Simple To Program (Stpi) Controller: Installation, Programming & Operation Guide

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Simple To Program (STPi) Controller

Installation, Programming & Operation Guide

637418-01 Rev B (STP user manual) source.indd 1 3/7/2008 5:23:54 PM

Hole provided to hang manual next to controller.
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Welcome! Simple To Program (STPi) Controller

Thank you for Purchasing the Rain Bird Simple To Program Controller! In the following pages, you
will find step by step instructions on how to use every function included in your STPi Controller.
Thanks again and we hope you enjoy your new Controller.

Controller Functions............................................................ 2
Set Clock............................................................................... 3
Set Date................................................................................ 4
Schedule Watering.............................................................. 5
Water Now............................................................................ 6
Rain Delay............................................................................ 7
Adjust Water......................................................................... 8
Normal Operation................................................................ 9
Mounting Controller......................................................... 10
Connecting Power Cord.................................................... 11
Master Valve or Pump Start Relay.................................... 12
Connecting Rain Sensor.................................................... 14
Troubleshooting................................................................ 15
Programming Chart.......................................................... 16

STPi Controller Operation Manual 1

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The diagram below shows the controls and displays for your new
Controller Functions Controller. Use this to become familiar with the Controller functions.


Turns off Set dial here to run your Set current Set current date SCREEN Select which day(s)
ALL watering programmed settings time of day the displayed zone
is watered


Delays watering Shuts off the
up to 72 hours displayed watering
Adjusts watering
amount (%) as WATERING TIMES
seasons change Select how many
times per day the
displayed zone is
ZONES 1-9 watered
Program watering
for each zone (4 Zone
model shown) UP/DOWN
WATER NOW arrows on left or
Manually waters right to set time,
any zone date, run time,
start time, etc.

!! NOTE: Always begin by turning the dial to the position you want to make a change to and then make your changes
using the options and information displayed to the right of the dial. For example, if you want to set a schedule for
Zone 1 in your yard, first turn the dial to “1” and then make your changes using the buttons to the right and below the
display screen.

2 STPi Controller Operation Manual

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Set Clock To input the current time into the Controller, follow these steps below:

!! NOTE: Verify that the AM/PM setting

is correct when setting time

Step 1
Turn dial to

Step 2
Use left UP/
DOWN arrow
keys to adjust
current time

NOTE: Reset dial to AUTO position after making
any adjustments to the programming.

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Set Date To input the current date into the Controller, follow these steps below:

Step 1
Turn dial to

Step 2
Use left UP/
DOWN arrow
keys to select
current year

Step 3
Use right UP/
DOWN arrow
keys to select
current month
and day

!! NOTE: Reset dial to AUTO position after making

any adjustments to the programming.

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To set up a watering schedule for each zone in your yard, follow
Schedule Watering these steps below:

Step 1 Step 4
Turn dial to the Select number of
zone you wish to times per day to
program water. Default is
once per day (see
table below)
Step 2
Use left UP/DOWN Step 5
arrow keys to select Select the DAY(s)
1st start time to of the week or
water ODD/EVEN days
you wish to water
Step 3
Use right UP/ Step 6
DOWN arrow keys Turn dial to each
to select the run active zone and
time for each zone repeat steps 2-5

Watering Times Per Day Options

2 times per day
3 times per day
Hours From First Start Time
6 hours
4 and 8 hours
!! NOTE: The Controller is designed to prevent any
two zones from irrigating at the same time. This
feature is called “Program Stacking”
4 times per day 3, 6 and 9 hours TIP: The best way to condense the irrigation schedule
is to set each zone’s start time the same. For example: If
Example: If the first start time for Zone 1 is programmed both Zone 1 and Zone 2 are scheduled to irrigate on the
for 8:00 AM and the user has selected THREE TIMES, then same day and both start times are set for 8:00 AM (with a
the second start time will be at 12:00 PM and the third 10 minute run time), then Zone 1 would begin irrigating
start time will be at 4:00 PM. at 8:00 AM and Zone 2 would begin irrigating at 8:10 AM
(after Zone 1 has stopped).
For start time details see page 16.

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This option allows you to water any single zone on demand instead of
Water Now waiting for the programmed schedule.

!! NOTE: Any watering you do with this

function will not affect your normal
Current Watering Zone

Step 1 Step 3
Turn the dial to the Use the UP/
zone you wish to DOWN
water arrows to adjust
the number of
Step 2 minutes
The zone will start Step 4
watering for a default To stop watering
10 minutes before the time is
up, return dial to
AUTO position

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Use this function to suspend watering for up to 3 days (72 hours) due to
Rain Delay weather or other reasons.

NOTE: Once the Controller has waited the amount of time you select for Rain Delay, it will resume
normal scheduled watering. Any scheduled watering that falls into the delay period will not occur.

Step 3
Return dial to
AUTO position
Step 1
Turn the dial to

Step 2
Use the right UP/
DOWN arrows to
adjust the amount Screen displays
of delay time current time and the
number of rain delay
hours that are left until
regularly scheduled
watering resumes.

!! NOTE: Reset dial to AUTO position after making

any adjustments to the programming.

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Use this simple option to make run time adjustments that account for
Adjust Water seasonal variation, without changing all of the initial zone settings.

NOTE: Instead of changing the settings for each zone, you can adjust the amount of time you water for each
zone with one simple adjustment using the WATER ADJUST function. Your scheduled start times will not
change, but the actual zone run time will be adjusted.

Automatically adjust
watering of each
Step 1 individual zone by
Turn the dial to using left UP/DOWN
ADJUST WATER arrows to adjust from
-90% to+100%. It is
important to note that
Step 2 the baseline schedule
Use the left UP/ is set at 0% and not
DOWN arrows 100%.
to adjust the
percentage EXAMPLE:
increase or If Zone 1 is scheduled
decrease to the to water for 10 minutes
initial zone run and you set ADJUST
time setting WATER to +50% then
Zone 1 run time will
be increased to 15

!!NOTE: Reset dial to AUTO position after making

any adjustments to the programming.

8 STPi Controller Operation Manual

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Below are different screens your Controller might display while in AUTO
Normal Operation position mode.

Normal Operations Watering Now

Screen displays current time, the zone that is Screen displays current time, which zone is
scheduled to be watered next, and the date currently being watered, and the number of
and time it will be watered. minutes remaining in the cycle for that zone.

With Rain Delay Error Detected

Screen displays current time and the number When an error is detected, screen displays the
of rain delay hours that are left until regularly affected Zone # in upper-left corner.
scheduled watering resumes.

STPi Controller Operation Manual 9

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Mounting Controller Follow these instructions to mount STPi Controller:

Step 1
Drive a screw into
the wall, leaving
an1/8” gap between
screw-head and wall
as shown in Figure 1
(you can also use the
supplied wall anchors
if necessary).

Step 2
Hang the Controller
on the exposed screw.

Step 3
Remove access cover
at bottom of Control-
ler and drive a screw
through the center
hole into the wall as
shown in Figure 2.

10 STPi Controller Operation Manual

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Connecting Power Cord Follow these instructions to connect the power cord:

Step 1
Attach the transformer connector to
the 24VAC POWER pin connection on
the Controller.

Step 2
Plug transformer into the wall socket.

!! NOTE: DO NOT plug in the

transformer until you have
completed and checked
all wiring connections.
Also, do not attempt to link
two or more Controllers
together with a single

NOTE: Do not plug
Controller into socket
that is controlled by a
secondary ON/OFF light

STPi Controller Operation Manual 11

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This example shows what a Master Valve connection would look like.
Master Valve or Pump Start Relay A Pump Start Relay would connect differently at the water source.

!! NOTE: STPi Series Controllers allow a

Master Valve or Pump Start Relay to
operate whenever a valve is operating
(pumps are used in some places to draw
water from a well or other source). If you
are activating a pump from the Controller,
you must also install a Pump Control Relay

Step 1
Connect the color-coded “Hot”
Wire from the Master Valve (or
Pump Relay) to the Controller
terminal marked MSTR VALVE.

Step 2
Connect the Common Wire
(usually White) from the Master
Valve (or Pump Start Relay) to
the Controller terminal marked

12 STPi Controller Operation Manual

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Master Valve or Pump Start Relay Note these additional instructions when connecting a Pump Start Relay:

Step 3
To avoid possible pump damage
when using a Pump Start Relay,
connect a short jumper wire from
any unused zone terminal(s) to
the nearest zone terminal screw
in use.

For example: if you have a 4

Zone Controller with only two
zones in use, route the terminals
for Zones 3 and 4 to the nearest
active terminal (in this example,
Zone 2).

!! NOTE: Make sure that

the total draw of the
Master Valve or Pump
Start Relay, plus the
draw of the valves does
not exceed 0.650 Amps
at 24VAC, 60 Hz.

!! NOTE: This Controller

does not provide main
power for a pump.

STPi Controller Operation Manual 13

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Follow these instructions if you wish to connect a Rain Sensor to the
Connecting Rain Sensor STPi Controller.

Step 1
Remove the jumper wire from the
Rain Sensor terminals.

Step 2
Connect both Rain Sensor
delay wires to the terminals

14 STPi Controller Operation Manual

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Watering Issues
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Automatic and Manual Water source not supplying water. Make sure the main water line and all supply lines are open and operating properly.
cycles do not begin
Wires not properly connected. Make sure all field wires and master valve/pump start relay wiring is connected properly.
Wires loose or cut; corroded connections. Check field wiring for broken, cut, or “skinned” wires and replace if necessary. Check all wire
connections and replace with watertight splice connectors as needed.
Dial not set to AUTO position. Make sure the dial is on AUTO position—not any other dial position.
If you have a Rain Sensor, it may be You can either wait until the Rain Sensor dries out, or disconnect the Rain Sensor from the
activated. yellow terminals on the Controller and replace it with a wire connecting the two yellow
If you do not have a Rain Sensor, the wire Connect the two yellow Rain Sensor terminals in the Controller’s terminal bay with a short
connecting the two yellow Rain Sensor length of 14 to 18 gauge wire.
terminals may be damaged or missing.
An electrical surge may have damaged Press the reset button under the wiring cover. If there is no permanent damage, the
the Controller’s electronics. Controller should resume normal operation. You will need to input the current time and
date, but your watering schedule should remain intact.

Electrical Issues
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
LCD Display is blank. Transformer not plugged in or wall Make sure the two-prong connector is connected and the transformer is securely plugged in.
socket not supplying power (Red light on
Make sure the main AC power supply is working properly.
the transformer is not illuminated).
LCD Display is “frozen” An electrical surge may have damaged Unplug the Controller for 3 minutes. Plug the Controller back in. If there is no permanent
and Controller will not the Controller’s electronics. damage, the Controller will accept programming and resume normal operation.
accept programming.

STPi Controller Operation Manual 15

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Programming Chart

Run Total Start

Zone Zone Description Watering Days * Start Time #1
Time (circle days that apply) (15 min. increments) Times
(Max 240 min.) (circle no. of starts)

1 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4

2 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
3 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
4 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
5 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
6 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
7 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
8 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4
9 ___ Min M T W T F SA SU ODD EVEN ___:___ AM PM 1 2 3 4

Note: A total of 4 start times can be assigned for each zone (this can be helpful for zones irrigating tight soils and slopes).

* Start Time Sequence (hours after first programmed start time)

No. of Start Times 1st Start Time 2nd Start Time 3rd Start Time 4th Start Time
One Time as programmed n/a n/a n/a
Two Times as programmed 6 hours n/a n/a
Three Times as programmed 4 hours 8 hours n/a
Four Times as programmed 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours

Example: If the first start time for Zone 1 is programmed for 8:00 AM and the user has selected THREE TIMES, then the
second start time will be at 12:00 PM and the third start time will be at 4:00 PM.

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The Intelligent Use Of Water


6991 E. Southpoint Road 900, rue Ampere · BP72000
Building 1 13792 Aix en Provence Cedex 3
Tucson, AZ 85706 France

© 2008 Rain Bird Corporation

® Registered trademark of Rain Bird Corporation

® Marca registrada de Rain Bird Corporation
Technical services (U.S. and Canada only)

P/N: 637418-01

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