisms and tests
by the Board of Ordnance in 1814 were distinctly unfavourable to the Congreve
gun and the Royal Artillery never adopted the weapon. For a full account of
these criticisms and tests see Adrian Caruana, "The Carronade Gun," Vol. 23,
No.4 (Nov. 1985), pp. 129-36.
96 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p, 315. See also p. 104 for a diagram of "Congreve's 24-
Pr. Carronade Gun."
97 "Congreve's Guns," United Service Journal, No. 35 (Oct. 1831) pp, 390-1. A
letter signed "Blue Jacket," dated 14 Sept. 1831.
98 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., pp. 177-8.
99 "Congreve's Guns," Ope clt., pp. 390-1.
100 Congreve, A Concise Account... , Ope cit., p, 23.
101 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 7; RAI,
Reports on Artillery, "•••Papers submitted to Committee on Ordnance••.," [1857-
59], pp, 28-9.
102 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 165.
103 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1860, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
104 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
105 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 117-18.
106 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 15-17.
107 Smith, Ope cit., p, 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two Light
six Pounders••• ," unpaginated; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
108 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11.
109 RAI, Walton, Ope clt., unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Practice & Stores" (circa
1780), pp. 89-90. The weight of the gun of 9-1/2-feet was given as 49-1/2,
rather than 49, hundredweight.
110 RAI, "Artillery Practice & Stores" (circa 1780), p. 12; Adye (1801), op. cit., p.
116 and (1813), p. 204.
111 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.
112 RMC, Mould, op. clt., p, 315.
113 Hughes, Smooth-Bore Artillery, op. cit., pp. 90-92.
114 Congreve, A Concise Account... , op. clt., p. 3; Douglas, (1860), op, cit., pp. 98-
115 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 315.
116 Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 155; "Materiel of Artillery...," 1 Jan. 1866,
approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
117 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p, 315.
118 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
119 A.B. Caruana, "The Short 32 Pr, Iron," unpublished report for Halifax Defence
Complex, Environment Canada - Parks, 1983, citing "Notes on Artillery" by J.
Cockburn and D.W. Payntor; Douglas (1860), op. cit., p. 98, refers to a 24-pdr.
of 6-1/2-feet being used in experiments on Sutton Heath in 1810.
120 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 315.
121 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, op, cit., Plate XIII; Miller, op. cit., p. 318.
122 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
123 See section on 32-pdr.
124 Marcom Museum, CFB Stadacona, Halifax, Proof Book, Woolwich, March 1800 -
June 1801. Untitled MS, unpaginated.
125 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 316.
126 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 73," A return of Iron Ordnance in the Service July 6th
1847" noted a 24-pdr. of 8 feet and 37 cwt., but does not indicate that it was

bored up.
127 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1; PRO, W033/7, Report of the
Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 7. The Aide-Memoire noted that it
was a bored-up 18-pdr.
128 Douglas (1860), op. cit., p, 605; Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1;
Miller,op. cit., p, 318.
129 Miller, op. cit., p, 319.
130 uarterl List of Chan es, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
131 Aide-Memoire 1853, op, cit., Vol. I, pp. 60-1.
132 RAI, Reports on Artillery, ".•.Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,
November 23, 1857...," pp. 9, 28.
133 Ibid., pp. 9, 28.
134 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
135 RAI, James, op. cit., p, 27.
136 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, Plate 50.
137 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., pp. 117-18; RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp, 15-17.
138 RAI, Williamson, "Collections •••," pp. 86-7; Muller (1780), op. cit., p. xiii,
139 National Archives of Canada (henceforth NA), RG8, I, Vol. 406, pp. 130-1,
Hillier to Bowles, 1 April 1820.
140 J. Mackay Hitsman, The Incredible War of 1812 (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1965), pp. 123-4.
141 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 7.
142 Smith, op. cit., p. 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two Light
six Pounders...," unpaginated; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11; Aide-
Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p, 515.
143 RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
144 Ibid.i RAI, "Artillery Practice & Stores" (circa 1780), p. 12.
145 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 116 and (1813), p. 204.
146 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.
147 Marcom Museum, CFB Stadacona, Halifax, Proof Book, Woolwich, March 1800 -
June 1801. Untitled MS, unpaginated.
148 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 316.
149 Spearman (1844), op, cit., unpaginated; Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, pp,
150 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XV; Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I,
pp. 60-1; Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
151 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
152 RAI, James, op, clt., p. 27.
153 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., pp, 117-18.
154 RAI, Adye (1766), op, clt., pp. 15-17. The only significant difference was that
the mensuration had the length of the first reinforce at 30 in., while Adye put it
at 29 in.
155 RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated.
156 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p, 11; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and
Manoeuvres for two Light six Pounders...," unpaginated; Smith, op, cit., p, 286;
Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
157 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," pp. 1-5.
158 Ibld., p. 35. See C. W. Rudyerd, Course of Artillery at the Royal Military
Academ as established b his Grace the Duke of Richmond Master General of
His Ma'est s Ordnance etc. etc. 1793 Ottawa: Museum Restoration Service,
1970 , Plate II, "Draught of an Iron 12 Pounder Sea Service Gun of 7-1/2-feet in
length shewing the general Principle upon which Iron Sea Service Guns are
constructed." This is a Blomefield construction.

159 See 24-pounders at Fort Henry, bored up from the 12-pounders of 21 cwt; RAI,
Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XVI," 12 Pounder Iron Gun." Concerning the 6
foot gun of 21 cwt., "The mouldings at the cascable and muzzle are different
from the drawing of this gun," Le. the normal Blomefield pattern.
160 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 316.
161 Miller, Ope cit., p, 325.
162 RAI, Reports on Artillery, ".•.Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,
November 23, 1857...," pp. 29, 40-1, 43. Nothing is known about the gun of 4
163 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140. In the list
of guns to be abolished the 18-pdr. of 6 feet and 22 cwt. was said to be a bored-
up 9 pdr.; it is assumed this is an error.
164 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 70.
165 Ibid., p. 70; RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables, "No. 30, Particular Dimentions of
all the Parts of an Iron 6 Pounder Cannon Eight Foot Long According to the new
Proportion given by Coll. Borgard in the Year 1716; with A Table for Surveying
Iron Cannon...."
166 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
167 RAI, Portfolio of drawings, circa 1735, Plate 52. The only major difference was
that the length of the first reinforce in the 1735 drawing was 30.8 inches, while
in 1743 and 1766 it was given as 28 inches. The second reinforce was the same,
but the chase, the length of which was not specifically given, would vary
168 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and
Manoeuvres for two Light six Pounders••.," unpaginated; Smith, Ope cit., p. 286;
Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
169 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
170 Ibid.
171 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.
172 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 116 and (1813), p. 204. There are 3 Blornefield general
service 9-pounders at Fort Amherst N.H.P., Prince Edward Island, which are,
surprisingly, 6 ft. 4 in. in length, weight unknown, bearing the monogram of
King George III.
173 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 316.
174 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XVII, "9 Pounder Iron Gun."
175 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 8-10.
176 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 1859, pp. 6, 8.
177 Miller, Ope cit., p, 327.
178 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 1859, pp, 6,8.
179 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1860, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
180 RAI, Borgard Artillery Tables, "No. 30, Particular Dimensions of all the parts of
an Iron 6 Por, of 8 feet long, according to Col. A. Borgard's proportion in 1716;
with a Table for surveying Iron Cannon."
181 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27. It is assumed that the measurement was made from
the rear, not the front, of the base ring.
182 RAI, Portfolio, Ope cit., circa 1735, Plate 52.
183 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 117-18.
184 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope clt., pp. 15-17.
185 Smith, Ope cit., p, 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two light
six Pounders... ," unpaginated; RAI, Landmann, "Notes in Artillery," p. 11; Aide-
Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
186 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
187 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35.

188 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp. 316-17. Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 194 also lists them
along with the naval service gun of 6 feet.
189 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 8-10. "Nine and six Pdrs, (iron) are now little used
except sometimes for saluting."
190 Aide-Memoire (1845), Ope cit., Vol. I, pp, 56-7 and (1853), Vol. I, pp. 60-1.
191 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "•••Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance•••," p. 40.
192 Ibid, p. 29.
193 PRO, W033/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance, 26 July 1859, p. 8.
194 Quarterly List of Changes, 1 Jan. 1866, approved 28 Nov. 1865, 1140.
195 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
196 It is on display at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
197 Muller (1757), Ope cit., p. 105; Smith, Ope cit., p. 47.
198 Smith, Ope cit., p. 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and Manoeuvres for two light
six Pounders••.," unpaginated; Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11; Aide-
Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
199 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated; "Experiments Landguard Fort 1780,"
unpaginated; Adye (1801), Ope clt., p. 116 and (1813), p. 204.
200 RAI, Walton, Ope clt., unpaginated.
201 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 36, III/29.
202 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35. Its weight was not given.
203 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 317.
204 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 750, pp, 65-8, Macbean to Cubitt, 27 Nov. 1838.
205 RAI, James, Ope clt., p. 27.
206 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 117-18.
207 Smith, Ope clt., p. 286; RAI, Congreve, "Exercise and manoeuvres for two light
six Pounders.••," unpaginated; RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 11; Aide-
Memoire (1850), Ope clt., Vol. 2, p. 515. --
208 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 15-17; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
209 RAI, Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," p. 35. Its weight was not given.
210 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 116 and (1813), p. 204.
211 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "•••Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance•••," p, 29.

1 Frederick L. Robertson, The Evolution of Naval Armament. Reprint of 1921 ed.
(London: Harold T. Storey, 1968), p. 161.
2 Ian Hogg and John Batchelor, Naval Gun (Poole, Dorset; Blandford Press, 1978),
pp. 24-5.
3 Robertson, Ope cit., pp, 166-7.
4 Robertson, Ope cit., p. 163 and footnote.
5 Ibid., p. 162-3; Hogg and Batchelor, Ope cit., p. 25.
6 Robertson, p. 165; Hogg and Batchelor, Ope clt., p. 26.
7 Robertson, Ope cit., pp, 163-5, 174-5.
8 Ibid., pp. 166-73; Hogg and Batchelor, Ope cit., pp. 26-7.
9 Robertson, Ope cit., pp. 173-6; Hogg and Batchelor, Ope cit., pp. 28, 30.
10 RAI, "Mem. of Colonel Millars 68 Pro Gun of 10 Calibres &: Cwt. 50.0.0," 1820-
3, pp. 2-4, practice of 20 and 21 Sept. 1820.
11 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p, 178, 184-5; Miller, Ope cit., p. 93.
12 RMC, Mould, Ope clt., p, 315.
13 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 185.
14 Capt. Wilford, "Remarks on Casemated Batteries in general, and their special
applications to Sea Defences; with some observations on the armament and

service of Sea Batteries," 31 Dec. 1845, Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal

Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), p. 17.
15 RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit. pp. 26-7; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., pp, 29-30.
16 RAI, Report on Artillery, "..•Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance...," Nov. 23, 1857, p. 43, "List of Iron Ordnance considered Obsolete,
and recommended by the Committee to be removed from the Effective List";
Lefroy, (1867) Ope cit., p. 72, citing "War Office circular, No.8, N.S., 1 Jan.
17 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., pp. 15, 178.
18 Miller, Ope cit., p. 294; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 65.
19 Spearman (1844), Ope cit.
20 Douglas (1851), Ope cit., p, 58, List dated 5 May, 1848; RAI, Report on Artillery,
"•••Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance••.," 23 Nov. 1857, pp, 29,
21 Ibid., p.43; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 65, Table III, List A.
22 Miller, Ope cit., p. 294; Owen and Porter, Ope clt., p. 65.
23 Miller, Ope cit., p. 294.
24 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., pp. 58, 65.
25 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 51.
26 Spearman (1844), Ope cit.
27 Miller, p. 294.
28 RAI, Report on Artillery, "••.Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance..•," 23 Nov. 1857, pp. 19,40, 43.
29 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 65; Griffiths (1847), Ope cit., p. 69.
30 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 175; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp, 26-7.
31 RAI, Report on Artillery, "Minutes of the Committee on Ordnance," 24 Feb.
18581; Order dated 28 Nov. 1859, cited in Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., pp, 29-30.
32 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 275.
33 Lefroy, (1867) Ope cit., p. 71.
34 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 58. Both Lefroy and Owen and Porter in noting
the gun's weight of 54 cwt. also credit the design to Colonel W.B. Dundas who
had been inspector of artillery in the 1840s and early 1850s. Whether it is
meant that he was responsible for redesigning the gun or merely that it was
done based on his principle is not clear.
35 RAI, Report on Artillery, "Papers Submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,"
23 Nov. 1857, pp, 8, 43.
36 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., pp, 184-5, 270.
37 Miller, Ope cit., p. 290.
38 "A Synoptical Table of the Deal Practice carried on in the Year 1839," Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution (Vol. I, 1858), No. 15.
39 Wilford, op cit., pp. 16-17.
40 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 270; Miller, Ope clt., p. 289. The Dundas model was
1/3 inch longer behind the base ring and 1.15 inch more in diameter at the
41 RAI, Report on Artillery, "Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,"
23 Nov. 1857, p. 40.
42 Ibid., "Minutes of Committee on Ordnance," 24 Feb. 1858.
43 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 270; NA, PAC, RG8, C Series, Vol. 1664, p. 3,
"Confidential Circular," 1 Jan. 1861.
44 Owen (1873), Ope cit., pp. 41-2; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 66, Table IV, List
B, citing Changes in paterns, 1 Jan. 1866.
45 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 58.
46 Miller, Ope cit., p. 290. Some sources gave the weights as 56 and 62 cwt,

respectively. Spearman (1828), op, cit., p. 245, recorded the gun of 7 feet 6
inches, which suggest that it may have been cast a year earlier than Miller
47 RAI, Report on Artillery, "Papers submitted to the Committee on Ordnance,"
23 Nov. 1857, p, 41; "Minutes of the Committee on Ordnance," 24 Feb. 1858.
48 Owen and Porter, op, clt., p. 66, Table IV, List B, citing changes in patterns, 1
Jan. 1866.
49 Miller, op, cit., p, 290.
50 Hector Straith, Plans Illustrative of Capt. Straith's Treatise on Fortifications
and Memoire on Artillery (London: Allen & Co., [1841]), Plate 3, fig. 29.
51 RAI, LA. Shone, "Note Book of the late General LA. Shone R.A."

1 DNB, Vol. 48, pp. 434-6; Robertson, op. clt., pp. 121-2, 126; Hogg and
Batchelor, op, cit., p. 17.
2 Muller, op. cit., pp. xxxi-ii, 38-56 passim.
3 Ibid., pp, 40, 64-5.
4 Blackmore, op. cit., pp, 144-5, Plate 45.
5 R.H. Campbell, The Carron Company (Edinburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd,
1961), pp. 83-90.
6 See Spencer C. Tucker, "The Carronade," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol.
99, No.8 (August, 1973), pp, 66-70, for a concise summary of the scholarship on
the carronade, although citation of sources is lacking.
7 Robertson, op, cit., p. 126-7.
8 Ibid., p. 127; Cf. Hogg and Batchelor, op. cit., pp. 17, 20-1; Padfield, op, cit., p.
105; H.C.B. Rogers, Artillery through the Ages (London: Seeley Service & Co.
Limited, 1971), p. 64.
9 Campbell, op. cit., pp. 95-103, for a judicious discussion of the evidence
relating all three claimants.
10 Ibid., p. 97; RAI, Lefroy Papers, Miscellaneous, Vol. I, "Experiments made at
Carron the 4 Sept. r 1781 with a hundred Pounder CArronade...."
11 Campbell, op, cit., pp. 95, 98
12 Ibid., pp, 98-9.
13 Ibid., pp. 99-102.
14 Ibid., pp. 102-3.
15 Cited by Robertson, op .cit., p, 132.
16 Robertson, op. cit., pp. 130-4; Campbell, op. cit., pp. 90-4; Tucker, op. cit., pp,
66, 69; A Descri tion of the New-Invented Gun called a Carronade and its Uses
(Edinburgh, 18 Dec. 1779 , pp. 3-7.
17 Campbell, op. cit., pp. 92-4; Robertson, op, cit., pp, 127-30; Tucker, op. cit., pp.
18 For a contemporary statement of objections and answers see A Description... ,
op, cit., pp. 8-11.
19 Tucker, op. cit., p. 70; Robertson, op. cit., pp. 131-2, 135-6; Campbell, op, cit.,
p, 63.
20 RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 317.
21 Cited by Tucker, op. cit., p, 70.
22 Hector Straith, Treatise on Fortification and Artillery (London: Allen and
Company, 1846), pp. 556-9.
23 Ibid., pp, 559-60.
24 Miller, op. clt., p. 339.
25 Lefroy, Handbook for Field Service, op, cit., pp. 71-3.
26 Douglas, (860), op. cit., p, 107.

27 Robertson, op, cit., pp. 126-7.

28 Campbell, op. cit., pp. 95-8.
29 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, p, 2.
30 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 317.
31 Lefroy (1867), op. cit., p. 73.
32 Noble, op. cit." p. 73; PRO, WO 33/7, Report of the Committee on Ordnance,
1859, "List of Ordnance recommended to be considered obsolete, and got rid
of," p. 8.
33 Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 522.
34 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op, cit., p. 41.
35 Ibid., p. 40.
36 RAI, "Experiments Woolwich 1778-1779"; RAI, "Experiments Landguard Fort
1780"; RAI, "Artillery Practice & Stores," circa 1780. These records are in the
Royal Artillery Institution Library, Woolwich. Other records may exist which
show the heavier calibres were tested in 1779.
37 RAI, "Experiments Woolwich 1778-1779," 6 July and 12 Aug. 1779.
38 At the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, there is a 12-pounder carronade,
2 feet 8 inches long, dated 1805.
39 RAI, Richard Bogue, "Light 6 Pounder and Heavy Exercise," "A table containing
the Weight & Length of Iron Guns & Carronades," pp. 139-40. It is quite
possible Bogue is in error or has copied an old table. Adye (1813), op. cit., p,
88, except for an obvious typographical error, lists the calibres in the 1800
40 RAI, Lefroy Papers, Miscellaneous, Vol. I, "Memorandum on the Recoil of Naval
Ordnance," Woolwich, 3 Sept. (circa 1830), p. 97.
41 Robert Wilkinson-Latham, British Artiller on Land and Sea 1790-1820 (Newton
Abbot: David & Charles, 1973 , pp. 18-19. A drawing is reproduced entitled "32
Pounder Carronade fitting agreeably to General Bentham's directions on board
of a River Barge at Woolwich July 1796," but the piece does not resemble a
carronade but rather a short gun, although the carriage seems to be based on
the carronade principle.
42 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 83, Plate 44.
43 National Maritime Museum, "9 Pounder Gun sic N~ 719 Dated 1826," Neg.
44 Hector Straith, A Treatise on Fortification (deduced from established
ciples); with a Memoire on Artillery London: W.H. Allen and Co., 1841 , p.

1 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 236.
2 The Gentleman's Dictionary (1705), cited in ibid., pp. 235-6.
3 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 236.
4 RAI, James, op. clt., p. 27. He recorded the weight of 2 qr, 1/2-lb. There are
dates in the book as late as 1725.
5 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 13, 11/54-5.
6 Blackmore, op. cit., p, 98; RAI, Glegg, op. cit., p. 119; RAI, Adye (1766), op.
cit., pp 27-8; Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 68; Kaestlin, op, cit., p. 13, 11/54-5.
7 Smith, op. cit., p. 309; Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
8 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., p. 119; Rudyerd, op. cit., Plate 19; Boxer, Diagrams of
Guns, Plate XXXIX.
9 RAI, Glegg, op.cit., p. 119; Rudyerd, op. clt., Plate 19.
10 Adye (1813), op, cit., p. 260 states the length to be 1 foot 1-1/2-inches, but
there are at the Tower of London cohorns of 1814, 1815, and 1819 with lengths
of 1 foot 0.5 inch, 1 foot 0.75 inch, and 1 foot 1 inch respectively. Blackmore,

Ope cit., pp, 103-4.

11 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 119; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 19. The conical chamber
was, more precisely, the frustum of a core terminated by a semi-hemisphere
the diameter of which was the least diameter of the chamber.
12 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 231.
13 Ibid., p. 103; RAI, Collected Military Papers, Vol. 2, "Weight and Value of Brass
Mortars, Howitzer, & Guns, with their Beds and Carriages: - Upon the old
Construction." While this document gives no details of dimensions or con-
strucion, it does imply that there was a "new" construction, which could
possibly include a Gomer chamber. Indeed it is possible that the Gomer
cham ber, increased diameter, and increased length, in other words the Coehorn
shown in the Boxer diagram, circa 1850, were inaugurated about 1795.
14 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27; Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 236.
15 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 236.
16 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 12, 11/35-6.
17 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 119; d. RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 27-8 and Muller (1780), p,
68; Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 12, 11/35-6.
18 Smith, Ope cit., p. 309; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, p. 515.
19 RAI, James, Ope cit. p. 27.
20 RAI, Glegg, p. 119; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 27-8; Blackmore, Ope cit., pp,
100-1, 103, 107-8.
21 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 119; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 18; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams
of Guns, Plate XXXVIII.
22 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27; RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 119; Smith, Ope cit., p. 309;
Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 18.
23 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 159 and (1813), Ope cit., p. 260; Blackmore, pp, 100, 101,
103. The mortars are dated 1800, 1807 (2), and 1811.
24 Spearman (1828), Ope cit. p. 304, says 15.104 inches; Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XXXVIII, says 15.1 inches.
25 Blackmore, p. 107.
26 Spearman (1828), p, 304.
27 RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
28 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p, 119; Adye (1766), pp. 27-8; Muller, Ope cit., p. 67; Smith,
Ope cit., p. 187.
29 Smith, p, 309.
30 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 17.
31 Adye (1801), p. 159 and (1813), p, 260.
32 Blackmore, Ope cit., pp. 100-1.
33 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 319; Griffiths, Ope cit. (1839), p. 52 and (1859), p. 63.
34 Straith, [1841], Ope cit., (London: Allen & Co., 1841), Plate 2, Fig. 13.
35 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 108. The complete marking on the end of the right
trunnion is R.G.F. NO 1 W D.
36 Blackmore, Ope cit., pp, 235-6.
37 RAI, James, Ope clt., p. 27. Weight, 9 cwt., 3 qr., 27-1/2-lb.
38 RAI, G1egg, Ope cit. p. 119. These dimensions are more or less duplicated in
Muller (1780), Ope clt., p. 67; Adye (1766), pp. 27-8; Smith, Ope cit., p. 187.
39 Smith, Ope cit., p. 309.
40 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Prac-
tice & Store," circa 1780, pp. 8, 34; Lefroy, "Note on Mortar Practice," Minutes
of ProceedingSOfthe Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 2 (1861), p. 16; Walton,
Ope cit., unpaginated.
41 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 16.
42 Adye (1801), p. 159 and (1813), p. 260.

43 Aide-Mernoire (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 521.

44 RAI, "Collected Military Papers," Vol. 2, "Weight and Value of Brass Mortars,
Howitzers, & Guns, with their Beds and Carriages: - Upon the old Construc-
tion," very late 1795 or early 1796, p. 231. RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 319, in
1825 noted a 10-inch brass mortar of 11 3/4 cwt, which he said was obsolete.
He may have erred in copying the weight.
45 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 52, (1847), p, 70 and (1859), p. 63. Douglas, Ope
cit. (1860), p. 605, in a list dated 1847 cited the lO-inch brass mortar at the
same length but 1/2 cwt. heavier.
46 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 235; RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 27.
47 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 119; Cf. Muller, Ope cit., p. 67; RAI, Adye (1766), pp. 27-
8; Smith, Ope cit., p. 187.
48 Smith, Ope cit., p. 309.
49 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Prac-
tice & Stores," circa 1780, p, 34; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated; Padfield,
Ope cit., p. 106, illustration of a gunner's rule, circa 1780.
50 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 15.
51 RAI, Adye (1766), opposite p. 26.
52 Adye (1801), p. 159 and (1813), p, 260; RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings.
53 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 319.
54 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 235.
55 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 120; d. RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 29-30; Muller,
(1780), Ope cit., pp. 68-9.
56 Smith, Ope cit., p. 309.
57 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 14.
58 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p. 159.
59 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 235.
60 Ibid., pp, 97-8. Wt. 81 cwt. 2 qr, 24 lb.
61 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 120; Muller (1780), Ope cit., Plate II, Fig. 6, pp, 68-9;
RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., opposite p. 26, pp, 29-30.
62 Smith, Ope cit., p. 309.
63 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p, 260. Length 5 ft. 3 in., wt, 82 cwt, 0 qr, 8 lb.
64 Cited in Adrian B. Caruana, "Iron Mortars in 1812," The Canadian Journal: Arms
Collecting, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Nov. 1987), pp, 127-8.
65 Ibid., pp, 127-8.
66 Ibid., p. 127. Caruana provides a drawing "according to the construction and
dimensions given by Samuel Parlby,"
67 Ibid., p. 127; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 100; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate
XXXVI. The only difference between Mould's diagram is 1-172 inch shorter,
thus making the total length 22 inches.
68 RMC, Noble, op, cit., p. 73 citing a list of 1847; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
69 RAI, Report on Artillery 1854, "Abstract of Recommendations and Observa-
tions... for Coast Batteries... 1853."
70 PRO, W033/7, "Report of the Committee on Ordnance," 1859, pp. 3, 8.
71 Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., p. 71; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 66.
72 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p, 65.
73 Caruana, "Iron Mortars in 1812," Ope cit., p. 127-8.
74 Ibid., p. 128; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp, 100, 319; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XXXIV. Mould gave the length at 2 feet 3.5 inches.
75 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 73 citing a return of 1847; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of
Guns, Plate XXXV.
76 PRO, W033/7, "Report of the Committee on Ordnance," 1859, p. 3; Miller, Ope

cit., p. 345.
77 Owen and Porter, op, cit., p. 65.
78 Caruana, "Iron Mortars in 1812," op. cit., pp. 126-8.
79 Blackmore, op. cit., pp. 104-5. Note that the weights of the Tower mortars are
closer to those of Parlby's mortar of 3 feet 8.6875 inches.
80 RMC, Mould, op, cit., pp. 100, 319; Blackmore, op. cit., pp, 102-3; Caruana,
"Iron Mortars in 1812," op, cit., pp. 127-8.
81 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXIII.
82 Miller, op. cit., p. 342.
83 Owen and Porter, p. 65.
84 Miller, op. cit., p. 344.
85 Fort Malden N.H.P., Adye, Notebook, circa 1800.
86 Caruana, "Iron Mortars in 1812," op. cit., pp. 125-7.
87 Parks, Quebec Region, Quebec City, rue des Remparts, two lO-inch iron sea
service mortars marked on the left trunnions 57854/CARRON/1798 and
57869/CARRON/1798 and on the breech 47-2-14/NO 12 and 47-3-4/NO 14. Both
have the broad arrow cut into the breech. The first measured 4 feet 7-2/16
inches and the second 4 feet 6-15/16 inches in length.
88 Parks, Quebec Region, Quebec City, rue des Remparts, lO-inch iron sea service
mortar marked on the left trunnion 81353/CARRON/1813 and on the breech 52-
0-13 and a broad arrow.
89 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. lO1.
90 Miller, op. cit., p. 345; Owen and Porter, op. cit., p. 65.
91 Spearman (1828), op, cit., p. 304.
92 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXII.
93 Parks, Quebec Region, Quebec City, rue des Remparts, lO-inch iron sea service
mortar marked on right trunnion 2, on left trunnion Wco, and on breech 52-1-
18/1855 and the broad arrow.
94 There also may have been a lighter model of the same length but weighing 41 or
42 cwt. See RMC, Noble, op, cit., p. 73 citing a list of 1847; Griffiths (1939),
op. cit., p. 52, (1847), p. 70 and (1859), p, 63.
95 Fort Malden N.H.P., Adye, Notebook, circa 1800.
96 Caruana, "Iron Mortars in 1812," op. cit., p. 126.
97 Ibid., p. 126, citing the notebook of a student, J. Cockburn in 1827; Miller, Ope
cit., p. 340. Mortars of this weight, cast in 1813 and 1814, were used at the
bombardment of Sweaborg in the Baltic in Aug. 1855. See "Reports on 13-lnch
Sea Service Mortars," Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution,
Vol. I (1858), p. 445.
98 RMC, Mould, p. 101.
99 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXI.
100 Spearman (1828), op. cit. p. 304.
101 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXXI.
102 Miller, op. cit., p. 342.
lO3 "Reports on 13-lnch Sea Service Mortars," Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal
Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), pp. 443-56.
104 Miller, op. cit., p. 340. Owen and Porter, op, cit., p. 65 say that it was
introduced in 1857.
105 Owen and Porter, op, clt., p. 65.

1 Hughes, Smooth-bore, op. cit., p. 39.
2 Owen and Porter, op, cit., p, 65.
3 Aide Memoire (1850), op cit., Vol. 2, p. 251.

4 Smith, op. cit., p. 302.

5 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Prac-
tice & Stores," circa 1780, p. 4; RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated; Padfield, op.
cit., "Gunner's Rule," circa 1780, p. 106; Rudyerd, op. cit., Plate 12.
6 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 15. According to the note in the catalogue this model was
introduced in 1795 and last cast in 1859.
7 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Coehorn Howitzer," Feb. 1819.
8 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 318; Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 263.
9 RAI, Strange, op cit., unpaginated; RMC, Noble, op. cit., unpaginated. These
drawings are almost identical. RAI, Boxer, op, cit., Plate XXXIX.
10 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, pp, 58-9.
11 Owen and Porter, op. cit., Plate 1.
12 Ibid., p. 65.
13 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., p. 139. On page 142, in 1756, he mentions specifically a
Royal howitzer of 4 cwt. 27 lbs.
14 Smith, op. cit., p. 302.
15 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Prac-
tice & Stores" (Part I), p, 28, (Part 11), p, 36; RAI, "Experiments Landguard Fort
1780," unpaginated; RAI, Walton, op. cit., 1780-90, unpaginated; Padfield, op.
cit., "Gunner's Rule," circa 1780, p. 106.
16 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 1~68-9.
17 Rudyerd, op. cit., Plate 12. There are also less complete specifications
contained in RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated, which are almost the same as
18 RAI, Bogue, op. cit., unpaginated.
19 RAI, "Experiments in Gunnery - carried out at Woolwich 1819 to 1826," pp. 1-
56; RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 318.
20 RAI, Shuttleworth drawings, "5 1/2 inch Howitzers," circa 1820.
21 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16.
22 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op, cit., p. 39.
23 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16, 11/78.
24 Adye (1801), op, cit., p. 128 and (1813), p. 222.
25 RAI, Frazer, "Practice," Vol. I, 1810-11, p. 154, "Lengths & Weights of ordnance
used at the Practice at Sutton in 1811." Weights, 9 cwt, 2 qr, 25 lb. and 9 cwt,
2 qr, 7 lb.
26 RAI, "Experiments in Gunnery - carried out at Woolwich 1819 to 1826," pp. 1-
56. Weight 9 cwt, 3 qr. 13 lbs.
27 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 318; Spearman (1828), op, cit., p. 263; Griffiths (1839),
op. cit., p. 52; Straith (1841), op. cit., p. 93.
28 Griffiths (1847), op. cit., p. 70.
29 Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 263; Straith (1841), op. cit., p. 93.
30 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 318.
31 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 11.
32 RAI, Borgard, Practtis of Artillery, circa 1714, unpaginated.
33 RAI, James, op, cit., p. 27; Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op. cit., p. 39, says it was
first cast in 1719 but gives no source.
34 Hughes, Smooth Bore, op, clt., p. 39; Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16.
35 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., p. 122.
36 RAI, Portfolio, circa 1735.
37 Muller (1780), op. cit., pp. 69-70; RAI, Adye (1766), op, cit., pp. 31-2; Smith, op.
cit., p. 132.
38 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 14.
39 Rudyerd, op. cit., Plate 12.

40 Smith, op. clt., p. 302.

41 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Prac-
tice &: Stores," (Part 0, p. 21 (Part 2), p. 36; RAI, "Experiments Woolwich 1778-
1779," unpaginated; RAI, "Experiments Landguard Fort 1780," unpaginated;
RAI, Walton, op, cit., unpaginated; Padfield, op. cit., "Gunner's Rule," circa
1780, p. 106.
42 Keastlin, op. cit., p. 16; RAI, Shuttleworth drawings, "8 Inch Brass Howitzer,"
May 1819.
43 RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 318.
44 Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 251.
45 Hughes, Smooth Bore, op. cit., p. 39 citing Sir John James, Journal of the Seiges
in Spain. According to Hughes, Jones "...suggests that these howitzers failed
more from age and wear than from the softening of the metal which affected
the brass guns." This statement suggests that the howitzers used were not the
pattern of the 1814 example. Perhaps, then, the latter pattern was developed
as a result of the failure of the older howitzers, and thus we must date its
introduction much later than the 1790s, say 1813 or 1814.
46 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16.
47 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op. cit., p. 39; see also Kaestlin, op, clt., p. 16.
48 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., p. 122. These dimensions match those given by Muller
(1780),op. cit., pp. 69-70; RAI, Adye, op. clt., pp, 31-2; Smith, op. cit., p. 132.
49 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 83.
50 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," unpaginated; RAI, "Experiments
Woolwich 1778-1779," unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Practice &: Stores," circa
1780, (Part I), p. 20, (Part II), p. 36; RAI, "Experiment Landguard Fort 1780,"
unpaginated; RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated; Padfield, op. cit., p, 106,
"Gunner's Rule," circa 1780. Its length was reported at 3 feet 11, 11.2, 11.5
inches and an even 4 feet.
51 Rudyerd, op. cit., Plate 12.
52 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op, cit., p. 39.
53 RAI, Frazer, "Practice," 1810-11, Vol. I, pp, 149, 154.
54 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16.
55 RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 318.
56 Miller, op. cit., p. 178 says 1820; Kaestlin, op. cit., p, 16 and Hughes, Smooth-
Bore, op. cit., p, 39, presumably based on Kaestlin, says 1822. RAI, "Experi-
ments in Gunnery - carried out at Woolwich 1819 to 1826," pp, 1-56 and
"Practice with Howitzers of M. Gen) Millars Construction, Woolwich May to
June, 1819," pp. 56-60; Adye (1827), op, cit., "Ranges with common Shells from
a 24 and 12-Pounder Brass Howitzer, Nov. 1819," p. 217.
57 RMC, Mould, op. clt., p. 318; Miller, op, cit., p, 178.
58 Spearman (1828), op, clt., p, 263; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVIII;
Aide-Memoire (1853), op, cit., Vol. I, pp, 262-3. There are times when it is
stated at 4 feet 9 inches or 4 feet 9 1/2 inches.
59 Griffiths (1839), op, cit., p, 52 is the first manual to record this calibre.
60 Spearman (1828), op, cit., p. 263; RAI, Boxer, op. cit., Plate XXVIII; Aide-
Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 58-9 and (1853), Vol. I, pp. 262-3. There are
minor variations in the dimensions given in the two editions of the Aide-
61 Kaestlin, op. cit., p. 16; Miller, op. cit., p. 178.
62 Kaestlin, op, cit., p. 16, 11/85.
63 Douglas, op. cit. (1860), p. 604.
64 Kaestlin, op, cit., p, 15, 11/71.
65 Douglas, op. cit. (1860), p. 604, citing a list dated 1848.

66 A partial list of dimensions is given in PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp.

5, 76, "Notes on Manufacturers of the Royal Carriage Department," p. 30,
"Names, Weights, and Principal Dimensions of Ordnance used in the British
Service November 1864."
67 Miller, Ope cit. p. 183, says at the same time as the 12-pounder, Le, 1820;
Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 39, says 1822; RAI, "Experiments in Gunnery
- carried out at Woolwich 1819 to 1826," pp. 1-56 and "Practice with Howitzers
of M. Gen l: Millars Construction Woolwich May to June, 1819," pp. 56-60; Adye
(1827), Ope cit., "Ranges with common Shells from a 24 and 12-Pounder Brass
Howitzer, Nov. 1819," p. 217.
68 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 318; Miller, Ope cit., p. 183.
69 Spearman, (1828), Ope cit., p. 263; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVII;
Aide-Mernoire, Ope cit. (1853), Vol. I, pp, 262-3. There are times when it is
stated at 4 feet 8 inches or 4 feet 9 inches.
70 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 52 is the first manual to record this calibre.
71 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 263.
72 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVII; Aide-Memoire (1853), Ope cit., Vol.
I, pp. 262-3. The 1845 edition, Vol. I, pp. 58-9, gave different figures, length
8.76 inches, tapering to 4.25 inches.
73 Miller, Ope cit., p. 183.
74 RAI, Strange, Ope cit., unpaginated, diagram of 24 pR Brass Howitzer. "For sea
service there would be no vent field astragal and fillets & the ring at the second
reinforce would be sloped off as in the iron howitzer."
75 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 604 citing a list dated 1848; information attched to
howitzers at National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
76 Straith (1841), Ope cit., p. 20; Hughes, Smooth-bore, Ope cit., p. 39.
77 Miller, Ope cit., p. 188, says "about 1840;" Keastlin, Ope cit., p. 16, and Hughes,
Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 39, presumably following Kaestlin say 1841.
78 Miller, Ope cit., p. 188.
79 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 16.
80 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXVI; Aide-Memoire (1853), Ope cit., Vol.
I, pp. 262-3.
81 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 16, 11/86.
82 Miller, Ope cit., pp. 332-3.
83 RAI, Frazer, "Practice," Vol. I, p. 119, practice of 22 Nov. 1810.
84 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 37.
85 Miller, Ope cit., pp, 332-3.
86 RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XXV.
87 RAI, Shuttleworth drawings, "Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in
Centre," June 1819. On the platform is what appears to be an iron 5-l/2-inch
88 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p, 319; Adye (1827), Ope clt., p, 213.
89 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 52, (1847), p. 70 and (1852), p. 60.
90 RMC, Mould, Ope cit. p. 319.
91 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 73; Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 605, both citing a list of
92 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, pp. 56-7; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XXV.
93 There was also a discrepancy in bore length, Boxer's being longer. It is likely
that the Aide-Memoire was stating the length exclusive of the chamber, at
least that would be the measurement on Boxer's diagram.
94 Miller, Ope cit., p. 333.
95 Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., p. 75; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 66.

96 RAI, "Experiments in Gunnery - carried out at Woolwich 1819 to 1826," pp. 1-

97 RAI, "Report of the Committee of Officers, •.• authorised ... under Date of the
3r~ of December 1819," p. 123. See also Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal
Artillery Institution, Vol. 1 (1858), p. 237, that reproduces the report with a
note by the editor "The pieces referred to are those now in the service, and
which were introduced by Colonel Millar, in 1820."
98 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 39; Miller, Ope cit., pp. 328-3l.
99 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 319.
100 RMC, Mould, ibid., p. 99; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plates XXII, XXIII.
101 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 99; Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, pp. 56-7, and
(1853), Vol. I, pp. 60-1; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plates XXII, XXIII.
102 Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), "A
Synoptical Table of the Deal Practice carried on in the Year 1839."
103 8-inch
1828 1853
length of bore 46.8 in. 45.75 in.
chamber: length 9.5 in. 9.5 in.
greatest diameter 8. in. 8. in
least diameter 6. in 6. in

1828 1853
length of bore 58.75 in. 57.21 in.
chamber: length 11.25 in. 11.25 in.
greatest distance 10. in. 10. in.
least diameter 7.5 7.5
Cf. Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 263; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plates
XXII, XVIII. In 1853, the Aide-Mernoire, Vol. I, pp, 60-1 gave the least diameter
of the chamber of the 8-inch howitzer as 6.14 inches and of the lO-inch as 7.47
inches. The Aide-Memoire also gave a slightly different bore length for the 10-
inch howitzer in 1845: 58.46 inches.
104 Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., p.72.
105 Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 65.

Carriages and Limbers

1 Miller, Ope cit., p. 89.
2 RAI, James, Ope cit., pp. 4-5, "Dimentions of the Bodies of Standing Carriages,
Plank Wheels, and Extrees according to the New Regulations, 1721" and
"Draught of a 42 Poundr, Gunn and Standing Carriage to an 1/2 Inch scale."
3 Ibid., p. 19; Adrian B. Caruana, "Albert Borgard and British Artillery of 1675-
1725," The Canadian Journal; Arms Collecting, Vol. 20, No.3 (Aug. 1982), p, 80.
4 Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp, 96-7; d. RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 40; Smith, Ope
cit., p, 51.
5 Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp, 95-9; d. Rees, Ope cit., Vol. 6, "Carriage" for a very
similar statement of this formula.
6 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 45-9.
7 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p, 96.
8 Ibid., p. 98.
9 Ibid., p. 99.
10 The labelling of the various drawings of aspects of the axletrees has been
scrambled, e.g. what is entitled "side of front Axle-tree" is clearly "bottom of
hind Axle-tree." Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 46.

11 Ibid., Plates 45-9.

12 Ibid., Plate 47. DND, Fitzhugh, op. cit., p. 159, in 1845 said that the transom
bolt was riveted and RAI, Richardson, op. cit., in 1859 indicated that the both
bolts were riveted.
13 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Heavy 24 Pounder," circa 1820 and "Elevation of
a Traversing Platform with Pivot in the Centre," 1819, do not show capsquares.
Cf. Aide-Memoire (1853), op, cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate I, "32, 24, & 18
Pounder Garrison Carriage Wood." RAI, Richardson, op. cit.; Owen, Ele-
mentary, op cit., p. 66. --
14 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Heavy 24 Pounder," circa 1820; DND, Fitzhugh,
op. cit., pp. 159-60; W. Kemmis, Treatise on Military Carriages and Other
Manufactures of The Royal Carriage Department. London: HMSO, 1874, p. 95;
PRO, "Notes on the Manufacture of the Royal Carriage Department," p. 16, is
at variance, saying the front bolt was riveted.
15 DND, Fitzhugh, op. cit., pp. 1590-60.
16 PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department," p, 16.
17 NA, RG8, I, Vol. 384, p. 206.
18 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in
the Centre," 1819.
19 DND, Fitzhugh, op. cit., p. 160.
20 RAI, Richardson, op. cit.; Owen, Elementary, p. 66.
21 RAI, Richardson, op. cit.
22 Quarterly List of Changes, Approved 10 Aug. 1860; RAI, Royal Carriage
Department [henceforth RCD], Plate 75, September 1870, "Smith's Elevating
23 PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department," op, cit.,
p. 17; Owen, Elementary, op. cit., Plate 10, "Garrison Carriage 8 Inch Common
24 Miller, op. cit., p. 385.
25 PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures...," op, cit., p. 17; Kemmis, op, cit., p. 95.
26 Quarterly List of Changes, 963, Approved 19 July 1864.
27 Royal Canadian Military Institute [henceforth RCMI], RCD, Plate 62, "Garrison
Carriages," May 1870 and Plate 63, "Garrison Standing Carriage for 32 Pro 56 or
58 CWT.," June 1870.
28 Blackmore, op. cit., p. 176. He also refers to a three wheel carriage, patented
by Louis de Villers in 1753 (Pat. No. 683), which was mainly adopted by the East
India Companies.
29 Ibid., p. 176; S.J. Gooding, "The Traversing Platform," The Canadian Journal of
Arms Collecting, Vol. 4, No.3 (Aug. 1966), p, 107. No specific references were
given. Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 93.
30 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, p, 290.
31 Miller, op. cit., p. 88.
32 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate I. The plate is dated
33 Hector Straith, Plates for Major Straith's Treatise on Fortification and Artillery
(London: Allen and Co., 1852), Plate XII, "Iron Garrison Carriage."
34 Based on drawings in ibid., and Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, "Car-
riages," Plate I, and carriages owned by Parks.
35 Griffiths (1859), op. cit., p. 68.
36 RCMI, RCD, Plate 62, "Garrison Carriages," May 1870.
37 PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures... ," op. clt., p. 17; Kemmis, op, cit., pp. 95-6;
RAI, RCD, Plate 75, "Smith's Elevating Screw," Sept. 1870.
38 Quarterly List of Changes, I, approved 25 Feb. 1860 and 907, approved 27 April

39 PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures•••," Ope cit., p. 3I.
40 Aide-Memoire (1846), Vol. I, Defence of Costs, Plate 1, "Dwarf Wooden
Traversing Platform," approved 1 April 1846; RAI, Strange, Drawings on
Artillery, circa 1851, "56 Pro 11 Pt. 98 cwt. on a Dwarf Traversing Platform."
41 This description is based in part on the drawings but also on what was known
about working the carriage in the 1860s, which cannot have differed much from
the 1840s.
42 Quarterly List of Changes, 962, approved 23 Aug. 1864.
43 Ibid., 681, approved 17 Oct. 1862.
44 Kemmis, Ope cit., p. 98.
45 Quarterly List of Changes, 681, approved 17 Oct. 1862.
46 Miller, Ope cit., pp, 270-1; PRO, "Notes on the Manufactures•..," Ope cit., pp. 17-
18; Kemmis, Ope cit., p. 96.
47 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 191; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 60-I.
48 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 191; d. RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p, 60.
49 Smith, Ope cit., p. 28.
50 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 123.
51 Rudyerd (op, cit.), Plate 53.
52 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "13 inch Mortar," circa 1820 and "8 Inch Brass
Mortar," 1820.
53 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 35 and (1813), Ope cit., p. 63.
54 Isaac Landmann, The Princi les of Artiller reduced into uestions and
Answers, for the Use of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich London:
Egerton, 1808 ), p. 27.
55 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 327.
56 Fort Malden National Historic Park, Adye, Notebook, circa 1800, "General Con-
struction of Land Service Mortar Beds. Colonel Blomefield's,"
57 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., "Carriage," Plate 3, "13 Inch Land Service
Mortar Bed," 1844.
58 Ibid.," 10 Inch Land Service Mortar Bed (New Pattern)," 1844.
59 Fort Malden NHP, Adye, Notebook, circa 1800, "General Construction•..; Adye
(1801), Ope cit., p. 35 and (1813), Ope cit., p. 63; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 327.
60 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 308.
61 Griffiths (1840), Ope cit., p, 70, (1847), p, 78, (1852), p. 68, (1859), p. 71, (1862),
p, 74.
62 Aide-Memoire (1853), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 3, "10 Inch Land Service
Mortar Bed," 1852.
63 National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. The lO-inch mortar is dated 1856;
there is no date on the bed.
64 Quarterly List of Changes, 15, "Travelling carriage for 8-inch mortar for naval
service in China," approved 5 Dec. 1859.
65 Ibid., 214, "Carriages, travelling, for 8-inch and lO-inch mortars," approved 18
Dec. 1860, and 216, "Carriage, travelling, for the 13-inch mortars," approved 15
Feb. 186I.
66 RAI, RCD, Plate 48, "Travelling Carriage for an 8 Inch L.S. Mortar," June 1869,
Plate 49, "Travelling Carriage for a 10 Inch L.S. Mortar," May 1869, Plate 50,
"Travelling Carriage for 13 In. L.S. Mortar," July, 1869.
67 uarterl List of Chan es, 680, approved 2 Dec. 1862.
68 RAI, Adye 1766, pp, 60-2; Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp. 119-20 and Plate XIV.
69 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p, 35.
70 Blackmore, Ope cit., p. 103 and Plate 72. The height given, 3.8 in., must be an
error for 8.3 in.

71 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p, 308; Griffiths (1862), Ope cit., p, 68.
72 Aide-Memoire (1846) and (1853), Ope clt., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 3, "5 1/2 Inch
Mortar Bed," 1844 and 1852.
73 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 108; d. Adye (1766), p. 50.
74 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 108.
75 RAI, Richardson, Ope cit., unpaginated; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., p. 64.
76 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 36, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-work for
Hind & Fore Wheels for Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regulation
by Colonel Albert Borgard in the Year 1719."
77 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 107 and Plate IX.
78 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 28, 29; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 167.
79 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 36, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-work •••
80 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 107; RAI, Adye (1766), p. 48; Smith, Ope cit., p. 53;
Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 26, 32, 33.
81 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 167.
82 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p, 53.
83 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 36, "Dimensions, Weight and Value ••• 1719."
84 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 107; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p, 48; Smith, Ope cit.,
85 Rudyerd, Ope clt., Plates 23, 25, 26,35, 39.
86 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., pp. 101-2; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 167.
87 Smith, Ope cit., p. 193.
88 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 37, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-Work for
Hind and Fore Wheels for Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regula-
tion by Colonel Albert Borgard in 1719"; Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 107; RAI,
Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 48.
89 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p. 301.
90 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 165.
91 Straith (1841), Ope cit., p. 46; DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., p. 158; Owen, Elemen-
tary, Ope cit., p. 64.
92 Smith, Ope cit., p. 34.
93 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 165.
94 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., p. 158; Owen, Rough Notes, Ope cit., p. 47.
95 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p, 57 and (1813), Ope cit., pp, 390-1.
96 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp. 168, 170; Spearman (1828), Ope cit., pp. 425-6 and
(1844), Ope cit., "Wheel," unpaginated.
97 Miller, Ope cit., p. 383; Owen, Elementary, p. 65; PRO, "Notes on the Manu-
facture •••," p. 29; Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., pp, 147-8.
98 Muller, Ope cit., Plate IX.
99 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 38, "Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for
Hind and Fore Extrees, for Travelling Carriages; according to the New
Regulation by Colonel Albert Borgard in the Year 1719;" Muller, Ope cit., p. 118;
RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 56; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 29, 30.
100 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 38, "Dimentions, Weight ••• for ••• Extrees ••• 1719;"
Rudyerd, Ope clt., Plate 26; Landmann, Principles, Ope cit., Plate 2.
101 Muller, Ope cit., p. 109, Plate 106; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 26.
102 RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 38. "Dimentions, Weight ••• for ••• Extrees ••. 1719;"
Muller, Ope cit., p. 109, Plate IX; Rudyerd, op.cit., Plates 26, 28, 30.
103 Smith, Ope cit., p. 132.
104 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 28, 29.
105 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 56.
106 Adye (1813), p. 91.

107 RAI, "Report of a Select Committee.•. 1820•..," pp, 134-5.

108 RMC, Mould, op, cit., pp. 171-4.
109 Spearman (1828), op. cit., pp, 50-1 and (1844), op. cit., "Axletree," unpaginated.
110 Miller, op. cit., p.384; Lefroy (1867), op. cit., pp. 148-9; PRO, "Notes on the
Manufactures ...," p. 28.
111 DND, Fitzhugh, p. 151.
112 RAI, Richardson, op, cit., unpaginated; Owen, Rough Notes, pp. 44-5.
113 This generalized description is based on RAI, Borgard, Tables, No. 39, No. 40,
No. 41, "Dimentions, Weight, and Value of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling
Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719;" RAI, James, op. cit., p. 2,
"Dimentions of the Bodies of Travelling Carriages according to the New
Regulation 1719," pp, 10, 12, "Dimentions of Iron Works for Bodies of Travelling
Carriages;" Muller (1780), op. cit., pp.99-104, 106, Plates VI, VII, VIII; RAI,
Adye (1766), op, cit., pp, 44-50; Smith, op. cit., pp. 52-3; Rudyerd, op. cit.,
Plates 20-2, 26 27, 32, 33, 37.
114 Muller (1780), op. cit., pp. 112-14, Plates X, XI; RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit.,
pp. 50-2; Smith, op. cit., p. 53, Plate VII.
115 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 114; d. Smith, op, cit., Plate VII.
116 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 114.
117 Ibid.
118 Ibid.
119 Ibid.
120 Ibid. p. 115.
121 Caruana, Grasshoppers and Butterflies, op. cit.
122 RAI, "A particular account of the Alterations made in the Light 6 Por.
Carriages in the Year 1776, by order of the Right Honourable Lord Visct.
Townshend Master General of the Ordnance, &:ca. - also the reasons for making
them." These documents are published in Caruana, The Light 6-Pdr. Battalion
Gun of 1776, op. cit., pp. 11-21. See Rudyerd, op. cit., Plates 38, 39 for a plan
and elevation of the carriage.
123 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 115; RAI, Adye (1766) op. cit., pp. 57-8.
124 RAI, James, op, cit., p. 11.
125 Ibid., p. 8.
126 Muller (1780), op. cit., pp. 115-16, Plate XII; RAI, Adye (1766), op, cit., pp, 57-
127 Aide-Memoire (1846), op, cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 30; d. RAI, RCD Photo-
lithographs, Plate 1, "Mountain Service Carriages," 1867.
128 Adrian B. Caruana, "The Introduction of the Block Trail Carriage," The
Canadian Journal: Arms Collecting, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Feb. 1980), p. 3; Hughes,
Smooth-Bore, op. cit., pp, 67-8.
129 RAI, Defence of the Coast, "An Account of the Field Pieces which His Grace
the Duke of Richmond ordered to be constructed in 1788" by William Congreve,
pp. 180-1.
130 "An Account of the Proposals for the Management of the Heavy Three Pounders
contrived by General Thomas Desaguliers for the Service of Cavalry, made by
Captain William Congreve in the year 1779," quoted in Carauna, "The Intro-
duction of the Block Trail Carriage," op. cit., p. 9.
131 Caruana, "The Introduction of the Block Trail Carriage," op.cit., pp.3-7. This
brief summary is based largely on Caruana's analysis. He also published many
supporting documents, pp. 7-16.
132 Adye (1813), op, cit., p, 90.
133 Ibid., p. 390.
134 Donald E. Graves, "A Note on British Field Artillery Equipments of the War of

1812," The Canadian Journal: Arms Collecting, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Nov. 1982),
pp. 128-9. Graves cites evidence that the bracket trail, along with block trail
carriages, were being sent to Canada as late as 1812.
135 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Light Six Pounder" and "Plan of a Light Six
Pounder," circa 1820; "Medium 12 Pounder," 1820.
136 Aide-Mem'OIre(1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 19-22, 25, 26, 29, 30
and (1853), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 8-9.
137 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithographs, Plates 1, 3, 13, 14, 15.
138 Block trail for 18-pdr. approved 23 Feb. 1859; for 32 and 24-pdrs., 31 March
1860; for 8-inch gun, 2 June 1860. Quarterly List of Changes, 14, approved 2
March 1860 and 98, approved 2 June 1860; RAI, RCD Photo-Lithographs, Plate
41, "Block Trail Carriage for 18 Pro 38 Cwt. Gun," 1869, and Plate 42, "Block
Trail Carriages; Details of Woodwork," 1869.
139 RAI, Borgard, Practtis of Artillery, circa 1714; RAI, Borgard, Tables, Nos. 39,
40, 41, "Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for Bodies of Travelling
Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719;" RAI, James, Ope cit., p. 2,
"Dimensions of the Bodies of Travelling Carriages according to the New
Regulation 1719."
140 RAI, Adye (1766), pp, 65-7, Plate 11; Muller (1780), Ope cit., p, 124, Plate XVII.
141 Smith, Ope cit., p. 55.
142 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 50.
143 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p. 90.
144 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., pp, 39, 68.
145 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "5 1/2 inch Howitzer" and "Plan of a 5 1/2 inch
Howitzer," circa 1820.
146 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithographs, Plate 1, "Mountain Service Cariages," 1867 and
Plate 4, "4 2/5 in Howitzer Carriage-Colonial Service," 1867.
147 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 68.
148 Straith, Plans... (1841), Ope cit., Artillery Plate 2, "Elevation of General Miller's
sic 24 Pounder, Howitzer & Carriage"; Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I,
"Carriage," Plates 14, 15, Elevation and Plan of the 24 Pro & 12 Pro Howitzer
Carriage, 1845.
149 Aide-Memoire (1853), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 10, 11, Elevation and
Plan of the 24 Pro Howitzer Carriage, 1852.
150 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithographs, Plate 16, "12 Pro Howr. Field Carriage" (approved
17 April 1864), 1867 and Plate 17, "24 Pro Howr, S.B. Field Carriage" (approved
27 April 1864), 1867.
151 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 12, 13, 32 Pounder
Howitzer, Elevation and Plan, 1845; RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate 18,
"Field Carriage for 32 Pr, Brass Howitzer," 1867.
152 Miller, Ope cit., p. 90.
153 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 327.
154 Straith, Plans... (1841), Artillery Plate 2; Straith (1846), Ope cit., p. 588; Straith
(1858), Artillery Plates I, II, III; Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit. Vol. I, pp. 215-16,
and "Carriage," Plates 6-9; Miller, Ope cit., p, 240; Owen, Elementary, p. 63 and
Plate 8.
155 Adye (1813), p. 93.
156 RAI, Mould, Ope cit., p. 327.
157 Miller, Ope cit., pp. 328, 330.
158 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., pp. 115-16 and (1844), "Car," unpaginated; Aide-
Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 4.
159 The dimensions of the illustration seem to match those given by Spearman in
1844. Spearman in 1828 and 1844 referred to "Trail-Bearing - (Cast Iron)."

160 Miller, Ope clt., pp. 328, 330.

161 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in
Centre," 1819; Aide-Memoire (1846), Vol. I, Ope cit., "Carriage," Plate 5, and
(1853), Plate 2. The only difference in the two plates seems to be the head of
the elevating screw - flat in 1846 and rounded in 1853.
162 Miller, Ope cit., p. 332.
163 Griffiths (1852), Ope cit., p. 67.
164 RAI, "Experiments Woolwich 1778-9," unpaginated; RAI, Pamphlet, A Descri -
tion of the New-Invented Gun called a Carronade; and its Uses Edinburgh,
[1779]), p. 10.
165 See illustrations in ffoulkes, Arms and Armaments... , Ope cit., Plate XIII;
Padfield, Ope clt., p. 104; Wilkinson-Latham, Ope cit., p. 17; Aide-Memoire
(1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 2, 1845; Boyd, Ope cit., p. 247-8.
166 William Congreve, An Elementar Treatise on the Mountin of Naval Ordnance
(London: Egerton and Wyatt, 1811 , p. 37.
167 Boyd, Ope cit., p. 248; Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., "Carriage," Plate 2, 1845.
168 Cited by Wilkinson-Latham, Ope cit., p. 18.
169 Padfield, Ope cit., p. 104.
170 National Maritime Museum, Greenich, U.K., "A Brig of War's 12 Pro Carronade,"
1828, neg. 2417.
171 Ivan J. Saunders "A History of Martello Towers in the Defence of British North
America, 1796-1871," Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Pa ers in Archae-
010 and Histor , No. 15 1976, p. 15; Sheila Sutcliffe, Martello Towers
Newton Abbot: David &. Charles, 1972), pp. 56, 77.
172 Saunders, Ope cit., pp. 22-37 passim.
173 Ibid., pp, 22, 24, 26, 35, 37, Plan, pp. 93-4.
174 This description is based mainly on Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I,
"Carriage," Plate 2, 1845; Miller, Ope cit., p. 339.
175 RMC, Mould, Ope clt., p, 324.
176 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., pp.48, 114 and (1844), Ope cit. "Car," unpaginated;
Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 62 and (1840), Ope cit., p. 69 and (1852), Ope cit.,
p. 67; Miller, Ope clt., pp, 334-8, 375.
177 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 324.
178 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 62.
179 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 115.
180 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 62 and (1840), Ope cit., p. 69 and (1852), Ope cit.,
p. 67; Miller, Ope cit., pp. 334-8, 375.
181 Aide-Memoire (1846), Ope cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plate 2, 1845.
182 Hogg, Ope cit., pp. 101-2; Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope clt., p. 104.
183 Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 30, illustrates the bolster hoop as a flat strap.
184 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 117; d. Adye (1766), Ope cit., p, 54.
185 RAI, Borgard, Practtis of Artillery, circa 1714, plate untitled of a carriage and
limber and "An Explanation of a 3-Pounder.•.C is the Limber &C;" RAI, Adye
(1766), Ope cit., pp. 53-6, Plate 7; Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp. 116-18, Plate XIII;
Smith, Ope cit., pp. 53-4, Plate VII; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plates 24, 25, 29-31, 34-6;
Landmann, Principles, Ope cit., Plates 4, 5.
186 RAI, Adye (op. cit.), pp, 56-7. The absence of references to a light 3-pounder
limber may indicate that the light 3-pounder was mounted on a galloper
187 RAI, "A particular account of the Alterations made in the Light 6 Por, Carriges
in the Year 1776, by the order of the Right Honourable Lord Visct, Townshend
Master General of the Ordnance, &ca. - also the reasons for making them;"
Caruana, The Light 6-Pdr..., Ope cit., pp. 11-21; Rudyerd, Ope cit., Plate 40.

188 Caruana, Grasshoppers and Butterflies..., op, cit., pp, 8-9, show the carriages
with pintle holes and plates for limbers.
189 RAI, Defence of the Coast, "An Account of the Field Pieces which His Grace
the Duke of Richmond ordered to be constructed in 1788" by William Congreve,
pp. 180-1; Caruana, "The Introduction of the Block Trail••.," op. cit., pp. 3-7
190 RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 156; RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate No. 25, 1867.
191 See RCD, Plate No. 25, detail, for manner of securing the key in the end of the
192 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 23, 24, 1845 showed
two platform boards; but (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, "Carriage," Plates 12, 13, 1852,
showed only one.
193 RAI, Richardson, op, cit., unpaginated; PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp.
5, 76, "Notes on Manufactures... ," pp. 10-11; Owen, Elementary, pp. 58-9. This
description is based on circa 1860 sources, but most of the details were evident
in the Aide-Memoire drawings.
194 Quarterly List of Changes, 547, approved 21 June 1862.
195 Ibid., 101, approved 23 April 1860.
196 Ibid., 619, approved 30 Aug. 1862.
197 RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 169.
198 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Medium 12 Pounder," circa 1820.
199 PRO, Supply Department Records, Supp. 5, 76, "Notes on the Manufactures•..,"
op, cit., p. 33; Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, Plates 12, 13, 1845.
200 Aide-Memoire (853), op. clt., Vol. I, p. 215.
201 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate 6, 1866.
202 The 1866 RCD lithograph does not show the yoke hoop and couplng plate, but a
later version of the same plate, undated but made between 1871 and 1876,
shows these pieces of iron work. Original at R.C.M.I., Toronto; copy at
Environment Canada - Parks, Ottawa.
203 Straith, Plans•.• (1841), op. cit., "Artillery" Plate 2.
204 Aide-Memoire (846), op, cit., Vol. I, Plate 10, 1845.
205 Straith A Treatise on Fortifications (1858), op. cit., "Artillery," Plates I, III.
206 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithographs, Plates 44, 45, 1869.
207 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithographs, Plates 48, 49; Miller, op. cit., p. 240.

Gun Sleighs
1 RAI, Adye, (1766), op.cit, p. 69.
2 Ibid., Plate 12, "Slade for a 5 1/2 Inch Howitz," For a 6-pounder the sleigh was
made proportionally longer.
3 John Knox, An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the
Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760, ed, Arthur G. Doughty (Toronto: The
Chaplain Society, 1914), Vol. 2, pp. 326, 335 and fn.
4 John D. Chown, "The Gun Sleigh Additional Notes, " The Canadian Journal of
Arms Collecting," Vol. 9, No.4 (Nov. 1971), pp 135-6; Adrian B. Caruana,
"Artillery Sledges &: Gun Sleighs in North America, 1778-1783," The Canadian
Journal: Arms Collecting, Vol. 16, No.1 (Feb. 1978), pp. 8-9.
5 Caruana, "Artillery Sledges," pp.8-13.
6 Captain Townsend, "Remarks on Sleigh Carriages in the service of Artillery,"
Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), p.115.
7 R. W. Adye, Notebook, circa 1800, "Elevation, Plan and Section of a Slay and
Carriage for a Light 6 Pounder." In possession of Fort Malden National Historic
Park, Amherstburg, Ontario.
8 RAI, Collected Military Papers, Vol. 2, "Gun Sleighs used in Canada with

proposals for altering them," unsigned draft attributed to Ltc-Col. Sir William
Robe, who was in Canada 1800-06.
9 Townsend, op.cit., p. 115.
10 Ibid., p. 115.
11 RAI, John Cockburn, Notes on Artillery, MS notebook, circa 1820; Caruana,
"Artillery Sledges," p. 10.
12 Townsend, op.cit., p. 116. Cf. Griffiths (1862), op.cit., p. 161-2; Miller, op.cit.,
p. 131.
13 RAI, Cockburn, Ope cit.
14 Great Britain. War Office, Manual of Field Artillery Exercises (London:
H.M.S.O., 1861), Plate LXVII, opposite p. 181. Drawings of gun and ammunition
sleighs. See also, J.D. Chown, "The Gun Sleigh," The Canadian Journal of Arms
Collecting, Vol. 4, No.4 (Nov. 1966), p. 151.
15 Townsend, Ope cit., fn. p. 116.

Traversing Platforms
1 John Rutherford: 2nd Lieut., 12/7/81; Lieut., 21/5/90; Captc-Lt., 1/12/95;
Capt., 11/9/98; served in Holland, 1793-5; Grenada, 1796; Holland, 1799; to Staff
Crops, 1/5/1800; died on passage home from Gibraltar, 1813. R. F. Edwards,
ed., Roll of Officers of the Cor s of Ro al En ineers from 1660 to 1898
(Chatham: Royal Engineers Institute, 1898 , p. 11.
2 RAI, Collected Military Papers, Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 243-4.
3 Ibid., p. 44.
4 Charles P. de Volpi, Nova Scotia; A Pictorial Record (Longman Canada Limited,
1974), Plate 41, "View of Halifax from George's Island," Drawn, engraved and
published by G. J. Parkyns, London, April 29, 1801; NA, RG8, I, Vol. 982, "View
of Halifax from Georges Island," G. I. Parkyns, aquatint, circa 1801.
5 Public Archives of Nova Scotia, MG 12, Great Britain, Army. Miscellaneous-
General, Vol. 4, p. 12, Smyth to Horton, 15 August 1795; p.40, Smyth to
Horton, 1 July 1796.
6 Fort Malden N.H.P., R.W. Adye, Notebook, "Plan and Elevation of a 12
Pounder & Carriage Mounted upon a Traversing Platform," circa 1800.
7 NA, C-5549, A. Gray, "Detailed drawing of gun and emplacement, No. 363
U./P No 225/ D G," wash drawing. The NA notes that "An A. Gray was
Quartermaster General from about 1809-1814" but beyond this nothing is known
about the age and provenance of the drawing. The gun is clearly a pre-
Blomefield model, so that a date of about 1800 or even 1812 is not unreason-
8 RAI, Copy of a letter to John, Earl of Chatham, M.G.O., on differences of
opinion regarding traversing platforms from Lieut-General Robert Morse In-
spector-general of Fortifications, 19 July 1804.
9 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 384, p. 206, Crew to R.O., Quebec, 15 April 1807.
10 Adye (1813), Ope cit., pp, 287-8 and (1827), p. 270.
11 NA, Prince of Wales Tower, view, section and floor plans 1812••., cited in Ivan
J. Saunders, "A History of Martello Towers in the Defence of British North
America, 1796-1871," Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archae-
ology and History, No. 15 (1976), p. 93; NA, John Elliott Woolford, "The Coteau
Rapids from the Fort, 1821;" P. J. Bainbrigge, "Quebec from the Citadel," in
Mary Allodi, Canadian Watercolours and Drawin s in the Ro al Ontario Museum
(Toronto: Roya Ontario Museum, 1974, Vol, I, Pate 58; NA, J. S. Clow,
"Halifax from the Eastern Battery"; NA, H3/45 - Kingston, 1851, "Kingston,
Fort Henry, Eastern Angle over the Magazine."
12 NA, RG8, I, Vol. 1418, pp. 127, 130, October, 1848.

13 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in

the Centre," two drawings, 19 June and 6 July 1819; Aide-Memoire, op. cit.
(1846), Vol. I, Coast Defences, Plate 6.
14 NA, J. S. Clow, "Halifax from the Eastern Battery" clearly shows the rear
footboard, not evident elsewhere. The estimates of repairs, NA, RG8, I, Vol.
1418, pp. 127, 130, October 1848 gave dimensions for side and rear foot boards.
15 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, p. 291.
16 RAI, Shuttleworth Drawings, "Elevation of a Traversing Platform with Pivot in
the Centre," two drawings, 19 June and 6 July 1819; RAI, Robert Cockburn,
"Practical Course of Instruction;" NA, J.S. Clow, "Halifax from the Eastern
17 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, p. 291.
18 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Abstract of Recommendations and Observations
taken from a Report of a Committee of Officers of the Royal Artillery and
Royal Engineers... approved by the Master General and Board 28 t h January 1853
M/6l2," p. 2.
19 Owen, Elementary, op. cit, p.73; RAI, Reports on Artillery, Tulloh to Lefroy,
Woolwich, 9 April 1859.
20 Miller, op. cit., p. 273.
21 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications, (1846), op. cit., pp. 263-4; Aide-Memoire
(1853), op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 209, 290. Anthony Emmett was commissioned as 2nd_
Lt. in the Royal Engineers in 1808 and served in the Peninsula and at New
Orleans. He achieved the rank of Lte-Col. in 1837, Col. in 1851, and retired as
a Maj-Gen. in 1855. He died at Brighton in 1872. See Edwards, Roll of Officers
of the Cor s of Ro al En ineers from 1660 to 1898, op. cit., p. 17.
22 Aide-Memoire 1846), op. cit., Vol. I, Defence of Coasts, Plate I; Owen,
Elementary, op. cit., p. 73, Plate 15.
23 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, Defence of Coasts, Plate I; Miller, op.cit,
pp. 273-5; Owen, Elementary, op, cit., pp. 73-4.
24 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, Defence of Coasts, Plate I.
25 Straith, Plates (1852), op. cit., Plate XVIII. I have not located the Plates for
the 1846 edition, but in all likelihood it was the same.
26 Aide-Memoire (1846), op. cit., Vol. I, Defence of Coasts, Plate I; NA, PAC,
MG13, W055!884, p.317, "Plan and section showing racers for a 56 pr to be
placed in salient angle of the advanced battery," Fort Henry, 24 July 1849.
27 RAI, Strange, Drawings on Artillery, MS notebook, circa 1851, "56 pro 11 ft. 98
cwt on a Dwarf Traversing Platform."
28 Griffiths (1852), op. cit., p. 67 and (1859), p. 68.
29 Griffiths (1862), op. cit., p. 68.
30 RAI, RDC, Lithographs, Plate 60, "Drawing of New Platform either casemate
or dwarf suitable to any radius" approved 29 May 1860; Plate 60 B, "N.P.
Traversing Platform fitted as a dwarf...," approved 9 Aug. 1864, both photo-
lithographed 1868.
31 Miller, op. cit., p. 273; Owen, Elementary, op. cit., p. 74; RAI, RCD, Litho-
graphs, Plate 60.
32 RAI, RCD, Lithographs, Plates 60, 60A, 60B; RAI, Reports on Artillery,
"Confidential Circular 1 Jan. 1861 promulgating report of Committee on Coast
Batteries dated July 1860," pp. 3-4.
33 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, p. 210; RAI, RCD Lithographs, Plate 60;
Owen, Elementary, op, cit., p, 74.
34 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Confidential Circular 1 Jan. 1861 promulgating
report of Committee on Coast Batteries, dated July 1860," p. 4 and Note.
35 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Abstract and Observations ... for Coast Batteries...
562 GINS

1853," p. 2; Miller, op. cit., p, 274; Owen, Elementary op. cit., p. 74.
36 Miller, op. cit., fn, p. 274.
37 Hughes, Smooth-Bore, op, cit., p. 117. A drawing by Campion, circa 1845,
shows the platform mounted on a front pivot; Owen, Elementary, op, cit., p. 74.
38 Miller, op. cit., p. 274.
39 Aide-Memoire (1853), op, cit., Vol. I, pp. 217-290.
40 Ibid, Vol. I, p. 290-1.
41 RAI, Reports on Artillery, "Abstract and Observations... ••• for Coast
Batteries•.• 1853," p. 2.
42 Ibid., "Confidential Circular 1 Jan. 1861 promulgating report of Committee on
Coast Batteries dated July 1860," p. 4.
43 Aide-Memoire (1846), op, cit. Vol. I, Coast Defences, Plates 2-3.
44 See Charles P. de Volpi, Quebec (Longman Canada Limited, 1971), Plate 187, for
a view of the Grand Battery in 1875.
45 Griffiths (1852), op. cit., p. 67 and (1859), p. 68.

1 The spelling Gin was used throughout the 18th century, but early in the next
century Gyn began to appear and seems to have been preferred thereafter.
Modern usage is Gin and this spelling will be used except in quotations.
2 The term cheek seems to have applied originally to two triangular pieces of
wood, strapped and bolted to the two poles, into which the ends of the windlass
were fitted, but eventually the term came to mean the poles to which the
cheeks were attached.
3 Initially the tackle was composed of two double blocks roved together, but by
the 1820s a double and a treble block were used, and by the 1860s for very
heavy guns two treble blocks.
4 RAI, Albert Borgard, "Practtls of Artillery," circa 1714.
5 Muller (1780), op. cit., pp. 143-4 and Plate XXVII. Cf. Adye (1766), op. cit.,
pp. 96-7, and Plate 20. Adye's description seems to derive from Muller's. By
"windless" both authors must mean "block," two of which when roved together
form the tackle.
6 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 125 and (1813), op. cit., p. 191.
7 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 384, p, 207, Crew to R. 0., Quebec, 15 April 1807.
8 Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 191.
9 Ibid., p. 137 "The guns sic, gins of the new construction, have a small racket-
wheel, and dropping paul sic, on the roller••• "
10 Spearman (1828), op. cit., pp.254, 389. Adye (1827), op. cit., p. 178 repeated
his entry of 1813. Probably he was out of date.
11 RAI, John Cockburn, "Notes on Artillery," circa 1820; RAI, Robert Cockburn,
"Practical Course of Instruction," 1830; RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 221.
12 Aide-Memoire (1853), op. cit., Vol. I, Derrick (Sheers & Gyn), Plate 3.
13 Griffiths (1847), op, cit., pp, 220, 222.
14 Griffiths (1862), op. cit., pp. 127-8; Miller, op. cit., pp. 355-6.
15 Miller, op. cit., pp, 355-6.
16 Lefroy (1867), op. clt., p. 180.
17 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate 72A, "18 Ft. Triangle Gyn. Strengthened for
Service with Heavy Ordnance," approved 6 March 1866.
18 RAI, John Cockburn, "Notes on Artillery," circa 1820.
19 Cf, Ibid., and RAI, Robert Cockburn, "Practical Course of Instruction," Wool-
wich, 1830.
20 Griffiths (1862), op. cit., p. 129.
21 Griffiths (1847), op. cit., p. 220 and (1862), op. cit., p. 129; Miller, op. cit.,

pp. 355-6. Miller indicated that the lashings were 7 fathoms (42 feet) long, but
it is not clear if he means each separately or together.
22 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate 73, "Gibraltar Gin," approved 2 November
23 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 222.
24 Griffiths (1847), Ope cit., p. 224. See also Miller, Ope cit., p. 356, for a short
25 RAI, RCD, Photo-lithograph, Plate 73, "Bell's Gyn," approved 2 November 1866.

Gunpowder and Cartridges

1 Partington, Ope cit., p. 324.
2 Ibid., pp. 323-9; Vivian Dering Majendie, Ammunition: A Descriptive Treatise on
the Different Projectiles, Charges, Fuzes, Rockets, etc. at Present in Use for
Land and Sea Service.••Part I. Ammunition for Smooth-bore Ordnance, London,
Eyre - Spottiswode for HMSO, 1867, [hereafter cited as Am munition], pp. 131-6;
Goodenough, Ope cit., pp. 1-3.
3 W.H. Simmons, "A Short History of the Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham
Abbey," n.p., n.d., typescript, p. 17; Hall, Ope cit., p. 60; Hughes, Smooth-Bore,
Ope cit., p. 43.
4 William Congreve, A Statement of Facts relative to the Savings Which have
Arisen from Manufacturing Gunpowder at the Royal Powder Mills; and of the
1m rovements which have been made in its stren th & durabilit since the ear
1783 London: James Whiting, 1811 ,p. l I.
5 Simmons, Ope cit., Appendix III, p. 89.
6 Smith, Ope cit., p. 127; RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, Ope cit., pp. 42-4, "Method of
Refining Salt Petre in 1784 & 1785," and pp. 64-6, "Method of Melting & casting
salt petre into cakes - 1787"; RAI, untitled MS, circa 1800, Ope cit., pp. 2-3,
"Method of refining Salt Petre, and p. 4," "Method of casting Salt Petre into
Cakes," DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 195-6; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol.
2, pp. 229-30.
7 Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 230-1; Straith (1858), Ope cit., p. 65;
Goodenough, Ope cit., pp. 5-7.
8 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 110.
9 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, Ope cit., pp. 52-8, "Method of Extracting Salt
petre with the New press: Invented by Colonel Congreve"; RAI, Frazer, Work
Notes, Ope cit., pp. 34-40, "Method of Extracting Salt Petre from Damaged
Powder with the new Press Invented by Major Congreve"; RAI, untitled MS,
circa 1800, pp. 1-2, "Method of extracting Salt Petre from damaged Gun
Powder with a press; invented by Major Congreve for that purpose."
10 RAI, Congreve, A Statement..., Ope cit., pp. 20-i.
11 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, Ope cit., p. 82.
12 Ibid., pp, 79-80; DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., p. 197; Straith, A Treatise on
Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p, 523.
13 Spearman (844), Ope cit., "Gunpowder."
14 Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 233-4; Straith (1858), Ope cit., pp. 66-
7; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp, 231-4; Goodenough, op cit., pp. 7-8.
15 Rees, Cyclopaedia, Ope cit., Vol. 7, "Charcoal."
16 Simmons, Ope cit., pp. 23-4. The idea seems not to have been original with
Watson, but had been suggested some time before by Dr. George Fordyce, a
physician and eminent chemist. According to Congreve, the elder, "The form of
this retort was first recommended by Dr. George Fordyce, and afterwards
improved by Gen. Congreve...," RAI, Congreve, A Statement of Facts..., Ope
cit., pp. 26-7.

17 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, Ope cit., pp. 86-90, "Process for Charring wood
in Iron cylinders for making Gunpowder at Faversham"; Simmons, Ope cit.,
pp. 93-4, Appendix IV, "The Manufacture of Cylinder Charcoal in Sussex" from
Young's "Agriculture of Sussex" (1808).
18 Richard Coleman, a clerk at the Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey
in the 1790s, was very knowlegeable about gunpowder making. If he invented
the slip, either he lived to quite an old age or its introduction occurred quite
early. The first mention of the slip that has been found was in 1846. See
Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p. 524.
19 Straith (846), Ope cit., pp. 524-5 and (1858), Ope cit., pp. 67-70; Aide-Memoire
(1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 232-3; Goodenough, Ope cit., pp. 8-10.
20 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 110; Smith, Ope cit., p. 127; RAI, Frazer, Work Notes,
Ope cit., pp. 45-6, "Method of Pulverizing Salt Petre 1800"; RMC, Mould, Ope
cit., p. 49; RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course of Laboratory Instructions for the
Royal Regiment of Artillery 1826," bound MS, pp. 41-2.
21 RAI, Frazer, Laborary Work, Ope cit., pp. 72-4; Majendie, Ope cit., pp. 314-5.
22 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, Ope cit., p. 74.
23 Aide-Memoire (1850), Vol. 2, Ope cit., p. 234; Straith (1858), Ope cit., p. 67;
Goodenough, Ope cit., p. 10.
24 Aide-Memoire (1850), Vol. 2, Ope cit., p. 234; Straith (1858), Ope cit., p. 67;
Goodenough, Ope cit., p. 11.
25 RAI, "Repository Course••• Gunpowder•••," para. 8; Spearman (1844), Ope cit.,
26 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp.200-1; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2,
pp. 234-5; Straith A Treatise on Fortifications (1858), Ope cit., p. 71;
Goodenough, Ope cit., p. 11.
27 William Congreve, A Short Account of the Improvements in Gun-Powder made
by Sir William Congreve, Comptroller of the Royal Laboratory: being the
Substance of the S ecification of a Patent Granted to Him the 3d of Jul 1815
London: J. Whiting, 1818 , pp. 3-6.
28 Smith, Ope cit., pp. 175-6.
29 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 104; Simmons, Ope cit., Appendix III, p. 90.
30 Rees, Cyclopaedia, op, cit., Vol. 17, "Gunpowder," 12 G.III, c.61.
31 Simmons, Ope cit., p. 17, Appendix III, p.90; Spearman (1844), Ope cit., "Gun-
powder"; Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp, 235-6; Straith, A Treatise on
Fortifications (858), Ope cit., pp. 71-2; Goodenough, Ope cit., pp, 11-12.
32 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 86; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 104-5; Smith, Ope cit.,
pp, 126-7.
33 Congreve, A Statement of Facts.••, Ope cit., p. 24; Simmons, Ope cit., Appendix
III, p. 90.
34 RAI, "Repository Course••• Gunpowder•••, para. 11.
35 DCB, Vol. 6, "Joseph Bramah," pp. 202-3; Simmons, Ope cit., p. 67; Spearman
(844), Ope cit., "Gunpowder."
36 Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope clt., Vol. 2, pp. 237-8; Straith, A Treatise on
Fortifications (1858), Ope cit., pp. 73-4; Goodenough, Ope cit., pp. 13-14.
37 RAI, Adye (766), Ope cit., pp. 104-5.
38 Simmons, Ope cit., Appendix III, p. 90; Spearman (1844), Ope cit., "Gunpowder."
39 RAI, Congreve, A Short Account••., Ope cit., pp, 8-14.
40 RAI, "Repository Course.••Gunpowder.••," para. 18.
41 Aide-Memoire (1850), Ope cit., Vol. 2, pp. 238-9; Straith (1858), Ope cit., pp. 74-
6; Goodenough, Ope clt., pp, 14-15.
42 Congreve, A Statement of Facts•••, Ope cit., p. 24; Simmons, Ope clt., Appendix
III, p. 90; RAI, "Repository Course•.•Gunpowder•••," Ope cit., para. 13-14; Spear-

man (1844), op. cit., "Gunpowder."

43 Aide-Memoire (1850), op. cit., Vol. 2, pp. 239-40; Straith (1858), op. cit. p. 77;
RMC, Lloyd, op. cit., pp. 244-5; Goodenough, op. cit., pp. 16-17.
44 Simmons, op. cit., Appendix III, p. 90.
45 Ibid., p. 31; RAI, "Repository Course...Gunpowder ...," para. 15 and 17; Spearman
(1844), op. cit., "Gunpowder." Aide-Memoire (1858), op. clt., Vol. 2, p.240;
Straith (1858), op. cit., p. 77, Goodenough, op. cit., p. 17.
46 For detailed list of charges see RAI, James, op. clt., p. 27; RAI, Glegg, op. cit.,
p. 2; Smith, op. cit., pp. 46, 62, 303; RCMI, Paul, Notebooks, op. cit., Vol. 3,
p. 40; Adye (1813), op. cit., pp. 98-9; RAI, Denning, notebook, op, cit., p. 49;
RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, passirn.; Lefroy (1867), op cit., pp. 129-30.
47 Congreve, A Statement of Facts..., op. cit., p. 11.
48 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. iv.
49 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 416, p. 16, "Return of Damaged and? Gun Powder in the
Ordnance Magazines in the Canadas," Quebec, 31 May 1823; p. 62, R.O. to Col.
Dar ling, Quebec, 19 June 1823.
50 Simmons, op, cit., pp. 11, 15; Congreve, A Statement of Facts..., op. cit.,
pp. 27-29.
51 RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., p. 111; Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 128.
52 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 128.
53 RAI, Adye (766), op. cit., p. 111; Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 201; Smith, op. cit.,
pp. 137-8.
54 Padfield, op. cit., p. 102, citing Admiralty Order, 21 Oct. 1755, cited by Dudley
Pope, At Twelve Mr. Byng was Shot (London; Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1962).
55 Majendie, op, cit., p. 129.
56 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 1707, p. 196, "Return of ordnance ammunition and Stores
remaining under my charge at this Post," Kingston, 20 Feb. 1813; Vol. 395,
"Laden on board the Thetes...," undated copy, Spring 1816, pp, 55-6; "Laden on
board the Regalia...," undated copy, Spring 1816, pp, 59, 62.
57 RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course of Laboratory Instructions for the Royal
Regiment of Artillery 1826," pp. 112-3.
58 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 381, p. 92, "Return of Ordnance &. Ordnance Stores... , New
Brunswick, 13 June 1793; pp. 162-3, "Proceedings of a board of survey...," 18-24
Sept. 1793; Vol. 1706, p. 24, "Return of Ordnance, Ammunition and Stores
Stationed at the different BAtteries..., Halifax, 1 May 1811; p.27, Return of
Ordnance and Ammunition Stationed at Fort Clarence..., Halifax, 1 May 1811;
Vol. 1707, pp. 88-90, "Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in the Garrison
at Quebec ," Quebec, 17 Dec. 1812; p. 196, "Return of ordnance ammunition
and Stores , Kingston, 20 Feb. 1813; Vol. 388, p. 109, "Laden on board the
Ogle Barong[?] Transport... ," Chatham Navy Yard, 2 March 1814.
59 RAI, "Laboratory Notes, circa, 1798" p. 11, "Report of the Dimensions of
Cartridge and other Paper to be used in the R,l Laboratory as settled the 19!h
Decf 1795." A note appended read in part "...for Cured Paper Cartf with and
without flannel Bottoms...."
60 RAI, James, op. cit., p. 62.
61 RAI, Report of a Committee..., op. cit., (1819), pp. 128-9.
62 RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course of Laboratory Instructions for the Royal
Regiment of Artillery 1826", pp. 112-3, "The above are the only discriptions
sic of paper Cartridges in the service and they are now nearly obsolete."
63 RCMI, Paul, Notebooks, op, cit., Vol. 3, p. 127.
64 RAI, William Caffin, Laboratory Notes, 1797, "Method pursued in Curing Paper
for Cannon Cartridges in the Royal Laboratory," 17 Feb. 1797.
65 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, op. cit., p. 27; RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 47.

66 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 201.

67 RAI, William Caffin, Laboratory Notes, 1797, "Method pursued in Curing Paper
for Cannon Cartridges in the Royal Laboratory," 17 Feb. 1797.
68 RCMI, Paul, Notebooks, Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 27.
69 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 348; RAI, Denning, Notebook, Ope cit., p. 51.
70 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 47; RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 348; RAI, Denning,
Notebook, Ope clt., p. 51; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 150-5.
71 "Flannel" was commonly used but as early as the 1820s "serge" began to appear.
It is not clear if this indicates a change in material or not; flannel and serge
were both woollens, and at times the terms seemed to be interchangeable.
72 While the cartridge for the 12-pounder howitzer was made from a single piece
of serge, its sides were slightly sloped so that when it was sewn together it had
the required conical form.
73 Because the 5 lb. cartridge for the 8-inch gun would be shorter than the
chamber, a coal-dust wad (a blue serge bag filled with coal dust) was choked
into the cartridge over the powder to give it the required length. For L.S.
saluting the wad was not used. Cork and sawdust had also been tried but coal-
dust was found the most suitable. Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 155.
74 Two different sizes of worsted thread were used: for sewing the seams, "No. 20
Hank," or about 75 needles full to the ounce; for closing the cartridge and
making the hoops, a shorter worsted, "No. 14 Hank," or from 38 to 40 needles
full to the ounce. Majendie, Ope cit., p. 151, fn. 5; p. 152, fn. 6.
75 RMC, Noble, op.cit., pp. 349-50; RAI, Denning, Notebook, Ope cit., p. 51;
Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 130, fn. 7.
76 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p, 152, War Office Circular 822, para. 728, 24
March 1863.
77 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 154, War Office Circular 835, para. 763, 28
May 1863.

1 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 5.
2 O.F.G. Hogg, English Artillery 1326-1716 (London :Royal Artillery Institution,
(1963), p. 49; Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 51; Majendie, Ammunition,
Ope cit., p. 5.
3 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 4.
4 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 75.
5 Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp. 5-6.
6 RAI, "Mem. of Col. Millars 68 pro Gun •••," p. 9. "The low Guage [sic] is the True
diameter of the Shot."
7 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp.75-7, 112, 134; Muller (1780), Ope cit., p.6; RAI,
Landmann, "Notes on Artillery," Ope cit., pp. 11-12; RAI, Bogue, circa 1795,
Ope cit., pp. 139-40; Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 195 and (1813), p. 343; RAI, "Mern,
of Col. Millars 68 pro Gun ...," p, 9.
8 Benjamin Robins, New Principles of Gunnery (London: J. Nourse, 1742), p.
Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp. 64-5.
9 DNB, pp, 351-3.
10 RAI, Reports on Artillery, 1854, "Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance, November 23, 1857..., No. 13, Douglas to Chapman, 10 June 1817,
and enclosure; No. 14, Farrington to Mulgrave, 12 June 1818; No. 15, Farrington
to Mulgrave, 8 July 1818.
11 Ibid., No. 16, Farrington to Wellington, 3 May 1819; No. 19, "Report of
Committee on Sir Howard Douglas's Proposition for reducing the Windage in
Ordnance used for Sea Service, 30 April 1819."

12 Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 192.

13 The high and low gauges are from ibid., p. 192.
14 RAI, Report on Artillery, 1854, "Papers submitted to the Committee on
Ordnance, November 23, 1857•••, No. 17, Dundas to Byham, 24 Feb. 1843; No.
18, Downman to Murray, 23 March 1843, and enclosure, "Return of Brass Field
Ordnance and Shot. - Woolwich, March 23, 1843."
15 Ibid., "Table showing the Calibres of Guns Mortars & Howitzers and the
Diameters of Shot and Shell as now in the Service•.•, 27 Jan. 1857; Lefroy
(1867), Ope cit., pp. 142-3.
16 J.A. Dahlgren, Shells and Shell-Guns (Philadelphia: King & Baird, London:
TrUbner & Co., 1857), pp. 1-7; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 21-3.
17 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 4; RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated.
18 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 71, 73; RAI, "Practice Book 1760," unpaginated; RAI,
Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 37.
19 The sums of the interior diameter and the thickness, top and bottom, of both
the 5-1/2-inch and 4-2/5-inch shells do not equal their exterior diameters.
20 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 69.
21 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 36. See also Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 90.
22 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 90.
23 RAI, Defense of the Coast, Ope cit., p. 112.
24 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 192.
25 Joseph Jobe, Guns: An Illustrated History of Artillery (Greenwich, Conn.: New
York Graphic Society, 1971), p. 130.
26 Robertson, The Evolution of Naval Armament, Ope cit., p. 163, fn 1, citing
Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 4.
27 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, Ope cit., p. 44.
28 Ibid., p. 44. --
29 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 191 and (1813), p. 336.
30 RAI, Defence of the Coast, Ope cit., p. 114.
31 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, Ope cit., p. 44.
32 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 190 and (1813), p. 335.
33 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, Ope cit., p. 44. A table given earlier in this
notebook, p. 38, gave the high gauge of the 13-, 10-, 8-, and 5-l/2-inch shells as
12.85, 9.85, 7.85, and 5.25 respectively (the last an obvious transpositional error
for 5.52). The low gauge and both gauges of the 4-2/5-inch shell were the same
as in the later table.
34 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 190 and (1813), Ope cit., p. 335.
35 Adye (1827), Ope clt., p. 192; Spearman (1828), Ope cit., pp.370-1 and (1844),
36 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p. 734; Aide-Memoire,
(1853), Ope cit., Vol. I, p. 62; RAI, Reports on Artillery, 1854, "Table showing •••
the Diameters of Shot and Shell as now in the Service •••," 27 Jan. 1857;
Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 325; Miller, Ope cit., p. 393; Lefroy (1867),
Ope cit., pp. 77, 142-3.
37 RAI, Reports on Artillery, 1854, "Table showing •.• the Diameters of Shot and
Shell as now in the Service•••," 27 Jan. 1857.
38 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p, 325; Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., pp. 77, 142.
39 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p. 734.
40 Griffiths (1862), Ope cit., p. 62.
41 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 325; Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., pp. 77, 142.
42 RAI, Reports on Artilery, 1854, "Table showing ••• the diameters of Shot and
Shell as now in the Service•••," 27 Jan. 1857.
43 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 325; Lefroy (1867), Ope cit., p. 77, 142.

44 Griffiths (1840), op. cit., p. 91 (1847), p. 99 and (1852), p. 91; Spearman (1844),
op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Strange, op. cit.; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XLII; RMC, Noble, op. cit. The usual outside diameter given for the
shells from 10-in. to 32-pdr. is 1.2 in., but Spearman gives 1.22 inches.
45 Plugs were of white metal until 1858 when gun metal was approved for field
service shells and until 1859 when it was approved for all common shells.
46 Majendie, Ammunition, op, cit., pp. 24-6.
47 Ibid., p. 325; Lefroy (1867). op, cit., p. 77.
48 RAI, Strange, op. cit.; RMC, Noble, op. cit.; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns,
Plate XL; Spearman (1844), op, cit., Cf. Griffiths (1852), op. cit., p.91, for
slightly different diameters.
49 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 325.
50 Ibid., pp. 38, 99.
51 Ibid., p. 37.
52 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 89. Cf. Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 36, fn. 6,
for a much earlier reference.
53 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 36-7, 124-5.
54 RAI, Strange, op. cit., "Naval 8 in Shell"; RMC, Noble, op, cit., "Naval 8 inch
Shell"; RAI, Boxer, Diagrams of Guns, Plate XLI; Majendie, op. cit., p. 325;
Lefroy (1867), op, cit., p. 77.
55 Straith Plans (1841), op. cit., p. 103; Griffiths (1843), op. cit., p, 86.
56 That the original shape of the naval shell's fuze hole was conical is speculation,
premised on the knowledge that the land service shell's fuze hole was conical.
57 See diagrams in Strange, Noble, and Boxer, note 54, above.
58 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 30, 245.
59 Ibid., p. 325; Lefroy (1867), op. cit., p. 77.
60 Ibid., pp. 31-2, 112.
61 Ibid., p. 168.
62 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 90.
63 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, op, cit., p.43; RAI, Fry, (circa 1800-4),
op. cit., unpaginated. --
64 Fortune, op. cit., p. 21; Smith, op. cit., p. 230; Mountaine, op. cit., p. 89.
Mountaine indicated that the quantities were experimented with in 1742-3; he
gave 9 lbs. 4 oz. as the amount for a 13-inch shell, perhaps a typographical
65 RAI, "Practice Book circa 1760," op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, "Artillery Practice
& Stores," circa 1780, op, cit., pp, 7-8 (On p. 7 it was refered to as "Gen'l.
Desaguliers's allowance); Adye (1801), op, cit., p. 190 and (1813), p. 335; Grif-
fiths (1839), op, cit., p, 80 and (1847), p. 99. Griffiths gave the bursting charge
of the 13-in. shell as 6-l/2-lbs. and of the 5-1/2-inch shell as 10 oz.
66 Adye (1813), op, cit., p. 336.
67 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), op. cit., p. 675 and (1852), p. 230.
68 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 169.
69 lbid., pp. 168, 340 (Table XVI).
70 Owen, Lectures, 4th ed. p. 78 quoted by Ibid., p. 170, fn. 6.
71 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp, 170-2.
72 Ibid., pp, 172-3.
73 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 67.
74 Ibid., p. 68.
75 Cited by Blackmore, op. clt., p. 222.
76 RAI, Albert Borgard, "Practtis of Artillery," "... 12 Inch Carcass in full
77 Smith, op. clt., p. 286; RAI, Adye (1766), op, cit., p. 38; RAI, "Artillery

Experiments, 1770-1; 1773" op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Meridith, "Laboratory

Notes, 1780," op. cit., p. 16. The earliest sources gave no woolded weight for
either the 5-1/2 or 4-2/5 in. carcasses; later sources for only the 5-1/2 in.
78 RAI, Walton, op, cit., unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, op. cit., p. 152.
79 RAI, Walton, op, cit., unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, op. cit., pp. 152,
80 OED, citing Chambers Cycl., 1751.
81 Smith, op. cit., pp. 50-1.
82 RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 127-9, Plate 21, p. 147.
83 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., pp. 45-6; RAI, "Practice Book 1760," op. cit., unpaginated;
RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 127-9; RAI, Williamson, Collection, circa 1770,
op. cit., p. 92; RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," op. cit., unpaginated;
Smith, op. cit., pp. 51, 137, 287; RAI, Walton, op. cit., unpaginated; RAI,
Frazer, Work Notes, op. cit., p. 143.
84 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 51.
85 RAI, Frazer, "Work Notes," op. cit., pp, 143-50; RAI, Untitled Notebook, circa
1800, pp, 23-5. --
86 Muller (1780), op, cit., p. 206.
87 RAI, Collected Military Papers, op. cit., Vol. 2, Reed to ?, 24 March 1785.
88 Muller (1780), op. cit., p. 206; Smith, op. cit., p. 137.
89 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 52 and (1813), op. cit., p. 87.
90 NA, RG 8, I, Vol. 384, p. 156a, "Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in the
Garrison of Quebec...," Office of Ordnance, Quebec, 30 Sept. 1804; Vol. 1707,
p. 91, "Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, in the Garrison of Quebec...,"
Office of Ordnance, Quebec, 17 Dec. 1812. These lists included round and
oblong, and the full range of oblong from 13 to 4-2/5 inch.
91 RAI, Swanston, op. cit., p.66; Spearman (1828), op, cit., p. 101. See also
Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 69, n. 2, for a discussion of the evidence.
92 For Chambers see above. Smith, op. cit., p. 287; RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit.,
93 Smith, op. cit., p. 137.
94 Smith, op. cit., p. 287; RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., p. 89; RAI, Walton, op. cit.,
unpaginated. Adye said that round carcasses with three and five holes were
sanctioned in 1760; Smith included four holes; he also included tables of trials
with 13-inch carcasses with four holes in 1773; it is possible that the four-hole
carcass was not accepted until the 1770s, although Smith included it in his table
of 1760. Walton wrote that the carcasses with three and five holes were no
longer used, but other than the diameter he gave no other details of the round
carcass with four holes.
95 Smith, op, cit., p. 51.
96 Montaine, op. cit., p. 92.
97 Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 52. Cf. section on shells.
98 Ibid. and (1813), p. 87.
99 RAI, Swanston, op. cit., p, 67; Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 101; Griffiths (1840),
op, cit., p. 78 and (1847), p. 87; Spearman (1844), op. cit., unpaginated; Aide-
Memoire (1852), op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 150.
100 Griffiths (1862), op. cit., p. 87; Miller, op. cit., p. 397; Majendie, Ammunition,
op. cit., p. 327; Lefroy (1867), op, cit., p. 81; Owen (1873), op. cit., p. 526.
101 RAI, Royal Laboratory Dept., Plates, No. 20, approved 9 July 1860; Majendie,
Ammunition, op. cit., p. 70.
102 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 69, n.e,
103 RMC, Mould, op. cit., pp 63-65; RAI, Swanston, op. cit., p. 66; Spearman (1828),
op. cit., p. 101; Griffiths (1847), op. clt., p. 87; Aide-Memoire (1852), op. cit.,

Vol. 3, p. 150.
104 Griffiths (1839), Ope cit., p. 70; Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846),
Ope cit., p. 566 and (1852), p. 127; RMC, Noble (849), Ope cit., p. 362.
105 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope clt., pp. 69-71. The pattern was approved 9 July
106 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p. 86.
107 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 63; Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 102; Griffiths (1840),
Ope cit., p. 79; Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p. 566;
Miller, Ope cit., p. 95; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 72; Lefroy (1867),
Ope cit. p. 337.
108 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 63; Spearman (1844), Ope cit., unpaginated; DND,
Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 272-3; RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp. 360-2; Aide-Memoire
(1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 150; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., p. 84; Owen, Rough
Notes, Ope cit., pp. 69-70; Majendie, Ammunition, op cit., pp. 72-3.
109 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 7; O.F.G. Hogg, Artillery: Its Origin, Heyday
and Decline [henceforth Heyday](London: Hurst, 1970), p. 162; Hughes, Smooth-
Bore, Ope cit., pp. 16, 52.
110 Hughes, Firepower, Ope cit., p. 35., RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, Ope
cit., p. 100. Williamson wrote: "all grape for field service should be in tin
cases..." and then went on to describe various kinds of what was clearly case or
canister shot. Cf. RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 13-4; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit.,
pp. 111-12.
111 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 197.
112 RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables 34, 35; Glegg, Ope cit., pp, 18, 65-7.
113 Glegg's table was consistent, five kinds, but Borgard's varied from four to six.
114 RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables 34, 35; RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp, 65-7. Borgard
specified that the sack was made of Holland duck for 24 and 18-pounders,
canvas for 12-, 9- and 8- sic pounders, and Hessian for 6- and 5-l/4-pounders;
Glegg mentioned only canvas. Borgard indicated red lead for painting the
grapeshot; Glegg did not specify a colour.
115 Muller (1780), Ope cit., Table XXVII, pp. 143, 200-1; Smith, Ope cit., pp. 140-1.
116 RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, Ope cit., pp. 100-1.
117 RAI, Walton, Ope cit., unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, circa 1800,
Ope cit., p. 17. --
118 RAI, Frazer, Laboratory Work, circa 1800, Ope cit., p. 17.
119 Adye (1801), Ope clt., p. 197.
120 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., pp. 15-16, 61.
121 Ibid., pp. 15-16.
122 RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, Ope cit., pp, 91, 95.
123 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp, 269; RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 353.
124 Griffiths (1840), Ope cit., p. 92; RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp, 351-2.
125 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 18 and fn. 3, 6.
126 Ibid., pp. 18-19.
127 Ibid., p. 19. For Douglas' opinion see fn. 5 which also contains Sir William
Congreve's contrary views.
128 Ibid., p.7. Hogg, Heyday, Ope cit., p. 162 and Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p.
53 agree with Majendie, but they do not cite their source, which probably was
129 RAI, Swanston, notebook, Ope cit., 1826, unpaginated; Spearman, (1844), Ope cit.,
130 Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 335; Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846),
Ope cit., p. 736.
131 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope clt., p, 324; Lefroy (1867), Ope clt., p. 80. But see

Majendie, p. 18, fn. 8 and 9, for the thickness of the plates and the diameter of
the spindle, dimensions which were at variance with those given on p. 324.
132 Miller, op. cit., p. 110; RAI, Fraser, op. cit., p, 27; Majendie, Ammunition,
op. cit., p. 20.
133 War Office circular 10 (new series), 1244, 5 June, 1866, cited by Majendie, p.
18, fn. 4.
134 Hogg, He~day, op. cit., p. 163.
135 Griffiths 1840), op. cit., p.92, (1847), p. 100, (1859), p.96 and (1862), p.99;
Miller, op. cit., p. 397; Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p, 323; Lefroy (867),
op. cit., p. 80.
136 Miller, op. cit., p. 397, said an iron handle; Majendie, op. cit., p. 323, and Lefroy
(1867), op. cit., p. 80, said a rope handle.
137 Hogg, Heyday, op. cit., pp. 160-1; Hughes, Smooth-Bore Artillery, op. cit.,
pp. 52-3.
138 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 6-7; Hogg, Heyday, op. cit., pp, 160-l.
139 Blackmore, op. cit., pp. 242-4.
140 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., pp. 13-14; RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 111-12.
141 RAI, Borgard, Artillery Tables, "General Charge of one Hundred of Matted-
Shott Compleated, for the Undermentioned Nature of Cannon according to the
Regulation, in 1718"; RAI, Williamson, Collection, op. cit., circa 1770, p. 100.
See also Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 345, for making substitute case shot in emer-
gencies, using cartridge paper, pitch and rosin, and musket balls.
142 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., pp. 13-14.
143 "Extract of a Proportion of Ordnance and Stores embarked on board Ship,
reputedly used at the Siege of Louisbourg 1758-" cited in Adrian B. Caruana,
British Artillery Ammunition 1780 [henceforth Ammunition] (Bloomfield:
Museum Restoration Service, 1979), pp. 5-6; RAI, Adye (766), op. cit., pp. 115-
144 RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773," op. cit., unpaginated.
145 Wilkinson-Latham, op. cit., p. 28; Smith, op. cit., p. 230.
146 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Fraser, Labora-
tory Work, op. clt., pp. 18-21; RAI, untitled Notebook, circa 1800, pp. 16-17;
Caruana, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 15-17.
147 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, op. cit., unpaginated; RAI, Fraser, Labora-
tory Work, op. cit., p. 22; RAI, Bogue, op. cit., unpaginated.
148 RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course of Laboratory Instruction for the Royal
Regiment of Artillery 1826," p. 94.
149 Ibid., pp. 90-1; Spearman (1828), op, clt., p. 127-9.
150 Hogg, Heyday, op. cit., p. 16l.
151 RMC, Mould, op, cit., p. 40.
152 RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course...," pp. 90-1; Spearman (1828), op. cit.,
pp. 127-9. See also RMC, Mould, op. cit., p. 40 for some minor variations.
153 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 7; RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course...,"
op. cit., pp. 90-1; Spearman (1828), op, cit., pp. 127-9.
154 DND, Fitzhugh, op. cit., pp. 269-70.
155 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), op. cit., p. 567.
156 Griffiths (840), op. cit., p. 567 and (1847), op. cit., p. 100.
157 RAI, Denning, "Laboratory Course," op, cit., pp. 56-7; RMC, Noble, op. cit.,
pp. 355-7; DND, Fitzhugh, pp. 269-70. There are minor differences between the
tables in the three notebooks, but they are essentially the same.
158 Griffiths, op. cit., p. 96.
159 Majendie, Ammunition, op, cit., pp. 7, 15-17.
160 RMC, Noble, op. cit., p. 354; Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 17.

161 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 16, fn. 3.

162 Vivian Dering Majendie, "On the Validity of General Shrapnel's Claim to the
Invention of Shells in which the true Principle of Shrapnel Fire was first
Enunciated and Applied," Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery
Institution, Vol. 3 (1863), pp. 398-408.
163 Douglas (860), Ope cit., pp. 481-2; W.B. Gardner, "The Shrapnel of the Past,"
Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 5 (1867), pp. 388-
164 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 44, n.Z, citing Ordnance Select Committee
Report on Shrapnel Shell, p. 34.
165 Hogg, Heyday, op cit., p. 179; Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit., p. 56.
166 DNB, Vol. 52, p. 163.
167 Gardner, Ope cit., p. 387.
168 Ibid., pp. 389-90.
169 Ibid., pp. 391-4, 402-3.
170 Ibid., pp. 400-422.
171 Ibid., pp. 393-4.
172 Colonel Pickering, "Memorandum on Shrapnel Shells...," Minutes of Proceedings
of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 2 (1861), p, 22.
173 Gardner, Ope cit., p. 421, Farrington to Williamson, Woolwich, 14 Sept. 1813.
174 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 326; Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 100.
175 Gardener, Ope cit., p.416; Vivian Dering Majendie, "Some Considerations
Respecting the Practical Vallue of Shells of the Shrapnel Class," Minutes of
Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 4 (1865), p. 5, citing
Gurwood's Despatches, Vol. 8, p. 659 and Vol. 9, p. 281.
176 Gardner, Ope cit., p, 422.
177 Ibid., pp. 422-4.
178 Captain E.M. Boxer, "Memorandum on Shrapnel Shells," Minutes of Proceedings
of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 2 (1861), pp, 27-32; Vivian Dering
Majendie, "On the Causes which led to the Suppression of the Original Shrapnel
Shell, and the Adoption of the Diaphragm pattern," Minutes of Proceedings of
the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 4 (1865), pp. 152-4.
179 Boxer, "Memorandum...," Ope cit., pp. 29-31; Majendie, "On the Causes...," Ope
cit., pp. 154, 155-8.
180 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p.47, n. 7, citing a letter by Boxer, 27 Sept.
181 Ibid., pp. 47-51.
182 Boxer, "Memorandum... ," Ope cit., p. 32; Majendie, Ope cit., p. 48.
183 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 51-5.
184 Ibid., p. 55. Calibres of lead balls: musket, .68 inch; carbine, .60 inch; pistol
.556 inch; buck shot, .33 inch.
185 Quarterly List of Charges, 1 July 1864, No. 915, approved 29 June 1864.
186 Ibid., 1 Oct. 1864, No. 953, approved 27 Sept. 1864.

1 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p.231.
2 Mountaine, Ope cit. p. 89.
3 Henry William Lovett Hime, The Origin of Artillery (London: Longmans, Green,
1915), p. 211; Hogg, Heyday, Ope clt., p, 186; Hughes, Smooth-Bore, Ope cit.,
p. 60.
4 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 175; RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, Ope
clt., p. 41; Muller, Ope clt., p. 205; Smith, Ope cit., p. 303.
5 RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770, Ope cit., p. 41.

6 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 120-1; Muller, Ope clt., p. 204; Smith, Ope cit.,
p. 38.
7 RAI, "Practice Book 1760," unpaginated.
8 Muller, Ope cit., p. 204; Smith, Ope cit., p. 138.
9 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 175.
10 RAI, Glegg, Ope cit., p. 148; RAI, Meridith, "Laboratory Notes, 1780," p, 1; RAI,
Fraser, Work Notes, Ope cit., pp, 73-4; Adye (1801), Ope cit.; p. 104, (1813), p.
185 and (1827), p. 172; Spearman (1844), Ope cit., unpaginated; Aide-Memoire
(1850),op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 192 and (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 151; Lefroy (867),
Ope cit., p. 339. Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 225; Griffiths (1839), Ope cit.,
p. 72, (1840), p. 81 and (1847), p. 89 say 1 lb. 12 oz. of mealed powder, but this
appears to be a typographical error.
11 Adye (1813), Ope cit., p. 185 and (1827), p. 172.
12 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp. 120-1; RAI, Williamson, Collections, circa 1770,
Ope cit., pp, 39-41; Muller, Ope cit., pp. 204-6; Smith, Ope cit., p. 138.--
13 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; RAI, Fraser, Work Notes, Ope
cit., pp, 68-79; RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course of Laboratory Instructions for
the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 1826," unpaginated.
14 Adye (1827), Ope cit., p. 173; Aide-Memoire (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 151.
15 RAI, Frazer, "Practice I," Observations ..., 20 June 1804, pp, 247-8.
16 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp, 338-9. Cf. also RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp. 22-4.
17 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p. 342.
18 RAI, Frazer, "Practice I," Ope cit., Observations ..., 20 June 1804, pp. 247-8.
19 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 235-8.
20 Ibid., pp. 250-4.
21 Ibid., p. 255-6.
22 Ibid., p. 255, n. 5.
23 Ibid., pp. 256-8.
24 Ibid., p. 258.
25 Ibid., p. 234, and fn, 6, 7.
26 Ibid., pp. 263-4; see also Appendix L, pp. 379-86, for a long discussion and
refutation of these reasons.
27 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 265-6; RAI, Denning, "Laboratory Course," Ope cit.,
p. 12.
28 RAI, Denning, "Laboratory Course, Ope cit., p. 12.
29 Straith, Plans (1841), Ope cit., p. 103.
30 Griffiths (1843), Ope clt., p. 86.
31 Griffiths (1852), pp. 79-80; Aide-Memoire (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 152; Boyd,
Ope cit ., p. 254.
32 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1858), Ope cit., pp. 153-4; RAI,
Richardson, Ope cit., unpaginated.
33 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 239.
34 Ibid, pp. 258-61.
35 Ibid, pp. 262-3.
36 Ibid., p. 271.
37 Ibid., p. 272, citing War Office Circular 822, par. 725, 16 Jan. 1863.
38 Ibid., p. 243, fn. 4.
39 Ibid., p. 244.
40 Ibid., pp. 245, 248-9.
41 Ibid., pp. 245-6; RAI, Richardson, Ope cit., unpaginated.
42 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope clt., pp. 247-8.
43 Ibid., pp. 273-6; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., pp. 93-4; Owen, Principles (1873),
Ope cit., pp. 134-5.

44 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp, 277-8; Owen, Elementary, op. cit., pp. 94-5.
45 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 278-81; Owen, Elementary, op, cit., pp. 85-
46 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., pp. 264-6; Owen, Rough Notes, op, cit., pp. 83-
47 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 267.

1 Flax was occasionally mentioned as an alternative. RAI, Glegg, Notes on
Artillery, op. cit., p. 154; Spearman (1844), op. cit., unpaginated, "Slow-Match,
- Artillery."
2 RAI, Glegg, op. cit., p. 154. According to the OED, slack means small or refuse
coal; perhaps slacks means wood ashes in this reference.
3 Smith, op. cit., p. 161.
4 RAI, James, op. cit., pp. 483-4.
5 Spearman (1828), op, cit., pp. 274-5; Griffiths (1839), p. 78; Spearman (1844),
unpaginated, "Slow-Match, - Artillery." Only Spearman (1844) mentioned the
lyes composition - 50 lb. of wood ashes and 25 of lime.
6 Aide-Memoire (1852), op, cit., Vol. 3, p. 154; Griffiths (1862), op, cit., p. 94;
Miller, op. cit., p. 102.
7 Majendie, Ammunition, op. clt., pp. 224-5. Hemp yarn, pure, Russian, 100 lb.;
Ashes, wood, 1 bushel; water, 50 gallons.
8 Spearman (1828), op. cit., p. 275; Aide-Memoire (1852), op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 154;
Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p, 226.
9 Griffiths (840), op. cit., p.87; Miller, op. cit., p, 102. A bale of 1 cwt.
measured 3 ft. by 1 1/2 ft. by 1 ft.
10 Miller, op. clt., p. 102; Majendie, op. cit., p. 226.
11 Owen, Elementary, op. clt., p. 101.
12 Majendie, Ammunition, op. clt., p. 224.
13 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., pp. 26, 45.
14 RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 117-18; RAI, "Artillery Experiments, 1770-3," op.
cit., unpaginated; Smith, op. cit., pp. 143, 161; RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa
1798, unpaginated; RAI, Fraser, Work Notes, op, cit., pp, 54-9; RAI, Fry, op.
cit., circa 1800, unpaginated; Adye (1801), op, cit., p. 137; Adye (1813) op. cit.,
p. 236; RMC, Mould, op. cit., pp. 53-4; RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course.•. ,"
op, cit., unpaginated; Spearman (1828), op, cit., p, 274; Griffiths (1839), op.
clt., p. 77; Spearman (1844), op, cit., unpaginated, "Quick-Match."
15 RAI, Artillery Experiments, 1770-3, unpaginated; Smith, op. cit., pp. 161, 143.
16 Adapted from RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated.
17 RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course•••," op. clt., unpaginated.
18 Majendie, Ammunition, op. cit., p. 225; Owen, Elementary, op. cit., p. 101;
Lefroy, (1867) op. cit., p. 339; Owen (1873), op, cit., p. 165. Miller, op, cit.,
p. 102, says it burns 1 ft. in 3 seconds.
19 Majendie, Ammunition, op, clt., p. 224, n. 2, says 1778, citing Sir Augustus
Frazer's MS Laboratory Notes, p, 58, but my notes on Frazer's "Notes" say 1788;
moreover RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, also says 1788.
20 RAI, Adye (1766), op. cit., pp. 116-17; RAI, Artillery Experiments, 1770-3,
unpaginated; Smith, op, cit., p. 143; RAI, Fry, circa 1800, op, cit., unpaginated;
Adye (1801), op. cit., p. 137 and Adye (1813), op. cit., p. 236.
21 Majendie, Ammunition, op, cit., pp, 188, 213.
22 OED, citing John Harris, Lexicon technicium, or an universal English dictionary
of arts and sciences, 1704-10.
23 RAI, Glegg, op, cit., p. 45; RAI, Adye (1766), op, cit., p. 114; Smith, op, cit.,

p. 143.
24 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; Adye (1801), Ope cit., p, 176;
Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 332; Griffiths (1862), Ope cit., p. 95; Majendie, Ope
cit., p. 213.
25 Smith, Ope cit., pp. 143, 304; RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 114.
26 See note 24.
27 RAI, Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 114; RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpagin-
ated; Majendie, Ope cit., p. 213.
28 This description has been abstracted from a number of sources. Differences
were minor. RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1798, unpaginated; RAI, Frazer,
Work Notes, Ope cit., pp. 61-7; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp. 19-20; RAI, Swanston,
Papers, "A Course...," unpaginated; RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp.291-3; Aide-
Memoire (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 154; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit.,
pp, 213-4.
29 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., p. 19, said that the paper measured 24 in. by 18 in., but
that it was cut into a square 18 in. by 18 in.; RMC, Noble, p. 291, gave the same
large dimensions but said that one-third was cut off, the large section well
pasted, and the one-third laid in the centre and also well pasted; the Aide-
Memoire does not give dimensions of the paper but repeated the latter method
of treatment; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 347, said portfire paper,
presumably meaning 60 lb. paper, was 24 in. by 18 in. and 100 lb. paper was 29
in. by 22-1/2 in.
30 Spearman (1828), Ope cit., p. 332, was the first source to indicate painting:
copperas (green vitriol) 4 oz.
oil, linseed, raw 3 pints
dry lamp black 1/2 oz.
white lead 12 lb.
Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 346, gave the formula for flesh colour:
lead, white, ground 10 lb.
lead, red, dry 4 oz.
shellac, gum 10 lb.
spirits, methylated 3 gal.
31 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 213-14.
32 Ibid., p. 189; Muller (1780), Ope cit., pp.203-4; Adye (1766), op.cit., p. 119;
Smith, Ope cit., p. 141. Padfield, Ope cit., p. 102, refers to the battle of
Quiberon Bay.
33 Muller (1780), Ope cit., p. 203.
34 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1797, unpaginated.
35 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope clt., p. 190.
36 RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, Ope cit., p. 58.
37 RAI, Laboratory Notes, circa 1797, unpaginated; RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, Ope
cit., pp, 22-32.
38 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 191-2; Douglas (1860), pp. 457 -9.
39 RAI, Frazer, Work Notes, Ope cit., pp. 22-30; RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp. 26-9;
RAI, Swanston, Papers, "A Course...," pp. 30-5
40 RMC, Mould, Ope clt., pp. 27-8; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 209.
41 RMC, Mould, Ope cit., pp, 28-9, says there were only six threads of worsted;
Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 192,209-10.
42 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 193-4.
43 Ibid., p. 194.
44 Ibid., pp, 194-5, 198. Cf, DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., p. 250; RMC, Noble, Ope cit.,
pp. 312-14; Aide-Memoire (1852), Ope cit., Vol. 3, p. 163, where somewhat
different proportions of ingredients are given for the detonating agent.

45 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 196.

46 Ibid., pp. 196-7.
47 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1858), Ope cit., pp, 155-6; Owen, Rough
Notes, Ope cit., p. 91; Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., pp. 204-5.
48 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 205.
49 Ibid., pp. 206-7; Owen, Rough Notes, Ope cit., pp. 91-2.
50 Pope, At 12 Mr. Byng was shot..., Ope cit., p. 321, n, 18.
51 Douglas (860), Ope cit., pp.457-9; Padfield, Ope cit., p, 117, "Parts of a Gun
Lock," reproduces a drawing of the individual parts, as well as the lock
complete taken from H.M.S. Excellent.
52 Douglas (1820), Ope cit., pp. 207-8.
53 Ibid., p. 209.
54 Ibid., pp. 206-9.
55 Douglas (1820), Ope cit., p. 287, Crew to Douglas, 10 Sept. 1817.
56 Ibid., p. 288, Griffin to Douglas, 16 Jan. 1818.
57 Ibid., pp, 289-92, Dickson to Douglas, 20 April 1818.
58 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., p. 461.
59 Majendie, Ammunition, Ope cit., p. 192, n, 7.
60 Ibid., pp, 192-3.
61 Ibid., p. 194, n, 8.
62 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., pp. 462-4.

Sights and Sighting

lOwen, Elementary, Ope cit. p. 170; Hogg, Heyday, Ope cit.j p. 238.
2 Hogg, Heyday, Ope cit., p. 239; Adye (1766), Ope cit., p. 163-4;
3 Hogg, Heyday, Ope clt., p. 240.
4 Muller (780), Ope cit., pp. 44-5.
5 Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 162-4.
6 Hogg, Heyday, Ope cit., p, 238; Adye (1766), Ope cit., 162-3; Adrian B. Caruana,
"On the Aiming of Artillery," The Canadian Journal: Arms Collecting, Vol. 18,
No.3 (Aug. 1980), p. 88; RAI, "Repository Course. For the Use of the Sergeant
Instructors. Instructions in the Exercise and Management of Heavy Ordnance.
Part 7. Article 11, Plate 5."
7 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., Macropoedia, Vol. 8, p. 623.
8 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 65, XXIV/73.
9 Adye (1766), Ope clt., pp. 162-3; Muller (1768), Ope cit., cited by Caruana,
"Aiming," Ope cit. p. 88.
10 RAI, "Repository Course•••" Ope cit.
11 Adye (1766), Ope cit., pp, 163-4.
12 Miller, Ope cit., pp. 232, 264, 343.
13 Straith, A Treatise on Fortifications (1846), Ope cit., p. 600.
14 Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., pp. 172-3., Howitzers had usually had a dispart
sight cast on the muzzle; by an order dated 2 Nov. 1859, a dispart was to be
added to all brass ordnance before issue. Miller, Ope cit., p. 86; Owen and
Porter, Ope cit., p. 59.
15 "Abstract of Papers respecting the Military Society, Established at Woolwick,
1772-3-4-5," Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution (Vol. I,
1958), p. xxx.
16 Parks, Lower Fort Garry NHP, brass 6-pdr., 1797; Carleton Martello Tower
NHS, two brass 3-pdrs., 1799 and 1800. There is at Woolwich two brass 6-pdrs.
dated 1778 that appear to have a block drilled for tangent scale; possibly these
were experimental models.
17 Rotunda, Woolwick, 9-pdr. brass field gun on an original field carriage II/47a,

cast by Kinman in 1797. This gun has two holes drilled in the cascable which
could well be to attach a tangent scale.
18 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 201 and (1813), p. 372.
19 Landmann, Principles, Ope cit., p. 37.
20 RAI, "Spherical Case Shot, Tangent Scales etc. &: Service charge of Powder, No.
53," and RAI, James Nisbet Colquhoun Papers, Notebook, "Tables of Ranges &:c
of Spherl. Case Shot fired from Field Guns, with the Round Short Charge from
Practice at Mount's Bay in Cornwall - 1813." The former includes drawings of
the scales.
21 Adye (1801), Ope cit., p. 201; Miller, Ope cit., p. 85.
22 William Congreve, A Descri tion of Si hts or Instruments for Pointin Guns ...
(London: T. Egerton, 1819, p.8; Douglas 1860, Ope cit., p.446; Owen, Ele-
mentary..., Ope cit., p. 174. --
23 DND, Fitzhugh, Ope cit., pp. 118-121; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., p. 170, 174-6; RAI,
"Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, pp. 17-18; Owen, Rough Notes,
Ope cit., p. 28, plate 3, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5.
24 Miller, Ope cit., p. 85; Owen, Rough Notes, Ope cit. p, 29; Owen and Porter,
Ope cit., p. 61.
25 Unless otherwise noted this account is based on Sir William Congreve, A
Descri tion of the Si hts or Instruments for Pointin Guns .. , Ope cit. -
26 Cf, Douglas 1860), Ope cit., p.447. "The guns of the United States' frigates
were fitted in a manner which enabled them to be fired horizontally, or at any
required elevation. In some cases this was accomplished by the dispart, in
others by tubes placed on the tops of guns, and either fixed parallel to the axis
or provided with the means of being inclined to it so as to give to the gun the
requisite degree of elevation."
27 Douglas (1860), Ope cit., pp. 447-8; "Congreve Gun-Sights," United Services
Journal, No. 28 (March 1831), pp. 393-4.
28 T.S. Beauchant, The Naval Gunner (Devonport and London, 1828), pp. 9-19.
29 Kaestlin, Ope cit., p. 64, XXIV!55-6, "Two brass tangent scales for the 24-pr., of
9 feet." Unlike Beauchant's sights, which were secured by a spring, these were
so constructed that they could be pinned transversely to the sight patch cast in
front of the second reinforce ring.
30 Beauchant, Ope cit., pp. 13-15.
31 Miller, Ope cit., p. 86; RAI, "Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, p. 11.
32 Miller, Ope cit., p. 86. He does not mention the 8-inch gun, but this must be an
oversight since elsewhere he states that the 8-inch gun was issued with Millar's
sights. See ibid., p. 291.
33 In 1881 it was described as half-round, but an earlier description and a drawing
indicate that it was 2/3 of a circle. Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 62; RAI,
"Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, p. 9.
34 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp, 160-3; Miller, Ope cit., p. 86; RAI, "Remarks on
Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, pp, 9-11.
35 Miller, Ope cit., p. 86; RAI, "Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, p. 11.
The latter gives the date of introduction as 1846, Miller gives 1847. Capt.
Wilford, R.A., "Remarks on Casemated Batteries in general, and their special
application to Sea Defences; with some observations on the armament and
service of Sea Batteries," (delivered 31 Dec. 1845), Minutes of Proceedings of
the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), pp, 18-19.
36 Griffiths (859), Ope clt., p.53; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit. pp, 172-3; Owen, Ele-
mentary, Ope cit., p, 174; RAI, "Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860,
p, 19. For Maitland, see DNB, Vol. 35, pp. 376-7.
37 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., p, 161; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., p, 173; Griffiths (1859), Ope

cit., pp. 52-3; Miller, Ope cit., pp. 86-7; Owen, Elementary, p. 174, Plate 25,
figs. 4 & 5; RAI, "Remarks on Sighting Ordnance," Circa 1860, pp, 12-13.
38 RMC, Noble, Ope clt., p. 161; Douglas, Ope cit., p. 448; RAI, "Remarks on
Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, p. 20; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit., p. 174, fig. 6
opposite p, 174; Owen and Porter, Ope cit., p. 63. The long scales were issued to
the 10-inch gun of 86 cwt., the 8-inch guns of 60 and 75 cwt., the 68-pdr. of 95
cwt., the 32-pdrs. of 58 and 56 cwt.
39 RMC, Noble, Ope cit., pp. 162-3; RMC, Lloyd, Ope cit., pp. 173-4; RAI, "Remarks
on Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, pp, 20-22; Owen, Elementary, Ope cit.,
pp. 174-5, Plate 25, figs. 8, 9.
40 Owen, Elementary, Ope cit. 4, p. 173. The scales of field guns were vertical;
those of howitzers, which slid down a groove similarly to field guns, were
inclined at an angle of 85 degrees from the axis of the piece. RAI, "Remarks on
Sighting Ordnance," circa 1860, pp. 13-14.
41 Owen, Rough Notes, Ope cit., p. 30, Plate 3, fig. 8; RAI, "Remarks on Sighting
Ordnance," circa 1860, pp. 29-30. It is not known when the radius board was
adopted; both of these references are from the 1860s.


Primary Sources and Repositories

Canada. Department of National Defence (DND). Library. Ottawa

Fitzhugh, H.T.
"A Course of Practical Artillery," Woolwich: 17 December 1845.

Moody, W.
"A Course of Practical Artillery," 1845.

Canada. National Archives (NA). Ottawa

RG8, I, Vols. 381, 384, 388, 395, 406, 416, 750, 982, 1664, 1706, 1707.

Fort Malden National Historic Park. Amherstburg, Ont.

Adye, R.W.
Notebook, circa 1800.

Great Britain. Public Record Office (PRO). London

Supply Department Records, Supp, 5, 76, "Notes on the Manufactures of the Royal
Carriage Department," circa 1864.

W033/7, "Report of the Committee on Ordnance," 26 July 1859.

Marcom Museum, C.F.B. Stadacona. Halifax

Proof Book, Woolwich, March 1800-June 1801. Untitled MS.

Nova Scotia. Public Archives. Halifax

MG12, Great Britain, Army. Miscellaneous - General, Vol. 4.

Royal Artillery Institution (RAI), Woolwich, U.K.

Adye, S.P.
"The Artillery Officer's Vade Mecum containing 1. The Dimensions of Guns Mortars &
Howitzers, with those of their Carriages & Beds; also of other Carriages used in
Artillery 2. Recipts for the different Laboratory Stores 3. The Ranges of Guns
Mortars found by Experiments 4. Proportion of Stores Ammunition &c for different
Services Vol: 1. New York 1766." (G3n/7)

"Artillery Experiments, 1770-1; 1773"


"Artillery Implements for making: - Fuzes Lead Ball Gunpowder Portfires (Common)
[Portfires] Coastguard Salt Petre"
circa 1826. (MD 1277).

"Artillery Practice &: Stores"

circa 1780. (G3n/14)

Bogue, Richard
"Light 6 Pounder and Heavy Exercise." (G3n/33b)

Borgard, Albert
Artillery Tables, 1717-26
No. 30, "Particular Dimentions of all the Parts of an Iron 6 Pounder Cannon of
Eight Foot Long According to the new Proportion given by Coll, Borgard in the
year 1716." and "A Table for Surveying Iron Cannon in the Severall Parts
According to the Regulation by Coll, Borgard in the year 1716."

No. 34, "Table of the Patern Grape-Shott, with their Nature and Number of
Iron-Balls, Diameter of their Bottoms and Pinns; also the Length and Breadth of
Canvas and Hessian, with the Length of Choacking Lines for Coating, and Boxes
for Packing, with the Numer of Grapes, and total Weight Compleat when Boxed
according to the New Regulation Calculated by Colonel Albert Borgard in 1717.

No. 35, "General Charge for one Thousand of Grape-Shott Compleated and
Boxed, for the under mentioned Nature of Cannon according to the New
Regulation by Col. Borgard 1718."

No. 36, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-Work for Hind & Fore Wheels for
Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regulation By Colonel Albert
Borgard in the Year 1719."

No. 37, "Dimensions, Weight and Value of Iron-Work, for Hind and Fore Wheels
for Travelling-Carriages; according to the New Regulation By Colonel Albert
Brgard in 1719."

No. 38, "Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for Hind and Fore Extrees,
for Travelling Carriages; according to the New Regulation by Colonel Albert
Borgard in the Year 1719."

No. 39, "No. 1. Dimentions, Weight and Value of Iron Work for Bodies of
Travelling Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719."

No. 40, "No.2. Dimentions, Weight, and Value of Iron Work for Bodies of
Travelling Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719."

No. 41, "No.3. Dimentions, Weight, and Value of Iron Work for Bodies of
Travelling Carriages according to the New Regulation in 1719."

"General Charge of one Hundred of Matted-Shott Compleated, for the Under-

mentioned Nature of Cannon according to the Regulation, in 1718."

-----. "Drawings of Venetian Artillery from the hand of Lieut-General Albert

Borgard circa 1700. A.D." (G3f/30).
-----. "Practtis of Artillery," circa 1714. (G3f/43)

Catfin, William
Laboratory Notes, 1797. (G3n/24)

"Captain Shands Method of Pointing and Working Garrison Guns during the late Siege
of Gibraltar"
(MD 91)

"Casting Proving Guns &:c"

Circa 1775, Vol. 1 and 2. (G3d/4-5 and 4-5b)

Cockburn, John
"Notes on Artillery," Ms notebook, Woolwich, circa 1820. (G3n/296)

Cockburn, Robert
"Practical Course of Instruction," Woolwich, 1830. (G3n/29)

"Collected Military Papers"

Vol. 2. (MD 1080)

Colquhoun, James Nisbet

Papers, Notebook (MD 915/2-7)

Congreve, William
"Exercise and Manoeuvres for two Light six Pounders or two Heavy three Pounders of
General Desagulier's Construction." (G3n/13)

Congreve, Major General and Colonel Sir William

Papers, 5 Boxes (MD 213)
Box I, M.MS/226, "Report of Select Committee on Col. Congreve's new gun,"
Woolwich, 7 April 1814-.
M.MS/267, Farrington to Hutton, 19 April 1814-.
M.MS/268, Hutton to Mudge, 29 April and 8 June 1814-.
M.MS/269, Johnson to Farrington?, 26 May 1814-.
M.MS/270, report on experiments, 31 July 1815.
M.MS/271, Farrington to Master General, 1 Aug. 1815.

"Defence of the Coast"


Denning, Sergt, A.
Papers, "Laboratory Course." (MD 1359)

"Equipment, Royal Arty. 1813-1819"

(MD 980)

"Experiment in Gumery - carried on at Woolwich 1819 to 1826"


"Experiments Landguard Fort 1780"


"Experiments with long and round Shot under the Direction of Genl. Williamson
August 1774; Do. on Dr. Pollocks Shot and Shell by Capt. Tovey in 1776"

"Experiments Woolwich 1778-9"


Frazer, Augustus S.
"Laboratory Work" and "Work Notes." (G3n/28). Both these volumes, which are very

similar in content, have the same shelf number. The latest dated process in the first
is 1795 and in the second 1803.
-----. "Practice," Vol. 1 (G3n/28a). Vol. 2 could not be located. This volume
contains practice tables, 1810-11 on Sutton Heath, as well as copies of documents
dating back to the 1740s.
-----. Papers, 1776-1835. (MD 860)

Fry, Oliver
"Tables of Ranges, Weights, &c. of Ordnance." (G3n/25)

"General Statement of the Regulation &: Practice of the Inspector of Artillery's Dept.
in Examining, Proving and Receiving of Iron Ordnance supplied by Contractors for
H.M. Service and that of the East India Coy"
(MD 880)

Glegg, Samuel
Notes on Artillery, circa 1752 (G3n/6)

Greg, Edward Hyde

Drawings of guns, mortars, howitzer, etc. "Presented to the Royal Regiment of
Artillery in 1948, by Colonel Alexander Greg, fourth Son of Edward Hyde Greg of
Norcliffe Hall, Cheshire, who Executed the Drawings in 1848 and was later a Captain
in the 4th Royal Lancashire Militia Light Infantry." (G3n/73)

''Instructions for practising the Modern method of Maneuvring &: Quick-firing with
Field pieces given to the four Regiments of Artillery in His most faithful Majestys
Service under the inspection of Colonel F. Macbean, 1765"
(Pamphlets, Vol. 88/III). This is a handwritten MS, but it is bound into a series of
printed pamphlets.

James, Thomas
"his Book of Artillery &c at the Office of Ordnce. in the Tower of London March the
25th, 1722." (G3n/la)

Jeffrey, James
"Thoughts on Guns, Bullets and Bombs," 1787. (G3nj23)

Labratory Notes, circa 1798

(G3n/35) --

Landmann, Isaac
"Gun Factory Notes 1793," 2 vols. (G3d/2 and 3)
-----. "Notes on Artillery." (G3n/37) This volume is made up of three distinct units:
part 1 seems to be the incomplete draught of a book on sieges; part 2 gives tables of
dimensions and the gun constructions of Armstrong, Blomefield, and Desaguliers; part
3 is entitled "An Essay on the Tactic of Artillery" which, while in English, appears to
be by someone in the French service. The MS is attributed to Landmann, but it is

Lefroy, J.H.
Papers, Miscellaneous, 3 vols, (MD 1101). Vol. I
W. Congreve. Memoire on the Record of Naval Ordnance, 18 Nov. 1823, and
handwritten notes commenting thereon.

Augustus S. Frazer, "Memorandum on the Question of reducing Charges for

Naval Ordnance," 25 April 1831.

Meridith, David
"Laboratory Notes, 1780." (G3n/l7) "Deposited by David Meridith, Mattross, in the
2d Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Artillery; and ordered by Lord Viscount
Townshend to be kept in the Royal Military Repository, for the Use of the Non-
commissioned Officers of said Regiment, 28 Novem. 1780."

"Mem. of Colonel Millars 68 Pro Gun of 10 Calibres &: Cwt. 50.0.0," 1820-3

Lts-Gen, Robert Morse, I.G.F., to John, Earl of Chatham, M.G.O., 19 July 1804
(MD 907)

Notebook, 1805-22

"A particular account of the Alterations made in the Light 6 Pro Carriages in the
Year 1776 by order of the Right Honourable Lord Visct. Townshend Master General of
the Ordnance &:ca. - also the reasons for making them"

A Portfolio of Drawings
Circa 1735.

"Practice Book 1760"


"Practice with Case Shot from Two Six Pounders of the new Construction against a
Curtain 9 Feet high and 60 Feet Wide," Winchester, 30 Oct. 1780
(G3g/ lOt)

"Practice with Two Light Six Pounders of the New Construction"

(MD 1277), Winchester, 25 Sept. - 26 Oct. 1780.

"Remarks on Sighting Ordnance"

Circa 1860. (MD 920)

"Report of the Committee of Officers, Selected to take into consideration the

several Artillery Equipments, with a view to make such alterations as might be
deemed advisable, from the experience gained during the late War, as authorized by
His Grace the Master General, under Date of the 3rd of December 1819

"Report of a Select Committee convened 4th September 1820, to take into consider-
ation the Observations of His Grace the Master General, on the Revision of the
several Equipments in the Artillery Service."
(MR/37) The last two items were bound into the same volume.

Reports on Artillery 1854

"Confidential Circular. Abstract of Recom mendations and Observations taken

from a Report of a Committee of Officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal

Engineers appointed by the Master General of the Ordnance to consider what
might be the best Arrangements under ordinary Circumstances for Coast
Batteries: Reported 5th November 1852, and approved by the Master General
and Board 28th January 1853 M/612," Woolwich, 17 Feb. 1853.

"Confidential. Minutes of the Committee on Ordnance," Nov. 1857-Dec. 1858.

"Confidential. Papers submittd to the Committee on Ordnance, November 23,

1857, and printed by their direction."

"Confidential Circular," Horse Guards, 1 Jan. 1861 Report of a Committee of

Ordnance to revise Confidential Circular of 1853. M/612, Woolwich, July 1860 .

"Repository Course. For the Use of the Sergeant Instructors. Instructions in

the Exercise and Management of Heavy Ordnance. Part 7th. Article 11."

"---. Part 7th, Article 17th. Gunpowder - its Proof and Reception - Eprouvettes."
(MD 1277)

Richardson, J.B.S.
Account of the Long Course, Shoeburyness, 1859-60. (G3n/34).

Royal Carriage Department (ReO)

Plates. 1860s.
Royal Laboratory Department
Plates. 1860s.

Shone, T.A.
"Note Book of the late General T.A. Shone R.A." Presented by Mr. E. Morris, late
Sergt. Major R.A. (G3n/67)

Shuttleworth Drawings, circa 1820

"Spherical Case Shot, Tangent Scales &:c. &: service charge of Powder, No. 53"
(MD 870)

"Store Returns 1758 &: 1761. Art: Experiments 1776. I. A Proportion of Ordnance and
Stores for Halifax in Nova Scotia with Distribution on Board (I 758?); II. A Proportion
of Brass Ordnance and Stores for a Batrtering Train agreeable to Mr. Secretary Pitt's
letter of 20th Jany. 1761; m. Experiments in Artillery by Doctor Pollock in August

Strange, T.B.
"Notes on Artillery," 1851. (G3n/75a)
-----. "Drawings on Artillery," 1851. (G3n/75b)

Swanston, Master Gunner Robert

Papers, 1799-1872. "A Course of Laboratory Instructions for the Royal Regiment of
Artillery 1826." (MD 756)

Trials, Goodwood, 1792


Trials, Woolwich, 1774


Untitled Notebook
Circa 1800. (G3n/62)

Walton, Thomas
"Gunnery Tables 1780-1792 in handwriting of Mr Thomas Walton." (G3n/35a)

Williamson, George
"Collections, Proportions & Experiments of Artillery," circa 1770. (G3n/3)

-----. "Manuscript Treatise on Artillery &c, communicated by the General to Captain

Collier in 1771." (G3n/9)

Royal Canadian Military Institute (RCMI). Library. Toronto

Paul, Lieutenant Abram
Notebooks, MS. No.4. Quebec 1801-2. 3 vols.

Royal Carriage Department. Plates, circa 1860-80.

Royal Military College (RMC), Massey Library. Kingston.

Lloyd, E.M.
"Notes on Artillery," 1859.

Mould, T.R.
"Observations on a Course of Instruction in Artillery," June 1825.

Noble, A.
"Notes on Practical Artillery," 1849.

Published Primary Sources

"Abstract of Papers respecting the Military Society, Established at Woolwich, 1772-3-

Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. I (1858), pp. xxiv-xxxii.

Adye, Ralph Willett

The Little Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner. London, Egerton, 1801.
---. The Bombardier and Picket Gunner. 7th and 8th ed., London, Egerton, 1813 and

Anderson, John
General Statement of the Past and Present Condition of the Several Manufacturing
Branches of the War Department, as called for by a letter dated 8th May 1856.
London, Eyre and Spottiswoode for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1857.

Beauchant, T.S.
The Naval Gunner. Devonport and London, 1828.

Boxer, E.M.
Treatise on Artillery, prepared for the use of the Practical Class, Royal Military
Academy. Sect. 1 - Part 1. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode for Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1859.
---. Diagrams of Guns referred to in Treatise on Artillery prepared for the use of the
Royal Military Academy. Section 2. - Part II. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode for
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1853.
---. "Memorandum on Shrapnel Shell." Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery
Institution, Vol. 2 (1862), pp. 27-32.

Boyd, John M'Neill

A Manual for Naval Cadets. London, Longman, et al., 1857.

Briscoe, H.W.
"Relation of the Power to the Weight in the Various Machines, in General Use, for the
Mounting, Moving, and Transporting, of the Heavy Ordnance, Carriages, and Plat-
forms in the Service." Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol.
4 (1865), pp, 271-6.

Burn, Lieutenant-Colonel
Questions and Answers on Artillery. 2nd ed. Woolwich, Jackson, n.d. circa 1860 •

Campbell, F.
"Effect of Shot and Shell upon Snow and Ice." Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal
Artillery Institution, Vol. 1 (1858), pp. 54-62.

Clayton, E.
"On the principles which regulate the Efficiency of Artillery Projectiles." Minutes of
Proceedings of the Royal Artililery Institution, Vol. 8 (1874), pp. 295-310.

Cleaveland, Samuel
Notes on the Early History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Woolwich, Royal
Artillery Institution, n.d.

Clerk, H.
"On the Duration of Wooden Carriages in a Hot Climate." Minutes of Proceedings of
the Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 4 (1865), pp. 221-6.

Congress. Senate. (United States)

Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856: Report of Major Alfred Mordecai of
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Congreve, Sir William

A Description of the Sights, or, Instruments for Pointing Guns; proposed by Major
General Sir William Congreve, Bart. for the Use of the Navy, and now adopted in that
service. With an Account of the Practice made with them on board H.M.S. Liffey.
2nd ed. London, T. Egerton, 1819.
---. A Concise Account of the Ori in &: Princi les of the New Class of 24-Pounder
Medium Guns of Reduced Length and Weight... London, Egerton, 1820].

---. An Elementary Treatise on the Mounting of Naval Ordnance. London, Egerton,

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---. Memoir on the Recoil of Naval Ordnance. N.p., n.p., 1823.
---. A Short Account of the Improvements in Gun-Powder made by Sir William
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Shells and Shell-Guns. Philadelphia, King & Baird and London, Trtlbner & Co., 1857.

A Description of the New-Invented Gun called a Carronade; and its Uses

Pamphlet. Edinburgh, [1779].

Dixon, Captain Manley

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The Artillerist's Companion, containing the Discipline, Returns, Reports, Pay, Pro-
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Remarks on a New Pattern Limber and Ammunition Wagon, with Observations on
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